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Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.





S Words Pronunci Meanin Examples

TT ation g
1 artisan (n /ɑtɪ:’zæn/ thợ là m In the past,

. ) nghề thủ cô ng handicrafts were regarded

as cheap souvenirs made
by local artisans.
2 handicraf /’hændikr sả n Making jewelry and

. t (n) ɑ:ft/ phẩ m thủ cutting precious stones also

cô ng are traditional handicrafts
in Gujarat.
3 worksho /’wɜ:kʃɒp/ xưở ng, The last time I had

. p (n) cô ng xưở ng been here was to bring a

watch from the shop up to
the jewellery workshops
for repair.
4 attraction /ə’trækʃn/ điểm Life in Los Angeles

. (n) hấ p dẫ n has so many attractions -

nightclubs, good
restaurants, and so on.
5 preserve /prɪ’zɜ:v/ bả o tồ n, We want to preserve

. (v) gìn giữ the character of the town

while improving the
6 authentic / tính xá c The poems are

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. ity (n) ɔ:θen’tɪsəti/ thự c, châ n supposed to be by Sappho,

au-then- thậ t but they are actually of

doubtful authenticity.
7 cast (v) /kɑ:st/ đú c He stared into space

. (đồ ng…) as his teacher explained the

principles of casting metal
into various shapes.
8 craft (n) /krɑ:ft/ nghề thủ The show featured

. cô ng traditional country crafts.

9 craftsma /’krɑ:ftsm thợ là m The plates are painted

. n (n) ən/ đồ thủ cô ng by our finest craftsmen.

1 team /’ti:m xâ y We do a lot of team

0. -building (n) bɪldɪŋ/ dự ng tinh building, and it brings them

thầ n đồ ng độ i together fast.
1 drumhea / mặ t He moved my hands

1. d (n) drʌmhed/ trố ng and made the sticks pound

against the drumheads and
beat out a rhythm.
1 embroide / thêu I am embroidering

2. r (v) ɪm’brɔɪdə(r)/ this picture for my mother.

1 frame (n) /freɪm/ khung She painted the

3. window frames with great

care so that no paint got
onto the glass.
1 lacquerw /’lækəweə đồ sơn These include

4. are (n) (r)/ mà i lacquerware, ink block

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lac- que- prints, and ceramics, all of

ware which employ distinctive
themes developed by
Vietnamese artists.
1 layer (n) /’leɪə(r)/ lớ p Depending on various

5. lay-er (lá …) factors, you might need to

place a layer of base
material on top of the
1 mould (v) /məʊld/ đổ The smith would pour

6. khuô n, tạ o the molten metal into the

khuô n shaped mould.
1 sculpture /’skʌlptʃə( điêu He began studying

7. (n) r)/ khắ c, đồ điêu furniture making, but was

khắ c very quickly drawn to
1 surface /’sɜ:fɪs/ bề mặ t Tropical rain forests

8. (n) used to cover ten percent of

the earth's surface.
1 thread /θred/ chỉ, sợ i Each time you return

9. (n) to the puzzle, you pick up

the same threads and
weave a different cloth.
2 weave (v) /wi:v/ đan (rổ , This type of wool is

0. rá …), dệt woven into fabric which

(vả i…) will make jackets.

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S Words Pronunciat Meanin Examples

TT ion g
1. turn up /tɜ:n ʌp/ xuấ t hiện, Remember to turn

(phr.v) đến up the meeting on time.

2. set off /set ɒf/ khở i We will set of our

(phr.v) hà nh, bắ t đầ u journey at 6 a.m

chuyến đi tomorrow.
3. close /kləʊz đó ng cử a, The factory was

down daʊn/ ngừ ng hoạ t closed down 3 months

độ ng ago due to going
4. pass /pɑ:s daʊn/ truyền lạ i People must keep

down (cho thế hệ the traditions and pass

sau…) them down to the next
5. face up /feɪs ʌp tu/ đố i mặ t, Due to some

to (phr.v) giả i quyết mistakes, he must face up

to a number of
6. turn /tɜ:n daʊn / từ chố i I applied for 5

down companies but they

turned down my
7. set up /set ʌp/ thà nh She was the person

(phr.v) lậ p, tạ o dự ng who set up this English

8. take /teɪk əʊvə/ tiếp He studies hotel

over (phr.v) quả n, kế management to take over

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nhiệm, nố i his father.

9. live on /lɪv ɒn/ số ng Most people on

(phr.v) bằ ng, số ng dự a coastal areas live on

và o fishing.
10. treat /tri:t/ xử lí He is being treated

(v) for a rare skin disease.

11. carve /kɑ:v/ chạ m, He carved her name

(v) khắ c on a tree.

12. stage /steɪdʒ/ bướ c, giai The project is in its

(n) đoạ n final stages and should be

completed by August.
13. artefact /’ɑ:tɪfækt/ đồ tạ o tá c The museum's

(n) collection includes

artefacts dating back to
prehistoric times.
14. loom /lu:m/ khung A few mills had

(n) cử i dệt vả i looms on the property,

but most weavers wove
at home.
15. versatil /’vɜ:sətaɪl/ nhiều tá c They're versatile,

e (adj) dụ ng, đa nă ng they're tasty and they're

good for you,’ she said.
16. willow /’wɪləʊ/ câ y liễu Closing her eyes,

(n) Sarah lay down on the

grass near a tall willow
17. charcoa /’tʃɑ:kəʊl/ chì, chì Women also collect

l (n) than (để vẽ) wood for charcoal and go

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char- to the markets.

18. numero /’nju:mərəs/ nhiều, There are also

us (adj) đô ng đả o, số numerous examples in

lượ ng lớ n the USA, where he has
long been popular.



1 thợ là m nghề thủ cô ng

2 sả n phẩ m thủ cô ng

3 xưở ng, cô ng xưở ng

4 điểm hấ p dẫ n

5 bả o tồ n, gìn giữ

6 tính xá c thự c, châ n thậ t

7 đú c (đồ ng…)

8 nghề thủ cô ng

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9 thợ là m đồ thủ cô ng

1 xâ y dự ng tinh thầ n đồ ng

0. độ i
1 mặ t trố ng

1 thêu

1 khung

1 đồ sơn mà i

1 lớ p (lá …)

1 đổ khuô n, tạ o khuô n

1 điêu khắ c, đồ điêu khắ c

1 bề mặ t

1 chỉ, sợ i

2 đan (rổ , rá …), dệt (vả i…)


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1. xuấ t hiện, đến
2. khở i hà nh, bắ t đầ u chuyến

3. đó ng cử a, ngừ ng hoạ t độ ng
4. truyền lạ i (cho thế hệ sau…)
5. đố i mặ t, giả i quyết
6. từ chố i
7. thà nh lậ p, tạ o dự ng
8. tiếp quả n, kế nhiệm, nố i

9. số ng bằ ng, số ng dự a và o
10. xử lí
11. chạ m, khắ c
12. bướ c, giai đoạ n
13. đồ tạ o tá c
14. khung cử i dệt vả i
15. nhiều tá c dụ ng, đa nă ng
16. câ y liễu
17.  chì, chì than (để vẽ) 
18. nhiều, đô ng đả o, số lượ ng

lớ n

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Câ u phứ c là câ u có mộ t mệnh đề chính hay cò n gọ i là mệnh đề độ c lậ p và mộ t hay
nhiều mệnh đề phụ . Hai mệnh đề thườ ng nố i vớ i nhau bở i dấ u phẩ y hoặ c cá c liên từ .

1.Dependent clauses of purpose(Mệnh đề phụ chỉ mục đích)

− So that/ in order that (để mà ): là mệnh đề phụ đượ c dù ng để chỉ mụ c đích

củ a hành độ ng ở mệnh đề chính.
Ex: Some people eat in order that they may live.

She learnt hard so that she might get the scholarship.

2.Dependent clauses of reason(Mệnh đề phụ chỉ lý do)

− because, since (do, vì, bở i vì): là mệnh đề phụ đượ c dù ng để chỉ lý do củ a

hà nh độ ng ở mệnh đề chính.
Ex: The flight to London was cancelled because the weather was bad.

She didn’t go to school since she got ill.

3. Dependent clauses of time(Mệnh đề phụ chỉ thời gian)

− when; while; after; before; as soon as; ....: là cá c từ bắ t đầ u đứ ng trướ c mệnh

đề phụ chỉ thờ i gian.
Ex: Lets go for a pizza after we go to the natural history museum.

It’ll be wonderful when scientists have found a cure for cancer.

The villagers have to dry the buffalo skin under the sun before they make the
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4.Dependent clauses of contrast(Mệnh đề phụ chỉ sự tương phản)

− Though/ although/ even though (dù , mặ c dù , cho dù ): là cá c từ bắ t đầ u đứ ng

trướ c cá c mệnh đề phụ chỉ sự tương phả n củ a hai hà nh độ ng trong cù ng mộ t
câ u.
Ex: Although I learnt hard, I didn’t get high grades.

They would like to go out, though it is raining

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Bài 1: Những mệnh đề được in đậm dưới đây là mệnh đề phụ thuộc hay mệnh
đề không phụ thuộc. Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. If you don't fix the car, it will continue to leak oil.

A: Dependent clause B: Independent clause

2. While the car is being fixed, we will need to take the bus.
A: Dependent clause B: Independent clause

3. It isn't necessary to cram all night if you have studied a little each day.
A: Dependent clause B: Independent clause

4. Before you begin studying for the exam, you will probably want to rest.
A: Dependent clause B: Independent clause

5. I can't go to the movies since I don't have any money.

A: Dependent clause B: Independent clause

6. Whether he attends the party or not, I have decided to go.

A: Dependent clause B: Independent clause

7. I will stop playing the drums when you go to sleep.

A: Dependent clause B: Independent clause

8. Since you've taken your exam in Biology, you probably don't feel like
studying for tomorrow's exam in Math.
A: Dependent clause B: Independent clause

9. Until he apologizes to me for his rude behavior, I refuse to see him.

A: Dependent clause B: Independent clause

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10. I wore my boots because it looked like it might snow.

A: Dependent clause B: Independent clause

Bài 2: Xác định mệnh đề phụ thuộc trong mỗi câu dưới đây.

1. Before we organise the trip, we’ll have to phone you first.

A. Before we organise the trip
B. we’ll have to phone you first
2. I like this museum because it has many unique artefacts.
A. I like this museum
B. because it has many unique artefacts
3. They split bamboo and made trips in order that they could weave baskets.
A. They split bamboo and made trips
B. in order that they could weave baskets
4. Even though I haven’t visited the Arts Museum yet, I have heard a lot about it.
A. Even though I haven’t visited the Arts Museum yet
B. I have heard a lot about it
5. While I was embroidering flowers on the painting, she was making a conical hat.
A. While I was embroidering flowers on the painting
B. she was making a conical hat
Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. ______ I warned her about the quality of the product, she bought it as a souvenir.
A. However B. When C. Although
2. We traveled to a craft village ______ we had spent two hours in the gallery.
A. before B. after C. while

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3. ______ she was knitting the hat, I was cooking dinner.

A. After B. While C. Before
4. We got a discount ______ we had spent more than $200.
A. as B. although C. when
5. I’ll take my foreign friends to the local market ______ they can see how people sell
and buy things.
A. so B. because C. so that
Bài 4: Chọn một từ thích hợp trong bảng để điền vào chỗ trống.

because before although as soon as so that while

1. ________________ I go out tonight, I will have to finish this essay.

2. Phong burnt his hand ________________ he was cooking dinner.
3. Laura always gets up early every morning _______________ she’s not late for her
4. Mr. Harrison seems to have a lot of money ________________ he lives in a luxurious
5. ________________ I was waiting for the bus, I saw some foreign tourists.
6. They didn’t win the game _____________ they played very well.
7. The children are very excited _____________ they’re going to visit a craft village this
8. We will tell Alice about the trip_________________ we meet her.
9. _________________ it rained a lot, they enjoyed their holiday.
10. I bought a new pair of glasses ______________ I can see better.

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1. Cách thành lập

Độ ng từ thà nh ngữ - phrasal verbs là sự kết hợ p củ a độ ng từ và thà nh phầ n tiểu từ ,
chú ng có tên gọ i là particle. Chính tiểu từ tạ o ra nghĩa mớ i cho độ ng từ . Tiểu từ trong
độ ng từ thà nh ngữ có thể là  giớ i từ , trạ ng từ  hoặ c cả giớ i từ và trạ ng từ .

Ví dụ :
look after = verb (look) + preposition (after): chă m só c
get up = verb (get) + adverb (up): thứ c dậ y
run out of = verb (run) + adverb (out) + preposition (of): hết, cạ n kiệt

2. Nghĩa
Hầ u hết cá c độ ng từ thà nh ngữ đều có ý nghĩa hoà n toà n khá c so vớ i ý nghĩa củ a
độ ng từ tạ o nên chú ng.

look: use eyes (nhìn) # look after: take care of (chă m só c, trô ng nom)

get: receive something (nhậ n) # get up: get out of bed (thứ c dậ y)

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run: move fast on foot (chạ y) # run out of: have no more of (hết, cạ n kiệt)

Do vậ y, ý nghĩa củ a cá c độ ng từ thà nh ngữ khô ng chịu ả nh hưở ng bở i ý nghĩa củ a

độ ng từ . Việc họ c cá c độ ng từ thà nh ngữ cũ ng khô ng nên đá nh đồ ng vớ i việc họ c cá c
độ ng từ và tiểu từ độ c lậ p nhau, mà cầ n họ c cả cụ m độ ng từ thà nh ngữ đó vớ i cá ch sử
dụ ng củ a chú ng trong từ ng vă n cả nh.

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Bài 1: Gạch chân động từ thành ngữ xuất hiện trong câu như ở ví dụ dưới đây.

E.g. They closed down the museum last year.

1. The boy usually gets up early in the morning.

2. The man packed his luggage to set off for Viet Nam.

3. The boy looked through the guidebook to see the list of good restaurants in Ha Noi.

4. She helped me to look after my son while I was away.

5. She ran out of yarn while knitting a scarf for her grandson.

Bài 2: Hoàn thành câu với những từ cho sẵn. Có một từ thừa.

turned out down on bring passed

1. She ___________________ down our invitation to join us for the trip as her mother didn’t
allow her to go.

2. These traditional crafts have been ___________________ down from parent to child over
many generations.

3. The owner decided to close ___________________ the department store because it was not
running well.

4. We have produced a new type of silk. Why don’t you come and find
___________________about it?

5. I am saving money to buy the new album which my favourite band is going to
___________________ out at the end of this year.
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Bài 3: Chọn cụm động từ thích hợp trong bảng đồng nghĩa với từ được gạch chân.

Turn down     set up      close down    

 turn up      live on     keep up with      get up

1. When did your father start this shop?

2. What time do you get out of bed every day?
3. You should study harder to stay equal with your classmates.
4. If Tom didn’t arrive, We would go.
5. The orphan earned money from lottery selling to live.
6. I invited her to my house for dinner but she refused.
7. Why did you stop doing business with your workshop?
Bài 4:Điền vào chỗ trống những cụm động từ cho trước dưới đây)

switch on look after turn down look for get on

fill in take off believe in try on put out

1. Quick! ___________________the bus. It's ready to leave.

2. I don't know where my book is. I have to ___________________ it.
3. It's dark inside. Can you ___________________ the light, please?
4. ___________________  the form, please. 
5. I need some new clothes. Why don't you ___________________ these jeans?
6. It's warm inside.  ___________________your coat.
7. John has to ___________________his younger brother.
8. It's so loud here. Can you ___________________the radio a little.
9. The firemen were able to ___________________  the fire in Church Street.
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10.Does your little brother ___________________  ghosts?

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Bài 1: Chọn từ có trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. A. bamboo B. village C. workshop D. famous

2. A. business B. chocolate C. grandparent D. experience
3. A. communicate B. generation C. historical D. environment
4. A. handicraft B. department C. embroider D. opinion
5. A. transfer B. accept C. publish D. remind
6. A. department B. historical C. technique D. pottery
7. A. prosperity B. experience C. complicated D. cooperate
8. A. balloon B. craftsmen C. markets D. local
9. A. sculpture B. temperate C. repeat D. culture
10. A. embroidery B. lantern C. formation D. behavior
Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. In 1990, due to the change of the economic situation, Dong Ho paintings were
difficult to sell and many quit their job.
A. craftsmen B. crafts C. craftsmanship D. craft unions
2. The Van Phuc silk producers have expended their silk garment goods
they can satisfy the varied demand for their silk.
A. so that B. in order to C. despite D. because
3. It turned out that they rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by three
A. hadn’t B. should have C. needn’t have D. mustn’t

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4. Weaving mats in Dinh Yen, Dong Thap used to be sold in the “ghost” markets set up
at night and operate up to early morning the government built a new market
five years ago.
A. after B. as soon as C. when D. until
5. Since changing the way of production, many craftsmen have voluntarily joined
together to for .
A. cooperatives B. cooperative C. cooperates D. cooperation
6. I don’t like to ask people for help but I wonder if you could me a favor.
A. make B. do C. find D. pick
7. Nowadays, Tan Chau artisans can produce silk of multiple colours they can
meet customers’ demands.
A. but B. in order C. so D. so that
8. Situated on the bank of the Duong river, the village was famous for the of
making Dong Ho paintings.
A. manufacture B. activity C. craft D. production
9. There was no in continuing for him the race was over.
A. value B. worth C. point D. profit
10. a large number of the country’s crafts villages are suffering from a
shortage of human resources and difficulties in building brand recognition, many
international organizations have had projects to help them.
A. Even B. Although C. However D. But
11.Vietnamese traditional is done with a simple hammer and chisel.
A. sculptured feature B. sculptor
C. sculpture pieces D. sculpture

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12.This cloth very thin.

A. feels B. touches C. holds D. handles
13.It was only he told me his surname that I realized that we had been to the
same school.
A. until B. when C. since D. then
14. a majority of Vietnamese small and medium enterprises do not have in-
house designers or specialized design staff, they have to hire freelance designers.
A. While B. Since C. Due to D. Despite the fact
15.Now, at the age of over 80, the artisan is leaving the craft to his descendants with the
desire to this ancient craft.
A. change B. consider C. preserve D. reserve
Bài 3: Cho dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc.

1. Children have to have moral lessons at school to avoid behavior of in

the future. (MORALITY)
2. If you don’t go to work regularly, you will be punished for in work.
3. In our country, men and women are equal. No one supports sexual ________________.
4. Every young man undergoing military training is bound to experience
________________________. (COMFORT)
5. Minh’s failure was due not to but to his own mistakes.
6. He is a notorious who robbed a bank yesterday. (CRIME)

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7. It is forbidden to hunt for that kind of bird. It has been listed as one of the
species. (DANGER)
8. The weather was terrible, so we had a very holiday. (PLEASE)
9. The of the new guest caused trouble to me. (ARRIVE)
10. to the school is by examination only. (ADMIT)
Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.

There are many (1) villages in Viet Nam, but Quat Dong village in Ha Noi is widely
known (2) its products of high (3) .
Embroidery has been developing around here (4) the 17th century. In the past,
local skilled artisans were chosen to make sophisticated embroidered (5) for the
Vietnamese King, Queen and other Royal family members. The first man who taught the
local people how to embroider was Dr. Le Cong Hanh, who lived during the Le dynasty.
He learned how to embroider while on a trip to China (6) an envoy, and taught
the villagers of Quat Dong upon his (7) . Although these skills eventually spread
(8) the country, the Quat Dong’s artisans’ creations are still the most appreciated. In
(9) to create beautiful embroideries, an artisan must be patient, careful and have an
eye for design, along with clever hands. Nowadays, Quat Dong products may range from
clothes, bags, pillowcases, to paintings and decorations, which are (10) ____ to many
1. A. number B. exist C. embroidery D. population
2. A. for B. border C. region D. place
3. A. includes B. insists C. quality D. consists
4. A. around B. over C. on D. since
5. A. costumes B. tell C. name D. separate
6. A. good B. as C. better D. well

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7. A. another B. others C. return D. anothers

8. A. across B. hill C. village D. downtown
9. A. quarter B. effort C. order D. notice
10. A. wonder B. cause C. true D. exported
Bài 5: Đọc bài văn sau và chọn đáp án đúng.

In the Mekong Delta, Long Dinh village of Tien Giang province is famous for its
traditional craft of weaving flowered mats. The mat’s high quality makes them popular
domestically, and they are also exported to markets worldwide including Korea, Japan
and America.
In spite of its well-established reputation for this traditional craft, mat weaving only
started here some 50 years ago. It was first introduced by immigrants from Kim Son, a
famous mat weaving village in the northern province of Ninh Binh. However, the
technique of weaving sedge mats in Long Dinh, as compared with other places in the
South, is somewhat different. Long Dinh branded mats are thicker and have more
attractive colours and patterns.
Weaving sedge mats is similar to growing rice. Long Dinh mat production mainly
occurs during the dry season, from January to April. Weavers have to work their hardest
in May and June, otherwise, when the rainy season starts in July, they will have to put off
finishing their products till the next dry season. No matter how much work it requires,
Long Dinh mat producers stick with this occupation, as it brings a higher income than
growing rice.
This trade provides employment for thousands of local labourers. At present, nearly
1,000 households in Long Dinh village live on weaving mats. To better meet market
demands, Long Dinh mat weavers have created more products in addition to the

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

traditional sedge mats. Particularly, they are producing a new type of mat made from
the dried stalks of water hyacinth, a common material in the Mekong Delta.
Thanks to the planning and further investment, the mat weaving occupation has
indeed brought in more income for local residents. Their living standards have
improved considerably, resulting in better conditions for the whole village.
1. In order to meet market demands, artisans in Long Dinh ______________.
A. try to produce various types of products
B. stop producing the traditional sedge mats
C. produce new Products from rare material
D. for thousands of local labourers
2. We can infer from the sentence “Weaving sedge mats is similar to growing rice” that
A. both bring similar income
B. both occur at the same time
C. both depend on weather conditions
D. both occur on the same land
3. Despite difficulties, people in Long Dinh try to follow the craft because ____________.
A. they can make the techniques of weaving different
B. they can earn more money than growing rice
C. they can have jobs in the rainy months
D. they can go to Korea, Japan and America
4. We can infer from the passage that ______________.
A. the craft contributes much to the village economy
B. most of the households in Long Dinh village live on weaving mats

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C. the new technique makes labourers work in the dry season

D. Long Dinh mat production is only well-known in foreign markets
5. All of the following are true about the craft in Long Dinh EXCEPT that _____________.
A. the techniques are a little bit different from those in other regions
B. the mats have more attractive colours and designs
C. it has the origin from Kim Son, Ninh Binh
D. it has had the reputation for more than 50 years
Bài 6: Chọn một từ thích hợp trong bảng để điền vào chỗ trống.

surprising that tool down rely

shape home because which being

Bau Truc pottery village of Cham village ethnic minority is one of the oldest pottery
villages in Southeast Asia. It’s located about 10 km in the South of Phan Rang town. The
small village is (1) to more than 400 families, of (2)
85% are in the traditional pottery business. The style is said to be handed (3)
from Po Klong Chan, one of their ancestors from the immemorial time.

People in Bau Truc use their skillful hands, bamboo-made circles and shells to
create priceless works. It is (4) that while the Kinh people have switched
to using wheel as an indispensable (5) , their Cham counterparts, on the
contrary, still (6) on talent hands and simple tools. To create a pottery
product, a Cham craftsman only needs an anvil, not a potter’s wheel, and other simple
equipment and moulds and then uses hands to (7) pieces of clay into the
works he wants.

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The clay is taken is taken from the banks of the Quao River and is flexible, durable
when (8) fired. The skills needed to mix sand with the clay are
also various. The amount of sand mixed with the plastic material is dependent on what
the pottery used for and the sizes. For these seasons, Bau Truc pottery is quite different
from pottery elsewhere. For example, water jars made in Bau truc pottery are always
favoured by people in dry and sunny areas (9) the temperature of the
water in the jars is always one centigrade cooler than (10) outside.

Bài 7: Sử dụng các từ gợi ý để viết hoàn chỉnh các câu sau.
Dear Tuan,
1. You/ start/ trip/ taking/ short walk down/ harbor/ Hoi An/ where/ you/ board/
wooden boat.
2. First/ you/ get/ pottery Thanh Ha village/ where/ local people/ continue/ make/
craft pots/ hand.
3. Then/ you/ continue/ visit/ carpentry village/ Kim Bong/ which/ have/ huge
influence/ architecture/ Hoi An.
4. The traditional carpentry/ keep/ alive/ and/ still used/ restoring/ old buildings/ Hoi
5. Your trip/ finish/ boat trip/ back/ ancient town/ Hoi An.
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Look forward to seeing you soon!

Best wishes
Bài 8: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi.
1. Where did you get the information about Ha Long Bay?  FIND

2. What time did your father get out of bed this morning?  UP

3. I’ll read this leaflet to see what activities are organised at this attraction. LOOK

4. They’re going to publish a guidebook to different beauty spots in Korea. OUT

5. Linda is thinking with pleasure about the weekend! FORWARD

6. It’s pity! You aren’t going to Lan’s party. WISH

7. Someone punches Hung in the face at a football match. GOT

8. If you found the missing money, what would you do? WERE

9. They suspended Nick for the next two matches. BANNED

10.Please come this way, and you’ll see if Mr. Michael is in. WILL

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Sử dụng dạng đúng của các cụm động từ trong bảng để điền vào chỗ trống.

live on look through pass down set off turn down

close down come back deal with get up keep up

1. They offered her a trip to Japan but she _________ it .

2. He has the report and found nothing interesting.
3. My brother walks too fast and it’s really hard to him.
4. These traditional stories have been from parents to children over many
5. My mother is an early bird. She at 6 o’clock every day of the week.
6. We’ll for VanPhuc village at 8 o’clock and arrive at 9 o’clock.
7. When I was a student, I small allowances from my parents.
8. The government must now the preservation of traditional craft
9. The banks have a lot of branches in villages over the last few years.
10. Many foreign tourists decided to Viet Nam for another holiday.
Bài 2: Ghép hai câu để tạo thành một câu phức, sử dụng một trong số các liên từ
cho sẵn. Biến đổi khi cần thiết.

in order that after because although when

1. Many Hanoians gathered at Ba Dinh square. They could watch the flag raising

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

2. We ate breakfast. Then we went to buy some lanterns.

3. Foreigners like Hoa Binh market. They can experience the culture of Vietnamese
4. It was raining heavily. I still decided to set off for Da Lat.
5. I go somewhere on holiday. I usually buy paintings as souvenirs.
Bài 3: Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không đổi. Sử dụng từ cho sẵn.

1. A student has studied French for three years. He may have a vocabulary of thousands
of words. (who)

2. Between formal and colloquial English there is unmarked English. It is neither so

literary and serious as formal English, nor so casual and free as colloquial English.

3. He bought a car. His friend advised him against it. (although)

4. Good writing requires general and abstract words as well as specific and concrete
ones. It is the latter that make writing vivid, real and clear. (though)

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5. It was raining hard. My parents could not work in the fields. (so ... that)

6. The politician is concerned with successful elections. The statesman is interested in

the future of his people. (whereas)

7. The results of the experiment were successful. The school refused to give any help.

8. He chose to study computer science. Computer science has good employment

prospects. (because of)

9. Her grandmother walked very slowly. She did not catch the train. (if)

10. He is not coming. The meeting will be put off till this Friday. (in the event of)

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Bài 1: Nghe và điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.

Tra: I love history, so my place of interest is Viet Nam National (1) ________________of
History. There's an extensive collection of artefacts tracing Viet Nam's history. They're
arranged chronologically from primitive life to (2) __________________ times. It's also near
Hoan Kiem Lake and the Old Quater, so you can spend time looking round and (3)
__________________ Vietnamese culture.

Nam: I'm fascinated by traditional (4) __________________. At weekends, I usually go to Bat

Trang, a (5) __________________ village not far from Ha Noi centre. My friend's relatives live
there and they own a workshop. Every time I go there, they teach me how to make
things such as pots, (6) __________________, or bowls. I'm learning to paint on ceramics now.

Hoa: Ha Noi Botanical Garden is the place I like. There are lots of trees from different (7)
__________________, a lake, and a small hill. I usually climb up the hill and read books at the
top because there's a large lawn. After that I go down and feed the pigeons. Sometimes I
just sit on the bench, watching people dancing or playing sports. It's a nice place for
those who love (8) ______________ and quietness.

Bài 2: Dịch bài nghe bên trên.

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Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


TOPIC: Talk about the local traditional crafts, their benefits and challenges

(Nói về các làng nghề thủ công truyền thống, lợi ích và thách thức)

I. Introduction
- Introduce yourself
- Introduce the topic
II. Body: Lậ p dà n ý theo cá c ý sau
- The benefits of local traditional crafts
- The challenges that local traditional crafts are facing
III. Conclusion
- Khẳ ng định lạ i nộ i dung đã nó i ở phầ n mở bà i

Detailed outline

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

I. Introduction

Hello, my name is Huong and I am currently a student in class 9B at ABC Secondary

School. As you all know, Vietnam is very famous for its landscapes, cuisines, especially
local traditional crafts. And today, I am extremely happy to talk to you about the local
traditional crafts in Vietnam, its benefits and challenges.

II. Body

- On one hand, traditional crafts have many benefits, such as providing

employment, preserving cultural heritage, and helping develop tourism.  
+ Firstly, traditional crafts provide many people, especially young ones in rural areas
with job opportunities. Now, besides farming, they can live on handicraft making or
other follow-up services.  

+ Secondly, traditional crafts help preserve cultural heritage which is shown through
sophisticated handicrafts by skillful artisans.  

+ In addition, more and more tourists like visiting craft villages and buying handicrafts
as souvenirs. Therefore, local tourism will develop quickly.  

- On the other hand, Vietnamese craftsmen have faced some challenges.  

+ As tourism develops, handicrafts are at risk of losing authenticity. They may be made
for the commercial demands of tourists rather than for the real purpose of art.  

+ Waste treatment and pollution are other issues in craft villages because waste is often
directly released into the local environment without proper treatment.  

+ And there’s a lot of competition from other countries like China or India, which can
limit the attraction to both domestic and foreign tourists.

III. Conclusion

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Local traditional crafts are becoming essential part in Vietnam’s culture. Thanks to
them, more and more tourists come to Vietnam. In spite of having many benefits, local
traditional crafts are facing a lot of challenges which need solutions from government,
local authorities and the residents.
Bài nói của em

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S Words Pronuncia Meaning Examples

TT tion
1 fabulous /ˈfæbjələs/ tuyệt vờ i, Life in the city is more

. (adj) tuyệt diệu fabulous than in the country.

2 reliable /rɪˈlaɪəbl/ đá ng tin The attempt will be to

. (adj) cậ y project Kerala as reliable

supplier of quality flowers to
3 metropol /ˌmetrə (thuộ c về) For decades, center

. itan (adj) ˈpɒlɪtən/ đô thị cities of metropolitan areas

were regarded as the growth
engines of their suburbs.
Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

4 multicult /ˌmʌlti đa vă n hó a Britain is increasingly

. ural (adj) ˈkʌltʃərəl/ a multicultural society.

5 variety /vəˈraɪəti/ sự phong This variety of tomato

. (n) phu, đa dạ ng is particularly good, and is

resistant to disease.
6 grow up /ɡrəʊ ʌp/ lớ n lên, We hope each

. (ph.v) trưở ng thà nh generation will grow up to

be better and kinder adults
than the last.
7 packed /pækt/ chậ t ních Everyone has seen on

. (adj) ngườ i television a packed football

ground with 50,000
spectators crammed
8 urban /ˈɜːbən/ (thuộ c) đô Pollution has reached

. (adj) thị, thà nh thị disturbingly high levels in

some urban areas.
9 oceania /ˌəʊsi châ u Đạ i Oceania has

. (n) ˈɑːniə/ Dương traditionally been divided

into four parts: Australasia,
Melanesia, Micronesia, and
1 medium- /ˈmiːdiəm- cỡ vừ a, cỡ At first, the major cities

0. sized (adj) saɪzd/ trung grew in size, then the

increase spread to medium-
sized towns after 1970.
1 forbidde /fəˈbɪdn/ bị cấ m The community is

1. n (adj) forced to shut down the

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

for-bid- library, because all the

den books contain the forbidden
1 easy- /ˈiːzi- thoả i má i, He had an easy-going

2. going (adj) ˈɡəʊɪŋ/ dễ tính manner, which made him a

natural and popular leader.
ea-sy go-
1 downtow /ˌdaʊn trung tâ m There was a bar not

3. n (adj) ˈtaʊn/ thà nh phố , khu too far from here, just in the
thương mạ i downtown area of the city.
1 skyscrap / nhà cao Finding no skyscrapers

4. er (n) ˈskaɪskreɪpə/ chọ c trờ i and tall buildings from

which he can swing, he looks
for an alternative.
1 stuck /stʌk/ mắ c ket, Many people were

5. (adj) khô ng di chuyển stuck in the elevator

đươc yesterday due to the fire.

S Words Pronuncia Meaning Examples
TT tion
1. wander /ˈwɒndə/ đi lang We turned a corner of

(v) thang the road and wandered

down another street much
the same as the others.
2. affordabl /əˈfɔːdəbl/ (giá cả ) Everyone is entitled to

e (adj) phả i chă ng a break and often the only

affordable time is outside
Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

ble school holiday periods.

3. conduct /kənˈdʌkt/ thự c hiện Student surveys will be

(v) conducted each year to

assess their satisfaction with
the course.
4. determin /dɪˈtɜːmɪn/ xá c định Lily had determined

e (v) that she would not be sad.

5. factor (n) /ˈfæktə/ yếu tố The result will be a

fac-tor factor in his decision

6. conflict /ˈkɒnfl ɪkt/ xung độ t I think there is serious

(n) conflict between science and

most religions.
7. indicator /ˈɪndɪkeɪtə/ chỉ số They are a poor

(n) indicator of the level of

district health board output,
8. asset (n) /ˈæset/ tà i sả n The junior Saturday

a-sset morning drama class is a

valued asset to many
9. urban /ˈɜːbən sự đô thị Because of urban

sprawl (n) sprɔːl/ hó a sprawl, it's more difficult for

people to get in touch with
the natural world.
10. index (n) /ˈɪndeks/ chỉ số The two-page index

in-dex includes only the names of


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11. metro /ˈmetrəʊ/ tà u điện Hong Kong is famous

(n) ngầ m as a crowded city, but the

metro was built with large
12. dweller /ˈdwelə/ cư dâ n Peasants and town

(n) dwellers paid numerous

taxes to the church.
13. negative /ˈneɡətɪv/ tiêu cự c In Vietnam, for

(adj) example, a direct refusal or

negative answer is
considered impolite and
14. for the /fə(r) ðə hiện thờ i, For the time being,

time being taɪm ˈbiːɪŋ/ trong lú c nà y environment is destroyed by

many people’s activities.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166



1 tuyệt vờ i, tuyệt diệu

2 đá ng tin cậ y

3 (thuộ c về) đô thị

4 đa văn hó a

5 sự phong phú , đa dạ ng

6 lớ n lên, trưở ng thà nh

7 chậ t ních ngườ i

8 (thuộ c) đô thị, thà nh thị

9 châ u Đạ i Dương

1 cỡ vừ a, cỡ trung

1 bị cấ m

1 thoả i má i, dễ tính

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

1 trung tâ m thà nh phố , khu

3. thương mạ i
1 nhà cao chọ c trờ i

1 mắ c kẹt, khô ng di chuyển đươc


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1. đi lang thang
2. (giá cả ) phả i chă ng
3. thự c hiện
4. xá c định
5. yếu tố
6. xung độ t
7. chỉ số
8. tà i sản
9. sự đô thị hó a
10. chỉ số
11. tà u điện ngầ m
12. cư dâ n
13. tiêu cự c
14. hiện thờ i, trong lú c nà y

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Form 1:
Ex: He is as tall as his father.

be/ V + as + adj/ adv + as

Form 2:
Ex: My house is the same height as his.

be + the same + noun + as

Form 3: (giố ng về vẻ bề ngoà i)

S1 + be + like + S2
= S1 and S2 + be + alike

Ex: Her house is like your house.

= Her house and your house are alike.
Form 4:

S1 + be + similar to + S2
= S1 and S2 + be + similar

Ex: Her house is similar to your house.

= Her house and your house are similar.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


a. Short Adj/ Adv (tính từ/ trạng từ ngắn): là nhữ ng từ có 1 â m tiết và nhữ ng từ có 2
â m tiết kết thú c tậ n cù ng là “y” => ngắ n: early, healthy, happy, pretty, dry, ...

be/V + adj/ adv - er + than

Ex: She is fatter than her mother.

b. Long Adj/ Adv (tính từ/ trạng từ dài): là nhữ ng từ có 2 â m tiết trở lên.

be/V + more + adj/ adv + than

Ex: He is more generous than his brother.

Note: Trướ c so sá nh hơn có thể có “much”, “far”, “so”, “a little”, “a lot”, “a bit”
Ex: That car is much more expensive than that motorbike.


a. Short Adj/ Adv:


S + be/V + the adj/ adv - est + ...........

Ex: Vinh is the tallest in our class.

b. Long Adj/ Adv: là nhữ ng từ có 2 â m tiết trở lên.

S + be/V + the most adj/ adv + ...........

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Ex: Diep is the most attractive girl in their team.

Note: Một số Adj, Adv so sánh bất quy tắc:

Tính từ So sánh hơn So sánh nhất

good/well better best
bad worse worst
little less least
much / many more most
far (place + time) further furthest
far (place) farther farthest
late (time) later latest
near (place) nearer nearest
old (people and older/elder oldest/eldest

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Bài 1: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành những câu sau.

1. Anna needs more sunscreen than Megan because she is ______ than her sister.

A: fair B: fairer C: fairest D: the fairest

2. Darius is the ______ boy in the basket team.

A: tall B: the taller C: taller D: tallest

3. That baseball ______ missed hitting the coach.

A: narrowly C: narrowlier

B: more narrowly D: most narrowly

4. The cheetah is the ______ land animal.

A: fast B: faster C: the faster D: fastest

5. My team is working ______ than your team.

A: quickly C: more quickly

B: quickier D: most quickly

6. After studying world religions, I am now ______ than I was before.

A: ignorant C: least ignorant

B: less ignorant D: the least ignorant

7. Studies found that students who did not gossip were the ______ in high school.

A: popular C: most popular

B: more popular D: the most popular

8. I didn't expect today's weather to be so ______.

A: cool B: cooler C: more cool D: coolest

9. After surgery, Nathan said his arm ______ than we expected.

A: weakly B: weaklier C: more weakly D: most weakly

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10. That is the ______ I have ever seen you move.

A: slow B: slowly C: slower D: slowest
Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành những câu sau.

