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Learning Guide Module

Subject Code SS2 World History 1

Module Code 1.0 Geography (Concepts and Theories)
Lesson Code 1. 3 Characteristics of Geographical Divisions
of the World
Time Limit 30 minutes
Component Tasks TAa ATA
s b
Target By the end of this module, the students will have been able to: 1
1. define the continent;
2. classify geographic characteristics in each continent;
3. compare the geographical divisions of the world.
Hook As you watch “Planet Earth Globe Animation- 7
Latitudes,Longitudes,Continents and Oceans” mins

(1) Video, please keep in mind the following guide questions.

1. Differentiate Latitudes with Longitudes.

2. What is the Greenwich Meridian?

3. What are the Seven Continents and Oceans on Earth?

*If you do not have access to the internet, you may refer on the list
and definition below on Geography Glossary.

➢ Geography
It is the study of the Earth’s physical features, including the study
of regional formation and its relation to humans

➢ Equator
- Zero degrees latitude.
- The equator divides the globe into the Northern and
Southern hemispheres.

➢ Latitude lines ( also called parallels)

- Imaginary lines running horizontally around the globe.
- Zero degrees (0°) latitude is the equator, the widest
circumference of the globe.

➢ Longitude lines (meridians)

- Imaginary lines running vertically around the globe. Unlike
latitude lines, longitude lines are not parallel.
- Zero degrees longitude (0°) is called the prime meridian..

➢ Tropic of Cancer
- A line of latitude located at 23°30′ north of the equator.

➢ Tropic of Capricorn
- A line of latitude located at 23°30′ south.

➢ Arctic Circle

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- A line of latitude located at 66°30′ north, delineating the
Northern Frigid Zone of the Earth.

➢ Antarctic Circle
- A line of latitude located at 66°30′ south, delineating the
Southern Frigid Zone of the Earth (2)
Ignite 10 -
Fascinating is the study of the earth’s oceans and 15
continents. The reason behind this is that people find it difficult mins
to settle on the definite number of oceans and continents on earth. .
(Ramos, 2017)

To conventionally define, continents are generally defined as large,

continuous, discrete masses of land, ideally separated by expanses
of water. That said, many of the seven continents fail to meet this
criteria, particularly in terms of being separated by water. For
example, North and South America are classified as two continents
and so are Europe and Asia

How many continents are there?

The total number of continents in the world depends on the kind of

division applied. If people are to follow the conventional
definition, minimum number of continents is four: Afro-
Eurasia, America, Antarctica, and Australia. Different
combinations of recognizing Africa, Europe, and Asia as separate
continents alters the number up to a total of seven
continents: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North
America, and South America. (Dempsey, 2013).

To geographers, continents are also culturally distinct. The

continents of Europe and Asia, for example, are actually part of a
single, enormous piece of land called Eurasia.
However, linguistically and ethnically, the areas of Asia and Europe
are distinct. Because of this, most geographers divide Eurasia into
Europe and Asia. An imaginary line, running from the northern Ural
Mountains in Russia south to the Caspian and Black Seas, separates
Europe, to the west, from Asia, to the east. (3)

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Source: Labeled and Numbered Map of the World. Retrieved from

The 7 continents of the world, from largest to smallest.

• ASIA- land area of 44,579,000 (km2) with 50 countries, and

it is the most populated continent on Earth.
60% of the total population of the Earth resides here.

• AFRICA- land area of 30,370,000 (km2) comprises 54

It is the hottest continent and home of the world's largest
desert, the Sahara, occupying 25% of the total area of
• NORTH AMERICA- land area of 24,709,000 (km2) and
it includes 23 countries led by the USA as the largest
economy in the world.
• SOUTH AMERICA- land area of 17,840,000 (km2) -
comprises 12 countries. Here is located the largest forest, the
Amazon rainforest, two-thirds of the Amazon rainforest is
found in Brazil. Which covers 30% of the South American
total area.
• ANTARCTICA- land area of 14,000,000 (km2) and the
coldest continent in the world, completely covered with ice
and considered as the coldest continent of the world. There
are no permanent inhabitants, except of scientists and
researchers stationed for research purposes.
• EUROPE- land area of 10,180,000 (km2) comprises 51
Considered as the most economically developed continent due
to the European Union as the biggest and economic and
political union in the world.

