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A Project Report Submitted to Chaudhary Devilal University, Sirsa

in Partial fulfillment of the Requirement of
Master in Business Administration.

Ms. Suman

2009 - 2011



I, Sunil Kumar hereby declare that the training report on “Life

Insurance Awareness” in Sirsa area for a partial fulfillment of

Master of Business Administration Degree from Institute Of

Management Studies is original work conducted by me and the

study is authentic to the best of my knowledge.




My just and foremost thanks go to my project guider under

Mr. Sunil Kumar whose guidance and supervision the present

study was conducted. His sympathetic and encouraging attitude

was the basis which made the study possible.

I am obliged to all the respondents for their support by

providing valuable information which proved a milestone for the


Last but not the least; I would like to thank Mr. Sunil

Kumar who provided their consistent support and suggestion

during this programme.





Meaning of marketing

Marketing is the process of planning and executing the

conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of goods, services and ideas to
create exchanges with target groups that satisfy customer and organizational

Definition of marketing
According to Philip Kotler “Marketing is a social and managerial
process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want
through creating ,offering and exchanging products of value with others”


The product may be a good, services, a good plus services or

just an idea .A product is all Things offered a market. Those things includes
physical object, design, brand, package, label, prices, services amenities and
satisfaction not only from physical products and services offered but also from
ideas ,personalities and organization .In short a product is a sum total of
physical ,economics ,social, psychological benefits.


Evolution of marketing concepts

The product concept

The product concept holds that consumer will favors those

products that offer the most quality, performance or innovative feature.
Managers in this product oriented organization focus on making superior
products and improving them.

The selling concept

The selling concept holds that consumer if left alone will or

ordinary not buy enough of the organization products. The organization
products .The organization must therefore undertake an aggressive selling
and promotion effort.

The marketing concept

The marketing concept holds that the key to achieving

organizational goals consist of determining the needs and key to achieving
organizational goals consists of determining the needs and wants of target
markets and delivering the desired good and services more effectively and
efficiently than competitors


The fact that people have needs and wants and can place value
on products does not define marketing. Marketing emerges when people
decide to satisfy needs and wants through exchange. Exchange is the act of
obtaining a desired product from someone by offering something in return.
Exchange to take place given condition must be satisfied..

1. There are at least two parties.

2. Each party has something that might be of value to the other party.

3. Each party is capable of communication and delivery.

4. Each party is capable of communication and delivery.

5. Each party believes, it is appropriate or desirable to deal with other party.

The concept of exchange leads to the concept of a market .A

market consist of all potential customers sharing a particular need as want
who might be willing and able to engage in exchange to satisfy that need or

Needs want and demands

A human need is a state of felt deprivation of some basis

satisfaction, people require food clothing, shelter, safety few other for
survival .These are not created by their society or by marketers .They exists in
the very Texture of human biology and the human condition. Demands and
wants for specific products are backed by an ability and willingness to buy
them. Wants become demands when supports by purchasing power .A
market are then composed of people with money wanting goods and services.


Purchasing power has two aspects:

1. Ability to buy

2. Willingness to buy it is influenced by environmental factors as well as

marketing of the industry.

The marketing success depends, on the ability to forecast

strength and character of demand as it is the basis for allocation of resources
in business. There are three variable factors of markets demand.

1. Demographic variable (population pattern) to ascertain size of demand.

2. Effective demand (purchasing power) to ascertain potential demand.

3. . Life style pattern reflecting purchasing propensity and indicating

Customer behavior

Meaning of consumer behavior

Consumer behavior refers to all psychological, social and

physical behavior of all potential behavior of all potential consumers as they
become aware of, evaluate, purchase, consume and tell others about
products and services. The study of consumer behavior is the study of how
individuals make decisions to spend their available resources (time, money,
effort) or consumption related items.


The consumer decision making process

The following diagram shows a simplified model of consumers

purchase decision making process

Problem Informati Evaluation Buying Post

recogniti on of decision purchase
seeking marketing evaluatio

1. Problem Recognition

Problem recognition in fact is the beginning of the buying

process. It is a matter of perception .The buying process begins with the
buyer recognizing a product as need .The need may be triggered by internal
to xternal stimuli. The intensity of the need will indicate the speed with which
the buyer will try to fulfill the want. The marketers must identify the stimuli.
Problem recognition is generally a slow process, but can occur fast when
purchases are made impulsively.

