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Assessment Tasks and Instructions

Student Name
Student Number
Course and Code
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITXWHS003 Implement and
monitor work health and safety


Assessment for this Unit of Competency/Cluster Details

Assessment 1 Assignment
Assessment 2 Project
Assessment 3
Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 ☐ 2 ☒ 3 ☐

Reasonable Adjustment
1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
No ☐ No further information required

Yes ☐ Complete 2.
2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:

Student to complete
☐ My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
☐ I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment
Signature Date

2nd Assessor to complete

☐ I agree the adjustments applied to this assessment are reasonable

Signature Date
Assessment Guidelines

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What will be assessed

The purpose of this assessment is to assess your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements

performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:

● implement and monitor adherence to workplace health and safety procedures in three of the
following real or simulated situations:
o evacuation of staff and customers
o security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or people
o handling chemicals and hazardous substances
o hazard identification and reporting
o incident and accident reporting
o risk assessment and reporting
● coordinate consultative processes for managing the above workplace health, safety and security
● coordinate risk assessments, WHS training, and the maintenance of records relating to above
● monitor the effectiveness of the WHS system and identify:
o required adjustments
o staff training needs
● demonstrate management practices that must be implemented for compliance with state or
territory occupational health and safety (OHS) or WHS legislation during above situations.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted

RTO to complete

Resource Requirements

Refer to the Assessment conditions attached to the Futura Group Mapping Document located
in the teacher support tools folder or the “Assessment Conditions” for this unit in the SIT 1.0
Training Package.

For this assessment access to the following resources are essential:

● access to a computer
● internet access
● a workplace, real or simulated, with workers or students present
● risk assessment templates (attached)
● relevant state or territory WHS legislation
● current plain English regulatory documents distributed by the local WHS government

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● codes of practice and standards issued by government regulators or industry groups
● WHS information and business management manuals issued by industry associations or
commercial publishers
● current commercial WHS policies and procedures

Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements

The assessment for this project consists of 2 Parts, Part A and Part B.

Part A requires you to plan for 3 situations of your choice as outlined below:

1. You are required to select 3 situations as listed in the task description on the following
2. Once your situations have been selected, you need to access the relevant codes of
practice from the Safework website or the website governing WHS relevant for your
3. After you have identified the specific requirements for each situation you will need to:
a. plan, develop and implement consultation processes with your staff/
b. conduct risk assessment for each;
c. apply the relevant risk control measures; and
d. implement each situation in instances as instructed by tour trainer.
4. During implementation of each situation you need to identify the effectiveness for
each system, identify any adjustments required and identify any further staff training
5. For each situation you need to provide:
a) Clear reference to websites or sources including sections and pages where
you located the relevant legislation
b) An implementation plan that provides the steps and processes for planning
consultation, risk assessment and implementation for each situation
c) The actual records required to meet legislative requirements (for example
consultation records for staff consultation/ where incident reporting is
selected the appropriate form(s)/ where chemicals and hazardous substances
are selected the relevant SDS, PPE register, training register etc./ where
security management of any kind is selected the relevant SOPs, emergency
procedures, staff training records/ where evacuation is selected, the
floorplan(s), emergency procedures, wardens, forms for reports as relevant

Part B requires you to implement and monitor the effectiveness of each situation to identify
the need for adjustment and any training requirements for staff to overcome any shortfalls or
non-compliance that is identified

6. The observation criteria below provide a guideline for generic key criteria.

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7. Additional criteria will be added by your trainer as relevant for the specific

Statement of Authenticity
☐ I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic

appeals were explained to me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and
☐ I have acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the
purpose of this assessment
Student Signature: Date: / /201

assessment: First Attempt ☐ 2nd Attempt ☐ 3nd Attempt ☐ Extension ☐ – Date:    /    /   

Project Part A Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory ☐ Satisfactory ☐
Project Part B Not Yet Satisfactory ☐

Feedback to Student:

Signature(s) Date:    /    /     
Date:    /    /     

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Assessment 2

Part A Planning WHS systems, consultation and risk assessment

Your Tasks

For the purpose of this assessment you need to provide for each situation listed below:

a) Clear references to websites or sources including sections and pages where you located
the relevant legislation

b) An implementation plan that provides the steps and processes for planning
consultation, risk assessment and implementation for each situation

c) The actual records required to meet legislative requirements (for example consultation
records for staff consultation/ where incident reporting is selected the appropriate
form(s)/ where chemicals and hazardous substances are selected the relevant SDS, PPE
register, training register etc./ where security management of any kind is selected the
relevant SOPs, emergency procedures, staff training records/ where evacuation is
selected, the floorplan(s), emergency procedures, wardens, forms for reports as
relevant etc.)

