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Garment Manufacturing Process / Apparel Production Planning and Control

Apparel Production Planning & Control / Garment Manufacturing Process

Computer Aided WIP Management Version: 2009.01
Developed by: Sunil Motwani & Prabir Jana

Guidelines for Faculty Monitored Exercise

General Rules:
1 Operation flow is as per serial no. of operations. That is operation 1 feeds Operation 2, operation 2 feeds operation 3 and so on.
2 Enough hours must be worked on each operation to give the target output in this case 1000pcs/Day.
3 Any operator should work for minimum ½ hour at any allocated operation, i.e. in a two-hour slot any operator can work for maximum 4 different operations.
4 You may allocate floaters to cover for absenteeism and/or WIP/production balancing. (i.e. allocate floater as and when required)
5 Machine/attachment used in different operations is different.
6 All production and WIP should be written in round figure (no decimal)
7 Maximum three machines are available for each operation
8 Opening WIP between operations are 100. Negative WIP figure to be avoided, any negative WIP figure will disqualify the team
9 Try to maintain maximum WIP of total 400-600 pieces in line.
10 When any operator is unavailable, his/her machine can be utilised by other operator. During any m/c breakdown operator can move to other operation or m/c to work.
11 Use operators or floaters on operations they can do best, i.e. try to get maximise time on standard (by using operators/floaters on operations where they work on incentive).
12 Any operator can work for maximum 2 hours in any two hours slot. If your allocation exceeds 2 hours, red colour alert will be shown against that operator. Please avoid same.

Instructions to fill up ‘production balance’ worksheet

1 You are supposed to fill only columns titled ‘Operator’s Name’ and ‘Hrs’ for every two hour slot. Rest is calculated automatically.
2 Use separate ‘production balance’ sheet for solving different days problem. Save each production balance sheet in different names and submit to teacher.

Rules for Evaluation

1 Students will be marked based on the following parameters:
2 Total production, maintaining consistent WIP from starting amount, operator utilization%, balance efficiency%, and time required by you to solve the exercise.

This module was developed as a part of APPC subject for B.F.Tech and GMP subject for M.F.Tech students of NIFT. This remains a intellectual property of NIFT, Department of
Fashion Technology and any unauthorized copy is strictly prohibited.

New Delhi Kolkata Hyderabad Chennai Mumbai Gandhinagar Bangalore

Copyright © GMT-NIFT 2000-2008

Garment Manufacturing Process / Apparel Production Planning and Control

Apparel Production Planning & Control /Garment Manufacturing Process

Computer Aided WIP Management Version: 2009.01
Developed by: Sunil Motwani & Prabir Jana
Output Operators Performance (%)
@ 100%
Perf. (Per
SM Per Hour) Bhanu Devi Floater Gita Kalindi Ramar Ramesh Sangita Sunil Urvashi
Operation Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 1.13 53 90 40 90 110 70
2 0.4 150 60 75 100
3 0.29 207 60 90
4 0.59 102 100 100 80 60
5 1.08 56 85 125 75 55 100
6 0.4 150 90 80
SAM 3.89

This module was developed as a part of APPC subject for B.F.Tech and GMP subject for M.F.Tech students of NIFT. This remains a intellectual property of NIFT,
Department of Fashion Technology and any unauthorized copy is strictly prohibited.

