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EMCEE: Samsan Venture Capital had finally held a hackathon - a sprint-like event for

computer programmers and software developers. A group of programmers has worked

together for 72 hours - to create a new business model using software programs. As a
start-up company, we are to develop and validate the created model's scalability - to
attract investors and build their ventures more flexibly and at a lower cost.
: Good day, everyone! Welcome to the First Pitch Presentation of young and
aspiring entrepreneurs and software engineers in Samsan Company. I am Erika May
Delgado - your emcee for today. (claps)
: Let us also welcome the mentors, judges, and investors for this year’s event.

/The mentors, judges, and investors will not introduce themselves; instead, they will just
wave their hands and bow./

: Thank you for giving us your precious time today. // And now, let us hear the
Chief Executive Officer of Samsan Venture Capital for a short message for our
presenters and other participants.

CEO: Good morning. Welcome to Samsan first Start-up Pitch Presentation. (claps) I
can’t believe our Venture Capital is doing great in different business aspects - and now
we finally had this event to help these young entrepreneurs and programmers to build
their own businesses using their software products from the previous Hackathon.
: You know what, being in this field will take more than what you have expected.
There are so many sacrifices you have to make and risks that you have to take. Great
brains and amazing technology aren’t enough to build a start-up. Yes, you passed the
hackathon because you were able to finish a new business model using any available
software. But that’s not enough reason for the investors to invest in your models. // You
must have come up with a feasible and practical business plan and be able to pitch your
precise goals. Never forget that investors are business people. They don’t understand
why you are changing the parameters or adding an extra layer to a neural network to
improve its accuracy. They only care that it works, that it applies to the real world, and
: In reality, it is tough to succeed in business. It may take up to how many years
to see the changes and if it’s growing. But never forget your goals and purpose -
because these will make you boost up and keep ongoing.
: So, our dear participants, software engineers, young and aspiring entrepreneurs
- following your dreams is a big risk to take, but it is worth it. Your journey, this journey is
just a starting point - and I am rooting for all of you. Good luck!
EMCEE: I am not one of the participants, but I feel inspired and motivated by what our
CEO has said. Very realistic and inspiring advice for everyone. Thank you very much,
Ms. Acebedo!
: All right! It is now time for the participants to pitch their revolutionary business
models and ideas to the judges and potential investors. (claps)
: Let us meet and welcome the first team. The stage is yours, and good luck!


RICHELLE: Good day everyone, I am Richelle Alerta. //

ARLYN: And I am Arlyn Arguelles, presenters for today’s Pitch Presentation. We are
going to walk you through our business model - specifically an A.I. fitness application. //
And we call it “Harrix App.”

RICHELLE: We all know that not every person has a routine of taking good workouts in
the morning, afternoon, and even in the evening. Many of us are busy with our everyday
school and Officeworks, and also it is not anymore part of our priority. We must always
remind ourselves that a good and balanced workout will greatly impact our physical,
emotional, and mental health, especially in our situation today. Yes, it is one of the keys
to a healthy lifestyle.

ARLYN: Absolutely, Richelle is accurate with what she said. A healthy person can bring
positive changes to society. It is not an end to itself but also the key to creating a better
and more reformed community.
: With this workout application, you will be able to be active, engage, and
productive during the day, noon, and night. But how does this work out application
function, and what are its features?

RICHELLE: This application has its features which include the automatic recording of
your training progress. It will also remind you to have a workout for the day. It has a
detailed video guide and increases the intensity of the exercise step by step.

RICHELLE: To continue, it also has the 30-day abs challenge, 30-day full-body
challenge, 30-day butt challenge, arm workout, leg workout. Lastly, you can share this
fitness application with your family and friends through social media for them to
experience a hassle-free workout.
ARLYN: Moreover, this application has three difficulty-level challenges. This app applies
to all people who are willing to improve their health and body. Beginners use it up to
those people who are already experts in doing workouts.

RICHELLE: On the other hand, let us share with you our business plan. Harrix App
exists to earn a substantial profit while creating opportunities for everyone who wants to
be physically active and fit.

ARLYN: To accomplish our goals, we have the following objectives over its first two
operational years.
: To launch the app to the marketplace app by May this year and grow the current
user base from 5,000 to 15,000 within three months.
: To create an average recurring expense per user of $3 per month.
: To expand the app services by August - after the three-month period of testing.
: Lastly, to reach profitability by year 2 to over 1,000,000 pesos.