2. Information seeking
This follows the problem recognition stage.

Need can be satisfied promptly when the desired products are

not only known but also easily available. When the consumer is not sure of
the brand and type of the product which can offer best satisfaction, how and
where it can be4 secured, he will have to search for relevant information.
Consumer can get information from any sources like family, friends, reference
groups, etc, Marketers provides information to salesman and advertisement
dealers. As a result of gathering information the consumer increase his
awareness of the available brand and their types. The marketer should


identify consumer sauce of the information and the importance of each source
as it is critical in preparing effective communication to target customers.

3. Evaluation of alternatives.

When, the consumer seeks information about the various brands

of products. He evaluates the alternatives products and plans to satisfy his
need. The following are taken into consideration in the process of evaluation

a. Product attributes i.e. features of a product

b. Brand Image
c. Utility function –quantity distinctiveness and price

Promotion specially advertising provides information to the

consumers enabling him to evaluate the different alternatives

4. Buying Decision
In the evaluation stage the consumer ranks the brand set and
forms purchase intensions. Normally the consumers will buy the most
preferred brand but two factors can affect the purchase intension to buy. The
first is positive attitude and second is the anticipated attitude. The anticipated
attitude will make the consumer to drop the idea of purchasing the product or
postpone the purchase or settle with the cheaper alternative. The positive
attitude will induce the customer to buy the product

5. Post purchase evaluation

If a consumer experiences the difference between the expected
satisfaction and actual satisfaction it results in dissatisfaction. A stained
consumer is more likely to purchase the product again and again, but a
dissatisfied consumer may retain the product and the ask for replacement, or


take legal action, claim compensation or stop buying that brand. Marketers
should take all possible steps to reduce the post purchase dissatisfaction by
analyzing the factors leading to dissatisfaction. The marketers must know how
to handle dissatisfied consumers by intimating suggestion for improvement,
giving list of addresses to enable the consumer to get to know about the
products or issue booklets for instruction of the products. Thus the marketer’s
job is to understand the buyer’s behavior and develop an effective marketing

Types of purchase decision process

1. Reutilized response behavior (RRB)

2. limited problem solving behavior (LPS)

3. extended problem solving (EPS)

Routines Response Behaviour

RR occurs where there is low product involvement the consumer
knows the brands available and criteria of choice and the stakes are not so
high in terms of price, e.g.: brand, soft drinks, soaps, etc. here the customer
expects a consistent quality in the products. New customers are drawn by
sales products. New customers are drawn by sales promotion and product

Limited problem solving behavior

Limited problem solving it occurs when the consumer known the

brands available, but still needs additional information to make a correct
choice, especially, when a new or unfamiliar brand confronts him. Limited
problem solving is used when products are occasionally purchased or used
when information is needed about an unfamiliar product in a familiar product


category. The promotion here should explain complete features of the new
brand, and built up consumer’s confidence to facilitate the purchase decision

Extended problem
Extended problem solving it occurs when a new products
category comes on the scene. here extensive information is new needed on
the product and category and the brand being made available .This concept
is most applicable to new products ,may be new to consumer .For a tribal
,even purchase of tooth paste may involve .Extended problem solving
,whereas for us it is just routines behaviors.


“Perception can be defined as the process of selection

,organization and interpretation of stimuli into a meaningful and coherent
picture of the world “.It is process by which an individual selects
organization and interprets information to create a meaningful pictures of what
he has heard or seen .The same stimulus can act in different forms on two
individuals, as they have different perception .Marketers have to create an
understanding impression about their message ,as it may go unnoticed by
the prospective consumer. Quite often a consumer may interpret the
information to likes and usually a person retains little of what he learned in
that information.

Broadly speaking ,an marketing system exists primarily for the
purpose of satisfying the needs wants of the consumer .This holds true for
every type of marketing system ,be it a developing economy or a developed
economy ,consumer have complete freedom of choice in the selection of


goods. Therefore it would appear that those producers whose goods most
nearly conform to the ways of the consumer will be favored by the consumer
and an edge over their competitors. Consumer is a complex entity
.Consumers wants are never ending Consumer behavior research studies are
gaining important today .The consumer research studies are gaining
importance today. The consumer behaviors behavior process is being
studied from various angles comprising of psychology ,sociology, socio
psychology, cultural anthropology and economics .this is to gain a better
understanding as to why consumer accepts or rejects the products
services .this is going to be a continuous process.





1. Statement of the problem

Generally people purchase two wheelers to meet their needs,

status, comfort, etc. among different brands of vehicles BAJAJ is the most
popular vehicle since many decades. In this context, it is necessary to find out
how many consumers prefer BAJAJ over other vehicles. It is necessary to
know what more attributes is introduced to BAJAJ vehicles can increase their
sales. Therefore this study has been conducted to find the consumers
perception towards BAJAJ vehicles.

