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Marmara Denizi, Black Sea and Sea of Azov
with adjacent coasts of Turkey, Bulgaria,
Romania, Ukraine, Russia and Georgia


\, I


Notices to Mariners (Annual, Permanent, Preliminary and Temporary); ADMIRALTY Information Overlay
(AIO); Symbols and Abbreviations used on ADMIRALTY Paper Charts (NP501 t); ADMIRALTY Guide to
ENC Symbols used in ECDIS (NP5012); The Mariner's Handbook (NP100, especially Chapters 1 and 2 on
the use, accuracy and limitations of charts); Sailing Directions (Pilots); List of Lights and Fog Signals;
List of Radio Signals and Tide Tables (or their dignal equivalents).


O C,.,.,,, Copyright 2019

This document is protected by international copyright law. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise without the prior written permission of the UK Hydrographic Office, Admiralty Way, Taunton, Somerset,
TA1 2DN, Unned Kingdom (gOll.Uklulsbp)
e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

The table below is to record Section IV Notices to Mariners Uj)dates affecting this volume.
Weekly Notices to Mariners (Section IV)

2019 2020 2021 2022

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions (Pilots) provide essential information to support port entJy and coastal navigation for all
classes of ships at sea. They amplify chaned detail and contain information needed for safe navigation which is not
available from charts or other hydrographic publications. They are written wi1h the assumption that the required charts and
publications are to hand and are intended to be read in conjunction with them.

The following sources of information,other than UKHO Publicationsand MinistJyof Defence papers, have been consulted:
Turkish Port Regulations (2015)


Black Sea Pilot Volumes 1 and 2 (2006 with amendments)

Black Sea and Sea of Azov Pilot (2009 with amendments)
River Danube Pilot (2006 with amendments)

Russian Federation
Black Sea Pilot (2008 with amendments)
Sea of Azov Pilot (2007 with amendments)

Other publications
Port websites and handbooks produced by Port Authorities
The Statesman 's Yearbook 20 r 8
Turkish Waters and Cyprus Pilot (Eighth edition 2009 with supplements}, Rod Heike/I(lmray, Laurie, Norie and Wilson Ltd)
Cruising Bulgariaand Romania (First edition 2007 with supplements), Nicky A/lardice (lmray, Laurie, Norie and WilsonLtd)
The Black Sea (Firstedition 2012), David Read Barker and Usa Borre (RCC Pi/olage Foundation, lmray, Laurie, Node and
Wilson LJd}

Information on climateand currents has been based on data providedby lhe Met Office.

The UK HydrographicOffice has used all reasonablemeans to ensure that this publication contains all the information obtained
by and assessedby n at the date shown below. Information received or assessed after that date will be included in ADMIRALTY
Notices to Mariners where appropriate. For details of ADMIRALTYNotices to Mariners and guidance on their use, seeNP100
The Mariner's Handbook or NP294 How to keep your ADMIRALTY Products Up-to-Date.

Copyright for some of the material in this publication is owned by the al/thority named under the item and permission for Its
reproduction must be obtained from the owner.

Warning. This volume should only be used once fully updated by Section IV Notices to Mariners.

Sailing Directions are kept up to date in a 'Continuous Revision' cycle. This means that lhey wiM be continuously revised for a
period of up to approximatelyfive years. using informationreceived in the Hydrographic Office, and then republished. Publication
is announced in Part 1 of ADMIRALTY Notices ro Mariners. A listing of an current editions is updatedand published quarterly in
Part 1 B of ADMIRAL TY Notices to Mariners, and six-monthly in NP234 Cumulative List of ADMIRAL TY Notices to Mariners.
Additionally, this list is continuously updated and avaiable on the ADMIRALTY website at
During the life of this book, it is updated as necessary by notices published weekly in Section IV of ADMIRALTY Notices to
Mariners. Those in force at the end of the year are reprinted in NP247(2) Annual Summary of ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners
Part 2. A list of updates in force is published quanerty in Section IV of the Weekly Edition. Full details of how to keep Salling
Directions up-to-date can be found in NP294 How to Keep YO<N ADMIRALTY Products Up-to-Date.

This edition supersedes the Fifth Edition (2017), which is cancelled.

Rear Admiral Tim LoweCBE

Chief Executive
UK Hydrographic Office

9th May 2019

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Hydrographic Notes allow you to infonn us of any navigationaly significant infonnation. This information could include
new or suspected dangers, changes to navigational aids. amendments to detais included in publications and
suspicious charts or publications that couJd be counterfeit. A Hydrogra_phicNote, Form H.102, with instructions, is
contained in the back of the Weekly Edition of ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners, or can be downloaded from the UKHO

For emergency information affecting safety of life at sea. forward to: Mernatively. contact
T: +44 (0)1823 353448 (direct line) or F: +44 (0)1823 322352.

Altematlvely, new dangers can be reported using the ADMIRALTY H-Note app, Ava~able free for use on the IPhone
and Android platfonns. the app offers a quick and simple way to report dangers and takes advantage of the mobile
device's camera and GPS functions.

Further Information regarding reporting new dangers can be found in NPtOO The Mariner's Handbook or on the
ADMIRALTY webstte.

To maintain and improve the accuracy of information contai"ted within ADMIRALTY publications, The UK Hydrographic
Office welcomes general comments. new or additional, and digttal images from mariners and other users. Such
information, including the source for the infonnation ij this is not based on personal observation, can be sent to the
UKHO using lhe contact details found on lhe rear cover of lhis publication.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Record of updates . . . . . . .. • .. . • • • • • .. . • • . • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. • • • . . • . . . .. .. .. . ii
Preface , iii
Reporting new dangers to navigation • • .. . • • • • • • . • .. .. .. .. • . • .. • .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. • .. • . . iv
Feedback .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • • • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. • .. • .• . iv
Contents ..................................•• .., .,.____ .••.•..•..... v
Abbreviations........................ . •.......... vii
Glossary ix
Linguistic Notes ...........................................................................•...••.......... xi
Table for the transliteration of Russian geographical names including the Cyrillic Morse Code .•••..••••..••..... xii
Chapter Index Diagram . . .. . .. .. • • • • . .. .. • .. .. .. .. • .. • • .. .. • • • . • • .. . . . . . . .. .. • .. .. • • • .. • .. • • . . . • xiv


Countries, Navigation and Regulations

Limits of the book (1.1) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 1
Country Information (1.2) , 1
Navigational dangers and hazards (1.17) 2
Traffic and operations (1.22) 2
Charts (1.33) . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. • . • .. .. . .. • . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . • • • • • • • 4
Aids to navigation (1.39) . . . .. .. .. .. • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • .. .. .. . . • • . • . . . .. • • . .. • • • • • • • • • • , 4
Pilotage (1.44) ~ 5
Radio facilities (1.47) 5
Regulations (1.54) ·-·.. • 6
Signals (1.88) . . . . . .. .. .. • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • .. .. .. .. • • • .. • .. .. .. • • .. .. .. .. • .. .. • .. .. . • • . . • 1o
Distress and rescue (1.99) 12

Natural conditions
Marttime topography (1.109) 13
Currents, tidal streams and flow (1.111) ,. . 13
Sealevelandtldes(l.112) 13
Sea and swell (1.114) 13
Sea water characteristics (1.118) • .. • • • • • . . • • .. • .. . . . • • .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. • • .. .. . • • . . . . . • 19
Ice conditions (1.122) . . . . . • • . • • • • . • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . .. • • . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. • • • • . . . . • • • • . . .• . 19
Climate and weather (1.124) .. .. . . . . • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • .. .. .. .. .. . . • • • . . . . . .. . . • .. • • • • • • • • • . . . •• • 28
Climate information (1.151) . .. .. .. .. .. .. • • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . • • .. .. • • • . .• ., • , 43

Marmara Oen.izi ,. .••......... 65

South part of the Black Sea 119

South-west part of the Black Sea ............... 153

River Danube 177

North-west part of the Black Sea . . 193

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

North-east part of the Black Sea .....••.. ,~- ..................•...................•.....•.. . 241

Kerch Strait and Sea of Azov ••.••••••••.••••.............•.......................•••... .,. . . . . . . • ......• 271

Appendix 1 - Regulations for the passage of vessels through yanakkale Bogaz1
Marmara Denizi and istanbul Boga.zi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • . . 302
Appendix 2 - Turkish regulated areas wholly or partialy in the waters of the open sea . . . . . • • • • • • • • . 303
Appendix 3 - Regulated areas in !he waters of Ukraine. Russia and the "P"" sea ............•••••••........ 304
Appendix 4 - Bulgarian regulated areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • . . ... 308
Appendix 5 - Georgian regulated areas . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • . . . • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • • • • • . • • • • • . . , •••....• 31 o
Appendix 6 - Former mine danger areas . . . . • • . • . . • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . • . . . • . • • • • • . . • • • • . . . • •....• 311

Index .............................••• . 313
e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

The following abbreviations are used in the text

AIS Automatic Identification System g/em3 grams per cubic centimetre

ALC Articulated Loading Column GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
ALP Articulated Loading Platform GPS Global Posrtioning System
AMVER Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel GRP glass reinforced plastic
Rescue System gJ1 gross register tonnage (obsolete)
ARCS ADMIRALTY Raster Chart SeNice gt gross tonnage
ASL Archipelagic Sea Lane
ATBA Area to be Avoided HAT Highest Astronomical Tide
ATLAS Autonomous Temperature Line Acquisition HF high frequency
System hm hectometre
AVCS ADMIRALTY Vector Chart Service HMS Her (His) Majesty's Ship
hp horse power
hPa hectopascal
'C degrees Celsius
HSC High-Speed Craft
CALM Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring HW high water
CBM Conventional Buoy Mooring
CDC Certain Dangerous Cargo lAlA International Association of Marine Aids to
CGOC Coastguard Operations Centre Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities
CHA Competent Harbour Authority IHO International Hydrographic Organization
cm centimetre(s) IMB International Maritime Bureau
COTP Captain of the Port IMDG International Marrtime Dangerous Goods
CVTS Co-operative Vessel Traffic System IMO International Maritime Organization
ISPS International Ship and Port Facility Security
DART Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting Code
Tsunamis ITCZ lntertropical Convergence Zone
ITZ Inshore Tralfic Zone
DF direction finding
DG degaussing JACC Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
DMA Dynamic Management Area kHz kilohertz
DPG Dangerous and Polluting Goods km kilometre(s)
DSC Digital Selective Calling kn knot(s)
DW Deep Water kW kilowatt(s)
dwt deadweight tonnage
DZ Danger Zone LAN BY Large Automatic Navigation Buoy
LAT Lowest Astronomical Tide
E east (easte~y. eastward, eastern, LF low frequency
eastemmost) LHG Liquefied Hazardous Gas
ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information l.MT local Mean Time
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
LOA length overall
EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
ELSBM Exposed Location Single Buoy Mooring LW low waler
ENC Electronic Navigational Chart
ENE east-oonh-east m metre(s)
EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio m3 cubic metre(s)
Beacon mb mil6bar(s)
ESE east-south-east MCTS Marine Communications and Traffic Services
ESSA Environmentally Sensitive Sea Area Centre
ETA estimated time of arrival MF medium frequency
ETD estimated time of departure MHz megahertz
EU European Union MHHW Mean Higher High Water
MHLW Mean Higher Low Water
MHW Mean High Water
FAD Fish Aggregating Device
MHWN Mean High Water Neaps
feu forty foot equivalent unn MHWS Mean High Water Springs
fm falhom(s) ML.HW Mean Lower High Water
FPSO Floating Production Storage and Offloading MLLW Mean Lower Low Water
vessel MLW Mean Low Water
FPU Floating Production Unit MLWN Mean Low Water Neaps
FSO Floating Storage and Offloading vessel MLWS Mean Low Water Springs
ft foot (feet) mm mil~metre(s)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Maritime Mobile Service Identity
Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre
Maritime Rescue Sub-Centre
-- Satnav
satell~e navigation
Single Buoy Mooring
m/s metres per second SHA Statutory Harbour Authority
MSI Maritime Safety lnfonnation SMA Seasonal Management Area
MSL Mean Sea Level SPM Single Point Mooring
MSR Mandatory Ship Reporting sq square
MV Motor Vessel SRR Search and Rescue Region
MW megawatt(s) SS Steamship
MY Motor Yacht sscc Ship San~ation Control Certificate
SSCEC Ship Sanitation Control Exemption
N north (northerly. northward, northern, Certificate
northernmost) SSE south-south-east
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation south-south-west
Navtex Navigational Telex System Subme<ged Turret Loading
NDZ No Discharge Zone STS ship to ship
NE north-east
SW south-west
NGA National Geospatial-lntel~gence Agency
SWATH Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull Ship
NMOC National Maritime Operations Centre
NNE north-north-east
NNW north-north-west teu twenty foot equivalent unit
No(s) number(s) TRITON Triangle Trans-Ocean Buoy Network
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric TSS Traffic Separation Scheme
nrt net register tonnage (obsolete) UHF uhra high frequency
nt net tonnage UKC Under-Keel Clearance
NW north-west UKHO UK Hydrographic Office
ULCC Uhra Large Crude earner
ODAS Ocean Data Acquisition System UN Un~ed Nations
OPL off port limits USA United States of America
OREi Offshore Renewable Energy Installations UT Universal Time
UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time
PEC Pilotage Exemption Certificate
PEL Port Entry Light V-AIS Virtual Automatic Identification System
PLEM Pipe Line End Manifold VDR Voyage Data Recorder
PMSC Port Marine Safety Code VHF very high frequency
POL Petrol, Oil & Lubricants VLCC Very Large Crude Carrier
PSSA Particularly Sens~e Sea Area VMRS Vessel Movement Reporting System
PWC Personal Watercraft
VTC Vessel Traffic Centre
VTIS Vessel Traffic Information Service
RCC Rescue Co-ordlnation Centre
VTMS Vessel Traffic Management System
RMS Royal Mail Ship
RN Royal Navy VTS Vessel Traffic Service
RoRo Roll-on, Roll-off
RT radio telephony w west (westerly, westward, western,
s south (southerly, southward. southern, WGS World Geodetic System
southernmost) WMO World Meteorological Organization
SALM Single Anchor Leg Mooring system WNW west-north-west
SALS Single Anchored Leg Storage system WSW west-south-west
SAR Search and Rescue WT radio (Wireless) telegraphy

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

T = Turkish B = Bulgarian Ro = Romanian U = Ul<rainian Ru = Russian

Foreign word Language englishmeaning Foreign word Language Englishmeaning

ada,-s, . T island far . . . . . . . . ..... . . . B ...... lighthouse

adacik . T islet far.-ul . • . . . . •• • . . . . Ro .... lighthouse, beacon
aga9 .. T ....•• mouth larvater . . . .•.. . . . . Ru . . . . fairway
ag,z ..•.••........ T mouth fener • . . . . .•. . . . . . B, T ..• lighthouse
al< ....••••..... T white
alb,-ul ••••........ Ro •... white gavan' . . . . • ••• . . . . Ru .... harbour, basln
apus,-ul. . Ro west gec;tt . • . . . . . .• . . . . T ..•.•• channel
aziz ..••••........ T saint ghiol,-ul . . ...... . . . Ro .... lake, lagoon
gi~-A.-a . . . . •• . . . . Ro ..•• stream
baklysh •••........ Ru . . . • rock above water girlo . . . . . . . .•. . . . . Ru . . . . river mouth
bal91k .••••........ T . . . . . . clay, mud, sih got T lake
balkan . B mountain golf,-ul . . . . .• . . . . . . Ro gutt
bazin.-ul ••........ Ro basin g0<a . . . . . .•••• . . . . Ru mountain, hill
banka . Ru bank g0<od • . . . . •• . • . . . . Ru . . • • ctty, town
bank .••••••..•.... T . • . . . . bank. shoal grad . . . . ....... . . . B, Ru .. ctty
bashnya . Ru tower guba • • • • .. .. . . . . . . Ru .... gulf, bay, inlet
basseyn •••........ Ru basin gUmrirk . . . . . • .. . T ...... customs house
bata-k,-g, •.•...... T swamp. marsh, guney . . . . . . . . . . . . . T ....• . south
quicksand gur-a.-a . . . . • • . . . . Ro .... mouth
bat, ...••.......... T . . . . . • west. west wind
bel . T pass hastane .....••.... T hospttal
bel-yy,-aya,-oye. Ru white hisat . T fort
beyaz .••••........ T white hora ••.•...•••.... U ....•. mountain, hill
bikm . T beacon hOfy . U mountains, hills
bogaz . T strait
bolnitsa .••........ B hospital i9 . T inner
bol'sh-oy,-aya,-oye Ru large insul-3,-a ". Ro island
brat-ul.-u •........ Ro . . . . branch. arm irmak ••.•..•....•. T ..•••• river
bryag . B bank iskele . T landing place,
bukhta ••••........ Ru . . . . bay, inlet jetty, pier
burun, burnu . T cape, headland, point izlok .....•..•..... B east
biik . T bay
buyuk ..•.......... T great kale ••••.••.••.... B fort
byal-a,-o . B white kale ......••••. T fort, castle
kamen' . Ru . . • • rock, stone
camii . T mosque kanal . B, Ru, T canal
9amur .••••....... T mud kara ............•. T •...•• black. land, mainland
cap-ut-u . Ro cape, headland, kaya,-s, . T rock
promontory kayal1-k,-g1 . T reef
93Y ··•·•••···· ···· T river. stream kiise ••.......•.... T •...•• church
chatal . Ro . . . . fO<k of river k1rm1z1 .....••..... T •.•.•. red
cher-en.-na.-no . B black k121I . T red
chern-yy,·aya,-oye Ru black koleno . R,U •••. elbow. reach
cherven-a,-o ..•... B ted koprii .....••••. T bridge
korlez .....•....... T ...••. gulf
dag . T mountain kosa .....••....... Ru spit
deal.-ul .•••....... Ro .•.. hill kovsh .....•••... Ru cove
debarcader,-ul ... Ro . . . . pier, quay, landing place koy . T •.••• . small bay, creek
demir yeri •....•... T . ..•.. anch0<age koy . T village
deniz . T sea krasn-yy,
dere ..••••........ B . ..... gorge, ravine -aya,-oye ...•. Ru red
dere . T . ..... stream, valley ~k . T ••..•• small
dig,-ul ••••........ Ro . . • . jetty, pier kuzey . T north
dil . T . ...•. isthmus, point
dimb,-ul . Ro . . . . hill, hillock lac,-ul,-u . Ro •... lake
di~ ...••.......... T outer laguna . B, Ru . . lagoon
dogu . T . ..... east, sunrise lagun-A,-a ...•.... Ro .••• lagoon
dolina B, . Ru valley iman . Ru .... estuary
dolyna ••••........ u valley 6man ....••....... T •...• . bay, harbour, port
dyuny . Ru . . . . sandhdls iman,-ul .•........ Ro harbour
6man b~kan, ... T harbour master
angel . T . ..... obstruction 6man b~kanhg1 . T ...••• harbour master's office
est,-ul •••......... Ro east liman reisi . T . . . . . . harbour master
estic . Ro eastern lolSman . Ru ..•• pilot
ezero . B . ..... lake, pond luda. ludka ...•.... Ru ...• small rocky islet

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Foreign word Language English meaning Foreign word Language English meaning
maHik,-ka,-ko B ...... small saray, .. .. .. .. .. . . . T .. .. .. palace
mal-yy,-aya.-oye .. Ru ••.. little, small sari .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. T ...... yellow
mansap . T . ..... estuary, mouth of river sarp .. .. .. . • • • . T .. .. .. cliff, steep, rough,
mel' . Ru shoal rocky, stony
mendire-k,-Qi . T mole, breakwater sato .. .. .. .. .. . . . . T .. .. .. castle
mic,-a . Ro small ~ehir .. .. .. .. • • . T .. .. .. city, town
minare . T minaret seleniye .. • .. .. .. . . Ru .. .. settlement
mis . Ru . . . . promontory sek> .. .. .. .. . . . . . . Ru .. .. village
mlsto .••..... , . U . .. .. . city, town sever .. • .. .. .. • . . . B .. . .. . north
mot . Ru .... mole sever-en, -na.-no B . . . . . . northem
more . B, Ru .. sea severn-yy.-aya.-oye Ru north, northern
most ..••••........ B, Ru .. bridge slint-u(l),-a........ Ro saint (wi1h article).
munte,-le . Ro mountain sigllk .. .. .. . T bank, shoal
mys . Ru cape, point, headland siyah .. .. .. . . .. . . . T .. • .. . black
skala .. .. .. .. . . . . . B, Ru .. rock, cliff
navolok •.......... Ru cape, poin~ headland skhid-nyi .. .. . . . . . . U east, eastern
neagra, negru . Ro blacl< spital,-ul .. .. . . . . . . Ro hospital
nehir, nehri . T . river sred-en, -na,-no . . . B middle, central
nis-iik,-ka,-ko .•... B . low, lower sredn-yy,-aya,-oye Ru ..•• middle
nizhn-iy,-yaya,-eye Ru . lower slar-a.-o .. .. .. . . . B ...... old
nlzk-ly, -aya, -oye Ru .. low star-yy,-aya,-oye . . Ru old
nord,-ul . Ro .. north slinc-a,-a • • • • . . . . . Ro rock, ciiff
nos . B, Ru .. cape, headland streD<a. . . . . . . . . . . . Ru . . . . narrow spit
nov-yy,-aya,-oye Ru new strimtoare .. .. • . . . . Ro .. .. pass, strait
sud,-ul Ro south
oblast . Ru city, town svet-i,-a ., . . . . B saint
obmilyna . Ru bank, shoal tabya .. .. .. .. . . . . . T .. .. .. basuoo, redoubt,
obryv . Ru bluff
oras.vul . Ro town, city tarm,-ul . Ro .... bank
ostriv . U . island tepe . T .. .. .. hill, peak
ostrov B, . Ru island
tersane . T dockyard
ostrov,-ul . Ro island tum,-ul . Ro tower
ostrovok . Ru islet
otmel' . Ru shoal, flat ushchet'ye .. .. .. . . . R .. .. .. gorge
ozero . Ru lake
ustie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B . . . . . . river mouth
ust'ye .. .. .. .. . . . . . Ru river mouth
pahorb .. .. .. . . . . U hill
pakhta .. . • .. • . . . . . Ru bluff, cflff veche, vechiu . . . . . . Ro old
Pat!.a,:nam,~ vest.-ul • . .. .. . . . .. Ro west
muh1mmat . . . . T unexploded arrvnuni'bon veflal-iy,-aya,-eye Ru upper
perebor .. .. .. . . . . . Ru bar vkhod Ru entrance
perekat .. .. .. Ru, U .. shoal vneshn-iy,-yaya,-eye Ru outer
peredn-iy,-yaya,-eye Ru .... front vnutrenn-iy,
peresheyek . . . Ru . . . . isthmus -yaya,-eye . . . . . . . Ru inner
pereshyyok . . . U isthmus volnolom .. .. .. . . . . Ru breakwater
p~sok .. .. .. .. . Ru ~nd vorota Ru entrance
pirs .. .. .. .. .. . Ru .. .. Jeffy vostochn-yy,
pivostriv .. • .. .. . . . . U . .. .. .peninsula -aya,-oye .. .. . . . . Ru east
planina . . . . . . . . . B mountain vutresh-en,-na,-no B . inner
poluostrov .. .. . . . . . B peninsula
port,-ul .. .. .. . Ro port yakornoya stoyanka Au . . . . anchorage
portpunkt .. . . . . . . . . Ru port yar,mada .. T peninsula
pristan' . . . • . . . . Ru . . . .pier, landing stage y~I .. T green
pristanishte . . . . . . B harbour yug . B, Ru .. south
proliv .. .. • .. . . . . . . B, Ru .. strait yuzh-en.-na.-no ... B soulhem
protok .. .. .. .. B . .. .. .
strait yuzhn-yy,-aya,-oye Ru southern
protoka .. • .. .. . . .. U .. .. .. strait
provlak . . . . . . . . B . . . . . . isthmus zadn-iy,-yaya,-eye. Ru .•• , rear
zaliv .. .. .. .. . . .. B, Ru .. gulf, bay, inlet
recij,-ul . Ro reef zapad .. .. .. . . . . . . . B, Ru .. west
rechka . Ru stream zapad-en-na,.-no B western
reka . B, Ru .. river zapadn-yy,-aya,-oye Ru .••• western
resit . T ...... reef zastruga . . . . . . . . . Ru long sandy drying shoal
reyd . Ru . . • • roadstead zatol<a .. .. .. . . . .. . U gulf, bay
richka, rika . U river zavod' . . . . . . . . . . . Ru cove, creek, inlet
rlf . B, Ru .. reef zelen-a,-o .. .. .. .. B green
riu,-1 . Ro river zelen-yy,-aya,-oye. Ru green
ro~, ro~u . Ro red zemlya .. .. .. .. .. .. Ru land
ryf . U reef Zhelt-yy,-aya,-oye . Ru , , •• yellow

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

A slavic language which uses the Cyrillic alphabet.
Romanian is in structure a Romance language, but in vocabula,y more than half Slavonic, besides including many
words borrowed from Greek, Magyar and Turl<ish. tt is written in the Latin character, with diacritical marks to represent
Slavonic sounds.
A guide to Romanian l)(Onunciation is given below:
a as 'a' in father.
c as in cut; or in ch~ (before e and ~-
ch as in choir.
g as in get: but as in gem (before e and ~-
gh as in gherkin.
i as 'ea' in earth (approximately).
j as 's' in measure.
§ as 'sh' in ship.
t as 'ts' in bats.
Russian (property Great Russian) is the principal Slavonic language using the Cyrillic alphabet. This alphabet is
largely based on Greek, but includes some letters of ooknown, possibly Eastern origin.
Nouns in Russian are declined, with 6 cases singular and 6 plural.
Adjectives are declined, and agree with the nouns. but have gender endings only. Adjectival endings exist for
masculine, feminine and neuter genders singular. The plural form is the same for all genders.
Dictionaries normally show nominative singular for nouns and nominative singular, masculine gender, for
Ottoman Turkish was originally written in Arabic saipt, but was converted to Roman letters in 1928. There are
eight vowels, four back (a, 1 o, u) and four front (e, i,o, ii). If the vowel of the first syllable of a word rs a back vowel,
succeeding vowels will normally also be back vowels; similarly front vowels follow front vowels. Exceptions to this rule
are malnly In words of foreign origin and then. in general. suffixes follow the vowel in the last syllable. This is known
as the rule of vowel harmony. Suffo,es are used when words are declined to indicate their case, and to give additional
meanings. These normally follow the rule of vowel harmony. Those most commonly used in this book are:
Possessive -\ -i, -u, -u Samsun Korfezi = Sarnsun Bay, from korfez = bay
Possessive -s1 -si, su, -su Marmara Adas,= Island of Marmara
(after a final vowel) from ada = island
Plural -tar, -ler Adalar = Islands
Adjective -1,k, -lik Kayal1k = Rocky from kaya = rock
For place names which are composed of two nouns, the possessive case is used for the second noun. However,
when they are made up of an adjective and a noun, the nominative case is used, eg:
Ada = Island Deniz = Sea
Buyuk Ada= Large Island Karadeniz = Black Sea
Zeytin Adas, = Zeytin Island Marmara Oenizi = Sea of Manmara
Burun = Cape iskele = Jetty
Kara Burun = Black Cape i~ iskele = Inner Jetty
Aydos Burnu = Cape Aydos Giimri'lk lskelesi = Customs Jetty

Generally stress is laid equally on all syllables of a word. Letters are l)(onounced as in English with the following
c As T in jealous.
~ As 'ch' in 'chop'.
g Between two front vowels - as 'y' in 'yet'.
g Between two back vowels - not sounded. but P<eceding vowel is lengthened.
, As something between 'i' in 'big' and 'u' in 'bug'.
j As 'su' in 'pleasure'.
O As 'u' in 'um' or 'ea• in 'earth'.
1. As in 'sh' in 'shop'.
u As 'e' in ·yew'.
er As 'air' in 'fair'.
ey As 'al' in 'pain'.
ay As 'i' in 'mine'.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Russian (properly "Great Russian") is the principal Slavonic language using the Cyrillic alphabet. the latter being largely
based on the Greek, bul including some letters of unknown. possibly Eastern, origin.
The rules for pronunciation and accent are so complicated. and contain so many exceptions, that it would be out of place
to give them here. For these and other reasons El has been decided, after full consideration, that Russian words will be
spelt, not as they are pronounced, but as they are written; in fact. a lener-for~etter transliteration has been adopted.
The Pennanent Committee on Geographical Names (PCGN), in agreement wilh the United States Board of Geographical
Names (USBGN), approved, on 19th May 1948, the use of the folowing table for the transliteration of Russian, which has
the advantage over previous tables of mechanical applicabilfty.

RUSSIAN Cyrillic Morse

Print Script Transliteration Code Symbol
A• Ada a
6 6 $" !Jj d ~ b
8 • ~ 1J' • v
r r Ye a g
A .l 9' 8 'I d

E • e• e (ye)'
JfC ,,. ,. zh
)I( "'

3 • 3 ,~ z
K • 'U x "'
II' • d ,t y
K •
'X ,. k

n • :;{, J\. ...

M N ,,f( ..... m
H N sc 'H. H, n
0 0 (!) 0 0
n n :re n n p
p p !)> 7' }' /'
C O e c s
T T ~ T. 7
y 1 y y u

x x kh

U II ts
'I • ch
W• sh
Ill• shell
,.. ~ .. Notes

9 •
. y

' Seldom initial except in words of nol')oRussian origin.

t ye inibally. after vowSes (a, e, e. M. o, y.w. ,.

..._ 1,:
as ye ore.
e elsewhere; when wrtmen as
'°· • ). and after
e m Russian, transliterate
IO " , .. is sometimes written as · in Russian, but should always be
JI • ya transliterated as N.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

1o ;.
... ...l\, ...
l\, j
" l\,
e, ~•
-e- z

.I <
"'"':, •
,,~# "


...., i~

.E ., ~




•;;; .




l\, l\,
<? <?

t "

is ~


~~iJ- ... i:o
< r~~
>• •

-.~l "a: 0
a: ~
1o 1o ~
1o •.... s, N
... .... ....

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


While, in the interestsof the safety of shipping. thB UK Hydrographic Office makes eve,y endeavour to include in its
hydrographic publicationsdetails of the laws and regulations of all countriesappertaining to navigation,it must be clearly
(a) that no llabllity Whatever will be accepted f0< fa,1ure to publish details of any particular law °' regulation. and
(b) that publicationof details of a law 0< regulation is solely for the safety and convenience of shipping and Impliesno
recognition of the international validity of the law 0< regulation.


SEA ()F ~zov PILOT


LIMITS OF THE BOOK which comprises only 3% of the country, is called
Trakya (formef1y Eastern Thrace).
Area covered 3 Ankara (39°5T·OON 32°54'-00E). about 200 km from
1. 1 lhe Black Sea coast. is the capttal of the country and
This volume contains Sailing Directions f0< the Istanbul (formerly Constantinople or Byzantium)
Black Sea. Sea of Azov (8. 1) and Marmara Denizi
(41"01'·00N 28°59'-00E) is the largest city.
(Sea of Marmara) (2. 1) within a line joining Kuml<ale
Bumu (40'00'·49N 26°11'·91E) and Mehmeti;ik Bumu Languages
(40'02'·64N 26'10'·47E). 1.4
This area includes c;:anald<ale Bogazi (Dardanelles) The official language is Turkish although Kurdish is
(2.1 O) and istanbul Bogazi (Bosporus) (2.330). widely spoken in the SE of the country.
2 The shores of the area covered by this volume
form part of the territories of six nations. Turkey in Bulgaria
Marmara Denizi and along the S coast of the Black General information
Sea, Bulgaria and Romania along the W coast, 1.5
Ukraine along the N coast, Russian Federation along The Republic of Bulgaria (Bulgariya) is situated in
the NE coast and Ge0<gia along the E coast. the Balkan peninsula. It is bounded by Romania to the
N, Serbia and Macedonia to the W, and Greece and
COUNTRY INFORMATION Turkey to the s. Sofiya (Sofia) is the capital of
National limits
1.2 Languages
See Annual Summa,y of ADMIRALTY Notices to 1.6
Mariners No 12 tor full details. The official language is Bulgarian, a southern
slavonic tongue closely allied to Serbo-Croat and
Turkey Russian with local admixtures of modern Greek,
General information Albanian and Turkish words, The alphabet is Cyrillic.
1.3 Tutt<ish is spoken by the Turkish minority.
Turkey. known to the Turks as Turl<iye, is situated
in the E Mediterranean and is bounded to the W by
the Aegean Sea and Greece, to the N by the Black General information
Sea and Bulgaria, to the E by Georgia, Armenia, 1.7
Azerbaijan and Iran and to the S by Iraq and Syria Romania is snuated in the N part of the Balkan
2 The count,y lies partly in Asia and par11y in Europe, peninsula. It is bounded on the N by Ukraine and
the two parts being separated by Marmara Denizi Moldova, on the S by Bulgaria. on the NW by
(Sea of Marmara). The Asian part is called Anadolu Hungary and on the SW by Serbia.
(formerly Anatolia or Asia Minor); the European part, Bucur~U (Bucharest) is the capital of Romania.
e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Languages Languages
1.8 1.16
The official language is Romanian. a Romance Georgian is the sole official language, except in
language with many archaic forms and with AbkhaZia where Abkhaz is also officially recognised.
admixtures of Slavonic, Turkish, Magyar and French Annenfan, Russian and Azeri are aJso commonly
words. spoken.


General information Coastal conditions

1.9 General Information
Moldova is bounded in the N and E by Ukraine and 1.17
on the S and W by Romania. In general, the coastal and offshore waters or the
The capital is ChifinAu. area covered by this book are remarkably free of
dangers and hazards. The few that do exist are most
Ukraine likely to be met in the NW Black Sea and Sea of
Azov and are described in Chapters 6 and 8
General Information respectively.
Ukraine is situated on the E side of the Balkan Ice
peninsula and is bounded by Belarus to the N, Russia 1.18
to the N and E. Romania and Moldova to the SW and See 1.122.
Hungary, Slovakia and Poland to the W.
The capital is Kyiv (Kiev). Ocean Data Acquisition System (ODAS)
Languages ODAS buoys (special) may be encountered within
1.11 the area covered by this volume. These buoy
Ukrainian is the official language but a significant systems, which vary considerably in size, are used for
number of the population speak Russian. environment
al research purposes; they are marked
"ODAs· with an identification number. The large
systems should be given a clearance of at least 1 mile
Russian Federation and, in the case of vessels towing underwater gear,
General information this distance should be increased to 2% miles.
2 As the buoys have no navigationaJ significance, and
Extent as they are liable to be moved or withdrawn al short
1.12 notice, they are not nonnally mentioned in the text of
The Russian Federation, known to the Russians as the book.
Rossiiskaya Federatsiya. occupies an area of See The Mariner's Handbook lor further details.
17 075 400 square kilometres, three quarters of the
total area of the former USSR. n extends from the Mine danger areas
Arctic Ocean in the N to the Black and Caspian Seas 1.20
in the S, and from the Bering Sea in the E to the Gulf Several routes in the area pass through former
of Finland in the W. mine danger areas, which are open to navigation;
The part of the seaboard of the Russian Federation anchoring outside the appointed anchorage areas is
included in this volume extends from the border with not reconvnended. See Appendix 6.
Ukraine to the NW and the border with Georgia to the When fishing in these areas it is necessary to
SE. recognise the possibility of mines and other explosive
substances being present on the seabed.
Administrative divisions See 5.20.
The Russian Federation is divided into 83 lederal Overhead cables
subjects (administrative units), all of equal status,
Overhead cables are mentioned in the text where
consisting of 21 republics, 9 krais ~emtories), 46
the clearance beneath them may be a hazard to
oblasts (regions), 2 cities with primary division status
navigation. Some of these cables carry high vottages
(Moskva (Moscow) and Sankt Peterburg (St
and sufficient clearance must be allowed when
Petersburg), 1 autonomous oblast, and 4 autonomous
passing underneath them. In winter, the published
okrugs (areas).
dearance may be varied by ice or snow conditions.
Languages See The Mariner's Handbook for information on
1.14 safety clearances and the radar responses to be
The Russian language is the state language of the expected.
Russian Federation throughout its territory. The
language is a branch of the Slavonic family of TRAFFIC AND OPERATIONS
language and is written in Cyrillic script Traffic

Georgia Density
General information The greatest concentration of shipping is liable to
1.15 be found in the restricted waters of Canakkale Bogazi
Georgia lies on the E side of the Black Sea and is aod istanbul Bogazi and in the traffic separation
bordered by Russia to the N. Azerbaijan to the SE, schemes situated in the approaches to the major
Armenia to the S and Turkey to the SW. ports.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

2 There are also liable to be above-average which include various firing danger and exercise
concentrations of traffic along the recommended areas, may lie partly or wholly outside Russian
routes established between Russian and Ukrainian territorial waters. Some of these areas are charted.
ports in the N part of the Black Sea and in Sea of See also Appendix 3 .
Azov. .c Responsibility for violation of the limits of the
regulated areas rests with the Master of the ship
High speed craft involved; ignorance of the limits will not serve as a
1.23 basis to avoid responsibility.
High speed craft operate in areas covered by this s Information about Russian regulated areas is
volume. Mariners are advised to maintain a good announced by PRIP or NAVIP. Similar warnings may
lookout Some high speed craft may generate large occasionalty be broadcast concerning areas where
waves, which can have a serious impact on small nav,gabon JS periodically prohibited. Details of PRIP
craft and their moorings close to the shoreline and on and NAVIP radio broadcasts are given in ADMIRALTY
shallow off-lying banks. For further details see Annual ust of Radio Signals Volume3(t).
Notice to Mariners No 23.
Ukraine, Bulgaria and Georgia
Fishing 1.28
See Appendix 3 for Ukrainian Regulated Areas;
General information Appendix 4 for details of Bulgarian Regulated Areas;
1.24 Appendix 5 for Georgian Regulated Areas; and
Sturgeon and mackerel are caught in large Appen<flX 6 for Former Mine Danger Areas. See also
numbers in the NW part of the Black Sea; hermg are t.72 and t.73.
found chiefly in Kerth Strait and off the mouth of the
River Danube and Rika Dnipro; anchovy is caught in Submarine exereis-es
large quantities along the coast of Kryms'l<yi Pivostriv
(Crimean Peninsula); and the flounder is found over Turkey
most of the Black Sea. 1.29
The general positions of Turkish submarine exercise
Marine farms areas are shown on the charts. Submarines exercise
1.25 frequently in these areas and a good lookout is to be
Marine farming equipment may be encountered in kept for them when passing through these waters.
many of the bays and inlets in the area covered by See The Manner·s Handbook.
this volume. They may also be found up to several
miles offshore. however, development has been rapid Russia
and marine farms can be quickly established or 1.30
moved without any warning. Marine farms, which may Russian Federation submarines carry their
be fixed or floating structures, are usually secured to na\/igation rights in special positions as follows:
the seabed by a spread of anchors which can be One steaming light on the upper part of the front
extensive. The position of anchors, where used, may edge of the fin.
be marked by buoys. Side lights on the relevant side of the fin in its
2 Caution. Mariners are cautioned to avoid areas of central part.
marine farms, and to note that their presence has 2 One or two stem lights. When one light is
rendered many hitherto accepted anchorages either displayed it will be carried on the stem or on
unsuitable or limited in swinging space. the rear edge of the vertical stabiliser. When
two lights are canied they are situated on the
Exercise areas rear part of the fin.
3 Anchor lights are placed on the bow section and
Turkey on the stern or vertical stabiliser. On
1.26 submarines with a high stabiliser the stern
Military exercise and firing areas are situated in anchor light may be replaced by two lights set
Turkish waters. The limits of these areas are shown on the sides of the stabiliser which together
on Turkish charts. Notice of exercises and firing are visible over 360°.
practices, giving the limits of the area and duration of • NUC and other all-round visibility lights may be
the exercise, is promulgated by radio navigational raised on a mast, not less than 2·5 m in
warning. See t .50. See Appendix 2 for a fist of Turkish height. on the fin.
Regulated Areas. These areas are also listed in Manoeuvring lights are not carried.
chapters 5 and 6 of the Turlcish Annual Nonces to s When in areas of heavy uaffic submarines on the
Mariners. surface may also exhibit either one or two orange
quick flashing lights. See also The Mariner's
Russian regulated areas Handbook.
1.27 For submarine warning signals see 1.97; for
Russian regulated areas include all areas where distress signals see t.98.
navigation, fishing and anchoring are prohibited or
restricted. Such areas are normally charted and Marine exploitation
mentioned in Sailing Directions.
2 Some prohibited areas are designated by the Surveys
Russian authorities as being temporarily prohibited for 1.31
navigation, however, as these restrictionsare for an Seismic and other survey vessels surveying in
indefinite period, they are treated in the same way as connection with o~ and gas fields are liable to be
permanently prohibited areas. encountered in the N and W parts of the Black Sea
s Other regulated areas consist of areas declared and the Sea of Azov. Seismic survey methods are
periodically dangerous for navigation. These areas, outlined in The Mariner·s Handbook.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Oil and gas fields 3 Turkish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Ukrainian and

1.32 Russian charts provide detailed coverage of each
Permanent and established structures, weUs and country's coastal waters. anchorages, ports and
other seabed installations including their associated harbours. Further information. including recommended
submarine pipelines and cables are charted. together routes, regulated areas and harbour limits, are
with their navigational marks. Details are liable to induded where appropriate.
frequent change as fields are developed or reduced.
2 Detailed information relating to offshore oil and gas
production is contained in The Mariners Handbook. All Names on charts
structures are protected by a 500 m safety zone and 1.36
should be given as wide a berth as possible. Many Throughout this volume. names of features have
structures are equipped either with racons or AJS been taken from the paper chart. On occasions, tt
transponders. may be noticed that the name on an ENC may not
agree with the paper chart.

1.33 Horizontal datum
The geographical positions in this volume are 1.37
quoted to two decimal places and are, where possible, All metric British ADMIRALTY charts are based on
based upon the WGS 84 datum. Where this is not the same horizontal datum as the National charts from
possible positions will have been taken from a which they are derived.
non-WGS 84 chart and minor positional discrepancies
may be noted. These posrtions are not to be used as
an indication of navigational or positional accuracy but Vertical datum
are for the purpose of identification and cfrtferentiation 1.38
of named and unnamed topographical. navigational Depths and heights on the majority of British
and hydrographic features, points and marks. Where ADMIRALTY charts are reduced to MSL.
navigational and/or positional accuracy is required As a consequence. mariners using these charts
then positions should be obtained direct from the (see 1.34) should be aware that predicted and actual
largest scale chart or ENC cell, taking note of the depths less than those charted may routinely occur.
datum. See Table V of ADMIRALTY Tide Tables for details.
2 Drying heights on ADMIRALTY charts are shown
as being above chart datum.
ADMIRALTY charts Elevations on most modern British ADMIRALTY
charts are shown as being above MHWS. On many
ADMIRALTY charts older British AMIRALTY charts. elevations are shown
1.34 as being above MHW. Details of the vertical datum in
British ADMIRALTY charts provide full co-age of use are usually shown in the explanatory notes below
the Black Sea and Marmara Denizi, including plans of the chart title.
the principal Turkish. Bulgarian, Romanian. Ukrainian
and Georgian ports. There are also plans of the main
Russian ports open to international trade (1.81). When
assessing the degree of retiability of a chart. mariners
should take account of the age of its source material
and its date of publication. Ugh ts
2 British ADMIRALTY metric charts are based on the 1.39
most recent charts issued by the national authorities. Light structures onty are described in this volume;
British ADMIRALTY charts and pubUcalions can be for further details see ADMIRALTY list of Lights and
obtained from ADMIRALTY Chart agents Usted in Fog Signals Volume N.
Catalogue of ADMIRALTY Charts and Publications, Caution. For visual effects of light sectors
published annually. associated with cold weather and rapid changes of
weather see The Mariner's Handbook.
Foreign charts
1.35 Landmarks
For certain smaller ports and/or navigational areas 1.40
where coverage by British ADMIRALTY charts os Although every effort is made to verify the
considered inadequate, or it is a requirement lo carry appropriateness and currency of conspicuous
foreign government charts of the area, foreign charts landmarks, caution may be required when evaluating
are quoted as reference charts. They will normally be some landmarks given in this volume, as natural
of a larger scale and will have been used to write the causes and commerclal development may have
Sailing Directions on the assumptjon that mariners rendered some landmarks as inconspicuous.
wishing to navigate in these areas win have provided
themselves with suitable charts to do so.
2 Foreign charts may be obtained from the publishing Beacons
authorities shown in this volume and in the Catalogue 1.41
of ADMIRALTY Charts and PvblicaDOnS. These charts A beacon is a fixed artificial navigation mark which
are not issued by the Hydrographic Department nor can be reoognised by means of its shape, colour,
are they corrected by ADMIRALTY Notices to pattern or topmark; it may carry a light, radar reflector
Mariners. or othe< aid to navigation.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Oaymarks 3 25. Pilots are obliged to observe all the laws and
1.42 regulations and are not to allow soundings to
The term daymark refers to a large unlit beacon but be taken in the fairway unless required by the
the term is also used to denote a topmar1< or other pilol
distinguishing mark or shape incorporated into a 26. Pilots must indicate to the Master of the ship
beacon, light-buoy or buoy. all observed breaches of regulations and
Some charts in use in the area may still have demand their observance.
features incorrectly charted relative one to another, 31. When embar1<ing or disembarking a pilot,
because modern land surveys have not been communications must be maintained with the
conducted. pilot boat.
The lateral system for fixed artificial aids is based 32.Jf an accident occurs when embarking or
on that used for buoyage. disembarking a pilot, the shipowner is liable
to pay compensatio
4 33. In the event of bad weather the pilot boat,
Buoys with the agreement of the Master of the ship,
may lead the ship; during this time constant
IALA Maritime Buoyage System communication must be maintained with the
1.43 pilot boat.
The !ALA Maritime System Region A (green to 35. The pilot will provide a copy of the port
starboard) is in foroe throughout the area described in regulations.
this volume. 39. The presence of a pilot on a ship does not
For full details of the system see The Mariners remove from the Master his responsibility for
Handbook and /ALA Maritime Buoyage System. the sale conduct or the ship. The pilot will act
For details of the buoyage system used in the only in an advisory capacity.
Maritime Danube, see 5.11. s 40. If the Master refuses the pilot's advice, the
Caution. In areas where sea ice forms during the pilot has the right to refuse pilotage, in which
winter months, navigational buoys may be lifted. event the pilot will demand that this is
2 It has been reported that aids to navigation in recorded in the ships' log and the pilotage
Georgian waters may be unreliable. Mariners should accounL
exercise extreme caution in the identification of aids to 42. The pilot does not have the right to leave the
navigation. ship without the agreement of the Master
Caution. For visual effects of light sectors before it is in a safe anchorage, or mooring,
associated with cold weather and rapid changes of or turned over to another pilot.
weather see The Mariner's Handbook.
Area pilotage services
Marmara Denizi. See 2.2.
PILOTAGE North-west Black Sea. See 6.5.
Sea of Azov. See 8.6.
National pilotage
General Information
Pilotage is compulsory for all non- Turkish vessels,
other than yachts, entering port in Tur1<ey. Radio aids to navigation
Pilotage is also compulsory tor all vessels entering
Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Georgian and Ra cons
Romanian ports. 1.47
Racons may be fitted to lighthouses, light floats,
Russia buoys and other structures to aid offshore navigation
1.45 and entry into harbours. They are not normally listed
GeneraJ information. Pilotage is compulsory for all in Sailing Directions.
foreign vessels entering or leaving ports in Russia that For full details, see ADMIRALTY Us/ of Radio
are open to foreign trade. Special regulations are in Signals Volvme 2(1).
force with regard to naval vessels, see 1. 78.
Signals. The signals for a pilot are those laid down Automatic ldentificatlon System (AIS)
In the International Code of Signals. ij a pilot is 1.48
available the pilot ftag will be displayed at the p,lot On some of the fixed and ftoating navigational
look-out station and if none is available a bah Wlft be marks Within the area covered by this volume, AIS
displayed. may have been fitted. They are not normally listed in
2 Regulations. The following are extracts from the Saiing Directions.
Regulations conoeming Russian government marine For details. see The Mariner's Handbook and
pilots: ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 2(1).
1 . Pilotage will be carried out exckJsively by
Russian govemment marine pilots. Differential Global Positioning System
14. Areas of compulsory and non-compulsory 1.49
pilotage are published in port regulations, Wrthin the area covered by this volume OGPS data
Russian Sailing Directions and Notices to is broadcast from stations in the following countries:
Mariners. Tur1<ey, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine and Russia.
17. The Port Captain has the right to prohibit the For full details of the above system see
movement of ships when safe pilotage is ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 2(1) and
hampered by weather conditions. The Mariners Handbook.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Radio navigational warnings • Failure to inform the nearest Russian authority of

accidental or emergency discharge of polluting
Long range wamings substances. as described in the MARPOL 73/78
1.50 convention, within the territorial and internal waters of
The area covered by this book lies within Russia. and failure to note the occurrence in the
NAVAREAIII. ship's log. carries severe penalties.
For details of the World-wide Navigational Warning s Russian merchant vessels and civil aircraft are
Service see ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals instructed to inform Russian authorities of witnessed
Volume3(1) and The Mariners Handbook. infmgements of Russian and International regulations.
Local warnings Within the territorial and internal waters of Russia,
1.51 vessels suspected of infringing the regulations are
For details of radio navigational wamings issued by loable to be stopped, boarded and inspected. If an
coast radio stations see ADMIRALTY Ust of Radio infringement has taken place within those waters the
Signals Volume 3(1). vessel is liable to be detained.
6 Facilities for the disposal of oily waste, where they
are known. are described in the text under the
Radio weather reports app,opriale port.
Traffic Separation Schemes
For full details of radio weather services and the See IMO publication Ships' Routeing for general
provisions on Ships' Routeing. Regulations for
stations from which they are issued see ADMIRAL TY
IMO-adopted schemes are contained in Rule 1 O of the
List of Radio Signals Volume 3(1 ).
lntemalional Regula/ions for Preventing Collisions at
Turkey Sea (1972).
1.53 2 For details of Traffic Separation Schemes shown on
VHF broadcasts of weather forecasts for Turkish ADMIRALTY charts see Annual Summary of
coastal waters are made on Channel 67 in English ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners.
from most Turkish coast radio stations. For details see
ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 3(1). European Union regulations

Directive 2002/59/EC
G&neral information. This Directive establishes a
International regulations common vessel traffic monitoring and information
system throughout European Union (EU) waters. The
Submarine cables and pipelines principal provisions are described below. They apply in
1.54 generaJ to ancommercial vessels over 300 gt but the
Mariners are adv~sed not to anchor or trawl in the rules concerning the notification of carriage of
vicinity of pipelines. Pipelines are not always buried dangerous and polluting goods applies to all vessels
and their presence may significantly reduce the regardless of size.
charted depth. They may also span seabed 2 Caution. These extracts are tor reference purposes
undulations and cause fishing gear to become only and are not to be regarded as a statement of the
irrecoverably snagged, putting a vessel in severe applicable law. The fun text of the regulations is the
danger. sole authoritative statement of the applicable law and
2 For further information on submarine cables and it is recommended that it is consulted. The regulations
pipelines, and on The International Convenlion for the to which the following refers is Directive 2002/59/EC
Protection of Submarine cables, see The Mariner's or the appropriate enabling legislation drafted by
Handbook. individual member states.
Pollution Ship reports. All vessels bound for a port within
1.55 the EU must report to the port authority at least
Regulations concerning pollution of the sea are 24 hours prior to arrival, or, rt the voyage is less than
given in The Mariner·s Handbook. This includes a 24 hours. no later than the time of departure from the
summary of the International Convenlion for the previous port The report shall include the following
Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973 (MARPOL infonnalion:
1973) and the 1978 Protocol to MARPOL 1973, its Name, call sign, IMO or MMSI number.
Annexes and details of designated MARPOL Speaal Port of destinabon.
Areas. ETA and ETD at port of destination.
2 Marmara Denizi, the Black Sea and Sea of Azov Total number of persons onboard.
are Special Areas under the terms of this convention. 2 Upon receipt of a ship's report, the port authority
All discharge of oil at sea is prohibited and special wil notify the national coastguard aulhority by the
regulations apply to the discharge of garbage. quickest means possible. This information will then be
s Russia. Ships records relating to the prevention of pooled in the European-wide telernatlc network called
pollution by oil and injurious substances, the treabnent SafeSeaNet.
and management of rubbish, and the k>ading and Any amendments to the initial ship report must be
discharge of ballast water are liable to inspection by notified immediately.
state port authorities. The state port authorities will 3 Mandatory ship reporting systems. All vessels
also verify that the procedures associated with shall report to the coastguard authority on entering an
compliance with the relevant regulations are known to IMO-adopted mandatory ship reporting system. the
the ship's crew. report being made in the recognised formal (see

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

ADMIRALTY Ust of Radio Signals Volume 6(3)). The 2 Wllhout prejudice to measures taken to give
coastguard authority is to be informed of ant changes assistance to vessels in distress, the coastguard may
to the initial report. take such measures as tt considers appropriate to
1.59 avoid a threat of poUution or a risk to human l~e. The
Vessel Traffic Service. All vessels are to measures may include:
participate in and comply with VTS systems operated (a) a reoommendationor a prohibition on entry or
by EU member states and also those systems departure from a port;
operated by member states in conjunction with (b) a recommendation limiting, or, if necessary,
co-operating non-member states. This includes those prohibiting the bunkering of ships in territorial
systems operated by member states outside their waters.
territorial waters but which are operated in accordance 3 The Master is to inform his owners of any
with IMO guidelines. measures or recommendations initiated by the
Routeing Schemes. All vessels must comply with coastguard. If, as a result of his professional
IMO-adopted TSS and Deep Water route regulations. judgement, the Master decides not to act in
(See IMO publication Ships' Routeing). accordance with measures taken by the coastguard,
1.60 he shall inform the coastguard of his reasons for not
Automatic Identification System (AIS) and doing so.
Voyage Data Recorder (VDR). All vessels are to be 1.64
equipped with AIS and VDR. The systems shall be in Measures relating to incidents or accidents at
operation at all times except where international rules sea. The coastguard authority will take measures to
provide for the protection of navigational information. ensure the safety of shipping and of persons and to
All coastguard stations throughout the EU are protect the marine and coastal environment. Measures
required to be able to reoeive AIS information and to available to EU states include:
relay It to all other coastguard stations within the EU. (a) a restriction on the movement of a ship or an
1.61 instruction to follow a specific course;
Notification of dangerous and polluting goods. (b) a notification to put an end to the threat to the
All vessels leaving an EU port are to report dangerous environment or maritime safety;
and polluting goods as specified within the Directive to 2 (c) sending an evaluation team aboard a ship to
the harbour authority. Vessels arnving from outside EU assess the degree of risk and to help the Master
waters must transmit a report to their first EU port or remedy the situation;
anchorage upon departure from their port of loading. (d) instructing the Master to put in at a place of
If, at the time of departure, the port of destination in refuge in the event of imminent peril, or a requirement
the EU is not known, the report must be forwarded to cause the ship to be piloted or towed.
immediately such information becomes known. Where 3 The owner of the ship and the owner of the
practical, this report is to be made electronically and dangerous or polluting goods onboard must cooperate
must include the information described in Annex 1 (3) with the coastguard authority when requested to do
of the Directlve. so.
2 VVhen a harbour authority receives a dangerous or 1.65
polluting cargo report, it shall retain the report for use Places of refuge. EU states are required to
in the event of an incident or accident at sea. designate places of refuge where a vessel which has
forwarding tt whenever requested by the national undergone an accident or is in distress can receive
coastguard authority. rapid and effective assistance to avoid environmental
1.62 pollution.
Reporting of incidents and accidents. Wheneve< For further details see
a vessel is involved with one of the folJowing. the
Marine pollution
coastguard aulhority of the EU coastal state is to be 1.66
informed immediately: Combating oil pollution. European countries have
(a) any incident or accident affecting the safety of
agreed to combat oil pollution by means of
the ship;
surveillanceand the pooling of resources in the event
(b) any incident or accident which compromises
of an emergency incident. Other EU measures to
shipping safety, such as a failure fikely to
combat pollution include;
affect a ship's manoeuvrability or Port State Control Inspections (Directive
95121/EC, as amended).
(c) any event liable to pollute the waters or Expanded Inspection Notification (Directive
shores of the coastal state;
(d) the sighting of a slick of polluting material or 2009/16/EC).
2 Port Reception Facilities for Ship-Generated
drifting containers and packages.
Waste and Cargo Residues (Directive
2 The owner of a vessel, who has been informed by
the Master that one of the above has occurred, must 2000/591EC).
Sulphur Content of Marine Fuels (Directive
inform the coastguard and render arry assistance that
may be required.
For the full text of EU Directives see
1.63 www.eur...
Measures to be taken in the event of
exceptionally bad weather or sea conditio ns. tf, on Border controls
the advice of the national meteorologjcaJoffice. the 1.67
coastguard aulhority deems a threat of poDution or a The Schengen Convention is an association of
risk to human life exists due to impending severe European Union countries established to increase
weather, the coastguard authority wiU attempt to inform freedom of movement between participating states,
the Master of every vessel about to en1er or leave while strengthening border controls with other nations.
port as to the nature of the weather and the dangers Within the area covered by this volume, Bulgaria and
it may cause. Romania are members of the Convention.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

2 Vessels intending to enter a port of a member Georgia Ship Reporting System

country are required to give actvanoe notification to the 1.74
appropriate Coast Guard command centre no late< Traffic separation schemes, separation of sea
than 24 hours before arrival at the port using the form corridors and maritime speciaJ areas have been
Notification in Advance (6 hours notice is required fOf established in the territorial sea of Georgia. These
fishing vessels). schemes and corridors have been developed to
regulate the passage of all vessels in Georgian
2 Participation in the Georgia Ship Reporting System
Turkish regulations
(GEOREP) is mandatory and vessels of any
Prohibited entry nationaJity. tonnage or type are required to report
1.68 through MRCC Georgia. For details of the limits of the
Entry is prohibtted into certain waters without the reporting area and the reporting requirements see
permission of the Turkish authorities. These areas are ADMIRALTY LJst of Radio Signals Volume 6(3).
shown on the chart and mentioned m the appropriate
part of this volume.
Ukrainian regulations
Prohibited landing areas Entry into territorial and internal waters
1.69 1.75
Landing ts prohibited on certain stretches of the Foreign naval vessels. Directions are laid down
Turkish coastline. These areas are shown on the chart for the procedures for peaceful passage of the
and mentioned in the appropriate part of this volume. territorial sea of Ukraine by foreign naval vessels.
VVhen sailing in the territoriaJ sea, inland waters and
Prohibited diving areas ports of Ukra1ne, vessels must use the services of
1.70 pilots and icebreakers in those areas where such
In order to protect underwater cultural and natural selVices are mandatory.
resources, the Turkish authorities have prohibited 2 Regulated and former mine danger areas.
dWing in certain areas. The areas concerned are Regulated areas including militasy practice areas are
marked on the relevant Turkish charts. listed in Appendix 3. Former mine danger areas are
l,sted tn Appendix 6.

Bulgarian and Romanian regulations Russian regulations

Prohibited entry Economic zone
1.71 1.76
Entry is prohibited to certain areas. These areas The Government of Russia claims an economic
are shown on the chart and mentioned in the zone extending 200 miles seaward from the limits of
appropriate part of this volume. its territorial sea. Within this economic zone the
Government of Russia issues regulations in
Bulgarian Regulated Areas connection with and for the control of the following:
1.72 z Exploitation and conservation of resources found
Bulgarian Regulated Areas, where navigation, on or below the seabed and in the waters
fishing and anchoring are prohibited, are nonnally above ~ including anadrormc fish (those that
charted and referred to in Sailing Directions. Areas ascend rivers to spawn). Catching of
where navigation is only periodically prohibited or anadromic types of fish is permitted only as a
where navigation, fishing and anchoring are only result of inter-governmental agreement.
periodically declared to be dangerous are also Marine scientiftc research.
normally charted, and are generally referred to in 3 Pollution of the marine environment; these
Sailing Directions. See also Appendix 4. Fonner mine regulations are in accordance with the
danger areas are listed in Appendix 6. MARPOL 73178 Convention. There are also
2 The times during which these areas are either regulations for the inspection of vessels
prohibtted or dangerous for navigation, fishing or suspected of causing pollution and there are
anchoring are announced by radio navigational penalties for infringements, see 1.55.
warning 3 to 5 days before the start of the period of Freedom of passage for ships and aircraft
prohibition or of the dangerous operation. through the economic zone is assured.
Regulated and fonmer mine danger areas
Georgian regulations Military areas where naval and airforce training and
firing take place are risted in Appendix 3. Former mine
Regulated areas danger areas are listed in Appendix 6.
Georgian Regulated Areas where navigation, fishing Entry Into territorial and Internal waters
and anchoring are prohibited, are normally charted 1.78
and referred to in Sailing Direcbons. Areas where Foreign naval vessels. Warships intending to enter
navigation is only periodically prohibited or where the waters of Russia or to visit Russian ports should
navigation, fishing and anchoring are orty periodically obtain a copy of Regulations tor foreign naval vessels
declared to be dangerous are also normally charted, naviga1ing and remaining in the territorial or internal
and are generally referred to in Sailing Directions. See wa1e,s of Russia or visiting Russian ports. These
also Appendix 5. Former mine danger areas are listed regulations are published in Russian Annual Notices to
in Appendix 6. Mariners.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

2 Proposals to visit Russian ports should be In addition, Masters must indicate that the vessel
forwarded through the Russian Minisuy of Affairs not has certification guaranteeing civil responsibility for
less than 30 days prior to the suggested visit This damage from oil pollution.
rule does not apply to warships on which heads ol
government or heads of state are embarked. or to Notification of ETA
ships accompanying them. 1.83
3 Ships whose approach is necessitated by foul Estimated time of arrival should be forwarded to
weather or engine failure which threatens the safety of port of destination and agency at least 96 hours in
the ship, must inlorm the nearest port of the reason advance followed by confirmation 12 hours before
lor entry, and If possible go to a recognis.ed port open arrival. O~ tankers should confirm their ETA 72 hours
to foreign merchant vessels or to a point indicated by and 12 hours before arrival.
the vessel sent to aid or meet it. Other reports
1.79 1.84
Foreign merchant vessels. Foreign non-military A vessers arrival in port must be registered directly
vessels enjoy the right of innocent passage through with the port authority or with a representative of the
Russian territorial waters in accordance with Russian Transport Fleet Maintenance Service within the first
laws and lntemational treaties; innocent passage is 6 hours in port. completing sanitation, quarantine,
effected by crossing them without entering Russia's customs and border formalities.
internal waters, or by passing through them en-route 2 On samng, the port authority must be informed of
to and from Russian ports. intended departure at least 6 hours in advance; during
2 While effecting innocent passage vessels must a short term anchorage (less than 6 hours) at least
follow the customary navigational course or course 2 hours notice is required.
recommended through sea corridors or in accordance
with traffic separation schemes. The Master of a Observance of regulations
foreign non-military vessel which has violated the 1.85
rules of innocent passage is accountable under All fOfeign vessels, when within territorial or intema.l
Russian legislation. waters of Russia. must observe radio communication,
For further information see article concerning navigational, port, customs, sani1ary and other rules.
territorial waters in The Mariner's Handbook. In the event of an emergency entry into territorial
waters or emergency non-observance of rules for
navigation and stay in these waters, foreign vessels
Regulated and former mine danger areas
must invnediatety notify the nearest Russian port
Regulated areas including military practice areas
and former mine danger areas are listed in Customs
Appendices 3 and 6. 1.86
Before customs inspection commences the Master
Russian ports of entry of a vessel must complete or present the following
1.81 informabon:
Foreign merchant vessels are permitted only 10 call 1. A general declaration.
at one of the recognised ports of entry where 2. A cargo declaration.
Customs stations are situated. 3. A declaration of the crew personal effects.
In 2010 the following Russian ports were open to 4. Crew lists.
foreign ships: 5. Passenger lists.
2 Black Saa. Port Anapa, Gelendzhik, 2 6. A manifest with bills of lading and list of
Novorossiysk, Sochi and Tuapse. documents on the cargo, and other ship's
Sea of Azov. Port Kavkaz, Port Temryuk, Yeysk. documents as required by the customs
Taganrog, Azov and Rostov-na-Donu. service.
7. A currency and valuables list.
Until the customs inspection is completed no
Preliminary notice of arrival
person may enter or leave the ship.
The owner or Master of a vessel should send Quarantine
preliminary information concerning his vessel and 1.87
cargo to the appropriate agency at the port of Vessels arrMng at any of the ports covered by this
destination not less than 12 days (14 days for tankers, volume are subject to the national quarantine
gas carriers, and vessels loaded with liquid chemicals) regulations. Quarantine is enforced in accordance with
prior to arrival. In this preliminary notice the foDowing International Health Regulations, 1969. Vessels
information is required by port authorrbes: entering territonal waters from abroad should hoist the
2 1. Name and flag of vessel. appropriate International Code signal flag by day, and
2. Port of departure Qast port of calQ. a red light over a whrte light at night, and have no
3. Vessels draught at bow and stem. communication with the shore until they have been
4. Cargo capacity of vessel, volume of hold etc. visited by the Port Health officer and granted pratique.
5. Name and quantity of cargo and its An lntemational signal code is used for sending Radio
distribution by hold (tankers, in addition, Pratique Messages. This code is part of the
should indicate type and disposition of International Code of Signals and is given in
ballast). ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 1(1), which
6. Requirements for port services. also fists the authorities to whom the signal should be
3 Information concerning a vessel·s sanitation state addressed.
must be reported in accordance with current 2 In normal circumstances, vessels, irYespective of
sanitation, veterinary and quarantine regulations: flag. proceeding from one port to another in the
see 1.84. European Community. need not request pratique.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

SIGNALS Tidal and water level signals

Ukraine The folowing signals are displayed at ports in the
Border patrol vessels Russian Federation to indicate the height of the water
1.88 above chart datum ,n units of 20 cm:
Signals to stop merchant vessels in the territorial
sea, inland waters and special economic zone are
given: Signal Meaning
In daylight: Nig/11
By hoisting on the mast or broadcasting on the
international safety channel the signal L in the
... 0
International Code of Signals.
By hoisting on the mast or broadcasting on the
international safety channel the signal SN in
the International Code of Signals.
• Falling water level

At night:
By displaying on the mast two green lights
disposed vertically.
By transmitting the above on the international
safety channel.
0• Rising water level

Vessels to which the signal is made must stop and

may only prooeed after receiving permission to do so
from the border patrol vessel.

• Height of water
level 1 unit

Traffic signals
Signals relating to entry and departure of ships to
and from ports in the Russian Federation are as
I • Height ol water
level 5 units

follows (all signals vertically disposed and all day

signal shapes black):
• 0 Height of water
level 25 units

Height ol water
Doy Night level \.> unit

•• •• Entry prohibited

• •
due to obstruction
Todal and water level signals (1.90)

•:..• 0
Entry temporarily
Dredger signals
Dredgers in the waters of the Russian Federation

• operation show the appropriate shapes or lights from the
lntemational Regulaoons for Preventing Collisions at
Sea {1972). These signals should be interpreted

A • 0
Entry and exit tempor.,riy
prohibited-normal operation
merely as an indication of the side on which the
dredger proposes to allow the approaching vessel to

• 2 The approaching vessel should reduce to the
minimum speed for steerage way by the time she is
at a distance of 5 cables from the dredger and one

prolonged blast should be sounded on the siren. The
Exit temporarily dredge, will then, in addition to showing these signals,
prohibited-normal confirm the side on which she is to be passed in the

... •
A 0 operation following manner.
One long blas1
Leave me on your port hand

I 0 Movement of small warships.

Two long blasts Leave me on your starboard hand

•I • 0
launches, boats prohibited in
hartlour and roads 3
Three long blasts No passage. Wait until clear
tf there is no answering sound signal from the
dredger, the approaching vessel must assume that
there is no free passage.
The following regulations also apply:
1. Two vessels passing a dredger must not
Traffic signals (1 .89) overtake one another.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

2. Vessels passing a dredger must not tow but she must observe such regulations as may
astem a hawser or chain on the bottom; nor already have been promulgated.
may they trail an anchor. • If Russian naval vessels are present and if no
special instructions have been issued for navigation in
Vessels engaged in special operations this area from the warning service, then mariners
1.92 must set course in such a manner as to avoid
Russian vessels when engaged in surveying passing between the naval vessels.
operations show a blue triangular flag with a rounded
point to the fly. having a white circular disc bearing Frontier guardships
the figure or a lighthouse. 1.95
2 Russian vessels, with the exception of dredgers, The following signals are shown by frontier
engaged in special operations in narrow waters, such guardships for stopping non-naval vessels within the
as cable laying, maintaining aids to navigation and territorial or internal waters of Russia;
surveying, will display the appropriate signals from the By day; lntemational Code flag L
International Regulations for the Prevention of By night; two green lights disposed vertically.
Col/ls/ons at Sea (1972). Vessels approachlng such a Vessels affected must stop and remain stopped
ship must reduce speed in good time and, at a until permission to proceed is granted by the
distance of at least 5 cables, sound one prolonged guardship.
blast. She must not pass the ship engaged in special Signals from naval vessels
operations until such a ship has lowered or 1.96
extinguished the speciat signal she is displaying. The following warning signals may be made by
3 Vessels engaged in special operations should cease naval vessels of the Russian Federation to foreign
work, and n possible proceed to the edge of the
submarines which are submerged in Russian waters:
channel, when approached by a vesseJ showing the
Signal; a series of three explosions at one
shape or lights for a vessel constrained by her minute intervals followed after an interval of
draught. three minutes by a second set of three
Signals between tugs and towed vessels explosions.
1.93 2 Meaning; you have been found within Russian
The following sound signals are used by the vessel Federation waters. I demand that you
being towed: immediately come to the surface. If you do not
do so you will be fired upon.
Signal Meaning Simultaneously a hydro-acoustic signal may be
One long blast Tow straight ahead or astern given which will have the same meaning. The signal
wil consist of five dashes, each three seconds long,
Two long blasts Stop engines
with three second intervals between dashes.
One long, one short blast Reduce speed
Submarine warning signals
One short. one long blast Increase speed 1.97
One long, one short, Let go or take up tow Russian naval vessels exercising with, or
one long blast accompanying, submarines, display the appropriate
signal from the lnternatiooal Code of Signals. In
One short blast Tow to starboard addition, when possible. the escorting vessel will
Two short blasts Tow to port transmit by radio-telephone, on the international
wave-length of 500 khz, a message in plain language
Three short blasts Go fiJM speed astern indicating the presence of submarines.
At least five short blasts Stop immediately 2 Vessels are cautioned to give a wide berth to such
vessels. maintaining a good lookout meanwhile for
2 When two tugs are employed, one will be dlrected submarines. whose presence may only be indicated
by the ship's whistle and the other by oral whisde by their periscopes showing above water.
signals. All signals are to be repeated by the tug or s Submerged submarines surfacing by night may
tugs. release light buoys exhibiting a white light, and may
Special warning service signals also display normal navigation lights. Submerged
1.94 submarines may release signal cartridges which emit
It may occasionally be necessary to prohibit entry coloured smoke by day, or coloured rockets by night.
into certain areas within Russian Federation territorial • It must not be infen-ed from these signals that
waters. For certain coastal areas a warning seNice submarines exercise only when in company with
has been established on special warships, guardships, escorting vessels.
examination vessels or coastguard stations, which
display the following signals: Submarine distress signals
2 By day; a blue triangular flag.
By night; three blue lights vertically disposed.
Should en11)1 to or navigation within a certain area Russia
be prohibited, additional signals will be displayed as 1.98
follows: In cases where a Russian Federation submarine is
By day; three red balls vertically disposed. in distress and cannot surface rt will indicate its
By night; three red lights verticaay disposed. pos,tion by releasing:
3 Should entry or navigation into a given area be 1. A distress signal buoy.
unrestricted, and no speeial signal or instruction 2 Fuel and lubricating oil.
regarding further movements have been made or 3. Air bubbles.
given by the guardship or coastguard station. an 2 Russian Federation submarines are equipped with
incoming vessel is free to proceed to her destination, two distress signal buoys, one in the bow and the

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

other in the stem. These are, in shape. truncated Turkey

cones with a flat bottom and rounded top, or in some
Rescue services
cases flattened spheres. Details are as follows:
Diameter 0·9 m to 1·25 m. The Directorate General of Maritime and Inland
Height 0-45 m to 0·7 m. Waters Regulation (Republic of Turkey, Ministry of
Transport Maritime Affairs and Communications),
Freeboard 0-4 m to 0·6 m. Ankara. in conjunction with regional Turkish Coast
Colour Red with top part sectored whi1e and red. Guard centres, are responsfble tor the coordination or
all maritime distress and safety incidents. A network ol
Mar1<ings Black H for bow and K for stem buoy Coast Radio Stations maintains a continuous listening
on a white sector. watch on international distress frequencies. See
Visibility 1 ·5 to 2·0 miles. ADMIRAL TY List of Radio Signals Volume 5 for
Light Quiel< flash white. 70 flashes per minute,
visible for 5 miles. Bulgaria
3 Mariners finding indications of a submarine in Rescue services
distress should determine the position and report to 1.104
the nearest Russian Federation Poet Authority and Search and rescue incidents are controlled by the
establish communication with the submarine by the Bulgarian Maritime Administration based in Sofiya
buoy telephone. (Sofia) with an M RCC at Varna (4.86). See
See also The Mariner's Handoook. ADMIRAL TY List of Radio Signals Volume 5 for
Rescue services
International 1.105
General information Search and rescue incidents are controlled by the
1.99 Romanian Naval Authonty, Constanta, with an MRCC
For general information concerning distress and stalion at Constanta (4.144), and alerting points at the
rescue. including helicopter assistance. see the Harbout Master's office at Mangalia (4.136), Midia
ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 5 and The (4.173), and Surina (5.23). See ADMIRALTY List of
Mariner's Handbook. Radio Signals Volume 5 lor details.

Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Russia

1.100 Rescue services
The GMDSS enables search and rescue authorities 1.106
on shore, in addition to shipping in the immediate Search and rescue incidents are controlled by the
vicinity of a vessel in distress, to be rapidty alerted to Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation in
an incident so that assistance can be provided with Moskva (Moscow). with an MRCC at Novorossiysk
the minimum of delay. (7.117) and an MASC at Taman' (45' 19··80N
For details of GMDSS. including the responsible 37°13'-90E).
agencies In the area covered by this book, see
ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 5. Ukraine

Automated Mutual-assistance Vessel Rescue System Rescue services

1.101 Search and rescue incidents are controlled by the
Ministry of Transport of Ukraine, Slate Department of
The AMVER system provides world wide cover and
Maritime and Inland Water Transport, Kyiv (Kiev)
is operated by the Uni1ed States Coast Guard; details
through a State MRCC station at Odesa (6.50). and
are given in ADMIRAL TY tist of Radio Signals
MASC stations at Sevastopol' (6.343), Kerch' (8. 72)
Volume 5. Merchant vessels of all nations making
and Mariupol• (8.121). See ADMIRALTY List of Radio
offshore voyages are encouraged to send movement
Signals Volume 5 for details.
reports and periodic position reports to the AMVER
Search and Rescue Regions (SRR) Rescue services
1.102 1.108
Provisional search and rescue regions between Search and rescue incidents are controlled by the
Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russian Federation, State Co-ordination Rescue Centre (SMRCC
Tur1<ey and Ukraine, are the topic of bilateral and GEORGIA) at the Mari1ime Transport Agency in
muttilateral discussions between nations which win Bat'umi (3.266). The Harbour Masters or Bat'umi, P'ot'i
eventually form part of the Agreement on Cooperation (3.299) and Kulevi (7.239) are designated Rescue
regarding Maritime Search and Rescue Services Sub ...Cemres for the areas up to 12 miles from their
among Black Sea Coastal Stales, formulated in respective ports. See ADMIRALTY List of Radio
istanbul, May 1997. Signals Volume 5 tor details.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

MARITIME TOPOGRAPHY s Local currents are found off the mouths of rivers.
As a rule river water flows out of the mouth in a
General remarks d~ection at right angles to the coastline, thence ii
gradually turns to the right and may even turn
Geological history sufficiently towards the shore so as to produce an
1.109 eddy setting back towards the river mouth.
The present form of the Black Sea probably
emerged al the end of the Eocene Epoch about
40 million years ago when structural upheavaJs in Asia SEA LEVEL AND TIDES
Minor split off the Caspian Basin from the
Mediterranean. About 25 million yea,s ago the Black Sea level
Sea gradually became separated from the Caspian 1.112
region. Further earth movements and changes in sea The annual range in mean sea level due to
level. associated with the Ice Age glaciers, resulted in meteorological pressure effects is about 5 cm,
intermittent connections with U,e Mediterranean. The exceptionally a rise of 15 cm and a fall of 18 cm has
present connection with the Mediterranean was formed been recorded. Superimposed on this are variations,
six to eight thousand years ago at the end of the last resulting from changes in the amount of water
Ice Age. entering and leaving the Black Sea, of 50 cm to 1 ·5 m.
2 Winds have a considerable effect on the water
level. In general. onshore winds tend to raise the level
Seabed and offshore winds tend to lower the level. The range
1.110 thus caused depends largely on local conditions. The
The seabed in the central part of the Black Sea change in sea level is much more marked in bays
consists of bluish-grey or blue mud; near the coast It and inlets than in more open places, and may be as
is mud mixed with shells and in places with sand and much as 30cm.
shingle. 3 Seiches, which occur with little or no warning, can
raise or lower the sea level by about 1 m over wide
areas. Seiches may be the result of seismic
CURRENTS, TIDAL STREAMS AND FLOW disturbances some distance away or the
consequences of changes in atmospheric pressure.
Currents See The Mariners Handbook.
General remarks Tides
Direction. Currents in the Black Sea, "'-ch in Tidal ranges
general are weak and inconsisten t consist of a main 1.113
circulation setting anticlockwise along its shores, with Tidal influence has virtually no effect on water
several branches connecting the various parts. levels in the Black Sea. The average spring range in
Counter currents, setting in the direction contrary to the W part of the Black Sea is only 8 cm.
that of the main current, occur between the main
current and the shore in many places.
2 Causes. Currents in the Black Sea are due to two SEA ANO SWELL
causes; the outflow of the rivers, the bulk of which General information
enters through the NW part of the sea, and the 1.114
influence of the wind. Variations in the amount of For definitions of sea and swell. and the
discharge from the rivers. and variations in the wind, terminology used in describing their characteristics,
due to the passage of depressions and other causes, see The Mariner's Handbook.
may affect the normal currents to a very large extent.
and, in some areas, may even reverse their direction. Sea conditions
3 Strength. The strength and constancy of the 1.115
anti-clockwise circulation is highest after the melting Information is relatively limited but generally, in
of the snows in late spring and earty summer. when winter, seas waves of 1 m or over are reported on
discharge from the rivers is greatest. In late summer around 50 to 65 % of occasions in W and central
and autumn, when the volume of water discharged by areas of the Black Sea and fall to around 35 to 40 %
the rivers Is relatively small, the circulation is generaly of occasions in SE. In spring and summer the figures
weaker and more subject to changes due to the are 20 to 45 % and 20 to 30 % respectively. In the
influence of the wind. The largest variations in the autu.lTV'I the frequency starts to increase again to 35 to
current are found in the NW part of the sea; here, 55 % in W and central areas and to between 35 and
especially during spring, the outflow of the River 40 % in SE. The lower percentage figures are mainly
Danube is often felt well offshore, causing a for coastal areas with offshore winds. Waves
considerable E or even NE set. exceeding 2·5 m are recorded on less than 1 O % of
• The current diagrams 1.111.1 to 1.111.5 show the occasions. although waves of 6 to 8 m have been
general circulation of the currents in the Black Sea recorded in all parts. In isolated instances, in SW and
and Marmara Denizi during the seasons of the year, NE parts of the Black Sea, waves of up to 13 m have
but ii must be emphasised that ii is only rarely that been reported.
this circulation is to be found in its entirety over the 2 In some localities, strong offshore winds may
whole extent of the sea. Arrows indicate the produce shon, steep and rough seas within a short
predominant direction, average rate and constancy, the distance of the coast where they meet an opposing
definitions of which will be found in the glossary of current For example. off the w coast of the Black
The Mariner's Handbook under current diagrams. Sea with S to SE gales and an opposing $-setting

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
OW""' I

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
OW""' I

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
OW""' I


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e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

current. The bora can blow offshore with much 2 The reason for this situation is that while the
violence in the Novorossiysk area and give rise to surface laye,s are regularly replenished by river water
dangerous conditions soon after its onset Allhough and direct precipitatjon. the deeper layers of the Black
the wind speed may decrease further out to sea. the Sea are onty renewed by the saline undercurrent from
very rough to high sea waves produced can then Marmara Oenizi. The volume of water thus introduced
move on as swell waves to affect a large area of the is small in comparison to the total volume of water in
Black Sea. the sea and it has been estimated that water at
3 Worthy of special mention are the very rough seas greater depths is only renewed about once every
which can be raised near the S shores of lhe Black 2500years.
Sea by strong N winds which tend to be enhanced
locally by high ground rising steeply from the coast Sea surface temperature
Diagrams 1.121.1 to 1.121.4 show the mean sea
Swell conditions
1.116 surface temperature for February, May. August and
Diagrams 1.116.1 to 1.116.4 give swell roses for November.
several areas for February. May, August and Minimum sea surface temperatures are generally
November. however, as they are based on imited recorded in February and March. Values fall below
data the swell information should be used with o·c in a coastal strip around the NW shores of the
caution. The roses show the percentages of Black Sea from the vicinity of the Danube estuary to
observations recording swell waves for each sector w Kryms'kyi Pivostriv and also in the coastal waters
and tor several ranges of wave height. of the Sea of Azov. Except in severe winters,
2 In January. swells are predominantly from between temperatures over the open seas in these localities
NW and NE in the w. becoming mainly W in the E. are usually 3• to 4°C higher. There is a substantial
and mainly low NE in Marmara Denizi. Reflable data and rapid increase in sea water temperature to the S
for the Sea of Azov is unavailable. In winter, sweD with mean values of r to s·c off s
heights are mainly less than 2 to 3 m but occasionally Pivostriv, over much of the S and central regions of
reach 6 to 8 m in the W. In spring (March to May) the Black Sea and Marmara Denizi.
isolated instances of swells up to 10 m have been 2 Maximum sea surface temperatures are attained
recorded in some areas and up to 14 m in the E in Augusl Water temperatures increase throughout
Black Sea. In July swell heights are significantly lower spring and summer, slowly at first but then more
and more variable, especially in E areas. and swells rapidly to reach 24• to 2s·c over much of the Black
of 4 m or more are usual. Sea and Marmara Denizi in August. In this month the
warmest sea temperatures are to be found in the SE
Tyagun Black Sea and Sea of Azov, while the coolest are in
1.117 the NW Black Sea. The differences throughout are
Several ports on the E shore of the Black Sea are only around 2• to 3•c.
liable to the development of unpleasant and 3 Variations in sea surface temperatures can be
sometimes dangerous wave conditions inside the considerable from one year to the next. In severe
harbour. This phenomenon, known as the Tyagun. winte<s the sea surface temperatures may fall below
may occur when waves of some critical period or o•c over most of the Sea of Azov, the NW basin of
direction enter the harbour and set up a resonant the Black Sea and in a coastal strip down the W
wave movement of the waters inside the harbour. coast of the Black Sea possibly as far S as the N
When these conditions occur, it may be necessary for entrance to istanbul Bogazi. Conversely, summer sea
vessels to move from an alongside berth to a buoy or surface temperatures as high as 2s·c
have been
put to sea recorded in central and S parts of the Black Sea in
2 The waves which cause the Tyagun may be some years and up to 29°C in Marmara Denizi.
generated locally by strong winds or by swell waves.
In the latter case, a Tyagun can develop in a port ICE CONDITIONS
when local wind conditions are calm or light and Sea Ice conditions
variable. The Tyagun is reported to affect ports on lhe 1.122
Caucasian coast between Tuapse and Bat'umi. In the area covered by this volume, sea ice is
formed during the prolonged periods of frost which
SEA WATER CHARACTERISTICS occur in winter in the N parts of the Black Sea and
Sea of Azov. The severity of the winter, and therefore
Salinity the extent and thickness of the ice cover. varies in
1.118 different years but even in the most severe winter.
Average salinity is just under 22. See also ThB only a comparatively small part of Black Sea is
Mariner's Handbook. affected by ice. Navigation is affected in only three
regions: River Danube, NW Black Sea and Sea of
Density Azov, together with Kerch Strait. February is the
1.119 month of greatest ice cover in these areas.
The average density of the surface layer of the
Black Sea is 1·014 g!m3. See also The Mariners Ice accumulation
Handbook. 1.123
The extremely cold winter temperatures together
Oxygen levels with the very high Ylind speeds experienced in some
1.120 N parts of the Black Sea create conditions which
Marine life can only exist in the surface waters of result in the accumulation of ice on hulls and
the Black Sea. Below a depth of 155 m in lhe middle superSO'\Jctures. Build up can be rapid and constitute
of the sea, and nearly twice that depth at its edges, a dangerous hazard to ship safety. See The Mariner's
there is no oxygen to support life and the water is Handbook for details of the causes and recommended
charged with sulphuretted hydrogen. courses of action.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

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e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

25' 35• 40'


4 •

25' 30' Longtooe 35' East trom Greenwidl 40" 45•

Mean sea surface temperature ("C) FEBRUARY (1.121.1)

25' 30' 35• 40• 45•

45• 45•

40' 40•

25' 30• Longilude 3:5• Eosl trom Greenwidl 40' 45•

Mean sea surface temperature ('CJ MAY (1.121.2)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

25' 35• 40'


4 •

25• 30" Longtooe 35' East trom Greenwidl 40" 45•

Mean sea surface temperature rq AUGUST (1.121.3)

25• 30" 35• 40• 45•

45• 45•

40' 40'

25' 30• Longilude 3:5• Eosl trom Greenwidl 40" 45•

Mean sea surface temperature ('C) NOVEMBER (1.121.4)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
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e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
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e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

2 Diagrams 1.122.1 and 2 enable an assessment to 2 The pressure fields described above are the mean
be made of the degree of icing to be expected of very changeable pressure patterns which may vary
according to wind strength and the sea and wind markedly fr0<n day to day. especially in winter when
temperatures. depressions moving E across the sea cause large and
s In the Black Sea and Sea of Azov, the greatest risk rapid pressure changes.
of ice accumulation is between November and March. 3 The diurnal variation of pressure is small in this
especially with bora-type winds such as experienced region with amplitude of about 1 hPa (mb). Maxima
around Novorossiysl<., when winds of up to torce 12 occur at about 1000 and 2000 local time and minima
and temperatures as low as -20•c are possible. are around 0400 and 1600. The diurnal oscillations
are often masked by larger pressure changes due to
transiting depressions and occasional anticyclones.

General Information
1.124 Anticyclones
The following information on climate and weather 1.127
should be read in conjunction with the information In both winter and summer, anticyctones are the
contained in The Mariners Handbook, which explains domnant features and thus affect the climate of the
in more detail many aspects of meteorology and Black Sea region.
climatology of importance to the mariner. 2 The Asian winter anticyclone, induced by the
2 Weather reports and forecasts are broadcast cooling of the huge continental land mass. becomes
regularly in the language of the country fr0<n which estabfished in October and is centred over Siberia/NW
transmissions are made, and are often repeated in Mongolia with an elongated E-W axis. Maximum
English. Warnings of hazardous conditions are issued development is attained in February. Throughout the
when appropriate. Schedules and details of winter this anticyck>ne is the source of cold air which
transmissions are given in ADMIRAL TY list of Radio flows SW or W to affect the Black Sea. Occasionally,
Signals Volume3(1). a separate high pressure centre develops over
Baltic/Finland. This can result in very cold winter
conditions as Arctic air is brought to the Black Sea
General C·Onditions region. From mid-March the Asian anticyclone
1.125 weakens and finally disappears in May.
The climate of the area varies from f111e. hot, suMy 3 In summer the semi-permanent Azores anticyclone
summers of the Mediterranean type to very cold often extends its influence E as a ridge of high
winters which are substantialty colder than average pressure builds across Europe and the Mediterranean
winters in the Mediterranean. to the Black Sea region, giving fine settled weather.
2 Most disturbed weather occurs in winter and is When the ridge recedes to tile W, showery and
usually associated with depressions mow,g E across thundery conditions may ensue as troughs of low
the area. There may be some rain at all times of the pressure are permitted to encroach from the N.
year, turning to snow in winter; amounts are generalty OccasionaRy a ridge may extend well to the E and N
small in the N and W regions. In summer Masmara of the Black Sea region and unusually warm
Denizi is usually dry. Along the N coast of Turkey, conditions resutt as warm dry air is brought to the
high ground near the coast induces significant region fr0<n S Asia on the S flank of this ridge.
amounts of rainfall; wettest conditions are to be found
In the SE around Bat'umi and P'ot'i where falls are
substantial, especially between September and
November. 1.128
3 Fog at sea may occasionally be encountered in Frequent mobile depressions affect the Black Sea
winter and spring but is rare in summer. In coastal region in winter. They are less frequent in summer.
areas fog and poor visibility are most frequem in These depressions are responsible for most of the
winter and spring and are particularly common in the disturbed weather in the area, bringing strong winds,
far N. rain or snow and sometimes quite abrupt changes in
the weather, temperature and humidity. They usually
have frontal systems associated wrth them. Principal
depression tracks are shown on accompanying
Average Distribution diagram 1.128.
1.126 2 In winter and occasionally in summer these
The average pressure distribution at mean sea level depressions approach the Black Sea area from NW
in February, May, August and November is shown in having onginated over N AUanlic Ocean and moved E
the accompanying diagrams 1.126.1 to 1.126.4. The across N Europe. During the summer months they
pressure field is dominated by the large scale usually pass further N but associated frontal troughs
seasonal pressure changes over the Asian land mass. may affect the Black Sea region. Other frontal
In winter the vast continental anticydone is centred depressions reach the Black Sea area from the
over Siberia with a ridge extending W towards Mediterranean moving E from the Adriatic across
Ukraine, whilst pressure is relatively low over the Bulgaria and Romania or NE from the Adriatic via
Mediterranean. In summer pressure falls over Asia Marmara Denizi. They are more frequent in winter
with a low pressure area over Pakistan. A ridge of than sLSM1er.
high pressure often extends E from the Azores s Depressions usually move across the Black Sea
anticyclone to Europe and the Mediterranean. The region at around 20 kn and most commonly exrt the
transitional periods between winter and summer are region on a NE track passing near Rostov-na-Donu
usually sbort and occur in April/May and late 0< E to the N of Bat'umi.
September/early October. Tropical storms do not affect this area.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

25' 35• 40'

25• 30" Longtooe35• East tromGreenwidl 40" 45•

Mean sea level pressure (hPa) FEBRUARY (1.126.1)

25• 30" 35• 40• 45•

45• 45•

40' 40'

25• 30• Longilude 3:5• Eosl trom Greenwidl 40' 45•

Mean sea level pressure (hPa) MAY (1.126.2)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

25' 35• 40'


4 •

25• 30" Longtooe 35• East trom Greenwidl 40" 45•

Mean sea level pressure (hPa) AUGUST (1.126.3)

25• 30" 35• 40• 45•



25• 30• Longilude 3:5• Eosl trom Greenwidl 40" 45•

Mean sea level pressure (hPa) NOVEMBER (1.126.4)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

25' 30• 35• 45•

25' 30• 45•

Principal depression tracks (1.128)

Fronts Winds
Warm and cold fronts, associated with E-going General information
depressions. affect the Black Sea region. A delailed 1.130
description of the weather patterns that are usuaDy Wind roses showing the frequency of winds of
associated with warm and cold fronts is given in ThB various directions and speeds for February. May,
Mariners Handbook. Warm fronts are rare in summer AuguSI and November are given in diagrams 1.130. 1
but occasional active cold fronts cross the region. to 1.130.4. Wind data for N parts of the area in winter
2 Cold fronts and occlusions are most commonly are sparse and therefore these wind roses should be
associated with the depressions arriving over the used with caution.
Black Sea region from NW Europe. In winter they
bring outbreaksof cold or very cold air. Ahead of the
front the wind freshens from S or SW and may Open sea
become strong; as the front passes the wind veers to 1.131
a N point, sometimes abruptly, and there is often a In winter, winds over the open sea vary
belt of rain, sleet or snow. As the front moves S substantially from day to day due to the frequent
across the area there is sometimes a tendency for transn of depressions but. in the W part of the region.
conditions to become more unstable. Heavy thundery winds from between SW (through NW) and NE
showers, possibly with hail and squalls, may develop predominate. Winds from between N and NE a,e a
as the front approaches the S shores. In summer the regular feature in the E of the area. In winter, across
cold fronts and occlusions crossing the region the whole of the Black Sea area, winds of force 8 and
continue to be fairly active although the air behind the above are common.
cold front is usually mild and no substantial fall in 2 In summer. winds are generally lighter and mainly
temperalure is to be expected; the associated rain between N and NE in the W of the area but mainly E
may be light and patchy but sometimes heavy in central and E areas, Winds above force 5 to 6 are
showers and thunderstorms may mark the passage of rare in the E but slightly more lrequent In the W.
the front.
3 Mediterranean depressions, which are most Coastal waters
common in winter, may have active wann and cold 1.132
fronts. The approach and passage of the warm front General remar1<s. Wrthin about 20 miles of the
brings a mild S airstream to the area with extensive coast. winds may be greatly modified by local
cloud, rain and sometimes poor visibility, especialty on topography and by the effects of land and sea
N coasts. In the warm sector. S areas in the f-ee of breezes. as described in The Mariner's Handbook.
the Turkish plateau often have fair weather with good 2 Land and sea breezes are well-marked in summer
visibility, but farther N cloud increases to give overcast throughout the area and are also common in spring
conditions over N shores. Cold fronts give rise to and autumn. The sea breeze usually sets in about
similar weather patterns to those described above for mid-morning as an onshore breeze then freshens until
depressions arriving from tm. mid-afternoon when it may reach force 3 to 4 and

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

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e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

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e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

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e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

fades soon after dusk. The land breeze is usually 3 The local name for a W wind is Bunent, while a
weaker and blows offshore from late evening until S wind is known as Gargiy or Shiroka; the
shortly after sunrise. In windy conditions the land or SU!dl<:Ney (dry wind). which is a dry hot wind
sea breeze may oppose or reinforce the prevailing from the E or S, are known as Azovets.
3 Local topography such as the position ot mountain
barriers and the direction of valleys can have an Gales
important effect on the wind speed and direction. The Open sea
Rionskiy Valley which extends E from near P'ot'i has 1.136
very high ground on either side. In winter the winds Diagrams 1.136.t to 1.136.4 show the percentage
frequently blow through the valley from E. sometimes frequency of winds exceeding Beaufort force 7 for
very strongly due to funnelling, and in summer they February. May, August and November. In winter, gales
tend to blow from W. The effects are apparent at a are experienced over the open sea throughout the
considerable distance offshore. region and winds of force 8 or more are recorded on
, Bora. At Novorossiysk a violent wind known as the about 1 O % of occasions off W coasts and on around
bora (1.138) is a well-known feature caused by the 5 % of occasions elsewhere. Winds of force 9 to 10
NE airstream being deflected around the N flank of have been recorded in most areas and force 12 has
Bol'shoy Kavkaz (Caucasus Mountains) and been reached off the W coast and near Novorossiysk.
channelled through a gap in the hdls. Most gales are from NE but occasionally S or SE
Kataba1ic winds. Along the N coast of Turkey winds reach gale force as a depression approaches
katabatic SE winds blow over coastal waters when from W. Although short lived, these S gales can resutt
cool air drains at night from high ground to the S. in short steep waves in the W of the area, due to the
These winds are most common in winter. $-selling current. In the Sea of Azov, E gales are
often prolonged.

Coastal waters
Regional winds 1.137
1.133 Gales are experienced in all parts in winter but with
Meltemi or etesians. In Marmara Oenizi, which the exception of the areas around Novorossiysk and
includes istanbul Bogazi and yanakkale Bogazi. NE P'ofi. tt is only on N coasts where gales occur with a
winds predominate throughout the year and are frequency of around 5 % in February and with the
strongest in winter. These winds are widely known as predominant direction being between N and E. In
meltemi (Turkish) or etesians (Greek). When not Marmara Denizi gales are most frequent with winds
blowing from NE, the winds are frequently SW. between N and NE and occasionally with winds from
1.134 between S and SW. At istanbul and Canakkale gales
Regional winds in the Black Sea are as follows: are recorded on around 3 to 4 days per month in
Trampontan is a N wind on the coasts of winter. At P'ofi on the SE of the Black Sea, E gales,
Bulgaria and Kryms'kyi Pivostriv (Crimean
the resuh of E winds funnelled through the Reka Rioni
Peninsula). At Yaha, winds speeds may be valley, are recorded on around 6 % of occasions in
significant enough to cause damage. January. Maximum winds have reached force 11.
Levan is a humid wind from the S which brings 2 In summer gales are unusual throughout the region
overcast weather and rain. In the open sea tt although on isolated occasions winds of force 8 to 9
can cause heavy swell. It is most frequent in have been recorded in the N. Al Novorossiysk strong
January and February.
NE and E winds blow occasionally but rarely reach
2 Not is a strong warm humid wind from the S. tt gale force.
brings fog and rain to the N coast of the area.
Harbiy is a S wind which raises a positive
surge. In Yaltyn'ka Zatoka it causes a large Bora
swell that can drive fishing vessels ashore. 1.138
Boneti or Ponente is a raw W wind on the Bora is the name given to a strong cold NE wind
coasts of Bulgaria and Kryms'kyi Pivostriv, and which sometimes blows with extreme violence in the
is accompanied by overcast skies and area around Novorossiysk. The local topography
occasional rain. causes the wind to blow much more strongly than
3 Karadzhol is a W wind on the coast of Bulgaria, elsewhere along this coast and with the extremely
which usually brings overcast skies and rain. cold air plunging like an avalanche in winter through a
Lodoz is a hot S or SW wind on the w coast of pass in the hills above Novorossiysk. The conditions
the area. It is most frequent in summer and that make favourable a bora are high pressure to the
autumn and is accompanied by fine weather. N and low pressure to the S. Winds of 78 kn are not
1.135 unusual and on rare occasions winds of over 100 kn
Regional winds in the Sea of Azov are as follows: have been recorded.
Levan is an E wind which usually occurs in
autumn and winter but may also occur in
spring. It is a moist, sometimes strong wind, Storms
accompanied by overcast skies and rain,
which raises a moderate sea. Sea of Azov storms
2 Maistra is a cold dry wind from the NW, blowing 1.139
over the land. Sea of Azov storms develop in strong NE winds
Not is a strong wann humid wind from the S. It and can cause a hazard to vessels. They tend to
brings fog and rain, sometimes with hai. to occur in winter and are usually accompanied by
the N coast of the area. severe frosts. At the head of Gulf of Taganrog, they
Ostraya is a wann moist wind from the S or SE. generate rough seas and along Arabats'ka Strilka, the

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

25' 35• 40'


4 •

25• 30" Longtooe 35• East trom Greenwidl 40" 45•

Percentage frequency of winds Beaufort force 7 or over FEBRUARY (1.136.1)

25• 30" 35• 40• 45•

45• 45•

<<: _


25• 30• Longilude 3:5• Eosl trom Greenwidl 40" 45•

Percentage f"'quency of winds Beaufort force 7 or over MAY (1.136.2)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

25' 35• 40'

4 •

25' 30" Longtooe 35• East trom Greenwidl 45•

Percentage frequency of winds Beaufort force 7 or over AUGUST (1.136.3)

25' 30" 35• 40• 45•

45• 45•

40' 40•

25• 30• Longilude 3:5• Eosl trom Greenwidl 40' 45•

Percentage frequency of winds Beaufort force 7 or over NOVEMBER (1.136.4)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

associated waves break up the ice to form hummocks. 2 In summer, average cloud amounts are 2 to 4 oklas
The longest duration of a Sea of Azov storm is 9 days but around 4 to 5 oklas in the SE coastal area
and they occur around 20 to 30 times per year. between Bat'umi and Giresun. Farther W along the N
coast of Turl<ey cloud amounts decrease and Marmara
Waterspouts Denizi enjoys summer skies with very little cloud
1.140 (2 oktas or less). Although cloud amounts are small,
A waterspout is a vortex. slmilar to a tornado. with cloudiest conditions usually occur in the afternoon with
a reduced pressure at the centre and a vertical or the development of large cumulus and cumulonimbus
bent They have a diameter varying from several cloud. Shower activity can form inland with the
metres to several hundreds of metres and have a associated convective cloud sometimes drifting
typical lifespan lasting several minutes to several tens offshore to affect coastal waters.
of minutes. Precipitation
2 A waterspout looks like a dark cloud column. Its
formation is associated with severe atmospheric Rain
instability. Initially, a funnel-shaped column appears at 1.143
Rainfall amounts are generally higher over the open
the base of a large cumutus or cumulonimbus cloud
sea in winter than in summer. In coastal areas there
which gradually extends towards the sea like a ftex,ble
are very large differences in rainfall amounts across
hose. A column of dust or spray from the sea rises to
the area At some coastal stations in the NW the
meet it. Several waterspouts may descend
summer is slightly wetter than winter but the difference
simultaneously from one cumulus or cumulonimbus.
Typically, waterspouts move at around 20 kn and wind is small with annual amounts between 200 and
speeds within the waterspout may reach 100 to 500 mm and with preciprtation, usually in the form of
showers, on around 3 to 6 days per month in summer.
200 kn. The rotary movement can be clockwise or
In the NW in winter, the number of days precipitation
recorded. usually in the fonn of rain, sleet or snow, is
3 Waterspouts may develop in hot weather in summer
around 6 to 10 per month. Elsewhere precipitation
and early autumn in the S and SE parts of Sea of
amoonts are higher in winter than summer with the
Azov and along coasts of Caucasus, Kryms·kyi
Pivostriv and Bulgaria. They can occur at any time of maximum number of rain days also higher in winter
than in summer.
the day or night, but are more common during the
2 On the E coast, precipitation amounts are greater
day. Waterspouts can cause catastrophic destruction,
than elsewhere and increase markedly from N to S,
sometimes with loss of ltte.
with annual totals ranging from around 500 to 700 mm
in N to 2000 to 2500 mm in S around Bat'umi. Spring
Cloud and surrvner is the driest period with between 40 and
Open sea 80 mm per month. Autumn is the wettest period with
precipitation amounts around 300 mm per month in
the wettest area in the S. In this area rain is recorded
Cloud amounts are greater in winter throughout the
on around 8 to 1 t days in spring and on 1 O to
region. At sea, average amounts are 5 to 6 oktas with 15 days in autumn.
the SW part of the Black Sea being the least cloudy. s On the S coast of the Black Sea there is a
Winds from a S point give ina-easing amounts of
pronounced seasonal variation with the largest rainfall
cloud from S to N. As the air flows over progressively
amounts recorded in autumn (90 to 170 mm per
cooler waters. small amounts of stratocumulus in the
month) and least in summer with monthly amounts
S Increase farther N to give cloudy to overcast skies
around 20 to 60 mm. Rain is often associated with
along N coasts with patchy stratus. With winds from a
frontal depressions which aftect the area mainly In
N point, skies are usualty well broken on N coasts. As
vmter. Annual falls vary somewhat according to a
the air passes over warmer waters farther S,
station's degree of exposure to N to NW winds and
increasing instability results in the development of
the proximity of high ground. Annual falls are around
cumulus/stratocumulus cloud with an increased
800 to 1500 mm but there is a drier region from
likelihood of showers. There is little diurnal variation in
around Samson to Sinop where the annual rainfall is
cloud amounts over the central areas of the Black
around 700 mm. In summer the average number of
Sea. rain days is between 5 and 8 and in winter between
In summer the weather is generally fine with 10 and 15 rain days.
average cloud amounts of 2 to 3 oktas over the ., Over Marmara Oenizi most of the rain is recorded
central areas of the Black Sea The lowest cloud
in winter when depressions move across the area en
amounts are in the SW of the area.
route from the Medrterranean to the Black Sea.
Coastal waters Average tans of 100 mm per month are recorded in
1.142 winter with slgnificant rainfall recorded on around tO
In coastal waters in winter the average cloud to 15 days per month.
amounts are 5 to 6 oklas in S and W and 6 to Snow
7 okras in N and E (see climate information for 1.144
average cloud amounts at a number of stations within During winter and early spring snow may fall in all
the area). Onshore winds produce the cloudiest parts of the region and in some N areas, snow
conditions particula~y where high ground rises steeply frequency may equal or exceed rain frequency in
inland from the coast. Conversely offshore winds are January and February. Over the open sea, snow can
often accompanied by little or no cloud, especially fall in January and February but is rare between
where the coast is in the lee of high ground. Although October and December and March and April.
there is little variation in cloud amounts acoording to 2 In all coastal areas some snow can be expected
time of day, the trend is for greater cloud amounts in between December and March. It is rare before
lhe morning with the possibtlity of some decrease in November and after Apr~. although in some N areas
the afternoon and evening. snow is sometimes recorded in October and May.
e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Snow is most frequent in the N and particularly over • Snow and rain can seriously reduce the visibilfy
the Sea of Azov in Janua,y and Februa,y where ~ is and around Bat'umi poor visibility is common in
often more frequent than rain. Blizzard conditions are precipitation in autumn.
possible when snow and strong winds occur
simultaneously with almost zero visibility. The Air temperature
frequency of occurrence of snow decreases from N to
There is a large seasonal temperature change from
S but even in the central areas of the W coast of the
Black Sea and in Qanal<l<ale Bogazi, whe<e the snow hotsummers to almost arctic conditions in N in winter.
frequency is least, snow may fall on some 3 to 4 days Over the open sea mean air temperature ranges from
per month in Janua,y and February. around 1• to 3•c in N to 6° to 7°C in S. In summer
average air temperature across the whole of the Black
3 Ground snow cover varies from region to region
Sea is around 24• to 25•c.
around the Black Sea. Snow first settles in coastal
2 In coastal areas, the temperatures are more varied
areas in the N in early December and eventually
than over the open waters of the Black Sea. Winter
disappears in late February or early March. On
average there is complete snow cover in the N for mirvmum temperatures occur in January or February,
around 20 to 30 days but in the NE and over the with the lowest values on N coasts. In the extreme N
Caucasus this cover increases to around 60 days. In of the area. mean air temperatures are close to or
below freezing, wi1h daily minima of -3° to -5'C and
other regions including the N coast of Turkey, the
extreme minima of around -25'C. The S and SE
average number of days with lying snow is between 3
coasts of Kryms'kyi Pivostriv are slightly milder in
and t 5 days per year.
winter with a mean air temperature of around 2°C. Air
temperatures rise from N to S and, along the N coast
Thunderstorms of Turkey, the mean daily maximum air temperature is
1.145 between 8° and 10'C and the mean daily minimum
Thunderstorms are infrequent at sea and rare in around 3" to 4'C.
winter. They are most frequent on the E coast of the 3 In summer, maximum air temperatures usuaJly
Black Sea, where the annual frequency is between 25 occur in Juty and August when average temperatures
and 45, and are most common in August. In most vary very little throughout the region with mean daily
other areas the annual frequency varies between 14 maximum air temperatures of between 25° and 30"C.
and 26; they are most frequent in June. However, and minima of between 11° and 21•c. Extreme
over Marmara Denizi thunderstorms are mos, frequent maxmum air temperatures of 40• to 42'C have been
between autumn and early spring. recorded at a number of stations wilhin the area.
Spring and autumn are periods of rapid temperature
adjustments with the largest changes occurring in
Apri/May and October/November.
Fog and visibility • Frost may occur in all parts around the Black Sea
in winter. In N the firs! frosts usually occur in October
Fog over the open sea is relatively rare. However,
and the last in April. and from December to March
fog occurs on 1 to 2 % of occasions in winter and
frosts are frequent. At many stations on N coasts and
spring in central and S areas and on around 6 % of
especially around the Sea of Azov, frost can be
occasions in the NW and probably slighUy higher for expected on most days in January. Frost is less
the Sea of Azov. In summer the incidence of fog is
frequent over S Klyms'kyi Pivostriv. In the S part of
less than 1 %. Diagrams 1.146.1 to 1.146.4 give the
the area. frosts are much less frequent than in N and
frequency of log for Februa,y, May, August and
usually occur from December to March but
November. Po0< visibilfy Qess than 2 miles) is most
occasionally in November and April. Even in
likely during snow blizzards in winter and in some
mid-winter tt is rare for the air temperature to remain
instances may near fog limits of 1 km.
below freezing all day in S.
2 In coastal areas the highest fog frequencies are on
the N coast and around the Sea of Azov where moist Humidity
S airstreams are chilled by the cold plains and coaS1al 1.148
waters in winter, giving widespread and persistent fog Humidfy is dosely related to air temperature and
at times. Fog is most common in this area between generaJty decreases as the temperature increases.
October and March with the highest incidence in During the early morning, when the air temperature is
mid-winter. Odesa, Kherson and Rostov-na-Donu are normally at its lowest. humidity is generally at its
particularly prone to fog. The S coast of Klyms'kyi highesl. and falls to a minimum during the afternoon.
Pivostriv is markedly less foggy. See The Mariner's
Open sea
Handbook for a description of the various types of fog,
particularly Arctic sea smoke/steam fog, and radiation
The mean winter humidrty over the open sea is
fog, which affect these N regions.
relatively high wrth values of 80 to 85 % in W and
3 On the W coast of the Black Sea, and over
central areas but 75 to 80 % in SE. In summer the
Marmara Oenizi, the annual incidence of fog
vakles are around 80 % in w. falling to about 75 % in
decreases from around 37 days in N to 6 days in S
with the majority of fog recorded in winter. Due to the
high ground bordering the E and S coasts of the Coastal waters
Black Sea, the frequency of fog is significanUy less 1.150
due to the considerable protection from moist S The highest hu:rrudity values are recorded in winter
airstreams. Monthly fog frequencies on E and S on N and W coasts of the Black Sea and around the
coasts of the Black Sea vary from around 3 to 16 Sea of Azov wi1h early morning values of 80 to 90 %.
days and are most frequent in April with a monthly The S and E coasts of the Black Sea are drier with
frequency of between 1 and 5 days. Radiation fog is early morning values of around 70 to 75 %. This is
the most common type of fog in S and usually forms probably due to offshore winds descending from high
over night and disperses soon after sunrise. ground illand. In summer the lowest morning humidity

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

25' 35• 40'


4 •

25• 30" Longtooe 35' East trom Greenwidl 40" 45•

Percentage frequency of fog FEBRUARY (1.146.1)

25• 30" 35• 40• 45•

45• 45•

40' 40'

25' 30• Longilude 3:5• Eosl trom Greenwidl 40" 45•

Percentage frequency of fog MAY (1.146.2)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

25' 35• 40'


4 •

25• 30" Longtooe 35' East trom Greenwidl 40" 45•

Percentage frequency of log AUGUST (1.146.3)

25• 30" 35• 40• 45•

45• 45•

40' 40'

25' 30• Longilude 3:5• Eosl trom Greenwidl 40" 45•

Percentage fr~uency of log NOVEMBER (1.146.4)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

values are to be found in N, including trn, Sea of 2 The following comments briefly list some of the
Azov and in NE as far S as Novorossiysk, with values differences to be expected between conditions over
of 60 to 70 %. Early morning values on W coast of the open sea and the nearest reporting station (see
the Black Sea range from 75 to 85 %, on S coast The Mariner's Handbook for further details}:
around 69 to 71 % and on E coast from 68 to 75 %. Wind speeds tend lo be higher at sea than on land,
In Marmara Denizi earty morning humidity values are although funnelling in narrow inlets can result in an
relatively high all year round with values of 81 to 87 % increase in wind strength.
in winter and 71 to 81 % in summer. 3 Cloud amounts at a coastal station may differ
considerably from that over the adjacent sea area.
CLIMATE INFORMATION Precipitation along mountainous wind-facing coasts
can be considerably higher than at sea to windward.
Description of information Simaarly precipttation in the lee of high ground is
1.151 generally less.
The climate information which follows gives data for • Air temperature over the sea is less variable than
several coastal stations that regularly undertake over the land,.
weather observations. Some of these stations have Topography has a marked effect on local conditions.
been re-stted and so the position given is the latest 1.152
available. Closed ports. Some of the information which
It is emphasised that these data are average follows refers to ports which are not open to
conditions and refer to the specific location of the international trade. They are included here so as to
observing station and therefore may not be totally provide a more comprehensive record of conditions to
representative of the conditions over the open sea or be expected in all pans of the Black Sea and Sea
In approaches to ports in their vicinity. of Azov.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

~ 0

c -"'

;; i
•" "'

!! ..
'§, 00
.J c
2 .!?
g ¥ 1,
:i;~ 0
-¥ ~
o~ ..J

~:: •g
...., 5c- g.

-'5 r-.,_,.s,v.J.

.. ~
"' ~

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
1.1s3 WMO No 17112 <;ANAKKALE
40°08'N 26°24'E. Height above MSL - 6 m Climate information for period 1984 • 2013
Mean annual max;mum = 3s•c
Mean annual minirrun = -s~c
Penod maximum = 42tC
Period mintm4,m • ·11°C
30 --+--.,<;,rt='"""'!c---l

·10 ----+----+---+---!

-20 ----+----+---+---'
5 ~-~p-,--
-.~--~-~ 10 •.,.. ,....._ ......_.,. 8 ......
Cloud CO\+~t (Okl-3$1
, -__ D.ays ~\'th gaie-;
,..._,..,. __ ...!( 9 O.:yi .... 'th tr'IUncl~
7 Ano,wl
' 8 J~~~·~'::.:~::;i::::.~...1 Q8()Q ,\X,c11 m;)cln .: 3
6 t400 !Ocdf (1!~11.: 4
3.5 +---+---+---+--I 7 ---+--<--+---
3---ir:--::=+-~-c-:-: s --i--t---1--<
2.5 --+-+- .....--' s "--+--+--+---!
1.5 1--+-+.....,-+--l 3 --+--+--+--
2 -~,!-~,!--+-~
o.s ...... -+---+---+---9!
0 -~-~--~~-~ 0

300 .. p ......
25 Wp 10 ,.,. ,oo J•!!:i1~~r,--::-:i
P,teaJ'\ preopteuontmm) Me.&I\ pif!,0()4aJ,o,'1 Clap 9 90 +--+--~- ..
5B6mmper~r t> 0 1nvn1
250 a-~~~~--!
20 nG!liys~ru-
,...,--1 7 ~--+----+---< 70 -1-=t~-1--1-/:--1
I 6 ---+--<--+---<
60 -1---1-'\-~-,IC...-J
! ,' I
150 ' 5 ---+--<--+---<
\ 50 -1---1--- ....
' - 4
40 +---+---+--1--1
100 3--+--+--+---I

tl IJ" J
' 30 Rel;,,trvchumidity(~l
5 2---+--+--1---1 .3Jlt'IV,cl(
20 ()8(;Q !¢(,ill me.m,.. 8.J

L•- :: 10 ,__,._I.J<;Q 1¢(,ill/'l:'6.m: 65

.... .,....c...-.'-C... ..