RICHELLE: As we end our presentation, we would like to thank the judges and viewers
for staying with us and listening to our presentation. Again I am Richelle Alerta together
with Arlyn Arguelles, and this ends our presentation, have a nice day, everyone.

EMCEE: Thank you, Ms. Arlyn Arguelles and Ms. Richelle Alerta, for that magnificent as
well as an informative presentation about workout application, and now we are going to
figure out what will be the comments of the judges in your presentation today.

EMCEE: Let us start with Ms. Shaina

SHAINA: That was an impressive presentation! It had a bunch of necessary information

and figures we needed to form a decision. The additional work and time put into this
presentation were noticeable. Great work! But I have one question since you’ve
mentioned that the workout application didn’t only help improve the body but also the
mind. So, is there any scientific basis for your claims?

RICHELLE: Yes, People who exercise regularly tend to do so because it gives them an
enormous sense of well-being. They feel more energetic throughout the day, sleep
better at night, have sharper memories, and feel more relaxed and positive about
themselves and their lives.

SHAINA: Oh! That's even better because we need something to help us to become
physically and mentally healthy amid this pandemic. Thank you so much.
EMCEE: Okay, thank you Ms. Shaina! Let’s move on to the other judges.

ABIGAIL: Keeping presentations focused on key agenda items can be challenging, but
you’re really good at it. You effectively outline what it is that you will be discussing, and
you make sure you keep to it. Congratulations!

CHELSEA: I can say that both of you speak at a good speech rate, not so fast, and at
the same time not too slow, and both of you deliver potent presentations that create
interest and excitement. However, my additional question next to Ms. Shaina is, who is
your target audience for this workout app?

ARLYN: I am glad that you have asked about it, Ma’am. Anyone of any age can use it,
but our primary audience is mothers between the ages of 25 and 54 who want to live a
healthier lifestyle and people who want to start doing workouts on a routine basis but
don't know where to begin.But overall, anyone can utilize it.

CHELSEA: That was an impressive idea. I like how specific you are! Good Job!

EMCEE: It seems that our presenters are ready on every follow-up question of our
judges! I’m amazed, okay, so now for the last judge, Mr. Harry.

HARRY: Actually, you’re right, Ms. Delgado. They are so prepared for this presentation,
and obviously, they did proper research and survey about their application. My question
is, how can you attract potential users? And make sure they will stay connected on your
app for that long period. Like what are your strategies?

RICHELLE: We will concentrate on in-app content in addition to improving our app's

title, keywords, and app store description. We have intended to build a website and a
frequently updated blog as a convenient way to share information with our users, in a
way to involve them and give them more reasons to use our app.

ARLYN: Finally, the app's clear and convincing content can attract a well-known blogger
or vlogger to review our app. It's also a way for us to gain more exposure for our app
through blogs and media appearances, as social media use has become more
mainstream in recent years.

HARRY: Yes, I agree these days, challenges are prevalent in social media, especially
on Youtube. I think that your ideas are going to work. Nice Job!
EMCEE: Thank you for the comments that became a way to help us understand the
potential of the application. Let’s give a round of applause to the presenters, they did a
good job and answered all our great judges' questions.
: Now, let us welcome the next presenters!


DIANNE: Good day, everyone! I am Dianne Bermas -

NAHUM: And I am Nahum Ruth Chua. Second presenters for today’s pitch
: Now that we are in a pandemic crisis, our mental, emotional, psychosocial, and
social well-being are indeed affected. People are struggling with their mental health.
Mental illnesses and disorders statistics show that the rate of those who suffer from
these is getting higher.

DIANNE: Mental illnesses affect 19% of the adult population, 46% of teenagers, and
13% of children each year. However, only half of those affected receive treatment or
therapy, often because of the stigma attached to mental health.

NAHUM: That is why our team has come up with an application as one way to address
and raise awareness of mental health - and we call it “Fabulous App.”
: Fabulous Application is a daily routine planner that helps us track our habits and
achieve our goals. It also has daily motivations - as we all wanted to boost up our
confidence and be motivated.

DIANNE: Fabulous is not just your average habit tracker! This is a science-based app
that will motivate you to improve your fitness, achieve your weight loss goals, reboot
your sleep cycle, and discover mindfulness to reduce your anxiety.

NAHUM: Fabulous takes a holistic approach to motivate you to be more productive and
have higher energy. This is more than just a habit tracker or a way to create new rituals;
this can be your personal coach and happiness trainer.