1. These factors contribute to making city life____________for its residents.

A. more difficult B. as difficult as C. the more difficult

2. Nothing is__________than being stuck in a traffic jam.

A. worse B. more badly C. worst

3. These fun cards will encourage kids to spell__________.

A. better B. better than C. more good

4. Karachi in Pakistan is the second__________city in the world in population.

A. larger B. largest C. more larger

5. Air pollution is the__________problem in Beijing.

A. more serious B. most serious C. most seriously

6. The last exhibition was not__________this one.

A. interesting than B. most interesting C. as interesting as

Bài 3: Điền dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc. Thêm “the” khi cần thiết.

Da Nang is the third (1. large) ______________________ city in Viet Nam. Its population is a
lot (2. small) ______________________ than Ho Chi Minh City or Ha Noi, but it is now by far (3.
popular) ______________________ tourist destination in the country. Da Nang is probably
well-known for its resorts, beaches and mountains. It is also considered one of (4.
clean) ______________________ cities in the world. Their residents contribute (5.
actively) ______________________ to environmental protection than many other places. For
some people, this makes Da Nang (6. good) ______________________ place to live in Viet Nam.

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Bài 4: Điền vào chỗ trống dạng so sánh thích hợp của từ trong ngoặc.

1. This is (good) food I’ve ever eaten in this country.

2. HUy’s new haircut is (trendy) than the previous one.

3. The building looks much (nice) _____in green than the previous white.

4. I had to drive my car along (narrow) road in the region.

5. Huong’s house is (far) from the city centre than my house.

6. In my opinion, living in the city is (hard) ____ than living in the country.

7. I think this is (noisy) part of the city.

8. This forest was (dangerous) than we thought.

9. Could you show me the way to (near) cinema?

10. The trip to Da Nang was (interesting) for us.

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1. Transitive or Intransitive (Nội - Ngoại động từ thành ngữ)

- Ngoạ i độ ng từ thà nh ngữ đượ c theo sau bở i 1 tâ n ngữ như trong ví dụ :
VD: I can’t keep up with him.  

- Nộ i độ ng từ thà nh ngữ khô ng cầ n có tâ n ngữ theo sau như trong ví dụ :

VD: What time do you usually get up? 

2. Inseparable or Separable (Động từ thành ngữ không thể và có thể tách rời)

2.1. Inseparable phrasal verbs (Độ ng từ thà nh ngữ khô ng thể tá ch rờ i)

- Là cá c độ ng từ thà nh ngữ mà cá c thà nh phầ n củ a nó khô ng thể tá ch rờ i nhau khi

có tâ n ngữ đi kèm.
- Cá c độ ng từ thà nh ngữ khô ng thể tá ch rờ i có thể là cá c nộ i độ ng từ thà nh
ngữ  như get up, set off, cá c tổ hợ p độ ng từ thà nh ngữ gồ m ba từ  (độ ng từ + trạ ng
từ + giớ i từ ) như put up with, look forward to và  mộ t số ngoạ i độ ng từ thà nh
ngữ  như look after, deal with, v.v.
Ví dụ :

• He used to get up late when he was a student. √ 

• He used to get late up when he was a student. Χ

• I don’t think Fred gets on with Daniel. They always argue. √ 

• I don’t think Fred gets Daniel on with. They always argue. Χ

• I don’t think Fred gets on Daniel with. They always argue. Χ

• They’re taking tougher measures to deal with air pollution. √

• They’re taking tougher measures to deal air pollution with. Χ

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2.2. Separable phrasal verbs (Độ ng từ thà nh ngữ có thể tá ch rờ i)

- Mộ t số ngoạ i độ ng từ thà nh ngữ có thể tá ch rờ i, tứ c là tâ n ngữ có thể đứ ng giữ a

độ ng từ và tiểu từ (giớ i từ /trạ ng từ ).
- Nếu tâ n ngữ theo sau là  danh từ / cụ m danh từ , nó có thể đứ ng ở vị trí sau cụ m
độ ng từ thà nh ngữ , tứ c là sau thà nh phầ n tiểu từ . Và tâ n ngữ đó cũ ng có thể đứ ng
giữ a cụ m độ ng từ thà nh ngữ , hay nó i cá ch khá c là xen giữ a độ ng từ và tiểu từ .
Ví dụ :

• You should take your hat off in the cinema. √ 

• You should take off your hat in the cinema. √ 

- Tuy nhiên, khi tâ n ngữ củ a cụ m độ ng từ thà nh ngữ là cá c đạ i từ là m tâ n ngữ

như me, you, us, him, her, them, it thì chú ng chỉ có mộ t vị trí là  đứ ng giữ a cụ m độ ng
từ thà nh ngữ  đó .
• Wearing a hat is not allowed here so please take it off. √  
• Wearing a hat is not allowed here so please take off it. Χ

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Bài 1: Xác định những động từ thành ngữ sau là có thể tách rời (S) hay không thể
tách rời (I) bằng cách gõ S hoặc I vào ô trống.

_________ live on _________ set off

_________ grow up _________ put up with

_________ take off _________ put on

_________ turn off _________ look forward to

Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu.

1. When I ______, the town hall was already full of teenagers.

A. turned up B. turned off C. turned on

2. That’s enough for today – let’s ______it tomorrow.

A. go up B. go on with C. go on

3. He’d like to have more time to ______everything before he makes a decision.

A. think over B. get over C. take over

4. Remember to ______your shoes when you enter a Japanese house.

A. take over B. take care C. take off

5. It’s not easy to ______smoking. My uncle has tried to do it lots of times without success.

A. cheer up B. give up C. sign up

Bài 3: Hoàn thành đoạn văn với dạng đúng của các động từ cho sẵn.

Live find apply go cheer give go grow turn

Linh was born and (1)__________________ up in a small village. He left home for the city to
work three months ago. Linh soon (2)__________________ out that everything there was a lot

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

more expensive than in his village. Prices were (3)__________________ up all the time and he
was not paid well. It was hard for him (4)__________________ on his small salary. Hence, he
decided (5)__________________ for a part-time job as a waiter to make extra money.
Unfortunately, he was (6)__________________ down since he did not have previous
experience. However, Linh did not (7)_____________ up easily. He (8) ________________ himself
up and (9)_____________on finding another job opportunity.

Bài 4:Điền vào chỗ trống những cụm động từ cho trước dưới đây)

find out look after sit down hurry up look up

fill in take off get on try on put out

1. ____________________ your shoes. (Remove)

2. Somebody has to ____________________ the baby. (Take care of)

3. She wants to ____________________ the truth? (Discover)

4. Where can I ____________________ the sweater? (See if it fits)

5. ____________________. (Be quick)

6. Why don't you____________________ ? (Take a seat)

7. I will ____________________ the train now. (Enter)

8. ____________________  the word in a dictionary. (Consult a dictionary)

9. I want to ____________________  the form. (Complete)

10. The firemen ____________________  the fire. (Extinguish)

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Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. A. wipe B. alive C. micro D. link

2. A. cleaner B. threat C. ahead D. instead
3. A. breathe B. ethane C. theater D. healthy
4. A. choose B. moon C. food D. look
5. A. burden B. survive C. curtain D. furnish
6. A. camel B. sandy C. travel D. stable
7. A. dune B. hummock C. scrublands D. gun
8. A. basic B. desert C. president D. season
9. A. separate B. network C. dessert D. crest
10. A. stretches B. slopes C. ranges D. faces
Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. Villagers are more kind, friendly and warm-hearted than city .

A. dwellers B. foreigners C. beginners D. movers
2. You can see the of the suburbs in Hanoi with many apartment buildings,
supermarkets, shopping centres, and schools.
A. urban area B. convenience C. urban sprawl D. living condition
3. Dong Khoi Street is the main shopping street in the of downtown in Ho Chi
Minh City.
A. mind B. heart C. head D. spot
4. It is considered that life in a city is wonderful and .
A. funny B. boring C. enjoyable D. helpful

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

5. No city in America has monuments and museums into one area as

Washington, DC.
A. as much B. such many C. as many D. a few
6. My passport last week, so I will have to get a new one.
A. elapsed B. expired C. ended D. terminated
7. The department is also deeply in various improvement schemes.
A. connected B. entailed C. involved D. implied
8. Her answer was so confused that I could hardly make any of it at all.
A. interpretation B. meaning C. intelligibility D. sense
9. The main attraction of the job was that it offered the to do the research.
A. possibility B. proposal C. opportunity D. prospect
10.I wish my mother would tell me what I do in this difficult situation.
A. shall B. would C. should D. ought
11.A competitor may submit any number of entries , each one is accompanied by
a packet top.
A. supposing B. notwithstanding C. assuredly D. provided
12.Her family always kept on good with their next-door neighbours for the
children’s sake.
A. friendship B. relations C. will D. terms
13.Lam earns his living by old paintings.
A. reviving B. restoring C. reforming D. replenishing
14.Hotel rooms must be by noon, but luggage may be left with the porter.
A. vacated B. evacuated C. abandoned D. left

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15.The majority of nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession
women are in a .
A. rarity B. minority C. scarcity D. minimum
Bài 3: Cho dạng đúng của từ in đậm.

1. Ha Noi, the Old Quarter, become a perfect city for walking with
handicraft shops, street food, etc. ESPECIAL
2. Ha Long Bay, which means descending dragon, is the heritage of the
world with 1,6000 limestone islands. NATURE
3. Below Sa Pa are rice terraces in the endless valley. PICTURE
4. Besides the beach, the main in Da Nang is the Museum of Cham
Sculpture with the world’s largest collection of Cham artefacts. ATTRACT
5. Da Nang becomes one of the most destinations for travelers to Viet
Nam with the number of three million tourists a year. POPULARITY
6. Hoi An used to be one of the ports of Southeast Asia, which were used
by the Japanese, Portuguese, Dutch, French and Chinese merchants.BUSY
7. Nha Trang, a coastal city in Central Viet Nam, is generally recognized
as Viet Nam’s main beach destination. DELIGHT
8. Formerly known as Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City is a metropolis which is still young but
9. The Mekong Delta is well-known for its busy waterways with many rivers, canals and
streams through the region. FLOW
10.Phu Quoc Island is the place for riding, snorkeling, scuba diving, and
relaxing. IDEA

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Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành bài văn sau.

Hello! My name is Herman. I live in a big city in Germany and it’s quite exciting!
There are lots of things to do. My parents bought a flat near a park where I can ride my
bike or (1) skateboarding. My brother is older than me and I
also go to the cinema with him. The city library is a great place. I usually meet my
friends there and we do our school (2) or study together.
Of course living in a big city is not easy. City life can be fast, tiring and stressful. The
streets are always (3) and noisy. Because of the cars is polluted
sometimes. People are so busy that they (4) have time for their
neighbours or friends. But I can’t see myself moving to the (5) . I just love living
in the city too much.
1. A. go B. do C. play D. sail
2. A. workshop B. projects C. playgrounds D. competitions
3. A. bored B. surprised C. crowded D. exhausted
4. A. usually B. always C. often D. rarely
5. A. university B. countryside C. mountain D. building
Bài 5: Đọc bài văn sau và chọn True hoặc False.

London is the biggest city in Britain. More than 7 million people live and work there.
It is one of the most important cities in the world. It is a centre for business and for
tourism. London consists of three parts: The City of London, the East End and the West
End. In the City of London there are many banks, offices and Stocks Exchange. In the
West End we can see many historical places, parks, shops and theatres. It is the world of
rich people and money. The East End is the district where working people live and work.
The Port of London is also there. You can have a very good time in this city. You can visit
different cinemas, theatres and museums. The “Odeon” is one of the most famous

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

cinemas of the country. The most famous museums are: The British Museum and the
Tate Gallery. There are many shops in London. Oxford Street is London’s main shopping
centre. People from all over the world buy clothes, shoes, toys and souvenirs there. The
street is more than a mile long. The best known departments are Selfridges and John
Lewis. The largest park in London is Hyde Park with its Speaker’s Comer. Sit on the
green grass and try England’s favourite food – fish and chips.

Statements Tr F
ue alse
1. There are lots of theatres, parks and historical places in the
City of London.
2. The Port of London is in the East End of London.
3. Working people live and work in the West End of
4. The “Odeon” is a famous museum in London.
5. People go to Oxford Street to buy clothes and souvenirs.
6. People from all over the world don’t buy clothes, shoes, toys
and souvenirs in London.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Bài 6: Chọn đáp án thích hợp trong bảng để điền vào chỗ trống.

A. where the Queen lives D. where the Romans landed

B. which is the biggest E. where you can
buy anything
C. which are much bigger F. where you can
London has a population of about 7,000,000. It lies on the River Thames, (1)___________
nearly 2,000 years ago. From about 1800 until World War Two, London was the biggest
city in the world, but now there are many cities (2) _________.
London is famous for many things. Tourists come from all over the world to visit its
historic buildings, such as Buckingham Palace, (3)___________, and the House of
Parliament, (4)___________ and hear the famous clock, Big Ben. They also come to visit its
theatres, its museums, and its many shops, such as Harrods, (5)____________. And of course
they want to ride on the big wheel next to the river.
Like many big cities, London has problems with traffic and pollution. Over 1,000,000
people a day use the London Underground, but there are still too many cars on the
streets. The air isn’t clean, but it is cleaner than it was 100 years ago.
For me, the best thing about London is the parks. There are five in the city centre. But
my children’s favorite place is Hamleys, (6)__________ toy shop in the world.
Bài 7: Sử dụng các từ và cụm từ cho sẵn để viết bài văn hoàn chỉnh.

1. The enormous 28-metre figure of Jesus gazing across/ East Sea with outstretched
arms/ be/ located at the Southern end/ Small Mountain.
2. Built in 1971, this giant Jesus/ rest/ on a 10 metre-high platform.
Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

3. The interior/ the statue/ is hollow/ contains a spiral staircase/129 steps, ascending/
from the foot/ of the statue/ to its neck.
4. The two shoulders of the figure/ be balconies, each able/ accommodate/ up to six
people, which offer/ a splendid view/ the Surrounding landscape.
5. This is/ largest sculpture/ Southern Viet Nam. Recent construction a pathway/ have
made the 30-minute hike up the mountain/ more pleasant/ the panoramic view along
the way/ be magnificent.

Bài 8: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. In all the world, there (be) ___________________ only 14 mountains that (reach)
____________________above 8,000 meters.

2. He sometimes (come) ____________________ to see his parents.

3. When I (come) ____________________, she (leave) ____________________for Dalat ten minutes


4. My grandfather never (fly) ____________________ in an airplane, and he has no intention of

ever doing so.

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5. We just (decide) ____________________ that we (undertake) ______________________ the job.

6. He told me that he (take) ____________________ a trip to California the following week.

7. I knew that this road (be) ____________________ too narrow.

8. Right now I (attend) ____________________ class. Yesterday at this time I (attend)


9. Tomorrow I'm going to leave for home. When I (arrive) ____________________at the
airport, Mary (wait) ____________________ for me.

10. Margaret was born in 1950. By last year, she (live) ____________________on this earth for
55 years .

Bài 9: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi, sử dụng các từ trong ngoặc.

1. The Landmark 72 is the tallest building in this city. (is)

No building in this city ___________________________________________________________
2. I’ll consider it carefully and give you an answer tomorrow. (over)
I’ll _______________________________________________________________________________
3. We have never stayed at a worse hotel than this. (the)
This _______________________________________________________________________________
4. Please continue doing your work and don’t let anything interrupt you. (go)
Please _____________________________________________________________________________
5. I think Da Nang is not so exciting as Hanoi. (more)
I think Hanoi___________________________________________________________
6. Our city has seven big shopping malls. (There)

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Bài 1: Sử dụng các cụm động từ trong bảng để điền vào chỗ trống.

showed round put down grew up turned off thought over

turned down look up look forward to lived up to get on with

1. Miss Diep didn’t know the correct spelling so she had to it in the

2. She’s it and has made up her mind; she’s going to take the job
in New York.

3. Can you your name, telephone number and email address in

the book, please?

4. My hotel was amazing and it all my expectations.

5. Mark was born in the East End, but he in the West End.

6. The guide us the historic parts of the city.

7. He doesn’t know why she his invitation to the party.

8. Vinh is very friendly. He most of my friends.

9. We are all seeing our grandparents again.

10. Miss Hang the Music and went to bed because it was quite late.

Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. The city has recently set _____ a library in the West Suburb.

A. up B. off C. out

2. The last exhibition was not ______ this one.

A. as interesting B. more interesting than C. so interesting as

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

3. I don’t think Fred gets _____ with Daniel. They always argue.

A. over B. through C. on

4. This city is developing ______ in the region.

A. as fast as B. faster than C. the fastest

5. You should take your hat _____ in the cinema.

A. in B. over C. off

6. You’re not a safe driver! You should drive ______.

A. careful B. careless C. more carefully

7. Their children have all grown _____ and left home for the city to work.

A. up B. out C. out of

8. I was disappointed as the film was ______ than I had expected.

A. as entertaining B. less entertaining C. more entertaining

9. We were shown _____ the town by a volunteer student.

A. up B. off C. around

10. Let’s take this road. It is ______ way to the city.

A. the shortest B. a shorter C. A and B are correct

11. The town council decided to pull _____ the building, as it was unsafe.

A. up B. over C. down

12. Air pollution has a bad influence _____ the environment.

A. at B. in C. on

13. Karachi in Pakistan is the _____ largest city in the world in population.

A. most B. two C. second

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14. Hai Duong is famous _____ its green bean cakes.

A. for B. ofC. with

15. The prospect of doing _____ cheered her up considerably.

A. something different

B. different something

C. differently something

Bài 3:Viết lại các câu sau bắt đầu bằng từ cho trước sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi.

1. This is the most delicious cake I've ever tasted.

=> I've _____________________________________________________________________________

2. I've never met any more dependable person than George.

=> George is _______________________________________________________________________

3. There isn't anybody as kind-hearted as your mother.

=> Your mother is_________________________________________________________________

4. There is no better teacher in this school than Mr John.

=> Mr John is_________________________________________________________________

5. Have you got any bigger than that one?

=> Is this ___________________________________________________________________________?

6. Her old house is bigger than her new one.

-> Her new house_________________________________________________________________

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7. No one in my class is taller than Peter.

-> Peter _________________________________________________________________

8. The black dress is more expensive than the white one.

-> The white dress _________________________________________________________________

9. According to me, English is easier than Maths.

-> According to me, Maths _________________________________________________________

10. No one in my group is more intelligent than Mary.

-> Mary _________________________________________________________________

11. No river in the world is longer than the Nile.

-> The Nile _________________________________________________________________

12. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

-> No mountain _________________________________________________________________

13. This is the first time I have ever met such a pretty girl.

-> She is _________________________________________________________________

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Bài 1: Nghe và điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.

Suzanne lives in Bangkok with her husband and two children. Her office is (1)
_______________ kilometers away but it takes her two hours to get there by car every

“Some cities have problems with pollution, (2) _______________, or bad weather -
here we have traffic jams,” she says. Before going to the office, she has to take her
children to school - so she sets off at 5 a.m. The children (3) _______________ until they
arrive at school. Then Suzanne begins her journey to the office.

In the evening the traffic is even (4) _______________. Traffic moves in the city
centre at half a kilometre an hour. In (5) _______________ weather it doesn't move at all.

But why is it so bad? In the past, more people moved around Bangkok by (6)
_______________. Now so many people have a car, and there aren't enough roads in the
city. The Sky train and metro can help a bit, but they are limited in range and don't
cover all parts of the city.

Bài 2: Dịch bài vừa nghe trên.

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Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

TOPIC: Talk about important features of a city

(Nó i về cá c đặ c trưng quan trọ ng củ a mộ t thà nh phố )

I. Introduction
- Introduce yourself
- Introduce the topic
II. Body: Lập dàn ý theo các ý sau
- Location
- Foundation
- Population
- Main features
- Attractions
III. Conclusion
- Khẳ ng định lạ i nộ i dung đã nó i ở phầ n mở bà i

Detailed outline

I. Introduction

Hello, my name is Huong and I am currently a student in class 9B at ABC

Secondary School. Have anyone of you ever visited Da Nang? Well, there are many
interesting features about this city that I want to share with you today.  

II. Body

- Da Nang is a lovely city in Central Viet Nam.

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- Founded in 1889, the city has a population of more than 1.3 million people. Its
population is a lot smaller than Ha Noi or Ho Chi Minh City, but it’s by far the
most popular tourist destination in Viet Nam.  
- Da Nang has a lot of tranquil beaches and scenic mountains, so the weather here
is usually cool and fresh.  That’s the reason why many people choose this city as
the destination for their summer vacation. Moreover, Da Nang cuisine is different
from other regions in Viet Nam and each dish has the special and unique taste.
The city’s specialties such as Quang noodle, sliced pork rolled with rice paper,
fish cake noodle soup, and sizzling cake really impress tourists.  

- Besides, the city is famous for a variety of fabulous attractions, such as Linh Ung
Pagoda, Ba Na Hills, Fantasy Park, Dragon Bridge, Marble Mountains, Da Nang
Cathedral and Cham Museum. Especially, tourists visiting the city between April
and June may have a chance to watch fascinating fireworks in the annual Da
Nang International Fireworks Festival.  

- But the best thing about Da Nang is that unlike other big cities, the city is very
clean and peaceful – it is considered one of the cleanest cities in the world.  
III. Conclusion

Personally, I find Da Nang very interesting and attractive. Therefore, explore

the city if possible, it’s worth your time. 

Bài nói của em

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


S Words Pronunci Meani Examples
TT ation ng
1 adolescen /ˌædə giai Mary spent her

. ce (n) ˈlesns/ đoạ n vị thà nh childhood and adolescence

niên in Europe
2 adulthood / giai His mother took care

. (n) ˈædʌlthʊd/ đoạ n trưở ng of her nine children, only

thà nh six of whom survived into
3 calm (adj) /kɑːm/ bình He wanted to be calm

. tĩnh and strong in his

expression of feeling to
4 cognitive /ˈkɒɡnətɪv kĩ nă ng All children need to

. skill (n) skɪl/ tư duy have cognitive skills to

study at school.
5 concentra / tậ p I went home and

. te (v) kɒnsntreɪt/ trung tried to concentrate on

some work but couldn't.
6 confident / tự tin You have to be

. (adj) ˈkɒnfɪdənt/ confident in your own

ability and trust the people
you have around you.
Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

7 delighted /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/ vui Ben smiled a

. (adj) sướ ng delighted smile, took a

deep breath and began to
8 depressed /dɪˈprest/ tuyệt I was very depressed

. (adj) vọ ng when I saw it break on the

9 embarras /ɪm xấ u hổ I felt quite

. sed (adj) ˈbærəst/ embarrassed whenever I

talked to her.
1 emergenc /i tình The team carried out

0. y (n) ˈmɜːdʒənsi/ huố ng khẩ n emergency operations day

cấ p and night by torchlight.
1 frustrated /frʌ bự c bộ i I do not know

1. (adj) ˈstreɪtɪd/ (vì khô ng giả i whether there is a process

quyết đượ c whereby that very
việc gì) frustrated person can bring
his case.
1 helpline /ˈhelplaɪn/ đườ ng There are a number

2. (n) dâ y nó ng trợ of helplines and

giú p organizations which can
offer advice.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


S Words Pronunci Meani Examples
TT ation ng
1. house- /haʊs- kĩ nă ng At least you should

keeping ˈkiːpɪŋ skɪl/ là m việc nhà know some house-keeping

skills to help your parents
skill (n)
with housework.
2. independ /ˌɪndɪ sự độ c Its the only way we

ence (n) ˈpendəns/ lậ p, tự lậ p will ensure that we achieve

financial independence in
the long run.
3. informed /ɪnˈfɔːmd quyết Due to the work’s

decision (n) dɪˈsɪʒn/ định có câ n importance, Mary should

nhắ c make an informed
4. left out /left aʊt/ cả m Luckily, I have a lot of

(adj) thấ y bị bỏ rơi, nice friends, so I am not left

bị cô lậ p out in my class.
5. life skill /laɪf skɪl/ kĩ nă ng Schools should have
số ng life skill course for
6. relaxed /rɪˈlækst/ thoả i I found it to be a

(adj) má i, thư giã n relaxed atmosphere, where

I could converse with
friends over a quiet drink.
7. resolve /rɪˈzɒlv giả i Everyone needs to be

conflict (v) ˈkɒnflɪkt/ quyết xung calm to resolve conflict in

độ t the best way.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

8. risk /rɪsk liều lĩnh You are such a risk -

taking (n) teɪkɪŋ/ taking boy that you can do

this work on your own.
9. self- /self-ə tự nhậ n After 2 hours, I am

aware (adj) ˈweə(r)/ thứ c, ngộ ra self aware that I have made
such a serious mistake.
10. self- /self- tự rèn The activity in class

disciplined ˈdɪsəplɪnd/ luyện today teaches me to be

self-desciplined in every
11. stressed /strest/ că ng She should see a

(adj) thẳ ng, mệt doctor if she is feeling

mỏ i particularly stressed out.
12. tense /tens/ că ng She sighed and

(adj) thẳ ng stretched her tense

13. worried /ˈwɜːrid/ lo lắ ng Michelle knew that

(adj) her friends were very

worried about her.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166



1 giai đoạ n vị thà nh niên

2 giai đoạ n trưở ng thà nh

3 bình tĩnh

4 kĩ năng tư duy

5 tậ p trung

6 tự tin

7 vui sướ ng

8 tuyệt vọ ng

9 xấ u hổ

1 tình huố ng khẩ n cấ p

1 bự c bộ i (vì khô ng giả i

1. quyết đượ c việc gì)

1 đườ ng dâ y nó ng trợ giú p

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166



1. kĩ năng là m việc nhà
2. sự độ c lậ p, tự lậ p
3. quyết định có câ n nhắ c
4. cả m thấ y bị bỏ rơi, bị cô

lậ p
5. kĩ năng số ng
6. thoả i má i, thư giã n
7. giả i quyết xung độ t
8. liều lĩnh
9. tự nhậ n thứ c, ngộ ra
10. tự rèn luyện
11. că ng thẳ ng, mệt mỏ i
12. că ng thẳ ng
13. lo lắ ng

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


1. Cấu trúc
Trự c tiếp: “I read these books yesterday” he said.
Giá n tiếp: He said that he had read those books the previous day.
2. Cách chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp
a. Thay đổi chủ ngữ:
Ví dụ : My mother said to me “I will give you a present.”
My mother said to me she would give me a present.
b. Đổi thì động từ: Lùi một thì

Trực tiếp Gián tiếp

- Hiện tạ i đơn giả n - Quá khứ đơn giả n

Tobe: am/is/are/ V/ Vs/es Tobe: Was/were/ Ved

- Hiện tạ i tiếp diễn - Quá khứ tiếp diễn

Am/is/are + Ving Was/were + Ving

- Tương lai đơn giả n (Will) - Would
- Tương lai gầ n
- Was/were going to V
Am/is/are going to V
- Quá khứ đơn +Hiện tạ i hoà n thà nh - Quá khứ hoà n thà nh

Ved / Have, has + P2 Had + P2

- Độ ng từ khuyết thiếu
- Could/ Might/ Had to
Can/ May/ Have to

Lưu ý: Cá c trườ ng hợ p sau đâ y khô ng lù i thì:

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

- Châ n lý, sự thậ t.

- Thì quá khứ hoà n thà nh.
- Câ u thuộ c cấ u trú c đã lù i thì rồ i (Sau: as if, as though, if only, wish, it's high time,
would rather, câ u điều kiện loạ i 2, 3)
Ví dụ: Mary said: “I had forgotten to lock the door before leaving home.”
Mary said she had forgotten to lock the door before leaving home.
c. Thay đổi phụ từ chỉ thời gian và địa điểm

Trực tiếp Gián tiếp

This That
That That
These Those
Here There
Now Then
Today That day
Ago Before
The next day / the
following day
The day before / the
previous day
Next week Next week
The previous week /
Last week
the week before

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

3. Chuyển câu hỏi trực tiếp sang gián tiếp

a. Câu hỏi Yes/No

Ta thêm If/ whether, sau đó thự c hiện cá c bướ c thay đổ i chủ ngữ , bỏ trợ độ ng từ đi,
cho độ ng từ ra phía sau, thay đổ i cá c phụ từ cò n lạ i.
Ví dụ :

- Trự c tiếp: "Does John understand music?" he asked.

🡪Giá n tiếp: He asked if/whether John understood music.

b. Câu hỏi Wh
Giữ nguyên từ hỏ i trong câ u giá n tiếp, sau đó ta thự c hiện cá c bướ c thay đổ i chủ ngữ ,
bỏ trợ độ ng từ đi, cho độ ng từ ra phía sau, thay đổ i cá c phụ từ cò n lạ i.
Ví dụ :
- Trự c tiếp: "What is your name?" he asked.
🡪Giá n tiếp: He asked me what my name was.

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Bài 1: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu thứ hai.

1. Our teacher asked us, “What are you most worried about?”
=> Our teacher asked us_____________________________________

A. what we were most worried about.

B. what you were most worried about.

C. what were we most worried about?

2. "I got a very high score in my last test, Mum," she said.
=> She told her mother_____________________________________

A. she had got a very high score in my last test.

B. she had got a very high score in her last test.

C. she got a very high score in her last test.

3. "Do you sleep at least eight hours a day?" the doctor asked him.
=> The doctor asked him_____________________________________

A. whether he sleeps at least eight hours a day.

B. did he sleep at least eight hours a day?

C. if he slept at least eight hours a day.

4. "You should visit this company’s website", he told me. 

=> He advised me_____________________________________

A. to visit this company’s website.

B. to visit that company's website.

C. visited that company’s website.

5. "I sent you the book last week," my mother told me.
=> My mother said_____________________________________

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

A. she had sent me the book the week before.

B. she had sent me the book the previous week.

C. Both A & B are correct.

Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. The mother asked her son _______.

A. where he had been B. whether I had been

C. where has he been D. where had he been

2. Martin asked me _______.

A. how is my father B. how my father is

C. how was my father D. how my father was

3. The host asked Peter _______ tea or coffee.

A. whether he preferred B. that he preferred

C. did he prefer D. if he prefers

4. She asked me _______ my holidays _______.

A. where I spent/ the previous year

B. where I had spent/ the previous year

C. where I spent/ last year

D. where did I spend/ last year

5. He advised _______ too far.

A. her did not go B. her do not go

C. her not to go D. she did not go

6. John often says he _______ boxing because it _______ a cruel sport.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

A. doesn’t like/ is B. did not like/ were

C. not liked/ had been D. had not liked/ was

7. Nancy asked me why I had not gone to New York the summer _______.

A. before B. ago C. last D. previous

8. He asked _______ him some money.

A. her to lend B. she to lend C. she has lent D. she lends

9. Andrew told me that they _______ fish two _______ days.

A. have not eaten/ ago B. had eaten/ previous

C. did not eat/ before D. would not eat/ last

10. Jason told me that he _______ his best in the exam the _______ day.

A. had done/ following B. will do/ previous

C. would do/ following D. was going/ previous

11. John asked me _______ in English.

A. what does this word mean B. what that word means

C. what did this word mean D. what that word meant

12. The mother told her son _______ so impolitely.

A. not behave B. not to behave C. not behaving D. did not behave

13. She said she _______ collect it for me after work.

A. would B. did C. must D. had

14. She said I _______ an angel.

A. am B. was C. were D. have been

15. I have ever told you he _______ unreliable.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

A. is B. were C. had been D. would be

16. I told him _______ the word to Jane somehow that I _______ to reach her during the
early hours.

A. passing/ will try C. to pass/ would try

B. he will pass/ tried D. he passed/ have tried

17. Laura said she had worked on the assignment since _______.

A. yesterday B. two days ago C. the day before D. the next day

18. John asked me _______ interested in any kind of sports.

A. if I were B. if were I C. if was I D. if I was

19. John asked me _______ that film the night before.

A. that I saw B. had I seen C. if I had seen D. if had I seen

20. The guest told the host that _______.

A. I must go now B. he must go now

C. he had to go now D. he had to go then

Bài 3: Chuyển các câu sau sang lối nói gián tiếp.

1. "Where is my umbrella?" she asked.

She asked_________________________________________________________.

2. "How are you?" Martin asked us.

Martin asked us____how we were_____________________________________________________.

3. He asked, "Do I have to do it?"

He asked__me if I had to do it______________________________________________________.

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4. "Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter.

The mother asked her daughter__where she had

5. "Which dress do l best?" she asked her boyfriend.

She asked her boyfriend__which dress he liked best

6. "What are they doing?" she asked.

She wanted to know__what they were

7. "Are you going to the cinema?" he asked me.

He wanted to know___if ___i was g_________________________________________________.

8. "Are you crazy?" she asked him.

→ She asked him _if ___he _____________________________________________________.

9. "Will you be at the party?" he asked her.

→ He asked her _if _____she would___________________________________________________.

10."Can you meet me at the station?" she asked me.

→ She asked me __if I could meet her at the

11."Did you see that car?" he asked me.

→ He asked me _if I had seen that

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12."Have you tidied up your room?" the mother asked the twins.
→ The mother asked the twins _if __they had_____ tidied up their

13."Stop talking, Joe," the teacher said.

→ The teacher told Joe ____t_____________________________________________________.

14."Be patient," she said to him.

→ She told him _________________________________________________________.

15."Go to your room," her father said to her.

→ Her father told her _________________________________________________________.

16."Don't touch it," she said to him.

→ She told him _________________________________________________________.

17."Don't do that again," he said to me.

→ He told me _________________________________________________________.

18."Don't talk to me like that," he said.

→ He told her _______________________________________________________________.

19."Don't repair the computer yourself," she warned him.

→ She warned him _________________________________________________________.

20.He said, "I like this song."

→ He said ___________________________________________________________________.

21."I don't speak Italian," she said.

→ She said __________________________________________________________________.

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22."The film began at seven o'clock," he said.

→ He said _______________________________________________________________________.

23."I never make mistakes," he said.

→ He said _______________________________________________________________________.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


1. Usage (Cách dùng)

- Trong mộ t số trườ ng hợ p, chú ng ta có thể dù ng “wh-word + toinfinitive ”

như “what to do”, “where to go”... đó ng vai trò là m tâ n ngữ cho mộ t số độ ng từ , nhằ m
biểu thị mộ t tình huố ng khô ng chắ c chắ n hay khó đưa ra quyết định, phá n đoá n.

- Cấ u trú c này có ý nghĩa và chứ c nă ng tương đương vớ i mệnh đề bắ t đầ u bằ ng cá c

từ để hỏ i có chứ a cá c độ ng từ khuyết thiếu như should, can, could, would.

- Ví dụ :

I don’t know what I should wear.  

=> I don’t know what to wear.  

2. Sentence structure (Cấu trúc câu)

- Cấ u trú c:

S + V + (O) + wh-word + to-infinitive (+...)

Trong đó , V thườ ng là : "ask/ wonder/ (not) be sure/ have no idea/ (not) know/ (not)
decide/ (not) tell".

- Ví dụ :

• I have no idea where to get this information. 

• Peter told me how to solve this problem. 

3. Notes (Lưu ý)

- KHÔ NG dù ng "why + to-infinitive":

Vì thế viết như thế này là sai: I can't understand why to do it. Χ
Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

- Cụ m "wh-word + to-infinitive" khô ng thể đứ ng riêng lẻ mộ t mình

- Dù ng "wh-word + to-infinitive" khi:

+ Chủ ngữ  trong mệnh đề chính và  chủ ngữ  củ a “to-infinitive” chỉ cù ng mộ t đố i
tượ ng, hoặ c cù ng nhó m đố i tượ ng:

• He didn't know what he should do.  

= He didn't know what to do.  
• I have no idea when we should leave for the bus.  
= I have no idea when to leave for the bus. 
+ Tâ n ngữ  củ a mệnh đề chính và  chủ ngữ  củ a “to-infinitive” là cù ng mộ t đố i tượ ng,
hoặ c cù ng nhó m đố i tượ ng:

• Nobody told me what I should do. 

= Nobody told me what to do. 

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Điền vào chỗ trống với các từ cho sẵn.

when to start whether who to invite where to hang what to say

1. I really don't know ______________________ in my graduation speech.

2. We're not sure ______________________  the painting.

3. Nguyen asked his teacher ______________________  the computer.

4. He wondered ______________________  to tell that to her.

5. Lan can't decide ______________________  to her birthday party.

Bài 2: Hoàn thành các câu sau với HOW/ WHAT + từ cho sẵn.

do say use ride cook

1. Have you decided _____________________ for dinner this evening?

2. Can you show me _____________________ the washing machine?

3. Do you know _____________________ if there's a fire in the building?

4. You'll never forget _____________________ a bicycle once you have learned.

5. I was really astonished. I didn't know _____________________.

Bài 3: Viết lại câu sử dụng "wh-word + to V".

1. I don't know what I should do.


2. Could you tell me where I can find more information about this?


Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

3. She's not sure howshe should start the computer.


4. My brother wondered how he could deal with this problem.


5. We still don’t know when we will go on a picnic with our friends.


6. I don’t know what I should wear to the party!


7. Could you tell me where I should sign my name?


8. I have no idea when we should leave for the bus.


9. We’re not sure where we should hang the painting.


10. Lan wondered how she could tell this news to her parents.


11. We can’t decide who should go first.


Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. A. skill B. house-keeping C. tense D. decision

2. A. advice B. decision C. delighted D. helpline
3. A. study B. adulthood C. columnist D. frustrated
4. A. concentrate B. self-aware C. stressed D. tense
5. A. embarrassed B. depressed C. helpline D. empathise
6. A. embarrass B. missing C. classmate D. pressure
Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. My family sometimes wondered he did for a living.

A. why B. when C. where D. what
2. Could you please tell me ?
A. It is how far to the nearest bus stop B. how far is it to the nearest bus stop
C. how far to the nearest bus stop is it D. how far it is to the nearest bus stop
3. Huong wondered Lam and Duy would be at the party.
A. that B. whether C. if D. B & C
4. Phong asked me “ ?”
A. How long you have studied English. B. How long had you studied English
C. How long you had study English D. How long you had studied English
5. While many teachers spend some class time teaching skills, students
often need more social skills.
A. study B. studied C. study’s D. studies
6. Huong is not sure she can solve this problem.
A. how B. what C. who D. by whom
Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

7. Mt father asked me the seat or not.

A. if – had occupied C. whether – was occupied
C. if – has been occupied D. whether – occupied
8. By the age of 15, teenagers are better able to a more demanding curriculum.
A. solve B. operate C. handle D. deal
9. My parents asked me to find out it gave me so much trouble.
A. what B. which C. why D. where
10.The policeman asked us .
A. had any of us seen the accident happen
B. if had any of us seen the accident happen
C. whether any of us had seen the accident happen
D. that if any of us had seen the accident happen
11.Hung told us that sometimes he had difficulty his feelings.
A. expressing B. communicating C. sending D. talking
12.My teacher told me that I attend the math course for the higher level
programme that I for.
A. can’t – apply B. couldn’t – apply
C. can’t – applied D. couldn’t – had applied
13.I asked my friend but she said nothing.
A. what the matter was B. what was the matter
C. the matter was what D. what’s the matter was
14.My closest friend is not very and she likes having a small friend group but
I like talking with a lot of people and hanging out.
A. society B. sociable C. social D. socialist

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

15.Duyen asked what information she that assignment.

