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1. Perform a review of your WHS requirements for your work area.

Document your findings and conclusions of your review, in order to

determine if or where WHS improvements can be made.

In my restaurant, some of the WHS requirements would be:

 Fatigue - most of the staff work for long hours doing repetitive movements, it
can result on the staff being more stressed and more exposed to hazards and
risks. To avoid it from happening, I would make sure they have appropriate
and regular breaks during work and encourage the staff to take breaks
whenever they fell it is necessary, as well, I would make sure they have

appropriate time for recovery between shifts.

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 Hot liquids, surfaces and steam – when cooking food or removing it from

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places as ovens, deep fryers or grillers can result on burns. To try to prevent it

from happening, I would make sure that my staff is trained in safe work
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procedures, put signs to warn workers about hot equipment, keep pot handles
away from stove’s edge, keep a first aid kit accessible, provide my staff with

appropriate protective equipment’s, design a workplace or work processes to

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avoid carrying around hot liquids, etc.

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 Manual tasks – there are many injuries caused by using force to lift, push or
hold objects, repetitive actions and sustained or awkward postures. To help
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minimizing those hazards, we would provide trolley ramps at changes in floor

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level, consider the height and location of shelving or racks, provide foot rails
or a step to shift body weight and reduce stress on employees lower back and

legs, replace and repair uneven or slippery floors.


 Slip, trips and falls – most of the times it is due to poor housekeeping
practices in the workplace, such as water or oil split on the floor and as well
the inappropriate placement of materials. To avoid it from happening, in the

restaurant we would install drainage to prevent pooling of water and grease,

introduce a spill procedure that requires immediate clean up of all spills, using
appropriate cleaning products, provide an umbrella and coat stands to prevent
water dripping across the floor and ensure that the staff is wearing appropriate

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 Hot conditions – working in hot conditions can lead to heat stress and the heat
can cause headaches, weakness, nauseas and vomiting. To keep the
workers cool, I would make sure that there is an efficient ventilation system in
the restaurant, always advice the staff to drink plenty of water, provide a rest
break in a cool area and ensure the air conditioning system is serviced on
regular basis.
 Chemicals – to avoid any contamination with the chemical products used, we
would ensure that they are labelled and there is a safety information on it,
train the staff to use the chemicals safely and to administer first aid and
posting emergency numbers on the telephones.
 Fire – there is always a significant risk of fire in food retail industry, so the

restaurant has to take a few steps to reduce fire risk, such as, Put gas

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equipment in a well-lit and draught-free area and install a gas shutoff valve so

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the supply can be stopped if necessary. Store flammable materials, clothes

and paper appropriately and away from sources of heat. Fire safety
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installations (sprinkler systems and fire alarms) would be regularly maintained
by qualified personnel. We would have an emergency plans that includes a

procedure to provide prompt treatment for burns and smoke inhalation

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 Personal security at work – staff can physically or verbally attacked or

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threatened in the workplace, specially by dissatisfied guests or robbery. To

prevent it from happening, we would, make cash less visible or less
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accessible, install security lighting or video surveillance, provide information,

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training and supervision to help workers deal with security issues and
aggressive or violent customers. Advise workers to report incidents of


2. What legal responsibilities and duties do the following groups have in

the workplace.

a. Managers/supervisors – ensure safe use and handling of goods and

substances, asses risks and implement appropriate measure for
controlling them, make sure the staff has being given the instructions for
health and safety, provide personal protective equipment and train staff on
how to use it.

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b. Persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) – provide
safe work premises, provide and maintain safe machinery and materials,
assess workplace layout and provide safe systems of work, provide a
suitable working environment and facilities, have insurance and workers
compensation workers’ compensation insurance for employees.
c. Workers - comply with instructions given for work health and safety, not
wilfully or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided for work
health and safety at the workplace, not wilfully place others at risk, not
wilfully injure themselves.

3. What are the key elements of WHS legislation/law that affects your

business industry and workplace?

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It helps to retain staff, maximise staff productivity, minimise employee injury

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and illness in the workplace, reduce costs of injury and workers

compensation, ensure that the business meet the legal obligations and
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employee responsibilities.

4. What should organisational policies and procedures ensure when it

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comes to hazard identification, risk management, emergency and

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evacuation and incidents in the workplace?

It should ensure that the staff has access to a healthy and safe working
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environment, that they have an opportunity to become involved in the decision

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making processes relating to WHS issues, ensure that all staff members are
aware of their rights and responsibilities in the workplace. The organisation

should as well report all the incidents, accidents and near misses, conduct
regular inspections of the work areas, ensure all staff members are trained

properly, encourage staff to report any incidents or issues.


5. What benefits do effective health and safety consultation offer,

according to the WHS Consultation, Cooperation and Coordination code
of practice and how can a WHS committee help?
The benefits are to ensure that WHS legislations and requirements are met,
they would be required to do a deep consultation to be able to identify the
risks within the organisation, from there they could be excellent help because

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they would be able to make recommendations for improvements, they would
be helping to control, eliminate, monitor and improve the work conditions.
With their consultation, the organisations would be able to keep accurate
reports and records, would have a better way to resolve issues in a fair and
just manner, they would also have an expert for advice when needed, to
measure success and failures, and others.

6. What procedures have been implemented to control risks in your

workplace, including hierarchy of controls?
In my workplace there would always be trainings in case new equipment or
technology would be introduced, if any accident, incident or near miss occurs

the staff would be advised and already informed what to do/not do to avoid

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that situation again, the new staff would be monitored until they feel

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comfortable using a certain equipment/technology, any staff complains would

be heard and investigated and if further action is necessary, we would take it
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so. All the risks and hazards would be analysed, the hierarchy of controls,
would be helpful to determinate whatever that specific hazard/risk needs to be

eliminated, substituted, isolated etc, thru reports we would be able to identify

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the likelihood of that risk occurring and the impact of it.

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7. Outline how you would explain clearly and accurately the various work
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health and safety policies and procedures that affect a team in the
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Reports would be kept about any relevant hazards, identified risks, incidents

and outcomes. From there, all relevant information would be pass to the work
group. The information would be passed during briefings, signs would be all

over the restaurant, on dash boards and specific areas of hazards, emails
would be sent and handbooks would be hand over to the staff with all the

information they need, once in a while tests would be provided to make sure
the staff has all the important information fresh in their memories, if
necessary, training sections would also be held. This way we would be able to
ensure that the systems and policies are adhered all the time and the safety
of the staff. We would also be sure that the staff are comfortable to come talk
to us about any situation that they thought that put them in risk, doing the

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consultation between team members, WHS committee members and

8. How would you ensure that information about WHS policies, procedures
and any programs is made available in an appropriate form for the
Those information’s would be discussed regularly during the briefings,
inductions would be held for the new staff and training sections as well, there
would be signs about the WHS policies throughout the restaurant, specially on
areas of risk, e-mails would be sent with recent information, upgrade or
changes, staff would be encouraged to always report any findings related to


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9. How would you implement and monitor workplace procedures

according to legislative and WHS requirements?
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The best way I find to implement and monitor workplace procedures is with
the help of the committee, they would help to identify, evaluate, control

potential hazards. We would together consult with the team members to

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design a safe work practice for all workers, this way we could also identify
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where there are needs for further training for staff, negotiate safe working
practice and conditions on behalf of the team and recommend further
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requirements to responsible personnel. We would keep accurate records and

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reports, measure success and failures, make new findings and new
developments and have an ability to resolve issues in a fair and just manner.

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