DIANNE: So what are the key features of Fabulous App? Fabulous has integrated
fitness programs for a healthier and fitter lifestyle. It is Smart-targeted health advice for
healthy living and a scientifically grounded approach to instill healthy habits and
mindfulness into your daily rituals. It also provides tools and increments goals that start
with getting you to fall asleep faster. You’ll eventually create an entire morning ritual.
NAHUM: The Fabulous Circle, which is part of the app, offers a support group and a
way to put self-improvement together. The Circle provides an opportunity to meet with
those who are on their journeys and to support one another in a supportive and
encouraging environment since it has no start or end.

DIANNE: Our business plan will also give you information on how we will monetize this
application as a business model. The monetization strategy we made is hybrid. It is a
combination of subscription, micropayments, and advertisements.
: To accomplish our goals, we have the following objectives over its first two
operational years.
: To launch the app to the marketplace app by May this year and let the current
user grow from the base of 7,000 to 15,000 within three months.
: To create an average recurring expense per user of $3.5 per month.
: And lastly, to reach profitability by year 2 to over 1,500,000 pesos.

NAHUM: Fabulous application has an easygoing approach to self-improvement. With

your goal defined, Fabulous gives you simple daily steps. //
: Thank you for listening - mentors, judges, and investors.

EMCEE: Thank you, Ms. Dianne Bermas and Ms. Nahum Chua, for that fabulous
self-help application presentation. Okay, let us now hear the opinions of our judges in
your presentation.

SHAINA: Wow! This app, I believe, will assist you in prioritizing your mental and
physical well-being. If someone is experiencing anxiety or has just had a rough day,
finding a few moments to feel calm can be beneficial, right?

ABIGAIL: Yes, I agree, and I hope this proposal will be successful, most especially at
this time where we are suffering from the pandemic. I’m impressed by how you
presented it naturally with creativity and well-explained objectives. And I do hope people
will engage with this app called “Fabulous.”

CHELSEA: I want to say congratulations on a job well done! That presentation was
amazing indeed! My question is, how can you say that this app will improve someone's
fitness, especially teenagers, if s/he doesn't have time for that app and is already
struggling with their school tasks?

NAHUM: To Create Motivation, Rewards also come in the form of unlocking special
messages and new challenges as you complete daily habits. So curiosity drives
engagement, and the app periodically treats users to new content and rewards.
CHELSEA: I see. // (nods) Thank you, Ms. Chua.

EMCEE: Let us also hear out, Mr. Harry.

HARRY: That presentation was fabulous! I want to ask, is this a free application? If not,
I suggest you should allow users to download it free and give free initial offers, and if
they want an upgrade, that is the time you will charge money from the users.

DIANNE: In that case, sir, our Fabulous App is free from the market app. The more
users that we may be able to reach, the higher our expenses may be. However, profit
will also follow because of some upgrades to the application. And yes, sir. There will be
some key features that will be developed again as our app will launch and be used by
the target users.

HARRY: That’s great! Thank you.

EMCEE: What a way to another level of improvement! Thank you, second presenters
and judges.
: I am impressed by both the team and their business models. I can’t believe that
in some months, we will be able to download them from the market app and utilize them
well in our daily lives.
: Of course, we will wait for the potential investors to decide which team and
business model they will invest in. And it will be announced tomorrow. For now, let us
have our CEO for her impression.

RISA: Just like what you have said, Ms. Erika, I am also impressed by their pitch
presentation and business models. Our company has no regrets about holding this
event. It was a risk for us because it is our first time, but it was all worth it. To all our
mentors, thank you for guiding the participants and software engineers to the 72 hours
hackathon. I would like to express my gratitude for accepting our offers to all our
investors and that you are all interested in our venture capital. Thank you very much.
Lastly, to our dear software engineers and aspiring entrepreneurs, you all did a
great job, and I am so grateful because we have you in our company. Congratulations!
: To everyone who is with us today for this pitch presentation, thank you very
much. Have a great day!

EMCEE: Thank you so much, Ms. Acebedo. With your excellent leadership, our
company will also take its path to the top.
: I hope we all enjoyed and learned a lot from this first pitch presentation and
hackathon of Samsan Venture Capital! And I know you are all excited about the
launching of these two applications! I can’t wait to use those. Thank you, dear
developers, for developing such extraordinary applications.
: I also thank you all for coming here today. We look forward to seeing you at next
year’s event of Samsan Venture Capital. Our event has just ended! Have a nice day!

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