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 Fungsi: untuk menyatakan “ lebih suka…….daripada…..” A. Complete these sentences using appropriate preferences forms!

 Beberapa cara penggunaan preferences:

1. Tom _______ paint pictures ____________ take photos.
1. S + like + V-ing + better than + V-ing 2. Madonna __________ sing solo _____________ sing in a choir.
Noun Noun 3. Valentino ____________ taking a taxi____________ waiting for a
 I like playing football better than watching it.
 I like chocolate better than ice cream. 4. Pamela and Ann_________ spend money___________ save it.
5. Maria ______________to stay at home______________ to go
2. S + prefer + V-ing + to + V-ing outside.
Noun Noun
6. They ________ rent a house __________________ buy a house.
 My father prefers sleeping to cleaning the house. 7. My mother and I __________ chocolate____________ candies.
 Inul prefers BMW to Bajaj. 8. My brothers ___________ typing the reports___________ writing
3. S + prefer + to V1 + rather than + V1
9. The cat ___________ meat_____________ fish.
 Justin prefers to borrow the novel rather than buy it. 10. You ___________ to read books in spare time_______ to listen to
 Dono and Doni prefer to walk to school rather than ride bicycles.
the music.

4. S + would rather + V1 + than + V1

B. Combine the sentences using provided preferences!
 Maria would rather sweep the floor than mop it.
 The dog would rather catch the mouse than guard the house.
1. I prefer an umbrella. I never bring raincoat. (like)
5. S + would like + to V1 + than + to V1 _________________________________________________________
Noun Noun
2. Her husband always drinks tea. He never drinks plain water.

 Ms. Pipit would like to write the letter than to type it. (prefer –to)
 Britney would like coffee than beer. _________________________________________________________
3. My older sister does not want to get married. She wants to be a 6. Kucingku lebih suka ikan daripada roti. (like)
single woman. (prefer- rather than) _________________________________________________________

7. Laki-laki itu lebih suka lukisan-lukisan daripada patung- patung.
4. The little boy learns to write. He rarely plays with his friends. (prefer- to)
5. The postman rides his bicycle. He seldom rides his motorcycle. 8. Tirta dan saya lebih suka menonton film daripada bermain basket.
(would like) (would rather)

II. Translate into English

9. Kamu lebih suka menulis sebuah artikel daripada membaca. (would
1. Aku lebih suka bekerja dikebun daripada bermain badminton.
(prefer- rather than)
11. Mereka lebih suka mengganggu adik laki-lakinya daripada belajar.
2. Ronaldo lebih suka masak dirumah daripada makan direstoran.
( prefer- rather than)
(would rather)
3. Aku lebih suka mendengarkan radio daripada mendengarkan
11. Saudara perempuanku lebih suka tidur daripada bermain boneka.
suaramu. (would like)

4. Ayah lebih suka naik sepeda motor daripada naik mobil. (prefer-
12. Seekor berang-berang lebih suka berenang daripada bermain
di daratan. (like)
5. Guru kami lebih suka berbicara bahasa Inggris daripada berbicara
bahasa Indonesia. (would like-than) _________________________________________________________

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