New Delhi Kolkata Hyderabad Chennai Mumbai Gandhinagar Bangalore

Copyright © GMT-NIFT 2000-2008

Garment Manufacturing Process / Apparel Production Planning and Control

Apparel Production Planning & Control / Garment Manufacturing Process

Computer Aided WIP Management Version: 2009.01
Developed by: Sunil Motwani & Prabir Jana
Open 8:00 -10:00 10:00 -12:00 12:30 - 14:30 14:30 - 16:30
WIP Operator Hrs Prod WIP Operator Hrs Prod WIP Operator Hrs Prod WIP Operator Hrs Prod WIP
Ramar ###
2 117 Devi ###
2 95 Devi ###
2 95 Devi ###
2 95
0 0 ramar ###
2 117 gita 0.5
### 24 sunil ###
0 0
1 100 Devi ###
2 95 87 1.5
### 0 74 Ramar 0.5
### 29 53 Ramar 1
### 58 37
### 0 gita ###
2 225 Gita 1.5
### 169 Gita 1.5
### 169
gita ###
2 225 ### 0 Floater ### 0 0.5
### 0
2 100 ### 0 46 ### 0 85 ### 0 68 ### 0 51
2 0 Ramesh ###
1 186 Ramesh ###
1 186 Ramesh ###
1 186
ramesh 1.5
### 279 0
### 0 ### 0 ### 0
3 100 ### 0 134 ### 0 116 ### 0 88 ### 0 101
### 0 Bhanu ###
2 204 Kalindi ###
2 163 ### 0
bhanu ###
2 204 ###
0 0 Floater 0.5
### 51 Kalindi 1.5
### 122
4 100 Kalindi 0.5
### 41 113 Kalindi ### 0 34 ### 0 42 floater 0.5
### 51 30
Sunil ###
2 112 Kalindi ###
2 140 Sunil ###
2 112 Sunil ###
2 112
kalindi 1.5
### 105 ramesh ###
1 31 Ramesh ###
1 31 Ramesh ###
1 31
5 100 Ramesh 0.5
### 15 92 sunil ###
2 112 105 ramar 1.5
### 63 108 ramar ###
1 42 90
### 0 Floater ###
2 270 ### 0 Floater 1.5
### 203
urvashi ###
2 240 ### 0 Floater 1.5
### 203 ### 0
6 ### 0 ### 0 ### 0 ### 0 Total Production Line Efficiency Operator Utilisation
29.03 916 99% 98%

This module was developed as a part of APPC subject for B.F.Tech and GMP subject for M.F.Tech students of NIFT. This remains a intellectual property of NIFT, Department of Fashion Technology and
any unauthorized copy is strictly prohibited.

New Delhi Kolkata Hyderabad Chennai Mumbai Gandhinagar Bangalore

Copyright © GMT-NIFT 2000-2008

Garment Manufacturing Process / Apparel Production Planning and Control

Apparel Production Planning & Control / Garment Manufacturing Process

Computer Aided WIP Management Version: 2009.01
Developed by: Sunil Motwani & Prabir Jana
Open 8:00 -10:00 10:00 -12:00 12:30 - 14:30 14:30 - 16:30
WIP Operator Hrs Prod WIP Operator Hrs Prod WIP Operator Hrs Prod WIP Operator Hrs Prod WIP
Gita ###
1 48 devi 1.5
### 72 Devi ###
2 95 Gita ###
1 48
Devi ###
2 95 gita ###
1 48 Gita ###
1 48 Devi ###
2 95
1 37 Ramar ###
2 117 109 ramar ###
2 117 83 Ramar 1
### 58 96 Ramar ###
2 117 93
Sangita 0.5
### 75 Sangita ###
1 150 sangita 0.5
### 75 Sangita ###
1 150
Floater ###
0 0 Floater ###
0 0 Floater ###
0 0 ###
0 0
2 51 gita ###
1 113 53 gita ###
1 113 130 gita ###
1 113 39 gita ###
1 113 23
Ramesh ###
1 186 Ramesh ###
1 186 Ramesh 1.5
### 279 Ramesh 1.5
### 279
Floater 0
### 0 Floater ### 0 Floater 0
### 0 Floater 0
### 0
3 101 ### 0 52 ### 0 14 ### 0 28 ### 0 42
kalindi 0.5
### 41 kalindi ###
2 163 kalindi ###
0 0 kalindi ###
0 0
Sangita 1.5
### 92 Sangita ###
1 61 Sangita ###
1 61 Sangita ###
1 61
4 30 Floater ###
1 102 17 Floater ### 0 3 Floater ###
2 204 36 Floater ###
2 204 34
Ramesh ###
1 31 Ramesh ###
1 31 Ramesh 0.5
### 15 Ramesh 0.5
### 15
Kalindi 1.5
### 105 floater ###
2 95 kalindi 1.5
### 105 Kalindi ###
2 140
5 90 sunil ###
2 112 30 sunil ###
2 112 28 sunil ###
2 112 20 sunil ###
2 112 47
Floater 0.5
### 68 Floater ###
0 0 Floater ###
0 0 Floater ###
0 0
### 0 ### 0 ### 0 ### 0
6 Urvashi ###
2 240 Urvashi ###
2 240 Urvashi ###
2 240 Urvashi ###
2 240 Total Production Line Efficiency Operator Utilisation
34.10 1028 93% 96%

This module was developed as a part of APPC subject for B.F.Tech and GMP subject for M.F.Tech students of NIFT. This remains a intellectual property of NIFT, Department of Fashion Technology and
any unauthorized copy is strictly prohibited.

