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Author: AlbinaZhuravleva

Theme: A train ride to San Francisco

The aim of the lesson: Passive Voice (present and past)
develop the creative story about Jose and Miguel;
revise present perfect;
studycountable and uncountable nouns ;
study passive voice (present and past).


- Hello, students, nice to see you here! (- Hello, teacher, nice to see you too!)
- How are you today? (- We’re fine, thanks, and you?)
- Do you like the weather today? (-Yes, we do.)
- What do you usually do in good weather? (-We usually walk in the park.)
- Are you ready for an English lesson (- Yes, we are.)
- Great! Let’s start our lesson.

Unit 4 Lesson 1
A train ride to San Francisco

Slide 1

1. Have you ever travelled by train?

2. Do you think travelling by train is cheaper than by plane? Why?
3. Can you imagine your life without this kind of transportation?
4. Do you like crossing bridges while travelling?
5. Why do people build bridges in their countries?
6. Do you know, what is the most famous bridge in San Francisco?

Slide 2
Карта (map)

1. Present Perfect revision

2. Countable and Uncountable nouns
3. Passive voice (present and past)
4. New vocabulary related to the theme “train”

Slide 3
Task 1
Context of the story: Jose and Miguel wake up very early in the morning still in Los Angeles. Jose has
found out that there is a train, which can take them to San Francisco, which is their third destination.
The train costs around 55$ per each ticket but it’s a long ride around 10-12 hours depending on the train

Коммерческая тайна ИП Иванченко Л.С., 628605 г. Нижневартовск, ул. 60 лет Октября д. 72. Дата
введения режима коммерческой тайны: 01.06.2018 г.
speed. Miguel is so excited he has dreamt about travelling by train. Actually, during this special trip
many dreams have already come true.
Jose decides to write a message to “Heads and Tails” and ask the permission to buy tickets; by the way,
the boys write some news about their trip to Los Angeles.
Miguel: We woke up very early Jose and we are still in Los Angeles! I want to go somewhere…
Jose: I have found out that there is a train, which can take us to San Francisco.
Miguel: Really? It is our third destination!
Jose: The train costs around 55$ per each ticket but it’s a long ride around 10-12 hours depending on
the train speed.
Miguel: I’m so excited! I’ve dreamt about travelling by train.
Jose: Actually, during this special trip many dreams have already come true! I’ve made a decision to
write a message to “Heads and Tails” and ask for permission to buy tickets.

Complete the letter. Use the correct present perfect form of the verb in brackets.

Dear Head and Tails,

We (spend) a great time in Los Angeles. We already (visit)a street  in  Beverly Hills, California.
Miguel (buy)a lot of luxurious goods there. Jose (visit) art galleries which are very popular in
the world. We (make) a decision to go to San Francisco by train because it’s the cheapest way
of travelling.
Unfortunately, we (spend) a lot of money and we don’t have enough to buy the tickets. Could
you please send us some money in order to buy tickets?
Yours sincerely,
Miguel and Jose

Answers: have spent; have visited; has bought; has visited; have made; have spent.

Slide 4
Task 2
Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Context of the story: Jose and Miguel come to the train station in Los Angeles, they are ready to buy the
tickets. Miguel takes lot of picture because the station looks like a beautiful church with comfortable
armchairs; the ceiling is a masterpiece too. The boys start to count their money and other expenses that
have been done during the stay in LA.

Jose: So, we’ve finally come to the station.

Miguel: Do you see a ticket office? We have to buy the tickets.
Jose: Yes, I do… Miguel, what are you doing?
Miguel: I’m taking pictures of this station. I haven’t seen such a wonderful station before. It
looks like a beautiful church with comfortable armchairs.
Jose: Look! The ceiling is a masterpiece too!
Miguel: Yes, it is...Well, what shall we do next?
Jose: We have to count our money that have been spent during the stay in LA.
Miguel: Let’s count with our students!

1. Do you know what countable and uncountable nouns are?

2. What is the difference between countable and uncountable nouns?

Коммерческая тайна ИП Иванченко Л.С., 628605 г. Нижневартовск, ул. 60 лет Октября д. 72. Дата
введения режима коммерческой тайны: 01.06.2018 г.
3. If not look at our grammar table!