Station Wind Distribution • 0800 local


July Septembe< November

The frequency of wind Is. gl\ten by scale:
0% 10 20 30 40

8 ,C

1-3 ' $-6 7 S..12


Wind flow is towards the C:Wcle. The figure

In me (;ll'dt g.ves the pettenuigec o, cairns.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
40°58'N 28°49'E. Height above MSL • 33 m Climate information for period 1974 · 2013
50 ......... Mean annual maximum = 35"C
Mean annual minill'K.lm -4'C =
40 P•riocl maidtnum • 40°C
Period l'IW'limum = ,9 ..c
BURGAS,... 30 t--f-,q,.=o?'l-----l
20, 1r.u1m111r

10 h;o ..... '+,,,,.-r-+--~,..:,...,<:M~ IT\,Wlr,.,...


·20 ,_ __ _,___ _,___ -+ __ _,

1032 ~ .. ~..
liASL pressure (hP31
5 ~--~~--~-~ 10
1028 Anl\;.131 r'lebl'I 1016 a

3.5 +---+---+----~
.L.. .;=·=--.. . ,1
6 +,--+--+--+---;
3 +--+.:.~~='-'-'! ·--;--;--.,.---; s F~-+-+--J'-1
2.5 +--+--+-----! s +---+---+--~- ...
2+--+-+--'--- •r--+-+--+--1
1.s +--+-+----1 3 -'--+--+-----;
2 --+---11'-.,,..t---;
0.5 +--+--<-----; C800 ,'o(:.:t(mttJn • ,


··-·-----·-· .JFMAUJ JASONO o-------- J FUAM
1400 kx:.:ti me;tn. ,


300 =..r-..~ ..~•..-=~-~-~ 2S ,.,.;c,.;;-;;;;;,;,,.-,-,-- 101••.......,Ll I 100 ~ .. r-..=...~."

Mean p1ecipitat10nlmm) ,.~3:n ore<:ip!t=.bOOday; g O.ays -,.1:h fog
90 l--+-+-*ri
250 61<il!"l171(*t~S!
112a,-~pc,~ 8 ,--..,."-"'...c.".,'-·-·
---, 80 t--!--ir--!--oi
7 ~--+---->--+--,
200 +----+--+----, 70 14':~_.,..i..-"-I--:~
• ---+---+--+---1
60 l--1'-:--1--\.''-I
5 ~--+---+--+---
50 l--+-~..<;_
3 ---+--+--+--,-j 40 +--r--+--+---;
2 ---<--+--+-- 30 Relative humidi;y ("iol

10 __ , .roo
"'"'""' =
0800 ((.ICM ,'N'ai> 76
(OC-$l,'N'ai> = o0

Station wm Distnbution - 0800 local

The lrequency of wind i$ gi....,. boJ tcalt· ~ Beaub1 foroe is indicated by.:
Wind now Is towards 1he cirde. The figure
0% 10 20 30 40 50%
in lhe circle s;v,es the pe,centage of calms.
\.._,/ 14 -4 s,.e 7 $>l?

Station Wind Distribution • 1400 local

J/ 1 -
e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
i.iss WMO No 17022 ZONGULDAK
41 °27'N 31 °48'E. Height above MSL - 137 m Climate information for period 1984 - 2013

50 ......
Mean amual maximum = 33~

t.t.;an 'l'la.:iumum and minimum
ti:"Mperatt..res ( CJ
t.tean amual mirw'run -4°C =
;-;..,...,_ Period maximum = 40"C
Period m.nlrrun = ·1"C

-10 +----+----+--->---<

·2" '---''"---1----1---

4,5 -I

Oll:;s w11'1 g;!llle$
r <:lifJO<?' ;'Ht
9 I" Oays wth It-under
24 d..-h~p.!f ~
·- 8 r.a==,,-.--,---,
7 '---+--->--1---~
• •
J ' '" I ...J

r- '_, 8
- .
,_ ; 5
I 'I -
J ''. ' 'I
- 3 --f-~--.111---1
.. 3 2 _-=,._.,... ... ,..,...,__
I \ .
J •
o.s .10<'.'I(r•!('Stl - d


0 • ~ 0
I. - • I o--~- 1400 10<'.'lfr•!eo..11 - d


300 ,...
.....,,..,,--,.....--, 25 ........... 10 • .,. ....... 100 ;a_.._.......
M~an prt¢1i;:>!la1,on l!'l'IN'I) r.t-ean pre,cip,ta.t>OI'\ cays, g
Oays1A.t"\log vr-,
250 ,__ .. rz,.«_,mm
wr ar
·-~===.: :_. -
, +-~-+---<--+---I


15 ,....., __ +---- .------+--;· 60 ·-,u·
• ,--~-;--4--1 '
100 •~.i---:-llfl-- 3~---11 .. ---+----I 40
2 _ _. ...... .,_ _ _, so Reia11vehum1C11tyl"C)
50 Armu.11
20 ()8(J() ,+t;c.11 mc;in .. 71
1.Jt'JC,+;;;c.11 mc.:in • '18
0 10

Station Wind Distnbution • 0800 locaJ September November

October December

January Marcil ,.. »,

February April August

The frequencyof wind is given by scale: '-'_ ....... _by.

Wind llow Is 1owards 1he drcte. The figure
0% 10 20 30 40 50%
\..._.,/ 1-.3, 4 $-6 7 .,i in 1he circle gives the percentage of calms.

Station Wllld Distribution • 1400 local September November

January March October December
February April

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
1.156 WMO No 17030 SAMSUN
41 °17'N 36°1 S'E. Height above MSL - 4 m Climate information for period 1984 • 2001
50 ,• .,,_...
Mean annual maximum = 32"C
P, maximum and f'l'lt(bl'!'l'IJm Mean annual minill'K.lm -4'C =
40 ,........,...,_
lemotr{tture::; 1·c, P•riocl maidtnum • 39•c
Period l'IW'limum = •8"C
30 t--t:::="f'F~i:t"---J

·10 1----1----+---+---I
·20 ,_ __ _,___ _,___ -+ __ _,
5 ,.,. 10 Tii==~.--.---,
4.5 9
8 .L....;=...----....,1
3.5 +---+---+----~ 7 ~--+---+-----<
3 +--+.:.~~='-'-'! 6+--1--1--.,.---1
2.5+--+--+-----! s +---+---+--~- ...
2+--+-+--'--- • ~-1---91--1--1
1.5 +--+-+----1 3-'--+-Hl-----1
2--+-Hl- .. t---1
0800 !<Xdfmun =4

o.: •--- --
0 -1,o,- ..";:i.;;""::.;'
.. -="··
..· --i

:JOO ~••~ ..
raean preccnetcn (mm)
25 r,;,.;,,.:;;;;;;;a:;..-,-.-- pre,oioitation days
1 .,, 100 tip;_! j

802 mm per ~ar l.>01~1
250 20 ~
IJ7fl.:r,~c:,e·~ 8 ,--,-- ............-
\ ,.J
7 ~--+---+--+---<
= . ... . .
1s~ .... --~<--."-+~•1,
10 ++<Hlf+
__ _. ......
·~- ....--+--+---!
• __ _,__-+--+---!
so .
- "

3 ---+--+--+---I
2 --• ... +--+---! 30 _.i R';1::-iv:'hu~ityfO...)
20 08C<) IOI.;~ '1\ • 74
1400/()(;.tJ ll'll:'l.'ltl - 70
0 10

SWion Wwld Oistribulion • 1400 local

7 May

April May
June March


The frequency ol "'ind i$ given by $C#e:
O'% 10 20 30 40 50% Vlind flow Is towards the circle. The figure
in the CWcle gives the percentage 0, calns.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
1.1s1 WMO No 17038 TRABZON
41°00'N 39°43'E. Height above MSL • 34 m Climate information for period 1984 • 2013
so, ... ......... I
Mean amual maximum = 3:2'"C maximum at'O minimum
Cl ....,
Mean annual mlrwni.#n ·2*C =
40 temptorat.1res ( .,,....,.. Period maximum • 40"'C
PeriOcl l'IW'limun'\ • ·6"C
30 ---i;::;:,"t::~,-

·10 +---+----+---+---<

J F U A U J J A $ 0 N O
1032 ... .,,.=,=
...:,.,..,--,--, 5 ,...,,.=,=iai•"···"--,-...,., 10
t*',...-.,.1 I I
f,1Sl prcsso-c lhPs11 4..5 D.ayt wr119fi~ 9 Oar.s l\"1h lf",vnd(!r -
1023 Annual m&an • 017 hPa ($$,$ t:"l,J,'! Qni> Od')' p.]I yiU( es
Od)'S pe, ~r
' +--+-+----l
3,5 7
3+--+--+---~ 6 - '
2.5 +---+---+---+--1 s
2 +---+--<--<-- ..
1012 ' - 3 ~-+---+--!--- ..
1.5 +---+--<--~- .. 3
1008 2 ......,.....,_...,.,.....,._
2 CJoud cover (okias)
0.5 +--+-+-~--! 0800 .. S

0 _ _..,_._.,_ ...
u........., 0 - _11
•- ·---------
;.J(J() VX.:1fmc.:1n .. S


. -~------
25 ............... I 10 .,..
veee pr ecip,t.atioo ce ys 9 90 +---+---+--1--1
......:~~pc!~ 80t---:::::-if---;l~=:t

I rt 1
----~--+-- ..
' I &0+---4~-l---''i===I
_. 5 --~--'----+--~
,~ 3
40 +---+---+--1--1

5 2 ---11-----+-- .. 30 Ac alive hum>dily (~j

20 0,500 .'CC,ill M!Ml'I ::- 71
1400 .'()C,illfflt\ifl ::- 72
0 10

Station Wind Distnbution • 0800 locaJ November

September December

The frequency of wind is given by scale:
.. March

'-'_ ....... _by.

Wind llow Is 1owards 1he drcte. The figure
0% 10 20 30 40 50%
\..._.,/ 1-.3, 4 $-6 7 .,i in 1he circle gives the percentage of calms.

Station WllldDistribution • 1400 local

January March May November

February April June December

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
r.tss WMO No 37484 BAT'UMI
41 °39'N 41 °38'E. Height above MSL - 2 m Climate information for period 1984 • 2011

50 ...... Mean amual maximum = 33~

t.tean amual mirw'run ·2"C =
Period maximum = 38"C
Period m.nlmum = ·811C

·10 +----+----+--->---<

-20 '---''---1----1---

5 ~~~~~-~--, ===.r.--.--,
9 ~-...........
Oays.,.. m lh.JneltU
1 ~--+--->--+---<

3.S +--+--+--~--1

3 ;--1-:--t-~t-,-:1 8
I --'
. -
2S +---+--<--+---< s
2 +---+--<--~- ..
' . 3 ---+--->--+---<
"5 j--ie--1-.+--S::.J 3 2 _-=,._.,... ... ,.,..,__
2 C1oud caver (Oktajj
1 • Al\tll:.I~

o.s +--+--..--+---!
I O __
1()00\X'.'1(f'l&tl - 5
r•!eo..11 - 5


300 Tii==rr--,--,
-~ ....... -.·1--J
J;tean prec1pt1anon

... 0.J.yS 'Nitti •og

.. I vr-,
250 (mm)
2044 mm per year
- 8
J ~~
200 -io--+--~ J_ .., 7


60 1(0)-1
150 ... -+--~ ~ ...
'3 4()
2 30 --Ael.'ihve ~ufl'l,ctdyr:;.)
50 Annu.;,1
20 1000 .\,C.;il m(;'..111 - n
1600 Jo:;c,.:il m(;'.,ln - 69
0 0 10


The frequency of~ is given by scale: {.\ 8ea<Ao:wtb<el$-tedby.

Wind now is 1owards tho cirde. "The figure
0% 10 20 30 40 50%
\J 14 ~ 5-6 7 •12
In the dtcle gives the percentage ot calms.

Station Wind Distribution • 1600 local

~ ~

" ' .My Augusl
Morch .( ~
Apnl ~ne

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
r.tss WMO No 15655 BURGAS
42°30'N 27°29'E. Height above MSL • 28 m Climate information for period 1974 • 2013

, ,
.... _. F u • u

Days wiCh :hunder

J • $ 0 N 0
8 ..... ~ I
1.J c. s vie~ ..v,
4+-"'_ ..........., ......._ ... 8
3.S +---+---+-----< 7
6 __,
3 +---+---+-----< 6 5 = ,~,,.,>I ~
2.S +-~,.:....---1-....;.:::....::.i 5 4 - .. . '.,
1012 2-1--+--+-+--l 4
, A -
,.s;..-+---+--+-a! 3 ~
1006 2 ClOud cover (oktas)
O.S-t911-1'w;.-t- ...191t-91 080() bt:.1(mc.:in • 5
1.JOO '<iC,11 mCJ:ffl• 5
1000 0 ~~~~~~~~ .... 0 0

300 ~ ..- ..-.-

M,ean ptecip<iation (mm)
25 ........... 10
.... _... Days wilh fog 90 -l----lf--
529mm~~3• Z.J Cli ,s pt,:, r*l'
8 80 -f-'-"::::::,0,df--::,~-1
200 -1--'--l--+--l
10 -r,...:;t.zjrtri
150 -1--,--l-'-+--l 5
so +-----+--1--1
40 +---+---+--1--1
2 30 Re alive humidily('\,j
20 o.500 .',X,af m~ : 8 •
J4()() .10ea,me..;-11 = 66
0 10

StatiOn Wind Distribution • 0800 k>cal


March September
April October December

The frequency od wind is given by scale:

0% 10 20 30 40 50%
8. - =. . .
l-3 -4
W 1 •12
1,v,nct !low is iowards the otCle. The figure
in the circle gives the percentage of calms..

Station Wind Distribution· 1400 local



e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
1.160 WMO No 15552 VARNA
43°12'N 27°57'E. Height above MSL • 43 m Climate information for period 1974 · 2013

so. - Mean arnual maximum = 34'°C

t.ilean amual mirw'run ·1 l"C =
Period maximum = 40°C
Period minimum= ·18"C


-20 '---''---1-----1---
1032 .... .,,.==.-,---,---, 5 ~~~~~----, 10
MSl p-eseuee (hPa1 4.S 9 Oa.,.s "' 1'l ltv"lder 7 ~--+--->--+---<
Annual mean 1017 hPa ,a Ot1)'$ ~ ~r

3.S +--+--+--~--1


3 ;--1-:--t-~t-,-:1 8
I ....J
2 S +---+--<--+---< s
2 +---+--<--~- ..
' . 3 ---+------I-+---<
1.S j--ie--1-.+.-S::.J 3 2 _-=,._.,.... ....,...,..,__
1004 I I .
o.s .... l'.--+-- - !)600 .10<'.'I(r•!('Stl - d

1000 o l•.a.m.•i..11,a.1..--., .. 0
I - I I• • o--~- 1400 10<'.'I(f'! - 5

300 =.."..=,=-~.~
• .....--.,.--,
Mean precpnenco ltnml
25 • .,..,....,
r..tean prcc:;:~ben oa.,-s

... ,, Oays .....mjog

l'--..,53.S_=.., r>O 1mm1
250 pct <c~r
9'Z ::liyS ~ ,.""'.,..--1 •
~ ./
70 ,.,..
•s 60
• 40
2 so -- neiauvellumld1ty (~)
20 0800 .\:lc.,11 m(?..111 - 1'8
1.JQC .\:.C.,1! m(;',ilfl - ~6
0 10

Station Wind Distnbution • 0800 locaJ

~ '\

The frequency of wind is given by scale: '-'_ ....... _by.

Wind llow Is 1owards 1he drcte. The figure
0% 10 20 30 40 50%
\..._.,/ 1-.3, 4 $-6 7 .,i in 1he circle gives the percentage of calms.

Station Wllld Distribution • 1400 local



e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
1.1s1 WMO No 15480 CONSTANTA
44°13'N 28°39'E. Height above MSL • 14 m Climate information for period 1984 • 2013
so- ... ~ Mean annual maximum = 33-0c
,,,un m.a,umum and nwMmvm
'° terrceeatwes I 'Cl
Meat\ annual minimum. • 1 ~
Period rna.xwnum = 38°C
Period nW'limum = -1 s~c


·20 .----+----I----+--_,

T, ....
MSL pressure(hPa1
Atv-u,1~1 mean 1016 l'IPa
5 ....

·--=·=- . . ·
10 .,. ...... J J_

9 Cays .vih tnuno,..r
I 6 t--+--+--+--c:-t
3.S +---+---->----~ 7
....... I 5 +-'~il<"""'l".._++----1
3 +---+---+----~ 6 -
2.5 +--+---+---+---1 s - .1

2 +-----1--;---,--""7: • ., - 3!.J!i~~.LL_J
1.S +--+-+-----! 3
2 -l-~-:-..&,;;m.1...-,i
0.5 -1---1---1--,---1

0 ,.. ... .,.__-1-~~-

25 ..... _...., I 10 -r..~

~;;a;;::rrT'"---r---, 100r.;;-;;;-;;;;a;;;;-T~-,~,
Mean erec twtabon days
.... o,...,m,
9 Oa:ys'"'Ith fog
8 +---....._.,,_......,..-_
32 d:rys ~, yNr
90 L,--+-t--'-F.a:s

20 80 r:--t=""s.!b<'c:+--""71
7 ,--+-''"---t---t--1
200 -1--,1--t--+--i
6 ------>--+---!'
150 +-----+---+----, 5 ------->--+---!
so --+---+----!---!

30 Rcl~!i·,c t'tum>dily ('\,)
2 Anr,ua1
20 06()() ,'Ocdl m~ = 84
10 _,__ • •oo l'Ocel rl'le.'ll'I = 70 ..

Station Wind Distribution 4

0800 local

~ Apnl September
"'° j. November
The lrequency oS wind is given by !Cale:
Wind tlow Is towards the circle. The figure
0% 10 20 30 •o so~ rl the circle gives the percentage of calms.

Augusl September'
February October

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
1.162 WMO No 15360 SULINA
45°1 O'N 29°44'E. Height above MSL - 4 m Climate information for period 1984 • 2006

50 - Mean arnual maximum = 30~

1,t.;;,a,, max1murr ard minimum t.ileanamual mirw'run ·12"C =
I.C"fnperat ...res ( C) Period maximum= 34-C
Period minimum = ·2~C

-20 '---''---1----1---
5 ~~~~~-~--, 10
~-............ l-
8 Tii==:rr-.--.--,
45 9 03'($ " in ltlul'ldet'
I~ o.,y,; .~ ~-,r 1 '---+---!---+--~

3.5 +--+--+--~--1

I .......
3 +--.rt-:--1-~,-.,-:1 8
. .
25.. ~---+--+--~ 5
2 ,. ,.._ _ _, __ ,_.,. -
1s~ ,.--,__-...i._. ' 'I
3 ---f-~,-f}+--1
2 -r-=,1_..,...-1'~-'-,--,i
2 Cloud <over (oktasi
I A,(l{l(Ja)

0 ,ULOjLLJl,.ICL .. 11.0CL 0
I ,. I,_
0800 .'Ceaf m~,1_ 4
-~~•oo_.1C<'afmt'S11 - $

25 • .,.,..... 10 ...
11.'i(>an crec e>itat,on oays g
,, Oays .... :miog

• - ......===~-

, ..-~-+---+--+--~
•3~~-----+--+~ 40 +---i---+--+---<

2 ~ .... 1-----4---..i 30 Re tihvl) h1.1ml(t11)' (~)

20 C6QO .IO(;,cllMe,lrl : 86

10 ........ ".=.."<=',-m"""""C.C.:'-'76'-

Station Wind Distribution - 0800 local

\ ~ 3
·~ January
.,..- d' ! '), February November
The lrequency of wind i$ gi....,. boJ tcalt· ~ Beaub1 foroe is indicated by.:
Wind now Is towards 1he cirde. The figure
0% 10 20 30 40 50% in lhe circle s;v,es the pe,centage of calms.
\.._,/ 14 -4 s,.e 7 $>l?

Station Wind Distribution • 1400 local

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
1.163 WMO No 33837 ODESA
46°26'N 30°46'E. Height above MSL • 42 m Climate information for period 1984 · 2013

Mean amual maximum = 34'°C

50 - -
t.tean amual mirw'run ·15"C =
Period maximum = 43"C
Period m.nlrrun = ·24~C
30 -i--""°'1r-J"""t~::"-+---.1

-20 '---''---1----1---

t,tSL pressure thPaJ
AMualmean 1017 nPa
4.S r
.. I
Days •'itrt ga,.?S
2 Cl.:"J'Soe' .....,.,

'· 10


Oayg "·th ltlunelt'!r

11°"')'S{JC'f yeM

• •
J ' '" I ...J

r- '_, 8
- .
,_ ; 5
I 'I
J ''. ' 'I
- 3 --+--l"""-+----l
1 .. 3 2 _-=,._.,.... ... ,..,...,__
C1oudcaver (Oktajj
\ - J -
. W~.l ,_ !)600 .10<'.'I(r•!('Stl - 5

O --~"-00-10<'.'lf
r•!eo..11 - 8

300 ..... 25 .......... ...__......... 10 ....
'00 -,:..;~~1T1
Mean ptooprlabon tmm)
veeo p,ecip,ta.tioo o.ays
g Days wctn tog
so +----1--+--w
20 88::Ll'ys~yu· a~ -~---'";.;;;;.:::.;;;;;.i.::,...~~ 80+:" .....,--+--~--:-l
7 ..-~-+---+--+--~
70 t-"'-.;:,-'--*--ftf'--l
5 -lt,;;-.,,..--;-'--t-:::.l
•3 ... -m-<1-11-----+- ~
40 +-----+---+----+
2 ~ ............ __ --11 ..i 30 num.ct,iy l~")
20 tNJ(JI) !oc;;lf mr..:in • 77
10 ..,_ 1..:00!.:,c:.,1mr..,,.. ·lif; ..


Station Wind Distribution - 0800 local

~- -~ ~

~~ ~ OMay September
February April June November
Odot>er December
The frequency ol wind is given by scale:
Wind now 1s 1owa,ds the t1rc1t. 11\t Hgu,o
0% 10 20 30 40 50%
tn the circle <jves the petcentage ol calms.

Station Wind Distnbubon - 1400 local

~-~ February .1. Al>Jil September


e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
1.164 WMO No 33902 KHERSON
46°38'N 32°34'E. Height above MSL • 54 m Climate information for period 1984 · 2013

50 ............
Mean amual maximum = 36"C
Me#,n~,umum 3ncl ITW"llrT'l.lm
Mean annual minlll'K.lm 19~ =·
P•riocl maidmum. 41~c
Period l'IW'limum = ·~
30 +---+-~-1,.-..,.,.,d----j


5 ~--~~--~-~
10 -p-:;~~1~::J
4.5 9
3.5 +---+---+----~ 7 +---+---+------l
3 +--+.:.~~='-'-'! 6 ;--;--;---,---;
2.5 +--+--+-----! s +---+---+--~- ....
2+--+-+--'--- • ~-1---11--1--1
1.5 +--+-+----1 3 -'--+---I~----;
2--+-H~------; ••~,~"'·.-,-(o«~~~.~,--
AMO ..
0.5 ;--;--<-----; 0800.'<)('df~=S

0 .... ~--.-,~-~~- 0 -1----"~~a,'~1".;,..c.-..


300 ~ ..z-;..=..
~~-~~ 25 f,.,........., I 10 nar;,.==rnr--r--.
Mean preap1tation(mm) precat.atJOn days 9 Days 'Nith fog 90 t---t--t---t-:;O<;l
250 4.4,3 mm Pc,"'::..::;;.--'! 1>0 l""YT'II ,l.](!i~,S~f)~
20 9" :Un: l)("f ,'I'.!! 8 ,--,-- .............- 80 l---'l--l--,f.---1
::-r., 7 ~--+---+--+--~
15 -
' • __j
6 ----+-.,-+-c:-+--
70 t-'\-+-''c:c:+--t-+-f--t

1(': .-
• --~-+---+--+--...~
so +--i>
• ~ ... "--<~-+---+, .......

40 j__J_:~~~21
5. 2 30 Relativetiumldrty("'.)
20 0800 foa,J mc.:in • 78

I 0
10 _,_ 14..,"' («;tJ ITlr..:IM • 51 ..

Station Wind Distribution • 0800 local


The lre<iuency ~ wn::111 gi'161"1 b)' seaw.

0% 10 20 30 40 50~
*'*~ ,My

Wind 8ow is towards the circle. The fi~re

in the circle gives lhe percentageof calms.

Station Wind Distribution· 1400 local

\ T

~--~ October November


e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
r.iss WMO No 33924 CHORNOMORS'KE
45°31'N 32°42'E. Height above MSL • 10 m Climate information for period 1984 • 2013
50 .,.__.
Mean annual maximum = 35"C
J.t.ean f\'la.iumum and mitumum Mean annual minlll'K.lm =·
40 1~raturt1$ !'Cl P•riocl maidmum • •2~c
Period l'IW'limum = •23°C
30 t--.L..-:::,,4-,-~d---l


O +.=,,.....CJ,.,,C.-+---f~,-'"-jt.l,e..yolli'll~flnl"om,;n

·20 ,_ __ _,___ _,___ ....,.__ _,


10 ... ,, .....
9 Oi'($ wlh tt'lunc:t,er
t'lOo:1)': Wr't',dt

3.5 +---+---+----~
r .......
I 6 Pl~-+-I-T--1
3 +--+.:.~~='-'-'! 6
I 5 -1--1-.--1--+.1--1
. -
2.5 +--+--+-----! s
- -
1.s +--+-+----1

2 i--::c'"o-ud,...cov..,.1,•_r~(<>'<"'<'"as-
o.s -'w-11-+--<---i.-., 0800 lo(·.:1,'tmt.1n .. 5

0 ...... ljL~,8.----'l.JO.-.
o-------- 1.J00tct:.:1fme:m•S


300 =-~..=.=,...~,;,-~~::.:-:::'
1"1oan t>1cc,p1ta1JOn (mm) t,4ean proc:c;wtatJOn days
Oays wtr fog 90 t--t--i--,;.~

367 mm ptNµ31
1>0 lrvri)
a, :uys c,,e,r,..~-"'.--~ 8 +----..--.,.--

' +----~>--+---<
80 F.~.--+--l,,C-71
200 +---1--+--+--,
6 -----+--+---1
70 t-""fi::;::'f'~if-j
60 l---l----1'... ..IJUO)bl.i
150 +-----+--+--, s r--;-:--,-+--+---,i
50 l--f---,e-~--1
• ~----+--+---1
3 '--le--+--+-cc-1 40 +--+--+--+---!
2 ~1-1-11---+--+-ll-ll 30 Relative humidi;y("iol

20 "'"'""'
0800 (<X,M,'N'ai> 77=
'.roo (OC-$l,'N'ai> 68

Station Wind Distribution 0800 local


l January
:- February
~- !, May

The frequency ot wnd is give"i by .scale:

Wind now is towards the ci1c:le, The figure
0% 10 20 30 40 50%
1r1 the cirde ~ the percentage ot calms.

I Sep1ember
January 9i October

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
1.166 WMO No 33990 YALTA
44°29'N 34°10'E. Height above MSL • 72 m Climate information for period 1984 · 2013

Mean amual maximum = ~

so - - 'l'la.:iumum and minimum
t.t.;an t.tean amual mirw'run .5°c =
40 ti:"Mperatt..res ( CJ Period maximum = 39"C
Period m.nlrrun = ·13.,C

-20 '---''---1----1---

. -...~,~,--~,-~...1 ·-
1032 ·,~
..~ .. 5 ... 10 8 ===..--.--.--,
t,tSL p,ess.u1e (hPaJ 4.S 9 ~-,.Osys" 111 l'M.Jnde,
7 ~--+--->--+---<
A ua 1016~ ;~a.:ry,;Nt~~r

3.S +--+--+--~--1

3 ;--1-:--t-~t-,-:1 8
I ....J

. -
2 S +---+--<--+---< s
1012 2 +---+--<--~- ..
' . 3 --r.!'='~ *~4---l
1.S j--ie--1-.+--S::.J 3 2 _--::,._.,.......,...,....,._
1004 1 •

I II•.
1000 0 i--

... _...

25 ..........
l.6ean precip&t.oo cays.

... 100
I , ,~
!.> o 1nvn1
20 108 OiQ'$ .- ,-
• 80 0&·010,: .,

I~ T ,....
70 ,
•s 60


. Relative humidity("'<>)
20 mc.,n - G8
(}8(J() .\«..:if
;.:(JO .'«..:if - 66
0 10

Station Wind Distnbution • 0800 locaJ

~ December

March September
April October

The frequency of wind is given by scale: '-'_ ....... _by.

Wind llow Is 1owards 1he dtcte. The figure
0% 10 20 30 40 50%
\..._.,/ 1-.3, 4 $-6 7 .,i in 1he circle gives the percentage of calms.

Station Wllld Distribution • 1400 local


e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
1.1s1 WMO No 37018 TUAPSE
44°06'N 39°04'E. Height above MSL • 41 m Climate information for period 1984 · 2013

-20 '---''---1-----1---

5 ===.-,--,-.,.., 10

:;.I, °"'i'SP"f
03.,.S "·th ltlunelt'!r
·- ===..--,--,--,
7 <---+--->--+--~

3.S +--+--+--~--1

3 ;--1-:--t-~t-,-:1 8
I ....J

2 S +---+--<--+-~., s
2 +---+--! __ ,_.,..... .
1s'..-' ... l--l-~l-l._.
' 'I
3 --l--l-::_l---l
2 --e1o="'u"'o'",-,,.,·.-,

1 • A""°"'
M -t-Hr--''--l:IH .. 0900 'C<'d( mtl8(1 :- 5

o i........ii.-i.-.•----. 0
I o---- 150() 'C<'af m~ =5

300 .... L.--' . 25 .,..,.... 10 -===~--,.--, 100 ........... , ,~


M~ao p,t¢pr1a1,on l!l'IN'II
t367mon oer ...,..,.,
fJ.ean orecip,ta.t>OOaays
128OTJ'S JllMI

7 ... ~-+---+--+---!
d.1'.IS pet · N


& ~ ,- ,..,,,.
,· .....--

J /.l ------;--;·

• ,-- .... -+--+--!
100 3~------+---r 40
s ~ 2 -------<---< 30 -- neuuve humidity("<>)
50 Annu.;i+
20 .1Qc.;11 m~ - JI
0 10

$1ation Wind Oistnbution • 0900 loc-aJ


• Seplember
.... ),
The frequency of wind is given by scale: '-'_ ....... _by.
Wind llow Is 1owards 1he drcte. The figure
0% 10 20 30 40 50%
\..._.,/ 1-.3, 4 $-6 7 .,i in 1he circle gives the percentage of calms.

Station Wllld Distribution - 1500 local May November


~; ),/Jf·
e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
t.tss WMO No 37171 ADLER
43°26'N 39°54'E. Height above MSL • 13 m Climate information for period 1984 · 2013
50 •
Mean arnual maximum = 33~
l.~an m.a.ximum and minimum t.tean amual mirw'run -6°C =
40 t.?mi::...rotl.i!es ( C1 Period maximum = 39"C
Period m.nlmum = ·119C

·10 +----+----+----1-----1

-20 '---''---<-----I---

~-,.. ........ 1

Oars 1a.·11"' ~le:$

'·I 10
1 .. ,. . . .

9 Oa·,.s 11o th ~~r--,i...,. •
1 '---+--1---1----1
l~YN''fi>ot .i5 fl1'Y? ocr~r
• '. •
J ' '" I -
r- '_, 8
,_ ; 5
I 'I
J "l - ' . 3 ---+---1---1----1

.. 3 2 _-=,._.,... ... ,..,..,__

I \ -
I J -
C1oud caver (oktasj
o.s 0900 .10C.'I(r•!('Stl - 5

0 - '
0 Jll.BJI I
o---- 500 10<'.'lfr•!eo..11 -


300 ......
..... ....,..,,,-,-,-,
...__ ........., 10 .... ,,~==--r---,---, 100

·-~-""' ...- --
25 ........
Mean prcciptlal,on 1mm) L: l.6ean prec,p,n.ationo.;iy,.
• 90

250 _., 14~·1'1 0£>• ~3' • !> o 1mrn1 ~""1;,,1

20 13.!aqcfl'l',-r 80
·=, _ _,
200+---+-~-- 1 ---1-:..:....-i-=--i--1 10
8 '---!---!---!--~. :,,,-
. ..,,f--l s~-+--+--+---1
60 l~IY.l-1

•+--+-+--+--! '
100 -i.-HH-~~-lfl-- 3 '---+-->--+---I 40
2 __ ..., .... ---1--+---I 30 -- Ael.'ihve,c:ltly ("'<>)
50 Annu.;,1
20 m(;'..ln - /~
{)fJ()(} .\,C.;il
15()().\x.;ilm(;'.;ln -f8
0 10

Station Wind Olstrlb<Jllon - 0900 local

January Septembe<
February October


The lre,quency ot wi"ICI is given by k#t:

Wind 6ow Is towards the circte. The figure
0% 10 20 30 40 50% in the circle gives the percentage of calm&.

Station Wind Distribution ~ 1500 local



e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
1.169 WMO No 33983 KERCH'
45°24'N 36°25'E. Height above MSL • 49 m Climate information for period 1984 • 2013
50 ... __.
Mean annual maximum= 34°C
Mean annual minlll'K.lm 14-C =·
P•riocl maidmum • 46~c
Period l'IW'limum = •2l"C
30 t--.L..-7'"f;::,?.,.t---l

............ ......
_...._ ·20 ,_ __

_,___ -+ __ _,

8 ...__.,.........,.........._

7 ---+--+-----<
s ~M-+-1-1'-l
3 +---+---+--~-~ 6 +---+----t---,---1 5 t.=.;~~-JJ'-J
2.5-1---1---1-- .....
---1 s +---+----~- ...
2-1---1---1--"-- • ~-1--llrll-l--l
1.5 +--+-+----1 3-'---1--l~h~--I
2 i---=c,.1o"ud,...c~ov'"e","'<0<~t-1,as"1
t-lt--1---1--,- C800 .~atnte.t11 - s

0 ,.. ... .,.__.j....~iJLa,
JFMAMJJASONO .JFMAUJ JASONO o-------- 1d00,'o(:.:1(medn• S


300 =..~..=.~.~loT,~-~-~ 2S r.,..-,.:;;-;;;.i:;..-,-.-- 10 n;.:,.==rnr--r--.

Mean prec1p,1a:1on (mm) M~an erec C>itation days 9 Days'Nith fog
2':" &ri c,;,, t~t
90 t--t-+-.~
250 t---.'·9.'.-..,
?Cf ,.,,
8 .--,--.---,--
94 d.ty,, ;,era,=-·
..·--; 80 l-::--"lc-+--w:--.1
7 ~--+---+--+---<
200 +-----+--+--! 70 t- ...... ,t--"sct--J"t-f---t
·~- ....--+--+---<
40 1---1--+-+---t
2 30 Relative hum<lily ("\,)
10 0800~ !)'le.<1(1 = 76 ..
1.fOO IOcM tt'le.91'1 = 64

Station Wind Distribution - 0800 local

0 ~~"- ~ ~
~ \. March ~May July
January April .l Jt.w,e August

The lrequency of wind is given t,, scale:

Wind now Is towards the cirde. The figure
0% 10 20 30 40 ~ m'I lhe circte rjves the percentageof calms.

Station Wind Distribution - 1400 local

January September
~July November
February August October December

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)
1.110 WMO No 34730 ROSTOV-NA-DONU
47°16'N 39°49'E. Height above MSL • 75 m Climate information for period 2003 - 2013

so~------------ Mean annual maximum = 35"C

Mean annual minlll'KJm = ·20-C
P•tiod maidmum • 40°C
Period n'Wlimum = ·29~
30 t---f-,-F-_:;,,--..._.,'-t---l

Days ""M g.a,e-s.


0a'($ w:!h tnvndet

- 8 ...!!111!.J~
• -1--~ ...'-"'
... ~""'
... ;;;;.~~~ 8 11... i'
I 6 .,.
3.5 +---+---+----~ 7 ' f
3 +--+.:.~~='--'-'! 6
- I 5 '
2.5 +--+--+------! s
. J 4
I• ~

2+--+-+---'--- • ' 3
~ -
1.5 +--+-+----1 3
2 CSouCI cover (c)i(la$1
0.5 +--;--;----; 0900 .1(X',af~n = 5

0 +- ........ ~"--~---.
• 0


300 ~ ..~..=.~.~~~-~~
... 25 Ti'u~,.:;;;;;;,;;;,r--,--, 10 ~ ..~.. =.=,7.~--~-~
J,tean crececencn (mm)
603 mm pet ye.,,
Me1tn ~(',C:ip<l.1t.Qn~)'$
I> 01mm1
9 Days with fog
.u <Uri c~, toe..: 90+-+-f-~
8 ....- ....- ....--,-- P.....i-+--ttt--,l
I 80

7 -,O--+---+--+--<•
200 +-----+--+--, 70 +- ....... --+--.1-l'---<
_. __,__,.
so +--ft--t--lr---1
•~ ~~-+---+I ...
3 +Hfl--+---19-Hk 40 l--l--.::P,,alii~.
2 ~1-1--.-+--.tHI! 30 Rela~ive hum.dity 11\.)
20 0900 k>c-dl <:\t'l.'lr'l - 72
10 ..
ISOO!Oci) ,:1~n - 57

Station Wind Distnbution • 0900 local

April ~
May oetoeer
January June

The lrequency of wind i$ gi....,. boJ tcalt· ~ Beaub1 foroe is indicated by.:
Wind now Is towards 1he cirde. The figure
0% 10 20 30 40 50%
in lhe circle s;v,es the pe,centage of calms.
\..__/ 14 -4 s,.e 7 $>l?

Station Wind Distribution- 1500 local


January May
February June

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

•g g
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... g "'
g ~
e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)




Scope of chapter istanbul Bogazc

This chapter covers Mannara Denizi (Sea of istanbol (2.279) 41'00'·70N 29'00'·63E
Marmara). the stretch of water that links the Kavak (2.360) 41'10'·60N 29'04'·40E
Med~erranean to the Black Sea Marmara Denizi
includes izmit Korfezi (2.227) and the straits of s Pilots board as follows:
i;;anakkale Bogaz, (Dardanelles) (2. 10) and istanbul South entrance of i;;anakkale Bogaz, Pilots
Bogaz, (Bosporus) (2.330). embark 3 miles SW and disembark 2 miles
2 The chapter is divided into the following sections: WSW of Mehmet9ik Light (40'02'·64N
<;;anal<kale Bogaz, (2.10). 26'10''47E).
Central part of Mannara Denizi including Erdek North entrance of ~anakkale BogazL Pilots
Kortezl and lzmtt KMezl (2.80). embark 2..lh miles ENE and disembark
Port of Istanbul and approaches (2.274). 2·5 miles E of Gelibolu Light (40'24'·58N
Pllotage 6 izmlt Korfezl. Pilots embark 2 miles S and
2.2 disembark 1 mile S of Yelkenkaya Burnu Light
General remarks. Pilotage through <;;anal<kale (40'45'·37N 29'21'·24E).
Bogaz, and Istanbul Bogaz, is not compulsory except South entrance of istanbul BogazL Pilots
in the circumstances listed below. The constricted embark 5 miles S and disembark 5 miles SW
passages of <;;anakkale Bogaz, and Istanbul Bogaz~ of Ahirkap, Light (41'00'·38N 28'59'·13E).
however, which contain a high density of traffic, strong 7 North entrance of istanbul BogaZL Pilots
currents. and a multitude of shore lights, which tend to embark 3 miles NNE of <;;ali Light (41°12'•41 N
obscure aids to navigation and vessels with low 29'06'·34E) and disembark 3 miles NE of Fil
powered anchor lights. can make navigation Light (4t't2'·02N 29'07'·10E).
hazardous. In view of these navigational problems and An piot stations are equipped with VHF and listen
the increasing number of accidents with their on Channel 16.
consequent risks to life, property, and the environmenl. For deta~s see ADMIRALTY tist of Radio Signals
the Tul1<ish authorities most strongly advise the use of Volume 6(3).
a pilot and escort tog when transiting these
waterways. This advice particulMy applies to large Regulations for the passage of vessels
vessels, and for other vessels at nfQht in adverse through Marmara Oenizi
weather or low visibiJity. A recent estimate shows that
Montreux Convention
about 52% of ships take pilots in the straits. 2,3
2 Pilotage is compulsory for the following areas: The Montreux Convention, establishing the Regime
i;;anakkale (2.21). of the Straits, was signed at Montreux on 20 July
izmlt Korfezi (2.227). 1936. See Appendix 1.
Galata (2.322) and Hali9 (2.327).
Anchorages off Dolrnabahce Palace (2.346). Traff,e separation schemes
Tanker berths at yuboklu Lunan (2.351) and 2.4
Selvi Bumu (2.353) in Istanbul Bogaz,. Traffic regulations, including traffic separation
All ports in Marmara Denizi. schemes for the N approach lo Istanbul Bogaz\ S
3 Due to heavy demand for pilots, 24 hours prior approach to Istanbul Bogaz,, and the Sea of Marmara,
notice should be given. Vessels between 200 and <;;anakkaleBogaz, and the S approach to i;;anakkale
300 m and/or 15 m draught or over should give 48 hrs Bogaz1 are in force for passage through Marmara
notice; and vessels over 300 m and certain specialist Denizi. These schemes have been approved by IMO
types of vessels and cargoes, 72 hrs notice. and Rule 1 O of the International Regulallons for
Vessels transiting Mannara Denizi from the Blad< Preven6ng Collisions at Sea (1972) applies.
Sea to the Aegean should infonn the authorities
whether a pilot is required for istanbul Bogaz, only. or Vessel traffic service and reporting system
for istanbul Bo~az, and i;;anakkale ~az1. 2.5
For details see ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals The Turkish Straits Vessel Traffic Service. in
Volume 6(3). operation for the control of shipping, covers the area
• Pilot stations. The following pilot stations are
situated in the Turkish Straits:
of the Turkish Straits (yanakkale Bogaz, and istanbul
Bogaz1) and the Sea of Mannara.
TUBRAP is a reporting system which covers the
i;;anakkale Bogazi:
VTS area of the Turkish Straits and includes Sailing
Mehmet9ik (2.15) 40°02'·57N 26'11'·42E Plan 1, Sailing Plan 2. Position Report and Call Point
izmtt Korfezi: Report.
For details of the VTS and reporting system see
Darica (2.234) (all ports) 40'45'·24N 29'23'·35E ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 6(3).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

~avigation Regulations in c;anakkale Bogaz1 and 9 When a vessel needs to overtake a slower vessel
Istanbul Bogaz, in !root of her she must obtain permission from the
2.6 relevant VTS centre. The overtaking shall ff possible
The following rules are extracted from Maritime
Traffic Regulations in the Turkish Straits. However. It is
take place °" one course.
Overtaklng is prohibited between Kilitbahir Burnu
reported that from 1 September 2018, changes to the and Nara Bumu in <;:anakkale Bogazo (2.32), and the
classes of vessels required lo transit in daytighl have latitudes of Kanlica (4 I 006'·30N) and Vanikoy
been made. Additional requi.rements may also be (41°03'·80N) in istanbul Bogazo (2.341).
applicable tor current conditions with respect to 10 Transit by day. Certain classes of vessels must
pilotage and tugs as determined by the VTS centre. transit the straits during daylight as detailed below.
Contact the maritime authority for more information on For Istanbul Bogazi:
these revised requirements. All tankers and ships carrying dangerous goods
2 Definitions: (except RoRo and container vessels) with a
. Turkish Straits. Navigable waters of Strait of LOA of 200 m or more.
Istanbul, Strait of <,anakkale and the route from the Vessels under tow.
Sea of Marmara and the coastfine surrounding these Vessels (except tankers and those carrying
areas. dangerous goods) with a LOA over 250 m, or
3 Salling plan. Prior to entering the straits, deep-draught vessels.
designated reports must be made to the Istanbul and Vessels with additional rules imposed by the
<;:anakkale VTS centres at least 24 hours in adVance Straits VTS.
for ships carrying dangerous goods and those of 500 LNG vessels; must be escorted by tugs.
GRT or more. For ships 200 to 300 m or with a draft LPG vessels with a LOA of 150 m or more; must
over 15 m 48, hours notice is required. For vessels be esconed by tugs.
300 m or more, 72 hours notice is required. In the 11 For <;:anakkale Bogazi:
case of vessels of a container or passenger vessel of Tankers with an LOA of 200 m or more.
400 m or more, and all other vessels of 300 m or Vessels carrying IMDG Class 1 cargo (exoept
more, an application to the relevant port authority or RoRo and container vessels) with an LOA of
the Istanbul Harbour Masters Office (d passing both 200 m or more.
straits) must be made a minimum of 10 days before Deep-draught vessels.
the passage to obtain approval to make the passage. LNG vessels; must be escorted by tugs.
See 2.5. LPG vessels with a LOA of 150 m or more; must
Large vessel is over 200 m or more in length. be escorted by tugs.
Deep-draught vessel has a draught of 15 m or A vessel navigating under her own power at a low
more. speed must keep as tar to the starboard side of her
, Maximum speed. The speed for vessels in the own traffic lane as possible and permtt taster vessels
Straits is 10 kn over the ground. This speed may be to overtake her.
exceeded in order to maintain s1eerage way; the VTS 2.7
centre must be informed, and care taken to avoid Accidents and breakdowns. Vessels whose direct
collisions and creation of waves harmful to the
transit through the Straits has been interrupted due to
accidents, breakdowns or compulsory anchoring shall
s Safe vertical clearance. Vessels having a vertical
immediately infonn the VTS centre and request advice
clearance of 58 m or more are prohibited from
and instructions. Afier measures are taken by the
transtting istanbul Bogazo. Vessels having a vertical
relevant VTS centre tor the safety of the vessel and
clearance of between 54 and 58 m must submit an
area, the vessel shall take a pilot and carry out the
application 30 days in advance and may be required
action required for completion of the passage.
to have the assistance of a tug or tugs. as determiled
Vessels which have to leave the traffic separation
by the Port Authority, to ensure that they keep their
scheme to berth, moor to a buoy, anchor. turn back or
6 Vessels having a vertical dearance of between 66 due to breakdowns and other exceptional
circumstances must inform the VTS centre and any
and 70 m transtting <;:anakkale Bogaz, must submit
application 30 days in advance and may be required other vessels which may be in the vicinity.
to have the assistance of a tug or tugs. as determined 2 One-way traffic. A vessel that is not able to
by the Port Authority, to ensure that they keep their comply with the requirements of the traffic separation
course. scheme sh.all infonn the VTS centre well in advance.
1 Horizontal bridge pier clearance. Vessels must In such circumstance the Administration may
not overtake each other in vicinity of bridges, nor temporariy suspend the particular traffic separation
approach within 100 m of the piers. scheme, or sections of it, and infonn the vessels
Distance between vessels. Vessels passing sailing in the area and advise them which vessels
through the Straits shall maintain a diStance of at least cannot comply with the traffic separation scheme. The
8 cables between each other. Administration may also temporarily suspend two-way
e Helming light. If the bridge of a vessel is more traffic and regulate one-way traffic to maintain a safe
than 150 m from the bow, or is not suited to visually distance between vessets and during the passage of
observe the turning of the bow easily at night. a certain LNG and LPG vessels.
coloured light. visible from the bridge, shal be carried 3 Anchorageareas. When traffic in the Straits has to
to allow visual appreciation of the movement of the be temporarily suspended, vessels shall await he
bow when manoeuvring. opening of the Strait of istanbul to maritime traffic in
Overtaking. Vessels navigating in the Straits shaU the KJyos (Kumkoy) anchorage area on the Black Sea
not overtake vessels proceeding before them except side and in the Ahorkapo- Ye~ilk6y anchorage area in
due to necessity. the Sea of Marmara; the opening of the Strait of
If for any reason a vessel needs to reduce speed <,anakkale in the Gelibolu-$arkoy area in the Sea of
while navigating in the Straits she shaJI give immediate Marmara. and around Bozcaada (see Mediterranean
notice to the relevant VTS centre. Pilot Vol 4) in the Aegean Sea. and in the anchorages

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

situated in intepe (Karanhk) Liman within the Strait of s When the surface current in any area of c;anakkale
<;anakkale. Bogaz, and istanbul Bogazi exceeds 7 kn traffic is
• Crossing traffic. Inter-city ferries and other shuttle suspended in both directions until the currant speed
boats crossing between the two sides or istanbul drops below 7 kn.
Bogaz, and <;anakkale Bogaz, shall keep out of the Information on the strength and direction of the
way of vessels proceeding from N to S and trom S to currents w~I be p,ovided by the VTS centre to the
N in the traffic separation lanes, as much as possible vessels concerned.
by avoiding crossing snuancns. NeverUieless, if there 9 Visibility. Whenever visibil~ is 2 miles or less in
Is a risk of collision they shall take aM the necessary any part or the StrMs, vessels passing through the
precautions as required by the International StrMS must keep their radar lumed on constantly to
Regulallons for Preventing CoRisions at Sea (1972). provide a radar picture. On vessels with two radars,
Fishing and proceechng under sail or oars are one of them is to be assigned for the Pilot's use.
prohibited throughout the traffic separation scheme. When visibility in the Straits is 1 mile or less,
s Currents. When the surface current in any area of maritime traffic will be permitted in one direction only.
<;anakkale Bogaz, and istanbul Bogaz, is between 4 Vessels carrying dangerous cargoes, large and
and 6 kn, or the norUierfy surface currents are caused deep-draught vessels shan not enter the Straits.
by southerfy winds, vessels carrying dangerous When visibility in the Straits is less than 5 cables,
cargoes, large and deep-draught vessels with a the traffic flow in the Straits will be closed in both
manoeuvring speed of less than 10 kn are not to enter directions.
the Straits, but wait until current speeds are less than 10 When visibility in the Straits is suitable for
4 kn or norUierly currents
have stopped. Vessels with navigation. the arrangement and order of en1ering the
a manoeuvring speed of less than 1 O kn othet than Strafts will be determined and notified 10 waiting
those mentioned above may p,ooeed on passage vessels and persons concerned by the VTS centre.
during daylight hours only
with pilotage and the use of
tugs whose numbers and power will be determined by Quarantine regulations
the VTS centre. Vessels with a manoeuvring speed 2.8
over 1 O kn can pass the strarts. Health inspections as described in the Turkish
Q When the surface current in any area of <;anakkale Straits Navigation Guide are summarized as follows:
Bogaz, and istanbul Bogaz, Is between 6 and 7 kn or Health inspections in <;anakkale Bogaz, may be
when strong northerly currents are caused by carried out at the entrance from the Aegean Sea just
southerly winds, sea traffic will be in one direction only before the pilot embarkation position or at locations
until the current speed drops below 6 kn. Vessels with which will not affect navigational safety. These
a manoeuvring speed at least 12 kn may pass the locations are established by the VTS centres and
Straits in the direction that is open. announced to the vessels.
1 Vessels w~ a manoeuvring speed less than 12 kn Heatth inspections in istanbul Bogaz, may be
except vessels carrying dangerous cargo. large carried out just before pilot embarkation positions or at
vessels and deep-draughl vessels may proceed on locabons which win not affect navigational safety.
passage during daylight hours only with the use of These locations are established by the VTS centres
tugs whose numbers and power wiU be determined by and announced to the vessels.
the VTS centre.
Vessels carrying dangerous cargo. large vessels Conservation
and deep-draught vessels, whatever their speed, are 2.9
not to enter the StrMS but must wM until current The Turkish Authorities have designated areas
speeds are less than 6 kn. or the strong no,U,erly where diving and underwater activities are prohibited
currents have stopped. in order to preserve cultural and natural conditions.


GENERAL INFORMATION Natural conditions

Currents. See information on the chart and 2. 17,
2.34 and 2.52.
Topography 2.12
2.10 Wind and weather. Winds from N and NE are the
<;anakkale Boga21 (Dardanelles) leads NE from the most frequent. In July and August this N or NE wind,
Aegean. The NW shore of this strait is formed by the known as the meltem, blows with great persistence
SE side or Gelibolu Yar,madas, and its SE shore is during the day. In some years tt begins in late June
part ol Asiatic Turkey. and may continue unm September.
There is a marked difference in the conformation of
~ From October to March, winds blow lrom between
the two shores of the strait; its NW side is, for the SE and W and occur rather frequently in some years;
greater part, steep-to, but ifs SE side is fringed, lhese winds are often strong and squally and may
almost throughout its length, by a shallow bank which sometimes reach gale force. When strong they are
extends over 5 cables offshore in some places.
usualy accompanied by low cloud and rain, and when

The SE side is comparatively flal and -in

The NW side is, in general, high and broken with
steep ravines. The hills are mostly covered with scrub.
tt a wide
plain, which is watered by numerous springs and is
fertile and well cultivated, extends 30 miles SE.
ligh~ there may be log.
Navigation rules in c;anakkale B0Qaz1
See 2.6 and 2.7.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

C,ANAKKALE BOG.AZ!- SOUTI! WEST strength of over 'h kn up to a mile offshore, abreast
ENTRANCE TO NARA GEC,101 Kumbagi Bumu (40'04'·50N 26'21'·50E): an almost
constant eddy also occupies Saris,glar Liman (2.31).
General Information 4 Relatively minor eddies are found on the NW shore,
Route the widest being that which fills Anrt Koyu. Eddies are
2.14 also found in the bights immediately NE of Abide
From the SW entrance (40'01'·00N 26'10'-00E), Bumu and SW of Karanfil Burnu. A narrow eddy
which is 2 miles in width, the route leads 13 miles extends about 2'h miles SW from Kilitbahir (2.19)
ENE and then NE lo the S entrarwe of Nara G"9(tl about 1 'h cables offshore at ns widest.

Pllotage Directions
2.15 (continued from Mediterranean Pilot Vol 4}
See 2.2. Principal marks
Restricted areas 2.18
2.16 s Landmarks:
Anchoring and fishing are prohibited in the Mehme~ik Bumu Lighthouse (while stone lower
approaches to <;anakkale Bo§az~ due to presence of and dweling, 25 m in height) (40'02'·64N
unexploded ordnance. 26°10''47E), fitted with a radar reftector and
Anchoring, fishing, diving, and landing are may be identified by the white cliffs of
prohibited in an area al the SW entrance 10 Canakkale Mehmetyik Bumu.
Bogaz,. • Memorial (214 cables ENE of Mehmet9ik Burnu
2 Entry is prohibited inlo an area which lies off Light). This obelisk which stands on the
Kumkale Bumu (2.23). Additional areas include an highest point of the S end of the peninsula. is
area close inshore between Qanakkale (2.21) and the British War Memorial 10 those who fell
Nara Bumu (2.36), and off Umurt>ey iskelesi (2.45). during the Gallipoli campaign of 1915.
Anchoring is prohibited in lhe area al the S end of Memorial (40'03'·45N 26'12'·67E). This
Nara Ge~ldi. between Qanakkale (40'09'·24N monument, consisting of a white 8-sided
26'24'·13E} and Kilitbahir (2.19). tower. 22 m in height, is the French War
Currents 1 Memorial (40'03'·00N 26°13'·10E). This
2.17 monument, consisting of four square pillars
South west entrance. The WSW current occupies topped by a ftat stone roof. is the Tur1dsh War
the full width of the strart between Kumkale Bumu Memonal and is the most prominent object
(2.23) and Seddulbahir. The average rate is about visible from seaward when approaching
114 kn, but can reach about 3 kn, particularly on the c;:anakkale Bogaz1.
Asiatic (SE) side. ~ Tepesi (40'05'·91N 26'15'·31E). which llrst
2 Kumkale Burnu to Nara Ge~ldi. Apart from the appears as an isolated conical peak.
vicinity of Kepez Bumu (2.31), where the current ms s Monument (40•07•.94N 26'21 '·27E), which is
the width of the strait, the main current lies nearer to smaU but conspicuous.
the NW side, flowing at a rate of between 2 and Qanakkale Kalesi (40'08'·78N 26'23'·96E}. A
31/i kn. The higher rate is usually found in the very large quadrangular stone fort with a
approaches to Nara Ge~idi and the lower rate central keep that is floodltt at night.
between Abide Burnu (2.19) and Karanfil Bumu (2.19). 9 Major lights:
3 Eddies. A large eddy system stretches along the Mehme19ik Bumu Light - as above.
SE shore from Kumkale Bumu to the N entrance of Kumkale Burnu Light (white metal tower, 6 m In
Kepez Koyu (2.30). This counter-current has a heighQ (40'00',49N 26'11'·91E}.

NavigaVOIJ COl'llrol

c;:anakkale Bo9az1 - Mehme~ Bumu Light and British War Memorial from SE (2.18)
o,;;,n,- 2006

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

c;:anakkale Bogaz, - TurkishWar Memorialfrom s (2.18)

(kigin,11- 2lllllS
Photog,ap/1 • Ll Col O'Donnol,MV MinfNvaII

<,anakkale Bogaz, - MonumentSW of Kilitbahirfrom SE (2.18)

Ongnal da!ed 2003
Photograph - A McDonald, MVDoulos

Kitilbahir Light (whfte metal framework tower, 4 m 2 N of Kumkale Burnu Light (2.18), which stands
in height) {4o·os··64N 26'22'·86E). on the W battery of a fort situated on this low
salient point There is a signal station on the
headland. A conspicuous tower stands on the
c;:anakkale8ogaz1 to the S end of Nara Ge~ldi point close SE of the light structure. Thence:
2.19 S of Abide Bumu (40.00'•00N 26'13'·10E), a bold
From the vicinity of 40'01'·00N 26'10'-00E the steep white point The ruins of a battery and a
NE-bound lane of the traffic separation scheme leads cemetery with the Turkish War Memorial (2.18)
for about 13 miles through c;:anakkale Bogaz, to the S stand on this headland. Thence:
end of Nara Ge9idi, passing: 3 SE of Karanfil Bumu Light (white concrete tower,
S of Mehmet9ik Bumu {40'02'·64N 26'10'·47E), 13 m in height) {40'06'·37N 26'19'·69E).
the middle of three steep whfte points at the thence:
SW end of Gelibolu Yanmadas, A ight (2.18) NW of Kanlidere Bumu Light {white metal tower
and signal station stand on the headland+ and dwelling, 10 m in height) (40'05'·63N
Thence: 2s•21'·78E) Kepez Bank extends up to

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

c;:anakkale Bogaz, - Kiitbahir light & Forts (ruins) (2.19)

Orignalda!ed 2003
Photograph - A McDonald, MV Doubs

W of yimenlik Kalesi Light (white metal tower

14 m in height) (40°08'·83N 26°23'·89E). The
light stands on the NW extremity of the fort.
s Caution. When closely skirting Kanhdere Bumu to
avoid the strength of the current, caution is necessary
as Kepez Bank is steep-to and vessels have
frequently stranded there.
Useful marks:
Radar tower (39'59'·40N 26'10'·77E).
Radar tower (40'05'·22N 26'22'·20E).
(Directions continue for the
central part of <;anakJ<ale Bogaz, at 2.35)

General information
Position and function. c;:anakkale (40°09'· 1 SN
26'24'·10E) is situated at the S end of Nara Ge9idi on
a promonto,y that extends from the Asiatic shore. The
city is divided into two parts by San <;:ay, (40'oa··63N
2 Canakkale is a small commercial port handling
domestic general cargoes, passenger vessels and
cross stratt fenies. Port facilities are sttuated on the N
side of the town, and at Kepez (2.24) 10 the S. It is a
port of entry.
3 Topography. The town stands on the banks of San
<;ay1, a river which in the winter carries a lot of sand
and mud and gives a yetlowish colour to the strait
Behind the town the land forms a plain, but, about
3 miles inland, mountains on each side of the river rise
Kanlidere Bumu Ughthouse (2.19)
o_,,.,.,120,s to heights of about 460 m.
Port Authority. <;:anakkale Uman i~lelmesi San. ve
Toe. A.$., Cumhuriyet Mah, Sahil Yolu Kepez, 17110
3 cables onshore close S of the headland. 2.22
Thence: Climate lnfonnallon. See 1.151 and 1.153.
W of a light beacon fN cardinal) (40°08··14N
26°23'·83E) (2.31), thence: Anival information
4 E of Kilitbahir Light {40°08'-64N 26°22'·86E) 2.23
(2.18) which is situated on the E angle of , Outer anchorage. Large vessels should anchor in
NamazgAh fort, 2 cables S of Kllilbahir Kalesi intepe Uman (2.29). Alternatively, vessels refuelling or
(2.35). Harman KayasL a rock over which the awaiting berth in <;:anakkale may anchor at anchorage
exact depth is unknown, lies on the edge of a No 2 (39'52'·10N 26°07'·66E) or No 3 (39'53'·68N
bank 2 cables SW. Thence: 26°08'-64E), which are located about 8 miles SSW of

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

<;;anakkalePort from SSW (2.21)

Photograph - Myamya

Kumkale Bumu (40°CXJ'·50N 26°12'-00E). See also 3 Port of c;anakkale (40°06'·34N 26'22'·69E). located
Medllerranean Pilot Vol4. at Kepez (2.24), includes berths each side of a central
2 Pilotage is compulsory for atl foreign vessels. Pilots jetty, 1 % cables in length, 24 m wide. A RoRo ramp is
board off Mehmet9ik Bumu or in bad wealher off located on each side of lhe jetty at its root. Alongside
Kepez Koyu or Gelibolu as appropriate. See 2.2. depths are reported (2016) to be 8·4 m at the RoRo
Tugs are available and their use is eompuJsory for ramps to 24·0 m at the head of the jetty. A light is
vessels over 1500 gt. Ship*s lines are used. exhibited from the head of the jetty, and a light buoy
(ISOiated danger) lies ¥. cable W.
2.24 Port services
General layout. The port exists in two parts. The N
part includes a small pier. feny terminal, and fishing Repairs. MJnor repairs.
and yacht harbours. The mai.n feature is Seton Sehir Other facilities: SSCC, SSCEC issued; hospitals.
iskelesi (2.25), an L-shaped general purpose pier. A Supplies: fuel oil by barge or road tanker; fresh
quayed area for small craft. protected by a short water. provisions.
breakwater, lies S of the pier. The facility also includes
RoRo berths for ferries. A fishing shetter and yacht Anchorages and harbours
harbour are situated E of the ferry terminal Lights are
Anrt Koyu
exhibrted from the heads of the piers, and from the
2 The S part. located at Kepez (40'06'·34N Description. Anrt Koyu is entered between Kale
Bumu (40°02'·47N 26°11 '·30E) and Abide Burnu
26'22'·69E), is situated 3'11 cables E of Kepez Bumu
11',miles ENE (2.19). A large part of the bay is
(2.31) and provides facilities for containers.
encumbered by a bank with depths of less than 5 m.
RoRo/passenger, cruise vessels, general and bulk
which extends up to S•h cables offshore on the W side
of the bay.
Useful mark:
2.25 2 Amt Light (40°02'·59N 26'12'·06E) (white metal
tower, 5 m in height). fitted with a radar
Anchorage and moorings. Vessels of less lhan
reflector, stands near the SE edge of the bank.
100 gt may anchor in the inner hart>our. There are
Berth. A mooring buoy is moored at the head of
three moorings about 4 cables N of Seton Sehir
the bay.
Anchorage for small vessels in the NE corner of
Belon Sehir iskclcsi (40°09'·06N 26°24'-04E) is an
the bay in depths of 2 to 5 m, mud.
L-shaped pier, 90 m long on the outer face, with a
maximum breadth of 20 m; depths on lhe OIIISide of
the pier are 8·4 m with 7·8 m at the head. Seddiilbahir
2 A pier, 'h cable E of Seton Sehir iskelesi. extends 2.28
60 m N from the quayed shore. with RoRo ramps on Description. A small protected basin (40°02'·51 N
each side for ferries. 26°11"-40E), which is used by pilots, lies close NE of

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

QanakkalePort from N (2.21)

Orig#lal d3:!!Jd 2011
Photograph - Webturkey - Creativ9 Commons: • 0 ln:.«nalional

Kale Bumu. Lights (metal columns) mark the entrance Anchorage is obtainable 6~ cables S ol Kanhdere
and other lights (concrete towers and columns. 4 m in Bumu Light (2.19) within the 10 m depth contour.
height) mark a rocky patch o/, cable ESE.
Local knowledge is required to enter the basW'l. SarisiQlar Limaru
intepe Uman Topography. Sarisiglar Liman, is entered between
2.29 Kepez Bumu (40'06'·25N 26°22'·26E) and San Qay,
Description. lntepe (Karanhk) Liman (40.01 '-46N (2.21) 2~ miles NNE.
26°19'·15E), lies 5 miles ENE of Kumkale Bumu. The shores of lhe bay are fringed by a sand and
Berth. A mooring buoy is moored 4 cables from lhe mud bank. whi<:h, with depths of 5 m. extends up to
coast, between the village of intepe and the 5 cables offshore in the S part of the bay and
anchorage area. becomes narrower in the N part, where its edge is
2 Anchorage may be obtained in depths of 20 to marked by a light beacon ~ cardinal) abreast
68 m. Dangerous underwater rocks, a wreck with a Hamidiye Fort.
depth of 23 m and two mooring buoys are moored in 2 Anchorage may be oblained in the middle of the
the SW area of the anchorage. A submarine power bay in depths of 24 m and closer inshore in depths of
cable passes close to the N boundary ol the area about 9 m. Vessels carrying dangerous cargoes may
Caution. This bight does not provide safe anchor in this bay with the permission of the harbour
anchorage during strong N winds. but winds are often authorities.
lighter here than the opposite side of the channel. Restricted areas. Two restricted areas. each
containing a floating platform for the production of
Kepez Koyu energy, fie close NW and WSW of Kepez Bumu. The
2.30 operational areas are marked by light buoys.
Description. Kepez Koyu (40°05'-09N 2s•21··11E) Caution. A wreck, with a depth of 7·6 m, lies
is enlered immediately S ol Kanhdere Bumu (2.19). 11h miles NE of Kepez Bumu.

e-NP24 - NMs - TRAMMO PARIS {IMO No.lM09792515)

Paragraph 2.29 2 line(s) 1-5 Replace by:

2. Anchorage. Emergency anchorage (40°01' ·42N 26°17' · 52E) may be obtained for all types of
vessels in an emergency. and for military vessels at any time, in depths of 25 to 68 m. Dangerous
underwater rocks (40°00'·76N 26°16'·46E) and two mooring buoys lie in the SW area of the
anchorage. A submarine power cable passes close to the N boundary of the area.

Turkish Notice 46/218/19 [NP24-No 10-Wk 51/19)


Paragraph 2.29 2 line(s) 1-5 Replace by:

2. Anchorage. Emergency anchorage (40°01' ·42N 26°17' · 52E) may be obtained for all types of
vessels in an emergency, and for military vessels at any time. in depths of 25 to 68 m. Dangerous
underwater rocks (40°00'·76N 26°16'·46E) and two mooring buoys lie in the SW area of the
anchorage. A submarine power cable passes close to the N boundary of the area.

Turkish Notice 46/218/19 [NP24-No 10-Wk 51/19)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


From a position between Kilitbahir Light and
General information <;;i:nen5k Kalesi Light (2.19) at the S entrance of Nara
Route G~i. the N-bound lane of the traffic separation
2.32 scheme leads for about 3 miles to the N part of the
The route through the central pan of <;:anakl<ale Narrows, passing:
Bogaz, leads N for 4 miles through Nara G~i. then E of Kllilbahir Kalesi (40°08'·85N 26°2.2'·79E)
NE for 18 miles lo Gelibolu G~idi. (2.35), thence:
2 E or Degirrnen Bumu (40'09'•41 N 2s•22··63E), a
Pilotage and traffic regulations small but prominent earthwork which stands
2.33 dose to the water's edge. Thence:
See 2.2 and 2.6 respectively. W of Mecidiye Tabya Burnu (40'09'·80N
Entry is prohibfted into an area close inshore 26°24'·20E). A fort stands on the point.
between <;::anakkale and Nara Burnu. Thence:
3 w of K6selabya mole (40'10'·60N 2s•24•,10E). A
Currents ruined stone fort stands within the root of the
2.34 mole. Thence:
Nara Ge~ldi. Al the S entrance to Nara G~i E of Eceabat (40"11'-0SN 26"21'·74E) (2.42),
between 9anal<kale and Kllftbahir. the current fills the thence:
width of the strait, where ii runs less strongly in the , w of Nara Bumu Light (40'1t'·78N 26'24'·01E)
middle than the sides. Off c;;anakkalethe current has (white metal lower on concrete base, 9 m in
reached a rate of 5 kn. heighQ s!anding on the bank ott Nara Bumu, a
2 At the N entrance to Nara Geyidi, off Nara Bumu tong low sandy point which is dislinguished by
(2.36). the current sets WSW across the bank. It Nagra Kalesi, a large square fort. A light buoy
occupies the width of the strait to begin with but r,,t cardinaQ, 3 cables W of the light, marks a
misses Poyraz Koyu (2.43) where it leaves a small IO m shoal near the extremity of the bank
eddy. On striking the W shore near Eceabat (2.42) ii is which extends from the point. The bank
deflected SSW towards <;:anakkale, leaving three appears to exlend farther W, but this
eddies along the E shore, the N in Nagra Liman, appearance is due to discolouration. See 2.34.
(2.41) and the S in Dardan Limam s Thence the track leads ENE for about 1 'h miles
3 Nara Bumu to Uzun Burun. Between Nara Bumu through the N entrance of Nara Ge~idi, passing:
and Uzun Burun 6 miles NE. the main current has a SE of Poyraz Bumu Light {white concrete tower.
rate of about 1 'h kn. Along the SE shore an eddy. 6m in height) (40°12'·17N 26"22'·59E).
which extends 1 mile offshore, hes in the bight NE of
Useful mark
Kayaustii (2.44) resulting in a counter-current 3 to Radar masl (40•12··38N 26'22'·25E).
5 cables off the mouth of Yapildal< Deresi, which can
occasionally exceed 'h kn. CENTRAL TO NORTH-EAST PART OF
Along the NW shore there is a small eddy in Akba; 9ANAKKALE BOGAZI
Lirnam. Directions
4 Uzun Burun to Dalyan Bumu. Between Uzun
Burun and Dalyan Burnu 10 miles NE (2.37), the 2.37
current, which sets at about 1 % kn, usualty keeps
From the N entrance lo Nara G~idi the NE-bound
close along the NW shore, filling the bight NE of Uzun
lane of the traffic separation scheme leads 31h miles
Bu run.
ENE, then NE for about t 3'h miles to the SW end of
s Along the SE shore a large eddy system occupies
Gefibolu Ge~idi, passing:
lhe bighl SW of Gocuk Bumu, lhe counler-current
SSE of Akba~ Burnu Light (white metal tower.
being considerable off Kunduzkaya Burnu and 5 m in height) (40°13'·23N 26'25'·43E) which
weakening towards Gocuk Burnu. A weak and stands at the water's edge al the fool of
irregular eddy may also be found in Lapseki Liman, Akba; Bumu, a steep, bluff poinl A waler
(2.47). tower (40'13•.90N 26'26'·14E) stands 9 cables
Along the NW shore the only eddy of note is that NNE on the N side of Akbas
which fills Cumali Liman (2.46).
Liman1(40'13'·63N 26'25'·84E). Thence:
2 NNW of Kayaustii Bumu (low. white and rocky
(continued from 2.20) poinQ (40'tr·90N 26'27'·30E). Dalyan Bank,
with depths of less than 5 m and which is
Principal marks composed of oyster shells, extends up to
2.35 5 cables offshore in the vicinity of this point.
Landmarks: Thence:
Maltepe (40"13'·45N 26"21'·04E). A conical hil • NNW of Kabageven Burnu (40'12'·14N
with the appearance of a large tumulus, NE of 26'28''40E). a low point formed of white rock.
Nara Gecidi. The coast in this vicinity is low and. in places.
Kililbahir Kalesi (40"08'·85N 2s•22'·79E). a stone swampy in winter. Thence:
fortress with a tall central keep standing on SE of Uzun Buron Light (white melal tower; IO m
sloping ground, which rises direci!y from the in height) (40"t6··04N 26°29'·49E) standing on
strait. a very row point, which is fringed by a narrow
2 Bakacak Tepesi (40•15•-42N 26"2T·49E) which bank with depths of less than 5 m. Thence:
from most dire<:tions appears as a distinctive , NW of Kunduzkaya Burnu (40'15'·20N
cone. 26'33.-00E), a headland of white rock, 21 m
Major lights: high. the only rocky point in the vicinity.
Gelibolu Light (40'24'·58N 26°40'·90E) (2.53). thence:

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

NW of Gocuk Burnu Light (whtte concrete tower. Eceabat

10 m in height) (40'16'·72N 26'34'·31E). which 2.42
stands on a low. flat, rounded headland, Description. Eceabat (40'11 '·04N 26'21 '·72E)
thence: fishilg harbour and ferry terminal consists of an
s SE of Karakova Bumu Light (metal tower, 10 m angled N breakwater which protects a pile pier. It is
in height) (40'19'·20N 26'35'·23E} standing the European terminal for the ferry service with
close to the water's edge close NE of c;anakkate.
Karakova Burnu. a low sancfy poinL Thence: 2 Ber1hs. Ferries berth both sides of the pier. Farther
6 SE of Kanarya Bumu Light (white melal tower, in, the harbour is shallow and encumbered with
4 m in height) (40°21 '·44N 26'37'·67E) underwater debris. The harbour is uncomfortable with
standing on a sman island which fies about prevaiing winds which set up a surge inside.
90 m offshore, close S of Kanarya Burnu, a 3 Lights (white metal towers, 6 m in height) are
low poinl Within this point lies a plain at the exhibited from near the head of the breakwater and
entrance to two valleys between which stands the pier.
Akyar Tepesl, wtth white and yellow chaD< Anchorage is obtainable about 2 cables offshore in
cliffs. Thence: depths of 31 m. however, this anchorage is not
W of Dalyan Burnu (40°21'·90N 26'41'·SOE), recommended as currents in the vicinity are variable.
which forms lhe W extremfy of a low plain
Poyraz Koyu
extending from the foot of the hiUs inland.
2.38 Description
. Poyraz Koyu is entered between 4
Useful marks:
and 9 cables NE of the N end of Eceabat. The bare
A prominent mosque and minaret standing in
slopes of Kakma Dag, (130 m high) and Poyraz Tepesi
Lapseki (2.47).
(143 m high) rise steeply from the SW and NE shores,
Radar tower (40°16'·67N 26'34··34E).
respectively. of the bighL There are a number of
(Directions continue for Gel1bolu Ge?Ji and the
ruined jetties at the head of the bighl
NE approaches to c;;anakkale Bogaz, at 2.53) Caution. Several marine farms are located on both
shores and in the centre of the bay, restricting access
to the anchorage.
Anchorages and harbours
Kayaiistii Bumu to Kunduzkaya Bumu
Kilttbahir 2.44
2.39 Anchorage is obtainable, sheltered from S winds, off
A mole with an elbow forms a smal harbour the coast between KayaustO Burnu (40°11'·90N
(40°09'·10N 26'22'·70E). There is a boat camber. with 26'27'·30E) (2.37) and Kunduzkaya Burnu (5'11 miles
depths of about 1 ·5 m, near the castle. NE) (2.37) clear of a submarine cable which lands at
Kayaiistu Bumu and a wreck 2 miles ENE of the same
2.40 Sa1t1k Liman,
A small harbour is formed by an angled mole which 2.45
extends 165 m N from the point near the fo,tress at Description. Salt1k Liman, is entered between
Kosetabya (40'10'·50N 26'24'·20E). Two dolphins, Kundu2kaya Burnu (40'15'·20N 25•33•,ooE) and a low
from which lights are exhibited. stand about SO m N sandy point 7 cables NNE. Umurbey lskelesi is
and S of the head of lhe mote. Entry is prohibited situated at lhe head of lhe bight.
(2.33). 2 Pier. An angled pier with a depth of 6·0 m at its
outer end extends from the N shore of the bight,
about 1¥, cables S of the NE entrance poinL A light Is
Nagra Llman, exhibited at the pierhead. Entry into the area
surround1ng the pier and adjacent waters is prohibited
Description. Nagra Liman, (40'11'-52N 26'24'·20E)
without the permission of the naval authorities. Two
is entered between Kosetabya (2.40) and Nara Bumu,
buoys are moored o/+ cable NNW of the head of the
about 1 mile N. On lhe shore of lhe bay, a short
distance E of Nara Burnu, is a large yellow building
3 Anchorage is obtainable. A good berth is in depths
and about 5 cables SE of the same point is an old of 25 m, mud, with Gocuk Bumu Light just open NNW
redoubt, which can be seen from lhe bay, and is a of the tow sancfy NE entrance poinL
good mark. Caution. Vessels should be careful not to proceed
NaQra Liman1 lies within a prohibited area.
too far into Salt1k Liman, as depths of less than 5 m
2 Currents .. The whole of Na§ra lunan1 ties with11 the
extend up to 2\1, cables from its head and then
N-going counter-current. The main current sets
inc<ease abruptly to 13 m.
strongly WSW over the outer end of the bank off Nara
Bumu. Cumah Liman,
Anchorage and moorings. Good anchorage can 2.46
be obtained in depths of 18 to 29 m, between 2 and DescrtpUon. Cumal1 Liman1 is entered close S of
4 cables offshore. The best berth Is about 7\1, cables S Katakova Bumu (40'19'·20N 26'35.·23E) (2.37). The
of Nara Bumu. W side of the bay is moderately high, but its N and E
Berths. There are a number of piers in the N part sides are low. A bank with depths of less lhan 5 m
of the bay. Two of these piers have depths of about extends 2 cables from the head of lhe bay.
5 m off their outer ends. Enuy to the shore area and Shipyard. A small shipyard. wtth a jetty 1 cable in
to within 1 cable of the main pier is prohibited. length extending SSE. is situated in the bay.
Caution. A 10·7 m wreck (40°11'·24N 26'24.·04E) 2 Anchorage. Good anchorage, protected from NE
lies near the centre of the bay. A second wreck lies winds, can be obtained in Jhe middle of the bay in
1* cables E. depths of 13 to 16 m, 3 cables offshore.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Lapseki Liman, The eddy which occupies Gelibolu Limam is most

2.47 extensive on the NW shore of c;:anakkale Bogaz,
Description. Lapseki Liman, is entered dose S of There is a smaller eddy in Bag~e~me Liman, (2.58),
Dalyan Burnu (40°21'·90N 26°41'·50E) (2.37). The NE of the town, and in Cardak Liman, (40°22'·83N
town of Lapseki stands on slighUy rising ground on the 26°42'·32E), on the SE shore 2'h miles SSE of the
S shore of the bay and is the Asiatic terminal of the town.
ferry service to Gelibolu. 2 t;:ankaya Bumu to Ho~koy Burnu. The current
2 A jetty used by the ferry extends from the S shore along the coast between <;ankaya Bumu (40°25'·20N
of Lapsekl Llman,. A fishing hartour, protected by 26°41'·96E) and Ho~koy Burnu 34 miles ENE sets
outer and inner breakwaters with lights al their heads, predominantly between SW and W at \I, to 1 kn,
is situated close ENE of the ferry terminal The occasionalty reaching a strength or 11/4 kn. It may
entrance, which faces ENE, and a channel to the sometimes, especially W of Eriklice Burnu (2.56), set
quayed shore, has depths of about 3 m; the rest of towards the coast.
the harbour is shallow. Care is needed when
approaching the harbour entrance from W to NW due Directions
to shallows. (continued from 2.38)
3 Lights (white concrete towers, 6 m in height) are
exhibited at the entrance to the fishing harbour, Principal marks
4 cables NE of the jetty. 2.53
Anchorage. Good anchorage, sheltered from NE Landmarks:
winds, is obtainable, but caution is necessary as a White radar tower (40'24'·14N 26'46'·25E) on a
bank with depths of less than 5 m fronts the tlead of hiH behind cliffs.
the bay and extends as much as 3 cables from E and Radio mast (black and white framework)
S shores. The NE shore is steep-to; a r.ght buoy ~ (40°28'-08N 26°42'·86E) which stands 5 cables
cardinaf) is moored 1 lh cables W of Datyan inland on a hill.
• The best berth is in depths of 34 m about 6 cables Ooluca Tepesi {40'41'·26N 27°10'·61E), a peak
SSW of Dalyan Bumu. In this position there is slad< 689 m high which has a remarkable shape
water and good protection from the swel coming from and is comparatively Isolated. A tower stands
Marmara Denizi. on its summit.
2 Karaburun (40'28'·50N 27°17'·20E). This
headland is very prominent
Major lights;
NORTH-EAST APPROACHESTO C,ANAKKALE Gelibolu Light (white stone tower and dwelling,
BOMZJ - INCLUDING GELiBOLU GEC,iDi 9 m in height) (40'24'·58N 26'40'·90E).
Ince Bumu Light (40°33'·38N 26°59'·75E) (2.56).
Ho¥iiY Light (40°42'·23N 27°18'·35E) (2.89).
General information

Gelibolu Ge~idi
Route 2.54
2.48 From a position W of Dalyan Bumu (40°21 '·90N
The route through the NE approaches to Canakl<ale 26°4 t '·SOE) the NE-bound lane of the TSS leads
Bogaz, leads from the S end of Getibolu GeQidi through Gefibolu G~di for about 6 miles, passing:
(40'23'·00N 26'40'·00E) to the vicinity of 40°36'-00N 2 NW of <;ardak Bank, (40'23'·54N 26'42'47E), a
27°17'·00E, 30 miles ENE. shoal with depths of between 6·9 and 8·5 m,
which is steep-to and extends 4 cables NNW
and 7 cables NE of c;:ardak Bumu Light (white
Regulations concrete tower. 11 m in height). A 6·9 m depth
2.49 on this bank lies 5 cables N of the light. and a
Anchoring and fishing are prohibited in the E part light beacon ~ cardinal. 5 m In height) Is
of Gelibolu Ge~di. situated 4 cables N of the light. Thence;
Landing is prohibited between the mouth of Koyun 3 SE of Gelibolu Light (40°24'·58N 26°40'·90E)
Deresi (40°28'·60N 26°44'·60E) and the mouth of (2.53), which stands on the E side of the
Egrek (Sazh) Deresi, 12 miles ENE. promontory on which the town of Gelibolu
(2.58) is built The shore of this promontory is
rocky. Thence;
Fish weirs
SE of c;:ankaya Burnu (40°25'·20N 26'41'·96E). a
rocky point about 25 m high, which forms the
Coastal traffic should keep a good lookout between
NE entrance point to Ba§t,e.§me umam. Foul
$arkoy (40°37'·00N 27°07'·00E) and Ho~koy 11 miles
ground, over which the sea is usually
NE, due to the presence of numerous fish weirs.
discoloured, extends about 1 cable S from
c;:ankaya Bumu. A signal station stands on the
Pllotage and traffic regulations point Thence:
2.51 • NW of Zincirt>ozan Light (tower on concrete base,
See 2.2 and 2.6. 11 m in height) (40°25'·23N 26°45'·22E)
marking the N edge of Zincirbozan Bank,, a
shoal with depths of less than 9 m, which
Currents extends abou1 11 cables offshore. Near its N
2.52 edge there are several patches with depths of
Gelibolu Ge~ldi. The current through Geibolu between 5·5 and 7·3 m, outside which depths
Ge~idi normally runs at a rate of between 1 and increase rapidly from 9 m to between 27 and
1 % kn and is strongest in mid-channel. 46 m. Its NW edge IS steeple.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

<;:anakkale Bogazo- Gefibolu Light. Con1101 Station & <;:ankaya Bumu SS (2.54)
CJnginal d>led2003

2.55 2.57
Useful marks: Useful marks:
Domed mosque (40°22'·51 N 26°42'·98E) in A mosque (40.25'· 13N 27°03'·97E) with minaret
Cardak. on the beach at Kemer.
(Directions continue for the central route through
North east approaches to Gelibolu Ge9idi Marmara Oenizl at 2.89,
2.56 for Marmara Gefkji and approaches at 2. 122.
From a position NW of Zincirbozan Light (2.54), the for crdek Korfezial 2.98.
ENE bound lane of the TSS leads for 25 miles through and for the coastal waters in the NW part of
the NE approaches to Gelibotu G~di, passing: Marmara Denizi at 2.182)
NNW of Eskifener Tepesi (40'24'·14N
26°46'·25E); a radar tower (2.53) s!ands on
the hill above a cliff forming its seaward 1ace.
Thence: General Information
2 SSE of Doganarslan Banko (40'29'·82N 2.58
26°51 '·43E), marked by a light beacon (S Position and function . The town of Gelibolu
cardinaQ. This shoal consists of sand and rod< (40.24'·25N 26'40'·21E) stands on a promontory and
and has a least charted depth of 4 m. The extends along the shores of Gelibolu Liman, and
shoal extends 1 mile from the coast and in Baii9e~me Liman, two bays which lie S and N,
1966 a rock with a depth of 1 ·8 m was respectively, of this promontory.
reported near the outer edge of the bank, z Gelibolu is the largest town on the European shore
6'h cables SSE of Doganarslan Bumu. This of c;anakkale Bo9az1 and is the seat of local
headland consists of yellow sloping cliffs, 29 m government. It has a small port and is the European
high, and can only be distinguished as a point terminal for the feny service wrth Lapseki (2.4 7).
from close inshore. Thence:
3 NNW of Kavakh Burnu (40°24'·20N 26'54'·70E) Anchorages
(2.75), a point 21 m high. Bozburun Banko, 2.59
with 5 m depths, fies about t mile WNW of Gelibolu Liman,. The shores of the bay consist for
Kavakh Bumu and up to 6 cables offshore. the most part of yellow cliffs about 24 m high, with
Thence: smal ravines within them and cuttivated slopes further
NNW of Bodrum Burnu (40'25'-68N 27'03'-69E), inland. The SW part of lhe bay is fringed by a rocky
a white rocky poinl 25 m high, forming the N flat. nearly awash in places, which extends as much
entrance point to Kerner Lirnaru (2.76). as 3 cables offshore. This bay is well protected from
Thence: al winds except those between S and E and these
, SSE of ince Burnu Lighl (while concrete tower. winds raise little sea.
1 m in height) (40'33'·38N 2s•59·.75EJ Which A stranded wreck lies 9'h cables WSW of lhe port
stands on Ince Burnu, a cliff-like point. 20 m 2 Small vessels may anchor near the town observing
high. A bank with depths of less than 9 m that the shorebank extends about 1 '/2 cables from the
extends 5 cables S from the poinl Thence: N shore of the bay.
NNW of Aksaz Burnu (40.27'·09N 27°09'·30E). a The swell from Marmara Oenizi sets around the S
bold and cliff-like headland. i9da~ port and extremity of the promontory at times.
Aksaz fishing harbour, lie Vi mile W and 1 mile 3 Bag~e,me Liman, The W shore of the bay
SE from the point respectively. Thence: consists of a sandy beach about 4 cables long with
s SSE of Eriklice Bumu (40°37'·68N 27'10'·70E), a rocky points at either end.
low and sandy point. A coastal bank with Anchorage is obtainable in depths of about 24 m,
depths of less than 6 m extends about 211, cables offshore with Gelibolu Light bearing 220•.
2 cables from the point and a 1 ·8 m patch fies This berth gives no protection from NE winds and a
close within the edge of the bank 3 cables E considerable swell may set in. The holding ground is
of the town of Eriklice. Thence: not as good as Gelibolu Liman,.
6 NNW of Karaburun Light (while metal tower, 7 m
in height) (40°28'·48N 27°17'·12E) which Pllotage
stands on Karaburun (2.53). a headland clear 2.60
of dangers except for a few above-water The pilot boarding position is 3'h cables SSW of the
rocks extending about 'I, cable NE. port

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Port layout and berths Limiting conditions

2.61 2.64
An L-shape<l pier extends about 75m Sand 1som Controlling depth. Depth in the entrance 33 m.
W from the N shore of Gelibolu Liman1, from a
Arrival information
pos_nion 21/2 cables WNW of the S extremity of
Gehbolu promontory. A light is exhibited from the head
, Anchorages. Two anchorage areas lie 1 'h miles N
of the pier.
of the head of the breakwater in 60 lo 65 m.
An outer and inner camber are situated close E of
the base of the pier. The outer camber which is the Anchorage No 1 (centred on 40°29'·50N 27°06'·30E)
fishing harbour, has an entrance 20'm wide and (unrestricted) and Anchorage No 2 (centred on
depths of 1 ·8 m. 40"30'·10N 27°09'·24E) (quarantine and dangerous
2 Berths. The following berths are available: cargo). Bolh anchorages lie within Karabiga port limits.
2 Pllotage is compulsory. Pilot boards between 0·5
Ferry berth; the E face of the inner arm of the
and 1 mile NNW of the harbour entrance.
For details see ADMIRAL TY list of Radio Signals
Cargo berths; the outer and inner faces of the
outer arm of the pier. Volume 6(3).
Port services 2.66
2.62 I The harbour consists of two jetties 35 m wide; Jetty
Other facilities. No 1, to the W, extends 270 m NNE, and Jetty No 2,
Minor repairs; fresh water; provisions
. to the E, extends 320 m NNW from the shore.
An angled breakwater approximately 1200 m long,
extends N from the shore 250 m E of Jetty No 2,
form119 an entrance open N. Lights are exhibited from
General infonnation
the head of the breakwater and the jetties.
2.63 2 A smaD boat harbour, protected by a mole and
Poslllon and function. i~da$ 1 {40'27'·18N breakwater extending W, is located close E of !he root
27°08'·41E) is sjtuated 4 miles ENE of Kerner (2.76). of !he main breakWater. A slipway is located close w
The h~rbour serves a steel production factory and is of Jetty No 1.
operational 24 hours. Cargoes handled include steel
products, scrap metal and coal. Principal marks
Port Authority. i~a$ <;:elik Ene~i Tersane ve 2.67
Ula$1m Sanayi A.$ .. 34212 Giine$1i-Bagcolar, istanbul Landmarks:
Website. Two chimneys (40'26'·70N 27'07'·90E) .


i~~ 1 from E (2.66)

On,;jrul d3!ed 2012

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

i¢a~ 1 - Piers and Quay (2.68)

Origlnsl tSafed 2012

Pier No 1: berth Nos 1 to 4, berthing face 270 m
either side, depths 12 to 22 m.
Quay: berth Nos 5 to 8 located between lhe piers,
total length 475 m with depths of 12-0 m.
Pier No 2: berth Nos 9 to 12. berthing face 320 m
either side, depths 18 to 28 m.
Port services
Repairs. Metal and machine workshops; three l9d~ 2 from NE (2.72)
drydocks, largest 220 m long, 65 m wide, 20 000 gt. Origw>ol dJtod 20 I 2
Other facilities. Divers; emergency medical service. Phofog,apt,. Capra, Up $
Supplies. Fresh water by vehicle; bunkers by barge
and vehicle are provided in daylight hours only.
2 A series of pipelines are under construction (2012)
350 m NE and 600 m SW of the jetty. A buoy (specia~
is moored at the head of the latter.
General Information
2.70 Berths
Position and function. i9da~ 2 (40'24'·50N 2.73
27'03'•00E) is situated ¥· m~e WSW of Kerner. All Pier No 1: berth Nos 1 to 4, E berthing face 312 m,
types of bulk cargoes, especialy coal. W berthing face 270 rn, depths 27 to 38 m.
Port Authority. As l9da~ 1.

Arrival information Port services

As i¢a~ 1. As l9d~ 1.

Anchoragesand harbours
2.72 Kavaklt Bumu
The harbour consists of a jetty elClending 480 m NW 2.75
from the shore. An angled breakWater approximately Anchorage areas No 6 and 7 lie adjacent to one
1500 m long, elClends NW, w then SW from the shore, another about 2¥, miles w of Kavakn Burnu
500 m NE of the jetty. Two lights are eXhiblted from (40"24'·20N 26°54'·70E): area No 6, the E one, Is for
the head of the breakwater. and one bght from the vessels carrying dangerous cargoes and bunkering
head of the jetty. vessels. Both areas lie wittun Getlbolu port limits.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

1¢~ 2 - Pier No 1 (2. 73)

o..i}nal- :!012
Photograph - Cap:-ain ugx !jencan

Kerner Korlezl between Doganarslan Bank, (2.56) and Ince Burnu

2.76 (2.99).
Description. Kerner Korlezi (40.25'·40N Caution. A natural gas pipeline and submarine
27°03'·06E). a bight at the NE end of Giire~ uman, is cable extend SE from the mouth of Zerdali Deresi
entered S of Boorum Bumu (2.56). A small fishing (40'33'·20N 26'58'·70E): anchoring is prohibijed in an
harbour has been built in the bay; maximum depths in area surrounding the above. as charted.
the centre of the harbour 3 to 4 m. The town of Anchorage area No 5 centred on 40'28'·77N
Kemer. identified by a smal mosque with minaret, 26'47''67E lies close W of Doganarslan Bank, A
stands on the shore of the bight of Giir~ Limani wreck wrth a depth of 15 m lies in the W part of the
under a cliff, close S of Bodrurn Bumu and NE of anchorage. A submarine power cable lies close S of
i9da~-2 (2.70). the anchorage.
2 Anchorage. Kerner Korfezi offers the only good 2 Anchorage area No 6 centred on 40°35'·06N
anchorage in Giire~ Liman,. as elsewhere the 27°05'·13E, an explosives and quarantine anchorage.
prevailing NE winds blow directly onshore and the with depths of 10 to 47 m, mud between Ince Burnu
holding ground is bad. Anchorage may be obtmed and Erik6ce Bumu (2.56) 9'h miles ENE.
2~ cables offshore in depths of 22 m, mud, with An outfaU, marked by a light buoy (special), extends
Bodrum Bumu bearing 000°. SSE for 7 cables from the coast inshore of the
Caution. A wreck, dangerous to navigation, lies anchorage in position 40°35'·61 N 2r04'·72E.
about 4 cables offshore abreast the town. All three areas lie within Gelibolu port limijs,
Description. Biiyiikada (40°27'·13N 27°07'·30E}, is
a marble isleL 35 m high. stands close W of iQda~-1 Description. The town of Miirefte (40°40'·17N
and is connected to the mainland by a shoal ridge on 27"14'-60E), which is the seat of local government, is
which stands KUciikada. Yumurtaada, another marble situated close NNE of Miirefte Bumu, a low sandy
islet 38 m high, which has a whiter appearance, lies point that can be identified by some mills near its
extremity. A jetty extending 190 m SE fronts the town.
t mile WSW of Biiyiikada.
and two submarine cables land close NE of the root of
Anchorage, shattered from S and E winds, is
the jetty; three buoys (cardinal) are moored 2 cables E
obtainable about 4 cables W of Biiyiikada. in depths
of the head of the jetty. A shoal reported (1924) wah a
depth of 6-4 m lies about 1 mile SSE of Miirefte.
Ince Burnu 2 Harbour. A fishing harbour is located 1 ~ miles NE
2.78 of the town; depths in the entrance and centre of the
Anchorage area No 4 centred on 40°31'·20N harbour are from 5 to 6 m.
26°54'·53E with depths of 2 to 32 m, sand and stones Fish weirs. See 2.50.

e-NP24 - NMs - TRAMMO PARIS {IMO No.lM09792515)

Paragraph 2.78 1 lines 1-13 Replace by:
t Caution. Anchoring and fishing are prohibited in an area (40°29'·53N 27°01' ·OOE) surrounding a
natural gas pipeline and submarine cable extending SE from a position WSW of Zerdali Deresi (40°
33' ·20N 26°58'· ?OE).

Paragraph 2.78 2 line 8 Replace by:

The area lies within Gelibolu port limits.
Turkish Notice 50/235/19 [NP24-No 11-Wk 04/20)


Page: 79
Paragraph 2.78 1 lines 1-13 Replace by:

t, Caution. Anchoring and fishing are prohibited in an area (40°29'·53N 27°01'·00E) surrounding a
natural gas pipeline and submarine cable extending SE from a position WSW of Zerdali Deresi (40°
33'·20N 26°58'·70E).
Paragraph 2.78 2 line 8 Replace by:
The area lies within Gelibolu port limits.
Turkish Notice 50/235/19 [NP24-No 11-Wk 04/20)


Paragraph 2.78 1-2 including existing Section IV Notice Week 04/20 Replace by:
,. Anchorage area No 4 centred on 40°31'·20N 26°54'·53E with a maximum depth of 31 min the E
part, sand and stones between Do6anarslan BankY (2.56) and Ince Burnu.

Caution. Anchoring and fishing are prohibited in an area (40°29'·53N 27°01 '·ODE) surrounding a
natural gas pipeline and submarine cable that extend SE from a position WSW of the mouth of
Zerdali Deresi (40°33'·20N 26°58',?0E).
Anchorage area No 5 centred on 40°28'·77N 26°47'·67E lies close W of Do6anarslan BankY. A wreck
lies in the W part of the anchorage.
Caution. A submarine power cable lies close S of the anchorage.
2. Anchorage area No 6 centred on 40°35' ·06N 27°05' · 13E. an explosives and quarantine anchorage,
with depths of 10 to 47 m mud between Ince Burnu and Eriklice Burnu (2.56) 9Vi miles ENE.