A. needs to be done B. needed doing
C. need to do D. needed to do
16.Nick him up when the bus reached the square.
A. told me wake B. asked me to wake
C. said me to wake D. requested me waking
17.Nhung was raised very on her parents, and she was that
she wouldn’t live on her own afterwards.
A. dependent - worry B. dependent – worried
C. independent - worry D. independent - worried
18.Thu needs someone to show her how to her anxiety and depression.
A. empathise B. try C. succeed D. manage
19.My mother wonder we’ll catch the bus we’ll take a taxi.
A. if - and whether B. whether - or that
C. if - or that D. whether - or whether
20.The advice columnist said, “It sounds like the problem is not your appearance
but the _____ you see yourself.”
A. route B. distance C. way D. behavior
Bài 3: Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.

1. They were brought up to behave in a way in public.

2. Many people limit their to the sun because their skin burns
very easily. (EXPOSE)

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

3. Trang was worried about her test, and she didn’t sleep well. She was very tired
after a night. (SLEEP)
4. The price of the book is 13 dollar, including and packing.
5. How are you getting on with your course in English. (CORRESPOND)
6. It is for beginning students to make mistakes in English.(AVOID)
7. The of the trains and buses causes frustration and annoyance.
8. This problem is very . Don’t discuss it outside the group.
9. Do you know what the of the river is? (DEEP)
10.She was born blind, but despite this she still managed to become one
of the top pop singers of her generation. (ABLE)
Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành bài văn sau.

You can do a few things to make homework less (1)_____________.

First, be sure you understand the assignment. Write it (2) in your
notebook or day planner if you need to, and don’t be afraid to ask questions about
what is expected. It is much easier to take a minute to ask the teacher during or after
class than to (3)__________ to remember later that night! If you want, you can also ask
how long the particular homework assignment should take to complete so you can
plan your time.
Second, use any extra time you have at school to work on your homework. Many
schools have libraries that are (4) designed to allow students to study or
get homework done. The more work you can get done in school, the (5) you
will have to do at that night.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Third, pace yourself. If you don't finish your homework (6)

school, think about how much you have left and what else is going on that day, and
then plan your time. Most (7) students have between 1 and 3 hours
of homework a night. If it is a heavy homework day, you will need to devote more
time to homework.
No one is (8) to understand everything, and maybe you need some
help. The first place to turn for help is your teacher. But what if you don't feel
comfortable with your teacher? If you are in a big enough school, there may be other
teachers who teach the same subject. Speak to other teachers directly and you may
be in luck. Sometimes it just helps to have someone (9) something
in a different way. (10) , you might also be able to get some help
from another student. If there is someone you like who is a good student, think
about asking that person if you can study together.
1. A. stressful B. purpose C. advantage D. control
2. A. up B. into C. off D. down
3. A. fight B. discuss C. struggle D. add
4. A. specify B. specifically C. special D. specifies
5. A. more B. less C. little D. better
6. A. during B. since C. in D. on
7. A. between B. high-school C. among D. over
8. A. stopped B. leaved C. expected D. marked
9. A. do B. make C. ask D. explain
10. A. Meanwhile B. Therefore C. Although D. Moreover

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Bài 5: Đọc bài sau và chọn đáp án đúng.

British teenagers spend most of their time at school. Students in Britain can leave
school at sixteen (grade 11). This is also the age when most students take their first
important exams, the GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education). Most teens
take between 5-10 subjects, which means a lot of studying. They are spending more
time on homework than teenagers ever before. Forget watching TV, teenagers in
Britain now spend 2-3 hours on homework after school.
School uniform
Visit almost any school in Britain and the first thing you’ll notice is the school
uniform. Although school uniform has its advantages, when they are 15 or 16, most
teenagers are tired of wearing it. When there is more than one school in a town,
school uniforms can highlight differences between schools. In London there are
many cases of bullying and fighting between pupils from different schools.
Clothes and looks
In Britain, some teens judge you by the shirt or trainers you are wearing. 40% of
British teenagers believe it’s important to wear designer labels. If you want to follow
the crowd, you need to wear trendy labels. Teenage feet in Britain wear fashionable
trainers and the more expensive, the better.
1. What do most teenagers in Britain prefer to wear?
A. expensive uniforms C. economical trainers
C. trendy labels D. fashionable hats
2. The word ‘highlight’ in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to .
A. emphasize B. decrease C. confuse D. remark
3. Most students in Britain take the GCSE when .

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

A. they are 16 years old C. they begin grade 12

C. they are 11 years old D. they finish grade 10
4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Most 16-year-old students in Britain don’t like school uniform.
B. Students in Britain can take 8 subjects at the GCSE.
C. Most British teenagers spend 2-3 hours watching TV after school.
D. Many British teenagers judge their friends by their shirts or trainers.
5. What is the first thing you’ll notice when you visit almost any school in Britain?
A. the school gate C. the school uniform
C. the school logo D. the school playground
Bài 6: Chọn từ hoặc cụm từ sai trong các câu sau.

1. Her mother ordered her do not go out with him the night before.
2. The traffic warden asked me why had I parked my car there.
3. He said that he will pick me up at 8 am the following day.
4. She said that the books in the library would be available tomorrow.
5. He advised her thinking about that example again because it needed
6. The receptionist said I must fill out that form before I attended the
7. Marty said a good friendship is like a diamond – a valuable, beautiful and durable.

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8. The mayor apologizedonhaving slept in an international summit and

resigned afterwards.
Bài 7: Hoàn thành các câu sau câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi (từ 3 – 5 từ).

1. John and his father are exactly alike in appearance. LOOKS

=> John his father.
2. Take all your possessions and walk slowly to the exit. BELONGS
=> Take everything and walk slowly to the exit.
3. I’m finding it really enjoyable to work here. ENJOYING
=> I here.
4. I take work home regularly because of my new responsibility at work. MEANS
=> My new responsibility at work work home
5. In my cycling group there’s Duyen, Hoa, Phong and me. CONSISTS
=> My Duyen, Hoa, Phongand me.
6. In your opinion, who’s going to win the competition ? THINK
=> Who do win the competition?
7. I’m seeing how wide the door is. MEASURING
=> I the door.
8. Mr. Green always forgets his wife’s birthday. REMEMBER
=> Mr. Green his wife’s birthday.
9. Its ability to catch fish is the key to the polar bear’s survival. DEPENDS
=> The polar bear’s to catch fish.

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10.What’s on your mind at the moment? THINKING

=> What at the moment?
Bài 8: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. I (visit) ____________________ my uncle's home regularly when I (be)

____________________ a child.

2. That book (be) ____________________ on the table for weeks. You (not read)
__________________ it yet ?

3. Tuan (wash) ____________________ his hands. He just (repair) ____________________ the TV


4. You (be) ____________________here before? Yes, I (spend) ____________________ my

holidays here last year.

5. We never (meet) ____________________ him. We don't know what he (look)

__________________ like.

6. On arriving at home I (find) ____________________that she just (leave) ________________

five minutes before.

7. When we (arrive) ____________________ in London tonight, it probably (rain)


8. It (rain) ____________________ hard. We can't do anything until it (stop)


9. Last evening we (watch) ____________________TV when the power (fail)


10. That evening we (stay) ____________________up to talk about the town where he
(live) ____________________for some years.

Bài 9: Sử dụng các từ gợi ý để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. It/ be/ important/ keep calm/ emergency.


Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

2. The schools/ nationwide/ experience/ teacher shortages/ at present.

3. Lam/ said/ he/ send/ us/ postcard/ following day.
4. Linh/ find/ it/ easy/ empathize/ characters/ the books.
5. They/ cannot/ make/ final decisons/ where/ visit/ France.
6. If/ I/ be/ you, I call/ the helpline/ help.
7. After/ live/ Korea/ a year, I feel/ much/ more/ confident/ my Korean.
8. She/ wondered/ whether/ tell/ mother/ what/ she/ thought.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Viết lại các câu sau, sử dụng cấu trúc từ để hỏi + to-inf.

1. They don’t know where they should put the sofa.

2. The rules didn’t specify who I should speak to in case of an emergency.

3. Huyen My wondered how she could ride the scooter.

4. Let us decide when we should start the project.

5. Could you tell me where I can find a good hotel?

6. We must find out what we are to do next.

7. A good dictionary tells you how you should pronounce the words.

8. They are not sure who they will meet at the entrance.

9. She can’t remember when she has to turn off the oven.

10. Does he know what he should look for?

Bài 2: Chuyển các câu sau sang lối nói gián tiếp.

1. “Don’t repeat this mistake!” the instructor warned the sportsman.

2. “Leave your address with the secretary” the assistant said to me.

3. “Phone me for an answer tomorrow” the manager said to the client.

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4. “Don't be so silly” Mr. John said to his wife.

5. Tom said to the girl “When did you have this picture taken?”

6. “Shall we go somewhere for a cup of coffee after class?” Tom said.

7. John said to Marry “Why don’t you wear your hair a little longer?”

8. Ann asked her brother “What are you planning to do tomorrow?”

9. She asked her boyfriend “Is it true that your father fought in the last war?”

10. He said “I don’t understand why she has refused to join us on the trip”

Bài 3: Chuyển các câu sau sang lối nói gián tiếp.

1. “I’ll take you to the zoo tomorrow” my mother said to me.

2. Jane said to Bill “When do you expect to finish your assignment?”

3. The man said to the boy “Can you show me the way to the bank?”

4. “Don’t be so silly” Mr. John said to his wife.

5. “Give a smile” the photographer said to me.

6. "Please, help me to make a decision" Ann asked her friend.

7. Be a good girl and sit quietly for five minutes” the nurse said to the child.

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8. My sister said to me “Are you crazy?’.

9. She asked me “Have you ever seen a flying saucer?”.

10. James said “Do you want me to send this letter for you”.

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Bài 1: Nghe và điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.

Interviewer:.. .So how do you like this work?

Miss Sweetie: Oh very much. I feel like I'm living my (1) ________________ years again!
But really, it's great that I can help our dear readers in this way.

Interviewer: Do you find it (2) ________________ to give advice?

Miss Sweetie: Well, yes... I take time to think of the best possible advice that I can
give. I think it's most important that we put (3) ________________ r other people's shoes.

Interviewer: So it's about being able to (4) ________________...

Miss Sweetie: Exactly. But even so, we also need to be very careful about how to put
the advice into words. We need to be (5) ________________... It's not only - about giving
the best solution, it's also about helping the person get over (6) ________________
feelings. For example, I often use ‘It might be a good idea to...’ rather than ‘You
ought to.. Or perhaps ‘I think you should...’ for me sounds much better than ‘You

Bài 2: Dịch đoạn hội thoại vừa nghe trên.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

TOPIC: Talk about stress and pressure and ask for advice

(Nó i về á p lự c că ng thẳ ng và cá ch xin lờ i khuyên)

I. Introduction
- Introduce yourself
- Introduce the topic
II. Body: Lậ p dà n ý theo cá c ý sau
- A problem at school you have with your friends.
- How to deal with the problem
- The most important quality a person needs to be able to get along with
III. Conclusion
- Khẳ ng định lạ i nộ i dung đã nó i ở phầ n mở bà i

Detailed outline

I. Introduction

Hello, my name is Huong and I am currently a student in class 9B at ABC

Secondary School. Everyone here must have at least one problem with your friends,
don’t you? Therefore, today I would like to tell you a situation when I have trouble
with my friend and the way I had coped with this problem.

II. Body

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

- Yesterday, one of my classmates forced me to do his homework for him. I said no

as I thought it wasn't fair. But he said if I didn't do it, he would make my life
difficult. I’m a bit worried and confused at that time.
- After that, I met my teacher to ask her for help. She then talked to that friend and
demanded him to do his homework by himself. She also punished him for not
being fair and serious in study. Thanks to my teacher, I could solve this situation
more easily.
- Actually, I think the most important factor a person need to get along well with
others is being sociable, honest and kind to them. If so, they will treat us in the
same way as we behave.
III. Conclusion

Everyone has problems in life. Therefore, we need to keep calm to find the
best solutions or ask others for advice to cope with the problems.

Bài nói của em

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Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

REVIEW UNIT 1 – 2 – 3
Bài 1: Chọn từ có trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. A. education B. facility C. development D. intelligence

2. A. metropolitan B. organization C. university D. multicultural
3. A. fascinate B. restaurant C. expensive D. difference
4. A. feature B. ancient C. drawback D. conduct
5. A. fabulous B. pagoda C. determine D. convenient
6. A. cognitive B. adulthood C. confident D. encourage
7. A. delighted B. manage C. convince D. depress
8. A. confident B. abandon C. depressed D. important
9. A. communicate B. disappointed C. preparation D. adolescence
10.A. pressure B. decision C. friendship D. guidance
Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. The passenger asked ___________ we took off.

A. what B. when C. if D. why
2. Phong asked me what ____________.
A. time was it B. time is it C. time it was D. none is correct.
3. He told me to rest for a while. 🡪“__________ for a while”, he said.
A. To rest B. Rest C. Do you rest D. Resting
4. Hung asked “Why did she take my pen?”
🡪 Hung asked why ___________.
A. she took his pen B. did she take his pen
C. she had taken his pen D. she has taken his pen

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5. Taking good notes______________ students to evaluate, organize and summarize

A. requests B. requires C. allows D. offers
6. Excuse me. Could you tell me ?
A. what time is it B. what is the time C. what time it is D. it is what time
7. This ring is only made of plastic so it’s quite .
A. valuable B. invaluable C. worthless D. priceless
8. Craft village are becoming popular __________ in Viet Nam.
A. tour attractiveness B. physical attraction
C. tourism attractions D. tourist attraction
9. He got an excellent grade in his examination ___________ the fact that he had not
worked particularly hard.
A. on account of B. because C. in spite of D. although
10.The artisan is delighted to to you the craft of creating prints in an old-
age style.
A. express B. provide C. demonstrate D. explain
11.You have to be rich to send a child to a private school because the fees are _______.
A. astrological B. aeronautical C. astronomical D. atmospherical
12.Archaeology is one of the most interesting scientific .
A. divisions B. disciplines C. matters D. compartments
13.It is doubtful whether the momentum of the peace movement can be ___________.
A. sustained B. supplied C. supported D. subverted
14.Conversations you strike up with travelling acquaintances usually tend to

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

A. imperative B. perverse C. insufficient D. trivial

15.Charles Babbage’s difference engine widely regarded as the of the
A. ancestor B. precursor C. antecedent D. premonition
Bài 3: Cho dạng đúng của các từ in đậm sau.

1. We had the phone because we are moving tomorrow.

2. When did the toys come into ? (EXIT)
3. She will be able to receive an from a government agency. (ALLOW)
4. Are there any rivers left in the world? (POLLUTE)
5. The newly-built cinema shows a of films. (VARY)
6. Do her parents get from her studies? (SATISFY)
7. He is very in everything he does. (SYSTEM)
8. Fruit as it ripens. (SWEET)
9. My sister lives in a area. (RESIDE)
10.My brother is extremely about art. (KNOWLEDGE)
Bài 4: Hoàn thành các câu sau với dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

Live       turn      break      get      give     keep   come     take      find

1. Has Phuc arrived yet?- No, but I'm sure he __________________ up soon.

2. My aunt never really__________________ over the death of her pet dog.

3. It's not easy to__________________ up smoking. My uncle has tried to do it lots of times
without success.

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4. Sorry, I don't mean to interrupt you. Please__________________ on and finish what you
are saying.

5. I enjoyed living in London, but it didn't really__________________ up to my


6. I'm sorry I'm late, but the car__________________ down on the way here, so I had to
phone for a taxi.

7. You were going too fast! I couldn't__________________ up with you.

8. Remember to__________________ out how many people are coming to the party.

Bài 5: Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời câu hỏi.

Last month, we went to Doi Tam, a village famous for its drum making
techniques, in Ha Nam Province. The craft was first introduced to the village in the
8th or 9th century. Today there are more than six hundred drum makers living in
Doi Tam village.

I was amazed to see big drums in front of every house in the village. People say
that it takes four workers three days to make a drum with a diameter of 1.5 metres.
To make a drum, the craftsmen have to follow an eight stage process. Stretching the
drumhead is the most challenging stage since they have to carefully assess the
sound it makes. The other steps do not require such high skills .Nowadays, Doi Tam
drums are not only famous in Viet Nam but are also sold to other countries such as
Laos, Cambodia, Japan, and the USA.

1. When was the craft first introducedto the village?


2. How many stages do the craftsmen have to followto make a drum?


3. Are Doi Tam drums sold to Japan, and the USA?

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


4. Where is Doi Tam village?


Bài 6: Điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.

Dealing (1) pressures and in middle school can (2)

difficult. The pressure may be to take friends, earn good (3) , excel in
sports or other activities, and deal with hectic schedules.

More and more people are going to high school now and it is becoming
tougher to get in. Middle-school students face (4) to keep their grades up
every day. They are in a (5) with their peers to be the best and the
brightest in everything.

During the teenage years, children will (6) the pressure to grow up.
No longer will they be able to act (7) a child and not worry about
responsibilities. Their (8) should help them make this transition from
a child to an adult easy and teach them to (9) wise decisions. Prepare them
for the world ahead of them and don’t let go completely at (10) .
Gradually let the growing up occur.

Bài 7: Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn True hoặc False cho những câu dưới đây.

I live in a small village called Henfield. There are about 500 people here. The
village is quiet and life here is slow and easy. You never have to queue in shops or
banks. People never throw their rubbish in the streets, so the village is always clean.
The air is also very clean because there’s not much heavy traffic. It’s much more
friendly here than in a city. Everyone knows everyone and if someone has a
problem, there are always people who can help. However, there are some things I

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

don’t like about Henfield. One thing is that there’s not much to do in the evening. We
haven’t got any cinemas or theatres. Another problem is that people always talk
about each other and everyone knows what everyone is doing. But I still prefer
village life to life in a big city.

Statements T F
rue alse
1. The writer lives in a small village.

2. The air is unpolluted because there is never traffic jam


3. Villagers are very friendly and helpful.

4. There is good nightlife in the village.

5. There isn’t much privacy in the village.

6. The writer wishes to live in a big city.

Bài 8: Chọn từ thích hợp trong bảng hoàn thành bài sau.

brought however shaping materials works

imported blow performing fear representing

Marble Mountains is a group of five smaller mountains (1) Metal,

Wood, Water, Fire and Earth. It is also a travel itinerary linking Da Nang City to the
ancient town of Hoi An and Hue City. As the name suggests the Marble Mountains
used to be a place providing input (2) for craftsmen in the village, but

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

the local government banned marble exploitation (3) that the five
mountains could disappear.

Most of the marble for the village now comes from northern provinces such as
Ninh Binh, Thanh Hoa and Thai Nguyen. As a further step to diversify products, the
marble fine arts village has (4) marble from Pakistan.

As far as I know, the man who (5) marble craftsmanship to the region
came from Thanh Hoa, and most craftsmen in the village had handed down the craft
from generation to generation. There are some 3,000 handicraft workers in Non
Nuoc village. (6) , there are only 70 skillful craftsmen who can (7)
souls into marble sculptures after other workers have finished (8)
the Products.

In the shops along the highway, you can see different marble products in all
shapes and sizes, from contemporary (9) to religious sculptures.
And of course you will have a chance to see craftsmen (10) their
art and turning soulless marble into sophisticated sculpture products.

Bài 9: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành bài đọc sau.

With a (1) of about 2.6 million people, Vancouver is the

largest City in Western Canada. Vancouver is in the Southwest of Canada, and it is
only a few hours of driving away from the American (2) .
Vancouver is popular because it (3) so many things. It is a huge,
modern City. On the other hand, it is also one of North America’s most beautiful
areas. The natural beauty (4) Vancouver is famous all around the

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Vancouver is right next to the Rocky Mountains, so it is a wonderful place for

skiing and snowboarding. Those aren’t the only winter sports you can do there. If
you can (5) a winter sport, then you probably do that sport in Vancouver.
After all, the 2010 Winter Olympics were there. Vancouver is also great for hiking,
jogging, and skateboarding. It even has beaches. The beaches aren’t the (6)
in the world, but they are clean and pretty.
(7) place that you have to visit in Vancouver is Stanley Park. This is
a public park that is a stone’s throw from (8) . However, the park is
completely surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. The nature in Stanley Park is beautiful.
It is close to downtown, but it feels like it is 100 kilometres away. The park also has
playgrounds, gardens, beaches, tennis courts, and even an (9) .
Vancouver is something for everybody. It is no (10) that people think
it is one of the world’s best cities.
1. A. number B. exist C. control D. population
2. A. area B. border C. region D. place
3. A. includes B. insists C. combines D. consists
4. A. around B. over C. on D. upon
5. A. repeat B. tell C. name D. separate
6. A. good B. best C. better D. well
7. A. Another B. Others C. Other D. Anothers
8. A. mountain B. hill C. village D. downtown
9. A. quarter B. effort C. aquarium D. notice
10.A. wonder B. cause C. true D. fact
Bài 10: Viết lại các câu sau, sử dụng các từ cho sẵn.

1. This exhibition is much more interesting than the last one.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

The last exhibition was not_________________________________________________________

2. The teacher says that no student in the school is noisier than I am.

The teacher says that I'm_________________________________________________________

3. This book is the least interesting I've ever read.

I have never____________________________________________________________________

4. I think Vung Tau City is the most 'liveable' city in Viet Nam.

I think there is no_________________________________________________________

5. This city is the same as it was in the 1990s.

This city hasn't_________________________________________________________

6. He found the visit to the gallery quite depressing.

He felt____________________________________________________________________

7. “I’m having a wonderful time here.” said Cousin Mai.

Cousin Mai said _________________________________________________________

8. The doctor told my father to stop smoking. (give up)


9. “Where can I find information about the course?”, she wondered.

She wondered_________________________________________________________

10. Although the weather was bad, we went out for a picnic.


Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


S Words Pronunci Meanin Examples
TT ation g
1 act out /ækt aʊt/ đó ng vai, She acts out to get

. (v) diễn attention, and probably to

forget her pain.
2 arctic /ˈɑːktɪk/ (thuộ c Above 85 degrees

. (adj) về) Bắ c cự c north, you don't have

tropical rainforest, you
have Arctic ice fields.
3 bare- /beə(r)- châ n đấ t Care needs to be

. footed (adj) fʊtɪd/ taken to avoid walking

barefoot because of the
serious risk of burns to
the foot.
4 behave /bɪˈheɪv/ ngoan, He always behaved

. (v) biết cư xử like a gentleman.

5 dogsled /ˈdɒɡsled/ xe chó One year a woman

. (n) kéo had to be sent to the

hospital after an accident
with a dog sled.
6 domed /dəʊmd/ hình The coffee-room is

. (adj) vò m divided, by columns only,

into three compartments,
all domed, covering a
space of 112 feet by 32.

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7 downto /ˌdaʊn và o We bought a tourist

. wn (adv) ˈtaʊn/ trung tâ m guide to downtown

thà nh phố Seattle before we left.
8 eat out /iːt aʊt/ ă n ngoà i When I lived in

. (v) Spain, I used to eat out all

the time.
9 entertai /ˌentə giả i trí We hired a magician

. n (v) ˈteɪn/ to entertain the children.

1 event /ɪˈvent/ sự kiện This year's Olympic

0. (n) Games will be the biggest

ever sporting event.
1 face to /feɪs tʊ trự c We need a face to

1. face (adv) feɪs/ diện, mặ t đố i face meeting a resolve all

mặ t problems.

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S Words Pronunci Meanin Examples
TT ation g
1. facility /fəˈsɪləti/ phương The training facility

(n) tiện, thiết bị is scheduled to open in

April 2005.
2. igloo (n) /ˈɪɡluː/ lều tuyết The grandmother

ig-loo put the hides outside her

igloo to dry.
3. illiterate /ɪˈlɪtərət/ thấ t họ c A surprising

(adj) percentage of the

population is illiterate.
4. loudspe /ˌlaʊd loa The loud beep,

aker (n) ˈspiːkə(r)/ which meant the

loudspeaker had come on,
rang through the room.
5. occasion /əˈkeɪʒn/ dịp We met on several

(n) occasions to discuss the

6. pass on /pɑːs ɒn/ truyền He passed on the

(ph.v) lạ i, kể lạ i chance to be head coach

and took a job in Florida.
7. post (v) /pəʊst/ đă ng tả i Could you post me
the details/post the
details to me?
8. snack /snæk/ đồ ă n vặ t I had a huge lunch,

(n) so I'll only need a snack

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for dinner.
9. street /striːt ngườ i He admitted

vendor (n) ˈvendə(r)/ bá n hà ng rong purchasing illegal bootleg

CDs from a street vendor.
10. strict /strɪkt/ nghiêm My parents were

(adj) khắ c very strict with me when I

was young.
11. treat /triːt/ cư xử My parents treated

(v) us all the same when we

were kids.

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1. đó ng vai, diễn
2. (thuộ c về) Bắ c cự c
3. châ n đấ t
4. ngoan, biết cư xử
5. xe chó kéo
6. hình vò m
7. và o trung tâ m thà nh phố
8. ă n ngoà i
9. giả i trí
10. sự kiện
11. trự c diện, mặ t đố i mặ t

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1. phương tiện, thiết bị
2. lều tuyết
3. thấ t họ c
4. loa
5. dịp
6. truyền lạ i, kể lạ i
7. đă ng tả i
8. đồ ă n vặ t
9. ngườ i bá n hà ng rong
10. nghiêm khắ c
11. cư xử

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- Chỉ mộ t thó i quen, mộ t hà nh độ ng thườ ng xuyên xả y ra trong quá khứ và bâ y

giờ khô ng cò n nữ a.

(+) S + used to + V
(-) S + didn’t use to + V
(?) Did (not) + S + use to + V?

Ex: (+) I used to smoke a packet a day but I stopped two years ago.

(-) She didn’t use to drink milk when she was young.

(?) Did he use to live here?


* Used to do something: Đã từ ng là m việc gì trong quá khứ mà nay khô ng là m nữ a.

Đâ y là mẫ u câ u chỉ sử dụ ng ở thờ i quá khứ .

Ex: I used to get up early in the morning when I was a student (But I don’t get up
early now).

* Be/ get used to N/ doing something: (trở nên/dầ n) quen vớ i. Mẫ u câ u này có thể
sử dụ ng ở thờ i quá khứ , hiện tạ i hoặ c tuơng lai. Trong cấ u trú c nà y, “used” là 1 tính
từ và “to” là 1 giớ i từ .

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be/get used to + V-ing = be/get accustomed to +V-ing

Ex: - I am used to getting up early in the morning.

- He didn’t complain about the noise next door. He was used to it.

* Hình thức bị động của “used to” được dùng trong câu bị động, mang nghĩa để

làm gì:

be used to + V = S + be used for + V-ing

Ex: Money is used to buy and sell goods.

Hoặ c: Money is used for buying and selling goods.

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Bài 1: Sử dụng “used to” hoặc “didn't use to” với dạng đúng của động từ trong
ngoặc để hoàn thành câu.

1. Mary _____________________ eating chocolate but now she hates it. (love)

2. My father _____________________ to work when he lived in Japan. (not/drive)

3. Her grandma _____________________ able to speak Russian, but she has forgotten it all.

4. We _____________________ coffee after breakfast. (not/drink)

5. A: __________________ to read comic books? (she/read)

B: No, she _____________________ detective novels when she was a child. (read)

Bài 2: Chọn phương án đúng.

1. They built a hospital here. There _____________ a playground here.

A. is B. used to C. used to be

2. My grandparents _____________ light their house with oil lamps.

A. used to B. use to C. used to be

3. A: I wonder how the farmers _____________ transport their crops home in the past. 
B: They _____________ buffalo-drawn carts.

A. used to/ used B. use to/ used to C.use/ used

4. I hated ice-cream; I _____________ eat ice-cream.

A. used to B. didn’t use to C. use to

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5. This was my favorite bicycle. I _____________ ride everywhere on it.

A. didn’t use to B. used to C. use to

6. Entertainment for the children in my village _____________ as simple as playing hide-

and-seek or going swimming in the river.

A. used to beB. used toC. didn't use to

Bài 3: Hoàn thành các câu sau với USED TO/ DIDN’T USE TO và các động từ
trong ngoặc.

travel walk watch write swim

buy climb play shop be

1. In my childhood, there ______________________ so many high building here. There

were parks.
2. People ______________________ with pen, but now they use computers.
3. My brother ______________________ football, but an injure stopped him from playing.
4. In my grandfather’s youth, people ______________________ by car. They rode horses.
5. I ______________________ to school, but two weeks ago I got a bike so now I ride it
every day.
6. My sister ______________________ when we go to the beach because she was afraid of
7. Mr. Lam ______________________ television in the morning. He did it in the evening.
8. David was a good climber in his youth. He ___________________very high mountains.
9. My parents ______________________ me expensive toys as we were not rich.
10.We ______________________ in the town market. We bought fish, fruit and vegetables.

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Bài 4: Dựa vào bảng thông tin về Jane sau, viết câu với USED TO/ DIDN’T USE

Five years ago Today

I work in a bookshop.

I’m a hotel receptionist. I don’t know many

I’ve got a lot of friends.
I read newspapers every
I never read newspapers.
I travel a lot.
I don’t go away much.
I play volleyball.
I play badminton.
I don’t love cooking.
I like to cook Chinese
I wear make-up. dishes.

I don’t drink tea. I wear no make-up at all.

Tea’s great! I like it.

1. Jane used to be a hotel receptionist, but now she works in a bookshop.


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- Để diễn đạ t mộ t ướ c muố n khô ng thể thự c hiện đượ c trong hiện tạ i.

S + wish(es) + S + V(quá khứ đơn)

Ex: - I wish I knew the answer to this question. (At present I don’t know the

- She wishes she didn’t have so much work to do. (She has a lot of work to do).

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Bài 1: Cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc.

1. I’m not tall enough to play volleyball. I wish tall and strong. (I/
2. I’m fed up with this rain. I wish raining. (it/ stop)
3. My grandparents don’t like living in the city. They wish
in the countryside. (they/ live)
4. It’s a difficult question. I wish the answer. (I/know)
5. I wish here. She’d be able to help us. (Ann/ be)
6. Aren’t they ready yet? I wish . (they/ hurry up)
7. It would be nice to stay here. I wish go now. (we/ not
have to)
8. It’s freezing today. 1 wish so cold. I hate cold weather. (it/ not
9. What’s her name again? I wish remember her name. (I/
10.You’re driving too fast. I wish a bit. (you/ slow down)
11.What she is saying is stupid. I wish anything. (she/ not say)
12.I should listen to you. I wish your advice. (I/ take)
13.I’m really sleepy today. I wish take Bob to the airport
last night. (I/ not have to)
14.It is a terrible film. I wish to see it. (we/ not go)
15.It is so hot that I wish to the beach. (I/ go)

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Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu ước với tình huống cho sẵn.
1. That is a difficult question, and I don't know how to answer it. I wish___________.
A. I didn't know how to answer that question
B. I knew how to answer that question
C. I know the answer to that question
2. I have read Doraemon since I was small, and I really love the time machine in the
manga. Sometimes I wish ___________.
A. I can travel on the time machine
B. I have a time machine
C. I could travel on it once
3. My friends are swimming right now. I can't join them because I am ill. I
A. I were swimming with my friends now
B. I was swimming with my friends now
C. Both A & B are correct
4. My grandmother is 60 years old now. She wishes___________.
A. she was young again
B. she is young again
C. she were young again
5. My computer has stopped working and I don't know what to do. I wish___________.
A. I knew how should I fix it
B. I knew how to fix it
C. I would know how to fix it

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Bài 3: Viết câu ước sử dụng các gợi ý cho sẵn.

1. She/ wish/ she/ not/ have to/ do/ the homework.
2. Nam/ wish/ he/ can speak/ English/ well/ Mai.
3. I/ wish/ I/ be going/ on/ picnic/ my friends/ now.
4. I/ wish/ I/ can ride/ bicycle/ more often.
5. My friends/ wish/ they/ be/ tall/ enough/ play/ basketball.
Bài 4: Sử dụng câu ước ở thì hiện tại để viết lại các câu sau.
1) I don't have a car.
2) I can’t play the piano.
3) I'm at work.
4) It's winter.
5) I'm ill.
6) I don't have new shoes.
7) I can't afford to go on holiday.
8) I don't have time to read lots of books.
9) I can't drive.
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10) My laptop is broken.


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Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. A. path B. tooth C. thousand D. Thames

2. A. sound B. amount C. country D. noun
3. A. combing B. basket C. subway D. club
4. A. problem B. popular C. convenient D. rod
5. A. rose B. house C. sound D. cloud
6. A. notebook B. hoping C. cock D. potato
7. A. dam B. planning C. plane D. candle
8. A. theory B. therefore C. neither D. feather
9. A. shoot B. mood C. poor D. smooth
10.A. dosage B. massage C. voyage D. carriage
Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. Last night,Lan came home, cooked dinner, and TV.

A. watch B. watched C. was watching D. would watch
2. I rarely eat chocolate now but I it when I was a child.
A. eat B. used to eat C. would eat D. didn’t use to eat
3. Huong wishesshe you some money for your rent, but she is broke
A. can lend B. would lend C. could lend D. will lend
4. Would you like and visit my parents next summer?
A. come B. coming C. to come D. came
5. Jack left class early because he a headache.

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A. had B. used to have C. was having D. has

6. Emma didn’t hear the phone. She .
A. sleeps B. slept C. used to sleep D. was sleeping
7. The Michael family to the United States twenty years ago.
A. comes B. came C. has come D. was coming
8. I’ve been feeling better since .
A. the doctor has come B. the doctor comes
C. the doctor coming D. the doctor came
9. The country now known as Myanmar Burma.
A. used to be called B. be called
C. called D. has called
10.“Jenifer is such a nice person.” “Yes. I wish I her more often.”
A. see B. will see C. saw D. have seen
Bài 3: Cho dạng đúng của từ in đậm sau.

During the First World War, at a time when there was lots of 1.HATE
(1)___________ in the world, one man did more than anyone else to 2.HAPPY
spread (2)___________. That man was the (3) , Charlie 3.COMED
Chaplin. Audiences around the world watched his films and each Y
new one caused a lot of (4) . Chaplin created the 4.EXCITE
character of the little tramp and people (5) with this D
poor man. Up until then, film comedies had been (6) 5.SYMPA
and very fast. Although they were fun and (7) , the THY
audiences became (8) with seeing the same situations. 6.NOISE
Chaplin produced a different kind of comedy. It was slower and 7.ENERG

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more (9) . His films both made people laugh and Y

touched their (10) . Even today, his films are enjoyed by 8.BORE
many people of all ages.
Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành bài đọc sau.

It is just simple and ordinary as its (1) . No noisy sound from engines, no
obscure smoke and no spending too much for commuting. From a long time ago,
Vietnamese people have thought of the rickshaw as a (2) means of transportation
when going out. It is not only close-knit to Vietnamese but also connected strongly
with the foreigners (3) all of them were attracted by this unique means at
the first time visiting Viet Nam.
The rickshaw has existed for a long time in Vietnamese life, and become quite
necessary as the (4) in a body. Not only the Vietnamese feel (5) to rickshaw,
foreigners are also impressed by this unique vehicle. They will be fond of sitting on
the rickshaw for a (6) tour around Sword Lake or a round on the streets to (7)
dreamy and peaceful photos in the ancient citadel.
Traveling in a rickshaw is the time for peacefully (8) windy sunset and
bright sunrises on the beach of Nha Trang or Da Nang or elsewhere. How pleasant it
is for you to enjoy a relaxing feeling on the short (9) trip.
Viet Nam is becoming more and more modern; however, rickshaw still (10)
through the time and has a stand in the minds of the residents.
1. A. presence B. appearance C. judgment D. performance
2. A. shared B. recognized C. friendly D. familiar
3. A. although B. as C. but D. while

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4. A. breath B. air C. rest D. recovery

5. A. close B. closed C. closest D. closing
6. A. sight B. sighting C. sightseeing D. sightseer
7. A. catch B. take C. bring D. keep
8. A. welcome B. welcoming C. welcomed D. being welcomed
9. A. city B. town C. urban D. field
10.A. keeps B. continues C. lives D. survives
Bài 5: Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn đáp án đúng.

Although no one knows for certain who the original Saint Valentine was, once a
year, on February 14, there is a day in his honor. Some historians believe that the
original Saint Valentine was a priest who lived in the city of Rome about 300 years
after the birth of Christ. The emperor of Rome was not a Christian and refused to
allow people to be married in a Christian ceremony. Saint Valentine didn’t obey the
emperor and performed many Christian marriages, in spite of the emperor’s order.
When the Romans found out, they sent Saint Valentine to prison and later killed him.
While his romantic efforts to help many Christians in love cost him his life, he was
honored in his own days. But his story has been mostly forgotten after people have
come to celebrate Valentine’s Day as a special time for sweethearts. On Valentine’s
Day people express their affections by sending Valentine cards to friends, families,
and boyfriends and girlfriends.
1. This writing is mostly about .
A. Christian marriages B. why we celebrate Valentine’s Day
C. different kind of Valentine cards D. the history of Rome
2. Long ago, February 14 was made a special day .
A. to honor Saint Valentine
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B. just for sweethearts

C. for everyone to go out and express love
D. to honor the Roman emperor
3. The emperor of Rome .
A. was a good Christian and made Valentine a saint
B. established Saint Valentine’s Day in his Honor
C. refused to allow people to be married in a Christian ceremony
D. didn’t believe in marriages
4. St. Valentine was killed because he .
A. was a Christian priest
B. was not a follower of Christ
C. had a secret sweetheart, which was illegal
D. continued to perform Christian wedding ceremonies against the emperor’s
5. All the above story of Saint Valentine .
A. really happened long ago B. is just a guess from some historians
C. is only an invented story D. cannot be believed at all
Bài 6: Sử dụng các từ trong bảng để hoàn thành bài đọc sau.

when where was begin sheep

which activities despite effective

My grandmother is more than ninety years old (1) makes her the
oldest person in the whole family. (2) her old age, her memory is still fresh.

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She always tells us that many things used to be different (3) she
was young.
My grandma used to (4) her day very early. She used to start
her day at 4 o’clock while everybody else was still in beds. She used to do all the (5)
by herself. She used to make clothes for her children and as for her
outdoor work, she used to raise some chicken and (6) and she also
used to help the males to grow vegetables.
There didn’t use to be many pastime (7) . Her hobby used to
be listening to the radio. In the evening all the family used to sit by the fire in the
sitting room (8) all the family gathered at night to tell tales or
discuss family matters as wedding, harvest time or to assign the next day’s work.
When a member of the family (9) ill, she used to show him which
herbs to use. She collected them from the near forest or from the mountain. My
grandma used to know so many (10) methods to cure illnesses.
Bài 7: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi, sử dụng các từ cho sẵn.