Slide 5
Nouns can be classified as
Countable Uncountable

Can be counted Cannot be counted

E.g. a cat, a woman, a pencil, a child, an apple, E.g. milk, safety, rice, happiness, sugar,
one picture, etc. information, etc.
Have a plural form

E.g. cat/cats, woman/women, pencil/pencils, Have no plural form


Can have “a”, “an” or a number before them Usually cannot have “a”, “an” or a number before
E.g. I have a cat.
E.g. They like rice.
My cousin has three children.
I wish you much happiness.
Some (+) Some (+)

Any (-) Any (-)

Any (?) Any (?)

E.g. I have some apples. E.g. I have some milk.

I don’t have any apples. I don’t have any milk.

Do you have any apples? Do you have any milk?

How many? (Plural) How much? (Singular)

E.g. How many tables are there? E.g. How much water is there?

Slide 6
Task 3
Smart lab |cards
Нажимают на пропуск, появляется правильный ответ (как переворот карточки)

Fill the gaps with an/an, some/any.

1) There is _____ apple in the fruit basket.

2) There aren’t ______ eggs in our refrigerator.
3) There isn’t ______ sandwich in the cafe.
4) There is _____ pineapple juice in her glass.
5) There isn’t ______ rice in her kitchen.
6) There is _____ jam in grandmother’s cellar.

Коммерческая тайна ИП Иванченко Л.С., 628605 г. Нижневартовск, ул. 60 лет Октября д. 72. Дата
введения режима коммерческой тайны: 01.06.2018 г.
Answers: 1)an; 2)any; 3)a; 4)some; 5)any; 6)some

Slide 7
Fill the gaps wit HOW MUCH or HOW MANY

1. How ______ potatoes are in the bag?

2. How ______butter is there on a saucer?
3. How_______pizza is there on the plate?
4. How_______honey is there in a barrel?
5. How_______bottles of milk are there in the refrigerator?
6. How_______strawberries are there in the basket?

Answers: 1)many; 2)much; 3)much; 4)much; 5)many; 6)many

Slide 8
Choose the correct word to finish the sentence:

1. Would you like ______ cheese and bread?

a)Some b) a c) any

2. Have you got ______ oranges?

a) An b) a c) any

3. My brother has got ______ big birthday cake!

a)Some b) an c) a

4. They haven't got ______ potatoes.

a)Any b) some c) an

5. Have we got ______ pasta?

a)Some b) any c)a

6. She bought ______ apples.

a)A b) some c)an

Answers: 1) some; 2)any; 3)a; 4)any; 5)any; 6)some.

Slide 9
Task 4

Context of the story: Jose and Miguel are finally on the train. Their seats are in the upper part of the
carriage. There are a lot of windows even on the ceiling. They can enjoy the views of the ocean and the
desert spots of land; they are passing by Santa Barbara and many other authentic places. They can talk
to people because everybody is very friendly and easy going.
Коммерческая тайна ИП Иванченко Л.С., 628605 г. Нижневартовск, ул. 60 лет Октября д. 72. Дата
введения режима коммерческой тайны: 01.06.2018 г.
Jose: Yay, we are finally on the train!
Miguel: Do you remember where our seats are?
Jose: Yes, I do. They are in the upper part of the carriage.
Miguel: Oh, I see. Look! There are a lot of windows even on the ceiling. We can enjoy the
views of the ocean and the desert spots of land.
Jose: If I’m not mistaken we are passing by Santa Barbara and many other authentic places.
Ticket controller: Hello! Can I check your tickets?
Miguel: Ok, just a second… Here you are.
Ticket controller: Thank you. Have a nice trip!
Jose: Thanks.
Miguel: People on the train are so friendly and easy going… I like it!

Slide 10 Part 1
Read the texts about the most exciting journeys by train. Find countable and uncountable nouns,
underline them with two different colours and explain why you think they are countable or uncountable.
You can check the unknown words in the next slide.