An outfall, marked by a light buoy (special). extends SSE for 7 cables from the coast inshore of the
anchorage in position 40°35'·61 N 27°04'· 72E.
All three anchorage areas lie within Gelibolu port limits.
Turkish Notice 50/235/19 [NP24-No 13-Wk 05/20)
e-NP24 - NMs - TRAMMO PARIS {IMO No.lM09792515)

Paragraph 2.78 1-2 including existing Section IV Notice Week 04/20 Replace by:

,. Anchorage area No 4 centred on 40°31'·20N 26°54'·53E
, with a maximum depth of 31 min the E
part. sand and stones between DoOanarslan BankY (2.56) and Ince Burnu.
Caution. Anchoring and fishing are prohibited in an area (40°29'·53N 27°01' ·OOEJ surrounding a
natural gas pipeline and submarine cable that extend SE from a position WSW of the mouth of
Zerdali Deresi (40°33'·20N 26°58'·70E).
. '
Anchorage area No 5 centred on 40°28'·77N 26°47'·67E lies close W of DoOanarslan BankY. A wreck
lies in the W part of the anchorage.
Caution. A submarine power cable lies close S of the anchorage.
2. Anchorage area No 6 centred on 40°35' ·06N 27°05'· 13E. an explosives and quarantine anchorage,
with depths of 10 to 47 m mud between Ince Burnu and Eriklice Burnu (2.56) 91/z miles ENE.
An outfall, marked by a light buoy (special), extends SSE for 7 cables from the coast inshore of the
anchorage in position 40°35'·61N 27°04'·72E.
All three anchorage areas lie within Gelibolu port limits.
Turkish Notice 50/235/19 [NP24-No 13-Wk 05/20)
e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Area covered Marmara Adas,, which is about 1 O mites long, is
2.80 mountainous throughout with a double range extending
The area covered by this section includes: across it in an E and W direction. The N part of the
Passage between the NE entrance of !,anakl<ale island is composed of white marble with scaroely any
Bogazo and the S entrance of istanbul Bogazo soi on it. The valleys in this part of the island have
(2.84). steep sides devoid of vegetation or cultivation except
Erdek Korfezi (2.94). at their bottoms.
Marmara Ge9idi (2.120). 2 The celebrated marble quarries are in the NE part
Gemlik Korfezi (2.152). of lhe island where the debris from them has formed a
izmit Korfezi (2.227). steep white slope on the shores of Mermerc1k Uman,
(2.93) which is prominent from lhe N.
For lhe S part of Marmara Adas, see 2.121.
The central part of Marmara Deni2i is bordered Submarine exercise areas
almost entirely by high and mountainous land. 2.86
See 1.29.
Compass correction beacons
2.82 Regulations
See 2.236. 2.87
imrali Adas, (40'33'-00N 28°32'·00E}. This island is
Natural conditions a penal settlement and a prohibited entry area
2.83 extending about 3 miles offshore surrounds it
Currents. The general set of the current in 1he
Natural conditions
central part of Marmara Oenizi is W towards the N
entrance of i;:anakkale Bogazo, but there are a few 2.88
variations caused by the islands and curves of lhe See 2.83.
coast The currents are in general much weaker than Directions
in Istanbul Bogaz, and Qanakkale Bogazo, lhe mean

rate being * to a;. kn.
As it enters the central part of Marmara Denizi from Principal marks
(continued from 2.57)

istanbul Bogazo, the water fans out and slows, fonning 2.89
three branch currents. The S branch sets towards Major lights:
Adalar (2.296) and through lhe channels between lhe Ho~oy Light (white metal tower and dwelling,
islands, towards izmit K6r1ezi. A rather complex 22 m in height} {40'42'·23N 27°18'·35E).
system lies between this branch and the E shore. The Kargaburun Light (40°58'·37N 27°52'·00E}
central branch flows S past Boz Bumu (40°31'·12N (2.182).
28°46'·90E) to meet the S shore between Bandorma Ereglisj Light {40°58'·00N 27'57'·71E) (2.182).
Liman, and Gemlik Korfezi. The N branch takes a 2 Ye~ikoy Burnu Light (40'57'·51N 28'50'·34E}
general SW direction passing N of Marmara Adas, (2.290).
(2.120) and along lhe European shore where it is Ah1rkap1 Light (41'00'·38N 28'59'·13E) (2.290).
mostly rather weak. Some eddies and counter currents Fenerbahce light {40'58'·09N 29°01'·93E}
may be expected in the W approaches to istanbul (2.290).
Bogazo. Marmara Denizi
See current diagram 1.111.1-5. 2.90
3 Wind and weather. Winds from NE are most From lhe vicinity of 40'36'-00N 27'15'·00E the traffic
frequent but are occasionally inte<rupted by winds from separation scheme leads ENE and then E to the S
S. If strong, these S winds often bring rain and squally approaches to istanbul BogazJ, passing:
weather. The NE wind is more regular in the NE part, SSE of Ho~koy light (40°42'·23N 27°18'·35E}
rather than the S or W parts of the area. Sometimes. (2.89). thence:
even when the breeze is fresh, it will not be felt on 2 NNW of Hayorsozada Light (white metal
the S shore. framework tower and dWelling, 8 m in height}
4 Local magnetic anomaly. Local deftection of the (40'38'·72N 27'29'·11 E} which stands on me N
compass has been reported (1963) to occur in lhe summit of Hay1rs1zada, a barren islet of a grey
vicinity of imrali Adas, (2.152) and in the channel S of colour, 330 m high. Thence:
the island. N of Domuz Bumu Light (white metal framework
tower, 4 m in height) (40°40'·04N 27'38'·04E},
3 N of Asmaliada Light (whtte metal framework
General information tower and dwelling, 9 m in height} (40°37'·95N
27'45''47E) which stands on Asmaleda, a
Route marble islet 30 m high. The islet is steep-to on
2.84 all sides except the W, where a sunken ledge
Through traffic should remain in lhe appropriate with some rocks awash extends about
traffic lane within the TSS for the transit of Marmara 2 cables offshore.
Denizi. This passes N of Marmara Adas• (Direcoons =tinue for Band rma Korfezi at 2. 135)
Recommended routes are shown for vessels Thence the TSS leads S of Adaardl Burnu
joiningneaving the TSS to/from lzmit Korfezi. Marmara (40'58'·20N 27°58'•05E}. Ereglisi Light stands
EreQlisi and Band,rma KOrfezi. on this headland. Thence:

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

4 N of Mart, Burnu, the NW point of imrali Adas,. ERDEK KORFEZi

Mart, Bumu Light (white concrete tower. 6 m in
height) (40'33'·87N 28'31'·27EJ Slands on the
headland and Bahri Tepesi, the highest peak General information
on the island (sharp cone, 217 m high), on
which stand the buildings of Agios, is situated
about I mile E of the same point, Thence: Route
5 S of Oegirmen Bumu Light (white concrete tower, 2.94
8 m in height) (40'57'-64N 28"37'·27E). The The track from the NE approaches of (,anakkale
light stands about 2 miles w of some Bogaz, into Erdek Korteii leads from the vicinity of
prominent white marl cliffs. Thence: 40"36'-00N 27"15'·00E to the head of Erdek Liman1
S of Ye§ilkoy Burnu Light (40"57'·51N 32 miles ESE.
28'50'·34E) (2.290).
(Directions continue for the
SW approaches to lstanl?<Jf Boga.z, at 2.29<J Topography
and for the approaches to tzmit KMeziat 2.222) 2.95
West shore. Between Karaburun (40°28' ·48N
Anchorages and harbours 27"17'·12E) and Kale Burnu, 4'h miles SSE, the shore
is high~ cliff-like and dear of dangers outside of
Ho§kiiy 2 cables offshore.
2.91 South shore. Between Karabiga Liman, (2.103) and
The town of HO$k6y (40'42'·84N 27'18'·82E) lies Karak~uk Bumu (19 miles ESE) the shore of the gull
close SW of Ho§koy Oeresi, a deep ravine which ,s is k>w and in places marshy, with the hills rising some
normalty dry, but after heavy rarn IS converted into a distance within it. Further E the shore is cliff-like and
roaring torrent. steep.
Harbour. There is a small fishing harbour at 2 Gonen (,ay, enters the sea through a broad delta
Ho§k6y, protected by an angled mole. 4 miles w of Karaku~luk Burnu. This delta has formed
2 Caution. A dangerous wreck. the position of which a bank. which is steep-to and has depths of less than
is approximate. lies about 4 cables ENE of HO§koy 5 m. This bank extends 1 mile offshore on the W side
Light (2.89). of the delta and 6 cables offshore on the E side.
North-east shore is formed by the SW coast of
Saray·Jar Liman1 KapidaQ Yanrnadasr and is generally low, sandy and
2.92 backed by a plain to the SE of Fatya Burnu (2.99).
Description. Saraylar Liman, is entered between The shore is more steep-to NW of this point.
Yalanc, Palatya Bumu (40'39'·79N 27'39'·53EJ and a 3 A group of four islands and some Islets lie on the N
headland 5 cables ESE. The village of Saraylar stands side of Erdek Korfeii. The surfaces of these islands
at the head of the bay. are very broken and their shores are rocky except at
2 Harbours. A mole, used for the export of marble the head of some of the small bays where there are
blocks and marble chips from the local quarry. extends sandy beaches.
from the W shore, 4 cables S of Yalanet Palatya Ekinlik Adas, is the most NW island in the group.
Bumu. A light (white metal tower, 9 m in height) stands The summtt of the island, which has rounded sides
at the head of the mole. and a flat top, rises near the W end of the island to a
3 A small fishing harbour, protected by an unlit height of 161 m. The central and E parts of the island
breakwater/mole, fronts the village. The are lower. The viDage of Ekinlik (2.107) is situated
breakwater/mole extends NNW from the shore for midway along the S coast of the island.
about 150 m from a point close E of the village. • Tiirkeli (Av~a) Adas, is separated from Ekinlik
Berths. Four alongside berths are available at the Adas, by Ekinijk Ge~idi (2.100). The surface of the
marble loading mole: main berth No 4; 115 m long; island is broken and Its hills are craggy and bare. The
depth 10 to 11 m. coasts of the island are mostly rocky and foul ground
, Smaller craft can berth stern-to within the fishing extends from about ~ to 1 % cables offshore in several
harbour in depths of between 2 and 4 m. There is also places. Between Ekinlik Bumu (40'32'·30N 27'31'•00E)
a ferry berth on the S side of this harbour, and the viUage of Tiirl<eli, 2 miles SSW, a bank on
Anchorage. Designated anchorage area No 1 lies which depths are 5 m and less extends up to 4 cables
2 cables NNW of Yalanc, Palatya Bumu. offshore. A harbour. protected by two breakwaters
s Pilot and tugs. Pilot boards 6 cables N of the extending NW with lights at their heads. Is located
harbour entrance, and is ordered through the agent; dose SW of Ekinltk Bumu.
one tug is available. Mooring is performed by 5 PaJalimam Adas, and Koyun Adas, lie ESE of
chartered fishing vessels. TUrkeli Adas1 and are separated from this island by
Supplies. Fuel in drums; provisions; limited supplies Ytgiiler G99idi (2. IOI) and from the mainland by
of water. Na~ikoy G89idi (2.102).
Koyun Adas, (40°30'·55N 27'34'·70E), a narrow
Mermerc1k Uman1 grass-covered island. forms the w side of Pasalimam
2.93 Koyu (2.109). The island rises in rounded hillocks to
Mermerc,k Liman, (40'39'·37N 27"4 I'·02E) is elevations of 90 m at its S end and 129 m near its N
entered close E of Saraylar Liman, and is entirely extremity; the former hilJ is covered with large white
open to winds from NE. l~ik Adalan, 43 m high, fies off boulders. Shellfish beds lie along the W shore.
the W entrance point to this bay and is separated 6 P~man, Adas1 the largest island in the group. is
from the main island by a channel about 1 cable wide. cultivated and has a good harbour. The surface of the
This channel Is only suitable for small vessels. island is varied. the hills being mostly rounded. The
Anchorage is available in the bay in depths of 15 to highest hil is Kukumav Tepesi in the N part of the
30m. sand. island. The1e are several villages on the island.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Currents there are depths of 7 m in the fairway. A light buoy (S

2.96 cardinaQ marks lhe SE limit of shoal water that
The current sets E along the N side of Erdek extends from the E end of Ekenlik Adas,. The channel
Korfezi, trending with the coast. eventually to flow W is narrowed to a width of about 5 cables by banks
along the S side of the guH towards (,anald<ale which, with depths of less than 5 m, extend from either
Bogaz1. side.
2 Ekinrtk Feneri, a rock surrounded by an underwater
Firing practice area rocky flat extending 2 cables NE and 'h cable NW. lies
2.97 in the approaches to this channel. A light (2.99)
There is a charted firing pracuce area that covers stands on the rock and a 9·2 m rocky patch lies
much of Erdek Korfezi for further information see 1.26. 3'h cables ENE.
Currents set W towards Ekinlik Adasr An eddy or
(continued from 2.57) counter-current has been observed to set at a rate of
1 'h kn.
Principal marks Anchorage. See 2.107.
2.98 (()irecfjons for Marmara Gefidi are given at 2. 122)
Kukumav Tepesi (40'30'·20N 27'37'·00E). a Ylgltler G~ldl
conical hill. situated near the N extremity of 2.101
Pa~alimam Adasi. From the vicinfty of 40•2s··ooN 21•32·,ooE, Yigider
GB9di. which is about 1 mile wide at its narrowest
Erdek Korfezi point,. leads NNE for about 5 miles, through waters
2.99 clear of dangers, between Turkeli Adas, to the W and
From the vicinity of 40'35'-00N 27'14'·00E the track Pa~riman, Adas, and Koyun Adas, to the E, passing:
through Erdek Korfezi to Erdek Limam (2.114) leads 2 WNW of Yer Adas, (40.28'·00N 27'33'·90E). The
generally SE and then ESE for about 29 miles, islet has a smooth grassy summit 38 m high
passing: and is almost surrounded by a bank with
NE of Karaburun Light (40'28'·48N 27'17'·12E) depths of less than 5 m. which extends as
(2.56), thence: much as 1 'h cables offshore in places. The
2 SW of Dutliman Bumu (40'32'·30N 27'28'·10E), islet is separated from Mermer Bumu, the SW
the SW extremity of Ekinlik Adas,. thence: extremity of Pa~iman, Adas,. by a channel
SW of Ekinlik Feneri Light (whfte metal tower. with a least depth of 16 m in the fahway.
10 m in height) (40'30'·85N 27'28'·70E) which Banks with depths of less than 5 m extend
stands on the W side of a rock (2.100).
about cable from either side of this channel.
A shoal ridge on which there are above-water
3 NE of Kale Burnu Light (whfte metal framework rocks connects Yer Adast with Ku~ Adasi, 9 m
tower, 8 m in height) (40'24'·66N 27°20'-01E) high, an islet 3 cables SSW. Thence:
which stands on Kale Bumu, a low cliff, 17 m 3 WNW of Kum Bumu (40°28'·95N 27'3S'·OOE)
high and is the eXtremity of a promonio,y that which forms the S side of Ge~it Topugu. the W
forms the N side of Karabiga Limam (2.103). entrance to Pasalimaru Koyu (2.109). Thence:
Within Kale Burnu are the remains of some ESE of Buyukliman Burnu (40'29'·55N
fine Byzantine walls, the ruined towers of 27°32'·27E), the S entrance point to
which are prominent from seaward. Except for Kufi:Ukliman: see caution beJow. Thence:
some rocks awash, which extend about • ESE of Y,gitler harbour (40'29'·91N 27'31'·55E).
'I, cable offshore, this point is free of dangers. The harbour is protected from E by a
Thence: breakwater with a light (wMe concrete tower,
• SSW of Ince Burnu Light (whfte round metal 6 m in heighQ at fts head. Depths inside are 3
tower, 7 m in height) (40.28'·18N 27'29'·26E) to 5 m. Thence:
exhibited from the S extremity of Turke6 Adas,. ESE of Marmara Bumu (40'31'·31N 21•33'·13E).
A light buoy CW cardinaQ is moored close SW This headland and the N point of Mamah Ada,
of the cape. Thence: both of which are steep-10, form the N
SSW of Mermer Burnu (40'27'·80N 27'34'·70E), entrance points to Koyun Adas,
the SW extremity of Pasatlman) Adas,. s Caution. A line of rocks, marked by a light buoy (N
Thence: cardinaQ, extends 3 cables NE of Buyukliman Burnu.
s SSW of Fatya Bumu (40'25'·85N 27'44'·75E). a Depths of less than 9 m extend about 2 cables off
clift... like headland which rises steepty to Fener
Buyukiman Bumu and the SW extremity of Koyun
Tepesi. Adas,
The track then leads to a position NNE of current, The current usually sets S through
Karaku~luk Bumu (40'18'·90N 27'42'·70E), a bold and Y,gitler Ge~idi.
cliff-like headland, clear of a mooring buoy 2Y, maes (Directions for Marmara Gefidi are given at 2.122)
NE. Two light buoys (special) are moored dose
inshore, 2 to 2!.4 miles E of the cape. Narl1koy Gefldl
(Directionsare given for Erdek Liman, at 2. 115) 2.102
From the vicinity of 40'27'·00N 27°42'·00E, the
Side channels
track leads NNW for about 4 miles, through waters
Ekinlik Ge~idi clear of charted dangers, between Pa~aliman, Adas, to
2.100 the w and the W extremity of Kapidag Yanmadas, to
Description. Ekinlik G~di (40°32'·30N 27'30'-00E) lhe E. passing:
leads NE between Ekinlik Adas, and Turkei Adas, and 2 WSW of Mayrnun Bumu (40'27'·36N 27'43'·03E)
is about 1•1, cables wide al its narrowest part. The NE which forms the N entrance point of Ocaklar
part of the channel is obstrucled by a bar over which Limam (2.113). Thence:

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

ENE of Pa~limano Adas, Light (white melal There is a slight swell at the anchorage during NE
tower; 7 m in height) (40'27'·73N 27'40'-04E), winds, but not sufficient to affect a well-found vessel.
standing 4 cables SE of TuzJa Bumu Which The berth is about 4 cables WSW of a 4·2 m shoal
forms the S entrance to Kalem LimanL and submarine cables laid across the NE part of
Thence: Ekinlik G~idi.
3 WSW of Balyoz Burnu light (white metal 2 In SE gales. Ekinfik roads provides no protection,
framework tower, 12 m in height) (40"29'-65N and in these conditions vessels should make use of
27'40'·97E), which stands on a bold orrtl-like Pa$aliman1 Koyu (2.109).
headland, 30 m high. Cautlon. Power cables are laid between Eklnlik
Current. The current has been observed to set S Adas,. Turkeli Adas. Pasanman. Adas, and the
through Narhkoy Ge~idi at a maximum rate of 2~ kn. manland. See 1.54.
(Directions for Marmara Geyidi are given at 2. 122)
Turkeli Adas,
Karabiga Liman, 2.108
Anchorage, with some shelter from NE winds, may
General Information
be obtained off the village of Turkeli (40°30'·SON
27°30'·00E) on the W side of the island or in
Position and function. Karabiga Liman, is entered
Kumbumu Liman, on the SE side of the Island;
between Kale Bumu (40'24'·66N 27'20'-00E) (2.99) however, better or more convenient anchorage may be
and the mouth of Kocaba$ Cay1 2 miles SW. oblained in Ekinlik roads or Pasalimaru Koyu (2.109).
The town and harbour of Karabiga is situated at the 2 Harbour. There is a small fishing harbour and
head of the bay and is used by fishing vessels and
coasters for the export of localy mined marble and
marina in the W part of Kllt;Ukliman on the E side of
the island. The harbour is protected by an L-shaped
coal. breakwater with a light at its head. The entrance
2 Topography. The shore of the bay is neatly all opens S with depths in the harbour of 3·9 m. Limited
sandy beach. i;:ar Tepesi, a rounded hin with a double provisions are available from the village of Yigltler.
summit, stands 2 miles WSW of Kale Bumu and is 2cables S.
separated from the sea by a narrow strip of flat 3 A second harbour, protected by two breakwaters
extending approximately 500 m NW with lights at their
Harbour heads. is located in the N of the island, close W of
2.104 Ekinlik Bumu (40'32'·30N 27'31 '·00E).
Port layout. The port is protected by breakwaters
which extend 21 Om S and 90 m E from positions on Pa~aliman, Koyu
the shore, 1 'I·miles WSW and 11h miles SW of KaJe 2.109
Bumu, respectively. Lights (white concrete towers, 3 m Description. Pa~aliman, Koyu (40'30'·00N
in height) are exhibited from the head of each 27'36',00E), on the NW side of Pa~a!iman, Adas, Is
breakwater. shel'tered from atl winds and provides anchorage for
2 A pier, extending 135 m SE with a light at its head, several vessels in its S part. Depths are between 12
is located 280 m SW of the E breakwater. and 18 m, mud, good holding ground.
Quayage, with a total length of over 400 m and The villages of Pasalirnaru and Harmanh are
depths of 3 to 4 m, is available between the pier, used situated on the SE shore of the bay. There is a small
by ferries, and the E breakwater; further quayage lies pier used by ferries and local craft at the village of
close E of the latter. Pa~man,
3 Anchorage An anchorage, centered on 40'23'·86N 2 Approaches. Pasahmarumay be approached by a
27'19'·53E, has depths from 6 to 16 m, mud. The W passage, known as G"91 Topugu and a N passage
anchorage is open to NE and E winds. from Marmara Ge9idi (2.120). Marine farms are located
Pilotage. The pilot boards 1 'h mii<,s E of the to the W of the N entrance and on the W shore of
harbour entrance. Pa$aliman1 Adas,. G"91 Topugu is restricted by banks.
Which extend from the shore on either side of the
Port services entrance and by two shoals. The N passage Is clear
2.105 of dangers.
Repairs. Minor mechanical repairs only. Local knowledge is required for Ge9it Topugu.
Supplies: fuel for small vessels; fresh water; 3 Directions for Ge9il Topugu. From a position in
provisions. the vicinily of 40'29'·10N 27'33'·90E the track leads
ENE for about 1 Y, miles into Pa~alimano Koyu,
Cena! Termik Santrali
2.106 passing:
Between two buoys (port and starboard hand)
General information. A single concrete jetty serving
(40'25'•34N 27'19'•84E) serving a power station. moored S of a group of rocks which lies off
extending NNE, from the end of which a ighl ,s the S point (40°29'·67N 27'34'·90E) of Koyun
Adas, (2.95). Thence:
• N of Kum Bumu (40'28'·95N 27'35'·00E), thence:
Anchorage. See 2.104.
S of a 5·5 m shoal (40'29'·30N 27'35'·10E).
Jetty Is 500 m in length, with berthing facifities on
marked by a light buoy (isolated danger). The
both sides. Alongside depths are uncharted.
shoal lies midway between Kum Burnu and
Anchorages and harbours Hasir AdasL Haser Adas, the S island of Hae,
Adalar\ is an islet 14 m high, lying 8 cables
Ek.inlik Uman, NNE of Kum Burnu. Thence:
2.107 5 N of Orta11k Banko (40'29'·10N 27'35'·50E). This
Description. Anchorage may be obtained in Ekinli< bank. which has a least charted depth of
roads (40'32'•35N 21•29·,10E). S of Ekinlik vilage, In 1 ·8 m, affords some protection to the S part of
depths of between 11 and 18 m, sand and mud. the harbour from SW gales.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

6 Directions for the North passage. The alignment 2 Erdek Liman, The harbour of Erdek may be
(187') of the E side of Hasor Adas, and Tastepe, a apl)(oached direct from Erdek Korfezi through waters
well defined hill 120 m high (1 ~ maes SJ, leads clear of charted dangers passing SE of Ada Bank,
through the middle of the N entrance channel and (8 cables N of Tavsan Adasi), a shoal with a least
clear of the rocky ledge which extends 2 cables SW depth of 5·8 m, or from Erdek Limam by way of
from Kablo Bumu, the NW extremity of Pa~iman, Seyitgazi G09di, a channel which separates Tavsan
Adas 1. Adas, from the mainland.
3 Murat Bank, with depths of less than 6 m, lies in
Bahkh the N part of Seyltgazi Ge<;idi, and vessels are
2.110 advised to keep close to the S side ol the channel,
Anchorage, with good protection from the prevailing which is steep-to and clear of dangers.
winds, may be obtained off the village of Bahkl, • Caution. Two submarine cables extend 6'h cables
(40'27'·70N 27'37'·70E) in depths of 3 to 5 m, hard S and 1 mile SSE from the root of the main
sand. The village has a short pier used by local breal<Water at i;:,nar Limanr; buoys (unlit) mark their
fishing craft. seaward ends. Anchoring and fishing are prohibited
Supplies. Limited provisions are available. within a radius of 150 m, centred on the seaward ends
of the cables.
Balyoz Burnu
2.111 Erdek
Anchorage. The best anchorage in the area, which 2.116
is well-sheltered from NE and has good holding Description. The town of Erdek (40'23'·56N
ground, is available S of Balyoz Bumu (40'29'-65N 27'47'·39E) stands 5 cables N of Muratbay,n Burnu
27'40"·97E). (2.115), the W exlremity of a projection that extends
The best berth is in depths of abou1 24 m, clear of from the N shore of Erdek Limam.
power and telegraph cables. A.nchorages. Anchorage area 1, an unrestricted
anchorage, lies w of Erdek in depths of about 30 m.
Narhkoy mud. Anchorage Area 2, an explosives and quarantine
2.112 anchorage, lies 2'h miles SSE of Erdek, with depths of
Fair anchorage, which provides shelter from NE 30 to 35 m, mud.
winds, may be obtained S of the village of Narlrkoy 2 Pllotage. The pilot boards 2 miles SSW of
(40'28'·50N 27'41'·50E) in depths of abou1 29 m. Muratbayin Bumu in posmon 40'21'·45N 27'46'·80E.
There is a short pier and harbour protected by an L Hart>our. There is a small sheltered port on the S
shaped breakwater at the village, which is used by side ol the town of Erdek. It Is protected from the W
ferries and local fishing boats. by a mole which extends S from the SW part ol the
town to Zeytinli Adas\ a rocky islet, 14 m high.
Ocaklar Liman1 3 AJongside berths are available on the inner side of
2.113 the mole, which is quayed, at a pier near the base of
Anchorage may be obtained in this bay the mole and at quays on the N side of the harbour. A
(40°27'·00N 27'45'·00E) in a depth of about 14 m, but short angled jetty is located on the NE side of the port
with NE winds, heavy squatls occasionally blow down which is used by coasters. Depths 5 m. Close SE of
the ravines even when there is only a moderate wind the angled jetty is a broad quay and jetty. The broad
on the N side of Kapidag Yanmadasr. quay is 50 m wide and extends 65 m SSW; the jetty,
2 Anchorage is available for smaN vessels in the NE which has a light at its head, is 10 m wide and
comer of the bay in depths of between 3 and 5 m, extends 95 m SSW from the central area of the broad
sand. Local craft moor off the village of Ocaklar in the quay. Depths are from 5 to 12 m; RoRo berths.
SE comer of the bay. • Cautlon. Care must be taken to avoid anchoring
near an outfaH pipe, marked by buoys (special), which
exlends SW for 1300 m from the SE part ol the bay.
Erdek Umanr Useful mark:
Oilek Tepe (40'23'·10N 27'47'·90E), the summit
General information of a prominent hill.
Position. Erdek Liman, is situated at the head of c;:,nar Uman,
Erdek Korfezi. 2.117
Topography. The land on both sides of the bay is Position and function. Cinar Umam (40°23'·30N
high. On the S side the hils rise close within the 27'48"-40E) lies on the E side of the promontory
coast, but on the N side there is a cuhivated plain extending S from the N side of Erdek Limaru A naval
between the foot of the mountains and the sea The base is sib.Jated in the bay and anchorage in the bay
head of the bay ties on the W side of the isthmus and its vicinity is reserved for naval vessels.
connecting Kapidajj Yanmadas, with the mainland. Entry to the port is prohibited to non-naval vessels.
This isthmus is low lying and mainly swampy. 2 General layout. The harbour is protected by a
breal<Water which extends 1 'h cables E. lrom a
Directions position 21!. cables N of Seyitgazi Burnu, the SE point
2.115 of the promontory. A light (white concrete tower, 3 m in
Landmarks: height} is exhibited from the head of the breakwater.
Tavsan Adas, (40'22'·50N 27'4T·OOE) a barren • Within the harbour, two angled jetties extend from
rooky islet 49 m high. A light (white metal the N shore of the bay. Lights are exhibited from the
framewor1< tower, 6 m in heigh!) stands on the heads of these jetties. A series of buoys (speciaQ are
NE summit of the island. moored S of the N jetty of the two.
Muratbaym Burnu (40'23'-00N 27.48'-00E), which Mooring buoys lie 2 cables E and 2 cables N of
appears like an island from a dis.ta.nee. the head of the breakwater.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Edincik Gundogdu in the NE part of Beyaz Limano

2.118 (2.125).
A tanker terminal, consesunq of o~ tanks, an oil Minaret (40°36'·25N 27°39'·75E) which stands at
pipeline and two mooring buoys is situated about the head of Topaga~ Limano (2.126).
1 cable NE of Edincik iskelesi (40°21 '·90N 27°5 I '·SOE).
Local pilot and mooring launch availabte. Marmara Ge~ldi
Berthing. Daylight hours only. Unberthing 24 hours 2.123
a day. Tankers berth with both anchors out and vessel From the vicinity of 40'36.-00N 27°15'·00E, the
secured fore and all 10 mooring buoys. route leads generally E through waters clear of
2 Ore loading terminal. There is an ore loading charted dangers, passing:
terminal on the shore below Edinclk capable of 2 S of Hayors,zada Light (40'38'·72N 27°29'·11E)
handling vessels of up to 5000 dwl. (2.90), thence:
Pilotage is compulsory. The pilot comes from N of Ekinlik Adas, (40'33'·00N 27'29'·00E) (2.95),
Bandorma (2.137): see 2.116. thence:
S of Marmara Breakwater Head Light (white
Anchorages concrete tower, 8 m in height) (40°35'·03N
2.119 27"33'.SSE), thence:
Description. The head of Erdek Limano provides a 3 S of Aba Bumu Light (while metal tower, 6 m in
capacious anchorage and is calm in an except SW height) (40'34'·52N 27'34'·50E) which stands
winds. The holding ground is good everywhere, on the W entrance point of Beyaz Uman,
especially in the greater depths of the NW part. SW 7'h cables SE of Marmara village. Thence:
gales are rare in winter, but when they do occur. are N of Marnah Adas, (40'31'·50N 27'35'·00E), an
heavy. islet 42 m high, which is separated from Koyun
2 Explosives anchorage. Vessels carrying explosives Adas, (2.95) by a shallow and narrow opening
or inflammable cargoes are required to anchor in and lies on the W side of the approaches to
anchorage area 2; see 2.116. the N entrance 10 Pa~aliman, Koyu (2.109).
ETA. Vessels should give 24 hours notice. Thence:
• S of Laz Kayas, (40•35·.91N 27'41'·02E), a rock
MARMARA GEyiOi ANO APPROACHES with a depth of 2·7 m. Thence:
N of Balyoz Bumu Light (40'29'·65N 27°40'·97E)
General Information (2.102), thence:
S of Asmaloada Light (40.37'·95N 27°45'·47E)
Thence to a position in the vicinity of 40°32'·00N
The coastal route through Marmara G09(1i leads E
2s•04•-00E about 3·5 miles NNE of Kapsiil
from the vicinity of 40°36'·00N 21•15'.00E, S of
Bumu Light (40°28'·62N 2s·o2'·03E) (2.135).
Marmara Adas1 and thence along the N shore of
(Directions continue for Band ,rma Korfezi at 2. 135,
Kapidag Yanmadaso lo the vicinity of 40"32',()()N
2s•04·.00E. Traffic which is not local should remain in and for the coeste! waters in the
Spart of Marmara Denizi at 2.158)
the traffic lane until NE of Marmara Adas, then folloW
the 135' recommended route towards Bandorma
Anchorages and harbours on the south coast
Korfezi. of Marmara Adas,
Topography Marmara
2.121 2.124
Marmara Adas, The S part of Marmara Adas, is Description. The village of Marmara (40°35'·00N
composed of slate with occasional patches of granite. 27°34.-00E) sits in a wooded valley under the slopes
The valleys and lower slopes are cultivated. The of the mountains behind and is very readily identified
mountains in this part of the island are higher than from seaward. It is a fishing and leisure harbour and is
those in the N of the island and attain their tjghes1 used by trading coasters.
elevation of 709 m in Biiyuk~ayir Tepesi, 2 miles NE of There is a ferry service to Erdek (2.115).
the village of Marmara (2.124). The summ~ of this 2 Harbour layout. The harbour, which lies at the E
mountain is a long ridge which shows as a peak onty end of the village, is protected by two moles. The W
when seen from NE or SW. mole eXlends about 11 Om S from the head of a broad
2 Kapida§ YanmadasL The N slopes of this mole and then t 25 m ESE. The E mole and pier
peninsula, which reaches its highest elevation of eXlends about 40 m from the shore close to the
791 m In Adamkaya Tepesl (40'28'·30N 27°50'·20E), extremity of the W mole, providing a harbour entrance
are covered with Sow oak trees. Villages are scattered about 40 m in width. An L-shaped pier, for the use of
round the shores of the peninsula. ferries. is located 200 m W of the harbour.
3 Between Gundogrusu Limano (40'31 '·00N 3 Lights (concrete towers) are exhibited from the
27'47'·00E) and Kapsul Bumu (12 m~es E) (2.135), head of each mole. The whfte lower at the extremity
the coast is steep and cliff-like, and the mountain of the W mole is easily distinguished from seaward. A
spurs, which rise abruptly from the sea, are covered light is exhibited from the head of the pier.
with trees and bushes. Ber1hs. Alongside berths are available on the Inner
side of the W mole, with depths of between 2·5 and
(continued from 2.57) 4 m; berthing is also available on the broad mole and
the shore quay.
Principal marks < The ferry pier is about 65 m long, with depths on
2.122 the outer seaward face of 7·2 to 10·4 m.
Landmarks: Care should be taken berthing on the N side of the
Minaret (white) (40'34'·84N 27"35'·88E) which harbour as stone rubble extends underwater from the
stands at the E end of the viUage of shore in places.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

s Anchorage. The coast is steep-to and there is little Other anchorages

room for anchorage off the village. 2.132
Caution. Power cables are laid across Mannara Anchorage is obtainable nearly anywhere between
Gegidi between Marmara Adas, and both the mainland Giindogrusu Liman, (2.131) and Kapsiil Burnu (2.135),
and TUrkeli Adast; See 1.54. in depths of between 22 and 36 rn, about 2 cables
offshore over a bottom varying between mud, sand
Beyez Liman1 and gravel; the better holding ground being in greater
2.125 depths.
Gundogdu designated anchorage area No 2 is There are many sandy bights on this stretch of the
situated 5 cables SE of Aba Bumu Light, as cnarted. coast but none is of sufficient size to give shelter to
large vessels.
Topagag Liman,
Topagag Liman, (40'36'·00N 27'40'-00E) provides General information
the best shelter on the S coast of Marmara Adas,
A harbour. protected by two moles, is situatoo in
the NW part of the bay.
The passage into Banduma Korfezi leads S and
SW for about 9 miles from the SE end of the
Asmah recommended route (40.29'·20N 2a•o3·.20E) to the
2.127 port of Bandrrma, passing W of Mola Adalart
Asmah (40'37'·00N 27'42'·40E) has a small harbour
Bandrnna KOrfezi can also be approached from the E.
used by ferries and fishing vessels. A light (metal
mast, 3 m in height) is exhibitoo at the entrance. Topography
Other anchorages Band1rrnaKorfezi is entered between Kapsul Burnu
2.128 (40.28'·62N 2a•o2'·03E) (2.135) and Oeveboynu
Anchorage may be obtained in any of the smal (7 mies SE) and ties between the SE side of Kapidag
bays on the S coast of Marmara Adas, but, during N Yanmadasi and the mainland S of a. It is fully
winds, heavy squalls, which may vary considerably in exposed to NE winds from which there is no
direction. come off the land. In general, the coast is protection except at the anchorage off Mola Adalan
steep-to with liU!e room for anchorage. (2.146) and two small anchorages on the NW side of
the gulf (2.148).
2 Bandirma Liman, (2.137) lies at the head of
Anchorages and harbours on the north coast Band,rrna Korlezi. The S shore of the gulf, E of the
of Kapldag Yar1madas1
harbour, is rocky and for the most part precipitous.
ilhankoy Mola Adalan. A group of three islands, the W-most
2.129 and largest of which lies about 2 mites SE of Kapsul
The village of ilhankoy (40'30'·30N 27'41'·70E) has Bumu. The islands are all rocky and above-water
a small harbour protected by two breakwaters. This rocks tie off them in several places.
harbour, which has depths of between 2 and 5 m, Directions
provides shelter from the NE. (C011tinuedfrom 2.90 and 2.123)
Between KapidaQYanmadas1 and Mola Adalan
Oogantar Koyu
From a position about 51.h miles NNE of Asmahada
Ooganlar Koyu, which is entered close W of
Light (40.37'·95N 27'45'·47E) (2.90) the route leads
Ooganlar Burnu (40'31'·50N 27'45'·00E), provides the
SE for about 27 miles to Bandirma Uman1 passing:
best anchorage on the N coast of Kapidag Yanmadas,
NE of Asmaliada Light (40.37'·95N 27'45'·47E).
It is open N, but some shelter from NE winds may be
obtained on its E side in depths of 24 m, mud, with
2 NE of Kapsiil Burnu Light (white concrete tower
the E entrance point bearing 012°. Do§anlar village is and dWeling, 10 m in height) (40'28'•62N
situated in a valley about 1 km within the head of the 2s•02'-03E) which stands on KapsGI Burnu, a
diff-like headland from which a sunken ledge
extends about 2 cables NNE. A rock, 2 m high,
Gundogrusu Llmani
stands near the outer end of the ledge.
Gt'.indogrusu Uman, (40'31'·00N 27'47'·00E). Which
is entered close E of TurankOy Bumu, lies 2 maes E of 3 WNW of Fener Adas, Light (white metal mast on
dwelling, 12 m in height) {40'27'·72N
Oo§antar Koyu. The bay is open N and its sides are 2a•os'-96E) Which stands on the NW point of
steep-to, rising precipitously from the sea with no
Fener Adas, This island is the largest in the
off-lying dangers. From a sandy beach at the head of
the bay, a valley extends inland for about 1 km. The
• The track then leads through a channel. 1 'h miles
village of Turan stands at the head of the bay.
wide, between Fener Adasi and the mainland to the
2 Anchorage with good holding ground in depths of
W. The channel is free from charted dangers. When
between 18 and 36 m, may be found anywhere inside
dear of the channel the track leads about 5 miles SW
a line joining the entrance points. the best anchorage
to the head of Band1rrna Korfezi.
is towards the SE corner in depths of 26 m, mud and
sand,. East of Mola Adatan
3 NE winds of any strength raise some sea at this 2.136
anchorage, and, desprte its size. Gundogrusu Uman, From the vicinity of 40'25'·50N 2s•oa··sOE, the
does not provide as good an anchorage as Ooganlar route leads generally WSW for about 9 miles to
Koyu. Banduma KOrfezi, passing:

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

SSE of Tavsan Adas, (40°2s··tON 28"06'-00E). fonning the entrance to the harbour. Lights are
thence: exhib~ed from the ends of both breakwaters.
NNW of Oeveboynu Bumu (40°23'·70N 2 A fishing and small craft harbour exists 8 cables
28°08'·80E), thence: ENE of the commercial port. The harbour, which is
2 SSE of Mola Banko (40°26'·40N 28°06'-00E), I 40 m wide, is protected by a breakwater 560 m long.
mar1<ed by a light buoy (S cardinal). This rock, A short breakwater extends N from a position on the
which is awash but difficult to see. is shore close SSE of the head of the main breakwater.
separated from Har. Adas, by a channel about fanning an entrance 80 m wide and open WSW. LighlS
3 cables wide with depths of between 22 and are exhibited from the heads of the breakwaters.
31 m. A bank, with a least depth of 3·8 m,
extends 6 cables W and 3 cables SW from the Directions
rock. Thence: 2.141
The outer harbour may be approached directly from
SSE of Ki,1a Burnu (40°25'·50N 27°58'·20E).
The inner harbour is entered between the heads of
Bandsrma the main and auxlfiary moles. Lights (White concrete
General intcrmanon towers, 8 m in height) stand at the head of each mole.
2.137 Berths
Position and function. The town of Bandonna 2.142
(40'21 '·42N 27'58'·68E) is situated on the E side of The<e are 20 berths within the harbour, with depths
Bandorma Umano and stands on the slope of a hil alongside ranging from 1 to 9 m. Quay lengths are
facing W. The main port of Bandonna lies to the W of from 80 to 360 m.
the town on the S shore of the bay.
It is an important commercial port and a major Port services
ouUet for the Mannara region; the port handles dry 2.143
bulk, marble, canned goods, flour and domestic Repairs: minor repairs only; shpway.
appliances. It is a port of entry. Other facilities: ballast and slops reception; SSCC,
2 Bagfaf-lskur Fertilizer Terminal (2.144) fies 3 miles SSCEC issued; hospital.
NW of the main harbour. Supplies: fuel; fresh water; provisions.
Port Operator. Velebi Bandirma Uluslanaras1 Bagta,-lskur Fertilizer Terminal
Liman, i~letmeciligi A.$., (Celebi Bandonna International 2.144
Port Management) Mehmet Aki! Ersoy Caddesi. General information. Bagfa~·lskur Fertilizer
Bandorma Liman1 10200 Bandonna-Ballkesir. Tenninal (40"22'·88N 27°54'·58E) consists of two
Limiting conditions jenies fronting a fertilizer factory. The first jetty. which
2.138 is orientated ENE/WSW, lies at the end of an artificial
Density of water: 1 ·016 gtm3. peninsula extending 230 m N; a second jetty.
onentated NE/SW, lies close NE of the above.
Arrival information P1peliles and walkways connect both jetties, and
2.139 mooring dolphins, connected to the jetties by
Outer anchorages. There are three anchorage walkways, extend 63 m WSW and SO m NE from the
areas: first and second jetty, respectively. The terminal
Area No 1 (40'23'·00N 27'59'-00E). handles acid. ammonia and fertiliser cargoes.
Area No 2 (40'23'·00N 28'01'·00E), for 2 Port Operator, Bandorma Gubre Fabrikalaro A.$.
quarantine vessels and vessels carrying (Bagf~).
dangerous cargoes. Pilotage is compulsory for all foreign vessels over
Area No 3 (40'26'·00N 28'04'-00E), for adVerse 500 gt. The pilots board in position 40"23'·35N
weather conditions. 21•55'-00E. I'll miles ENE of the terminal. See
2 Pllotage is compulsory for all foreign vessels over ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 6(3) for
500 gt. The pilot boards in position 40°22'-00N details.
27°57'·20E, 6 cables NNW of the harbour entrance. 3 Berths. First Jetty (Old Pier): one berth 126·5 m In
See ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 6(3) for length, 9·5 to 1 Om depths. Second Jetty (New Pier):
details. two berths, 125 m on length, 12 to 16 m depths.
Tugs are available. Their use is compulsory for Supplies: fuel by barge; fresh water by road tanker.
merchant vessels of more than 500 gt and foreign
warships and support vessels of more than Anchorages and harbours
2000 tonnes displacement. Vessels of more than c;akolkoy
3000 gl must use two tugs. 2.145
3 Regulations: The vonage of <;akolkoy (40'28'·10N 28'01'·50E) is
Anchoring in the inner harbour is only pennined Situated about 7 cables SSW of Kapsul Burnu. A mole,
with the permission of the Harbour Authomy. about 4 cables in length, extends SSE from the N side
Vessels canying explosives, inflammable and of the harbour. A light is exhibited from the head of
similar dangerous materials cannot enter the the mole. The harbour is mainly used by fishing
inner harbour. However fuel supply vessets of vessels.
small tonnage may enter the inner harbour to
refuel vessels. Mola Adalan
Harbour Good anchorage sheltered from NE winds. may be
2.140 obtained under the lee of Mola Adatan in depths of
General layout A breakwater extending 900 m about 25 m. with the w extremity of Fener Adas,
WNW from the E shore protects the berths. A second bearing 333" and the S extremity of Hali Adas,
breakwater extends 480 m ENE from the W shore, bearing 095°. Bottom weed over mud.

e-NP24 - NMs - TRAMMO PARIS {IMO No.lM09792515)

Paragraph 2.136 2 lines 1-2 Replace by:
2. SSE of Mola BankY (40°26'·40N 28°06' ·DOE). This rock....
Turkish Notice 30/145/19 [NP24-No 2-Wk 40/19)


Paragraph 2.136 2 lines 1-2 Replace by:
2. SSE of Mola BankY (40°26'·40N 28°06' ·OOE). This rock. ...
Turkish Notice 30/145/19 [NP24-No 2-Wk 40/19)


Paragraph 2.136 2 lines 1-2 Replace by:
2. SSE of Mola BankY (40°26' ·40N 28°06' ·OOE). This rock. ...
Turkish Notice 30/145/19 [NP24-No 2-Wk 40/19)


Paragraph 2.136 2 lines 1-2 Replace by:
2. SSE of Mola BankY (40°26' ·40N 28°06' ·OOE). This rock....
Turkish Notice 30/145/19 [NP24-No 2-Wk 40/19)


Paragraph 2.136 2 lines 1-2 Replace by:
2. SSE of Mola BankY (40°26'·40N 28°06' ·OOE). This rock. ...
Turkish Notice 30/145/19 [NP24-No 2-Wk 40/19)
e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

The bank with depths of less than 16 m, which 4 imrali Cezaevi, the principal town on the istand, is
extends SW from the W part of Fener Adas, is not as situated in the N part of Oogu Liman, 3 cables W of
good an anchorage. the bottom being mostly sand. Oegirmen Bumu (40'33'·40N 28'33'-00E).
Caution. This island is a restricted area; see 2.87.
Kar~lyaka GemUk KOrfezj, which is entered between Boz
2.147 Bumu (40.31'·12N 28.46'·90E) and Amavut Burnu,
The village of Ka~iyaka (40'26'·50N 28'00'•00E) is 9 miles SE. 6es between the S shore of Bozburun
situated about 23/. miles SSW of KapsUI Bumu. A mole Yanmadas, and the mainland S.
extends S thence WNW for about 4 cables from the N s The guH is bordered by mountains. Most of them
side of the harbour. are bare or covered with stunted brushwood, but the
Kum Liman, higher peaks such as those in the centre of Bozburun
2.148 Yanmadas1 and round the head of the gutf, are
Kum Liman, is entered between Ki~la Bumu well-covered in pine forests.
(40'25'·50N 27'58'·20E) and Kalin Bumu, 1 !4 maes There are numerous villages on or near the coast.
SW. The valleys in lhe vicinity of the guH are, for the most
Anchorage may be obtained in depths of between part. cultivated.
20 and 33 m, mud. Ki~la Bumu offers some protection Submarine exercise area
from NE winds, but with winds in this direction, some 2.153
swell enters the bay. A submarine exercise area is situated in Gemlik
Koofezi. See 1.29.
2.149 Aring practice area
Anchorage is available in the bay off Tathsu 2.154
(40'24'·50N 27'55'·00E) in depths of 25 m With Bakra~ There is a charted firing practice area Which covers
Bumu, 7Ya cables E of the village, bearing 068°. much of these coastal waters. See 1.26.
This anchorage provides better protection from the Regulations
NE swell than Kum Limam 2.155
Dutllman imrall Aclas, See 2.87.
2.150 Local magnetic anomaly
Anchorage for small vessels is available off the 2.156
village of Dutliman (40'22'·50N 28'03'•20E). The imrali Adas, See 2.83.
holding ground is good.
MARMARA DENIZI The current trends E along the S shore and W
along tile N shore of Gemlik Korfezi. It sets strongly W
General information abreast Boz Bumu (2.158) and Armullu {40'30'·55N
2.151 Directions
The passage through the coastal waters in the S (continuedfrom 2.123)
part of Marmara Denizi leads for about SO rnaes from 2.158
the vicinity of 40'32'·00N 28'04'·00E to the head of From the v,cinity of 40°32'-00N 28'04'•00E lhe route
Gemlik Korfezi, passing S of imrali Adas, (40'33'-00N leads generally E for 50 miles to Gemlik Uman,
28'32'·00E). passing:
2 SSW of Sigburun Resift (40"29'·40N 28°30'·60E).
Topography a narrow ridge of sand and coral, with depths
2.152 of less than 2 m. This reef extends 2 miles
South shore of Marmara Denlzl. Between SSW of Si~burun. a low point that forms the S
Deveboynu (40'23'•60N 28'08'·90E) and Magara extremity of imrai Adas, The reef is nearly
Bumu, B!h miles E, the coast is rocky and for the most always visible and the current frequently races
part precipitous. Wrthin this stretch of the coast. the over and round it creating overfalls, which help
land rises steeply to a wooded range which culminates indicate its position. Thence:
in Kara Tepe, 833 m high, about 2 miles inland. 3 NNE of Karacabey Light (white metal framework
2 Eastward of Magara Bumu, the coast becomes low tower. 12 m in height) (40°23'·43N 28'31'·12E),
and sandy and lhe hills recede inland for about thence:
1 % miles leaving a perfectly flat plain between them S of Boz Bumu (40'3t'·12N 28'46'·90E and:
and the sea. This plain is, for the most part. inundated N of Zeytinbag, harbour {40.23'·50N 28.47'·60E),
in the winter and on it are lagoons and swamps. thence:
Kara Cay, (2.163) flows lhrough the centre of this • N of Amavut Bumu Light (white galvanised metal
plain and the mouth of the river is about 1 cable wide. tower, 6 m in height) (40'23'·08N 28'51'·94E).
The narrow pass in the hills, through which the river Amavut Bumu shows up well from W: a very
flows, is open when bearing 200'. and is plainly visible prominenl roacl winding round tt about half way
from seaward. up to the summit serves also to distinguish ft
3 Between Burunucu (40.22'·30N 28'40'-SOE) ancl A small harbour protected by a N
Arnavut Bumu, 9 miles E. the coast is cliff-like and breakwater/mole lies 1 cable ESE of the point.
steep and tile grouncl within it rises in ridges and The port of Mudanya (2.159) is situated about
spurs to the high land about 2 miles inland. t mile SE of the headlancl. Thence:
imrali Adas, lies 11 miles w of Boz Bumu (2.158). s S of Kapakll Bumu (40'27'·34N 28'58'·52E). A
The surface of the island is much broken and a steep-to headland which rises to a hill, 158 m
considerable part of the island IS cultivated. high, is close within it Thence:

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

N of Tuzta Burnu Light (white melal lramework Anchorages and harbours

tower. 12 m in height) (40.25'·14N 29•05'-71E}
which stands on TuZla Bumu, a low sandy Band1rma to Karacabey B0Qaz1
headland with marshes within it, that forms the 2.162
S entrance point to Gemlik Liman, (2.166). Anchorage is obtainable in depths of between 18
6 Useful mar1<s: and 36 m about 2'h cables off the coast between
Boz Burnu Light (white stone tower, 9 m in Banduma (40"21'·42N 27'58'-SSE) and the entrance to
height) (40'31'·97N 28'46'·98E}. Karacabey Bo{jaz1 The holding ground varies, but is
generally mud. This mud is especially stiff off the
vilage of Ku~nlu (40'23'·80N 28'17'·00E) and to the
Mudanya Liman, E of this village the area for anchorage widens
General information There is no sheher for small vessels along this
2.159 wetch of the coast
Position and function. The town of Mudanya
(40'22'·77N 28'53'·36E) lies 1 mile SE of Amawt Karacabey Bogaz,
Bumu (2.158). It is the port for the city of Bursa, an 2.163
important textile centre that lies 27 km SE. A smal Anchorage. in good holding ground, may be
craft harbour lies 1 mile WNW of Town Quay, at obtained on the mud bank which extends for 2 miles
Yenikoy. The port is generally used by coastal traffic off the mouth of Karacabey Bogaz, (40'24'·00N
serving provincial towns. 28'31'-00E}. A convenient berth may be found in a
2 Port Authority. Mudanya Liman Ba~kanllg1 depth of 13 m with the w entrance point bearing 226'.
(Mudanya Port Authority). Halipa~a Caddesi No: 81, 2 Kara Cay, The mouth of the river is about t cable
Mudanya-Bursa. wide and within the bar a depth of 1 ·8 m will be found
at al seasons as far as Ekmekyi, about 5 miles
Arrival lnfonnation Light. See 2.158.
2.160 3 Caution. The position of the bar varies and depths
Anchorages. Two anchorages serve the port. on fi range between 1 and 2 m. When there is a lot of
Anchorage 1, for vessels not carrying dangerous water in the river. a slight wind from N will raise a
cargoes and for military vessels, dose N of the considerable sea on the bar. which then becomes
town and has depths of 40 to 70 m. dangerous.
Anchorage 2, an explosives anchorage, lies 2 miles
WNW of the town and has depths of about 35 to E~kel Umam
50m. 2.164
Caution. A submarine cable ex.tends seaward from Anchorage, in fine weather, may be obtained in
a position close W of the town and runs through the E~kel Liman1 a small bay entered SW of Burunucu
W part of anchorage 1. (40'22'·30N 28'40'·50E). in depths of 13 to 16 m.
2 Pilotage is compulsory for all foreign-flagged
vessels over 500 gt. Pilots board in position Kavakb Uman1
40'23'·40N 28'53'·80E. 1 mile NNE of Town Quay. 2.165
Pilotage is provided from Gemlik (Gempo,1). Anchorage may be obtained in Kavakh Uman,
Tugs. One tug is compulsory for vessels over (40"22'-SON 29°03'·00E}, a bay that lies 3 miles SSW
2000 gt, two tugs for vessels over 5000 gt of Tuzla Burnu (40'25'·10N 29'05'·70E) (2.158).


Town Quay. A concrete jetty extends 125 m NE
General information
and thence 90 m NW from the shore 11 cables ESE of
Arnavut Burnu. Passenger vessels and vessels trading Position and function
regularly with Mudanya berth alongside both sides of
this jetty. The town of Gemfik (40.25'·23N 29'06'·77E) stands
A RoRo berth is situated on the E side of the jetty. at the head of Gemtik Korfezi. Goldere, the rapid but
A light (mast) Is exhiMed from the head of the jetty. shalow outlet of iznik Golu, 9 miles E, flows through
2 Other alongside berths. Two small jellies 6e 1 and the valley SE of the town. The hills in the vicinity are
5 cables SE of Town Quay. A 1 Om wide jetty has covered in trees.
been constructed 600 m NW of Town Quay, in position
40'22'·70N 28'53'·10E. 11 extends 60 m NE and Port Authori1y
thence 100 m NNW from the shore.
3 Mooring buoys. Three mooring buoys provide a
Gemlik Liman ve Depolama i~letmeleri A.$.
berth for a vessel to secure 10 the seaward end of oil
(Gemport), Ala Mahallesi Liman Caddesi, No:12
pipelines that extend from the shore for about '% cable,
5~ cables SE of Town Quay. Vessels secure bows to
the NE to a single mooring buoy and stern to two
mooring buoys. There are some tanks close SE of the
root of the pipelines. Limiting conditions
• Caution. A discharge pipeline extends 3 cables NE,
from a position 7 cables SE of the Town Quay. The Density of water
pipeline is marked by buoys and light buoys (special). 2.1~
An obstruction lies 4* cables NW of Town Ouay. Varies between 1·019 and 1·025 g/cm3.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Arrival information up to 50 000 dwt. wfth a draught of 10·5 m can be

accommodated. A second broad mole. with a 300 m
Pilotage pier extending NW from its NE comer lies close SW of
2.169 the above.
Pilotage is compulsory for foreign vessels over There are seven berths with Jengths of 150 to
500 gt and Turkish vessels over 1000 gt and available 200 m; depths 7·0 lo 12·0 m.
24 hours a day. Pilots board in position 40°26'-00N 2 Rocla Port. Situated lk cable SW of the SW
29°06'·10E, 9 cables NNE of Tuzta Bumu. Borusan mole. The port is equipped to handle general
cargo, dry bulk and containers. The port consists of a
Harbour broad mole extending 1 cable NW lrom the shore from
where an angled pier, with a light at its head, extends
General layout a further 3Y4cables NW. There are six berths with
2.170 lengths 148 lo 233 m; depths 4·0 m to 15·0 m. Other
Jetties are situated on the E shore of the bay faciities: garbage collection.
fronting the town and along the S shore of the bay 3 Tanker berth. An oil pipeline extends 3 cables NW
be1Ween the mouth of Gok!ere and Tulia Bumu, from a facility close SSW of Roda Port (1 mile SW of
3 miles w, including the area ciose w of TuZla Bumu. Tuzla Bumu). Two mooring buoys provide a berth for
tankers to moor at the seaward end of the pipeline,
2.171 close SW of lhe head of the jetty al Roda Port. Two
The local port authority must be consuned for the buoys (special, X-topmark) lie close SSW of lhe
latest information on depths, aids to navigation and mooring buoys; the N one is lit
other developments.
Port services
Berths Repairs
Anchorage Minor.
An anchorage area centered on 40"26'·50N Other facilities
29°06'·70E is sftuated 1 Y, miles WNW of the town 2.176
Jetty, with depths from 44 to 57 m. Hospftal; SSCC, SSCEC issued.
A quarantine and explosives anchorage lies 3 miles
NNW of Tuzla Burnu (2.158).
Alongside berths: Fuel oil by road tanker; fresh water; provisions.
Municipality berth (Town Jetty) (40'25'·92N COASTAL WATERS IN NOl'!TH PART OF
29'09'·20E). Length 164 m; depths 6-0 lo 7·3 m. MARMARA DENIZI
Handles mainly coastal traffic. A light (grey framework
lower) is exhibfted from the head of the jetty. General lnlormatlon
2 Tanker berth. A short jetty, 55 m long, extends from Route
Iha shore 11 cables E of Tuzla Bumu (2.158). Tankers 2.178
berth stern-to the head of the jetty with anchors down The passage from the NE approaches of <;:anakkale
forward. Berthing restricted to daytime only but Bogazo through the coastal waters in the N part of
unbert.hing at any time. Maximum size of vesset Marmara Oenizi leads about 75 miles ENE from the
length 178 m, draught 11 m and 20 000 dwt. vicinity or 40'36'-00N 27'15'·00E to a position about
3 Gemport. Sftuated 8 cables E of TuZla Bumu, this 6 miles S of Ye~Bk6y Burnu (40'57'·50N 28'50'·30E).
port area includes facilities for handling containers. Traffic for Bola$ (40'59'·49N 27"59'·25E) (2.197),
RoRo and general cargo. which is not local, should remain in the traffic lane
The E part of the port area includes a 30 m wide unti S of Marmara Ereglisi, then follow the 355'
pier, about Ht. cables in length, extending NE. The recommended route.
pier includes Berths 3 and 4, depth 18·0 m on the NW
side, and Berths 5 and 6, depth 12-0 m on the S side. Topography
Berths 7 and 8. depth 8·0 m, are quays situated S of 2.179
the pier. Berths 1 and 2. depth 11 ·7 m, are quays Hotkoy Bumu to Teklrclag. From close N of
situated W of the pier. Ho$kOy Burnu (40'42'·80N 27'19'·00E) (2.91) lO
• Tugsas berth (Nitrogen Wharl). Sftualed 7 cables Kocaburun (2.183). 1 O miles NE. cliffs rise directly from
E of Tuzla Bumu, !his berth is W of Gemport The the sea to elevations of between 60 and 275 m. The
quay has facilities for handling bulk or bagged fertiiser town of Gazikoy, 2 miles NNE of Ho$k<iy Bumu, is
and liquid ammonia. General depths alongside of prominent,. being mainly buflt on the steep slope of a
between 9·0 and 14·0 m but there is a 6·9 m patch spur of the Mis, about 30 m high.
near the centre of the jetty. Berth accommodates The high cliff-like coast ends about 1 \ol m N of
vessels up to 21 O m LOA, 8-0 to 12-0 m draught ancl Kocaburun and thence. as far as Tekirdag (2.188). the
30 000 dwL Vessels always berth port side to. coast is comparatively low. with low cliffs in places.
s Yitport contamer Terminal. Situated about 5 cables 2 Tekirdaij to Adaardi Burnu. Between Tekirda§ and
ESE of Tuzla Bumu, a container handflng quay has a Kargaburun (2.183), 16 miles E, the coast is generally
continuous length of 2 cables and reported depth cliff-like and within it the land gradually rises to
(2016) of 17·0 m. eleVations of be1Ween 150 and 180 m, wfth many
2.174 streams discharging along the shore. The hills are
Borusan. Situated 3'/. cables SW of TuZla Bumu. rounded downs. efther cultivated or covered In yellow
Two jetties extend NW from a broad mole which weed and devoid of trees. The valleys are, for the
handles containers, general cargo. and RoRo. Vessels mos! part, WKle and fertde.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

3 Between Kargaburun and Adaardi Bumu (2.203). s S of Degirmen Burnu Light (40'57'·64N
5 miles E, tile coast consists mainly of sandy beaches 28'37'·27E) (2.90), !hence:
backed by low. steep hills. A sunken rocky reef fringes s of Ye~ilkoy Burnu Light (40'57'·51 N
this stretch of the coast, extending about 2 cables 28'50'·34E).
offshore. (Direcoons for the SW approaches to
4 Adaardi Burnu to VefilkOy Burnu. Between istanbul Bogaz, are given at 2.290)
Adaardi Bumu (40.58'·20N 21·ss0·05E) and Ye~ilkoy
Bumu, 40 miles E, the coast is mainly low with sandy Asyaport
beaches and occasional cliff-fike poinlS. Shoal banks
on which there are some sunken rocks, extend a short General information
distance offshore in many places. 2.184
s Within this stretch of the coast the land rises very Position and function. Asyaport (40.53'·90N
gradually and appears treeless. arid and uncultivated . 2M8'·24E) is a purpose built container terminal
Seen from offshore, tile skyline, which is formed by located at lhe S end of lhe town of Barbaros (2.201),
the summit of lhe rounded downs about 200 m high, is SSW of Tekirdag (2.188) A mosque with two minarelS
about 5 miles inland. is situated in the centre of the town.
Port Operator:
Submarine exercise area Asyaport, Barbaros-Siileymanpa~a. 59020{Tekirdag.
2.180 Website.
A submarine exercise area is situated in the bay
Arrival information
that lies between Adaardi Bumu (2.203) and Baba
Bumu (2.183). See 1.29.
Anchorages. See 2.189.
Current Pilotage is compulsory for all foreign vessels over
2.181 500gt. Pilot boards at 40'53'-02N 21•31'·51E.
Tekirdag to Ye§ilkoy Bumu. Between Tekirdag and Tugs. Two tugs and a mooring boat are available.
Ye~i\kOy Burnu the main current sets mostty SW at
between 1.h to ¥· kn. A weak counter-current sets E
along lhe coast between Tekirdag and Kargaburun
General layout. The terminal extends 2 cables from
(2.183) and off Eregh Liman, (2.203).
shore and consists of an outer quay, inner berlhs at
lhe N end of lhe terminal and general berlhs at the S
Directions end. A smal basin used by domestic RoRo ferries and
(continued from 2.57) fishSlg vessels lies within a breakwater near the N end
Principal marks of the tenT'UnaJ.
2.182 Berths
Landmarks: 2.187
Kargaburun radio mast (40.58'·38N 27"52'-00E), Main quay. 1000 m of continuous berlhing space.
mar1<ed by red obstruction lighlS. deplh 18 m. Containers.
Major lights: Sou1h quay. 318 m of berlhing space. Containers.
Ho§koy Light {40.42'·23N 27"18'·35E) (2.89). Inner quay. 330 m of berthing space. Containers
Ereglisi Light {white metal tower and dwelling, and general cargo.
26 m in height) (40'58'·00N 27"57'·71 E).
Ye~ilkoy Burnu Ughl (40.57'·512N 28'50'·34E) Tekirdag
General information
North part of Marmara Denizi 2.188
2.183 Position and function. The town of TekirdaQ
From lhe vicinity of 40'36'-00N 27"15'-00E lhe track (40-S7'·74N 27'30'·46E). is built on lhe gentle slopes
leads generally NE tllen E, through waters clear of of a hill facing S and from !he bay appears very
charted dangers. for about 75 miles to lhe vicinity of imposing. There are numerous trees interspersed
Ye~ilkoy Bumu (40'57'·51N 28'50'·34E). passing: amongst the buildings.
SE of Ho§koy Light (40'42'·23N 27"18'·35E) 2 Tekirdag is a commercial centre and port, and is the
(2.89), !hence: administrative centre of the province. It handles
2 SE of Kocaburun (40'50'·80N 27'27'·30E), a bluff containers, iron. steel, cement, forest products, paper.
headland, thence: plaslic, coal, glass. wheat, oil, sunflower seed and
S of Kargaburun (40'58'·20N 27"52'-00E), a agricultural products,
projecting spur, 17 m high, al lhe E end of 3 Port Authority, Akport Tekirdag Liman i~letmesi
some low earthy cliffs. Kokona.r Tepesi, a A.$. (Akport Tekirdag Port Management), Liman
conspicuous tumulus 100 m high. rises Barbaros Caddesi, Mer1<ez- Tekirdag.
1 Y. miles NE of the headland. Thence:
3 S of Orencik Kayas, Light {white tower on Arrival information
concrete base, 5 m in height) (40.57'-67N 2.189
27°53'·78E), standing on a rock 0·3 m high, Anchorages are situated as follows:
situated in a rocky patch about 4 Y.J cables Vessels under 1000 gt in an area centred on
offshore. A military security area lies close 40'56'.90N 27"33'·20E.
inshore of the rock. Thence: Vessels over 1000 gt in an area centred on
• S of Baba Bumu (40'59'·10N 28'32'-SOE), a 40•55• -OON 27"30' ·SOE.
cliff-like headland that rises to a conical hill Vessels carrying dangerous cargoes in an area
Immediately within it A light buoy (special) is centred on 40°57'·00N 27'37'·00E.
moored at lhe end of an outfall extending Two light buoys (speciaQ are moored 2 miles E of
1 mile SSW from Baba Bumu. Thence: the dangerous cargo anchorage.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

2 Pilotage is compulsory for all foreign vessels over Opet Marmara Terminal
500 gt; the pilot boards in position 40°57'·20N General information
27°55'·80E, o/. mile S of Mart~ (2.202). 2.193
Tugs are available. Their use is compulsory for aJl Position and function. Opet Marmara Terminal is
vessels over 2000 gt, except warships. situated in position 40°59'-00N 27°59'-00E, 6 cables
SSW of Bola~ Natural Gas Terminal (2.197). The
tenninal handles petroleum products.
Harbour Terminal operator: Opet Pelrolculuk A.$., Marmara
2.190 Ereglisi Sultankoy Betdesi, Tilki C,atagi Mevkii,
General layout. The Old Pier (40"58'·37N Marmara Ereglisi- Tekirdag.
27"31'·02E) and a basin for fishing vessels are
Arrival information
situated abreast the centre of the town. A mama 6es
close E of the Old Pier. The container terminal, 2.194
Berthing,. Vessels arrive and depart both day and
incorporating two RoRo berths at its base. is situated
9 cables SW of the Old Pier, with the New Pier close nighL
SSW. A jetty used for handling grain and vegetable Berths
oils is situated 2 cables SSW of the New Pier. 2.195
Opet Marmara Terminal consists of an L-shaped
jeny extending SE for 280 m from a position close N
Berths of Oumanlt Bumu. The outer berthing section runs
2.191 NNEISSW and is 420 m long: a second jetty lies
Old Pier. Four berths. Longest is 108 m wi1h del)lhS inside and paraBel to the first; lights are exhibited from
alongside of 4·2 to 5·9 m. the ends of both jetties. A second berthing jetty, 100 m
Container Terminal. Five berths. Longest is 356 m long wilh N and S breasting dolphins, lies close N of
with depths alongside of 9·9 to 10'8 m. the main jetty; fights are el<hibited from the ends of the
New Pier. Two berths. Longest is 343 m with jetty. The roots of both jetties lie In close proximity.
depths alongside of S·O to 11-0 m. A RoRo berth ,s Port services
located on the S side of New Pier at its rool 2.196
New (TMO) Jetty. Two berths, each 150 m in length Other facUities.. BaJlast and oily water treatment.
with depths alongside of 9•6 to 9•8 m.
General information
Port services 2.197
2.192 Position and function. Bola~ Natural Gas Terminal
Other facllltles: SSCC and SSCEC issued; (40"59.-<19N 27°59'·25E) is situated 2 miles NE of
hospital. Ereglisi Light. An area into which entry by
Supplies: fuel by road tanker or by barge; fresh unauthorised craft is prohibited lies around the
water; provisions. terminal.

D= ff •

Opet Mannara Terminal (2.193) and Bo~ Natural Gas Tenninal (2.197) from SSW
Orifin,ll- 20(}1

Photograph - C,own Copyright

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

2 The tenninal has a single jetty for the handling of Anchorages and harbours
LNG. Diesel fuel cargoes may also be handled at the
terminal, but will not be handled simultaneously with Kocaburun to Tekirdag
LNG. Two CBM berths, connected to the shore by 2.201
pipelines, lie 1 and 1 Y. miles NNE of the termrnat. Anchorage (poor) may be obtained along the coast
respectively. A third pipeline extends 4 cables SE from between Kocaburun (40°50'·80N 27°27'·30E) and
a common position, 40°00'·46N 27'59'-00E, on the Tekirdag, 8 miles NNE.
shore. 2 Harbours. Two small fishing harbours, with
3 Opet Mannara Tenninal lies 6 cables SSW. breakwaters marked by lights. are located at Kumbag
Port Authority. Boru Hatlari Petrol Tasima A.$ .. PO {40.51'•90N 27°27'·66E) and Barbaros (40°54'·16N
Box 17, 59740 Marmara Ereglisi-Tekirdag. 2r2s··13E). Kumbag, from where a submarine cable
Arrival infonnation extends E from a position close S of the entrance,
2.198 provides good shetter with depths of 2 to 5 m inside.
Anchorages. Anchorage for LNG vessels is within Barbaros fishing harbour lies at the N end of Asyaport
a circular area centred on 40'58'·28N 27"'59'·73E with (2.184).
a radius of 5 cables, 1 V. miles SSE of the jetty. Only Marta1
one vessel may anchor in this area, a second vessel 2.202
may only anchor al a point indicated by the harbour General information. Marta~ (40°58'·10N
authority. 27"56'·16E), E of Kargaburun, is a port handling si!Ver
2 An unrestricted anchorage centered on 41°00'-60N sand. grain. steel products. vegetable oils. general
28°01 '·50E lies 2 miles NE of the jetty. cargo and RoRo: military and NATO vessels are also
3 Pilotage and tugs. Vessels carrying LNG are handled.
required to take two pilots, one coming from Bota~. Port operator: Marta~ Marmara Ere§lisi Uman
and one for the passage through Canakkale Bogaz1 Tesislen A.$., Be~ikta§ Barbaros Bulvari No:29,
(Dardanelles) to the terminal. Three tugs will istanbu I.
accompany the vessel through c;;anakkale Bogaz1 also 2 Anchorage. A designated anchorage area centred
a patrol boat which will enforce a 5 cable exclusion on 40"ST·27N 27°53'·30E is situated WSW of the jetty.
zone around the vessel. Orencik Kayas, Light (2.183) marks a rocky patch at
• A second Betas pilot will embark at the S end of the N extremity of the anchorage area.
the LNG anchorage. The use of three tugs for berthing Pilots and tugs. Pilotage and tugs are compulsory.
is compulsory. Pilots board about 1 mile from the berth.
Regulations. LNG vessels must transfi c;;anakkale • Berths. There is an angled pier extending SSW
Bogaz, in daylight. with visibilfiy of more than 1 mie, at from the shore; a light (yellow cross on post) is
a maximum speed of 10 kn. Other traffic, in both exhibned from ns head. w side: two berths of 216 and
directions, will be suspended. 1 SS m. depths 6 to 22 m; E side: two berths of 136
and 157 m, depths 7 to 25 m. The RoRo berths are at
Berths the base and each side of the jetty: W berth 35 m
2.199 wide; E berth t 96 m wide, of which the RoRo berth
Terminal. A T-headed jetty extends 1 ~ cables ESE accounts for 25 m.
from the shore; depth alongside is in excess of 18 m. • A second pier extends SSE 1 v, cables from the
CBM berths. 230 m LOA. 15 m draught, and 145 m shore. This pier has two RoRo ramps, one NNW of
LOA, 11 m draught the other. as well as alongside berths.
Port services Supplies: fuel by barge or road tanker; fresh water
2.200 at al berths.
Other facilities. SSCC and SSCEC issued. Eregli Liman,
Supplies. Fuel oil and provisions will only be 2.203
supplied either before or after unloading operations. General information. EreQli Llmam is entered
Fuel oil only supplied in the anchorage area with between Adaardi Bumu (40.58'•20N 27'58'·05E) and
permission from the harbour authority. Oumanli Bumu, 8 cables NNE. Adaardi Bumu is the

Marmara &eglisi from ESE (2.203)

Photograph - C,own Copyright

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

extremity of a small hilly peninsula, 56 m high, on lhe Buyuk~ekmece Koyu

N slopes of which stands the town of Mannara 2.206
Ereglisi. When approaching along the coast from either B(iyuk~ekmece Koyu is entered between Baba
E or W, the peninsula first appears as an island. Bumu (40°59'·10N 28°32'·50E) (2.183) and Manda
2 Landmarks. Ereglisi Light (2. 182) and a group of oil Bumu, 2'h miles ESE. At the head of lhe bay, close W
storage tanks which stand on the peninsula. of lhe vilage of Buyiik~ekmece, Is the entrance to
Caution. A reef extends 1 cable N from lhe NE Buyiik~ekmece Golu, a large lagoon. The entrance is
extremity of the peninsula. Kilkaya L.ighl (E cardinal, spaMed by a fixed road bridge.
6 m In height) marks the N Umit of lhis reef. 2 A light buoy (special) is moored at the end of an
3 Alongside berths. An oil loading jetty extends oulfal extending 1 mile SSW from Baba Burnu.
340 m from the W shore of lhe bay. Anchorage. The bay provides good and safe
A Y-shaped breakwater/moleat the customs house. anchorage except in heavy SW gales. The holding
3~ cables W of Adaardi Bumu, is 160m long and has ground of stiff mud is good. The best anchorage is SE
depths alongside lhe inner section from 1·3 10 2·7 m; of Mimarsinan (41'01'·00N 28'33'·50E), in depths of
underwater rocks surround the head of the breakwater. 11 m. with the S minaret in Biiyiik~ekmece bearing
A fishing harbour, protected from the NE, Ges close W 027', Bo/•cables. See also 2.210.
of the breakwater/mole. 3 Harbours. A jetty, with depths alongside of about
• A small harbour protected by a dog-legged mole 3 m, and protected by a breakwater, is situated at
lies 2'h cables ESE of the breakwater/mole; depths Buyiik~ekmece. The jetty Is used by ferries and a light
unknown. Wrecks and underwater rocks lie dose E of (white concrete tower, 8 m in height) stands al its
the entrance. head. The head of lhe jetty forms the N entrance to a
marina, which is protected by an angled breakwater
approximately 540 m ln lenglh; deplhs within the
Silivri Koyu marina are 1 to 4 m.
2.204 ., A commercial and fishing harbour, protected by
General information. Silivri Koyu is entered breakwaters and open N, is situaled in lhe NW part of
between Karga Bumu (41°04'·30N 28°12'·50E) and lhe bay al Mimarsinan. Two jetties extend E from
Kabla Burun (2 miles E). Foul ground extends about midway along lhe W shore; depths alongside the
2 cables from Karga Bumu and a bank on which !here jetties from 1·7 to 6·1 m, and 4·4 to 5·9 m In the
are deplhs of less than 5 m extends up 10 3 cables entrance and lhe oentre of the harbour.
from the shore of lhe bay. A new harbour is under construction {2014)
2 A gas production platform mar1<ed by a ight buoy 5 cables SE of Manda Bumu (40°58'·40N 28'35'·80E).
(S cardinal), and connected to the shore by a pipeline,
lies 1 'h miles SW of Karga Bumu. A prohibited area,
from 2 to 3 cables, surounds lhe pipeine and platlonn. AMBARLI LiMANI
The area is marked by light buoys (cardinal).
General lnfonnation
3 The town of SillVri is situated on the E side of the
bay, about 7'h cables NW of Kabla Burun. tt stands on Position and f\JncUon
the slope of a hill, rising in precipitous earth cliffs, 2.207
50 m in height, immediately E of lhe lown. From The port of Ambarlo Liman, (40•55·,ooN 28°40'·79E)
seaward these cliffs are prominent and ancient walls is situated on the N shore of Marmara Denizi about
are visible on their summits. 34 km W of istanbul. The port Is divided into two
• Anchorage. An anchorage area lies 1 'h miles SE of regions: Region No t handles general, dry, bulk,
the harbour. The best anchorage Is obtainable on a container uaffic and includes Total Offshore Plattorrn
line joining the entrance points. in depths of 14 rn, (2.215); Region No 2 handles oil and gas cargoes only
mud. (2.216).
Small vessels can anchor in lhe N part of lhe bay.
in deplhs of 3 to 5 m, sand. Port Authorify
s Harbour. Two breakwaters shelter lhe harbour from 2.208
NW, S and SW. A light (white concrete tower, 5 m in General management: Altas Ambarl1 Liman Tesisleri
height) is exhibited from the N breakwater. Ticaret A.$ .• Marmara Mahana Liman Caddesi No 49/2,
A concrete jetty, 210 m in lenglh with a lighl at its 34520 Beyikdiizii. istanbul.
head, extends WSW abreast the town and between Website.
the breakwaters. There are depths of about 5 m at lhe
Limiting conditions
head of the jetty.
Density of water
Density of water is ab-Out 1 ·018 g/cm3.
Anchorage may be obtained off lhe vilage of Arrival Information
seumeasa (41°03'·50N 28°22'·50E) in deplhs of
between 13 and 16 m, with the tower in 1he v,llage Outer anchorages
bearing 008', but care must be taken not to proceed 2.210
within deplhs of 9 m as the edge of lhe bank fronting Designated anchorages are situated as follows:
the shore is steep-to. No 1 Anchorage (40'59'·50N 28'34'·50E).
Harbour. There is a harbour for small vessels General anchorage.
protected by an ancient Roman mole. No 2 Anchorage (40°57'·40N 28°33'·30E).
2 Caution. The area immediately W of lhe mole Is General anchorage. A pipeline wtth a light
encumbered wilh dangerous rooks. and a light buoy buoy (special) al its seaward end. lies close
(Isolated danger) mar1<s a detached dangerous rock NW of lhe anchorage area.
lying 5 cables SE of the mole and about 2'h cables No 3 Anchorage (40'56'·70N 28°36'·50E).
offshore. Explosives and quarantine anchorage.
e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

2 No 4 Anchorage (40°56'·40N 28°38'·70E). steel products, scrap, wood products, bulk

General anchorage. cargoes, containers and chemicals.
Anchoring is prohibited within 500 m of the gas 3 Marport Main Terminal (40'57'·85N 28'40'·40E).
pipeline which lands to the W of the oil berths. There are 2 berths; the longest and deepest is
Diving is prohibited from a position on the shore. 400 m in length with a depth of 14·5 m
1 \<> miles WNW of Baba Bumu (2.183), to a position alongside. General cargoes, containers and
3 miles S, then E to a position 7 cables S of Deginnen RoRo.
Bumu, thence 10 the shore. Lomak Amba,11 Qimento (40°57'·67N 28'40'·26E).
Total quay length 240 m, width 20 m and a
Pilotage depth of 8 lo 14 m; vessels up lo 40 000 dwl
Pilots board in position (40°56'·00N 28°40'·65E), • Marport Wesl Terminal (40'57'·60N 28'40'·10E).
There are 3 berths; the longest and deepest is
close w of the recommended traok (2.214). Piloiage is 350 m in lenglh with a deplh of 12 m
compulsory and available 24 hours, although tankers alongside. General cargo and containers.
are not normally berthed at night but can sail at any Total Offshore Platform (40°57'·54N 28'39'·89E).
time. Vessels can moor etther side of the berth;
maximum size 40 000 dw1; 13 m draught. The
Tugs berths are 200 m in length with depths of 11 to
2.212 20 m alongside. Gas oil, gasoline and
Tugs are compulsory, with the number being kerosene.
dependent on the size and manoeuvring capabilities of 5 In Region No 1 the largest vessel handled was
the vessel. 273 m in length with a draught of 11 m.

Harbour Tanker platforms and moorings

General layout Region No 2:
2.213 BP Amoco (40°58'·07N 28°41'·74E). A CBM berth
Region No 1, containing the dry cargo handling with a depth of 12 m, handling tankers of up to
complexes. is situated at the W end of the port and 25000dWI.
extends ENE for about 8 cables between Marport Aygaz Yeni (New) Platform (40'57'·71 N
West Terminal (40°57'·50N 28°40'·10E) and Marport 28'41'·99E). The platform. equipped with AIS,
East Terminal (Kumport) jetties. A breakwater extends is connected to the shore by a gas pipeline.
360 m E from the head of Marport West Terminal with 2 Qekisan Platform. The jelly (40'58'·26N
the entrance, open E. between the breakwater head. 28'41'·72E) handles tankers of up to 1000 dwt
from where a light is exhibited, and Marda~ jetty. and draught 4 m; the platform (40°58'·15N
2 Wrth the exception of the Tola! Offshore Platfonm 28'41'·85E) handles tankers of up lo
(2.215) Region No 2, containing all the oi and gas 15 000 dw1 and draught 9 m; me buoy berth
berths, is situated at the E end of the port and (40°58'-04N 28°42'·02E) handles tankers of up
extends from the Aygaz platform for about 7 cables E to 40 000 dWI with a draught of 12 m. A light is
to the Eua~ Platform (2.216). exhil>ited from the W edge of the platform.
West Istanbul Marina lies close W of Marport West 3 OVM POAS Dolphin (40°58'·15N 28°42'·27E)
Terminal. 240 m long, aligned NE/SW 350 m W. The
A small vessel and ferry harbour is situated at platfonn handles tankers with a maximum
Avc,lar (40°58'·16N 28°43'·13E). draught of t 3 m; lights are exhibited from lhe
ends of the platform.
Directions , Eua~ Platform (40°58'·07N 28°42'·46E). The
platform, equipped wtth AIS, has mooring
Approaches buoys to !he N and S and is connected to the
2.214 shore by a gas pipeline.
From the N boundary of the W-bound TSS in In Region No 2 the largest vessel handled was
poslnon 40'54'·60N 28°40'·90E, the port is approached 176 m in length with a draughl of 9·45 m.
along the recommended track, which leads 000° for Caution. A shoal patch of 9·2 m is located 90 m
3 miles. from the NE end.
s Aygaz Offshore Platform (40°58'·13N 28°41'·58E).
Basins and berths There is one berth handling tankers of up to
200 m in length and draught 7·2 m. LPG.
Alongside berths and Total Offshore Platform For the latest depths the chart and port authorities
2.215 should be consulted.
Region No 1:
Marport East Terminal (Kumport) (40°58'-02N
28°40'·85E). There are 13 berths; the longest Port services
and deepest is 300 m in length wtth a depth of
13·5 m alongside. Containers. general cargo, Other facilities
bulk and RoRo. 2.217
2 Ak9ansa Cement (40°57'·79N 28°40'·70E). There SSCC. SSCEC issued; hospital facilities; oily waste
are 2 berths and a cement pier; the longest disposal at some berths; RoRo berths.
and deepest is 31 O m in length wtth a depth of
13·5 m alongside. Supplies
Marda~ (40'57'· 77N 28°40'·58E). Total berthing 2.218
length of 915 m with 2 RoRo berths.with Fuel by barge; fresh water alongside or by barge;
depths of 10·0 to 14·5 m alongside. Iron ore, provisions.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

APPROACHES TO iZMiT KORFEZi Anchorages and harbours

North coast of Bozburun Yanmadas1
General information 2.224
There is no safe anchorage on this stretch of the
Route coast. Wl1h S winds. vessels can find temporary
2.219 anchorage off the villages of Enger (40'38'·65N
Vessels should remain in the traffic lane whilst 29'00'·70E} and Koruk6y (40'39'·00N 29'10'·00E), and
crossing Marmara Denizi, to the vicinity of 40°44'·50N in the bay on the W side of Deveboynu Burnu
28°15'·00E. Thereafter the recommended route, 091°, (40°39'-SON 29'09'·00E).
leads into the entrance to lzmit KOrfezi. Yalova
Topography General information. vatova (40°39'·64N
2.220 29'16'·19E}, the principal town in the locality, lies
North shore of Bozburun Ya11madas1 is backed by 1 Y, miles E of the mouth of the Sellmandra Deresi.
lofty mountains intersected by numerous vafleys and The harbour administrative limits extend E along the S
passes. The highest point on the peninsula is Taz shore waters of lzmh Korfezi, including the E side of
Dagi, 921 m high, 6'h miles ENE of Boz Bumu Di Bumu (2.239) and the shipya,d facillties lying on
(40°31'·12N 28°46'·90E). the W side of Oil Bumu.
2 East from Boz Burnu to Deveboynu Burnu 2 ToP9U Koyu (40°42'·20N 29°25'·90E) is a broad bay
(40•39•.50N 29•09•.ooE) (2.223) the coast is steep-to situated about 8 miles NE of vaiova Harbour. between
with no off-lying dangers. Between Oeveboynu Bumu <;;atal Burun (2.223) and Oil Burnu (2.239). At the
and <;;atal Burun, 11 miles ENE, the coast changes in head of this bay, the coastal hills approach the gulf
character and consistsof a sandy beach backed onty with steep slopes to seaward, leaving a narrow plain
by low spurs, as the higher hills recede farther inland. between their foot and the sea.
3 Yalova Harbour. A small harbour (40'39'·68N
Submarine exercisearea 29°14'·80E} protected by two moles. with the E one
2.221 having a spur, lies 1 mile W of the centre of the town,
Submarines exercise frequently within the area. N of and close E of the mouth or the Selimandra Deresi.
Bozburun Yanrnadasr See 1.29. Lighls (metal framework towers, 7 m in height) are
exhibited from the head of each mole.
" Cautions. Dangerous wrecks lie near the head of
Directions the hartour. A platform (Iii), al the seaward end of a
(continued from 2.90) submarine water pipeline. lies ctose N of the E
breakwater. A submarine outfall pipeline extends
Principal marks 5 cables NNE, from a position close E of the platform.
2.222 Yalova Marina lies 5 cables E of the mouth of
Major lights: Eyrek Deresi.. A second small harbour and mole with a
Ye§ilkoy Bumu Light (4o•sT·51N 2e•so'·34E} light at its head, lies close E of the stream.
(2.290). s High speed ferry pier and ramps lie close E of the
Ahul<ap, Light (41°00'·38N 28°59'· 13E} (2.290). marina; depths vary from 4·6 m at the head of the pier
Fenerbah9e Light (40'58'·09N 29°01 '·93E) to 8 m on the berth closest to lhe marina. A light is
(2.290). exhibited from the head of the pier.
Yelkenkaya Bumu Light (white concrete tower 2.226
and building. 15 m in height) (40'45'·37N Topc;u Koyu berths.
29'21 '•24E). Aksa Jetty (40°41'·92N 29°24'·60E), angled jetty
about 500 m in length and handling chemical
Approaches to izmit KOrfezi tankers of up 10 9 m draught. A light is
2.223 exhibtted from the head of the jetty.
From the vicinity of 40'44'·00N 28°55',()()E, the A bulk handling jetty (40'41'•89N 29'24'·76E} and
route leads E to the entrance to lzmlt Kilrfezi, passing: conveyor system extends about 2'/• cables NE
S of Sivriada light (40'52'·53N 2e•se'·22E) from the shore, 1 % cables E of the tanker
(2.291), thence: berlh. Berthing at bolh jetties is in daylight only
N of Sivrikaya Burnu Light (white metal but unberthing is available 24 hrs.
framewol1< tower. 10 m in height) (40°38'·72N 2 Elyaf Jetty (40'41''68N 29•25•,12E). 405 m In
29'00'·51E), thence: length is used by chemical tankers up to 7·5 m
2 S of Ba!1k91 Adas, Light (40'49'·18N 29°06'·75E} draught, mooring stern first to the jetty; a
(2.300), thence: dolphin ties each side of the head of the jetty.
N of Deveboynu Bumu (40'39'·50N 29'09',()()E), A ferry route runs N from a broad pier
a headland with steep cliffs 30 m high that (40°41 '·39N 29°26'·04E}. A dangerous wreck
shows up prominently from E and w. Thence: (40°41'·50N 29'25'·97E), lies alongside a
s of Hayors,zada Light (40°47'·46N 29°15'·79E} finger pier extending N. A third pier
(2.300). thence: (40'41'·75N 29'27'·40E). with a light at ils
3 S ot Yelkenkaya Bumu (40°45'·37N 29'21'·24E}. head, ties 6 cables ENE.
A light (2.222) stands on this bold and 3 Topc;u Koyu shipyard berths. The E shore of
mooerately steep-to headland, which forms Topc;u Koyu is almost continuously occupied by many
the N entrance point of izmit Korlezi. Thence: shipyards and related facilities. including repair quays
N of <;:atal Burun (40'42',()()N 29923',()()E}, a low and piers. slipways. floating drydocks and graving
sandy point that forms the S entrance point of docks. The main shipyards are:
lzmlt Korlezi. Tersan Shipyard (40.42'•03N 29'27'·31 E), with
(DirectkJnscontinue for fzmit K6rfezi at 2.238) depths at repair berths to 18 m.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

, Be~ikta~ Shipyard (40°42'·85N 29•21'-88E), with Arrival information

floating and graving docks and snpways, Port operations
depths at berths from 6 to 20 m. 2.231
Hat-San Shipyard (40°43'·38N 29'28'·78E). Vessels with a vertical clearance equal to 60 m or
Cemre Shipyard (40°43'·63N 29'29'·49E). more are not allowed to pass under Osman Gazl
Sefine Shipyard (40°43'·95N 29'30'·25E); graving Bridge. Vessels with a height of 56 to 60 m may be
dock, slipway and repair quays. permitted to pass under the bridge H they can satisfy
s Anchorage, which is the best along this stretch of the conditions determined by the administration.
coast, can be obtained about 3V. cables NW of the
Yalova harbour entrance in a depth of 34 m, mud. The Vessel traffic service
holding ground is good and there is plenty of room. 2.232
Good anchorage in ToP9U Koyu may be obtained in A VTS is established for the regulation of traffic
depths of between 9 and 36 m, mud, from 3 to within the boundaries of the traffic separation scheme
7 cables offshore. The best berth is in the S pan of and its approaches. IZMITRAP is the mandatory ship
the bay. During NW winds. better shelter will be found reporting system for the area. For further information,
in Tokmak (2.269). see ADMIRALTY Lisi of Radio Signals Volume 6(3}.
6 Designated anchorages are situated off (,atal Outer anchorages
Burun (2.223) as follows: 2.233
GeneraJ anchorage: centred 2¥.. miles WSW. A designated anchorage area is bounded by a line
Explosives and quarantine anchorage: centred joining Danca Bumu (40°45'·30N 29°23'·40E), Kaba
1 mile w. Burun (40-46'-02N 29•31'-lOE), and the coast to the
Supplies: fuel; fresh water, both by barge. N.
Cautlons. Anchoring and fishing are prohibited
within 500 m of a submarine cable and gas pipeline,
which come ashore towards the centre and E
General information boundary of the area, respectively. The anchorage
area forms pan of the inshore traffic zone.
Route and description 2 Two further anchorage areas, soft mud with fair
2.227 holding ground, lie WNW of Yar,mca-Tiitun~iftlik
The route follows the izmit Traffic Separation ltidustrial complex (40'44'·63N 29'45'·68E) and are
Scheme (2.235) from the vicinity of 40°43'·34N centred in positions:
29•21 ·.39E to the head of the gutt, 26 mies E. 40'45'·88N 29°39'·30E (for vessels carrying
Wrthin izmit KOrfezi are numerous ports, terminals non-dangerous goods).
and anchorages under the general jurisdictionof the 40°45'·68N 29°4 t '·95E (explosives and
lzmit (Kocaeli) Port Authority (2.229). including Yalova quarantine).
(2.225). Shipyards and minor facilities are described at Pilotage and tugs
2.273. 2.234
Topography Pllotage in izmit Korfezi is compulsory for all
2.228 foreign llagged vessels over 500 gt. Pilots board in
izmit Korfezi is entered between Qatal Burun position 40'43'·40N 29•2t'·40E. The psot station at
(40'42'·00N 29'23'·00E) and Yelkenkaya Burnu Golciik (40'43'·72N 29•4a'·85E), inside the prohibtted
(2.223), 3'h mtles NNW. The shores of the guH are. in area. is for military ships only.
general, very sleep-lo and convenient anchorage as 2 Tugs, Which are stationed at Danca (2.239), are
onry to be found in certain places. compulsory for all vessels over 2000 gt.
2 The gulf is divided into three basins by two For lurther information see ADMIRALTY List of
narrows. The E of these basins forms a good harbour, Radio Signals Volume 6(3).
with convenient depths throughOUL Traffic regulations
The borders of the gulf alternate between tree-ciad 2.235
mountain, valley and plain. Traffic separation scheme. The lzmtt TSS leads
3 Within the head of the guH is a plain which contains into lzmil Korfezi from the vicinity of 40•43'.34N
the delta of the Kiraz Dere. The river enters the guH 29°21 '·39E to the head of the gutt. The scheme is not
through marshes about 1 mile S of the town of izmil IMO-adoj)ted. See 2.232.
Only shallow draught boats can enter the mouth of the The flow of traffic passing under the Osman Gazi
river. Bridge (2.230) is controlled by light buoys QateraQ.
A number of large industrial complexes are situated ITZ is estab6shed N of the TSS for vessels that are
on the shores of the gulf. not required to take a pilot.
2 Prohibited areas. Entry is prohibited into the
Port Authority following military areas:
2.229 Oil Bumu (40.44'·44N 29•30··90E) (2.239).
lzmlt (Kocaeli) Uman Ba~kanhg, Ozmit (l(ocaell) Port An area surrounding the jetty at Konca, 5 cables
Authority), Alalar Mahalle, Sahil Yolu Caddesi No 26, E of Kestane Bumu (40.42'·60N 29°43'-00E).
Yanmca KOrtez-Kocaeli. Golcuk (40'43'~2N 29°48'·76E) (2.271).
Ba~iskele (40'43'-00N 29.SS'·OOE) (2.273).
Limiting conditions Submarine exercise area. Submarines exercise
Vertical clearance frequently within the area in the central basin of izmit
2.230 Korfezi. See 1.29.
Osman Gazl Bridge (40'45'·24N 29°30'-96E) is a Compass correction beacons
suspension bridge spanning izmlt Korfezi between Oil 2.236
Burnu (2.239) and Kaba Burun (2.239). Vertical A pair of beacons. 4 cables S of Oil Bumu (2.239),
clearance is 60 m at centre span. See 2.231. have been established for compass alignment.

e-NP24 - NMs - TRAMMO PARIS {IMO No.lM09792515)

Paragraph 2.233 2 Replace by:
2. Further anchorage areas, soft mud with fair holding ground, lie WNW of YarYmca-TutOn~iftlik
Industrial complex (40°44'·63N 29°45'·68E), centred on:
40°45'·82N 29°38'·28E (for vessels carrying non-dangerous goods);
40•45•. 76N 29°40'·48E (explosives and quarantine);
40°46'·40N 29°38'·50E (explosives).
Turkish Notice 31/143/19 [NP24-No 5-Wk 46/19)


Page: 97
Paragraph 2.233 2 Replace by:
2. Further anchorage areas, soft mud with fair holding ground. lie WNW of YarYmca-TOtOn~iftlik
Industrial complex (40°44'·63N 29°45'·68E). centred on:
40°45'·82N 29°38'·28E (for vessels carrying non-dangerous goods);
40°45'·76N 29°40'·48E (explosives and quarantine);
40°46'·40N 29°38' ·SOE (explosives).
Turkish Notice 31/143/19 [NP24-No 5-Wk 46/19)


Paragraph 2.226 6 line(s) 3-5 Replace by:
Vessels carrying non-dangerous cargo and naval vessels: centred on 40°41'·24N 29°19'·31£, 3
miles WSW.
Explosives and quarantine anchorage: centred on 40°41'·80N 29°20'·96£, 1Vz miles W.
Turkish Notice 44/208/19 [NP24-No 9-Wk 50/19)


Paragraph 2.226 6 line(s) 3-5 Replace by:
Vessels carrying non-dangerous cargo and naval vessels: centred on 40°41'·24N 29°19'·31£, 3
miles WSW.
Explosives and quarantine anchorage: centred on 40°41'·80N 29°20'·96£, 1Vz miles W.
Turkish Notice 44/208/19 [NP24-No 9-Wk 50/19)
e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Natural conditions Limiting conditions

2.237 2.241
Currents. The currents set E along the S shore Density of the water is 1018 glcm3.
and W along the N shore.
Local weather. Very heavy squaJls come down Anival Information
from the valleys, especially with S winds, and in 2.242
thunderstorms the gusts are sudden and violent Pilotage and tugs. See 2.234.
Strong W winds result in a short choppy sea. the
effects of which sometimes reach the head of the guH
and make boatwork unpleasant, even at izmit. Harbour
General layout. The Poliport complex is situated at
Directions izmir Kimya dose W of the mouth of Ova Deresi
(continued from 2.223) (40°46'-00N 29°31'·70EJ. The other complexes extend
ENE from Ova Deresi for about 1 mile.
Principal marks
Major lights: Berths
Yelkenkaya Bumu Light (40°45'·37N 29°21'·24E) 2.244
(2.222). Anchorage. See 2.233.
izmtt KOrfezi Poliport (40°46'·00N 29°31'·50E). Four berths
2.239 handling chemical,oil and general cargoes.
From a position N of c;:atal Burun (2.223) the route Longest is 190 m (with dolphin) with depths
leads E to the head of izmit Korfezi passing: alongside of 9 to 12 m.
S of Danca Bumu (40°45'·30N 29°23'..WE). A 2 <;olakoglu Metalurji Company (40°45'·90N
pilot station stands on the head1and. Thence: 29°31'•80E). Four berths handling iron and
Beneath Osman Gazi Bridge (2.230), and: steel cargoes. Longest is 430 m with depths
2 N of Oil Burnu (40'44'·49N 29°30'·91E), the N alongside of 12 lo 25 m.
extremity of a very low promontory. See Yilport (40°46'-00N 29°32'·20E) Multipurpose port
caution below. A hin, 28 m high, stands about with seven berths handling containers, general
1 mile S of the point and at first appears as an cargo, bulk and liquid cargoes. Longest is
island when approaching from the w. An area 325 m with depths alongside of 16 m.
into which entry is prohibited lies off Oil Bumu. 3 Altintel (40°46'·11N 29'32'·50E). Two berths
Thence: 220 m in length with a depth alongside of 6 to
3 S of Kaba Burun (40°46'·01 N 29"30'-99E), which 12 m, muhipurpose. Approximately 170 m of
is steep-to, thence: berth No 1 has a depth of 12·3 m alongside.
S of Zeytin Burnu Light (wMe metal tower, 8 m in Solvenll!s (40°46'·17N 29'32'·65E). The terminal
height) (40°44'·45N 29'47'·00E), standing on is a bonded warehouse for bulk liquid and dry
Zeytin Bumu, a low sandy spit about 1 m high, chemicals. There are two berths for vessels up
which is covered in vegetation and a motor to 200 m LOA, 10 m draught and 50 000 dwt
speedway, and encloses a lagoon. A radar A light is exhibited from the head of the jetty.
mast stands 2 cables NW of the ~ght Thence: • Kizilkaya (40°46'·14N 29°32'·80E). Two berths
, N of Giilcuk Bumu Light (white concrete tower, handling coal, logs, bulk cargoes, iron and
5 m in height) (40°43'·82N 29°48'·nE) which steel products. Longest is 300 m, deepest has
stands on GolcOk Bumu, a low sandy spit, off depths alongside of 7 to 24 m A light is
which a shoal bank extends about * cable. eXhibtted from the head of the Jetty.
Two starboard hand buoys Qit), mark the s Upet (40'46'·24N 29'33'·00E). Two berths
junction of the two-way route and the handling petroleum products. longest is 72 m
restricted area (2.235). Thence: handling vessels of up to 40 000 dwt with a
N of Batak Bumu (2.273). maximum draught of 15 m; dolphins are
Thence the track leads to the anchorage and located near the shore either side of the berth.
terminals at the head of izmlt Korfezi. A light is eXhibited from the elbow of the jetty.
s Caution. An extensive bank of sand and mud, with Larger vessels may anchor and moor stern to
depths of less than 5 m, extends 4 cables N of Oil the berth.
Burnu. This bank is steep-to and should be
approached with caution. The sand bank which, N of Port services
the point, forms the core of the bank varies in height 2.245
and extent, being at times above water and at others,
Other facilities: hospital; oily waste disposal.
awash. The discolouration off the point is due to
Supplles: fuel by barge; fresh water by barge;
currents and does not coincide with the limits of the


General infonnation General infonnation

2.240 2.246
Position and function. The town of DiNskelesi Position and function. Diler-Hereke (40'46'·76N
(40°45'·90N 29°32'·24E) is situated dose E of Kaba 29°37'-09E) has two adjacent complexes handling
Burun. The port handles dry, general, liquid and bulk, dry, and general cargoes and passengers. About
container cargoes. Approximatety 3 200 vessels and 1 million tonnes of cement and 0·2 million tonnes of
10 336 000 tonnes of cargo are handled annually. lme are handled annually.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

2 Berths. Seven berths at the eastern complex. with 3 Habas petroleum platform (40.44'·34N
the three E-most berths totalling 380 m LOA and 29•47'-0SE).
depths of 13 m; handling mostly cement, coat, timber Opet petroleum platform (40.44'·39N 29•47'·43E}.
and bulk cargo. The platforms are connected to the shore by
Berths 1 to 3 are also referred to as Ule NUH submarine pipelines.
Cement Pier. Berths 4 to 7, with LOA 585 m and
depths from 6 to 9 m, handle general cargo ancf Berths
passengers. 2.253
3 The western complex. referred to as Kromen-Celik, The main alongside berths are:
has 422 m of wharlage with depths from 10 to 13 m; DP World Container Terminal
handles generaf cargo, scrap, steel products and dry A large mole (40'45'· 72N 29'44'·53E} includes:
bulk. North Quay, 465 m long and 16 m depth
Supplies: fuel by barge; fresh water alongside. alongside; West Quay, 430 m and 16 m
Evyap Port 2 Pelklm Chemical Wor1<s.
General infonnation Main quay (40"45'·50N 29'45'·20E}, with depths
2.247 of about 5 m alongside, is aligned NW/SE
Position and function. Evyap Pon is situated close fronting the chemical works.
E of Kirazhyah (40'46'·80N 29'41 '·50E). The pon has A pier (40'45'·20N 29'44'·79E), extends WSW
a container and tanker terminal. aboUl 4 cables from the S part of the main
Port operators. Evyap Deniz i~letmeciigi Lojistik ve quay. The pier has various berthing positions
lnsaat A.~.. Kirazhyah Mahallesi, 1 Mayis Caddesi depending on type of liquid cargo to be
No: 1, Korfez-Kooaeli. handled.
Website. 3 lgsas Terminal.
A stone quay, 244 m long extended by a dolphin,
Berths with 6 m depth alongside.
2.248 An angled pier (40'45'-00N 29•45'·33E}. about
The container terminal has four berths. Berths 2 and 375 m (S side} in lenglh with depths of 9 to
3 are 358 m long and berths 5 and 6 are 455 m long. 18 m; used for loading bulk urea. Vessels of
All berths have a minimum depth alongside of 16 m. 70 000 dwt can be accommodated. A lighl is
2 Gubretas Terminal (40'46'·26N 29'43'-0SE), a bul< exhibited at the end of the pier. A submarine
and liquid facility with an L-shaped jetty 100 m at the pipeline, marked by a dolphin (40'45'•07N
outer face. Depth alongside at outer face 8-5 m, inner 29'45'·34E}, extends 1 'h cables WSW from the
face 5·0m. shore.
• Tiipra, oil refinery.
Rota port Angled pier (40'44'•80N 29'45'·50E} extends
General information 3 cables from the coasl Vessels lie ESE on
2.249 either side of the outer leg. It is reported that
Position and function. Yanrnca (4.Q.46'·30N vessels with draughts up to 18 m can be
29'43'·30E} is a port handling dry butk, general, grain accommodated. Outer berth for vessels of up
and cement cargoes. to 100 000 dwt, inner berth for vessels of up to
Anchorage. See 2.233. 40 000 dwt. Used for handling of crude oil.
LPG and other petroleum products.
Berths s Sea berth (40'44'·51N 29'45'·47E}. A berthing
2.250 platform, flanked by four dolphins and
Rotaport (40'46'·08N 29'43'·50E} consists of West connected to the shore by a pipeline. lies
Quay; a pier extending S 220 m, with mooring dolphin; 4 cables offshore. The outer dolphins are
and East Quay. Depths 6 to 10 m. marked by lights. It accommodates vessels of
up to 300 000 dwt, draught 28 m and is used
Port services for the discharge of crude oil. Largest vessel
2.251 handled: Buyuk Se/cuk/u 22·9 m draught,
Other facllltles. Medical. 423000dwt.
Supplies: fuel by barge; fresh water. provisions. 6 An L-shaped pier (40'44'·56N 29'46'·00E}
extending W from the shore can accommodate
Yanmca-Tiitun~iftlik industrial complex vessels of up to 80 000 1onnes. It Is used for
General information handling crude oil and other petroleum
2.252 products.
Description. Yanmca-TUtOnc;iftlik industrial 2.254
complex is situated about 1 mile ESE of Yanmca Camar. Sea berth (40'44'·43N 29•45'·65E). A
General Terminals and extends to Zeytin Bumu berthing platform connected lo the shore by a pipeline
(40.44'·45N 29'47'·00E). The port consists of tenninats lies 1 cable offshore. The berth caters for chemical
for ccntaners, petroleum, chemicals, urea, LPG ancf products. Vessels berth port side to alongside
other proeucts. dolphins. Vessels of 15 000 dwt and 9 m draughl can
Anchorage. See 2.233. be accommodated.
2 Restricted area. Entry into the area sunouncfmg 2 Habas LPG Terminal. Sea berth and platform
Tupra~ oil refinery jetty is prohibited without the (40'44'·34N 29'47'·05E), 114 cables SSE of Zeytin
permission of the izmit Port Authority. Bumu (2.239). Vessels moor to platform, dolphins and
Offshore Installations. Lighted p,oduction platfonns buoys, depth 12·5 m.
are located: Opet Terminal Is a platform (40'44'·39N
Camar petroleum platform (40.44'•43N 29'47''43E). with dolphins. 3 cables E of the Habas
29'46'·65E). platform.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Port services AITival information

2.255 2.262
Other facllltles: me<lical; oily waste disposal. Anchorage. Vessels anchor in the roads opposite
Supplies: fuel and fresh water at piers and by the town, where loading takes place by barge.
barge; provisions. Caution. A seaplane operating area, 1 ·2 miles long,
1 cable wide and orientated E/W, lies close N of the
anchorage area.
General infonnatjon 2.263
2.256 Alongside berth. There is a private pier, 70 m in
Position and function. The port of Derince length and with depths of between 7 and 8·5 m. which
(40'45'·00N 29'49'·00E) is a large general purpose is owned by a paper factory. This pier is only available
port in lzmit Korfezi handling dry bulk. Dquid bulk, for handing cargoes consigned to the paper factory.
general cargoes and container traffic. Exports inch.Jde Port services
magnesite, steel, iron and general cargo; imports are 2.264
aluminium, logs, rubber scrap paper, steel, iron and Repairs. Slipway to 20 000 tonnes.
timber products. There is a regular RoRo service to Other facilities: SSCC. SSCEC issued; oily waste
Trieste, Italy. disposal facilities.
2 Port Authority. Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet
Demiryollan (TCDD) (General Directorate of Turkish
Autoport Terminal
State Railways), Liman i~letmesi Mudut1iigii, Oerince.
General infonnation
Arrival Information 2.265
2.257 Description. Autoport Terminal, formerty Zeyport.
Outer anchorage. Vessels intending to anchor and (40"43'·15N 29'52'·SOE) is a dedicated car terminal for
carrying dangerous cargo, must anchor in the Yarimca the loading of vehicles. and is situated close to
dangerous cargo anchorage (2.233). The general Turkey's automotive plants. The port operates all year
wa~ing anchorage is off izmil. 3'h miles E. round and has the capacity to handle 400 000
Pllotage and tugs. See 2.234. vehicles annually.
2 Tenninal Operator: Autoport Liman i{iletmeleri A.$.,
Harbour Sepetlipmar Mahallesi Arpahk Caddesi No:100,
2.258 41275 Yenikoy-Kocaeli.
General layout. The wharfs are aligned Harbour
approximately NE/SW fronting the town of Oerince. 2.21xi
OevelopmenL Reclamation works are in progress The terminal consists of a broad storage area
(2018) E centred on 40'45'•00N 29'50'·40E. ex1ending ENE from the shore, with an angled jetty
exlending ENE then NNE from the N head of the
Berths storage area. A light is exhibited from the head of the
2.259 jetty.
There are six main berths numbered from 3 to 8,
SW to NE with two berths on the NW side of a short Berths
broad mole at the SW end. The longest and deepest 2.267
berth is No 3/4, 440 m long with depths of 15 m The N extension of the jetty consists of two berths,
alongside. No 6 Berth handles general cargo, 328 and 246 m long, enabling the working of two
containers and RoRo. vessels simultaneously. Water depths alongside the
Three dolphins extend 130 m WSW of the mole, berths are lrom 1 o lo 12·5 m.
allowing for a further, stem-to berth at its W end.
2 Access to Berths No 1 and 2, a basin N of the main Anchorages and harbours
berths, is restricted by an overhead conveyor with a
vertical clearance of 21 m.
Lafarge Asian Cement Piers are two berths
Port services handling cement and coal. No 2 berth, the longest and
2.260 deepest, is 153 m in length with depths alongside of
Repairs. Most deck and engine repairs can be t 4 to 26 m, and is snuated 1 ~ miles w of Danca
carried out. Bumu (2.239). The use of tugs is compulsory. Due to
Other faciltties: medical; gart>age disposal; oily earthquake damage, No 1 pier is no longer in use.
waste disposal. Supplies: fuel: fresh water, both by barge.
2 Supplies: fuel by barge or road lanker; fresh water;
provisions. Tokmak
Anchorage may be obtaine<l off the village of
izmit Tokmak {40'40'·90N 29'32'·62E) in depths of between
20 to 27 m. The holding ground is very good, but NE
General infonnation ,mds raise a short, choppy sea.
2.261 2 A jetty 8 cables NNW of Tokmak vmage projects
Position and function. The town of izmit or about 160 m NE from the shore close NW of the
Kocaeli (40'45'-44N 29'54'·56E) stands on the face of anchorage area. An angle<! breakwater. with a light at
some spurs which slope S. It is the seat of local its head. ies close NW of lhe jetty. Works are in
government. progress (2013) to the N of the breakwater.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Tiitun Koyu Other jetties, piers and shipyards

2.270 2.273
Description. Tiitiin Koyu is entered close E of Baflskele. A jetty extends ITom the coast at
Zeytin Burnu (40°44'·45N 29°47'·00E). Haba~ and Ba~iskele (40°43'-00N 29'56.·00E). Ent,y into the area
Opet Petroleum Platforms (200 m SSE and 600 m surrounding it is prohibited without the permission of
ESE, respectively from Zeytin Bumu Light) are the naval authorities.
connected to the shore by submarine pipefines. 2 UM Deniz Shipyard near Sepetlip,nar (40°42'·75N
Anchorage is obtainable for a single vessel in the 29°52'·70E), consists of two jetties and two slipways.
centre of the bay in depths of 14 m, mud. The E jetty. Lima; iskelesi, extends about 1 cable
NNE ITom the shore. The west jetty, a jetty for liquid
Golcuk cargo. extends 8 cables NNE from !he shore close W
2.271 of Lima~ lskelesi. A general purpose pier lies close E
Description. The naval port and dockyard of of Lima~ iskelesi.
Golciik is entered immediately SE of Golciik Bumu 3 .The main slipway lies close w of the jetties, is
(40°43'·82N 29•4s··nE). with a buoy (special) 'h cable 300 m long and 60 m breadth with a 510 ton gantry
NE. crane; a second smaller slipway is 150 m long and
The port consists of a number of basins in which 45 m breadth.
there are many alongside berths. Turker Shipyard lies close NW of Autoport
2 Numerous mooring buoys are moored in the Terminal (2.265). Facilities include a total berth length
charted restricted area NE of the port. See 2.235. of 177 m; slipway: 161 m long, 50 m breadth,
Repairs. Several fl-Oa1ing docks and a d,y dock. 30 000 dwt; two 80 and two 30 ton gant,y cranes.
Other facilities. O~y waste and sewage reception. • Uzmar Shipyard is located at Batak Burnu
(40°43'-69N 29°52'·08E). Facilities Include a 170 m
Hacibayrarn Burnu Oil Terminals long pier, a floating dock of 5000 tonnes capacity, and
2.272 a gantry crane with 250 tonnes lifting capacity. The
Description. Two oil tenninals lie dose within yard specialises in tug and workboat construction.
Hac,bayram Burnu (40'45'·40N 29•51··20E). s <;imta~ Shipyard is located ctose W of Batak
Berths. Petrol Ofisi Jetty extending 170 m ESE from Burnu and next to Uzmar Shipyard (above). The yard
the shore providing stem-to berths for tankers up to is equipped with two slipways: 180 m long, 56 m
15 000 dwt. 100 m length and 12 m draugh~ a light is breadth. 400 ton mobile crane and 60 000 dwt
exhibited from the head of the jetty. Shell Jetty capacity; the second sfJpway is 106 m long, 20 m
(3 cables ENE) extending 195 m SSE from the shore breadth. 100 ton mobile crane and 10 000 dwt
providing stern-to berths for tankers up to 35 000 ctwt; capacity.
depth 3·5 to 10·5 m. A third jetty (SY, cables ENE) 6 Ford Otosan Pier, which extends 21/2 cables N from
extending 90 m SSE; a light is exhibited from the head the coast with a depth at its head of 24 m, lies 2 miles
al the jetty. E of G6lc0k Bumu (2.271). A light is exhibited from
2 Other facilities. Oity waste disposaJ. the head of the pier. Two berths, one either side of
Supplies. Fuel and fresh water by barge. the pier, are for the export of motor vehicles.


Position and function Vessel traffic service
2.274 2.2n
istanbul (41°01'·17N 28°58'·81E), the principal port VTS centres are situated at TUrkeli Feneri Traffic
of Turkey, is located at the mouth of the Bosphorus on Control Station (41"14'·06N 29'06'·73E); Kandilli Traffic
the Sea of Marmara. Its waters are also an important Control Station (41"04'-43N 29°03'·37E) and Ahirkap,
International waterway for vessels transiting between Feneri Traffic Control Centre (41°00'·36N 28'59'·12E).
the Mediterranean and the Blaok Sea. It is a port of The stations regulate traffic in the strait and provide
entry. information about traffic and weather conditions. See
ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 6(3) for
Port Authority details.
Address. Turkiye Denizcihk i}letrneleri A.$. (Turkish Outer anchorages
Maritime Organisation), Kernankes Caddesi No: 32, 2.278
34425 Karakiiy, istanbul. See 2.292 and 2.303.
Natural conditions 2.279
2.276 See 2.2, 2.313.
Climate information. See 1.151 and 1.154.
Winds and weather. Winds from N and NE are the Submarine cables
most common, but winds from between S and SW can 2.280
occur between October and March. The laner winds, The landing places of submarine cables are marked
when strong, often bring rain and squaly weather. by inverted black anchor symbols on white boards.
2 Currents. See 2.83, 2.298 and 2.339. which are usually inuminated at nighl
Density of water. Varies due to currents, but Vessels should not anchor within 1 cable of any
averages 1 ·015 g/cm3. submarine cable so marked.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Traffic separation scheme • Entry is prohibited within an area extending

2.281 4 cables W from Fenerbah~e Light (2.290).
See 2.4. Entry is prohibited within an area, extending up
to 1 cable from the shore, surrounding the
Navigation rules peninsular 4'hcables ESE of Fenerbah<;e Light
2.282 (2.290).
See 2.5-2.6. Anchoring, fishing and dredging are prohibited
w~in an area extending 5'h cables W from
General layout Fenerbah<;e Light.
Port areas Currents
2.283 2.289
The Port of istanbul consists of a number of See 2.83.
separate harbours as follows:
Harbours on the SE approaches to Istanbul Directions
The harbour of Galata on the W shore (2.322). (continued from 2.90)
Harbours within Hal~ or Golden Hom (2.327)
The harbour of Haydarpasa (2.319) on the E Principal marks
shore. 2.290
Port services Aydos Dag, {40'ss·,ssN 2s•1 s··26E).
Ka~ Dag, (4o•s8'·24N 29°09'·81E).
Repairs Kii,;iik,;aml1ca Tepesi (41 "00'·99N 29°03'·89E),
2.284 rounded summit.
Repairs of all kinds can be carried out. Buyiik,;aml1<;a Tepesi (41°01'·68N 29°04'·16E),
The principal repair facit~ies in the Port of istanbut rounded summit A television tower stands
are situated at Hali<; Dockyard and istinye Dockyard. 500 m N of the peak.
For details see description of individuat harbours. 2 Su!tanahmel Mosque (Blue Mosque) (41°00'·31N
28°58?·61 E). Six slim minarets with three
Other facilities and supplies
balconies each.
Major lights:
For details see individual harbours.
Ye~ikoy Bumu Light (whne stone tower and
dwelling, 1 om in height) (40°57'·51 N
SOUTHcWEST APPR~~~HES TO 25•50·.34ei,

General information
From the vicinity of 40°51' 00N 28°51'-00E. S of

Ye~ilkiiy Bumu Light, the route leads NE then N for

12 miles, through the TSS and Precautionary Area
(see 2.288) to istanbul B~az1.

