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Disruptive Strategy Syllabus

Harvard Business School Online leverages technology and multimedia to deliver engaging online learning experiences to
business leaders around the world. Disruptive Strategy is an online program providing world-renowned tools and frameworks
for growth, strategy, and innovation.

Modules Case Studies Takeaways Key Exercises

• Intel: Learn how Professor • Adopt a strategic mindset • Generating Your Strategic

Christensen helped Intel Question

• Articulate your strategic
Lenses on Chairman Andy Grove confront
the World a disruptive threat by showing
him how to think, not what to

• WR Hambrecht and the Google • Identify the three types of • Team Discussion:
IPO: A New Approach to innovation and predict when Blockbuster’s Demise
Investment Banking they will happen
Module 1

Aligning with • Team Project: The New Age of

Innovation and • Honda Motor Company: • Harness disruption and position Financial Advice?
Disruption Entering a New Market your business for new growth
• CircleUp: Re-imagining Private

• The Walt Disney Company: • Focus on what causes your • One-on-One Discussion
Expanding the Theme Park customers to buy your products & Interview Assignment:
Business and why Discovering Customer Jobs to
Module 2

Discovering • The Godrej Group: • Achieve differentiation, better

be Done
Customer Jobs Understanding Refrigeration margins, and avoid disruption • Team Discussion: Innovation
to be Done Needs in India in Yogurt
• Minute Clinic: A New Approach
to Healthcare Delivery

• Nypro, Inc.: Seeking Growth • Identify what your organization • Brainstorming for Final Paper:
Through a New Product Line can do and cannot do Examine Your Organization’s
Resources, Processes, and
• Charles Schwab: Trading in the • Align your resources,
Module 3

Organizing for Profit Formula to Foster

New World of Internet processes, and profit formula
Innovation Growth and Success in the
to develop an innovative culture
• EMC: Merging Competing Future
and position your business for
Products Through an

For more information, visit or email us at

© Copyright 2020. President and Fellows of Harvard College. All Rights Reserved.
Disruptive Strategy Syllabus

Modules Case Studies Takeaways Key Exercises

• Music Industry: Producing and • Build a strong intuition to • Reflection: Determining Ways
Performing in a New Age “skate” to where profit will be in Which Your Organization
Module 4

Maintaining as your industry evolves Could Use a More Integrated

• MediaTek: Expanding
a Disruptive or Specialized Strategy
Accessibility to New • Determine which operations
Scope Technologies in Asia are critical to be done in-house • Reflection: Discovering the
and which operations can be Scope for Your Organization

• OnStar: General Motor’s New • Effectively balance the • Reflection: Examining How
Innovation deliberate and emergent to Align Your Organization’s
strategy processes to unlock Profit Formula and Stated
• Netflix: The Evolution of Home
Managing innovation within your Strategy
Module 5

the Strategy organization
• Team Discussion: Identifying
Development • Sears, IBM, and AOL:
• Determine which “type” of “Hardened” Companies
Understanding Internet
Process money will empower new
Consumption During the Boom
business ideas to flourish
of the Digital Age

• Explore how to apply what you • Individual Assignment: Final


Reflecting on learned in Disruptive Strategy Paper

Disruptive tomorrow, next week, or over
Strategy the next year

Learning requirements: In order to earn a Certificate of Completion, participants must thoughtfully complete all modules
(Introduction, Modules 1-4, and Conclusion) and exercises therein (including a Team Project, Jobs to be Done Interview, and
Final Paper, among others), by stated deadlines.

For more information, visit or email us at

© Copyright 2020. President and Fellows of Harvard College. All Rights Reserved.

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