1. You are required to plan the following situations:

1) evacuation of staff and customers

2) security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or people
3) handling chemicals and hazardous substances

Instance Date Duration from ... Tasks to be completed

What will be observed?

Selection 1: Consultation

Risk Assessment Process


Monitoring of processes

Identification of Training


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Recording of documentation

Selection 2: Consultation

Risk Assessment Process


Monitoring of processes

Identification of Training


Recording of documentation

Selection 3: Consultation

Risk Assessment Process


Monitoring of processes

Identification of Training


Recording of documentation

2. Once your situations have been selected, you need to access the relevant codes of practice from the
SafeWork website or the website governing WHS relevant for your state.

Situation Code/legislation/factsheet Reference

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of staff and
W https://www.legislation.ns
Work Health and Safety 2/div4/sec43
Regulation 2017
Chapter 3 - General risk and
workplace management safety/manage-

Security the board of Work Health and Safety https://www.legislation.ns

money, documents, Regulation 2017
equipment, keys or n/2017/404/chap6/part6.
individuals Chapter 6 - Security of 3/div1/sec298

Taking care of synthetic Work Health and Safety https://www.legislation.ns

concoctions and risky Regulation 2017
substances n/2017/404/chap7
Chapter 7 - Hazardous chemicals

3. After you have identified the specific requirements for each situation you will need to plan, develop
and implement consultation processes with your staff/ colleagues.

1. Instance

Situation: Clearing of staff and clients

Describe the legal requirements set out by the relevant code/legislation that applies to
this situation

An individual leading a business or undertaking at a working environment must guarantee

that a crisis plan is set up for the working environment, that accommodates the

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(a) Emergency systems, including:
• A convincing response to an emergency
• Evacuation frameworks
• Notifying emergency organization relationship at the soonest opportunity
• Medical treatment and help
• Effective correspondence between the individual affirmed by the individual
guiding the business or undertaking to sort out the emergency response and all
individuals at the workplace,
(b) Testing of the emergency systems, including the repeat of testing,

(c) Information, getting ready and direction to noteworthy authorities similar to completing
the emergency frameworks.

Most extreme punishment:

(a) For the situation of an individual—$6,000

(b) For the situation of a body corporate—$30,000

Consultation Requirements: Where, when, what

At the point when the crisis occurred in the working environment, for example, fire, blast,
synthetic spill, health related crisis, catastrophic event, bomb danger or viciousness.

Who is involved:

Representative, staff specialist, shopper

Risk assessment including Hazard Analysis – what will need to be assessed

Nobody can foresee when a crisis is going to occur. Crisis circumstances may emerge
because of a fire, blast, concoction spill, health related crisis, cataclysmic event, bomb
danger or brutality. Making an arrangements and methodology will help staff in case of an
emergency. Make a crisis plan need to circumspect about beneath:

 Type of work
 Safety issues
 The size and area of your work environment
 The quantity of labourers
Complete the risk assessment template marked “Situation_______________________

2. Instance

Situation: Security the board of money, documents, equipment, keys or individuals

Describe the legal requirements set out by the relevant code/legislation that applies to this

1. A person with the board or control of a workplace at which improvement work is done
must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the workplace is ensured about from

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unapproved get to.

Most outrageous discipline:

(a) By virtue of an individual—$3,600, or

(b) By virtue of a body corporate—$18,000.

2. In consenting to subclause

(1), the individual must have regard to each and every appropriate issue, including:

(a) risks to prosperity and security rising up out of unapproved access to the workplace, and

(b) the likelihood of unapproved get to occurring

Consultation Requirements:

At the point when a business or undertaking engaged with money taking care of or
transportation activities, the obligation holders should share data about the dangers and
dangers and work together in a co-usable and co-ordinated approach to kill or limit the
dangers so far as is sensibly practicable

Who is involved:

Representative, staff labourer, Consumer

Risk assessment including Hazard Analysis – what will need to be assessed

A few variables which can expand the hazard theft and equipped hold-ups include:

 Large measures of money put away in the money registers

 A sheltered which is noticeable to the open
 The business being situated in a region with a horror rate

Complete the risk assessment template marked “Situation_______________________

3. Instance

Situation: Taking care of synthetic concoctions and risky substances

Describe the legal requirements set out by the relevant code/legislation that applies to this

1. This arrangement applies relating to a system used at a workplace for the usage, dealing
with or limit of risky manufactured mixes underground if an individual driving a business or
undertaking at the work space expects that the structure never again be used for the use,
managing or limit of the dangerous engineered materials or be disposed of.