Vessel traffic service

See 2.277.
Traffic regulations
Traffic separation scheme. The TSS Strait of
Istanbul - South Approach and Sea of Mamara OMO
adopted) has four distinct elements:
Precautionary Area which is a roundabout
centred on a light buoy (40'56'·02N
2 Separation scheme to/from the SW and WSW in
the direction of <;anakkale Bo§az.1.
Short separation scheme to/from the SSE in the
direcnon of izmit KOrfezi.
Short separation scheme to/from lhe NE in lhe
direction of istanbul Bogaz,
Restricted areas.
3 Anchoring and fishing are prohibited within a
rectangular area centred on 40'56'·80N
28°49'·46E, SW of Ye~itkoy Burnu Light
Entry is prohibited wilhin an area extencf,ng
4Y, cables SSW from lhe root of a breakWater
(40'58'·30N 28'50'·92E) which forms an
extension to the mouth of Halkab Deresi.
Y~ikoy Bumu Light (2.290)

<Mled 2007

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

K- 15 July M.vtrysBridglt


Ah1rkap1 Light from SW (2.290)


3 Ahirkapr Light (black and white tower with buoy (S cardinal), lies 6 cables SSW of the
building, 26 m in height) (41"00'·38N point least depths are 9·7 m.
2s·59··13E). The while sector (000° -030°) of K12kulesi Light
Fenerbah~e Light (wMe concrete tower and (41'01'-28N 29'00'·24E) leads between Ahorkap, Bank,
dwelling. 20 m in height) (40'58'·09N and Fenerbahce Bankr,
29°01 '·93E). (Direc.tions continue for the S entrance to
istanbul 8ogaz1 at 2.317)
South-west approaches to Istanbul B0Qaz1
Anchorages and harbours
From the vicinity of 40°51'-00N 28°51'-00E, s of
Ye~ilkoy Burnu Light, the route through the SW
approaches to Istanbul Bogaz, leads NE then N for Anchorage areas
12 miles, passing: 2.292
SE of Ye~ill<oy Bumu Light which stands on Designated anchorage areas lie between a position
Ye~ilkoy Bumu, a red cliff between 15 and 1 ~ miles s of Ye~ilkoy (40'57' ·51 N 28°50'·34E)
18 m high. Thence: (2.291) and Ahirkap, Feneri Light (41 °00'·38N
2 NW of Sivriada Light (white column on building, 28'59'·12E), and are designated as follows:
3 m in height) (40'52'·53N 28'58'·22E) which Zone A (40'59'·39N 28'57'·62E): Harbour
stands on the summit of Slvriada. This Islet approach anchorage.
which is 80 m high and consists of a steep Zone B (40'58''43N 28'55'•06E); Departure and
mass of marble, is the W islet in Adalar long stay anchorage. A stranded wreck
(2.296). Thence: (40'59'-03N 28'55'·30E), marked by a light
3 SE of the light buoy (40'56'-02N 28'57'-00E) buoy, lies in the N part of the anchorage.
marking the centre of the precautionary area 2 Zone C (40'57'·19N 28'51'·nE); Dangerous
and roundabout. Thence: cargo anchorage. Multiple light buoys and
W of Kmahada (40'54'·50N 29'03'-00E), thence: cables are located close to the W extremity of
• W of Fenerbah9e Light. The light stands on the anchorage.
Fener Bumu, a prominent flat point, backed A fourth anchorage area (40°57'·96N 28'45'·5 t E) is
with red and white cliffs, 3 m high. A tight buoy located S of Kii¢k~ekmece (40°59'·42N 28'46'·67E),
CN cardinaQ is moored 9 cables w of the ight a suburb of Istanbul. A submarine pipeline, marked by
and marks the edge of Fenerbah99 Bank, a a buoy and a light buoy. extends av,
cables SSE from
sand bank with depths of less than 9 m. lhe coast.
Thence: 3 A Naval anchorage area, centred on 40°59'·11N
s E of Ah1rkap1 Bumu (41°00'·20N 28°58'·90E). 29'00'-65E, is situated NW of Moda Burnu (40'58'·80N
Ahirkap, Bank1 which is marked by a ight 29'01'·30E).

e-NP24 - NMs - TRAMMO PARIS {IMO No.lM09792515)

Page: 103
Paragraph 2.292 3 line 3 Replace by:
... 29°01'·30E). An outfall pipe is situated in the NE part of the anchorage area.
Turkish Notice 37/173/19 [NP24-No 4-Wk 43/19)


Page: 103
Paragraph 2.292 3 line 3 Replace by:
... 29°01'·30E). An outfall pipe is situated in the NE part of the anchorage area.
Turkish Notice 37/173/19 [NP24-No 4-Wk 43/19)
e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Kumkap1 and Yenikap, NW across Tulia Koyu and acounter-current sets

2.293 generally towards istanbul Bogaz,, between the main
A fishing harbour, protected by a breakwater 620 m SE current and the shore. Between this NW
long, is situated at Kumkap, (41°00'·15N 28°57'·75E). counter-current and the shore a further narrow
A light (white concrete tower, red band, 9 m in height) counter-current flows SE past the small port of
(41°00'·06N 28°57'·92E) stands at the head of the Bostanc, (40°57'·51N 29°05'·72E) and Maltepe Burnu
breakwater. (2.302).
The harbour has a quay, 245 m in length, with
depths of between 3 and 5 m alongside and is Directions
reserved for fishing vessels and harbour craft. The Principal marks
inside of the breakwater is also quayed with depths of 2.299
7 ·2 m at its central part. Landmarl(s:
2 A second breakwater, approximately 875 m long, at Radio mast (40'51 '·08N 29'07'·12E). which
Yenikap1 lies 4 cables W of the fishing harbour. A light stands on the summit of a hill on the S part of
(white metal framework tower. 6 m in heighQ stands at Buyiikada.
the head of the breakwater. Major lights:
Other harbours Yelkenkaya Burnu Light (40'45'·37N 29°21'·24E)
2.294 (2.222).
Other harbours lying w of Kumkap, are: Fenerbah~e Light (40'58'·09N 29°01 '·93E)
Kocamustafapa~a Fishing Harbour (40'59'·55N (2.290).
28'55'·78EJ; Zey11nburnu (Zeyport) (40'58'·76N Ah1rkap1 Light (41'00'·38N 28°59'·13E) (2.290).
28'53'·70E) is a feeder and distribution poot for local South-east approaches to istanbul Bogaz,
cargo, rt consists of five finger piers with bghts and 2.300
charted depths less than 5 m at their heads; a fistwag From the vicinity of 40'45'-00N 29°21 '·00E, the
harbour lies close W. Atakoy Marina (40°58'·25N deep water route from izmit KOrlezi to the S entrance
28°52'·60EJ has depths of 4·5 to 7 m and can of Istanbul Bogaz, leads WNW, passing:
accommodate vessels up to 70 m, a feny service to SSW of Yelkenaya Burnu Light (40'45'·37N
Istanbul runs from a jetty close NW of the entrance. 29°21'·24E), thence:
2 Caution. Construction work (2014) is taking ptace in SSW of Hayrrstz Adas, Light (white metal
Atak6y Marina and within a 1 mile radius of it. framework tower on concrete base. 7 m in
height) (40°47'·46N 29'15'·79E). This light
SOUTH-EAST APPROACHES TO stands on the S extremity of Hayusiz Adas; a
iSTANBUL BOGAZI rocky islet 12 m in height. Thence:
2 SSW of Bahkcr Adas, Light (white metal
General information framework tower, 6 m in height) (40°49'·18N
Route 29'06'·75E) standing on a roc,ky islet, 28 m in
2.295 heigh~ which is fringed by a rocky flat with
The SE approaches to istanbul BoQaz, lead from depths of less than 18 m. Thence:
the entrance to lzmit Klirtezi (40'44'•00N 29'22'-00E) SSW and WSW of Burgaz Adas, (40'53'·00N
29'04'-00E) and through the NNW-going TSS,
through a traffic separation scheme to a precautionary
area and roundabout centred on 40.56'·02N thence:
28°57'-00E. From there another traffic separation 3 ENE of Oemocracy and libeoty Island (rocky
scheme leads off to the NE towards the S entrance of islet, 64 m in height) (40°51'·90N 28°59'·50E).
lstanbut Bogaz, A marine farm is located 'h cable S of the
island and a seaplane operating area lies
Topography 6 cables NW. Thence:
2.296 • WSW of Kinalsada (40°54'·50N 29°03'·00E)
Adalar is a group of nine islands lying SW of thence:
Maltepe Bumu (40°54'·10N 29°08'·80E) (2.302) and N through the Precautionary Area and into the
the coast NW. Cliffs may have a bright red and yellow N-going lane of the TSS, thence:
hue, due to the large amount of iron and other W of a light buoy ~ cardinal) (40°57'·95N
minerals in their rock. Most of the islands are 29'00' ·83E) marking the SW edge of
inhabited and are popular resorts tor the inhabitants of Fenerbah9e Banko. Thence:
istanbul. The uninhabited parts of the islands are 1airty E of a light buoy (S cardinal) (40°59'·61 N
densely wooded. 28'58'-69E) mali<ing Ah1rkap1 Bank, (2.291).
Regulations Useful marks:
2.297 Sivriada Light (40'52'·53N 28'58'·22E) (2.291).
Anchoring and fishing are prohibited in the (Direcoons continue for the S entrance to
channels between the four larger islands of AdaJar and Istanbul Bogaz, at 2.317)
between Biiyiikada and the mainland, due to the
presence of cables and pipelines. Side channels
Anchoring is prohibited within 1 cable of submarine
cables. Passage between Adalar and mainland
Diving is prohibited within an area surrounding 2.302
Sedef Adasr. Directions. From the vicinity of 40°51 '·00N
29'12'-00E the passage between Adalar and the
Currents mainland leads NW for about 9 miles, passing;
2.298 NE of Sedef Adas, (40'51'·00N 29'08'·70E); a
The main current spreads SE through the channels seaplane landing area. radius 1 'h cables, is
of the Adalar islands. However, a strong eddy sets centred 4 cables ENE of the island, thence:

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

SW of i;:ama~or Bumu (40°53'·f7N 29°10'·79E). Karamanogtu Burun

thence: 2.304
2 NE of a light buoy (N cardinaQ marl<ing lhe N A small harbour (40°49'-00N 29'16'·00E} protected
limit of Buyukada Bank, (40•53•.ooN by an angled breakwater extending 3 cables NE from
29°08'·00E), a sand and coral bank with the shore. It is a military restricted area.
depths of less than 5 rn, which extends Aydmh Koyu
5 cables N of Buyukada. Thence:
3 SW of Maltepe Bumu (40°54'-ION 29°08'·80E}, a
Ayd,nh Koyu (Tuzla Dockyard) (40°50'·70N
rocky and moderately high promonto,y. Orhan
29°16'-60E} is a huge shipbuilding and repair facility,
Tepesi, a tree-covered hm within an ...t>an
consisting of more than 30 separate yards, including
area, stands 4 cables N. A bank, with depths
d,y docks and ffoating docks. It is protected by a
of less than 10 m, extends about 2 cables SE
breakwater which extends 5'h cables NNE from the N
from the headland. Thence:
end of Ekrembey Yanmadas, (40°50'·40N 29°15'-BSE).
• SW of Dilek Kayahgo Light Beacon (S cardinal;
A light (while concrete tower, 6 m in height) is
6 m in height) (40°54'·89N 29°05'·34E}. The
exhibited from lhe head of lhe breakwater. For further
light stands on a rook 1 m high which is
detail of facilities, consutt the Port Authority.
situated amongst a group of rocks at the SW
2 Anchorage. Designated anchorages as follows:
extremity of MaJtepe Bank; Reclamation work
Area No 1 (40°50'-00N 29•14·,1sE}, unrestricted;
is in progress (2015) for a 2 mae stretch of lhe Area No 2 (40'49'·85N 29•12·,soE). explosives;
coast in this area.
Area No 3 (40°52'·20N 29°11'·20E}, unrestricted.
s SW of Y1ldoz Kayahg, Light Beacon f!-1'/ cardinal)
A 2·5 m shoal (40'50'·50N 29°15'·44E),
(40°56'·16N 29"05'·24E}, which stands 0<0 a
reported (2018), 6es 1 cable off the E limit of Area
rook 1 m high situated on lhe NW part of
No 1.
Maltepe Bank,
3 Pilotage is compulso,y for foreign-flagged vessels
Clearing bearing. The line of bearing (268°) of over 500 gt: lhe pilot boards at 40°51'•20N 29°15'-00E.
Ka~ik Adas, Tepesi (40°53'·00N 29°04'-60E} open N of Development. Works are in progress (2018) W of
Kuzey Bumu (lhe N point of Heybeliada (40°52'-50N
the breakwater at Ayd1nh Koyu. The development area
29°05'·40E}) passes N of the ~ght buoy that marl<s lhe
is marl<ed by light buoys (speciaQ.
N limit of Buyukada Bank,
istanbul Dockyard
Anchorages and harbours istanbut Dockyard (40°51'·88N 29°15'·97E) is a
Turkish naval facility Which lies to the E of Aydonbey
Tuzla Koyu Yanrnadast an island connected to the mainland by a
2.303 causeway. The harbour is also protected from the SW
Topography. The coast around Tuzla Koyu by a breakwater that extends 3 cables WNW from
(40°48'·20N 29°18'·60E) is mostly an urban Aydmh Bumu. Lights stand at the head of lhe
development. breakwater (while concrete tower, 8 m in height), and
Current. See 2.298. the S point of Aydonbey Yanmadas: (white metal
2 Anchorages. Tuzla Koyu can provide anchorage framework tower, 6 m in height).
and protection for a large number of vessels during N Prohibited area. An area into which entry is
winds. Although open to the SW, the holding ground is prohibited to vessels not using the port is situated
very good and winds from that d1rection do not raise a around Istanbul Dockyard.
heavy sea. It is little used compared to other 2 Pilots board about 8 cables SSW ol the head of
anchorages nearby. the breakWater.
3 Moorings. Two mooring buoys are moored Dockyard. D,y dock with 170 000 dwt capacity.
114 miles SW of Tulia v~lage. Pendik
Caution. Attention is drawn to Ada S19hg1 2.307
(40°47'·99N 29°16'·59E), a shoal with a least depth of A small harbour (40°52'·09N 29'14'·71E} protected
7·5m. by an angled breakwater extending 4 cables SE. A
• Berths. A harbour (40°48'·87N 29"1 T·89E}, mostly fish01g harbour and pier are located at the head of the
for small craft, with a breakwater extending 2 cables
ESE from 40°48'·80N 29°17'·60E. A fight (metal tower
with black band. 9 m in height) stands at ~s head. Adalar
Near the foot of the breakwater is a 25 m high tower 2.308
which is part of the University Maritime Faoutty. One The Adalar islands (40°52'·00N 29'05'·00E) have
and half miles E of the harbour a 200 m breakwater several small harbours and jetties used by ferries,
extends SE from the shore. It is disused. leisure craft and fishing boats.
s Viaport Marina (40"48'·92N 29°19'·14E} is situated Maltepe Bumu
int the N-most part of lhe bay. The marina is mostly 2.309
tor small craft, however a small fishing harbour exists A concrete jetty, 70 m in length with deplhs of
in its NW part. Lights are exhibited from the roo~e between 4 and 8 m alongside, extends from the shore
breakwaters that exist at the entrance to each basin.
9 cables NW of Maltepe Burnu (40°54'·07N
• i;:ayirova Glass Factory Jetty (40.48'·10N 29°08'·80E}.
29°20'·~3E} extends 300 m W from the shore, 8 cables This jetty is used by coasters and vehicle ferries.
NE of U~burunlar Yanmadasi The jetty has depths of
between 3 and 5 m at its outer end: a ijght (yelloW Kalam,i Koyu
cross on yellow metal post, marl<ed 7, 6 m in heighl) 2.310
stands at its head. The pier is operated by Turl<tye Kalamo; and FenerbahQe marinas are located in the
$i~e Cam Fabrlkatan A$. Pilotage is compulso,y. E and SE part of Kalam,; Koyu (40'58'·49N
Pilots board in position 40°45'·00N 29°19'-00E. 29°01'·52E} and are protected by breakwaters with

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

lights at their head. Both entrances are open to the N. Directions

Depths in the marinas range from 1-1 to 7·3 m; (continued from 2.291 and 2.300)
vessels up to 70 m can be accommodated.
Principal marks
Restricted areas. See 2.288. 2.317
PORT OF iSTANBUL - INCLUDING Sultanahmet Mosque (41°00'·31N 28°58'·62E)
Ayasofya Mosque (four wide minarets with
General lnformadon balcony) (41°00'·51N 2a058'·79E), formerly
Area covered known as Saint Sophia.
2.311 Topkap, Palace and Tower of Justice (41 °00'·64N
This section covers the transit rOllle through the S 28°58'·91 E).
part of istanbul Boljaz,; and the harbours of 2 K1zkulesi Tower (Leander's Tower) (41°01 '·28N
Haydarpasa (2.319), Galata (2.322) and Hali~ 29•00··24E).
Dockyard (2.327). Major lights:
Ah1rkap, Light (41°oo·<iaN 2a·ss··13E) 12.290).
Ferry services
2.312 Port of istanbul
Numerous ferries cross the harbour between the 2.318
European and Asiatic shores of istanbul Bogaz1 From the vicinity of 41°00'·00N 29°00'·00E, the N
traffic lane leads N for 1 '4 miles passing:
Pllotage E of Ah1rkap1 Light (41'00'·38N 28'59'·13E). This
2.313 light stands 3 cables NE of Ahirkap1 Burnu
For pilot embarkation positions, see 2.2. (2.291). close to Sultanahnet Mosque and
Ayasofya Mosque (2.317). Thence:
Traffic separation scheme 2 W of Haydarpasa Breakwater North Light (white
2.314 concrete tower, 8 m in height) (41°00·-ssN
See 2.4. 29°00'·11E), thence:
Prohibited area E of Saraybumu (41°01'·04N 28"59'·16E), thence:
2.315 3 W of Kozkulesi Light (wMe metal tower, red band.
Anchoring, fishing and sports are prohibited i"1 the 9m in height) (41•01·,2sN 29°00'·24E) which
main port areas, whose limits are best seen on the stands on an islet. The light is adjacent to a
chart. substantial stone tower, 25 m high, which is a
Traffic Watch Station. (2.317).
Current Southbound traffic follows 1he S traffic lane of the
2.316 transit route, which lies 10 the W of the N traffic lane.
The general direction of surface currents is depicted (Directions continue in the N oen of istanbul
on the chart. Bogaz, at 2.340)

istanbul- Topkapo Palace (2.317)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

istanbul - K1zkulesi Light. Klzkulesi Tower and 15 July Martyrs Bridge from S (2.318)
OngroldJ:ed 2!103

Istanbul Bogaz1- Kizkulesi and Hayda,pa~ from N (2.3 t 8)

o,;g;n,,,- 2016
Photograph - lan Mead'l9m

Haydarpa}a has a depth alongside of 14·8 m. The depths at other

berths range between 4·9 and 12·8 m.
General lnfonnatlon
2.319 Port services
Position and function.The harbourof Haydarpa~ 2.321
(41°00'·20N 29°00'·54E) is situated on the Asiatic Repairs.. Mjnor repairs onty.
shore of lhe S entrance to istanbul Bogaz, and is a Other taciltties. RoRo jetty between N and S piers.
modern port with facilities for handling container, Supplies: fuel by barge; fresh water at most of the
RoRo, rail feny, bulk and general cargoes. In 2006 the berths; provisions.
port handled over 400 000 teu.
It is the terminal for the izmit raitway. Gala ta
2 Entry. The port is entered by the N entrance; only General lnlonnatlon
small vessels use the S entrance. 2.322
Port Authority. Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Oevlet Position and function. The harbour of Galata
Oemiryollan (TCDD) (General Directorate of Turl<ish (41°01'•17N 28°58"·81E) is situated in Orta Liman al
Stale Railways), Liman l~letmesi Mudurliigu, the entrance to Hal~ on the European shore of
Haydarpasa. istanbl/1 Bogaz, It is the principal hatbour for cruise
ships and ferTies.
General layout Port Authority. See 2.275. The Harbour Master's
2.320 office is situated at Karakoy quay (2.325).
The harbour is protected from W by two overlapping
detached breakwaters. The inner breakwater provides General layout
protection to the ra~way feny jetty and berths Nos 1-,'3. 2.323
The outer breakwater, which is of more recent Quays are situated on either side of Orta Liman.
construction, provides protection to two broad piers on On the N side of the harbour Karakoy and Salpazan
which are berths Nos 4-16. quays extend NE from Galata Bridge for over 6 cables.
2 Berths. There are 19 main berths in the harbour. On the S side of the harbour, the EminOnll ferry
No 11 berth, which is the larges! general cargo berth. berths, and Sirkeci and Sarayburnu quays, extend E
is 350 m long and has a depth alongside of 12·5 m. for about 6 cables between the S end of Galata Bridge
The largest container berth (No 12) is 300 m long and and Saray Bumu.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Yalow sphere
Haydarpasa Hart>ourfrom NW (2.319) {conspfc)


Development 4'A miles up harbour, and provides repairs and

2.324 drydocl<ing services.
Galataport Cruise Terminal (41°01'·50N 28°59'-00E} Bridges:
Is under construction (2017) on the location of Galata Bridge; road and pedestrian traffic. A
Karakoy and Sahpazan quays, entry to which is bascule type opening bridge which, when
restricted. dosed, has a vertical clearance of 6·0 m.
z Hal~ Metro Bridge (41'01 '·35N 28'58'·00EJ;
Berths metro and pedestrian traffic; the centra.l span
2.325 has a safe vertical clearance of 11 m. The
The main berths in the harbour are: South West portion of the bridge is a swing
Karakoy Quay (41°01 '•38N 28'58'·74E), 601 m in bridge marked by lights.
length with a depth alongside of 6·9 to 8·2 m; Atatiirk Bridge {41'01'·44N 28'57'·89E); road and
a cruise terminal. pedestrian traffic: bascule bridge.
Caution. A wreck, with a depth of 38 rn, The bridges are open in the early morning for a
lies off the head of Karakoy quay. period of 1 hour. but the exact time varies with the
Sal,pazan Quay (41'01··61N 28'59'·14E). 645 m time of year. Passage through the bridges is regulated
in leng1h with a depth alongside of 9·4 to by light signals exhibited from the bridges.
9·9 m: a passenger and cruise terminal. Port Authority. See 2.275.
2 Sirkeci Quay (41°01'·00N 28'58'·76E}, 238 m in
length with a depth alongside of 11'1 m, used General layout and berths
by ferries and general cargo vessels. 2.32.8
Saraybumu Quay {41'01'-05N 28°59'-02E). 250 m Quays extend on either side of the harbour, with
in length with a depth alongside of 7 to depths alongside of up 10 8 m.
10·7m. The main ship repair facilities and dry docks are
There are mooring buoys in the harbour that may sttuated at Kas,mpaia on the NE shore of the
be used by vessels waiting to enter Haf~. harboUr, N of Atatiirk Bridge.
Repair facilities
Port servlees 2.329
2.326 Drydocks. There are three dry docks at Kas,mpa~a
Supplies. Fuel and fresh water at Sal,pazan Quay. Dockyard. The dimensions of the docks are (from S
Hall~ Nol 118·8m x 22m x8·8m
General Information No 2 85·0 m x 18·8 m x 6·9 m
2.327 No3 t65m x 30m
Position and function. Halie; (Golden Hom)
consists of the waters lying W of Galata Bridge Slipways are available, and all types of repairs can
(41'01'·19N 28°58'-40E) as far as Kag,thane, about be undertaken at the dockyard.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

-- --

Istanbul • Entrance to H~ (Golden Hom) from E (2.327)

°"9"11- 2016
Phorograph - lan Afesdlem

iSTANBUL BOGAZJ Anchoring. fishing and diving are prohibited in an

extensive area N of Fil Burnu (41°12'·00N 29°07'·10E),
General Information best seen on the chart.
2.330 Interconti
nental bridges
istanbul Bogaz, (Bosporus), which leads generally 2.336
NNE for about 15 miles and has an average width of 15 July Martyrs Bridge spans istanbul Bogaz,
about 7'h cables. is a channel with abrupt and angular between Ortakoy (4t •03·.20N 29•01 '·SOE) on the
windings. Both ooasdines are urbanised with the European shore and Bey1er1:Jeyl on the Asiatic shore.
occaslcnel patch of woodland. This suspension bridge has a safe vertical clearance
Depths of 58 m. lights are exhibited to indicate the centre and
2.331 limits of the traffic lanes passing under the central
Depths are generally in excess of 30 m A shoal width. The traffic lanes both have a navigable width of
area with a minimum charted depth of 17·1 m 300m.
(41.12'·99N 29•07'·85E) lies in the NE-bound traffic 2 Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge spans lstanbul
lane, N of Poyraz Burun (2.357). Bogaz, between Rumelihisar, (41.05'·46N 29'03'·40E)
A second shoal area, with a leasl depth of 14-5 m, on the European shore and a point close S of Kanhca
lies in position 41•os··46N 29•04•.12E in the Koyu on the Asiatic shore. This suspension bridge has
northbound channel of the TSS close W of SeM a verticaJ dearance of 64 m over a central width of
Bumu Light (2.343). 500 m. Lights are exhibited to indicate the centre and
limits of the traffic lanes passing under the central
Hazards width. The N-bound lane has a navigable width of
2.332 300 m and the $-bound lane has a navigable width of
A large number of small vessels fish in the fairway 200m.
of Istanbul 809az1, and at night these and numerous 3 Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge spans the waterway
other small vessels move about untit. An additional between Garip<;e (4t.12'·8SN 29.06'·54E) on the W
hazard is the random use of searchlights by ferries side and Poyraz on the E side. This suspension
trying to avoid these craft. bridge carries four motorway lanes and two railway
i.ies. Bridge tights indicate the centre and limlts of the
Pllotage traffic lanes passing under central width. Each lane
2.333 has a navigable width of 368 m. VerticaJ clearance is
See 2.2. 66 m. Lights are exhibited to indicate the centre and
Traffic separation scheme firnits of the traffic lanes passing under the central
2.334 width.
An IMO adopted TSS has been established through Vertical clearance. See 2.6.
Istanbul BogaZL See 2.4.
Restricted areas Overhead power cables
2.335 2.337
Prohibited areas. Ent,y is prohibited into an area Overhead power cables span Istanbul Bogaz,
extending along the E coasdine, about Y. to 8 cables between Arnavutkoy (41.04'·20N 29•02'·50E) and
offshore between a point on the coast 2 cables NNE KandiDi, and between Tellrtabya Burnu (41 •1 O'·SON
of Selvi Burnu (4t ·os'·56N 29•04•.31 E) (2.353) to 29"04'·35E) and the Asiatic shore opposite. Vessels
Elmas Burnu (41.13'·80N 29°13'-00E). with an air draught of 58 m or more are not permitted
2 A second area extends along the w coastline, to pass through Istanbul Bogaz,. Vessels with an air
about '/.i to 2 cables offshore, from a position 1 cable draft from 54 m to 58 m may pass through Istanbul
SW of Kaba Bumu (41•11 '·39N 29"04.-98E) to a Bo§az, provided that they satisfy conditions
position 2 cables SE of Kara Burnu (4,.14'•85N determined by the local authorities. For details on air
29•05·.42E). draught see The Mariner's Handbook.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

15 July Martyrs Bridge from SW (2.336)

OngnsldMd 2009

Yazuv Sultan Selim Bridge from S (2.336)

Ongin3I d31ed 2016

2 Caution. The characteristics of radar echoes from 2 The strength of lhe counter-current is on average
overhead power cables are described in The Manner•s about ~ kn. During SW winds, the eddy between
Handbook and mariners are advised to take care, Oelterdar Bumu (2.342) and Akmb Burnu may vanish
especially during periods of reduced visibility. completely. On lhe SE side the eddies are less
extensive, although during SW winds, a narrow
Submarine cables counter-current NE of Oskudar can widen to fill the
2.338 SE half of the sb-ait.
Anchoring is prohibited in cable areas N and S of 3 Kandilli Burnu to lstinye Koyu. Between Kandilli
Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge, best seen on lhe chart. Bumu and lstinye Koyu (2.350) the current normally
occupies the whole strait and occasionally reaches a
Currents strength of 7 kn between Rumelihisan and
2.339 Anadoluhisan t mile N of Kandilli Burnu. A small eddy
Haydarpa~a to Kandilli Bumu. Between lhe S can form off Anadoluhisan and there is sometimes
entrance of Istanbul Bogaz, at Haydarpasa and slaclt water abreast Kanhca Koyu (2.341).
Kandilli Burnu (2.341) the current runs mainly S on lhe 4 lstinye Koyu to Selvi Bumu. Between Tarabya
E side. The W side from Hali9 to Akmb Bumu (2.341), Koyu (2.354) and Selvi Bumu on the opposite shore,
as well as Bebek Koyu (2.348), is occupied by eddies. the current fills the whole width of the strait. South of

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

this line it leaves the E side and stnl<es the shore in 6 miles to a posttion close NW of <;:akal Burnu,
the vicinity of Yenikoy Bank, (2.343) and a large eddy passing:
forms in Pa~abaohe Koyu and Beykoz uman,
(2.352). NW of a light buoy (YI/ cardinal) (41'01'-41N
s Mezar Burnu to Kavak Burnu4 The main current 29'00'·24E), thence:
sets SW from Oikilikaya (2.343). An eddy forms in the SE of Oolmabahge Palace (2.346), thence:
N and central part of the bay S of Kavak Bumu and, SE of Ortakoy Mosque (41'02'·84N 29'01'·62E),
when the current is stronger than usual. in the bight thence:
NE of Mezar Bumu (41'10'-00N 29'03'·30E}. 2 Beneath 15 July Martyrs Bridge (2.336). thence:
6 Kavak Burnu to north entrance of Istanbul ESE of Kul\J9e§me Light (white metal tower,
Bogazo. The main S-going current from the Black Sea green band 5 m in height) (41 '03'·37N
strikes the W side of Istanbul Bogaz, at G~e Bumu 29'02'•21 E) which stands on Kuru9e§me Bank,
at a rate of 'I, to 1 kn, occupying the luM width of the in the approaches to Kul\Jge~me (2.347), and:
strait. Between Fil Bumu (2.343) and Oikilaya, the axis WNW of <;:engelkoy Light (white metal tower, red
of the current shifts towards the NW shore and the E bands, 1 om in height) (41 '03'·25N
edge impinges upon Kavak Bumu at between 1 'h and 29'03'·1 OE). Thence:
2 kn. Eddies may be found in the bays S of Poyraz 3 WNW of Kuleli Askeri Usesi (2.340), thence:
Burun (2.357) and Fil Burnu. ESE of Galatasaray Deniz Kulubu (41 '03'·60N
29'02'·38E) (2.347), thence:
Directions ESE of Akinto Bumu Light (wMe metal tower,
(conrmved from 2.3 I8) green band; 9 m in height) (41 '04'·07N
29'02'·77E). An overhead cable (2.337)
Principal marks suspended between two metal framework
2.340 towers, 113 m in height, spans islanbul Bo~az,
Landmarks: 2 cables N of the lighl Thence:
Kukeli Askeri Liseri (Military College) (41'03'-52N ., W of Kandilli Bumu Light (white metal column,
29'03'·25E). 10 m in height) (41'04'-44N 29'03'·37E). A
Dolrnabahce Palace (41 '02'·33N 28'59'·97E). traffic control station is situate<:t close E of the
Clock tower (41'02'·26N 28'59'·78E). Clock face lighl And:
is illuminated at night E of Sebek Light (white concrete tower, 5 m In
Dolmabahce Mosque (41°02'·20N 28'59'·71EJ heighQ (41'04'·63N 29'02'·82E), thence:
which has a central dome with two minarets. SE of ~iyan Bumu Light (white round metal
2 Major lights: tower, green bands, 5 m in height) (41°04 · ·96N
Anadolu Feneri (white concrete tower and 29'03'·39E) standing on the head of a quay
dwelling, 20 m in height) (41"13'·05N dose N of A~iyan Burnu, thence:
29'09'·13E). There is a signal station at the 5 NW of a light buoy (YI/ cardinal) (41'04'·84N
lighthouse. 29'03'•84E) marking the outer edge of a bank.
Tul1<eli Feneri (whfte concrete tower and building, wfth a depth of 0·9 m, which extends 'h cable
30 m in height) (41'14'·06N 29'06'·73E). off the mouth of GOksu OeresL Thence:
Beneath Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge (2.336),
K1zkulasi to ~akal Burnu thence:
2.341 E of Baltalimam Light (white metal tower, green
From a posftion close NW of K1zkulesi (41'01'·28N band, 9 m in height) (41'05'·96N 29'03'·24E).
29'00'·24E) the N traffic lane reads generally NNE for thence:

Kuleli Askeri Lisesi (Miitary College) from W (2.340)

o,.,.,.r- 2!J09
Photograph - David Acbnd

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

istanbul Bogaz, • Ortakoy Mosque and 15 July Martyrs Bridge from SW (2.341)
Ongnal tined 2010
Photograph - 8'yc9 Edwards - Creative Corm1ons: ~-51wM&-e 4.0 h.'r!matit:Jnal

Beylerbeyi Light {wMe round tower. red bands.

1 o m in height) (41 '02' ·61 N 29'02'·48E) which
stands on a wall of the marble palace of
2 Oefterdar Bumu Light (not named on Chart 1159)
(wMe metal frameworl< tower. 12 m in height)
(41'03'-0IN 29'01'·97E). Oefterdar Bumu can
also be identified by a white mosque which
stands on it
t;akal Bumu to the north entrance of istanbul B0Qaz1
Istanbul Bo~az, - 15 July Martyrs Bridge & 2.343
Beylerbeyi Palace from N (2.341) From a position ciose NW of <;:akal Burnu. the N
OrlgJt,l,I aa:eo 200'3 1raffic lane leads between NE and NW for 1 O miles to
the N entrance of istanbul B0gaz1 passing:
Photograph - A McDonald. MV Daubs NW of Pa§abah9e Light {white round metal tower,
12 m in height) (41 '06'·92N 29'05'·37E). The
• WNW of Kanhca Light (wMe metal framework light stands on the S entrance to Pasabahce
tower, 11 m in height) (41°06'·14N 29°03'·97E); Koyu close W of the oil depot (2.352). Thence:
a radar tower (white round structure) stands SW of incirkoy Light {galvanized framework
1 Yz cables S, !hence: tower. 12 min height) {41'07'·62N 29'05'·80E).
SE of istinye Light (white metal tower, green thence:
bands, 10 m in height) (41"06'·79N 2 SE, E and NE of Yenikoy Light Buoy (E cardinal)
29°03'-70E), which stands on the N entrance (41.07'·45N 29'04'·44E) which marks the E
point of istinye Koyu (2.350). And: extremity of Yenikoy Bank1 thence:
NW of <;:akal Bumu (41°06'·40N 29•04'-40E). SW of Selvi Bumu Light (white metal tower, 1 O m
2.342 in height) (41'08'·56N 29°04'·32E) standing on
Useful mar1<s: lhe S entrance point to Umuryeri Li man,
Sahpazan R1ht1m1 light (metal tower, green (2.355). Thence:
bands, 1O m in height) (41 •01 -, 72N 3 W of Umur Banklar1 (2.355). This bank, which is
2a•59·.31 E). divided into two parts, is marked on its W side

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

--- Radar TOW6f

istanbul Bogaz, - Rumeli Hisari Fort and Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge from SSE (2.341)

by three light buoys (two W and one N Kandilli Bumu (2.341). When proceeding N this
cardinal, respectively), and on the S comer by headland should be given a berth of at least 'h cable
a light beacon (S cardinal). And: and attention should be given to the course when the
E of Klr<>9burnu light (whfte metal tower, green current strikes the starboard bow.
bands, 9 m in height) (41°08'·93N 29'02'·78E} (Directions are given for the N approaches to
standing on the S entrance point to Biiyukdere istanbul Bogaz, at 2.362)
Limani (2.356). Thence:
4 NW of Siitluce (41'09'·88N 29°04'·57E}. Anchorages and harbours
NW of a 2·3 m patch mai1<ed ciose SW by a ight Oolmabahye Palace
buoy ry,J cardina~ (41°10'·10N 29°04'-65E}, 2.346
thence: Anchorage and moorings may be obtained in the
SE of Telli1abya Bumu (41°10'·54N 29°04'·34E}. area that fronts Dofmabahca Palace (41°02'·33N
A pilot station tS srtuated on this headJand. An 28'59'-97E} and Ot1akoy Mosque (1·3 miles ENE). An
overhead cable (2.337), suspended between anchorage lies within this area, allocated to passenger
two framework towers, 124 m in height, spans ships.
istanbul Bogaz, at this point. Thence: 2 Cautions. The position of the dividing line between
s NW of Kavak Burnu Light (white concrete tower, the main S-going current and the counter current is
5 m in height) (41°10"·72N 29°05'·23E) not constant and at times will pass through this
standing on the point The ruins of a Genoese anchorage area. If this sauation should arise, there is
castle stand 3 cables within the headland. And; a danger that ships at anchor will swing In opposite
SE of Dikilikaya light (white metal tower, green directions, with the consequent risk of collision if their
band, on concrete base, 8 m in height) berths are not sufficiently far apart.
(41°10'·93N 29'04'·76E} standing near the A foul area is located in position 41"02'·29N
centre of a group of rocks. Some of these 29•00··59E, 4'h cables E of Dolmabahye Palace.
rocks are almost awash and others are
marked by breakers in bad weather. Thence: KuruyeJme
6 Beneath Yavuz Suttan Selim Bridge (2.336), 2.347
thence: The harbour of Kuruye~me (41°03'·38N 29•02'·18E)
NW of Anadolu Feneri (2.340). and: is fronted by Kuruye~me Bank\ upon which stands
SE of Turkell Fereri (41°14'·06N 29°06'·73E}. Kuru~~e Light (2.341). Galatasaray Adasi (a floating
2.344 hotel and swimming pool) lies a cable off the shore.
Useful marks: Anchorage berths and mooring areas are available
Buy(ikdere Light (whfte metal tower, green band, for smal vessels 2 cables SW and 4 cables NNE of
9 m in height) (41'09'·75N 29'02'·87E}. Gatatasaray Adasi.
Bebek Koyu
Cautions Bebek Koyu (41.04'·50N 29'02'·80E) is entered
2.345 between Akint, Bumu and A~iyan Bumu, about t mile
Attention is drawn to a wreck, with a least depth of NNE.
17·1 m, which lies in the S-bound traffic lane. 9 cables Bebek Light (2.341) stands in the centre of the bay
NNE of Kizlules, (2.317). A second wreek. with a least on the NNE extremity of a spit that extends from the
depth of 19·8 m, lies 6% cables N of the tower. SW shore.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Caution. A dangerous wreck (reported 2015) lies in Tarabya Koyu

posltion 41.04'·62N 29•02'·87E. 2.354
Current. The main current does not enter into Marina berths and quays are available for small
Bebek Koyu. vessels ,n Tarabya Koyu (41•oa·.30N 29"03'-40E).
2 Anchorage berths and mooring areas are available
for small vessels.
Alongside berths. Small crafi berth bow or stem-to Umuryeri Limaru
the quay at the head of the bay. A feny pier, with a 2.355
light at its head. is localed in the centre of the bay. Umuryeri Uman, (41.09'·30N 29"04'·50E) is entered
between Sellli Bumu and Acar Bumu, 1 mile N. Umur
Banklan (2.343). composed of sand, gravel and stones
Kandilli Burnu
and with depths of less than 5 m. lies in the entrance
to the harbour. This bank is often marked by
Anchorage berths and mooring areas are aYcUable
discolouration. Umuryeri Traffic Watch Station is
for small vessels in the bay NE of Kandai Bumu
(41 ·04'·40N 29•03·.soe). located in the S of the bay. Note. A dangerous wreck
lies 5 cables SSE of Acar Burnu.
~ Ent,y is prohibtted to the inner part of the harbour.
isllnye Koyu Currents. The current sets S over Umur Banklan
2.350 and an eddy of considerable proportions is formed in
istinye Koyu (41.06'·73N 29•03·.soE) is entered the bay. The strength of this current has been
between Tokmak Burnu and lstinye Light (2.341), observed to be about ~ kn in a tight SW wind and
3 cables NNE. It is sheltered from all winds and 1 ~ kn in a light NW wind.
currents. Quays line the S shore and marina pontoons 3 Caution. It is inadvisable to use the channel
fill the rest of the harbour. Afloating breakwater is between the two parts of Umur Banklan because of
situated across a section of the entrance. A feny the strength of the current that sets across it.
service operates between istinye and Cubuklu (2.351).

<;:ubuklu Llman
c;:ubuklu Liman (41"06'·50N 29•os'-OOE) is entered
between c;:akal Burnu and Koza1t1 Bumu, 5 cables
ENE. All oil depot is siluated in the harbour. A fight
buoy Is located 2 cables NE of c;:a1ca1 Bumu. A feny
service operates between Cubuklu and lstinye (2.350).
Fuel berths. Concrete quay SO m in length; depth
aJongside 4·5 m. Three jetties between 10 and 15 m in
length extend from the quay. Depth at head of central
jetty, 8 m. istanbut Bogaz, - Kanl1ca Radar Tower
from SW (2.341)
Pasabah9e Koyu and Beykoz Liman, Orignal dated2003
Pasabahce Koyu is the S part, and Beykoz lJman,
the N part, of the bay which lies E of and opposite to
Koyba~, Burnu (4t.07'-40N 29•04'·20E).
Pasabah9e Koyu is partly obstructed by incirkoy BU}'Ukdere Liman,
Bank1 a mud flat with an outer edge of mud and 2.356
gravel. with depths of 2·8 to 4·3 m. There is a naval Buyukdere Liman, is entered between Kire<;burnu
anchorage in Beykoz Uman, (41•os·.g3N 29'02'·78E) (2.343) and Meza, Burnu,
2 Currents. A large eddy exists. which extends up to 1 Y. mites NNE. This bay provides shelter in all winds
4 cables offshore in the more extensive parts of the and is the best anchorage in the straits.
bay. The resulting counter-current sets along the Currents. The main current setting directly S from
shore from the S part of the bay and is sttonges~ with Mazar Bumu creates a complex eddy in the bay. The
a rate of over Y, kn, in Beykoz Uman, This current associatedcounter-current flows N, normally in excess
produces overfalls over incirkoy Bank, and is strongest of 'hkn in the S part, across the middle of the bay
when a N wind quickly replaces a strong S wind. In back towardsMezar Bumu. tt does not normally reach
this situation it can widen to fill half the strait
this point unless it is stronger than usual.
3 Beykoz. The ferry pier {41.08'·06N 29•05'-41E) is
2 Most of the N shore is quayed for small craft to
38 m in length and has depths of between 4·5 and moor stem-to. In the W, a pier extends ENE for
6 m at its head; a light is exhibited from the head of 140 m from the coastguard station.
the pier. The town has a number of other quays.

Selvl Burnu Poyraz

2.353 2.357
There is an oil fuel depot at Selvi Bumu A fishing harbour, protected by an L-shaped
(41.08'·60N 29.04'·30E) (2.343) at which vessels can breakwater 500 m in length, quayed on the inner side,
be supplied by pipeline or barge. is situated on the S side of Poyraz Burun (41•12·-soN
Alongside berth: T-shaped jetty with a depth of 29"07'-nE). A brealcwater spur extends 120 m SW
6 m at tts head. from the breakwater elbow. Lights a,e exhibited from
A small breakwater. extending NW and exhibiting a the head of the b<ealcwater. An old stone fort stands
light (white concrete column on pedestal) at its head. on the headland. The place shares its name with that
shelters four jetties, 3 cables N of SeM Bumu. of the prevail"1g NE wind.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

2 Depths. Depths alongside the breakwater/mole are Traffic regulations

8·2 m. decreasing to 1 ·3 m near the E shore. 2.361
Cautions. The harbour lies within a prohibited area. TSS. See 2.4-2.6.
A submarine cable is landed in the SW comer of the AnchoringJ fishing and diving are prohibited in
bay. A light buoy (special) is moored 1 cable SSE of the approaches - see 2.335.
the head of the breakwater. where a series of Turkish regulated areas. See Appendix 2 for
underwater rocks lies to the S and E of the buoy. details.
Supplies: fuel: water. Fishing areas. A narrow fishing area lies e~her
side of the TSS. The areas about the outer limits of
the TSS, and extend 2 miles NNW on the w side, and
TUrkeli Feneri 7 miles ENE on the E side.
A fishing harbour, protected by an E breakwater
approximately 530 m in length, is situated close S of Directions
TOrkeli Fereri Light (41'14'-<J6N 29'06'·73E}. (continued from 2.345)
Depths. Least depth in the entrance is 3·6 m. In the
inner part the depths vary between 0·7 and 3·3 m. Principal marks
Caution. The harbour lies within a prohibited area 2.362
Supplies Limited. Landmarks:
Alem Dag, (41'04'·08N 29't2'·55E), which on a
clear day is visible from seaward at a distance
c;;aw Dag (41'02'-45N 29'17'·76E), which on a
dear day is visible from seaward at a distance
General information of 30m~es.
Major lights:
Anadolu Feneri (4t'13'·05N 29°09'·13E) (2.340).
Topography Turkei Feneri (41°14'·06N 29°06'·73E) (2.340).
The N entrance to istanbul Bogaz1 is approached
between Dalyan Burnu (40'21'·90N 26'41'·50E) and istanbul Bogazo to Black Sea
Kelagra Burnu, 10 miles E. In clear weather the 2.363
entrance is easy to recognise by the peculiar outlines , From the vicinity of 41°14'-00N 29'08'·00E, in the N
of the mountains on the E side of the strait. namety approaches to Istanbul 80'9az1, a11 routes leading into
Alem Dag, and c;;atal Dag (2.362) which tower far the Black Sea pass through waters clear of charted
above the intervening ranges on the coast of Turkey. dangers.
On the W side of the entrance the outline of the hils (DirectkH'Jscontinue to ports in K,yms'kyl Pivostriv,
extends for miles at an apparently uniform elevation. the NE part of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov
at 3.7; for ports in the E part of Black Sea at 3.8;
for ports on the N coast of Turkey and SE part of
Pilotage Black Sea at 3. IO and 3. I 7; for ports in the NW
2.360 Black Sea and the Danube Delta at 4.7, and for
See 2.2. troee in the SW pen of Black Sea at 4. 11).

TOrkei Feoeri Ughl (2.362)

Origi,al- 2«J3
PhotographA Afc0on3Jd, MV Doubs

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Northern approach to istanbul Bogazi Anadolu Feneri when this light bears more
2.364 lhan 236'. Thence:
From the vicinity of 41'20'-00N 29•os·-00E lhe ENE of Turkeli Feneri Traffic Control Station
passage leads SSE towards lhe entrance of lhe (41'14'·18N 29'06'·48E).
Istanbul Bogazo TSS, passing: Thence lhe TSS leads SSW into istanbut Bogazo.
ENE of Dalyan Bumu (41°15'·35N 29'02'·38E). a 2.365
headland from which a light is Useful marl<s:
exhibited.lhence: E$ek Adas, Light (white metal framework tower.
2 NW of Yom Burnu (41 '13'·45N 29'09'-90E). This Sm in height) (41°14'·06N 29'13'·58E), which
headland is bold and steep-to. It is much stands on E§ek Adas, an islet which is steep
higher lhan the adjacent land and obscures and rocky.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)



5 >
0 w
~ ::,



e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)



Scope of the chapter Aids to navigation
3.1 3.3
The area covered by this chapter includes the S See caution at 1.43 concerning the reliability of aids
part of the Black Sea between the N approaches to to navigation.
Istanbul Bogaz1 (Bosporus) and the Georgian ports of
Bat'umi (41°39'·00N 41°39'·00E) and P'ofi (42°09'-00N Regulated and former mine danger areas
41°39'·00E). The E part of the N limit of this area 3.4
follows. in general, the median line between Turt<ey Turkish and Georgian regulated areas and former
and Georgia. mine danger areas lie off the coast covered by this
2 The chapter Is arranged as follows: chapter; see Appendices2, 5 and 6 for details.
Offshore passages (3.7). Natural conditions
Istanbul Bogaz, to Bartin Lunan, (3.12). 3.5
Bartin Limam to Kerempe Bumu (3.82). Winds. Between lstanout Bo{jaz, and Kerempe
Kerempe Burnu to Boztepe Burnu (3.99). Bumu (42°01··10N 33°20'·20E) the prevailing winds
Boztepe Burnu to Yasun Bumu (3.119). are between N and NE. Farther E. the prevailing
Yasun Bumu to the Turl<ey-Georgia winds are between NW and NE.
border (3.170). In both regions winds from S or SE, which veer to
W or NW. blow strongly when a depression moves E
Topography across the Black Sea. See 1.128.
3.2 2 Flow. In general, the currenl flows E along the N
Coast of Turkey. The S shore of the Black Sea. coast of Turl<ey at a rate of between y. and •;. kn.
which trends in an E direction for about 600 miles lrom See 1.111.
the N entrance of is1anbul Bogaz, to just beyond the Earthquakes. The N coast of Turkey is subject to
Georgia·Turkey border, is divided into two distinct severe earthquakes.
regions; a coastal and an inland belt
2 The rainy coastal belt rises steeply from the sea Georgia - navigational and hydrographic infonnation
and is thickly forested. The high land of the inland 3.6
belt, which is traversed by deep valleys, consists Cautlon. Owing to insufficient information. it is not
mainly of worn plateau blocks standing up as always possible to ensure that charts covering
mountains, many of which are extinct volcanoes. Georgian waters are completely up to date for new
3 The difference between the two regions is more dangers or changes to aids to navigation. Mariners are
marked in the E where high mountains lie between the therefore advised to exercise particular caution when
W coast and the more arid hinterland. In the W, where navigating in these waters. See caution at 1.43
altitudes are lower. the change is more gradual. conoeming the refiability of aids to navigation.
Between Ere~li and inebolu the coastal belt differs Ship reporting system. Georgian waters are
from the remainder and consists of wide parallel covered by the Georgia Ship Reporting System
valleys and wooded hills. (GEOREP). See 1.74.


ROUTES istanbul 809'az1 to ports in the east Black Sea

istanbul Bo§az1 to north-east Black Sea

and Sea of Azov Directions
{contmued from 2.363)
Directions 3.8
(continued from 2.363) The route follows the coastal route from the N
3.7 entrance to istanbul Bogaz, to Kerempe Burnu
From a position N of the N entrance to lslanbul (42'{)1'·10N 33'20'·20E) and inceburun (42'05'·79N
Bogaz, (41°13'-00N 29'07'·00E) the through route to 34'56''68E), thence to Baturni and P'ot'i through
ports in the NE Black Sea and Sea of Azov proceeds waters dear of charted dangers.
for about 240 miles, through waters clear of charted Vessels bound for Caucasian ports between P'ofi
dangers, 10 a posmon about 70 miles NNE of Kerempe and Novorossiysk may leave the route either off
Bumu (42'01'·10N 33°20'·20E) approximately midway Bumu or inceburun and proceed generally
between the N coast of Turt<ey and the S point of the NE through waters clear of charted dangers.
Kryms'kyi Pivoslriv. 2 Access to Georgian ports is from a series of traffic
(Direcllons continue for separation schemes (non IMO-adopted).
S Kryms'kyi Pivostriv at 7.7. and (Direciions continue for Bafumi and P'ofi at 3.264
for Sea of Azov and Novorossiysk at 7.8) and 3.288, and tor other caucasian ports at 7.9)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Flow 3.11
3.9 From a pos~ion N of Kelagra Burnu (41'14'·10N
See 1.111. 29"15'·40E), lhe direct passage to Barton Uman, and
thence to other destinations in the SE part of the
istanbul Bogazi to Bartin Liman1 Black Sea proceeds generally ENE for 140 miles in
watelS clear of charted dangetS, passing:
Directions NNW of $ile Bumu Light (41°10'·68N 29'36'·98E)
(continveo from 2.363) (3.17), thence:
3.10 2 NNW of Kefken Adas, Light (41 '12'·98N
Major lights: 30•15•.49E) (3.18), thenoe:
$ile Burnu Light (41'10''68N 29'36'·98E) (3.17). NNW of Oemirli Burnu Light {41 '40'·82N
Oluce Light (41'18'·81N 31'23'·96E) (3.29). 32'13'·54E) (3.70).
Zonguldak Burnu light (41'27'-88N 31'47'·25E) (Directions continue for the coastal passage to
(3.69). Kerempe Bvmv at 3.85)


GENERAL INFORMATION Prohibited landing

Topography landing is prohibited between Kela{lra Burnu and
3.12 Where the meridian 29'34'-00E crosses the coastline,
The N Turkish coast from KelaQra Burnu 15mies ESE.
(41'14'·10N 29'15'-40E) (2.365) to Barton Liman1 about
140 miles ENE, forms a shallow bight which is clear of Directions
charted dangers. (continveofrom 2.363)
The ports of Eregli (3.33) and Zonguldal< (3.51) are
situated on this stretch of the coast. Principal marks
2 From KelaQra Burnu to Bartin tjmem the coast is 3.17
generally steep-to and backed by mountains rislllg to Landmarks:
heights of over 300 m. Babadag, (41'0T·OON 30'11'·00E). Two peaks
covered in trees, which are visible from
10 miles N of Kefken Adas: in clear weather.
Submarine exercise areas 2 Major lights:
3.13 $ffe Bumu Light (whne stone tower, black bands
Submarines exercise frequently within the area on buffding, 19 m in height) (41'10'·68N
between Ak9akoca (41 '05'·00N 31°07'·00E) and 29'36'·98E}.
Girece Burnu (41 '49'·60N 32'34'·80E).

Kelagra Bumu to Kefken Adas,

KELAGRA BURNU TO KEFKEN AOASI From a position N of KelaQra Burnu (41°141·10N
29'15'-40E) the coastal passage to Kefl<en Adas,
proceeds generally E for 46 miles, in waters clear of
General information charted dangetS, passing:
Topography 2 N of a dangerous wreck (41'13'·78N 29'17'·21E).
3.14 thence:
Kelagra Burnu to $ile Bumu. Between Kelagra N of Anadolu Karaburun Light (white metal frame
Bumu (41'14'·10N 29'15'·40E) (2.365) and Anadolu tripod on observation tower. 8 m in height)
Karaburun (6 miles E) (3.18) the coast forms a sight (41'12'·87N 29'23'·33E). This light stands on
bight and consists of yellow cliffs, intersected in places Anadolu Karaburun, a sloping headland which,
by small valleys with nanow strips of beach. The near ~ extremfy, suddenly rises to a rampan
coast E of Anadolu Karaburun consists of cliffs consisting of boulders resembling tombstones.
interspersed by low sandy stretches of coast, behind Life-saving stations stand 1 \4 miles w and
which lie low coastal hills. 1 mile E of the headland. Thence:
2 ~ile Burnu to Kefken AdasL Between $ile Bumu 3 N of $ae Bumu Light {41°10'·68N 29°36'·98E)
and Kefken Adas, the coast is indented by a number which stands 2 cables SSE of $ile Burnu. A
of small bays. Villages are situated at the head ol a number of rocky islets lie close NW of this
number of these bays. Hills, between 150 m and extremfy. Thence:
300 m in height. rise steeply from the sea along this Clear of, depending on draught, a depth of 27 m
part of the coast. (41°14'·30N 30°15'·30E). Thence:
• N of Kefl<en Adas, Light (on observation tower,
10 min height) (41°12'·98N 30'15'-49E). There
Harbour limits are remains of an old fort on the island and
3.15 several above-water rocks lie close off its N
$ile Adas, harbour limits are contained within an and w side.
area close E of Kelagra Burnu (2.365) to longitude, Useful mark:
29'55'·20E, 15'h miles W of Kefl<en Adas, Light The Kerpe Bumu (41'09'·59N 30'11'·47E), a bold
limits extend seaward for about 6 miles. Kefken headland.
harbour limits lie to the E of the above. (Direcoons continue for Eregi at 3.29)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Minor channels in height) at ~ extremity and has about 200 m of

quayage with depths alongside of about 4 to 5 m. An
Inshore of Kadirga Adas, area in which several marine farms are established is
located in the N part of A~ag, Kovanagz1 Koyu, within
The channel between Kadirga Adas, (41"08'·85N
1 cable of the shore.
30•05·.74E), a small islet 1•8 m high, and the mainland
is about 41/2cables wtde and has depths of 11 to Kefken Adas, BarinaQli
16·5 m. Local knowledge is necessary for this 3.26
passage. Description. A shelter (,/)arina{I) harbour on S side
of Kefken Adas, (41'12'·95N 30•1s'·60E), is protected
Inshore of Kefken Adas, by !WO angled breakWaterswhich extend up to 550 m
The channel between Kefken Adas, and Pazarbasr
Lights (whtte concrete and metal framework towers,
Bumu, 5 cables SE, is about 2'h cables wide due to 5 m in height) are ex:hibtted from the head of each
large breakwaters extending S from Kefken Adas, breakwater. There are depths of 5 to 8 m in the outer
Foul ground extends 2 cables w from Kefken Adas, part of the harbour, but the inner part is shoal.
The channel has depths of 6 m. Local knowledge is 2 Anchorage, sheltered from N and E by Kefken
necessary for this passage. Adas, can be obtained 5 cables W of Pazarba~,
Bornu, in depths of 11 to 13 m. The bottom is rocky in
Anchorages and harbours places.
$ile Anchorage No 1 (41'11'·10N 30°09'·75E), for
3.21 vessels not carrying dangerous goods, is centred
Harbour at $ile. entered 6 cables WSW of $ie WSW of the harbour.
Burnu, is protected by two breakwaters. The N 3 Anchorage No 2 (41'11'·50N 30.24'·40E). a
breakwater. which ex:tends NW and then SW for quarantine and dangerous goods anchorage for
5 cables, has a light (white metal column, 6 m in nuclear powered naval vessels and vessels waiting to
height) at its head. The S breakWater, curved for about gas-free is situated ESE of Kefken Adas],
1 cable, also has a light at ~s head. Rescue. A rescue station is located on the island.
2 Depths. In 1991 it was reported that the halbour See also 1.99.
was silted and in places there were roci<s and shoal
patches with depths of about 1 m extending up to 2 m KEFKEN ADASI TO EREGLi
from the quay. Depths in the entrance and centre of General information
the harbour, are 3·5 and 6·1 m, respectively.
3 Anchorages. Two anchorage areas are centred Topography
1 % miles NNW and 211 .. miles ENE of the harbour 3.27
entrance: the E area ts a quarantine and explosives From Kefken Adas, (41'12'·95N 30°15'·60E) to
anchorage. Eregti (52 miles E) the coast forms a large bight into
which now several rivers, one of which, the Sakarya
Ye§il~ay Nehri (3.31), is navigable by small vessels.
3.22 2 From Kefken Adas, to Dikili Burun (3'/, miles ESE)
The harbour at Ye§il~ay (Agva) (41"08'·25N the coast r.s fringed with rocks and the hills approach
29•51'·36E), at the mouth of the Koca Deresi and the coast. Thence for the next 28 mites the hills
close S of <;;anak Burnu is sheltered by two recede inland and the coast is fronted by a beach.
breakwaters. Lights (concrete towers, 5 m in height) From the mouth of the Buyuk Melen <;;ay, (41°04'-40N
stand at the head of each breakwater. 30°58'-0SE) to Eregli (24 miles ENE) the coast rises In
wooded slopes to heights of between 100 and 360 m.
Kerpe Liman1
3.23 Ak~akoca Gasfleld
Anchorage in Kerpe Liman, (41"09'·59N 3.28
30•11 ··47E} provides shelter from aD but W and NW Ak¢oca Gasfield (41°09'·80N 31•10··25E) consists
winds, in depths of 7 m. This is the best natural of four plattorms, all of which are lit. A pipeline
anchorage in the vicinity. connects all four 10 the shore at a posttion 3 miles E
Directions. When entering the bay. care should be of Ak~akoca. A prohiMed area of width 4'/. cables
taken to avoid above-water rocks which tie off the S surrounds the pipeline and plattorms. as charted.
side of the entrance point. Local knowledge is required Directions
to enter the bay. (continued from 3. I 8)
Kefken Llmam Principal marks
3.24 3.29
A harbour in the NE part of Kumcagiz Koyu Maior lights:
(41°09'·90N 30•13'.20E) is sheltered by two moles. Otuce Bumu Light (white concrete tower and
The N mole extends 150 m S from the N coast of the dwelling. 9 m in height) (41'18'·81N
bay. and the S mole extends 21 O m NW from the S 31'23'·96E).
shore. Shelter can be obtained off the village. inshore
of the moles, in a depth of about 3 m. Local Ketken Adas, to Eregll
knowledge is required to enter the bay. 3.30
From a position N of Kefken Adas: Light
A.fag, Kovanagz, (41'12'-98N 30°15'·49E) the coastal passage to Eregli
3.25 proceeds generally E in waters clear of charted
A~ag, Kovanagz, (41°10'·60N 30°13'·80E) is a small dangers, passing:
harbour on the W side of A§ag, Kovanag21Koyu that 2 N of Dikifi Burun (41'12'·00N 30•19•.79E). thence:
serves the town of Kovanag2, It is protected by a N of Sakarya Ag21 (41°07'·70N 30°38'·95E).
breakwater that has a light (while concrete tower, 5 m thence:

e-NP24 - NMs - TRAMMO PARIS {IMO No.lM09792515)

Page: 121
Paragraph 3.21 3 line 4 Replace by:
... anchorage. A submarine pipeline extends into the SW comer of the W anchorage.
Turkish Notice 36/170/19 [NP24-No 3-Wk 42/19)


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Paragraph 3.21 3 line 4 Replace by:
... anchorage. A submarine pipeline extends into the SW comer of the W anchorage.
Turkish Notice 36/170/19 (NP24-No 3-Wk 42/19)
e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

N of Ak~koca Kale Light (metal tower on white impons are iron ore and coal. principal exports are
concrete base, 7 m in height) {41•os··24N finished steel products. The poll also contains RoRo
31°05'·77E), thence: rail ferry terminal and a major shipyard.
3 N of Akgakoca Gasfield (41"09'·80N 31°10'·25E)
(3.28), thence: Approach and entry
Clear of a dangerous wreck (41°16'-00N 3.34
31°19'·57E). The port is approached through a channel marked
Thence the track leads to a position about 2 miles by a pair of fight buoys ~ateraij, 5 cables NW of the
SSW of Oluce Burnu Light (41°18'·80N 31•23'-96E) entrance, in depths ol aboU1 20 m. A wreck with a
(3.29). depth of t 0·8 m lies 1 'h cables NE of the N light buoy.
(Directionscontinue for Port Authority
Eregi and approaches at 3.41, 3.35
and for the coastal passage to Eregi Demir ve Qelik Faboikaler1 T.A.$.. Eregli.
Zonguldakat 3.48)
Anival information
Anchorages and harbours
Outer anchorages
Sakarya Ag21 3.36
3.31 Anchorage Areas No t and 3 are centred 1 Y, and
General information. Sakarya Nehri flows into the 3 miles SSW of the head of Kuzey Mendirek
sea at Sakarya Agz, (41°07'·70N 30°38'·9SE) where breakwater (3.39), Area No 2 lies 2'/. miles S. Areas
there is a harbour for small vessels. h can be No 1 and 3 are unrestricted, Area No 2 is for vessels
identified by a mosque in the vmage of Karasu carrying dangerous goods and vessels in quarantine.
(2'h miles SE). The river has depths of 5·5 m for Caution. A dangerous Y1reck lies 2V.. mites SSW of
8 miles above its mouth and has an average width of Kuzey Mendirek breakwater, between anchorage areas
Y2 cable. The current is rapid and discolours the water Nos 1 and 2.
to seaward for some distance. A stranded wreck is
Pilots and rugs
located 1 'h cables ESE from the light
2 A harbour is located t mile ESE from the light and
Pilotage is compulsory for foreign vessels over
Is sheltered by two breakwaters. The w breakwater
1 SO gt and Tuo1<ish vessels over 1000 gt. Pilots are
extends NNE for 5 cables and then E for 6 cables; the
available 24 hours; they embark at 41'17'·00N
E breakwater extends 4 cables NNE. The harbour
31•22°-40E or 41'16'-67N 31'23'·75E, W and SW of
entrance thus formed is open ESE.
the light at the head of Kuzey Mendirek. In rough
3 Anchorage can be obtained 311:t miles E of Sakarya
weather they embark in the inner harbour. Vessels
Agzo Light.
more than 13 m draught berth during daylight hours
Useful mar1<:
Sakarya Agzo Light (metal framewor1< tower on
Tugs are available and compulsory for vessels over
white concrete base, 8 m in height) standing
2000 gt using the inner harbour.
on the E side al the river moU1h.
Akgakoca 3.38
3.32 Restricted areas. Entry is prohibited to an area
Harbour. Akgakoca (41"05'·46N 31"07'·20E) has a extending either side of Kuzey Mendirek, and also to
small fishing harbour. The entrance, which opens w. is the S area ol the harbour.
unlit. Depth alongside 3·5 m. Dangerous c.argo. Vessels carrying explosives and
Caution. Wind and swell from W can make the inflammable materials anchor in the outer harbour or
entrance dangerous. berth 1n Erdemir if cargo is for the steel works.
Anchorage may be obtained 1 mile off the E end of Entry. Permission of the harbour authority is
the town in a depth of 18 m, sand. The anchorage is required before the vessel may enter the inner
exposed to an offshore winds. harbour.
2 Useful mar1<s:
Ak~oca Breakwater Lights (white cylindrical Harbour
sheet iron towers, 5 m in height) (41•os'-54N
3t007'·18E). General layout
Ak~akoca Kale Light (metal tower on white 3.39
concrete base, 7 m in height) (41.05'·24N Harbour, protected by breakwaters. has two ports:
3t005'·77E). Eregli Umam is the N part ol the harbour, which
,s protected by Kuzey Mendirek (41°16'·82N
31"24'·06E) and a T·shaped breakwater
EREGLi AND APPROACHES extending SSW from the shore.
2 Demir ~elik Steel Wor1<s is the S part of the
General information harbour, and is divided into two separate
basins by a central breakwater. The E basin
Position and function (adjacent to ttle steelwor1<s) is of an earlier
3.33 construction than the deep water facilities in
Eregli (41°17'-00N 31°25'·00E) and the associated the w basin.
poll of Demir Qelik Steel Wor1<s are situated 2 miles S 3 Eregli Shipyard is located S of the root of the S
ol Oliice Bumu Light (3.29), between Baba Bumu mole, with its entrance open S. The shipyard
(2.183) and Qengel Bumu. facilities consist of 17 000 m2 of covered high
2 It is the main poll seNicing the Eiegli-Zonguldak ceiling steel areas with overhead
coalfields and the steel woo1<s at Demir yellk. Pnncipal cranes and two slipways (3.45).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Traffic signals Berths

3.40 Anchorages
Displayed from signal mast (41'17'·22N 31'23'·76E} 3.43
on Baba Bumu (2.183). Signals are disposed vertically. Area No 4. Anchorage is available within the inner
hartlour for vessels of less than 1600 gt. Mariners
Signal should note the restricted areas in both the N and S
parts of the harbour.
Day Night

•• •• Harbour closed
Alongside berths

.. ••
EreQU Uman1 Passenger and cargo berths total
335 m in length with depths alongside of 3·4 to 4·6 m.
Demlr <;:ellk Steel Works:
E basin: Maximum vessel size 60 000 dwt,
Hart>our open depths alongside of 5·9 to 11 ·6 m.
W basin: Maximum vessel size 200 000 dwt,
depths alongside of 13· 1 to 18·3 m.

.• •• Do not attempt to
enter Repairs
Port services

.• ••
Two sipways of 220 m LOA, 38 m width; capable of
accommodating vessels of 50 000 tonnes for new
vessels only.
No tug ava~able

.•. ••
o,eset oil by road tanker: fresh water: provisions
and stores .
Waft.You wiU be piloted

• into the hart>our EREGLi TO ZONGULDAK

General Information

•• •• Because of unfavourable
weather,you cannot be

• • piloted into harbour

Traffic signals (3.40)

From Olike Burnu (41'18'·80N

between Kandilli Bumu

31'23'·80E) to
Zonguldak (20 miles ENE), lhe coast is generally
mountainous, wooded and intersected

and Asar Burnu,

by numerous
ravines. The shore is steep-to except for a stretch
51h and
9¥. miles, respectively, ENE of Oluce Burnu, where in
(conUnuedfrom 3.30) places sunken rooks extend up to 3 cables offshore.

Principal marks
3.41 Directions
(conunued from 3.30)
Baba Bumu (40'59'·10N 28'32'·50E) is the S Principal marks
extremity of a broad headland laced by rocky 3.48
cUffs. whioh extends 1 mile N to Del~ Maior lights:
Bumu. This headland can be identified by the Olirce Bumu Light (41't8'·80N 3t'23'·96E)
sudden change in aspect of the coast N of (3.29).
Baba Burnu. Zonguldak Bumu Light (41'27'·88N 31'47'·25E)
2 Ma[or lights: (3.69).
Oluce Burnu Light (41'18'·80N 31'23'·96E)
Eregli to Zonguldak
Approaches 3.49
3.42 From a posltion about 2 miles SSW of Oluce Burnu
From a position about 2 miles SSW of Oluce Bomu the coastal passage to Zonguldak proceeds generally
Light (41'18'·80N 31'23'·96E) (3.29), in the vicinity ol ENE for 22 miles, passing:
the pilot boarding area, the track leads E passing NNW of Kandilli Bumu (41'21'·31N 31'30'·15E),
between a pair of light buoys Qateral) at the entrance thence:
to the dredged channel, thence SE between the head NNW of Asar Bumu (41'22'·63N 31'35'·64E).
of Kuzey Mendirek and the head of the S mole at the !hence:
entrance to Demir <;:elik Steel Wor1<s and into the inner 2 NNW of Kozlu Fishing Harbour (41 '26'·43N
harbour. 31'44'-68E} (3.50), !hence:

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

To a position WNW of Zonguldak Bumu Light Coal quay and other berths connected with coal
(White concrete tower and dweling. 9 m in heighQ operations are situated in the S pan of the harbour.
(41'27'·88N 31 '47'·25E). The passenger quay is situated in the N pan of the
(Direcb'onscontinue for Zonguldak and approaches harbour.
at 3.60, and tor the coastalpassage to The E side of the harbour has depths of less than
Bart,n Liman, at 3.69) Sm.
Developments. Works are in progress (2013) in the
Anchorageand harbour SE pan of the hatbour.
Kozlu Liman1 Silting
3.50 3.57
Description. Kozlu Uman, is entered between Sifting caused by the waters of the Uzulmez Deresi,
Domuz Burnu (41'26'·97N 31'45'·12E), and a point which flows into the SE comer of the inner harbour,
1 o/. miles SW. The town of Kozlu stands at the head makes constant dredging necessary.
of the bay. Traffic signals
Anchorage may be obtained at a convenient depth, 3.58
the bottom being sand in depths of less than 20 m Displayed from signal station situated at elbow of N
and mud and sand in greater depths. breakwater.
2 Harbour. Kozlu Fishing Harbour, which opens N, is Signals as at Ere96. See 3.40.
protected by two breakwaters wrth 6ghts at their
Climate information
heads; depths inside the harbour are 8·9 to 11 m, and
t ·7 to 4·8 m alongside.
See 1.151 and 1.155.
(rontinued from 3.49)
General information Prlnclpal marks
Position and function 3.60
3.51 Landmarks:
Zonguldak (41'27'·00N 31'47'·00E) is s~uated Zonguldak Burnu Lighthouse (41 '27'·88N
5 cables S of Zonguldak Bumu. c;:atalagz, Power 31'47'·25E) (3.69).
Station Hart>our and Eren Umano (3.71), which are Major lights:
within Zonguldak port limits, lie 6'h miles NE of the Zonguldak Burnu Light - as above.
town. Approaches
The town is the administrative centre for the region. 3.61
The main export is coal from the Eregli co-affields. From a position WNW of Zonguldak Bumu Ugh~
There are also regular passenger & RoRo services. the approach to the harbour leads SE through waters
clear of charted dangers.
Density of water 3.62
3.52 Leading lights:
Reported to be 1 ·013 g/m3. Front light (pedestal, 14 m in height) (41 '27'·52N
31'47'·26E). situated on the E shore of the
Local weather inner harbour.
3.53 Rear 6ght (pole, 38 m in height) (25 m from front
The outer anchorage, where holding ground is light)
reported to be poor, is unsafe during bad weather with 2 The alignment (080·2') of these lights leads E
winds from NE through N to W. through the breakwater entrance into the harbour,
Useful marks:
Lights (metal framework towers. 1 o and 12 m in
Outer anchorages height) stand at the head of each breakwater.
Anchorage for Zonguldak is available N of the
harbour in depths of about 24 rn, sand and mud. Alongside berths
Pilotage and tugs There are three main quays. Coal Quay, the largest,
3.55 is 510 m long with a depth alongside of 8·5 m. A
Pilotage is compulsory for foreign-flagged vessels vessel of 8·5 m draught, 30 360 dwt has been handled.
over 500 gt, and is provided by the eoa~ng company.
Port services
Pilot boards in position 41'28'-00N 31'46'·00E. ¥, mie
NW of the port entrance. A second pilot station is Repairs
located in position 41'32'·40N 31'51'·50E, 2 mites NW 3.64
of c;:atala~zo (3. 70). Pnvate dockyard and workshop owned by the coal
Tugs are available. Their use is compulsory for company, Ereg~ Kompani l~letmesi.
vessels of 500 gt or more; vessels of 5000 gt or more Other facilities
must use two tugs. 3.65
Ballast and stops reception; SSCC, SSCEC issued;
Harbour hospitals.
General layout Supplies
3.56 3.66
The harbour, which occupies the SE part ol Fresh water; bunkering by barge from Istanbul
Zonguldak t.lmaru is protected by two breakwaters. (2.274).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

ZONGULDAK TO BARTIN LiMANI is 450 m and opens NW. Lights are exhiMed from the
General Information A dangerous wreck and a buoy lie 3 and 5'h cables
NNE of Kiip Bumu (41'31··38N 31'54'·64E).
Berth. 250 m long. inside the E breakwater.
From Zonguldak Bumu (41.27'-90N 31•47'·30E) to
Bartin Uman, (24 miles NE) the first 13 miles of the
coast to Hisar Bumu (3. 70) is backed by a number of Bartin Liman,
sharply pointed mountains. reaching heights of
between 300 and 500 m. NE of Hisar Bumu the
aspect is less mountainous. The shore between General Information
Zonguldak Bumu and Hisar Bumu is generally 3.72
steep-lo, with a number of beaches. A rod<y bank lies Position and function. Bartin Liman, (41°41'·29N
2 cables offshore close SW of Hisar Bumu. 32'13'·71E) is sttuated on the N side of the mouth of
2 Between Hisar Bumu and Demirti Bumu {11 miles Bartin <,ay, and is approached between Demirli Burnu
NE) the shore consists of a series of long beaches, (3.67) and Ta~dibi Bumu, 6 cables NE.
divided by a number of small headlands, of which It is a naval base and commercial port handling
Guzelcehisar Bumu (41'38'·42N 32'10'-45E), is the steel products. lime. logs and nour.
most prominent. Port Authori1y: Barton Uman Ba~kanhg, (Bartin Port
Aulhonty), Kortepe MahalleS< Hukumet Caddesi No 14,
Regulations Bartin.
Fishing is prohibited in an area which extends
3 miles to seaward off Baron Limano (3. 72). Limiting conditions
Directions Controlling depths. There are charted depths of
(continued from 3.49) 7 m or more in the approaches to and the centre of
Principal marks the outer harbour. Depths in the outer harbour are
3.69 liable to change due to silting from Bartin <,ay,
<,atalagzo Power Station with two chimneys (red
stripes) (41'31'·20N 31'53'·90E). Arrival information
2 Notice of ETA: 48, 24 and 12 hours prior to arrival.
Major lights:
Vessels carrying dangerous cargoes are not accepted.
Zonguldak Burnu Light (white concrete tower and
Anchorage area for vessels not carrying dangerous
dwelling, 9m in height) (41.27'·88N
goods lies 1 Y4 miles WSW of the harbour entrance. A
submarine pipeline, marked by light buoys (special),
Zonguldak to Barton Limano extends from lhe shore to the E boundary of the
3.70 anchorage.
From a position WNW of Zonguldak Bumu. lhe Anchorage area for vessels carrying dangerous
coastal passage to Bartin Umam proceeds generaDy cargoes lies close SW of the above anchorage.
NE in waters clear of charted dangers, passing: 3 Pilotage is compulsory for all foreign vessels over
2 NW of <,atalagz, (Dogancilar) Power Station 500 gt. Pilots embark in position 41 "41 '·00N
Harbour (41'31'·37N 31'53'·68E); the harbour, 32°12'·75E, in the outer harbour anchorage area. See
which opens w. is protected by two ADMIRALTY Us/ of Radio Signals Volume 6(3) tor
breakwaters with lights at their heads: Eren details.
Limam (3.71) lies close E of the harbour. Tugs are available. Their use is compulsory for all
Thence: vessels over 2000 gt except warships.
3 NW of Eren Limano (41.31'·30N 3t•54'·20E).
NW of Hisar Bumu (41'34'·43N 32'01'·73E). a Harbour
low point - reddish-coloured slopes. thence: 3.74
NW of Oemi~i Burnu Light (white concrete tower, General layout. The harbour is protected by two
10 m in height) (41'40'•82N 32'13··54E). breakwaters, with the berthing area located on the S
(Directions continue for the coastal passage to side of the harbour. A turning circle, of radius 300 m
Kuruca§ile8umu at 3.85) and depth 8 m, is situated between the berths and the
N breakwater.
Eren Liman1 Bartin 4-ayo consists of the area between the river
3.71 mouth and the bridge CJossing the river.
General informatio
n. Eren Liman1 (41°31'·30N 2 Prohibited area. A military harbour, to which entry
31 '54'·20E) is located 6'h miles NE of Zongu1dak is prohibited, Is situated in the NE and E parts of the
(3.51), close E of <,atalagzo Power Station Harbour imer harbour.
The port accepts large vessels tor the export of
coal. Directions
Anchorage area lies close N of the port. 3.75
Pilots board in pcsmon 41°32'·00N 31'51'·40E and From a position NW of Oemirli Burnu Light the track
are provided from Zonguldak. leads ENE in lhe white sector (068'-073') of Kapakli
2 General layout. The port Is protected by a W Directional Light (white metal pylon, 8 m In height)
breakwater 380 m in length, and a curved E (41'41'·33N 32'13'·96E) into the harbour, passing
breakwater, 850 m in length. The width of the entrance between:

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Bartin Linan, (3.74)

2 Head of Kuzey Mendirek, marked by a light marking the N side of the inner harbour
{white concrete tower on concrete base, 7 m in entrance.
height), and:
Heads of two arms of Guney Mendi'ek, bo1h of
which are marked by lights (White concrete 3.n
Berth is 480 m in length with maximum depth
towers. 8 m in height).
Useful mark: Bartin <;ay,
Light (white metal tripod, 5 m in height) standing 3.78
on the S shore of Ta~dibi Burnu (about Bar!Jn <;ay, is navigable by small vessels with local
4 cables E of N breakwater head light) knowledge as far as the town of Barton, 6 miles

Bartin Limano berth (3.77)

Ong/nil- 2007

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

upstream. The mouth of this river is narrowed by rod<s Ftlyos ,;:ay,

and obstructed by a sandbar over Which there are 3.80
depths of about 2 m. Within the entrance. deplhs Fityos C,,y, (41 •35•·OON 32•03··OOE) enters the sea
increase to between 7 and 9 m. about 1 mae NE of Hisar Bumu (3. 70). The river, with
a bar at its mouth and which in the past has had
Anchorages and harbours several entrances, currently (201 OJ enters the sea
HisarOnU through a narrow channel 30 m wide. Beyond the bar
3.79 the fitst 400 m of the river is 120 m wide, reducing in
Description. Hisaronu or Fllyos, consists of a sman width and shallowing farther upstream; depths are
harbour and pier located 7 and 11 'h cables SW of unknown. Local know1edge is required.
Hisar Bumu. The harbour which is protected by two
breakwaters and opens SW, has depths of 1 ·2 to
6·5 m. The pier, which is 240 m in length, has a depth Development
of about 9·5 m at its outer end. The pier is connected 3.81
to the general rail system. Limited provisions. Filyos is a new port under development at
2 Useful mar1<: 41'35'-60N 32'04'·20E (2018). When completed, it will
A light (white column, 6 m in heighl) is exhibited be used for coal import. handling containers and
from the head of the W pier. breakbulk serving the capital Ankara.


BARTIN UMANI TO KURUCA~ILE BURNU NNW of CaktaZ Bumu (41'46'·55N 32.27'·27E), a
dark precipitous diff 424 m in height. Thence:
General Information NNW of Dik~i Burun (41'48'·14N 32'30'·0BE). A
detached rounded summit rises precipitously
Topography from Its extremity. Thence:
3.82 3 NNW of Kuruca~ile Burnu Light (white concrete
From Bartin Uman, (41'41'·25N 32°14'-00E) to tower, 8 m in height) (41 'SO'·BON 32'43'·00E).
Kurucasite Bumu (24 miles ENE) the coast is generally whk:h stands on Kuruca~ile Bumu, a narrow
steep-to. promontory extending 5 cables from the
It is indented by a number of smaJI inlets and the general line of the coast. Kurucasile harbour
larger bay of BUyUk Li man I which forms the lies close E of the point.
approaches to the port of Amasra (3.87). (Directions continue for the coastal passage to
Kerempe Bumu at 3.95)
3.83 Amasra
Seining and traw1ingare prohibited in an area that
extends 31/2 miles N and 111 .. miles E and W of General information
Amasra. 3.87
Position and approaches, Amasra (41 °44 · ·82N
Submarine exercise areas 32°23'·58E), a waited town, is situated on the W side
3.84 of Buyiik Liman1 and stands on a peninsula which is
Submarines exercise frequently within the area connected to the mainland by a low sandy isthmus
between Ak9akoca (41 '0S'•OON 31 •oT·OOE) and 1'/. cables wide.
Girece Bumu (41.49'·60N 32"34'·80E). 2 B(iyuk Liman, and the port of Amasra lie between
the E extremity of the peninsula and Felangit Burun,
Directions 1¥, miles E.
(continued from 3.11 and 3.70)
Anivat Information
Principal marks 3.88
3.85 Notice of ETA: 24 hours for alt foreign vessels and
Major tights: Turkish vessels from foreign ports.
Amasra Light (white stone tower and dwel&ng, Anchorage for vessels not carrying dangerous
4 m in height) (41'45'·17N 32•22·.g1E). cargo and milltary vessels may be obtained 1 mile NE
of Amasra Light in depths of 19 to 43 m, mud. A
Bartin Umana to KurucaJile Bumu second area for vessels carrying dangerous cargo lies
3.86 1 o/. miles W of the light.
From a position NW of Oemirli Burnu Light 2 Pilotage. The piot boards in position 41•45·.70N
(41°40'·82N 32°13'·54E) (3.70) the coastal passage to 32'22'-OOE, NW of Amasra Light
Kuruca~ite Bumu proceeds generally ENE, passing: Regulations. On arrival, foreign vessels must
NNW of Tarlaagz.1 Koyu (41°43'·SON 32'20'·33E); anchor in the outer harbour until granted permission to
a small harbour protected by two breakwaters enter the inner harbour.
and open ENE is located in frapak Koyu in
the SE comer. Lights are exhibited from the Harbour
heads of the breakwaters. Thence: 3.89
2 NNW of Kami~lar Bumu (41'44'-65N 32'21'·93E). General layout. Asmara Town Harbour consists of
Two isolated shoals extend 2 and 6 cables W, an outer and inner harbour.
with a least depth of 3·7 m. Thence: Outer harbour. Consists of the outer anchorage
NNW of Amasra Light (41'45'·17N 32'22'•97E} area N and E of the peninsula, and Ku9iik Uman. W
(3.85), thence: of the peninsula

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Amasrafrom ESE (3.87)

2 Inner harbour. The sea area within the 2 Caution. It was reported (2004) that the
breakwaters. breakwaters at the entrance to the fishing harbour E of
Works are in progress (2012) in the N pan of the Ku~le Bumu had been damaged and that it was
harbour. dangerous to enter the harbour.
3 Ku~iik Liman (41°45'-00N 32°23'-00E), the
entrance to which is about 1 cable wide. narrowed by
submerged rocks fringing its N and S sides, is a KURUCA$iLE BURNU TO KEREMPE BURNU
favourite anchorage for small vessels during the
summer months, when ~ provides shelter from the General information
prevailing E winds.
Directions 3.94
3.90 From Kuruca~ae Burnu (41°50'·80N 32°43'-00E)
From a position N of Amasra Light. Biiy(ik Linan, is (3.86) to Kerempe Bumu (30 miles ENE), the coast is
entered through waters clear of charted dangers, generally steep-to and backed by mountains rising to
passing: heights ol over 1000 m.
NE of Tavsan Adas, (1 cable E of peninsula). an Kap1suyu Deresi valley, lying about 2 miles E of
island of moderate height ~ bold yellow Ku~le Bumu Light can be distinguished from
sides. From a distance this island and the 25 mies N. On the W side is the village of Kap,suyu.
peninsula appear as a group of islands. The E side rises to Yanikp,mer Tepesi (3.95).
2 If entering the inner harbour, continue: 2 Keremp• Burnu is one of the highest capes on
Between N and S breakwaters, marked by lights this coast and forms the W termination of that part of
(white metal towers, 6 and 1 O m in height). Tui1cey that projects N into the Black Sea. The coast
W of the cape is elevated and intersected by valleys
Berths wrth sandy beaches (3.96).
3.91 Directions
Inner harbour. Vessels berth stem-to the N (continued from 3.86)
A prohibited zone lies in the S pan of the inner Principal marks
harbour, W and N of the S breakwater. 3.95
A small jetty, from the head of which a light is Landmarks:
exhibited, extends NE from the SW comer of the Yarukpomer Tepesi (41°50'·20N 32°46'-00E), a
harbour. pointed summit.
Major lights:
Port services Kerempe Bumu Light (white stone tower with
3.92 black band, 8 m in height) (42°01 '·10N
Provisions in limited quantities. 33•20··20E).
Kuruca,ile Bumu to Kerempe Bumu
Harbours 3.96
From a position NNW of Kuruca~ile Burnu
Fishing harbours (41°50'-$0N 32°43'·00E) (3.86), the coastal passage to
3.93 Kerempe Bumu proceeds generally ENE in waters
Description. Fishing harbours, each protected by dear of charted dangers. passing:
two breakwaters. lie 5 cables E of Ku~le Bumu 2 NNW of Kopekkaya Burnu Light (white concrete
(3.86) and at Tekkeonu, 2 miles WSW of Kuruca~ie tower, 7 m in height) (41°54'·49N 32°59'·11 E),
Bumu. Lights (concrete towers, 9 m in height) are standing on Kopekkaya Burnu which
exhibited from each breakwater. tenninates in a bluff. Thence:

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

3 NNW of Kerempe Burnu Light (42°01'·10N Karaaga~ Liman,

33•20·-20E). Kerempe Bumu is a high cape, 3.98
bordered by reddish cliffs. with cultivated land Ducrlption. Karaaga~ Liman, is situated in the bay
within them. tt may be approached with safety. that fies SSW of Kopekkaya Burnu (41°54'·49N
(Directions continue for the offshore passage 32'59"·11E) (3.96). The village of Cide stands at the
to central Caucasian ports at 3.8, head of the bay.
and tor the coastal passage to 2 Anchorages. Anchorage, shettered from E, may be
Usta Bumu at 3. 102) found in the bay in depths of 5 to 28 m. Caution. A
Anchorages and harbours subrname pipeline extends 8'h cables NNW, from a
position on the shore 9 cables SW of Iha harbour
SCrtlUce Liman1
entrance. Designated anchorage areas for vessels not
carrying dangerous goods and naval vessels, and for
Description. The small harbour of SU111ce Linan,
vessels carrying dangerous goods, lie 1 !h mites WNW
(41°51'·60N 32'51 "·50E), backed by a mountain in the
form of a sugar loaf. is used by smaft vessels. and 4 mies WSW of Ci<le, respectively.
The entrance, which in 1985 was reported to be 3 Pilotage. Pilots board 1 'h miles W of the harbour.
mar1ced by a short white stone pillar standing at the Cide Fishing Harbour, which is protected by
foot of the cliff, ~s ¥ .. cable wide and is divided into two breakwaters. is situated on the NE side of the bay
channels by a sunken rock 30 m in extent There is a opposite the vilage. Depths in the entrance are 4·3 m.
depth of 2·7 m over this roci< and 13 m in the fairway and alongside a broad quay 4·9 to 5·9 m. A buoy
on either side. (speciaQ is moored 1 'h cables WNW of the head of
2 The anchorage accommodates five or six sman the breakwater. About 50 small fishing boats use the
vessels in depths of 5 to 7 m, harbour in the summer.
Directions. When entering the harbour, vessels ., Directions. The breakwater entrance is approached
should keep close to the E shore to avoid the sunken from SSW.
rock. Useful marks:
The harbour is exposed to N winds and should not Lights (white concrete towers, 9 m in height) are
be used during a strong breeze except in cases of exhibited from the head of each breakwater.
necessity. Services. Water at the quay, fuel by jerry can.
Local knowledge is required to enter this harbour. provisions..



(continued from 3.96)
3.99 Principal marks
Kerempe Bumu (42'01 "·10N 33'20'·20E) (3.96) and 3.102
Boztepe Burnu (85 miles E) are the W and E Major lights:
terminations, respectively, of the part of Tur1<ey that Kerempe Bumu Light (42°01 ·-1 ON 33°20"·20E)
projects farthest N into the Black Sea. (3.95).

Weather Kerempe Bumu to Usta Bumu

3.100 3.103
Due to different weather systems in the W and E From a position N of Kerempe Burnu Light
Black Sea, winds often change direction completety (42°01"·10N 33°20'·20E), the coastal passage to Usta
when passing Kerempe Burnu and squalls are Bumu leads generally E for 52 miles, in waters clear
common in this vicinity. of charted dangers. passing:
N of Ooganyurt Fishing Harbour, marked by lights
(42'00'·59N 33°27'·73E). thence:
KEREMPE BURNU TO USTA BURNU 2 N of a fishing harbour mar1<ed by lights and open
E, situated close W of Eyrik (41°58"·92N
33'37'·86E), thence:
General Information
N of inebolu Bumu Light (white concrete tower
and dwelling, 9 m in height) (41°58'·77N
Topography 33°45'·82E), which stands on a low bluff point.
3.101 Thence:
From Kerempe Bumu (42°01'·17N 33'20"·28E) to 3 N of Gemiciler Fishing Harbour (41'58'·50N
Usta Burnu (52 miles E), the coast is steep-to with 33°53'-67E) marked by lights and open SE,
few significant indentations. The shore is backed by thence:
mountains. which in places rise to heights of over N of a dangerous wreck (reported 20 t 2)
600 m. A number of villages, visible from seaward, are (41°58'·55N 33•54•.21 E). thence:
situated in the valleys. N of Usta Burnu Light (white framewor1< tower on
2 Between Kerempe Bumu and inebolu (19 miles E) concrete base. 6 m in height) (41°58"·58N
(3.105), the coast is covered with vegetation right 34'29'-41E).
down to the sea. Farther E the coast is bluff with bare (Directions continue for the coastal passage to
rocks. Boztepe Bumu at 3. 114)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Open anchorages exposed to onshore winds are General Informatio
situated: Topography
Between Kecin Burnu and Asar Burnu 3.112
(42°01 '·40N 33°24'·30E), A dangerous wreck, From Usta Bumu (4t'58'·50N 34'29'·50E) to ince
the charted position of which is approximate. Burun (21 miles ENE). the coast fonns a wide bight.
lies close E of this anchorage. Between Usta Bumu and Bah~eli (1 o miles E). the
A position 11/4 miles WNW of Zarbana coast is backed by mountains which. in places, rise
(41°59'·20N 33'36'-00E). preapitousty from the sea These mountains recede
inland as the coast trends NE towards ince Burun.
inebolu 2 Bah~eli Kayalal\ parts of which are above-water.
lie close NE of Bah~eli. This reef is 3 miles in length
General Information and its outer edge lies about 1 mfle offshore.
3.105 From Ince Burun (42°05'·79N 34'56'·68E) to
Position and function . The port of inebolu lies on Boztepe Burnu (13 miles ESE) the coast is
the E side of inebolu Bumu (41 '58'·73N 33°46'·43E). It comparatively low-lying. The E end of this stretch of
is the port for the town of Kastamonu, 65 km S, which the coast terminates in a peninsula, connected to the
is the seat of local government. mainland by a narrow low-lying isthmus.
Pyri1es ore is exported. Approximately 200 vessels
and 150 000 tonnes of cargo are handled annualy. Magnetic anomaty
Limiting conditions A local magnetic anomaly. amounting to as much
as 2%' from normal, has been reported off Boztepe
Local weather: tog is frequent from March to May.
Arrival information
(continued from 3.103)
Notice of ETA. 24 hours tor all foreign vessels and Principal marks
Turkish vessels from foreign pons. 72 hours for 3.114
vessels carrying explosive materials. Major lights:
Anchorage may be obtained centred on 41°59'-&SN lnceburun Light (white stone tower and dwelling,
33°43'·60E. A second area. for quarantine vessels and 12 m in height) (42.05'·79N 34°56'·68E).
vessels carrying dangerous cargoes is centred on
41°59'·75N 33'40'·50E. Usta Bumu to Boztepe Burnu
2 Pilotage is compulsory for foreign-flagged vessels
From a position N of usta Bumu (41 '58'·50N
over 500 gt; the pilot boards in position 41°59'· 1 BN
34'29'·50E}, the coastal passage to Boztepe Burnu
33°46'·43E, close NNW of the harbour.
proceeds generally ENE and then ESE for 35 miles.
Tugs are not available.
2 NNW of Bah~eli Kayalan (41.57'·30N 34'42'•00E)
(3.112), thence:
General layouL lnebolu harbour is protected by N N of inceburun Light (42'05'·79N 34•55'-68E).
and S breakwaters. standing on a point which is sharp, rocky and
reddish in colour. Thence:
Directions 3 NNE of Boztepe Burnu Light (white stone tower
and dwelling, 4 m in height) (42°01'·17N
35•12'-45E), standing on the E extremity of
From a position WNW of inebolu Light (41'58'·nN
33'45'·82E), the outer anchorage is approached Boztepe Yanmadasi This peninsula can be
through waters clear of charted dangers. identified by its flat summit and, except
The harbour is entered SE of the N breakwater ight towards the isthmus, its steep sides. From N,
(white concrete tower, 14 m in height); and the inner the isthmus, on which stands the town of
Sinop (3.124). is scarcely visible and the
harbour is entered midway between the N breakwa1er
and the head of the S breakwater, (white metal peninsuJa appears as an island.
framework tower, 10 m in height). " Useful marks:
Pekkaya Burnu (42'05'-&0N 35°00'·95E), a rocky
Basins and berths blufl wtth reddish tint.
3.110 Gazibey Kayas, (42'01 '·30N 35'12'·87E). a
A quay 185 m long is located on the S side of the steep-to prominent islet marked by a buoy
N breakwater, 1 'hcables SW of the breakwater light. (,solated danger), NE of Boztepe Burnu.
depths alongside 10·1 to 11·3 m. (Directions continue for
An ore loading berth, approximately 200 m in length, the offshore passage to Bafumi at 3.8,
with depths alongside of 6·3 to 7·1 m, is situated at and for the coastal passage to
the inner end of the N breakwater. Quays also extend Samsun at 3. 122)
around the shore and the S breakwater. depths vary Anchoragesand harbours
from 1 ·6 to 5·6 m.
Usta Bumu
Port services 3.116
3.111 Anchorage, sheltered from NW winds, can be
Hospital; fuel; fresh water; limited quantities of fresh obtained in depths of 5 to 9 m, sand and mud, in the
provisions. bight SE of Usta Bumu (41.58'·59N 34'29'·44E).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Useful mar1<: Pilotage. The pilo1 boa.rding position (41'58'·96N

Lights (white concrete towers, 5 m in heighQ 34'30'·33E), 6es 7'h cables ENE of Usta Burnu Light
(41 '57"·92N 34'30'·45E) standing on
breakwaters at the entrance to c;;ayJioglu, a
fishing harbour on Hle E side of Usta Bumu. Akliman
Description. The village of Akliman (42'03'·03N
35'02'·57E) lies on the SE side of a cove. This cove,
Ayanc,k tile entrance of Which is 2 cables wide, is entered
3.117 between K.a.ra Ada and Sari Ada. Reefs extend
Description. Ayanc,k (41'56'·76N 34'35'·80E). a between these islets and the mainland.
village 5 miles E of Usta Burnu (3.116), is situated 2 Anchorage, open E, can be obtained in depths of
near the mouth of Ayanctk yayl Two piers are close 9 to 13 m, a short distance within the entrance.
nearby, off which coasting craft anchor. Shelter from all winds can be obtained by vessels of
Caution. The pier in position 41'56'-90N 34'34'·40E shallow draught in the N part of the harbour.
is damaged and unsafe; all vessels intending to use 1 Yz cables offshore, in depths of 3 m. Shelter may also
the pier should consult the harbour master for the be obtained in the cenne of a pool in the SW part of
latest information. the cove. in depths of 3 m. This latter area is used by
2 Anchorage areas for vessels Q not carrying fishing boats.
dangerous cargo, ii) long term anchorage and iii) tor 3 Berth. A quay connects Kara Ada to the shore.
quarantine vessels and vessels canying dangerous Sman craft moor bow or stem-to at the S end, the
cargo, lie 2, 3 and 5'h miles E of Usta Bumu, berth is exposed to w winds.
respectively. A stranded wreck (41'58'·03N Useful ma.rk:
34•35·.1sE), marked by a light buoy (Isolated danger), Akliman Light (white concrete tower, 5 m in
lies within the anchorage area. Caution. A submarine heighQ (42'03'·14N 35'02'·88E} standing on
pipeline extends 1 mile NNW from Ayanctk c;;ay, Kara Ada on the N side of the entrance.



(continued from 3. 115)
From Boztepe Burnu (42'01'·17N 35'12'-45E) to Principal mar1<s
Yasun Burnu (123 miles ESE) the coast forms 3 wide 3.122
bights. The promontories forming these bights are Major lights:
low-lying, baci<ed by mountains which lie 1 O to Batra Burnu Light (white round metal framework
15 miles inland. tower and building, 25 min height) (41'43'·82N
The port of Samsun (3.137) is situated on this 35'56'·81 E).
stretch of the coast.

Boztepe Bumu to Samsun

From a position NNE of Boztepe Burnu Light
(42'01'·17N 35'12'·45E) the coastal passage to the
General information approaches to Samsun KOrfezi proceeds generalty SE
for 70 miles in waters cJear of charted dangers,
Topography passing:
3.120 2 NE of Balta Burnu Light (41'43'·82N 35'56'·81E)
From Boztepe Burnu (42'01'·17N 35'12'-45E) to situated 1 mtle SW of Bafra Bumu which is
Batra Burnu (37 miles ESE) the coast fonns a bigh~ formed by the delta of the K1zihrmak. Stranded
the W part of which is backed by mountains. The wrecks lie 1 miJe E and 1 'h miles SE of Batra
coast between Yakakent (41 '38'•00N 35°31 '·00E) Bumu. Thence:
(3.133) and Bafra Burnu (21 miles ENE) is low and NE of incir Burnu Light (white metal framework
wooded. Between Bafra Burnu and incir Burnu tower, 12 min height) (41'37"·37N 36'06'·nE).
(1 o miles SE) the coast continues low and is covered The coast in the vicinity of incir Burnu is low
by trees. and covered in trees.
2 Kizumnak (Red River). the longest river in Tur1<ey. 3 Caution. The coastfine around the deltas of the
enters the sea at Bafra Bumu. For its last 11 miles this KlZllnnak and Ye~ilmnak (3.135) may differ from that
river flows through a tree-covered plain. There are chaned due to shoaling. h is recommended that these
sandy beaches on either side of Batra Bumu. headlands be given a wide berth.
(Direcoons continue for
Magnetic anomaly the approaches ro Samsun Korfezl ar 3. 135.
3.121 and for the coastal passage to
See 3.113. Yasun Bumu at 3.165)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Sinop Port services

General information Other faellltles: Sinop State Hospital; gart,age
3.124 disposal
Position and function. Sinop (42.01 '•24N Supplies: fresh water; provisions.
35"08'·92E} is divided into two parts. One part consists
of the fortress, which is built on the isthmus, the other Anchorages and small harbours
part is situated on the W slope of Boztepe Yanmadas, Gerze
(3.115). 3.131
2 Sinop is a minor port, the harbour of which provides Description. Gerze is located close W of K6~k
the safest natural anchorage between the Bosporus Bumu (41"48'·13N 35"12'·42E). a low but prominent
and Bafumi. The port handles mainly ferries, fishing point at the foot of a high mountain. The harbour.
vessels and tankers; the port is also a destination for close w of the poin~ is protected by two breakwaters
cruise vessels. with lights at their heads: the entrance opens SE. A
3 The governor of lhe district resides in lhe town. pier extends SE from the centre of the harbour,
Port Authority. Harbour Master, Sinop Uman 2 Depths in the entrance are 6·2 m, and 3 to 5 m
Ba~kanhlj1 (Sinop Port Authority). Bulent Ecevit inside. A reef extends about 1 cable E and Y, cable S
Caddesl No: 3. Sinop Merkez, Sinop. from the point
Anchorages. Two designated anchorages lie
Limiting conditions 2 miles E and 5 miles SE of Ko~k Burnu. Anchorage 1
3.125 (41°47''90N 35°14\BOE) is for naval vessels and
Density of water is 1-018 g/m3. vessels carrying non-dangerous cargoes. Anchorage 2
(41°45'·50N 35"17'·40E) is the explosives and
Arrival information quarantine anchorage and for vessels awaiting
3.126 gas-free status. A wreck lies in the S corner of
Anchorages.. There are three anchorage areas: Anchorage 2.
Area No 1 (41°59'·10N 35'10'·12E). 3 PHotage. Pilots board in position 41°46'·73N
Area No 2 (42'02'·00N 35'07'·00E) N of the 35•15·,a2E, 3 m~es ESE of Ko~k Bumu.
isthmus; long term anchorage. Berths:
Area No 3 (41 '57'·45N 35"09'·83E), for Pier: lenglh 150 m, depths 2·2 to 2·7 m.
quarantine vessels and vessels carrying Inside the central area of the W breakwater:
dangerous cargoes. 150 m length, depths of 2·4 to 2·9 m
2 Pilotage is compulso,y for foreign-flagged vessels alongside.
over 500 gt; the pilot boards in position 42'00''40N Ouayed shore: depths less than 2 m.
35"10'·00E, 1 Y. miles SE of the harbour. • Useful mark:
Light (white concrete tower, 6 m in height}
Harbour standing on Ko~k Bumu.
Slnop harbour lies in the bay S of lhe town and Calbogaz Burnu
consists of a fishing harbour protected by a 3.132
breakwater, a jetty and an oil terminal. Anchorage can be obtained in depths of 14 to 16 m
in a bight S of yalbogaz Burnu, 4\12 miles SE of Ko~k
Directions Bumu.
3.128 Yakakent
Landmarks: 3.133
Gazibey Kayas, (42°01 '•30N 35•12··90E) (3.115). Yakakent (41 '38'·40N 35"30'·1 OE) has a small
Boztepe Burnu Lighthouse (42.01 '·17N harbour enclosed by two breakwaters.
35"12'·45E) (3.115), which stands halfway up a Lights are exhibited from the head of each
cliff. breakWater.
Water tower (42°01'·84N 35°10'·25E) standing on
H1d1~1k Tepesl, a hill 207 m in height APPROACHES TO SAMSUN KORFEZi
2 Track. From a position S of Boztepe Bumu Light General information
(42'01 '·17N 35°12'·45E) the harbour of Sinop rs
approached direct 3.134
Caution. A wreck (42"01'·18N 35"08'·68E) with a samsun K6rfezi (3.137) is contained within a wide
depth of 11 ·7 m lies S of the W end of the breakwater. bight entered between incir Burnu (41 '37'·37N
36'06'·nE} and Civa Bumu (28 miles SE).
The W coast of this bight, from lncir Burnu to
Alongside berth. A jetty used by ferries, 260 m Kumcaz iskeJesi (8 miles S), is low and covered with
long and 20 m wide, extends SE from lhe old stone trees. Within this stretch of coast ties Bahk GOIU and
jetty below the fort. Length of berth 180 m. Maximum several smaller lakes. Between Kumcaz iskelesi and
draught 7·5 m. A light stands at the head of the jetty. Sarnsun (15 miles SE) the coast is backed by
2 An angled breakwater extends 500 m W and SW mountains rising to heights of over 1200 m.
from the head of the old stone jetty. Berths on the The E coast ol the bight SSW of cva Burnu Is
inner side of this breakwater have depths of between
0·8 and 2·5 m. A light (concrete tower, 5 m in height) Directions
is exhibited from the seaward end of 1he breaJ<water. (continued from 3.123)
3 Caution. Remains of ancieot jetties extend about 3.135
Ya cable from the shore N of the breaJ<water. From a position E of incir Bumu Light (41°37'·37N
Oil terminal. A pipeline extends 1 Y2 cables from the 36°06'·77E) the approach to Samsun Korfezi proceeds
shore, 11h miles SW of the quay. generally S for 20 m~es, passing:

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

E of a wrecl< wtth a depth of 5·1 m (reported Pilotage and tugs

2012) (41.22'·21N 36°15'·25E). Thence: 3.141
2 W of Civa Bumu {41.23'·00N 36°39'-00E). This Pllotage is compulsory for foreign-flagged vessels
point, which is low-lying, is formed by the over 500 gt. Pilots board in position 41 °18' ·37N
delta of the Ye~ihrmak {Green River). 36~21·-1oe, close E of the harbour entrance. A second
Caution. H has been reported that the delta is boarding place (41'16'·20N 36.26'·50EJ, lies 4'h miles
extending to seaward. ESE of the entrance.
(Directions continue for Tugs are available. Their use is compulsory for
the port of Samsun at 3.144) foreign vessels over 500 gt and Turkish vessels over
1000 gt Vessels of over 4000 gt must use at least 2
Harbour tugs.

3.136 Harbours
A small harbour, protected by an angled breakwater,
lies close S of the village of Yali (41'28''43N General layout
Samsun harbour is protected by Dogu Mendirek, a
breakwater/mete extending 1 ·3 miles N, and Kuzey
SAMSUN KORFEZi Mendirek a breakwater which extends o/.. mile ESE,
from a position on lhe shore 6 cables WNW of the
General information head of Dogu Mendirek. The entrance opens ESE.
2 Tali Mendirek extends SE in the NW part of the
Position and function imer harbour. A prohibtted area, with quays and two
3.137 parallel moles separated by a slipway. lies close NNE
Samsun Korfezi {41.18'·27N 36°20'·76E) lies of lhe root of Ta~ Mendirek.
between Kalyon Bumu (41.18'·80N 36'20'·20E) and Quays are situated on the w side of lhe N part of
c,va Bumu (15 miles ENE). the harbour. and in the SE part of lhe harbour.
The port of Samsun and its outer anchorage lie in 3 Marina and fishing harbour. Samsun Yacht Club is
the w part of the bay. located outside the main harbour, close NW of Kaylon
Tanker buoy berths (3.149), Yefilyurt Pier (3.151) Bumu (3.145); a basin, open NNE. lies close NW of
and Toros Samsun (Azot Sanay,1 Terminal (3.159) are the harbour; works are in progress (2012) close W of
situated on the S shore of the bay. from 3 to 6 miles the basin.
SE of the port of Sarnsun. Harbour. A small harbour, protected by two
2 Samsun is the largest and one of the most breakwaters and endosing a pier, lies 1 ·6 miles S of
important ports on the Black Sea coast of Turkey and Samsun harbour entrance. A banier crosses the
is the administrative oentre for the region. The port entrance to the harbour.
handles dry bulk, passenger, RoRo, container and < Two harbours, protected by breakwaters and lying
general cargo, and is well connected tor cargoes next to one another, are located 2'h miles SE of
destined for the Middle East from continental Europe, Samsun harbour; the E one is used by small craft,
via the Danube and Black Sea. Approximately A harbour, protected by two breakwaters, the N of
2·3 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo, 37 000 tonnes of which is 950 m long, is located 1 Y.l miJes E of Toros
bulk liquid, 31 000 vehicles and 1050 vessels are Samsun Terminal; a quay on the inside the N
handled annually. It is a port of entry. breakwater, is about 280 m long. Works are in
progress (2012).
Port Authority
3.138 Climate information
Samsun Port Authorfy, Tiirkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet 3.143
Demiryollan (TCDD) (General Directorate of Turkish See 1.151 and 1.156.
State Railways), Liman i~letmesi Miidiirtiigii, Samsun.

Limiting conditions Directions

(ron~nued from 3.135)
Controlling depth
3.139 Outer anchorages
Depth in entrance to inner harbour: 12·6 m. 3.144
Anchorages may be approached from seaward
Arrival information through waters clear of charted dangers.

Outer anchorages Harbour

3.140 3.145
There are four anchorage areas: The harbour is entered between the heads of
Area No 1 (41.17'·70N 36'20'-60E). for vessels Kuzey Mendirek and Dogu Mendirek. Lights (concrete
less than 1000 gt and small craft, is located in towers, 11 and 12 m in height) stand at the head of
the inner harbour, S of the ferry terminal. each breakwater.
Area No2 (41.17'·60N 36°21'·70E), for vessels Caution. Depths in the harbour are continuously
less than 5000 gt. changing and mariners are advised to consult the port
Area No 3 (41.20'·30N 36'21 '·SOE). for vessels authorities for the latest information.
greater than 5000 gt 2 Useful mark:
2 Area No 4 (41'18'·60N 36'25'·90E). for Kalyon Bumu (41'18'·80N 35•20··20E). a
quarantine vessels and vessels carrying remarkable brown colour with a battery
dangerous cargoes. srtuated on it.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Berths Samsun Korfezi; a light is exhibtted from the head of

the pier. A small harbour protected by breakwaters
Alongside berths wilh ighlS at their heads, and open E. is located on
3.146 the E side of the root of the pier.
Main berths are as follows:
Berth Nos 1 lo 5 are 790 m long with depths of Directions
7·8 lo 8·9 m. 3.154
Berth No 16 (container lerminal) ,s 200 m long The berth may be approached from seaward as
wilh deplhs of 5·7 to 6·5 m. convenient
Berth No 17 (Tali Mendirek) is 400 m long wilh Berthing in any but light winds should be avoided
depths of 5·3 to 6·8 m. and vessels shouki be prepared to depart at the onset
Berth Nos 14 and 15 Onduslrial Quay) are 410 m of deteriorating weather conditions. Night berthing is
long wilh deplhs of 6-6 lo 10 6 m. A raJl ferry not permitted.
berth is located at the N end of the quay. See
caution at 3.145. Berths
Port services Nos 1 and 2: 270 m long; 30 m widlh; 17 m deplh.
No 3: 108 m long; 12 m width; 9 m depth.
Other facilities Dry bulk cargoes and steel products are handled.
SSCC, SSCEC issued; hospi1als. Port services
Supplies Minor repairs; garbage collection; fuel and fresh
3.148 water by road vehicle; provisions.
Fuel oil supplied by ll\leks; fresh waler piped lo
quays; provisions and stores. Toros Samsun Terminal

Tanker buoy berths General information

General information Port manager: Toros Tarim Sanayi Tic A.i;;. Turkey.
Description. A series of tanker buoy berths, from 3 Arrival Information
to 4¥, miles SE of Samsun harbour, extend N from the 3.158
shore of Samsun Korfezi. A buoy berth is also localed Densi1y of water: 1·011 gJm3.
between Ye~ilyurt and Toros Samsun Piers, a second Maximum size of vessel handled:
berth lies 5 cables E of Tores Sarnsun Pier. 50 000 tonnes dwt.
2 Traffic: Pilotage is compulsory and available from Samsun.
Petrol Ofisi handles 310000lonnes of cargo and Night berthing is not permitted.
75 tankers annually. Tugs are compulsooy.
Aygaz handles 108 000 tonnes of cargo and 45
tankers annually. Harbour
Tolal Oil handles 162 000 tonnes of cargo and 40 3.159
tankers annualty. Toros Samsun (Azot Sanayi) Terminal (41"t5'·00N
36°27'·40E) consists of an unprotected pier of width
Berths 21 m, eXlending 613 m from !he S shore of Samsun
3.150 Korfezi.
Petrol Ofisi: W buoy (41"15'·80N 36"23'·60E); E Two mooring buoys are moored close W of the
buoy (41"15'·90N 36"24'·10E); depths 10 to 15 m; terminal and a submarine pipeline extends NNE out to
petroleum products. the 20 m contour.
ALPET-Alttnba,: (41 °15'·83N 36°24'·43E); ight
buoy (special) al end of pipeline, and lhree moonng Directions
buoys (ltt); depth 16 m. 3.160
Aygaz: (41"15'·10N 36°25'·46E); depth 11 m; LPG. Toros Samsun Terminal Pier (alignment 3564-176'°),
Total Oil: depth 12 m. the head of which is marked by a lighl (white round
Y1ld1z Entegre Aga~ Sanayl: depth 11 m; tower, black band, 6 m in heigh!), may be approached
chemicals. from seaward as convenient
Berthing in any but light winds should be avoided
Ye,ilyurt Pier and vessels should be prepared lo depart al lhe onset
of deteriorating weather conditions. Nigh! berthing Is
General Information nol permitted.
Port manager. Ye~lyurt Demir Celik, Organize Berths
Sanayi Bolgesi - Sarnsun. 3.161
Berthing both sides of the pier, 210 m in length wilh
Arrivalinformation depths alongside of 9 lo 17 m. Handling liquid
3.152 ammonia, phosphoric and sulphuric acids; maximum
Denstty of water: 1 ·011 g!m3. deadweight 40 000 tonnes. Doy bulk products and
Pllolage and tugs are compulsooy. general cargoes; maximum deadweight 50 000 tonnes.
Harbour Port services
3.153 3.162
Ye~ilyurt Pier (41•15'•06N 36°26'•65E) consists of an Minor repairs: garbage collection; fuel and fresh
unprotected pier extending 650 m from the shore of water by road vehick?; provisions.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Description. The town of Onye (41 '07'·60N
General information 37"17'·20E) is built on the slopes of a hill within
Ta~kana Bumu and is backed by wooded..mountains.
Topography A large mosque stands 1 mile SSW of Unye Light
3.163 Onye har1lourand cement factory lie 3 miles SE of the
From c,va Bumu (41°23'·00N 36°39'-00E) to Yasun light App,oxirnately 50 vessels and 160 000 tonnes of
Bumu (50 miles ESE) the coast is low an<I wooded. cargo are handled annually.
From Calt, Bumu (41°15'·nN 37°01··20E) to Yasun 2 Anchorages. There are two anchorage areas:
Bumu the coast forms a wide bight indented by a Alea No 1 (41'07'·00N 37'24'·50E).
number of smaller bays. Area No 2 (41°10'·50N 37°13'·20E), for
quarantine vessels and vessels carrying
dangerous cargo.
Submarine pipeline Pllotage is compulsory for foreign-flagged vessels
3.164 of 500 gt or more. Pilot board in position 41 '07' ·30N
Blue Stream gas pipeline (7 .139) lands 2¥, mies SE Jr21'-40E, 5 cables NE of the harbour entrance.
of cwa Bumu (3.165). Tugs are available and compulsoryfor vessels over
3 Directions. Onye K6rfezi is entered SE of Taskana
Directions Bumu. This point is fringed by a reef with depths of
(continued from 3. 123) less than 10 m extending for 2'h cables offshore.
3.165 Onye ha.rbouris approached from the open sea to
From a position N of Civa Bumu Light (whhe the pilot boarding position.
concrete tower, 18 m in height) (4t•2t'·80N Useful marks:
36"41 '·0SE), which stands 2 miles SE of Cl\fa Bumu, Onye Light (3.165).
the coastal passage to Yasun Burnu proceeds Chimneys (cement factory), 500 m W of the
generally ESE for 50 miles through waters clea.r of harbour.
charted dangers. passing: • Jetty, with a cha.rted depth of less than 3 m at its
2 NNE of Call• Bumu Light (41°15'·77N Jr01'·20E) head. extends 80 m ENE from the shore, 8 cables
(white metal framework tower and dweling, SSW of Onye Light. A light is exhibited from the head
15 m in height). thence: of the jetty.
NNE of Onye Light (metal tower on whtte Harbour consists of a main breakwater 1500 m
concrete base. 8 m in height) (41°08·· 70N long extending NNE then E; and a second breakwater
37°17'·58E). The light stands on T~kana extending 400 m N, from a position 800 m E of the
Bumu which is fringed by a reef. Thence: root of the main breakwater. The entrance. with a
3 N of Yasun Bumu Light (whtte metal tower, 7 m depth of 7·5 m, opens E.
in height) (41°08'·21N 37°40'·92E). and a s The commercial quay which is situated on the inner
3·6 m shoal lying 5 cables N of Yasun Bumu. side of the breakwater and serves the cement
Yasun Bumu, which is low. has a ruined works, is 150 m long wtth a depth alongside of 7 m. A
church standing on it. series of quays and a basin between them, are
, Caution. From Cwa Bumu Light to <;alt, Bumu situated on the inner side of the second breakwater.
Light depths within 1 mile of the coast are variable an<I depths in the basin are 3 to 4 m. The central a.rea of
in places not more than 5·5 to 7·5 m. the shore has a quay 150 m long with a small pier at
(Directions continue for the coastal passage to its E end; a slipway is klcated ckise E of the pier.
Giresun at 3. t 73) Depths alongside the quay and pier are 1 to 2 m.

Anchorages and harbours

Fatsa Korfezi
Terme 3.16l!
3.166 Position and function. The town of Fatsa
Description. Terme (41°12'·24N 37'01''62E) is a (41°02'-42N 37°28'·98E), stands on the SW side of
fishing harbour and shipya.rd located 3~ miles S of Fatsa Korfezi, 2 miles SSE of Kire~ci Burnu.
Ca1t1 Bumu (3.165), close S of Terme <;ay, The The port handles bulk and general cargoes.
harbour is protected by curved N and S breakwaters. Approxlmately 800 000 tonnes of cargo and 55 vessels
700 and 500 m long respectively, with lights at their are handled annually.
heads. The entrance. which is 200 m wide, opens S. 2 Designated anchorage area No 1 is situated
The shipyard is located in the NW comer of the 11A mile NNW of Kire1tci Bumu. A second anchorage
harbour, and three broad moles project NW from the area, for quarantine vessels and vessels carrying
inner side of the S breakwater. Container vessels up dangerous cargoes, lies 4Yz miles ESE. A submarine
to 122 m LOA and 5500 gt can be built at the pipeine extends o/, cable N, from a position on the
shipyard. shore 4 miles SE of the cape.
2 Shipyard office: Terrne Tersanesi A.$. Yai mah. Pilotage is compulsory for foreign-flagged vessels
baltkt;1 bannag1 mevkii Terme-Samsun, Turkey. over 500gt; the pilot boards in posttion 41°04'·00N
Anchorage, sheltered from NW winds may be 37'31'·50E. 7Yzcables ENE of Fatsa Feneri Light.
obtained in depths of 7 to 9 m, mud, off the mouth of 3 The harbour which is sheltered by two
the Terme i;;ayi about 3 miles SSE of <;alt, Bumu.. breakwaters, is situated 1 mile NW of the town. Depths
3 Historical note. In Greek mythology the legenda.ry in the entrance are 5 m and from 2 to 5 m Inside.
capltal of the Amazons, Themiscyra. was found on the Depths in the ha.rbour mouth are subject to change
river Thermodon (Terme <;;ay1). due to siltation.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

, Directions. From a position NE of Klre¢ Bumu. extends 80 m NE from the shore, 7'1, cables
the approach route to Fatsa Korfezi leads S through SE of the breal<Water entrance.
waters clear of ohar1ed dangers. until within about
2 miles of the port, passing:
s E (about 5 cables recommended) of Fatsa Feneri Bolaman and YahkOy
Light (white metal framework tower, 5 m in 3.169
height) (41'03'~9N 37'30'·60E). This light Description. Two small fishing harbours. sheltered
stands on a reel, 1 cable in widlh, parts of by b<eal<Waters with rtghts at their heads. are situated
which dry. A number of submerged rocks, with at Bolaman and Yahkoy on the E side of Fatsa
depths of 4·5 m, lie 5 cables w of Fatsa Bank, Korfezi, 7'h and 6 miles, respectively, SW of Yasun
and make it inadvisable to pass between this Bumu.
reef and the shore. Caution. Bolaman Fishing Harbour is prone to
6 Useful marks: sifting (2012) and the entrance is very shallow.
Lights (white concrete towers. 5 m in height) Lights (metal framework towers, 8 and 11 m in
stand at the head of each breakwater. height) are exhibited from the head of each
A jetty, with charted depth of 8·3 m at its head. breal<Water.