1. No one told me about the change of the plan. (know)

2. When I was a child, we lived in New York. (used)

3. My friend was the winner of the competition. (won)

4. Is it a fact that the Romans built this wall? (did)

5. She’s sorry she can’t play the guitar. (wishes)

6. Our trip to Europe was in September. (We)

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7. It was breakfast-time when Linda rang. (I)

8. There were lights on the spacecraft. (had)

9. I had my old trousers on. (wearing)

10.It isn’t true that I made a mistake. (didn’t)

Bài 8: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. Martin (be) to Greek five times. He loves the place.
2. I (work) for a computer company for a year. That was after
3. We (move) here in 1993. We (be) here a long time now.
4. It isn’t a very good party. Most people (already/ go) home.
5. It was so hot today that I (wear) shorts and a T-shirt at work.
6. My wife and I (move) three times since we (get)
7. So far this week there (be) three burglaries in our street.
8. When I was younger I (play) badminton for my local team.
9. In the past few years, it (become) more and more difficult to
get into university.
10. I (enjoy) skiing ever since I (live) in
11. I (have) these shoes since my eighteen birthday.
12. We (live) in Newcastle for three years now and like it a lot.
13. The last time I (go) to Brighton was in August.
14. When my parents were on holiday, I (stay) with my grandparents
for two weeks.
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15. I (not see) Rachel for ages. She (not visit) us since July.

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Bài 9: Sử dụng các từ gợi ý để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. I / grow up / small / town / northeast / England / . /
2. It / the coast / , / next sea / . / And / now / I / live / London / , / which / much /
big / place / to where / I / grew up / . /
3. When / I / child / , / I / use / walk / everywhere / . / The / town / small / that /
you / could / walk / one side / other/ and / you / never / need / car / . /
4. When / I / young / , / mealtimes / use / quite predictable / . / And / we’d / eat /
similar / food / every day / , / consist / meat / , / potatoes / , / root vegetables / , /
whatever / season / time / . /
5. We / never / use / have / very / varied meals / , / whereas / now / my diet /
change / a lot / . /
6. I / not / eat / meat / anymore / . /
7. I / have / diet / that’s all / vegetables / and / fruit / . /
8. I / more / adventure /what /I /eat / now /than /what /I /do /when /I /child /. /

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Bài 1: Viết lại những câu sau sử dụng “used to”.

1. There was a secondary school here in the 1900s.

2. We didn't get up early to catch the bus several years ago.

3. He didn't know how to study English online, but now he can study well.

4. We often played hide and seek when we were children.

5. I didn't listen to Western music some years ago.

6. My mum was a chef in Cham restaurant, but now she is retired.

7. There was a market here in 2003.

8. There are more cars on the roads now.

9. She was my idol when I was a child.

10. They didn't know how to drive a car, but now they can drive well.


Bài 2: Viết lại các câu sau, sử dụng cấu trúc WISH ở thì hiện tại.

1. I don’t know many people in the town.

I wish I knew many people in the town.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

2. It would be nice to be able to fly a plane.

3. It’s a shame I don’t have a key.

4. Ann isn’t here and I need to see her.

5. I don’t like being so short.

6. Unfortunately, I have to work tomorrow.

7. Don’t shout all the time. It’s so annoying.

8. I’m sorry I can’t go to the party.

9. I’d like to get access to the Internet, but I don’t have a computer.

10.It’s a pity the weather isn’t better today.

Bài 3: Điền vào chỗ trống USED TO hoặc BE/ GET USED TO cho phù hợp.

1. European drivers find it difficult to _______________________ (drive) on the left when

they visit Britain.

2. See that building there? I _______________________ (go) to school there, but now it's a

3. I've only been at this company a couple of months. I _______________________ (still not)
how they do things round here.

4. When I first arrived in this neighbourhood, I _______________________ (live) in a house.

I had always lived in apartment buildings.

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5. Working till 10pm isn't a problem. I _______________________ (finish) late. I did it in my

last job too.

6. I can't believe they are going to build an airport just two miles from our new
house! I will _______________________ (never) all that noise! What a nightmare.

7. His father _______________________ (smoke) twenty cigars a day - now he doesn't

smoke at all!

8. Whenever all my friends went to discos, I _______________________ (never go) with

them, but now I enjoy it.

9. I _______________________ (drive) as I have had my driving licence almost a year now.

10. When Max went to live in Italy, he _______________________ (live) there very quickly.
He's a very open minded person.

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Bài 1: Nghe và điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.

I went to a village school. In fact, there was only one classroom for (1)
_______________ students of different ages, both boys and girls, and one teacher who
taught everything. The school didn't have a (2) _______________, so we just called t ‘our
school’. We used to walk to school. Some children went (3) _______________.

At school we learnt to read and to write. We also learnt a little maths and history.
There were no (4) _______________ lessons, and we didn't have exams, either.

Although our school was small, it had (5) _______________ rules. We had to behave
ourselves. We stood up and bowed to (6) _______________ our teacher at the start of
every lesson. We could talk only when we were allowed to. However, I had no (7)
_______________ and no extra classes. I had a lot of time to play (8) _______________ and to
help my parents in the house. I loved my school and those school days.

Bài 2: Dịch bài văn vừa nghe trên.

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Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

TOPIC: Talk about children's pastimes in the past

(Nó i về cá c hoạ t độ ng giả i trí củ a trẻ em trong quá khứ )

I. Introduction
- Introduce yourself
- Introduce the topic
II. Body: Lập dàn ý theo các ý sau
- How is life of children in the past? Do they have much free time?
- The traditional games children in the past often played.
- Your comments on children’s pastime in the past
III. Conclusion
- Khẳ ng định lạ i nộ i dung đã nó i ở phầ n mở bà i

Detailed outline

I. Introduction

Hello, my name is Huong and I am currently a student in class 9B at ABC

Secondary School. Nowadays, thanks to the development of society, children have
numerous kinds of entertainment, which is really different from they were in the
past. Therefore, today I would like to tell you children’s pastime in the past.

II. Body

- As you know, life in the past wasn’t easy at all. Children used to lack everything,
from clothes to food. They also had no money to play a wide variety of modern

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

games like today. Therefore, what they played in their free time was some
traditional games.
- Well, kids in my days did a lot of outdoor physical activities like flying kites,
playing football or swimming in the river. We used nature as our playground,
and often went bare-footed. We also met and talked face to face, not on a screen
like today. 
- Life has changed so much, therefore, I don’t have any chances to have a try on
these activities. They are all interesting, and I think children at that time seems
to have a more healthy lifestyle than today.
III. Conclusion

Children must have had a really interesting pastime in the past. Hence, I wish I
could go back to the previous days to enjoy that wonderful time.

Bài nói của em

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


S Words Pronunci Meaning Examples
TT ation
1 administ /əd thuộ c về She said her new role

. rative (adj) ˈmɪnɪstrətɪv/ hoặ c liên quan would be a more

đến việc quả n managerial and
lý; hà nh chính administrative one.
2 astoundi /ə là m sữ ng My little sister has

. ng (adj) ˈstaʊndɪŋ/ sờ , là m sử ng made an astounding

số t improvement in exam
3 cavern /ˈkævən/ hang lớ n, Four avenues opened

. (n) độ ng out of the small cavern

which the great rock stood
4 citadel /ˈsɪtədəl/ thà nh lũ y, The town has a 14th

. (n) thà nh trì century citadel overlooking

the river.
5 complex / khu liên The company has a

. (n) ˈkɒmpleks/ hơp, quầ n thể complex organizational

6 contesta /kən thí sinh In tonight's quiz, our

. nt (n) ˈtestənt/ contestants have come

from all over the country.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

7 fortress /ˈfɔːtrəs/ phá o đà i Have we destroyed

. (n) the fleets of our enemies,

fired their towns, and laid
their fortresses in ruins?
8 geologica /ˌdʒiːə (thuộ c) An evolutionary

. l (adj) ˈlɒdʒɪkl/ địa chấ t geological perspective is

one way of viewing the
9 limeston / đá vô i The landscape is flat

. e (n) ˈlaɪmstəʊn/ and the geology is

dominated by limestone.
1 measure /ˈmeʒə(r)/ biện These measures were

0. (n) phá p, phương designed to improve car

sá ch safety.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


S Words Pronuncia Meaning Examples
TT tion
1 paradise /ˈpærədaɪs/ thiên His idea of paradise

. (n) đườ ng is to spend the day lying on

the beach.
2 pictures /ˌpɪktʃə đẹp, gâ y ấ n It was a pretty town

. que (adj) ˈresk/ tượ ng mạ nh with a picturesque

(phong cả nh) harbour and well-
preserved buildings.
3 recognit /ˌrekəɡ sự cô ng It's a new country,

. ion (n) ˈnɪʃn/ nhậ n, sự thưa hoping for diplomatic

nhậ n recognition from the
international community.
4 ricksha /ˈrɪkʃɔː/ xe xích lô , As people get more

. w (n) xe kéo affluent, they get cars,

bikes or rickshaws.
5 round /raʊnd/ hiệp, vò ng Russia and America

. (in a game) (trong trò chơi) will hold another round of

talks next month.
6 sculptur / bứ c tượ ng The museum has

. e (n) ˈskʌlptʃə(r)/ (điêu khắ c) several life-sized

sculptures of people and
7 setting /ˈsetɪŋ/ khung This would be the

. (n) cả nh, mô i trườ ng perfect setting for a

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

set-ting wedding.
8 spectacu /spek đẹp mắ t, He scored a

. lar (adj) ˈtækjələ(r)/ ngoạ n mụ c, hù ng spectacular goal in the

vĩ second half.
9 structur / cô ng trình The company has a

. e ˈstrʌktʃə(r)/ kiến trú c, cô ng complex organizational

trình xâ y dự ng structure.
1 tomb /tuːm/ ngô i mộ The tomb was

0. (n) discovered by two miners.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166



1 thuộ c về hoặ c liên quan đến việc

. quả n lý; hà nh chính

2 là m sữ ng sờ , là m sử ng số t

3 hang lớ n, độ ng

4 thà nh lũ y, thà nh trì

5 khu liên hơp, quầ n thể

6 thí sinh

7 phá o đà i

8 (thuộ c) địa chấ t

9 đá vô i

1 biện phá p, phương sá ch


Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166



1 thiên đườ ng

2 đẹp, gâ y ấ n tượ ng mạ nh

. (phong cả nh)
3 sự cô ng nhậ n, sự thưa nhậ n

4 xe xích lô , xe kéo

5 hiệp, vò ng (trong trò chơi)

6 bứ c tượ ng (điêu khắ c)

7 khung cả nh, mô i trườ ng

8 đẹp mắ t, ngoạ n mụ c, hù ng vĩ

9 cô ng trình kiến trú c, cô ng trình

. xâ y dự ng
1 ngô i mộ


Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


- Chú ng ta sử dụ ng thể bị độ ng khô ng ngô i để diễn tả ý kiến củ a ngườ i khá c.

Thườ ng sử dụ ng vớ i độ ng từ tườ ng thuậ t: say/ think/ belive/ know/ hope/
expect/ report/ understand/ claim/ suppose/ consider....

S1 + think/expect/believe/estimate/say/report + that + S 2 + V2

a. It is thought/expected/believed/estimated/said/reported that + S2 + V2 + O

b. S2 is thought/expected/believed/estimated/said/reported + to V2

+ to have + V2(pII)

+ to be V2ing

+ to have been + V2ing


- People think he drives dangerously.

=> It’s thought that he drives dangerously.

=> He is thought to drive dangerously.

- People say he was a teacher.

=> It’s said that he was a teacher.

=> He is said to have been a teacher.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

- They think that he worked very hard last year.

=> He is thought to have worked very hard last year.

=> It is thought that he worked very hard last year.

- People said that she had been very kind.

=> It was said that she had been very kind.

=> She was said to have been very kind.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Hoàn thành các câu sử dụng dạng bị động đúng của động từ trong ngoặc
như trong ví dụ.

E.g. (know) It is known that the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long consists of royal
palaces and monuments.

1. (say) ____________________ that Po Nagar Kalan is one of the tallest Cham structures.

2. (believe) ____________________ that the best time to visit Sapa is from March to May
and from September to November.

3. (claim) ____________________ that the main cavern of Hang Son Doong is large enough
to house a 40-storey skyscraper.

4. (expect) ____________________ that the government will take measures to preserve

historical sites in the area.

5. (report) ____________________ that Viet Nam received a record high of 12.9 million

foreign visitors in 2017.

Bài 2: Chọn dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

It (report) (1)____________________ by the news yesterday that a house collapsed on

Cua Bac Street in Hanoi. The rescue team were on the scene immediately. At noon
today, the team (report) (2)______________________ that all those who
(trap) (3)__________________________ in the collapse were rescued. It (also
announce) (4)________________________ that the incident claimed two lives and injured
four others. At the moment, the cause of the collapse
(investigate) (5)____________________. However, it (rumor) (6) ____________________ that it
happened mainly due to the reconstruction of the house next door.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Bài 3: Viết lại các câu dưới đây theo cấu trúc câu bị động khách quan.

1. They expect that more foreign tourists will return to Viet Nam after their first
2. People say that Vietnamese students lack knowledge of the wonders of Viet Nam.
3. They know that Hoi An was listed as a World Heritage Site in 1999.
4. They have claimed that Ly Son has a pristine beauty that not many other islands
can match.
5. They thought that tourists should definitely visit the Imperial Citadel when
arriving in Hue.
6. People know that cars pollute the environment.

7. People believe that the robber has worked in the bank.

8. Many people believe that she is an honest person.


9. They think that the president will arrive soon.


10. People say that he has been all over the world.


Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


Sau độ ng từ “Suggest” (đề nghị, đề xuấ t, kiến nghị), chú ng ta có thể dù ng V -ing hay
mộ t mệnh đề vớ i “Should”

suggest + V - ing
suggest + (that) + S + (should) + bare infinitive

Chú ng ta sử dụ ng “Suggest + V –ing” hay mộ t mệnh đề vớ i “Should”, để gợ i ý ai đó

về nhữ ng gì họ nên là m.


− He suggested travelling together for safety, since the area was so dangerous.

− She suggests that we should go out for dinner.

− His doctor suggested that he should reduce his working hours and take some

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Chọn các đáp án đúng.

1. The government suggests______by bus to reduce the environmental pollution.

A. travelling B. to travel C. should travel

2. Mi suggested that Veronica______by train because Veronica's family can meet

people and see a lot of beautiful sights from the train.

A. going B. goes C. should go

3. I suggest that Michael______One Pillar Pagoda when arriving in Hanoi.

A. should visit B. visit C. Both A & B are correct

4. It is rumoured that souvenirs in that tourist attraction are very expensive. I

suggest______things there.

A. buying B. not buying C. should not buy

5. The travel consultant suggests that we______a hotel room instead of a stilt house
for our trip to Moc Chau.

A. book B. booking C. books

6. Her parents suggest she _____ married as soon as possible.

A. get B. gets C. got

7. We have suggested _____ to London for this winter vacation.

A. going B. go C. should go

 8. My older brother suggests that I _____ tennis to have good health.

A. (should) play B. playing C. plays

9. We suggest _____ a postcard to our grandmother.

A. send B. sending C. sent

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

10. I suggested that we _____ Peter to the party.

A. should invite B. invite C. Both are correct

 11. It’s so cold outside. We suggest _____ the window.

A. should close B. close C. closing

 12. My mom suggests that I _____ for some part-time jobs to earn more money.

A. look B. looking C. looks

 13. Henry has suggested _____ to the park for a walk.

A. went B. goes C. going

 14. The government suggests _____ by bus to reduce the environmental pollution.

A. travel B. travelling C. travelled

 15. My roommate suggested that we _____ more vegetables and fruit.

A. should eatB. eatingC. ate

Bài 2: Sử dụng các từ gợi ý sau để viết câu hoàn chỉnh.

1. We/suggest/that/the government/limit/the number/visitors/daily.


2. I/suggest/that/control/the deforestation.


3. I/suggest/that/reduce/smoke/exhaust fumes.

4. I/suggest/that/raise/money/charity.

5. I/suggest/that/put/valuable/things/high-security/places.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Bài 3: Hãy chọn đáp án viết đúng ngữ pháp:


a) What do you suggest us to say to your mother?

b) What do you suggest we say to your mother?


a) Monica suggested me to go to the doctor’s.

b) Monica suggested that I go to the doctor’s.


a) Claude suggested to go to the cinema this evening.

b) Claude suggested going to the cinema this evening.


a) I suggest finding out more about this problem.

b) I suggest to find out more about this problem.


a) Hoa suggested going for a picnic the next week.

b) Hoa suggested we will go for a picnic the next week.


a) I suggest not to wait so long to go to the doctor.

b) I suggest not waiting so long to go to the doctor.


a) I suggest you should stop to drink so much coffee.

b) I suggest you stop drinking so much coffee.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Bài 4: Cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc sau.

1. I suggest (collect)_____________________ old books and notebooks.

2. I suggest that you (work) ___________________harder on your pronunciation.
3. I suggest (collect) ___________________unused clothes.
4. I suggest that you (listen) ___________________to English programmes on the radio or
on TV.
5. I suggest (organize) ___________________a show to raise money.
6. I suggest that you (practice) ___________________writing English sentences.
7. I suggest (play) __________________ soccer after school.

8. I suggest that you (use) ___________________English with friends in class.

9. I suggest (take) ___________________________a taxi home

10. I suggest that you (practice) ___________________listening to English lessons on

11. I suggest (help) ___________________poor families with their chores.
12. I suggest that you (join) ___________________English speaking clubs.
13. I suggest (give) ___________________lessons to poor children.
14. I suggest that you (have) ___________________a good English dictionary.

15.She suggests (help) __________________street children.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. A. raise B. stadium C. museum D. pyramids

2. A. ancient B. enclose C. block D. rank
3. A. chamber B. belongings C. tomb D. block
4. A. technique B. architect C. dedicate D. chamber
5. A. consist B. treasure C. suggest D. surpass
Bài 2: Chọn từ có trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại.
1. A. security B. rickshaw C. citadel D. landscape
2. A. contestant B. cavern C. astounding D. connect
3. A. picturesque B. souvenir C. recommend D. paradise
4. A. preserve B. position C. heritage D. impress
5. A. collect B. institution C. spectacular D. administer
Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành những câu sau.

1. Tomatoes before they are completely ripe.

A. can be picked B. can pick C. needn’t pick D. should be picking
2. It that the road through the national park will not affect the environment
and living habitat of wild animals there.
A. has thought B. had been thought C. is thought D. thinks
3. The refreshments by her friends.
A. are going to be prepared B. are going to prepare
C. are preparing D. are to prepare

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

4. Trang An Landscape Complex is renowned for its diverse ecosystem, unique

natural beauty and characteristics.
A. environmental B. ecological C. geology D. geological
5. It that 70 tons of dead fish washed ashore along more than 200
kilometres of Viet Nam’s central coastline in early April.
A. was reported B. had reported
C. had been reported D. were reported
6. The keys somewhere.
A. must have been leaving B. must have left
C. must be leaving D. must have been left
7. The Ho Dynasty Citadel has a palace with marble roads that
connect each palace.
A. complex B. building C. area D. setting
8. It that the Perfume Pagoda is located in the interior of a cave to the top
of the Huong Tich mountains.
A. is spoken B. is told C. says D. is said
9. Vietnamese at the meeting.
A. will speak B. will spoken C. will be spoken D. will be speaking
10.The towers of the My Son sanctuary are the most significant of the My
Son civilization.
A. apartments B. plans C. structures D. arrangements
11. Ha Noi’s four sacred temples, the of Ha Noi were built to defend the
four directions (East, West, South, North) of the ancient Thang Long capital city.
A. communication B. feelings C. energy D. spirits

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

12.English as an official language in this city since three hundred years ago.
A. has always been spoken B. has been spoken always
C. has always spoken D. had always spoken
13.The Thang Long Imperial Citadel was the of political power for nearly
seven centuries without interruption.
A. system B. centre C. middle D. point
14. in simpler words?
A. Has this issue expressed C. Cannot issue express
C. Can this issue express D. Could not this issue be expressed
15.All traffic laws .
A. is observed B. must be observed
C. must have observed D. had better observe
Bài 4: Cho dạng đúng của các từ in đậm.

1. Many more tourists have visited Ha Long Bay since UNESCO’s of

this beautiful spot. RECOGNISE

2. Bai Dinh Pagoda is a site which is located in Ninh Binh province.


3. May I have a about the trip to Cuc Phuong National Park next

4. My most experience was my trip to Hoi An in the summer of 2015.


5. We got a lot of from our holiday in Da Nang last year. ENJOY

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

6. There are many sculptures along the to the main temple.


7. Protecting natural wonders brings both social and benefits.


8. Phong Nha - Ke Bang can be compared to a precious museum.


9. The show features six from different parts of the country.


10. Chua Keo (in Thai Binh province) is a pagoda which was build
about 400 years ago. WOOD

Bài 5: Chọn một từ trong bảng thích hợp để điền vào chỗ trống.

including scientific between lung recognized

botanical river attractions protected as

Formed on the vast delta of the (1)_____________________ mouths of Dong Nai, Sai
Gon and Vam Co, Can Gio Mangrove Forest in Ho Chi Minh City is an ecosystem
(2)_______________________ aquatic ecosystem and land ecosystem, freshwater
ecosystem and marine ecosystem, (3) __________________ 150 flora species, 744 fauna
species, 130 species of birds and 130 species of fish. In the core zone of Can Gio
Mangrove Forest, Ho Chi Minh City invested to build Vam Sat Ecological Tourist Site
with many tourist (4) __________________ such as: a crocodile farm, a bat lagoon, a bird
yard, Tang Bong Tower, a (5) __________________ garden and many games of fishing
crocodile, sailing boats, rowing boats...

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Can Gio is the green (6)__________________ of Ho Chi Minh City and is assessed as
the best restored, care and (7)__________________ place in Viet Nam and worldwide.
This is also the ideal place for eco-tourism and (8) research. On 21
January 2000, UNESCO (9) Can Gio (10) a
world biosphere reserve.

Bài 6: Đọc bài sau và chọn đáp án đúng.

The Complex of Hue Monuments is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is located
in the city of Hue in central Vietnam. Hue was founded as the Viet Nam capital city
by Gia Long, the first king of the Nguyen Dynasty in 1802. It held this position for
thirteen Nguyen kings until 1945.
The massive complex features hundreds of monuments and mins, such as the
Forbidden Purple City, once the residence of the royal family and badly damaged
during the Vietnam War. the Imperial City, royal tombs, the flag tower, pagodas,
temples, a library and museum.
Hue, located on the banks of the Huong River, (also known as the Perfume River)
is about a hundred kilometres north of Da Nang. Among the most impressive
monuments in this former grand imperial capital are the Ngo Mon Gate of the
Imperial City which once was exclusively used by the royal family and their servants
and soldiers, the tomb of Emperor Minh Mang as well as the tomb of Emperor Tu
DuC. In fact, many of the monuments surrounding the royal buildings were
constructed in the early 19th century and were modeled after Beijing’s Forbidden
City. The wall that surroundings the citadel is six metres high and two and a half
kilometres long.
The historical complex is known not only for its rich architecture but also for its
beautiful landscape setting. Overall, the site is quite spectacular. Avoid Hue between

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October and December as it gets most of its rain from the northeast monsoon during
that period. This small city is also famous for its Imperial-style cuisine.
1. The Hue Citadel needs the work of restoration because of _______________.
A. the period from 1802 to 1945 B. the damage during the war
C. the northeast monsoon D. its rich architecture
2. All of the following are mentioned as features of the Hue Citadel EXCEPT ________.
A. a library and museum B. the flag tower
C. the Temple of Literature D. the royal tombs
3. All of the following are advantages of Hue EXCEPT ____________.
A. the last three months of the year B. its beauty of natural setting
C. the waterway of the Perfume River D. the art of cooking
4. The Complex of Hue Monuments _______________.
A. was built by thirteen Nguyen kings from 1802 to 1945
B. is located on the left bank of the Perfume River
C. has its buildings built during the region of King Gia Long
D. is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Bài 7: Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn True/False cho những câu dưới đây.
Perfume Pagoda is a religious site as well as being a great sight-seeing spot in
Viet Nam. It is situated in Huong Son Commune, My Duc District, Ha Noi. It is a vast
complex of Buddhist temples and shrines, including Den Trinh (Presentation Shrine)
and Thien Tru (Heaven Kitchen) Pagoda, in the limestone Huong Tich mountains.
The centre of this complex is the Perfume Temple, also called Chua Trong (Inner
Temple), located in Huong Tich Cavern. It is thought that the first temple was built
on the current site of Thien Tru in the 15th century during the reign of Le Thanh

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Tong. Over the years some of its structures which were in ruins have been restored
or replaced.
Many Vietnamese works of literature, both old and modern, have made Perfume
Pagoda their focus. It has also provided backdrops for many famous paintings. Its
beauty has been used as a theme of many famous songs and a topic of lyric poetry.
Nowadays during its festival (from the middle of January to the middle of March on
the lunar calendar), Perfume Pagoda attracts large numbers of pilgrims from all
over Viet Nam.

Statements T F
rue alse
1. Perfume Pagoda is both a religious site and a great sight-
seeing spot in Viet Nam.
2. Perfume Pagoda includes Den Trinh (Presentation
Shrine), Thien Tru (Heaven Kitchen) Pagoda, and the Perfume
3. The Perfume Temple is located in Huong Tich Cavern.
4. The first temple is thought to have been built on the
current site of Thien Tru in the 1500s.
5. The beauty of the Perfume Pagoda has been the subject of
many famous songs and poems.
6. Pilgrims from all over the world visit the Perfume Pagoda
during its festival.

Bài 8: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

It (1. announce) ……………………….……….. by the police last night that three men
(2. arrest) …………………………………………. in relation to the robbery at a jeweller’s on

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Hang Bai Street. It (3. report) ………………………..……. that jewellery costing more than
500,000,000 VND (4. steal) …………………………………. from the shop last Tuesday
afternoon. It (5. know) ………………………….……. that at least four people were involved
in the dawn raid. Three armed men stormed into the jeweller’s, and ordered the
customers and the shop owner to lie down on the floor. They filled up two big bags
with valuable pieces of jewellery. It (6. say) ……………………..……… that the three men
then ran outside and (7. drive) …………………….……. away in a red car by a fourth
man. It (8. widely rumour) …………………….…………… that the three suspects (9. hold)
………………………….….. in the city centre police station. Members of the general public
who may have information about the crime (10. ask) ………….……………….. to contact
the police on 0483456789.
Bài 9: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi.
1. They consider the temple to be a religious sitein the community. that
It ______________________________________________________________________________________.
2. Let’s have a picnic on Tam Dao next weekend. suggest
We ______________________________________________________________________________________.
3. It is being said that another sculpture will be built in the city centre. saying
People ______________________________________________________________________________________.
4. How about visiting the Cuc Phuong national park this Sunday? should
I ______________________________________________________________________________________.
5. We have expected we could try some local specialties in Hue. has
It ______________________________________________________________________________________.
Bài 10: Sử dụng các từ gợi ý để hoàn thành các câu sau.
Dear Phuong,
1. We/ have/ interesting/ time/ Hoi An/./

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2. The streets/ here/ narrow/ that/ cars/ not/ allow/ center/ town/./
3. Therefore /,/ we/ have/ walk/./The/ houses/ very/ old/ but/ beautiful /./
4. However /,/ I / not/ like/ way/ they/ business/ here /./
5. It/ seem/ that/ every/ house/ shop/ sell/ souvernirs/ and/ other stuffs/./
6. The people/ very/ friend/ and/ help/./
7. The/ food/ look/ fun/ but/ it/ taste/ quite/ nice/./
8. I/ not/ have/ buy/ anything/ you/./
9. But/ I/ buy/ you/ some/ little/ colour/ lanterns/./
10. See/ you/ next week/./

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Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Chuyển các câu sau câu tường thuật, sử dụng cấu trúc "suggest + V-
ing/mệnh đề chứa should".

1. "Why don't you go to the doctor?" he said to me.

2. "I suggest taking your laptop to a repair shop," she said to me.
3. "Let's ask someone for directions," Lan said to me.
4. "I suggest you should watch more TV in English," Mary said to me.
5. “ Why don’t you put better lock on the door, Barbara”? said John
6. “Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat?” he asked me.
Bài 2: Chuyển các câu sau sang câu bị động.

1. It is reported that the building has been badly damaged by the fire.

2. The Smiths had a carpet cleaner clean their carpet.

3. People believe that he has special knowledge which may be useful to the police.

4. Journalists suppose that the singer is earning ten million pounds a year.

5. It is reported that the damage is extensive.

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6. People were watching the game outside the stadium on a huge screen.

7. The south coast continues to attract holidaymakers.

8. Somebody has described Keith Jones as the world’s greatest guitarist.

9. Nick always hated other children teasing him.

10.Somebody should have offered Linda a drink when she arrived.

Bài 3: Chuyển các câu sau sang câu bị động.

1. People know that he is armed.

2. It is believed that the man was killed by terrorists.

3. People think that the company is planning a new advertising campaign.

4. It was reported that the President had suffered a heart attack.

5. It is alleged that the man was driving at 110 miles an hour.

6. People know that the expedition reached the South Pole in May.

7. It is said that there is a secret tunnel between them.

8. People consider that she was the best singer that Australia has ever produced.

9. It is expected that the weather will be good tomorrow.

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10.A lot of people believe that the Prime Minister and his wife have separated.

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Bài 1: Nghe và điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.
It is said that Ha Long Bay is a (1) __________________ place, attracting more tourists
than ever since UNESCO's recognition of this beautiful spot. It is situated in the (2)
__________________ region of Viet Nam. With its rich history and (3) __________________
setting, Ha Long Bay is the perfect destination for any tourist.

Ha Long Bay is one of the most (4) __________________ natural wonders you will
ever see. Viewed from any angle, Ha Long Bay looks like a work of art. It has (5)
__________________ islands concentrated in two main zones: the southeast (belonging
to Bai Tu Long Bay), and the (6) __________________ (belonging to Ha Long Bay). At the
centre of the islands, there are wonderful (7) __________________, such as Thien Cung,
Dau Go, Sung Sot, and Tam Cung.

For those interested in history, a visit to Van Don Island, Poem (8) _______________,
and the Bach Dang River is a must.

It is now known that Ha Long was one of the places where (9) __________________
first existed.

Don't miss out on a visit to Ha Long Bay. With its long history and (10)
astounding natural beauty, it is truly unforgettable.

Bài 2: Dịch bài văn vừa nghe bên trên.

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Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

TOPIC: Talk about man-made wonders of Viet Nam and the ways to
protect them

(Nó i về cá c kỳ quan nhâ n tạ o củ a Việt Nam và cá ch bả o vệ chú ng)

I. Introduction
- Introduce yourself
- Introduce the topic
II. Body: Lập dàn ý theo các ý sau
- Man-made wonders of Viet Nam
- The things that have caused damage to the man-made wonders.
- The ways to protect man-made wonder of Vietnam
III. Conclusion
- Khẳ ng định lạ i nộ i dung đã nó i ở phầ n mở bà i

Detailed outline

I. Introduction

Hello, my name is Huong and I am currently a student in class 8B at ABC

Secondary School. Vietnam is famous for its magnificent landscapes, especially the
man-made wonders which attract numerous tourists both inside and outside the
border. However, the man-made wonders are being damaged by several factors,
which requires urgent conservation.

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Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

II. Body

- You know, Viet Nam has a great variety of man-made wonders ranging from
prehistoric monuments, historical cities and towns, fortifications, Buddhist
shrines, Hindu temples, to tunnels and tombs.
- Among them, I am especially impressed by the Complex of Hue Monuments, Hoi
An Ancient Town, Thang Long Imperial Citadel, and My Son Sanctuary.
- However, it’s reported that many of our man-made wonders have been
damaged. Many roads, hotels, factories, ect., have been built around our
man-made wonders. This leads to negative changes in local landscapes.
Hordes of tourists visit these wonders every day, causing overcrowding,
ecological disaster and environmental issues. Many valuable things have
been stolen from the wonders. Local governments don’t have long-term
measures to protect them from severe weather conditions. 
- I suggest that the government should limit the number of tourists visiting them
every day. I’d like to suggest raising money to restore and preserve them.
Moreover, I think it would be a good idea to put valuable things in high-security
III. Conclusion

Due to getting more and more well-known and attracting numerous tourists, it is
essential that we have possible conservation of man-made wonders to preserve and
promote the beauty of our country.
Bài nói của em

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Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


S Words Pronuncia Meani Examples
TT tion ng
1 annoye /əˈnɔɪd/ bự c I found myself getting

. d (adj) mình, khó more and more annoyed

chịu with him, and liking him
less and less.
2 astonis /əˈstɒnɪʃt/ kinh The astonished faces

. hed (adj) ngạ c of the recipients soon turn

to happy smiles.
3 boom /buːm/ bù ng nổ Without warning, a

. (n) loud boom resounded from

the city.
4 compar /kəm toa xe I appreciated the small

. tment (n) ˈpɑːtmənt/ compartments as a business

5 clangin /klæŋɪŋ/ tiếng He woke up to hear

. g (adj) leng keng the sound of bells clanging

in the distance.
6 coopera /kəʊ hợ p tá c I asked them to turn
ˈɒpərətɪv/ down their music, but

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. tive (adj) they're not being very

co-o-pe- cooperative.

7 elevate /ˈelɪveɪtɪd lố i đi You can see an

. d walkway ˈwɔːkweɪ/ dà nh cho elevated walkway next to

ngườ i đi bộ the vending machine.
ed walk-way
8 exporte /ek nướ c Our clothes sell so

. r (n,v) ˈspɔːtə(r)/ xuấ t khẩ u, well in this country that we

ngườ i xuấ t have no need to export.
khẩ u
9 extende /ɪkˈstendɪd gia đình We live as an extended

. d family (n) ˈfæməli/ nhiều thế hệ family, therefore, we have

cù ng số ng much time together.
ed fa-mi-ly
1 flyover / cầ u The kidnappers

0. (n) ˈflaɪəʊvə(r)/ vượ t (cho xe instructed Lu's mother to

má y, ô tô ) bring the money to a
location beneath a highway
1 manual /ˈmænjuəl/ là m (gì She tried to cure the

1. (adj) đó ) bằ ng tay pain in my knee by putting

manual pressure on the
1 mushro /ˈmʌʃrʊm/ mọ c lên The number of

2. om (v) như nấ m computers in schools has

mushroomed in recent

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room years.

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S Words Pronunci Meani Examples

TT ation ng
1. noticeable / gâ y chú There has been a

(adj) ˈnəʊtɪsəbl/ ý, đá ng chú ý noticeable improvement

in Tim's cooking.
2. nuclear / gia đình Nowadays the

family (n) ˈnjuːkliə(r) hạ t nhâ n number of nuclear

ˈfæməli/ families is increasing
nu-clear fa-
3. photo /ˈfəʊtəʊ triển She was invited to

exhibition ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn/ lã m ả nh the photo exhibition

about arts.
pho-to e-
4. pedestrian /pə ngườ i đi The death rate for

(n) ˈdestriən/ bộ pedestrians hit by cars is

unacceptably high.
5. roof (n) /ruːf/ má i nhà The roof tiles will
need an overlap of
several centimetres.
6. rubber (n) /ˈrʌbə(r)/ cao su Tyres are almost

rub-ber always made of rubber.

7. sandals (n) /ˈsændlz/ dép She wore a simple

san-dals sandal of light brown on

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her feet.
8. thatched /θætʃt nhà You cannot see any

house haʊs/ tranh má i lá thatched house in

modern society.
9. tiled (adj) /taɪld/ lợ p The kitchen has a
ngó i, bằ ng tiled floor.
ngó i
10. tram (n) /træm/ xe điện, I hopped off the
tà u điện tram near the park.
11. trench (n) /trentʃ/ hà o giao A workman was
thô ng injured when the sides of
the trench collapsed.
12. tunnel (n) /ˈtʌnl/ đườ ng The road goes over

tunn-nel hầ m, cố ng the mountains, not

ngầ m through a tunnel.
13. underpass / đườ ng So far they have

(n) ˈʌndəpɑːs/ hầ m cho made no specific

ngườ i đi bộ proposals for
qua đườ ng underpasses for
pedestrians in their

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1 bự c mình, khó chịu

2 kinh ngạ c

3 bù ng nổ

4 toa xe

5 tiếng leng keng

6 hợ p tá c

7 lố i đi dà nh cho ngườ i đi bộ

8 nướ c xuấ t khẩ u, ngườ i xuấ t

. khẩ u
9 gia đình nhiều thế hệ cù ng

. số ng chung
1 cầ u vượ t (cho xe má y, ô tô )

1 là m (gì đó ) bằ ng tay

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1 mọ c lên như nấ m


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1. gâ y chú ý, đá ng chú ý
2. gia đình hạ t nhâ n
3. triển lã m ả nh
4. ngườ i đi bộ
5. má i nhà
6. cao su
7. dép
8. nhà tranh má i lá
9. lợ p ngó i, bằ ng ngó i
10. xe điện, tà u điện
11. hà o giao thô ng
12. đườ ng hầ m, cố ng ngầ m
13. đườ ng hầ m cho ngườ i đi

bộ qua đườ ng

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1. Form:

(+) S + had + Vp2/ed

(-) S + hadn’t + Vp2/ed
(?) Had (not) + S + Vp2/ed?

2. Uses (Cá ch sử dụ ng)

- Diễn tả mộ t hà nh độ ng xả y ra trướ c 1 hành độ ng khá c trong QK (hà nh độ ng xả y
ra trướ c dù ng QKHT; hà nh độ ng xả y ra sau dù ng QKĐ)
Ex: I had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Kauai.

- Hà nh độ ng xả y ra trướ c 1 thờ i điểm xá c định trong quá khứ .

Ex: I had worked as a librarian before 2010.

3. Adverbs (Trạ ng ngữ nhậ n biết)

Trong câ u có cá c từ :

- when: Khi
Ví dụ : When they arrived at the airport, her flight had taken off.

- before: trướ c khi (Before + QKĐ, QKHT)

Ví dụ : She had done her homework before her mother asked her to do so.

- After: sau khi (After + QKHT, QKĐ)

Ví dụ : They went home after they had eaten a big roasted chicken.

– by the time (và o thờ i điểm)

Ví dụ : He had cleaned the house by the time her mother came back.

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Bài 1: Chia các động từ sau ở thì quá khứ hoàn thành.

1. When Hoa arrived at the theater, the film _________________(start).

2. He _________________ (live) in Laos before He went to Vietnam.

3. After Lan _________________ (eat) the cake, Lan began to feel sick.

4. If he _________________ (listen) to me, he would have got the job.

5. Linh didn’t arrive until after I _________________ (leave).

6. When they _________________ (finish) lunch, they went out.

7. The tree was dead because it _________________ (be) arid all summer.

8. I _________________ (meet) him somewhere before.

9. They were late for the flight because they _________________ (forget) their passports.

10.Linh told me she _________________ (study) a lot before the exam.