2. Objectives of the study

1. To ascertain the consumers perception towards BAJAJ vehicles.

2. To know the respondents problems towards BAJAJ vehicles.
3. To suggest solution to those problem.
4. To understand their reaction of the respondents towards BAJAJ
vehicles in terms of awareness, perception & level of satisfaction.
5. To find out the level of dis-satisfaction.

3. Scope of the study

The scope of the study is extended only to the respondent of

Sirsa it does not cover all the consumer using BAJAJ vehicles.

A sample of 20 respondents of Sirsa was taken for the study. The
respondents are selection random from the following area
Area Respondant

Sirsa 20


4.Limitations of the study

The study has been conducted only in Sirsa and so the opinion of
the respondents in Sirsa only has been considered. A conclusion is based on
assumption. It has been assumed that the answers given by the respondent
are true and adequate. The time allotted for the study was short otherwise a
more in depth study could have been made.

5. Methodology

Random survey has been used in the study. Primary data as well
as secondary data provided the basis for the study.

6. Research Instruments
Primary data was collected through questionnaire by distributing
20 questionnaires to the responding. Questionnaire consists of personal
details and core details. Seven personal details were included in the
questions which co Insisted of name, age income, sex, occupation, etc. Core
details include questions relating BAJAJ vehicles and the responses given by
the respondent, which has formed a basis for giving suggestions.

Plan for Analysis

Data collected from various sources were carefully computed,

classified, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted .The tables obtained were
analyses with the help of statistical techniques, average, and percentage in
order to interpret the data and to draw inferences. Conclusions, suggestion
and recommendation are given from these inferences.





Origin of the industry

The Bajaj name is synonymous with the freedom struggle in India
. the bajaj group came into existence during turmoil and the heady euphoria of
India freedom struggle. Jamanlal bajaj, founder of bajaj group was a confident
and disciple of Mahathma Gandhi was deeply involved in the effort for
freedom the integrity, dedication, resourcefulness and determination to
succeed which are characteristics of the company today are often back to its
birth during those long days of relentless devotion to a common cause.
Kamalnayan the eldest son of Jamanlal Bajaj, succeeded his
father in 1942, at the age of twenty-seven, putting the nation before business,
he devoted himself to the latter, only after India achieved independence in
1947. But when he did so, he put his heart and soul to it, within a short time
he not only consolidated the group, but also diversified into various
manufacturing activities elevating the group to the enjoys till this day.
Founded in 1926, at the height of India’s movement for freedom
for independence from the British, the group has an illustrious history.
The company was bone in 1945 when it was incorporated as
trading company. From 1948 it imported scooters and then three wheelers
from Italy and sold them in India. It obtained a production license in 1959 and
struck a technical know how agreement with piaggo of Italy in 1960.
The Bajaj group is amongst the 10 business houses in India. Its
foot print stretches over a wide range of industries, spanning automobiles, two
wheelers and three wheelers home appliances, iron and steel, Insurance,
travel and finance.
Rahul Bajaj today heads of the group, he has bean the chief
executive offiver of Bajaj since 1968 and is recognized as one of the most
outstanding business leaders in India, as dynamic and ambitions as his
illustrious predecessors he has bean recognized for his achievements at
various national and international forums.


Bajaj is currently India’s largest two-wheeler and three-wheeler

manufacturers and one of the biggest in the world. Bajaj has left behind its
annual turnover of 72 million (1968). to currently registered and impressive
figure of 42.1 billion (US$ 936 million).


Basic information
Bajaj Auto Ltd.
  ROC registration number Nov-56    
  Incorporation year 1945      
  Ownership   Bajaj Group    
  Main activity   Motorcycles    
Bajaj Allianz General
  Subsidiary/ies   Insurance Co. Ltd.    
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance
      Co. Ltd.    
      Bajaj Auto Holdings Ltd.    

The Bajaj Group is amongst the top 10 business houses in

India. Its footprint stretches over a wide range of industries, spanning
automobiles (two-wheelers and three-wheelers), home appliances, lighting,
iron and steel, insurance, travel and finance.