GENERAL INFORMATION proceeds generally ESE for 35 miles through waters

dear of charted dangers. passing:
Topography 2 NNE of Carn Bumu Light (white concrete lower.
3.170 Sm in height) (41'06'·96N 37'47'·18E), thence:
From Yasun Burnu (41 '08'·21 N 37'40'·92E) to the NNE of Bozukkale Light (whrte metal framework
international boundary between Turkey and Georgia, tower, 10 m in height) (41'00'·91N 37'51'·94E).
the coast forms a series of shallow bights. some of This light stands on Bozukkafe, the NE
which are indented by smaller bays. termination of a steep rocky promontory which
The ports of Giresun (3.182), Trabzon (3.211) and rises to a height of 533 m at Boztepe. Thence:
Hepa (3.251) are situated on this stretch of coast 3 NNE of an airport (40'58'•00N 38'05'·00E) which
Georgia Ship Reporting System has been built on reclaimed land 8 miles E of
3.171 Ordu (3.180).
See 1.74. NNE of Ayvah Bumu (40'56'·60N 38'17'·29E). A
bank with a depth of tess than 1 o m extends
5 cables offshore in places, either side of lhls
(Directions continue for
General information
Giresun and approachesat 3.188,
Topography and for the coastalpassage to
3.172 Kale Burnu at 3. 195)
From Yasun Burnu (41'08'·21N 37'40'·92E) to Ordu
(13 miles SE) the coast forms two bights separated by Anchorages and harbours
Qam Bumu. This part of the coast is backed by hits
rising to heights of between 200 and 300 m. Akkus Adas,
2 E of Ordu the coast is at first row, thence becoming 3.175
hilly and wooded. A number of rivers enter the sea An anchorage. sheltered from E through S to W.
between Ordu and Giresun (24 miles E). lies 2 mies SE of Yasun Bumu. Akkus Adas, an islet
Between <;:am Burnu and the mouth of the Tuma on which stands a lower, lies about 7'h cables E of
Suyu (40'58'·85N 38'00'·20E), a coastal bank. with the anchorage.
depths of than 10 m, extends between 3 and
5 cables from the shore. Mersin
Directions A small fishing harbour, protected by a N
(continued from 3. 165) breakwater extending 380 m E and a second
Principal marks breakwater extending 100 m N, is situated at Mersin,
3.173 1 m~e W of i;:am Bumu (41'06'·96N 37'47'·18E). A
Landmarks: light stands at the head of each breakwater. A quay
Dikmendag, Tepesi (40°55'·30N 38'1s·-00E). This 90 m long and 20 m wide, lies near the root of the N
peak has a dark-coloured summit which breakwater, depths in the harbour are less than 5 m,
appears conical from NE. and less than 1 m near the shore.
Major fights:
<;;am Burnu Light (41 '06'·96N 37'47'·18E) Kt§la
(3.174). 3.1n
Giresun Light (40'55'·38N 38°23'-41E) (3.188). A small fishing harbour, protected by two
breal<Waters. extends S from the shore at K1~1a.
Yasun Burnu to Glresun 2 mies S of Carn Burnu. A light (concrete tower. 8 m
3.174 in height) stands at the head of each breakwater. The
From a position N of Yasun Bumu Light (41°08'·21N entrance is 45 m wide. with depths in the harbour less
37'40'·92E) (3.165), the coastal passage to Giresun than Sm.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


For Anchorage No 3. see 3.180. Anchorage in lhe
General information
N part of the bay may be obtained off K1~la (3.177)
and Pe~embe, about 2 and 3V2mrles. respectively. S
of yam Burnu. Of 1hese anchorages. K,~la is Position and function
considered the best, lhere being depths of 18 m, sand 3.182
and mud. with good holding ground 2* cables The town of Giresun (40'55'·00N 38'23'·40E)
offshore. stands on both sides of a promontory. Several towers
stand on the summit of this promontory and the walls
of an old fortress extend down its slopes.
Efir1i The main export cargo is barite mineral.
3.179 Approximately 2 milion tonnes of cargo are handled
Efirli is a small fishing harbour protected by two annualy.
breakwaters wilh lights at lheir heads; it is situated
5 cables WNW of Bozukkale (41°00·.goN 3r51'·94EJ.
Port Authority
Ordu yakiroglu Giresun Liman l§letmesi A.$, Sultan Selim
3.180 Mahallesi Ataturl( Bulvan No 9, Giresun.
Position and function. The town of Ordu
(40'59'·00N 37'52'·70E) is situated 2 miles S of
Bozukkale. A prominent white mi.naret stands in lhe Limiting conditions
centre of lhe town. Turl(ey produces 70% of lhe Controlling depths
world's hazelnuts, with over 50% of them coming (rom 3.184
Ordu. Depths in harbour. N part: 9·9 to 1 t ·3 m. SE part:
2 The Turkish word ordu translates as army, and the 7·5 to 9·4 m.
English word horde is derived from it.
The port handles mostty domestic cargo. Which
includes logs, wheat, flour and bulk. Approximately 90 Arrival information
vessels and 200 000 tonnes of cargo are handJed Outer anchorages
annually. 3.185
3 Anchorages. Areas1 and 2 lie 1 mile NNE and Anchorages. There are four anchorage areas:
11" miles NE, respectively, of Yeni iskelele. The latter Area No 1 (40'55'-00N 38°21 '•20E), for vessels
area is for quarantine vessels and vessels carrying less than 5000 gt.
dangerous goods. A long-term anchorage Area 3 lies Area No 2 (40'55'·80N 38'24'·20EJ, for vessels
4 * miles NW of the jetty at Per~embe uman,
Which equal to or greater than 5000 gt
provides the best anchorage on this part of the coast, Area No 3 (40'55'·80N 38'23'·00E). for
with good holding ground. Although exposed from quarantine vessels and vessels carrying
between N and ESE, it is reported that winds from dangerous cargo.
between these dire<:tions seldom reach full force. 2 Area No 4 (40'57'·30N 38'13'·50E), for Bulancak
However, violent squalls during offshore winds should Municipal Pier (3. 181).
be guarded against Explosives anchorage, 400 m in radius. 4 cables
4 Pilotage is compulsory for foreign-flagged vessels NW of Giresun Light.
over 500 gt (1000 gt for Turkish flagged vessels), and
is available 24 hours. The pilot boards close N of the
jetty. Pilots and tugs
Tugs are compulsory for vessels over 500 gt four 3.186
are available. Pilotage is compulsory for foreign-flagged vessels
Ber1hs. Yeni lskelele extends about 300 m from the over 500 gt: the pilot boards 7 cables w of the hart>our
shore at the N end of the town and provKles 2 berths entrance.
Tugs are available. Their use is compulsory for
on its E and S sides with depths of 5 lo 9 m
alongside, which may be used by fishing vessels it merchant ships of 500 gt or over and warships and
required. support ships of more than 2000 tonnes displacement.
s Other facilities: hospital. Vessels of more than 4000 gt may be required to take
Supplies: fuel by road tanker; fresh water; two tugs.
Bulancak General layout
3.181 3.187
Description. Bulancak Municipal Pier extends from The main harbour consists of an waters within a line
the shore at Bulancak (40°56'·21 N 38'13'·84E), a joining the head of the N and W breakwaters.
large village situated close E of the mouth of the
incUvez Deresi; the area is contained within Giresun
port limits (3.182). A small fishing hart>our, protected (con~nuedfrom 3.174)
by two breakwaters has been constructed on the W
edge of the village. For anchorage see 3.185. Principal mar1<s
2 Useful mar1<: 3.188
Pirazlz Light (white metal tower, 10 m in heighl) Major lights:
stands on Buyiikeyrice Bumu, 4 mies W of Giresun Light (white metal tower. 12 m in height)
Bulancak. (40.55'·38N 38'23'·41E).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Giresun and approaches This fight is situated on a high point which

3.189 loons the NE extremity of a broad headland
From a position NW of Giresun Lighl. the main rising to a height of 546 m. Thence:
anchorages in the outer harbour may be approached,. NNW of the harbour of Tirebolu (41°00'·56N
passing: 38'49'·26E) (3.204), thence:
W (more than 1 cable) of Palamut Kayas, 2 NNW of Karaburun (41 '02'·63N 38'56'·05E), a
(40°55'·87N 38'23'-64E), a rock 1 m in height, low point that rises to a dark conical hill.
a light buoy (N cardinaQ is moored close NW. Thence:
Thence: N of Kale Burnu (41°04'·75N 39'09'·83E), the
2 w of Korta§ Bank, (40'55'·68N 38'23'·62E), a NW extremity of a low wide projeclion. Eynesil
shoal with a least depth of 1 m. Light (whhe tower, black band, 6 m in height)
The harbour is entered between the heads of the N (41°04'·75N 39°09'·83E) and the ruins of a
and S breakwaters, which are marked by lights (whtte castle stand on this point.
concrete towers, 6 and 10 m in height). (Directk>ns continue for
3.190 the coastal passage to Trabzon at 3.206)
Useful mar1<:
Giresun Adas, (2'/, miles ENE of Giresun Light). Esplye Petroleum Terminal
The ruins of a fort stand on the islet
General information
Berths 3.197
Position and function. The village of Espiye
Alongside berths (40°56''91N 38'42'·51E) is situated at the head of
3.191 Espiye Koyu close W of the mouth of the Ozluce
Berths are available for cargo and passenger Deresi.
vessels. The main cargo and passenger jetties have a Espiye Petroleum Terminal (40°57'·55N 38°40'·87E)
combined length of about 850 m with a depths is situated approximately 1 mile NW of Espiye. tt
alongside from 8 lo 1 o m. consists of an open berth with mooring buoys. A
Maximum size of vessel handled 8920 dwt. length pipefine is laid about 8 cables SSE from the berth to
250m. the shore.
A fish dock is located on the s
side of the harooor 2 Topography. Espiye Koyu is entered between <;am
between the S and inner breakwater. Bumu and Kiio~ Bumu (7 miles ENE). The W side of
Mooring. Vessels awaiting an alongside berth may the bay is steep and rocky wtth greyish coloured cliffs.
moor stern-to the inside of the N breakwater. The E side of the bay is sand.
Finntas, a group of islets. lies t mile WSW of Koh~
Port services Bumu in the NE part of the bay.
Other facilities Port Authority. The harbour authority is localed at
3.192 Tirebolu.
Hospital. Umltlng conditions
Supplies 3.198
3.193 tt is envisaged that vessels up to 15 000 gt will be
Fuel by road tanker; fresh water, provisions. accommodated.
Arrival information
Anchorages. For designated anchorage areas see
General information Tirebolu (3.204).
Topography Pllolage is compulsory for foreign vessels over
3.194 soo gt. The pilot boards In position 40°58'·SON
From Giresun (40'55'·00N 38'23'·40E) to Kale 38°40',00E. 7Y, miles WSW Tirebolu Light (3.204).
Bumu (36 miles E). the coast is indented by a number Berthing and unberthing are during daylight hours only.
of bays. There are a number of beaches and several 2 Tugs are compulsory and available from Giresun.
rivers enter the sea along this stretch of coast, Berth. Vessels berth head N secure to mooring
Coastal hills rise to heights of over 300 m and in buoys.
some places have a rugged appearance. Port services. Provisions via agent from local
(continued from 3.174) Karadeniz LPG Terminal
Principal marks General Information
3.195 3.200
Landmarks: Position and fUnction. Karadeniz LPG Terminal
Sis Oagi (Kayasis Tepesi) (40'53'·14N (41'01'·10N 38'50'·55E) is situated approximately
39'06'·10E). 1 'h miles NE of Tu-ebolu light. It consists of an open
berth with mooring buoys, the SE-most is lit. The
Giresun to Kale Bumu berth is for the import of LPG and cargo operations
3.196 take place during daylight hours only. A pipeline
From a position N of Giresun (40"55'·00N extends from a position close E of Harstt <;ay, to the
38'23'·40E) the coastal passage to Kale Bumu berth.
proceeds generally ENE for 36 miles in waters clear of
charted dangers, passing: UmiUng conditions
NNW of <;am Burnu Light (whhe tower, black 3.201
bands, 6 m in height) (40'58'·43N 38°38'·57E). Vessels up to 10 m draught can be accommodated.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Arrival information s Useful mark:

3.202 Torebolu Light (whfte pylOn, red bands, 8 m in
Pllotage is compulso,y for foreign vessels over height) (41°00'·48N 38°49'·26E) eXhiMed from
500 gt. The pilot boards in position 41°01 '-45N a sman promontory.
38°51'·90E, 2Y. miles ENE of Tirebolu Light (3.204).
Berthing and unberthing are during daylight hours only. KALE BURNU TO TRABZON
Tugs. Less lhan 2000 gt tugs are not compulso,y;
2000 to 4999 gt one tug is compulso,y and 5000 gt General information
and over two tugs are compulso,y. Topography
2 Berth. Vessels berth heading NNW using lheir 3.205
starboard anchor and secure to three mooring buoys. From Kale Burnu (41'04'·75N 39'09'·83E) lo
Services. Repairs; bunkering and fresh water are Trabzon (27 miles ESE) the coast forms two wide
not avauabte; provisions from local markets. bights that are separated by l§okh Bumu (3.206).
A number of small towns and villages are situated
along lhis stretch of the coast and several rivers enter
Anchorages and harbours lhe sea
Coastal hills rise lo heights of over 300 m within
1 mile of the shore.
GO re le
3.203 Directions
Description. Gorele (41°01 '·92N 39°00'·25E) stands (continued from 3.196)
on the E side of the mouth of Gorele Deresi Hills rise
steeply behind the town and the coast in the vicinity is Principal marks
fringed by a shelving shingle beach. The harbour, 3.206
which fronts the NE part of lhe town, is protected by a Landmarks:
breakwater which extends 600 m E; a second Sis Dagi (Kayasls Tepesi) (40'53'·14N
breakwater extends 260 m NNE, from a position on 39°06'·1 OE).
the shore 430 m SW of the head of the main l§•kl• Bumu (41°06'·45N 39°25'·12E). Reddish in
breakwater. Lights are exhibited from lhe heads of the colour with white patches in the vicinity. tt rises
breakwaters. to a conical hill and is visible in clear weather
2 Anchorages. Designated anchorage areas lie from a distance of 60 miles.
1 mile NE and 1 •1, miles WNW of Gorele Light, lhe Hagia Sophia Cathedral (3.221) on the outskirts
former is for vessels less than 5000 gt Caution. A of Trabzon.
submarine pipeline extends 8 cables NE from the main 2 Major lights:
breakwater, terminating in the central part of the first l~1kh Bumu Light (white concrete tower on
anchorage area. dwelling, 8 m in height) (41°06'·40N
Pilots board at Giresun (3.182). 39"25'·13E).
Berths. A pier extending 50 m S, and a broad quay Guzelhisar Bumu Light (white metal structure.
100 m long, lie 80 m and 200 m E from the root of the black bands. 6 m in height) (41°00'·51N
main breakwater, respectively. A 70 m long broad quay 39°44'-09E).
lies approximately midway along the inside of the Kale Bumu to Trabzon
second breakwater. Small craft berth bow or stem-to a 3.207
quay which fronts the town. From a position N of Kale Bumu (41°04'·75N
39'09'·83E) the coastal passage to Trabzon proceeds
Tirebolu generally ENE for 13 miles, thence SE for 16 miles
3.204 through waters clear of charted dangers. passing:
Description. The town of TirebolU {41°00'·30N N of l~okh Bumu Light (3.206), thence:
38'49'·00E) is situated between Koh~ Bumu (3.197) N of Guzelhisar Bumu Light (3.206).
and the mouth of Har§it <;;ay1 2~ miles E. (Directions continue for
The town stands on three hins which form smal Trabzon and approaches at 3.221,
promontories extending N from the coast. and tor the coastal passage to KIZl<alesiat 3.228)
2 Anchorages .. Three designated anchorage areas tie
Anchorages and harbours
1 mile WNW (area No 1), 1 ~ miles NNE (area No 2)
and 4Y. miles WSW (area No 3), from Tirebolu Lighl Buyuk Uman
The latter Is for vessels canying dangerous cargo. 3.208
Pilotage. Pilots board 7V. miles WSW (3.197) and Description. Vakfokebor (41'03'•00N 39'16'·00E) is
2V. miles ENE (3.200) of Tuebolu Light located at lhe head of Buyuk Liman, which is entered
3 Harbour. A harbour, protected by an outer between Bostan Bumu (41°04'·20N 39°12'·85E), a
breakwater/mole extending approximately 2 cables NE wooded point 7'/, cables SE of Zeytin Bumu, and l~okh
then 31/z cables E, lies in the W part of the cove dose Bumu (10 miles ENE) (3.206).
W of Tirebolu Light. The entrance opens E and 2 Designated anchorage, sheltered from E lhrough S
quayed areas are located in lhe w part of lhe harbour to W, is cenned 2 miles ESE of Bostan Burnu off the
between the root of the outer breakwater and lhe lighl mouth of <;:amlik Deresi.
4 Landmark: Pilot boarding position is located 6 miles ENE of
Sis Dagi (Kayasis Tepesi) (40"53'·14N Bostan Bumu.
39°06'·10E). 3 Befikdllzll Fishing Harbour lies close SE of
Directions. From a position N of Torebolu Light Bostan Bumu. The harbour is protected by a N
(3.195), the roadstead is approached passing N and breakwater 320 m long and a breakwater/mole
then E of Hanglse Kayas, and a number of other extending 150 m NNE from the S shore. The entrance,
rocks and islets which lie off the coast within 5 cables which is 60 m wide and opens SE, lies between the
NW of Tirebolu Light head of the breakwater/moleand a position midway

e-NP24 - NMs - TRAMMO PARIS {IMO No.lM09792515)

Paragraph 3.203 2 line(s) 1-6 Replace by:

2. Anchorages. Designated anchorage areas are as follows:

No 1 Anchorage (41°02'·90N 39°01'·80E) for naval vessels and vessels not carrying dangerous
cargo below 5000 gt. A submarine pipeline extends 8 cables NE from the main breakwater.
terminating near the W limit of No 1 Anchorage.
No 2 Anchorage (41°02'·60N 38°58'·52E) for vessels not carrying dangerous cargo over 5000
Turkish Notice 51/239/19; ENC TR401333 [NP24-No 12-Wk 05/20)


Page: 139
Paragraph 3.203 2 line(s) 1-6 Replace by:

2. Anchorages. Designated anchorage areas are as follows:

No 1 Anchorage (41°02'·90N 39°01'·80E) for naval vessels and vessels not carrying dangerous
cargo below 5000 gt. A submarine pipeline extends 8 cables NE from the main breakwater,
terminating near the W limit of No 1 Anchorage.
No 2 Anchorage (41°02'·60N 38°58'·52E) for vessels not carrying dangerous cargo over 5000
Turkish Notice 51/239/19; ENC TR401333 [NP24-No 12-Wk 05/20)
e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

along lhe breakwater. Depths in the centre of the A pier extends 130 m N, from a position 4'h cables
harbour range from 2·5 to 6 m. and 3·2 10 4 m ESE from the fishing harbour entrance.
alongside the mole, which is 55 m in lenglh. CauUons.
A dangerous wreck, marked by a light buoy (special). TRABZON AND APPROACHES
lies 'hcable SSW of the head of the breakwater; a General information
stranded wreck with depths of 4·9 m, lies in the centre
of the entrance. Several T-shaped jetties front lhe Position and function
coast 7 cables SSE of lhe harbour entrance. 3.211
• Vakfokebor Fishing Harbour lies close w of lhe Trabzon (4t•oo•-soN 39'43'·50E). formerly known as
moulh of Fol Deresi, 3 miles ESE of Bostan Bumu. Trebizond, is spread over three hills wilhin Giizelhisar
The harbour is protected from the N by an angled Bumu: parts of lhe town date back to 700 BC. The
breakwater 400 m long and a breakwater/mole hils on which the town stands are divided by ravines,
extending 80 m N from the S shore. The entrance. over which there are a number of bridges.
which is 50 m wide and opens E. lies between lhe The port of Trabzon is situated in a bight on the E
head of the breakwater/mole and a position 80 m w of side of the town.
the head of the breakwater. Lights are exhibijed from 2 Trabzon is an important and modem port which
the heads of the breakwaters. Deplhs in lhe entrance handles transit trade to Iran and Iraq. n is the
are 7·4 m and in the centre of the harbour from 5·5 to administrative centre of lhe region and a port of entry.
7·5 m. A quay of length 110 m fies to the W of the Cereals. vegetables, fruits, tea and hazelnuts are
breakwater/mole; depths alongside 3·6 to 4·9 m. A exported. Approximately 650 vessels are handled
55 m quay lies in lhe NW comer of lhe harbour, inside annoaly.
the breakwater; depths alongside 4·9 to 7·2 m. An Port Authority
extended ramp with a series of sfipways fies in lhe 3.212
SW corner of the harbour. Trabzon Liman Ba~kanlog, (Trabzon Port Authority),
s A jetty extends 50 m N from a position 2 cables E Kunduracolar Caddesi Halkevi Sokak No: 16,
of Vakf1keb1r harbour entrance; lighters are available 61 100 Trabzon.
and there are regular sea communications wah other
Tuol<ish ports. Limiting conditions
Caution. A submarine pipeMne extends 5'1.r cables Controlling depth
NW, from a position on the shore 4 cables E of the 3.213
jelly. Deplhs in lhe harbour: 9·3 m.
Maximum size of vessel handled
inclr Llman, 3.214
3.209 largest vessel handled: The World, lenglh 200 m,
Description. jncir Umano (41.06'·30N 39"25'·70E), a beam 45 m, 43 188 gt.
small bight on the E side of l§1kl1 Bumu, is protected
by a breakwater extending 500 m ESE; a light is Density of water
exhibited from its head. A second angled breakwater 3.215
extends 200 m N, from a position 350 m SW of the 1-025 g'm3.
light, forming an entrance 100 m wide and open ESE. Local weather
The harbour provides shelter for sma• vessels from 3.216
NW winds. A 100 m quay is located towards lhe root Local weather. n is reported that strong N winds
or the main breakwater, and a large quayed area make entry into the harbour difficult because of the
extends 200 m NW from the root of the second linited manoeuvring space available.
2 Local knowledge is required to enter this harbour. Arrival information
Useful mark: Outer anchorages
Light (metal towel) which stands at the head of 3.217
lhe mole. Anchorage. Designated anchorage areas for
vessels carrying non-dangerous goods, dangerous
goods and a quarantine anchorage, and a long-term
anchorage area. are located 1 Y.. 4o/.. and 71.1.t miles
WNW of Giizelhisar Burnu Light (41 °00'·51 N
Description. The town of Ak~abat (41•01'-00N
39'44'-09E) (3..206).
39°34 '·OOE} is situated on lhe slope of a hill about
1 mile SE of Tabya Bumu. 2 Cautions. Rocks and the remains of an old port
The town is fronted by a beach of loose sand. extend up to 2 cables from the shore between
Guzelhisar Bumu Light and the W end of the town,
5 cables long. Kire~ane Deresi enters the sea close
1Y. miles w.
ESE. A minaret stands in the centre of the town
A submarine pipe6ne extends 4 cables N into the
1 \4 miles SSE of Tabya Bumu.
anchorage area. from a position on the shore
2 Anchorage may be obtained in the roadstead
8'!. cables W of Giizelhisar Burnu Light.
5 cables NE of the minaret in depths of 18 to 27 m.
3 In heavy weather breakers extend some distance
This roadstead, although exposed from NNW to E.
offshore, and vessels may obtain shelter off Ak(,aabat
provides good anchorage in winter and is considered
(3.210) or in Surmene Koyu (3.237).
a better anchorage than the roadstead off Trabzon
(3.211). Pilots and tugs
3 A fishing harbour lies 1 mile SSE of Tabya Bumu. 3.218
The harbour is protected by a breakwater/mole Pllotage is compulsofy for all foreign vessels and is
approximately 380 m long with the entrance open SE. avalable 24 hours.
Depths in the entrance are 4·7 m, but the harbour IS Pilots embarl< about 6 cables NE of lhe harbour
encumbered by many obstructions. entrance.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Trabzon Harbour from E (3219)

Olp,>al d.JU,d 2006
Photograph - U Col O'Donnell, MV Minerva II

Tugs are available. Their use is compulsory for Useful marks:

merchant vessels over 500 gt. Vessels over 4000 gt Lights (whtte concrete towers, 7 and 8 m in
may be required to take two tugs. height) mark the heads of Ana Mendirek and
Tali Mendirek, respectively.
General layout
3.219 Alongside berths
The harbour is protected by two breakwaters. 3.223
Lights stand at the head of each breakwater. The General cargo and container quay: combined
harbour is divided into two parts by Ku9uk Mendirek. length 590 m, depth 1 O m.
which forms Kil~uk Liman in the SE part of the General cargo quay: length 400 m, depth 9 m.
harbour. The main commercial harbour lies to the W of Ore quay: length 290 m, depth 11 to 11 ·5 m.
this breakwater. RoRo quay: length 25 m, depth 9·5 m.
2 Fishing harbours, protected by breakwaters, ie Small vessets: in KUyUk Limam
2 miles W and .Y.. mile E of the main harbour. A Customs quay: N end of main quay, landing place
marina. protected by a N breakwater, lies close E of for passengers.
Hopsi Burnu (3.236). Moorings and anchorages
Climate information 3.224
3.220 Ana Mendlrek. S side. Up to 6 vessels can moor
See 1.151 and 1.157. stem-to the breakwater. Cargo can be discharged
from these berths.
Direetions Anchorage. Vessels of under 300 gt may anchor
(continued from 3.207) inside the harbour.

Principal marks Port services

3.221 Supplies
Boz Tepe (hill 258 m in height) (40"59.·SON Limited suppOes of fuel: fresh water at quays: fresh
39°43'·65E) large walled mosque on slope.
Hagia Sophia Cathedral (dome) {41°00'·14N
39°41'-78E) with a belltower standing dose by.
The cathedral is now a museum.
Major lights:
Guzelhisar Bumu Light (41°00'·51N 39°44'-09E)
(3.206). General information
Entrance Topography
3.222 3.226
The harbour is entered between the heads of Alla From Trabzon (41°00'·50N 39°43'·50E) to K1zkalesi
Mendlrek and Tali Mendirek. A light buoy (N cardinal) (52 miles ENE) the coast fomis three wide bights
matl<ing a wreck, lies 150 m E of the head of Talr which are backed by hills rising lo heights of over
Mendirek. 300m.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

2 Farther inland there are mountains rising to heights Rize

of over 3000 m.
A number of small towns and vilages are situated General information
aJong this stretch of the coast and many rivers enter
the sea between Trabzon and K1zkalesi. Position and function. Rize (41 °02'·00N
40•31 •-00EJ stands on the SW shore of a bay situated
Magnetic anomaly between Piryos Bumu (Rize Bumu) (41°02'·39N
3.227 40°30'·32E) and Ta~hdere Burnu (41°02'·83N
An abnormal magnetic variation has been reponed 40'34'·86E). The port of Rize lies 1 mile NW of the
(1963) about 10 miles N of the port of Rize town close E of Piryos Bumu.
(41°01 '·00N 40'31 '·00E). 2 Main cargoes handled include general and bulk
cargoes. The main ex.port is copper concentrate, with
imported cargoes of coat. fertilizer and timber products.
Oire-ctions Approximately 250 vessels and 280 000 tonnes of
(conUnued from 3.207) cargo are handled annually.

Principal marks Anival information

3.228 3.231
Major lights: Outer anchorages. Designated anchorage area
Guzelhisar Bumu Light (41'00'·51N 39'44'-09EJ No 1 for vessels less than 5000 gt, area No 2 for
(3.206). vessels greater than 5000 gt. and area No 3 for
Rize Light (white metal framework tower on vessels carrying dangerous cargoes and quarantine
square concrete base. 18 m in height) vessels. are located 1 mile ENE. 1 mile NE and 1 mile
(41 '02'·39N 40'30'·32E). NW of the harbour enuance.
2 Cau1lons. A dangerous wreck lies 1 mile E of lhe
Track harbour entrance. Two shoal patches, with deplhs of
3.229 12 and 12·1 m, lie in the centre of anchorage area
From a position N of Guzelhisar Burnu Light No 1.
(41°00'·51 N 39'44'·09E) (3.206), the coastal passage 3 Pilotage is compulsory for all foreign vessels over
to Kizkalesi proceeds generally ENE for 52 miles 500 gt; 1he pilot boards in position 41'02'·70N
through waters clear of charted dangers, passing: 40'31 ··soE. 6 cables NE of the harbour entrance.
2 NNW of 2afara Wman, (40'57'·90N 39'51'-6SEJ Current from Ta~h Oeresi, which enters the sea at
(3.236), thence: Ta~bdere Sumu, sets W.
NNW of Yomra harbour (40'57'·66N 39'51'·49E)
(3.236), thence: Harbour
NNW of 2 light buoys (special), located 3 cables 3.232
NE of Koru Bumu (40'57'·90N 39'59'·54E), General layout. The harbour, protected from W
thence: though N by Kuzey Mendirek. comprises an inner and
3 NNW of Nart,k Bumu Light (white framework an outer harbour with three anchorages lying E and N
tower. black band, 12 m in heighl) (40'57'-45N of the harbour entrance.
40'02'·54E), which stands on a rocky
headland on which there is a ruin. Thence:
NNW of Arakh Fishing Harbour (40'57'-00N Directions
40'03'·14E}, thence: 3.233
• NNW of <;amburnu (40'55'·10N 40'11'-45E), From a position NE of Piryos Burnu (41 '02'·39N
where a harbour is located (3.239), thence: 40'30'•32E) the harbour is entered between the heads
NNW of Of (40'57'·00N 40'16'-40E), where a of the breakwaters.
fishing and commercial harbour is located. Attention is drawn to a dangerous wreck
thence: (41°02'-60N 40'30'·52E), marked by a light buoy (port
NNW of lyidere (41 '00'·80N 40°21 '·SOE), where a hand), lying 2% cables NE of Piryos Burnu.
fishing and commercial harbour is located. Useful mark:
lhence: Ayana Dago (40'57'·92N 40'29'·34E).
s NNW of Rize Light (3.228). lhenoe:
NNW of Limank6y (41 '04'·80N 40'40'·90E)
(3.240), thence:
NNW of a submarine pipeline (41°06'·21 N
West side of the harbour. Charted depths 3·2 to
40'41 '-29E). A light buoy and buoy (special) 3·9m.
are located close inshore. Thence: Broad quay. Charted depths 7·2 to 8·9 m on its NW
6 NNW of yayeli (41.05'·41N 40°43'·35EJ; light and NE laces: 12·1 to 13·2 m on Its SE face.
(Whtte concrete tower on tripod, 8 m in height) Mooring. Stem-to inside Kuzey Mendirek.
is exhibited from the S breakwater at the
Fishing harbour. A fishing harbour. protected by an
entrance. Thence:
angled breakwater with entrance open SE, lies
7 NNW of K,zkalesi Light (white metal pylon. black 5 cables SE of the harbour entrance. Depths in the
band on castle, 4 m in height) (41'10'·96N entrance 7·2 m, and 3 to 4 m alongside.
40'52'·46E). which is situated on the ruins of a
fort standing on a bold roci<, close inshore. A
number of islets lie offshore. within 1 cable of Port services
this point. 3.235
(Directionscontinue for the coastal passage ro Other facil~ies. Hospttal.
9am/1 Bumu al 3.242) Supplies: fresh water; provisions.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Anchorages and harbours is exhibited from the head of the breakwater. An

angled breakwater 400 m long extends from the shore
Zafara Liman1 dose W of a small fishing and ship repair harbour.
3.236 The entrance which, is about 180 m wide, opens
Description. Zafara Liman, (Kovata Liman1) WNW. Inside the harbour. a broad quay extends the
(40.57'·90N 39'51'·65E), situated 4 miles SE of Hopsi full length of the shore, and a quay 350 m long, is
Bumu. is entered between Kovata Bumu and the located towards the W end of the main breakwater.
mouth of Ourana Oeresi, 2'/z mUes SE.
Tanker berths. Two CBM are situated. 800 m off Umankoy
the coast, in the SW part of the bay. 3.240
Berth No 1, Fuel oil, consists of two buoys situated Description. Limankoy (41°04'·80N 40.40'·90E) is a
off Kovata Bumu. smaD harbour 8 miles ENE of Rize (3.230). It is
2 Berth No 2, Kerosene. gaso6ne and gas oi. is protected by a curved breakwater 570 m long with a
situated 285 m SE of berth 1. light at its head: a small breakwater, 100 m long,
Vessel.s moor using two anchors, with 6ll shackles extends N from the shore, from a position 300 m S of
on each and mooring lines from each quarter. the head of the curved breakwater. The entrance is
Depth of water is reported to be 31 m and 200 m wide and opens E.
maximum size of vessel is 20 000 dwt. LOA 161 m. 2 Pilotage is compulsory for all foreign vessels over
Pilots and tugs are not avaiable. A small fishing 500 gt; the pilot boards in position 41'05'·20N
vessel indicates the position for dropping the anchors. 40'41'·19E. 4'11 cables N of the breakwater light
3 Supplies. Provisions. Berths. A quayed area 200 by 150 m lies in the
Anchorage may be obtained off the vllage o1 SW comer of the harbour; three silos are located on
Yomra, which stands close W of the mouth of Durana the quay.
Oeresi; a small fishing harbour. protected by
breakwaters with lights at their heads, ties at the W KIZKALESi TO 1,AMU BURNU
end of Yomra.
Caution. The anchorage Is located within an General information
extensive area of marine farms. Topography
surmene Koyu
From K1Zkalesi (41'10'·96N 40'52'·46E) to c;amh
Bumu (24 miles NE) the coast Is backed by wooded
Description. Siirmene Koyu is entered between
hils rising to heights of over 300 m. Farther Inland
Narhk Bumu (40'57'-45N 40'02'·54E) and the town of
there are mountains rising to heights of over 3000 m.
01 (3.229), which stands at the mouth of the Solakl1
<;;ay1 10 miles E. Directions
The town of SUrmene is situated at the head of (continued from 3.229)
Siinnene Koyu, 4 miles SE of Narl,k Bumu at the
mouth of Mahanoz c;ay, Principal marks
2 Anchorages. There are five designated anchorage 3.242
areas: Major lights:
Area No 1 (40°56'·00N 4o•t1'-00E); Cami• Bumu Light (concrete tower and dwelling.
Area No 2 (40°58'·00N 40'16'·70E); 12 m in height) (41.22'·34N 41'20'·66E).
Area No 3 (40.55'·50N 40'08'·00E), long tenn Track
anchorage; 3.243
Area No 4 (40.55'·70N 40'10'·30E), for vessels From a position NNW of K1zkalesi (3.241) the
carrying dangerous cargo: coastal passage to <;amh Bumu proceeds generally
3 Area No 5 (40.56'-00N 4o•os'-OOE), anchorage NE for 24 miles, in waters clear of charted dangers,
for vessels less than 3000 gt in adverse passing:
weather conditions. 2 NW of the mouth of Ftrtma 9ay1 {41'ff·40N
Caution. A submarine pipelile, marked by buoys~ 40'57"·70E). The winding valley, through which
extends 5 cables N from the shore. close E of the the river flows. can be seen from offshore. On
mouth of Mahanoz <;;ay,. The pipeline extends into the the W side of the river mouth is a
SW corner of anchorage area No 3. tree-covered hil, with 3 perpendicular sides,
Pilotage. The pilol boarding position is 40.56'·25N which appear as a tableland. Thence:
40•12'·00E, ESE of Narl1k Bumu. 3 NW of Vize Burnu (41'16'·84N 41•09··13E).
3.238 thence:
Berths: NW of <;;amh Burnu Light (41 '22··34N
A small jetty, protected by breakwaters, stands at 41'20'-66E).
the head of Araki! Liman, a smal bight 1 mile (Directionscontinue for the approachesto
SE of Narhk Bumu. A light (whtte metal pyton, Hopa at 3.249)
8 m in height) is exhibited from the head of
each breakwater. Anchorages and harbours
2 A small harbour proreesed by a breakwaterfmole
with a light at its head. extends 250 m ENE Paza.r
from the shore at the E end of Sunnene. 3.244
Description. The town of Pazar is situated in a gap
c;amburnu in the hils 5 cables E of K,zkalesi.
3.239 Hart>ours. Soguk Su Fishing Harbour which is
c;amburnu (40'55'·10N 40'11"-45E), a large new proteCled by breakwaters with lights at their heads.
harbour development, Is situated 16 miles WSW of and open E. jes dose E of K1zkalesi Light; depths In
Rlze (3.230). It is protected by a main breakwater the harbour are 3·6 m. Foul ground extends up to
which extends 700 m NNW, then 1600 m ENE; a light 3'h c-ables offshore between the harbour and the light,

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

and up to 8 cables offshore to the W of the fight. A Traffic regulations

second area extends 3 cables offshore to the E of the 3.248
town. Restricted area. Vessels are prohibited from
2 The main harbour lies 13/.. miles E of Klzkatesi Lig~ stopplllg or conducting any form of underwater activity
and is protected from the N by an angled breakwater within Sarp Area, which extends WNW for about
1700 m long. A second breakwater extends 220 m 6 miles from a position close SW of the
NNE from a position 480 m SE from the root of the Tur1<ish-Georgian frontier at Sarp.
main breakwater. Lights are exhibited from the heads 2 Note. The dangerous wreck Alexancter Pachulia
of the breakwaters. The entrance, which opens ESE, (41'32'·70N 41'33'·22E}, position approximate, and
has depths of 4 to 5 m. Cautions. A shoal area with mar1<ed by a 6ght buoy (isolated danger), lies 370 m
depths of 1 ·5 m lies close SSE of the main breakwater from the coast, close N of the N boundary of the
light. A fish haven lies IV. cables W of the light. prohibited area.
3 Berths. A broad mole, which extends 120 m SSE
into the harbour, lies near the root of the main Directions
breakwater. Depths are 3 to 5 m on the E and S side, (continued from 3.243)
and 2 to 3 m on the W side; large fishing vessels,
coasters and coastguard vessels, the latter two use Principal mar1<s
the E face.
4 Anchorages may be obtained in areas
approximately t Y, miles NE and 3 miles ENE of the Oil !anks (41°24'·77N 41°26'·13E).
port. Anchorage for small vessels may be obtained in Track
the SE corner of the main harbour; depths 3 to 4 m. 3.250
Caution. A marine farm is located in between the From a position NW of <;arnl, Burnu (41°22'·34N
outer anchorage areas. 41 '20' -66E} the approaches 10 Hopa are entered
between <;amll Bumu and the seaward extension of
Arde§en the international boundary (11 miles NE). through
3.245 waters dear of charted dangers.
Description. The town of Ardesen (41°11'•84N (Directions continue for Hopa at 3.256)
40°59'·45E) is situated 5 miles E of Kozkalesi. A smal
harbour shehered by two breakwaters with lights at HDPA
their heads, fronts the town. Depths in the entrance
are about tom, with depths alongside a broad quay. General information
near the root of the E breakwater, of 2·5 to 4·7 m.
2 Anchorage. It is reported that, in fine weather. Position and function
anchorage can be obtained in depths of about 13 m, 3.251
good holding ground, about 3'h cables offshore The town of Hopa (41'24'·78N 41°25'·73E) is
abreast the town. situated 9 mies SW of the frontier between Tur1<ey
Useful mar1<: and Georgia. The port of Hopa lies 1 mile to the NE of
Lights (white concrete towers, 6 m in height) the town. Exports include ore and timber. To the W of
s!anding at the head of each breakwater. the town there is a small fishing harbour.
z Hopa is a transit port for traffic to Iran and Iraq.
Main expons are pyrites. coal, containers. cotton.
copper, grain, minerals and timber.
Port Authority
Par1< Denizciik ve Hepa Uman l§letmeleri A.$..
General Information Ortahopa Mahallesi Liman Caddesi, Hopa-Artvin
3.246 Arrival information
The approaches to Hopa (41'24'·80N 41'25'·73E}
lie between <;arnh Burnu (3.241) and the international Outer anchorages
boundary of Turkey and Georgia (3.247) (13 miles 3.253
NE). Designated anchorage areas for vessels less than
This stretch of coast is backed by h~ls rising to 5000 gs vessels greater than 5000 gt and vessels
heights of 300 m. Farther inland. mountains rise to carrying dangerous goods, are located 1, 2 and
heights of more than 1000 m. 3 mies SW of Ana Mendirek Light.
Pilots and tugs
International boundary 3.254
3.247 Pilotage is compulsory for all foreign vessels, and
The international boundary between Tur1<ey and for Tur1<ish merchant vessels of 300 gt or more. Night
Georgia reaches the sea at the vilage of Sarp movements depend on the weather conditions. Pilots
(41°31'·22N 41"33'·00E). This v~lage is divided in two embar1< about 1 cable SW from the head of the outer
by the frontier. breakwater.
2 The alignment (110°) of two lights (orange 2 Tugs are available and their use is compulsory for
rectangles. white stripe on black metal pylons, 27 m foreign merchant vessels of 500 gt or more. Turkish
and 31 m in height), situated in the village, mar1<s the merchant vessels of 1000 gt or more and foreign
seaward extension of the intemational boundary. warships and support craft over 2000 tonnes
A buoy (41°31'•30N 41°32'•5BE} (unlrt) also marks displacement.
the boundary. Vessels of 4000 gt or more must use two tugs.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Harbour low-lying except near Mys Tsikhisdziri, where the NW

General layout spur of the mountains of Turkey terminates.
• A bank, with depths of less than 1 o m. fronts this
3.255 stretch of the coast. The S end of this bank extends
The harbour is protected by Ana Mendirek which
1 ~ mites W into Bafumis Qure.
extends about 4 cables NNW then 6 cables NNE, and
A number of rivers enter the sea between Bat'umis
Tali Mendirek which extends 2Y· cables WNW, from
Konts'khi and the mouth of the Natanebi.
the shore. Principal quays extend from the E shore of
the harbour. Traffic regulations
Directions Restricted area. Sarp Area (see 3.248).
(continved from 3.25-0) Explosives dumping ground. Area No 13 lies
Approach and entry 11 mies NNW of Bat'umis Konts'khl.
3.256 Spoil ground. Area No 43 lies 7 cables NE of
Track. The harbour is approached through waters Bat'umis Konts•khi. This area may contain unexploded
clear of charted dangers and entered between the ordnance and should be regarded as an explosives
heads of the two breakwaters. dumping ground.
Useful mar1<s: See Appendix 5 for further details of all these areas.
Termik Power Station (41.25'·23N 41•26'·41E). Local magnetic anomaly
Lights (white concrete towers, 9 m in hejght) at 3.263
the head of each breakwater. Within an area from Bat'umi up to 20 miles N, the
magnetic variation is affected by local influences and
Berths varies from 1"W lo 19'E (1987).
Alongside berths
3.257 Directions
The port has 1100 m of berthing space. The three (continued from 3.8 and 7.238)
main berths are at the Ore quay. with maximum depth Principal marks
alongside of 9·8 m and the Cargo and Passenger 3.264
quays, with depths alongside of 9-0 m and from 4·9 to Landmarks:
9·0 m, respectivety. Television mast (red lights) (41 '41 '·60N
The RoRo berth is 38 m in length; depths from 5·5 41 '42'·97E).
to 9·0m. Major lights:
Kobuletskiy Light Oantem on building, 30 m in
Port services height> (41'51'·11N 41'46.·66E).
Other facilhles
Bafumis Qure
SSCC, SSCEC issued; hospital: oily waste disposal 3.265
From a position approximately 14 miles WNW of
Supplies Bat'umis Konts'khi (41'39'·30N 41'38'·50E), the
3.259 approach to Bat'umis Qure (3.261) leads generally E
Fuel by road tanker. fresh water on all berths: for approximately 9 miles. thence SE to the Bat'uml
provisions. approach TSS.
The route then follows the TSS leading SE to the
OUTER APPROACHES TO BAT'UMIS QURE piot boarding position (3.273).
2 Useful mark:
General information Bat'umis Konts.khi Light (white 8-sided stone
Routes tower and dwelling. 20 m in height)
(41'39'·35N 41'38'·48E).
(Directions conffnue at 3.279)
From a position about 14 miles WNW of Bafumis
Konts'khi (41 '39'·30N 41 '38'·50E), the track leads E to
the Bat'uml approach TSS. NW of Bat'umi. BAT'UMI

Topography General lnfonnation

3.261 Position and function
The outer approaches to Bat'umis Oure (41 '39. -60N 3.266
41 '39'•50E) are backed by the coast that lies between Bat'umi (41'39'·02N 41'38'·81E) lies on the W side
the Turkish-Georgian frontier at Sarp (41'31'•30N of Bat'umis Qure. It is the centre of local
41'33'·00E) (3.247) and the mouth of the Natanebi administration and one of the most important of the
(25 miles NNE). Georgian Black Sea oil ports.
2 From Sarp to the village of Goniya (about 3 miles 2 There is a large oil refinery at Bafumi and it is a
N) there are coastal cliffs, in which there is a shipping port for the output of the Baku and other
conspicuous cleft. Caucasian oitfields. A wide range of petroleum
Between Goniya and Bat'umis Konts'khi (3.265) the products are handled. along with grain, sugar, scrap
coast is low-lying, being backed by a wide and metal, steel pipes. wood products, RoRo and
cultivated valley through wftich the Chorkhi enters the containers.
sea about 4 miles SW of Bat'umis Konts.khi.
3 Caution. Due 10 shoaling mariners should navigate Port Authority
at least 2 miles from an area between Bat'umi and the 3.267
mouth of the Chorkhi. Bat'umi Sea Port Limited. 3 Gogebashvili Street,
From Bat'umis Konts"khl to the mouth of the Bat'umi 6003, Georgia.
Nalanebi (17 miles NNE), the coast is generaUy Website.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Limiting conditions Harbour

General layout
Under-keel clearance 3.276
3.268 Bat'umi consists of an outer and inner roadstead
Vessels are require<! to maintain an UKC of not less and twO basins.
than 0·3 m. The main alongside berths are situate<! on the W
side of the inne< roadstead and in the Neflyanaya
Densityof water Gavan'. which lies at the S end of the inner
3.269 roadstead. A marina, wrth lights at the heads of the
Reported 1·014 to 1·018 g!cm3. breakwaters, lies 1 'h cables SE of Bat'umis Konts'khi.

Local weather
Storms are not frequent, but where they do occur l
is usualty with SW winds. During such winds there is
much swell in the bay. The Tyagun may occur with W,
SW and NW winds. See 1.1\ 7.

Arrival information

Notice of ETA
ETA should be sent 7 days, 72, 48 and 24 hours in
advance and 2 hours before arriving at the roads. See
ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume6(3) for

3.272 Bat'umi Port from NW (3.276)

Ten designated outer anchorage areas lie from 1 ·1 Ong,ru/ dlted 2009
lo 3Y. miles NE of Bal'umis Konts•khi Light (3.265), in Pholog,, • Cnlativfl Commom~ 1, 0 I.Jniwrsat
depths of 13 lo 41 m, mud and sand. It has been
reported that with a strong W wind and a heavy swel~
anchors are likely to drag in this area. Signal station
2 Anchorage A caters for tankers ol 250 m LOA or 3.2n
less and lies in position 41°39'·29N 41'38"·85E. Signal station is situated 1·7 cables S of Bat'umis
Anchorage B caters for tankers of 182 m LOA or Konts'khi.
less and lies in position 41 '39'·22N 41 '38'·88E.
A small craft anchorage area, centred on position
41 '39'·38N 41 '39'-42E, affords depths of 6 to 7 m. Climate lnformatlon
See 1.151 and 1.158.
Pilot and tugs
3.273 Directions
Pllolage is compulsory for all vessels entering or (continued from 3.265}
leaving harbour. Pilots are avatlable 24 hours and
should be ordere<I 24 hours, and confirmed 2 hours, Principal marks
before arrival. In good weather, pilots board in position 3.279
41'40'·08N 41'38'·14E. In bad weather, piots board in Landmarks:
the inner roads. Building (4t•39·-21N 41'38'·24E), 66 m in height.
2 Tugs are available. Their use is compulsory for Bat'umis Konts'khi Light (41'39'·35N 41'38'·48E)
vessels of 50 m and above, thelr number dependent (3.265).
on vessel's length. Gora Tamara (41'39'·84N 41•40'·84E), a ruined
fort on a hill close S of mouth of
Traffic regulations Korolis- Tskali.
3.274 Oil tanks (41.39'·05N 41'39'-43E), which stand
Entry is prohibited to an area in the inner on Zashchilnyy Mol.
rcacsteac (No 822), extending Y. cable to seaward
from the N face of Neflyanaya Mol and Zashchilnyy Inner roadstead and Neftyanaya Gavan'
Mol. 3.280
Route. From the vicinity of the pilot boarding
Regulations concerning entry position (3.273), the track leads SE, passing:
3.275 SW of a lighl buoy 0f'I cardinaf) (41'39'·95N
Entry. Vessels entering the port must give way to 41"38'·78E).
departing vessels. Harbour Leading Lights:
Caution. All vessels must give a minimum passing 2 Front tight (white tower, 19 m in height)
clearance of 80 m to tankers loading at the oil jetty. (41"3l!'·99N 41'39'·01E).
Draught in ballast Bow draught should not be less Rear light (lower. 24 m in height) (2 cables from
than 1·5 m. front bghl).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Bafumi - NeftyanayaGavan· from WNW (3.276)
Ongniil d.:Aed20,s

PhOtogr:aph - LJ Cdr Murphy AANR

12 m. Vessels must maintain an UKC ol 0·8 m whilst

at this berth.

Alongside berths
Oil tenninal:
Berth No 1 (41 '38'·97N 41 '38'·98E). Berth length
200 m and depth 11-1 m: handling vessels up
to 200 m LOA and 45 000 dwt.
Berth No 2 (41'39'-00N 41'39'·14E). Berth length
140 m and depth 8·7 m; handling vessels up to
140 m LOA and t6 000 dwt.
Berth No 3 (4t039'·01N 41'39'·22E). Berth length
165 m and depth of 9·4 m; handling vessels up
lo 165 m LOA and 25 000 dwt.
2 CBM berth located N ol Neftyanoy Mol
(41'38'·99N 41'39'·11E). Depths 14·5 to 37m.
Vessels up to a maximum of 250 m LOA and
Bat'umi - Front Leading Light (3.280) 140000dwt.
Originalda:.d 2015 Container tenninal and railway ferry tenninal:
Berth Nos 4 and 5 form the container terminal
Photograph - Lt Cdr Murphy RANR (41'38'·94N 41'39'·39E); length 284 m, depth
11 ·5 m, vessels up to 35 000 dwt.
3 The Railway Ferry Terminal, situated at the S
The alignment (158·7°) of these lights leads into the end of Berth No 5, serves the rail ferry to
inner roadstead and to the entranoe of Neftyanaya Varna, P'ot'i and llichevs'k. Length 43 m,
Gavan•. depth 8·2 m and draught 7·5 m: vessels up to
3 Lights In line. The alignment of a pair ol lights 12 600 dwt.
(165·3') located on Neftyanoy Mol and the S shore of Ory cargo terminal:
Neftyanaya Gavan, and the alignment ol two paks ol Berth No 6 (4t'38'·81N 41'39'·37E) lies in the SE
lights (243·6' and 255·2°), marking the white sector of
comer of the basin and specialises in handling
a common rear light, 2 cables S of Bat'umis Kontsl<hi
scrap metals. Length 183 m, depth 8·2 m and
Light (3.265), assist tanker berthing operations in the draught 7·5 m.
inner roadstead.
• Berth Nos 7, 8 and 9 are used lor dry and
general cargoes. Berth No 7 is 263 m long,
Basins and berths with depths of 11 m, for vessels up to
Mooring and anchorage 60000dwt.
3.281 Marine passenger terminal:
Inner roadstead. Tankers moor al No 13 berth. Berth Nos 10 and 11 are used by passenger,
stern to the N side of Neftyanaya Mo1 using two lerry and Ro Ro vessels. Berth No 1 O is 225 m
anchors forward and lines connected to a buoy on long with depths ol 9·1 m.
each quarter. The berth is connected by pipeNnes to s Gosleva Pier, S side ol Kabotazhnaya Gavan
the shore and is capable of handling vessels ol up to (41'39"·08N 41°39'·66E). minimum charted
60 000 dwt, maximum length 200 m, maximum draught depth 2·9m.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Port services Approach from south

Repairs From a position about 5 miles NW of Bat'umis
3.283 Konts'l<hi (41'39'·30N 41'38'·50E), lhe track leads N
Minor repairs. for about 26 miles to the P'ofi approach TSS, passing:
2 W of Mys Tsikhisdziri (41'45'·40N 41'44'·60E)
Other lacllltles (3.261), thence:
3.284 E of Area No 13 (4t'50'·00N 41'32'·00E) (3.262).
Compass adjustment; SSCC, SSCEC issued; thence:
hospital; lifeboat; garbage disposal. W of Kobuletskiy Light (41'51'·t1N 41°46'·66E)
(3.264), thence:
Supplies W of Natanebi Light (whtte rectangle, red stripe,
3.285 on framework tower, 12 m in height)
Fresh water by barge; stores; fresh provisions; (41°57'-StN 4t'45'·87E). thence:
bunkering available. 3 w of Supsa Terminal (42'01'·18N 41'42'·66E),
W of Potiyskiy Light (3.288) (42'07'·99N
41°39'-67E); a light buoy (speciaQ is moored
APPROACHES TO P'OT'I 1 mile WSW of the light.
w of Anchorage Area No 300 (3.303).
General Information The track the leads 10 a position in lhe approach to
the inbound lane of P'ot'i TSS.
Topography (Directions continue for
3.286 the P'ol'i TSS at 3.310)
The approaches to p·on (42'09.-00N 41'39'-00E) Approach from west
are backed by lhe coast that lies between lhe mouth 3.290
of the Natanebi (41'54'·75N 41'46'·15E) and lhe From a posttion about t 8 miles WNW of the harbour
moUlh of lhe Khobi (23 miles N) (7.237). lhe track leads for about 15 miles ESE to lhe TSS.
2 From the mouth of lhe Natanebi to P'ofi (15 miles (Directions continue for
NNW) the coast Is low and covered with trees. There the the eon TSS at 3.310)
are numerous buildings and considerable cultivation on
this stretch of the coast. Approach from north-west
Ozero Paleostomi, a large lake fed by lhe Pichora, (conllnued from 7.238)
is connected to the sea 5 miles S,SE of P'ot'i. 3.291
3 From the mouth of the Khobi (42'16'·57N From the vicinity of 42°19'-00N 41'19'·00E, WSW of
41 '38'·00EJ, which enters lhe sea 3 miles S of lhe S Area GG 003 ANAKLIA (7.235), the track continues
limit of Area ANAKUA (7.235) to P'ofi (7 miles S) lhe generally SE along the two-way recommended route
coast Is low-lying with few features. The N moUlh of for approximately 8 miles, thence to the P'ot'i TSS.
the Rioni enters the sea 4 mites S of the Khobi. Rion~ passing:
navigable for 48 miles above its mouth. is the largest SW of Oulevi Light (42'16'-47N 41'38'·12E)
of the rivers flowing into the E Black Sea. (7.237), and:
SW of a marine reserve (3.287).
Traffic regulations (Directions continue for
3.287 the P'ol'i TSS at 3.310)
Marine reserve is located in the coastal zone
between the mouth of the Rioni and Anaklia up to Approach from north
5 miles offshore. Unauthorised naV19ation is prohibited
From a position NW of Kulevi (7.239) the track
in the area.
leads S for about 7 miles to the P'ot'i TSS.
Explosives dumping grounds. Areas No 11 and
(Directions continue for
No 12 lie 17 and 9 miles WNW of P'ot'i, respectively.
See Appendix 5 for furlher details of all these areas. the P'ol'i TSS at 3.310)
Humanitarian corridor
Directions 3.293
(continuedfrom 3.8) Vessels with humanitarian cargo onboard and
having permission from the Georgian authorities,
should follow the humanitarian corridor to Sokhumi
Principal marks
(7.214) by the rwo-way recommended track.
Supsa Terminal
Gora Olen' (42'23'·60N 41°50'-63E), a jagged
peak, 466 m high, visible in ciear weather from General information
40 miles. 3.294
Grain silo (42'09'-06N 41'39'·39E) s~ated at lhe Position and !unction. Supsa Terminal (42'01'·16N
root of the S breakwater is radar conspicuo us 41'42'-66E) located 8 miles S of P'ot'i (42'09'·00N
up to 27 miles. 41°39'-00EJ consists of one SBM for the exportation of
2 Kobuletskiy Light (41'5t'·11N 41°46'·66EJ (3.264). crude oif. The terminal, via Supsa tank farm, is led by
Potiyskiy Light (white round metal tower with red the Sangaohal Terminal Baku-Supsa Pipeline (Western
bands, floodlit. 37 m in height) {42°07'-99N Route Export Pipeline).
41°39'·67E). Terminal operator. Sakartvelos Mllsadenebls
Major lights: Kompania (Georgia Pipeline Company). 38a Saburtalo
Potiyskiy Light - as above. Street Tbilisi, Georgia.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Limiting conditions Arrival information

Density of water: 1 ·012 g/om3. Outer anchorages
Arrival information Designated anchorages are as follows:
3.296 Anchorage Area No 200 (42'11'-00N 41°37'·00E).
Anchorages. Designated anchorages. radius tankers;
500 m, for tankers, lie 1 \4 and 2\4 miles NW of lhe Anchorage Area No 300 (42°09'·50N 41•35•,soE),
SBM. bulk carriers.
Pilotage is compulsory and available for berthing 2 The anchorages are also used as inspection areas
during daylight hours only. Two berthing masters who for vessels ea,rying humanitarian cargo to Sokhumi.
act as pilots will board vessels on the port side. A mooring buoy is moored in the centre of
3 miles W of the SBM from a selVioe launch. anchorage area 300, 1 'h miles WSW of the head of
Zapadnyy Mol.
Directions for entering harbour
3.297 Pilots and rugs
The terminal can be approached through waters 3.304
clear of dangers, the chart being sufficient guide. Pilotage is compulsory. Pitots board in position
42'10'-07N 41'38'·13E. See ADMIRALTY List of Radio
Basins and berths Signals Volume 6(3) for details.
3.298 Tugs are available. Their use is compulsory when
Berth. The SBM (42•01··18N 41•42'·66E) is a berthing.
CALM loading buoy and is moored in a deplh ol 50 m,
wilh attached floating hoses 270 m in lenglh. A Traffic regulations
submarine pipeline extends 11h miles ENE from the 3.305
buoy to the shore. The buoy is filled with a light. fog Prohibited anchorage. Anchoring in lhe outer
signal and racon and is designed to handle crude oil roadstead is prohibited except within the designated
tankers from 6-0 000 to 164 000 dwl and between 240 anchorages.
and 290 m in length. Maximum draught at LW 17·5 m. Prohibited area. Entry is prohibited to Area 22
2 Entry is prohibited into an area of radius 500 m (42'09'·22N 41'38'·38E).
centred on the SBM. 2 Dumping ground. Area No 42 lies close SW of
Hose connection personnel and equipment wil be YuZhnaya Gavan'. This area may contain unexploded
transferred to the vessel at the same time as the ordnance and should be regarded as an explosives
pilots. The port derrick should be rigged ready to load dumping ground.
the hose equipment A maintenance support vessel See Appendix 5 for further details ol all these areas.
and the service launch act as lugs.
Mooring buoys. Two mooring buoys are moored Regulations concerning entry
Y, mile NNE and o/. mile ENE of lhe SBM. 3.306
Speed limit is 4 kn.
Entry prohibtted when entrance and leading lights
P'OT'I obscured by fog.
General information
Position and function
General layout
P'ot'i (42°09'·59N 41 '38'·83E) is s~uated on Ostrov 3.307
P'ot'i consists of an outer roadstead and an inner
Bolshoy, an island lonned by lhe N and S branches of
harbour. The inner harbour, protected by breakwaters,
the Rioni.
2 It is the principal port for the transhipment of cargo consists of four basins approached by a channel.
to and from Central Asia and the Trans-Caspian Development
district. It is also the shipping port for lhe expon of 3.308
manganese ore from lhe Caucasian and Chiaruri The general capacity of the port is to be increased
regions. as well as Black Sea passenger ferry (2019) with the construction of a new deep water
services. conlainer terminal centred on 42'09'·89N 41 '39'·08E.
The berths. p,olected by a curved breakwater, will be
Port Authority
3.300 approached through a channel and a 540 m diameter
P'ot'i Port Authority, ul David Agmashenebeli 52, ruming basin. dredged to t 7 and 16 m, respectively.
P'ol'i 384691, Georgia. 2 n has been reported that, in the first phase. the
Webs~e. new terminal wil consist of two quays w~h a total of
600 m of berthing space and will be able to
accommodate vessels up to 300 m in length, 45 m in
Llmltlng conditions
widlh and a max,mum draught ol 13·5 m.
Controlling deplh Further expansion, including new deep water berths
3.301 and the extension to the W of the current breakwater
The maximum allowable draught in the entrance is planned until 2025.
channel is 1 O·S m. The harbour is subject to sitting
and mariners should contact the port authority for the Traffic signals
latest infonnation. 3.309
Signals lor vessels entering and leaving the port are
Density exhibited from the port signal station siruated al the
3.302 head of Severnyy Mol on lhe N side ol Sevemaya
1 ·015 g!m3, but varies with the season. Gavan' (42°09'·30N 41•39•.10E).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

2 When necessary. signals are repeated from the 2 From the vicintty of the p~ot boarding position, the
roadstead signal post, situated on the roof of the cold af,gnment(129") of these lights leads SE through the
store at the head of Sredniy Mol (1 v, cables S). approach channel, marked by light buoys (lateral).
A signal station is situated at the end of No 11 passing:
berth on the S side of the entrance to Vnutrenniy Close SW of the light buoy (safe water)
Basseyn. (42°10'-03N 41°3a'·20E)I.
Inner Leading Lights:
Front light (beacon, orange rectangle. black
Directions stripe, 15 min height) (42'08'·97N 41'39'·16E).
(continuedfrom 3.289, 3.290, 3.291 and 3.292) 3 Rear light Potiyskiy Light (3.288).
From a position E of the head of Zapadnyy Mol, the
aligrvnent (158·9') of these lights leads into the inner
Principal marks harbour.
3.310 Caution. NW gales cause silting in the entrance
Landmarks: ch~el and basins. Mariners should contact local
Potiyskiy Lighthouse (42°07'·99N 41°39'·67E} authorities for the latest information.
Theatre (oupola) (42°08'·56N 41'40'·45E}. Berths
Chimney (42°09'·59N 41'39'·58E). Alongside berths
Television mast (42'10'·73N 41'40',00E}. 3.313
Major lights: There are 15 alongside berths wtth a total quay
Potiyskiy Light - as above. length of 2900 m sttuated in Vnutrenniy Basseyn,
Sevemaya Gavan' and Yuzhnaya Gavan'. Main berths
as folows:
Traffic separation scheme Berth No 1 Qiquid and chemical); length 200 m;
3.311 least charted deplh 9·4 m.
From a position about 3% miles WNW of the Berth No 7 (containers); length 210 m; charted
harbour, the track leads ESE through the inbound lane depths from 7-4 to 8·0 m.
of the TSS, thence to the pilot boarding position. 2 Berth Nos 4 to 6 (bulk terminal); 500 m of
passing: berthing space; depths of about 9 m.
SSW of the mouths of the Rioni (42'12',00N Berth Nos 8 lo 11 (bulk terminal); 600 m of
41'39'·00E). The mouths of the river are berthing space; charted depths from 6 to 8 m.
obstructed by a shallow bar and several islets. Berth No 13 (RoRo service to Odesa (6.50));
A coastal bank, with depths of less than 20 m, charted depth 5·3 m.
extends 1112 miles to seaward. Thence: Berth No 14 (containers); length 250 m; charted
2 Between Anchorage areas No 200 and No 300 depths from 6·9 to 7·7 m.
(3.303). Gavan' Novyy Port has alongside depths of 2·3 to
Caution. Vessels are advised that. when 8-0m.
approaching the harbour, the current sets N and
depths diminish towards the land. The shoals near the Port services
N mouth of the Rioni are reported to be extending
westwards. Repairs
Minor repairs; floating docks in S section of
Entranceto the inner harbour Yuzhnaya Gavan· and SW section of Gavan· Novyy
3.312 Port; maximum OWT 4000 tonnes.
Outer Leading Lights: Other facilities
Front light (beacon. while rectangle red stripe on 3.315
four-sided metal framework tower) (42'09'-SSN Ballast and slops reception; compass and radio
41°38'·92E} located at the head of Novvy
Sevemyy Mol.
adjustment; sscc. sscec issued; hospital.
Rear light (beacon, white rectangle red stripe on Supplies
four-sided framework tower wtth balcony) 3.316
(1 v, cables from front light). Fuel ~; fresh water by barge; provisions.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Chapter 4 - South-west part of the Black Sea

27' 2s· 30· 29" 30· 30° 30• 31°

45• 45•


30· 30·

-~ ., '~4>
44• 44•
.... .-- ···,

30· 30·

43• 43•

30· 30·



30• 30•


41° 41°

27' 30· 2s• 30· longitude29° East fromGreenwich 30• 30• 31°

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)



Scope of the chapter vama and thence NE to Nos KaUakra (43°21 '·72N
4.. , 28'2T'89E) (4.116).
This chapter covers the SW part of the Black Sea
between the N approaches to istanbul Bogazi
Regulated areas
(Bosporus) (41°14'·00N 29'08'·00E) and the Danube
delta (240 miles N) and includes descriptions of the
Regulated and former mine danger areas lie off
Bulgarian coast and its ports and that part of
Romanian coastal waters S of the Danube delta. the Turkish and Bulgarian coasts and between the
Danube delta and SW Kryms'kyi Pivostriv. See
Appendices2, 4 and 6.

Traffic regulations Natural conditions

4.2 4.4
Traffic separation schemes. A series of traffic Currents. See 1.111.
separation schemes and traffic roundabouts extend Ice. The area covered by this chapter is free of ice.
from the approaches to Burgas to the approaches to See 1.122.


General information Ostnv Zmiiny, (Zmeinyy) (40 m high) (45°15'·27N

Route 30'12'·20E). The coast of this island is formed
4.5 by continuous cliffs from 15 to 21 m in height.
From the vicinity of 41"20'·00N 29"10'-00E, the A lighthouse stands on the highest point of the
direct route to ports in the NW Black Sea passes out island. See 4.180 lor details of anchorage off
of sight of land and through waters clear of charted the island.
dangers until it approaches Ostriv Zmiinyi z Major lights:
(240 miles N) (4.7). Turkei Light (41't4'·06N 29'06'·72E) (2.340).
Anadolu Light (41'13'·04N 29'09'·13E) (2.340).
Regulated areas Sfintu Gheorghe Light (44'53'·99N 29'36'·09E)
4.6 (4. 170).
Areas temporarily dangerous for navigation: Ostriv Zminyi Light (wMe 6-sided tower. 18 m in
Areas Nos 211 to 212 extend up to 65 miles heighQ (45'15'·30N 30't2'·17E).
offshore from Nos Emine (42.42'·07N
27'54'·00E) and 40 miles offshore from Nos
Kaliakra (43°21•,12N 28'27'·89E). See
Appendix 4.
2 Area Nos 16 and 17. which extend up to Offshore route
26 miles offshore from Dalyan Bumu 4.8
(41°15'·30N 29°02.,40E) and from 2¥. and Track. From the vicinity of 41'20'·00N 29'10'-00E,
9Y. miles offshore from a position 4 miles NW the offshore route to ports in the NW Black Sea
of Rumeli Karaburun (41'20'•88N 28"40'·97E). proeeees in a N direction for about 240 miles, to the
See Appendix 2. vicinity of Ostriv Zmiinyl (4.7).
Caution. Attention is drawn to the oil and gas lield
Directions in position 44'32'·20N 29'30'•00E; see 4.168.
(continued from 2.363) (Directions continue for the
Principal marks offshore route to the approaches
4.7 to Odes'ka Zaroka ar 6. t 2.
Landmarks: and for the coastal route
Alem Dag, (41°04'•00N 29'12'{)()E) (2.362). to the approaches to
<;:atal Dag (41'02'{)()N 29'17'·00E) (2.362). Usf-Dunais'k ar 5.126)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


General informatio
n • NE of Asar-• Tegfik Kayas, (41 '25'·56N
28'28'·24E). The charted position of this 3·6 m
Marine farms patch, Which lies about 5 cables offshore, is
4.9 approximate. Thence:
Caution. Numerous marine farms are situated NE of Malatra Bumu (41'34'·04N 28'11'·10E), a
throughout the inshore waters of Bulgaria between steep and rocky headland which is not easy to
Rezovo (41°59,.00N 28°02'-00E) and Nos Kaliakra recognise from seaward. Thence:
(43°21.·72N 28°27'·89E) and represent a danger to NE of Kiy,koy Light (white metal tower, black
navigation. They are not marked. neither are they band, 1sm in height) (41'38'·05N 28°05'·95E)
shown on the charts, but are usually sib.Jated within (4.21). Thence:
5 cables of the coast. 5 NE of Selvez Bumu (41°40'•08N 28'06'·28E), a
promontory with some streaks of reddish
coloured rocks on the slope within it. A tower
and a pyramidal rock stand near the extremity
of the headland and a reef extends 1 'h cables
General information
SE. Thence:
Topography NE of Sandal Bumu (41°44'·41 N 28'02'·59E), a
4.10 point Which may be idenl!fied by white cliffs
Oatyan Burnu to Rumeli Karaburun. Between and Buyijkbezjrgan Tepesi. Thence:
Dalyan Burnu (41°15'·30N 29'02'·40E) (2.364) and • NE of Koru Light (41'53'·10N 28'03'·34E) (4.11).
Rumeli Karaburun (17 miles WNW). the coast is This light stands on Koru Burnu, a sloping
formed by a long sandy beach, pans of which are a p,omontory of moderate elevation with a
remarkable reddish colour. The beach is backed by yellowish appearance, which lies NE of
reddish hills, the summits of which are covered with l~neada Liman, (4.22). Depths off the
vegetation. headland are uneven and it should be given a
2 A number of coastguard stations are situated along berth of at least 2~ cables.
this stretch of coast. 4.13
Rumeli Karaburun to Koru Burnu. Between Useful mark:
Rumeli Karaburun (41°20'·8aN 28'40'·97E) (4.12) and Buyiikbezirgan Tepesi (41'46'·12N 27°56'·10E) is
Koru Bumu (42 miles NW), the coast is backed by hills situated between the coast and a range of
rising to heights of over 250 m. These hils are hills inland. This peak helps to identify lhe
generally covered with brushwood and trees and in coast in the vicinity of Sandal Burnu (4.12).
places have a yellowish appearance. (Directions continue for the coastal passage lo
3 Durusu Golu, a lake connected to the sea by BurgaskiZaliv at 4.28)
Oarbogaz Oeresi. lies aboU1 4 miles W of Rumeli
Karaburun. This lake is bounded to the S by an Istanbul Airport (New) Fuel Supply Terminal
Irregular range of hills which bear some resemblance
General information
to the winding shores of ls1anbul Bogaz,.
Position and !unction. Istanbul New Airport Fuel
Dlreetlons Supply Terminal (41•1s'·80N 28'47'·33E) is a harbour
(conlinved from 2.363) on the N coast of Turkey, 12 miles WNW of Oalyan
Bumu. The terminal allows direct delivery of fuel by
Principal marks
sea to the airport.
Port limits. The facility lies within Istanbul Port
Major lights:
Authority jurisdiction (2.275).
Rumeli Karaburun Light (whfte metal framework
tower, 12 m in height) (41°20'·8aN 28"40'·97E). Directions
Koru Light (whtte concrete tower and dweling, 4.15
8 m in height) (41'53'·10N 28'03'·34E). Entry. The harbour is entered from the NW
between the N and E breakwaters, with lit beacons
Dalyan Bumu to Koru Bumu (lateral) at their seaward ends. The terminal lies inside
4.12 the E breakwater.
From the vicinity of 41'20'·00N 29°14'-00E. the
coastal passage to Koru Burnu proceeds generaly Basins and berths
NW for 62 miles through waters clear of charted 4.16
dangers, passing: Alongside berths. There are two berths; the largest
2 NE of Oalyan Burnu Light (white metal tower, 6 m 320 m long with a depth of 17·5 m can accommodate
in height) (41 '15'·34N 29'02'·37E). This ight vessels up to 100 000 dwt.
stands on Oalyan Burnu (2.364) and is
situated aboU1 5 cables N of Kumkoy Uman, Anchorages and small harbours
(4.17). Thence:
3 NE of Aumeli Karaburun Light (41 "20'·88N Datyan Bumu
28°40'·97E). This light stands on Aumeli 4.17
Karaburun, a broad headland wi1h a smal Anchorage may be obtained off Dalyan Burnu, in
harbour on its E side. The headland is Zone E, by passenger and dry cargo vessels in a
precipitous and steep with depths of 36 m designated area, noting a dangerous wreck
about 1 cable offshore. A seaplane operating (41°15'·78N 29°01'-46E) and a foul area (41'15'·94N
area, radius 3 cables, is centred 2 miles NNW 29'00'·97E).
of the cape. Thence: Caution. For dangers see 2.364.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Karataf Burnu is visible, lies 1 mile SSE of the harbour entrance. It is

4.18 marked by a ~ht buoy ~solated dange~.
Anchorage may be obtained by vessels carrying 3 Alongside berths are available for small vessels.
dangerous cargo off Karatas Burnu (41"15'·10N The main berthing area is on the NW side of the
28"58'·97E), in Zone D. harbour.
Depths within the harbour range from 2·7 to 6·8 m.
Lights (whfte concrete towers, 12 and 13 m in
height) stand at the head of each breakwater.
(,illngoz Koyu • Services. Petrol is available lrom a luel station in
4.19 the E of the harbour, diesel by mini-tanker; provisions
Anchorage may be obtained by light draught from lgneada
vessels off the mouth of ',ilingoz Deresi (41°31'-67N 4.23
28°13'·13E), during offshore winds; bottom, sand and Anchorages. The first designated anchorage is
shells. 5 cables S{II of the head of the main breakwater and
Local knowledge is required. the second anchorage for quarantine vessels and
vessels carrying dangerous cargo is 2 miles SSW of
the mcU'l breakwater. A heavy swell comes into the
anchorage at times and on such occasions, an eddy
Kasatura Koyu sets strongly towards Koru Burnu.
Anchorage may be obtained by light draught
vessels in Kasatura Koyu (41 "35'·20N 28"09'·20E).
There is a rock ciese S of the N entrance point which KORU BURNU TO BURGASKI ZALrV
provides some shelter from N and NE and this
anchorage is reported to be a better anchorage Ulan
c;:ilingoz Koyu. Bahcrvan Deresi enters the bay in the General information
NW part.
2 The anchorage is in a depth of 5 m, sand, with the
s extremity of the rock bearing 065°. Local knowledge Topography
Is required. 4.24
Between Kol\J Bumu (41'53'·10N 28'03'·34E) and
Maslen Nos (28 mies NNW), the coast Is backed by
mountains rising to heights of over 500 m. This stretch
K1y1koy of the coast is indented by a number of coves.
4 ..21
Descrlp11on. The town of K1y1koy (41"38'·05N
28°05'·73E) stands above a steep cliff between the International boundary
mouths of two streams. 4.25
The harbour, protected by breakwaters, lies to the S The seaward end of the international boundary
of the town close N of Kazan Deresi; Papu~ De<esi between Tur1<ey and Bulgaria is formed by a river,
enters the sea 6Y, cables NW of the harbour. The known as Muttu Oeresi to the Turks and Rezovska
harbour entrance is 'h cable wide, but rocks and Reka to the Bulgarians. This river enters the sea at
obstructions extend from both breakwaters. reducing the head of a cove that lies 5'11 miles N of Koru
the navigable width. A spur extends NNE from a Bumu. The Bulgarian v~lage of Rezovo stands on the
position close W of the head of the S breakwater, and N shore or the cove and the Turkish village of
a broad quay lies between the root of the breakwater Begendik lies 1 mUe S.
and the spur. Shatlow patches lie in the centre of the
harbour and off the broad quay. Lights (concrete
towers, 4 and 5 m in height) stand at the heads of the Traffic regulations
breakwaters. 4.26
2 Prohibited anchorage. The Turkstream gas A recommended route for small vessels of up to
pipeline lands 1 'h miles N of the harbour. Anchoring. 300 gt is situated inshore between Tsarevo
fishing, dredging and all other seabed activities are (42'10'·10N 27'50'•90E) and Primorsko (42°15'·79N
prohibited within 500 m of the pipe~ne. 27'45'·21E) (4.33). This route then proceeds N past
3 Anchorage within the harbour may be obtained by Maslen Nos to Sozopol.
small vessels in depths of 3 to 4 m. Local knowledge 2 A traffic roundabout centred on position
Is required. Anchorage outside the harbour is over a 42°29'·00N 28'05'·00E is situated in the outer
rocky bottom and ts indifferent. approaches of Burgaski Zaliv. This traffic roundabout is
Services. Provisions. part of the traffic separation scheme leading to the
port of Burgas (4.36).

lgneada Umano Regula1ed areas

4.22 4.27
igneada liman, is entered between igneada Bumu Area periodically dangerous for navigation:
(41 "52'·93N 28"03'·28E) and the village of igneada, Area No 112 lies between 1 and 12 miles
2Y, miles WSW. The village of Limankoy stands offshore between Nos Kyupriya and Nos
between igneada Bumu and Kon, Bumu (4.12). Kolokila. See Appendix 4.
2 Harbour. A small harbour, which opens WNW, is 2 Area temporarily dangerous for navigation:
protected by two breakwaters. The halbour lies on the Area No 212 lies between 36 and 76 miles
NE shore of lgneada Limaru, 7'h cables NW or offshore from the entrance to Burgaski Zaliv.
lgneada Burnu. A dangerous wreck, the mast of which See Append,x 4.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Directions the seaward end of the international boundary

(continued from 4. I 3) between Tun<ey and Bulgaria (4.25).
2 Caution. A dangerous wre<:k lies 3 cables SSW of
Principal marks the cape.
Mount Papiya (42.06'·55N 27'50'·33E), a steep Ahtopol
and rather pointed peak. 4.31
Major lights: Description. The village of Ahtopol (Akhtopol)
Koru Light (41.53'·10N 28'03'·34E) (4.11). (42'05'·75N 27°55'·95E) is situated in a small bay of
Maslen Nos Light (white stone tower, 7 m in which Nos Ahtopol is the S entrance point. The
height) (42'18'-45N 27°47'·63E). entrance of this bay. which is about 'h cable wide, has
Sveti Ivan Light (42.26'·31N 27•41'-45E) (4.38). depths of 7 to 9 m. The N side of the entrance is
fringed with rocks, most of which are visible. The S
side is steep-lo.
2 Ahtopol light (black concrete tower, framework
superstructure, yellow top, 11 m in height) stands on
Nos Ahtopot
Anchorage for small vessels may be obtained in
depths of 7 rn, sand, W1lh shelter from all but E winds.
Depths in most of the bay are only 3 to 4 m, and very
shallow towards the shore.
J Berths are avaiJable for small vessels alongside a
110 m long pier. in the NW pan of the bay. Caution.
The pier is in poor condition and alongside depths are
Local knowledge is required to enter the bay.
Services. None available.

Maslen Nos from NE (4.28) 4.32
Origin-aldated 20 to Description. The town of Tsarevo (42'10'·10N
27°50'-40E) stands on the gently sloping shore to the
Photog,aph ~ CrNtive Commons· 1.0 Uf'Jiversal NW of Bukhta Tsarevo; a light-coloured six-storey
Public Domain DfKfication buik:Ung is conspicuous at the N edge. Nos Kastro is
the S entrance point from where a red-roofed church
Koru Burnu to Burgaski ZaHv is conspicuous; E of this point and about 3'h cables
4.29 offshore. there are some above-water rocks. A reef
From a position NE of Koru Bumu (41°53'·10N extends off Nos Umnos, the N entrance point. Depths
28.03'·34E), the coastal passage to the approaches to are 10 to 13 m in the entrance to the bay, and
Burgaski Zaliv proceeds generally NW for about decrease gradually to the shore.
30 miles through waters clear of char1eddangers to a 2 Harbour. A small harbour, which is a subsidiary of
traffic roundabout (centred on 42'29'·00N 28'05'-00E) Burgas (4.48), is situated in the cove. It is protected
(4.26), passing: by an E breakwater extending S, and a short W
2 NE of Nos Rezovo (41'59'·03N 28'02'·13E), breakwater extending E. A dolphin lies close E of the
(4.30) thence: head of the w breakwater: and a light (white round
NE of Nos Sinemorets (42'03'-48N 2r58'·85E). stone tower, 9 m in height) stands at the head of the
A beacon stands on this point. Thence: E breakwater.
NE of Nos Ahtopol (42'06'·10N 27'56'·40E) 3 Useful marks:
(4.31), thence: Light {42'10'-01 N 27'52'·08E) exhib~ed from a
NE of Tsarevo (42'10'·10N 27'50'-40E) (4.32), rock off Nos Kastro.
thence: Light (White round stone tower, 9 m in height)
NE of Nos Urdoviza (42°14'·10N 27°46'·70E), a (42'10'·30N 27°51'·70E) el<hiMed from the
steep white promontory from which a sunken head of the E breakwater.
reef extends 1 mile SE. Thence: " Anchorage can be obtained in depths of 20 to
3 NE of Maslen Nos (42'18'·45N 27'47''63E). This 27 m. sand, off the entrance to the cove. Small
headland, a high sleep promontory, projects vessels anchor in the bay according to draught, sand
5 cables E of the general line of the coast and and stone.
is fringed by sunken rocks. Thence: Ber1hs. The harbour is fully quayed on the N shore
NE of Nos Korakya (42'20'-06N 27'47'-06E), and inside both breakwaters; depths 1 to 5 m.
which is steep-to. s Services. Minor medlanical repairs, fibreglass boat
(Directions contino« for BurgaskiZaliv at 4.38, builders, fuel by jerry can, water on the quay,
and for the roasta/ passage to provisions, hospital, bus station.
Vamenskl Z,a./iv al 4.79)

Anchorages and harbours Zaliv Mladost

Rezovo Description. Zaliv Mladost is entered S of Nos
4.30 Kyupriya {42'15'·79N 27'45'·21E). The bay is open E
Anchorage, sheltered from the N by Nos Rezovo and has depths of 4 m over a sandy bottom.
(41'59'·03N 28'02'·13E), may be obtained by small Oyavofska Reka (Devil's R1Ver) enters the bay in the
vessels in depths of about 5 m in the cove that lies at NW part.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

A sunken reef. on which there some above-wa1et Area No 052, NW of Nos Khrisosotria (4.43).
rocks, extends about 1 'hcab~s N from the S shore of Area No 053. enciosing Nos Talasakra (4.63).
the bay and a similar reef, whieh partly shelters the Area No 054, NW of Sozopol breakwater (4.43).
anchorage, extends about the same distance SE of 2 Areas in which anchoring, fishing, submarine
Nos Kyupriya. and seabed operations are prohibited:
2 The town of Primorsko. which has a smaU artificial Area No 319 lies between Ostrov Sveti Ivan
harbour, lies in the N part of the bay. (4.38) and Sozopol.
Alongside berths for small vessels are available See Appendix 4.
on the W side of an L-shaped mole within the
harbour. Vessels up to 3 m draught can be
accommodated. An elliptical-shaped basin with its Directions
entrance open SW, lies close NNW of the mole. (continuedfrom 4.29)
3 Primorsko Light {white round tower on pedestal. 6 m
in height) stands at the head of the mole about Principal marks
5 cables W of Nos Kyupriya. 4.38
Local knowledge is required lo enter this harbour. Landmarks:
Anchorage for small vessels with their stems Bakiirliika (42'23'·33N 27°36'·12E), the most
secured to the shore, is available in depths of 7 to conspicuous peak of the chain of mountains
9 m in the S part of the harbour and in depths of 7 m rising within the S shore ot the gulf. From SE,
in the N part of the harbour. its summit appears rounded, whilst from NE it
appears as a doub~ peak.
Bibema (42'39'·90N 27'34'·83E).
BURGASKIZAUV 2 Shaito (42'44'·50N 27'23'·50E), the highest of
three peaks rising from a valley at the head of
the gult. The other two peaks are oval with
General information
nipple-shaped summits and appear N and S
Topography of Shiito.
4.34 Sveti lfiya (42"43'·27N 27'52'·35E). a rounded
Burgaski Zaliv is entered between Nos Korakya tree-covered mountain.
(42°20'·06N 27°47'·06E) (4.29) and Nos Emine Nos Emine (42°42'·07N 27'54'·00E), a bold
headland with cliffs from 36 to 45 m high.
(22'h miles NNE) (4.38) and is the only part of the W
side of the Black Sea where there are several good 3 Major lights:
anchorages. Maslen Nos Light (42°18'·45N 27°47'·63E) (4.28).
The S shore of the gutt is backed by a chain of Sveti Ivan Light (white round concrete tower on
mountains that rise to a height of over 300 m (4.38), building, 13 m in height) (42'26'·31 N
27'41'-45E) which stands on Ostrov Sveti Ivan.
and is indented by a number of bays.
2 The outer part of the N shore of the gult is backed Nos Emine Light (white round tower on dwelling,
by a wooded range which rises to heights of over 9 m in height) (42°42'·07N 27'54'·00E).
300 m. This range has four distinctive peaks at its E
extremity, 4 miles W of Nos Emine, and three
distinctive peaks at its W extremity. Eastem approach to Burgas
Vessel traffic service Initial position. Traffic roundabout centred on
4.,35 42°29'-00N as-os-ooe.
Burgas Vessel TrafficService is in operation for the Route. The E approach route to Burgas leads W
control of shipping within Burgaski Zaliv. See for about 16 miles by way of a TSS (4.36), through
ADMIRAL TY List of Radio Signals Volume6(3). waters clear of charted dangers, to the traffic
Positions of reporting points are shown on the chart roundabout (centred 42'29.·00N 27'42'·00E) at the
entrance of the inner part of Burgaski Zaliv.
Traffic regulations (Directions continue for the port of Burgas at 4.62)
Traffic separation schemes joined by traffic
roundabouts form the E and NE approaches to the North-eastem approach to Burgas
port of Burgas and that part of the coastal route that 4.40
leads across the entrance of Burgaski Zaliv. Initial position. Traffic roundabout centred 3 miles
All vessels with a displacement of more than 300 gt SE of Nos Emine (42'42'·07N 27'54'·00E) (4.38).
must use the TSS when entering or leaving port or Route. The NE approach route to Burgas leads SW
when following the coastal route beiween ports. for 15 mues, by way of a TSS, to the traffic
2 These TSS are not IMO-adopted, bU1 the Bulgarian roundabout (centred 42°29'·00N 27°42'·00E) at the
Authorities advise that the principles for the use of a entrance to the inner part of Burgaski Zaliv, passing:
routeing system, defined in Rule 10 of the International 2 SE of Nos Emine (42°42.·07N 27°54'·00E).
Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (1972), thence:
apply. Close SE of Banka Koketrays (Cockatrice Bank)
(42°38'·72N 27°53'·28E), a shoal with a least
Regulated areas depth of 9· 1 m. Thence:
4.37 SE of Nesebiirska Light (metal framework tower,
Areas In which navigation, fishing and 6 m in height) (42°39'·30N 27'43'·80E). thence:
underwater actlvltles are prohibited: 3 SE of Pomoriyski Rif Light (black round stone
Area No 051. enclosing Nos Atiya (4.63) from tower. yellow band on pedestal, 8 m in height)
42'26'·75N 27'34'·46E to 42'27'·23N (42'33'-06N 27'39'·69E).
27'35'·66E. (Directionscontinue for the port of Burgas at 4.62)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Coastal route across entrance to Burgaski Zaliv 3 Harbour. A harbour is formed by Ostrov Sveti Kiril
4.41 and a breakwater 150 m in length that joins the NE
From lhe traffic roundabout centred on 42°29'-00N point of lhe islet to the peninsula E.
28°0S'·OOE the coastal route across the entrance to Regulated areas. See 4.37.
Burgaski Zaliv leads NW tor 12 m~es. by way al a Berths. The longest is 170 m in length with a depth
TSS, to lhe traffic roundabout (centred 42°40'-00N alongside of 4·5 m; border police. A marina lies at the
27°57'·00E). 3 miles SE ot Nos Emine. SE end of lhe harbour, with berlhs for fishing vessels
(Directionscontinue for the coastal IOCJle to to lhe NE.
VamenskiZaliv at 4. 79) Llghl A light (private) ma'1<s the S entrance to the
Anchorages and small harbours on the south
shore of Burgaskl Zallv Anchorages and small harbours on the north
shore of Burgaski Zaliv
Zaliv Kavatsite Neseburski Zallv
4.42 4.44
Descrlp11on. Zaliv Kavatsite is centred between Nos Neseburski Zaliv is entered between Nos Emine
Sveta Agalina (42.22'·70N 21•42'·50E) and Nos (42°42'·07N 27°54'·OOE) (4.40) and the town of
Kolokita 2 miles NNE. Some above-water rocks ie Nesebur, 7'h miles WSW. The bay Is open between E
1 V.. miles N of Nos Sveta Agalina. and s.
2 Good anchorage during the summer may be Anchorage. Shelter anchorage may be obtained in
obtained t !.4 miles offshore in depths of 33 to 36 m, an area of 1 ·5 mile radius, centred on position
mud. Large vessels should anchor with the entrance 42"39'·98N 27°48'·92E. However lhe best anchorage
point bearing w of N. Smaller vessels may obtain is obtained in depths of 13 m, mud, about 21/2 miles W
anchorage closer inshore, in depths of about 13 m. of Nos Emine and 4 cables offshore.
1 mile NNW of Nos Sveta Agalina. 2 A holiday resort area. in which there are
numerous high buildings, is si1uated at me head of
Soza pol NesebUrski ZaJiv, N of NesebUr.
Sveti Vias fronts the town of Vias, about 6 miles W
Description. The town of Sozopol (42°25''45N
of Nos Ermine. The entrance to the marina opens W,
21•41 '·68E) is situated on Poluostrov Kiril. It is a
and vessels up to 25 m LOA can be accommodated.
popular tourist resort and the harbour is a subsidiary 3 Cautions. Attention is drawn to Banka Koketrays
al Burgas (4.48). (42'38'·78N 27'52'·85E) (4.40) and the charted
Sozopolski Zaliv, which lies to the w ot lhe town, is obstruction about 2'h miles SW ol Nos Emine. A
en1ered between Ostrov Sveti Kiril (42.25'·54N mame farm, lit by buoys (special), is located close
21•4 t '·48E), an islet 2 cables NW of Poluostrov Ksil. inshore of the E anchorage.
and Nos Khrisosotira (42°25'·86N 27°39'·36E). Ostrov
Sveti Ivan (4.38) lies in lhe approaches to lhis bay.
2 The passage between Ostrov Sveti Ivan and lhe NesebUr
mainland is restricted to vessels ot 300 gt or less. 4.45
Caution. A marine farm. marl<ed by two light buoys The town of Nesebur (42'39'·38N 27'43'·80E)
(special), lies to lhe NW of lhe island. stands on a rocky peninsula connected to the
A pipeline and diffuser are located 1'/, mies W of mailland by a narrow causeway. The town is a
Sozopol. Area No 338, a prohibited anchorage area, popular tourist resort and handles ferries and Black
surrounds the seaward end of the pipeline centred on Sea cruise vessels. The port lies S of the causeway
42°25'·59N 27°40'·14E. and is a subsidiary of Burgas (4.48).

Nesebur from SW (4.45)

Orign,1- 2006
Photograph - U Col O'Drxtn611.MV Minerva ll

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

2 Approaches. The port is approached from s by a 3 miles SE. Lightering operations are also carried out
recommended route. prior to berthing at the commercial harbour.
Caution. A safe clearance depth of 6·8 m lies dose
W of the NW end of the breakwater.
Port limits
Alongside berths are available at the passenger
terminal, situated on the S side of the peninsula. for
Burgas port area consists of all waters W of a line
vessels with a maximum length of 160 m and draught
joining Nos Lakhna (42"33'·03N 27°33'-44E} and Nos
of 7 m.
Talasakra (42°27'-02N 27°39'·09E). 7 miles SE. The
3 Light Neseburska Ught (4.40) stands at the head
port area is divided into an outer and inner harbour.
of the breakwater which extends SW from the
passenger quay. The boundary between the two harbours is the line
joining Nos Faros and Burgaski Nos.
Anchorage may be obtained, in depths of 9 to
14 m, sand and shell, between NesebUr and Nos
Akrotiriya, a steep rocky point lying 1 mile SW of Entry
Nesebur. Small vessels may obtain anchorage in the 4.50
harbour. The outer harbour is entered by way of a TSS
which leads W from the traffic roundabout (centred
Akheloy Reka 42"29'-00N 27°42'-00E). This TSS is not IMO-adopted
4.46 bu! the Bulgarian authorities advise that the principles
Anchorage may be obtained off the mouth of for the use of the routeing system. defined in Rule 1 O
Akheloy Reka (5 miles WSW of Nesebilr) in depths of of the International Regulations for Preventing
11 m, with the river mouth bearing 321 ". Co/fsions at Sea (1972). apply.
The approach to the anchorage passes S of Nos
Ravdenski (42°38'·20N 27°40'·65E}, a while rocky
point, and Ravdenski Rtt. which has a depth of 5·2 m. Port Authority
Pomorie Port Authority of Burgas. ul Prince Al Battenberg 1.
4.47 8000 Burgas. Bulgaria
Pomorie (42°33'·30N 27°38'·70E} stands on the
clrffs of a peninsula and on the low sandy isthmus that
joins this peninsula to the mainland. The town as a Limiting conditions
popular health resort specialising in mud baths; ii is
Controlling depth
also a centre for salt and wine production. The
harbour, which accommodates fishing and leisure era-fl There is a dredged depth of 11 m (2008) leading
is a subsidiary of Burgas (4.48).
into East Basin. The dredged depth to Terminal 2A is
2 Alongside berths. An angled mole, with a light at
15·5m (2008) and 11·7m (2018) in Wes! Basin.
Its head, extends 2 cables SW from the shore. Depths
between the head of the mole and two red light buoys
moored close inshore is maintained at 5·6 m. Depths Density of water
decrease gradually to the shore. Two light buoys (port 4.53
hand) are moored close N of the head of the mole. 1·012 - 1-014 gtm3.
A second angled mole extends SSE, then SW from
the shore, 3 cables E of the first mole, fonning a
fishing harbour. The SW end of the mole is it Arrival information
3 Landmarks: Vessel traffic service
Hotel Pomorie; boat-shaped and juts out to sea. 4.54
Harbour Master's office; close to the knuckle on See 4.35.
the mole.
Anchorage may be obtained about 1 'h miles w of
SE Pomoriyski Rif Light (42°33'·05N 27•39·,saE) Regulatlons
(4.40). 4.55
• Dangers. The rocky peninsula is fringed by a bank Vessels may not enter the territorial waters of the
which extends between NE and S from the peninsula. Republic of Bulgaria until permission to do so has
A number of detached reels, with depths of less than been obtained.
6 m, are situated on the bank. Depths may not be measured wtth mechanical or
Services. Fresh water. fuel by road tanker. smaft other sounding lines except when authorised by the
repairs. pilol
2 S1gnalbng may only be carried out for a specified
BURGAS Vessels may not anchor outside defined areas.
Photographs may not be taken.
General information
3 Vessels entering the port must give way to vessels
Position and function Manoeuvring within the port is prohibtted:
4.48 Wllh a wind speed mote than 15 mis (Beaufort
Burgas (42°28'·59N 27°28'·92E} lies at the head of force 7), or visib~lly less than 300 m, for all
Burgaski Zaliv on the N side of the bay, and is vessels.
entered between Nos Foros (42°27'-69N 27°28'·76E} • Wllh a wind speed more than 12 mis (Beaufort
and Nos Burgaski (42•29·.31 N 27'28'·88E}. force 6), for vessels in ballast of more than
2 Burgas Is a major port The port consists of two 180 m in length.
harbours open to international trade, Burgas Wllh a wind speed more than 1 O mis (Beaufort
commercial harbour and Rossenetz 011 "lemunaf force 5), tor RoRo vessels.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Anchorages in the outer harbour Natural conditions

4.56 4.61
Anchorage areas lie between 3 cables and 4i.i mies Local magnetic anomalies. A local magnetic
ENE of Nos Foros, as follows: anomaly with a magnitude of up to t 8' has been
Area reported in the vicinity of Ostrov Sveta Anastasiya.
Availablefor: Climate information. See 1.151 and 1.159.
Vessels up to 150 m length Directions
(continued from 4.39 and 4.40)
2 Tankers up to 5000 gt
Principal marks
3 Vessels more than 150 m length 4.62
4 Tankers more than 5000 gt Landmarks:
Flare (42°26'·87N 27'32'·52E).
5 Vessels under quarantine and canying Hotel (42°29'·58N 27"28'·40E).
dangerous cargo Conveyor (42°28'-07N 27'26'·61E).
Major lights:
Pilotage Sveti Ivan Light (42°26'·31N 27'41'·45E) (4.38).
4.57 Sveta Anastasiya Light (white round concrete
Outer and Inner harbour. Pilotage is compulsory tower, 12 m in height) (42°28'·10N 27°33'·18E),
for all vessels over 100 gt. Pilots are embarked in which stands on Ostrov Sveta Anastasiya, an
positions 42°28'·50N 27°32'·00E (for draught less than islet about 24 m high.
13·5 m) and 42°29'·00N 27°39'·00E (for draught more lnn&r part of Burgaski Zaliv
than 13·5 m). They are available 24 hours and should 4.63
be ordered at least 2 hours in advance through the Initial position. Traffic roundabout centred on
agent. position 42'29',()()N 27"42'·00E.
Tugs Route. The route through the outer harbour leads
4.58 w for about 7 miles by way of a TSS. passing:
Tugs are available. Their use is compulsory by N of Nos Talasakra (42°27'·00N 27°39'·00E), a
vessels over 1000 gt. steep-to point. thence:
2 S of Stavro Banka (42'31'·20N 27°38'·40E), a
shoal with a least depth of 4·5 m, marked by a
light buoy (E cardinal). Thence:
General layout N of Nos Akin (42°27'·51N 27"37'·70E}. Skala
4.59 Malatsite, a shoal on which there are several
Outer harbour. Within the outer harbour lie above-water rocks, lies 2 cables NE of this
anchorage areas (4.56). Rossenetz Oil Terminal and a poinL Thence:
small port complex in the SE part of Zaliv Atiya 3 N of Nos Atiya (42°27'·75N 27'35'·06E), which
(42°27'·26N 27°33'•93E). may be identified by an isolated, rounded hill,
Rossenetz Oil Terminal (42°27'·10N 27"32''30E) 5 cables S, on which stands an Hellenic
(4.68), protected by a breakwater with a light at ils fortress and a beacon, 8 m in height. A signal
head. consists of two T-shaped tanker berths and a station stands on the point. Thence:
products berth. A small marina for the employees of , S of Banka Spitfaier (Spitfire Rock) (42°30'·80N
the terminal is located S of Chukalyata Beacon 27"34'·40E). with a least depth of 5·4 m.
(42°27'·42N 27'32'·30E). thence:
2 Inner harbour. Within dle inner hart>our lies the N of Sveta Anastasiya Light (4.62).
main commercial port of Burgas. which stands on the Final approach to Rossenetz Oil Terminal
N side of the bay. The harbour comprises E and W 4.64
basins between which is located Terminal 2A, Rossenetz Leading Beacons:
protected by a S breakwater approximately 6i.i cables Front beacon (white square tower, black stripe)
long. The port of Korabostroitelnitzi is on the SW (42'26'·50N 27"31'·77E).
shore of the bay (4.67). Rear beacon {similar structure, about 130 m from
3 A shipbuilding and repair complex, which lies at the front beacon).
N end of the W Basin, is capable of accepbng vessels 2 The alignment (180') of these beacons leads S for
up to 15 000 gt. The area stands on low-lying land about 1 mile through a channel marked by light buoys
separating Burgas Bay from Burgasko Ezero. (lateral). passing w of a breakwater the head of which
Regulated areas is marked by a light (white concrete platform. 5 m in
4.60 height).
Areas into which entry is prohibited: Final approach to Burgas harbour
Area No 018 is located 5 cables SW of Nos Atiya 4.65
(42°27'·80N 27'35'·10E). The final approach to Burgas commercial harbour
Area No 083 is located 2'1, mies NNE of Nos leads through a channel marked by light buoys
Atiya. QateraQ. passing S of Burgaskl Rif (42°29'·20N
Areas in which anchoring, fishing, submarine 27"30',()()E) and N of Nos Foros (4.48).
and seabed operations are prohibited: Thence the two buoyed channels lead N to the E
Area No 317 extends between Ostrov Sveta Basin and WNW to Terminal 2A and the w Basin.
Anastasiya (42'28'·10N 27°33'·20E} and the 2 The entrance to the E basin lies between the head
shore 1 mile SW. of the S and E motes, which are marked by lights
2 Area No 318 is located 5 cables E of Nos Allya (White round concrete tower with red bands. 14 m In
(42°27'·80N 27'35'·10E). hetght on the E breakwater and white round metal
See Appendix 4. tower, 6 m ., height on the S breakwater).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Berths Vessel traffic service

Burgas commercialharbour Varna Vessel Traffic Service is in operation for the
4.66 control of shipping in the approaches to Varna. See
Alongside berths. The largest berths are the bulk ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 6(3).
cargo quays Nos 31 and 32 on Terminal 2A Positions of reporting points are shown on the charts.
(42.28'·75N 27'28'·13E), with depths alongside of 14·2
to 14·8 m: maximum draught 14·6 m, LOA 290 m and Traffic regulations
52 500 dwt. Terminal 20A (42"29·-01N 21•28'·67E). 4.74
close W of the root of the breakwater, can A traffic separation scheme forms the coastal route
accommodate stem-to tankers up to 170 m long, between Burgaski Zaliv and Varnenski Zaliv for
6·5 m draught and 11 000 dwt. vessels ot over 300 gt The TSS is not IMO-adopted
2 The container terminal (Burgas West), comprising but the Bulgarian Authorities advise that the principles
4 berths, occupies the SE quay of Wes! Basin with tor the use of the routeing system, defined in Rule 1 O
charted depths of 7·3 to 1 M m. Fish and timber are of the International Regularions tor Prevenring
also handled in West Basin. Maximum draught for the Collisions at Sea (1972). apply.
shipyard is 5·4 m. ~ A recommended route for small vessels of up to
3 Port Translroy CW quay wall) (42.28'·70N 300 gt is sttuated. inshore of the TSS. between Nos
27°26'·97E), maximum size of vessel: 70 m LOA; Emine and Nos Galata.
draughl 4 m.
Regulated areas
Korabostroitelnitzi 4.75
4.67 Areas prohibited for navigation:
Korabostroitelnitsi harbour is approached from Area No 015, centred on 43•11'<1 l N 27'50'·68E.
Burgaski Reyd lhrough a buoyed channel. The Area No 016 is located 5 miles S of Nos Galata
harbour is protected by two breakwaters with beacons (4.79).
(white round metal towers, red or green bands, 4 m in Area No 019 bounded by a circle, radius
height) at their heads. Caution. A depth of 3·5 m lies 5 cables. centred on platform Galata
close S of the N breakwater; two shoat patches of (43'02'-67N 28•11'·60E).
4-7 m lie either side of No 6 buoy. 2 Areas prohibited for navigation, fishing and
underwater activity:
Rossenetz Oil Terminal Alea No 059 bounded by a circle, radius 1 mile,
4.68 situated 8'1, miles ESE of Nos Galata.
Jetty1, berth length 68 m, depth alongside 9·8 m, Area No 060 bounded by a circle. radius 1 mile,
maximum draught 9·6 m and 180 dwt; Jetty 2, berth situated 13'1, mDes SE of Nos Galata.
length 104 m, depth alongside 12·3 m, maximum Area No 061. radius 1 mile. is localed 7'h miles
draught 12 m and LOA 260 m; Jetty 3. length 54 m, ENE ol Nos Sveti Atanas (4.80).
depth alongside 7·2 m, maximum draught 6·8 m and Area No 062 bounded by a circle, radius 1 mile,
LOA 120m. situated 12'1, m~es SE of Nos Galata.
3 Areas in which navigation1 anchoring, fishing
and underwater activity are prohibited:
Port services Area No 080 (seasonal), a semicircular area.
situated 8 cables SW of Nos Sveti Georgi
Repairs (4.110).
Area No 081 (seasonaJ), a semicircular area,
Repairs available at the Ship Repair Yard in the W
situated 7 cables WSW of Nos Sveti Georgi.
Basin; slipway with 15 000 dwt capacity.
4 Areas prohibited for anchoring. fishing and
underwater activity:
Other facllltles
Area No 31 o is situated from 4 to 20 miles S and
SE of Nos Galata.
Bulk Kremi lightering barge: 120m LOA. 16000dwt. Area No 316 is situaled 10 miles ENE of Nos
two 30 tonne cranes. SSCC and SSCEC issued;
Sveti Atanas.
fire-fighting tugs available; hospital. Area No 321, centred on 43•11'·67N 27°47'·22E.
Supplies s Area No 323 is situated at the E end of
Varnensko Ezero (4.86) and encompasses a
water pipeline.
Fuel available by road tanker and barge, ff tendered
Area No 324, of radius 1 cable, is located in
well in advance; fresh water ~s available: provisions
are available at 24 hr notice. anchorage Area No 2.
See also Appendix 4.
Measured distance
Close S of Nos Galata (4.79) there are two
General Information measured distances:
Limtt marks: pairs of beacons (black and white).
Topography Distances (N to S): 1852 m and 3703 m.
4.72 Running track: ooo•-180•.
Between Nos Emine (42.42'·07N 27°54'-00E) and
Nos Galata (28 miles N) the coast is backed by Spoll ground
wooded hills which slope steeply to the sea and In 4.77
places are intersec.ted by river valeys. These hins rise Alea No 412 extends into Anchorage Area No 2
to heights of over 300 m. (4.83).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Local magnetic anomaly 27'54'·16E), standing at an elevation of 114 m

4.78 on Chemi Nos. Thence:
A local magnetic anomaly has been reported in lhe E of a building (conspicuous) (42'57'·53N
vicinity of Chemi Nos (42°55'·69N 27"54'·16E). 27"53'·78E) (4.79), thence:
" E of Reka Kamchiya Entrance Beacon (metal
Directions frameworl<tower, 18 m in height) (43°01'·45N
(continued from 4.41) 27'53'·19E). This beacon stands on the N side
of the river mouth, which forms a break in the
Principal marks coastal hiRs and White cijffs. Thence:
4.79 E of Nos llandzhik (43'03'-4-0N 27'54'·50E),
Landmarks: thence:
Radio tower (42°50'·69N 27°52'-SSE). s W of Galata platform (43'02'·67N 28'11'·60E), a
Panayot Koru (42°53'·21 N 27•51··96E). submarine gas pipeline connects the platform
Building (42°57'·53N 27°53'·78E). to a posrtion on the coast, 3 m~es N of Nos
Nos Galata (43°10'·25N 21•56'·73E). A steep and llandzhik. Pipelines also extend E of the
high headland covered wilh cultivated fields. platform. Thence:
which gives it a bright colour in comparison E of Nos Galata (43'10'·25N 27°56'·73E) (4.79).
with a tree-covered coast to the S. A (Directions continue for the
lighthouse stands on the headland. port of Vama at 4.102,
2 A television tower, lit by red lights, height 305 m, and for coastal passage to
stands E of the city of vama in position Nos Katiakra at 4.116)
43•13·.92N 27°57'·36E.
Major lights: Anchorages and small harbours
Nos Emine Light (42°42'•07N 27°54'-00E) (4.38).
Nos Galata Light (Whtte 8-sided tower. beige 4.81
stripes and dwelling, 22 m in height) Anchorage, wtth some shelter from NW winds. can
(43°10'·21 N 21°56'· 70E). be obtained in depths of 16 to 20 m abreast the
vilage of Obzor (42'49'·16N 27'52'·71E).
Landmark. Light-coloured multi-storey building on
the outskirts of the village.
Nos Sveti Atanas
Anchorage in fine weather can be obtained close S
of Nos Sveti Atanas (42°51 '·25N 27°54'·08E). The
harbour of Byala, which consists of an angled
breakwater extending 330 m SSW then SW, lies 500 m
W of the cape. Vessels berth bow or stem-to the
mole on the inner side of the breakwater, or to berths
to staging and a short jetty, that lie up to 150 m W of
the root of the breakwater. Depths are a.bout 4 m near
the head of the breakwater. decreasing towards the
2 Cautions. Fish traps lie to the SE of the
breakwater. Shoaling, wtth depths of less than 1 m, lie
off the head of the breakwater, keep at least 50 m off
when entering the harbour. A shallow patch with a
depth of less than 1 m lies between the head of the
Nos Galata Lighthouses, old and new (4.79) breakwater and the short jetty.
Origin-:ti<lated201 s 3 Local knowledge is required to enter the harbour.
Landmark. Modern house on the N shore by the
Photograph - Captain Perer MosseJbetper short jetty.
Services. Fresh water from a tap on the mole.
Burgaskl Zallv to Vamenskl zanv Designated anchorage areas
4.80 4.83
Route. From the traffic roundabout centred on Area No 2 (43'08'·30N 27'57'·54E). in which
42°40'·00N 27'57'·00E the track between Burgaski vessels may anchor between 1st May and 30th
Zaliv and Vamenski Zaliv leads N for about 31 miles September, ltes 21h miles S of Nos Galata. Caution. A
by way of a TSS (4.74), passing: wreck lies in the central part of the area, 21h miles
E of Nos Emine (42°42'-07N 27°54'-00E) (4.38), SSE of Nos Galata. See regulated areas 4.75.
thence: 2 Area No 1 (43'12'·30N 27'59'·00E), in which
2 E of Nos Kochan (42'45'·80N 27°53'·7SE), a vessels may anchor between tst October and 30th
steep headland wooded on its S side. lheoee: April. lies S of Evksinograd Zaliv (4.85). An area
E of Nos Sveti Atanas (42°51'·24N 27"54'-04E), a (No 13) into Which entry is prohibrted, marked by
headland wtth a 350 m breakwater projecting buoys (N and S cardinaQ lies ciose W of Anchorage
SSW, 400 m E. A beacon stands on the area No 1.
headland. Thence: 3 Area No 4 (43'04'·83N 27'57'·00E), for quarantine
3 E of a beacon (42•53·-02N 27"53'·64E), stand',ng and dangerous goods, lies 5'h miles S of Nos Galata.
at an elevation of 137 m. on Beli Nos. Thence: Area Nos 3 (43'12'·05N 27'51'·11E) lies within
E of a beacon (metal frameworl< tower wtth black Vamensko Ezero and provides two anchor berths
and Whrte bands, 15 m in height) (42'55''69N Which have draught restnctions of 11·5 and 12·0 m.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

, Area 6 (43°11'·78N 27°51'·52E) is also located in

vamensko Ezero and provides one anchor ber1h for
tankers only with a draught res1riction of 9-5 m.
Area No 7 (43°11'·10N 27'48'·74E) is an
unrestricted anchorage in Vamensko Ezero, S of
Vamenski Zaliv
Several piers and small harbours are located on the
N shore of Varnenski Zaliv (43°11'·50N 27'57'·20E).
which are frequented by fishing boats and pleasure
Evksinograd Zaliv
4.85 Asparukhov Bridge (4.89)
Evksinograd (Yevksinograd) Zaliv (43°13'·06N
Original d3ted 2015
27'59'·06E), lies 1 mile w of Nos Sveti Georgi (4.110).
A breakwater, with a light at its head, extends 220 m Pbotiog,aph - Capl3h Peter Mosse/bet'ger
W from the E side of the bay and an L-shaped
breakwaterlies on the W side. A radio mast stands on
the latter. Berthing for small craft is available on the 2 OVerf'lead cables:
inside of both breakwaters. Evksinograd Palace (grey Four ovemead cables. each with safe clearances
and light coloured tower) (43'13'·15N 27'59'-69E) fies of 43 m. span Channel No 1 in the vicinity of
800 m E of the bay. 43•1t'"ISN 27°53'·00E.
2 Regula1ed areas. Area Nos 080 and 081 see 4.75. Three overhead cables. with a sate clearance of
Caution. Fishing stakes lie up to 2'h cables S of 41 m, span Channel No 2 in the vicinity of
the L-shaped breakwater. 43'11'-64N 27'43'·41E.
3 An ovemead cable, with a safe clearance of
VARNA 41 m. spans Channel No 2 at the entrance to
Beloslavsko Ezero in position 43°11'·79N
General information 27°42'-02E.

Position and function Density of water

4.86 4.90
The city of Varna (43°11'·13N 27°55'·12E) stands at Reported 1-013 gJm3.
the head of Varnenski Zaliv (4.84) on the N side of a
bridge of land that separates this bay from Vamensko Arrival information
Ezero. Varna is an important industrial city and port.
The port of Varna is situated on the S side of the Vessel traffic service
city and within Vamensko Ezero and Beloslavsko 4.91
Ezero, two lakes which lie w of Varna and are See 4.73.
connected 10 1he sea by channels. h specialises in
handling containers, general cargo, grain and Outer anchorage
passengers. 4.92
See 4.83 for details of designated anchorage areas.
Port limits
4.87 Pilo1age and tugs
The port area of Vama consists of the waters of 4.93
Vamenski 2aliv, Vamensko Ezero and Beloslavsko Sea pilotage from Nos Kaliakra (4.116) and Nos
Ezero. The small harbours of Balchik (43"23'·85N Emine (4.38) is recommended. Vessels requiring sea
28'09'·97E) (4.118) and Kavarna (43'24'·76N pilo1age must give 24 hours notice. and confirm the
28'21'•00E) (4.124) are administered by the port of requirement 12 hours before reaching the embarf<ation
Varna. poinl
2 Pilotage in the inner roads is compulsory for
Port Authority vessels over 100 gt. Pilots embarf< in lhe vicinity of the
4.88 traffic roundabout in position 43°11 '20N 28'00'·00E).
Port Varna EAO, 1 Slaveikov Square, Varna 9000. Tugs are compulsory for vessels over 1000 gt.
Regulated areas
Limiting conditions 4.94
Areas 10 which entry Is prohibited:
Vertlcal clearances Area No 013, 2 miles NNE of Nos Galata
4.89 (43'10'·25N 27'56'·73E).
Bridges: Area No 014, which extends 1 cable S from the
Asparuhov Bridge, with a vertical clearance of S mole in Varna harbour (43°11 '·SON
48 rn, spans Channel No 1 in position 21·ss·-00E).
43'11 '·42N 27'53'·10E. 2 Area In which anchoring and fishing are
Two bridges and an overhead cable span the prohibited:
unnamed channel leading NW from Odesos Area No311 (43°11'·70N 27'56'·00E), extending
Shipyard (4.107) in the vicinity of 43•11··76N up to 1 mBe E of 1he entrance to Varna
27°53'·69E. harbour.

e-NP24 - NMs - TRAMMO PARIS {IMO No.lM09792515)

Page: 163
Paragraph 4.93 2 line(s) 2-3 Replace by:
... vessels over 100 gt. Pilots embark in position 43°11'·34N 27°57'·41E.
Bulgarian Notice 3/9/19 (NP24-No 1-Wk 37/19)


Paragraph 4.93 2 line(s) 2-3 Replace by:
... vessels over 100 gt. Pilots embark in position 43°11 -, 34N 27°57' ·41 E.
Bulgarian Notice 3/9/19 [NP24-No 1-Wk 37/19)
e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Area No 315, 1 mile either side of the cable Vama-lztok (Varna East), which lies at the head of
extending 12 miles ESE from Nos Sveti Georgi Vamenski Zaliv on lhe S side of lhe city and is
(43°13'·33N 28'00'·55E). approached by a buoyed fairway, is the main general
Area No 321 (43'11'-67N 27°47'·24E) cargo port. It is formed by an E and a S mole and i1s
3 Area No 322 which extends up to 5 cables SSW, general layout can be seen on the chart.
from a position close W of Evksinograd Zafiv 2 Vama-Zapad (Varna West) lies 1 O miles W of
(Yevksinograd) (43'13'-06N 27°59'·06E). Vama-lztok on the S shore of Beloslavsko Ezero
Area No 327 (43°11 '·64N 27°54'·56E), W end of (4.86) and is approached by Channels Nos 1 and 2
Vama-lztock harbour. and Vamensko Ezero. Channel No 2 connects the IWo
Area No 328 (43'11'-03N 27°54''45E). entrance to lakes. The w side of Varnensko Ezero and the E side
Channel No 1. of Channel No 2 are dredged to 12 m (2015): safe
Area No 329 (43'11 '·32N 27'53'·24E), in Channel depths are 11 ·5 m in Channel No 1.
No 1. Terminals specialising in the handling of wood
• Area No 330 (43'11 '·43N 27°54'·46E), vicinity of products, coal for a power staneo and ferry boats
oil terminals. stand on the shores of Vamensko Ezero.
Area No 332 (43'11'·70N 27'43'-00E). crossing
Channel No 2. Development
Area No 333 (43°11'·75N 27°42'·50E), crossing 4.96
The general plan for the developmenl of the port
Channel No 2.
inciudes: a container and RoRo terminal on the island
See also Appendix 4.
under Asparuhov Bridge, grain terminal on the N side
Harbour of Vamensko Ezero, liquid chemical, cement and
clinker terminals at varna·Zapad and reconstruction of
General layout the passenger and RoRo terminals at Varna-lztok.
4.95 The port is the expected terminus for the South
The port complex of Varna is divided into twO main SO-earn gas which extends across lhe Black
parts. Varna and Varna-Zapad. Sea from Anapa (7.89).