2. The individual must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the system is emptied.

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Most outrageous discipline:

(a) For the circumstance of an individual—$6, 000, In the case of a body corporate—$30,000.

3. If it isn't reasonably practicable to empty the system, the individual must ensure, so far as
is reasonably practicable, that the structure is without perils to prosperity and wellbeing.
Most extreme discipline:

(a) by virtue of an individual—$6,000, or

(b) by virtue of a body corporate—$30,000

Consultation Requirements:

There are actually a huge number of dangerous synthetic substances utilized in the work
environment – paints, pesticides, cleaners and energizes.

Who is involved:

Whoever is utilizing the item

Risk assessment including Hazard Analysis – what will need to be assessed

Without the best possible controls it can cause disease, respiratory sicknesses, skin and eye
irritations, and fire and blast related wounds. What we have to do as underneath:

 Check names and clean compartments

 Obtain and give wellbeing data
 Keep a register and show
 Display bulletins and signs
 Prevent pollution of individual things
 Keep synthetic substances stable
 Manage spills and holes
 Avoid harm to synthetic substances
 Install suitable fire assurance
 Have crisis gear and plans
 Issue wellbeing hardware
 Have appropriate capacity and dealing with frameworks
 Supervise your labourers and check your labourers’ wellbeing
 Using disallowed cancer-causing agents and synthetic concoctions
 Managing pipelines
 Legislation and codes
Complete the risk assessment template marked “Situation_______________________

Planning WHS systems, consultation and risk assessment

Situation 1. : Evacuation of staff and customers

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Marking Criteria 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 3.Attempt

Legal requirements set out in legislation S NYS S NYS S NYS ment

The correct code, legislation or factsheet is identified

The source where the information is accessed is provided

The legal requirements for emergency procedures are


● PCBUs must ensure that an emergency plan is


for the workplace, including for workers who may

work at multiple workplaces

The inclusions listed in the emergency plan are identified and http:/
provided /www
● emergency procedures, including: orkaus
● an effective response to an emergency
● evacuation procedures
● notifying emergency service organisations at the bout/
earliest opportunity public
● medical treatment and assistance, and /Docu
● effective communication between the person /657/
● authorised to coordinate the emergency response
● and all people at the workplace plans_
● testing of the emergency procedure heet.p
● information, training and instructions for workers
to implement the emergency procedures

● a floor plan or outline of the area where

evacuation is planned is attached


Details for the place and time for consultation are provided

Details of participants who participate in the consultation are


The nature and details for consultation is provide in a clear


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The consultation plan is clear and meets legal requirements
(information/contribution/actions/ outcomes)

Risk Assessment

The risk assessment includes the critical inclusions identified

in legislation for emergency procedures listed above

The hazards or potential hazards are realistically identified

for each process/ procedure

The hazards identified include physical hazards relevant or

potential for each process/ procedure

The hazards identified include equipment hazards relevant

or potential for process/ procedure

Security hazards are identified as relevant

The list provided reflects consultation reflecting on the tasks

undertaken in the workplace and information provided by
the student

Any existing controls in place to reduce risks for hazards

identified are described clearly

The risk scores entered must reflect the details provided

though consultation with colleagues

The risk level and risk score is determined for each hazard
identified in the risk assessment and listed in the template
on the last page

The actions for each hazard identified are determined and

listed in the template for each hazard

The implementation requirements for actions determined

for each hazard are outlined

The implementation strategy reflects the priorities according

to level of risks identified

The implementation strategy reflects the steps outlined in

the hierarchy of controls

The risk assessment template is submitted complete

List additional criteria as relevant

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Planning WHS systems, consultation and risk assessment

Situation 2. : Security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or people

Marking Criteria 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 3.Attempt

Legal requirements set out in legislation S NYS S NYS S NYS men

The correct code, legislation or factsheet is identified

The source where the information is accessed is provided

The legal requirements for the select type of security

management are identified: (for example Safety of workers in a
workplace or as relevant