11.The leaf was yellow because it _________________ (not/rain) all summer.

12.The lamp went off because I _________________ (not/pay) the electricity bill.

13.Hoa_________________ (not/do) her homework, so she was in trouble.

14.She _________________ (not/eat) so we went to a restaurant.

15.I couldn’t go into the cinema because I _________________ (not/bring) my tickets.

16.He said that he _________________ (not/visit) the US before.

17.Hoa and Lan _________________ (not/meet) before the exam.

18.I _________________ (not/have) lunch when she arrived.

19.She _________________ (not/use) smartphone before, so I showed her how to use it.

20.Linh _________________ (not/study) for the exam, so she was very anxious.

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Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất.

1. She _________ the ocean before she moved to Vancouver.

A. had never seen C. have never seen

B. never seen D. had never saw

2. The teacher ________ out when I arrived in the classroom.

A. goes C. has gone

B. have gone D. had gone

3. I ______ my document before the power went out in the computer lab.

A. had save C. had saved

B. have saved D. saved

4. When they arrived we _________ the test.

A. had already started C. starts

B. have already started D. already starting

5. George _________ his furniture before he moved to Japan.

A. have sold C. had sell

B. had sold D. sells

6. Larry _________ his homework already by the time Roy came over.

A. have finish C. had finish

B. finishes D. had finished

7. I ________ a little Spanish before I went to Mexico.

A. study C. had study

B. had studied D. have studied

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8. Ruth ________ an Austrailian until she met John.

A. had never met C. never met

B. have never met D. never have met

9. I ________ such majestic mountains before I went to Banff.

A. never seen C. never have seen

B. had never seen D. never saw

10. ________ visited Toronto before your trip last summer?

A. Have you ever C. Had ever you

B. You had D. Had you ever

Bài 3: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

1. They (come) _____________________ back home after they (finish) _____________________

their work.

2. She said that she ( meet) _____________________ Mr. Bean before.

3. Before he (go) _____________________ to bed, he (read) _____________________ a novel.

4. He told me he (not/wear) _____________________ such kind of clothes before.

5. When I came to the stadium, the match (start) _____________________

6. Before she (listen) _____________________ to music, she (do) _____________________


7. Last night, Peter (go) _____________________ to the supermarket before he (go)

_____________________ home.

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It + be + adjective (for sb) + to V

Ex: - It is necessary (for you) to know another language.

- It is kind of you to help me.

* Cá c tính từ thườ ng đượ c sử dụ ng trong cấ u trú c nà y là cá c tính từ chỉ cả m xú c, chắ c chắ n,

hay lo lắ ng như: happy, glad, pleased, sorry, certain, sure, confident, convinced, afraid,
annoyed, astonished, conscious,...

Ex: - I am glad to see you again.

- I am certain that you will pass the exam.

- “That-clause” bổ sung nghĩa cho adjective; mang nghĩa “rằ ng, là , mà ” chỉ cả m xú c hoặ c
sự chắ c chắ n.

S + to be + Adjective + That + S + V

- Tính từ thườ ng đượ c theo sau bở i that clause gồ m: afraid, angry, bad, certain,
disappointed, glad, grateful, happy, helpful, hopeful, important, lucky, pleased, possible,
sad, sorry, sure, thankful, true, wrong...

- That’s wonderful. I am pleased that you are working hard.

- I’m afraid that I can’t come tomorrow.

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- We’re pleased that you passed.

- I’m sorry that he failed.


Bài 1: Điền vào chỗ trống với các tính từ cho sẵn.

unprofessional kind necessary hard brave astonished


1. It was _____________________ of him to stay in the old house alone the whole night.

2. It was _____________________ for a country to develop its economy with poor resources.

3. It was _____________________ of her to be late for the meeting.

4. The head teacher was _____________________ to learn that some of his students could not get

5. We were _____________________ that we had done well in the exam.

6. It is _____________________ of them to support the victims after the disaster.

7. It was _____________________  to have the trenches around the classrooms during the war.

Bài 2: Thành lập câu bằng cách sử dụng những từ cho sẵn. Sử dụng that – clause.

1. I / glad / you / feeling / better.

2. We / surprised / that / he/ had /already/ leave /.
3. I / anxious / he / shouldn't / find out .
4. It / obvious / they / happy together.
5. It / funny / her mother / should / do / a thing like that.

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6. I / certain / you / enjoyed / the fish.
7. We / worried / there / no life guard / duty.
8. Juliette / sure / she / could / identify / her / attacker.
9. It / essential / they / told / immediately.
10. The organizers / sorry / something / go wrong/ yesterday.
Bài 3:Viết lại câu sử dụng cấu trúc adjective + that clause.

1. His parents are pleased. He won the best prize.

2. I'm sorry. I came late.

3. I am important. She should accept the offer.


4. It is important. She should accept the offer.


5. The boss was angry. I misplaced all the documents.


6. We are glad. You come.


7. I'm sure. They will never give him a refund.

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8. We are afraid. The goods won't be delivered on time.


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Bài 1: Chọn từ có vị trí trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. A. elevated B. facility C. significant D. initially

2. A. cooperative B. anniversary C. illiteracy D. considerable
3. A. complete B. complain C. company D. computer
4. A. economic B. electric C. engineer D. entertain
5. A. technology B. opportunity C. curiosity D. information
Bài 2: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát ấm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. A. yacht B. chapter C. manage D. panel

2. A. example B. feed C. ink D. inhumane
3. A. junior B. humour C. stew D. few
4. A. hall B. doll C. chalk D. forecast
5. A. remake B. refund C. reconcile D. reproduce
Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. Survey findings that the current family remains an important production unit of
A. express B. show C. explain D. record
2. Before 1975 in South Viet Nam, there 3 state universities built in cities of
Hue, Saigon, Can Tho.
A. were B. would be C. was D. used to be
3. Many workers wish that they labour contracts with the companies.
A. were signing B. sign C. signed D. were signed
4. On arrival at home I that my friend just just a few minutes before.
A. had found – left B. have found – have just left
C. found – had just left D. found – left
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5. The teachers wish that smart boards in our school.

A. was installed B. would install C. had installed D. were installed
6. The photos by a British diplomat capture the of old bicycles crowded electric
trams, the queue to buy goods and lines of barrels waiting to collect water in the 1980s.
A. minds B. thinking C. ideas D. images
7. After my parents had asked for scholars’ handwriting, they them up during the
Tet festival.
A had hung B. hang C. hung D. hanged
8. The life at that time was very difficult every family tried to buy a branch of
peach blossoms to display on the Lunar New Year Festival.
A. despite B. although C. but D. so
9. They suggest that the authorities street children from following foreign
tourists in the downtown.
A. should stop B. will stop C. stopped D. would stop
10.After we their dinner, we shopping.
A. have – go B. had had – go C. had – had gone D. had had – went
Bài 4: Cho dạng đúng của các từ in đậm.

1. There has been a ____________________ increase in high-rise buildings over the last 10

2. We really like the photo _________________ in the school’s 50th anniversary. EXHIBIT

3. Nowadays it is easy to get the ________________________ areas by tram. SUBURB

4. Our country became totally _______________________ in 1975 after decades of fighting for
freedom. DEPEND

5. We have lived in an _____________________ family for over fifteen years. EXTENSION

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6. The number of private school in this city has increased _____________________ since 2010.

7. All of us were _____________________ to hear that John had passed the driving test at the
fourth attempt. RELIEF

8. In my opinion, a good doctor is always _____________________ to his patients.


9. Vietnam has become one of the world largest _____________________ rice. EXPORT

10. These are the most _____________________ clothes I have ever worn. I like them very

Bài 5: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành bài văn sau.

Seventy percent of people in Viet Nam live in rural areas. Most of these people (1)
their living by caring for farm animals like pigs. Other common jobs are crop farming
and fishing. For many of these farmers and fishermen, animal and plant waste is still a
Many women and children cook meals using traditional cooking fuels. They also spend
many hours (2) wood and other materials to burn. This process takes time and
also uses a lot of natural resources. Moreover, they suffer the same health (3) .
Cooking was a difficult and dangerous job. The kitchen was smoky, and the black ash would
make people cough, and (4) pain in the eyes.
But a biogas system can (5) all of these problems! It can turn animal or plant
waste (6) valuable resources – such as cooking fuel, electricity and plant
fertilizer. First, an expert must build a system of pipes and tanks. This biogas system
contains and manages the decaying process of animal or plant waste. To use the biogas
system, a farmer must move animal waste into a pipe with water. These pipes bring the
waste to a tank (7) in the ground. This tank is called a bio-digester. Air cannot enter

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this tank. In this contained environment, natural bacteria decays the waste material. (8)
the waste decays in the bio-digester, it (9) two things – biogas and
slurry. The biogas rises to the top of the tank. The pressure from the gas pushes the liquid
slurry into (10) . Now people can use both the biogas and the slurry.
1. A. do B. look for C. earn D. take
2. A. looking B. collecting C. keeping D. controlling
3. A. concerns B. importance C. businesses D. involvements
4. A. bring B. hurt C. make D. cause
5. A. solve B. deal C. match D. delete
6. A. to B. into C. at D. in
7. A. bury B. burying C. buried D. being buried
8. A. Because B. Moreover C. Although D. As
9. A. produces B. brings C. gets D. makes
10.A. the tank B. no tank C. the same tank D. another tank
Bài 6: Đọc đoạn văn sau và làm theo yêu cầu dưới đây.

Ha Noi had its first tramways in 1990. The tram system was a major means of
transport in the city for nine decades and thus the image of the tram and its clanging
sounds have gone deep into the hearts and minds of Hanoians. Since it was convenient and
cheap to get around the city and to the suburban areas by tram, the system was very
popular. However, due to the population boom and the need for a wider road system, the
last rail track was removed. 

Now, after more than 20 years, the population of Ha Noi has risen from about two
million people to more than six million people; therefore, the number of vehicles on the
roads has increased dramatically. To meet the increasing travel demands, Ha Noi is
launching its first skytrain system, connecting Cat Linh and Ha Dong. The system is
expected to begin operations by 2016, with initial four -compartment skytrains.

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Furthermore, a new rail system project including around eight kilometres of skytrain rail
and four kilometres of subway rail, connecting Ha Noi Central Station and Nhon, has also
been under construction and is expected to be completed in a few years.

A. Trả lời các câu hỏi sau.

1. In which century was the tram system built?


2. What was the role of the tram system in Ha Noi?


3. When was the system removed?


4. What has happened to Ha Noi’s population over the last two decades?


5. How has the tram system in Ha Noi been improved recently?


B. Điền True hoặc False cho những câu sau.

1. The purpose of the passage is to persuade people to go by skytrain.

2. Hanoians were deeply attached to their tram system.

3. The tram system of Ha Noi only operated in the downtown area.

4. There has been a sharp increase in the number of vehicles in Ha Noi.

5. The new skytrain has been running for two years.

Bài 7: Sử dụng các từ gợi ý để hoàn thành các câu sau.

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1. The conversation/ take/ place/ the school’s 70th anniversary.

2. Her grandparents/ use/ live in an extended family.
3. Because/ it explain/ a lot about how the school/ in the past.
4. The roof/ made of tiles/ some tiles were broken./ The window frames/ made of wood/
some of them were missing.

5. We/ learn that/we/ lucky/ have/ such great learning facilities/ nowadays.

6. My sister/ a sympathetic woman./ She always care/ how/ I feel.


7. His boys/ willing to do/ what he want/ to./ They/ really obedient.

8. Having students/ work/ groups,/ Lam hoped/ they could learn/ be cooperative.

9. Mr. Jane/ tolerant with/ children even when/ they/ misbehave.


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Bài 8: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. When the waiter finally (arrive) _____________________ with the drink, the guests (already
leave) _____________________ the café.

2. I cannot see Mr. HUng. He (just park) _____________________ in front of the store.

3. The Greens (spend) _____________________ three days in Ha Noi before they (travel)
_____________________ to Sa Pa yesterday.

4. His motorbike wasn’t there because someone (take) _____________________ it without asking

5. My brother (not call) _____________________ us since he (move) _____________________ to Da


6. Why your mother (lock) _____________________ all the windows before she went to bed?

7. Minh (break) _____________________ his leg after he (fall) _____________________ off through the

8. Huy (not know) _____________________ who the man was. He (not see) _____________________ him
before in his life.

9. Oh! You (paint) _____________________ the kitchen. I like the colour.

10. My teacher (visit) _____________________ over 15 countries by the time he was 30 years old.

Bài 9: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1.Lan went to school after saying goodbye to her parents.

After Lan ___________________________________________________________________________
2.He was so brave that he ran after the thief to get the bag back.
It was _______________________________________________________________________________
3.The number of Vietnamese students studying overseas has increasedconsiderably.
There has _____________________________________________________________________________
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4.I am interested to know that he’s going to invest in Viet Nam.

It is _____________________________________________________________________________________
5.There will be a lot of difficulties in persuading them to leave early.
It will be very __________________________________________________________________________
6. I wish I hadn’t taken your advice.
I regret __________________________________________________________________________
7. Seeing Nelson Mandela will always stay in my memory.
I’ll never forget ________________________________________________________________________
8. It was difficult for me to stop laughing at Wendy’s letter.
I couldn’t help __________________________________________________________________________
9. Shall I phone you this evening?
Do you want __________________________________________________________________________
10. It will be good to see them again.
I’m looking __________________________________________________________________________

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Bài 1: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. Almost everybody (leave)…………………………. by the time we (arrive)……………………

2. He (wonder)…………………………. whether he (leave)…………………………. his wallet at home.
3. The secretary (not leave)…………………………. until she (finish)…………………………. her
4. The couple scarcely (enter)…………………………. the house when they (begin)
…………………………. to argue.
5. The teacher (ask)…………………………. the boy why he (not do)…………………………. his
6. She already (post)…………………………. the letter when she (realize)…………………………. she
(send)…………………………. it to the wrong address.
7. Hardly the car (go)…………………………. a mile when it (have)…………………………. a flat tyre.
8. The weather (be)…………………………. far worse than we (expect)…………………………..
9. They (be married)…………………………. for five years when thy finally (have)
…………………………. a child.
10. No sooner they (sell)…………………………. their car than they (regret)………………………….
having done so.
11. When she (finish)…………………………. her work she (go)…………………………. to the cinema.
12. He (not eat)…………………………. until his parents (come)…………………………. home.
13. She (tell)…………………………. me she never (meet)…………………………. him.
14. He (do)…………………………. her homework before he ( go)…………………………. out.
15. The lights (go)…………………………. out the moment he (get)…………………………. into the
16. Hardly the holiday (begin)…………………………. when they (leave)…………………………. the
17. They (be)…………………………. out for an hour when it (start)…………………………. to rain.
18. They (leave)…………………………. the shop as soon as they (buy)………………………….

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everything they (need)…………………………..

19. The house (burn)…………………………. to the ground buy the time the firemen (arrive)
20. As he (do)…………………………. a lot of work that day he (be)…………………………. very tired.
Bài 2: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1. Supporting the victims after the disaster was kind of them.

2. Valuing the improved living conditions we have today is necessary.
3. Crossing the road without looking left and right was stupid of you.
4. Going into the lift alone is afraid.
5. Following the instructions carefully is important for all of us.
6. Being able to build the country into a powerful one is certain.
7. Speaking English with the foreigners is confident.
8. Showing us the way to train station was kind of them.
9. Using a long stick to get some fruits was very clever of him.
10.Finding a parking space in the city centre is not easy for you.
Bài 3: Viết lại câu sau, sử dụng cấu trúc “It + be + adjective + (of/ for + noun/

1. The students were unreasonable to complain about the exam results.

2. The shelves are simple to put up.

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3. Hung was confident to present his ideas in front of the committee.

4. We were surprised to get the scholarships.

5. She was impolite to criticize him in front of his friends.

6. Anna was brave to spend the night in the old house alone.

7. Such a wonderful performance was interesting to hear.

8. You were very kind to give presents to street children before the new school year.

9. English is necessary to learn now.

10.Our living environment is so important to preserve.

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Bài 1: Nghe và điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.

Nick: So how many (1) ______________ shared a house when you were young, Mrs Ha?

Mrs Ha: Well, unlike today, people of my generation mostly lived in (2) _______________

Nick: Really? How many of you were there?

Mrs Ha: Nine. My grandparents, my uncle, his wife and kids, my parents and me.

Nick: And, did you each have a (3) _______________ room like now?

Mrs Ha: No, we shared most things ..., even the bedrooms and bathroom.

Nick: I can't imagine! How about meals?

Mrs Ha: Meal times were great because we could have time (4) _______________ every day.
We talked about our day, problems at work, or things happening in the village.

Nick: It sounds great. So who did the shopping and cooking?

Mrs Ha: Mostly my (5) _______________. She was very hard - working ... and kind, caring,
and tolerant.

Nick: Wow. You all must have been tolerant to get along so well!

Mrs Ha: Yes, this is especially true when it came to decision making.

Nick: What happened then?

Mrs Ha: We didn't always agree ... but we learned to talk, listen and (6) _______________ ...
or grandad made the final decision and we followed ...

Nick: Hmm, sounds fascinating!

Bài 2: Dịch đoạn hội thoại vừa nghe trên.

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Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

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TOPIC: Talk about changes in transport and opinions about these changes

(Nói về những thay đổi trong giao thông và quan điểm về sự thay đổi đó)

I. Introduction
- Introduce yourself
- Introduce the topic
II. Body: Lập dàn ý theo các ý sau
- The transport in the past
- The transport now
- Opinions about the changes in transport
III. Conclusion
- Khẳ ng định lạ i nộ i dung đã nó i ở phầ n mở bà i

Detailed outline

I. Introduction

Hello, my name is Huong and I am currently a student in class 9B at ABC Secondary

School. As you know, people’s standard of living is becoming higher and higher, therefore,
there are so many changes compared to the past, especially in transport.

II. Body

- In the past, the road system was simple back then. Most people rode bicycles and there
were few motorbikes on the road. In addition, the tram system was a very popular
means of transport in the city at that time.

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- Now, the city has changed dramatically. Fly-overs, elevated walkways, and high-rise
buildings are mushrooming. In addition, there has been a sharp increase in the number
of vehicles there. Most of them are motorbikes and cars. The tram system has
completely disappeared, and I can only see a few bikes in the street. Unsurprisingly, the
roads are much busier than in the past and traffic jams often occur, particularly at rush
hour. To solve this problem, two skytrain systems have been built in the city.
- Honestly, I am totally approval and proud of the changes in transport. Thanks to those
changes, our city and country is much more modern and developing.
III. Conclusion

Transport is dramatically changing in a positive way. In spite of having some

drawbacks, I believe that it still brings numerous advantages to the citizens.

Bài nói của em

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Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

REVIEW UNIT 4 – 5 – 6
Bài 1: Chọn từ có vị trí trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. A. intend B. interact C. develop D. control

2. A. violent B. popular C. convenient D. favorite
3. A. literature B. newspaper C. teenager D. documentary
4. A. development B. education C. interactive D. entertainment
5. A. benefit B. commerce C. time-consuming D. computer
6. A. concentrate B. report C. indicator D. craftsman
7. A. sculpture B. failure C. closure D. cooperate
8. A. wander B. embroider C. embarrass D. preserve
9. A. pasture B. artisan C. lacquer D. surface
10.A. thereby B. emotion C. authentic D. theory
Bài 2: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. A. island B. pilgrim C. surprising D. shrine

2. A. sculpture B. structure C. future D. culture
3. A. complex B. citadel C. cavern D. contestant
4. A. pleasure B. measure C. treasure D. great
5. A. aging B. cavern C. cave D. ancient
6. A. closure B. structure C. sculpture D. future
7. A. aware B. cast C. craft D. carve
8. A. multicultural B. frustrated C. surface D. drumhead
9. A. cost B. preserve C. craftsman D. house-keeping
10.A. preserved B. embarrassed C. wandered D. embroidered
Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành các câu sau.

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1. I wish I people with the same hobbies.

A. meet B. can meet C. could meet D. will meet
2. My mother says she used to a diary when she was young.
A. keep B. use C. write D. preserve
3. The between generations seems to be bigger and bigger than ever.
A. blank B. space C. gap D. distance
4. Our teacher’s is that we set up a project on preservation of our traditional
A. offer B. suggestion C. scheme D. order
5. I found the letter in my bag. – I to post it.
A. forgot B. would forget C. was forgetting D. had forgotten
6. It that China dug up the ocean floor to build artificial islands.
A. would be said B. is said C. says D. said
7. The Thang Long Imperial Citadel was built on the location of a Chinese dating
from the 7th century.
A. border B. soldier C. battle D. fortress
8. The situation to continue.
A. cannot allow B. cannot be allowed
C. cannot have allowed D. cannot be allowing
9. The public suggested that the factories with waste treatment system.
A. would equip B. would be equipped
C. should equip D. should be equipped
10.Talking about Tay Phuong Pagoda means talking about a treasure of , an
invaluable cultural and historical heritage.
A. items B. stone C. sculpture D. objects

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11.It’s a truth that dogs can hear and see better than humans.
A. very B. far more C. a lot D. much more
12.To consider an idea or a suggestion before deciding to accept it is to .
A. face up to B. take it up C. look it up D. go it over
13.We’d like our students to participate more in the school’s social programmes.
A. actively B. comprehensivelyC. basically D. dynamically
14.“DoesHuong your new classmate?”
A. face up to B. keep up with C. get on with D. look forward to
15.Yesterday, a policeman came and explained to us to act and where to get
help in emergencies.
A. how B. whether C. where D. what
16.All of my teachers, friends and relatives are asking me continually what careers I am
interested in and I'm struggling to a decision.
A. take B. offer C. do D. make
17.In many big cities, people have to up with noise, overcrowding and bad air.
A. face B. put C. catch D. keep
18.I am unsure as to fashion designing is the right career for me.
A. where B. how C. whether D. what
19.I wish I all the natural and man-made wonders of Viet Nam.
A. could visit B. am visiting C. Visit D. will visit
20.Children in large families learn how to get with other people.
A. across B. through C. along D. away
Bài 4: Phát hiện lỗi sai trong những câu sau và sửa lại.

1. My sister had worked in the bank forsenvenyears before she had been sent to Quang

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2. Phongsaid that he had been very excited visiting Ha Long Bay for the first time in 2010.
3. The country has significant changed since we came here in 2009.

4. All of us are astonished that life in the countryside to improve a lot.

5. By the time she left the supermarket, she spent all of her money on clothes.
6. Progress is been made every dayin all parts of the world.
7. When, where and by whomhas the telephoneinvented?
8. Eachassembly kit is accompany by detailed instruction.
9. Michaelwas giving an award by the city for all of his efforts in crime prevention.
10.It was late and I was getting very worryabout my little girl.
Bài 5: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành bài văn sau.

During the war, children wore straw hats to (1) themselves from debris. Houses and
schools were bombed and destroyed. Many children were made (2) and their schools
had to be moved around or lessons sometimes had to (3) after dark to avoid being
targeted by heavy bombing. Many schools had its roof (4) with several layers of straw to

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withstand the (5) of the bombs. Life for children was very hard in both the North and
South of Viet Nam during the war.
Young people were (6) of their duty to serve their country. Even young girls took
part in the war efforts by digging bomb shelters. Children took first-aid courses after school
so that they could (7) injured people.
Childhood years of children born in the 1960s are (8) . As innocent children, they went
to school (9) straw hats in the sounds of American jet fighters in the sky and the shots from
Vietnamese anti-aircraft guns.
Nowadays, they are proud that they came through those hardships. They had their
heads held (10) walking out of the war.
1. A. protect B. keep C. save D. help
2. A. homemade B. homeless C. homelessness D. homesick
3. A. place B. take place C. be happened D. exist
4. A. cover B. covering C. covered D. being covered
5. A. reasons B. causes C. actions D. impacts
6. A. known B. afraid C. capable D. aware
7. A. care for B. take after C. take care about D. deal
8. A. unfortunate B. unforgettable C. forgettable D. memorably
9. A. wear B. to wear C. wearing D. that wear
10.A. high B. highly C. height D. above
Bài 6: Đọc đoạn văn sau và điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.

In the 1960s, The Beatles were probably the (1) famous pop group in the
whole world. Since then, there have (2) a great many groups that have
achieved enormous fame, so it is perhaps difficult now to imagine how sensational The
Beatles were at the time. They were four boys from the north of (3) and none of

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them had any training in music. They started by performing and recording songs (4)
black Americans and they had some success with these songs, then they (5)
writing their own songs and that was when they became really popular. The Beatles
changed pop music. They were the first (6) group to achieve great success
from songs they had written themselves. After that it became common for groups and
singers to write their own (7) . The Beatles did not have a long career. Their first
hit record was in 1963 and they split up (8) 1970. They stopped doing live
performances in 1966 because it had become too dangerous for them their fans were so
excited (9) they surrounded them and tried to take their clothes as souvenirs!
However, today some of their songs remain as (10) as they were when they first
came out. Throughout the world, many people can sing part of a Beatles song if you ask
Bài 7: Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn đáp án đúng.

Cardamom is not as widely used as a spice in the United States as it is in other parts of
the world. This fruit of the ringer plant provides oil that basically has been used solely as a
stimulant in American and English medicines. Other cultures organized the multipurpose
benefits of this aromatic fruit. In Asia it is used to season sauces such as curry, in Middle
Eastern countries it is steeped to prepare a flavorful golden-colored tea; in parts of
Northern Europe it is used as a spice in various types of pastry.
1. The word “solely”in the passage could best be placed by .
A. initially B. only C. reportedly D. healthfully
2. The word “multipurpose” in the passage is closest in meaning to .
A. health B. singular C. recognized D. varied
3. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “season” in line 5 .
A. divided B. forecast C. spice D. put a time limit
4. “curry” in the passage is .
A. the fruit of the ringer plant B. a spicy type of sauce

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

C. a culture in the area of the Middle East D. a type of golden-colored tea

5. The word “steeped” in the passage is closest in meaning to .
A. soaked B. dried C. stored D. grown
Bài 8: Đọc bài văn sau và chọn đáp án đúng.

Street Food Shoulder Poles on Saigon streets

Street food shoulder pole is familiar with Saigon people throughout many years.
Nowadays it has become a special thing that makes travelers curious. In small areas of
District 1 and District 3, we could count more than 100 vendors who earned money using
shoulder poles. A shoulder pole, also called a carrying pole, is a yoke of wood or bamboo,
used by people to carry a load. The vendors put their goods in two baskets from each end of
the yoke.
In the downtown, we can meet young women with their shoulder poles. The baskets are
covered with plastic wrap carefully to protect the foods from the street dust. In a tight
space of one basket, she could mix the ingredients and bake the cake on a small charcoal
which was defended by carton. The ready cakes were put in other basket.
In the morning or evening, on rainy or sunny day, Saigon streets are marked by
shoulder poles of people from different regions of the country, which has become a
unique part of Saigon. It has been said that it isn’t hard to live in Saigon if you work hard.
With the carrying pole on shoulders, the vendor has turned it into a “store”. The reason is
very simple, they don’t have enough money to open a real store. Every day these women
continue their journey through Saigon streets under the sun and the rain, selling cheap
things or street foods to earn money and feed their children.
1. A shoulder pole .
A. is the connection between wood and bamboo
B. used to be called a carrying pole
C. is a bar made of wood or bamboo

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

D. is used to put goods on street vendor’s shoulders

2. Street food shoulder pole is .
A. used by street vendors to carry things
B. a characteristic of District 1 and 3
C. used to make foreign travelers curious
D. a way for passer-by to have food
3. All of the following are true about shoulder poles EXCEPT that .
A. street vendors can bake cakes there
B. the two baskets have the same function
C. they can contain enough things to serve some customers
D. they can be protected from dust
4. All of the following are benefits of shoulder poles EXCEPT that .
A. they can help street vendors to sell many things without a store
B. street vendors can support their families with the help of shoulder poles
C. it is a way for street vendors to carry goods around the streets
D. women are marked by unique shoulder poles from different regions
5. The word “yoke” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to .
A. a piece of wood that is shaped to fit across a person’s shoulders to carry two equal
B. a wooden bar that is connected to the vehicles or loads so that they can be pulled
C. something that connects two things or people, usually in a way that limits freedom
D. a long piece of wood that is fastened across the necks to pull heavy loads
Bài 9: Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại sau, sử dụng các đáp án A-H cho sẵn.

A. Our messages will be transferred at the speech of light in the future.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

B. Smoke was used as a means of communication from one mountain to another.

C. With the invention of stamps.
D. Only a few simple messages could be sent and received with this primitive method of
smoke signals.
E. People carry it together with the identity card, the keys and the wallet.
F. The pigeons could fly to and fro to carry letters.
G. It tells about the means of communication in the past, present, and the future.
H. Carrier pigeon was another means communication to send messages further away.

Huy: Which book are you reading, Phong?

Phong: (1)

Huy: Wow, interesting! I think it has changed according to the changes in technology.
What was first used for communication?
Phong: (2)

Huy: Maybe people only used smoke to ask for help or something like that.
Phong: (3)
Huy: What happened after that?
Phong: (4)

Huy: I’ve heard about that. The pigeons were trained for this two-way communication
method of letter carrying.
Phong: Sure. (5)
Huy: Then people send letters by post.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Phong: (6)
Right? After that, we have Morse codes, telegraphs, telephones, email with the
Internet, and so on.
Huy: Now mobiles are the most popular.
Phong: Yeah. (7)

Huy: And the future? It is not difficult to predict the future of the communication.
Phong: (8)
Bài 10: Sử dụng các từ gợi ý để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. The adults/ take responsibility/ leading/ family.

2. If/ we/ not have/ forgiveness/ we/ not live/ happy/ extended family/ many

3. Nguyen Sieu Primary School/ Ha Noi/ introduce/ traditional games/ their

curriculum/ recently.

4. The school/ like/ offer/ gentle form/ relaxation/ after/ hours/ study.

5. The students/ fifth grade/ play/ traditional games/ without/ instruction/ teachers.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

6. Some students/ enjoying “Cat and Mouse game”/ while/ others/ interested/ play/
blind man’s bluff.

7. The school authorities/ want/ increase/ students’ affection/ school/ so that/ each
day/ school/ full/ happiness.

8. Family members/ support/ other/ times/ trouble.

9. We/ have/ need/ love/ and/ loved/ so/ family/ normally/ place/ where/ love/

10.It/ certain/ laughter/ positive way/ release tensions/ and/ gain/ close relationships.

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Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166




1 thợ là m nghề thủ cô ng

2 sả n phẩ m thủ cô ng

3 xưở ng, cô ng xưở ng

4 điểm hấ p dẫ n

5 bả o tồ n, gìn giữ

6 tính xá c thự c, châ n thậ t

7 đú c (đồ ng…)

8 nghề thủ cô ng

9 thợ là m đồ thủ cô ng

1 xâ y dự ng tinh thầ n đồ ng độ i

1 mặ t trố ng


Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

1 thêu

1 khung

1 đồ sơn mà i

1 lớ p (lá …)

1 đổ khuô n, tạ o khuô n

1 điêu khắ c, đồ điêu khắ c

1 bề mặ t

1 chỉ, sợ i

2 đan (rổ , rá …), dệt (vả i…)


Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166



1. xuấ t hiện, đến
2. khở i hà nh, bắ t đầ u chuyến đi
3. đó ng cử a, ngừ ng hoạ t độ ng
4. truyền lạ i (cho thế hệ sau…)
5. đố i mặ t, giả i quyết
6. từ chố i
7. thà nh lậ p, tạ o dự ng
8. tiếp quả n, kế nhiệm, nố i nghiệp
9. số ng bằ ng, số ng dự a và o
10. xử lí
11. chạ m, khắ c
12. bướ c, giai đoạ n
13. đồ tạ o tá c
14. khung cử i dệt vả i
15. nhiều tá c dụ ng, đa nă ng
16. câ y liễu
17.  chì, chì than (để vẽ) 
18. nhiều, đô ng đả o, số lượ ng lớ n

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1 tuyệt vờ i, tuyệt diệu

2 đá ng tin cậ y

3 (thuộ c về) đô thị

4 đa văn hó a

5 sự phong phú , đa dạ ng

6 lớ n lên, trưở ng thà nh

7 chậ t ních ngườ i

8 (thuộ c) đô thị, thà nh thị

9 châ u Đạ i Dương

1 cỡ vừ a, cỡ trung

1 bị cấ m


Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

1 thoả i má i, dễ tính

1 trung tâ m thà nh phố , khu

3. thương mạ i
1 nhà cao chọ c trờ i

1 mắ c ket, khô ng di chuyển đươc


Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166



1. đi lang thang
2. (giá cả ) phả i chă ng
3. thự c hiện
4. xá c định
5. yếu tố
6. xung độ t
7. chỉ số
8. tà i sản
9. sự đô thị hó a
10. chỉ số
11. tà u điện ngầ m
12. cư dâ n
13. tiêu cự c
14. hiện thờ i, trong lú c nà y

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166




1 giai đoạ n vị thà nh niên

2 giai đoạ n trưở ng thà nh

3 bình tĩnh

4 kĩ năng tư duy

5 tậ p trung

6 tự tin

7 vui sướ ng

8 tuyệt vọ ng

9 xấ u hổ

1 tình huố ng khẩ n cấ p

1 bự c bộ i (vì khô ng giả i quyết

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

1. đượ c việc gì)

1 đườ ng dâ y nó ng trợ giú p


Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166



1. kĩ nă ng là m việc nhà
2. sự độ c lậ p, tự lậ p
3. quyết định có câ n nhắ c
4. cả m thấ y bị bỏ rơi, bị cô lậ p
5. kĩ nă ng số ng
6. thoả i má i, thư giã n
7. giả i quyết xung độ t
8. liều lĩnh
9. tự nhậ n thứ c, ngộ ra
10. tự rèn luyện
11. că ng thẳ ng, mệt mỏ i
12. că ng thẳ ng
13. lo lắ ng

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166




1. đó ng vai, diễn
2. (thuộ c về) Bắ c cự c
3. châ n đấ t
4. ngoan, biết cư xử
5. xe chó kéo
6. hình vò m
7. và o trung tâ m thà nh phố
8. ă n ngoà i
9. giả i trí
10. sự kiện
11. trự c diện, mặ t đố i mặ t

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166



1. phương tiện, thiết bị
2. lều tuyết
3. thấ t họ c
4. loa
5. dịp
6. truyền lạ i, kể lạ i
7. đă ng tả i
8. đồ ă n vặ t
9. ngườ i bá n hà ng rong
10. nghiêm khắ c
11. cư xử

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166




1 thuộ c về hoặ c liên quan đến

. việc quả n lý; hà nh chính

2 là m sữ ng sờ , là m sử ng số t

3 hang lớ n, độ ng

4 thà nh lũ y, thà nh trì

5 khu liên hơp, quầ n thể

6 thí sinh

7 phá o đà i

8 (thuộ c) địa chấ t

9 đá vô i

1 biện phá p, phương sá ch


Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166



1 thiên đườ ng

2 đẹp, gâ y ấ n tượ ng mạ nh (phong

. cả nh)
3 sự cô ng nhậ n, sự thưa nhậ n

4 xe xích lô , xe kéo

5 hiệp, vò ng (trong trò chơi)

6 bứ c tượ ng (điêu khắ c)

7 khung cả nh, mô i trườ ng

8 đẹp mắ t, ngoạ n mụ c, hù ng vĩ

9 cô ng trình kiến trú c, cô ng trình

. xâ y dự ng
1 ngô i mộ


Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166




1 bự c mình, khó chịu

2 kinh ngạ c

3 bù ng nổ

4 toa xe

5 tiếng leng keng

6 hợ p tá c

7 lố i đi dà nh cho ngườ i đi bộ

8 nướ c xuấ t khẩ u, ngườ i xuấ t

. khẩ u
9 gia đình nhiều thế hệ cù ng

. số ng chung
1 cầ u vượ t (cho xe má y, ô tô )

1 là m (gì đó ) bằ ng tay


Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

1 mọ c lên như nấ m


Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166



1. gâ y chú ý, đá ng chú ý
2. gia đình hạ t nhâ n
3. triển lã m ả nh
4. ngườ i đi bộ
5. má i nhà
6. cao su
7. dép
8. nhà tranh má i lá
9. lợ p ngó i, bằ ng ngó i
10. xe điện, tà u điện
11. hà o giao thô ng
12. đườ ng hầ m, cố ng ngầ m
13. đườ ng hầ m cho ngườ i đi bộ

qua đườ ng

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. a. pottery b. product c. workshop d. conical

2. a. surface b. layer c. frame d. birthplace
3. a. weather b. threat c. together d. bother
4. a. historical b. system c. landscape d. business
5. a. carved b. impressed c. d. weaved
Bài 2: Chọn từ có trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại.
1. a. craftsman b. attraction c. museum d.
2. a. embroider b. lantern c. impress d. desire
3. a. workshop b. remind c. outskirts d. village
4. a. competition b. generation c. conical d.
5. a. family b. typical c. d.
grandparents embroider
Bài 3: Chọn từ không nhận trọng âm trong các từ được gạch chân sau.
1. We(A) shouldn’t build(B) cable car system(C) in SonDoongCave. (D)

2. Is(A) Ben Thanh Market(B) a place(C) of interest(D) in Ho Chi Minh City?

3. Many international(A) tourists(B) are interested in(C) making woven baskets. (D)

4. I picked(A) up a(B) piece(C) of wood(D) and started carving.

5. Lam and his(A) friends(B) often go(C) to the cinema(D) to enjoy the newfilms.

6. They were walking(A) through Nguyen Hue Avenue(B) when(C) an accident(D)


7. Tourists(A) can’t(B) enter(C) the War Remnants Museum(D) after10pm.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. The museum has a superb collectionofancient _________ fromNubia.
a.artefacts b.leather c.presence d.beads
2. Our aim is to make the performing arts, museums and our _______ accessible to all. b.patriotism c.heritage d.status
3. I have five pictures and eight pieces ___________ sculpture on exhibition.
a. of b.on d. for
4. David Ferris’s father was a bank manager living _______ the outskirts of the Lancastrian
town ofPreston.
a. of b.on
5. All people should join hand in protectingtheenvironment _______ we can gain better
a. in order that b.when c. because d. eventhough
6. ________ we were waiting, am an with a phone on his hand asked us what we were doing.
a.That b. In order that c.While d.Although
7. Thebus up passengers outside theairport.
a.hits b.sends c.lays d.picks
8. After visiting Bat Trang village, theycame to their hotel forlunch. b.up c.down d.back
9. A: I’ll pick you up at seveno’clock on my way to the train station.
a.Forpleasure b. Great. I’ll see youthen.
c. I haveaphone. d. Wouldbe.
10. A: Would you like to join us on the trip to Van PhucVillage?
B: _____________.
a.Soundsgreat. b. Fornow.
c. Betterthingshappened. d. I don’t thinkso.