• AUSTRALIA- land area of 8,600,000 (km2) that includes

14 countries. It is the least populated continent after
Antarctica with only 0.2% of the total Earth’s population.

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The 5 Oceans:
Although for hundreds of years, the global consensus was that
there were only 4 oceans, in the 21st century this number was
officially increased to 5 when in the year 2000 the International
Hydrographic Organization decided almost unanimously to include
the Southern Ocean which is also known as the Antarctic Ocean
(Ramos, 2017).
-Pacific Ocean
-Atlantic Ocean
- Indian Ocean
-Southern Ocean
- Arctic Ocean

Exercise: Recognizing the Earth’s Continents and Oceans.

1. Which continent is largely uninhabited and at the southernmost
point of the Earth? _______________
2. Which ocean is located to the west of North and South America?
3. Which continent has the biggest land area? _________
4. Which continent has the biggest number of countries? ____
5. Which continent has the fewest people? ____________
6. Which is the most populous continent? ____________
7. Which Ocean is located to the south of Africa? ______
8. Which Ocean is between Africa and Asia? __________ OCEAN
9. Which continent has the smallest area? ____________
10. Which continent has the least number of countries? ____

Navigate Formative assessment (Graded exercise 22/22) 5-10

1. Label the numbered continents and oceans in the blank world map, .
use the table provided for answers.

Source: Labeled and Numbered Map of the World. Retrieved from


5. 11.
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2. Arrange the continents from the largest to smallest (7 points)

1. _____________
2. _____________
3. _____________
4. _____________
5. _____________
6. _____________
7. _____________

3. Explain why Asia is the most populated continent. Limit your

answer to 2 or 3 sentences (3 points)
Due to the increase the increase in the number of people that are born
in the reproductive age,the rate of giving birh increased.

Knot Summary of the lesson: 5

Learning the Continents and Oceans are integral in hurdling the .
greater expanse of World History. Geography plays an important
role in introducing us on how we look at the divisions and
connections of the world.

It also presented not only the geographical and historical views, but
also the scientific evidences that challenges conventional views of
the division of landmasses into continents and oceans.

Read the different characteristics inherent in the regions such as

topography, climate and natural resources for the next lesson.

a suggested time allocation set by the teacher b actual time spent by

the student (for information purposes only)


(1) Iken Edu (January 1, 2015)

(2) World Geography Glossary
(3) Continent
(4) 7 Continents of the World

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Iken Edu (January 1, 2015) Planet Earth Globe Animation-Latitudes, Longitudes, Continents and
Oceans. Retrieved July 24, 2020, from

Infoplease Staff (February 11, 2017) Infoplease, World Geography Glossary.

Retrieved August 23, 2020, from

Ramos.J. (2017, November 29). 7 Continents and 5 Oceans, Science Trends.

Retrieved August 23, 2020, from
Dempsey, C. (2013, October15). Geography Realm, Geography Facts about the World’s Continents.
Retrieved August 14, 2020, from
National Geographic.(n,d.). Continent. Retrieved July 28, 2020, from
Countries of the World. (n.d.). 7 Continents of the World. Retrieved July 24, 2020, from

Lizard Point. (n.d.). Labeled and Numbered Map of the World. Retrieved July 25, 2020, from

Prepared by: Victor Hugo D. Algabre Reviewed by: Joeylyn H. Terania

Position: Special Science Teacher III Position: Special Science Teacher I
Campus: PSHS - BRC Campus: PSHS - WVC

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