Bajaj Auto is the Flagship Company of the Bajaj Group. Bajaj

Auto manufactures two and three-wheelers. It was incorporated in the year
1945 as M/S Bachraj Trading Corporation Private Ltd. Mr. Rahul Bajaj is the
Chairman of the company. The promoters hold about 30 per cent equities
whereas Indian public holds about 26 percent and institutional investors have
more than 27 percent stake in the company.
The products manufactured by Bajaj Auto are scooters, auto
spare parts, machine tools, steel and engineering products. The brand names
of some of its motorcycles are Pulsar, Boxer, Caliber, Discover, CT100, and
Avenger. Bajaj markets its scooters under the brand name of Chetak and


Wave. The company also produces three wheelers as goods carriers such as
pick-up or delivery vans and passenger carriers such as auto-rickshaws.
Bajaj Auto has also diversified into the general as well as life
insurance business through its subsidiaries Bajaj Allianz General Insurance
Company Ltd. and Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Ltd. respectively.
The registered office of the company is in Pune (Maharashtra) and has three
plants located in Maharashtra at Akurdi for the production of scooters, at
Chakan for manufacturing Motor cycles and at Waluj for the Production of
Motor cycles and three wheelers. Besides it has a network of Bajaj Auto and
consumer durable dealerships and branch offices throughout the country. The
Bajaj brand has a presence in many countries like Sri Lanka, Mexico,
Bangladesh, Columbia, Peru and Egypt etc. Bajaj Auto has established a
technical tie-up with awasaki Heavy Industries in 1986.
 The present Chairman of the group, Rahul Bajaj, took charge
of the business in 1965. Under his leadership, the turnover of the Bajaj Auto
the flagship company has gone up from Rs.72 million to Rs.46.16 billion (USD
936 million), its product portfolio has expanded from one to and the brand has
found a global market. He is one of India's most distinguished business
leaders and internationally respected for his business acumen and
entrepreneurial spirit



Boards of directors / key personnel

V P Bajaj
Vikas Bajaj
Gopal K Grover
S P Bajaj
Subash Bajaj
Raj Krishnan
Co. secretary
Ekta Bajaj
K K khetapal
Rahul bajaj
Vice CH
Madhur bajaj
Rajeev Bajaj
Exec. Director
Sanjiv bajaj



Today BAJAJ Company has the largest market in the bike with a
whopping 65.3% and is also the undisputed leader in the scooter segment
with 34.3% share.


With a strong sales and service network of 500 authorized

dealership, 1018 authorized services centre and over 864 certified services
points BAJAJ is growing from strength to strength.


The company manufactures its motorcycles, scooters at factories

in Akurdi (pune), Chakan (pune). The current manufacturing capacity is 750.2
crore units at pune.

Location/Products Capacit
n qty  
Mar 2006  
  Akurdi (Pune, MAH)    
    Scooters 720 119.79  
    000 nos 000 nos  
    Scooters (CKD packs) 0 0  
      000 nos  
  Chakan (Pune, MAH)    
    Motor cycles 960 750.2  
      000 nos  
    Motor cycles (CKD packs) 0 0  
      000 nos  
  Waluj (Aurangabad (MAH), MAH)    
    Motor cycles 1500 1172.3  
      000 nos  
    Motor cycles (CKD packs) 0 0  
      000 nos  
    Three-wheelers 0 248.8  
      000 nos


1. BAJAJ bike will provide total customer satisfaction by giving to the

Customer the right product, at right price, at right time.

2. BAJAJ bike will be one among the top two wheeler manufactures in
India and encourage the process of renewal.

3. BAJAJ bikes firmly believe in the integration of safety, health and

Environmental aspects with all business activities and ensure
Protection of employees.

August 220 cc Pulsar DTS-i launched
135 cc Pulsar DTS-i launched
February 200 cc Pulsar DTS-i launched
January Bajaj Kristal DTS-i launched
April Bajaj Platina launched
December Bajaj Discover launched
June Bajaj Avenger DTS-i launched
February Bajaj Wave DTS-i launched
October Bajaj Discover DTS-i launched
August New Bajaj Chetak 4 stroke with Wonder Gear launched
May Bajaj CT100 Launched
January Bajaj unveils new brand identity, dons new symbol, logo and brandline
October Pulsar DTS-i is launched.
October 107,115 Motorcycles sold in a month.
July Bajaj Wind 125,The World Bike, is launched in India.
Bajaj Auto launched its Caliber115 "Hoodibabaa!" in the executive motorcycle
November Bajaj Auto launches its latest offering in the premium bike segment ‘Pulsar’.
January The Eliminator is launched.
The Bajaj Saffire is introduced.
Caliber motorcycle notches up 100,000 sales in record time of 12 months.
  Production commences at Chakan plant.
June 7th Kawasaki Bajaj Caliber rolls out of Waluj.
July 25th Legend, India’s first four-stroke scooter rolls out of Akurdi.
October Spirit launched.


