RES - 1 Draft No.

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Coffee as an alternative Permanent Marker Ink


According to Racho (2014) Coffea canephora or the coffee is a beverage made by percolation
,infusion,or decoction from the roasted and ground seeds of a coffee plant. Coffee is a brewed beverage
prepared from the roasted seedsof several species of an evergreen shrub of the genus Coffea. Coffee
plants are cultivated in more than 70 countries, primarily in equatorial Latin America, Southeast Asia and

The main idea of this is to show that it is possible to make an ink for ballpoint pen and permanent
marker with the use of ingredients that can be found in your house.


In order to provide an excellent ballpoint pen and permanent marker using an ingredient that can be
found in your house. Its desired state must be legible to write and must last longer than the other
commercial products however, our ballpoint pen or permanent marker made out of coffee powder must
have other ingredients it to last. And since were going to use a gel pen catheter were to substitute oil as
the gel for the ink because it has the capability to prevent the blotting of the ballpoint pen


1 pot of coffee

(4 to 8 coffee cups)

1 teaspoon vinegar

1 teaspoon salt


Coffee pot


Small pot


Measuring cup



1: Brew some coffee. Get yourself some nice coffee and brew an extra strong pot of it. The stronger the
coffee is, the darker the ink will be. When the pot of coffee finishes brewing, you have ink.

2: Pour some for yourself or a friend.

3: Reduce/ concentrate the ink. If you want your ink to be darker, you can transfer it to a small pot and
reduce it on low heat until it has reached the saturation that you like.

4: Preserve it. If you want your coffee ink to keep its value and have a longer shelf life, add 1 teaspoon of
vinegar and 1 teaspoon of salt to each cup (235 ml) of coffee. The vinegar acts as a mordant, keeping the
color from fading over time, and the salt is a preservation.

It will be helpful because you can only found the materials in your house and it will be
easily to make. But it is not yet possible yet that it will last longer than the other products.

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