1. Koblenz to Mainz – the Rhine  Valley, Germany

Europe’s prettiest main line hugs the bank of the River Rhine for some 60 miles as it goes along the
valley to Mainz, with its houses, steep, vineyard-covered hills and fairy-tale castles. This is the last
picturesque railway, with few tunnels and nothing but a road between the train and the river. Get a
seat on the left side on the slowest stopper and sit back and enjoy.

2. Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, Venice

This is the most luxury train. It has the most glamorous and thrilling service on the planet. Here in
magnificent Twenties art-deco carriages is excellent service, the finest cuisine freshly cooked on
board, gorgeous alpine scenery, and a piano bar for the evenings. You will find no Wi-Fi, showers or
private bathrooms on board.

3. Flåm Line, Norway

For its wild Scandinavian beauty the journey from Oslo to Bergen is a classic, but for even better scenery get
off at Myrdal and take the branch line to Flåm, one of the steepest (a 1-in-18 gradient) and most
beautiful train journeys in the world. The route includes a horseshoe or “spiral” tunnel. On reaching
Flåm, have lunch before taking the train back, or make it part of a circular tour, including a ferry trip
on the Sognefjord.
Slide 11 Part 2
Teacher instructions: You can make a little competition among students using these words. For example,
“Who can read better?”

Read the new words from the text and drill the pronunciation.

steep обрыв

vineyard виноградник
stopper пробка

luxury роскошь
Коммерческая тайна ИП Иванченко Л.С., 628605 г. Нижневартовск, ул. 60 лет Октября д. 72. Дата
введения режима коммерческой тайны: 01.06.2018 г.
glamorous очаровательный
thrilling захватывающий

magnificent великолепный
cuisine кухня

gorgeous великолепный
alpine высокогорный

scenery пейзаж
get off отправляться

take the branch line Взять ветку

gradient наклон

route маршрут
horseshoe подкова

circular кольцевой

Slide 12
Task 5
Smart lab |matching
Дана таблица из двух столбцов. В первом представлены слова на английском языке, во втором
их эквиваленты на русском. Нужно подобрать правильный перевод слов.

Coach Вагон-ресторан

Seat Полка
Arrival time Времяприбытия

Departure time Вагон

Schedule of trains Тележка

Guard Багажноеотделение
Ticket Проводник

Rack Времяотбытия
Truck Железнодорожныйвокзал

Railway station Билет

Luggage section Сиденье

Dining car Расписаниепоездов

Коммерческая тайна ИП Иванченко Л.С., 628605 г. Нижневартовск, ул. 60 лет Октября д. 72. Дата
введения режима коммерческой тайны: 01.06.2018 г.
Answers: Coach - вагон
Seat - сиденье
Arrival time –время прибытия
Departure time –время отбытия
Schedule of trains –расписание поездов
Guard – проводник
Ticket– билет
Rack – полка
Truck – тележка
Railway station – железнодорожный вокзал
Luggage section – багажное отделение
Dining car – вагон-ресторан

Slide 13
Task 6

Make up a story about travelling by train in the past. It can be a funny, short story. You can work with your
partner if you want to. Use some expressions from the table below:

How can I get to the train station? Как Как мне добраться до железнодорожной

I want I want two tickets to… Я хочу два билета до…

How How much time does a train go to… Сколь Сколько по времени поезд идет до…

When What time does the train arrive…? Когда В какое время поезд прибывает…?

Where What is the schedule of trains? Где раКакое расписание поездов?

Is this What is my station? Это м Какая моя станция?

Slide 14
Task 7
Context of the story: Jose and Miguel have arrived to San Francisco. It’s very late evening but the city
seems to be active. The boys take a bus which will take them to Sara’s friends flat. This time our young
travellers are going to be hosted by locals.
Now they are crossing very long bridge and talking to the driver about its age.
Jose: We’ve finally arrived to San Francisco...
Miguel: I’m so happy!
Jose: It’s very late evening but the city seems to be busy.
Miguel: We need to take a bus, which will take us to the flat of Sara’s friend.
Jose: Look! I think that’s the bus we should take.
Bus driver: Hello boys! Where are you going?
Miguel: We are going to…
Bus driver: Never mind, come in. I will take you wherever you want to!
Jose: Really? You are so kind and polite.
Bus driver: Thank you. Have you already seen the bridges?
Miguel: No, but we’d love to!