-- --
Vama from E (4.95)
Ori,;jnal d3!ed 2016

Photograph - lanAfe.ichem

Vamenski Light

Vama from S (4.95)


e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Traffic signals
Traffic signals are displayed from: Oay Night
E Mole (43°11 '·48N 27°55'·24E)
S Mole (43"11'·48N 27°55'·07E)
Inner end of Channel No 1 (43.11 '·63N T O Storm from SE expected
T •

• • Wind Beaufort force 6-7

•• •• Entry prohibited under aD •• •• Severe squall expected

• •

+ •••
•.... •
Hurricane expected

0 Entry prohibtted •
• •
Wind Beaufort force 5 at
sea and Beaufort force
4-5 in lake expected
... 0• Entry and departure .1
••• Wind from NW expected

• • prohibtted

0• Departure prohibited
T ••• Wind from SW expected

• .1 •••• Wind from NE expected

•• 0
• Movement of small craft

• 0

T ••• Wind from SE expected

•• •• Movement prohibtted

• • Wind expected to veer

Traffic signals - Varna (4.97)

Storm and high wind signals

•• Wind expected lo back

Storm and high wind signals are displayed from E Stonn and high wind signals - Varna (4.98)
Mole (43°11 '•48N 27°55'·24E), S Mole (43°11'-48N
27°55'·07E) and inner end of Channel No 1 Time of expected weather signals
(43°11 '·63N 27°52'·69E). 4.99
Time of expected weather signals are displayed
from E Mole (43°11 '·48N 27°55'·24E), S Mole
(43°11'-48N 27°55' ·07E) and inner end of Channel
No 1 (43°11'-63N 27°52'·69E).
Day N;ght

•• Storm from NW expected


Storm from SW e)(pecled
-- Expected weather will arrive in morning

Expected weather will arrive in afternoon

.... 0• Storm from NE expected
Time ol expected weather signals - Varna (4.99)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Regulations for navigation in fairways and channels Berth Numbers 3 to 5. Total length 430 m with
4.100 depths alongside of 11 ·5 to t I ·7 m, bulk
Vessels with a draught of 8·5 m or more must show cargoes.
signals in accordance with Rule 28 o1 the International 2 Berth Numbers 7 to 9. Total length of 468 m with
Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (1972). depths alongside of 11·5 to 11·7 m, bulk
Navigation in Channels Nos 1 and 2 is one-way. cargoes.
The maximum speed permitted in these channels is Liquid chemicals. Two berths 440 m in length
6 kn. with depths alongside of 10·5 to 10·8 m.
Varna-Zapad: maximum vertical clearance 41 m.
Other terminals
Climate Information 4.106
4.101 Lesport (43'11'·96N 27'47'·8aE) Port for wood
See 1.151 and 1.160. products on the N side of Varnensko Ezero, which has
three berths for vessels with a draught of up to 9·2 m
and 230 m LOA.
Oireetions for entering harbour Oil terminals (43'11'·40N 27'54'·64E). Two berths;
(continued from 4.80)
Number I berth is 111 m long with 7 ·5 m depth and
can handle vessels up to 220 m LOA.
Principal marks
2 Port Odesos is located in position 43'11'·96N
2r53'·46E. close N of Asparuhov Bridge (43'1t'·60N
2r53'·42E). Access is via Channel No 1. then ENE
Tower (43'13'·15N 27'59'·69E): former Royal
and ESE from Buoy 123 (preferred channel to port)
summer palace (Evksinograd) stand'ing close
through a channel marked by lighl buoys (lateral).
within Nos Sveti Oimitur.
Berths 1 and 2 have a total length of 476 m and
Cathedral (43'12'·32N 27'54'·60E), which has
depths of 7-0 m alongside.
6 cupolas.
Coal terminal {Thermal Power Station)
Major light:
(43'11 '·60N 27'46'·07E) siluated 6 miles w of
Nos Galata Light (43'10'·25N 27'56'·73E) (4.79).
Varna-lztok. Three berths, longest and deepest is
Approach and entry 180 m in length with a depth alongside of 12·2 m.
From the vicinity of the TSS (centred on 43'11'-00N Port services
28'00'·00E) or Anchorage area No I, close NW, the Repairs
final approach to the port of vama-retox leads 4.107
generally W to the fairway channel, mall<ed by light Odesos Shipyard provides two floating docks at the
buoys (lateral). W end of Vama-lztok (43'11'·13N 27'55'·12E).
2 The fairway passes S of the breakwater, marked at MTG-Dolphin shipbuilding and repair yard
Its S extremity by Varnenski Ught (white round metal (43'11'-91N 27'46'·81E) on the N side of Vamensko
tower, 12 m in height) (43'11'·24N 27°55'·31E), and Ezero. Total quay length 900 m, draught up to 1 om.
leads to the entrance of Vama-1:ztok, which is marked Alongside berth for vessels up to 65 000 dwt.
by lights (whrte round metal towers, 6 m in height). Two floating docks for vessels of up to 8500 and
and to the entrance of Channel No I , mall<ed by tight 18 000 tonnes.
buoys (lateral).
3 Caution. A number of obstructions. with a depths of Other facilities
7·0 to 10·8 m, lie close S of the seaward entrance to 4.108
the fairway channel. Vama-lztok: SSCC issued; hospitals.
Useful mark: Vama-Zapad: SSCC; oily waste disposal.
Evksinograd Pier Light {whcte round stone tower. Supplies
t6 m in height) (43'13'·00N 27'59'·22E). 4.109
Fuel; fresh water available alongside and from
Ber1hs barges; provisions.
The harbour can accommodate vessels of up to General information
11 ·5 m draught and up to 53 000 gt Principal berths
are as follows: Topography
Passenger terminal. No 1 P
berth, 177 m in 4.110
length, maximum depth 8·7 m (with pontoon). Between Nos Sveti Georg, (43'13'·33N 28'00'·55E)
Number 5 berth. 169 m in length, 6·4 to 8·3 m and Nos Kaliakra (22 miles ENE) the coast is backed
depth, containers. by a narrow mountain range, which at first is
2 Number 6 berth. 143 m in length. 6·4 to 12-0m moderately flat. bul later becomes undulating.
depth, bulk. 2 This range is broken by the valley of Balchik (4.1 t 8)
Number 9 berth. 204 m in length, 10·4 to 10-8 m and a ravine near Kavarna, 7'h miles E. Balchlk valley
depth, general. lies at the W extremity of some chalk cliffs, by which rt
can be identified, and there is an isolated triangular
Vama-Zapad hilock in the middle of the range near Kavarna that is
4.105 easily identified from seaward.
Nineteen berths in total with depths of up to 11 ·8 m. 4.111
Principal berths are as follows: Holiday resort areas and marinas, in whieh there
Container terminal, Length 440 m with a depth are many high buildings, are situated on the coast
alongside of 10·7 to 11·7 m. between Nos Sveti Georgi and Balchik.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Ves.sel traffic service • Major lights:

4.112 Nos Galata Light (43°10'·25N 27°56'·73E) (4.79).
See 4.73. Nos Kaliakra Light (white stone tower on
dwelling, 10 m in height) - as above.
Traffic regulations Nos Svetl Georgl to No$ Kallakra
4.113 4.117
Traffic separation scheme is situated between the Initial position. Traffic roundabout centred
traffic roundabouts (centred on 43•11'-00N 2s•oo·-00E} 43°11'-00N 28.00'·00E.
in the entrance of Vamenski Zaliv and the traffic Roule. Traffic separation scheme (4.113) which
roundabout (centred on 43°20'·00N 28°29'-00E} SSE leads ENE for 23 miles to the traffic roundabout
of Nos Kaliakra. centred 2 miles SSE of Nos Kaliakra. passing SSE of
2 This TSS is not IMO-adopted but the Bulgarian Area No 111 (4.113).
authorities advise that the principles for the use of the 2 Historical note and legend. Nos Kaliakra (4.116),
routeing system, defined in Rule 1 O of the International which translates from the Greek as Beautiful
Regulations for Preventing CollisK)ns at Sea (1972), Headland, was the site of the naval Battle of Cape
apply. Kaliakra in August 1791. A smalJ museum located
nearby commemorates the Russian defeat of the
Regulated areas Turkish Navy; neither side lost a ship, but the
4.114 Ottomans later retreated to Istanbul.
Area temporarily dangerous for navigation: 3 The most popular legend about the cape is of forty
Area No 041 lies 1 o miles SSE of the traffic Butgarian girts, who preferred to tie their hair together
separation scheme. and jump into the sea, instead of being captured by
Area periodically dangerous for navigation: the Ottomans.
Area No 111 ties between the traffic separabon (Direclions continue for Mangalia ar 4.133)
scheme and Balchik (4.118).
2 Areas In which anchoring, fishing, submarine
and seabed operatlons are prohibited: Balchik
Area No 313 lies 1o/, miles NW of Nos Kaiakra. General information
Area No 314 lies 3 miles S of Balchik (4.118). 4.118
Area No 315, lies approximately 1 mile either side Position and function. The port of Balchik
of a cable extending 12 miles ESE from a (43"23'·85N 28'09'·97E} is situated about 16 miles NE
position 1 mile NNE of Nos Sveti Georgi. of Varna and is used for the handling of bulk grain,
Area No 337 lies in the NE TSS with a radi.Js of vegetable oil and livestock. Approximately
5 cables from position 43•11 '-40N 28°04'·30E. 185 000 tonnes of cargo are handled annually.
See Appendix 4. 2 Port Authority. The port of Balchik is administered
by the Port Complex Administration, Varna (4.86).
Kallakra Nature Reserve In 2006 the port was privatised.
Kaliakra Nature Reserve extends from ~ cable Limiting conditions
NNW of Nos Kaliakra to 3 m~es NNE; the area 4.119
encloses the cape and extends up to 4 cables Ma)limum size of vessel handled, 5000 dwt with a
offshore. All types of marine activity are prohibited, draught of 7·3 m.
except for scientific activity approved by the Ministry of Affival information
the Environment. 4.120
Pllotage is compulso,y. Pilots embark at the outer
roadstead of the port of Varna (4.93).
(continued from 4.80) Outer anchorage. No 5 Anchorage is centred
1 'h miles SE from the head of the breakwater.
Prohibited area. Anchoring and fishing are
Principal marks
prohibited within 3 cables of a submarine cable that
extends S from a position on the coast close NW of
the head of the breakwater, passing close to the SW
Hotel (glass facade; blue) (43°13'·60N comer of No 5 Anchorage.
28°00'·71E}, fronting Delfin Marina. 2 Regulations for foreign vessels. Only one foreign
Building (conspicuous) (43°17'-05N 28'02'·55E}.
Kaleto (hi!O (43'19'·82N 28'03'·35E}. vessel may be alongside at BaJchik at any one time.
Building (conspicuous) (43°21'·94N 28'04'•68E} in Directions
Kurort Albena (4.123). 4.121
2 Radio mast (43.23'·3 t N 28'06'·30E}. From the outer roads of the port of Varna the
Mosque (43°24'·18N 28°08'·6SE). recommended track leads NE then NNE, passing:
Silo (43°26'·11N 28'09'·30E). SE of Nos Sveti Georgi (43'13'·30N 28°00'·40E).
Water tower (43°25'·38N 28'16'·88E). A rock (position approximate) with a depth of
Pile (beacon) (43°24'•82N 28'20'·88E). 4·5 m lies 2 cables S of the headland. Thence:
Water tower (43'24'·77N 28°23'·88E}. 2 SE of Nos Sveti Konstantin (43°13'·60N
3 Nos Kaliakra (43.21'·64N 28°27'·87E}. The S 28°00'·80E). An artificial reef, consisting of a
extremity of a peninsula aboin 4 cables in sunken aircraft in 12 m of water. lies 7 cables
length, which from a distance E appears to be E of the poin~ close NW of the recommended
separate from the mainland to the N. This track. Navigation is prohibited in a circular area
headland mar1<.s the boundary between the of 1 cable radius from the position 43'13'·47N
high land S and the lower land N. A 28'01'·51E. The reef is used by recreational
lighthouse stands on the headland. divers. Thence:

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

3 ESE of a light buoy (E cardinal) (43.16'-47N breakwater, ties 2 cables W; vessels of 1 ·8 to 3·4 m
2a•04·.31E) which marks the outer edge of a draught can be accommooatec in the marina.
bank which extends up to 1 mile offsho<e in
places and has depths of between 1-8 and Anchorages and small harbour
7·2 m. Thence: Kurort Albena
ESE of a diving area (43.18'·30N 28.03'·80E). 4.123
Zlatni Pyasutsi (Zlanti Pjasatsi on chart 2283) Anchorage may be obtained in depths of 14 m.
(Golden Sands) Marina lies within the area, sand and mud, about 1 mile E of Kurort Albena
and a marine farm Hes to the N, Thence: (43'22'-00N 28'05'-00E).
• ESE or a mussel farm (43'19'·50N 28'05'·50E),
thence: Kavama
ESE of a second diving area (43.22'·00N 4.124
28.06'·00E), thence: A pier, marked by a light (while metal column,
WNW of Area No 314 (43.21'-00N 28'10'-SOE) black band wrth platfonn, 9 m in height) extends from
(4.114). the shore close SSE of Kavarna (43.25'·78N
Clear of a dangerous wreck (43'23'·54N 28'20'·57E).
25•10'·23E) 7 cables SE of Balchik Ligh1 Useful mark. A beacon (metal framework with black
c43•24·.oaN 25•09·.nE). and white bands. 15 m in height) stands at an
Useful mark. A beacon stands on the hillside elevation of 158 m close inshore about 2 miles WNW
1/:i of Kavarna Pier Light.
mile NE of the harbour pier.
2 An area of shellfish beds is centred approximately
Berths 2 m~es WSW of the harbour entrance.
4.122 The port is not open to foreign vessels.
The harbour has one main breakwater/mote, the
head of which is marked by a light (red metal column Nos Kalfakra
with platfonn. 8 m in height), providing 2 berlhs with a 4.125
total length or 164 m. Depths alongside are 7-6 to Anchorage may be obtained in depths of 13 m.
8·0 m. A small basin for fishing vessels lies close NW mud. about 1 mile WNW of Nos Kafiakra S of Area
of the berths and a marina. protected by an angled No 313 (4.114), and SE of an area of shellfish beds.


NOS KALIAl<RA TO CONSTANTA approaches to Midia, a scheme leads NW for
2'h miles from 44'17'·00N 28.46'·00E.
General information Recommended route between Mangalia and
Constanta leads E then N from position 43.47'·50N
Topography 28°38'-00E to the S end of the TSS leading to
4.126 Constania.
Between Nos Kaliakra (43.21'·72N 28.27'·89E) Regulated areas
(4.116) and Nos Shabla (12 miles NNE) the eoast is 4.129
flat and rocky with steep cliffs. which are reddish in Areas In wnlch anchoring, fishing, submarine
colour. and seabed operations are prohibited:
North of Nos Shabla the height of the cliffs Asea No 312 extends up to 21 miles NE of Nos
decreases and the coast is backed by a number of Kaliakra.
shallow lakes which are separated from the sea by Areas No 058, centred 41/2 miles E Nos Shabla.
narrow necks of land. For details see Appendix 4.
2 Holiday resort areas, in which there are many high
buildings, are situated between Mangalia (43'47'·76N Measured distances
28°34'·95E) (4.136) and Constanta (21 miles N). 4.130
In the vicinity of Capul Tuzla (43.59'·45N
International boundary 28'40'·02E) lour pairs of beacons mark three
4.127 measured distances. The N and central measured
The international boundary between Bulgaria and distances are t mile in length, the S measured
Romania, which is not mai1<ed by any natural feature. dis1ance is 2 miles in length. The track on all three
reaches the coast about 4 miles S of Mangalla at Nos distances is 000°-180°.
Sivriburun (43.44'·40N 28°34'•60E). 2 Beacons in the three N pairs are four sided metal
structures. black and white chequers, with the
Traffic regulations exception of the rear beacon of the N pair which has
4.128 black and white bands.
Traffic separation schemes and traffic The position of the front beacon of each pair is,
roundabouts. Two lanes of the TSS lead E and NE from N to S 9 cables NNW, 2 cables SSW, 1 V, miles
for 8 miles from the traffic roundabout centred 2 miles SSW and 3'h miles SSW of Capul Tuzla Light.
SSE of Nos Kaliakra. Kaliakra Nature Reserve
These TSS are not IMO-adopted but the Bulgarian
Authorities advise that the principles tor the use of the
routeing system, defined in Rule 1 O of the lnremariMal See 4.115.
Regulauons for Prevennng CoHisions at Sea (1972) Local magnetic anomaly
apply. 4.132
2 In the approaches to Constanja, another TSS leads In 1926 a magnetic anomaly was reported to exist
NW for 6'h miles from 44•oo··OON 28'50'-00E. In the between Nos Kaliakra and Capul Tuzla.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Directions general cargoes are handled. The port is a subsidiary

(continved from 4.117) of ConSlan\a.
2 Port and approaches. Portul Mangalia lies S of the
Principal marks
town at the E end of Lacul Mangalia. It is approached
from E by a recommended route.
Nos Kaliakra (43'21"·72N 28'27'·89E) (4.116). Anival infonnation
Mangalia Light (4-sided stone tower. 42 m in 4.137
height) (43'48'·65N 28'33'·52E). Anchorage is ava~able in the roads 3% miles NE of
Capul Tuzla Light (whtte round metal tower, with the harbour enlrance in depths of 23 to 29 m. The
black bands, 44 m in height) (43'59.-45N anchorage area, which has depths of between 23 and
28'39"·99E). 29 m, is shown on the plan.
Television mast (44'02"·20N 28'37'·37E). Caution. A dangerous wreck lies at 43'51 "·00N
2 Major lights: 28'40'·70E. An area to which entry is prchiolted is
Nos Kaliakra Light-as above. established with a radius of 5 cables. centred on this
Nos Shabla Light (white 8-sided stone tower, red position.
bands on pedestal, 32 m in height) 2 Pilotage and tugs are compulsory for all vessels.
(43'32"·37N 28'36'·48E). Requests for a pilot should be made at least 2 hours
Mangalia Light-as above. before arrival in the anchorage area. The pilot boards
Capul Tuzla Light-as above. 2 cables S of the NE breakwater head.
Constanta Entrance Lighthouse {44'06'-04N
28'42"-78E) (4.157). Harbour
Constanta Main Light (44'09'-48N 28'37'·83E) 4.138
(4.157). General layoul. The harbour is enclosed by the NE
and SE breakwaters and is divided into a N and S
Nos Kaliakra to Mangalia basin by a mole extending E from the shore.
4.134 The S basin (Bazinul de Sud) is the commercial
Initial position. Traffic roundabout SE of Nos pon and contains the main alongside berths. Entry to
Kaliakra centred on 43'20'-00N 28°29"-00E. the N basin (Bazinul de Nord) is prohibited to foreign
The coastal passage from Nos Kal1akra to the shipping.
approaches of the port of Mangalia (43'47'·76N Oaewoo-Mangalia Shipyard is situated in the SW
28'34'·95E) leads NE for about 8 miles by way of a part of the harbour.
traffic separation scheme (4.128) and then NNE for A third area lies to the W of the two basins in Lacul
about 22 miles. passing: Mangafia.
2 ESE of Nos Shabla (43'32'·16N 28'36'·68E). A 2 The port is enclosed by two breakwaters, Oigul de
steep headland which is not prominent from Sud-est and Oigul de Nord-est of 1 'h and 2 km in
seaward, but may be identified by a high length, respectively. which have light beacons at their
hillock 8 cables W of the point Regulated area heads. The main quay, 1150 m in length, can
No 058 lies 4 cables E of the cape (4.129). accommodate deep-draughted vessels.
(Directions conrinve for 4.139
tne final approach to Mangalia at 4.141} Curren!. In normal weather the current sets S off
Mangalia to Constanta the harbour entrance at a rate of 'h kn. The current
4.135 extends for about 3 miles offshore where its outer limit
Route. The recommended route between Mangalia can be distinguished, as the water forming the current
and Constanta leads initially 1 O miles E then N to a is darker in colour.
traffic separation scheme (4.128), passing: 4.140
E of the holiday resort complexes lying N of Regulations:
Mangalia. Thence: Vessels carrying toxic materials, explosives and
E of Capul TuZla (43'59'-44N 28'40"-02E), a inflammable materials are prohibited from
sloping headland of moderate elevation. See entering the roadstead and port.
4.130 for detaDs of measured distances. Foreign vessels are prohibited from entering
2 Cautions. Three areas of submerged rocks LacuJ Mangalia and the channel connecting
extending up to 1 'h miles offshore he between the basin to the lake.
Mangalia and Constanta. A fish trap and a marine Directions
farm. lie 1 mile SSE and 1 'h miles NE of Eforie Nord (continued from 4. 134)
Marina (44'03'·83N 28'38'·55E). 4.141
Useful marks: From the vicintty of 43'48'·00N 28°SO'·OOE, the
Measured distance beacons near Capul Tuzla
recommended approach route leads due W for
(4.130). 1 O miles to the harbour entrance. passing:
(Directions continue tor S of the harbour entrance light buoy (S cardinal)
the port of Constanta al 4. 157, (2¥- cables SE of NE breakwater head).
and for the coastal passage to 2 S of NE breakwater. the SE extremity of which is
Ostriv Zmiinyi a, 4.170) marked by a lighthouse (white dome on metal
framework tower, 21 m in height) and into
Mangalia harbour, the entrance of which is
General infonnation marked by lights (red and green domes on
4.136 grey stone buildings. 13 m in height).
Position and function. Mangafia (43'47'·76N 3 Cautions. Attention is drawn to an extensive shoal
28°34··9SE) is a popular holiday and health resort area lying S of the SE breakwater head. A second
situated on the N side of the E end of Lacul Mangalia. area with a least depth of 3·3 m lies close N of the
Chemical, fertilizer; dry and bquid bulk; bitumen and head of the NE breakwater.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

A shoal patch with a depth of 9·3 m lies in position Outer anchorages

43°47'·27N 28°36'·71E, a funher shoal patch with a 4.149
depth of 9·9 m lies 1 Y, cables farther SE. Anchorage areas Nos 1, 2 and 3 lie between 3 and
8 mies ESE of Capul Constanta.
Berths Vessels are designated to each area as follows:
Two berths for general cargo, with a combined No 1 Less than 40 000 gt, excluding tankers
length of 419 m and depths of 8·4 m alongside. lie on No 2 Over 40 000 gt, excluding tankers
the W face of the SE breakwater.
No 3 Tankers and vessels carrying liquefied gas
Port services 2 Anchoring outside the destgnated areas will be
4.143 aDowed only with pennission from the Port Authority.
Repairs: three dry docks, largest is length 360 m, tt was reported (2002) that the holding ground was
breadth 60 m, depth 13 m. Repair benhs. length good and that there was a strong S current In the
1600 m; major conversions up to 250 000 dwt; Goiath
crane wth 1000 ton capacity. OulTlg bad weather, smaJI vessels may enter the
Other facilities. SSCC only. port with the approval of the Harbour Master.
Supplies: fuel oil by barge; fresh water alongside; 3 Caution. With strong onshore winds or during
provisions. gales, a heavy swen is experienced in the roadstead
causing vessels to roll and sheer heavily. The swell
CONSTANTAAND APPROACHES continues alter the storm has passed. In 1988 and
1995. tlvee vessels dragged their anchors during
General information gales and were driven on to the breakwater,where the
Position and function vessels sank with resuttant heavy loss of life.
The city of Constanta backs Capul Constanta 4.150
(44°10'·30N 28'39'·80E), a headland which is the
Pilotage is compulsory for al vessels entering or
termination of a low promontory that extends for about
leaving harbour, or manoeuvring within the port.
5 cables from the general tine of the coast Pilots are available 24 hours and in fair weather
The port of Constanta lies to the S of this board within a circle of radius 5 cables centred on
promontory. 44°05'·06N 2s•42'·96E. In bad weather the pilot
2 Constanta is Romania's principal port and second
boards in the vicinity of 44°06'·23N 28°42'·20E.
largest city. The port handles general carqo,
The pilot launch is white with Pilot painted on its
chemicaJs, foodstuffs, timber, metals, containers, dry
bulk, oil, RoRo and passengers. side.
Tugs are available. Their use is compulsory for
Portul Constanta is approached by a traffic
separation scheme that leads NW from 44°00'-00N vessels over 1000 tonnes. For vessels under this
2s·so·-00E. tonnage, the need for the use of tugs will be left to
the cf,scretion of the pilot and the ship's master.
This TSS is not IMO-adopted but the Romanian
Authorities advise that the principles for the use of the Restricted area
routeing system, defined in Rule 1 o of the lnremalional 4.152
Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (1972), Area into which entry is prohibited:
apply. A military area, consisting of three zones, lies
Port Authority 1 mile S of Portul Constanta-Sud.
4.146 Regulations
Constanta Port Authority, lncinta Port, Gara 4.153
Maritima. 900900 Constanta. Romania. Traffic in the entrance approach channel is
one-way only, with vessels leaving the port having
Limiting conditions precedence over those arriving.
Controlling depth
4.147 Harbour
The entrance channel to Portul Constanta has General layout
charted depths of 17·8 to 21 ·9 m. 4.154
Vessels with a draught in excess of 12·5 m are onty
The commercial port area rs divided into two parts:
handled in daylight. the N part, Portul Constanta, which lies immediately S
of Capul Constanta; and the new port of Portul
Arrival information
Constanta-Sud, which lies 3 miles S of this headland.
Vessel traffic service Porwl Constanta is formed by a breakwater which
4.148 extends S and SE from Capul Constanta and
A vessel traffic service (VTS) wrth radar surveillance reclaimed land which extends E from the shore. The
is maintained for the regulation of shipping in the Old Harbour ~es in the N part ol this port and there
approaches to Constanta within a radius of t 2 miles are seven docks, with alongside benhs, in the S part.
from the VTS centre (44°10'·20N 28°39'·60E) to the 2 Porwl Constanta-Sud is fonned by a SE extension
coast and a line joining the seaward ends of of the breakwater protecting Capul Constanta.
Constanta breakwaters. reclaimed land extending E from the shore and a S
2 For details see ADMIRALTY Lisi of Radio Signals breakwater extending E from the shore about 5 miles
Volume 6(3). S of Capul Constanta.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Danube-Black Sea Canal

The Danube-Black Sea Canal joins the Black Sea
and the RrYer Danube near Constanta. It is located at
the end of the Danube Main Rhine Waterway which
crosses the whole of Europe connecting Constanta
with Rotterdam.
2 The canal is entered from the Black Sea at Portul
Constanta-Sud through the locks at Agigea (km 1 ·9).
The canal lhen trends NW to join the Danube via the
locks at Cernavoda. The length of the canal is
64·4 km and places along the canal are referenced by
their km distance from the Constanta entrance. The
breadth of the canal is 90 m, water depth 7-0 m which
allows a maximum draught of 5-5 m and 5000 dwt or
convoys of six barges of 3000 tonnes each. Bridge
clearances are 16·5 m and minimum curve radius is
3000 m.
3 The canal shortens the distance from the Black Sea
to the Danube ports by nearly 400 km.
There are two main ports on the canal:
Portul Murfatlar (BasarabQ: situated at Km 25;
seven operational berths within a basin on the
right bank of the canal; four waiting berths on
the canal; minimum depth in the basin 6·5 rn;
approximately 800 vessels and 400 000 tonnes
of cargo are handled annually.
• Portul Medgidia: situated at Km 37·5;
22 operational berths within a basin on the
right bank of the canal; a bunkering bef1h and
waiting berths lie outside the basin on the
canal; minimum depth 7 m wi1hin the basWI:
maximum draught 5·5 m; approximately
1000 vessels and 1-4 miflion tonnes of cargo
are handled annually. Constanta Main Light(4.157)
s The canal has a spur lmk. from approximately Origi?al- 2015
mid-length, lo Midia (4.173) on the Black Sea coast
This canal, Poarta Alb3-Midia-N3vodari Canal trends Pl,oe;g,aph -, Theodor Hinnchs
NE and has two sets of lac.ks at Ovidiu and Nilvodari.
The canal is 27·5 km in length, 35-50 m wide, depth
of waler 5·5 m which allows a maximum draught of by way of a TSS (4.128). marked at each end by
4·5 m. bridge clearance is 12·5 m. buoys (safe water).
Attention is drawn to a dangerous wreck which lies
Climate information 6 miles SSE of the harbour entrance, 2 cables outside
4.156 the SE-bound lane of the TSS.
See 1.151 and 1.161.
Basins and berths
Directions Portul Constanta
(continued from 4. 135) 4.160
Portul Constanta comprises the old port and
Principal marks consists of 12 basins wtth depths of 5·0 lo 13·5 m, with
4.157 15·5 km of quay. There are specialist terminals for
Landmarks: passengers, minerals, coal, crude oil and petroleum
Television mast (44°02'·21N 28°37'-41E). products, cereals. chemicals, rolled products,
Major lights: eontaoers and general goods.
Capul Tuzla (43°59'·45N 28'40'-02E).
Constanta Entrance Lighthouse (white tower, red Portul Constanta-Sud
stripes, 11 m in height) (44'06'·04N 4.161
28'42'·78E). Portul Constanta-Sud comprises the new port and
Constanta Main Light (while pyramidal concre1e consists of 13 km of quays and 25 operational
tower, 58 m in heigh!) (44'09'-49N 28'37'·83E). wharves wrth the ability to serve minerals, coal,
phosphates, crude oil, petroleum products, rolled
Caution products and general goods. Cautions. An obstruction
4.158 with a depth of 13·9 m lies 2 cables E of berth No 127:
Mariners are advised to exercise extreme caution a right buoy rN cardinal) is moored 1 cable E of berth
when navigating in the port or Its approaches. No 128.
Approaches Portul Tomls
4.159 4.162
From the vicinity of 44'00'·00N 28'50'-00E, the Portul Tomis. which lies close N of Capul
approach to Constanta harbour entrance proceeds NW Constanta, provides shelter for pleasure craft.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Constanta - Silos at Berth 68, Dock 9, Berth 58 & Dock 8 from E {4.160)
Originol d3!ed 2003

Jetty of which Lacul Sinoie and lacul Razim are the largest.
4.163 These lakes are separated from the sea by narrow
A T-shaped jetty extends V. cable ENE, from a sandy beaches. There are a number of fishery stations
position on the shore 1 mile NW of Capul Singo! along the coast, the buildings of which are visible from
{4.167). Buoys (N and S cardinal) mark the ends of seaward.
the jetty; a buoy Qsolated danger) lies close N of the • The coast N of Gura Sfintu Gheorghe continues low
S cardinal buoy. and sandy with few features visible from seaward
except for the five peaks of Dealul Be~tepe
Port services (45°05'-00N 29'03'-00E) which can be seen in good
Repairs visibility.
4.164 The approaches to the Danube Delta are described
at 5.18.
Repairs of all kinds can be carried out. One dry
dock 350 m long, 48 m width, 1 Om depth maximum,
200 000 dwt. Six floating docks capable of handling Hazards
vessels of up to 15 000 tonnes. 4.168
There are also shipyards at and Miclia. Oil and gas field. An oil and gas field lies about
22 mies S of Gura Sfintu Gheorghe. and consists of
Other lacHllles
seven platforms, five of which are connected by
submarine pipelines to the main plattonn (44°31'·SON
SSCC and SSCEC issued; hospttals; oily waste
29°33'·90E). Submarine oil and gas pipelines connect
disposal; salvage craft.
the main platfonn to the shore 34 miles WSW.
Supplies An isolated platfonn lies 16\/, miles SSE of Gura
4.166 Sfintu Gheorghe.
Fuel supplied by sett-propelled bunkering vessels Tanker mooring buoy. A mooring buoy at which
wtthin the port or at the roadstead; fresh water tankers may load o~ is located about 1 mile SW of the
alongside; provisions. main plattonn.


General information Traffic separation scheme. A traffic separation
Topography scheme leads NW for 2'1:t miles from 44°16'·00N
4.167 28°46'-00E towards Midia (4.173).
Between Capul Constanta {44°10'·30N 28°39'·80E) This TSS is not IMO-adopted but the Romanian
and Capul Singol (3 miles N), the coast consists of a Authorities advise that the principles for the use of the
steep cliff backed by the N suburbs of Constanta routeing system. defined in Rule 10 of the lnternaUona/
North of Capul Singol the coast consists of a Regulations for PrevenUng Collisions at Sea (1972),
sandbank separating Lacul Siutghiol from the sea. The apply.
holiday resort of Mamaia, in which there are many A recommended route leads between the
high buildings, stands on this sandbank. approaches lo Constanta and the entrance to the river
2 Between Capul Midia (44°21'-00N 28°41'·00E) Da.-ibe at Gura Sulina (45°09'·40N 29°39'·00E).
(4.173) and Gura Sfintu Gheorghe (50 m~es N) (5.60), 2 Prohibited areas. A rectangular prohibited area.
the coast. which except in the vicinity of Capul Miclia 6 mies long and orientated NNW/SSE. is centred
Is low and sandy, is generally only visible from 7V. miles SE of Capul Midia Light (4.170). The area
between 3 and 4 miles offshore. Within the S part of contains unknown metaltk: objects which may be
this stretch of the coast there are a number of lakes, residual miles.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

A prohibited area of radius 1 mile is centred on Midia

posltion 44°21'·89N 28'50'-61E. The area contains
submerged explosives. General information
3 Anchoring, trawling, fishing, dredging. submarine 4.173
works, diving and underwater explosN)ns are prohibited Position and function. Mldia (44'19'·26N
within the vicinity of an oceanographic data system 28'41 '·37E) is a large harbour located 10 miles N of
(44°14'·16N 28'39'·53E). Capul Constanta (44°10'·30N 2a•39',80E}. The port
The plattorms, tanker mooring buoy and pipefines handles mainly packed chemicals, ammonia, oil
(4.168) are contained within an area within which products and livestock.
anchoring, fishing and dredging are prohibited. 2 Approach and entry. Midia is approached by a
Anchoring, fishing and dredging are prohibtted within TSS leading NW for 3 miles from 44'15'·70N
1 mile of the pipeline connecting the oi platforms 28•45',ogE. and entered between two breakwaters. A
(4.168) to the shore. buoy (S cardinaQ is located 5 cables SSE of the E
breakwater. the entrance channel is buoyed.
Directions 3 Port Authority. Midia Port, Maritime Ports
(connnved from 4. 135) Administration Constanta SA, lncinta Port, Gara
Matilima, 900900 Cons1an1a, Romania.
Principal marks
4.170 Arrival information
Major lights: 4.174
Constanta Entrance Lighthouse (44'06'·04N Vessel traffic service. See 4.148.
28'42'·78E) (4.157). Anchorage. Vessels waiting to berth at Midia
Constanta Main Light (44°09.'4SN 28'37'·83E) should anchor off Constanta (4.149).
(4.157). Pilots. Pilotage is compulsory for berthing,
Capul Midia Light (metal frarnewor1< tower. red unberthing and manoeuvring of vessels wtthin the port.
and whtte bands, 22 m in height) (44°20.'1!4N The pilot boards in position 44°18'·00N 28'42'·50E.
28'40'·98E). Regulations. Tankers may berth in daylight only.
2 Sfintu Gheorghe Light (5.60).
Sulina Light (45'08''90N 29'45'·54E) (5.21). Harbour
Ostriv Zmilnyi Light (45'15•.30N 30'12'·17E) (4.7). 4.175
The harbour is protected from E by a breakwater
Track which extends s and SSE for about 1 y, miles from
4.171 Capul Mldia. A fight (whtte concrete tower, 18 m in
From a position E of Capul Tuzla (43'59'-44N height) stands on the head of the breakwater.
28'40'·02E) (4.135) the recommendedroute leads NE Protection from S Is afforded by a breakwater
and N for about 90 miles to the vicinity of Ostriv extending about 2 miles E from the shore. A light
Zmiinyi (45'15'·30N 30'12'·20E) (4.7), passing: (white concrete tower, 9 m in height) stands on the S
Clear of a dangerous wreck (Moskva) breakwater head.
(44°04'·04N 28'57'·17E), thence: Hazards. Residual mine area and prohibiled area:
Clear of a dangerous wreck (44'13'·00N see 4.168.
29'17'·50E), thence:
2 SE of an oil and gas field (44'31'·37N Directions for entering harbour
29°32'·44E) (4.168), thence: 4.176
The recommended route then leads N. passilg: Approaches . From the vicinity of 44°15'·50N
E of Gura Sfintu Gheorghe (44'53'·99N 28°45'-00E, the approach to Midia harbour entrance
29'36'·09E) (5.60), thence: proceeds NNW by way of a TSS, passing:
E of a dangerous wreck (44'57'·81N 29'46'·26E). Through the pilotage boarding position (4.174),
thence: thence:
3 E of Gura Surina (45'09'·43N 29°39'·11 E). The Clear of a shoal with a depth of 8·9 m
entrance may be identified at a distance of up (44°18'·79N 28'41 '·92E), marked by a light
to 1 O miles by the buildings of the town of buoy (S cardinal), thence:
Sulina (5.23). Thence: 2 Between the heads of the breakwater (lit) through
W of a dangerous wreck (45'11'·54N 30'07'·31E), a channel mar1<ed by light buoys (lateral).
thence: thence:
• E of a dangerous wreck wtth a depth of 11 m To the berths.
(45°14'·09N 30'03'·63E}, marked by a VlltUal
buoy (Isolated danger), thence: Basins and berths
W of Ostriv Zmiinyi (45'15'·30N 30°12'·20E}. 4.1n
4.172 Anchorages and moorings. A CALM buoy (ltt) has
Useful marks: been established 4 miles ESE from the harbour
Church in Vadu (44'27'·02N 28°44'·09E), a entrance; a pipeline extends from the buoy to the
village standing on high ground. shore. A wreck with a depth of 12·4 m, lies 1 'h miles
Por1ita Light (white metal framewor1< tower, black ENE of the CALM buoy.
bands. 23 m in height) (44'40'·53N 2 Alongside berths. The port consists of four crude
28'59'·24E}. This light originally marked a oil berths, Nos 1 to 4, total length 543 m, maximum
passage into the lakes which has now silted draught 8 m; maximum 20 000 dwt; four agribulk,
up. general and livestock berths, Nos 5 to 8, total length
(Directions continue for Gura Sulina at 5.21. 336 m, maximum draught 6·0 to 7·3 m: one oil
for the approaches to Kifiys'l<e Hyt1o prodUcts berth (three sections), No 9, length 204 m.
and Usf-Dunals'I< at 5.126. draught 4·0 to 7·9 m: three berths, PetJomar and
and for the offshore route to ports in Nos 10 and 11. maximum draught 5 to 6 m; one LPG
NW Black Sea at 6.12) berth (buoys), maximum draught 5·2 m.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

3 The port is connected to the Poarta Atba-Midia Smaff vessels can anchor closer inshore in depths
Navodari Canal which is a branch of the of5to7m.
Danube-Black Sea Canal.
Ostriv Zmiinyi
Port services
Zminyi Port. a subsidiary of Odesa (6.50), consists
of two berths: a freight and auxilliary berth. The freight
Repairs. Shipyard with specialised tacaitJes.
berth can accommodate vessels up to 8000 tonnes
Floating docks. Three docks accommodating
displacement and 6·5 m draught. Leading beacons are
vessels up to 65 000 dwt. There are also three berths
located on the NE side of the island, the alignment
with a total length of 720 m available for fitting oot
(154°) of which, leads to a T-shaped pier 106 m long,
54 m wide, with a depth of 11 m alongside.
2 Other facilities: hospitals at Constanta; oily waste
2 Anchorage In NE winds anchorage may be
disposal up to 600 tonnes; salvage tugs.
obtained in a depth of 23 m, shells, about 3 cables S
Supplies: fuel by bunkering vessel; fresh water
of the tighthouse. However the anchorage is unreliable
provided at quays or by barge.
due to poor holding ground and it being exposed to
the swell.
Anchorages and harbour Landing places. There are several landing places,
but lhe best is on the S side of the Island, where
Portita roadstead leading beacons. lhe alignment (348') of which, leads
4.179 to Pivdenna Zatoka.
Anchorage, sheltered from N and W, may be 3 Cautions. Ostriv Zmiinyi State Nature Reserve
obtained between 21h and 4 mites offshore from Portita extends up to 500 m from the coast; all activity which
Light (44"40'·20N 28"59'·28E) (4.172) for about disturbs the natural environment is prohibited.
14 miles ENE. Depths are between 15 and 20 m, ooze The island is surrounded by a great many
and sand. obswctions and wrecks, some of which are charted.
The coast in the vicinity is low-lying and hardly An explosives dumping ground (torpedo) lies
discernable from the anchorage. 8'h cables WSW from the lighthouse.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)



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e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Scope of the chapter Depths
5.1 5.5
The River Danube. which is the seeond longest Depths in the river vary considerably and range
river in Europe. rises in the Black Forest in Germany from between over 20 m, and less than 2 m,
and flows for 2850 km through Central and E Europe depending on the place and time of year. The draught
until tt enters the Black Sea. The total fall of the Lower of river traffic, which consists mainly of tugs and
Danube, from Km 931 to the estuary, is 34·4 m. The barges, is normally less than 2 m so that It can
river gradient in this section reduces gradualy from navigate the restricted parts of the river.
5 cm to 1 cm per 1 km.
2 On its passage to the sea, the River Danube
passes through, or forms part of, the boundaries of 5.6
The strength of the current in the river varies and is
nine countries where it is known as: Gennany and
normally about 2 to 3 kn in the wider parts of the river
Austria. Donau; Slovakia, Dunaj; Hungary. Duna;
Croatia. Serbia, Montenegro and Bulgaria. Ounav; but in the narrow defiles, rates of up to 8 kn may be
Romania, Oun8.rea; Ukraine, Dunay. experienced.
3 The cities of Regensburg, Linz, Wien (Vienna). Danube-Slack Sea Canal
Bratislava, Budapest and Beograd (Belgrade) stand on 5.7
its banks. The Danube-Black Sea Canal connects the
The Rhine-Main-Danube Link Canal was Danube River port of cemavcoa (44°20'·40N
completed in 1992 and provides a direct route for river 28"00'·81EJ to Portul Constan\a-Sud thereby
traffic between the Blaci< Sea and North Sea. shortening the river route to the Black Sea by nearly
400km. Soo 4.155.
Distances Maritime navigation
Distances from the river entrance are given by Former mine danger areas
distance posts set on the river bank. Between Sulina 5.8
and GalaV distances are given in nautical mies. In Former mine danger areas lie off the coast covered
other parts of the river, distances are given in by this chapter: soo Appendix 6 for details.
kilometres. Maritime Danube
Danube Commission Navigation by sea-going vessels. on that part of the
5.3 river known as the Maritime Danube, is possible to the
Navigation on the Danube is administered by the following Romanian, Ukrainian, and Moldovan river
Danube Commission. which was established i"1 1948. ports.
The headquarters of this organisation are in Budapest Portul Sulina (5.23) 45°09'·43N Mile O Romania
and the following countries are members: Austria, 29'39'·11E
Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Moldova,
Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, and Ukraine. Portul Tulcea (5.66) 45°11'·01N Mile39 Romania
River charts and other navigational publications are 28°41l'·05E
available from the offices of the Danube Commission. Port Reni (5. 76) 45"27'-48N Mile 69 Ukraine
Benczur utca 25. H-1068 Budapest, Hungary. 29°15'·71 E
Giurgiulesti 45"28'·18N Mile 72 Moldova
International 2a•13•,01 E
River navigation
Free Port (5.81)
Portul Galap (5.86) 45"25'-00N Mile 81 Romania
Commercial river navigation ends at Regensburg in Portul B<aila (5.92) 45°16'-00N Km 170 Romania
Germany, some 350 km ups1ream from Wien (Vienna). 21•sa··ooE
Except for a hydro-electric dam at the Iron Gates
Port 12rnayH (5.11 OJ 45°19'·17N Km 93 Ukraine
160 km E of Beograd (Belgrade), whicll is by-passed
by locks, navigation is uninterrupted from the Black 28°50'·71E
Sea. Port Klrya River- 45"25'•69N Km 47 Ukraine
2 The nature of the river varies. Above Wien and as it going vessels only 29•15•.9ee
passes through the Carpathian mountains at the (5.105)
Kagan gorges and Iron Gates. tt consists of a number
of narrow channels and turbulent rapids. South of Ust'-Ounais1< 45"28'·05N Km O Ukraine
Budapest, as tt crosses the Hungarian plains. and in (5.128) 29°42'·14E
its lower reaches as it approaches its delta. the river is 2 Deep-draught vessels visiting these ports enter the
slow-flowing and often several miles wide with Danube Delta by way of Gura Sulina (45°09'·40N
numerous channels and sandbanks. 29"39'-00E) (5.18).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

3 There is also an entrance via Bystre (Bystroye or Navigation

Novostambul's'ke) Hy~o (45'20'·30N 29°46'-00E), the 5.12
approach to which is through a channel mai1<ed by PilotaQe in the Maritime Danube is compulsory from
light buoys (lateral) and by leading fights. The the mouth of Bratul Sulina to Br21jla, regardless of
approach from seawards is obstructed by a bar; nationafhy.
dredging is carried out irregula~. and the local Pilot areas are as follows:
authorities should be consuhed for the latest depths. In 1. The Sulina pilotage covers the sea in a sector
February 2015, the authorities deciared a ttansh bounded by 02 Buoy (starboard hand)
draught of 3·0 m, but this declared depth changes (6¥< cables SE or the head of the N
frequently. A protective angled breakwater extends E breakwater). for a radius of 2 miles between
then SE from the shore close E of the leading lighls. 000'° and 121°.
A light buoy (S cardinal) lies 1 Y. cables off the head of z 2. Ports of the Maritime Danube and their
the breakwater. roadsteads.
3. In the Maritime Danube at M~e 35-36 and
Mile 44.
Vessel traffic service 4. On the River Danube at:
5.10 Km 108 on the Bratu! Sfintu Gheorghe.
River Danube Vessel Traffic Service is in operation Km I 15 on the Bratu I Ch ilia.
in the Ukraine area of the Danube from the confluence Km 175 on the Danube.
of the river Prut (45'28.·00N 28'12'·00E). to
Starostarnbul'skoye Hy~o and Bystre H~o (45°20'·30N
29°46'·00E) in the E. The seaward area is ~mrted by a
circle of radius 12 miles from the tight buoy (safe Regulations
water) in position 45'18'·63N 29°49'·20E. 5.13
2 The area is divided into three regions centred on These rules appty to the Maritime Danube from
Vylkove, lzmayil and Reni. Sulina to Briiila and are taken from the Regulation for
For further details see ADMIRALTY Ust of Ramo Navigation on the Danube. The full list of regulations
Signals Volume 6(3). can be obtained from the Lower Danube Authority,
Gala~. Romania.
For the purpose or assessing fees all vessels must
Navigation marks have a tonnage certificate. similar to the Suez Canal
5.11 Cerbficate.
Buoyage. The Maritime Danube is marked by
buoys and lights as follows:
z Vessels having a list of more than 4' are not
pemitted to sail in the Lower Danube Sector.
Dangers along the S Red cylindrical buoys, Masters have an obligation to inform the Authority
bank and S side of the spar buoys or posts. of the vessels fresh water draught on arrival from sea.
fairway This will be checked by the pilot before boarding.
Dangers along the N Green conicalbuoys, Vessels navigating the Lower Danube Sector must
bank and the N side of spar buoys or posts. keep to the right in the direction in which they are
the fairway
3 In unfavourable water and weather conditions, for
Junction or division of Spherical buoys or spar example when the water level is over + 300 ems at
fairway or danger in buoys wrth red and green Tulcea, the wind is over force 6 or there is floating ice,
fairway. horizontal bands. it is recommended that passage to Tulcea bend be
Lights on the S bank WMe pillars with a red carried out with the assistance of a tug.
Any sea-going vessel with a length of over 75 m
indicating the direction painted square.
must have an anchor ready for use when crossing
of the channel.
Surina bar, through Bra\ul Sulina and at difficutt points
Lights on the N bank Whhe pillars wilh a within the Authority's sector,
indicating the direction rhombic panel. green over • Ferries and other vessels crossing the river from
of the channel. white. one bank to another, must give way to vessels sailing
Lights on the extremity Whhe pilars with !WO white in the river.
of islands where the triangular panels points River vessels will give way 10 sea-going vessels.
In the Maritime Danube Sector from Sulina to BrAila,
channel is divided. together. White isophase
the maximum freshwater draught for sea-going
light showing main channel
vessels is 7-01 rn,
to the N of the island.
Vessels up lo 25 000 dwt, or 180 m LOA, may sail
Leading lights on the Whhe post whh a square in this sector under normal conditions.
S bank. yellow panel and vertical s When passing through areas where navigation is
black band. difficutt, or where levels are high and in Bratul Sulina,
vessels may not approach within 1 mile of other
Leading lighls on the Whhe post with a rhombic
N bank. yellow panel.
With the exception of passenger and rescue
2 Special beacons, as laid down in Rutes and vessels, if two vessels approach each other in an area
Regulations of the Danube, mark: of difficuft navigation, the downstream vessel has
Distances. priority.
River crossing points. 5.14
Anchorage areas. Vessels sailing in Bra\UI Sufina must keep to a
Turning places. suhable speed. In free sectors where there are no
Sections where two-way traffic. overtaking and reslrictions, the sailing speed is to be established
anchoring are protubned, jointly with the pilot and must not under any

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

circumstances exceed the limits specified below undet Danube Delta

normal water and weather conditions:
Size of sea-going Upsll'eam DownSlream 5.15
vessel I The delta of the River Danube, covering an area of
Small vessels 8 kn 9kn over 4500 km2, stretches from the takes backing the
coast near Portita (44°40'·50N 28°59'·00E) (4.172) to
Up to 1500 tonnes 7 kn 9kn Bukhta Zhebriians'ka (60 miles NE) (5.128), a bay
1500 to 12 000 tonnes 6 kn Skn which forms the approaches to the Ukrainian port of
usr-Dunais'k (45°2s·-00N 29°42'·00E).
12 000 to 25 000 tonnes 5 kn 7kn
2 Sailing abreast in Bratul Sulina is prohibited. There are two main entrance channels to the
Overtaking is only permitted between vessels up to Danube which join some 40 mies from the sea. They
4000 dwt. are from S, BraJul Sfintu Gheorghe (5.60) and Bra!UI
Sailing at night between Mile O and Sulina bar is Surina (5.18). The N entrance to Kiflys'ke Hyrlo (5.116)
prohibited to all vessels, except those belonging to the is via Ust'-Dunays'k and the Connecting Channel, this
Authority or those with special permission. Sailing at entrance is not for major sea-going vessels. It Is
night is prohibited for sea-going vessels from M!e O to estimated that these branches take 24%, 9% and 67%
34. of the river water, respectivety.
3 In reduced visibility sailing on Braiu1 Sulina is 2 Braiul Sulina. which was largely canalised in the
prohibited. In such circumstances the lntemalional late nineteenth century. is the main commercial
code flag U will be exhibited from the channel signal channel used by sea-going vessels visiting the
stations, or communicated by radiotelephone on maritime river ports, including lzmayil (5.110) and Kiliya
request to vessels intending to enter the canal. (5.105).
, If a strong current in the BraJul Sulina gives rise 10
diffiouh sailing conditions, a black pennant w;q be lntemational boundaries
exhibited from lzmayil Chalal signal station (Mile 43). 5.17
II ice appears on the Lower Danube, the Authority The international boundary between Romania,
will impose special. compulsory conditions. Ukraine and the S border of Moldova follows the
s Vessels with flammable or expk>sive material which Danube between its junction with the river Prut,
enter Bratul Sulina from sea will anchor in areas 2miles W of the port of Reni (45°27'·48N 28°15'·71E)
approved by the Authority. and the sea. The river Prut at 950 km long, is the
Vessels with flammable or explosive material sailing second longest tributary of the Danube and is
downstream on the Danube for transhipmen1 in order navigable from the mouth to the village of Sculeni
to go to sea, must await permission to enter the (Km 445). In the delta the boundary follows Kiliys'ke
channel at Mite 35. Hyrlo and reaches the coast 4 miles N of Sulina
6 Masters must comply with the recommendations of (45°09'-40N 29°39'·00E). The seaward extension of
the Danube Commission and MARPOL rules regarcf,ng the intemational boundary is marked by buoys
the prevention and control of water pollution. (speciaQ.


APPROACHES TO GURA SULINA Sufina from N. A light buoy (safe water) marks the N
approach, about 1 O!h miles N of Gura Sulina and a
General information fight buoy (special), marking the centre of a spoil
ground area, radius 5 cables. lies 2v... miles ENE of the
Topography l,ght buoy. Anchorage area No 1 lies close SW of the
5.18 safe-water light buoy, between the recommended
Between the mouth of BraJul Sfintu Gheorghe route and the coast A wreck (45°12'·55N 29°48'·01 E),
(44°52'·80N 29°37'·00E) and the mouth of O depth 4·1 m, marked by V-AIS ~solated danger), lies
chakivs'ka Hyrlo (35 miles N) the coast on the delta W of the recommended route.
on either side of Gura Sulina (45°09'·40N 29°39'-00E} 2 Caution. The N approach route passes through a
is low. sandy and lacking in vegetation. It is not easily former mine danger area (1.20) lhat extends up to
visible from seaward. 9 miles Co seaward off the entrance of
Starostambul'skoye Hyrlo and to the W al explosives
Depths dumping ground No 95. Vessels are advised to keep
5.19 stricdy to the recommended fairway.
Because of the alluvial soil brought down by the Directions
river. depths in the approaches to the delta are subject (continued from 4.172)
to frequent change and may not always correspond
with those shown on the chart. Principal marks
Recommended routes Ostriv Zmiinyi (45°15'·30N 30°12'·20E} (4.7).
5.20 Sulina Church, conspicuous (45°09'·38N
South approach. A recommended route 29°39'·62E) with former lighthouse. white
approaches Gura Sulina from the S. tower. green cupola.
North approach. A recommended route. with a Water tower (41 m in height) (45'09'·50N
maximum authorised draught of 7 m, approaches Gura 29°37"·70E}.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

2 Major lights: Ice

Sfintu Gheorghe Light (44°53'·99N 29•36'-09E) 5.28
(5.58). Ice occurs in winter. but icebreakers ensure all year
Ostriv Zmiinyi light - as above. navigation.
Sulina Light {round concrete tower, 48 m in
height) (45.08'·90N 29°45'·54E}. Current
North and south approaches Current in approach channel is between 0·7 and
5.22 3·8kn.
Vessels are advised to follow the recommended
routes (5.20) and H approaching from S lo remain in Anival information
depths of more than 20 m until certain of their position. Port operations
In the N approach, soundings give little guidance as 5.30
the shallow bank fronting Starostambul'skoye Hyrto The pilot station and harbour control are situated at
(45°13'·40N 29'44'·00E) is extending S and SE Sufina Lighthouse on the S breakwater (5.21).
towards Gura Sulina.
2 Useful marks: Vessel trafficservice
Bystre Hyrlo entrance leading lights (45.20'·50N 5.31
29'45'·80E). See 5.10.
Caution. Because of the low-lying coast lack of Outer anchorage
navigational marks and uncertain depths, mariners 5.32
without local knowtedge are advised to ascertain their An<:horage for vessels waiting to enter the river Is
position from Ostriv Zmiinyi (4.7) before closing Gura avalable in Rada Sulina (45'09'·40N 29'47'·63E),
Surina from the E. depths of 8 to 23 m, mud. The anchorage does not
(Directionscontmue al 5.37} provide much shelter from the E or NE, from which
direction winds frequently increase to gale force.
PORTUL SUUNA Pllotage and tugs
General information Pilotage. Pilots board in position 45•oa'·89N
29°47'-69E about I'I•miles E of Sulina Light (5.21).
Position and function
The pilot vessel is painted white wrth the word PILOT
5.23 in black on both sides. See 5.12.
The town of Surina (45°09'•43N 29°39'•11E) stands Tugs are available and their use Is compulsory in
on both banks of Bratul Sulina near its entrance to the certai'I weather conditions. see also 5.13.
sea. The main buildings of the town are situated on
the S bank of the river. Entry
Portul Sulina, principal riverine
one of Romania's 5.34
ports, is a free port and specialises in the handling, Entry is usually permitted in daylight hours only.
storing and transhipment of goods. Principal cargoes Sulina bar. When the bar is impassable, a signal
Include timber, steel products. phosphates, fertilizera, (A 1} (red panel with whtte vertical central stripe) Is
iron ore and containers. shown at Solina Lighthouse (5.21) signal station and
the mast of Sfintu Gheorghe station, or communicated
Port limits by radio.
The port limits extend S from the channel entrance Harbour
upstream to Mile 2.
General layout
Approach channel 5.35
5.25 The Free Zone consists of approximately
The port area is approached by a channel, 4 miles 100 hectares. with the following zones on the right
long, which has a bar at its seaward end. The channel bank of the river reported to be operational:
Is protected by N and S breakwaters. A detached uni~ The River Port which is served by a sea berth;
seawall, 500 m long, 3 to 5 m wide and orientated and the River-Maritime Transit Basin which is
NE/SW, lies 1000 m W of the channel entrance. served by live sea berths, 7Y. cables
downstream from Sulina Church.
Port Authority 2 There is no specialist terminal available, but
5.26 containers can be transhipped using floating cranes
Administratia Zonei Libere Sulina Regie Autonoma, and stored on open platforms.
Strada lntai No. 202, 825400 Sulina, Tulcea County.
Romania. Climate information
See 1.151 and 1.162.
Limiting conditions
Controlling depth (confinued from 5.22)
Sulina bar. The maintained depth in the navigation Principal marks
channel is 7·2 m, but the bar is sometimes impassable 5.37
due to massive deposits of sand. This condition is Landmarks:
most likely to occur in spring and summer (5.34). The Suina Church (45.09'·38N 29'39'·62E) (5.21).
minimum depth from Sulina bar to BrArla ranges from Water tower (45'09'·50N 29'37'·70E)
7·32 to 7·62 m (2019). (5.21).cement

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Major lights: River Port

Sulina Light (45.08'·90N 29•45·.54E) (5.21). 5.40
South bank. Sea berth for general cargo: 150 m
Entrance channel long; depths 8 lo 9 m.
From the vicinity of No 1 Light Buoy (safe water) Port services
(45'08'·04N 29'47'·58E) the faifway, marked by ight
buoys ~ateral), leads NW across the bar. passing
between the breakwater heads from which lights
(metal towers, 4 m in height) are exhiMed. Slipway for vessels of 1200 gt; minor hull and
(Directions continue forBra,.,,
Sulina at 5.59) engine repairs on request.
Other faciUties
Basins and berths 5.42
SSCC, SSCEC issued; medical facilities available al
River-MaritimeTransit Basin Sulina and Tulcea. Garbage facillties are available.
The River-Maritime Transit Basin has five sea Supplies
berths, with a total length of 1200 m, with depths 5.43
alongside of 6 to 9 m. Fuel by road tanker; fresh water; provisions.


GENERAL INFORMATION Navigational marks
Routes and areas covered See 5.11.
5.44 Limiting conditions
The routes and area covered by this section 5.49
comprises the stretch of the River Danube between: Least depth between Sulina and Galati is normally
Sullna (45'09'·43N 29'39'·11 E) (5.23) and Bra.ia 7·62 m (2018) and between Gala\i and Braila is 7·32 m
(45'17'·00N 27'59'·00E) (5.92). (2018) but this is subject to change and the charts
lzmayil Chatal (45'14'-00N 2s•45•-00E) and Port and lo<:al authorities must be consulted for the latest
Kiliya (45'25'·69N 29•15·.gsE) (5.105). information.
2 Gura Slintu Gheorghe (44.53'-00N 29•3r-00E)
(5.60) and Sflntu Gheorghe Chatal (45'11'-00N
28'54'·00E). See 5.13 and 5.14.
Major sea-going vessels approach the Ukrainian
ports of lzmayil (5.11 O) and Kiliya downstream from Natural conditions
lzmayil Chatal. Water level
Distances Variations in water level are seasonal Compared
5.45 to mean level, the variation is between 30 and 90 cm.
Distances between Solina and Galati (45'25'-00N In general the seasonal changes are as follows:
25•05 '·OOE) (5.86) are marked by distance posts March Level begins to rise
1 nautical mile apart. Distances between Galati, Braila,
lzmayil Chatal and Kiliya are marked by posts May Reaches highest level
1 kilometre apart. The mile distance posts are shown August Level begins to fall
on the local charts.
October Reaches lowest level

Pilotage 2 Information. All ports have water level indicators.

5.46 Data is displayed in white on black panels. General
Pilotage Is compulsory except for vessels under infonnation. including depths over snatow places, is
120 gt and vessels of up to 180 gt which pass over provided at Cnsan and Gorgova signal stations (5.47).
the Sulina bar in ballast. Water level information is also broadcast by Radio
Vessels visiting the Ukrainian ports of Reni, lzmayil Bucharest in Romanian, Russian and French.
and Kiliya will be guided by Romanian pilots of the Current
River Administration to lzmayil Chatal (Mile 43) (5.44) 5.52
where Ukrainian pilots wil embark. Depends on water level. For further details see
2 Port pilotage is available at Su6na, Tulcea, Gala~ 5.57, 5.64 and 5.74.
and Braila. Information. A red flag at lzmayil Chatal signal
Pilots for the Ukrainian part of the river are based station indicates the existence of currents running
at lzmayil. towards the banks in Tutcea (5.64). A black flag
signals strong currents In Bra\ul Sulina (5.57).
Signal stations Ice
5.47 5.53
Signal stations are situated at: Maritime Danube only treezes over in very cold
Crisan (Mile 11 ·2). winters, which occur about once in two years if the
Gorgova (Mile 21 ·3). temperature remains at -8" for 8 to 10 days. On
Slintu Gheorghe Chatal (Mie 33·5). average the lower Danube is navigable for 320 days in
lzmayil Chatal (Mile 43). the year.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

BRATUL SULINA Depths in the channel are between 7 and 8 m.

Dista.nees are mar1<ed by posts 1 km apart standing
General information on the S bank.
s Sfintu Gheorghe. The approach channel to the
Route vilage of Sfintu Gheorghe, which can only be used by
5.54 craft with a draught of less than 2 m, leads NE of
Bra\ul Sulina leads from Sulina (45"09'·40N lnsula Sacalin and close to the W side of the
29°39'·00E) to Slintu Gheorghe Chatal (Mile 34). entrance. The town of Sfintu Gheorghe (44°54'·00N
29"36' -OOE) stands on the N bank of the channel
abou1 3 km upstream from the entrance. The port has
moorings for river boats and a harbour.
Bra\ul Sullna consists mainly of a canal oonslJUCted
• Caution. Care must be taken not to confuse Sfintu
in the late nineteenth century, and except between
Gheorghe with the Ciotica Fishery Station which lies
miles 19-23 and 28-34 is almost completely straighL
4 miles SW of the viRage. Vessels are advised to keep
The old river, now only navigable by smal vessels,
clear of the fishing area.
takes a series of loops N of Bra!III Suina.
5 Useful marks. The entrance may be identified at a
2 This stretch of the river is between 120 and 200 m
wide and the fairway is between 90 and 120 m wide. distance of 6 or 7 miles from seaward by a group of
trees in the vicinity of Sfintu Gheorghe, and from the
The banks are low and unchanging with patches of
willow. In places they have been strengthened by appearance of some buildings in the locality.
retaining walls of stone.


See 5.13 and 5.14.
General Information
The strength of the current in this branch varies 5.61
Bra!III Tulcea leads from Sfintu Gheorghe Chatal
between 0·7 and 3·8 kn (5.52).
(45°11'-00N 28°54'·00E) (Mile 34) to isma,I Chalal
(Mia 43).
Directions Topography
(continued from 5.38) 5.62
Principal marks Bra!III Tulcea consists of a number of bends, the
5.58 one al the town of Tulcea being particularly sharp. The
Major lights: banks of this branch are low, except in the vicinity of
Sfintu Gheorghe Light (three-sided tower, 50 m in Tulcea, and are inclined to become inundated.
height} (44'53'·99N 29°36'·09E). This stretch of the river is between 200 and 550 m
wide and the width of the fairway Is at least 100 m
Approaches wide. The depth of the fairway varies between 7·3 and
5.59 35m.
From Portul Sulina. the fairway along Bratul Solina
follows the buoyed channel to Slintu Gheorghe Chatal Regulations
for 33Y.t miles, passing (with positions relative to 5.63
mileposts): Navigation at night is prohibited when the water
2 The entrance to the otd Danube leading N to levet in Portul Tulcea is raised more than 3 m.
Letea (Mile 9), thence: Overtaking ls prohibited in Tulcea bend between
The obelisk on the N bank (Mile 13) Mile38 and 40. See also 5.13 and 5.14.
commemorating the completion of Sulina ship
canal, thence: Current
3 The entrance to old Danube (Mile 13·5) leading N 5.64
to the vitlage of Mile 23, thence: The strength of the current in this branch varies
A stranded wreck (mile 30·9) at Partizani. between 0·8 and 4·7 kn.
(Directions continue tor Brapf Tulcea at 5.65)

Bratul Slintu Gheorghe (conbnued from 5.59)
General information From Sfintu Gheorghe Chatal the fairway follows
5.60 the buoyed channel to tzmayil Chatal for 9 miles,
Description. The entrance to Bratu! Sfintu passing (with posttions relative to the mile posts):
Gheorghe (44.53'·40N 29°36'-00E) is obstructed by W of Tulcea rock light snucture (45•11'·00N
lnsula Sacalin and a bar which has been formed by 28°49'-00E) (Mile 38). thence:
alluvial deposits. Depths in the area are subject to N of Portul Tulcea (Mile 37 to 40) (5.66), standing
frequent change. The tributary winds for about 110 km on the S bank of the river.
between Gura Slintu Gheorghe (44"53'·00N 2 Caution. There are powerful eddies in the vicinity of
29°37'·00E) and Sfintu Gheorghe Chatal (Mile 34) Tulcea rock. Vessels proceeding upriver, keeping to
(45°11 '·00N 28'54'·00E). the N bank. pass from slack water into the full force of
2 Its banks are low and marshy except in the vicinity the stream. whi<:h swings the bow off to port.
of the village of Mahmudla (45'05'-00N 29'06'·00E) (Directions cootinoe f-Or BrAila at 5.75,
where the Bestepe hills back the S bank. and f-Or lzmayd and Kiliya at 5.104)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Portul Tulcea pons of Gala\i and Braila, and on the N bank between
Mile 44-5 and 47, Where there are cliffs.
General information 2 The Mdth of the river varies between 1200 m at
5.66 lsaccea (Mile 56) and 350 m at Reni (Mile 69). Depths
Position and function. Portul Tulcea (45°11'-00N vaiy between 7·4 and 25 m.
28°48.·00E), situated on the s
bank of the Danube There are several large Jakes close behind the
between Mile 36 and 40 is one of the largest banks of the river Which are connected to the river by
Romanian river ports. unnavigable channels.
Main exports are ferro-alloys, aluminium hydroxide
and scrap iron. Main imports include bagged International boundary
chemicals, limestone, quartzite, bauxite, chrome ore. 5.72
bulk iron and coke. See 5.17.
2 Port limits cover the area between Mile 35·5 and
Mile 41. Anchorage
Largest vessel accommodated: 185 m LOA. 27 m 5.73
beam, 7 m draught. 60 m vertical height. 25 000 dwt. International Romanian-Ukrainian roadstead at
Port and River Authorities. Port Harbour Master's approximately Mile 44.
office, str. Portului no. 26, TuScea, Romania.
Arrival Information 5.74
5.67 The strength of the current in this stretch of the
Pilots and tugs. Pilotage is compulsoiy. Town rive, varies between 1 ·5 and 3 kn.
Pilots embark in the roads. Tugs are compulsoiy for
sea-going vessels with a length of more than 1()0 m. Directions
(continued from 5.65)
From lzmayil Chatal (Mile 43) the fairway to Braila
General layout. The port is made up of three
follows the buoyed channel for 49 miles. passing (with
specialist areas: the industrial port; the commercial
positions relative to mile posts as far as Galati and
port and the sea fishing harbour.
kilomeke posts thereafter):
Basins and berths A turning marker displayed on the S bank at
Mile 44·1. The mark indicates the position
Anchorage: where vessels turn onto their reciprocal
Romanian roadstead, between Mile 35 and course. Thence:
Mile 37, downstream from the Port ol Tulcea. 2 Scunda sand bar lying in the area of
River craft and sea-going vessels. Off S bank Mile 46·3-48: lhe maintained dredged depth is
between Mile 38·5 and 39. &9 m (2006). Thence:
2 Alongside berths: Restricted channel and markers showing
Industrial port. 330 m of berths, comprising two two-way traffic and overtaking prohibitions,
basins: a river basin 11 O m long; depth 3·5 m; displayed on the E bank at Mile 51-56.
a maritime basin 220 m long; depth 7·5 m in 3 S of a monument (Mile 52·7), a black cast iron
which raw materials can be handled using pyramid that commemorates the crossing of
quayside cranes. the Danube by Russian troops in 1828.
3 Commercial port, with a total length of 920 m; Thence:
depth 3·5 m, which can handle passenger Two submarine gas pipelines cross the river at
traffic and general cargo. Mile 53·32 and 53·38.
Sea fishing harbour, 285 m of quay; s,5 m depth. Overhead electricity cables cross the river at
Mile 53-65 and 53·9; the heights of the cables
Port servlees are 57 and 55 m respectively.
5.70 • N of lsaccea (Mile 56). a Romanian port fronled
Repairs: The Naval Shipyard is used for the by an islet. A stone embankment has been
construction and repair of sea-going and river vessels. built for berthing vessels and barges; a
and is equipped with a synchro-lilt with capacity of passenger pier is nearby and there is a
6500 dwt; launching slipways for vessels up to regular service to Braila. Hlstorleal note. The
15 000 dwt; fitting out quays, together with workshop Persian king, Darius, is believed to have
and assembly sheds. crossed the river here in 514 BC. This is also
2 Other facilities: SSCC, SSCEC issued; hospitals. the site of the Roman town, NoV1odunum, built
Supplies: bunkering by road tanker, poor notice in 369 AD, and a base for their fleet. Thence:
required; fresh water and provisions available. s E of a wreck (1 O m from W bank in a depth of
2 m, Mile 64·5), which is partly above water.
IZMAYIL CHATAL TO PORTUL BRAILA S of Reni (Mile 67 to 71) (5.76), thence:
S of Giurgiulesti International Freeport (Mile 72·2)
General Information (5.81), a Moldovan port on the N bank.
• S of the junction of the river Prut with lhe
Topography Danube (Mile 72·4). An uncharted islet lies in
5.71 the Danube at this confluence where it is
The Danube between lzmayil Chatal (45.14'-00N reported that the main channel passes N of
28'45'·00E) (Mile 43) and BrAila (45'17'·00N the islel Thence:
21°59·,ooE) (Km 145), a distance of 49 miles, is wide Portul Galati (Mile 78·2 to 84· 7) (5.86), a
and deep. In general, the banks are low except at the Romanian port on the N bank.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Port Reni Giurgiulesti International Free Port

General infonnation General information

5.76 5.81
Position and function. Port Reni (45'28.·04N Position and function. Giurgiulesti International
28°15'·00E), sftualed on the NE bank of the Danube Free Port (45.28'·18N 29•13·.01E), located on the N
between Mile 66·7 and 69·3, is an important Ukrainian bank of the Danube and confluence of the Prut river,
sea and river port. Cargoes handled inch.Jde general at M~e 72·4, is an important Moldovan sea and river
and liquid bulk, foodstuffs, packaged cargo, containers port.
and RoRo. 2 The port area fies on the N bank of the Danube
2 Port area Iles along the N bank of the river and Prut rivers, at the border between Romania and
between Mile 62·5 and 71, extending to international Ukraine. Cargoes handled include oil, grain,
boundary in midstream. comainers, general, bulk and passengers.
Port Authority. Reni Commercial Sea Port, vu~ 3 Port owner and operator. Danube Logistics SAL.
Ounais'ka, 188, Reni, Odesa Region. 68802. Ukraine. Giurgiulesti International Free Port, Giurgiulesti, Cahul
raion. MD-5318. Moldova.
Limiting conditions Website.
5.77 Urnltlng conditions
Depths. Vessels drawing up to Ni m can be
accommodated. Depths up to 7 m. Vessels up lo 1 O 000 gl can be
Ice. Icebreaker assistance required for about
2 months in winter.
A"ival information
Arrival information 5.83
5.78 Anchorage at recognised locations on the Danube
Pilotage is compulsory and available 24 hours. can be advised by the port owner.
Foreign vessels embark the port pilot in vicinity of Pilotage is compulsory; the port pilot boards at
Mile 64. Pilots are disembarked between Mile 63 and Mile 71.
64·5 off the N bank, where there are depths of 10 to Tugs. A lug is available and compulsory for vessels
20 m, silt and clay. canying dangerous cargoes.
2 Harbour Master's office and pilot station are 2 Regulations:
situated at Mile 68·6. Vessels berth during daylight hours only.
Regulations. Vessels in ballast are required to use Manoeuvring when wind speed is over
a tug to turn. 45 km/hour (Beaufort force 6) or visibility is
Vessels at anchor must use two anchors. less than 0·5 mile is not permitted.
Information on berth depths Is provided by the
Basins and berths port owner.
: Harbour and berths
Upper roadstead. Barges of all types fie between 5.84
Mile 68·7 to 70·6. A sea-going vessel awaiting The halbour consists of an oil product terminal on
ber1hing in cargo area No 1 can Ile temporarily the N bank of the Danube. The berth can accepl
in the area of Mile 68. sea-goi'lg vessels and river craft, and can discharge
Lower roadstead. Barges of all types lie in the and k,ad up to three different products simultaneously;
area of Mile 65·3 to 66·7. Vessels which have alongside depth 7 m. Other berths include a dry cargo
not received permission to berth anchor in the terminal. which consists of six berths for grain.
area of Mie 63 to 64. A fur1her anchorage construction materials and containers; alongside
area is available at Mile 45-46 off the E bank. depths vary from 7 m for sea-going vessels to 3 to
2 Alongside berths. The port has three cargo areas. 5 m for river vessels. In 2011 a vegetable oil terminal
landing stages and mooring pontoons. Loading and was opened. The passenger terminal lies at the W
discharging operations are carried out using floating end of the port.
electric cranes. 2 Development. Work is ongoing (2012) and the Port
Area No 1. Eight alongside berths at river quays, Authority should be consulted for the latest information.
between Mile 68·2 and 68·7, with depths up to
Port services
7-4 m. Floating berths Nos 1 to 3 are for
tankers; the area also has a RoRo berth.
70 tonne crane; waste removal.
Other fac.ilities:
3 Area No 2. Seven river berths situated between
Supplies: fresh water; provisions.
Mile 67 and 67·7, for the handfing of all types
of general, bulk and liquid cargoes. Portul Galati
Area No 3. A basin, with an entrance depth of
2·3 m and which opens close S of Mie 67. General information
contains 14 ber1hs: depths alongside 0·3 to 5.86
3·6m. Position and function. Portul Gala\i {45°25'·00N
A passenger terminal is located at Mile 69-5. 28°03'-00E). situated on the bank of the Danube
between Km 144 and Km 156, is the largest riverine
Port services port in Romania. It is an important industrial and
5.80 commercial centre.
Repairs. Maintenance repairs in port workshops. 2 Principal exports include metal products, timber.
Other faellltles: portal and floating cranes; SSSCC, cement. chemicals. and industrial equipment; principal
SSCEC issued; oily waste disposal. Imports include iron ore, coal. coke and grain.
Supplies: fuel; fresh water at quays and by barge: Port Authority. Gala~ Port Authority, Slr. Portului
provisions. no. 34, Gala~. Romania.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Limiting conditions Portul Briila

Maximum size of vessels handled: General Information
Bulk carrier. 25 000 dwt, length 200 m, draught 5.92
7·3m. Position and function. Portul Braila (45°1 S'·OON
Dry cargo. 8700 dwt. length 130 m, draught 27°58'-00E), situated on the NW bank of the Danube
7·3m. between Km 168 and 175, is a Romanian riverine port.
Ice. Danger of ice in severe winters, but tt is also the administrative centre for Braila county.
Icebreakers keep port open. This port is the lim~ of navigation for sea-going
vessels. Main imports are general cargo, steel and
machinery; main exports are timber, grain and
Arrival infonnation livestock.
5.88 z Approaches. At the port of Braila the river has a
Anchorages. Three anchorage areas for sea-going width of 270 m and a channel depth of 35 m.
and river vessels are located on the S bank: Port Authority. Port Harbour Master's office. Str.
Area 1, Km 155 to 156; for unladen sea-going GAJii fluviale, Braua. Romania.
Area 2. Km 158 to 159; for unladen sea-going
Limiting conditions
Area 3, Mile 76 to 78·5; for sea-going vessels.
Maximum draught of vessels handled, 7 m.
Pilotage Is compulsory and provided by the port.
Ice. Danger of ice in hard winters. but port remains
The pilot station building is located at Km 150.
open al year round.
Fog. Dense fog in December and January.
5.89 Arrival information
General layout. The port has four main specialist 5.94
sectors and quays on the river bank. Depths in the Anchorage for both sea-going vessels and river
river channel vary between 8·5 and 20 m. There is a convoys lies between Km I 66 and I 68·5. Vessels
naval dockyard. anchor between the channel and the SE bank. as
there are no obstructions to navigation in the vicinity of
the port.
Basins and berths 2 Pilotage is compulsory and is available 24 hours.
5.90 The pilot station is located at the River Authority
Mineral port is located between Km 155·5 and 157. building at Km I 71.
upsueam of the mouth of the River Siret. There is Tugs are available and equipped with VHF radio
2000 m of berth. comprising 16 specialist basins, in and radar.
which ore, coke. coal and other raw materials can be
handled. The length of quay is 800 m, 400 m for Harbour
sea-going vessels with a depth alongside of over 9 m 5.95
and 400 m for river vessels. General layout. The port consists of a basin,
2 Old commercial port close to Km 151·5, with quayage along the NW bank, and a uanshipment
quays of 1160 m, comprising: 365 m for passenger anchorage.
vessels; 350 m for ballast products; 445 m of waiting
quay for sea-going vessels. There are 15 basins Basins and berths
equipped with pontoons providing facilities for 5.96
passenger traffic operation, drinking water supply and Basin, berth Nos 35 to 38. the entrance of which is
repair to river vessels. at Km 169 is 500 m long, 120 m wide, wllh an
3 Gala\i docks located downstream from the old port entrance 40 m in width. Depth 6·5 to 7 m. General
where general cargo is handled. The total length of cargoes.
quay is 1440 m, of which 540 m is on the river and Alongside berths on the river lie between
900 m in the basin.
Km 168·7 and 170-7. Depths alongside are over 7 m.
New basin at Mile 78·5 lo 79·1, with a quay length Berth Nos 20, 24 and 27, length 760 m, handle
of 2365 m and a berthing length of 1847 m, comprising general cargoes and cereals.
15 berths specialising in steel products and ron ore. 2 Transhipment anchorage, BAI berth, for sea-going
• Naval shipyard is situated between the two basins. vessels is located at Km 171, for the loading and
Gala\l free zone Is located alongside the container discharging of bulk cargoes.
terminal, and can accommodate vessels up to
15 000 dwt at three river-marine berths.
Port servlees There are no specific directions available. However
5.91 attention is drawn to a sand and gravel bank located
Repairs: dry dock divided into two sections. each on the E bank between Km 171 and 172.
235 m long and 35 m wide, capable of handing
vessels up to 60 000 dwt. A slipway for the Port services
construcoon of vessels up to 20 000 dwt. 5.98
Other facllltles: SSCC, SSCEC issued; firefighting Repairs: to hull and engines. including docking, can
launch and salvage tugs; hospital. be canied out at Braila shipyard. There are three
Supplies: bunkers and diesel oil supplied by lorry: berths capable of handling vessels up to 9000 dwt and
fresh water; provisions. 7 m draught

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Other facilities: SSCC only; medical. 2 Between the islands (5.99), the main channel
Supplies: fuel avanable at berth No 19; fresh water through which follows Kiliys'ke Hy~o. S of
from five benhs. especially No 4; provisions W ordered. Ostrov Kislits'kyi Thence:
Through the traffic regulation zone of Port lzmayil
(Km 60 to 116). See 5.112 for arrival
PORT KILIYA TO IZMAYIL CHATAL infonnation and regulations. Thence:
3 Pardina (Km 79), a Romanian village standing on
the S bank, in which there is a conspicuous
General information church and tower. Thence:
Port lzmayil and the Romanian village of Plauru
Topography wh;ch stands on the opposite bank. Thence:
5.99 , Sha,p bend at Km 98. Thence:
Between Port Kiliya (5.105) and Port lzmayil, the Piitliigeanca (Km 115), a Romanian village
river divides into several channels which come standing on the S bank in which there is a
together further downstream, thereby forming a conspicuous white church with a grey cupola.
number of low lying islands. Thence:
The largest of these channels are Rukav Kisfits'kyi 5 A stone dam, 200 m in fength. extends NW from
(Bratul Caslita). which leads N from the mmstrearn at lzmayil Chatal (Km 116). The dam is covered
Km 76·3 (45•20·,ooN 25•sa··ooE) and rejoins ~ at when the water fevel is high. Eddies form near
Km 48 (45.26'•00N 29'15'-00E); and Rukav lvanesht' the end of the dam. increasing in strength
which leads S at Km 75·5 rejoining Kiliyske Hyr1o at when the dam is covered. Breakers tonn over
Km 60·6 (45.23'·00N 29•07'·00E). Rukav lvanesht' the submerged darn.
forms the international boundary in this stretch of the 6 Cau1lons. There are strong currents by both banks
river. in the vicinity of Km 102-104. In strong N winds,
2 The width of the river in this section varies between vessels may lie across the river in the vicinity of Port
200 and 1000 m and its depth between 5 and 33·5 m. lzmayiL
Between Port lzmayil (45'19'·17N 28.50'·71E)
(Km 94) (5.110) and lzmayil Chatal (45'14'·00N Port Kiliya
25•45'.00E) (Mile 43 and Km 116), the river folows General information
four large bends. Both banks, which are covered with 5.105
bushes and trees, are generally low with the exception Position. 45'25'·69N 29'15'·98E. The town stands
of a few short stretches where they are elevated with on the N bank of Kiliys'ke Hyr1o at Km 47. The port is
clrfts. The width of the river in this section i.s between a subsidiary of usr-ounaisk (5.128).
300 and 500 m. Function. The port is designed for handling
river-going vessels. Approximately 60 000 passengers
and 95 000 gt of cargo are handled annually.
Limiting conditions 2 Approaches. The port is approached either
5.101 downstream from Port lzmayil or upstream from Bystre
Klllya to lzmayil. Navigable by vessels wi1h a Hyrlo (5.9). The bu~dings of the town are clearly
draught of less than 5 m. visible from Km 58 when navigating downstream and
lzmayil to lzmayil Chatal. See 5.27. Km 34 when navigating upstream.
3 Port Authority. Ust'-Ounais'k Commercial Sea Port,
Pllotage 2 Pridunaiskaya Street. Vylkove, Odesa Province,
5.102 68355, Ukraine.
See 5.46 and 5.120.
Limiting conditions
Traffic regulations
Maximum draught of vessels: 4 m.
Ice. Restricts navigation in the winter months.
The following regulations apply to this stretch of the
Between Km 60 and 76, vessels proceeding Arrival information
upstream w~h a draught of up to 4 m must 5.107
navigate by way of Rukav lvanesht'. Regulations. Overtal<ing is not permitted in the port
2 Two way traffic and overtaking is proh,~ed area
between Km 60 to 61, 66•5 to 68, 97 to 99.
100 to 101 and 109 to 113. Harbour and berths
Directions Alongside berths. Agricultural products berth:
(continued from 5.65)
234 m long, 4-5 m depth; passenger berth: 210 m long,
4·5 m depth.
From abreast of Port Kiliya (19 miles ENE) (Km 47)
Anchorage is available:
the fairway upstream to lzmayil Chatal (45°14'-00N At Km 48, 50 m from the shore.
25•45'.00E) (Km 116), a distance of 38 mies. folows At Km 46, for vessels in quarantine or with
the buoyed channel. The in~ial section from Port Kiliya dangerous or inflammable cargo.
to Port lzmayil is meandering and divides into several
arms. which creates large and small islands; from Port
lzmayll (Km94) (5.110) to lzmayil Chatal the chaMel Port services
is meandering. Positions are relative to kilometre 5.109
posts: Supplies: fresh water; provisions; no fuel.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Port lzmayil s Area No 4: Km 85·6 to 86·3, 100 m from the left

bank, 150 m wide. Loaded barges.
Area No 3: Km 86·7 10 87·7, 100 m from the left
General infonnation bank. Sea-going vessels to work cargo in the
5.110 port and also vessels in transit Anchorage
Position: 45•20··00N 28°50'·00E; on lhe N bank of markers numbered 1 M lo SM are displayed on
Kiliys'ke Hyrlo between Km 94 and 92. 91 to 90 and lhe left bank.
85·6 to 84·6. 6 Area No 2: Km 90-0 to 91 ·8, 100 m from the left
Function. The port is a large transport centre, in bank, 150 m wide. River convoys under foreign
which sea. river, railway and road are closely flag.
interlaced. The port handles coal. ore, sleel products, Area No 1: Km 95·7 lo 96·7, 20 m from the
timber, paper. grain and contaioers, Approximalely shoreflfle on the left bank and 50 m wide.
200 vessels visit the port annually. Border and customs formalities for sea-goinq
2 Port limits. The port area and roadstead consists and river vessels arriving from or departing for
of the waters between Km 97 and 81 inclusive, trom abroad.
the shore to the intemationaJboundary in midstream. 5.113
Approach. The port is approached eilher Pilotage and tugs. See 5.46 and 5.120. Tugs are
downstream from lzmayil Chatal or upstream from Port avaiabfe.
Kiliya. Regulations. The following regulations apply on the
3 Port Authority. State Enterprise lzmayi Commercial River Danube between Km 60 to 116 via Kiliys'ke
Sea Port, vul. Portova, 7, lzmay~. Odesa Region, Hyrlo, including Iha waters of Port lzmayil. A full list of
68600, Ukraine. regulations can be obtained from the Slate Enterprise
lzmayil Comm<lrcial Sea Port
2 Vessels must at Km 72 when proceeding upstream,
Limiting conditions and at Km 1 OS when proceeding downstream, contact
5.111 lzmayil Vessel Traffic Control Centre (VTCC) and
Maximum size of vessel handled: 150 m LOA; request permission to enter the control zone.
30 m beam; 7 m draught. Draught and lenglh are To avoid producing damaging wake within the port
limited by Byslre Hy~o (5.9) and Bra\lJI Su6na (5.49). and Its approaches. all vessels must proceed at no
The river bottom of the port consists of fine muddy more than 8 km/hour upstream and 12 km/hour, over
sand. the ground, when proceeding downstream.
Wind strength. Vessels 150 m or more in lenglh 3 Vessels must reduce speed when passing ports,
are prohibited from entering the basin at Km 90 in berths, docks, dredgers and trains of vessels being
wind speeds of Beaufort Force 6. pushed.
2 Ice. Icebreaker assistance may be required for Vessels departing for sea trials from Km 90 and
about 50 days a year during winter months. A request 95·4 (lzmayil Ship repair Yard) must have a pilot on
for ice-breaker assistance to enter the port should be board and a tug in attendance in port waters.
made 48 hours before start of escort, with upda1es 24, 4 The foUowing areas are designated turning points
12 and 4 hours before approaching lzmayil VTS, or for sea-going and river vessels: Km 82, 85, 87, 91,
the edge of lhe ice field. 93, 95 and 96.
Saiing in port waters in fog, haze. snow, strong
surges or in any other conditions that restrict visibility
Arrival information can only be carried out with the agreemenl of lhe duty
5.112 port manager. VTCC operator and the masler.
Port operations. Traffic movement between Km 60 s When saiing ITT port waters every vessel must keep
and 116 is regulated by the Vessel Traffic Control to Iha side of the fairway on Its starboard side.
Centre. All ships approaching this area must obtain Vessels proceeding upstream must give priority to
permission from the harbour aulhorities before lhose proceeding downstream.
proceeding. Sound signal markers are displayed at A vessel leaving a basin must give way to a vessel
Km 88·5 and 90. in the fairway.
Maximum speeds in harbour area: 4 !h kn upstream. 6 All river craft must give way to sea-going vessels.
6% kn downstream. Speed lim~ in the Kiliys'ke Hyrto must not exceed
2 Notice of ETA. Vessel or cargo owner should nolify 10 kn over the ground.
ETA 14 days, 48 and 24 hours in advance.
Anchorage. There are nine anchorage areas
between Km 81 and 97 for sea-going, river and local Harbour and berths
vessels. 5.114
3 Area No 9: Km81·0 to 81·5, 100m from lhe left Alongside berths. The port consists of three
bank, 50 m wide. Sea-going and river tankers. industrial transhipment complexes (ITC) and a basin
Area No 8: Km81·5 to 82·0, 100m from the left and part basin for repairs. There are 23 specialised
bank. 50 m wide. Sea-going and river vessels berths with a total lenglh of 2486 m. Depths alongside
in quarantine. vary from 3·5 to 7·5 m.
Area No 7: Km 82·0 10 82·9, 100 m from lhe left 2 ITC 1 (Sea Terminal), river berths 1-9 al Km 93,
bank, 150 m wide. Withdrawn barges, lighters handles single·item cargo, metal, sawn timber,
and other craft. equipment and grain. Berth Nos 7 and 8 are for
, Area No 6: Km 83·0 to 84·6, 100 m from Iha left vessels with a draught of 7 m; berth Nos 4, 5 and 6
bank, 150 m wide. Barges. Caution. A are for vessels with a draught of 6 m, working outside
pumping station and discharge pipe are a barge. Total berthing length 904 m.
located al Km 83·7. 3 ITC2. river berths 12-14 and 19-22 al Km90·5.
Area No 5: Km 85·0 lo 85·6. 100 m from lhe left Berths 12-14 are for container and other cargoes
bank. 150 m wide. Local vessels. where vessels up to 6·5 m c-an be accommodated;

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

berths 19-22 handle bulk cargoes, ore, coal, coke. over-wintering of vessels and repairs. The E end of
concentrates, iron ore. pellets. metal produCls and the basin at Km 90 OTC 3) also contains a repair yard.
Total container berthing length is 320 m; cargo Port services
capacity 660 000 tons per year. Berths 19-22 have a 5.115
total length of 549 m. Repairs: ship repair yards; three floating docks with
, ITC 3, berths , 6-, 8 and 23-24 are located on the max rifting capacity of 5000 tonnes.
N side of the basin at Km 90; the area handles bul< Other facilities: Movable cranes up to 40 tons
and general cargoes, equipment. coal, metal, ore and capacity and floating cranes up to 16 tons capacity are
grain. Total berthing length 713 m. avaiable. The transhipment of grain cargoes is carried
Basin at Km 85, five berths for the transhipment of out us,ng a V,gan type pneumatic handler. SSCC and
petroleum products. sscec issued; oily waste disposal; hospital and clinic.
s Jzmayil Ship Repair Yard, is located at Km 95·4 Supplies: fuel; fresh water at quays and by barge
and comprises three interconnected basins for to vessels in the roadstead; provisions.


GENERAL INFORMATION Ice forms in Kiliys·ke Hyrlo between December and

earty March.
5.116 Navigation marks
Kiliys'ke Hyrto, known to the Romanians as Bratul 5.122
Chilia, is the N branch of the Danube and its See 5.11.
navigable part runs for 63 miles (116 km) from Prorva
Hyrto (Girto Prorva) (45.29'·00N 29'44''45E) by way of HYRLO AND UST'-DUNAIS'K
Ochakivs'ke Hyrlo to lzmayil Chatal (45'14'-00N
28'45'·00E). Ochakivs'ke Hyrto and Prorva Hyrto are General information
two of the many channels that form the delta of Topography
Kiliys'ke Hyrto. 5.123
2 Caution. The least depth in Ochaldvs'ke Hyrto is Kiliys"ke Hyrlo and Usf-Dunais"k (45'28'·00N
3 m in the vicinity of Km 6 (45'26'•80N 29'43'•30E}, 29'42'-00E} are approached between Ostriv Prorvin
the width of the channel is 40 m (2006). (Prvvy) (45'27'·00N 29'44'·00E), one of the Islands
5.117 formed by the delta of Kiliys'ke Hyrto, and the shore
The Ukrainian ports of lzmayil (45'19'·17N 10mles NNE.
28'50"·71E) and Kiliya (45'25'-69N 29'15'·98E), which 2 The coastline backing these approaches is
stand on the N bank of Kiiys'ke Hyr1o, may be low-lying wilh few natural features. To the NW the
approached either from Ust'-Dunais'k and the coast is bacl<ed by a chain of salt water lakes
Connecting Channel or Bystre Hyrto (5.9). Vessels separated lfom the sea by narrow necks of sand.
may a.lso approach downstream irom lzmayil ChataJ, These lakes are connected 10 the sea by shallow
the vessel having entered the Danube Della at Sufina channels subjeC1 to silting.
(45'09'·40N 29•39·-ooeJ. 3 Caution. The coastline. bars and depths in the
2 Major sea-going vessels approach lzmayil and esb.Janes of the rivers are subject to constant change.
Kiliya from lzmayil Chatal, as the seaward entrance to
Klllys"ke Hyrlo Is closed to all vessels. This route has Vessel traffic service
been described at 5.44. Vessels of a suitable size can 5.124
access Kiliys'ke Hyrlo via Ust-Dunaysk and the See 5.10.
Connecting Channel (5.128). Recommended routes
Distances Recommended route No 61 is for large tonnage
5.118 ships coming from S. Other recommended routes for
See 5.45. smaDer vessels lead WNW towards Prorvyns'kyi Kanai
(45°29'·50N 29°45'·00E)and NE from Ust'-Dunais'k to
International boundary Odesa and other ports in the NW Black Sea.
5.119 2 Cau11on. See 5.22.
See 5.17. Sitting. Prorvyns'kyi Kanai has been closed to all
vessels since 1998 due to silting.
5.120 Directions
Pilotage in Kiliys'ke Hyrto is compulsory. Pilots, who (continued from 4.8 and 4.172)
are based at lzmayil, are available 24 hours, subjee1 10 Principal marks
weather conditions. They embart< off Bystre Hyr1o
(45°20'·30N 29•45·.ooE) (5.9), or lzmayil Chatal Major lights:
(45'14'·00N 28'45'·00E) (5.46). Ostriv Zmiinyi Light (45'15'·30N 30'12'·17E) (4.7).
Pilotage for Us!' Dunais'k. See 5.136.
Approaches 10 Kiliys'ke Hyr1o
Natural conditions 5.127
5.121 From a pos~ion N of Ostriv Zmiinyi (45°15'·30N
Current. The strength of the current in Kiliys'ke 30°12'·20E). recommended route No 61 leads NW,
Hyrto is between 1 ·5 and 3 kn. Its strength depends then W. to the entrance of the channel leading to
on the level of the river. Usr-Dunais'k, passing:

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

S of Shahany Light (45°40'·37N 29°53'-02E} The harbour master monitors navigation in the
(6.14). Thence: approaches to the port, and the river and main
S of a 7 m rocky patch (45'35'-95N 29'50"-62E} tributaries from Km o to Km 60. The office is in the
marked by V-AIS (E cardinal), thence: Vylkove port office building.
2 N of a wreck (45°32'·77N 29'49'·26E} with a
depth of 10 m, marl<ed by V-AIS Qsolated Vessel traffic serv'lce
danger). 5.134
Useful mar1<: See 5.10.
Prymors'l<e Light (45'31'·76N 29'38'·86E} (5.141).
(Directions cootooe for Usl'-Dunais'lc at S.140, Anchorage areas
for Ki/iys'ke Hyrlo at S.147. 5.135
and for the inshore route to Chomomorsk at 6. 17) Anchorage areas lie between N and E of
Prorvyns'kyi Beacon (45.28'·14N 29'43'·34E) and are
designated as follows:
number Depth and bottom Available tor:
General information
367 22 to 29 m. Large tonnage vessels.
Position and function
Mud and shells
Ust'-Dunais'k (45°28'·00N 29°42'-00E} lies on the S 368 19 to 22 m. All vessels.
shore of Bukhta Zhebriians'l<a, in an artificial inlet Sand
close to where Shabash Hy~o enters the bay. The 369 14 to 15 m. Large tonnage vessels
port includes a separate berth at \/ytl<ove 18 km
Mud and sand.
upriver on the N shore of Kiliys'l<e Hy~. where the
port administration is located. The port also includes 370 11to13m. Vessels drawing up to
Port Kiliya (5. t 05). Mud and sand. 5 m during bad weather
2 Ust'-Dunais'k is a transhipment base where cargo
397 12 to 13 m. Large tonnage vessels;
is transferred between river and sea-going vessels.
Mud and sand. partial unloading
The port handles mainly bulk cargoes of ore, ore
concentrate and grain; metals. textile raw materials, 2 Pennission must be obtained from the harbour
paper and pulp are also handled. Approximately master before using Anchorages 368. 369 and 370.
200 vessels are handled annually. Caution. Obstructions. wrecks and a pile (0·2 m),
some of which are charted, lie within or close to the
Port timits
anchorage areas and pilot boarding area.
The port limits include the pon basin, the sea Pilotage
approach channel for a distance of 11 O m on both 5.136
sides of the centreline, and a distance of 4 maes to P,lotage rs compulsory for all vessels of 500 gt and
seaward from the boundary of the pol1 basin. over. and is available 24 hours. The pilotage service is
The port area also includes the Connecting Channel situated at the traffic regulation post in Prorva Hyrlo
(5.138}, the lighter holding roadstead in Potapivs'kyi and pilots embark in pcsmcn 45°33'·18N 29'47'·30E.
Kanai (5.151), the waters off Vylkove (Km 18),
Bazarchuts'kyi zaton, Kiliya subsidiary port (5.105) and Regulations
Kiliys'ke Hyl1o from Km 46-50. 5.137
Vessels with a length of more than 150 m and a
Approach draught of more than 7 m are only permined to enter
5.130 or leave harbour with the assistance of two tugs, in
Ust'-Dunais'k is approached by a dredged channel dayighl in good visibility and when the wind speed is
3% mites long. not more than 23 kn.
Port Authority 2 Vessels transiting Connecting Channel must be
5.131 accompanied by a tug. Traffic along Connecting
Ust'-Dunais'k Commmercial Sea Port, Channel and the main approach channel is one-way.
2 Pridunaiskaya Street, Vylkove. Odesa Province,
68355. Ukraine. Harbour

Limiting conditions General layout

Controlllng depth The harbour area consists of a basin on the N side
5.132 of the delta of Kiliys'ke Hyrlo. The harbour is
Depths in the approach channel are 6·9 m (2006). approached by a dredged channel which leads from
Dredging in the channel is continuous. lntonnation on the outer anchorages.
depths in port waters is provided by the port 2 Connecting Channel leads E and NE and connects
dispatcher, port state control and the piot the harbour area to Prorva Hyrlo (5.145) and thence to
Kiliys'l<e Hyrlo. The channel has a width of 45 m and
Arrival information handles vessels with a maximum length of 115 m and
draught of 2·8 m (2006}.
Port operations
5.133 Depths
The movement of all vessels within the pon area of 5.139
Ust'-Ounais'k is regulated by Vylkove Vessel Traffic Harbour area. 1 O to 13 m.
Control Centre (VTCC). See 5.10. Connecimg Channel. See 5.138.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Directions Limiting depths

(con/jnved from 5. 127) 5.146
Pro,vyns'kyi Kanai: depths of 0·8 to 1 ·9.
Principal marks Prorva Hyrlo (N of Connecting Channel): depths in
5.140 river between 0·7 and 3·1 m.
Prorvins'kyi Beacon (green truncated pyramidal Directions
metal framework tower. grey base, 28 m in (continved from 5. 127)
height) (45'28'·14N 29'43'·34E). 5.147
Prymors'ke church (45'30'·91N 29'36'·31E). From a position in the vicinity of 45°31 '·00N
29'47'-00E the track leads SW for 4 miles through
Approaches to Ust' Ounais'k Prorvyns-l<yi Kanai and Prorva Hyrlo, passing:
5.141 Between beacons which stand 20 m either side
Leading beacons:
of lhe IJack and mark the limits of lhe canal.
Front beacon (red rectangle on four-sided metal Thence:
framework tower, 18 m in height) (45'28'-06N 2 NW of Prorvyns'kyi Rezervnyi (Reserve) Beacon
29'42'·60E). (red framework tower, 17 m in height)
Rear beacon (as for front. 30 m in height) (45'28'·94N 29'44'·61 E), which stands on the
(7 cables from front light).
2 From a position in the vicinity of the pilot boarding
s bank of the canal. Thence:
SE of the entrance to a basin from Which the
ground (45'33'·18N 29'47'·30E), the alignment (210j Connecting Channel leads to Ust'-Dunais'k
of Usf-Dunais'k Leading Beacons leads SSW for (5.138). The N side of the entrance to the
6 miles, 314 miles of which are in the dredged channel. basin is marked by a light beacon.
Useful mark: (Directions continue at 5. 15 7)
Prymors'ke Light (black metal framework tower,
radar reflector, 15 m in height) (45'31'·76N Prorva to Port Kiliya
Berths 5.148
5.142 Between the vilage of Prorva (Km 3) (45'28'·10N
There are no alongside berths. Cargo operations 29'43'·30E) and Vylkove (Km 18) (45'24'·00N
are carried out at anchorage/mooring benhs, Where 29'36'·00E) the banks of Ochakivs'ke Hyrlo are
vessels lie to two anchors and five stem lines to generally low-lying and thickly covered with reeds and
buoys. Vessels with a draught up to 8·5 m. 26 m beam o-ees. The average width of the ship canal in this
and 170 m length can be accommodated. Vessels with SO'etch of the river is between 300 and 350 m. but it
an arrival draught greater than the above. may lighter narrows to 150 m in lhe vicinity of Km 6, where the
near the entrance channel as ordered by the harbour shaDow Potapivs'kyi Kanai leads off in an E direction.
authorities. 2 Between Vylkove and Port Kiliya (Km 47) (5.105),
The basin contains floating piers for mooring two channels branch off Kiliys'ke Hyrto at Km 22. The
lighters. N of thes-e channels, Solomoniv (Solomonov) Rukav,
Which rejoins the main branch at Km 32, is navigable
Port services to river IJaffic.
3 Between Vylkove and Port Kiliya, the width of the
other facilities
river varies from 200 m to a maximum of 950 m at
5.143 Vylkove. The banks are generally low-lying except for
SSCC only issued; four floating cranes of 50 tonne
capacity, with a maximum height of 15 m above water
the N bank of Solomoniv Rukav, which is steep-to,
and the S bank between Km 43·7 and 45·2, which is
elevated with cliffs.
Supplies Limiting conditions
Fuel and fresh water supplied by barge; provisions
Vessels with a draught ot up to 4·5 m can navigate
from lzmayil.
between the vinage of Prorva and Port Kiliya.

KILIYS'KE HYRLO Traffic regulations

Seaward entrance The following IJaffic regulations apply to this stretch
of the river:
Route One way traffic only is permitted at night in
5.145 Ochakivs'ke Hyrlo, between Km 6 and 18.
The seaward entrance (45'30'-00N 29'45'·50E} to A distance of no less than 1 mile must be
Kiliys'ke Hyrlo consists of Prorvyns'kyi Kanai Which maintained between vessels travelling in the
has been cut through the bar and Prorva Hyrto Which same dJrection.
runs tor about 3 miles between Ostriv PrOfVin and 2 Vessels with a draught of more than 4 m should
Ostrov Shabash. use the Solomoniv Rukav between Km 22
2 Caution. The entrance is marked by a series of and 32.
parallel piles extending 7 cables to seaward; charted
depths are less than 2 m. Two wrecks lie close to the Directions
entrance, outside the line of piles, and on the S side. (continued from 5.14 7)
The entrance passes between a fishing ground to the 5.151
S, and an area of fishing stakes to the N. Caution. There are strong currents in the vicinity of
3 Silting. Prorvyns'kyi Kanai has been closed to afl Km 3·3, and also at the confluence of Prorva Hyrlo
vessels since 1998 due to sllbng. and Ochakivs'ke Hyrto.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Track. From abreast the village of Prorva (Km 3) standing on the S bank: in communist times it
(45.28'·10N 29•43·.30E) lhe fairway upstream to Port had a prison for polttical prisoners. A jetty
Kiliya (Km 47), a distance of 24 miles, follows a extends from the N bank opposite the village.
buoyed channel, passing: Thence:
2 NW of entrance to Potapivs'kyi Kanai (Km 6). a 5 W of Bazarchuts'kyi Zaton (Km 0·5 in Solomoniv
shallow canal mat leads E to lhe sea. Thence: Rukav). The basin is 1 km in lenglh, and has
SW of Vylkivs'kyi Perekat (Km 17-18·5}: least a width of 360 to 480 m. Deplhs in the
deplh 3 m (2005) when lhe gauge at \lyll<ove entrance are 1 ·5 to 2·3 m and in the central
indicates zero. Depths are maintained by part 3·5 to 5-0 m. Thence:
dredging and the width of lhe fairway in lhis N of a shoal which extends from the W end of
section is 80 m. Thence: Pryamyi Rukav at Km 31 ·2 across the main
3 SW of Vylkove (Km 16 to 20), a Ukrainian town channel to Km 32·5. Thence:
which stands on the N bank; three churches 6 S of four buoys (starboard hand), marking the S
wilh silver domes and a water tower are boundary of Salmanivs'kyi Perekat
conspicuous. A cargo berth for river vessels (Km 36'4-38·3): least depth in the fairway Is
wilh a draught up to 2 m. is located al Km 18; 3·3 m (2005) Thence:
hull and machinery repairs can also be carried N of Chiia Veche (Km 45). a Romanian town
out A floabng pier for passenger vessets on standing on the S bank opposite Kiliya (5.105),
the Kiliya service is located at Km 19. Thence: from where a pier for passenger vessels
• At Km 21 ·3 the fairway divides either side of servicing Romanian ports is located. A
Yermakov Island, wilh Solomoniv Rukav to lhe conspicuous church with two spires stands in
N and Pryamyi Rukav to lhe S. The main the town.
channel is to the N. Thence: (Directions continue for approaching
NNE of Periprava (Km 22) (45'24'·00N IZmayH from Kiliya at s. 104)
29•32'·50E), a Romanian fishing village

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

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e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)




Scope of the chapter The system covers the approaches to the ports of
6.1 Chornomorsk (fllichivs'k), Odesa, Port Yuzhnyy,
This chapter covers the NW part of the Black Sea Portpunkt Ochakiv, Mykolaiv and Kherson.
which lies between the coast of Ukraine N of the See ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 6(3)
Danube delta, and the W coast of Kryms'kyi Pivos!riv for details.
(Crimean Peninsula) as far E as Mys Kikineyz
(44°23'·70N 33°58'·50E).
2 The chapter is divided into the folowing sections:
Ostriv Zmiinyi to approaches to Odesa (6.10). Pllotage
Chornomorsk (lllichivs'k), Odesa and Port 6.5
Yuzhnyy (6.28). Pifotage for vessels navigating in the waters of the
Port Yuzhnyy to Mykolalv, Kherson and adjacent NW Black Sea VTMS and visibng the ports of
waters S (6.98). Chornomorsk (fllichivs·k), Odesa, Port Yuzhnyy,
Odes'ka Zatoka approaches to Mys Kil<ineyz Portpunkt Ochakiv, Port Dnipro-Buz'l<yi, Stevedoring
(6.289). Company OMia. Mykolaiv and Kherson is compulsory.
2 Port Yuzhnyy port control and Delta pilot will specify
the pilot boardJng position for vessels bound for
Portpunkl Ochakiv, Port Dnipro-Buz'kyi, Stevedoring
Company Olvna, Mykolaiv and Kherson when they
Hazards have passed position 46°22'·60N 30°57'-00E. Pilots
6.2 l>oatd at position 46°3S'·OON 31·2o··ooe, off Mys
The shores in this chapter are encumbered by Adzhyias'k.
shallow banks, wrecks and obstrucnons. Wrecks and See ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume6(3)
obsuuctons can also be found wittlin the limits of TSS for details.
schemes, recommended routes, anchorage areas and
approaches to ports.

Regulated and former mine danger areas

Traffic regulations Ukrainian regulated areas and former mine danger
areas lie off the coast covered by this chapter; see
Traffic separation schemes, linked by a traffic
Appendices 3 and 4 for details.
roundabout centred on 46°15'·59N 30°56'-00E, are
situated in the approaches to Chomomorsk ~aichlvs'k),
Odesa and Port Yuzhnyy. Natural conditions
2 A further traffic roundabout and TSS is situated in
the approaches to Sevastoporskya Bukhta (centred on
44°38'·78N 33"16'·89E). This scheme has not yet Ice
been accepted by the IMO but the Ukranian 6.7
Authorities advise. however. that the principles for the In average winters. ice is found in a coastal ben
use of the routeing system as defined in Rule 10 of and in bays and estuaries from Mys Tarkhankut
the lntemational Regulations for Preventing CoHisions (45"20'·80N 32°30'·00E). N across the head of the
at Sea (1972), apply. Black Sea and down Its W side to S of the Danube
3 The TSSs in the approaches to Chornomorsk delta. In extremely hard winters, pack ice may be
(lllichivs'k) and Odesa are IMO-adopted and Rule 10 found in !he open sea N of the parallel of Mys
of the International Regulations for Preventing Tarkhankut See 1. 122.
Collisions at Sea (1972), applies. The TSS has been
extencec by Ukraine to cover the approaches to Port
Yuzhnyy but has not yet been adopted by !he IMO.
The Ukranian Authorities advise. however. that the
principles for the use of the routeing system as
defined in Rule 1 O of the International Regulations for See 1.111.
PrevenUng Collisions at Sea (1972), apply.

Magnetic anomaty
North-west Black Sea Vessel Traffic Local magnetic anomalies exist in an area N of an
Management System approximate line between Chomomorsk (lllichivs'k)
6.4 (46°19'·18N 30'40'•02E) and Dniprovs'kyi Lyman
The north-west Black Sea VTMS is a VTS and (46'35'·80N 3t029'·62E). The variations are largely
reporting system administered by Ukraine and divided affected by klcaJ influences and varies from S"W to
into six sectors. 9°E (1996).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)



OFFSHORE ROUTE BETWEEN OSTRIV ZMIINYI Dnistrovsko- Tsarehrads'ke Hyrlo (6.14) leads
• ESE of a rock (46'05'·83N 30'56'·90E). with a
General lnformaUon depth of 1 O m.
The route lhen joins the SE end of the TSS which
Topography and dangers leads between Recommended Routes Nos 81 and 82
6.10 and the traffic roundabout.
Between Ostriv Zmiinyi (45'15'·27N 30'12'·20E) and (Directions continue tor
the traffic roundabout (centred 46'15'·59N 30'56'-00E) Chomomorsk (lllichivs'k) and approaches at 6.41,
In the approaches to Odes'ka Zatoka, depths of less for Odesa and approaches at 6.67.
than 20 m extend up to 20 miles from lhe shore. for Port YUZhnyyand approachesat 6.92
The coast SW of Drnstrovs'ko-Tsarehrads'ke Hyr1o and for offshore passage to
(46'04'·60N 30'28'·00EJ (6.14) is low-lying and Mys KiJdneyz at 6.292)
inconspicuous from seaward. The coast NE of lhis
entrance is more elevated with eliffs. INSHORE ROUTE BETWEEN APPROACHES
2 Caution. There are banks, underwater obstructions TO usr-DUNAYS'K AND CHORNOMORSK
and wrecks, which constitute a danger to navigation ~LUCHIVS'K)
up to 16 miles from the shore. For details see the
chart. General information

Traffic regulations Topography

6.11 6.14
A traffic roundabout centred on 46' t 5'·59N Between Shahany Light (black daymarks on red
30'56'·00E is situated in lhe approaches to Odes·ka round concrete tower, 16 m in height) (45•40··37N
Zatoka. The centre of the roundabout is marked by a 29'53'-02E) and Mys Burnas (15 miles NE) the coast
light buoy (special). Is low-lying and backed by a chain ol shallow salt
A TSS is situated between the NW end of lakes separated from the sea by narrow necks of land.
Recommended Routes Nos 81 and 82 (6.289) and lhe Between Mys Burnas and Kurortnoye (9 miles NE), the
traffic roundabout. This TSS is IMO-adopted and coas1 is noticeably higher than the coast on either side
Rule 1 O of the International Regulations for Preventing and has cliffs in places.
Collisions at Sea {1972) applies. 2 The coast 20 mies NE of Mys Burnas is backed by
Onistrovs'kyi Lyman (6.20), a large shallow lagoon with
deplhs of 1 ·5 to 2·4 m which extends NW for about
Directions 23mies.
(continuedfrom 4.8 and 4.172)
Dnistrovs'kyi Lyman is separated from the sea by
Kosa Bugaz. In the S part of this spit fS a passage,
Principal marks
Onistrovs'ko-Tsarehrads'ke Hyr1o, which forms the
6.12 entrance to the la9oon. A bridge, the centre part of
Landmarks: which can be raised. crosses this passage.
Ostriv Zmiinyi (45'15'·30N 30'12'·17E) (4.7). 3 Rika Onister. which rises In the Carpathian
Major lights: mountains and is 1400 km in length, flows into the
Ostriv Zmiinyi Light (as above). head of Dnistrovs'kyi Lyman. This river is navigable to
Budaki Light (45'55'·29N 30'17'·11E) (6.17).
2 Sanzhlys'kyi Light (46'13'·51N 30'36'·60E) (6.17).
smal vessels wilh a draught of 2 m as tar as Benderi,
a distance of 70 miles.
Chornomorsk (lllichivs·k) Light (46'18'·94N Between Onistrovs'ko-Tsarehrads'ke Hyr1o and the
30'40'·85E) (6.17). entrance to Chomomorsk (lllichivs'k) (17 miles NNE)
Odes'kyi Light (46'22'-64N 30'44'·85E) (6.41). the coast is generally high wtth cliffs which in places
Vorontsovs'kyi Light (46'29'·79N 30'45'·60E) are intersected by gutties. A number of villages stand
(6.66). on ttus section of the coast.