New Delhi Kolkata Hyderabad Chennai Mumbai Gandhinagar Bangalore

Copyright © GMT-NIFT 2000-2008

Garment Manufacturing Process / Apparel Production Planning and Control

Apparel Production Planning & Control / Garment Manufacturing Process

Computer Aided WIP Management Version: 2009.01
Developed by: Sunil Motwani & Prabir Jana
Open 8:00 -10:00 10:00 -12:00 12:30 - 14:30 14:30 - 16:30
WIP Operator Hrs Prod WIP Operator Hrs Prod WIP Operator Hrs Prod WIP Operator Hrs Prod WIP
Ramar ###
2 117 Devi ###
2 95 Devi ###
2 95 Devi ###
2 95
Floater ###
2 42 Ramar ###
2 117 Ramar ###
1 58 ###
0 0
1 93 Gita ###
2 95 #N/A Gita ###
2 95 #N/A Gita 2
### 95 #N/A Gita 2
### 95 #N/A
---N/A--- ###
2 #N/A ---N/A--- ###
2 #N/A Sangita ###
1 150 ###
0 0
Sangita ###
2 300 Sangita ###
2 300 ### 0 ### 0
2 23 ### 0 #N/A ### 0 #N/A ### 0 #N/A ### 0 #N/A
Ramesh ###
2 373 ---N/A--- ###
0 #N/A ### 0 ### 0
---N/A--- 2 #N/A
### ---N/A--- 0
### #N/A Ramesh 0.5
### 93 Ramesh 1.5
### 279
3 42 ### 0 #N/A ### 0 #N/A ### 0 #N/A ### 0 #N/A
Bhanu ###
2 204 Bhanu 1.5
### 153 Sangita ###
1 61 Sangita 1.5
### 92
0 0 ###
0 0 Floater 0.5
### 51 Floater ###
1 102
4 34 ### 0 56 ### 0 11 ### 0 -77 ### 0 -94
2 0 Floater 0.5
### 24 Sunil ###
2 112 Sunil ###
2 112
Sunil ###
2 112 Sunil ###
2 112 Ramar ###
1 42 Ramar ###
2 84
5 47 Kalindi ###
1 70 -11 Ramesh ###
2 62 -16 Ramesh 1.5
### 46 -86 Ramesh 0.5
### 15 -10
Urvashi ###
2 240 Floater 1.5
### 203 Floater ###
2 270 Floater ###
1 135
### 0 ### 0 ### 0 ### 0
6 ### 0 ### 0 ### 0 ### 0 Total Production Line Efficiency Operator Utilisation
31.54 848 89% 98%

This module was developed as a part of APPC subject for B.F.Tech and GMP subject for M.F.Tech students of NIFT. This remains a intellectual property of NIFT, Department of Fashion Technology and
any unauthorized copy is strictly prohibited.

