Finance Sector Problems

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Finance Sector Problems?

Financial services organizations handle and store a tremendous amount of data, including structured customer data and other information gathered firsthand, as
well as unstructured data mined from the internet and other sources. More data means better insights, but a lot of this data goes unused due to the complexity of
managing traditional data warehouses. Organizations spend about 85% of their time on systems engineering tasks and only 15% on analyzing and deriving
insights from their data. Additionally, these solutions don’t scale well.
Moreover, Security is breached easily in financial sectors, financial organizations remain lucrative targets for most cybercriminals, they can still ramp up their
defenses enough to mitigate the possibility of falling victim to most threats. However, to build up sufficiently strong defense mechanisms, we need to migrate
the data to secure Cloud storage
Why Google Cloud Platform
Google Cloud Platform is a cloud provider that offers the infrastructure to store and analyze your data
at scale without hassle. ML models can output results and give recommendations based on massive
amounts of data within seconds. Google Cloud improves your revenue opportunities, enhances your
customer experience, increases your operational efficiency, and creates a productive ecosystem that is
scalable, while enhancing decision models. Using Google Cloud Platform’s infrastructure allows for
real-time model training, evaluation, prediction, and monitoring like never before.
Business Challenges
• Create a platform to monitor its transaction flow

• Provide cost effective platform with unmatched security at data

• To create a system that will detect any fraud in transactions
• Capability to build a stable, secure ,and innovative infrastructure
platform to provide adisruptive cloud-native solution
Data warehouse modernization and smart analytics at scale
• Big Query, Google’s serverless, scalable data warehousing solution, automates systems engineering tasks and
offers a simplified user interface, freeing organizations from time-consuming systems engineering tasks and
giving them more time to work with their data. Since Big Query is completely software-based, it requires no
upfront hardware provisioning or management, and it automatically scales to maximize query performance. IT
administrators don’t need to provision compute resources, and data analysts can run queries without concern for
underlying infrastructure.
• Organizations that migrate to BigQuery can reduce their total cost of ownership (TCO) up to 41% to 52%.
Support for hybrid and multi-cloud environments
Google Cloud customers can opt for a range of hybrid connectivity options between their on-prem datacenter and cloud, suitable for
any location, budget, or bandwidth requirements, with Dedicated Interconnect and Partner Interconnect.
Unmatched cybersecurity

• GCP is responsible for encrypting all data in transit between its platforms, customers, and data centers, GCP encrypts all data at rest
in GCP services by default. Additionally, GCP enables developers to encrypt cloud applications at the application layer, for the highest
levels of data security.

• Google Cloud never accesses customer data unless doing so is absolutely necessary to fulfill its contractual obligations, such as
when resolving a technical or security issue. GCP’s internal technical controls require any employees who access customer content to
provide a valid business justification, and Google performs regular audits to ensure that these access controls are being adhered to.

Credit Card Fraud Detection and loan Prediction using Machine Learning

• Credit card fraud costs consumers and the financial company billions of dollars annually, and fraudsters continuously try to find new
rules and tactics to commit illegal actions. In most companies, fraud is identified only after it occurs. Measures are then implemented to
prevent it from happening again. Ideally, businesses want to find ways to prevent fraud from taking place, or, if that’s not possible, to
detect it before significant damage is done. In the event that they are unable to prevent it in a timely fashion. We are able to create
serverless fraud detection system using Google Platform

• We are able to predict credit risk and customer lifecycle value by creating accelerated ML-based solutions using Google Cloud
Platform. By using a large data set with behavior pattern data that includes voluntary repayments, foreclosure alternatives, expenses,
net sales, mortgage repayments and more. The ML model that they created predicts risk and provides recommendations based on those
predictions in seconds!
serverless real-time credit card fraud detection
• As businesses continue to shift toward online credit card payments, there
is a rising need to have an effective fraud detection solution capable of
real-time, actionable alerts.
• a smart analytics design to build a scalable real-time fraud detection
solution using serverless, no-ops products on Google Cloud. In addition to
setting up fraud notifications we can build dashboards to monitor the
performance of the fraud detection pipeline.
Analyzing ML model For Supervised and Unsupervised
Learning Dataset
Insights of Fraud Detection System

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