Ostrtv Zmllnyl to Odes'ka Zatoka Fishing nets

6.13 6.15
From the vicinity of Ostriv Zmiinyi (45'15'·30N Numerous fishing nets may be encountered along
30'12'·17E) the offshore passage to the traffic the coast between Mys Burnas and
roundabout in the approaches to Odes'ka Zatoka OniSll'Ovs'ko- Tsarehrads'ke Hyr1o.
(6.11) leads NNE for about 65 miles, passing:
2 WNW of a platform (lit) (45'18'·45N 30'50'·80E) Recommended Routes
with height of 2·5 m. A submarine pipeine, 6.16
within 1 mile of Which anchoring and fishing Recommended Route No 79, for hydrofoils and tugs
are prohibited, extends 50 miles NE from lhe with draughts not exceeding 4 m, leads from Bukhta
platform. A further platform ~tt), lies 3~ mses Zhebriyans'ka (45'30'·50N 29'40°·50E) to the
NE. Thence: approaches to Onistrovs'ko· Tsarehrads'ke Hyr1o.
3 Clear of a wreck (45'52'·59N 30'43'·85E) which Recommended Route No 28 leads NNE from the
has a depth of 10·8 m; and an obstruction with approaches to Onistrovs'ko- Tsarehrads'ke Hyr1o to the
a depth of 14·4 m, 2 cables E of the wreck. approaches to Chomomorsk (lllichivs'k) (6.28).
Thence: 2 Caution. Vessels proceeding to Chomomorsk
ESE of a buoy (S cardinal) (46'00'·00N Okhivs'k) from S should be aware that winds from S
30'42'•69E) which mar1<s lhe S extremity of and SW may cause vessels to be set E by the
Onistrovs'ka Banka. The approach to current

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Directions Dnistrovs'ko- Tsarehrads'ke Hyrlo to approaches to

(con/jnved from 5. 127) Chomomorsk Ollichlvs'k)
Principal marks From the vicinrty of Dnistrovs'ko-Tsarehrads'ke
6.17 Hyrto (46'04'·60N 30'28'-00E), Recommended Route
Landmarks: No 28 leads NNE for 16 mites to the approaches to
Mys Burnas (45'49'·23N 30'08'·29E). A Chomomorsk (lllichivs'k), passing:
prominent rise on the sand ridge at the SE WNW of the N end of Dnistrovs'ka Banka which
corner of Ozero Bumas. is marl<ed by a buoy (N cardinal) (46'07'·72N
Chimney (45'56'·15N 30'17'·61E). 30'40'·19E). Thence:
Building (46'00'·90N 30'21'~9E). 2 ESE of a number of charted obstructions with
Chimney (46'01 '·26N 30'22'·25E). depths of 3'4 to 6 m, which tie within 1 mile of
Water tower (46°01 '·57N 30'21'·74E). the coast. Almost all the dangers lie within the
2 Chimney (46'01 '·96N 30'21''63E). 20 m contour fine. Thence:
Chimney (46°02'·82N 30'25'·77E). ESE of a dangerous wreck (46'14'·64N
Towers of lift bridge crossing 30'40'-0SE): a second wreck with a depth of
Dnistrovs'ko-Tsarehrads'ke Hyrto (46'04'·57N 7-6 m lies close N.
30'28'· 18E). (Directions continue for the approaches to
Building (46'08'·15N 30'31'·56E). Chomomorsk (lflichivs'k)at6.41, and for
Television mast (46'08'·71N 30'31'-45E). the S approaches to Odesa at 6.68)
Tower (46'12'·98N 30°33'·46E).
Water tower (46'15'·02N 30'37'·23E).
3 Major lights: Bilhorod-Dnistrovs'kyi and approaches
Budaky (Budak~ Light (black rectangle, white
General information
stripe on red four-sided metal tower, wind
generator. 15 m in height) (45'55'·29N
Position and function. The port of
Bilhorod-Onistrovs'kyi (46'10'·93N 30'22'·57E) is
• Sanzhiys'kyi Light (white a-sided stone tower,
accessed via Dnistrovs"kyi Lyman and consists of two
floodlit, 28 m in height) (46'13'·54N harbours. The main harbour lies on the SE side of the
30'36'·54E). town which shares the same name, whilst the
subsidialy harbour of Bugaz (Buhaz) (46'04'·48N
30'28'·32E) lies on the S side of
Onisirovs'ko-Tsarehrads'ke Hyrto.
~ The port specialises in handling foreign trade and
coastal cargoe.s, grain, timber. general cargoes,
livestock., mineral building products and containers.
3 Port limits. The port area consists of the following
The approach channel (6.24).
OnisllOVsko-Lymans'kyi Kanai (6.25).
Bugas (Buhas) (6.26).
Bihorod-Onistrovs'kyi (6.20)
• Port Authority. Bilhorod-Onistrovs'kyi Commercial
Sea Poll, vul. Shabs'ka, 81, Bilhorod-Dnistrovs'kyi,
Sanzhiys'kyi Light from SSW (6.17) Odesa Region, 67700, Ukraine.
Originaldar«J 2014

PhOtograph - ./UNMI NJ!ZSChe - CoreatJi,e C,ommons;: A.tfnDuDon- Umltlng conditions

SJWMNkt 4,0 lnt~K)IW 6.21
Controlling depths. A depth of 2·4 m (46'04'·58N
Chornomorsk (lllichivs'k) Light (white round 30'29' ·39E) lies in the approaches to
concrete tower, red bands, 19 m in height) Dnistrovs"ko-Tsarehrads'ke l-lyrio.
(46'18'·94N 30'40'·85E). Onistrovsko-Lymans'kyi Kanai is dredged to 1 ·6 m
however, due to silting, the Port Captain at
Mys Shahany to Dnlstrovs'ko-Tsarehrads'ke Hyr1o Billorod-Onistrovs'kyi should be contacted for the
6.18 latest depth information prior to transit.
From a position about 5 mtles SE of Shahany Light 2 Vertical clearance. A railway bridge, which raises,
(45'40'·37N 29'53'·02E) recommended route No 79 spans Dnistrovs'ko-Tsarehrads'ke Hyrlo in position
leads generally NE and NNE for 37 miles to 46'04'·57N 30'28'·18E. The clearances are as follows:
Dnistrovs'ko-Tsarehrads'ke Hyr1o, passing SE of a Lowered Sm;
dangerous wreck (45'46'·68N 30'12'-04E) and a Raised 29m;
number of wrecks with depths of between 4·8 and Horizontal 30 m.
1 om. which lie up to 5 miles offshore between Mys 3 Maximum size of vessel. Bilhorod-Onlstrovs'kyl
Bumas (45'49'·23N 30'08'·29E) and Budaki Light accepts vessels with the following maximum
(8 miles NE) (6.17). dimensions:
2 A wreck (45'53'·57N 30'19'·45E) with a depth of Draught 5·5 m;
4·8 m is marl<ed by a buoy Qsolated danger). Length 140 m;
Useful mark: Beam 20m.
Burnas Light (white stone structure on orange The permissible draught is dependent on the depth
building. 13 m in height) (45'49'·75N of water within the estuary: the Port Captain should be
30'09'·18E). consulted before transit.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Arrival information Harbour

6.22 6.23
Outer roadstead extends up to t 'h miles offshore General layout. Quays line the perimeter of
between the parallels of 46•07'·00N and 46•03•,ooN. Bilhorod-Onistrovs'kyi (Pivdennyi Basin) (46°10'·93N
Anchorage area No 350 (46°06'·15N 30°31'-42E). 30°22'·57E), an area on the SE side of the town of
with depths up to 11 m good holding, is situated within Bilhorod- Dnistrovs'kyi. The basin is protected by
the outer roadstead and is used for cargo hand~ng Pivnichnyi mole (46°11'·04N 30°22'·76E) projecting SE
operations and by vessels awa~ing enuy to the port. from the NE part of the basin. Two other basins are
Caution. A wreck (46°06'·41N 30"32'-0lE), with a located on the NE side of the town. Tsentral'nyi
depth of 9-7 m, lies in the NE comer of the ancho<age (Central) (46'11··85N 30°21'-67E) and Severnyl (North)
area. (46"12'·14N 30•21··20E).
2 Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels when 2 Bugaz (Buhaz) (46°04'·48N 30°28'·32E) is located
entering the harbour, departing, mooring or shifting on the S shore of Dnistrovs'ko- Tsarehrads'ke Hyrlo,
berth. Pilots normally embark 1 'h miles E of 1 cable E of the railway bridge (6.21). The port is a
Onistrovs'ko- Tsarehrads'ke Hyrlo in position subsidiary of Bilhorod-Onistrovs'kyi (6.20).
45•04•.51 N 30'30'·51E. DevelopmenL Reclamation works are in progress
If, due to adverse weather conditions, the pilot is (2013) close S of berth No 10 (46°10'·74N 30°22'·63E)
unable to embark the pilot boat will lead the vessel in Bitlorod-Onistrovs'kyi harbour.
into the harbour. Requests for a pilot should be made 3 Water levels in Onistrovs'kyi Lyman are determined
4 hours in advance. by the level of Rika Onister, which is highest in the
Tugs should be ordered 2 hrs in advance. At least spring and lowest in the autumn. NW winds reduce
one tug is compulsory when berthing in water levels in the S part of the inlet to 0·5 m below
Bilhorod-Onistrovs'kyi. mean level.
3 Traffic regulatlons: Currents. When winds are from NW, strong
Vessels passing in the approach channel to currents out of Dnistrovs'kyi Lyman have been
Dnistrovs'ko-Tsarehrads'keHyr1o should do so observed which make entry to the inlet and anchorage
in visibility not less than 1000 m. Speed in the near the channel dangerous. Navigation is prohibited
approach channel should not exceed 7 kn. when the rate of the current is in excess of 4 kn.
Entry to and departure from the port are canied 4 Ice. In winter Onistrovs'kyi Lyman is covered in
out on a 24 hour basis. thick Ice. The average number of days with iee is
One-way traffic only is permitted in pilotage about 80. but it varies between 35 and 125 days.
waters. Navigation all year round is maintained with the
Overtaking by seagoing vessels is prohibited in assistance of icebreakers.
the channel.
4 Vessels with a draught similar to the maximum
depth of the channel must not exceed a speed Directions !or entering harbour
of 5 kn. 6.24
Navigation in the channel is prohibited dumg fog Landmarks:
or limited visibility. Dnistrcvs'kc-Tsarehrads'ke Light (46°04'·44N
Anchoring, fishing, submarine and seabed 30•25·.11E).
operations are prohibited in Area No 603. See Bridge Towers (railway bridge) (46°04'·57N
Appendix 2. ao·25··18EJ (s.211.
Fully ballasted vessels may berth providing that Major lights:
winds do not exceed 25 kn. Dnistrovs'ko-Tsarehrads'ke Light (red rectangle,
s Navigation during Ice conditions: two white bands, white sbipe on red metal
Ice breakers normalty meat vessels in the vicinity framework tower, 32 m in height) (46°04'·44N
of No 1 Buoy off the approaches to 30•25·-11ei.
Onistrovs'ko- Tsarehrads'ke Hyno. Route. The port is approached through a channel
Request tor pilotage in ice conditions should be which leads from No 1 Light Buoy (46'04'·65N
made 48 hours before arrival.. 30'30'-51E) to Onistrovs'ko-Tsarehrads'ke Hyrlo and
6 Signals ind.Cating the direction of the current in thence by way of Dnistrovsko-Lymans'kyi Kanai
Dnistrovs'ko- Tsarehrads'ke Hyr1o are exhibited from a through the S part of Dnistrovs'kyi Lyman.
mast on a building near the 2 Approaches to Dnistrovs'kyi Lyman. From the
Dnistrovs'ko-Tsarehrads'ke front leading light (6.24) as vicinity of the Pilot boarding pcsmon (46'04'·61 N
follows: 30'30'-SlE), S of No 1 Light Buoy, the narrow green
sector (262·75°-265·35°) of Dnlstrovs'ko- Tsarehrads'ke
S~nal Meaning Hyr1o Ouection Light (grey tower, 24 m in height)
(46'04'·50N 30•28'· 18E) leads through the centre of a
Day Night buoyed channel ~a) to the harbour entrance.
Caution. A dangerous wreck lies on the port side of
• Current flowing out ot inlet the channel close W of No 6 tight buoy (46°04'·54N
Onistrovs'ko Lymans'kyi Kanai. The channel,
whtch is 7'h miles long, consists of two legs.

Current flowing into inlet

First teg direction light:
Kosa Bugaz Light (white diamond on white
rectangle. black stripe. 18 m in height)
(46"04'·47N 30'28.·06E).
The narrow white sector (168·8°-169·2'), astern, of
Directions of the current (6.22) the above light leads N for 2'h miles along the first

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


leg of the canal, which is marked at intervals of about Qsolated danger) is moored 85 m E of the E end of
5 cables by pairs of buoys and light buoys (pon and the quay.
starboard hand). The start of the second leg of lhe A derelict pier is located on the N shore.
canal is marked by No 17 Light Buoy. To reinforce Kosa Bugaz against erosion, four
3 Cautions. Wrecks with depths of 2'6 and O.S m lie. wreci<sfiled with rocks have been placed S of Bugaz
respectively, E and W of lhe canal, 2 cables NW and port.
5·8 cables NNW of the central section of lhe bridge. 3 Bilhorod-Dnistrovs'kyi Harbour (46'10'·93N
An obstruction, depth 1-1 m, lies HI cables W of the 30'22'·57E) provides ten berths; length 78 to 160 m:
central section of the bridge. depths 3·1 to 5·1 m. The principle berths are on the
Several underwater obstructions with depths of O· 7 NW side of the basin. The harbour handles limber,
to 3·2 m are located between 0·7 and 2 cables WNW grain, building materials, livestock and general cargo.
and N of the central section of the bridge. Berth No 7 is reserved for the Port Auxiliary Fleet.
• Second leg leading lights: • Two basins, Tsentraf'nyi (Central) (46'11 '·85N
Front light (white diamond and rectangle, blaci< 30'21'·67E) and Severnyi (North) (46'12'·14N
stripe, 19 min height) (46°11·-04N 30'22'·37E). 30'21 '·20E). both are located on the NE side of the
Rear lijJht (black diamond and rectangle. wh~e town:
stripe, 18 m in height) (6 cables from front Tsentral'nyi Basin is formed by two parallel stone
light). moles extending NE, on the inner side of
s The alignment (319·3j of these lights, visible on the which are berths Nos 4 and 5. Depths in the
leading line only, leads NW for 5 maes along the basin 0·4 to 1-1 m. A foul area with a depth of
second leg of the canal to the entrance to Yuwnyi 1-6 m lies 45 m E of the NW mole.
Kovsh which is entered after passing Nos 37 and 38 Sevemyi basin is 3·3 cables NW of Tsentral'nyi
Buoys. This leg of the canal is initially unmarked, but basin, opposite a tort, The basin Is formed by
after 3 cables is marked by light buoys Qateral). an L-shaped mole extending NNE then E and
a second mole extending NE, on the inner
sides of which are berths Nos t and 2. Depths
Basins and berths O· 7 to 1 ·5 m. Two stranded wrecks lie
6.26 alongside the outer wall of the L-shaped mole.
Bugaz (Buhaz) Subsidiary Port (46"04.·48N A series of piles and underwater rocks lie
30'28'·32E) is located on the S shore of dose to berth No 2.
Dnistrovs'ko..Tsarehrads'ke Hyrto, 1 cable E of the
bridge. Quay length 220 m, depth alongside 4·7 m. Port services
The port is a subsidiary of Bihorod-Onistrov'kyi. 6.27
Vessels berth using two tugs. Repairs: minor repairs; floating cranes; diving craft.
2 Depths of 1 ·3 m and 0·6 m are located at the W Other facilities: SSCC, SSCEC issued.
and E ends of the quay respectively. A light buoy Supplies: fresh water; provisions.


ChomolllOISk (lnichivs'k) is approached by way of a
General information TSS (6.3) and an entrance channel (6.42) which leads
through the coastal bank to the harbour entrance.
Position and function Port Authori1y
Chornomorsk (lllichivs'k) (46'19'·13N 30'40'-60E) is
Chomomorsk (lllichivs'k) Port Authority, Truda
situated on the shores of Sukhyi Lyman, an inlet
Square 6, Chomomorsk (lllichivs'k), Odesa Region,
11 miles SSW of Odesa.
68001, Ukraine.
2 It is a major port which handles general cargoes.
The Harbour Master's office and the port office are
container, ore, grain, fertilizer, food oils, fuel and
situated in the area of the fishing port.
liquefied gas. Approximately 6·2 minion tonnes of grain, Website.
3·2 million tonnes of fuel and 2·1 milion tonnes of bulk
cargoes are handled annuaJty. About 750 vessets visit
the port per annum. Limiting conditions
It is also a terminal for the international rail ferry Depths
between Ukraine and Varna in Bulgaria. 6.32
Entrance channel rs 160 m wide, 1400 m long and
Port limits dredged to 14·5 m (2018).
6.29 S and W side of Pershyi Baseyn, dredged to
The port area consists at 12-0m (2018); except Berth Nos 7 and a. Less water
The three basins of Sukhyi Lyman. reported (2016) in approaches to Berth No 1.
Approach area, E by a line connecting the N and
S moles and Nos 1 and 2 Light Buoys (6.42). Times of entry
Anchorage area No 351 (6.36). 6.33
Spoil ground in position (46'12'-00N 30'48'·80E). Port may be entered 24 hours but night time
The arc of a circle of 41h miles radius centred on movement of vessels over 200 m in length requires
the harbour entrance (46'19'-00N 30'41'-00E). special permission

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Natural conditions Traffic regulations

6.34 6.39
Density of water: 1 ·01 o g1ms. When approaching the eon the Master of a vessel
Water level. Range of water level caused by strong must communicate in good time with the VTCC, which
winds may reach 1 m. N winds cause a rise and S wil determine the sequence of ship movements.
winds a fall in level. All vessels within the port area must keep a watch
Ice. Icebreaker assistance required for about on VHF channel 16.
30 days during severe winters. Permission 10 enter or leave harbour, granted by
the Port Captain, will be confirmed by a green light
Arrival Information shown at the signal mast near the traffic regulating
post. A red light indicates that entry or exit is
Vessel traffic service prohibited.
6.35 2 Anchoring is prohibited on or to the N of the leading
The movement of all vessels within the port area of Isle between Sukhyi Firth (lllichivs'k) Approach Light
Chornomorsk (lllichivs'k) is regulated by the Vessel buoy (46"18'·50N 30•43·.42E) and the entrance
Traffic Control Centre (VTCC) accommodated in a channel. and between the moles at the entrance.
building, painied with red and while stripes. that is Vessels proceeding from N to S are not to cross
situated on the N spit of the harbour entrance. the leading line between Sukhyi Firth (lllichivs'k)
Chornomorsk Ollichivs'k) Traffic Control extends up to approach light buoy and the entrance channel.
14 miles from the port. excluding certain sectors: and Navigation in the entrance channel is nonnally one
Port Control extends 4·5 miles from the port and way.
includes Anchorage Area No 351 (6.36). 3 Speed of vessels in the entrance channel should
2 Vessels navigating within the VTS area should not exceed 6 kn unless a higher speed is necessary
continuously monitor VTS broadcas1s and foDow the to avoid an emergency situation. in which case the
instructions. recommendations and wami.ngs VTCC should be informed.
concerning the safety of navigation. 1ne, property and Speed of vessels of more than 20 gt in the inner
the environment. port area must not exceed 5 kn.
3 Radar navigation assistance is compulsory:
For all passenger vessels, oil and chemical Harbour
tankers, vessels canying dangerous cargoes
and tankers that are not gas free in any General layout
visibility. 6.40
When visibility is less than 2 miles. Sukhyi Lyman is divided into three parts. which from
When ordered by the Port Caplain. seaward are known, respectively, as Pershyi (First)
4 Traffic signals regulating entry and exit from the port Baseyn. Druhyi (Second) Baseyn and Tretiy (Third)
are exhibited from a mast close to this building. Baseyn.
See ADMIRALTY Lisi of Radio Signals Volume 6(3) 2 Pershyi Baseyn lies between the harbour entrance
for details. and Ostriv Darnbovyi, an artificial islet that lies 1 mile
NNW. Druhyy Baseyn extends N and NW from Ostriv
Outer anchorage Dambovyi and Tretiy Baseyn lies N of Vtoroy Baseyn
and is entered by a channel crossed by a pontoon
Anchorage Area 351 is situated 4'h miles SE of the
port entranoe; depths 18 to 22 rn, grey mud and shell
3 Oleksandrivka and the new town of Chomomorsk
Cautions. An obstruction lies SV.. miles SSE of the
Ollichivsl<) are situated on the w side of Pershyi
Vessel Traffic Control C<1ntre (6.35), in the S central Baseyn.
area of the anchorage. A wreck which has a depth of The port has more than 40 berths which are
16·9 m, lies close outside the SW boundary of the situated around the first two basins. The E side of
anchorage area. Pershyi basin (Sea Fishing Port), handles mainly
Spoil ground area No 905 lies 2% miles S of the
metal. frozen products, grain and general cargoes and
port entrance.
has 1 berths.
Pilots and tugs
6.37 Directions
Pilotage is compulsory for an vessels of 500 gt and (continued from 6. 13 and 6. 19)
over and is available 24 hours. Pilots normaDy embark
in the vicinity of 45•1s·.35N 30°43'-40E, close S of the Principal martc.s
Sukhyi Firth Approach Light Buoy (46"18'·50N 6.4t
30°43'·42E). In the event of bad weather the boarmng Landmarks:
position will be agreed with the pilot Water tower (46"15'-02N 30"37'·23E).
2 Tugs are available and their use is compulsory for Chimney (46"16'·75N 30"37'·08E).
vessels over 50 m in length or 500 gt. Tugs should be Radar mast (46"17'·87N 30.39'·65E).
ordered 2 hours in advance. Two chimneys (46.18'·42N 30°38'·96E).
Pilotage, tug assistance and mooring are prohibited Chimney (46"18'·93N 30•3a··21 E).
when winds exceed 27 kn. Chimney (46"19'·67N 30.40'·20E).
Cooting tower (46°19'·94N 30°41'·12E).
Regulated areas Chimney (46.20'·40N 30°41'·29E).
6.38 Chimney (46°20'·88N 30°40'·18E).
Area In which anchoring, fishing, submarine and 2 Major lights:
seabed operations are prohibited: Sanzhiys'l<yi Light (46°13··54N 30°36'·54E) (6.17).
Explosives Dumping Grc>und Area No 665 into Chornomorsk (lllichlvs'k) Light (46°18'·94N
which entry is prohibited is situated 21A miles 30°40'•85E) (6.17), which stands al the head
NNE of the harbour entrance. of S mole.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


The alignment (345·r) of these lights leads into

Drullyy Baseyn passing E of Ostriv Dambovyi. This
passage is dredged to 9·5 m (2018).
2 In-going traffic entering Druhyy Baseyn uses the
passage E of Osbiv Dambovyi.
Out-going traffic uses the W passage.
Large vessels which may find the W passage
difficult to navigate may, with the permission of the
Harbour Master, use the E passage when proceeding
from Druhyy Baseyn to Pershyi Baseyn.
3 The channel W of Ostriv Oamdovyi to the N side of
Pier No 3 is dredged to 12 m. The N arm, to
Chomomorsk (IDichivs'k) Fuel Terminal (3 cables NNE
of the head of Pier No 3), is maintained to 11 ·5 m; the
NW to the Chomomo,sk (lllichivs'k) Grain Terminal
OGn by Pier No3, is dredged to 12m (2018).
Basins and berths
Chornomorsk (lllichivs'k) Light from S (6.41) Pershyi Baseyn
O~dated2008 6.44
Alongside berths. Positions of berths and their
Photograph - Minami Himemiya - CreatNe Comnons: Atriliuaon- depths are best seen on the chart. It has been
ShareAN"-e 4.0 tmern.:lliorr3J reported that Berths Nos 1 and 2 on the NE side of
the basin are for coal and ore cargoes. Berth Nos 3
through 10 are used for general cargo, Ro Ro and
Odes'kyi Light (four-sided white metal framework container handling.
tower, red bands, 42 m in height) (4s+22''64N z Berths on the SW side include Nos 1 and 2 for coal
30•44··85E}. and ores; No 3 through No 6 for container handling:
No 7 through No 18 general oargoes, including ore.
Approach and entrance channel metals and grain: No 19 and No 20 have specialized
6.42 sulphur handling laciltties.
Track. From the vicinity of the SE edge of the TSS A vessel of draught 14 m, length 275 m has been
(46°08'·24N 31°05'·90E), the track leads NW then handled; vessels up to a length of 300 m may be
WNW within the TSS for 19 miles to the piot boarding accepted in special cases.
position (6.37). 3 Mooring buoys and berthing areas are situated in
Caution. All obstruction with a depth of 16·9 m, the centre of Pershyi Baseyn.
marked by V-AJS, lies close NE of the pdot boarding Anchoring is not normally permitted within the
position. A further obstruction, with a depth of 17-8 m, harbour entrance, but may be permitted in exceptional
lies 3Y. cables farther NE. circumstancesand for short periods, with tugs in
2 Leading lights: attendance.
Front light (white lantern. white rectangle. black
Druhyy Baseyn
stripe on black metal framework tower, 28 m in
height) (46'19'-49N 30°39'·04E). A pier which is used by the International rail ferry Is
Rear light (similar structure, 29 m in height)
situated on the NE side of the basin.
(4 cables from front light).
A fuel terminal is situated on the N side of the
3 The alignment (288·5') of these lights, visible on the
basin; vessels up to 11 ·5 m draught can be
leading line only, leads WNW to the harbour entrance,
2 A grain terminal is situated in the vicinity of Pier
Sukhyi Firth (lnichivs'k) Approach Light Buoy
No 3: vessels up to 250 m LOA and 12·2 m draught
(safe water) (46'18'·50N 30°43'·42E), thence: can be accommodated.
Between Nos 1 and 2 Light Buoys (starboard and Caution. Less water than charted is reported (2016)
port hand) which mark the seaward end of the
in the SW part of Druhyy Baseyn.
entrance channel. This entrance ohaMel, the
edge of which is marked by light buoys. is Tretly Baseyn
120 m wide. Thence: 6.46
• Between the N and S moles which protect the The basin is accessed through an opening pontoon
inshore end of the entrance channel. Lights bridge from the N side of Druhyy Baseyn; a pair of
(lateral) are exhibited from the ends of the mooring dofphins lie each side of the bridge.
moles. A berth, consisting of a pair of jetties and several
Caution. When there are strong winds between NE mooring dol!)hins, lies midway along the basin on the
and S. the sea in the channel makes steering diff'ICl.dt W side; depths off the berth are 4 to 5 m. A pier.
fronting the settlement of Tairove, lies opposite the
Druhyy Baseyn berth on the E shore: depths are shallow.
Leading lights: Port services
Front light (white truncated pyramid, black stripe Repairs
on metal framework tower. 16 m in heighQ 6.47
(46°20'·79N 30'39'·31E). Repairs of all kinds on vessels up to 60 000 dwt
Rear light (white rectangle, black stripe on metal Floating docks. Three docks are available with
framework tower. 28 m in height) (1 Y. cables capacity of up to 60 000 tonnes, length 250 m. in
from front light). Drullyy Baseyn.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Other facilities 2 The inner roadstead may be entered as follows:

6.48 Soulh entrance. Between Reidovyi (Reydovyy)
SSCC, SSCEC issued; compass adjustment oily Mol and E end of Staryi Khvylelom.
waste disposal; salvage services; rescue craft; Middle entrance. Between the W end of Staryi
hospital. Khvyfetom and the S end of Novyi Khvylelom.
Supplies Pon Authority
6.49 6.54
Fuel; fresh water supplied at quays and by barge; Odesa Commercial Sea Port, pl. Tarnojennaya.
provisions. l Odesa, 65026, Ukraine.
Limiting conditions
General information Maximum size of vessel handled
Position and function 6.55
6.50 100 000 dWt: 270 m length: 40 m beam; 13 m
Odesa (46'30'•00N 30'44'·52E) is situated in lhe draught.
SW part of Odes'ka Zatoka; a bay in lhe NW part of Density of water
the Black Sea. 6.56
2 It is the largest Black Sea port in Ukraine and a Average t-012 glcm3, but varies with the season.
major industrial and cultural centre. Imports include
raw sugar, containers. fruit and general cargo; expo<IS Water level
include non-ferrous and ferrous metals, containers, 6.57
chemicaJ fertilizers, paper and cereaJs. Range of water level caused by winds is 1-2 m.

Topography Ice
6.51 6.58
Odes'ka Zatoka is entered between Mys Lanzheron Icebreaker assistance is required for about 30 days
(46'28'·68N 30'45'·94E) and Mys Pivnicllnyi Odes'kyi, during severe winters.
about 5 miles NNE. The city of Odesa stands on a hill
which rises steeply from the sea and has many fine Arrival information
buildings. A broad flight of steps, supported by arches, Ves$el traffic service
leads from the harbour up the hillside to a boulevard 6.59
which runs along lhe top of lhe slope between lhe Odesa Port Control (6.66), which operates 24 hours.
harbour and the city. The buildings of lhe city extend regulates the movement of vessels within its of
S to Mys Lanzheron. operation. This zone of operation consists of the
2 The Inner roadstead of lhe port consists of a waters lhat are bounded to the S and SE by lhe arc
number of basins separated by moles extending for of a circJe, 8 miles in radius, centred on the control
2 miles along the shore and is protected from lhe E by post and to lhe E by lhe meridian of 30'55'·00E.
Karantinnyi Mol and its extension Reidovyi Mol and 2 Port control is sited on the top of a tower which
from the NE and N by two detached breakwaters, stands on No 1 quay, at lhe head of Karantinnyi Mol.
Staryi and Novyi Khvylelom. Vorontsovs'kyi Light For further information see ADMIRAL TY List of
(46'29'·79N 30'45'·60E) (6.66) stands at lhe head of Lights and Radio Signals Volume6(3).
Reidovyi Mol.
Further details of port layout may be seen on the Outer anchorages
chart. 6.60
Anchorage areas are situated as follows:
Pon llmlts Area No 354 in the outer roadstead. This
6.52 anchorage is tor large tonnage vessels,
The port is bounded by lhe paraDels of 46'32',00N tankers. vessels with dangerous cargoes and
and 46'25'·00N and the meridian of 30'54'-00E and olher vessels waiting to enter Odesa. Where
the coastline. necessary. gas tankers anchor In the S part of
The port area is divided into three roadsteads: the anchorage area, at posttions: 46'25'·60N
The outer roadstead which comprises waters 30'53'·50E and 46'26.·10N 30'53'·50E.
within the port area to seaward of a fine 2 Cautions. A transhipment area is located in the
joining lhe entrance points of Odes'l<a Zatoka. NW part of the area in position 46°29' · 70N
2 Odes'kyi roadstead which comprises waters In 30'51 '·SOE, radius 4 cables. An cbsiructon
Odes'ka Zatoka between the outer and inner (aeroplane) and an obstruction and wreck,
roadstead. marked by a light buoy (Isolated danger). lie
The inner roadstead comprises the S, N and 5 cables W and 6'h cables NNE of the above
Passenger Terminal Districts; lhe boundary position.
between the S and N districts is lhe head of , Area No 355 in Odes'kyi roadstead, good
Androsivskyi Mol. holding. Vessels are brought to this anchorage
by shore based radar pilotage irrespective of
Approach and entry visibility. See 6. 71.
Odesa is approached by way of two TSSs, one of Pilots and tugs
which leads from the traffic roundabout (centred on 6.61
46'15'·59N 30'56'·00E) and the olher which follows Pllotage is compulsory for all vessels entering and
the coast from the entrance to Chornomorsk leaving the harbour. and is available 24 hours. Pilots
(lllichivs'k). 11 miles S. Recommended Route No 1. board 2 miles E of Vorontsovs'kyi Light (6.66) in
leads ENE to Kherson. position 46'29'·81N 30'48'·49E.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Tug requirements should be made known to the Directions

harbour authorities 45 minutes in advance. All vessels
over 100 m in length are required 10 take tugs. Principal marks
Regulated areas Landmarks:
6.62 Mys Velykyi Fonlan (46'22'·54N 30'45'·01 E),
Area to which entry is prohibited: which rises vertically to a height of 38 m and
Area No 184 extends about 2 cables NNE from is radar conspicuous. Odes'kyi light stands on
Staryi Kllvylelom (46.29'·78N 30"44'·98E). this headland.
Area In which anchoring, fishing, submarine and Water tower (46"22'-66N 30.44'·89E).
seabed operations are prohibited: 2 Chimney (I 00 m in height) (46'23'·83N
Area No 605 is situated SE of Sta,yi Khvylelom. 30'43'·56E}.
2 Areas which should be avoided: Building (46 min height) {46'26'·39N 30°46'·14E)
Area No 800 at the NE exlremfty of the Oil on Mys Matyi Fontan.
Harbour (Naltova Haman') (46'30'·60N Port Control Tower (46.29'·46N 30"45'·51 E).
30'43'·97E). Factory chimney (46"30'·75N 30"43'·53E).
Area No 801 at the SE end of Novyi Kllvytelom 3 Flare (46°30'·83N 30'41'·38E).
(46'30'•30N 30'44'·57E). Chimney (46 m in height) (46'33'·56N
Area No 802 on the E side of Reidovyy Mot 30'49'·41 E}.
(46.29'·68N 30"45'-66E). Mys Pivnichnyi Odes'kyi (46'32'·99N 30'49'·25E),
See Appendix 3. a conspicuous headland.
Chimney (125 m in height) (46"34'·63N
Traffic regulations 30"4T·t9E).
6.63 • Major lights:
All vessels underway in the port area must keep Odes'kyi light (46°22'·64N 30'44'·85E).
watch on VHF. VoronlSOvs'kyi light (white round metal tower.
Vessels must inform the Port control 20 minutes 26 m in height) (46'29'·79N 30•45·.50E).
before entering the waters of the port area and on
completion of anchoring or securing alongside.
2 Vessels anchoring in area No 354 should report
their posltion from Voron1Sovs'kyi WghL
Permission must be oblained bef0<e moving a
vessel within the port area. The permission remains in
force for 30 minutes and then automaticalty lapses.
3 Speed of vessels must not exceed:
6 kn in the approach channel and anch0<age
areas. Minimum speed required 10 maintain
Otherwise as directed by Odesa Port Control.
• Visibility. When visibillty is less than 3 miles U1 the
outer roadstead and 5 cables in the inner roadstead,
the movement of all vessels (except gas carriers) can
only be earned out under radar pilolage fr0<n Odesa
Port Control. In such clrcomstanees only two vessels Odesa - Vorontsovs'kyi Light from SW (6.66)

can be piloted simultaneously. Ong,na/ d3!ed 20 I I
s The movement of gas carriers as prohibrted in
visibility tess than 2 miles in daylight and 5 miles at PhOfJf>•' .,tJk ,..,.,.,.... CrNfivt CQmmQn$: ~ ..
night, and also during unfavourable navigational Sh.,.Alb3.0~
Ice. Vessels requiring icebreaker assistance must Odes'kyi Stvomyi Light (whtte four-sided wooden
give 48 hours notice of their arrival and 24 hrs nolioe hut on building, 20 m in height) {46'29'·39N
before departure. 30'43'·99E}.
Luzanivs'kyi Light (orange column on white round
Harbour concrete tower, 10 m in height) (46'33'·12N
General layout
6.64 Approach from east
The harbour is divided into two main areas; the N (continued from 6. 13)
part contains the oil berths and the S part the cargo, 6.67
container and passenger berths. The harbour is Fr0<n the NW sector of traffic roundabout centred
protected by two detached breakwaters, Novyi 46'15'·59N 30°56'-00E a TSS (6.3) leads NNW for
Khvylelom and Staryi Khvytelom. The naval base is 15'h mies to a light buoy (S cardinal) in the entrance
located in Praktychna (PracticaO Havan·, in the centre of Odes1<a Zatoka.
of harbour.
2 Development. Wor1<s are in progress (2014) to Coastal approachfrom south
construct a protective breakwater, orientated (conUnued from 6. 19)
NNW/SSE, 1 'h cables E of the container terminal. 6.68
buoys (cardinaQ mark the wor1<ing area. From a position 2'h miles ESE of the enuance to
Chomomorsk (llichivs'k). a TSS leads NE and then
Climate information NNE lo, 9'h miles to the entrance to Odesa, passing:
6.65 SE of Mys Vel'ykyi Fontan (46'22'·50N
See 1.151 and 1.163. 30'45'-00E) (6.66). Thence:

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


ESE of Mys Lanzheron (46°28'·68N 30°45'·94E), 6.70

a steep headland surrounded by a shelf with Middle entrance leading lights:
depllls of less than 5 m. Front (red diamond and red rectangle on metal
2 Inshore route. RecommendedRoute No 18 tor framewor1< tower, 10 m in height) (46°30'·00N
passenger vessels of up to 120 tonnes displacement,. 30°44'·30E).
leads NE and N from Chornomorsk (llflChivsl<) to Rear (red daymar1< point up, 22 m in height)
Odesa. passing E of Ille container terminal (6.64). (3Y. cables from front light).
Caution. There are many underwater rocks and 2 The ar,gnment (274-6°) of these lights, visible on the
obstructions on Ille coastal bank which extends up to leading ine only, leads along a channel (dredged to
5 cables offshore between Mys Velykyi Fontan and 13-6 m in 2012). N of Asea No 184 (6.63), into which
Lanzherons'kyi (46°27'·50N 30°45'·50E). entry is prohibited, to the harbour entrance between
Entering Odesa Ille W end of Staryi Khvylelom and the S end of Novyi
6.69 Khvyletom. The W end of Staryi Khvylelom is marked
South entrance. The channel leads S between by a light (white metal framework tower, 9 m in height).
Reidovyi Mol. the head of which is marked by 3 Leading lights:
Vorontsovs'kyi Light (46°29'·79N 30°45'·6-0E} (6.66) Front (red rectangle on metal framework lower,
and Ille E end of Slaryi Khvylelom which is marked by 22 m in height) (46'30'·79N 30°43.·84E).
a light (white metal lramewor1< tower, 9 m in heighQ Rear (similar structure, 26 m in height) (1 cable
(2 cables SW). from front light).

Odesa - S Entrance and Vorontsovs'kyi Light lrom N (6.69)

Origlnaf dalsd 2016

Photograph - lan Mear:.hem

Odesa - Light SE end Staryi Khvylelorn (6.70)

On9n,9IdMed 2016
Photograph - Jan Afeschem

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


The alignment (327·6°) of these lights, visible on the Seven berlhs with depths of 5·1 to 12·0 m; vessels
leading line only, and the alignment (147·6·). astern, of with a canying capacity of 1000 to 100 000 gt can be
the following lights, visible on the leading tine only, accommodated; all types of petroleum products are
leads for 7 cables along a channel, dredged to I3·6 m handled. Gas earners are handled at berths No 4H
(2012), to Naftova Havan', and No 7H.
• Leading lights: • Berth No 7H nes close SSW of Restricted Area
Front (combined red triangle on red rec1angle, No 800 (6.62).
point up, on concrete post, 1 Om in height) " Pas$enger terminal and marina are situated in the
(46'29'·87N 30'44'-68E). S part of the port. The marina. Berth 17, is located on
Rear (similar structure, on column. 15 m in the head of Novyi (New) Mole; the passenger berths
height) (1 '/, miles from front light). are Nos 15, 16. 18, 19 and 20; Berths 16a and 18a
(Directions continue for the are passenger berths for river-sea vessels. Depths
coastal route to Port Yuzhnyy at 6.78) are &9 to 11 ·5 m, and vessels up to 272 m LOA can
be accommodated. The maximum LOA for cruise
ships is 330 m.
Basins and berths 5 Container terminal is situated on Karantynnyi Mal.
Berth No 2 is 310 m long with depths of 12·9 to
Anchor berths 13·3 m; Berth No 3 is 220 m long with depths
6.71 alongside of 11·5 to 12·2m. Berths 1-K and 2-K are
Area No 355. Seven anchor berths are contained in on the W side of the terminal with charted depths of
Anchorage area No 355 (46'31.·00N 30°46'·90E); mud, 12-0 m to 14·0 m alongside. The terminal can accept
sand, shells and clay. The seaward end of a vessels up to 305 m LOA, 40 m beam and 13·0 m
submarine outfall pipeline lies 2 cables N of Anchorage draught.
area No 355 and is unmarked,
2 Caution. When the wind is forecast to strengthen to
22 mis (Beaufort force 9) or more from an E direction. Port services
in consultation with VTS. small vessels should be led
into port and larger vessels move to Anchorage area
No 354, soft mud and shell. or proceed to sea.
Repairs of all kinds on vessels of up to 20 000 dwl
Three floating dry docks are available. The dry dock
Basins and alongside berths floor of the largest measures 199·7 m long, 30·5 m
6.72 width, capacity 16 000 tonnes.
There are seven basins and over 50 sheltered
berths with depths alongside that range from 5· 1 to Other facilities
14·6 m. The cargo areas consist of dry cargo
processing, a passenger complex. an oh terminal. a SSCC. SSCEC issued; hospitals; oily waste
container terminal and a vegetable 011 processing disposal: compass adjustment rescue craft.
facility. Cruiseship calls are also handled. The
positions of the basins and berths can be seen on the
chart. The latest information on depths alongside can Supplies
be obtained from the pilot or port dispatcher. 6.75
2 Oil harbour is situated in Naftova Havan' Fuel by barge; fresh water at quays and by barge;
(46°30'·60N 30°43'·97E) in the N part of the port. provision

Odesa- Staryi Khvylelom and passenger terminal from E (6.72)

Drignaldasd 2016
Photograph - lan Meachem

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


ODESA TO APPROACHESTO PORT YUZHNYY r Thence the track leads to the seaward end of the
final approach 10 Port Yuzhnyy and Anchorage areas
Nos 357 and 358 (6.86).
General information {Ditections continue for the recommended route to
Mys Adzhyias'kat 6.103)
Recommended Route No 1 leads 1 O mies ENE
from Odesa to the approaches to Port Yuzhnyy. General information

Traffic regulations Position and tuncUon

6.77 6.79
Areas to be avoided: Port Yuzhnyy (46"36'·91N 31°01'·21E) is sauated on
Areas No 803 and 804. 5 cables SW and the shores of Adzhalyls'kyi Lyman, 13 miles ENE of
2 Y,miles E, respectively, from Mys Pivmchny, Odesa.
Odes'kyi. A buoy (isolated danger), marks a 2 It is a major port for the handling of bulk metals
wreck in the SW comer of Area No 803. and ore, coal, grain, liquid ammonia, fertilizers,
chemicals, vegetable oils and petJoleum products. Port
Yuzhnyy is the youngest and deepest port in the
Directions Ukraine.
(continued from 6. 70)
Track Between Mys Pivnichnyi Odes'kyi (46°32'·99N
6.78 30'49'·2SE) and the entrance 10 Port Yuzhnyy,
Caution. To avoid a bank with a least depth of 8'h miles ENE, the coast is moderately high, steep
9·1 m (46°30'·32N 30°47'·72E), large vessels must and reddish in colour. In places tt is Intersected by
leave the recommended route and pass S of the light rames.
buoy (S cardinal) which lies 1 'hcables SSW of the 2 Adzhalyts'kyi Lyman, the harbour of Port Yuzhnyy,
area. which was originally a salt lake cut off from the sea by
2 Leading lights: a narrow ridge of sand. is entered by way of a
Front light. Vorontsovs'kyi Lighl (46°29·.79N dredged channel through an entrance about 2 cables
30•45·.50E) (6.66).
Rear light. Odes'kyi Stvomyi Light (1 v. mies from
front light) (6.66). Approach and entry
3 From the vicinity of the light buoy (S cardinal) 6.81
(46°30'·13N 30'47'-61E) in the entrance to Odes'ka Port YuZhnyy is approached from S through a TSS
Zatoka the alignment (250·4"). astern, of these 6ghts (6.3) which leads N from the traffic roundabout
leads ENE along Recommended Route No 1 for (centred 46"15'·59N 30°56'·00E) and from W by
9 miles to Port Yuzhnyy, passing: Recommended Route No 1 Which leads along the
SSE of an obstruction with a depth of 9·8 m coast from Odesa. The final approaches to Port
(46°31'·00N 30°48'·73E). Anchoring and fishing Yuzhnyy are by way of a dredged approach channel
are prohib~ed in an area, radius 1 'hcables, that leads through the coastal bank to the harbour
surrounding the area. Thence: entrance. Channel buoyage may be temporariJy shifted
• SSE of Area No 803 (46°32'·80N 30°48'·60E), during dredging operations, and mariners should
thence: navigate with caution.
SSE of Mys Pivnichnyi Odeskyi (46"32'·99N
30°49'·25E) (6.66); a marina which is open Port Authority
NW and has an inside depth of 3 m, lies next 6.82
to the cape. Thence: Yuzhnyy Commercial Sea Pon. Yuzhnyy, Odesa
SSE of a wreck (46'32'·17N 30°52'·59E), with a Region, 65481, Ukraine.
depth of 7·7 m and marked by a buoy Qsolated The harbour offices are on the S end of No 1 berth
danger), thence: (6.94).
s NNW of a wreck (46°30'·24N 30°51'·95E), with a Website.
depth of 8·3 m and marked close N by a ight
buoy (lsolaled danger), thence: Limiting conditions
SSE of Area No 804 (46'33'·50N 30•53·-ooE), Controlling depth
thence: 6.83
Through the Precautionary Area (46"32'·SON The approach channel which is 180 m wide. is
30°56'·00E) (6.92). A wreck with a depth of dredged to 19·0 m (2018). Contact the Port Authority
18·5 m lies on the recommended route within for the latest depth information.
the area. Thence:
6 N o1 Anchorage area No 356 (46'31'·00N Natural conditions
30'58'·00E) (6.86), thence: 6.84
S of Spoil Ground Area No 941 (46"33'·80N Wind. Entry and departure of loaded gas and
30°59'·00E); a light buoy Qsolated danger) chemical carriers and all dry cargo vessels is only
marks two wrecks with depths of 8-5 and permitted Wilen the wind strength is Beaufort force S or
9·9 m. Thence: fess. Gas and chemical carriers in ballast may only
N of two shoal patches (46°32.-94N 30'59'-SSE enter or depart when the wind strength is Beaufort
and 46'32'·99N 31'00'·20E). least depths force 4 or less. Wrth wind strengths In excess of
7·9 and 7·6 m. respectively. both marked Beaufort force 5 vessels may enter or depart utilising
t cable NNE by light buoys (N cardinal). remote pilotage in the approach channel.

e-NP24 - NMs - TRAMMO PARIS {IMO No.lM09792515)

Page: 204
Paragraph 6.79 1 line 1 Replace by:
t Port Yuzhnyy (Port Pivdennyi) (46"36'·91N 31"01'·21E) is situated on ...
Paragraph 6.83 1 lines 2-3 Replace by:
...dredged to 19·0 m (2019).
The basins have dredged depths from 13 to 19 m (2019). Contact the Port Authority for the latest
depth information.
GB Chart 2202 [NP24-No 14-Wk 05/20)


Paragraph 6.79 1 line 1 Replace by:
t, Port Yuzhnyy (Port Pivdennyi) (46"36'·91N 31°01'·21E) is situated on ...
Paragraph 6.83 1 lines 2-3 Replace by:
... dredged to 19·0 m (2019).
The basins have dredged depths from 13 to 19 m (2019). Contact the Port Authority for the latest
depth information.
GB Chart 2202 [NP24-No 14-Wk 05/20)
e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


2 Current. Entry and departure of vessels wil only be The pilot disembarks in position:
permitted when the cross current in the approach 46°32.·33N 30.55'·87E.
channel is not more than 1 kn. 2 Tugs are compulsory for an vessels in excess of
Ice. 40 to 60 cm thick between December and 50 m LOA or 500 gt. Vessels of 100 000 dwt or more
February. In severe winters ice can last until when navigating along the approach channel, shall be
mid-March. accompanied by two tugs. Requests for tugs should
be made at least 2 hours in advance.

Arrival Information
Traffic regulations
Vessel traffic service All vessels approaching Port Yuzhnyy must obtain
6.85 permission to enter the VTS zone 30 minutes before
, YuZhnyy Vessel Traffic Service Centre (VTSC). doing so (6.85). giving details of the ship and its
which operates 24 hours. is situated in a building 45 m cargo. See ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals
high at the E entrance point to Ad2halyts'kyi Lyman. Volume 6(3) for de1aas.
The station regulates the movement of all vessels 2 Gas and chemical carriers must be accompanied by
within its zone of operation, which includes the waters a tug after reaching the pilot embarkation position, with
of Adzhalyts'kyi Lyman as well as an area restricted those in excess of 20 000 dwt being accompanied by
by the shoreline. and meridians 30•55·-ooE and a fire-lighting tug.
31°15'·00E and a circle arc with 12 miles radius on Gas and chemical carriers have right of way over
46°36'·02N 31 °01 '·42E. other vessels, which should not approach them within
Radar navigation assistance is compulsory. 2mies.
regardless of visibility, for the foUowing vessels: 3 When gas and container ships are using the TSS in
2 Passenger, container and RoRo vessels. vessels the approaches to Port Yuzhnyy, the movement of
over 200 m long, gas, chemical and oil tankers vessels in the opposite direction is prohibited.
and vessels carrying explosives. Traffic in the approach channel is one way except
When visibility is less than 2 miles. for vessels up to 120 m long and 20 m beam, not
When ordered by the Port Caplain. carrying dangerous cargoes, and in visibility over
For further information see ADMIRALTY List of 2 miles.
Radio Signals Volume 6(3) for details. • Entry to the port is only permitted in wind speeds
up to Beaufort force 5 or 6, depending on the type,
Outer anchorages loaded condition and size of vessel concerned.
6.86 The speed limit in the inner port waters shall not
Anchorage areas are situated as tolows; exceed 6 kn; for vessels with a draught of 12 m or
Area No 356 (46°31'-00N 30•58'-00E). depths t4 more, speed shall not exceed 8 kn. The above speeds
to 21 m, mud, sand and shell. Be<1h Nos 1 to may be exceeded only to prevent an emergency
7 for vessels up to 300 m long, within a 550 m situation.
radius of the charted position. Berth Nos 8 and Overtaking is prohibited.
9 are for vessels up to 200 m long. within a
475 m radius of the charted position.
2 Area No 357 (46°34'·70N 31•oo··ooE) has seven
berths for dry cargo vessels up to 170 m LOA. Harbour
Depths 12 to 22 m, mud, sand and shell.
An obstruction lies in position 46'3s··o2N
31°04'·57E, close SW of anchorage posilion General layout
No 16. 6.89
s Area No 358 (46°34'·00N 31°07'-00E). Eight The harbour is divided into two parts. The S part,
berths for dry cargo vessets; Nos 21 and 25 includes a central channel dredged (2014) to 19·0 m,
are quarantine anchorages. Depths 16 to but depths of 16·6m have been reported (2016) along
18 m, mud and shell. the E margin between Berth Nos 1 and 3N, and
Obstructions lie in position 45•34·.04N 17-5 m W of the leading line between Berths Nos 3
31'05'·97E, close E and S of anchorage and 6.
position No 19. 2 The surrounding berth areas of the S part of the
4 In the event of it not being possible tor a vessel to harbour are dredged to 13·5 m in the NW section and
proceed beyond the traffic roundabou1 (centred on 14·8 m in the NE section (2009), with the exception of
45•16'·00N 30°56'·00E) 10 one of the above the area off Berth No 9, which is dredged to 14·6 m
anchorages, vessels may, with permission of traffic (2013). The SW section is dredged to 14·0 m (2009)
control, anchor in area No 351 (6.36). 4'h miles SE of and the SE section is dredged to 14·8 m (2009).
the entrance to Chornomorsk (lnichivs'k). 3 The N part of the harbour is dredged to 14·8 m
(2009) in the N section and 13·5 m (2009) in the S.
The two parts of the harbour are connected by a
Piiots and tugs channel dredged to a depth of 14·7 m (2014); Berth
6.87 No 34 fies on the w side of the channel.
Pilotage is compulsory for aD vessels of 500 gt and
over and is available 24 hours. Container vessels with
a deck cargo more than four containers high and more Development
than 220 m LOA. shall take two pilots. The pilot 6.90
boards in oosnlcns: Work is in progress (2018) to extend the N part of
46°31'·8-0N 30'57'·00E the harbour to the NW. The new basin is dredged to
46°34'·99N 31°19'·90E. 16-0m (2018).

e-NP24 - NMs - TRAMMO PARIS {IMO No.lM09792515)

After Paragraph 6.86 3 line 7 Insert:
Area No 359 (46°33'·61N 31°15'·02E). Depths from 12 to 15 m. Obstructions lie within the
anchorage, in positions 46°33'·82N 31°13'·19E and 46°33'·99N 31°15'·68E.
ENC UA5ECF65 & UA5ECF66 [NP24-No 6-Wk 47/19)


After Paragraph 6.86 3 line 7 Insert
Area No 359 (46°33'·61N 31°15'·02E). Depths from 12 to 15 m. Obstructions lie within the
anchorage, in positions 46°33'·82N 31°13'·19E and 46°33'·99N 31°15'·68E.
ENC UA5ECF65 & UA5ECF66 [NP24-No 6-Wk 47/19)


After Paragraph 6.86 3 line 7 Insert
Area No 359 (46°33'·61N 31°15'·02E). Depths from 12 to 15 m. Obstructions lie within the
anchorage. in positions 46°33'·82N 31°13'·19E and 46°33'·99N 31°15'·68E.
ENC UA5ECF65 & UA5ECF66 [NP24-No 6-Wk 47 /19)


Paragraph 6.86 1 line(s) 2 For 46°31'-00N 30°58'-00E Read 46°31'·00N 30°58'·05E
Paragraph 6.86 2 lines 1-6 Replace by:
2. Area No 357 (46°34',BON 31°03'·40E) has seven berths for dry cargo vessels up to 170 m LOA.
Depths from 12 to 22 m, mud, sand and shell. Obstructions lie close NW and SW of
anchorage position No 16.
Paragraph 6.86 3 including existing Section IV Notice Week 47/19 Replace by:
1. Area No 358 (46°34'·00N 31°07' ·OOE). Eight berths for dry cargo vessels; Nos 21 and 25 are
quarantine anchorages. Depths from 16 to 18 m. mud and shell. Obstructions lie within the
Area No 359 (46°33'·61N 31°15'·02E). Depths from 12 to 15 m. Obstructions lie within the
anchorage, in positions 46°33'·82N 31°13'·19E and 46°33'·99N 31°15'·68E.
GB Charts 2202 & 2212 [NP24-No 15-Wk 05/20]
e-NP24 - NMs - TRAMMO PARIS {IMO No.lM09792515)

Paragraph 6.89 1-3 Replace by:
1. The harbour comprises a S and N area connected by a dredged channel.
GB Chart 2202 [NP24-No 16-Wk 05/20)


Page: 205
Paragraph 6.86 1 line(s) 2 For 46°31'-00N 30°58'-00E Read 46°31'-00N 30°58'-0SE
Paragraph 6.86 2 lines 1-6 Replace by:
2. Area No 357 (46°34'·80N 31°03'·40E) has seven berths for dry cargo vessels up to 170 m LOA.
Depths from 12 to 22 m, mud, sand and shell. Obstructions lie close NW and SW of
anchorage position No 16.
Paragraph 6.86 3 including existing Section IV Notice Week 47/19 Replace by:
J. Area No 358 (46°34'·00N 31°07' ·OOE). Eight berths for dry cargo vessels; Nos 21 and 25 are
quarantine anchorages. Depths from 16 to 18 m, mud and shell. Obstructions lie within the
Area No 359 (46°33'·61N 31°15'·02E). Depths from 12 to 15 m. Obstructions lie within the
anchorage, in positions 46°33'·82N 31°13'·19E and 46°33'·99N 31°15'·68E.
GB Charts 2202 & 2212 [NP24-No 15-Wk 05/20)


Paragraph 6.89 1-3 Replace by:
1. The harbour comprises a S and N area connected by a dredged channel.
GB Chart 2202 [NP24-No 16-Wk 05/20)
e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Directions Wh~e in the Precautionary Area (46°32'·00N

30'57'-00E) vessels should keep a special
Principal marks lookout. especially for vessels proceeding on
6.91 the recommended route between Odesa, Port
Landmarks: Yl12hnyy and Kherson.
Mys Pivnichnyi Odes'kyi (46'32'·99N 30'49'·25E). 2 Track. From the N sector of the traffic roundabout
Obelisk (16 m in height} (46'34'•68N 30'54'·88E), centred 46'16'-00N 30'56'-00E a TSS (6.3) leads N
standing 2 cables NNW of Mys Dofinivs'kyi. a for 13 miles, passing:
headland which forms a slight protrusion to E of Anchorage Area No 354 (6.60), thence:
seaward. W of a wreck (46'28'·39N 30'57'·52E) marked by
2 Chimney (46'35'·07N 30°56'·51E), 30 min height a tight buoy (Isolated danger), thence:
Chimney (46'35'·35N 30'58'-45E). 28 m in height W of a buoy (W cardinal) (46'29'·22N
Chimney (46'35'·86N 31 '00'·35E). 30'58'-49E) marking the W lim~ of Odes'ka
Two chimneys (N chimney 149 m in height} Banka. Thence:
(46°37'·50N 31'00'·00E), 140 m apart 3 w of Anchorage area No 356 (6.86).
Two water towers (114 and 115 m in height) Thence the track leads to its junction with
(46'36'·90N 31'00'·13E). Recommended Route No 1 (6.78) between Odesa and
3 Water tower (46'37'·04N 31'00'-61E). Kherson (46°38'·00N 32'37'-00E).
Port Control radar tower (46'36'-07N 31'01'·34E).
Final approach
Leading tights:
Front light (wh~e rectangle, orange stripe on
tour-sided metal framework tower, 17 m in
height) (46°38'·69N 31'01'·83E).
Rear light (white rectangle, orange stripe on
four-sided framewor1<. tower, 42 m in height)
(6 cables from front light).
2 From the vicinity of 46°33'·30N 31°00'·10E the
alignment (013°) of these lights leads for about
3% miles into lhe S pan of Adzhalyts'kyi Lyman.
E of a ~ght buoy (E cardinal) (46'33'· 70N
30•59'-76E), marking a shoal patch with a
minimum charted depth of 8·2 m, thence:
s Through a channel dredged to 15 m (2009),
marked by pairs of light buoys Oateral).
Between the W and E moles that protect the
harbour entrance. Lights (red and green metal
coh.nnns) are exhibited from the head and root
of each mote.
• Leading lights:
Front light (orange rectangle on four-sided
lramework tower, 18 m in heighl) (46'39'·80N
31 '00'·24E).
Yuzhnyi - Radar Station (6.91) Rear light (similar structure and height)
(1 Y. cables from front light).
Original dated2008
s The alignment (345·3") of these lights leads NNW
Photograph - Mihami Hime,n;ya - Creative Commons.- At!ri:ui:ln- from the S part of Adzhalyts'kyi Lyman through a
Sha.reANke 4.0 lnlernstlon!II dredged channel marked by lighl buoys.

Basins and berths

Tower (46'37'·97N 31'01'•59E), 7 m in height
The tower is on the alignment of the entrance
Alongside berths
leading lights, 7 cables SSW of the Iron! ight
Alongside berths are situated on the W and E
Chimney (46'36'·90N 31"02'-40E), 88 min height
4 Major lights: shores of Adzhalyts'kyi Lyman.
Luzanivs'kyi Light (46'33'·12N 30'49'-SOE) (6.66). West shore:
Hryhorivs'kyl Light (black square and triangle. Berlh Purpose Length Max;mum
point down. on white round concrete lower. (m) draught
15 m in height) (46'35'•96N 31'00'-03E). (m)
Bulk chemicals 224 12·6
2 Bulk chemicals 264 12·7
(continued from 6.13)
6.92 2 3 Liquid chemicals 103 13·2
Cautions: 4 Bulk chemicals 112 12·4
See 6.88 for regulations governing priority of
traffic in the TSS. 34 Grain 300

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


East shore: Purpose Depth alongside(m)

Bet1h Purpose Length Maximum 18 General. bulk 15·1
(m) draught
19 General. bulk 14·7
20 General. bulk 15·0
3 3N Oil 360 15
21 Mul1Ipurpose 15·4
5A Oil 90 7·5
22 Multipurpose 14·6
SB Oil 240 10-0
23 Multipurpose 14·6
5 Coal, iron ore, 348·50 15-0
metal For funher information about the berths and vessel
restrictions contact the Port Authority.
6 Coal, iron ore. 348·50 15-0
Port services
7 General. bulk 215 12-5
cargoes Repairs
4 8 General, bulk 285 15-0 All types of repairs.
General, bulk other facilities
9 290
cargoes 6.96
SSCC, SSCEC issued: firefighting and rescue
Berths in the north-east part of the harbour. launches; oily waste disposal; medical facilities open
Bet1h Purpose Depth alongside (m) 24 hours.
15 General, bulk 8·8 Supp lies
16 Chemicals, grain 13·9 6.97
Fuel by barge; !resh water al berths and from
5 17 General, bulk 13·4 barge; proVlsions.


GENERAL INFORMATION bank is shelving. The seabed of the bank consists of
hard sand and shells.
Area covered
6.98 Regulated areas
This section covers the waters between Port 6.100
Yuzhnyy (4&•35·.91 N 31 •01 ··21 E), Mykolaiv, 65 mies Anchorage area No 359 is situated 31.t. miles S of
ENE, and Kherson, 75 miles E. Mykolaiv and Kherson, Mys Karabush Light (6.103).
which are major commerciaJ and river ports. are Four anchorages have been established close N of
situated 40 and 50 miles from the open sea through area No 359 as follows:
Dniprovs'kyi Lyman. Mykolaiv is approached by way of No 1 - 4&•34·.40N 31•15·.ooE (Area RPP-1):
the Buz'ko-Dniprovs'ko-Lymansl<yi Kanai and Port No2 - 4&•34·.40N 31'16'·00E (Area RPP-1);
Mykolaiv Kanai, and Kherson is approached by way of No 1 - W34'·40N 31'13'·20E;
the Buz'ko-Dnlprovs'ko-Lymans'kyi Kanai and the No2 • 46'34'·40N 31"14'·20E.
Khersons·kyi Mors·kyi Kanai. 2 Four anchorages have been established N of
2 This section also covers the coastal and inshore Reeommended Route No 1 as follows:
waters between Kinbums'ka Kosa and Tendnvs·ka No 1 - 4&•35·.2sN 31'20'·25E:
Kosa that lie to the S of the entrance to Dniprovs'kyi No 2 - 46'35.·20N 31'19'·10E;
Lyman {46'35'·80N 31 •29'·62E). No 3 - 46'35.·25N 31•18··10E;
No 4 - 46'35'·25N 31'17'·00E.
PORT YUZHNYY TO MYS ADZHYIAS'K Traffic regulations and pilotage
General information S<*! 6.4 and 6.5.
Magnetic anomaly
The coast between Port Yuzhnyy and Mys See 6.9.
Adzhyias·k (14 miles E) is predominantly high and
cUff-like, reddish in colour and, In places, ildented by (ccntinuedfrom 6.78)
gullies and ravines. A low part of the coast, lying
between Mys Sychavs'kyi {46'37'·20N 31"07·80E) and Principal marks
Mys Karabush (SY, miles E) forms a bay on the shore 6.103
of which are situated many buildings comprising a Landmarks:
health resort. Chimney {46'36.·90N 31'02'·40E) (6.91).
2 Odes'ka Banka, which has depths of less than Chimney (46'37'·90N 31 '05'·46E).
10 m, runs parallel to this stretch of the coast The N Mys Sychavs·kyi (46'37'·20N 31'07'·80E). A
edge or the bank, where depths change sharply, lies steep cliff-like promontory with a narrow ravine
between 2Y2 and 4'h miles offshore; the S side of the situated on ils W side.

e-NP24 - NMs - TRAMMO PARIS {IMO No.lM09792515)

Paragraph 6.100 including heading Replace by:
ENC UA5ECF66 [NP24-No 7-Wk 47/19]


Paragraph 6.100 including heading Replace by:
ENC UA5ECF66 [NP24-No 7-Wk 47/19]


Paragraph 6.100 including heading Replace by:
ENC UASECF66 [NP24-No 7-Wk 47/19]
e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


2 Mys Karabush (46°36'·57N 31"15'-45E). A high inlet in the Black Sea. It is lonned by the confluence
and clifly promontory Which rises to a height ol of the Pivdennyi Buh (6.135) and Rika Dnipro (6.221).
40 m and is conspicuous from E and W. A
light (black column on white round concrete
• The N shore of this estuary has for its whole length
an almost even elevation of about 45 m and consists
tower, t6 min height) (46°36'·95N 31°15'·46E), of darl< yellow or reddish clay bluffs, broken by
lies 3\o> cables NNW of the cape. numerous gullies or valleys. There are many villages
3 Major lights: along the whole of this shore.
Hryhorivs'kyi Light (46°35'·96N 31°00'-03E) (6.91). 5 The S shore of the estuary. which is forme<I by
Syohavs'kyl Light (grey metal frameworl<tower on Klnbums'ka Kosa, is low, sandy and desolate in
white building, 10 m in height) (46°37'-03N appearance. In places there are sandy hillocks and in
31°07'·20E). others smaD groves of trees and bushes. High rushes
grow along almost the whole of this shore.
Port Yuzhnyy to Mys Adzhylas'k In the deeper parts of the estuary the nature of the
6.104 bottom is mud with sandy ridges.
Leading lights. The alignment (250-41, astern, of
leading lights (6.78) leads ENE for 5\o> miles from the Depths and widths
entrance to Port Yuzhnyy to a posmon s of Mys 6.107
Sychavs'kyi, passing between Anchorage areas Buz'ko-Oniprovs'ko-Lymans'kyi Kanai has a
Nos 357 and 358. least dredged depth of 11·2 m (2018). Width 100 m
Recommended Roule No 1 then continues E for except for a section of Reach No 2 (6.117) between
11 miles to the entrance of the the paraDels of 46°35'·20N and 46°34'·90N where the
Buz'ko-Dniprovs'ko-Lymans'kyi Kanai. 2'h miles SE of width is 70 m, and Reach No 5 (6.120) between the
Mys Adzhyias'k, passing: meridians of 31°36'·80N and 31°42'·30N where the
2 s of Mys Sychavs'kyi (46°37'·20N 31°07'·80E), width is reduced to 85 m. Depth signals are displayed
thence: from Ochakiv Rear Leading Light (6. t 16).
N of a wreck (46'34'•23N 31'10'·70E). marl<edby 2 Caution. High silting at the edges has been
a buoy (isolated danger) and lying off the N observed in the channel, especially at the turns.
side of Odes'ka Banka; a 12·5 m obstrudlon Pilotage
lies close SE. Thence: 6.108
s of Banka Trutayeva (46°36'·10N 31°15'·35E), See 6.5.
which extends S from Mys Karabush. marl<ed
6 cables S by a light buoy (S cardinal), and: Traffic regulations
3 N of anchorage area No 359 (46'33'·60N 6.109
31•1s··ooE), thence: Maximum size of vessel:
S of an obstruction (46°34'·99N 31'17'·83E) with Buz'ko-Dniprovs'ko-Lymans'kyi Kanai: Length
a depth of 12-4 m. 215 m. beam 30 m. draught 9·8 m fresh water.
Thence the track leads to a position S of Mys 2 Traffic movements with summer aids to
Adzhyias'k (46'36'·10N 31•21·-ooE). a steep bluff point navigation:
with an elevation of 43 m. Buz'ko-Oniprovs·ko .. Lymans'kyi Kanai: 24 hours,
(Direcllonscontlnue for the except for vessels with length more than
Buz'ko-Dneprovsko-Lymans'kyi Kanal at 6.114. 170 m or a draught of more than 8 m, which
and for Recommended Route No 2 at 6.277) may only navigate during daylight hours and
when visibiity is not fess than 2 miles.
MYS ADZHYIAS'K TO ADZHYHOL'S'KA KOSA 3 Traffic movements with winter aids to
General information In the presence of ice, vessels with a draught of
more than 5 m may only navigate at night ii
Route the leading lights are clearly visible.
6.105 Navigation along the canal is prohibited:
The route to Adzhyhol's'ka Kosa leads generally E
for about 20 miles from Mys Adzhyias'k by way of the • In the event of the movement of ice more than
20 cm thick and when wind speeds exceed
Buz'ko-Dniprovs'ko-Lymans'kyi Kanal. 20kn.
The part of the Buz'ko-Dniprovs'ko-Lymans'kyi In the absence of more than two floating warning
Kanai which forms this route consists of five reaches. markers in succession.
fn the absence of reliable Information over
12 hours.
5 Entry to the canal is prohibited during conditions of
Approaches to Oniprovs'kyi Lyman. Between Mys
poo< visibity, a strong current or when wind speeds
Adzhyias'k (46°36'·10N 31°21'-00E) and Mys
exceed 29 kn. When such conditions occur, vessels in
Ochakivs'kyi (8 miles EJ, the coast forms a bight at the
the channel must proceed to the nearest safe
head of which lies Berezans'kyi Lyman (6.123), Which
is entered between two sandy spits, the W of Which is
Tugs. Vessels over 187 m in length are required to
Ostriv Berezan' (46'36'-00N 31°24'·50E) fies within use tugs.
6 Speed restrictions.. The folJowing speed restrictions
the bight and is connected with the shore N by a spit
apply to vessels navigating in
with depths of 0-4 m. The coast of the island is steep
Buz'ko-Dniprovs'ko-Lymans'kyi Kanai. except
and reddish in colour; ns S extremity is high and from
it the island slopes down N to a low point.
3 Dniprovs'kyi Lyman, which is entered between Mys Leng1hup to 170 m Oraughl up to 7 m 12 kn
Ochakivs'kyl (46°36'·03N 31'32'·97EJ (6.114) and length up to 170 m Draught 7 lo 9 m 10 kn
Kinburns'kyi Dopolnitel'nyi, the NW extremity of
Kinbums'ka Kosa (2 miles SW) (6.274), is the largest Length more than 170 m Draught over 9 m 9 kn

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


6.110 3 Winds. During winter NE winds prevail and in the

Special signals. Vessels with a draught of 8 m and summer they are mosdy S. Gales. which are usually N
above, when proceeding along the or NW, occur most frequently in March, April and
Buz'ko-Dniprovs'ko-Lymans'kyi Kanai, must display October and are rare in Juty. Storm signals are in accordance with Rule 28 of the International displayed lrom Ochakiv Rear Leading Light (6.116).
Regulations for Preventing CoRisions at Sea (1972). Fog occurs most lrequently from October to April
Vessels with a draught of belWeen5 and 8 m, when and is rare belWeen May and August.
proceeding along Buz'ko-Dniprovs'ko-Lymans'kyi • Ice forms every year in Dniprovs'kyi Lyman
Kanai, must show a red an-round light or black covering the shoal and fresh water areas. Only the
sphere. mouths of the rivers freeze over completely; in the
2 Overtaking is permitted: estuary itself the ice often breaks up and even
When there are favourable conditions and with disappears for short periods.
the agreement of the master of the vessel
being overtaken. Directions for Buz'ko-Oniprovs'ko-
3 Overtaking Is prohibited: Lymans'kyi Kanai
(con6nued from 6.104)
If both vessels carry special signals. See above.
When navigating in Reaches Nos 2, 3 and 4 of Principal marks
the Buz'ko-Dniprovs'ko-Lyrnans'kyi Kanai. 6.114
In turning zones, which are the stretches of the Landmarks:
canal 5 cables either side of a bend in the lieutenant Schmidt Monument (white obelisk,
channel, and in places where vessels are 12 m in height} (46°35'·70N 31°24'·78E),
permitted to cross the channel. standing at the S end of Ostriv Berezan'
• Passing Is prohibited: (6.106). u. Schmidt was one of the leaders of
In the turning zones of the the Sevastopol' Uprising during the Russian
Buz'ko-Dniprovs'ko-Lymanslcyi Kanai. Revolution in 1905. The monument is in
Vessels proceeding with the currenl have right of honour of Lt. Schmidt and other leaders who
way in the tuming zones; vessels proceeding were executed on the island in 1906.
against the current must not enter a tuming 2 Water tower (46°37'·64N 31•25'·85E), standing at
zone until the oncoming ship has passed. the entrance to Berezans'kyi Lyman (6.123).
s Ice. When ice is present vessels. unless they have Chimney (46.36'·96N 31'31'·90E}.
the appropriate ice classification, steel propellers, an Church (46°36'·4l!N 31•32··a6E}.
engine rating of no less than 2000 horse power and Mys Ochakivs'kyi (46°36'·02N 31°32'·98E), a high
are not more than 20 years old. must navigate under and cliffy headland. A tower (44 m in heigh~
the direction of an icebreaker. usualty in convoy. the site of the VTS station}, stands about
Convoys are formed in the vicinity of Ostriv Berezan' 1 cable NE.
(6.106) and in the ports of departure. Ostriv Pervomaysl<yi (46'34'·32N 31'33'·56E}. an
Vessels proceeding from seaward must request ice artificial island.
pilotage 48 hours before reaching Ostriv Berezan'. 3 Major lights:
Viktorivs.kyi Rear Leading Light (46°39'·35N
Traffic regulation 31°24'-41E) (6.117).
6.111 Adzhyhol's'kyi Middle and Rear Leading Lights
Traffic in Buz'ko-Dniprovs'ko-Lymans'kyi Kanai is (46°37'·10N 31°43'·00E} (6.119).
regulated by three VTS stations at Ochakiv
Approach and entry
(46°36'·03N 31°32'·97E}, Rus·kyi Kosa (46°44'·90N
31'56'·20E) and Shyroka Balka (46'34'·70N
32•12·-ooE); see 6.4. Initial position. 45•35·-ooN 31'21'·00E. 1 mile of s
Mys AdZhyias'k.
See ADMIRAL TY List of Radio Signals Volume 6(3)
Routes. Vessels with a draught of more than 8 m
for details.
enter and leave the canal at Berezans'kyi Light Buoy
(safe water), passing NNE of a light buoy (N cardinal}
Regulated areas
(1 mie SSE of Mys Adzhyias'k) which marks the
N-most of a group of wrecks lying on the N side of
Areas which should be avoided:
Odes'l<a Banka.
Area No 805, 5 cables SE of Mys Ochaldvs.kyl
2 Alf other vessels enter and leave at No 2 Buoy (port
Area No 826, 1 ¥. miles ESE of Mys Ochal<ivs'kyi hand}, 1 mile ENE of Berezans'kyi lighl Buoy.
Former mine danger areas:
Vessels with a draught of 4 m and over follow the
Area No 14 extends E from Mys AdZhyiasl< to
buoyed channel throughout
the meridian of 3t'41'·00E.
For vessels with a draught of less than 4 m,
Area No 15, 1 mile SSE of Adzhyhorsl<a Kosa.
see 6.121.
Natural conditions Reach No 1 (First Elbow)
6.113 6.116
Water levels in the estuary are highest belWeenthe Ochaklv Leading Lights:
middle of April and the middle of June and lowest in Front light (wind generator on while round stone
the autumn. Fresh winds raise or lower the water level tower, black stripe, 19 m in height) (46°36'·56N
by as much as 0·5 m above or below mean level. 31°32'-42E).
2 Current. During the spring the current sets outward Rear light (similar structure, 20 m in height}
at a rate not exceeding 2 kn, except in the narrow (4'h cables from front light). Signal station
channels and the mouth of the estuary where it may (storm and depth signals}.
attain a rate of 3 kn. After the middle of May the 2 From a position close to Berezans'kyi light Buoy
current slackens and in the summer its rate rs the alignment (069') of these Hghts leads ENE for
between 1/. and *
kn. 4'/. miles through the channel marked by light buoys

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Ostriv Pervomays'kyi from N (6.114)
Orqn,,1- 21XJ9
Photograph - Captain P. Mosselberger

passing SSE of Ostriv Berezan' Light (black four-sided

framework tower, 7 m m height).
Thence the track alters SE to Viktonvs·kyi Leading
Reach No 2
Viktorlvs·kyi Leading Lights:
Front light (orange rectangle on white round
concrete tower, 17 m in height) (46"37'-64N
Rear light (white hut on orange truncated pyramid
on four-sided white metal framework tower.
16 m in height) (2% m~es from front light).
2 The alignment (314·7"), astern, of these lights leads
through the channel, marked by buoys and light
buoys, for 1 ~ miles to the entrance to Oniprovs'kyi
Lyman passing close NE of the NW extremity of
Kinbums'ka Kosa. Kinbumsl<yi Dopolniternyi Light
(black three-sided framework tower, black rectangle,
7 m in height) is exhibited 4 cables SSE of this
Thence the track alters E to Ostriv Peovomays'kyi
Leading Lights.
Reach No 3
Ostriv Pervomays'kyi Leading Lights:
Front light (white round metal tower, 12 m in
Rear light (black rectangle, white stripe on black
metal framework tower, concrete base, 26 m in
height) (74 m from front light).
2 The alignment (092·6') of these rights leads through
the channel, marked by buoys and Nght buoys, for
1 mile.
Thence the track alters ENE
Leading Lights.
10 Adzhyhors·kyi pt_..,,,. c.,,,a;,p
Kinbums'kyi Dopolnitel'nyi Light from N (6.117}

--g 21XJ9

Reach No 4
6.119 Middle light (Red rectangle, on red metal
Adzhyhol's'kyl Leading Lights: framework tower, concrete base 30 m in
Front light (red rectangle on grey four-sided height) (2o/.. miles from front light).
concrete tower. 10 m in height) (46"36',00N Rear light (red rectangle on red framework tower,
31•3s·-11E). 24 m in height) (S'h miles from front light).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


2 The alignment (069°) of these lights leads through Side channels

the channel, mal1<ed by buoys and light buoys, for
Berezans'kyi Lyman
2% miles passing close NNW of Ostriv Pe,vomays'kyi
and SSE of Area No 826 (6.112). 6.123
Berezans'kyi Lyman extends about 14 miles NNE
Thence the track alters E to Skhidnyi Leamng
from ijs entrance (46'38'·00N 31°25'·50E) to its head,
into which flows Rika Berezan·. There are numerous
3 Cautions. Undeiwater obstructions with depths of
vilages on the shores of the estuary, bul the only one
9·9 m are situated 4 cables WNW of the N end of
visible from seaward is Viktorivka, situated on the W
Ostriv Pervomays'kyi,
shore about 1 'h miles within the entrance.
Shoaling has taken place along the edges of this
reach and vessels should keep to the centre of the 2 The entrance to Berezans1<yi Lyman is approached
channel. Vessels with a draught of over 5 m are on the af,gnment (319·2°) of a pair of leading beacons
along a channel, whose total length is 3·1 miles and
advised not to navigate this reach during the hours of
darkness. width 100 m. The initial leg of the channel is through
the flat that fronts the entrance, with a least depth of
Useful mark:
2·5 m in this section: the channel is not regularly
Tower (46'38'-o4N 31°34'·62E).
mai'ltained. The channel continues on the alignment
Reach Nos (001') of a pair of leading beacons, whose position
6.120 may be seen on Iha chart. The front and rear beacons
Zapadnyi and Skhidnyi Leading Lights: are in n,ins (2012).
Zapadnyi Front Light (red rectangle, black stripe, 3 Cautions. A least depth of 1 ·2 m is located in
fixed to black metal column, concrete base posi1ion 46'38.·00N 31'25'·50E, close SE of the
12 m in height) (46'35'·45N 31'35.-53E). middle of the third leg of the channel.
Zapadnyi Rear Light (red rectangle, black stripe. Between parallels 46'37'-00N and 46'37'·30N the
fixed to grey metal framework tower. concrete wxtth of the channel is 50 m. E of the mid channel
base, 28 m in height) (46'35'·39N 31'32'·79E). depths are 08 to t ·4 m (2003) in this section.
2 Skhidnyi Front Light (orange rectangle, black Navigation in Berezans'kyi Lyman is dangerous due
stripe on grey metal framework tower, concrete to poor maintenance of navigation aids.
base. 11 min height) (46"35'·73N 31'49'·26E). , Berths. A 60 m long jetty lies close NE of the
Skhidnyi Rear Light (orange rectangle, black entrance on the W shore. There are 2 berths at
stripe on similar structure, 28 m in height) Andriievo-Zoryne (Andreyevo-Zorino) (46°46'·1 ON
(2 miles from front light). 31°!31"·70E), an oil and silo jetty, with depths alongside
3 The alignment (268·3'). astern, of Zapadnyi Leading of 2·9 to 3 m and 3 to 3·2 m respectively; a channel
Lights and the alignment (088·3°). ahead, of Skhidnyi dredged to 3 m (1989) leads to the berths. An earth
Leading Lights lead through the channel, mal1<ed by darn, reinforced with shell and granite, 3 m high, 20 m
buoys and light buoys, for 7% m~es passing S of wide and with a road along the top, lies close N of the
Anchorage Area No 361 (6.122), to a position S of port.
Adzhyhol's'ka Kosa at the beginning of the s Sosyts'kyi Lyman leads through the greatest depths
Khersons'kyi Mors'kyi Kanai. from Berezans'kyi Lyman to Sosyts'kyi Lyman. The
Thence the track alters ENE to Khablivs'kyi Leading fairway is not marked by floating navigation aids.
Lights. There is one berth alongside a jetty at Novoselivka
• Caution. Shoaling has taken place along the edges (46°45.·00N 31 '27'·00E) with depths alongside of 2·5
of this reach of the canal and vessels should keep to to 2'9 m. A channel dredged lo 3 m (1989) leads to
the centre ol the channel. Vessels with a draught of the berth.
over 5 m are advised not lo navigate this reach of the
Minor harbours
canal during the hours of darkness.
Portpunkt Ochakiv
Route for shallow draught vessels 6.124
6.121 Dlre<:tlons. From the junction of Reach Nos 1 and
Route tor vessels with a shallow draught is as 2 (6.117), two sets of leading lights lead ENE and NE
follows: through the Ochakivs'kyi Kanai, with a least dredged
Reach No 1. In an area 1 cable wide either side depth of 4·7 m (2012), to Portpunkt Ochakiv. The port
of the edge of the channel. is protected from S by an L-shaped mole, the outer
Reach Nos 2, 3, and 4. Along the channel in end of which is in ruins: a light buoy (YI/ cardinal)
both directions to and from the meridian of marks the W end. The port is a subsidiary of Mykolalv
31•35·.ooE. (6.200).
2 Reach No 5. In an area 3 cables wide either side 2 _:6J>normal water levels. In strong SW winds a
of the edge of the channel. In both directions seich~or ~tanding_wave is created in the port making
for towing convoys and from seaward only for berthing imposaible. In such conditions it is
other vessels. recommended that vessels anchor near Kinbums'ka
(Direcb'ons continue for Kosa (6.274).
Buz'ko-Dniprovsico-Lymansicyi Kanai at 6.131 3 Piiots. See 6.5.
and are given for the approaches to Natural conditions. Sudden but short-lasting
Rika Rvach at 6.233) squaJty winds reaching hurricane force have been
observed in the port area; the direction is mainly from
Anchorages E through S to W.
6.122 < Berths. Passe<lger berths are located alongside the
Area No 360, with depths of 9 to 11 m, is situa1ed outer and inner sides of the E section of the mole:
11h miles SE of Mys AdZhyias'k. de¢,s alongside the berths are 3·3 m (2004). A cargo
Area No 361. with depths of 5 to 6 rn, is situated berth extends 140 m NNW from the root of the mole.
3Y. miles W of Adzhyhol's'ka Kosa Services. Fresh water is available.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Ochakivs'kyi Sea Fishing Port Directions for

6.125 Buz'ko-Dnlprovs'ko-Lymans'kyl Kanai
Leading lights (46°36'·21N 31°33'-00E) lead WNW (continued from 6. t 21)
to Ochakivs'kyi Sea Fishing Port close N of Mys
Ochakivs'kyi along a channel 20 m wide, with depths
Principal marks
up to 3 m. The basin, most of which is dredged, has a
quay 200 m long with depths alongside of 2-6 to
4·2 m. The port is a subsidiary of Chomomorsk
Mast (45 m in heighQ (46'37'·89N 31'51'·52E).
(lllichivs'k) Sea Fishing Port (6.28).
Major lights:
Khabfivs'kyi Rear Leading Light (46°40'·30N
Ochakfv Eastern Harbour 32'01'·8tE) (6.132).
6.126 2 Luparivs'kyi Light (46'41 '·31 N 31 '58'·44E)
A pair of leading beacons (46°37'-07N 31°33'-69E) (6.133).
leads NW from Reach No 4, in depths of about 5 m, to Kysliakivs'kyi Light (46'43'·79N 32'01 '·46E)
Ochakiv Eastern Harbour. Breal<Waters. at the heads (6.133).
of which are beacons, stand either side of the
entrance. A second entrance is located w of the S
breakwater. A wreck, with a depth of 0·1 m and Reach No6
marked by a buoy (isolated danger), lies close SE of 6.132
the head of the N breakwater. The port is accessible Khablivs'kyi Leading Lights:
to small craft and hydrofoils. Front light (white concrete tower, red stripe, 11 m
,n height) (46°38'•26N 31'55'·72E).
Middle light (white four-sided stone tower, red
Onlpro-Buz'kyl Gldrovuzol Harbour stripe, 11 m in height, floodlit) (2·6 miles from
6.127 front fight).
Leading lights and a middle beacon (46°38'-00N 2 Rear light (black four-sided stone tower. white
31•35·-ooE) lead NNW. in depths of 4·5 m, to stripe. 24 m in height) (4·7 miles from front
Dnipro-Buz'kyi Gidrovuzol (waterworks) Hart>our. The light).
channel is 2·7 miles long and 110 m wide, two buoys From a position S of Adzhyhol's'ka Kosa the
(safe water) mark the mid-channel. abgrvnent (064°) of these lights leads through the
2 A second channel, marked by buoys (port hand), channel, marked by buoys and light buoys, for
with a least depth of 5·8 m (2016) and width of 50 m, 4~ miles.
leads NNE from Reach No 3 to the main channel. 3 Thence the track alters ENE to Luparlvs'kyi and
The harbour has three berths with a quay length of Kysliakivs'kyi Leading Lights.
450 m. Depths in the central part of the harbour are Caution. Shoaling has taken place along the edges
from 5·0 to 5·5 m; and vessels wrth a draught of 4·5 m of this reach and vessels should keep to the centre of
can be accommodated. the channel.
" Useful mark:
Pokrovs'ke Pier Adzhyhol's'ka Leading lights (black rectangle,
6.128 white stripe on white four-sided stone towers,
Pokrovs'ke village (46°32'·20N 31°38'·00EJ is 7 and 9 m in height) (46°36'·80N 31'47'·80E),
situated on the S shore of Dniprovs'kyi Lyman, which mark the junction of Reach Nos 5 and 6
5'/• miles SE of Kinburms'ka Kosa (6.274). The and also the junction of the
approaches to a passenger pier that fronts the village, Buz'ko-Dniprovs'ko-Lymans'kyi and
is marked by unlit buoys. Khersons'kyi Mors'kyi Kanals. They are
exhibited when the channel light buoys are


Reach No 7
General information Leading lights:
Luparivs'kyi Light (red, white stripe on four-sided
stone tower) (floodlit) (46'4t'·31N 31'58'·44E).
Route Kysliakivs'kyi Light (red square tower, white
6.129 stripe) (3·2 miles from Luparivs'kyi Light).
From a position S of Adzhyhol's~ka Kosa
The alignment (040·2°) of these lights leads through
the route to Buz'kyi Lyman leads generaly ENE the channel. marked by buoys and light buoys, for
for about 6'h miles by way of the 2miles.
Buz'ko-Dniprovs'ko-Lymans'l<yi Kanai to the vicinity 2 Thence the track alters N to Lymanoozhars'kyi and
of position 46°39'-00N 31 '56'·00E. Rus'l<yi Kosa Leading Lights inlo Buz'kyi Lyman.
The part of the Buz'ko-Oniprovs'ko-Lymans'l<yi Cautlon. Shoaling has taken place along the edges
Kanai which forms this route consists of two reaches. of this reach and vessels should keep to the centre of
the channel.
Depths and widths 3 Useful marks:
6.130 Dniprovs'ke (Sary-Komys'kyi) lights in line
Buz'ko-Dnlprovs'ko-Lymans'kyl Kanai was (46'38'·40N 31'53'·20E), which mark the
dredged to 11 ·2 m (2018) with a width of 100 m except junction of Reach Nos 6 and 7.
for sections of Reach No 6 (6.132) between the (Directions continue for
meridians of 31'48'·10E and 31'49'-60E where the Buz'ko-Dniprovs'ko-Lymans'kyi Kanai at 6.140
width is reduced to 70 m. and for Poll MykolaivKanai at 6.147)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)



An overhead power cable. wilh a vertical clearance
General information of 70 m, spans the channel at the junction of the Port
Mykolaiv and Spas'kyi Kanals.
6.134 Traffic regulations
From a position in lhe S enlrance to Buz'kyi Lyman, 6.139
about 514 miles WNW of Mys Bublykova (46'36'·88N Areas In which anchoring, fishing, submarine
32°03'·28E}, the route leads generally N tor about and seabed operations are prohibited:
30 miles through lhe Buz'ko-Dniprovs·ko-Lymans·kyi, Area No 609 (6 cables NNE of Spas'ka Kosa
Port Mykolaiv and Spas'kyi Kanals. (6.154)).
The section of lhe Buz'ko-Dniprovs'ko-Lymans'kyi Area No 610 (close NE of Varvarivs'kyi Most
Kanai which fonns the first part of this route consists (6.154)).
of six reaches, Port Mykolaiv Kanai of two reaches, Area No 6t 1 (2 cables E of lnhul's'kyi Most
and the Spas'kyi Kanai of four reaches. (6.154)).
2 Area No 612 (5 cables SSE or Rus'kyi Kosa
See Appendix 3.
Pivdennyi Buh, which rises in the W Ukraine and is Directions for
853 km in length, flows into lhe head of Buzlcyi Buz'ko-Dnlprovs'ko-Lymans'kyl Kanai
(continued from 6.133)
The river estuary is winding and from 1 10 3 miles
wide. The w bank Is mainly composed of clay and is Prfnclpal marks
high and steep, while the E bank consists of gentty 6.140
undulating hills with low tongues of sand. The nature Landmarks:
of the bottom is mud with sandy ridges. Water tower (46'41'-69N 31°53'·85E).
The channel generally follows lhe W bank and its Water tower (46'43'-64N 31°S8'·80E).
courses are marked by leading lights and buoys. Goofing tower (46°43'·70N 31°55'·19E).
Radio mast (22·5 m in height) (46'51'·19N
31 •s5·.42E).
Major ligh1s:
Depths and widths Khablivs'kyi Rear Leading Ught (46°40'·30N
6.136 32•01·,s1E) (6.132).
Buz'ko-Dniprovs'ko-Lymans'kyi Kanai, least z Luparivs'kyi Light (46°41 '·31 N 31°58'·44E)
dredged depth of 11 ·2 m (2014), is 100 m in width. (6.133).
except tor sections of Reach Nos 7 and 8 (6.133 and Kysliakivs'kyi Light (46'43'·79N 32'01 '·46E)
6.141} between the parallels of 46°39'·00N and (6.133).
46°39'·40N, Reach No 9 (6.142) between the Rus'kyi Kosa Light (46°44'·88N 31 '56'·32E)
meridians of 31°54'·20E and 31•55·.10E, and Reach (6.141 ).
No 11 (6.144) between the parallels of 46°49'-SON and
46'49'·90N and the parallels of 45•52··30N and
46'53'·20N, where lhe width is reduced to 70 m.
2 Mykolaiv Kanai 100 m wide with a least dredged Reach No 8
depth of between 8·7 and 11·2 m (2014). 6.141
Spas'kyl Kanai 70 m wide and a least dredged Lymanoozhars'kyl Leading Lights:
depth of 7 m (2014). Front light (whtte concrete tower. red stripe, 11 m
Varvarlvs'kyl Most to Rlka lnhul 110 to 140 m in heighl) (46°38'·26N 31•55•.72E).
wide and a least dredged depth of 6·5 m (2014). Rear Oghl (1 mile from front light).
3 Cautions. High silting at lhe edges has been Rus'kyi Kosa (Russltiy Kosa} Leading Lights:
observed in the channel, especiaUyat the turns. Front fight (46'44'-00N 31'56'·24E).
It is not safe to navigate in Spas·kyi KanaJ in Rus'kyi Kosa Light (9 cables lrom front light).
vessels with draughts greater than 4 m. 2 The alignment (183·6'), astern, of Lymanoozhars'kyl
Leading Lights and the a~gnmenl (003·6°) of Rus'kyi
Kosa Leading Lights lead lhrough the channel, marked
by light buoys, for 414 miles.
Bridges Thence the track alters NW to Katatyne Leading
6.137 Lights.
Varvarivs'kyi Most (46'59'-05N 31°58'·02E), a 3 Recommended Route No 20 leads SE from the
bascule bridge, spans lhe Spas1<yi Kanai between ju.ncCion of Reach Nos 7 and 8 10 Kherson (6.250).
Mykolalv and Varvarivka. The bridge is opened on Caution. Shoaling has taken place along the edges
request to the bridge office, no later than 48 hours of this reach and vessels should keep to the centre of
before ETA of passage. the channel.
Vessels with a draught up to 3·5 m and mast height 4 Useful marks:
up to 1 O m, can proceed through the fixed navigable Mys Saken lights in line (46'39'·59N 31'54'·18E)
span. (front: black triangle point down on black
2 lnhul's'kyi Most (46'59'·80N 31 '59'·38E), a lifting rectangle. white stripe, on white concrete
bridge, spans lhe channel at the entrance to Rika column, 7 m in height), which mark the
lnhul (6.156). Junction of Reach Nos 7 and 8.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Reach No9
Katalyne (Katallno) Leading Lights:
Front 6gh1 (46"45'·37N 31°52'·81E).
Rear tight (5 cables from front light).
The a6gnment (306°) of these lights leads through
the channel. marked by light buoys, for 2 miles,
2 NE ol Volos1<a Kosa (46°43'·70N 31'55'·19E),
SW ol Rus'kyi (Rus'ka) Kosa (46'44'·80N
31"56'·10E). A tower (signal station) stands on
the point and Rus'kyi Kosa light stands
2 cables farther E. Thence:
SW of the entrance channel to Port
Dnipro-Buz'kyi (6.157) (46'46'·26N
3 Thence the track alters N to Kozyr'ka Leading
Caution. Shoaling has taken place along the edges
of this reach and vessels should keep to the centre of
the channel.

Reach No 10
Kozyr'ka Leading Lights:
Front light (46"48'·72N 31°53'·02E).
Rear light (6 cables from front light).
The alignment (353·3') of these lights leads through
the channel, marked by buoys and light buoys, lor
3 miles passing close E ol Anchorage Area No 362
Lymanoozhars'kyi Front Leading Light (6.141) (6.207) and W of Ozhars'ka Kosa (2 miles SE of Iron!
Ot;g/MI d8'/M2009 light).
Thence the track aners NE to Siversiv Leading

Reach No 11
Siversiv (Siversov) Leading Lights:
Front light (46'53'·64N 32'00'·68E). (wh~e and
red 6-sided stone lower, white stripe, 18 m in
Rear tight (1 ~ mies from front tight). (wh~e stone
tower, orange top, 10 m in height).
Siversiv Reverse Leading Lights:
Front light (46°47'·44N 31'52'·41E).
Rear light (3 cables from rront light),
2 The alignment (042·5°) or Siversiv Leading Lights,
and the alignment (222·5'), astern, of the second pair
of leading tights, lead through the channel marked by
buoys and fight buoys for 7 miles, passing SE of
Anchorage Area No 363 (6.207), and NW of
Stevedoring Company Olviia (6.176), TOV Kompaniya
Eur01111eshtorg Tenninal (under construction 2015) and
Mykolaivs1<yi Potash Terminal (Nika- Tera) (6.187).
Thence the track alters NNE to Kostiantynivs'kyi
Leading Lights.

Reach No 12
Kostlantynlvs'kyl (Konstantlnovskly) Leading
Fron1 light (46"55'·36N 32°01'·44E).
Rear tight (3 cables from front light).
The alignmem (023·4') of these lights leads through
Rus'kyi Kosa Light (6.141) the channel. marked by buoys and light buoys, tor
Or/giMI ds!ed 2tXJ9 2Y,miles.
Thence the track alters NW to Kostiantynivs'kyi and
Photograph - Captain P. Mosselbe(ger Scversiv Leading Lights.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Reach No 13 2 Caution. An obstruction lies 7'h cables SSW of

6.146 Mykolaiv River Pon Leading Lights {46°56'·25N
Leading lights: 31°57'·31E) (6.215).
Kostiantynivs'kyi Light (46"55'·36N 32"0t•-44E). Thence the track alters NW into Second Reach.
Siversiv Light (8 cables from front light).
The alignment (143·8°), astern, of these lights leads Second Reach (Vtoroye Koleno)
through the channel, marked by buoys and light 6.152
buoys. for 8 cables.
Kor•nys'kyi (Korenykhskiy) Leading Beacons:
Thence the track alters NW into the Port Mykolaiv
Front beacon (46"57'-00N 31°54'·42E).
Rear beacon (1 cable from front beacon).
2 Useful mark:
The alignment (322·5°) ahead. of leading beacons
Island (46°55'·39N 32°00'·48E}.
leads through the channel. marked by No 9 buoy !Y'I
cardinal), for 1 mile passing NE of Anchorage Area
Directions for Port Mykolaiv Kanai No 365 (6.207).
(continued from 6. t33 and 6. t 46) Thence the track alters NNE into Third Reach.
Principal marks
6.147 Third Reach (Tret'ye Koleno)
Landmarks: 6.153
Pylon {46"55'·22N 31°57'·58E). The reoommended route leads NNE through the
Chimney (46°56'·99N 31"59'·24E). channel marked by No 15 buoy !Y'I cardinaQ for 1 mile.
Chimney (115 m in height) (46"56'·47N Thence the track aners NE into Fourth Reach.
Fourth Reach (Chetvertoye Koleno)
First Reach (Pervoye Koleno) Korenys'kyl Leading Lights:
6.148 Front tight (46"57'·1SN 31°54'·45E).
Leading lights: Rear tight (1 cable from front light).
Front light (46°55'·84N 32'01'·46E). The atignment (231 ·8"). astern, of these beacons
Rear light (240 m from front light). leads through the channel. marked by buoys, for
The alignment (106·3°), astern, of these lights leads 4 mies into Rika lnhut, passing:
through the channel, marked by buoys and light 2 NW of Spas'ka Kosa (46'57'·60N 31 '56'·20E),
buoys, for 9 cables passing SSW of Anchorage Area thence:
No 364 (6.207). Through Area No 609 {46°58'·40N 31°56'·SOE)
Thence the track alters WSW into Second Reach. (6. 139), thence:
Beneath Varvarivs'kyi Most (46°59'·00N
31'58'·10E) (6.137), thence:
Second Reach (Vtoroye Koleno) Through Area No 610 (46'59'·40N 31°58'·00E)
6.149 (6.139), thence:
Malyi Korenys'kyi Leading Lights: 3 Beneath lnhul's'kyi Most (46°58'·80N 31°59'·40E)
Front light (46"55'·32N 31"57'-02E).
(6. 137), thence:
Rear light (3'h cables from front light).
Through Area No 611 (46"58'·75N 31°59'·70E)
The alignment (241; of these lights leads through
(6. 139). thence:
the channel, mai1<ed by a buoy and light buoys, for
Through a floating barrier and to the berths in
1 !h miles.
Rika lnhul (6.156).
Thence the track alters W into Spas'kyi Kanai.
2 Useful mark:
Korenys'kyi (Korenykhskiy) Light (46°55'·86N Minor harbours
Directions for Spas·kyl Kanai 6.155
(continued from 6. 149) From a position about 2'h miles SSE of Volos'ka
Kosa (46°43'·70N 31'5S'•OOE) the line of bearing
Principal marks (075·6°) leads along a shallow channel 30 m wide, to
6.150 a basin at Lupareve. Depths within the centra.l part of
Landmarks: the basin are 2 m, and alongside the berths 0·7 to
Chimney (52 m in height) (46°57'·40N 1·8m.
Radio mast (46"59'·21N 31"55'·69E).
Rika lnhul
First Reach (Pervoye Koleno) General Information. Rika lnhul (46°58'·60N
6.151 32'00'-00E) is situated on the N side of Mykolaiv.
Mala Korenyhka Leading Beacons: Directions. The berths are approached through
Front beacon (46"55'·48N 3t "58'-42E). Spas'kyi Kanai, two bridges (6. 137) and a floating
Rear beacon (1 Y.. cables from front beacon). boom. The boom lies across the W end of Rika lnhul,
The alignment (096·4"), astern, of Mala Korenyhka 2'h cables ESE of lnhul's'kyi Most. and when required
Leading Beacons leads through the channel, marl<ed l is opened to allow vessels to pass. A foul area lies
by a light buoy (S cardinal) and Nos buoy (S E of the boom.
cardlnal). for 1 mile. passing N of Anchorage Area Berths. Six berths; No 1 berth is the deepest. depth
No 2 (6.207). alongside 7·7 m.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)



General information Tug assistance for transiting the
Buz'lco-Dniprovs'ko-Lymans'kyi Kanai is compulsory
Position and function
for vessels exceeding 187 m in length.
Port Onipro-Buz'kyi (46°46'·26N 31°56'·28E) is For regulations regarding navigation in ice
situated on the E bank of Buz'kyi Lyman 1 mie N of see 6.110.
Rus'kyi Kosa (6.142). The port is open am year round Harbour
and handles bauxite, molasses, general and dry bulk
cargo. General layout
Port Authority 8efths are situated mainly on the E side of a basin
6.158 at the end of the approach channel.
Onipro-Buz'kyi Commercial Sea Port. Zavods'ka pl.,
1, Mykolaiv, 54054, Ukraine. Directions
(continued from 6. 142}
Limiting conditions
Principal marks
Controlling depth 6.169
6.159 Landmarks:
There is a least charted depth of 9·9 m (2015} in Ten storey tower (vessel traffic control station,
the approaches to the Buz'ko-Oniprovs'lco-Lymans'kyi 49 m in height) (46°44'·84N 31°56'·12E) on
Kanai. The final section is 100 m wide with least Rus'lcyi Kosa.
dredged depths of 11·2m (2015).
2 The maximum draught allowed in the Entrance channel
Buz'ko-Oniprovs'lco-Lymans'kyi Kanai is 9·8 m fresh 6.170
water. Port Dnipro-Buz'kyi Leading Lights:
Caution. Shoal patches of 5·6 m and 9·2 m extend Front light (46'46'-0tN 3t056'·69E).
up to 4 cables SW from the front leading light Rear light (1 '/, cables from front light).
Leading lights:
Abnormal levels Front light (46'44'-06N 31•53•.a1E).
6.160 Rear light (2V. cables from front light).
Winds can affect the water level by up to 1 m. 2 From a position 2 mies WSW of Rus'kyi Kosa
(6.142), in Reach No 9, the alignment (045·5°) of Port
Density of water Dnipro-Buz'l<yi Leading Lights and the alignment
6.161 (225-5'), astern, of the second pair of leading lights
Density: 1 ·000 g/cm3. lead for 31h miles through a channel 100 m wide and
Ice marl<edby light buoys (lateral) into the basin, passing
6.162 NW of Rus'kyi Kosa.
Ice begins to form in the second hatf of December
Basins and berths
and finally disappears in the channel and estuary in
the first half of March. See 6.110. Anchorages
Arrival information Area No 2, wtth depths of 1 o to 12 m, Is situated
within the harbour. Large tonnage vessels may lie for
Vessel traffic service
a short period at No 2 anchorage, but must have a tug
6.163 in attendance and the wind must be no more than
Ochakiv and Rus'kyi Kosa VTS, whJCh operate Beaufort force 4.
24 hours, regulate the movement of vessels from Caution. Anchorage within area No 2 is subject to
meridian 31°15'·00E to the port. compulsory tug assistance and in wind strength of no
See ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 6(3) more than Beaufort force 4.
for details.
Alongside berths
Outer anchorages 6.172
6.164 Seven berths on the E side of the basin with a total
Area No 362. with depths of 7 m, mud. is snuated length of 1415 m. depths alongside 6·4 to 11 ·8 m.
1 Y. miles WSW of OZhars'ka Kosa (6.143). Berths 1 and 2 are for general cargoes; 3 to 6 for bulk
Area No 1, with depths of 1 O m, is situated 1 mie cargoes. Berth No 31, on the NE side of the basin, is
WSW of Rus'kyi Kosa in the approach channel to Port 230 m long with depths of 4·3 m. A floating dock is
Dnipro-Buz'kyi. snuated to the w of berth 31.
Caution. Anchorage within area No 1 is subject to For maximum size of vessel handled see 6.109
compulsory tug assistance and in wind strenglh of no
more than Beaufort force 4. Port services
Piiots Repairs
6.165 6.173
See 6.5. Harbour pilots board ii the vicinity of Minor repairs only w"h more extensive facilities at
No 73 buoy in Reach No 8 about 3'h miles S of Mykolaiv (6.217).
Rus'kyi Kosa (6.142).
Oltler facllltles
Tugs 6.174
6.166 SSCC. SSCEC issued; medical facilities with
Tugs are compulsory for an operations. hospitals at Mykolaiv (6.217).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


StevedoringCompanyOMa from W (6. 176)

Ongna/d3Ud 2009
Photograph - Captain P. Mosss/berget

Supplies Outer anchorage

6.175 6.181
Fresh water at alongside berths. Anchorage may be obtained in Area No 363
(46°50'·1 ON 31°55'·20E) and anchor berths
numbered 1 to 4. Area No 363, wrth depths of 7 to
STEVEDORING COMPANY OLVIA 9 m. mud and sand. is srtuated W of Stevedoring
(PORTPUNKTOKTYABR'SK) Company Olviia (6.176).
Caution. An obstruction lies close outside the NE
General information comer of the anchorage.
2 Anchor berth Nos 1 to 4 lie between Area No 363
Position and function and the dredged channel, 8 cables W of Stevedoring
6.176 Company Olviia (6.176) wrth a dredged depth of 10 m
Stevedoring Company Olvia (Ponpunkt Oktyabrsk) (2015). Caution. An obstruction lies close WSW of
(46°50'·22N 31°57'·10E) is one o1 the most modem anchor berth No 2.
Ukrainian perts specialising in metals. containers.
pallets, general cargoes and equipmenL Pilots
Pon Authority Pilotage is compulsory; see 6.5.
6.177 Regulations
Olvia Stevedoring Company, POB 170, Mykolaiv, 6.183
54052, Ukraine. Tug assistance for transiting the
Websrte. https:1/ Buzl<o-Dniprovs·ko-Lymans·kyi Kanai is compulsory
for vessels in excess of 187 m in length and at night
Limiting conditions for draughts over 8 m.
Berthing is suspended in winds of Beaufort force 6
Controlling depth and above.
6.178 For regulations in ice see 6.110.
The maximum draught allowed in the
Buz'ko-Dniprovs'ko-Lymans'kyi Kanai is 10·3 m, fresh Harbour
General layout
Ice 6.184
6.179 The port consists of a Northern and Southern Basin
Ice begins to form in the second hatt of December separated by a broad mole. TOV Kompaniya
and finally disappears in the channel and estuary in Eurovneshtorg Terminal, Mykolaivs'kyi Potash Terminal
the first half of March. See 6.110. (Nika- Tera) (6.187) and a shipyard are located up to
1 'h miles farther NE.
Arrival Information Directions
Vessel traffic service Approaches
6.180 6.185
Ochakiv and Rus'kyi Kosa VTS, which operate The Northern and Southern Basins are approached
24 hours, regulate the movement of vessels from through dredged channels 112 m wide, wrth least
meridian 31°15'-00E 10 the port depths of 11 m (2015). The alignment (283·9•) astern,
See ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume6(3) of leading lights (46°50'·46N 31°53'·86E) standing near
for details. Stara Bchdanivka, mark the S limit of the area.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Basins and berths Harbour

Alongside berths General layout
6.186 6.195
Southern Basin. Four berths. with depths alongside The port consists of the Mykolaivs'kyi Potash
of 10·3 to 11·2 m. Terminal dredged to 10-4 m (2015) and a shipyard
Northern Basin. Two berths with depths alongside located to the N of the approach channel.
of 8·2 to 12·2 m.
For maximum size of vessel handled see 6.109 Developments
TOV Kompaniya Eurovneshtorg Terminal is being
MYKOLAIVS'KYI POTASH TERMINAL constructed (2015) between Mykolaivs'kyi Potash
Terminal and Stevedoring Company Otviia.
General information
Position and function Directions for entering harbour
Approach and ent,y
Mykolaivs'kyi Potash Terminal (Nika- Tera)
(46's1•,20N 31'58'·70E). A modem Ukrainian port
The terminat is approached along a dredged
specialising in, grain, fertilizers, general/bulk cargoes
channel marked by light buoys ~atera9, wtth a width of
and vegetable oils.
100 m and depth of 10·4 m (2015). It is aligned 086·2°
for 3 cables; then the alignment of leading lights (112°)
Limiting conditions
(black diamond on whtte rectangle. black stripe on
Density of water metal pipe, 7 and 9 m in height front and rear) leads
6.188 to the N SKfe of the berthing area.
Density 1-000 to t ·002 g/cm3. 2 The shipyard lies to the NE of berth No 14, and is
approached from the N, passing S of a shoal marked
Ice by a light buoy (S cardinal).
6.189 Caution: An obstruction lies in position 46'51 '·20N
Ice begins to form in the second half of December 31'58'-SOE.
and finally disappears in the channel and eswary in
the first half of March. See 6.110. Basins and berths

Arrival information Alongside berths

Vessel traffic service Mykolalvs'kyl Potash Terminal consists of nine
6.190 berths. Berth Nos 1 and 2 are consigned for loading
Ochakiv and Rus'l<yi Kosa VTS, which operate grain, fertiTizers and general/bulk cargoes; berth No 3
24 hours, regulate the movement of vessels from is a vegetable oil terminal. Depths alongside are 10·4
meridian 31'15'·00E to the port. to 12· 1 m with the exception of berth No 14 which has
See ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 6(3) a depth of 3 m.
for details. 2 Shipyard. The shipyard consists of Quay No 1,
Anchorage 420 m in length, wtth a dry dock, 354 m long and
6.191 60 m wide. at its SW end: a floating dock, 140 m long,
Designated anchorage wtth depths of 4 to 8 m is 21-s m wide and 11 m deep, is located at the NE end.
centred on posttion 46'51'·27N 31'57'·88E, dose S of Quay No 2, 253 m in length, lies 3 cables ENE of the
the first section of the approach channel. N end of quay No 1; a pier extends WNW from the S
part of the quay.
Piiots For maximum size of vessel handled see 6.109
Pilotage is compulsory. Port services
Tugs Repairs
6.193 6.199
Tugs are compulsory for vessels over 150 m LOA. All types of repairs.
Tug assistance for transiting the
Buz'ko-Dniprovs'ko-Lymans'kyi Kanai is compulso,y General information
tor vessels in excess of 187 m in length and at night Position and function
for draughts over 8 m. 6.200
Berthing in restricted visibility for loaded vessels. is Mykolaiv (Mykolayiv, also formerly Nikolayev)
suspended in winds of Beaufort force 6 and above; (46"56'·27N 31'59'·26E) is sttuated on the E bank of
and for vessels In ballast with wind speeds above Pivdennyi Buh, 21 miles above the river entrance. A
Beaufort force 4. major aty, Mykolaiv is a commercial and river port
2 The speed of large towed vessels in restricted handling dry and bulk cargoes, containers and steel
visibility wtthin the harbour, shall not exceed 4 knots; products, and is open for navigation all year round.
overtaking and two-way traffic is also prohibited.
Vessels up to 200 m LOA may berth during the Port Authority
hours of darkness, in wind speeds up to 8 m/S 6.201
(Beaufort toree 4) and visibility not less than 2 rroles. Myl<olaivCommercial Sea Port. vul. Zavods'ka, 23,
For regulations in ice see 6.110. Myl<olaiv, 54004, Ukraine.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Limiting conditions port imits in wind speeds greater than the above, then
the vessel must anchor.
Controlling depth 2 Vessels proceeding along the channel with a
6.202 draught of 5 to 8 m, must exhibtt a black sphere by
The maximum draught allowed In the day and a red light by night. Vessels with a draught
Buz'ko-Dniprovs'ko-lymans'kyi Kanai is 9·8 m, fresh greater than 8 m, must show a black cylinder by day
water. and three red lights in a vertical line by night.
Density of water For regulations in ice see 6.11 O.
Density: 1 ·005 g/cm•. Harbour
General layout
Ice 6.211
6.204 The commercia.1 port extends for 111. miles E and
Ice begins to form in in the second half of SE of Portovyi MoL A grain terminal and basin are
December and finally disappears in the channel and located imme<fiately W of Portovyi Mol; the two are
estuary in the first ha~ of March. See 6.110. separated by a broad quay and S mole. Mykolaiv
River Port is situated 1 'h miles WSW of Portovyi Mol.
Arrival information 8efth Nos 1, 2 and 3 are being redeveloped (2010).
Pon operations Natural conditions
6.205 6.212
Within the port, vessels must not exceed a speed Local weather. A feature of the port are chyomyye
of 6 kn or reduce below a speed sufficient to maintain buti or black storms that occur in spring; these are
course. strong dry E winds which carry clouds of dust from the
Vessel traffic service Ukrainian Steppes.
Ochakiv and Rus1<yi Kosa VTS, which operate Olrections
(continued from 6. 7 46)
24 hours. regulate the movement of vessels lrom
meridian 31'15'·00E to the port. Principal marks
See ADMIRALTY Ltst of Radio S,gnals Volume 6(3) 6.213
for details. landmarks:
Silo (46'56'·85N 32.00'·55E).
Outer anchorages Radar tower {blue and whtte, 29 m in height)
6 ..207 (46"55'·88N 31'59'·04E).
Area No 364 is situated to the NE of the First Pylon (46.55'·84N 31 '57'·59E).
Reach (6.148). 1 mile E of Mykolaiv (6.200), with Chimney (46.56'·99N 31'59'·24E} (6.147).
depths from 7 to 12 m, sand and mud.
Four anchorages have been established E and N of Approaches
Area No 364 as follows: 6.214
No 1 - 46'56'·25N 32'01 '·03E; An Eastern Channel, dredged to 10·5 m (2012),
No 2 - 46'56'-47N 32'00'·89E; branches from a position 1 'h cables N of
No 3 - 46'56'·52N 32'00'·59E (within No 364): Kosliantynlvs'kyi Front Leading light. The track leads
No 4 - 46'56'·67N 32'00'•42E. generally N to the berths in the commercial port area.
2 An unnamed anchorage area lies close W of Area From a position at the junction of First Reach and
No 364, in position 46'56'-47N 31'59'·94E, with depths Second Reach of the Port Mykolaiv Kanai, the track
from 4 to 7 m. leads generally NW to the grain terminal through a
No 2 anchorage is situated 7 cables S of Mykolaiv channel dredged to 1 t ·2 m (2012).
River Port (6.215) with depths from 10 to 19 m.
Caution. An obstruction lies at the NW edge of Entrance channel to Mykolaiv River Port
No 2 anchorage. 6.215
Area No 365 is situated 1 ~ miles W of Mykolaiv Mykolalv River (Rechnoy) Port Leading Lights:
River Port (6.215). with depths of 6 m Front light (46'56'·25N 31'57'·31E}.
Rear light (35 m ftom front light).
Piiots From a position 4 cables W of the junction of Port
6.208 Mykolaiv and Spas'kyi Kanals the alignment (020·7'}
See 6.5. Harbour pilots board in the vioinjty of of these lights leads for 7 cables through a channel
No 130 buoy close SW of Kostiantynlvs'kyi Light 70 m wide, with least dredged depths of 6 m (2014)
(6.145} at the junction of Reach No 13 and Fost and marked by light buoys, to Mykolaiv River Port.
Reach. Caution. High silting at the edges has been
observed in the channel, especiaJly at the turns.
6.209 Basins and berths
Tugs are compulsory for vessels greater than 50 m
LOA or exceeding 500 dwt. Alongside benhs
Regulations Commercial port. Fourteen berths, with depths
6.210 alongside of 9 to 12·2 m.
Tug assistance for transiting the Grain terminal. Outer side of S mole: 352 m long,
Buz'ko-Dniprovs'ko-Lymans'kyi Kanai is compulsory with depths of 9·7 to 11·2m.
for vessels In excess of 187 m in length. Mykolaiv River Port. Six berths with depths
Berthing operations are carried out in wind speeds alongside of 3·1 to 4·7 m.
up to 12 m/s (Beaufort force 6); if a vessel enters the For maximum sae of vessel handled see 6.109

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Port services 6.226

Traffic movements with summer aids to
Repairs navigation:
6.217 Khersons'kyi Mors'kyi Kanai. 24 hours except for
Floating dock: 130 m long, 40 m wide. vessels with length more than 170 m or a
draught of more than 6·5 m, which may only
Other facilities navigate during daylight hours and when
6.218 visibirlty is not less lhan 2 miles.
SSCC, SSCEC issued; hospitals; oily waste 2 Traffic movements with winter aids to
disposal. navigation:
In the presence of ice, vessels with a draught of
Supplies more than Sm may only navigate at night if
6.219 the leading lights are clearly visible.
Fresh water by barge; provisions. Navigation along lhe canal is prohibtted:
3 In the event of the movement of ice more lhan
20 cm !hick and when wind speeds exceed
In the absence of more than two floating warning
markers in succession.
General information In the absence of reliable information over
12 hours.
6.220 • Entry to Khersons'kyi Mors'kyl Kanai is prohibtted
during cond~ions of poor visibility, a strong current or
The route leads generally E by way of Khersons'kyi when wind speeds exceed 29 kn. When such
Mors'kyi Kanai to the mouth of Rika Rvach, lhe N am,
of the estuary of Rika Onipro. conditions occur, vessels in the channel must proceed
to the nearest safe anchorage.
Khersons'kyi Mors'kyi Kanai consists of lhree
Tugs. Vessels over 170 m in length must employ
lhe use of tugs.
Speed restrictions. The following speed restrictions
apply to vessels navigating in Khersons'kyi Mors'kyi
Pivdennyi Buh (6.135) and Rika Dnipro fonn lhe
estuary of Oniprovs'kyi Lyman. The E shore of lhe Kanai, except hydrofoils:
estuary is formed by lhe marshy deha of Rika Dnipro, Leng1h more than 170 m, draught over 7 m 8 kn
which is entirety covered by reeds and bushes. This Length less lhan 170 min first and seccnd 10 kn
shore is fronted by a shallow bank which is constantty reaches (6.235 and 6.236).
changing and is gradually extending into lhe estuary
with lhe formation of new islands and lhe extension of All vessels in third reach (6.237) and Rika 8 kn
existing ones. Rvach (6.241 ).
2 In the deeper parts of the estuary the nature ol the
bottom is mud with sandy ridges whereas the shoals 6.228
off the mouth of Rika Dnipro are composed of hard Special signals. Vessels with a draught of 7 m and
sand. above, When proceeding along Khersons'kyi Mors'kyi
For descriptionsof the N and S parts of the estuary KanaJ. must display signaJs in accordance with Rule
see 6.106. 28 of the lntemational Regulations for Preventing
3 Rlka Dnlpro rises in the Valdal Hills N of Smolensk. Collisions at Sea (1972).
It is 2240 km long and the lhird longest river in 2 Vessels with a draught of between 5 and 7 m, when
Europe. Sinoe the construction of the Oniprovs1cyi proceeding along Khersons'kyi Mors'kyi Kanai, must
power dam, it is navigable for mos1 of its length and is show a red all-round light or black sphere in a visible
connected by canals to river Bug in Poland and thus position.
with the Baltic. 6.229
Over1aking is permitted:
Depths and widths When there are favourable conditions and with
6.222 lhe agreement of the master of the vessel
Khersons'kyi Mors'kyi Kanai is 100 m wide with being overtaken.
least dredged depths of 8-0 m (2018). 2 Overtaking Is prohibited:
H bolh vessels carry spectai signals. See 6.110.
Pilo1age When navigating in the second and third reaches
6.223 of Khersons'kyi Mors'kyi Kanai and Rika
See 6.5. Rvach.
3 In turning zones, which are the stretches of the
Vessel traffic service canal 5 cables either side of a bend in the
6.224 channel, and in places where vessels are
Traffic in Khersons'kyi Mors'kyi Kanai and through pennitted to cross the channel.
Rika Rvach to Kherson is regulated by lhe VTS 6.230
station at Shyroka Balka (46°34'·70N 32°12'-00E). Pa,ssing is prohibited:
See6.4. In the vicinity of the wreck (46°32'·04N
32°08'·90E) lying ciose to the second reach of
Traffic regulations Khersons'kyi Mors'kyi Kanai.
6.225 In the third reach of Khersons'kyi Mors'kyi Kanai.
Maximum length of vessel: In turning zones of the Khersons'kyi Mors'kyi
Khersons'kyi Mors'kyi Kanai 200 m. Kanai.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


2 Vessels proceeding wtth the current have right of Rear ight {dark red round metal framework tower
way in the tuming zones and vessels proceeding on concrete base. 64 m in height) (3·6 miles
against the current must not enter a tuming zone until ESE of front light).
the oncoming ship has passed. Thence the track alters ENE to Kasperovs'kyi
6.231 Leading lights.
Ice. When ice is present. vessels without the , Caution. Underwater obstructions with depths of 4·5
appropriate ice classification must navigate under the and 4·3 m lie on the S edge of the canal 7 miles W
direction of an icebreaker, usually in convoy. Convoys and 4'h miles WSW. respectively, of Mys Stanislav
are formed in the vicinity of Ostriv Berezan• (6.106) (46'33.-SON 32°08'·50E).
and in the ports of departure.
Vessel.s proceeding from seaward must request
pilotage in ice 48 hours before reaching Ostriv

Regulated areas
Fonner mined areas:
Area No t 5, 1 mile SSE of Ad2hyhors'ka Kosa
Area No 15-A, 1 'h miles SSE of Mys Stanislav.
Khersons'kyi Mors'kyi Kanai passes through
the area, between the meridians of 32°07'·50E
and 32°11'·80E.