List the criteria for legal requirements here


Details for the place and time for consultation are provided

Details of participants who participate in the consultation are


The nature and details for consultation is provided in a clear


The consultation plan is clear and meets legal requirements

(information/contribution/actions/ outcomes)

Risk Assessment

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The risk assessment includes the critical inclusions identified in
legislation for emergency procedures listed above

The hazards or potential hazards are realistically identified for

each process/ procedure

The hazards identified include physical hazards relevant or

potential for each process/ procedure

The hazards identified include equipment hazards relevant or

potential for process/ procedure

Security hazards are identified as relevant

The list provided reflects consultation reflecting on the tasks

undertaken in the workplace and information provided by the

Any existing controls in place to reduce risks for hazards identified

are described clearly

The risk scores entered must reflect the details provided though
consultation with colleagues

The risk level and risk score is determined for each hazard
identified in the risk assessment and listed in the template on the
last page

The actions for each hazard identified are determined and listed
in the template for each hazard

The implementation requirements for actions determined for

each hazard are outlined

The implementation strategy reflects the priorities according to

level of risks identified

The implementation strategy reflects the steps outlined in the

hierarchy of controls

The risk assessment template is submitted complete

List additional criteria as relevant

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Planning WHS systems, consultation and risk assessment

Situation 3. : Handling chemicals and hazardous substances

Marking Criteria 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 3.Attempt

Legal requirements set out in legislation S Y S Y S Y

The correct code, legislation or factsheet is identified

The source where the information is accessed is provided

The legal requirements for duties in relation to hazardous

chemicals are identified as relevant for the nature of the

● correct labelling of containers and pipework, using warning http://

placards and outer warning placards and displaying of www.s
safety signs afewor
● maintaining a register and manifest (where relevant) of k.nsw.g
hazardous chemicals and providing notification to the
regulator of manifest quantities if required _data/a
● identifying risk of physical or chemical reaction of df_file/
hazardous chemicals and ensuring the stability of 0018/5
hazardous chemicals 2155/m
● ensuring that exposure standards are not exceeded anaging
● provision of health monitoring to workers -risks-
● provision of information, training, instruction and hazard
supervision to workers ous-
● provision of spill containment system for hazardous chemic
chemicals if necessary als-
● obtaining the current Safety Data Sheet (SDS) from the code-
manufacturer, importer or supplier of the chemical 3837.p
● controlling ignition sources and accumulation of flammable df
and combustible substances
● provision and availability of fire protection, fire fighting
equipment and emergency and safety equipment
● preparing an emergency plan if the quantity of a class of
hazardous chemical at a workplace exceeds the
● manifest quantity for that hazardous chemical
● stability and support of containers for bulk hazardous
chemicals including pipework and attachments
● decommissioning of underground storage and handling
● notifying the regulator as soon as practicable of abandoned
tanks in certain circumstances


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Details for the place and time for consultation are provided

Details of participants who participate in the consultation are


The nature and details for consultation is provide in a clear


The consultation plan is clear and meets legal requirements

(information/contribution/actions/ outcomes)

Risk Assessment

The risk assessment includes the critical inclusions identified in

legislation for emergency procedures listed above

The hazards or potential hazards are realistically identified for

each process/ procedure

The hazards identified include physical hazards relevant or

potential for each process/ procedure

The hazards identified include equipment hazards relevant or

potential for process/ procedure

Security hazards are identified as relevant

The list provided reflects consultation reflecting on the tasks

undertaken in the workplace and information provided by the

Any existing controls in place to reduce risks for hazards

identified are described clearly

The risk scores entered must reflect the details provided

though consultation with colleagues

The risk level and risk score is determined for each hazard
identified in the risk assessment and listed in the template on
the last page

The actions for each hazard identified are determined and

listed in the template for each hazard

The implementation requirements for actions determined for

each hazard are outlined

The implementation strategy reflects the priorities according to

level of risks identified

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The implementation strategy reflects the steps outlined in the
hierarchy of controls

The risk assessment template is submitted complete

List additional criteria as relevant

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Part B – Implementing, monitoring and evaluating WHS systems

You are required to implement each situation based on the work you have planned and completed in Part

1. Brief all relevant staff before implementation to provide a refresher of the procedures that were
finalised and determined during consultation and risk assessment

Situations Description

Situation 1 At the point when the crisis occurred in the working

environment, for example, fire, blast, synthetic spill, health
related crisis, catastrophic event, bomb danger or viciousness.