Bài 5: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

1. You can’t really have seen aUFO!You ____________________ (imagine)things!

2. Quynh was busywhenwe ____________________ (go) to see heryesterday. She

____________________ (study) for anexam.

3. The festival is held by the Hanoi City DepartmentofTourism ____________________

(preserve) and develop traditional trade villages in Hanoi.

4. The owner of Hakata Traditional Craft andDesign Museum ____________________ (close) it

down because of droppingprofit.

5. Conicalhatmaking ____________________ (be) a traditional craft for hundreds of years.

6. Thebuilding ____________________ (complete) at the end of lastweek.

7. Individuals should beresponsiblefor ____________________ (revive) local culture.

8. ____________________ (you/ ever/ be) to Van Phuc silkVillage?

Bài 6: Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.

1. The price of clay, supplies and equipment is a small percentage of the total costto
____________________ pottery.(product)

2. He started the youth group tokeeplocal ____________________ off the streets.(young)

3. Poem conical hats are believed to come from Tay Ho Village in Hue, which was
famousfor____________________ hat makers.(skill)

4. Today, ____________________ Hang Trong paintings are found only in museums or fine
an galleries.(authenticity)

5. Craft village tourism has alsoprovedan ____________________, receiving great

attentionfrom visitors, especially foreign tourists.(attract)

6. Mass ____________________ started in 1989 when the first 340 Windsurf guests arrived.

7. The tribe is concernedwiththe ____________________ of its culture and traditions,


Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

8. The second collection was more decorative,inspiredby ____________________ and

pattern. (embroider)

9. Vietnamese people have a strong desire to maintainadistinct __________________

identity. (culture)

10.I’d like to thank everyone for helping to makethisday ____________________ for us.

Bài 7: Phát hiện lỗi sai trong các câu sau.

1. As soon(A) as I know, Nga Son mats village has(B) existed for(C) more than 150 years
with many(D) ups and downs.

2. Tho Ha village gate has nice, large and antique architecture(A) making(B) by skillful
hands of(C) thevillage’s craftsmen. (D)

3. Chinese Painting became popularly(A) around(B) 581 AD since (C) more and more
people began to appreciate(D) its beauty.

4. Inorderthat(A) promotethedevelopmentof(B) thecraft village,moresupport(C)

fromlocalauthoritiesis(D) needed.

5. Careful planning i(A) s very important to help craft villages growing(B) and flourish
to attract more(C) tourists to the country. (D)

6.All families(A) in Phuoc Tich village earned(B) their living from(C) making ceramics
for the past(D) 500years.

7. Some of(A) the most excited(B) architecture in Britain can be found(C) in

Manchester and the nearby(D) Salford Quays area.

8. Artisans in the traditional craft village are(A) facing difficulties in(B) seeking markets(C)
fortheirproduct. (D)

Bài 8: Nối câu hỏi với câu trả lời phù hợp.

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1. Why are Dong Ho paintings a. My sisters.

so special?
b. You can go to Non Nuoc
2. This kind of team-building marble village.
activity seems to attract a lot of tourists.
c. No, I haven’t. Can you show
3. Do you have any intention to me how to
visit Hoi An the second time?
do it?
4. Who will you go to the
d. No. It’s Hue.
painting workshop with?
e. Absolutely. They should
5. Hanoi is the birthplace of the
promote it more
conical hat, isn’t it?
and more.
6. Yogurt made in Dalat will
f.Yes, I do. Next month, I will come
surprise you.
back there.
7. Where can we observe the
g. Wow, I will definitely try it
process of making marble sculptures?
when coming there.
8. Have you ever tried making
h. Because the artisans use
a handmade keychain?
special materials to make the paint.
Bài 9: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.
Jalan Hang Jebat,or(1)_______ known as Jonker Walk, is a streetin (2) ________
Chinatownof Melaka starting just across the river from the DutchSquare. Jonker Walk is
flanked on(3)_______ sides of the road with heritage housesdating(4) _______ to
the 17 century. At that time, rich Baba Nonyas (also known as Perankans, descendants
of 15th - 16th centuryChinese immigrants marrying local Malay women)
livedand(5)_________their businesshere.
Today, the street houses many shops selling antiques, textiles,(6)_______ andsouvenirs
(similar to what you can find at Central Market in Kuala Lumpur). On the weekends,
starting Friday night at 6pm, the road is closed(7)_______ to traffic and turns in a very
crowded night market. The famous Chicken Rice Balldish(8)_______ also be found here,
just opposite the start of Jonker Walk near thebridge.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

1. a. common b. commonly c. commony d.

2. a. history b. historic c. historical d.
3. a. both b. each c. every d. very
4. a. in b. back c. on d. for
5. a. lived b. made c. did d. put
6. a. cars b. handicrafts c. houses d. rice
7. a. after b. in c. out d. off
8. a. must b. should c. might d. can
Bài 10: Đọc bài sau và trả lời câu hỏi.
Hanoi has long been home to hundreds of craft villages. Over the years, many of the
crafts have developed, while some have disappeared altogether.
The heart and soul of Hanoi‟s vibran told crafts are its crafts men and women. One
such couple are Nguyen Van Hoa and his wife Dang Huong Lan of Ba Dinh District‟s
Hang Than Street. They are among the few artisans still making elaborate cardboard
masks in order to preserve the traditionalculture.
Although the work itself requires many steps, the materials required are simple:
newspapers, glue, paint and paintbrushes. The first step entails tearing the newspapers
to pieces and thenusing glue to combine them into a mold. The masks are painted one
color at a time and then laid out to dry. Cardboard mask making is therefore dependent
on dry weather and the couple can only make about 2,000 masks per festival. These are
priced from VND25.000 to VND35,000 a piece, bringing in VND50-60 million - a sum is
not commensurate with the efforts that go into making these elaborate crafts.
Making swans out of cotton is also a traditional craft. Only artisan Vu Thi Thanh
Tam of 79 Hang Luoc Street in the capital makes these swans. The swan frames are
made of notebook paper and are stuffed with cotton, then a skillful artisan puts each
layer of cotton on the swanframes and uses rice water to smooth them. Theswanneck is
made of steelwire and is covered by cotton.The finished product is placed in a rattan
basket with cotton around and glass-beads and silk flowers are added for color.
The continuity of traditional crafts adds to the capital‟s attractiveness in the eyes of
citizens and international visitors.

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1. Who plays role as the heart and soul of Hanoi‟scrafts?

2. Which traditional craft do Mr. Hoa and his wifepreserve?

3. How many materials are there to make that craft? What arethey?

4. Which kind of weather does the craft making process dependon?

5. What are the swan frames madeof?

6. What does the artisan use to smooth theframes?

7. What is added to color the finishedproduct?

Bài 11: Chọn câu đúng nhất.

1. Mai was writing a note to her friend. The busarrived.
a. Mai was writing a note to her friend as soon as the trainarrived.

b. After the busarrived, Mai was writing a note to herfriend.

c. The busarrived while Mai was writing a note to herfriend.

d. Mai was writing a note to her friend whenever the busarrived.

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2. The water is very cold in January. Theygo swimminganyway.

a. When the water is very cold in January, theygo swimminganyway.

b. As the water is very cold in January, theygo swimminganyway.

c. The water is very cold in January if theygo swimminganyway.

d. Although the water is very cold in January, theygo swimminganyway.

3. The water was very rough. The lifeguards made all of the swimmers leave thewater.
a. Since the water was very rough, the lifeguards made all of the swimmers leave

b. Thewaterwasveryroughsothatthe lifeguardsmadealloftheswimmersleavethewater.

c. The water was very rough because the lifeguards made all of the swimmersleave

d. Thelifeguardsmadealloftheswimmersleavethewaterthoughthewaterwasveryrough.

4. Phong goes jogging four kilometers every morning. Then he gets ready forwork.

a. Phong goes jogging four kilometers every morning after he gets ready forwork.

b. Phong goes jogging four kilometers every morning before he gets ready forwork.

c. Phong goes jogging four kilometers every morning as soon as he gets ready for

d. Phong goes jogging four kilometers every morning when he gets ready forwork.

a concert.

a. Ticket prices might be more expensive then going to the movies is still much
cheaper than going to aconcert.

b. Ticket prices might be more expensive that going to the movies is still much
cheaper than going to aconcert.

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c. Going to the movies is still much cheaper than going to a concert since ticket
prices might be moreexpensive.

d. Going to the movies is still much cheaper than going to a concert although ticket
prices might be moreexpensive.

6. We went to Hoan Kiem Lake. We flew back to Ho Chi Mirth City at8pm.

a. We went to Hoan Kiem Lake while we flew back to Ho Chi Minh City at8pm.

b. Before we flew back to Ho Chi Minh City at 8pm, we went to Hoan Kiem Lake.

c. We went to Hoan Kiem Lake in order that we flew back to Ho Chi Minh City at8pm.

d. As we went to Hoan Kiem Lake, we flew back to Ho Chi Minh City at8pm.

7. You need to plan your trip to England carefully. You don’t spend all your money too

a. You need to plan your trip to Englandc arefully so that you don’t spend all your
money too quickly.

b. You need to plan your trip to England carefully although you don’t spend all your
money tooquickly.

c. You need to plan your trip to England carefully as you don’t spend all your money
too quickly.

d. Even though you need to plan your trip to England carefully, you don’t spend all
your money tooquickly.

8. Nickis very wealthy. He can afford to buy almost anything hewants.

a. Although Nickis very wealthy, he can afford to buy almost anything hewants.

b. Nickis so wealthy that he can afford to buy almost anything hewants.

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c. Nickis very wealthy so that he can afford to buy almost anything hewants.

d. Nick can afford to buy almost anything he wants, but he is verywealthy.

Bài 12: Viết thư cho bạn để giới thiệu về một nơi em yêu thích ở quê hương em, sử
dụng các gợi ý sau.
1. What is that place?
2. Where is it located?
3. How can people visit there?
4. Do they need to pay any cost to get in?
5. What can they do at that place?

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Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. a.childhood b.champagne c.champion

2. a.culture b.popular c.regular d.fabulous
3. a. conflict b.forbidden c. reliable d.determine
4. a. lighthouse b.heritage c.hotel d.honorable
5. a.products b.returns c.wanders d.wonders
Bài 2: Chọn từ có trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại.
1. a.negative b.determine c.forbidden d.attraction
2. a.access b.wander c.conduct d.asset
3. a. cosmopolitan b.communication c.multicultural d.metropolitan
4. a. acceptable b.affordable c. reliable d.fashionable
5. a.skyscraper b.populous d.Fabulous
Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. Every time I fly to the United States, I get really bad_______.

a. asthma b.jetlag c.confusion d.recreation
2. Leavetheironing - I‟ll do itlater.
a. for thetimebeing b. from timetotime
c. inanytime d. in the nick oftime
3. Thesefactorscontribute making city life more difficult for itsresidents. b.with c. to d.on
4. Tower blocks from the 60s and 70s could be after Grenfell Tower fire. down b.let down c.turned down d. Pulled down
5. The trip to the National Galleryhasbeen until nextFriday.
a.putoff b.looked into c.turned up d. Found out
6. The street food in Quang Ngaiisdeliciousand .

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a.available b.fabulous c.affordable d.fascinating

7. “Thanks for giving me a ride to worktoday.”
“ I was heading this directionanyway.”
a. You don’t need to. b.Yes,thanks. c.Noworries. d. I’d loveto.
8. “ ?” “Everything is fine. How aboutyou?”
a. How oldareyou? b. How’s itgoing?
c. What’syourlife? d. What’s thematter?
9. Life in Hanoiis than we thought atfirst.
a. far the busier b. The more busier c. much more busy d. Much busier
10. Of the cities we surveyed, Singaporewas____ the worst rated by its residents
a. a bit b. A lot c. much d. byfar
Bài 4: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.
1. Summer (really/ not begin) in Rio de Janeiro until lateNovember.

2. Whattends (happen) is that the poorest families end up in the

worst housing.

3. They toldmethey (go) on a trip to Brazil the previousholiday.

4. The StatueofLiberty (originally/ design) for the Suez Canal inEgypt.

5. Manyscientists (still/ search) for life in other parts of theuniverse.

6. He (visit) Londontwice thisyear.

7. Thekids (play) in the garden when it suddenly began torain.

8. As soon as Daddy andJonathanfinish (get) dressed, we’ll go to the


Bài 5: Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.

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1. Hoi An is known as the centre forvery custom-made clothing.(afford)

2. Lan wasa very and honest womanwho would never betray anyone.

3. Toronto is officially namedthemost city in Canada.(culture)

4. The town’smostpopular ___is the Marine Science Museum.(attract)

5. The Province Of Luxemburg is the largestandleast ___of the nine

provinces of Belgium.(populate)

6. The illustration showsexamplesof___________ dress in the late 1840s.(fashion)

7. The disease spread quickly among thepoorslum of the city.(dwell)

8. I often thinkofthe time we had all together in Moscowlast spring.(please)

Bài 6: Phát hiện lỗi sai trong các câu sau.

1. Last year, 16% of(A) the EU population (75 million(B) people) suffered with(C)
material and socialdeprivation. (D)

2. What buildings(A) are being demolish(B) to make way for(C) thedevelopment? (D)
3. In terms(A) of GDP rankings, (B) New York is the most second(C) wealthiest(D) city in
the world.
4. Operated(A) between 06:00 and 24:00, KL monorail trains arrive once(B) every(C)
five minutes during peak(D) traveling hours.

5. It‟s by far(A) more expensive if you hire(B) car for(C) discovering(D) Kuala Lumpur.

6. Thespectacular(A) RoyalPalaceof(B) theImperialCity(C) isoneofHue‟s

maintouristattraction. (D)

7. She remained calmly(A) and waited(B) till(C) he had finished(D) shouting at her.

8. Martin was chosen(A) because she is a good administrator(B) who(C) gets along
for(D) everyone.

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Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Bài 7: Nối câu hỏi với câu trả lời phù hợp.

1. a. There
Could you show me how to get are a lot of well-known buildings and
to the cinema? fashion malls.

2. b. Not
What can we do when visiting bad. I‟ve been so busy this week, though.
Ho Chi Minh City? c. Go
3. straight, then turn left. It is opposite the
How can people determine bakery.
which city is worth living? d. You
4. can visit Ben Thanh Market and join the
What makes you feel bad about crowd on Bui Vien Walking Street.
cities? e.
5. Because they have more job
Which do you like best about opportunities as well as entertainment.
your city? f. Two
6. hours.
Why do most people enjoy living g. They
in the cities? conduct a survey with different factors
7. and then give scores for each.
Good evening! How‟s it going? h. It seems to me that every city is
8. overcrowded and polluted.
How long does it take you to go
to the center of the city?
Bài 8: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành bài đọc sau.

Tokyo is Japan’s capital and largest city. It‟s also one of the largest cities in the world.

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(1) in 1457, Tokyo has grown into a major part ofa(2) _____region that also includes the
cities of Yokohama and Kawasaki. The metropolitan region, also known as Greater Tokyo,
has over 30 million residents,(3)______ makes it one of the largest metropolitan areas in the
Tokyo today is a very welcoming metropolis. Tourists (4)______about the street, taking
in Japanese culture. Hundreds of shrines and temples adorn the city. Shinto and Buddhism
are the major (5)_____of Japan. Tourists can also experience Japanese cuisine. There are
thousands of restaurants (6) ____-Tokyo. You can choose from noodle shops, sushi bars,
or even McDonald‟s with special Japan-(7)____items found only inJapan.
If you ever have the chance to visit Japan, make sure you stop in Tokyo for (8) _______a
few days.

1. a. Found b. Founded c. Founding d. Finded

2. a. b. influence c. attractive d. complex
3. a. what b. which c. that d. this
4. a. run b. show c. drive d. roam
5. a. provinces b. attractions c. festivals d. religions
6. a. at b. in c. on d. of
7. a. inspire b. inspiring c. inspired d.
8. a. at time b. at all c. at least d. at first
Bài 9: Đọc bài sau và trả lời câu hỏi.
Toronto is one of the world’s most multicultural cities. Almost half of its population
are immigrants. You’ll hear more than 140 languages and dialects spoken on the streets
in this “City of Neighborhoods”. It’s the most populous city in Canada (more than 5
million in the Greater Toronto Area) and the province of Ontario’s economic engine.
Toronto’s motto is“DiversityOur Strength”. Toronto prides itself on its wide range of
cultures, languages, food andarts.
Visit Toronto, and one of the first things you’ll notice is that the city’s appeal lies in
its citizens’ friendliness: ask for directions, and you’ll be helped. Along with its highly
artistic culture and fascinating museums that proudly display the country’s history, it’s
clear that a Toronto trip has something foreveryone.
Although Toronto’s climate is partially moderated by its Great Lakes location, it is

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

more extreme than Bordeaux’s and Christchurch’s, with somewhat hotter summers
and considerably colder winters. Summertime in Toronto is festival time. Just about
every weekend, and some weekdays, you’ll find one happening. If crowds aren’t your
thing, avoid Caribana festival (July28 through July 31), when the city greets more than
one millionvisitors.
1. Where isToronto?

2. What is the population of the Greater TorontoArea?

3. What makes Toronto proud ofitself?

4. What is one of the first things in Toronto that appealstourists?

5. Which of Toronto proudly displays the country‟shistory?

6. How is the climate inToronto?

7. When is the festival time inToronto?

8. How many visitors does the city greet in Caribanafestival?

Bài 10: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi, sửu dụng các từ trong ngoặc.

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1. This gym is less convenient than the one near my school.(AS)

→ Thisgym
2. Mount Everest is higher than any other mountain in the world.(HIGHEST)

→ MountEverest

3. His writings have influenced modern Christian theology.(BEEN)

→ Modern Christiantheology

4. The group plans to establish an import business.(SET)

→ The group plansto

5. His brotheris the most capable man in the office.(MORE)

→ Noother

6. The product quickly made an impact on the market.(INFLUENCE)

→ The productquickly

7. Lam had obviously made an effort to put on smart clothes for the occasion.(UP)

→ Lam had obviously made an effortto

8. Losing weight is not so easy as putting on weight.(DIFFICULT)

→ Losingweight

Bài 11: Viết một đoạn văn khoảng 100-150 từ về một vấn đề mà nơi bạn sinh sống
đang phải đối mặt. Sử dụng các từ gợi ý sau.
1. What is that problem?

2. What causes that problem?

3. How does it affect people’s life?

4. Arethere any solutions for that problem? If yes, what are they?

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Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. a. treasure b. pleasure c. ensure d. measure

2. a. daughter b. author c. laundry d. sausage
3. a. dials b. calls c. says d. plays
4. a. education b. graduate c. individual d. confident
5. a. embarrassed b. awareness c. abandoned d. captain
Bài 2: Chọn từ có trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại.
1. a. frustrated b. confident c. delighted d.
2. a. assure b. pressure c. figure d. leisure
3. a. b. favorable c. adolescence d. relaxation
4. a. recognize b. concentrate c. assignment d. cognitive
5. a. teenager b. vehicle c. activate d. nationwide
III. Bài 3: Gạch chân những động từ BE nhận trọng âm trong các câu sau.

1. – Isn’t he your bestfriend?

- Yes, heis.
2. - Oh my God! We are late for thewedding.
- Actually, we aren’t. The card says it begins at 7pm. It’s just 6.30now.
3. - You aren’t happy about yourtest?
- I am happy! But I don’t want to beoverexcited.
4. Who arethey?
5. - Where are you? You aren’t in front of thecinema.
- I am in front of the cinema, but I can’t seeyou.
6. - Are you going outnow?
- Yes, I am. Can you wait for me for awhile?
Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. Did he forgethispurse purpose, so you wouldn’t havetopay?

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a. on b.of d. for

2. He was sentenced to ten years in prison on chargesofdrug .
a.charging b.stealing c.trafficking d. trading

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3. In recent years, there has been thousands of victims of sexualandphysical___ .

a. sentence b.crime c.abuse d.conduct
4. Mary’s greatest attribute is her abilityto work _ pressure.
a. within b.under d. on
5. My parents always criticize me for not getting good grades at school. I wish they put
themselvesin my .
a.pants b.legs c.hands
6. Phuongwondered to tell the news to herparents.
a.why c.what d.which
7. Lam a bachelor’s degree in computer information systems in1991.
a.forced b.sent c.took d.gained
8. “You must come to my party,” Mary toldme.
a. Mary told me I come toher party. b. Mary told me to come herparty.
c. Mary told me I had to come toher party. d. Mary told me I came to herparty.
9. “Mylife‟sgotstuckthesedays. Iamsodepressedandunabletothinkofanything.”
a. You will betired. b. Stay stuckthere,
c. Stay calm. Everything willbealright. d. No,thanks.
10. “Dad, I’ve got the first rank in class thissemester!”“ ”
a.Welldone! b.Thankyou! c.Nevermind! d. Let‟sgo!
Bài 5: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. She asked her sonwherehe (spend) his money sofar.

2. Lam (ask) me the same question four times sinceyesterday.
3. His doctoradvisedhim (not take) any strenuousexercise.
4. My mother asked mewhatI (want) to eat thatnight.
5. I am driving Peter to the airport tomorrow. Hisowncar ____________(repair).
6. Wouldyoumind (take) the book back to the library forme?
7. The new teaching methodsencouragechildren (think) forthemselves.

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8. He (work) as a research and development chemist for 20 years, then

Bài 6: Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.

1. Nowadays young people want to leave home as soon astheyreach_________________.


2. A good night’s sleep willimprove your____________ .(concentrate)

3. Teens should learnto be ______when making a presentation.(confidence)

4. Going away to college has made memuchmore .(depend)

5. A lot of people eat too muchwhenthey’re .(depress)

6. I have a bad habit of takingon more than I can handle.(responsible)

7. Students have spoken oftheirgrowing _________________ with school administrators.


8. Jane suffered from depression and a numberofother __________problems.


9. Have you thought of talking to a marriage guidance ? (counsel)

10.Her networking and ____________________ skills came in handy for a charity boxing event
she hosted. (organize)

Bài 7: Phát hiện lỗi sai trong các câu sau.

1.At the moment, aid(A) agencies(B) are focusing(C) their efforts of(D) women and

2.They said the support(A) service will(B) be set up(C) the next(D) month.

3.Sarah wondered if(A) to attend(B) the life skills(C) workshop that(D) weekend.

4.Robert told me that his(A) father had flown(B) to(C) Dallas lastyear. (D)

5.He always feels(A) left off(B) when his friends talk(C) about sports. (D)

6.Formoreinformation,callourfree-toll(A) numberandspeak(B) toa(C)

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customerservicerepresentative. (D)

7.He asked(A) his father where(B) to cope with(C) negativeemotions. (D)

8.Joan made(A) the laundry, washing up, (B) and housework holding(C) her
with(D) one arm.

Bài 8: Nối câu hỏi với câu trả lời phù hợp.

1. What should I do if I were a. Hmm, I think you should

bullied at school? smile with them at first and say something
fun to attract their attention.
2. I am so depressed about the b. Because they have enough
upcoming exam. If you were me, what knowledge to give us the most suitable
would you do? advice.
3. How long have you been c. My mother. She understands
sleepless? me much more than anyone else in this
4. Could you give me some d. You should tell your teacher
advice about how to make new friends? about the
5. Why do we need to talk to situation.
the counselor? e. This Saturday at 5pm.
6. How do you feel now?
7. Who do you share with f.For five days.
when you’re depressed? g. If I were you, I would share
8. When will you attend the my feelings with my mom.
conference on human rights? h. Very terrible. I don‟t know
how to
overcome it.

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Bài 9: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành bài đọc sau.

When we feel anxious, we often give ourselves negative messages like: “I can’t do
this”, “I’m useless” and “I’m going to fail”.
It can be difficultbut(1) to replace these with positive thoughts such as: this is
just anxiety, it can’t harm me and, relax, concentrate – it’s going to beokay‟.
Picturing how you’d like things to go can help you feel more (2)______. Try to
imagine yourself(3) _______up to an exam feeling confident and relaxed. You turn over
your paper, write down what you do know and come away knowing you tried your best
on theday.
It can sometimes feel like your whole future dependson(4) ___ grades you get.
There can be a lot of pressure (5) young people to do well in exams which can cause a
lot of stress and anxiety. You mighthave(6)_____ certain grades or put into a higher set,
and feel if you don’t get the grade you’ll let your teachers or parents(7)______.
Lotsof people(8)___ success in life without doing well in schoolexams.

1. a. afford b. allow c. let d. try

2. a. positive b. negative c. tense d. stressful
3. a. to turn b. turning c. turn d. turned
4. a. why b. when c. what d. how
5. a. about b. with c. on d. for
6. a. been predict b. predicted c. be predicted d. been
7. a. down b. up c. on d. off
8. a. take b. achieve c. go d. seek
Bài 10: Chọn đáp án đúng với nội dung bài đọc.

Practical stress management can help students deal with their worries and become
more productive, competent and efficient. First of all, students must be able to design
and stick to a timetable. Choose a relaxing break between work and study, even if it’s just
taking out time to breathe. In addition, a healthy lifestyle is essential for students. Let’s
drink more water as well as take out time to get some air and exercise. Furthermore,
organization is very important in academic lifefor dealing with stress. By keeping
academic notes organized, turning in assignments on time, and keeping track of all

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deadlines, stress can be reduced to a great extent. Stress can also get worse if a person
feels lonely. Therefore, by letting out all your thoughts to someone you trust, you
immediately feel a lot better. However, if you feel extremely stressedout, take a break
and do something you love. Whether it is painting or listening to music, doing something
you enjoy can cheer up your mood and distract you from a stressor. It’s about time that
we students accept that we can achieve just as much in life without all thestress.
1. Practical stress management canhelpstudents .
a. dealwithstress b. have moretime
c. face up to theworstsituation d. thinkcritically
2. What should students pay attention to when designing atimetable?
a. They have to arrange time tobreathe.
b. They need to set time forrelaxation.
c. They don‟t need to take notice of certaintasks.
d. They should stop working andstudying.
3. What can students do to lead a healthylifestyle?
a. Visit their doctor asscheduled.
b. Not to put much pressure on time management.
c. Follow the timetablestrictly.
d. Go outside for fresh air, do regular exercises and drink morewater.
4. Why is organization important in academiclife?
a. Because it can help students get goodgrades.
b. Because it is a must for allstudents.
c. Because it can help students reducestress.
d. Because it leads to betterresults.
5. Which of the following sentences istrue?
a. You should stay alone when being underpressure.
b. When you feel lonely, you should grab someone totalk.
c. The more lonely you are, the more stress you canhave.

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d. It is believed that stress can controlitself.

6. What should you do when you are feelingstressed?
a. Take time for reflection on yourprogress.
b. Ease your soul and yourmind.
c. Stay away from otherpeople.
d. Take a break and do what youenjoy.

Bài 11: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi, sử dụng các từ gợi ý.

1. Lamsaid he wouldn’t have enough time to finish the job.(WILL)

2. When did your friends eat that chocolate ice cream?(WAS)

3. “What are the skills you concern most?” my teacher asked.(I)

4. I have never read such as interesting novel as The Little Prince.(MOST)

5. Finish your homework or you can’t go out with your friend.(IF)

6. They’re not sure how they should operate the new system.(TO)

7. It took me 5 hours to read the first chapter of the book.(SPENT)

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8. Snowboarding is more dangerous than tennis.(AS)

Bài 11: Sử dụng các từ cho sẵn để đưa ra lời khuyên theo ví dụ sau.
Examples: Encourage the group to reach theirgoals
→ I think you should encourage the group to reach their goals.
1. Setgoal

2. Keep a to-dolist

3. Prioritize yourtasks

4. Avoid distractions and interactions to yourwork

5. Learn how to take a positive attitude towards frustration andfailure

6. Organize your work to meetdeadline

7. Review yourprogress

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Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. a. concentration b.question c.attraction d.emotion

2. a. exist c. extreme d.expect

3. a.recognize b.opinion c. adolescence d.conflict

4. a.urban b.craft c.organize d.Canada

5. a. artisan b.handicraft c. machine d.heritage

Bài 2: Chọn từ có trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. a.encourage b.volunteer c.overcome d.understand

2. a.informed b.worried c.relaxed d.depressed

3. a. recognition b.affordable c.independent d.adolescence

4. a. artisan b.frustration c.emotion d.forbidden

5. a. recreational c.individual d.communicator

Bài 3: Gạch chân các từ nhận trọng âm trong số các từ được in đậm sau.
1. What can I do to control myanger?

2. A: Aren’t you writing the application letter?

B: Yes, Iam.
3. A: Can you come to my home and give me a lift?

B: OK, wait forme.

4. You should discuss with your classmate during thelesson.

5. A: Are they working on the project?

B: She is, but heisn‟t.

6. A: Who sent you this email ?

B: Shedid.
7. The air is cleaner in thecountryside.

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8. A: My father is always a mystery to me.

B: Is he? Mine is a good friend ofmine.

Bài 4: Sử dụng các từ trong bảng để điền vào chỗ trống.

lacquerwareabandonedmetropolitan emergencyself-discipline

sprawlmulticultural embarrassed adolescencelanterns

1. The charity’s work involves finding fosterhomesfor children.

2. We try to teach the childrenself-relianceand .

3. During , boys are sometimes very shy and lacking ofself-confidence.

4. The chair broke when Barba sat on it – hewaspretty .

5. The services in this area simply couldn‟t cope if there were a

major accident or terroristattack.

6. Urban is caused in part by the need to accommodate a rising urban


7. Singapore’s mix of cultures – mostly Chinese, Indian, and Malay – makesita


8. Vietnamese believe that hanging acoupleof in front of their houses will

bring the warmth and happiness to thefamily.

9. Duck eggshell is especially applied inVietnamese .

10.San Francisco tops the list of the 25largest areas by householdincome.

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Bài 5: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. Studies show that havinggoodconflict skills is associated with various positive


a.resolutional b.resolving c.resolve d.resolution

2. For most of us, however, positivethinkingand can belearned.
a.self-awareness b.self-abuse c.self-access d.self-analysis
3. John asked her to marry himbutshe .
a. carryhimout b. turnedhimdown
c. tookhimout d. let himin
4. Thecost living in Singapore is higher than any countries in South EastAsia.
a.for b.on c. of
5. I met Billin a restaurant on Sunday and he said that he had seenJanethere_ .
a. the daybefore b.this day d. thatday
6. Phuong saidthatshe come and look after the children the followingday.
a.can b.will c.could d.should
7. Theweatherwas in England than in Spain lastSunday.
a.mostwarmer b. byfarwarmer c.morewarmer d. much warmer
8. ______ all our efforts to save the school, the authorities decided to closeit.
a.Since b.Despite c.Although d.Because
9. He stilldoesn’t know his budget when living alone in thecity.
a. whentomanage b. howtomanage c. wheretomanage d. what tomanage
10. A: “I really don’t like shopping around the holidays.”
B:“ . It’s always sobusy.”
a. I couldn’t agree withyoumore. b. I likeit.
c. I don’tlikeit. d. No, it’s notthat.
Bài 6: Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.

1. Many people enjoy thepleasuresand________ ____of living in a city center.(convenient)

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2. Cigarettesmokingis _____ for about 90% of deaths from lung cancer,(respond)

3. He went on to workinfilm and shared a flat with his father.(produce)

4. John changed from a friendly and cheerful young boy intoaconfused

_____________________. (adolescence)

5. Theweatherwas , so we arrived earlier than expected.(favor)

6. Schools must try to makesciencemore to youngsters.(attract)

7. She managed to find a jobimmediatelyafter .(graduate)

8. Parents need tocontinueto ______with the child. (empathy)

9. During the 19th century, Britain became the world‟sfirstmodern ____________

society. (urban)

10.Shegotinto difficulties after her parents had passed away.(finance)

Bài 7: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. He told them againthatthey (must) learn to love eachother.

2. When I woke up this morning, it was raining and mybrother (sing) in the

3. Iwonderedwhere (get) my pre-paid trainticket.

4. ________________________ (you/ travel) to Londonnext week?

5. Nickadmitted (feel) hurt by what I hadsaid.

6. Shesaidshe (write) two books and she was working on anotherone.

7. Shewasmade (work) on Sunday, even though she hated working at


8. IfI (find) her address, I would send her aninvitation.

9. Japanese
(become)oneofthemostpopularcoursesattheuniversitysincethe Asian studies
program wasestablished.

10.Look at those black clouds. Ithinkit (rain).

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Bài 8: Phát hiện lỗi sai trong các câu sau

1.By(A) mistake the candidate wrote all her answers(B) on(C) pencil despite(D) the
2. They’d pulled the registry(A) office out, (B) which(C) then left(D) an open space.

3. A lot of modern art(A) is showing(B) at the exhibition which(C) lasts(D) until next

4. The new manager wondered if(A) to adopt a(B) new technology from(C) their
partner in the(D) UK.

5. If you have a lot of information(A) about(B) the different universities(C) you can
make amoreinformative(D) decision.

6.Based(A) on computer statistics, (B) what is the less(C) greatest profession in(D) the
7. Despite(A) they said construction was completed, (B) there were builders
working(C) on the hotel when(D) we arrived.

8. Do you think the(A) Harry Potter films (B) are by far(C) better than the books? (D)
9. She said that she doesn’t(A) want to see any(B) of them and asked(C) them to go(D)

10. Tom managed(A) to convince Mary to(B) make(C) the laundry for(D) him.
Bài 9: Nối câu hỏi với câu trả lời phù hợp.

1. What is the function of the a. That’s cool.

Magic Number? b. We can use public
2. I wonder whether to encourage transportation instead of cars or
him to follow his dream. motorbikes.
3. Was she delighted to take a c. I had an appointment
course on medicine as her parents wished? with my doctor. I suffered from
4. Artisans have to follow 15 stomachache those days.
stages to make a d. I think you should do it.

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conical hat, don’t they? e. No, she wasn’t.

5. Shall we try making a lantern f.It is a service for counseling and
when visiting Hoi An? protecting children and young adults
6. Sherry, getting over the jet lag? in Vietnam.
7. Why did you turn down his g. Yes, I slept like a log right
invitation to the party? after arriving home.
8. How can we reduce the h. Yes, they do.
pollution in urban area?
Bài 10: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành bài đọc sau.

Living in a city hasa (1) of drawbacks. Firstly, there is the problem of

traffic (2) and traffic accidents. Theincrease(3) population and
theincreasing number of vehicleshave (4) many accidents to happen
every day. Secondly, air pollution(5) affects people‟s health, and
is also has a bad(6) on the environment. More and more city dwellers suffer
from coughing or breathing problems. Thirdly, the city is noisy, even atnight.
(7)___________ pollution comes from the traffic and from constructionsites. Buildings are
always being knocked down and rebuilt. These factors contribute to making citylife(8)
________ difficult for itsresidents.

1. a. amount b. large c. number d. quantity

2. a. calm b. jams c. light d. legacy
3. a. with b. on c. for d. in
4. a. caused b. made c. done d. got
5. a. actively b. negatively c. positively d. weakly
6. a. pressure b. consequence c. influence d. result
7. a. Noise b. Air c. Water d. Soil
8. a. mostly b. very c. much d. more
Bài 11: Đọc bài sau và chọn T (đúng) hoặc F (sai) cho những câu sau.
Spending your free time on the Internet can be fun. You can chat, share photos with
friends, and play online games. But some people are addicted to the Internet. They just
can’t turn it off.
Being online for many hours at a time does not mean you have a problem. The

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Internet is very useful. Online, you can pay your bills, buy clothes, and read the news.
There are many good reasons to spend time online. However, people with an Internet
addiction are online too much. They don’t spend time with their friends and family.
Instead, they spend their time chatting with their Internet friends, people they have
never met in real life. Some also play online games all day or night. Some people with
Internet addictions even leave their jobs so they can spend even more time online!
People with Internet addictions don’t just go online to shop, have fun, or do work. People
who have this problem often go online because they want to escape the stress and
problems in their lives. Many internet addicts stop caring about their real lives, and focus
only ontheir online lives.
One way Internet addicts can get help is by using special software. This software
controls how much time someone can spend online. It tells the computer to turn off the
internet after a certain amount time. This helps people focus on real life. The software’s
goal is to teach people to use the Internet for good reasons and not just as an escape.
1. People with Internet addiction spend most of their free time on theInternet.
2. Paying bills online is a useful way to use theInternet.
3. Internet addiction causes problems in one‟s dailylife.
4. Most Internet addicts play online games all day ornight.
5. Using special software is a way of helping people stop their Internetaddiction.
6. What is the main idea of thearticle?
a. People should not spend time on theInternet.

b. The Internet is very good forpeople.

c. Spending too much time online is notgood.

d. Families should use the Internettogether.

7. Which is NOT a problem for people with Internetaddiction?

a. They stop spending time with theirfamily.

b. They learn to type veryfast.

c. They might lose theirjobs.

d. They stop caring about their reallives.

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8. According to the passage, a person is most likely to become an Internetaddictif .

a. their life is stressful andhasproblems b. their job isboring

c. they enjoyonlinegaming d. they have a lot of onlinefriends
Bài 12: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1. The wounded persons were taken to hospital by thepolice.

→ Thepolice
2. “Don’t leave your luggageunattended.”

→ He asked me
3. The salary of a professor is higher than that of asecretary.

→ The salary of a secretaryis

4. He felt very miserable, so he looked for someone to share his lifewith.

→ Helooked
5. Lan didn’t realize how late it was and she didn’t stop studying till aftermidnight.

→ Lan didn’t realize how late it was and shewent

6. When did you start working on theproject?

→ Howlong
7. I am leaving now so that I won’t be late forwork.

→ I am leaving nowin
8. New York City is the busier than any other city in theworld.

→ New YorkCity
9. Annais like her mother’s side of thefamily.

→ Annatakes
10. “How long have you been standing here?” Minhaskedme.

→ Minh asked me

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Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. a.emotion b.indecisive c.obesity d.believable

2. a.hanging b.belong c.singer d.anger

3. a.behaved b.passed c. entertained d.changed

4. a. imagination b.average c.language d.appearance

5. a. increase b.surprise c.release d.promise

Bài 2: Chọn từ có trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. a. worthwhile b.igloo c.habit d.practice

2. a.obese b.dogsled c.extend d.remote

3. a. household b.suppose c.Arctic

4. a.transformation b.independence c.understanding d.illiterate

5. a.uncontrollable b.biological c.particularly d.seniority

Bài 3: Gạch chân những trợ động từ nhận trọng âm trong các câu sau.
1. A:Whydon’tyouattendthesingingcontest?Isitbecauseyoucan’t sing?

B: I can sing.Listen!
2. A: You like Mark, don’tyou?
B: No, I don’t! What, me and Mark? Don’t be silly!

3. You really must see this newfilm.

4. A: Why didn’t you book the hotel beforetraveling? B: I did, but the service got
5. A: You haven’t done yourhomework.
B: I know, but I have learnt all the lessons by heart.

6. I never did understand why he talked bad aboutme.

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7. He is putting on a bit of weight. He has eaten a lot thesedays.

Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. The children were acting the story of the birth ofJesus.
a.out b.on c.down
2. The manager told Maitopass the message she had just read. c. on d.for
3. Stern insisted that she come downtown so that he could explain thistoher .
a.face c. indirect d. face toface
4. Youngsters love to eatfromstreet for the cheapprice.
a.vans b.vendors c.trucks
5. Jack a lot in his job but now, since his promotion, hedoesn‟t.
a.used travel b. Used to travel c. Used to traveling d. is used to traveling
6. Lamwisheshe find the time to do morereading.
a.may b.will c.could d.can
7. When Phuong see the kids playing football, she almostwishesshe their ageagain.
a.was c.wouldbe d. couldbe
8. Where before he movedhere?
a. did Mr.Smith use to live b. did Mr.Smith used tolive
c. used Mr.Smith to live d. Does Mr.Smith use tolive
9. I’ve just found 50 dollars inmypocket! !
a.How crazy b.That’sright c. Thanksalot d. Howcool
10. “In the past, marriages used to be arranged by parents.” “ ”
a. Sure.That’sright. b. I suppose itwas.
c. Really? I can’timaginethat d. That’scool!
Bài 5: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. Whatshould (do) to preserve the localtradition?

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2. Thisused (be) the best foodstallintown.

3. When the train got to thestation,we (wait) on theplatform.

4. Ifyou (go) to bedearlier,you (not be) sotired.

5. I onlywishyou (be) all as happy as Iam.

6. The doctor told himtostop (smoke) and take a trip.

7. Henryis soannoying!He (always/ leave) his thingseverywhere.

8. Ihavedecided (study) more and improve my overallaverage.

9. As far as I know, he’s coining.ButI (not speak) to him forweeks.

10.I will call you whenthe guests (arrive).

Bài 6: Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.

1. Asa businessman, he couldn’t imagine real poverty.(wealth)

2. I can never make up stories – I haveabsolutelyno .(imagine)
3. Peoplewhoare lack the basic reading and writing skills.(literate)
4. People didn’t pay muchattentionto appearance a decade ago. (physic)
5. Overeating is surely the maincauseof .(obese)
6. __________________ couples do not have the same rights as married couples.(marry)
7. This approach can helpidentifycommon and their causes.(behave)
8. She appears to actually like the man, whichIfind .(credible)
9. Today, and loyalty mean nothing in the workplace.(senior)
10.I found the ending of the novela bit .(believe)
Bài 7: Phát hiện lỗi sai trong các câu sau.
1. Thosewhocome(A) fromBaffinIslandoftenlive(B) inanigloo:ahousebuilding(C)
fromblocks(D) ofice.

2. I am going(A) for(B) a diet next week and hope to lose(C) ten pounds before(D)

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3. I wish I have(A) his mobile phone number so that(B) we could(C) tell him the
goodnews. (D)

4. The children had(A) to go barefootedly(B) because there was no(C) money for(D)

5. Today’s(A) children no longer(B) engage with(C) the nature(D) world.

6. Despite giving(A) a second(B) chance, she couldn‟t manage to(C) pass(D) theexam.

7. A magical(A) way is going to prepare(B) by(C) the inhabitants to solve(D) thiscurse.

8. Alan didn’t(A) use to liked(B) children, but(C) it‟s different now he has hisown. (D)

9. Alex said he will(A) ask his grandparents(B) about(C) their old days. (D)

10. I’mhopeless(A) at(B) foreignlanguages,but(C) IwishIspeak(D) SpanishandFrench.

Bài 8: Nối câu hỏi với câu trả lời phù hợp.

1. a.
When I was young, I was isolated by my child once more time.
friends because I was so reserved. b.
2. “love and respect” for manual labor.
I used to try riding on the dogsled in my c.
trip to Canada.

A lot of people sacrificed their lives for
marry too soon?
the peace of our country.
Would you mind if I read your diary a
little bit, dad?

Years ago, students had to do manual
work as a part of their studies. h.

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6. wish I could do that once in my life.

Do you want to experience your
childhood again, mom?

Do you think I could use your cell
phone for a moment?

My mom got married to my dad when
she was 17 years old.
Bài 9: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành bài đọc sau.

Living in Vietnamtoday(1) greatly from the life style of 100 years ago.People
in the past mainly worked in agriculture (2)________today there are significantly less people
working in this sector of the economy. Thesedays,(3) ,people are more likely to be
employed in manufacturing and tourism than in the ricefields.Moreover, Vietnam,
whichwas(4)____agrarian, is transforming into an entirely different country. While
agriculture is still an important component of the Vietnamese economy, other
enterprisesare(5) an increasing amount of economicactivity.
However, along with the differences, similarities also exist. The people of Vietnam
have retained many of the characteristics oftheir(6) . The Vietnamese people are as
friendly today as they were in the past. This is best exemplified in the way they welcome
foreigners(7)_______their unique country. Moreover, the resilience and determination of
the people of Vietnam has not changed. The Vietnamesework(8)_______and happily
towards the development of theircountry.

1. a. compares b. differs c. becomes d. offers

2. a. however b. therefore c. whereas d. when
3. a. in conclusion b. on purpose c. by comparison d. for once
4. a. traditionally b. gradually c. occasionally d. presently
5. a. grasping for b. holding for c. making up for d. accounting for
6. a. founders b. forefathers c. descendants d. seniors
7. a. on b. at c. to d. for
8. a. collectively b. separably c. accordingly d. similarly

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Bài 10: Đọc bài văn sau.

ly, it is difficult to compare the life of ancient people and the life of the people living in
the twenty-first century because so many changes have occurred. Even the changes that
have occurred over the last ten years areamazing.
To start with, in the past people had to work harder as they did not have tools and
machines to make their work easier. Today, most of the difficult and dangerous work is
done by computers and other powerful machines. In the past living conditions were not
as comfortable as they are now. Besides, many people could not afford household
appliances like a fridge or a vacuum cleaner because those used to be luxurious goods.
Another difference between living now and in the past is the fact that nowadays
education is accessible to everyone. In the past men were mainly the only ones educated
and women were not allowed into public or private schools. Besides, nowadays it is
much easier to find the educational materials and the information you need–thanks to
the Internet. We are able to speak to a friend who is on the other corner of the world
because we are connected 24/7. Nevertheless, people had better relationships with the
neighbors in years goneby.
All things considered, it is an obvious conclusion that life has changed significantly
duringthe course of history. In some ways, it is definitely easier to live in the present. On
the other hand, however, life now is much faster and stressful than it used to be in the
past. The standard of living has definitely improved but it can be discussed whether the
quality of our lives is also better.
A. Xác định những câu sau là đúng (T) hay sai (F).
1. Life nowadays is the same as life of ourancestors.

2. Technology has made our liveseasier.

3. In the past, household appliances were veryexpensive.

4. Public schools allowed females and males to be educated in the sameschools.

5. We can use the internet to communicate with people around theworld.

B. Trả lời các câu hỏi sau.

1. Is life today faster or slower than life in thepast?

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2. What has happened to the standard ofliving?

3. What makes it easy to accessinformation?

4. Who or what does some difficult jobs forus?

5. What makes our lives easier athome?

Bài 11: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi, sử dụng các từ gợi ý.

1. That house is part of the town’s heritage, but the council is demolishing it.(WISH)

2. I’m not good at foreign language, so I can’t become a tour guide.(IF)

3. Jane said she would hold an event about skin care the following month.(WILL)

4. He gave her the book “The fault in our stars” as a birthday gift.(SHE)

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5. She feels sorry that she can’t come to her brother’s wedding.(WISHES)

6. “If I were you, I would no longer spend most of my time chatting on social
network”, he said. (ADVISED)

7. When did you start searching for some facts in the past?(HOW)

8. My mother no longer cooked for me since I married my wife.(USED)

Bài 12: Viết một đoạn văn về một hiết bị trong lớp học mà bạn nghĩ nó không có ở
trong quá khứ. Sử dụng các gợi ý dưới đây.
- What is thatfacility?

- How does it looklike?

- How is itfunctioned?

- Why do people like using it inclass?

- Do you think that facility is useful or not?Why?

- How do you feel about its being used inclass?

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Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. a. limestone b.pilgrim c.rickshaw

2. a.geological b.imagine d. together
3. a.wonder b.complex c.backdrop d.proper
4. a.historic b.picturesque c.enter d.sentence
5. a. plumber b.sculpture c.measure d.structure
Bài 2: Chọn từ có trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại.
1. a.particular b.spectacular c.remarkable d.picturesque
2. a.structure b.commune c.cavern d.cement
3. b.monument c.cathedral d.contestant
4. a.contest b.fortress c. astounding d.setting
5. a.religious b.situate c.calendar d.literature
Bài 3: Gạch chân những từ nhận trọng âm trong những từ in đậm sau.
1. Watching American movies is a way to improve your listening skill, but not the
2. You shouldn‟t put the conjunction “or” at the end of thesentence.
3. He tried to come up with a solution for the problem, but hefailed.
4. This bag is beautiful, but it is tooexpensive.
5. It is not loving or understanding, but loving andunderstanding.
6. Gaining a scholarship from Harvard is what I‟m thirstfor.
7. I’m always confident ofmyself.
8. What are you apologizingfor?

Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. The limestone formation of Thien Duong Caveismore than that of Phong

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

a.spectacular b.probable c.geological d.sight-seeing
2. During Perfume Pagoda festival, a largenumberof flock to the pagoda to pray
for happiness and prosperity in the comingyear.
a.spectators b.passengers c.pilgrims d.travellers
3. In the 17th century, theVietpeople the temple tower, calling it Thien Y
Thanh MauTower.
a.puton b.lookedfor c.gotinto d. tookover
4. The police caughtthethief the corner of Thai Thinhand Tay Son Streets.
a.under c. on
5. Hanh suggests that they should adopt a different way of bringing up
a.parents b.forparents c.towardparents d. toparents
6. If there is a mechanical problem,wesuggest the manufacturerdirectly. b.tocontact c. contacting d. tocontacting
7. Itis that the best time to visit Hanoi isSeptember.
a. believed b.worth c.rumored d.wondered
8. It___ that Po Nagar Cham Towers were built in the 8thcentury.
a. considered b.wasconsidered c.hasconsidered d.considers
9. Isuggestyou Nha Trang beach. It’s verypicturesque.
a.tovisit b.visiting c.visited d. shouldvisit
10. A: You really must go to Hoi An to enjoy the full moon at Mid-autumn Festival.
B: .
a. Yes, that’s whatI’veheard. b. Do you really know aboutit?
c. Yes, I won’t gothere. d. No, thankyou.
Bài 5: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. Too many office buildings (build) in the city over the last tenyears.
2. It (report) that many buildings had been damaged by thefire.

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3. I suggested to Jacksonthatwe (go) out for a meal with hisclassmates.

4. Jennywishes she (take) part in the festival at Yen TuPagoda.
5. It (expect) that we will have more than twenty guests thisevening.
6. Acupuncture (discover) by the Chinese thousands of yearsago.
7. Lansaidshe (see) my family the followingday.
8. If I won a lot of money,I (buy) a big house inHo Chi Minh city.
9. At 8 o’clock thismorning,we (travel) to theairport.
10.Imagineyourself (sit) in the pine forest, listening to the sound of

Bài 6: Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.

1. There isagrowing that Vietnam creates its own identity with

numerous natural wonders.(recognize)
2. We spent years learning aboutthecomplex structure oftheregion.
3. It was a pretty townwitha harbor and well-preservedbuildings.
4. Beijing announced that it would speed up construction ofasubsidiary ______________
center. (administrate)
5. She had oncebeena in the Miss World competition.(contest)
6. The snow-capped summit, 2,642 metershigh,offers views.(astound)
7. _____________________ education is compulsory in all English schools.(religion)
8. The rockets areapurely measure against nuclear attack.(defense)
9. Vietnam attracts largenumbersof .(sightsee)
10.A mountain in the Rockiesbecamethe for a film about Everest.(locate)
Bài 7: Phát hiện lỗi sai trong các câu sau
1.Stronger(A) measures will have to be(B) made(C) to reduce the environmental(D)
pollution in Ho Chi Minh City.

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2. It is thought(A) that the first temple was(B) built at(C) the current site in the(D) 15th
3. It’s(A) worth to talk(B) to your financial(C) adviser before making(D) your final
4. She suggests(A) that the whole class go(B) to Ngon Restaurant to enjoy(C) food from
all in(D) Vietnam.
5. Dragon Bridge in(A) Da Nang is the(B) must-see for all(C) lovers of(D) architecture.
6. Po Nagar Kalan is(A) the main tower, that(B) is one of the tallest(C) Cham structures.
7. We cleaned(A) all the kitchen while(B) our parents were(C) out to(D) dinner.
8. Sometimesoureffortson(A) protectingman-made(B) wondersofthecityaren‟t(C)
full(D) appreciated.
9. I’d(A) prefer leave(B) early because I have(C) a conference with myson’s(D) teacher
tomorrow at three thirty.
10. In 1962, Independence Palace was bombed, (A) so almost(B) the entire left wing(C)
of it was of(D) ruins.
Bài 8: Nối câu hỏi với câu trả lời phù hợp.

1. It’s well worth trying a. You should definitely see Ho

Oysters and mai fish from O Loan Lagoo. Chi Minh Mausoleum and Ancient Streets.
2. Could you suggest what we b. It’s probably best to
should buy when visiting Dalat Market? use bikes or motorbikes.
3. What shouldn’t we miss on c. Don’t bother buying things
arriving in Hanoi? there. They’re super expensive.
4. Could you tell me the best d. That’s a good idea. Those can
place to try local food? save you when hunger thrives.
5. What’s the best way to get e. I think you should buy some
around Dalat? fruits and fresh vegetables.
6. In case I’m lost, what should f.Well, you can go to the local market.
I do? They sell a lot of local dishes.

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7. What about packing some g. Grab anyone on the street

instant noodles? and ask for the direction.
8. I think I would buy some h. That‟s good to know.
souvenirs in Ben Thanh Market.
Bài 9: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành bài đọc sau.

Ha Long Bay is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and populartravel(1) ______ inQuang
Ninh Province, Vietnam. The bay features thousands of limestone karsts and isles
in(2)______ shapes and sizes. Ha Long Bay is a center of a larger zonewhich(3) ______ Bai
Tu Long Bay to the northeast, and Cat Ba Island to thesouthwest.
Ha Long Bay has an area of around 1,553km2, including 1,960 - 2,000 islets,
mostof (4) ______ are limestone. The core of the bay has an area of 334 km2 with a high
density of 775 islets.The limestone in this bay has gone through 500 million yearsof(5)
______ in different conditions and environments. The evolution of the karst in this bay
has taken 20 millionyears(6) ______ the impact of the tropical wet climate. The geo-
diversity of the environment in the area has created(7)______, including a tropical ever
green biosystem, oceanic and seashore biosystem. Ha Long Bay is (8) ______ to 14
endemic floral species and 60 endemic faunalspecies.

1. a. situation b. destination c. direction d. ground

2. a. various b. complex c. exciting d. original
3. a. offers b. includes c. consists d. covers
4. a. them b. those c. which d. whom
5. a. formation b. foundation c. establishment d.
6. a. in b. of c. for d. under
7. a. biochemical b. biodiversity c. bioconversion d. biodefense
8. a. way b. place c. home d. house
Bài 10: Đọc bài văn sau.
Located in Duy Xuyen district, Quang Nam province, about 69km from Da Nang City
and 20km from Tra Kieu ancient capital, My Son Sanctuary is the complex of numerous
Champa tower-temples in a valley roughly two kilometerswide, surrounded by two
mountain ranges. This used to be a site of religious ceremony for kings of the ruling

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dynasties of Champa, as well as a burial place for Cham royalty and nationalheroes.

My Son Sanctuary is regarded as one of the main religious centers of Hinduism in

Southeast Asia and is the foremost heritage site of this nature in Vietnam. Notably,
among 225 Cham vestiges that are founded in Vietnam, My Son possesses 71
monuments and 32 epitaphs, the content of which is still being studied. My Son
Sanctuary is often compared with other historical temple complexes in Southeast Asia,
such as Borobudur of Java in Indonesia, Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Bagan of Myanmar or
Ayutthaya in Thailand.

My Son Sanctuary was honored as one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites at the
23rd session of the World Heritage Committee in 1999. Based on architectural remains,
My Son perhaps began construction in 4th century. It is perhaps the longest inhabited
archaeological site in Indochina. Although time and wars have turned numerous tower-
temples into ruins, sculptural artifacts and architectural remains still reflected golden
age of Cham fine arts history. These masterpieces have marked flourishing periods of
Champa culture and architecture as well as in SoutheastAsia.

A. Xác định những câu sau là đúng (T) hay sai (F).
1. My Son Sanctuary dates from the 4thcentury.
2. My Son Sanctuary is located in a valley surrounded by mountains.
3. It can beseenthat MySonSanctuaryisacentreofcultureandpoliticsofChampa Kingdom
at the present time.
4. My Son Sanctuary can‟t be compared to Angkor Wat, Bagan, andBorobudur.
5. Some tower-temples of the My Son Sanctuary were destroyed by wars andtime.
6. My Son sanctuary is still considered as one of the most excellent achievement of the
art of sculptures and architecture in ChampaKingdom.
B. Trả lời các câu hỏi sau.
1. How far is it from Da Nang to My SonSanctuary?

2. What did My Son use tobe?

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3. How many Cham vestiges are there in MySon?

4. When was My Son recognized as a World Heritage Site byUNESCO?

Bài 11: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1. They consider Nhungis one of the best students in her school.(BE)

2. It’s pity she doesn’t share memories of her trip with me.(WISH)
3. Thu has to work part-time at weekends, so she can’t accompany her bestfriend to the
contest. (COULD)
4. Shall we surf the net for the location of Hung Yen Province?(SUGGEST)
5. Someone is going to redecorate our house next week.(HAVE)
6. People hope that cable cars construction to Son Doong Cave will be stopped.(IS)
7. “When are you going to submit your research paper?” my teacher asked Yen.(WAS)
8. When you come inside you should remove your coat and hat.(TAKE)
9. When will you book the flight for your trip to Korea?(BE)

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10. I’m interested in the news about ancient towns.(FIND)

Bài 12: Viết về một danh thắng ở Việt Nam bạn yêu thích nhất. Sử dụng các gợi ý dưới

- What is the wonder youlike?

- Where isit?

- What are the features of thatwonder?

- What makes you impressedmost?

- Why do you find itinteresting?

- How do you feel when you visitit?

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Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166


Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1 a. satisfied b. matched c. thatched d. depressed

2 a. consequence b. obedient c. demand d. report
3 a. suffer b. rubber c. suburban d. tunnel
4 a. weather b. sympathetic c. worthy d. bother
5 a. happens b. vehicle c. exhibition d. exhaust
Bài 2: Chọn từ có trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại.
1. a. mushroom b. demand c. sandal d. tunnel
2. a. underpass b. exhibit c. compartment d. extended
3. a. collective b. elevate c. suburban d. initial
4. a. vocabulary b. illiteracy c. cooperative
5. a. professional b. pedestrian c. exhibition d. facility
Bài 3: Hãy đánh trọng âm cho các câu sau dựa theo mẫu.

1. Shut the door! OoO

2. Get out!
3. Talk to me!
4. Stand up!
5. Don’t enter!
6. Have fun!
7. Don’t text me!
8. Be careful!
Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. Vietnamese prefer riding motorbikes walking towork. b. for c. than d. ratherthan

2. Itishard us to persuade herto believe what wesaid.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166 b.of c.for d.with

3. A lotof were built to solve the traffic jam problem atintersections.

a.trams b.flyovers c. skytrains d.tunnels

4. My friends wereallextremely when they heard I’d lost myjob.

a. tolerant b. sympatheticc.obedient d.confident

5. Last Thursday witnessed a sudden drop in raw oilprice.

a.significant b.gradual d.considerable

6. It wasunprofessional casual clothes to the internationalconference.

a. of hertowearb. forherwearingc. for hertowear d. of herwear

7. The very first metro is beingbuiltto the travel demands ofSaigonese.

a. solve b.make c. see

8. ease traffic congestion, it is necessary to promote the development of

public transport.

a.Because of b.Despite c. Inorderto d.Since

9. I think lifetodayis comfortable than it was in thepast.

a. about as b. A lot more c. More and more d. The more

10.A: How was your trip to Vietnam after 12years?


a. Amazing! I couldn’t believe how much it haschanged!

b. Thank you for askingme.

c. 10 years? It’s 11years.

d. No, I can’t tellyou.

Bài 5: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. My grandfather prefers (work) as a farmer rather than a blue-collarworker.

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2. Petercan’thelp (worry) about my traveling abroad on myown.

3. Rubber sandals (wear) by Vietnamese soldiers during the war

against the French and theAmericans.

4. She (not think) of writing about educational reformation until I


5. In2012,I (go) back to Vietnam after 35years.

6. In recent years,Vietnam many changes under the influence of

economic reform and globalization.(experience)

7. It’s kindofyou (report) to her what happened to her daughter last


8. The number of vehicles in Vietnam (increase) by 10 percent every


9. If you (come) back to the ancient world, where would you visit?

10.During our conversation, I realised that we (meet) before.

Bài 6: Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.

1. Although they never get angry, they are not alwayskind or ________________.

2. Local officials have been very ______________on working together for a


3. I tried to tell him about the awful day I’d had, but he wasn’t very ____________.

4. Students are expected to be quiet and in the classroom.(obey)

5. Boeing sells a third of its aircraft overseas, making it the biggest in the United

6. I see people who have opportunities I don’t have, andIget .(envy)

7. In the past, Hanoians often went to areas by tram, which was a very famous

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8. She has a small office that isusedfor discussions.(privacy)

9. Some ministersexpressed that they could no longer travel first class.


10.We were greatly at the news of their safe return.(relief)

Bài 7: Phát hiện lỗi sai trong các câu sau

1. It's difficult study(A) in a foreign country, so(B) students need to prepare(C) for(D)
the experience.

2. I’m tired of(A) beingtold(B) what writing(C) about tram system(D) in Hanoi.

3. In 1939, no more than 15 percent(A) of all school-age(B) children received(C) any

kind ofschool. (D)

4. It’s convenient of(A) us to take(B) a cyclo(C) and observe life in(D) Ho Chi Minh City.

5. I had(A) just finished my meal when(B) he had called(C) me out(D) for dinner.

6. The menu has been already(A) changed, but(B) the customers are still
complaining(C) about the(D) lack of variety.

7. I was surprising(A) to learn that there was(B) a tram system(C) in Hanoi a century
ago. (D)

8. A new rail(A) system in Hanoi is expected(B) to complete(C) in the next few(D)


9. You’dbettertolisten(A) toeachother’s(B) ideaswhenliving(C) inanextended(D) family.

10. A new advanced(A) water treatment plant(B) which will eventually(C) serve
300,000 customers is now on(D) construction.
Bài 8: Nối câu hỏi với câu trả lời phù hợp.

1. Are you living in an a. We can communicate with

extended family? others more easily and be updated about
the world the fastest.

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b. On April 30th,1975
2. Why do you decide to move
to the c. In Ho Chi Minh City Museum.
3. What should I do to get d. They provided services on
along with my sister? discovering and promoting the area.
4. How has the Internet e. No. I only live with my
changed our lives? parents.
5. Is traveling by buses the
best way to reduce the traffic f.Kind of, but I think the government
congestion? should invest more in the infrastructure.
6. Where can you find g. You should spend more time
information about the history of Saigon? sharing your
7. What did people do to make stories with her.
Ha Long Bay a popular tourist attraction? h. I find it much more peaceful
8. When did Vietnam to live there.
gain its Independence?
Bài 9: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành bài đọc sau.

Like other big cities in Asia, Ha Not beganto (1)_________ the tram system in the early
1900s. A few years later, due to its cheap fares and convenience, this system rapidly
became one of the most popular(2) of transport. There were five tram
routes with Hoan Kiem Lake as a central station for residents to get (3) the city and to
the suburban areas. However, because of the population boom and the urgent demand
for upgrading the more modern road system, the rail tracks were(4)_________ removed
and completely disappeared in1990.

These days,thefactthat the population of thecapital has risen tremendouslyresults

(5)a dramatic increase in the number of vehicles on the roads. To meet the increasing
travel demands and reduce traffic congestion, the first 13-kilometre skytrain system,

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

connecting Cat Linh and Ha Dongis (6) and it is expected to be completed by 2018.
Each four-compartment sky train with the length of approximately 80 metres and the
height of about 3.8 metres has a(7) of 1,362 passengers. Additionally, an ewrailv system
including over eight kilometres of skytrain rail and four kilometres of subway rail, (8)
links Ha Noi Central Station to Nhon, also has being built recently. The capacity of
each skytrain in this efficient high-speed rail system is roughly 1,200passengers.
1. a. discover b. improve c. operate d. install
2. a. ways b. systems c. spaces d. means
3. a. around b. over c. by d. ahead
4. a. occasionally b. gradually c. regularly d. eventually
5. a. on b. at c. in d. with
6. a. pressed b. launched c. produced d. announced
7. a. ability b. position c. consistency d. capacity
8. a. which b. what c. whose d. where

Bài 10: Đọc bài văn dưới đây.

From the 20th to the 21st century, there have been significant changes all over the
world. Substantial differences are evident between the way we live today, and the way
we lived a century ago. Vietnam is no exception although there are some facets of life
that still resemble the way of life of the twentiethcentury.
Living in Vietnam today differs greatly from the lifestyle of 100 years ago. People in
the past mainly worked in agriculture whereas today there are significantly less people
working in this sector of the economy. These days, by comparison, people are more
likely to be employed in manufacturing and tourism than in the rice fields. Moreover,
Vietnam, which was traditionally agrarian, is transforming into an entirely different
country. While agriculture is still an important component of the Vietnamese economy,
other enterprises area ccounting for an increasing amount of economic activity.

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However, along with the differences, similarities also exist. The people of Vietnam
have retained many of the characteristics of their forefathers. The Vietnamese people are
as friendly today as they were in the past. This is bestexemplified in the way they
welcome foreigners totheir unique country. Moreover, the resilience and determination
of the people of Vietnam has not changed. The Vietnamese work collectively and happily
towards the development of their country.
A. Xác định những câu sau là đúng (T) hay sai (F).
1. A minority of countries around the world have experienced dramatic change in the
previous century.
2. Vietnam is not as agrarian as it was in thepast.
3. Vietnamese people nowadays are friendlier to foreigners than they used tobe.
4. The differences between the lifestyles of yesterday and the lifestyles of today are
5. Some of the characteristics of Vietnamese people neverchange.
6. Vietnamese people are very resilient anddetermined.
B. Trả lời các câu hỏi sau.
1. How have lifestyles changed for the lastcentury?

2. What characteristics of Vietnamese people have notchanged?

Bài 11: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi, sử dụng các từ trong ngoặc.

1. He was so brave that he could tell her what he thought about her.(IT)

2. Her bad news upsets me very much.(SORRY)

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3. There has been a slight drop in the number of people using public transport.

4. Revising for exams takes up all my time at the moment.(BUSY)

5. There was an increased demand for travel, so the government decided to invest in
building the very first metro system.(AS)

6. I don’t know much about historical events, so I can’t help her with her history
homework. (IF)

7. This is the first time I have heard about the tram system in Hanoi.(NEVER)

8. Firefighters spent four hours releasing the driver from the wreckage.(IT)

9. They took the president to the hospital for an emergency operation.(WAS)

10. I had saved my document before the computer crashed.(AFTER)


Bài 12: Viết về các lợi ích của phương tiện công cộng, sử dụng các gợi ý dưới đây.
⬧ Public transportation reducescongestion.

⬧ Public transportation contributes to an overall decrease in the amount of energy

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necessary fortransportation.

⬧ People can save more money when using publictransport.

⬧ It would be safer to take the bus, train, light rail, or other transitoptions.

⬧ If you don‟t like driving car/ riding motorbike, public transport can get you to
work, to school, to the grocery store or just to visit friends, without having to
engage a friend or relative to do thedriving.

⬧ Public transport encourages healthier habits.

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Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. a.tolerant b.backdrop c.remote d.dogsled

2. a. behavior b.habit c.tramway d.cashew
3. a.reward b.sewage c.wealthy d.wonder
4. b.uniform c.contribute d.monument
5. a.constructs b.equips c.travels d.develops
Bài 2: Chọn từ có trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại.
1. a.envious b.astonished c.suburban d.defensive
2. a. household b.tunnel c.igloo d.respect
3. a. flyover b.skytrain c.rubber d.success
4. a.opportunity b.administrative c.possibility
5. a.medium b.dangerous c.picturesque d.obvious
Bài 3: Gạch chân những từ in đậm nhận trọng âm trong các câu sau.
1. A: What are you lookingfor?

B: My lipstick. I left it on the table but I don’t see it anywhere now.

A: Are you sure? I saw you put it into your bag.

B: Did I? Oh, here it is.

2. A: Have you ever read The LittlePrince?

B: No, I haven’t. But I‟ve read Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window.

A: Is it the book that you told me about last week?

B: Yes, it is. Look! This is its cover.

3. A: I think you should go over your essay once more time before handing it in.

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B: What‟s wrong withit?

A: You should take out “evidence”. It isn’t a correct word.
B: Thank you. Let me check.
4. A: Where isit?
B: Mui Dien Cape. It‟s by the sea.
A: I heard that it‟s a tourist attraction.
B: It is. I was mesmerized by its beauty.
Bài 4: Sử dụng các từ trong bảng để điền vào chỗ trống.

thatched citadel pilgrims obesityspectacular

relieved facilities picturesque pedestrianunderpasses

1. Hundreds of thousands of flock to Jerusalem every year.

2. Vietnamese students used to study in classrooms with roofs.
3. Hewas to see Jeannie reach the other side of the river safely.
4. Hue is situated on the northern bank of the
5. Hoi An isa ancient port town, with an old quarter that
dates back to the 15thcentury.
6. The hotel offers good sporting , including a 50 meters
7. A diet that is high in fat and sugar can lead to .
8. We can build more, to improve the traffic flow.
9. Elevated walkways are built to improve safety.

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

10.Wehada view of Megan‟s Bay on the tour!

Bài 5: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. Son Doong Cave will be _________ ruins if the cable car system is constructed. c.on d.out
2. In the 17 century, the Vietpeople _________ the temple tower, calling it Thien Y
Thanh Mau Tower.
a. got into b.tookover c. looked after d. putup
3. The Imperial Citadel of Thang Long is a_________ that consists of royal palaces
and monuments.
a. complex b.structure c.setting d.measure
4. The tram’s clanging sounds have gone deepintothe _________ ofHanoians.
a. minds and souls b. hearts and minds
c. hearts and bodies d. bodies and spirits
5. I wish that she _________ to me about her living conditions.
a. will never lie b. would lie never c. would never lie d. could never lie
6. Lam wassurprised _________ what happened at the end of thefilm.
a.findingout b. infindingout c. tofindout d. that I foundout
7. It’s _________ that you should follow a regular trainingprogramme.
a. pleasantb.confident c. conscious d.essential
8. The doctor suggested I _________ more exercise to keep my blood pressuredown. b.todo c.doing d. Could do
9. Giving lucky money to children and the elderly is one of the most common
during the Lunar NewYear.
a.behaviors b.habits d.practices
10. A: I’m thinking about a topic for our next discussion. - B: ____________.
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a. Do you think about it?

b. To me, this discussion always brings me happiness.
c. I suggest talking about preserving natural wonders of Vietnam.
d. Why do you have to consider itsbenefits?
Bài 6: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. By the time Jack finished his studies,he (be) in Paris for over

2. At the moment, the population of the world (grow) at an

increasing rate.

3. It (claim) that some doctors were working 80 hours aweek.

4. My mothersuggestedI (throw) away some of the stuff in


5. Whilewe (do) the Englishtest, the fire alarm (go) off.

6. IwishI (earn) enough money to travel around the world.

7. Minh (not set) foot in Ho Chi Minh City since he graduated from
University of Economy.

8. They said they (live) in Mexico for ten years.

9. She suggested (travel) together for safety, since the area was
so dangerous.

10.It’s hard for me (concentrate) on working in such a noisy office.

Bài 7: Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.

1. __________________ is a state whereby one is unable to read and write.(literate)

2. Show teenagers that your espect their by knocking on their
bedroom door. (private)
3. Reality TV has been a very successful form of mass .(entertain)

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4. The needs to know what rocks the drill has reached.

5. It’s difficult to with a negative people who will do nothing to
help themselves.(sympathy)
6. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is an instantly landmark.(recognize)
7. She pretends that she knows all about the latest films and art , but it’s
all a pose.(exhibit)
8. The company produces computers in with a German firm.
9. He is a pleasant child, butoftenrowdy, and rough with others.
10.My biggest weakness was my lack of sympathy or for in
competence. (tolerate)
Bài 8: Phát hiện lỗi sai trong các câu sau
1.The doctor suggested that he does(A) exercises regularly and go(B) to bed as
early(C) aspossible. (D)

2. I wish I can(A) set foot on(B) every corner of(C) Vietnam when I reach(D) 40.

3. They are getting(A) used to eating(B) alone(C) as their parents often come
homelately. (D)

4. It is expected(A) that there has been(B) more than 5 million(C) international

tourists to visit(D) Da Nang this year.

5. I used to having(A) a very bad argument with(B) my Lierature teacher

when(C) I was at(D) high school.

6. Inspite of his dropped (A) out of Harvard in 1975, Bill Gates managed to(B)
found(C) Microsoft with his childhood(D) friend.

7. The number of milk tea shops(A) has increased(B) considerable(C) in Ho Chi

Minh City during the last (D) two years.

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8. If time had turned(A) back, I would enjoy(B) my childhood in(C) the most(D)
fabulous way.

9. Nomatterhow(A) hardly(B) Itried,Icouldn’t(C) understand the meaning(D) of

the story.

10. Vietnamese young(A) people prefer eating out(B) to cook(C) the meals on
their own. (D)
Bài 9: Nối câu hỏi với câu trả lời phù hợp.

1. Why do we need to preserve a. I suggest using public

the natural wonders of Vietnam? transportation every day.
2. How can we know the b. I don’t like the idea and I
schedule of the metro? think the extended one is the best.
3. You really must come over c. Thank you. I will.
Thien Mu Pagoda after visiting Hue
Citadel. d. Use a bike or take the
4. What should we do to bus.
reduce the air pollution in Saigon?
5. What do you think about e. That’s good to know.
nuclear families? f.Google it!
6. I really hope you have a
good time in Saigon. g. To ensure that the future
7. What is the best way to get generation can also see and
around? experience them.
h. Our cultural identities
8. What would happen if we would be lost.
didn’t preserve ourtraditions?
Bài 10: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành bài đọc sau.

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As Iremember,(1)___________ in the 50s and 60s, Ha Noi was not as crowded

as it is today. Bicycles and cyclos were the main means of transport and the few
motorbikes that were around were (2)_____by rich people. It was rare to see cars
Meanwhile, the tram was the only method of public transport. An old tram
station is nowhome (3)__________ several retail outlets that look out over the lake
in Dinh Tien HoangStreet.
At that time, Hanoians always travelled by tram, not only forits(4)__________
but also the price. For just five cents you could travel one-way to it‟s terminus in
the former Ha Dong Province,(5)_________ is now part of the expanded HaNoi.
I still remember on(6) from school, my friends and I would go to the
lake to catch the tram to Botanical Garden. The sound, clang-clang, clang-clang
could be regularly heard from early in the morning until late in the evening,
come rain or(7)________. Time, ... decades have passed, but there is still a clang (8)
______ in my mind from my childhood.
1. a.moveb.placec.setd.back
2. a. bought b. owned c. sold d. proceeded
3. a. with b. in c. to d. by
4. a. convenience b. importance c. comfort d. condition
5. a. that b. which c. where d. this
6. a. days out b. out days c. off days d. days off
7. a. light b. rise c. shine d. brighten
8. a. somewhat b. somewhere c. somehow d. someway

Bài 11: Đọc bài sau và xác định những câu dưới đây là đúng (T) hay sai (F).
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The Temple of Literature was constructed in 1070 under Ly Thanh Tong’s

dynasty to honor Confucius at first and celebrate the doctorates and high rank
scholars of Vietnam. In 1076, King Ly Nhan Tong continued the work and built
Quoc Tu Giam as the first university of Vietnam.
The temple is divided into five courtyards, each with its own significance
and history. The first courtyard stretches from the main gate to Dai Trung gate.
The second stands out with Khue Van Cacpavilion. The third courtyard is where
doctors’ names were engraved on stelae abovetortoise backs. There are a total
of 82 stelae, with names and origins of 1307 doctors, correspondingto 82
examination courses from 1442 to 1779. The fourth courtyard is dedicated for
Confucius and his 72 honored students, as well as Chu Van An-a famous teacher
known for his devotion to teaching. This is also where local authorities choose to
honor outstanding students in Hanoi nowadays, like those with top entrance
resultsto university or top graduation outcomes.The last and also furthest
courtyard is Thai Hoc house, which used to be Quoc Tu Giam - the first
university of Vietnam.
After more than 900 years of existence, the Temple of Literature is an
example of well-preserved traditional Vietnamese architecture. Along the pass
are 100-year-old trees that have witnessed the ups and downs of history.
1. The construction of the Temple of Literature took place in1076.

2. Quoc Tu Giam is considered to be the first university ofVietnam.

3. The names and places of birth of doctors were carved on tortoisebacks.

4. Chu Van An used to be a teacher at Quoc TuGiam.

5. The Temple of Literature has now lost most of its traditional Vietnamese
6. What does the text mainlydiscuss?

a. The location of the Temple of Literature.

b. The origin of the Temple of Literature.
c. The structure of the Temple of Literature.
d. The first university of Vietnam.

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7. The word “stelae” in the second paragraph is closest inmeaning to .

a.tombstones b.trophies c.records d.pillars
8. It can be inferred from thepassagethat .
a. Confucius was the first teacher of Quoc Tu Giam.

b. the Temple of Literature is an important historic site in Vietnam.

c. Quoc Tu Giam is located far away from the Temple of Literature.

d. Vietnamese people highly appreciate the talent of scholars.

Bài 12: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1. You should use less plastic bags to protect the environment.

If I
2. There has been a sharp increase in the number of skyscrapers built in Ho Chi
Minh city thisyear.
→ The number of
3. Minh suggested visiting Moc Chau to learn about Thai and H’mong people.
→ What about
4. They believe that touching the head of a Buddha statue is a sign of
→ It
5. It’s a pity I can’t get my visa extended.
→ I wish
6. “Please follow my instructions if you want to pass this module,” my teacher
→ My teacher told me
7. They had been on board before he arrived at the airport.
→ As soon as
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8. How long have you possessed that Chanel bag?

9. “Why do I have to conduct this research?” she asked me.
→ She asked me
10. He needs to talk to psychologist about his current situation.
→ It is

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Bài 1: Chọn từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác với các từ còn lại.

