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Differential Equations

Description: This course is intended for all engineering students to have a firm foundation on differential
equations in preparation for their degree-specific advanced mathematics courses. It covers first order
differential equations, nth order linear differential equations and systems of first order linear differential
equations. It also introduces the concept of Laplace Transforms in solving differential equations. The
students are expected to be able to recognize different kinds of differential equations, determine the
existence and uniqueness of solution, select the appropriate methods of solution and interpret the obtained
solution. Students are also expected to relate differential equations to various practical engineering and
scientific problems as well as employ computer technology in solving and verifying solutions.
Number of Units for Lecture and Laboratory: 3 units lecture
Prerequisite: Calculus 2
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of the course, the student must be able to:
1. Solve the different types of differential equations; and
2. Apply differential equations to selected engineering problems.

Course Outline:
1. Introduction / Definition
1.1. Definition and Classifications of Differential Equations (DE)
1.2. Solution of a DE
2. Solution of some 1st order DE
2.1. Variable Separable
2.2. Exact Equation
2.3. Linear Equation
2.4. Substitution Methods
2.4.1. Homogeneous Coefficients
2.4.2. Bernoulli's Equation
2.4.3. Other Substitution Methods
2.5. Mixed Problems (method not pre-identified)
2.6. Introduction to Use of Computer in Solving Differential Equations
3. Application of 1st Order Differential Equations
3.1. Decomposition /Growth
3.2. Newton's Law of Cooling
3.3. Mixing (non-reacting fluids)
3.4. Electric Circuits
4. Linear Differential Equation of Order n
4.1. Introduction
4.1.1. Standard form of a nth order Linear DE
4.1.2. Differential Operators
4.1.3. Principle of Superposition
4.1.4. Linear Independence of a Set of Functions
4.2. Homogeneous Linear Differential Equation with Constant Coefficients
4.2.1. Solution of a Homogeneous Linear Ordinary DE
4.2.2. Initial and Boundary Value Problems
4.3. Non-homogeneous Differential Equation with Constant Coefficients
4.3.1. Form of the General Solution
4.3.2. Solution by Method of Undetermined Coefficients
4.3.3. Solution by Variation of Parameters
4.3.4. Mixed Problems
4.4. Solution of Higher Order Differential Equations using Computer
5. Laplace Transforms of Functions
5.1. Definition
5.2. Transform of Elementary Functions
5.3. Transform of eatf(t) - Theorem
5.4. Transform of tnf(t) - Derivatives of Transforms
5.5. Inverse Transforms
5.6. Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transforms using a Computer
5.7. Transforms of Derivatives
5.8. Initial Value Problems
6. The Heaviside Unit-Step Function
6.1. Definition
6.2. Laplace Transforms of Discontinuous Functions and Inverse Transform Leading to
Discontinuous Functions
6.3. Solution of Initial Value Problems with Discontinuous Functions by Laplace Transform
7. Application of Laplace Transforms (Problems on Vibration)
8. Solution of Systems of Linear Differential Equation with Initial Values / Simultaneous Solution to
DE (Laplace Transform Method)

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