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assessment 2 - OSCA

Assessment 2


 We can write in dote points as well in template

 We have written what we have seen in video nothing from outside in report only from video.

The purpose of this assignment is to review a clinical assessment video,

and to complete a Mental State Examination based on a consumer
presentation that you observe.  It is important to incorporate information
obtained by the clinician and the consumer’s own words as they describe
the personal impact and symptoms of their mental illness during the
assessment video.

Assessment Task:

Complete a Mental State Examination and Risk Assessment using the

answer template provided.

In completing this assignment it is expected students consider:

 The assessment rubric.

 The questions asked by the clinician
 The responses provided by the  consumer
 What types of questions are asked?
 What are there the possible risk issues (using examples from the video)?
 The students’ own observation of the consumer and their behaviours.
 Some information may seem to be missing - Simply acknowledge the missing
information and state how you would obtain it (e.g. family history of mental health
conditions is missing, therefore ask a family member or carer).

Instructions to students:

On Monday 6th September at 9:00AM a video link and answer

template for this assessment item will be made available on the Mental
Health Learn online course site in the Assessment 2 OSCA tab. Students
will be able to watch the video several times to assist in completing this
assignment. The video will be accessible for students to view from
Monday 6th September 9:00AM until Friday 10th September

Please note:

No references are required.

Re-submissions are not possible for this assessment item.

Extensions are not possible for this assessment item.

This OSCA is equivalent to one hour. This does not mean that students
have to take one hour to complete the assessment.

This OSCA assessment is an individual piece of work, which means that

students are not allowed to collaborate on this assessment item.

You may find that some information that you may have liked to access is
missing - Students can use their own experiences and understanding of
Mental Health to complete sections where information appears to be
missing so long as this is in context of the clinical presentation.

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