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Good morning teacher and classmates who is speaking to you is the student Mixi

Today I will talk about some music bands from the past decades.
First I’ll start with the band called kiss
This band innovated with an outgoing and
extravagant makeup as you can see in the
picture, they had a type of music which had a
hard and very loud symphony.
Esta banda innovo con un maquillaje
extrovertido y extravagante, tenían un tipo de
tipo de música tenía una sinfonía dura y muy

Now I will tell you about the decade of the 90s.

At that time a very traditional hairstyle and nothing
extravagant was used, this was a musical group
formed by 4 university classmates in the 80-90 era.
They played a new genre called Rock.
En esta época se utilizaba un peinado muy
tradicional y nada extravagante, este fue un grupo
musical formado por 4 compañeros de universidad
en la época de los 80-90. Ellos tocaban un nuevo
género llamado Rock.
The NIRVANA group were one of the greatest
exponents in this decade of the 90s, they wore a
classic clothes for their time, a loose shirt and wide
pants with fringes.
El grupo NIRVANA fueron uno de los mayores
exponentes en esta época de los 90s, ellos usaban
una vestimenta clásica para su época, una camisa
holgada y unos pantalones anchos con flecos.
As can be see in the picture. They are a group
formed by men where they used the theme of taking
professions from people, such as a cowboy, a
builder, a policeman, an Indian, a striptease and a
Son un grupo formado por hombres donde utilizaron
la temática de coger profesiones de gente común,
como un vaquero, un constructor, un policía, un
indio, un estriptis y cadete.


In the 90s (nineties) a high cult of fashion and
aesthetics was shown. The looks were based on
hair with a lot of volume, very marked makeup and
very feminine clothes.
En la década de los 90 se mostró un culto elevado
a la moda y la estética. Los looks estaban basados
en cabellos con mucho volumen, en maquillajes
muy marcados y en indumentarias muy femeninas.

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