  The Kawasaki Bajaj Boxer and the RE diesel Autorickshaw are introduced.
November 29 Bajaj Auto is 50.
Agreements signed with Kubota of Japan for the development of diesel engines for
  three-wheelers and with Tokyo R&D for ungeared Scooter and moped development.
  The Bajaj Super Excel is introduced while Bajaj celebrates its ten millionth vehicle.
  One million vehicles were produced and sold in this financial year.
  The Bajaj Classic is introduced.
  The Kawasaki Bajaj 4S Champion is introduced.
  The Bajaj Sunny is introduced.
  The Bajaj M-80 and the Kawasaki Bajaj KB100 motorcycles are introduced.
  500,000 vehicles produced and sold in a single financial year.
November 5 The Waluj plant inaugurated by the erstwhile President of India, Shri Giani Zail Singh.
  Production commences at Waluj, Aurangabad in a record time of 16 months.
January 19 Foundation stone laid for the new Plant at Waluj, Aurangabad.
  The Bajaj M-50 is introduced.
  The Rear Engine Autorickshaw is introduced.
  Bajaj Auto achieves production and sales of 100,000 vehicles in a single financial year.
  The Bajaj Super is introduced.
  BAL & Maharashtra Scooters Ltd. joint venture.
  The Bajaj Chetak is introduced.
  The three-wheeler goods carrier is introduced.
  Bajaj Auto rolls out its 100,000th vehicle.
  Bajaj Auto becomes a public limited company. Bhoomi Poojan of Akurdi Plant.
Bajaj Auto obtains licence from the Government of India to manufacture two- and
  Sales in India commence by importing two- and three-wheelers.


November 29 Bajaj Auto comes into existence as M/s Bachraj Trading Corporation Private Limited.

Research and development..

1. Uncompromising quality

BAJAJ bike company research and development division has an

impressing pool of talent and one of the most contemporary labs, capable of
developing innovative design. Committed to achieving total customer
satisfaction through total quality control (TQC), the company continuously
strives to give the customer the best value for money.

2. Eco friendly

BAJAJ is committed to protecting the environment .The

company’s manufacturing facilities at pune have state of the art facilities and
air pollution control measures.


1.Product Award Year By

Bajaj Pulsar DTS-Fi - Bike of the Year 2007 CNBC-TV18 Auto car Auto
Bajaj Platina 100cc - Bike of the Year 2007 NDTV Profit Bike India
Mr. Rajiv Bajaj - Man of the year 2005 2005 Auto car Professional
Mr. Rajeev Bajaj - Automotive Man of the 2005 Bike India & NDTV India
year 2005
Bajaj CT 100 - Motorcycle Total Customer 2005 TNS Automotive
Satisfaction Study 2005


Bajaj Discover DTS-i - Bike of the Year 2005 2005 OVERDRIVE Awards 2005
Bajaj Discover DTS-i - Indigenous Design of 2005 OVERDRIVE Awards 2005
the Year 2005
BAJAJ AUTO - Bike Maker of the Year 2004 2004 ICICI Bank OVERDRIVE
Awards 2004
DTS-i Technology - Auto Tech of the Year 2004 ICICI Bank OVERDRIVE
2004 Awards 2004
Bajaj Pulsar DTS-i Bike of the Year 2004 2004 ICICI Bank OVERDRIVE
Awards 2004
Wind 125 Two Wheeler of the Year 2004 2004 CNBC AUTOCAR Awards
Wind 125 Bike of the Year 2004 2004 Business Standard Motoring
Bajaj Pulsar 180 DTS-i BBC World Wheels 2003 BBC World Wheels Award
Viewers Choice Two Wheeler of Year 2003 2003
Bajaj Pulsar 180 DTS-i BBC World Wheels 2003 BBC World Wheels Award
Award for Best Two Wheeler between Rs 2003
55,000 to Rs 70,000
Bajaj Pulsar 150 DTS-i BBC World Wheels 2003 BBC World Wheels Award
Award for Best Two Wheeler between Rs 2003
45,000 to Rs 55,000
Bajaj Boxer AT KTEC BBC World Wheels 2003 BBC World Wheels Award
Award for Best Two Wheeler under Rs 2003
Bajaj Pulsar - Motorcycle Total Customer 2003 NFO Automotive
Satisfaction Study
Bajaj Pulsar - Bike of the year 2003 ICICI Bank OVERDRIVE
Awards 2003
Bajaj Pulsar - Most exciting bike of the year 2002 OVERDRIVE Awards
Bajaj Eliminator - Bike of the year 2002 OVERDRIVE Awards
Bajaj Eliminator - Most exciting bike of the 2001 OVERDRIVE Awards