New Delhi Kolkata Hyderabad Chennai Mumbai Gandhinagar Bangalore

Copyright © GMT-NIFT 2000-2008

Garment Manufacturing Process / Apparel Production Planning and Control

Apparel Production Planning & Control / Garment Manufacturing Process

Computer Aided WIP Management Version: 2009.01
Developed by: Sunil Motwani & Prabir Jana
Open 8:00 -10:00 10:00 -12:00 12:30 - 14:30 14:30 - 16:30
WIP Operator Hrs Prod WIP Operator Hrs Prod WIP Operator Hrs Prod WIP Operator Hrs Prod WIP
Ramar ###
2 117 Devi ###
2 95 Devi ###
2 95 Devi ###
2 95
Floater ###
2 42 Ramar ###
2 117 Ramar ###
1 58 ###
0 0
1 #N/A Gita ###
2 95 #N/A Gita ###
2 95 #N/A Gita 2
### 95 #N/A Gita 2
### 95 #N/A
---N/A--- ###
2 #N/A ---N/A--- ###
2 #N/A Sangita ###
1 150 ###
0 0
Sangita ###
2 300 Sangita ###
2 300 ### 0 ### 0
2 #N/A ### 0 #N/A ### 0 #N/A ### 0 #N/A ### 0 #N/A
Ramesh ###
2 373 ---N/A--- ###
0 #N/A ### 0 ### 0
---N/A--- 2 #N/A
### ---N/A--- 0
### #N/A Ramesh 0.5
### 93 Ramesh 1.5
### 279
3 #N/A ### 0 #N/A ### 0 #N/A ### 0 #N/A ### 0 #N/A
Bhanu ###
2 204 Bhanu 1.5
### 153 Sangita ###
1 61 Sangita 1.5
### 92
0 0 ###
0 0 Floater 0.5
### 51 Floater ###
1 102
4 -94 ### 0 -72 ### 0 -117 ### 0 -205 ### 0 -222
2 0 Floater 0.5
### 24 Sunil ###
2 112 Sunil ###
2 112
Sunil ###
2 112 Sunil ###
2 112 Ramar ###
1 42 Ramar ###
2 84
5 -10 Kalindi ###
1 70 -68 Ramesh ###
2 62 62 Ramesh 1.5
### 46 194 Ramesh 0.5
### 15 270
Urvashi ###
2 240 Floater 0.5
### 68 Floater 0.5
### 68 Floater ###
1 135
### 0 ### 0 ### 0 ### 0
6 ### 0 ### 0 ### 0 ### 0 Total Production Line Efficiency Operator Utilisation
0.00 511 53% 94%

This module was developed as a part of APPC subject for B.F.Tech and GMP subject for M.F.Tech students of NIFT. This remains a intellectual property of NIFT, Department of Fashion Technology and
any unauthorized copy is strictly prohibited.

New Delhi Kolkata Hyderabad Chennai Mumbai Gandhinagar Bangalore

Copyright © GMT-NIFT 2000-2008

Garment Manufacturing Process / Apparel Production Planning and Control

Apparel Production Planning & Control / Garment Manufacturing Process

Computer Aided WIP Management Version: 2009.01
Developed by: Sunil Motwani & Prabir Jana
Open 8:00 -10:00 10:00 -12:00 12:30 - 14:30 14:30 - 16:30
WIP Operator Hrs Prod WIP Operator Hrs Prod WIP Operator Hrs Prod WIP Operator Hrs Prod WIP
Ramar ###
2 117 Devi ###
2 95 Devi ###
2 95 Devi ###
2 95
Floater ###
2 42 Ramar ###
2 117 Ramar ###
1 58 ###
0 0
1 #N/A Gita ###
2 95 #N/A Gita ###
2 95 #N/A Gita 2
### 95 #N/A Gita 2
### 95 #N/A
---N/A--- ###
2 #N/A ---N/A--- ###
2 #N/A Sangita ###
1 150 ###
0 0
Sangita ###
2 300 Sangita ###
2 300 ### 0 ### 0
2 #N/A ### 0 #N/A ### 0 #N/A ### 0 #N/A ### 0 #N/A
Ramesh ###
2 373 ---N/A--- ###
0 #N/A ### 0 ### 0
---N/A--- 2 #N/A
### ---N/A--- 0
### #N/A Ramesh 0.5
### 93 Ramesh 1.5
### 279
3 #N/A ### 0 #N/A ### 0 #N/A ### 0 #N/A ### 0 #N/A
Bhanu ###
2 204 Bhanu 1.5
### 153 Sangita ###
1 61 Sangita 1.5
### 92
0 0 ###
0 0 Floater 0.5
### 51 Floater ###
1 102
4 -222 ### 0 -200 ### 0 -245 ### 0 -333 ### 0 -350
2 0 Floater 0.5
### 24 Sunil ###
2 112 Sunil ###
2 112
Sunil ###
2 112 Sunil ###
2 112 Ramar ###
1 42 Ramar ###
2 84
5 270 Kalindi ###
1 70 392 Ramesh ###
2 62 387 Ramesh 1.5
### 46 384 Ramesh 0.5
### 15 460
Urvashi 0.5
### 60 Floater 1.5
### 203 Floater 1.5
### 203 Floater ###
1 135
### 0 ### 0 ### 0 ### 0
6 ### 0 ### 0 ### 0 ### 0 Total Production Line Efficiency Operator Utilisation
0.00 601 63% 94%

This module was developed as a part of APPC subject for B.F.Tech and GMP subject for M.F.Tech students of NIFT. This remains a intellectual property of NIFT, Department of Fashion Technology and
any unauthorized copy is strictly prohibited.

