Letter Draft

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Dear Editor,

I am a Muslim Kashmiri resident who would prefer to stay unnamed. As you may know, rules

were put in place here in Kashmir on August fifth of this year. Kashmir is the most dangerous

place to live at the moment.

The Indian government has cut connections off here in Kashmir Valley. We’ve been

forced to stay silent all this time. I can’t reach anyone, not even my friends, or my family.

Journalists cannot reach us to grasp the story, the Indian soldiers are arresting people and using

excessive force against us, including the journalists. Even our political leaders are being

arrested or detained. The government wants to control the press and us. We’re being shoved to

the dirt like we’re nothing. We all try to protest but to no avail, with these soldiers around, about

4,000 Kashmiris have been arrested since August 18th. The media is portraying that everything

is fine. They’re treating us like animals here and are giving us no respect.

Concrete blocks that must be 4 feet tall are everywhere, the shops and clinics here are

shut down, some boarded up, as well as schools and education centers. Everything looks

terrible, ruined even. The landscape around here in Kashmir valley used to look so beautiful, but

now looks been stomped upon because of the number of soldiers. My family is stuck in

Srinagar, where soldiers roam the streets and sharp concertina wire lines everywhere. The

roads, buildings, fences, streets. I heard on the news about them being on a strict lockdown,

and soldiers using metal pellets and tear gas, I’m worried for their safety. There’s a curfew there,

as well as where I am, but it changes every night. This situation is unpredictable. I don’t know

what they’ll do next, No one does. They force us to stay home and locked up, like animals, it’s

terrible, awful even.

I’ve noticed hate for India stirring up among others, many feel as if we’re aliens

compared to them. I’m ashamed to be Indian, and I’m ashamed of my heritage.

With Hindus being in the minority here, I wonder how they feel. There’s such a religious divide

here. Many have said that they would want to be under Chinese rule, than this. It’s sad to say
that even I feel the same way. Everyone’s trust in India is quickly fading, and I can’t blame them.

The disconnect between Kashmiri and Indians is growing wider and wider. I want change to

happen and stay long-term, not temporary. We Kashmiri’s should be able to express ourselves

and our culture. It’s unfair how Indians look down upon us. I like many others, want to preserve

our futures for our families and the sake of Kashmir. I don’t want India or Pakistan to rule us.

Though we are a Muslim majority, we don’t feel a part of Pakistan. The Hindus here don’t feel

like a part of India.

Something needs to happen, we Kashmiris want Independence. Though it may not

happen, It’s something that we wish for. Our Independence would cease violent conflict between

India and Pakistan, the presence of troops will decrease and so will the violence. We have the

criteria to become a state and can bring stability to our economic system. With our neutrality,

India, and Pakistan will be able to focus on their citizens and resources. This is why Kashmir

needs to change and become independent. India has carried out too many acts of brutality

against Kashmir and so has Pakistan, no one wants to join with either for how they’ve treated

us, and I agree. This feud has gone on long enough and has hurt too many people.

In awaiting urgent change, I send my regards,

A Muslim Kashmiri

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