CISTEM, Uni Lab Foundation, Pushpin: COVID-19 Comics 1

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37 - COVID-19 Comics 1

CISTEM, Uni lab Foundation, Pushpin

38 - COVID-19 Comics 2

CISTEM, Uni lab Foundation, Pushpin

39 - COVID-19 Comics 3

CISTEM, Uni lab Foundation, Pushpin

40 - Just for Kids: A Comic Exploring the New Coronavirus

Ma l a ka Gharib | NPR

Based on a radio story that an NPR education reporter did. Some experts were asked what kids might want to know about the
new coronavirus. Then, this comic.
41 - Ang mga Maskara ni Miko

Ka te del Rosario | UPLB Department of Human and Family Development Studies

Download a copy of this children's story about COVID-19 in Filipino language.

42 - Isang Metro

Ka te del Rosario | UPLB Department of Human and Family Development Studies

Download a copy of this children's story about COVID-19 in Filipino language.

43 - What is COVID-19?

UP Col l ege of Education

44 - How Can COVID-19 Be Prevented?

UP Col l ege of Education

45 - What is the Process Used to Find Out if a Person has COVID-19?

UP Col l ege of Education

46 - What is the New Classification of COVID-19 Cases?

UP Col l ege of Education

47 - How is the COVID-19 Pandemic Being Fought?

UP Col l ege of Education

Webinar Session 10
Home-based Learning for Young Children, Part 1

Maria Hazelle R. Preclaro

July 17, 2020 | Friday | 10 a.m.

Home-based Learning for Young Children, Part 2

Ana Maria Margarita Salvador

July 17, 2020 | Friday | 10 a.m.

Webinar Session 11

Home-based Learning for Older Students

Maria Mercedes E. Arzadon

July 21, 2020 | Tuesday | 10 a.m.

Lead for resilience and innovation

Online Resources

48 - The Resilient Leader

El l e Al lison | ASCD

The traits and characteristics of a resilient leader are discussed which is very timely during this time of pandemic.

49 - Risk Management in Higher Education - Do We Need it?

Yos si Raanan | Levi nsky College of Education

Risk management is mainly used in the business sector but for this paper, it is applied in education institutions . The risks
involved in other fields are also present in academic field such as research risks, faculty risks, leadership risks, student-related
risks, etc.

Downloadable PDFs
Resilient Leadership: Navigating the Pressures of Modern Working Life

George Kohlrieser | International Institute for Management Development

The concept of resilient leadership is presented as well how to cope with stress, resilient teams and
cultivating a positive mindset.

Resilience in Academic Administration: Leading Higher Education in Times of Change

Justin Low | Florida State University

A research to determine the resilience levels of university academic administrators. Some of the findings
were gender, institutional type, experience, size of the college/department supervised, parental
influence, formal training and incentive were influential in determining resilience levels.

The Risk Management in Higher Education Institutions

Ljiljana Ruzic-Dimitrijevic & Jelena Dakic | The Higher Education Technical School of Professional Studies,
Novi Sad, Serbia

Risk management in higher education institutions is explored specifically on what it should anticipate, its
methodology and strategies in achieving it.

50 - When Education Moves Home: Implications for Students, Academics, Administrations, and Education Leaders

European Distance and E-Learning Network

Webinar Session 12

Leading for Resilience and Innovation

Marian Christine V. Patriarca

July 24, 2020 | Friday | 10 a.m.

Redesign the learning environment

Online Resources

51 - When School is Online, How Much Screen Time is Too Much?

Center on Media and Child Health

52 - Social Distancing: Keep Your Distance to Slow the Spread

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

This site defines social distancing and why it is important. It also provides practical tips on how to maintain social distancing that
could be applied in schools.

53 - Guidance for Social Distancing in Youth and Student Programs

Mi nnesota Department of Health (2020)

This article provides specific guidelines on how to observe proper health protocols in schools related to non-pharmaceutical
interventions such as physical distancing.

Journal Articles
Work-Life Boundaries and Well-Being: Does Work-to-Life Integration Impair Well-Being through Lack
of Recovery?

Wepfer, Ariane & Allen, Tammy & Brauchli, Rebecca & Jenny, Gregor & Bauer, Georg

This study investigated the implications of employees’ work-to-life boundary enactment for well-being.

54 - Face-to-face at a Distance: Building a Learning Community Online

European Distance and E-Learning Network

55 - How to Engage and Support Students Online

European Distance and E-Learning Network

56 - Practical Tips for Learning and Instructional Design

European Distance and E-Learning Network

Webinar Session 13

The ABC of Redesigning the Learning Environment

Jerome T. Buenviaje

July 28, 2020 | Tuesday | 10 a.m.