New Delhi Kolkata Hyderabad Chennai Mumbai Gandhinagar Bangalore

Copyright © GMT-NIFT 2000-2008

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New Delhi Kolkata Hyderabad Chennai a Mumbai Gandhinagar Bangalore
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Apparel Production P

Open 8:00 -10:00 10:00 -12
WIP Operator Hrs Hrs Prod WIP Operator Hrs
Ramar 2 2 2 117 Devi 2
Floater 2 2 2 42 Ramar 2
1 100 Devi 1 1 1 48 7 Gita 2
---N/A--- 2 0 1 0 ---N/A--- 2
Sangita 2 2 2 300 Sangita 2
2 100 0 #N/A 0 27
Ramesh 2 2 2 373 ---N/A--- 0
---N/A--- 2 0 1 0 ---N/A--- 0
3 100 0 #N/A 0 269
Bhanu 2 2 2 204 Bhanu 1.5
0 0 #N/A 0 0
4 100 0 #N/A 0 122
2 0 #N/A 0 Floater 0.5
Sunil 2 2 2 112 Sunil 2
5 100 Kalindi 1 1 1 70 42 Ramesh 2
Urvashi 2 2 2 240 Floater 1.5
0 #N/A 0
6 0 #N/A 0
Total Opr*2T.Hrs Total Opr*2T.Hrs
18 16 16 15.5

This module was developed as a part of APPC subject for B.F.Tech and GMP subject for M.F.Tech stud
New Delhi Kolkata
Apparel Production Planning & Control / Garment Manufacturing Process
Developed by: Sunil Motwani & Prabir Jana
10:00 -12:00 12:30 - 14:30
Hrs Prod WIP Operator Hrs Hrs Prod WIP
2 2 95 Devi 0.5 0.5 0.5 24
2 2 117 Ramar 0.5 0.5 1.5 29
2 2 95 14 Gita 2 2 2 95 12
0 0 0 Sangita 1 1 2 150
2 2 300 0 #N/A 0
0 #N/A 0 327 0 #N/A 0 384
0 0 0 0 #N/A 0
0 0 0 Ramesh 0.5 0.5 2 93
0 #N/A 0 116 0 #N/A 0 97
1.5 1.5 153 Sangita 1 1 2 61
0 #N/A 0 Floater 0.5 0.5 2 51
0 #N/A 0 77 0 #N/A 0 -11
0.5 2 24 Sunil 2 2 2 112
2 2 112 Ramar 1 1 1.5 42
2 2 62 37 Ramesh 1.5 1.5 2 46 34
1.5 2 203 Floater 1.5 1.5 2 203
0 #N/A 0 0 #N/A 0
0 #N/A 0 0 #N/A 0
Total Opr*2T.Hrs
14 12 Total Production
101.69 781
P subject for M.F.Tech students of NIFT. This remains a intellectual property of NIFT, Department of Fashion Technology and any unauthorized c
New Delhi Kolkata Hyderabad Chennai Mumbai Gandhinagar Bangalore
14:30 - 16:30
Operator Hrs Hrs Prod WIP
Devi 2 2 2 95
0 #N/A 0
Gita 2 2 2 95 202
0 0 #N/A 0
0 #N/A 0
0 #N/A 0 105
0 #N/A 0
Ramesh 1.5 1.5 2 279
0 #N/A 0 182
Sangita 1.5 1.5 1.5 92
Floater 1 1 2 102
0 #N/A 0 -28
Sunil 2 2 2 112
Ramar 2 2 2 84
Ramesh 0.5 0.5 2 15 110
Floater 1 1 2 135
0 #N/A 0
0 #N/A 0
Total Opr*2T.Hrs Total Opr. Total Hrs.
14 13.5 62 57
Line Efficiency Operator Utilisation
82% 92%
ogy and any unauthorized copy is strictly prohibited.

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