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TAHUN AJARAN : 2021/2022

I. Choose the best answer a, b,c d, or e!

1. X : ...........
Y : I think it’s great
a. have you read this book
b. what do you think of this book?
c. what is it?
d. do you know this?
e. I agree
2. Didy : I think you should move to a new town.
Lily : ...... I feel comfortable here.
a. I have no opinion
b. I think so
c. I disagree with you
d. I completely agree with that
e. I agree
3. Justin : next week we will have a long holiday. So, on your holiday what are you going to do
Yoona :.........
a. I don’t know where I go
b. I’m sorry, I can’t tell you
c. this is not your business
d. I’m thinking of going to jogja
e. I have no idea
4.  Liana: Film of Kartini it’s so inspiring. And what do you think about the inspiring film of Kartini?
Bram: I think…
a. Thank you, Kartini
b. You forget Kartini’s day
c. I can’t hear you call Kartini
d. I love Kartini’s film its so inspiring me
e. Let’s go
5. Drue: May I know what do you think of my short story?
Julia: It’s a good story, but I suggest changing the title with an interesting title.
Drue: Nice opinion. Thanks, Julia.
Julia: Anytime, Drue!
From the dialogue above between Julia and Drue, Julia is…
a. Giving order
b. Asking for an opinion
c. Asking for attention
d. Giving an opinion
e. Giving hands
6. Bintang: After school Herman feels very tired and he gets dizzy.
Sonia: I think …. And if it’s not necessary he doesn’t leave the bed.
a. You must go to school
b. You have to take him to the hospital
c. He should lie down and have bed rest time
d. She would take rest
e. He can see the doctor now
7. Caller:Hello....................................?
Nita  :I'm sorry,he is out .Could you call back at four?
Caller:All right.Thank you
a.Could you speak to Mr.Aziz,please?
b.Can I take a message from you
c.Could I speak to Mr.Aziz,please?
d.Would you like to call him again
e. would you like leave a message?
8. Receptionist: Good morning.What can I do for you,sir?
Guest          : I'd like to talk to the Personnel Manager,please.
Receptionist: ....................?
Guest          : Yes.My name is Hendarto.
a. May I have your name
b. Could you call him later
c. Have you met him before
d. Have you made an appointment
e. Have you met her
9. Receptionist: Good morning, Nirwana Hotel. Can I help you?
Caller           : Room 1023, please.
Receptionist : I'm sorry, there is no answer.............................?
a. What can I do for you
b. How do you spell it
c. Can I take a message
d. He is not in at the moment
e. Can I help you
10. Receptionist : ......................................................
Caller            : May I speak to Mr. Rahadi, please?
Receptionist  : Hold on, please?
a. Good morning,Nusantara Airlines. Can I help you?
b. Hi. This is Nusantara Airlines. Can I help you?
c. Hi. I'm Rendy from Nusantara Airlines.Who are you?
d. Hello. Good morning. You're Mr. Gondo, right
      (C 34./2012. No 27)
e. How do you spell it

II. Answer clearly!

Give your opinion based on the following situations using expressions of giving an opinion (questions 11
– 13)

11. Is it dangerous for children to watch cartoon film?

12. Should the students bring handphoneto school?
13. Smoking should be banned in the public

Give your answer based on these situations (questions 14 – 15)

14. If the person you are calling is not available, do you usually leave a message? Why?
15. What kind of skills must a good recepti onist have for receiving a phone call?

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