Situation 2 At the point when a business or undertaking engaged with

money taking care of or transportation activities, the obligation
holders should share data about the dangers and dangers and
work together in a co-usable and co-ordinated approach to kill
or limit the dangers so far as is sensibly practicable.

Situation 3 There are actually a huge number of dangerous synthetic

substances utilized in the work environment – paints, pesticides,
cleaners and energizes.

2. Monitor each situation and ensure that any breaches are identified promptly.

Nobody can foresee when a crisis is going to occur. Crisis circumstances may emerge because of a fire,
blast, concoction spill, health related crisis, cataclysmic event, bomb danger or brutality. Making an
arrangements and methodology will help staff in case of an emergency. Make a crisis plan need to
circumspect about beneath:

 Type of work
 Safety issues
 The size and area of your work environment
 The quantity of labourers

3. Use relevant templates or a log to document progress and incidents for each situation.

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1.    Clearing of staff and clients Representative, staff

specialist, shopper

2. Security for the cash of Representative, staff

board, their documents, labourer, Consumer
equipment, keys or /view/regulation/2017/404/chap6/pa
individuals rt6.3/div1/sec298

3. Handling chemicals and Whoever is utilizing the

hazardous substances item

4. Take appropriate actions to prevent any potential incidents, accidents or other hazards where a
safety risk has been identified.

Choose safeguards focused on a system that first stresses technical approaches (including removal or
replacement), accompanied by healthy workplace procedures, institutional safeguards, and eventually
personal protection equipment. Avoid choosing controls that can add new risks, explicitly or indirectly.

5. Document each breach or shortfall you identify for each instance.

Breach and Shortfalls Description for solution

A. Clearing of staff and clients Permit clients to talk. Permit furious clients to talk
and express their emotions until they discharge
their disappointment and quiet down.

Give you give it a second thought. Use sympathy

proclamations to show you comprehend the
client's emotions or disappointments.

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 Utilize the right tone.
 Be nonpartisan.
 Try not to respond.
 Core interest.

B. Security the board of money, documents,  The work wellbeing and security obligations of
equipment, keys or individuals everybody engaged with money taking care of
and moving exercises
 The nature and degree of dangers and dangers
recognized in the work completed, and
 Safe work techniques and control estimates
actualized to limit dangers including:
 „ working security gadgets and
 „ correspondence frameworks
 „ staffing levels
 „ money limits
 „ arranging transport courses and
times to limit consistency

C. Handling chemicals and hazardous Recommendations on lessening presentation to

substances perilous substances in the working environment

 where conceivable, play out the errand

without utilizing risky substances
 where conceivable, substitute dangerous
substances with less unsafe other options
(for instance, utilize a cleanser instead of a
chlorinated dissolvable for cleaning)
 seclude perilous substances in discrete
capacity territories

6. Write a report summary for each situation and clearly outline the requirements for changes for each
procedure based on the results in 4 and which type of training this will require as a result for each

Dealing with compound substances without appropriate insurance opens the specialist to the danger of
engrossing destructive measures of concoction through the skin. This generally happens when dealing
with the compound in fluid structure. Residue may likewise be consumed through the skin in the event
that it is wetted by, for example, sweat. The limit of various concoction substances to enter the skin
differs extensively. A few substances go through it without making any inclination.

 survey compound risks and set needs concerning the security in the association;
 make crisis plans for the surveyed perils;

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 compose word related medicinal services and customary overviews as essential;
 compose contacts with specialists/labs to create observing framework for substance dangers,
and to dependably quantify as well as gauge word related introductions to synthetic concoctions
when required;
 begin gathering contextual analyses of mishaps and disorder records in the endeavour to make
a reason for need measures in the control of risks;
 distinguish synthetic substances being used;
 acquire data of their dangers;

Any kind of income misfortune or reputational harm merits forestalling. Ensuring your business against
such misfortunes implies making sure about your representatives, clients, building, gear, and income
related resources.

At the point when individuals consider security penetrates and burglary, they frequently envision
complex innovation burglary or equipped theft. Be that as it may, in spite of the fact that organizations
should utilize the best possible measures to forestall significant security occurrences, actually those
kinds of occasions are uncommon.

 Remain Calm, Don't React. The principal activity is to stay cool and not react in kind.
 Try not to Take It Personally. Odds are, your client is irate about an awful item or administration,
and you're only the deplorable objective for their disappointment.
 Tune in and, If Appropriate, Apologize.