Award Year By
Chakan Plant Super Platinum Award for 2006- Frost and Sullivan
Manufacturing Excellence 07
Chakan & Waluj Plants Audit Passed for TPM 2006- TPM
Excellence Award 07
Bike maker of the Year 2006- Overdrive Awards
Bike Manufacturer of the Year 2007 2006- NDTV Profit Bike India
All India Trophy for Highest Exporter 1998- EEPC
Focus LAC Award for Outstanding Performance 1998- India Trade Promotion
99 Organization


Export Excellence 1998- EEPC

Certificate of Merit 1998- India Trade Promotion
99 Organization
Award for Export Excellence 1997- EEPC
Export Excellence 1997- MCCIIA
All India Trophy for Highest Exporter 1997- EEPC
Top Exporter Shield - Western Region 1996- EEPC
Export Excellence 1996- MCCIA
Regional Top Exporter - Large Scale 1995- EEPC
Manufacturer 96
Highest Export Performance 1995- EEPC
Outstanding Export Performance 1995- Government of India,
96 Ministry of Commerce
Export Excellence Award 1995- MCCIA
Top Exporter Shield - Western Region 1995- EEPC
Certificate of Merit 1995- Government of India,
96 Ministry of Commerce
Award for Export Excellence 1994- EEPC
Regional Top Exporter - Large Scale 1994- EEPC
Manufacturer 95
All India Special Shield - Consumer Durables 1994- EEPC
Exporter 95
National Export award for Outstanding 1994- Government of India,
Performance 95 Ministry of Commerce
Western Region Top Export Award 1994- EEPC
All India Special Shield - Consumer Durables 1994- EEPC
Regional Special Shield - Capital Goods Category 1993- EEPC
Award for Export Excellence 1993- EEPC
Capital Goods Export 1992- EEPC
Regional Special Shield - Capital Goods Category 1990- EEPC


Certificate of Export Excellence 1986- EEPC

Certificate of Export Recognition 1980- EEPC
Certificate of Export Recognition 1979- EEPC
Award for Export Excellence 1979- EEPC
Certificate of Merit 1978- Government of India,
79 Ministry of Commerce
Certificate of Export Recognition 1978- EEPC
Award for Export Excellence 1977- EEPC
Certificate of Export Recognition 1977- EEPC
Export Promotion 1976 FICCI
Golden Jubilee Export Year Award 1976 FICCI
Export Excellence 1975- EEPC

2. Safety Award Year By

Meritorious Performance in 2001 National Safety Council
Industrial Safety
for three consecutive years
Certificate of Excellence 2001 National Safety Council
Achieving Lowest Average 2001 National Safety Award
Frequency Rate
Achieving Lowest Average 2000 National Safety Award
Frequency Rate
Meritorious Performance in 2000 National Safety Council
Industrial Safety
for three consecutive years
Achieving Longest Accident- 1999 National Safety Council
free Period under Heavy
Engineering Industries Group
Meritorious Performance in 1999 National Safety Council
Industrial Safety
for three consecutive years


Achieving Longest Accident- 1998 Council of Industrial Safety

free Period under Heavy
Engineering Industries Group
Achieving Lowest Average 1998 National Safety Award
Frequency Rate
Meritorious Performance in 1998 National Safety Council
Industrial Safety
for three consecutive years
Achieving Lowest Frequency 1997 Council of Industrial Safety
Rate under Heavy Engineering
Industries Group
Achieving Longest Accident- 1997 Council of Industrial Safety
free Period under Heavy
Engineering Industries Group
Longest Accident-free Period 1992 Council of Industries, Mumbai
Best Safety Performance 1989 CII
Longest Accident-free Period 1987 National Safety Council


BAJAJ Motors eyeing export market

BAJAJ motors are pushing its vehicles on the international roads

in a big way. In the current year the company is hoping to drive 50,000 two
wheelers on the global roads. Next year it has drawn up an expert target of 1,
00,000 vehicles. BAJAJ (motor) had exported 12188 vehicles in the first
quarter of the current year ended June 2006 as against 46000 in the same
period last year. BAJAJ motors are looking closely at ASEAN countries for a
production base. The chairman disclosed that the company was in Parleys
with a few in Iran for possible licensing arrangements. The sale of a stroke
vehicles had dropped had by eight percentage points in the first quarter ,
profit before tax by 16 % and profit after tax by similar % points. The sale of


four stroke vehicles has improved by 12% growth in just ended quarter. The
company has recurred a negative 7% growth.


