Contextualising Learning Grade 6 - Facilitator Reference

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Contextualising learning

Grade 6

External context

Topic, sub-topic Situation

Locations Persons Objects Events Operations Texts
Покупки shop customer variety of goods seasonal sales buying goods/presents labels and packaging
● відвідування магазинів market manager handbag everyday shopping paying notices, regulations
● види магазинів supermarket sales/shop assisstant purse announcements
● асортимент товарів department store wallet advertisements
● гроші money signs
floor plan

Communicative language skills

Oral comprehenison Written comprehension Oral interaction Written interaction Online interaction Oral production Written production
Can understand a short Can get necessary Can understand when a Can request simple Can place a simple order Can briefly describe a new Can draw up a simple
description/advertisement information from labels on shop assisstant addresses information about goods in of goods online purchase shopping list
of goods goods and can understand him/her and can respond writing
instructions on packaging adequately
Can get the main Can find a necessary Can talk to a shop Can follow simple Can make a short Can produce a simple
information from department in a store assistant about the quality instructions as to the order presentation of a favourite advertisement of a shop or
announcements in a shop using notices or a floor and quantity of goods shop goods
Can distinguish various Can ask about the price of Can provide simple
shops from notices and goods instructions as to where to
signs buy certain goods

Core skills

Critical thinking Creative thinking Communication Collaboration Emotional development

Can compare views on certain goods Can come up with options to arrange Can use appropriate forms of address, Can make relevant suggestions Can describe own emotions when
goods in a shop greetings and farewells in a shop based on the current topic of shopping
Can make a decision as to the Can build on others’ ideas in order to Can use simple techniques to start Can volunteer to take on a specific Can show understanding of other
purchase based on simple analysis of advertise shops or goods and maintain a conversation with a role while shopping people’s feelings
pros and cons shop assistant/manager
Can identify evidence of the quality of Can describe own needs to family Can contribute to drawing up a simple
certain goods members, friends or a shop assistant shopping list and developing a
shopping strategy
Can ask for clarification

Language inventory

Language functions Sample exponents Sample vocabulary Sample grammar

describing, characterising How about? available for sale price Adjectives – comparatives and superlatives
asking for and giving information No thanks. buzy halfprice purse Сonjunction – basic connectors (but, because)
asking for clarification Can I help you? cool handbag receipt Modality – may, must, саn/could, would/wouldn’t
comparing and contrasting How much does it cost? cost kilo on sale (like) for intention and desire
expressing own impressions, views, feelings How can you prove it? customer manager shopping Noun – proper and common nouns Preposition –
justifying own choice I think it’s true because… decide market sales/shop assisstant ‘with/without’ for (lack of) possession
liking and disliking I feel excited/happy. department store mirror sign
offering, accepting and refusing It’s cool. discount much size
Can I try it on? downstairs notice all sorts of sth
I agree with you. entrance pack (to) spend
I’m not sure what you mean. exit pair a variety of sth
floor prefer wallet
Sample learning outcomes for the topic

By the end of studying the topic, learners will be able to:

● confidently find their way around a shop using signs/notices and ask for help if necessary
● adequately compare goods and estimate their quality from labels and from talking to friends and shop assistants
● fully justify the purchase of a certain product based on simple analysis of its pros and cons
● successfully negotiate a shopping strategy with family or friends and draw up a shopping list
● convincingly recommend where and what to buy by advertising a shop or goods
● etc.

Sample assessment for learning strategies

● Elicit what is known or not known on the topic through classroom dialogue.
● Ask questions which can elicit evidence of learners’ level of understanding from simple recall to higher-order questions.
● Encourage learners to ask questions to clarify understanding.
● Clearly communicate to learners what is being learnt and why on the topic, so that learners make sense of what they are doing and see the value of it.
● Negotiate what success looks like with learners to help them understand where they are going in their learning.
● Provide exemplars of successful performance to help learners understand the criteria for success.
● Give feedback to help learners move from their current performance to the desired performance: provide specific information which learners can use to move
forward, clearly link feedback to the learning intention and the learners’ understanding of the success criteria, focus feedback on the task rather than the

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