Коммерческая тайна ИП Иванченко Л.С., 628605 г. Нижневартовск, ул. 60 лет Октября д. 72. Дата
введения режима коммерческой тайны: 01.06.2018 г.
Bus driver: So, look out the window. We are crossing the Golden Gate Bridge now. Do you know how
old is it?
Slide 15
Read the text about The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco

What Is the Golden Gate Bridge?

You sail into San Francisco Bay from the Pacific Ocean, but the fog is so thick you can't see anything.
Suddenly, you hear foghorns and a big, orange bridge comes into view! You are crossing under the
Golden Gate Bridge! The Golden Gate Bridge is a large, orange bridge that stretches across the Golden
Gate strait, connecting San Francisco to Marin County, California. It's a suspension bridge, which means
that it hangs from cables connected to one tower at each end of the bridge. From entrance to exit the
Golden Gate Bridge is 1.7 miles long. When it was built, it was the longest suspension bridge on Earth.
Newer, longer suspension bridges were built after the Golden Gate Bridge, so you'll have to travel to
Japan to see the longest one now.

This Bridge Moves and Shakes!

Since there are earthquakes and winds where the Golden Gate Bridge sits, it is built with cables that are
strong but flexible, so that it can bend without breaking. The bridge can move side to side, and the
middle of the bridge can move down more than ten feet and up more than five feet. This also helps the
bridge take on the heavy load that it bears every day. A lot of cars drive over it - about 110,000
automobiles daily. But keep in mind that you can bike or walk over it, too, if you're up for a hike!

Slide 16
Look at this grammar table with active and passive voice. Study the difference.

Active Voice Passive Voice

Present Simple

Subject + V1 + object. Object + am/is/are (not) + V3.

E.g. People build the bridge with cables… E.g. It is built with cables…

(Люди строят мост с кабелями…) (Этот мост построен с кабелями…)

Past Simple

Subject + V2 + object. Object + was/were (not) + V3.

E.g. People built The golden gate bridge and E.g. When it was built, it was the longest suspension
it was the longest suspension bridge on bridge on Earth.
(Когда этот мост был построен, это был самый
(Люди построили Голден Бридж и он был длинный подвесной мост на Земле.)
самым длинным подвесным мостом на

Коммерческая тайна ИП Иванченко Л.С., 628605 г. Нижневартовск, ул. 60 лет Октября д. 72. Дата
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Земле) E.g. Newer, longer suspension bridges were built after
the Golden Gate Bridge…

(Более новые, более длинные подвесные мосты

E.g. People built newer, longer suspension
были построены после моста Золотые Ворота…)
bridges after the Golden Gate Bridge…

(люди построили более новые, более

длинные подвесные мосты после моста
Золотые Ворота…)

Slide 17

Choose the right answer and translate into Russian.

1. The news programme (is watched / watched) by millions of people every day.
2. Mona Liza (painted / was painted) by Leonardo da Vinci.
3. Alexander Pushkin’s first poem (was written / written) when he was fourteen.
4. London (visited / is visited) by hundreds of tourists every year.
5. I (arrived/was arrived) last Friday.
6. The house (bought/was bought) by a pop star.

Answers: 1) is watched; 2)was painted; 3)was written; 4)is visited; 5)arrived; 6)was bought

Slide 18

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form.

1. Ice hockey … usually in Canada. (play)

2. The monuments … in 1943. (ruin)
3. The money … always in the safe. (keep)
4. A big bunch of flowers … for her birthday yesterday. (send)
5. Chicken sandwiches … for children last Sunday. (make)
6. The bags … to the post office today. (take)
7. The coats … in the wardrobe yesterday. (leave)
8. The letters … into the different towns last month. (sort)
9. The roads … with snow today. (cover)
10. Chocolate … always… from cocoa. (make)
11. The Pyramids … in Egypt. (build)
12. This coat … four years ago. (buy)

Answers: 1)is played; 2)were ruined; 3)is kept; 4)was sent; 5)were made; 6)are taken; 7)were left;
8)were sorted; 9)are covered; 10)are made; 11)were built; 12)was bought.