BAJAJ (Motor) reported sales of Rs.611.06 crores for the quarter

ended June 2006, down from Rs.662.50 crores in the same period last
year .The profit before tax was placed at Rs. 42.01 (crores ) and profit after
tax at Rs. 27.18.


The BAJAJ group is one of the India’s largest Industrial

conglomerates. Mr.Rahul bajaj chairman of the company .The promoters hold
about 30 equities whereas Indian public hold about 26% and institutional in
vesture have more the 27% percent stake in the company.BAJAJ Company
limited operates through three following divisions.

1. Bajaj Allianz general insurance

2. Bajaj insurance life insurance
3. Bajaj auto holding ltd.


BAJAJ Company has grown into a leading logistics solution

provider and has set up state of the art ware house all over the country .It as
also diversified into distributing Garage equipment that ranges from paint
booths to engine analyzers and industrials equipment products.

Group companies

With steady growth ,expansion and diversification ,today BAJAJ

commands a strong presence in various fields two wheelers ,automotive
components , automotive spares ,computer peripherals and finance.

Lakshmi auto components limited –

Large OE suppliers of two wheelers gears and camshafts.

Axels India limited-

A joint venture with Eaton limited, U.K manufactures axel housings and
drive heads for heavy and light commercial vehicles brakes India limited.


Harita grammar limited –

Manufacturer of automobile seats in collaboration with grammar, world
leader in the category.

India motor parts and accessories limited-

One of India’s largest distributors of spare parts.

India Nippon electrical limited –

A joint venture with kokusan denki, Japan .Involved in the manufacture
of magnetos.

Southern roadways limited-

Giant in the Indian road transport industry, company operates largest
parcel service all over south India

Mar 2002
Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar
Bajaj  Auto Ltd. 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006
  12 12 12 12 12 12
Rs. Crore
  (Non-Annualised) mths mths mths mths mths mths
3628.7 4831.0 5527.2 6669.4 8650.9
Gross sales 4 4172.1 4 9 8 5
  3052.9 3638.6 4229.2 4844.8 5835.6 7541.1
Net sales
  4 2 8 9 1 9
  3067.0 3608.2 4261.8 4855.4 5824.5
VOP  7 2 6 8 1 7590.2
Other income 244.19 190.61 178.6 272.33 299.78 408.88
Cost  of production 2835.1 2905.8 3299.0 3803.0 4858.2 6230.7

7 6 5 1 5
Selling & marketing expenses 142.53 200.41 233.29 249.87 165.13 143.58
Distribution expenses 35.46 37.02 44.23 61.5 78.68 89.16
1097.3 1120.2 1626.1
PBDIT (NNRT) 394.46 696.64 977.99 2 6 9
1095.5 1119.5 1625.8
PBDT (NNRT) 387.06 693.26 976.26 3 9 5
PBT (NNRT) 245.94 536.58 801.23 911.56 934.22 5
PAT (NNRT) 218.94 352.9 532.87 633.06 560.06 916.3
Exports 139.09 162.29 357.98 564.47 729.14 943.91
Imports 338.43 179.55 144.34 137.25 195.07 365.71
Gross fixed assets (excl. reval. 2467.8 2548.9 2632.8 2710.6 2747.6 2894.2
& WIP) 3 2 7 7 8 2
2608.6 3220.8 3505.0 6828.7 8414.2
Current assets 5 8 3349.4 3 8 7
2865.7 3693.6 4134.3 4770.7
Net worth (net of reval. & DRE) 2620.5 9 3240.6 2 5 3
Equity capital 101.18 101.19 101.18 101.18 101.18 101.18
1005.7 1226.9 1467.1
Long term borrowings 457.74 594.26 786.32 3 9 3
3078.2 3460.0 4026.9 4699.3 5361.3 6237.8
Capital employed 4 5 2 5 4 6
1530.3 1686.3 2042.3 2380.6 2793.9 3544.7
Current liabilities & provisions 1 6 9 4 7 8
Total assets / liabilities (excl. 4244.8 4921.9 6546.5 8105.8
reval. & DRE) 3600.8 4 8 5925.7 4 1
Growth (%)            
Gross sales -3.74 14.97 15.07 14.58 20.79 29.92
Cost of production 13.4 2.49 13.53 15.28 27.75 28.25
PBDIT -51.46 76.61 40.39 12.2 2.09 45.16
PAT -52.4 61.19 51 18.8 -11.53 63.61
GFA 20.9 2.77 3.39 3.08 1.5 5.44
Total assets -15.87 17.89 15.95 20.39 10.48 23.82