Evaluate education financing

Journal Articles Online

A Framework to Guide an Education Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020

F. M. Reimers & A. Schleicher | OECD

This paper provides a checklist as guide in developing strategic plans on the continuation of education
despite the pandemic. Based on a rapid assessment of education needs and emerging responses in
ninety eight countries, the report identifies the most salient needs that should be addressed in
developing plans to continue education, as well as the areas likely to face more implementation

Downloadable PDFs

57 - Handbook on Facilitating Flexible Learning during Educational Disruption: The Chinese Experience in Maintaining
Undisrupted Learning in COVID-19 Outbreak
Hua ng, R.H., Li u, D.J., Tlili, A., Ya ng, J.F., Wang, H.H., et al. | Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University

This handbook describes flexible online learning strategies implemented in China during the COVID-19 outbreak. These
strategies are presented based on six dimensions, namely (a) infrastructure, (b) learning tools, (c) learning resources, (d)
teaching and learning methods, (e) services for teachers and students, and (f) cooperation between government, enterprises,
and schools.

58 - Technology Integration in Education in Developing Countries: Guidelines to Policy Makers

V. Jhurree | Ma uritius Institute of Education

The paper recognizes the potent force of ICT in educational reforms. Drawing from the experiences of developed countries, the
author proposes salient guidelines to policy makers of developing countries for the successful integration of ICT into the

59 - Public Funding for Private Schools: The Current Landscape

E.S. Mul a ney | Northwestern University School of Law

The article presents a reflection on the state of private education, specifically Catholic education, in the USA. It describe s the
progress of the school choice initiatives and the parental choice programs in various states of America. It argues for coalition
building to convince states to legislate school choice and that such choice is a civil rights claim for children to be given another
pathway to success.
Webinar Session 14

Evaluating Education Financing

Joel C. Javiniar

July 31, 2020 | Friday | 10 a.m.

Create new knowledge

Journal Articles Online

60 - How is Agency Possible? Towards an Ecological Understanding of Agency -as-achievement

Gert Bi esta & Mi chael Tedder | University of Exeter

The working paper not only proposes a particular way of understanding agency based upon a review of relevant literature, but
also explores the extent to which such an approach is useful in understanding the relationship between agency and learning in
the life-course.

61 - Teacher Agency and the Digital: Empowerment or Control?

Ba rba ra Schulte | Lund University

The article focuses on the use of digital technologies, or information and communication technologies, for educational purpos es
in order to critically illuminate the relationship between conceptions of teacher agency on the one side, and student
empowerment (or control) on the other.

62 - Information and Communications Technology, Knowledge and Pedagogy

Robert McCormi ck & Peter Scrimshaw | The Open University, UK

Any implementation of ICT in schools requires a level of change in practice. This article examines three such levels, namely where
existing practice is made more efficient or effective, where it is extended in some new way, and where it is transformed.

Downloadable PDFs
Ethnographic Approaches to Digital Media
E. Gabriela Coleman | New York University

This review surveys and divides the ethnographic corpus on digital media into three broad but
overlapping categories: the cultural politics of digital media, the vernacular cultures of digital media, and
the prosaics of digital media.

Pedagogical Habitus Engagement: Teacher Learning and Adaptation in a Professional Learning


Jennifer Feldman | Stellenbosch University

Drawing on the thinking tools of Bourdieu, the article offers a view of professional learning communities
(PLCs) as a form of “habitus engagement” that engages with teachers’ firmly established pedagogical
identities, their “pedagogical habitus,” to effect adaptation and change in their classroom pedagogy.

YouTube Videos on Digital Ethnography

63 - Sarah Pink Interview - Doing Ethnography Remotely, May 25, 2020

Sa ra h Pink | Monash University

Dr. Sylvia Yanagisako (Stanford) interviews Dr. Sarah Pink (Monash) on the topic of remote ethnography. The interview covers a
wide range of issues in the conduct of this non-conventional type of ethnography.

64 - Sarah Pink: Digital Ethnography, Feb 26, 2018

Sa ra h Pink | RMIT

Interview with Dr. Sarah Pink on the uses of digital technology in the ethnographic research process.
65 - Christine Hine on Online Research Methods Jul 2, 2013

Chri s tine Hine | University of Surrey

Sociology professor Christine Hines talks about the Internet and social science research methods , particularly qualitative

66 - How to Conduct an Ethnography during Social Isolation, May 3, 2020

Da niel Miller | University Col lege London

Eminent anthropologist Daniel Miller offers some suggestions for anthropology PhD students who face having to conduct their
ethnography entirely online because they are unable to visit their fieldsite.

67 - Netnography: Robert Kozinets, Feb 28, 2018

Robert Kozinets | USC Annenberg

Robert Kozinets, professor of journalism, discusses netnography, a research method that fuses the Internet with ethnography.
Webinar Session 15

Redefining Education Research Agenda

Sheryl Lyn C. Monterola

August 4, 2020 | Tuesday | 10 a.m.

Webinar Session 16

Doing Online Ethnography, Part I

Clement C. Camposano
August 7, 2020 | Friday | 10 a.m.

Webinar Session 17

Doing Online Ethnography, Part II

Clement C. Camposano

August 11, 2020 | Tuesday | 10 a.m.

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