Slide 19
Smart lab | cards
Finishing up

● What is the difference between countable and countable nouns?

● Describe any journey on the train using words from the glossary.
● Name 6 words related to train.

Коммерческая тайна ИП Иванченко Л.С., 628605 г. Нижневартовск, ул. 60 лет Октября д. 72. Дата
введения режима коммерческой тайны: 01.06.2018 г.
● What is the Golden Gate Bridge?
● When do we use Passive Voice?
Slide 20
Useful vocabulary:

Fog(noun) a weather condition in which very small drops of water come together

to form a thick cloud close to the land or sea/ocean, making
it difficult to see

E.g Thick  fog has made  driving  conditions  dangerous.

Foghorn(noun) a horn that makes a very loud sound to warn ships that they
are close to land or other ships

E.g. He has a  voice  like a  foghorn

Stretch(verb) to make your body or your arms and legs straight so that they are

as long as possible, in order to exercise the joints (= place where
two bones are connected) after you have been in the
same place or position for a long time

E.g. The  cat  was stretching in  front  of the  fire.

Suspension(noun) the act of stopping something happening, operating, etc. for
a period of time

E.g. The suspension  of  fighting  is to take  effect  at 6 a.m. on  Monday.

Tower(noun) a tall, narrow structure, often square or circular, that

either forms part of a building or stands alone

E.g. There's a  clock  on the  church  tower.

Earthquake(noun) a sudden violent movement of the earth's surface,
sometimes causing great damage

E.g. In 1906 an earthquake  destroyed  much of  San  Francisco.

Flexible(adj) able to change or be changed easily according to the situation

E.g. Schedule  is flexible - I could  arrange  to  meet  with you

any  day  next  week.
Bend(verb) to move your body or part of your body so that it is not straight

E.g. I bent  down  and  picked  up the  coins  lying  on the  road.

Heavy(adj) weighing a lot, and needing effort to move or lift

E.g. This  box  is really heavy - can we put it down for a  minute?
Arrive(verb) to reach a place, especially at the end of a journey

E.g. What  time  will  your  train  arrive?

Коммерческая тайна ИП Иванченко Л.С., 628605 г. Нижневартовск, ул. 60 лет Октября д. 72. Дата
введения режима коммерческой тайны: 01.06.2018 г.
Дана таблица из двух столбцов. В первом представлены предложения на английском языке в
пассивном залоге, во втором их эквиваленты на русском. Нужно подобрать правильный перевод.

Slide 21
Match the sentences with their Russian meaning
Breakfast was cooked by our mother. Счета были оплачены Бобом.

The new rule was explained to us in the English Боксер был сбит с ног.
The story was written by Chekhov. Дверь расписана моей бабушкой каждый год.

This sports centre was visited by lots of people. Собаки обучаются Анной в саду.

This sports game is often played in P.E. lessons. Письмо было отправлено директором.

The ball was thrown over the fence. Я родился в Москве

The boxer was knocked down. Новое правило было объяснено нам на уроке
английского языка

I was born in Moscow. Мяч был переброшен через забор.

A letter was sent by the headmaster. В эту спортивную игру часто играют на уроке
The bills were paid by Bob. Завтрак приготовлен нашей мамой

The dogs are trained by Ann in the garden. Этот спортивный центр посетило много людей

The door is painted by my granny every year. История написана Чеховым

Slide 22
Correct the mistakes.
1. These carrot are sweet.
2. I don’t like teas at all.
3. I’d like to cut some pear for this salad.
4. How many sandwich do you eat?
5. You can take four potato from the basket.
6. Where is breads?
7. These berry are very sweet.
8. Cut these cucumber, please.
9. There is much rices in this dish.
10. These vegetable are green.
11. Don’t put more salts in this dish!
12. There is much waters in this jar.

Коммерческая тайна ИП Иванченко Л.С., 628605 г. Нижневартовск, ул. 60 лет Октября д. 72. Дата
введения режима коммерческой тайны: 01.06.2018 г.

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