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Performance Task

Your goals are to communicate a heritage documentary of your family culture.
Your role is a storyteller, telling the story of your family’s culture.
Your audience are a couple of your classmates who will relate their family culture and
your teacher who will check your work.
As a member of a family, you are involved in creating a culture within your home. There
are aspects in our lives that are uniquely or generally manifested in your family. With this,
describe your family culture with your audience.
The thesis (main point) of your output is presenting the family culture of the (insert your
family name here, e.g., The Family Culture of the Candido’s Mini-Heritage Documentary)
Interview a family member or family members or observe the different cultures that are evident
in your family in typical family activities.
Your output indirectly answers some questions like:
● What roles do parents play in the overall family affair? What are the roles of the siblings
(if there are any)? What is your role in the family?
● How does the family view or deal with the following activities: cooking and eating?
Household chores? Money management? Discipline and upbringing? Hierarchy of
powers among siblings (if there are any) and as a family? Dealing with family conflict?
● What are the non-negotiables in the family (things that are a big deal to everybody)?
● What is the role of the family in your community? How does the family relate to the
● What are the traditions that the family practices?
Present your family culture via multimedia. You may present via audio-video
presentation, picture presentation (animated or still) with caption, picture presentation with
caption and narration…or a combination of two or all of the media. If you prefer an audio-video
presentation, it must not be more than five (5) minutes including intro and outro. The video
must be uploaded to YouTube. If you prefer the picture presentation, PowerPoint is
recommended. it should be between 5 and 20 pictures, with caption or description. Music or
sound effects may be used but not required. The PowerPoint presentation must be uploaded
in Google Slides.
You will create a video or slideshow presentation of your family culture.
You will be graded according to: Intro, Technical Shooting Quality,
Interview/Storytelling/ Message, Pictures/Keyframing, Transition, Grammar and Conventions

Additional instruction.
You may watch the sample video via the link below:
Send the link of your output in Quipper. You will be graded according to the Rubric found in
the link below.
Rubric Link:
Observe Health Safety Protocols in accomplishing the task if ever there is a need for you to
go outside. However, you are encouraged to do the activity at the comfort of your homes.

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