Margins ratios (%)            
PBDIT (NNRT) / sales 10.87 16.7 20.24 19.85 16.8 18.8
PBDT (NNRT) / sales 10.67 16.62 20.21 19.82 16.79 18.79
PAT (NNRT) / sales 6.03 8.46 11.03 11.45 8.4 10.59
PBDIT (NNRT) / net sales 12.92 19.15 23.12 22.65 19.2 21.56
PBDT (NNRT) / net sales 12.68 19.05 23.08 22.61 19.19 21.56
PAT (NNRT) / net sales 7.17 9.7 12.6 13.07 9.6 12.15

Returns ratios (%)            
PAT (NNRT) / net worth 7.52 12.86 17.45 18.26 14.31
PAT (NNRT) / total assets 5.56 9 11.63 11.67 8.98 12.51
PBIT (NNRT) / capital
employed 7.59 16.52 21.45 20.93 18.59 24.75
PAT (NNRT) / capital
employed 6.56 10.79 14.23 14.51 11.13 15.8
Liquidity ratios (times)            
Long term debt / equity 0.175 0.207 0.243 0.272 0.297 0.308
Total debt / equity 0.196 0.218 0.259 0.273 0.297 0.308
Current ratio 1.705 1.91 1.64 1.472 2.444 2.374
1395.3 4221.1
Interest cover 34.24 159.75 464.14 510.25 6 5
Gross working capital cycle
(days) 55 44 36 30 25 25
Net working capital cycle
(days) 7 0 -5 -15 -22 -28
Avg. days of debtors 15 13 13 9 8 10
Avg. days of creditors 48 43 42 45 48 54
Asset utilisation ratios
VOP / total assets 0.78 0.92 0.93 0.9 0.93 1.04
VOP / GFA 1.36 1.44 1.65 1.82 2.14 2.69







Sales Manager

Counter Executive Hypothecation Executive


Accounts Manager

Assistant Accountant




Insurance Pre-delivery








Delivery Body

Follow -up




Rs -77010

BAJAJ XCD125 Rs–42136

BAJAJ DISCOVER135cc Rs-53238



BAJAJ PULSAR220cc Rs-72515

BAJAJ PULSAR200cc Rs-72000
BAJAJ PULSAR180cc Rs-65000
BAJAJ PULSAR150cc Rs-57000




1. Name …………………………………………………………………...

2. Specify your age group :

Less than 25 ( )

25 -35 ( )

35 -45 ( )

Above 45 ( )

3. Marital status Single ( ) Married ( )

4’Your Income group

Below 10,000 ( )

Between 10,000-20,000 ( )

Above 20,000 ( )

5. Your Occupation

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Business ( )


6. How did you know about BAJAJ bikes?

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7. Rank four most important reasons that make you for

Purchase BAJAJ bikes.

Mileage ( )

Price ( )

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Style ( )

Top Speed ( )

Reputation ( )

8. What Mileage is your bike giving?

60 Km /Litr and above ( )

50-60 km/Litr ( )

40-50 km/Litr ( )

Below 40Km/Ltr ( )

9. Are you satisfied with bike’s mileage?

Extremely satisfied ( )

Satisfied ( )

Some what satisfied ( )

Not satisfied ( )


10. How often have you experienced break down of your BAJAJ bike?

Often ( )

Rarely ( )

Not at all ( )

Very often ( )

11.Are you satisfied with your bike’s power & pick up?

Extremely satisfied ( )

Satisfied ( )

Some what satisfied ( )

Not at all satisfied ( )

12.How do you feel about the riding comfort & safety?

Extremely satisfied ( )

Not at all satisfied ( )

: Satisfied ( )

13. Do you promptly get response from your dealer?

Yes : ( ) No ( )

14. Are you satisfied with the after sales service from dealer?

Yes : ( ) No ( )

15. Are the spare parts available at the service centre where you deal with?

Yes : ( ) No ( )


16.Do you like to recommend your friends or relatives to purchase BAJAJ


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Some what likely ( )

Unlikely ( )

Not at all ( )

17. Your suggestions and feedback to improve the quality of Bajaj’s products
and services.




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