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Problem: Alcohol drinking

Nursing Diagnosis: Ineffective health maintenance RT alcohol drinking AEB deterioration of health status


Assessme Nursing Inference Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
nt Diagnosis

Subjective Ineffective health Ineffective 10/11/2021 Assess the patient’s The patient’s point of view reveals if he or 10/11/2021
38y/o maintenance RT health 7:30AM-3:30PM perception of his or her she is open to change. The patient has to 7:30AM-3:30PM
woman alcohol drinking maintenance is health status recognize that increased health issues are
10-12 AEB referring to After the nursing caused by their inability to manage their Goal met
units of deterioration of inability to intervention, the patient health.  After the 8 hours of
alcohol a health status follow will be able to: nursing intervention,
week measures Express willingness to Assess the patient’s To change, the patient has to know about the patient was able
needed to help participate in activities knowledge about his or her the inadequacy of skills to maintain a to participate in the
Objective to maintain improving health status. behavior. healthy lifestyle. The nurse needs to know improvement of
BP= health. Demonstrate increasing if the patient wants to change but does health.
158/94m interest/participation in not have the means or is unwilling to
mHg self-care. change. 
Identify appropriate Help the client to choose a
resources and use them. healthy lifestyle and to Healthy lifestyle measures, such
Show increased have appropriate as exercising regularly, maintaining a
engagement in health- diagnostic screening tests healthy weight, not smoking,
promoting activities. completed. and limiting alcohol intake, help reduce
the risk of cancer and other
Assess the patient’s family chronic illnesses (Ackley & Ladwig).
Family and friends can influence behavior
and social activities that might contribute
Provide time for the patient to the patient’s lifestyle.  
to process changes and to
ask questions Some of these lifestyle changes can have
an enormous impact on the patient’s life.
Habituated activities can be challenging to
break. Providing time and being open to
Help the patient identify questions supports the patient in making
daily habits that prevent these changes.
him or her from
implementing healthy habits Unhealthy lifestyle habits can be slowly
replaced by healthy activities that improve
the patient’s health.
Assist the patient with stress
Often stress factors and other crises
worsen unhealthy activities and habits.
Educate the patient about Reducing stress should reduce the need to
the health benefits of being engage in unhealthy habits. 
compliant with the
treatment plan .
It might make it easier to follow through
Discuss with the client and on the treatment plan if the patient knows
support person realistic the “why” behind the treatment regimen. 
goals for
changes in health
maintenance. The importance of personalized goals
and social support in designing health
interventions for older adults
is a unique predictor of health goal

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