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Why are you going to USA?

o The United States offers world-class education with a global perspective.

o This will help me to get Lucrative Job Opportunities in Bangladesh and
become an independent woman. This will improve my career chances as
Why this university?
I choose tamuc for few reasons.
o I am interested in Business Anaytics program and tamuc is well-known for this
o I have contacted with a professor who advised me to pursue Ms in BA here as
this is a practical and skills-based program. Email conversation Dr Bo Han Dr.
Chris Anthony Myers. From the conversation with him I have an impression
that this university has world-class faculty members for my subject business
o The total cost of attendance is affordable for me.
o One more thing, sir, I know some alumni of this university who are currently
faculty of my undergrad university in Bangladesh which is North South
University. They recommended that the BA program of tamuc is good.
Why not PhD? Why MS?
I plan to pursue my PHD after completing my MS if I can manage excellent result.
What will you do after completing Ms?
I will come back to my home country and try to find a good job in any reputed
university of BD.
Who is going to sponsor you?
My parents. They have ---usd savings on their bank account solely for my
study purpose.
What your father do? How long has he been working here? --years
He works at ---. He is the---(position). His monthly income is about -- tk. 
What your mother do? What is your sponsor’s monthly income?
She is an owner of ---. She gets rent from -- which is around --- tk per month.  
Do your sponsor have any other income sources?
Why your Husband will be in one place and you choose another
Tuition and living cost in Texas is less and affordable. I got admission offer form
TAmuc on my desired subject. That’s why I decided to study here. My husband
and I can always meet on our vacation.

Tests scores: The University waive my GMAT as my CGPA was above 3.3. My
Toefl score is 89. (March 2016)
Have you applied for any scholarship?
Previous degree:
I have competed my Bachelor in Business Administration from North South
How many universities have you applied? (Mention names) 3: Texas A&M,
American Uni, Northeastern uni.
Why did you apply to these universities?
The courses offered from these universities are more in line with my future goals
How many admits? (Mention names) 2
What is the total cost of your university?-26,000 usd PER YEAR
How long will you study in USA?-30 months
Where did you hear about this university?
I came to know about this university through my friend is current student of this
university. I also heard about this university when I went to Qs World MBA tour
this year held in Washington DC.
Have you got any loans?-NO Sir, I haven’t taken any loans.
How will you finance your education?-My parents are sponsoring me
What will you do if your visa is rejected?
I will improve my profile and will apply again. Studying in US has been my dream
from my childhood.

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