7. Attach your completed templates or log as relevant.

8. Attach your final summary report.

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Implementing, monitoring and evaluating WHS systems

Situation 1. : Evacuation of staff and customers

Marking Criteria 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 3.Attempt

Implementation S NYS S NYS S NYS men

Staff is briefed on evacuation procedures

Each role is clearly defined

All equipment is checked and prepared

All PPE is checked and available as identified

The evacuation procedure is trialled


Each process is monitored

Define steps monitored:

Any breaches are identified

Corrective action is taken:

Issue: Action:

Issue: Action:

Issue: Action:

Issue: Action:

Staff is informed or actioned for breaches as relevant:

Issue: Action:

Issue: Action:

Issue: Action:

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Breaches or issues are documented

Participants are de-briefed/feedback

A summary report is submitted

Each breach or shortfall is identified

Steps for rectification are summarised in report

Training requirements are identified in the report

The documentation/templates used for monitoring are attached

to this assessment

The final report is attached to this assessment

List additional criteria as relevant

Implementing, monitoring and evaluating WHS systems

Situation 2. : Security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or people

Marking Criteria 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 3.Attempt

Implementation S NYS S NYS S NYS men

Staff is briefed on _________________ procedures

Each role is clearly defined

Define the steps required for implementation relevant for the

selected procedure

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Each process is monitored

Define steps monitored:

Any breaches are identified

Corrective action is taken:

Issue: Action:

Issue: Action:

Issue: Action:

Issue: Action:

Staff is informed or actioned for breaches as relevant:

Issue: Action:

Issue: Action:

Issue: Action:


Breaches or issues are documented

Participants are de-briefed/feedback

A summary report is submitted

Each breach or shortfall is identified

Steps for rectification are summarised in report

Training requirements are identified in the report

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The documentation/templates used for monitoring are attached
to this assessment

The final report is attached to this assessment

List additional criteria as relevant

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Implementing, monitoring and evaluating WHS systems

Situation 3. : Handling chemicals and hazardous substances

Marking Criteria 1.Attempt 2.Attempt 3.Attempt

N N Com
Implementation and Monitoring S Y S Y S men
S S ts

Staff is briefed on handling chemicals and hazardous


Each role is clearly defined

All equipment is checked and prepared

All PPE is checked and available as identified

The use and application of chemicals is trialled during service


Correct dispensing is monitored

The disposal of chemicals is monitored

Each process is monitored

Define steps monitored:

Any breaches are identified

Corrective action is taken:

Issue: Action:

Issue: Action:

Issue: Action:

Issue: Action:

Staff is informed or actioned for breaches as relevant:

Issue: Action:

Issue: Action:

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Issue: Action:


Breaches or issues are documented

Participants are de-briefed/feedback

A summary report is submitted

Each breach or shortfall is identified

Steps for rectification are summarised in report

Training requirements are identified in the report

The documentation/templates used for monitoring are

attached to this assessment

The final report is attached to this assessment

List additional criteria as relevant



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No Hazards Is there any risk? Where there Are the risk Date for the Responsibl
. Identified - (Is there any is a risk, control implementatio e person
(Describe the likelihood of describe the measures n of
situation injury illness or proposed risk practicable? practicable risk
which could disease control control
possibly give occurring?) measures measures
rise to injury,
illness or
1 Wet floor and Yes Eliminate Yes Immediate
surrounds in ‘3D’ the Risk: ‘F’
Swanston Isolate the risk: Mop and
Street Cookery Signage remove
Campus displayed, Staff water
entrance informed

2 Left hot oil to Yes Place oil Yes Immediate

throw ‘1B’ somewhere ‘F’
unattended Staff informed to cool
before throw
3 Handling Yes Ensure Yes Immediate
chemicals ‘2B’ chemical ’F’
without using Read instructions. containers
safety check M.S.D.S are not
procedure damaged and
4 Sharpening Yes Stone must Yes Immediate
knife without ‘3A’ not slip while ‘F’
proper Ask help from sharpening of
knowledge colleague knife. place
damp cloth
under stone
5 Use of damage Yes Check ladder Yes Immediate
ladder ‘2D’ condition. ‘F’
Arrange for Ensure that
second person to non-slip
hold ladder footrests are
fitted and
ladder feet
are fitted

SIT Version 1 29 of 30
©Futura Group 2016
6 Locked in Yes Open doors Yes Immediate
fridge ‘1D’ and read and ‘F’
Check door alarm follow safe
– check door lifting

SIT Version 1 30 of 30
©Futura Group 2016

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