1. A. surface B. artisan C. lacquer D. asset

2. A. authentic B. thread C. thereby D. theory

3. A. craftsman B. factor C. indicator D. concentrate

4. A. sculpture B. failure C. closure D. structure

5. A. Wandered B. Embroidered C. Preserved D. Embarrassed

Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. Your white shoes go______ your T-shirt nicely.

A. with                 B. in                  C. for                   D. off

2. Look _____! You’re going to drop the vase if you’re not careful.

A. up                   B. out                C. in                      D. ahead

3. If milk smells bad, you can be certain it has ______ off.

A. come               B. got                C. decayed                  D. gone

4 ______ I don’t like about city life is the traffic jam; I prefer to live in the countryside.

A. Which                  B. That                       C. Whether                          D. What

5. At Bat Trang village, they sell beautiful earthen wares at _______prices.

A. cheap                           B. positive                   C. affordable                     D. favourite

6. In the central park, there is a statue ________ from a single block of marble.

A. moulded                  B. cut                  C. carved                     D. built

7. My brother asked me______ to use the new washing machine.

A. how                  B. what                  C. why                          D. where

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8. Nick was expelled from the volunteer team _______ his misbehaviour.

A. in spite of                    B. regardless of               C. except for                  D. because of

9. It’s a truth that dogs can hear and see _____ better than humans.

A. a lot                   B. much more                  C. very               D. far more

10. The art gallery will be a new visitor _____ for the city.

A. interest                    B. attraction                  C. place                    D. appeal

Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng với nội dung bài đọc.

British teenagers sit up to 70 exams and tests before they reach their GCSEs
(The General Certificate of Secondary Education). But there are ways to ease the
stress at exam time.

What a student eats and drinks in the run-up to exams can influence how
clearly they think and how happy they feel. A balanced diet with lots of fruit and
vegetables, fish and complex carbohydrates will help them concentrate and think
clearly. Too much high-fat, high-sugar and high-caffeine food and drink can make
studying harder.

Sleeping well and for long enough to feel rested, around six to eight hours for
most people, will help thinking and concentration. Students should allow half an
hour or so to wind down between studying, watching TV or using a computer and
going to bed to help them get a good night’s sleep. Regular exercise also helps them
sleep better. Cramming all night before an exam is usually a bad idea.

Parents should be flexible around exam time. When a child is revising all day,
don’t worry about household jobs that are left undone or untidy bedrooms. If they’re
a bit moody they should stay calm. They can help a child to revise by making sure
they have somewhere comfortable to study.

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Students should remind themselves that feeling nervous is normal.

Nervousness is a typical reaction to exams. All students will feel it. The key is to put
these nerves to positive use. Being reminded of what they do know and the time they
have put into study can help them feel confident that they can reach their potential.

1. The underlined word “Cramming” in the passage probably means ____ .

A. Sleeping for a long time

B. Having a nightmare

C. Reading things aloud

D. Memorising a lot of things

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2. A comfortable place is good for students to ______.

A. Have a sound sleep B. Revise more effectively

C. Feel positive about learning D. Stop worrying about exams

3. Before exams, it is not unusual to______.

A. Eat well B. Stay calm C. Feel nervous D. Reacttypically

4. Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?

A. It is impossible for teenagers to ease their stress before exams.

B. Eating and drinking properly can help students study better.

C. Regular exercise and relaxation are necessary for a good sleep.

D. Parents play an important role in raising their children’s exam results.

5. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. How to be well-prepared for exams

B. A balanced diet for examinees

C. What teenagers should do to feel rested

D. Nervousness: good reaction to exams

Bài 4: Chuyển những câu được gạch chân sau sang lời nói trực tiếp.

I was walking through the park yesterday afternoon when I saw a young man.
He was speaking very loudly on a mobile phone. I told him (1) to stop talking. The
man said that (2) he couldn’t because he was talking to his friend. He told me that his
friend was angry with him. He said (3) she would be very angry if he turned the
phone off. I told him that (4) I would be very very angry if he didn’t turn the phone
off. He turned the phone off. I told him I was looking for a criminal. I said that I
wanted to look in his bag. He told me (5) I couldn’t because it was full of stolen
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money from the bank. I laughed because I thought he was joking. But then he ran
away …

1. _______________________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________________________

Bài 5: Sử dụng các từ gợi ý viết hoàn chỉnh các câu sau.


Don’t (tomorrow/ until/ put/ off/ it); do it now

—► Don’t put it off until tomorrow; do it now.

1. Thanks for the invitation; (looking/ to/ I’m/ it/ forward).


2. The evil witch (frog/ prince/ the/ into/ turned/ handsome/ a).


3. I won’t have any sugar, thank you; (it/ I’ve/ up/ given).


4. There isn’t a death penalty any longer in this country; (away/ they’ve/ it/ done/


5. He’s the footballer (million/ a/ team/ manager/ for/ the/ paid/ whom/ dollars).

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Bài 6: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành bài đọc sau.

What will the city of the future look like? This question has been asked so many
times over the (1) ________ 500 years – and answered inconsequentially an
equalnumber of times – that we can be sure of one thing only: no one can predict (2)
_____ how cities will look 50 or 500 years from now.

The reason is simple. Cities change continually. For over fifty years they have
changed so rapidly that the oldest (3) ________ will remember a time when their city
seemed to belong not just to another era but to a different dimension.

This is true for both of planned and unplanned cities. Planned cities such as
New York and Paris, which are closely (4) ________ on a grid or diagram of streets and
avenues, have effectively burst at the seams this century, while unplanned cities
such as London, Tokyo and Los Angeles have grown just as dramatically. (5) ______
their centres might remain much as they were many years ago, their suburbs have
spread like the tentacles of an octopus.

1. A. Last B. FewC. PreviousD. Next

2. A. CorrectlyB. SuitablyC. AccuratelyD. Acceptably

3. A. Dwellers B. Occupants C. Tenants D. Residents

4. A. Arranged B. Organized C. Planned D. Designed

5. A. Because B. Although C. Since D. However

Bài 7: Điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.

One of the greatest pleasures of any visitor to Hoi An is strolling along the
beautiful streets of the old town at night in the flickering (1) _________________ of the

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many magical lanterns. These colourful lanterns are the symbol of Hoi An, a part of
the spirit of the old town.

In Hoi An, lantern making is the (2) _____________ traditional and well-
known culture of the town. Everyone in Hoi An knows how to make lanterns. It is
therefore a great chance for you to learn the way to (3) _____________ some of these.
The best place to go is Hoi An’s beautiful lantern night market. Here you can see
lanterns of all shapes and (4) _____________ made of fabrics and colours, and there are
dozens of artisans to handpaint them with Chinese blossoms, long-life symbols, and

Then, you may also be shown (5) ______________ to decorate and make your own
lantern, and you can keep it as a souvenir.

Bài 8: Viết lại các câu sau, sử dụng cấu trúc Wh-word + to infinitive.

1. Does she understand what she is to do now?


2. You have to tell me when I should press the button.


3. I can’t decide whether I should wear the white dress or the red one to the party.


4. I asked the teacher to tell me how I could improve my listening.


5. Can you show me where I can get tickets for the show?


Bài 9: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1. Despite the heavy rain, the explorers managed to walk to the village.

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Although _______________________________________________________________.

2. Thu has a good relationship with his neighbours.

Thu gets _______________________________________________________________.

3. “You’ve passed your driving test, Long! Well done!” said Phong.

Phong ____________________________________________________________.

4. Did you find my favorite shoes when you were tidying my room, Mum?

Did you come _______________________________________________________?

5. This was one of the most powerful storms ever.

No other storm was_________________________________________________.

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Bài 1: Gạch chân những từ nhận trọng âm trong các câu sau.

A: Do you know of any good and affordable restaurants in the town?

B: Well, the Seafood Restaurant is a good place to eat seafood.

Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. Does she tell you how she is getting _____ her new neighbors?

A. On with            B. on of                   C. away with                           D. out of

2. Unfortunately the new system didn’t_______ our expectations.

A. Catch up with B. Bring about

C. Come across D. Come up to

3. The doctors say it’ll take my mother a long time to get ______ the shock.

A. Past                 B. above                C. through                       D. over

4. I wish you_______ stop interrupting me whenever I speak.

A. Will                   B. would                    C. could                       D. might

5. The policeman is happy _____ the children safe and sound now.

A. finding                B. be found                     C. to find                  D. have found

6. I wish I ______ people with the same hobbies.

A. meet                 B. can meet                      C. could meet                     D. will meet

7. My father says that he used to ______ a diary when he was young.

A. keep                  B. use              C. write                       D. preserve

8. The ______ between generations seems to be bigger and bigger than ever.

A. blank                 B. space                C. gap                    D. distance

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9. Our teacher’s ____________ is that we set up a project on preservation of our

traditional games.

A. offer                 B. suggestion              C. scheme                      D. order

10. Nam found the letter in his bag. He________ to post it.

A. forgot                B. would forget               C. was forgetting                  D. had forgotten

Bài 3: Điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành bài đọc sau.

Traditional costumes of the Vietnamese people tend to be very simple and

modest. Men used to wear brown shirts and white trousers. Their headgear is simply
a piece of (1) ___________________ wrapped around the head and their footwear consists
of a pair of plain sandals. For formal ceremonies men would have two additional
items, a long gown with slits on either side, and a turban, usually in black or brown
(2) ___________________ of cotton or silk. Young women used to wear light brown-
colored short shirts with long black skirts. To make their waist look (3)
___________________, they tightly fastened a long piece of pink or violet cloth. On formal
(4) ___________________, they would wear a special three layered dress called “ao dai” –
a long gown with slits on either side. An elegant looking conical palm hat is often (5)
___________________ as part of a woman’s formal dress. In recent years, foreign fashions
have been introduced to Viet Nam; however, the traditional “ao dai” remains
preferable to women in both urban and rural settings.

Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng với nội dung bài đọc.

There is growing evidence that urbanization has a sharp impact on climate,

causing changes that can wreak havoc on precipitation patterns that supply the
precious resource of water. The heavy amounts of heat and pollution rising from
cities both delay and stimulate the fall of precipitation, depriving some areas of rain
while drenching others.

Cities are on average one to ten degrees warmer than the surrounding
undeveloped areas. Cities also produce large amounts of pollutants called aerosols,
gaseous suspensions of dust particles or byproducts from the burning of fossil fuels.
Both heat and pollutants change the dynamics of clouds. When hoisted up in the sky,
the microscopic particles act as multiple surfaces on which the moisture in clouds

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can condense as tiny droplets. This can prevent or delay the formation of larger
raindrops that fall more easily from the sky, or it can cause the rain to fall in another

In California, pollution blows eastward and causes a precipitation shortage of

around one trillion gallons a year across the Sierra Nevada mountain range. By
contrast, in very humid cities, such as Houston, heat and pollutants seem to
invigorate summer storm activity by allowing clouds to build higher and fuller
before releasing torrential rains.

1. The fact that urbanization plays a part in climate change can be ____.

A. Ignored                B. proved                  C. omitted                   D. imagined

2. One of the changes in climate by urbanisation is _____

A. More pollutants B. Undeveloped areas

C. A decrease in pollution D. Different precipitation patterns

3. In cities, the rain patterns have been altered because of _____.

A. Heat and pollutants B. Microscopic particles

C. Moisture in clouds D. Larger raindrops

4. What does the phrase “wreak havoc on” in paragraph 1 probably mean?

A. Do something useful for B. Have a positive impact on

C. Cause damage to D. Make use of

5. Why is Houston mentioned in the passage?

A. To give an example of an area affected by heavy rain

B. To make a contrast with California in pollution

C. Because of Houston’s shortage of precipitation

D. Because Houston allows clouds to build higher and fuller

Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

Bài 5: Phát hiện lỗi sai trong các câu sau.

1. Of all (A) the elements (B) in the Earth’s crust, oxygen is known to be (C) the more
(D) common.

2. One of the most (A) famous structures (B) in the world, the Statue of Liberty is
widely considered an unique (C) symbol of hope and freedom. (D)

3. According to (A) a team of scientists, (B) there is evidence that Mount Everest is
still (C) risen. (D)

4. Some tools began to be replaced (A) around 6000 years ago by metal tools, that
(B) were used to build (C) instruments and simple (D) machines.

5. New laws (A) should be introduced (B) to reduce the number (C) of traffic in the
city centre. (D)

Bài 6: Sử dụng các từ trong bảng để điền vào chỗ trống.

away               on with                    down on                       up to                     up


in with            out of (x 2)             away from                    back on

1. We’ve run _______________ salt. Could you buy some more?

2. Please don’t let me disturb you. Carry ___________ your work.

3. We must try to cut _____________ the amount of money we spend. We just can’t make
ends meet.

4. Keep_______________ me! I’ve got a terrible cold, and I don’t want to give it to you.

5. When she looks _______________ her childhood, she realizes what a happy time it was.

6. The only people she looks _______________ are her parents.

7. Children grow _______________ their clothes so quickly. It costs a fortune to

clothe them properly.

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8. The antique clock is very beautiful, but it doesn’t fit _______________ the rest of
the furniture, which is modern.

9. I think the neighbours have gone_______________ for the weekend.

10. Tuan’s up ahead so Phong is pedalling fast to catch _______________ him.

Bài 7: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành bài đọc sau.

Trang An is a famous tourist complex located in Ninh Binh province in the

north of Viet Nam. It is an important national heritage and has been a UNESCO
World Heritage site (1) ___ 2014. Among the diverse ecosystems, forests and
limestone mountains (2) ____ with the history of the ancient capital of Hoa Lu, Trang
An Grottoes are Viet Nam’s most spectacular sights. The scenery here is just (3) _____.
Trang An Grottoes are a gathering of 31 valleys, 50 cross-water caves, and home to
600 kinds of flora and over 200 kinds of fauna, many of (4) _____ are in the Red Book
of Viet Nam. While rowing through Trang An grottoes in the quiet, fresh air of the
highlands, with only the sound of birds and the oars stirring the clear water, you will
(5) ______ that you are in a paradise on earth. Many foreign tourists say that Trang An
is truly a great wonder of Viet Nam.

1. A. For B. Since C. In D. Through

2. A. Associated B. Linked C. Contacted D. Joined

3. A. Incredible B. artificial C. Unreal D. Untrue

4. A. Them B. Which C. What D. That

5. A. Know B. Understand C. Consider D. See

Bài 6: Đoạn văn sau bị thiếu 6 đại từ nhân xưng. Hãy sửa lại cho đúng.

Example: making up 🡪 making it up

You’ll never guess what happened to me today. And I promise I’m not making
up! I was in a shop at lunchtime. There was a tall woman in the shop. She was trying
on hats. She picked up a blue one and put on. I remember thinking it looked good on
her. I had tried on some gloves and was just taking off. The woman came over,
Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

picked up some gloves and put on too. Then she started looking at some bags. She
dropped one on the floor by my feet. I bent down to pick up and when I turned
round she was just going out. And she was still wearing the clothes! I ran out to stop
her taking away, but then I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder. It was the shop
owner. I was still holding the bag! And he started telling me off while the woman got

1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________

Bài 9: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1. Latin was an international language. (USED)


2. “Why don’t you ask him yourself?”, my friend said. (SUGGESTED)


3. My parents never let me stay out late at night. WISH


4. Waste materials are disposed of in a variety of ways. (DISPOSE)


5. The opening of the new museum was postponed for three days. (PUT)

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Bài 1: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho phù hợp.

1. The plant (to run) ___________________ by the head engineer for a fortnight before a
new director (appoint) ___________________

2. Here you (to be) ___________________ at last! I (to wait) ___________________ for you for
thirty minutes.

3. Phong hated (to bother) ___________________ with trifling matters when he had many
more important things (to deal) ___________________ with.

4. Lan would never miss a chance (to show) ___________________ her efficiency, she was
so anxious (to like) ___________________ and (to praise) ___________________

5. The idea was too complicated (to express) ___________________ in just one paragraph.

Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng với nội dung bài đọc.

Today, walking around Ha Noi or Ho Chi Minh City, you can easily see the image
of a Vietnamese kid eating KFC-styled chicken, drinking Coca Cola and watching
Disney Channel. On Vietnamese channels  premiere a lot of Korean, Chinese,
American films. English songs appear in iPods or MP3 players of many teenagers. All
shows the tremendous effects of globalization on Vietnamese life, especially
Vietnamese culture.

Globalization does bring convenience and comfort to Vietnamese people. Now

we can enjoy goods and services with high quality and competitive prices as many
foreign companies join our market. Advances in communication help eradicate
geographic borders among countries and therefore connect our world. Especially,
globalization shortens the long-standing distance among different cultures. For
Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

example, right here in Viet Nam, we can watch latest movies made in Hollywood; we
can read famous books written by authors from US, UK, EU, Japan, China… We can
see the appearance of restaurants serving Thai, Italian, Japanese, American, Latin
American food in big cities. Moreover, globalization is fast and useful ways to
present Vietnamese culture to the whole world.

However, that does not mean globalization does no harm to the culture of our
country. One of the most concerning problems caused by globalization is the
dominance of foreign culture on Vietnamese life. Simply put, people lose their
traditional values and begin to identify with the culture of dominant nations.
Perhaps, the most apparent and serious effect is language. Our Vietnamese language
is facing “severe competition” from other languages, especially English.

1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one effect of globalization on

Vietnamese life?

A. Traditional cuisine

B. Foreign movies

C. English songs

D. Local crafts

2. The word “premiere” in the first paragraph probably means ______.

A. Appear on the screen

B. Be shown in an exhibition

C. Become popular and accepted

D. Be made for somebody to see

3. The word “However” at the beginning of the last paragraph is used to ______ .

A. Give an example of the judgment mentioned earlier

B. Introduce a new but different idea

C. Confirm what has been said above

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D. Present something urgent and significant

4. According to the writer, the problem that the Vietnamese language is facing is

A. Easily noticed

B. Hardly existing

C. Simply linguistic

D. Rarely problematic

5. What might be the writer’s attitude in the passage?

A. Positive

B. Negative

C. Both positive and negative

D. Neither positive nor negative

Bài 3: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. She enjoys _____ but she also likes meals out at restaurants.

A. to cooking              B. cook                   C. cooked                  D. cooking

2. _____ do teenagers in your country give their friends on their birthday?

A. What                    B. Which                 C. When                         D. Why

3. Please______ the light. It’s getting dark here.

A. turn on                 B. turn off                    C. turn over                    D. turn into

4. Linda attended a lecture _____ by a famous scientist.

A. giving                      B. gave                    C. given                        D. to give

5. Huy suggested ______ to the exhibition “Viet Nam: Then and Now”, and we all

A. to go                       B. going                    C. us to go                     D. us going

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6. I wish I ______all the natural and man-made wonders of Viet Nam.

A. visit                    B. will visit                     C. could visit                  D. am visiting

7. Children in large families learn how to get ___ with other people.

A. along                  B. away                     C. across                             D. through

8. We’d like our students to participate more ______ in the school’s social

A. basically                B. dynamically              C. actively                D. comprehensively

9. Yesterday, a policeman came and explained to us _____ to act and where to get help
in emergencies.

A. Where                      B. what                        C. how                         D. whether

10. In many big cities, people have to_____ up with noise, overcrowding and pollution.

A. catch                       B. keep                      C. face                           D. put

Bài 4: Thay thế các cụm động từ sau bằng 1 động từ thích hợp.

1. We will soon pick up health when we get to the seaside.


2. She has laid aside some money so that she will be comfortable in his old age.


3. Tuan told me that he would brina out a new album the next week.


4. They looked over the house again before they decided they would rent it.


5. The council has failed to deal with the problem of pollution in the city.


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6. Andrew Carnegie helped to set up about 3000 public libraries all over the United
States, Canada, Britain, and others.


7. My old university has been pulled down to make room for a new and larger one.


8. Did she find out whether there are any seats left for the show?


9. I wonder who first came up with the idea of a cinema.


10. As I kept my feet wet, I went down with a terrible cold yesterday.


Bài 5: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành bài đọc sau.

Teenagers do not spend as much money as their parents suspect – at least

not according to the findings of a (1) _____ survey. The survey (2) ______ 300
teenagers, 13-18 years old, from all over Britain.

By the time they reach their teens, most children see their weekly (3) _______
rise dramatically to an amazing national average of £20. Two thirds think they (4)
_______ enough money, but most expect to have to do something to get it.

Although they have more cash, worry about debt is (5)_________among

teenagers. Therefore, the majority of children make an effort to (6) ________some
aside for the future.

Greater access (7) _______cash among teenagers does not, however, mean
that they are more irresponsible (8) ______ a result. Instead of wasting (9) ______
pocket money they have on sweets or magazines, the 13-year-olds who took part in
the survey seem to (10) _____ to the situation by saving more than half of their cash.

1. A. late                    B. recent                     C. latest                       D. fresh

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2. A. included          B. contained               C. counted                   D. enclosed

3. A. allowance        B. support                   C. bonus                       D. profit

4. A. accept               B. earn                         C. make                        D. get

5. A. gaining             B. heightening            C. increasing               D. building

6. A. put                     B. save                          C. spare                       D. keep

7. A. to                        B. with                          C. from                        D. along

8. A. like                     B. as                              C. for                            D. in

9. A. that                    B. whether                    C. which                      D. what

10. A. reply                B. answer                      C. respond                  D. return

Bài 6: Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.

Air and water pollution might be assumed to be less (1. press) _______________ in
cities of developing countries because of lower levels of (2. industry) ______________
development. But in fact hundreds of such cities have high (3. concentrate) ________ of
industry. Air, water, noise, and solid waste (4. pollute) _______________ problems have
increased rapidly and can have dramatic impacts on the life and health of city (5.
inhabit) __________ on their economy, and on jobs. Even in a (6. relate)_________ small
city, just one or two factories dumping wastes into the only (7. near) _________ river
can contaminate everyone’s drinking, washing, and cooking water. Many slums and
shanties crowd close to (8. hazard) __________ industries, as this is land no one else
wants. This proximity has magnified the risks for the poor, a fact (9. demonstrate)
__________ by great loss of life and human (10. suffer) ___________ in various recent
industrial accidents.

Bài 7: Điền một từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.

Angkor, in Cambodia’s northern province of Siem Reap, is one of the most

important archaeological sites of Southeast Asia. It extends over approximately 400
square kilometres and (1) ______________ of temples, hydraulic structures (basins,
dykes, reservoirs, canals) as well as communication routes. For several centuries,
Angkor was (2) ___________ centre of the Khmer Kingdom. With impressive
Intershine – Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 – 12 – 0982.953.166

monuments, different ancient urban plans and large water reservoirs, the site is a
(3) _________ concentration of features testifying to an exceptional civilization.
Temples such as Angkor Wat, the Bayon, Preah Khan and Ta Prohm, are exemplars
of Khmer (4) ___________ Angkor is therefore a major site exemplifying cultural,
religious and symbolic values. It is truly a (5) __________ of the world. UNESCO has set
up a wide-ranging programme to safeguard this symbolic site and its surroundings.

Bài 8: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi, sử dụng các từ cho sẵn.

1. “I’ve had better marks than anyone else all term!”, Lam said. (BOASTED)


2. I would love to know how the magician did her tricks. (CURIOUS)


3. “Why don’t we join a volunteer group next summer?”, my friend said to me.


4. Lam likes people to call him “Professor”. (ADDRESSED)


5. I do like to have good communication skills, and can make more friends. (WISH)


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Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

ST V V Nghĩa
(quá khứ) (phân từ)
1 abide abode/abided abode/ abided lưu trú , lưu lạ i
2 arise arose arisen phá t sinh
3 awake awoke awoken đá nh thứ c,

thứ c
4 backbite backbit backbit nó i xấ u, dèm

5 backslide backslid backslidde tá i phạ m

6 be was/were been thì, là , bị, ở
7 bear bore borne mang, chịu

đự ng
8 beat beat beaten/ beat đá nh, đậ p
9 become became become trở nên
1 befall befell befallen xả y đến

1 beget begot begotten gâ y ra, sinh ra

1 begin began begun bắ t đầ u

1 behold beheld beheld ngắ m nhìn

1 bend bent bent bẻ cong

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1 beseech besought besought van xin, cầ u

5 khẩ n
1 beset beset beset bao quanh

1 bespeak bespoke bespoken chứ ng tỏ

1 bestride bestrode bestrode đứ ng dang

8 / châ n

1 bestrew bestrewed/ bestrewed rắ c rả i, vã i

9 bestre

đá nh cượ c, cá
2 bet bet bet
cượ c
2 bid bid bid trả giá

2 bind bound bound buộ c, tró i

2 bite bit bitten cắ n

2 bleed bled bled chả y má u

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2 blow blew blown thổ i

2 break broke broken đậ p vỡ

2 breed bred bred nuô i, dạ y dỗ

2 bring brought brought mang đến

2 broadcast broadcast broadcast phá t thanh

3 browbeat browbeat hă m dọ a
3 build built built xâ y dự ng

3 burn burnt/ burned burnt/ burned đố t, chá y

3 burst burst burst nổ tung, vỡ ò a

3 bust busted/ bust busted/ bust là m bể, là m vỡ

3 buy bought bought mua

3 cast cast cast ném, tung

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3 catch caught caught bắ t, chụ p

3 chide chid/ chided chid/ chidden/ mắ ng, chử i

8 chided
3 choose chose chosen chọ n, lự a

4 cleave clove/ cleft/ cloven/ cleft/ chẻ, tá ch hai

0 cleaved cleaved
4 cleave clave cleaved dính chặ t

4 cling clung clung bá m và o, dính

2 và o
4 clothe clothed/ clad clothe/ clad che phủ

4 come came come đến, đi đến

4 cost cost cost có giá là

4 creep crept crept bò , trườ n, lẻn

4 crossbreed crossbred crossbred cho lai giố ng

4 crow crew/ crewed crowed gá y (gà )

4 cut cut cut cắ t, chặ t
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5 daydream daydreamed/ daydreamed/ nghĩ vẩ n vơ,

0 daydreamt daydreamt mơ mộ ng
5 deal dealt dealt giao thiệp

5 dig dug dug đà o

5 dive dove/ dived dived lặ n, lao xuố ng

5 do did done là m

5 draw drew drawn vẽ, kéo

5 dream dreamt/ dreamt/ mơ thấ y

6 dreamed dreamed
5 drink drank drunk uố ng

5 drive drove driven lá i xe

5 dwell dwelt dwelt trú ngụ , ở

6 eat ate eaten ăn

6 fall fell fallen ngã , rơi

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6 feed fed fed cho ă n, ă n,

2 nuô i
6 feel felt felt cả m thấ y

6 fight fought fought chiến đấ u

6 find found found tìm thấ y, thấ y

6 flee fled fled chạ y trố n

6 fling flung flung tung, quă ng

6 floodlight floodlit floodlit chiếu đèn

6 fly flew flown bay

7 forbear forbore forborne nhịn

7 forbid forbade/ forbidden cấ m, cấ m đoá n

1 forbad
7 forecast forecast/ forecast/ tiên đoá n

2 forecasted forecasted
7 forego (forgo) forewent foregone bỏ , kiêng

7 foresee foresaw foreseen thấ y trướ c
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7 foretell foretold foretold đoá n trướ c

7 forget forgot forgotten quên

7 forgive forgave forgiven tha thứ

7 forsake forsook forsaken ruồ ng bỏ

7 freeze froze frozen (là m) đô ng lạ i

8 gainsay gainsaid gainsaid chố i cã i, phủ

0 nhậ n
8 get got got/ gotten có đượ c

8 gild gilt/ gilded gilt/ gilded mạ vàng

8 gird girt/ girded girt/ girded đeo và o

8 give gave given cho

8 go went gone đi

8 grind ground ground nghiền, xay

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8 grow grew grown mọ c, trồ ng

8 hang hung hung mó c lên, treo

8 lên
8 have had had có

9 hear heard heard nghe

9 heave hove/ heaved hove/ heaved trụ c lên

9 hew hewed hewed/ hewn chặ t đố n

9 hide hid hidden giấ u, trố n, nấ p

9 hit hit hit đụ ng

9 hold held held cầ m, nắ m, giữ

96 hurt hurt hurt là m đau
97 inlay inlaid inlaid cẩ n, khả m
98 input input input đưa và o (má y điện

toá n)
99 interweave interwove interwoven trộ n lẫ n, xen lẫ n
100 keep kept kept giữ
101 kneel knelt/ knelt/ quỳ

kneeled kneeled
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102 knit knit/ knitted knit/ knitted đan

103 know knew known biết, quen biết
104 lay laid laid đặ t, để
105 lead led led dẫ n dắ t, lã nh đạ o
106 lean leaned/ leant leaned/ dự a, tự a

107 leap leapt/ leaped leapt/leaped nhả y, nhả y qua
108 learn learnt/ learnt/ họ c, đượ c biết

learned learned
109 leave left left ra đi, để lạ i
110 lend lent lent cho mượ n (vay)
111 let let let cho phép, để cho
112 lie lay lain nằ m
113 light lit/ lighted lit/ lighted thắ p sáng
114 lose lost lost là m mấ t, mấ t
115 make made made chế tạ o, sả n xuấ t
116 mean meant meant có nghĩa là
117 meet met met gặ p mặ t
118 miscast miscast miscast chọ n vai đó ng khô ng

hợ p
119 misdeal misdealt misdealt chia lộ n bà i, chia bà i

120 mishear misheard misheard nghe nhầ m
121 mishit mishit mishit đá nh bó ng tồ i
122 mislay mislaid mislaid để lạ c mấ t
123 mislead misled misled là m lạ c đườ ng, là m

mê muộ i
124 misread misread misread đọ c sai
125 misspeak misspoke misspoken nó i sai
126 misspell misspelt misspelt đá nh vần sai

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127 misspend misspent misspent tiêu phí, bỏ phí

128 mistake mistook mistaken phạ m lỗ i, lầ m lẫ n
129 misundersta misundersto misunderstood hiểu lầ m

nd od
130 mow mowed mown/ mowed cắ t cỏ
131 outbid outbid outbid trả hơn giá
132 outdo outdid outdone là m giỏ i hơn
133 outdraw outdrew outdrawn rú t sú ng ra nhanh

134 outfight outfought outfought đá nh giỏ i hơn
135 outgrow outgrew outgrown lớ n nhanh hơn
136 output output output cho ra (dữ kiện)
137 outride outrode outridden cưỡ i ngự a giỏ i hơn
138 outrun outran outrun chạ y nhanh hơn;

vượ t giá
139 outsell outsold outsold bá n nhanh hơn
140 outshine outshined/ outshined/ sá ng hơn, rạ ng rỡ

outshone outshone hơn

141 outshoot outshot outshot bắ n giỏ i hơn, nảy

mầ m, mọ c
142 outsing outsang outsung há t hay hơn
143 outsit outsat outsat ngồ i lâ u hơn
144 outsleep outslept outslept ngủ lâ u/ muộ n hơn
145 outspeak outspoke outspoken nó i nhiều/ dà i/ to

146 outspeed outsped outsped đi/ chạ y nhanh hơn
147 outspend outspent outspent tiêu tiền nhiều

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

148 outswear outswore outsworn nó i lờ i tụ c tĩu nhiều

149 outswim outswam outswum bơi giỏ i hơn
150 outthink outthought outthought suy nghĩ nhanh hơn
151 outthrow outthrew outthrown ném nhanh hơn
152 outwear outwore outworn mặ c bền hơn
153 outwrite outwrote outwritten viết nhanh hơn
154 overbid overbid overbid trả giá / bỏ thầ u cao

155 overbreed overbred overbred nuô i quá nhiều
156 overbuild overbuilt overbuilt xâ y quá nhiều
157 overbuy overbought overbought mua quá nhiều
158 overcome overcame overcome khắ c phụ c
159 overdo overdid overdone dù ng quá mứ c, là m

160 overdraw overdrew overdrawn rú t quá số tiền,

phó ng đạ i
161 overdrink overdrank overdrunk uố ng quá nhiều
162 overeat overate overeaten ă n quá nhiều
163 overfeed overfed overfed cho ă n quá mứ c
164 overfly overflew overflown bay qua
165 overgrow overgrew overgrown mọ c quá nhiều,

mau lớ n
166 overhang overhung overhung nhô lên trên, treo

lơ lử ng
167 overhear overheard overheard nghe trộ m
168 overlay overlaid overlaid phủ lên
169 overpay overpaid overpaid trả quá tiền
170 override overrode overridden lạ m quyền
Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

171 overrun overran overrun trà n ngậ p

172 oversee oversaw overseen trô ng nom
173 oversell oversold oversold bá n quá mứ c
174 overshoot overshot overshot đi quá đích
175 oversleep overslept overslept ngủ quên
176 overspend overspent overspent tiêu quá lố
177 overspread overspread overspread bao phủ
178 overtake overtook overtaken đuổ i bắ t kịp
179 overthink overthought overthought tính trướ c nhiều

180 overthrow overthrew overthrown lậ t đổ
181 overwind overwound overwound lên dâ y (đồ ng hồ )

quá chặ t
182 overwrite overwrote overwritten viết đai quá , viết

đè lên
183 partake partook partaken tham gia, dự phầ n
184 pay paid paid trả (tiền)
185 plead pleaded/ pleaded/ pled bà o chữ a

226 rewrite rewrote rewritten viết lạ i
227 rid rid rid giả i thoá t
cưỡ i (ngự a), đi
228 ride rode ridden
(xe đạ p)
229 ring rang rung rung chuô ng
230 rise rose risen tă ng, mọ c
231 rive rived riven chẻ, tá ch
232 run ran run chạ y
233 saw sawed sawn cưa
234 say said said nó i
235 see saw seen nhìn thấ y

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

236 seek sought sought tìm kiếm

237 sell sold sold bá n
238 send sent sent gử i
239 set set set đặ t, thiết lậ p
240 sew sewed sewn/ sewed may
241 shake shook shaken lay, lắ c
242 shave shaved shaved/ cạ o (râ u, mặ t)

243 shear sheared sheared/ shorn xén long (cừ u)
244 shed shed shed rơi, rụ ng
245 shine shone shone chiếu sá ng
246 shit shat/ shitted shat/ shitted đi đạ i tiện
247 shoot shot shot bắ n
248 show showed shown/ cho xem

249 shrink shrank shrunk co rú t
250 shut shut shut đó ng lạ i
251 sing sang sung ca há t
252 sink sank sunk chìm, lặ n
253 sit sat sat ngồ i
254 slay slew slain sá t hạ i, giết hạ i
255 sleep slept slept ngủ
256 slide slid slid trượ t, lướ t
257 sling slung slung ném mạ nh
258 slink slunk slunk lẻn đi
259 slit slit slit rạ ch, khứ a
260 smell smelt smelt ngử i
261 smite smote smitten đậ p mạ nh
262 sneak sneaked/ sneaked/ trố n, lén

snuck snuck
263 sow sowed sown/ sowed gieo rả i
264 speak spoke spoken nó i
Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

265 speed sped/ sped/ speeded chạ y vụ t

266 spell spelt/ spelled spelt/ spelled đá nh vầ n
267 spend spent spent tiêu xà i
268 spill spilt/ spilled spilt/ spilled trà n, đổ ra
269 spin spun/ span spun quay sợ i
270 spit spat spat khạ c nhổ
271 split split split chẻ, bử a, tá ch
272 spoil spoilt/ spoilt/ spoiled là m hỏ ng

273 spread Spread spread lan truyền
274 spring Sprang sprung nhả y
275 stand Stood stood đứ ng
276 stave stove/ staved stove/ staved đâ m thủ ng
277 steal Stole stolen đá nh cắ p
278 stick Stuck stuck ghim và o; đính
279 sting Stung stung châ m; chích; đố t
280 stink stunk/ stank stunk bố c mù i hô i
281 strew strewed strewn/ rắ c, rả i

282 stride strode stridden bướ c sả i
283 strike struck struck đá nh đậ p
284 string strung strung gắ n dâ y và o
285 strive strove striven cố sứ c
286 sublet sublet sublet cho thuê lạ i, cho

thầ u lạ i
287 sunburn sunburned/ sunburned/ rá m nắ ng, chá y

sunburnt sunburnt nắ ng
288 swear swore sworn tuyên thệ

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

289 sweat sweat/ sweat/ đổ mồ hô i

sweated sweated
290 sweep swept swept quét
291 swell swelled swollen/ phồ ng, sưng

292 swim swam swum bơi lộ i
293 swing swung swung đung đưa
294 take took taken cầ m, lấ y
295 teach Taught taught dạ y, giả ng dạ y
296 tear Tore torn xé, rá ch
297 tell Told told kể, bả o
298 think Thought thought suy nghĩ
299 thrive thrived/ thrived/ phá t đạ t, thịnh

throve thriven vượ ng

300 throw Threw thrown ném, liệng
301 thrust Thrust thrust thọ c, nhấ n
302 tread Trod trodden/ trod giẫ m, đạ p
303 unbend Unbent unbent là m thẳ ng lạ i
304 unbind Unbound unbound mở , thá o ra
305 underbid Underbid underbid bỏ thầ u thấ p hơn
306 undercut Undercut undercut ra giá rẻ hơn
cho ă n đó i, thiếu
307 underfeed Underfed underfed
308 undergo Underwent undergone đi qua, vượ t qua
309 underlie Underlay underlain nằ m dướ i
310 underpay Underpaid underpaid trả lượ ng thấ p
311 undersell Undersold undersold bá n rẻ hơn
312 understand understood understood hiểu
313 undertake undertook undertaken đả m nhậ n
314 underwrite underwrote underwritten bả o hiểm
315 undo undid undone thá o ra
Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

316 unfreeze unfrozen unfrozen là m tan đô ng

317 unknit unknitted/ unknitted/ dã n ra, thá o ra

unknit unknit
318 unsew unsewed unsewn/ thá o đườ ng may

319 unsling unslung unslung cở i dâ y đeo,

dâ y mó c
320 unstick unstuck unstuck bó c gỡ
321 unstring unstrung unstrung thá o dâ y, nớ i dâ y
322 unweave unwove unwoven thá o ra
323 unwind unwound unwound thá o ra
324 uphold upheld upheld ủ ng hộ
325 upset upset upset đá nh đổ , lậ t đổ
326 wake woke/ waked woken/ waked thứ c giấ c
327 waylay Waylaid waylaid mai phụ c
328 wear Wore worn mặ c
329 weave wove/ woven/ dệt

weaved weaved
330 wed wed/ wed// wedded kết hô n

331 weep Wept wept khó c
332 wet wet/ wetted wet/ wetted là m ướ t
333 whet Whetted whetted tă ng hứ ng thú
thắ ng,chiến thắ ng
334 win Won won
335 wind Wound wound quấ n
336 withdraw Withdrew withdrawn rú t lui
337 withhold Withheld withheld khướ c từ
338 withstand Withstood withstood cầ m cự
339 work Worked worked rèn (sắ t), nhà o

Intershine - Tiếng Anh cho học sinh phổ thông từ lớp 1 đến lớp 12 – 0982.953.166

nặ n đấ t
340 wring Wrung wrung vặ n, siết chặ t
341 write Wrote written viết


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