Directions for Khersons•kyi Mors•kyi Kanai

(continved from 6.121)

Principal marks
Landmarks: Stanisav - Adzhyhol's'kyi Front Leading light (6.235)
Tower (46'30'·88N 31 •53·.50E). O,Jg,MI d$!ed 2008
Mys Stanislav (46'33'·46N 32'08'·44E), a high
and cliffy headland. Phofo(l'.,ti •_AL_· Cl.afNf/Ccmmon$:AJt,~·
Sh,;niAilre 3.0 Urp,rted
Church (46'34.·37N 32'08'·39E).
Wind farm (46'38'·22N 31'46.·75E).
2 Major lights:
Adzhyhol's'kyi Middle Leading Ught (46'37'-01N
31•42··53E) (6.119).
Stanislav-Adzhyhol's'kyi Leading Lights
(46'36.·00N 31 "47'·00E) (6.235).

Khersons'kyi Mors'kyi Kanai

lnltial position: 46'36'·00N 31'48.·00E. The
alignment (350') of Adzhyhol's'ka Kosa Leading Ugllts
{46'36'·80N 31'47'·80E) (6.132) marks the start of the
first reach of Khersons·kyi Mors'kyi Kanai.
The channel is 100 m wide and has a depth of
8-2 m (2009).
Route. Vessels with a draught of 4 m or over follow
the buoyed channel throughout. For vessels with a
draught of less than 4 m, see 6.238.

First reach
Stanislav-Adzhyhors'kyi Leading Lights:
Front light {two black rectangles, white stripe, on
- --- -
Stanisav - AdZhyhol's'kyi Rear Leading Light (6.235)
four-sided concrete tower. concrete base. with
wind generator, 15 m in height) (46"35'-87N °'V"ldi1ted2015
31'47'·34E). Pfd.y.......,. l.~ · Crutiwl Commons: Attributbn-
Rear light {as for Adzhyhol's'kyi Middle (6.119)) Sh.veAae 4.0 lnremalional
{3·5 miles WNW of front lighQ.
2 The alignment (289'), astem. of these lights leads
ESE through the channel, marked by buoys and light Second reach
buoys, for 12.Y. miles. 6.236
Another pair of leading lights, on the reciprocal Kasperovs'kyy Leading Lights:
(109') of the above alignment and visible on the Front light {orange rectangle under wMe 4-sided
leading line only, is shown on request and by day in turret, 6 m in height) (46'33'·78N 32't 8'·67E).
poor visibility: Rear light (red trapezium on 4-slded metal
3 Front light (darl< red metal framework tower. 24 m framework tower, 27 m in height) (9 cables
in height) (46'30'·71N 32'09'·06E). from front light).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


2 The alignment (076°) of these fights leads ENE RIKA RVACH TO KHERSON
through the channel, marked by buoys and light
buoys. for 8 miles, passing:
Through Anchorage area No 366 (46°32'-00N General information
32'07'·00E) (6.240); a fight buoy (S cardinal)
marks the S limit of the shoal extending from Route
Mys Stanistav, Thence: 6.241
3 NNW of a wreck (46°32'-04N 32'08'·90E) with a The route to Kherson leads generally ENE for
depth of 2 m. marked by a buoy Qsolated 15 mies by way of Rika Rvach, Rika Vit'khovyi Dnipro
danger), thence: and Rika Dnipro.
SSE of Mys Stanislav (46°33'•50N 32'08'·50E},
Through a former mine danger area (46°32'-00N Topography
32'10'·00E) (6.232). 6.242
Thence the track alters E to Malyi Kasperovs'kyi See 6.221.
Leading Lights.
Caution. See 6.230. Pilotage
See 6.5.
Third reach
6.237 Traffic regulation
Malyl Kasperovs'kyl Leading Lights: 6.244
Front light (black diamond, white stripe, on black Traffic between Rika Rvach and Kherson is
pentagon, white stripe on post t 1 m in height} regulated by the traffic control post at Shyroka Balka
(46°33'·34N 32'19'-09E). (46"34'·70N 32°12'-00E). See 6.4.
Rear light (similar swcture, 19 m in height)
(500 m from front light).
The alignment (096·2") of these lights, visible on the Ice
leading line only. leads E through the channel, marked 6.245
by buoys and light buoys, for 7 cables to the mouth of When ice is present, vessels without the appropriate
Rika Rvach. ice classificationmust navigate under the direction of
an icebreaker, usually in convoy. Convoys are formed
in the vicinity of Ostriv Berezan' (6. 106) and in the
Route for shallow draught vessels po11S.
6.238 z Vessels proceeding from seaward must request
Route for vessels with a draught of less than 4 m is pilotage in ice 48 hours before reaching Ostriv
as follows: Berezan'.
First reach (Pervoye). In an area 1 cable wide on
either side of the edge of the channel Directions
Second reach (Vtoroye) and Third reach (Tret'ye). (continued from 6.238)
Within the channel in both direclions.
(Directionscontinue tor
Rika Rvach to Kherson at 6.246) Principal martc.s
VTS tower (46'34'·74N 32°12'·68E) (6.267).
Anchorage and harbour
From Rlka Rvach to Rlka Vll'khovyl (Ol'khovyl) Dnlpro
Rybal'che Quarry Entrance. The track leads ESE through the
6.239 entrance to Rika Rvach (46°33'·40N 32'1 B'·OOE)
Rybal'che Quarry (46°29'·70N 32°05'·00E), Lies between two embankments. tile heads of which are in
4~ miles SW of Mys Stanislav (6.236). The hatbour is ruins. The N embankment is shorter than the S, with
approached from Khersons 'kyi Mors'kyi Kanai, then light buoys (port and starboard hand) moored off the
alters SSE to Rybal'che Leading lights (white triangles head of each.
on white rectangles, black stripe. front 7 m in height) 2 Thence tile track continues ESE in tile middle of
(46'29'·53N 32'05'·01E). the river, marked by lights and light buoys, for
2 The alignment (166·2°) of these 6ghts, shown from 1~ miles, passing NNE of Ostriv Zabych, and then
the quarry, leads 2 miles through a buoyed channel atters ENE to No 12 Leading Lights.
(lit) 50 m wide and dredged to 3·5 m (2008), to a No 12 Leading Ligh1S:
basin. Caution. The S section of the channel has Front light (white diamond. black band on post.
narrowed by up to 10 m (2011). 11 m In height} (46'32'·nN 32°20'·40E).
3 Rear light (black rectangular panel, white stripe,
16 m in height} (140 m from front light).
Anchorage area No 366 The afignment (255'), astern, of these lights leads
6.240 ENE through the channel, marked by lights and light
Area No 366, with three designated berths, in buoys, for 5 cables. passing between Ostriv
depths of 3 to 9 m, is situated 2 mies SSW of Mys Borschovyi and Ostriv Kozulys'kyl.
Stanislav (6.236). An obstruction lies 2~ cables WSW Thence the track atters ESE to No 11 Leading
of designated berth No 1. Lights.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


, No 11 Leading Lights: s No 4 Leading Lights:

Front light (46.32'·99N 32•21'·21E). Front light {46'35'·54N 32'30'·12E).
Rear light (420m from front light). Rea, light (1 cable from front light).
The alignment (287·6·), astem, of these lights leads The a~gnment (266'), astern, of these lights leads E
ESE through the channel, mar1<ed by lights and light through the channel, mar1<ed by light buoys, for
buoys, for 6 cables, passing between Ostriv 1 V.. miles.
Borschovyi to the N and Ostriv Kozulys'kyi and Ostriv Thence the track leads ENE through the middle of
Nestryha to the s. the river for 6 cables and alters E to No 3 Leading
s Thence the track alters E to No 1 o Leading Lights, Lights.
noting an obstruction with a depth of 2'4 m located 6 No 3 Leading Lights:
close WSW of No 92 light buoy. Front 6ght (46.35'·92N 32°33'·12E).
No 1 O Leading Lights: Rear bght (137 m from front light).
Front light (white diamond, black band, on post, The alignment (281·7'), astern, of these lights leads
11 m in height) (46'32'-77N 3r21'-59E). E through the channel, ma,ked by light buoys, for
Rear light (diamond in circle, 12 m in height) 7 cables, passing between Ostriv Malyi Pot'omkin and
(200 m from front light). Ostriv Velykyi Pot'omkin.
6 The alignment (269·6•), astern, of these lights leads Thence the track alters ENE to No 2 Leading
E through the channel, mar1<ed by lights and light Lights.
buoys, for 61.h cables, passing between Ostriv 7 No 2 Leading Lights:
Borschovyi and Ostriv Nestryha. Front fight (46'35'-63N 32'34'·28E).
Thence the track alters NE to No 9 Leading Lights. Rear right (120 m from front light).
No 9 Leading Lights: The alignment (250•). astern, of these lights leads
Front light (whfte diamond. black band on post, ENE through the channel, mar1<ed by light buoys. for
11 m in height) (46'33'·67N 32'25'·13E}. 7 cables into Rika Onipro and alters NE to No 1
7 Rear light (similar structure, 18 m in height) Leading lights.
(200m from front light). (Directions continue tor Kherson at 6.266)
The alignment (056·2·) of these lights leads NE
through the channel, mar1<ed by lights and buoys, for Side channel
1~miles. Rlka Konka
Thence the track alters E to No 8 Leading Lights. 6.249
8 No 8 Leading Lights: Rika Konka (46'30'·20N 32'27'·00E) extends about
Front light (46.33'·50N 32•24'·53E). 12 miles WSW from its junction with Rika Staryi Dnipro
Rear light (950 m from front light). to the S part of Rika Dnipro estuary.
The alignment (268·2·), astem, of these lights leads Small vessels use Rika Konka between Kherson
E through the channel. marked by lights and buoys, and Hola Prystan' (6 miles SW) where there are berths
for 1 '/, miles into Rika Vil'khovyi Onipro and alters ENE with depths alongside of up to 2·9 m.
to No 7 Leading Lights.

Rika Vil'khovyi Onipro to Rika Onipro
6.248 General Information
No 7 Leading Lights:
Front light (black rectangular panel, white stripe,
Positionand function
11 m in heigh1) (46.34'·53N 32"29'·11E).
Rear light (black circular topmar1<, white stripe on 6.250
black rectangular panel, white stripe, 19 m in Kherson (46'37'·50N 32'36'·85E) is situated on the
height) (3'/, cables from front light). N bank of Rika Dnipro (6.221), 15 miles upstream from
The alignment (060•) of these lights leads ENE the mouth of the river. It is an important river and sea
port which handles oil products, general and dry bulk
through a wide and deep part of the river for I Y.. miles.
cargoes. Approximately 2000 vessels and
2 Caution. Two obstructions with depths of 9·9 and
9·0 m lie in the SW section, close SE of the leading 2 000 000 tonnes of cargo are handled annually.
line. Port limits
Thenoe the track aners NE to No 6 Leading Lights. 6.251
No 6 Leading Lights: The W or seaward limit of the port is formed by a
Front light (46.33'·82N 32'27'·75E). line joining Herois'ke village (46'30'·90N 31'53'·60E)
Rear light (1 y, cables from front light). with the extremity of Adzhyhol's'ka Kosa, 6'!, miles
3 The alignment (226·5°), astern, of these lights leads NW.
NE through the channel for 1 mile. Khersons'kyi Reyd consists of that part of Rika
Thence the track alters NE to No 5 Leading Lights. Onipro between the N suburbs of the town and Ostrov
No S Leading Lights: Malyi Pot'omkin (46'35'·93N 32'34'·40E).
Front light (46.34'·59N 32'28'·73E).
Rear light (3'!, cables from front light). Port Authority
, No S Obratnyi Leading Lights: 6.252
Front light (46.35'·80N 32"31'·23E). Kherson Commercial Sea Pon, 4 Prospect
Rear light (106 m from front light). Ushakova. Kherson 73000, Ukraine.
The alignment (235'). astern, of No 5 Leading
Limiting conditions
Lights and the alignment (oss•), ahead, of No 5
Obratnyi Leading lights leads NE through the cnannet, Controlling depth
mar1<ed by light buoys, for 1 mile. 6.253
Thence the track alters E to No 4 Leading Lights. Khersons'kyi MO<$'kyi Kanai: see 6.222.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Abnormal levels The alignment (218·4"), astern, of these lijJhts leads

6.254 NE for 1¥, miles 10 the main berths.
Maximum range of water level caused by winds 2 Caution. Particular care must be taken when
may reach 2 m, and by atmospheric pressure, 0"6 m. navigating in the area between the entrance to Rika
Koshova (46°37'·36N 32°36'·73E) and No 10 quay,
Density of water 9 cables upstream.
Density: 1 ·000 g/cm3. Basins and berths
Maximum size of vessel handled Basins
6.256 6.267
Length 200 m, draught 7-6 m fresh water. Due to Basins Nos r, 2 and 3, with depths alongside of 3·9
variations in water level (6.254), the above may be to 8·9 m, are situated on the S bank of the river. They
amended at the discretion of the harbour authorities
. are used by smaR vessels during the winter.
Baseyn Piatnyts'koho (P'yatnyts'kogo}. with depths
Ice alongside of 4·5 to 9·2 m. is situated on the S bank of
6.257 the river 1 mile S of the entrance to Rika Koshova.
See 6.245.
Local weather and sea state 6.268
6.258 Anchorages :
Mooring of large vessels may not take place when Foreign vessels anchor between Areas Nos 614
the wind strength exceeds 27 kn (Beaufort force 6). and 615 in depths of 8 to 13 m.
Ory cargo vessels anchor between Area No 614
Arrival information and No 120 light buoy (1 '/, miles SW) In
depths of 6 to 10 m. A mooring buoy is
Vessel traffic service located 7 cables SW of No 122 light buoy.
6.259 Tankers anchor between No 111 light buoy and
Ochakiv, Rus'kyi Kosa and Shirokaya Balka VTS, Ostriv Matyi Pot'omkins'kyi (1 'h miles ENE} in
which operate 24 hours, reguJate the movement of depths of 10 to 11 m.
vessels from meridian 31°15'-00E to the port. 2 Prohibited anchorages:
See ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 6(3) The alignments (142• and 154'} of lights (red
for details. circle, white band on black column, yellow
bands) on the S bank of Rika Onipro (5 cables
Outer anchorage SW of Basin No 3) mark the W and E hrnits,
6.260 respectively, of Area No 614.
See 6.240. The alignments (131° and 128°) of lights (similar
structure} on the S bank of Rika Onipro (at
Pilots Basin No 2) mark the W and E limits.
resJ)eciively, of Area No 615.
See 6.5. Pilots normally board 1 Y. miles SSW of
, The alignments (140" and 131°) of lights on the
Mys Adzhyias'k (46"34'·99N 31•19•.91 E}.
S bank of Aika Onipro (4 cables NE of Basin
Tugs No 1} mark the W and E limtts. respectively, of
6.262 Area No616.
Tugs are available and their use is compulsory. Anchorage is prohibited within 1 cable of a
submarine cable centred on 46°35'·89N
Regulations 32'33'·38E.
Alongside berths
See 6.225 et seq.
Quays Nos t to 10 extend for 9 cables NE along
the N bank of the river from the confluence of Rika
General layout Koshova and Rika Onipro. Depths alongside range
6.264 between 2·0 and 8·6 m. Passenger vessels are
The main berthing areas are situated on the N bank handled at berth No 1. with berth Nos 2 and 4 for
of the river, NE of the confluence of Rik.a Koshova general cargoes: berth No 3 is for grain. Kherson
(6.266) and Rika Onipro. New berthing space has also milling and cereaJ processing plant, which is a
been constructed close S of the river confluence. and separate enterprise, operates berth Nos 8 to 10.
close inside Aika Koshova on the s bank. 2 There are two tanker berths, piers 3 and 4 each
83 m long with depths alongside of 8·2 m, close SW of
Natural conditions No 3 Leading Lights (46.35'·92N 32°33'·12E}.
6.265 Maximum size of vessel handled is 125 m in length,
Ice begins to form in the second half of December draught 7-6 m fresh water. Daylight berthing only.
and finally disappears in the first half of March.
Climate Information. See 1.151 and 1.164. Port services
Directions 6.270
(continved from 6.248) Only minor repairs.
No 1 Leading Lights: Other facilities
Front light (46.35'•26N 32"34'·77E}. 6.271
Rear lijJht (460 m from front light). SSCC, SSCEC issued: hospitals.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Supplies daytime. Gales may occur in any month except June

6.272 and Jliy, but are most frequent in October and
Fuel; fresh water at quays and by barge at lhe November.
tanker berths; provisions. 2 tee fonns in Tendrivs'ka Zatoka between the end of
December and the end of February and attains a
COASTAL AND INSHORE WATERS BETWEEN thickness of about 0·4 m. Offshore, ice, which is
KINBURNS'KA KOSA AND TENDRIVS'KA KOSA mostly drift ice, appears at the beginning of January
and disappears towards lhe end of February.
General informatio
n CurrenL See 1.111.
6.273 Directions
(continued from 6.104)
Recommended Routes No 2. for vessels of up to
5 m draught, and No 59 lead S from Ostriv Berezan' Principal marks
(46.36'·00N 31 •24'·50E). 6.277
Major lights:
Tendrivs'kyi Light (white round tower, black
bands, 31 m in height) (46•19'·38N
The waters between the NW extremity (4s-34'·56N
31 •30··88E).
31 •30··77E) of Kinbums'l<a Kosa and the N extremity
of Tendrivs'ka Kosa (13 miles S), form lhe approaches Kinbums'ka Kosa to Tendrivs'ka Kosa
to Yahorlyts'ka Zatoka (6.279) and Tendrivs'ka Zatoka 6.278
(6.284). Recommended Route No 2. From a position
The NW part of Kinbums'l<a Kosa is low and sandy. 3'h miles W of Kinburns'kyi Dopolnitel'nyi Light
The N part of Tendrivs'l<a Kosa is also low with a few (46.34'-56N 31•30'·77E}, Recommended Route No 2
trees. leads S for 19 miles to its intersection with
Reooo,mended Route No 4, passing:
Regulated areas
2 W of Tendrivs'kyi North Light (black rectangle, on
each side of red 4-sided metal framework
Areas perlodhoally dangerous for navigation:
Area No 704 extends 1 mile offshore, 5 miles tower, 20 m in height) (46.21 '·91N 31•31'·89E),
SSE of the NW extremity of Kinbums'l<a Kosa thence:
Area No 705 extends 1 % miles either side of the W of Tendrivs'kyi Light (46.19'·38N 31•30'·88E)
neck of Tendrivs'ka Kosa about 5 mites S of (6,277), thence:
its N extremity. 3 w of a wreck (46.17'·22N 31•3t'·74E) with a
See Appendix 3. depth of H m. marked by a buoy (W
cardinal), and:
Natural conditions Clear of Area No 705 (46.21'-00N 3t034'·00E)
6.276 (6.275), !hence:
Winds. The prevailing winds in autumn and winter W of Tendrivs'kyi South Light (grey four-sided
are NW. From March to May, NW winds are more metal framework tower, 1 O m in height)
common than winds from other directions dunng (46"t5'·89N 3t•34'·03E).

~ ---

Kinbums'l<a Kosa (6.274)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


, Caution. The lowness of Tendrivs'ka Kosa renders Useful martc

it difficult to detect. Care must be taken not to be set 6.283
on to tt by E currents which wiM be strongest wtth W Prominent church in the village of lvanivka
winds. (46'23'·19N 32"06'-35E), at the head of the bay.
(Directions continue for
Karkinfts 1<a Zatoka at 6.30 I) Tendrivs'ka Zatoka
General information
Yahorlyts'ka Zatoka
Tendrivs'ka Zatoka is entered between the N
extremily of Tendrivs'ka Kosa (46.22'·00N 31•32'-00E)
General information and the SW coast of Kinbums'ka Kosa. 8 miles NE.
6.279 The inner part of the bay is entered between the w
Yahorlyts'ka (Yegorlytskiy) Zatoka is entered end of Pivostriv Yahorlyts'kyi Kut (46'18'·00N
between the S extremtty (46'26'·20N 31'42'-SOE) of 31.47',00E) and Kosa Bili Kuchuhury, a point on the N
Kinburns'ka Kosa and the N shore of Plvoslriv side of Tendrivs'ka Kosa, 4'h miles SW, within which
Yahorlyts'kyi Kut, a flat and marshy peninsula. there are some wMe sand dunes.
7~miles SE. 2 A flat wtth depths of less than t m extends across
Ostriv Kruhtyi and Ostriv Dovhyi, two low sandy this entrance, and Ostriv Orliv, a low islet, lies on this
islands which appear as a continuation of the SW flat
coast of Kinbums'ka Kosa, tie in the entrance of the
bay. Dangers
6.280 6.285
The entrance channel to Yahortyts'ka Zatoka lies Wrecks, obstructions and fish havens, the positions
between the S point of Ostriv Dovhyi and the shore of which can be seen on the chart, lie in the outer
2~ miles S. The fairway within this entrance channel, part of Tendrivs'ka Zatoka off the E shore of the N
which has a least depth of 3·7 m, is about t mile wide. part of Tendrivs'ka Kosa. Two fish havens (not
2 The shores of Yahorlyts'ka Zatoka are generaly charted) are located in the SW part. A buoy (isolated
low. The N shore consists of some sand hins, some of danger) marks an area of fish havens and
which are wooded: the village of Pokrovka is spread obstructions, 3112 miles NNW of Kosa Bili Kuchuhury
out on the NW shore of the bay. Pivostriv Yahorlyts'kyi Light
Kut is low-tying, but in places there are burial 2 Foul ground. indicated on the chart, extends
mounds; its shores are deeply indented. 7'h cables offshore on the N side of Kosa Bili
Anchorage Anchorage
6.281 6.28S
Yahortyts'ka Zatoka offers spacious shelter to sman Tendrivs'ka Zatoka provides good anchorage with
vessels from all but W winds. in depths of 2 to 5 m, shelter from al but NW winds, which send In a
soft mud, sand and shells. considerable sea.
The usual anchorage is about 2 miles E of Ostriv The best berth is in depths of between 13 and
Dovhyi in depths of 4 to 5 m. 14 m, l'h mies E of Tendrivs'kyi Ugh~ stiff mud and
2 Cautions. Weed growing from the bottom is very large sheUs. Vessels can anchor closer inshore, but
abundant and attains great length by mid summer. ~ is should approach wtth caution as the shore is steep-to
liable to foul propellers. An extensive marine lann lies wtthin the t O m depth contour.
up to 2'h miles E of Ostriv Kruhlyi and Ostriv Dovhyi,
and as far N as Pokrovka. Obstructions are located Regulated areas
within the approach, entrance and the N part of the 6.287
bay; a series of wrecks, visible above water. are See 6.275 and Appendix 3.
located in the S pan. Useful martc
Regulated areas Kosa Biti Kuchuhury Light (black rectangle, white
6.282 stripe on red four-sided framework tower, 12 m in
See 6.275 and Appendix 3. height) (46°14'·83N 31°39'·63E}.



KHERSONES'KYI A traffic roundabout and TSSs are situated in the
General Information approaches to Odes'ka Zatoka. See 6. t 1.
Recommended Routes Areas temporarity dangerous for navigation are
6.289 situated as follows:
Recommended Routes Nos 81 and 82 lead Area No 706. The SW limit of this area, the
between the TSS in the approaches to Odes'ka centre of which lies 14 miles SW of
Zatoka and the TSS off Mys Khersones'kyi Tendrivs'kyi Light (46't9'·38N 3t'30'·88E). is
(44'35'·00N 33°22'·73E) in the S pan of Krymskyi situated 2~ miles NE of the TSS at the NW
Pivostriv. end of Recommended Route No 82.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


2 Area No 707, through which Recommended < SW of Mys Tai1<hankut (45'20'·80N 32'30'·00E),
Route No 82 passes, is centre<l about 30 miles a low and rocky headland.
NW of Mys Tar1<hankut. NW-bound traffic follows Recommended Route
Area No 710 is centred 33 mdes S of Mys No 82, passing NE of Platforms Nos 2 and 18.
Tarkhankut. s Caution. The charted platforms are situated in
Area No 723, through which Recommended areas (No 707 and 723) which are temporarily
Routes Nos 81 and 82 pass, is centred about declare<l dangerous for navigation.
25 miles W of Mys Tai1<hankut. (Directionscontinue for the coastal route 10
3 Areas Nos 724 and 725. The NE timtts of lhese Mys Kikfneyz at 6.371)
extensive areas are situated SW of
Recommended Roule No 81 between the KARKINITS'KA ZATOKA
parallels of 45'30'-00N and 44'18.·00N.
See Appendix 3. General information
4 Areas In which anchoring, fishing, submarine
and seabed operations are prohlblte<l:
Area No 613, through which Recommended 6.294
Karkinits·ka Zatoka is entered between the W
Routes Nos 81 and 82 pass, is situate<l W of
extremity of Tendrivs'ka Kosa (46'20'·00N 31°31'·00E)
Mys Khersones'kyi.
and Mys Tarkhankut (6.292). about 70 miles SE.
s Area No 634 which extends up to 12 miles from
The W part of the N coast of Karklnits'ka Zatoka is
the coast between Sevastopor and Mys
low whereas the E 1s high and precipitous. The S
Areas Nos 663 and 668 which extend NW and coast is predominantly high and precipitous.
WSW, respectively. from Mys Tar1<hankut. 2 The bay is divided into an outer and inner part by
See Appendix 3. Bakal's'ka Banka, which extends N from Mys
Pishchanyy (6.315). the N extremity of Bakal's'ka
Oil and gas production Kosa. a spit extending from the S shore 40 miles NE
6.291 of Mys Tarkhankul
A number of platforms are situate<l between 20 and Pilots
40 miles NW and 35 miles w of Mys Tar1<hankut 6.295
(45'20'·80N 32'30'·00E). Some or these platforms are Pilots for ports in Karkinits'ka Zatoka are based at
connected by gas pipelines with one pipeline leading lhe pilot station at Skadovs'l< (6.318).
to the shore N of Karadzha Bay. and another extends
44 miles SW to an isolated platform at position Measured distance
45'22'·29N 30'55'-41 E. An area to be avoided, of 6.296
radius 500 m, surrounds lhe platforms. See 6.293. See 6.303.
Caution. See 1.54.
Directions Currents in the bay are mainly due to lhe influence
(continued from 6.13) of lhe wind and attain a rate of 'h kn. NE winds drive
lhe water out of me bay and SW winds have the
Principal marks opposite effecl The strongest current is caused by W
6.292 winds.
Major lights:
Mys Tarkhankut Light (whtte round stone tower, North part of Karkinits'ka Zatoka
33 m in height) (45'20'·82N 32'29'-SSE).
Mys Khersones'kyi Light (whtte round masonry General Information
tower, 36 m in height) (44°35'-00N 33'22'·73E). 6.298
The outer part of lhe N coast of Karkinits'ka Zatoka
Recommended Routes Nos 81 and 82 is lorme<l by Tendrivs'ka Kosa which leads SE for
6.293 32 miles to its junction with the mainland. There is a
Initial position. The termination of the SE lane passage through the spit close to this junction. The
(46'07'·24N 31 "04'·52E) of the TSS leading between spit is generally bare except for the occasional
Recommendoo Routes Nos 81 and 82 and lhe traffic sheepfold.
roundabout. 2 From lhe junction with Tendrivs'ka Kosa lhe coast
Route. Recommendoo Route No 81 leads SE for of lhe mainland trends ESE for about 14 miles and is
130 miles to the TSS off Mys Khersones'kyi more elevated; thence Ozhary1gats'ka Kosa, a narrow
(Khersones) (44.35'·00N 33'22'·73E), the extrermy of strip of land extends E for about 22 miles to Mys
a low shelving peninsula, passing: Dzharytgats'kyi. This spit, whicll in its W part is only
2 SW of Platform No 2 (45'41'·20N 31'43'-00E), t cable wide, forms the s side of Dzharylgats'ka
from which a light is exhibtte<l. Lights are Zatoka. The E pan of this spit. which is wider, is
exhibited from Platform No 18 (2'h m~es WSW) known as Osaiv Dznarylhach.
and a number of emer platforms which are Regulated areas
situated between 6 and 23 miles E. Thence: 6.299
NE of a dangerous area marked Explosives Area periodically dangerous for navigation:
(45'35'·13N 31'38'·97E), lhence: Area No 705. See 6.275.
3 NE of Platform No 7 (45°20'·61N 31°51'·83E).
from which a light is exhibite<l. Lights are Hazards
exhibited from a number of olher platforms 6.300
situated 9 miles SW. An unlit platform. with a A number or dangerous wrecks, some of which are
height above sea level of 11 rn, lies 9'/. cables marked, Se in me N waters of Karkinits'ka Zatoka.
SE al Platform No 7. Thence: Their positions can be seen from the chart.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Directions (6.292). A buoy ry,J cardinal) marks a rocky

(continued from 6.278) shoal, with a depth of 3·8 m, extending 1 mile
6.301 WNW from Mys Tarkhankut. Thence:
From a position W of Tendrivs'kyi South Light 2 WNW of Bukhta Vuz'ka (45°30'·80N 32°42'·08E).
(6.278) Recommended Route No 4 leads initially SE, thence:
then ESE, passing: NW of Mys Chomyi (45°35'·14N 32°49'·33E),
NE of a fish haven (46°14'-00N 31•29'-00E), from which a light is exhibited, thence:
thence: NW of a marine farm commencing 1 mile NE of
SW of a wreck (46°13'·38N 31'36'·20E), with a Mys Chomyi, and extending 9 miles NE and
depth of 1 ·6 m, marked by a buoy (Isolated 21h miJes to seaward, thence:
danger}. Explosives are located near the wred< 3 ESE ol Karkinits'ka-19 Platform (45°45'·40N
and mariners are advised to keep a safe 32'42'·10E), thence:
distance. Thence: WNW of lsaicheva Light (45°41'·52N 33°02'·44E).
2 SSW of a fish haven containing submerged Thence the route continues NNE for about 11 miles
obstructions (uncharted) (46'12'·00N to Its junction with Recommended Route No 4 (6.301).
31 '43'·00E). It extends up to 2'h miles • Useful marks:
seaward from the S coast of Tendrivs'ka Kosa Prybiinyi Beacon (black with white band, 5 m in
between Tendrivs'kyi South light and a height) (45°24'·15N 32"29'·01E).
position 16 miles ESE. The limlts of the fish Skalistyi Beacon (45°30'·28N 32°38'·79E).
haven are marked by buoys (speciaQ. Thence: (Directions continue tor Mys Tarl<hankutto
SSW of Zaliznyi Port Light (46"06'·72N Mys Yevpatoriis'kyi at 6.325)
32"19'·17E). Thence:
SSW of Sofiivs'kyi Light (46'04'·14N 32'31'·62E),
thence: Bukhta Karadzhynsk'a
SSW of Krasnyi Light (46'01'·81N 32°46'·18E).
Bukhta Karadzhynsk'a indents the coast between
3 Thence to the pilot boarding position S of Mys
Mys Tarkhankut and Mys Priboynyi, 3 miles N. Depths
Dzharylgats'kyi (46'00'·80N 33"04'·00E), where
in the middle of the entrance are 22 to 24 m but
Recommended Route No 4 continues NW to
shelve quickly towards the head of the bay. Three
Skadovs'k (6.318). East of Mys DZhary1gats'kyi. a
piers up to 78 m in length are situated at the head of
branch of Recommended Route No 4 leads E to Port
the bay. close to a conspicuous two-storey building.
Khorty (6.319).
2 Anchorage. Anchorage in depths of 10 to 14 m,
sand, may be obtained on the N side towards the
South part of Kar1<inits'ka Zatoka head of the bay. It is sheltered from winds between N
and SE and partiwlarly provides good shelter from
General lnfonnatlon storm force E winds.
The S shore of Karkinlts'ka Zatoka is fonne<l by the
NW coast of Kryms'kyi Pivostnv, wrthin which are Bukhta Vuz'ka
elevated plains. The whole stretch of the coast 6.306
between Mys Tarkhankut (45°20'·80N 32"30'-00E) and Bukhta Vuz'ka (45°30'·80N 32°42'·08E} is entered
a point 3 miles W of aakarsxa Banka (38 miles NE), between two headlands which lie 6'h cables apart the
is steep-to. bay affords shelter tor small craft when the wind is
2 Between Mys Tarkhankut and Mys Priboynyi from ENE through S to W. Chomomors'ke Subsidiary
(2!h miles N), the coast is red in colour, but E of the Port is situated in the bay; as well as a fishing port,
latter point, it changes and consists of whitish cliffs which is a subsidiary of Sevastopol' (6.343).
intersected by valleys. 2 The outer entrance headlands are about 6 m high
Between Mys Priboynyi and Bukhta Vuz'ka (6.306). and are rocky and reddish in colour. within them are
12 miles ENE. the cliffs are generally higher. but twO inner entrance points. There is a small cove on
become lower towards Bukhta Yarylhach, about either side of the entrance between the outer and
5 miles farther ENE. irvler entrance points.
3 East of Bukhta Yarylhach the coast rises again to 3 Banks with depths of less than 5·5 m extend for
Mys Chomyi (45°35'•14N 32°49'•33E) becoming rocky about 2 cables from either side of the entrance. Within
and reddish in colour. East of Mys Chomyi the coast the entrance the shores of the bay become low and
gradually decreases in elevation to Mys Pishchanyy shelving and are fringed by a shallow bank. The
(6.315), 16 miles ENE. entrance, which has a foul area In the middle, has a
depth of 12 m.
Measured distance " Ice. Bukhta Vuz'ka sometimes freezes over.
6.303 Spoil ground. Area No 916, a circular area radius
Measured distances are situated about 6 miles NE 6 cables centred at 45•35·.10N 32•39·.ooE is situated
of Mys Priboynyi (45°24'·15N 32°29'-00E) (6.302). in the outer approaches.
Limits are marked by pairs of beacons. Outer anchorage. Designated Anchorage area
Distances: 1852 m and 3704 m. No 375 is situated in the outer roadstead of Bukhta
Running track: 064·7°/244·7". Vuzl<a. 8 cables N of the E entrance headland.
Depths 19 m to 23 m, sand. Caution. Two obstructions
Directions lie in the NE section of the anchorage.
6.304 s Inner anchorage. Designated Anchorage area
From a position SSW of Mys Tarkhankut (6.293) No 376 is situated 4 cables SSW of the E entrance
Recommended Route No 25 leads generally NNE, headland. Depths 4 to 11 m. sand.
passing: Novosel'skov Leading Lights:
WNW of Mys Tarkhankut (45'20'·82N Front 6ght beacon (45°31'•00N 32'42'·79E).
32°29'·65E), from which a light is exhibited Rear tight beacon (680 m from front light).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


6 The alignment (131·5°) of these lights (shown on 2 Outer anchorage is located in an area centred on
request) leads between the entrance headlands. A 45'34'·20N 32'48'·70E. approximately 9 cables SSW of
light buoy (E cardinal) is moored close to the W Mys Chomyi. The NE part of the bay is partly
entrance headland. sheltered from seaward, but the bay is open to W
Several jetties are located in the SW part of the winds and anchorage is untenable with strong winds
bay. Caution. The wreck of the launch Gradus lies between SW and NW.
close to berth No 133, on the N jetty. 3 Pilotage is compulsory, and for foreign vessels is
undertaken during daylight only. There is no special
Bukhta Yarylhats'ka piolage service, pilotage is carried out by Port Control
6.307 inspectors. The piol embarks in the outer roacstead,
General Information. Bukhta Yarylhats'ka weather permitting, or may assist using a lead vessel.
(Yarylhach) is entered between Mys Chornyl Tugs are available and must be ordered 2 hrs
(45.35'·20N 32•49·.50E) and a point 1¥· miles SW. beiore berthing.
Mys Chornyi is low and rocky with a dart< extremity • Regulations:
that stands out well against the whitish coloured coast Vessels are not accepted with a wind speed
in the vicinity. greater than 14 mts. or in restricted visibility.
2 Rooky ledges with depths of less than 5 m extend Maximum speed through the entrance channel
4 cables from the SW entrance point and a series of is 3 kn.
fishing stakes are located Y. mile S of Mys Chomyi.
There are depths of 11 to 13·5 m, sand over rock. in Climate Information
the middle of the bay. 6.311
3 Approach and entry. Yarylhats'l<a approach leading See 1.151 and 1.165.
lights are established on the S shore of the bay,
t ·6 miles S of Mys Chomyi. The alignment (138') Directions
leads through the entrance and thence onto 6.312
Yarylhats'ka leading lights, 1 ·3 miles SE of Mys Ozero Pans'ke Leading Light Beacons:
Chornyi. This second alignment (089•) leads into the Front beacon (45'31'·97N 32'48'·16E).
centre of the bay. Rear beacon (667 m from front beacon).
, Berths. The village of Mizhvodne (Mezhvodnoye) is 2 The alignment (183') of these light beacons leads S
located on the NE shore of the bay, and the port is through a channel 7 cables in length, marked by light
located nearby. A platform and oil pipetine are located buoys and buoys. Depth in the channel is 8·6 m
1-1 miles SE of Mys Chornyi. An anchor berth. in 8 to (2006). the width between w and E spits forming the
9 m of waler, is located 2 cables SW of the platform. entrance is 130 m. with the channel width 110 m.
Caution. Bukhta Yarylhats'ka lies within a former 3 Caution. In the absence of defensive structures on
mine danger area. See Appendix 6. the seaward side, the channel becomes silted and
depths may change. Vessels should keep strictly to
Chomomors'k Specialised Port mid-channel.
General Information Basins and berths
6.308 6.313
Position and function. Chornomors'k Speciaised The port has 1200 m of quayage close SW of the
Port (45.34'·44N 32'48'·28E) is situated in the SW harbour entrance. with depths alongside of 5·0 to
part of Bukhta Yarylhals'ka on the l>tW coast of Ozero 7·2m.
2 The pon belongs to the State Joint Stock Enterprise Port services
DAT Chomomomanogaz, and is the company's base 6.314
for drilling and equipping offshore oil and gas fields. It Repairs: minor repairs; floating dry-dock of
is also used as the base for its speclabsed fleet and 5000 tonnes capacity: floating crane with 100 tonnes
for carrying out a range of survey support and otl field lifting capacity.
development operations in the Black Sea and Sea of Other facilities: bilge water; garbage collection.
Azov. The port is closed to all vessels that are not Supplies: fuel, but supply cannot be guaranteed:
employed by the company. fresh water delivered by tugs; provisions.
3 Approach and entry. The pon is approached on a
branch of Recommended Route No 25 (6.304) on the
alignment (138') of leading beacons standing about Inner part of Karkinits'ka Zatoka
to/. miles S of Mys Chornyi. Thence the track afters S General information
to the Ozero Pans 'ke Leading Light Beacons.
Port Authority. Port Chornomors'k, smt The inner part of Karkinits'ka Zatoka is entered
Chornomors'ke, Crimea Autonomous Republic. 96400.
between Mys D2harylgats'l<yi(46"00'·80N 33'04'·00E)
and Mys Pishchanyy (Mys Pischanyij (45'48'·35N
Limiting conditions 33'10'·71 E). Its shores are much indented by shallow
6.309 bays and lronted by extensive shallow flats which
Maximum size of vessel handled is draught 5 m. occupy about half its area. This part of Karklnlts'ka
Vessels with a draught greater than 5 m may only Zatoka terminates NE in Perekops'ka Zatoka which is
enter by agreement with the Harbour Master. very shallow and not navigable. The isthmus which
joins Krymskyi Pivostriv to the mainland lies at the
Arrival Information head of this bay.
6.310 2 The shores of the inner part of Karkinits'ka Zatoka
Notice of ETA should be given in good time and are generally low and flat In summer, especially about
not later than 24 hrs; and must be updated 4 hrs midday. identifreation of the coast is sometimes made
before arrival. difficutt by rrurages.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


3 Entrance channel. The main entrance channel to 3 Directions. From a position off Mys Dzharylgats'kyi,
the inner part of Karkinlts'ka Zatoka lies between Mys the port is approached along Recommended Route
Dzharylgats•kyi and the N extremity of Bakal's'ka No 4 to a position S of the port
Banka, 4 miles SE. The fairway of the channet is The alignment (011·4°) of leading lights standing on
narrowed to a width of about 1 mile wrth depths of the N shore leads through a channel, marked by light
7·6 m by coastal banks on either side. buoys (lateral and W cardinaij.
, North shore. Dzarylhats'ka Zatoka is entered Anchorage: Designated Anchorage area No 371 is
between Mys DZharylgats'kyi and a point on the situated 1¥. miles SW of the port. The anchorage, with
mainland 6 miles NNW. The W part of the bay is depths of 3 to 8 m is shettered from all winds except
shallow and flats with a depth of less than 5·5 m from the E and provides good holding ground.
extend for more than 1 mile from the N and S shore of • Berths. Five berths for cargo, oil and passengers.
the E part of the bay. The largest is No 1 berth, which is 294 m in length
s Kalanchaks'ka Zatoka (46°09'-00N 33°11'-00E) is with a reported depth of 5·5 m.
entered between the N entrance point of Dza,yt,ats'ka Other facilities.. Hospital.
Zatoka and the S extremity of Karadals'ka Kosa. a Supplies: ~mlted quantities of fuel; fresh water.
sandy spit 714 miles E. Between Kalanchaks'ka Zatoka provisions ..
and Perekops'ka Zatoka (17 miles E) a number of
spits extend from the shore and the whole of the Port Khorty and approaches
coast is fronted by an extensive flal 6.319
6 South shore. From the E side of the root of Position and approaches. Port Khorly (46°04.·SON
Bakal's'ka Kosa (6.315). the S shore of the inner pan 33°17'·70E), which is an agricultural centre, is situated
of Karkinits'ka Zatoka trends ENE for 20 miles. This on the S end of Pivostriv Girkyi Kut and is approached
stretch of the coast is low and flat and a bank fronting by the Khortovs'kyi Kanai It is a subsidiary of
ii extends about 2 miles off Its W part. and as much Skadovs'k (6.318).
as 41h miles off farther ENE. 2 Khorlovs'kyi Kanai consists of a sea and harbour
reach. The sea reach, a continuation of
Natural conditions Recommended Route No 4, commences about
6.316 SV. miles E of Mys Dzharylgats'kyi and leads E for
Weed. The bottom of this part of Karkinlts't<a Zatoka about 1 'hmiles through the outer roadstead and
is covered in weed which grows to great length. When between the extremities of two banks, and thence
tulty grown in the late summer. this weed washes up ESE for 1 'h m~es to the inner roadstead.
on the shores of the bay in great masses, which rot 3 Dlrectlons. From the inner roadstead the alignment
and give off an offensive smell. (011·5') of leading lights leads N to Port Khorly
fee. During the winter, navigation in Karkinlts'ka through the harbour reach, which is 2 miles long and
Zatoka may be interrupted by ice. SO m wide. and extends through the coastal bank.
Caution. Two obstructions with depths of 1 ·8 and
Principal marks 4-0 m, lie 'h and I mile S respectively of the port. The
6.317 obstrucnons lie on the alignment of the harbour reach
Landmarks: leading lights.
Pivostriv Girkyi (Gor'kiy) Kut which terrrunates ut Both reaches of the canal are marked by buoys.
Mys Khorty (46°0S'·OON 33°18'-00E), provides 4 Anchorages:
the only good landmark in the vicinity. This Designated Anchorage area No 372, in the outer
peninsula, which is high, rises from the sea in roadstead, is situated 5 miles E of
yellow cliffs and can be identified from about Dzharytgats'kyi Light. The anchorage, with
Smiles. depths of 8 to Io m, shells, is open 10 SE and
W winds but is reported to have good holding
Skadovs'k ground.
6.318 s Designated Anchorage area No 373, in the inner
General Information. The port of Skadovs'k roadstead, is situated a further 314 miles ENE.
(46'06',46N 32'54'·73E) is a basin s~uated on the N The anchorage, with depths of 6 to 7 m. sand
shore of Dzharylhats'ka Zaloka and handles cargo, and shells. is shattered and is reported to
passenger and ferries for destinations in Turkey. have good holding ground.
Port limits. The harbour includes all the waters S 6 Berths.; The harbour consists of three alongside
and E of Skadovs'k port, including anchorage No 371, berths capable of handling vessels up to 140 m in
to a posttion close to the water tower midway along length, 15 m beam and 4·5 m draught. Berth No 1 is a
the N coast of Ostriv Dzharylhach. The E limit pier tor launches, at the SW comer of which is a pile
continues to Mys Dzharylgats'kyi (46'00'·80N in 0-4 m of water.
33•04-.ooE} then to a position E of the light buoy (N Other facilities. Hospital.
cardinal), thence to the coast E of Skadovsl<. 1 Supplies: fresh waler alongside; limited provisions.
2 Port Authority. Skadovsl< Commercial Sea Port, Caution. It was reported (2003) that all lighted aids
vul. Proletarska, 2. Skadovs'k, Kherson Region, 75700, to navigation have been extinguished and that night
Ukraine. navigation is not recommended. In 2009 it was
Limiting conditions. Recommended Route No 4 reported that the port was closed, but plans to
generally has depths of 7 m or more. Skadovs'k re-open were under consideration.
approach channel is dredged to 2·0 m (2013) and is
50 m in width. Bakal's'ka Bukh1a
Pilots and tugs. Pilotage is compulsory for foreign 6.320
vessels. The pilot station is close to the light buoy Bakal's't<a Bukhta (45'49'·00N 33'1S'·OOE}. on the E
(safe water} (46'04'·59N 32'54'·15E), and during ice side of BakaFs'ka Kosa. provides secure anchorage
conditions off Mys Dzharylgats'kyi. Tugs are available wel sheltered from S and W winds. but N winds send
at 3 hours notice. in a heavy sea.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Anchorage. Designated Anchorage area No 374. Ozero Donuzlav Rear Leading Light (orange
with depths of 4 m. is situated 1 ~ miles W of Mys rectangle on black 4-sided framework tower.
Lebediaohyi (Lebyazhiy) (45•51 ··ooN 33•29·-soE). The 37 m in height) (45'23'·15N 33'05'·68E).
settlement of Portove (Portovoye) is located on the 2 V,tyne light (black four-sided metal framework
cape. tower. 16 m in height) (45°12'·1 O'N
2 Useful mark: cathedral of the former Sary-Bulatskyi 33'09'·19E).
monastery in Portove, the upper part of which is Mys Yevpatoriis'kyi Light (white eight-sided
in ruins. concrete tower. 52 m in height) (45'09'·06N
COASTAL WATERS BETWEEN Mys Tarkhankut to Mys Yevpatoriis'kyi
MYS YEVPATORUS'KYI From a position SSW of Mys Tarkhankut (6.293)
Recommended Route No 7 leads ESE, passing:
General information SSW of a wreck (45.18'·15N 32'30'·97E), with a
depth of 38 m. Thence:
Routes SSW of Mys Uret (45'19'·62N 32'40'·71 E),
6.321 thence:
Recommended Route No 7 leads ESE from Mys SSW of the entrance to Ozero Oonuzlav
Tarkhankut to Mys Yevpatoriis'kyi. Recommended (45°t9'·50N 32°59'-00E), thence:
Roule No 27 leads N from Recommended Route No 7 2 SSW of a wreck with a depth of 20 m
to Ozero Oonuzlav. (45'13'·52N 33'02'·02E). traffic regulations
apply, see 6.323. A foul area lies close S of
Topography the wreck. Thence:
6.322 SSW of Popovka Light (wh~e rectangle, black
Between Mys Tarkhankut (45°20'·80N 32"30'-00E) stripe on four-sided framework tower, 14 m in
and the W end of Ozero Oonuz.Jav. a salt lake height) (45°17'·72N 33'02'·06E). This light is
18 miles E. the coast is generally high and steep-to. A fitted with a radar reflector. Thence:
number of villages are visible from seaward. 3 SSW of V,tyne Light (45'12'·10N 33'09'·19E),
Between Ozero Donuzlav and Mys Yevpatoriis"kyi thence:
(20 miles SE) the coastal hills recede inland and the SSW of a buoy (S cardinal) (45'07'·63N
coast becomes low and sandy. Ozero Donuzlav and 33'13'·85E). The buoy marks a bank with
several other salt Jakes are separated from the sea by depths of Jess than 8 m extending 2 miles SW
low narrow strips of sand. and 1 mije S from Mys Yevpatoriis'kyi. Near its
2 In some places the coast is so low that ~ can SW extremity are two rocks wilh depths of 9·5
hardly be distinguished from 2 mies offshore and a and 10·6 m. Thence:
village on the N coast of Ozero Donuz.lav appears to • Clear of a wreck (45'06'·23N 33'16'·50E) wilh a
stand on the shore of a bay extending far inland. depth of 11 ·4 m; traffic regulations apply,
Traffic regulations (Directions continue tor coastal waters
6.323 between Mys Yevpatoriis'kyiand
Areas in which stopping, anchoring and seabed Mys Khersones'kyi al 6.335)
operations are prohibited:
Area 700 11 ~ miles SE of Mys Tarkhanlrut Minor harbour
See Appendil< 3.
An area of 1 mile radius surrounding a Ozero Donuzlav
dangerous wreck with a depth of 11-4 m and 6.327
an obstruction with a depth of 19·8 m. 3 mies General information. Ozero nonunav (45°23·-ooN
S of Mys Yevpatoriis'kyi. Dumping ground 33'06'-00E), a satt lake 13 miles E of Mys Uret, is
No 918 hes inside the prohibited area. separated from the sea by a sandy isthmus 200 to
2 Area which is used periodically for fleet 400 m wide and 5 miles long. The harbour is a
exercises: subsidiary of Yevpatoriia (6.338).
An area of one mile radius. centred on Controlling depth. The entrance channel is
44•18'·00N 32'31 '·00E, 3 miles SSE of Mys dredged to 10·5 m (2008).
Tarkhankut. 2 Anchorages. Designated Anchorage areas Nos 378
and 381. w~ depths of 10 to 18 m, are situated In Jhe
Measured distance outer roadstead NW and SE, respectively. of the
6.324 entrance channel. Designated Anchorage areas
Between Mys Tark.hankut and Mys Uret (45°19'-00N Nos 379 and 380, w~ depths of 4 to 15 rn, are
32•39·-ooE) there are 3 measured distances: situated in the inner roadstead about 2 and 4 miles
Lim~ marks: palrs of beacons (black and white). NE of the entrance, and N of the leading lines.
Distances ~ to E): 3815 rn, 1852 and 926 m. 3 Caution. An obstruction and rock with depths of
Running track: 103'h./283W. 15-0 to 11·8 m. respectively, are located in the NW
part of area No 381.
Directions Pilotage is compulsory for vessels over 200 gt,
(continued from 6.304) piots board 1 ·7 cables SE of Oonuzlavs'kyi Light Buoy
(45'18''43N 32'56'·99E).
Principal marks Tugs are compulsory for mooring.
6.325 • Regulations. Some of the main regulations are as
Major lights: folloWs:
Mys Tarkhankut Light (45.20'•82N 32'29''65E) Passenger vessels are prohibited from entering
(6.292). Ozero Oonuzlav.

e-NP24 - NMs - TRAMMO PARIS {IMO No.lM09792515)

Paragraph 6.327 3 lines 1-3 Replace by:
i Caution. An obstruction with a depth of 11 ·8 m and a submarine cable are located in the NW part
of area No 381.
HYDROLANT 3315/19(55) [NP24-No 8-Wk 47/19)


Paragraph 6.327 3 lines 1-3 Replace by:
i Caution. An obstruction with a depth of 11 ·8 m and a submarine cable are located in the NW part
of area No 381.
HYDROLANT 3315/19(55) [NP24-No 8-Wk 47/19)


Page: 231
Paragraph 6.327 3 lines 1-3 Replace by:
i Caution. An obstruction with a depth of 11 ·8 m and a submarine cable are located in the NW part
of area No 381.
HYDROLANT 3315/19(55) [NP24-No 8-Wk 47/19)
e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Vessels must not close to within 2 miles of the N of the point, and thence E to the inbound lane of
entrance channel before obtaining pennission the TSS in the approach to Sevastopol's'kyi Bukhta.
to enter. Only small tonoage vessels and coasters are allowed
Vessels must not enter the channel in restricted to use this route.
visibility, or a wind speed greater than 12 mis
(Beaufort force 6). Topography
Maximum speed in the entrance channel is 6.330
10 kn. t Kalamits'ka Zatoka is entered between Mys
II is prohibited: Yevpatoriis'kyi (45'09'-00N 33'16'·00EJ and Mys Lukul
5 For two or more vessels to proceed along the (22 mies SE).
channel at the same time on opposite courses. The N shore of the bay is low and sandy and is
To overtake another vessel in the channel. backed by Ozero Sasyt<, a salt waler lake which
Traffic and storm signals. A signal station. which extends over 5 miles inland. The town of Yevpatoriia is
regulates vessel traffic and also displays storm signals, situated at the W end of the bay 4 miles NE of Mys
Is located on the SE side of the entrance. Yevpatoriis'kyi.
6.328 2 The E shore of the bay is al first low and sandy
Directions. From a position about 15 miles SE of and within It are several sail lakes, the S of which,
Mys Uret Recommended Route No 27 leads N for Ozero Kyzyt-Yar', lies 8'h miles SSE of Ozero Sasyk.
9 miles. Thence the alignment (052·5") of leacfing Between Ozero Kyzyl-Yar' and Mys Lukul, 13 miles
lights, sttuated in the central part of Ozero Donuzlav, s. the coast becomes steep and reddish in colour.
leads for 1·4 miles through a channel, 120 m wide, in The S part of this stretch of coast, which is higher. is
the isthmus. Three othe< sets of leading lights then intersected by the vaneys of Rika Bulganak and Rlka
lead through deep water for about 7 miles to pontoon Alma. which enter the sea 5 and 3 miles respectively
berths and mooring buoys in the NE part of the lake. NE of Mys Lukul.
2 All the main channels are marked by light buoys; 3 Sevastopors'kyi Bukhta (44'37'·30N 33'32'·00E) is
and beyond the pontoon berths lies a restricted area approached between Mys Lukul (44'50'·00N
for scientific research. 33"33'-00EJ (6.335) and Mys Khersones·kyi (17'h miles
Cautions. Vessels must hold strictly to the SSW).
centreline of the entrance leading line when entering • Between Mys Lukul and Mys Kosa Sevemaya. the
and departing. W point of the headland forming the N side of lhe
3 Due to the absence of reliable protective structures entrance to Sevastopol's'kyi Bukhta, the coast is cliffy
on the seaward side, the entrance to the lake is and reddish in colour. This stretch of the coast is
subject to shoaling. Dredging is carried out periodically. intersected by the valleys of Rika Kacha and Rika
Depths of less than 5 m fringe the N and S shores Berbek, which flow into the sea 4 and 8 miles.
of the entrance channel; the areas contain underwater respectively, NE of Mys Marhopulo, a headland that
obstacles, concrete blocks, stones and other dangers. lies 3 miles SSW of Mys Lukul.
Both areas are contained within a prohibtted area. 5 Between Mys Lukul and the mouth of Rika Kaeha
4 A submarine cable crosses the entrance. the depths are irregular for about 1 mile offshore, with
Useful marks: many detached sunken rocks with depths of 5 to 9 m.
Water tower and chimney (29 m in height) A tight buoy (!/'/ cardinal), lies 9 cables W of Mys
(3% miles NNW and 2Y. miles E of the Marhopulo.
entrance). 6 Between Mys Khersones'kyl (44'35.·00N
s Berths. Berth No 1 354 m in length with depths 33"22'·73E) (6.293) and Mys Aleksandrovs'kyi
alongside of 5·6 lo 7·8 m, on the inne< side of the S (S'h miles ENE), the headland forming the S entrance
entrance; vessels with a draught up to 5·5 m can be to Sevastopors·kyiBukhta, the coast rises gradually to
accommodated. An area approximately 500 m square a moderate elevation and becomes rocky. It is also
and dredged to 8·1 m (2008). is located to the NE of deeply indented by several bays.
the berth. A ruined jetty lies to the SE of the berth. Depths
Navantazuval'nyi berth lies on 1he inner side of the N 6.331
entrance. and is 152 m long with depths alongside of The following dangers lie off this stretch of the
3·8 to 6·4 m; vessels with a draught up to 4·9 m can coast
be accommodated. The wreck of a barge lies dose Shoal water with depths of less than 6·5 m
SE of the berth; ruined jetties. a pontoon and a extends for 5 cables off the N shore and up to
second wreck lie to the N. Pontoons and mooring 1 'k miles off the E shore of Kalamits'ka
buoys with depths alongside of up to 18 m, are Zatoka.
situated farther within the lake. 2 A rocky ridge. 'k to 2 cables wide and 10 miles
long lies about 3 miles off the E shore of
Kalamtts'ka Zatoka. This ridge, which has
COASTAL WATERS BETWEEN depths of between 9 and 12 m, rises abruptly
MYS KHERSONES'KYI from depths of about 20 m.
3 Foul ground extends for 1 mile off Mys Lukul. A
rock with depths of 4·9 to 5·5 m lies about
General information 5 cables NW of the cape.
Route Traffic regulations
6.329 6.332
Recommended Route No 7 leads S from Mys A traffic roundabout (6.3). centred on a light buoy
Yevpaloriis'kyi (45'09'-00N 33'16'·00EJ to the traffic (special) in position 44'38'·75N 33•1s··89E is situated
roundabout off Sevastopol's'kyi Bukhta (6.343). in the approaches to Sevastopol'skya Bukhta.
Recommended Route No 72 leads from a position A TSS. consisting of 4 routes. extends WNW. NNW,
1 mile W of Mys Khersones"kyi to a posrbon 1 Y.t miles ESE and 11 miles SSW from the traffic roundabout

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Regulated areas W of Mykolaivka Light (44°!xl'·55N 33°35'·96E),

6.333 thence:
Area Into which entry Is prohibited: 2 w of Mys Lukul (44'49'·98N 33°33'·38E). thence:
Area No 123 extends S from Solodunova Light to W of Mys Mamopulo (44°47'·51N 33'32'·09E)
Sevastopol' and W from the shore to the (6.330), from which a light is exhibited, thence:
meridian of 33°17'·60E. W of lyubimovka Light (44°42'·35N 33'33'·01 E).
See Appendix 3. Thence to lhe TSS in the approaches to
2 Area temporarily dangerous for navigation: sevasieeer (6.360).
Area No 71 O (6.290), the E limit of which extends
to Mys Khersones'kyi. Anchorages
Area in which anchoring, fishing, submarine and 6.337
seabed operations are prohibited: Anchorage or shelter is available in the following
Area No 634 (6.290). bays that indent the coast between Mys Khersones'kyl
See Appendix 3. and Sevastopol's'kyi Bukhta:
3 Area In which towing Is prohibited: Anchorage between Mys Zapadnyi (44°35'·44N
3 miles SW of Mys Khersones'kyi. 33°24'·12E) and Mys Vostochnyi (44°35'·69N
Area in which slopping, anchoring and seabed 33°25'·40E) entrance points, in depths of 22 m
operations are prohibited: ctear of charted obstructions.
An area of one mile radius. centred on 2 Strilets'ka Bukhta (44°36'·50N 33°28'·30E).
45°06'·00N 33°16'·00E, 3 miles S of Mys Shelter and alongside berths are available.
Yevparoriis'kyi. The shores of the bay are mainly high,
precipitous and fringed by stony shoals.
Measured distances Cautions. There are numerous underwater
6.334 dangers and wrecks in the bay. Fishing nets
lukul's'kyi measured distance is situated between are set out at the W entrance; mussel farms
Mys Marhopulo (6.330) and LyubimoVka Light (6.335) extend along the W shore to a distance of up
(5'h miles S). to 4 cables S from the W entrance point.
N llmlt marks: three beacons in line. 3 Pisochna Bukhta (44°36'·60N 33°29'·00E).
S limit marks: two beacons in line. Anchorage in entrance in depths of between
Distance: 1 mile. 11 and 18 m. A pier and groyne, on which
2 Running track: the line of bearing 181° of solariums are constructed, are located on the
Lukul's'kyi leading lights (44"36'·79N E shore of the bay. Vessels are prohibited
33°29'·60E). from approaching the end section of the pier,
There are two other sets of measured oistances as the length of the underwater section is 7 m.
(6.357) in Sevastopol'skya Bukhta. • Karantynna Bukhta (44°36'·80N 33°30'·00E).
Shelter for small vessels from all winds, noting
Oire·ctions a fish haven between the S breakwater to
(conunved from 6.326) Sevastopol's'kyi Bukhta and a light buoy
Principal marks (isolated danger), 5 cables W of the
6.335 breakwater.
Radio mast (44°59'·68N 33°37'·51 E). Yevpatoriia
Chimney (44'51 '•00N 33°36'·11E).
Mys lukul (44°50'·38N 33'33'·17E). A remarkable General information
headland with a crumbling formation that rises
to an elevation of 36 m. Position and function. Yevpatoriia (Yevpatoriya)
Radio mast (44°44'·07N 33'32'·78'E). (45°11'·30N 33°22'·79E) is situated at the head of
Saint George the Victorious monument, stone Yevpatoriia Bukhta in the N part of Kalamits'ka Zatoka.
obelisk with sculpture on top, (53·4 m above 2 The town is an industrial town and seaport. It is a
sea level), 9 cables SW of W entrance point to major climate. balneolherapeutic and mud cure resort,
Strilets'ka Bukhta (6.337). particularly for children. It handles RoRo, general
2 Major lights: cargo and passenger vessels, and is a port of refuge
Mys Yevpatoriis'kyi Light (45'09'-06N 33"16'·14E) for the local smaD-tonnage fishing fleet.
(6.325). 3 Port limits. The area bounded by an arc of a circle
Solodunova Light (round metal tower, red and radius 2 miles measured from No 2 Berth to the coast.
white bands, 22 m in height) (45°07 ·63N Port Authority. Yevpatoriia Commercial Sea Port,
33'31 '·29E). pl. Moryakiv, 1, Yevpatoriia, Crimea Autonomous
Mys lukul Light (white rectangle black stripe, on
Repul>K, 97416, Ukraine.
red four-sided framework tower, 16 m in
height) is exhibited from Mys luku!.
Umiting conditions
liubymivka (Lyubimovka) Light (44°42'·35N
33'33'·01E). 6.339
Mys Khersones'kyi light (44°3S'•OON 33'22'·73E) Maximum size of vessel handled: 130m LOA,
(6.292). draught 5·2 m.

Mys Yevpatoriis'kyi to Mys Khersones'kyi Arrival information

6.336 6.340
From a position SSW of Mys Yevpatoriis'kyi Anchorage. Designated Anchorage area No 382
Recommended Route No 7 continues s. passing: with depths of about 12 m, sand and shells, Is situated
w of Area No 123 (44°53'·00N 33°24'·00E) 1'hmiles SE of Mys Karantinnyi Light (45°11'·14N
(6.333), thence: 33"22'-48E).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Pilots. Pilotage is compulsory for vessels over Topography

200 gt. The pilot embarl<s and disembarl<s in the 6.344
vicinity of the light buoy (E cardinaQ which marf<s a Sevastopol's'kyi Bukhta extends inland for about
t O m shoal SE of Mys Karantinnyi. Twelve hours 3 mies to the head of lnkermanskoye Ushchel'ye, the
notice is required. deepest ravine on the W side of Kryms'kyi Pivostriv.
2 Tugs are available. One tug is compulsory for The average width of the harbour is about 4 cables.
vessels up to 1500 dwt, two tugs for vessels over Depths wilhin the harbour range from 17 m in the
1500 dwt. harbour entrance to 10 m in the inner part of the
Regulation. Berlhing operations are carried out harbour.
24 hours a day al wind speed not exceeding Beaufort 2 On both sides of the harbour, which consists of
force 6. chalk ciffs. projecting headlands form a number of
coves and bays.
On the S shore Pivdenna Bukhta, an extensive bay,
Basins and berths leads S for 12 cables from a position 8 cables within
6.341 the harbour entrance. This bay has an average width
Alongside berths. The port has five berlhs: of 1 'h cables and depths of 15 m which come close to
No 2 is on the NE side of the mole that extends the shore.
196 m SE from Mys Karantinnyi. The NW part
of the berlh is filled by sand and the SE part
has depths of 0·8 to 3·0 m. Port llmlts
No 3 lies immediately W of No 2 and is t 55 m 6.345
long, depths 4·6 to 5·1 m, RoRo. Outer port fimtts are a line drawn between Mys
2 No 4 lies immediately N of No 3 and is t 48 m Khersones'kyi (44°35'-00N 33°22'·73E) and the mouth
long, depths 4·1 to 5·5 m, RoRo. of Rika Kacha (44°43'·50N 33°33'·00E).
No 5 lies immediately N of No 4 and Is 148 m Inner pon ijmits comprise all waters E of the two
long. depths 4·9 to 5·5 m. cargo and breakwaters at the entrance to Sevastopol's'kyi
passenger. Bukhla.
No 6 lies immediately NW of No 5 and is 174 m
long, depths 3·9 to 5·0 m, cargo and Approach and entry
passenger. 6.346
3 The port also has six piers for small craft. with The port is approached through the TSS from the S
positions from Mys Karantinnyi: sector of the traffic roundabout (6.332), and entered
Sanatorium, 1 ·7 cables SW, depths 1 ·2 m. between a breakwater extending l ~ cables SW from
Yacht club, 3·6 cables NNW, depths t·t m. Mys Kostiantynivskyi (44°37'·60N 33°30'·70E), and a
Strottel'nyi, 3·7 cables NNW. breakwater extending 2'h cables NNE from Martynova
Passazhirskyi (Passenger), 4 cables N, depths Bukhta (7 cables S). A submarine gas pipeline runs
2·7 to 3·2 m; passenger vessels with a draught between the two breakwaters.
not exceeding 2·5 m.
• Spasatel'naya Stantsiya (Rescue Station),
8·8 cables NE, depths 2-4 m. Port Authority
Novyi Pliazh Zapadnyi (New West Beach), 6.347
1 ·4 miles ENE; passenger vessels wtth a Port of Sevastopol Authority. 5 Nahlmova Square.
draught not exceeding 2·5 m. There is a 99011 Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine.
memorial to marine paratroopers close to the
pier. Limiting conditions

Port services Density of water

6.342 6.348
Other facilities. Medical and hospital 1acilities. Varies between 1·010-1 ·020 g/cm3.
Supplies: fresh water; provisions.
Maximum size of vessel handled
SEVASTOPOL' AND APPROACHES Pobe<la, 243 m in length, 67 980 dwt
12·7 m draught on the lntermans'kyi Leading Lights
General information
Position and function
The port of Sevastopol' (44°37'·13N 33°32'·77E} is Anival information
situated on the SW coast of the Crimea peninsu1a. It
occupies the bays of Sevastopol', Kozacha. Vessel traffic service
Komysheva, Kruhla (Kruglaya), Strilets'ka, Pisochna, 6.350
Karantynna and Pivdenna. A VTS and reporting system is established from
2 Sevastopol is an important navaJ base, commercial Mys Lukul (44°50'·00N 33°33'-00E) in the N lo Mys
and fishing port and holiday resort The main town Sarych (44°23'·30N 33°44'·40E) in the S, to the
stands on a hill on the w side of Pivdenna Bukhta. seaward limit of territorial waters. The area includes
The port is open to navigation all year round and recommended routes and anchorages. TSS and the
handles mainly bulk, metal. timber and packaged approaches to the port
cargoes; the port also serves cruise vessels. 2 The reporting system is mandatory for all vessels of
Approximately 600 000 tonnes of cargo are handled 30 m LOA and over. and permission to enter the VTS
annually. zone shoutd be obtained 30 minutes before entry.
e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Vessels less than 20 m LOA and local passenger Tugs

vessels, must use the inshore routes and 6.353
recommended tracks intendecl for them. The master of the vessel and pilot determine the
3 Vessels navigating within the VTS area should need and number of tugs required. In adverse weather
continuously monitor the broadcasts of the VTS and conditions or when a vessel is experiencing difficulty
follow the instructions, recommendations and warnings with a tow, or in an emergency, tugs will meet the
concerning the safety of navigation, life, property ancl vessel at the channel entrance.
the environmenL
See ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume6(3)
for detans. Regulated areas
Areas into which entry is prohibited:
Anchorages ancl waltlng area
Areas No 124 and 125 are situated close E of
Outer anchorage may be obtained in the following the entrance (44"37'·10N 33°33'·70E) to Kifen
areas: Bukhta.
Area No 129 extends about 7 cables ENE from
Area No 384 (44"39'·50N 33"30'·50E), for vessels
the N entrance breakwater (6.346) and
of up to 1000 gt. in depths of 18 to 47 m.
encloses Kostiantynivs'ka Bukhta and Bukhta
Caution. An explosives area (mine) is locateci in
the NE corner of the anchorage area
2 Areas in which anchoring, fishing, submarine
2 Area No 386 (44°40'-00N 33°24'·30E). in depths
of 80 m. and seabed operations are prohibited:
Areas No 625 and 627 (6.351).
Area No 389 (44"36'·50N 33"25'·00E), in depths
Area in which stopping, anchoring and seabecl
of 60 m.
operations are prohibited:
Waiting area in which anchoring and fishing are
An area of one mile radius, centred on
44•39·.ooN 33•25·.ooE, 4 miles WNW of
Area No 672 (44"39'-00N 33°27'·00E), in clepths
Sevastopol' harbour entrance. The area covers
of 34 to 78 m.
3 Inner anchorage may be obtained in the following the inbound and outbound lanes of the TSS.
Area No 387 (44"37'·40N 33°31 '·20E). in depths Regulations
of 16 m. Caution. A charted obstruction with a 6.355
depth of 16 m is locateci in the central area. Maximum pennitted draught is 9·1 m anci 185 m
Area No 1 (44°37'·20N 33°32'·10E), in depths of LOA for the tanker berth. Larger vessels must obtain
17 m. Caution. A charted obstruction with a permssion from the harbour authorities. Entry into the
depth of 15-6 m is located in the central area. port is on a 24 hour basis, but during the hours of
Area No 388 (44"37'-00N 33"34'·70E), in depths darkness, vessels over 120 min length must obtain
of7to11m. permission from the harbour authorities.
• These are short stay anchorages only and 2 Vessels should not exceed 9 kn in Sevastopol's'kyi
permission to use them must be obtained from the Bukhta.
duty Harbour Master. Vessels proceeding to Sevastopol's'kyi Bukhta,
Numerous mooring buoys are situated within the Strilets'ka Bukhta, Pisochna Bukhta and Karantynna
harbour. Bukhta, must manoeuvre without anchoring, in Waiting
s Areas in which anchoring, fishing, submarine Area No 672 (6.351).
and seabed operations are prohibited:
Area No 625 is split into two areas extending for
a total of about 7 cables E from close w of Harbour
Pivdenna Bukhta (6.344). Both areas extend
across Sevastopol's'kyi Bukhta to the N shore. General layout
Area No 627 extends E for about 5 cables from 6.356
the entrance (44"37'·15N 33"34'·00E) to Kilen The main naval and commercial berths are situated
Bukhta anci across Sevastopors'kyi Bukhta to in Sevastopol's'kyi and Pivdenna Bukhtas and
the N shore. acljacent bays. The fishing berths and Autoterminal
Blaeksea are situated in Komysheva Bukh!a.
Sevastopol's'kyi Bukhta: ptlotage is compulsory for Measured distances
vessels of 500 gt and over. The pilot boards in 6.357
position 44"37'·13N 33"24'·07E, about 4¥. miles W of Striletsl<a measured distance is situated between
the entrance; and 44 "37'·51 N 33°27'· 73E, about Kozacha Bukhta (44°35'·00N 33"24'·50E) and Kruhla
2 miles W of the entrance. Bukhta (2 miles NE).
2 Komysheva Bukhta: h has been reportecl (2012) Lintt marks: Light beacons or beacons in line
that vessels less than 10 000 dWt bouncl for the fishing mark each distance.
port. board in position 44°37'·13N 33°24'-07E. about Distances (from W to E): 1 ·22 miles and
1 o/.l miles NNW of the entrance; vessels greater than 1·04 miles.
10000dwt board in position 44"39'-41N 33"18'·36E. Running track: 078-258".
about 6Y.. miles NW of the entrance. 2 Karatynna measured distance is situated N of
3 Pilotage is suspendecl if the wave height in the Strilets'l<a Bukhta.
boarding areas reaches 2 m or more. Lin~ marks: beacons in line.
Following consultation between the VTS, the pilot Distance: 1 ·0 mile.
and the vessel's master, pilotage may be carried out Running track: 094·5°-274·5° along !he alignment
using the lead-in method. of the lnkermans'l<y, Leading Lights (6.361).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Sevastopol' from SE (6.356)


Phorograph- u Col O'Donnell, MV /.fin9tva "

Traffic signals Storm signals

6.358 6.359
Traffic signals are displayed from Mys Mykolaivslcyi Storm signals are displayed from Mys Mykolaivs'kyi
(44°37'·13N 33°31"·62E) and Mys Kostiantynivs'kyi (6.358) and Mys Kostiantynivs'kyi (6.358).
(44'37'·60N 33'30'·70E).
s;gna1 Meaning
~ Night
Day Nighr

•• •• Entry prohibited under all

... •• NW storm expected

• •

0 SW storm expected

•... • ......


Entry prohibited

• 0
NE storm expected

• 0

Entry prohibited due to port
0 SE storm expected


0• Departure prohibhed
• • Beaufort force 6- 7
expected (storm
readiness No 3)

• •• •• Strong squall expected

(storm readiness No 2)

I 0
• • Movement of smaD craft
+ •••
Hurricane force winds

I •
expected (storm
0 readiness No 1)

I ••
Storm signals - Sevastopol's'kyi Bukhta (6.359)

I Movement prohibhed Directions

I • Principal marks
(continued from 6.336)

Radio tower (44'34'·72N 33'34'·04E).

Traffic signals - Sevastopol's'kyi Bukhta (6.358) Volodymrs'kyi Cathedral (44'36.·72N 33'29'·60E).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)



Mys Khersones'kyi Light (44'35'-00N 33°22'·73E} MYS KHERSONES'KYI AND MYS KIKINEVZ
lnkermans'kyi Leading Lights (6.361). General information
Kostiantynivs'kyi Vykhodnoy Rear Leading light
Recommended Routes Nos 81 and 82 and TSS are
Approach and entry shown on the chart. The S route extends 11 miles
6.361 SSW to the SE end of routes Nos 81 and 82.
tnkermans'kyi Leading Lights: 2 Recommended Route No 72 leads from a position
Front light (white square stone building, 1 Om in 1 mie W of Mys Khersones'kyi to a position 4 miles
height) (44'37'·10N 33°35'·31E}. SW of Mys Fiolen~ and thence SE to a position
Rear light (white square stone tower. 11 m in 2'h miles S of Mys Sarych. The route continues E to
height) (1 % moles E of front hght). its junction with route No 8 (7.16), 7miles SE of Mys
2 From a position in the S sector of the traffic Kikineyz. Only small tonnage vessels and coasters are
roundabout {44'39'-00N 33'17'-00E}. the alignment allowed 10 use this route.
(094·5°) of these tights leads through the TSS to the
harbour entrance. Topography
Belween Mys Khersones'kyi (44'35'·00N
Directions for leaving harbour 33°22'·73E) (6.293) and Mys Fiolent. 7 miles SE, the
/lcoast nses gradually, and nearer Mys Fiolent, cliffs
rise in regular steps from the sea.
Exit route 2 Between Mys Fiolent and Mys Sarych (t 2'h miles
6.362 SE}, the coast in general consists of lofty and sheer
Kostiantynivs'kyi Vykhodnoy Leading Lights. cliffs which are broken in two places to form
Front tight (44'37'-73N 33'30'·79E). Balaklavs'ka Bukhta (6.374) and Laspyns'ka Bukhta
Rear light (white square stone buiding, 10 m in (6.375).
height) (3'!,miles from front light). 3 Between Mys Sarych (44'23'·50N 33'44'·50E) and
2 From a position, clear of the harllour entrance, Mys Kikineyz, 11 miles E, the coast is lower.
about 1 'h miles w of Mys Kosa Severnaya
(44°37'·90N 33'30'·70E) the alignment (101'}, astern, Traffic regulations
of these lights leads through the TSS to the N sector 6.369
of the traffic roundabout. Traffic separation scheme. From a position 8 miles
W of Mys Khersones'kyi, a TSS leads 20 miles SE,
then 35 mies E lo a position 15 miles SE, to a
Basins and berths position 15 miles SE of Mys Kikineyz. Recommended
Route No 8 (7.21) crosses the TSS 9 miles SSE of
Mys Ki<ineyz, and Recommended Routes Nos 83 and
Alongside berths 84 join the E end of the scheme (7.10). This TSS is
6.363 not IMO adopted but the Ukrainian Authorities advise
Berths. Tanker pier No 40 (Neftyanaya Gavan): that the principles for the use in the routeing system.
200 m in length. depths alongside 3·8 to 7·4 m. Benh define<! in Rule 10 of the International Regulations for
No 56 (Richka Choma Channel): 112 m in length, Preventing Collisions at Sea (1972), apply.
8·2 m. Autoterminal: length 260 m, depths alongside 2 Areas into which entry is prohibited:
7·2 to 7-4 m. Passenger berths, length 135 and 200 m, Area No 104, a small area close inshore
draught 4 and 8 m respectively. An additional benh at 1 'h miles E of Mys Fiolent.
the State Shipyard. used for cargo. has a length of Area No 135 extends 1 mile E from Mys Sarych
290 m and along side depth of up to 10·6 m. There are and up 10 1 mile from the shore.
additional floating benhs and pontoons. the chart being Area No 136 extends 2 miles E from a position
the best guide. 4 v. miles E of Mys Sarych and up to 2 miles
Fishing Port: length 185 m, depth alongside 9·1 m. from the shore.
3 An area of 1 mile radius centred on a wreck with
a depth of 78 m. 3'1· miles SSE of Mys
Port services Sarych.
An area of 1 mile radius centred on a position
9'h rrules SSW of Mys Sarych.
Repairs Area No 197, a smaOarea close inshore, close E
6.364 of Mys Kikineyz.
Three dry docks, the largest is 290 m long, 36 m 4 Areas temporarily dangerous for navigation:
wide and 11 m deep; a slipway; specialise<! shops and Area No 724. See 6.290.
fitting out facilities. Area No 727. The N limit of this area lies 2 miles
S of the E bound lane of the TSS.
Other facilities Area in which anchoring, fishing, submarine and
6.365 seabed operations are prohibited:
Compass adjustment; medical and hospital faciities. Area No 634 extends up to 1 O miles offshore
between Mys Khersones'kyi and Mys Sarych.
s Waltlng area In which anchoring and fishing are
Supplies prohibited:
6.366 Area No 633. 2'h mHes S of Balaklavs'ka Bukhta.
Fuel oil; fresh water at the quays; provisions. See AppendlX 3.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Area in which stopping, anchoring and seabed S of Mys Sarych (44'23'·30N 33"44'·40E) (6.371).
operations are prohibited: Two areas of traffic regulations lie 3,;.; miles S
An area of 1 mile radius, centred on 44•14'-QON and 9'h miles SSW of the cape; see 6.369.
33•42·,ooE, 9'h miles S of Mys Sa,ych. Thence:
An area of 1 mile radius, centred on 44°20'-00N 3 S of Mys Kikineyz (44"23'·68N 33"58'·76E),
33°45'-00E, 3 miles S of Mys Sarych. which from W appears as a wedge-shaped
headland and has a pointed hillock on ~s
Measured distance summit. Thence:
Khersoneska measured distance is situated
s of Area No 197 (44'23'·40N 33°58'·70E), to
which entry is prohibited, which contains an
between Mys Khersones'kyi and Mys FIOlent (7 miles oceanographic platform Qit). a pipe 3 m high
SE). and 2 masts. Two buoys (speciaQ are located
Limit marks: Light beacons mark each distance. in the vicinity of the W and E border of the
Distances (from N to S): 1·51 miles; 0·3 miles; area. Thence:
1 ·08 miles: 2-0 miles. • To a position SSE of Mys Kikineyz.
2 Running track: 131•-317°. Caution. Vessels should give a wide berth to the
A pair of beacons, orientated 237Y2•-os7~·. lie coast between Mys Balaklavs'kyi (6.374} and Mys Aiia.
between the first two N pairs of light beacons. (Directions continue at 7.14,
and for SW approach to Yalta at 7.21)
(continued from 6.293) Anchoragesand harbours
Principal marks Mys Fiolent
6.371 6.373
Landmarks: A sanatorium, formerly St George's Monastery,
Peremoha Monument (four-sided, grey stone) Which has a prominent bell tower. stands at the upper
(44°32'·97N 33°25'·99E). end of a deep cleft near the head of a bighL which is
Radio tower (44°34'·72N 33°34'-04E) (6.360). enlered between Mys Fiolenl and a reddish-coloured
2 Mys Fiolent (44°29'·87N 33"29'·42E) (6.373). A point 1 mile E. Georgiyivs'ka Skelya, a lofty rock,
precipitous headland, 160 m in height, the stands 1h cable offshore abreast the sanitarium.
upper part of which is yellowish and lower part 2 A nature reserve has been established off Mys
dark ln colour. From NW and E the surrvnit of FIOlent from a position 1 mile NW of the point, then
the cape appears saddle-shaped. From NW, seaward for 2 to 3 cables to a position approximately
the cape can be identified by a large and 1 mile SSE of the point. and lhen N to the cenue of
distinctive pear-shaped rock lying close the bighl All activities that may disturb the natural
offshore and from E i1 can be identified by a envirorunent are prohibited.
sharply pointed rock near its fool Balaklavs'ka Bukhta
3 Tower (former Saint George's Monastery) 6.374
(44.30'·30N 33°30''63E) (6.373). Outer anchorages. Vessels may anchor in Area
Mys Aiia (Ayya) (44°25'·62N 33•39•-00E), a No 395. 2~ miles SW of the entrance.
dark-coloured bluff, 585 m in heighL Andloring in the approaches to the port is only
Mys Sarych (44°23'·21N 33•44··34E), which rises permitted in posttion 44"29'·10N 33•35·-soE. See
to Skala Lapsi, a large and prominent crag. Regulations.
about 1 mile N. From W or E, the point Pllotage. tt is reported (2018) that pilols board in
presents a very irregular outline with three the vicinity of 44'28'·SON 33•35·,aoE.
rugged hummocks. 2 Directions
. Balaklavs'ka Bukhta is entered between
• Hora Samnalykh (44"29'·34N 33"46'·34E). Mys Georgiya (44"29'·60N 33°35'·40E) and Mys
Foros Church (44"24'·24N 33°47'·29E). Balaklavs·kyi. about 1 v.. cables ENE. Its entrance,
Hora Lysa (Lysaya) (44°25'·83N 33°48'·54E). marked by three pairs of leading lights, Balaklavs'kyi,
Hora Koshka (44°24'·23N 33'59'·61E). NW and W light beacons, is narrow and winding, and
Major lights: difficult to identify, especially from W, as it is backed
Mys Khersones'kyi Light (44°35'-00N 33'22'·73E) by lolly cliffs. The shores of the harbour, which are
(6.292). lined with quays and jetties, rise close inland to steep,
Mys Sarych Light (whtte round metal tower. 12 m reddish-coloured, rocky hills.
in height) (44°23'·28N 33"44'·32E). 3 Useful marks. Triangular rock with a ruined white
towe< on top (44'29'·65N 33°36'·04E), and signal
Mys Khersones'kyi to Mys Kikineyz
station 1'/. cables W of the tower.
Regulations. Until permission to enter has been
Route. From a position off Mys Khersones"kyi
received from Sevastopol' VTS. vessels must
(6.293), the TSS (6.369) leads SSW, SE and E for manoeuvre without anchoring in Waiting Area No 633
4 7 miles, passing: (6.369).
SW of Mys Fiolent Light (red four-sided metal
Alongside berths. There are 20 berths, lengths 24
framework tower, 4 m in height) (44°30'-03N
10 235 m, depths alongside O·7 to 9· 1 m.
33'29'·28E), thence:
Repairs. Ship repair yard.
SW of Area No 104 (44'29'·50N 33"31'·50E),
thence: Laspyns'ka Bukhta
2 SW of Kayabashi Ligh1 (while reciangle, black 6.375
stripe, on three-sided black framework tower. Laspyns'ka {Laspinskaya) Bukhta is entered
11 m in height) (44°29'·43N 33'33'·31E), between the low E side of Mys Aiia (6.371) and Mys
thence: Laspi. about 3 miles ESE of Mys Alia, In depths of
SW of Mys Aiia (44'25'·62N 33°39'-00E) (6.371). 37 m, sand. The shores of the bay are rocky and
thence: covered in forest On the E shore are the prominent

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


multi-storey buildings of the Pioneer Camp and the Shelter is especially good in winter when E winds
silver-coloured model of a rocket on the camp site. A predominate. SSW winds render the anchorage
pier is located on the E shore of the bay. dangerous.
2 Depths reduce sharply from 20 m near the entrance 3 Anchoragearea No 396, tor vessels up to 140 m
to the bay to 9 m at its head. LOA not carrying dangerous cargoes, lies 1 mite SSW
Anchorage. During offshore winds vessels should of the bay.
anchor nearer the head of the bay. Good shelter is Cau1ion. A wreck wtth a depth of 47 m, lies midway
provided from winds between WNW, through N to SE. along the NE border of the anchorage area.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)




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e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)



Scope of the chapter therefore advised to exercise particular caution when

7.1 navigating in these waters. See caution at 1.43
The area covered by thi:s chapter includes the NE concerning the reliability of aids to navigation.
part of the Black Sea between Kryms'kyi Pivostriv 2 Georgia is not a member of the IHO, but applied for
(Crimean Peninsula). in the vicinity of Mys Kikineyz membership in August 2012. See The Mariner's
(44'23'·80N 33'58'·50E). to Reyd Redut-Kale Handbook for further details.
(42'16'·00N 41'36'-00E). about 8 miles N of P'ot'i Ship reporting system. Georgian waters are
(42'09'·00N 41 '40'·00E) (3.299). covered by the Georgia Ship Reporting System
2 The chapter is arranged as follows: (GEOREP). See 1.74.
Passages across the Black Sea (7.7).
Waters SE of Kryms'kyi Pivostriv (7.10).
Approaches to Novorossiyskaya Bukhta and Harbours
adjacent waters (7.82). 7.4
Mys ldokopas to Sochi (7.138). Open to foreign vessels. The following ports which
Sochi to Reyd Redut-Kale (7.189). are open to international trade and visits by foreign
tourist ships are described in this chapter:
Yalta (7.26).
Topography Feodosiya (7.63).
7.2 Port Anapa (7.89).
South-east Kryms'kyi Pivostriv. The general Gelendzhik (7.110).
character of the coast from Mys Klkineyz to Kerch Novorossiysk (7.117).
Stratt, about 110 miles ENE, is mountainous, being for Tuapse (7.146).
the greater part backed by lhe Taurus range, which Sochi (7.173).
rises to heights of over 1200 m. Sokhumi (7.214).
The Caucasian coast from Mys Zheleznyy Rog Kulevi Tenninai (7.239).
(45'06'·66N 36'44'·37E) to the vicinity of Mys Anakia 2 Caution. It was reported (2010) that the ports of
has a length of about 260 miles. Sokhurro (7.214) and Ochamchira (7.246) and all
2 The first part of the coast to Port Anapa waters within 12 miles of the coast between the
(44'53'·50N 37'18'-00E) (7.89) is generally low and Russian/Georgian border (43'23'-00N 40'00'·00E) and
sandy. From Port Anapa to Mys ldokopas. about Mys Anaklia (42'23'·40N 41°33'·80E) were closed to
50 miles SE, the coast is backed by sheer lofty cliffs navigation for all vessels except those carrying
remarkable for their white colour. Within these cl.iffs the humanitarian ak:L Such vessels should anchor off P'ot'i
mountains rise in an almost continuous wall, (42"09'-00N 41°40'-00E) (3.299) to obtain clearance
intersected by a number of val'leys and ravines. prior to ent,y.
3 The whtte cliffs continue along the greater part of 3 Seaside resorts. The area described in this chapter
the coast between Mys ldokopas and Adler contains many seasi<fe resorts, the vast majority of
(43'26'·00N 39'55'·00E) (7.203), 95 miles SE, but the which have fac~tties for local felTies.
mountains within them are less uniform in oudine and
elevation, becoming lower towards Adler.
Wrthin the coast between Adler and Mys Kodori, Regulated and former mine danger areas
63 miles SE, there is a lofty and almost unbroken 7.5
range of mountains. This range approaches the coast Ukranan, Russian and Georgian regulated areas
near Gagra. 14 miles ESE of Adler and then recedes and tonne, mine danger areas lie off the coast
Inland, and the remainder of the stretch of the coast is covered by this chapter; see Appendices 3, 5 and 6
low and wooded. for details.
, A narrow shingle beach extends along the whole of
the cliff-like parts of this coast.
For about 70 miles SE of Mys Kodori, an extensive Natural conditions
wooded plain lies withfn the coast.
Currents. See 1.111 and 7.47.
Winds.. On the Caucasus coast in autumn and
Georgia - navigational and hydrographic information winter, the most frequent winds are NE and E. When
7.3 such winds are strong, severe squalls sweep down
Caution. Owing to insufficient infonnalion. it is not the coast. See 7.48.
always possible to ensure that charts covering Ice. The area covered by this chapter is generally
Georgian waters are completety up to date for new free of ice. except during very severe winters when
dangers or changes to aids to navigation. Mariners are thin coastal ice may be formed. See 1.122.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


ROUTES passing SE of an area periodically declared dangerous
for navigation (No 730) (see Appendix 3). until it
Central Black Sea to Kryms'kyi Pivostriv reaches the junction of Recommended routes
(continued from 3.7) Nos 83/84 and 85/86 in position 44°10'·00N
From a position about 80 miles SSW of Mys
(Direcnons continue for
Ai-Todor (44°25'·70N 34°07'·30E) the through route to
Kerch Strait and Sea of Azov at 8.3 t,
Kryms'kyi Pivoslriv proceeds generaHy NNE, through and for the ports in NE Black Sea at 7.97)
waters clear of charted dangers, passing E of three
areas periodically declared dangerous for navigation
(Nos 724. 727 and 729) and w of a similar area Central Black Sea to eastern Black Sea
(No 730), towards the E end of the traffic separation (continued from 3.8)
scheme. located 15 m~es SE of Mys Kikineyz (6.369). 7.9
See Appendix 3. From a position about 130 miles SE of Mys
Ai-Todor (44°25'·70N 34'07'·30E) the through route to
(Directions continue for the recommended route to
the Caucasian ports between P'ot'i (42°09'·00N
the NE Black Sea and Sea of Azov ar 7. 14,
ena for Yalta and its approaches ar 7. 18) 41°40'-00E) (3.286) and Novorossiysk (7.117) leads
generally ENE or E through waters clear of charted
Central Black Sea to north-eastern Black Sea dangers. Areas of military exercises GG001 to GG004,
(continued from 3.7) which are occasionalty dangerous for navigation, lie up
7.8 to 60 miles offshore between the vicinity of Sochi
From a position about 80 miles SSW of Mys (7.173) and P'ot'i, 120miles SE. See Appendix5.
Ai-Todor (44°25'·70N 34°07'·30E) the through route to (Dvections continue for Tuapse at 7. 159,
ports in the NE Black Sea and Sea of Azov proceeds for Sochi at 7. I 82,
generally NE, through waters clear of charted dangers. and for Sokhumi at 7.225)


OFFSHOREPASSAGE SOUTH-EAST OF Area No 732 extends up to 8 miles offshore
KRYMS'KYI PIVOSTRIV between Mys Mehanom and Mys Pechernyi
General information 3 See Appendix 3.
Area of selentlfle research:
Routes An area. 3 miles radius, is centred on position
7.10 44'12'-00N 34'22'·00E. Submerged scientific
Recommended routes Nos 83 and 84 join the E instruments, at different depths, are marked by
end of the TSS at 44't5'·00N 34°15'·00E and buoys with radar reflectors.
44°17'·00N 34'15'-00E, respectively. From the vicinity
of 44•1a··oON 35•05·,ooE on Recommended route Traffic regulations
No 84, Recommendedroutes Nos 39 and 41 lead N to 7.13
Feodosiya (7.63) and ENE to the S approach (8.32) to Traffic separation scheme. See 6.369 for details of
Kerch Strait. the TSS joining the W end of Recommended routes
Nos 83 and 84.
7.11 Directions
From Mys Kikineyz (44'23'·80N 33°58'·50E) (7.21) (continued from 6.372 and 7. 7)
to Mys Aiu-Dah (18 miles NE) the coasUine N of the
W end of Recommended routes Nos 83 and 84 is Principal marks
backed by mountains rising to heights of over 1000 m 7.14
which shelter the seaward slopes from N winds. Landmarks:
On this stretch of coast, which is heavily populated, Hora Ai-Petri (Ay-Petri) (44°26'·90N 34.03'·38E).
there are numerous villages and the land is covered A light coloured peak which from E and w
with luxuriant and varied vegetation. appears as several vertical cliffs and from S
appears as a preC:1pitous wall. A conspicuous
Regulated areas mast and aerial ropeway stand on summrl
7.12 2 Television mast (44.27'-65N 34°03'·66E).
Areas into which entry is prohibited: Mys Ai-Todor (Ay-Todor) (44°25'·83N
Area No 137 lies close inshore l 1h miles WSW of 34°07'·72E). A headland consisting of
Mys Ai- Todor. 2 projections, with a castellated building on the
Area No 115 extends up to 12 miles offshore E projection and a lighthouse (white
between Mys Chauda (7.54) and Mys Kyz-Aul eight-sided stone tower, 9 m in height) on the
(8.31). W projection.
Areas periodically dangerous for navigation: 3 Mys Aiu-Dah (Ayudah) (44'32'·94N 34°20'·83E).
2 Area No 730 extends up to 25 miles offshore A prominent cape which rises to Hora
between Mys Mehanom (7.49) and Rybachiy Aiu-Dah. a detached mountain 571 m high.
Light (7.50). From a distance the cape. which has a knob
Area No 731 extends up to 30 miles offshore on its extremity. resembles a bear lying down.
between Mys Mehanorn and Mys Chauda A conspicuous building stands 5% miles W of
(7.54). Mys Alu-Dah.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

, Chatyr-Dag (44°44'·12N 34°17'·35E) is one of Current

the highes1 peaks in Klyms'l<yi Pivostriv. The 7.19
summit has two peaks. the highest of which is The general W-going current, which is chiefly due
1526 m high. to E winds, is felt at tts greatest strength off Mys
s Major lights: Aiu-Dah.
Mys Ai- Todor Light - as above.
Rybachiy Light (44°45'·71N 34°35'-03E) (7.49).
Mys Mehanom Light (44°47'-61N 35°04'·80E) 7.20
(7.49). Between Mys Aia (Ayya} (44°26'-00N 33°39'-00E)
(6.371) and Yalta, NE winds prevail in winter and
winds from S and W are infrequent. A precipitous
Offshore passage south-east of Kryms'kyi Pivostriv coastal ridge screens the sea near the shore so that
7.15 weather close in is frequenijy calm.
From a position SSE of Mys Kikineyz (6.372)
Recommended routes Nos 83 and 84 lead E and W South-west approach
respectively. through waters clear of chaned dangers. (coritinued from 6.372 and 7.7)
between the E termination of the TSS (44°16'-00N 7.21
34•15·,ooE) and their junction with Recommended Initial position: 44•1 s·-ooN 34°0S'·OOE at the
routes Nos 85 and 86 in the vicinity of posffion aossing section of the traffic separation scheme
44•10·-ooN 36°30'-00E, 108 miles E, passing: (6.369).
2 S of Mys Ai-Todor (44°25'·70N 34°07'·30E) Route. Recommended route No 8 leads NNE,
(7.14), thence: through waters clear of charted dangers, to Yaltyns'ka
S of Mys Aiu-Dah (44°32'·94N 34°20'·83E) (7.14) Zatoka passing:
and clear of six buoys moored 9~ miles SE of 2 SE of Mys Kikineyz (44'23'•68N 33'58'·76E), a
the cape, thence: wedge-shaped headland from W with a
N of the area designated for scientific research pointed hilJock on summit; within the headland
(7. 12), and: are several prominent and irregularly shaped
S of Area No 731 (7.12). peaks. The headland is fringed by a number
(Directions continue for of detached rocks which extend 1 cable E. An
E approach to Yaka at 7.22. offshore platform and pipe (4 m) lie close E
for SW approaches to Novorosslsysk at 7.97. and SSE respectively. Thence:
and for the approaches to Kerch Strait at 8.31) SE of Mys Ai-Todor Light (44'25'·69N
34"07'·32E) (7.11).
(Direcoons continue for Yalta at 7.35)
(continued from 7. 15)
General information 7.22
Initial position: 44'19'·00N 34'47'·00E, about
28 mies ESE of Yalta.
Route. Recommended route No 40 leads WNW
through waters clear of charted dangers to Yaltyns'ka
Yalta (44°30'-00N 34°1 O'·OOE) is approached
between Mys Ai-Todor (44'25'·70N 34'07'·30E) and Zatoka, passing:
Mys Nikita (7 miles NE), by two recommendedroutes. SSW of Mys Aiu-Dah (44'32'·94N 34°20'·83E)
No 8 (7.21) from SSW, and No 40, as charted. (7.14). thence:
Recommended route No 72 joins route No 8 from w. 2 SSW of Prohibtted Area No 132 (7.17) off Mys
Nikita (Nikttyn) (44'30'·40N 34'15'·00E). The
4·5 miles S of Mys Ai- Todor. Onty small tonnage
c-ape is formed by the termination of a spur
vessels and coasters are allowed to use this route.
and is fringed by above·-water rocks which
extend about o/+ cable offshore.
Regulated area (DirectkJns continue for Yalta at 7.35
7.17 and for the SW approaches to Feodosiya at 7.49)
Areas into which entry is prohibited: 3 Useful marks:
Area No 132 lies close offshore of Mys Nikita Skelya Bili Karneni (44'32'·48N 34'17'·82E). Two
(44°30'·40N 34°1 S'·OOE) (7.22). See white detached rocks. 52 m high. lying
Appendix 3. 2lh cables offshore 2V, miles W of Mys
Area No 134 lies W of Mys Aiu-Dah (44°32'-94N Aiu-Dah.
34'20'·83E). See Appendix 3.
Anchorages and harbours
Direcdons Alupka
Principal marks Anchorage may be obtained off the town of Alupka
7.18 (44°25'-00N 34'02'·40E), in depths of 37 m. wtth Mys
Landmarks: Ai- Todor bearing 074'. Closer inshore there are
Hora Koshka (44°24'·23N 34'59'·61E). depths of 18 to 26 m, mud, sand and shells.
Hora Ai-Petri (44°26'·90N 34'03'-40E) (7.14). Useful mark:
Mys Ai-Todor (44°25'·70N 34°07'·30E) (7.14). Vorontsovs'kyi Palace (44'24'·17N 34°03'·32E), a
TV mast {44°27'·65N 34'03'·66E) (7.14). prominent building.
Mys Aiu-Dah (44°32'·94N 34'20'·83E) (7.14). 2 Berth. There is a pier for small vessels abreast the
Major lights: NE pan of the town; depths alongside 0·9 to 4·9 m.
Mys Ai-Todor Light (7.14). Great care must be exercised when approaching
Rybachiy Light (7.49). the pier.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Hurzuf to 45 m, mud and sand. An appreciable current has

7.24 been experienced in this roadstead. See 7.31.
Anchorage may be obtained SSE of the seaside
Pilots and tugs
resort of Hurzuf (44°32'·80N 34°16'·75E). The best
berth is in a depth of 27 m with the mouth of a river
Pilotage is compulsory for alJ vessels entering or
(44°32'·47N 34"16'-68E) bearing 333°, distant 5 to
leaving halbour. Pilots board 2 miles SE of the harbour
6 cables. This berth is sheltered from SW, through N.
to ENE.
Tugs are avanable. Their use is compulsory for
2 Useful mar1<:
vessels over 50 m long or over 500 gl
A white pavilion standing on the mountain above
the village. Regulations
Berths. Piers for launches stand abreast the village. 7.31
Time of entry. No restrictions as long as weather is
Ar1ek favourable.
7.25 Spe.ed limit. Minimum speed at which a vessel can
Anchorage, sheltered from SW, through N, to NE. maintain steerage.
may be found by authorised vessels within a Under-keel clearance. Not less than 0·6 m.
prohibited area (7.17) lying in the bight between Ent,y may be prohibtted tt wind speeds exceed
Skelya Bili Kameni (7.22) and Mys Ayudah. The best 23 kn or in poor visibility.
berth is in a depth of 29 m, close inshore on the E 2 Tuming. Vessels not exceeding a length of 130 m
side of the bight; approximately 8 cables SSE of Artek may, wi1h the assistance of tugs, turn within the
Light (44°33'·48N 34°18'·22E). The light is located on harbour.
the site of the International Children's Centre Artek; the Only gas-free oil tankers may enter the port.
long white school building and two blue buildings with Anchorage Area No 393. Excepl for short term
blue and yellow roofs are prominent on the site. anchoring with the permission of the harbour
Berths. There are berths for sman craft on the authorities, anchorage 1n this area is prohibited
shore opposite the centre. belween May and October to prevent pollution of the
General information General layout
Position and function
The harbour is formed by lwo moles. The E mole
7.26 (Novyi Mol) extends about 3 cables SSW from Mys
Yalta (44°29'·63N 34°10'·14E) is situated at the lonna. The S mole extends o/. cable SE from a
head of Yaltyns'ka Zatoka close W of Mys lonna The pos.ion on the shore 2 cables NW of lhe E mole.
central part of the town stands on a small plain formed
The main berths are situated on the inner side of
by the junction of two ravines, which descend 1rom the the E mole and along the town waterfront on the N
hills backing the town. and W side of the harbour.
The whtte buildings of the old town, on the NE side
of the harbour, are visible from a considerable Development
distance seaward. The new town, which contains the 7.33
commercial quarter, is situated on the W side of the It is planned to reconstruct the passenger terminal
harbour. to accommodate vessels up to 300 m and 1 Om
2 Yalta is an important tourist resort and commercial draught. A marina and hotiday complex are also
port. tt is regula~y visited by passenger ships on planned. The work is expected to be completed
tourist cruises and also has facilities for handing dry by 2016.
Natural conditions
Port Authority 7.34
7.27 Water level. The water level in Yaltiniskiy Zatoka
The Por1 of Yalta Authortty, vul. Ruzvelt'a, 5 fluctuates wi1hin the limits of 0·6 m. tt falls with NE
(5 President Roosevelt S1reet), Yalta 98600, Crimea, winds and rises wah S and SW winds.
Ukraine. Ice. The harbour is ice free.
Climate information. See 1.151 and 1.166.
Limiting conditions
Directions for entering harbour
Local weather (continued from 7.21 and 7.22)
7.28 7.35
Slrong NW squans from lhe mountains can make Initial position: 44°27'·00N 34°11 '·00E.
berthing and unberthing difficult. These winds occur on Route. From the inshore end of the recommended
about 30 days of the year. See 7.31. routes. the final approach to Yalta leads N through
waters dear of charted dangers, passing:
Arrival Information 2 E of a light buoy (E cardinaQ marl<ing lhe edge
of a coastaJ bank, with depths of less than
Outer anchorages 5 m, which extends seaward from the mouth of
7.29 Rika Vodopadnaya, 6 cables SW of Mys
Outer roads are situated in Yaltinskiy Zatoka S of lonna. Thence:
the port entrance. 3 Beiween the head of the E and S moles. The
Anchorage Area No 393 lies between 4 and head of the E mole. from which a small spur
9 cables ESE of the harbour entrance for use extends NW. is marked by Yaltinskiy Light
November to April. This anchorage has depths of 26 (white eight-sided stone tower, 12 m in height).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Yalta - Novyi Moland Yaftinskiy Light from NE (7.32)

Photograph - U Col O'DonneN, MV l.fin9rva N - - 2006

Photograph - MV Spirit of Adventure --=

Yaha from S (7.32)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Large vessels should not pass within 25 m of OUTER APPROACHESTO FEODOSIYA

the spur at the head of the E mole.
Useful mar1<: General information
Church (1 ·4 cables NNE of Mys lonna). Topography
Berths The coast between Mys Aiu.. Dah and Feodosiya
Alongside berths (45°01''64N 35°23'·65E) is bacl<ed by the Krymskiye
7.36 Gory range, the peaks of Which rise to over 1200 m.
The Port of Yaha has five deep-water passenger In many places, cliffs rise precipitously from the sea.
berths. The main part of the harbour was dredged to East of Feodosiya, the coast is low with hills rising
9·2 m in 2007, but depths alongside range from 4·8 to inland.
9·2m. Vessel traffic service
Berth No 1 is 256 m in length with depths alongside 7.44
of 6·8 to 7·4 m. NE Black Sea traffic control system is located in
2 Berth Nos 6 to 9 are located on the S mole and a this area. The reporting system is mandatory for all
pier and pontoon olose N of its head. Berth depths are vessels, and pennission to enter the VTS zone should
shallow and are used for servicing local vessels. be obtained 30 minutes before entry.
Caution. An obstruction with depths of 8·1 to 8·6 m 2 Vessels navigating within the VTS area should
is located 1 cable NW of Yaltinskiy Ughl contiluousty monitor the broadcasts of the VTS and
An underwater obstruction is reported (2017) near
follow the instructions, recommendations and warnings
the head of Berth No 2. oonceming the safety of navigation, life, property and
the environment.
Port services 3 Radar navigation assistance is compulsory:
Repairs For all passenger vessels, oil and chemical
7.37 tankers. vessels carrying dangerous cargoes
Extensive diesel engine ovemauflng and repairs. and tankers that are not gas free, in any
Other facilities • When visibility is less than 2 miles.
7.38 When ordered by the Port Captain.
Ballast and slops reception; hosp~als. See ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 6(3)
for details.
7.39 R&gulat&d areas
Fresh water at berths, in the summer fresh water is 7.45
limited; provisions: no fuel available. Area into which entry is prohibited:
Area No 114 extends across the head of
Masandra Subsidiary Port Feodosiis'ka Zatoka (7.62).
General Information Area No 115 extends up to 12 miles offshore
7.40 between Mys Chauda (7.54) and Mys Takyl
Position and function. Masandra (44.29'•94N (8.31}.
34°12'·24E}, Which is a subsidiary of Yaha (7.26), lies 2 Areas to be avoided:
11/2 miles ENE of Yalta and is protected by an Area No 830, a circular area radius 2 miles
L-shaped mole 600 m long, the final 180 m of Which centred 3 miles WSW of Mys Chauda (7.54).
is partly submerged. Area No 818, a circular area radius 11h miles
centred 15 miles ESE of Mys Mehanom.
Directions for entering harbour Areas temporarify dangerous for navigation:
7.41 Area No 731 extends from 19 to 34 miles S of
The alignment (047°) of Masandrivs'kyi Leading Feodosiis'ka Zatoka (7.62).
Lights (White rectangles on red square metal towers, 3 Areas in which anchoring, fishing, submarine
17 in height) (44°30'·13N 34'12'·40E) leads in the and seabed operations are prohibited:
entrance to the port. A light buoy (starboard hand) is Area No 640 extends up to 15 miles offshore
moored close NW of the head of the mole. between Mys Tovstyi (44'49'·50N 35°07'·65E}
(7.50) and Mys ll'i (45'00'·80N 35°25'·50E).
Berths • Areas No 630 and No 635 are situated in
7.42 Feodosiys'ka Zatoka and border
There are three berths: Recommended route No 9 SSE of the
No 1, quay length 360 m, depths 3.g to 5'6 m. Feodosiya pilot boarding point
No 2, quay length 195 m, depths 5·2 to 5'6 m; Area No 636, partially contained within Area 732.
both the above are for lay-up and are situated extends up to 12 miles offshore to the W of
on the mole. Mys Mehanom.
Berth No 3 for general cargo, RoRo and s See Appendix 3 for details of the above areas.
passengers vessels, quay length 280 m. Feodosiya (7.63) is the only port on this coast open
depths 6·3 to 8·1 m, is situated close WSW of to international shipping.
the root of the mole; a quay with shallow
alongside depths lies close WSW of No 3. Measured distance
2 The T-shaped Novyi Neftyanoy Pirs (New Oi Pier) 7.46
which extends 11 O m from the shore, fies Solneohnogorskaya (Soniachnohirs'ke} measured
approximately 1 cable E of the root of the mole. distance is situated 14'11 miles NE of Mys Aiu-Oah.
Charted depth alongside the berthing face Is Limits are marked by pairs of beacons.
approximately 7·6 m; and a mooring buoy is moored Distances: 1482 and 3889 m.
close E of the head of the jetty. Running track: 052%•-232%0•

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Currents SSE of Mys Bashennyi (44°48'·76N 34'45'·25E);

7.47 a light and the prominent ruins of a tower
The general current of the main Black Sea stand on this point. Thence:
circulation, supplemented by water trom the Sea of 3 SSE of Mys Pechemyi (44'49'-00N 34'53'·60E),
Azov, sets W along the coast It is especially strong a headland composed of jagged rocks, thence:
off the headlands and off the stretch of coast between SSE of Sudats'kyi Light (whrte rectangle, black
Mys Chauda (45'00'·20N 35•50··00E) and Mys stripe on red lour-sided metal tower, 13 m in
Kyz-Aul, 23 miles E, where an inshore set is height) (44'50'·42N 34'58'-41E), thence:
sometimes experienced. The normal rate of this SSE of Mys Mehanom Light (44'47'·61N
current is from % to 'A kn, but in certain conditions it is 35'04'·80E).
as much as 2 kn. In the offing, the current i.s weak • Thence the track leads NE along Recommended
and imperceptible. See 1.111. Route No 9, passing:
SE of Mys Mehanom Ligh1 (44'47'·61N
Winds 35'04'·80E), thence:
7.48 SE of Mys Tovstyi (Tolstyy) (44'49.·50N
Off the SE coast of Kryms'kyi Pivostriv, NE winds 35'07'-65E). thence:
prevail in winter, and when strong usually blow harder SE of Mys Kiik-Atlama (Kyyik-AUama) Light
near the coast than in the offing. Winds from S and (white concrete tower, red bands, 6 m in
SW are infrequent in winter and of short duration. height) (44'57'·22N 35'23'·03E), thence:
SE of an area dangerous to navigation, radius
Dlre<:tlons 5 cables, centred on a buoy (special) in
(conUnued from 7..22) position 44'57'·54N 35'28'·41E. Thence:
s SE of Mys lri (45'00'·75N 35'25'·35E). a high
Principal marks bluff headland on which stands Mys ll'i
7.49 Qllins'kyl) Lighthouse (while round stone tower,
Landmarks: 15 m in height). This headland is fringed by a
Hora Kastel (44°38'·32N 34'23'·t9E). a peak rocky bank which extends 1 \.\ cables ESE and
436 m high prominent from SE, from which 1 cable N. Thence:
direction it resembles a blunted cone. To a position approximately 6V. miles SE of
Hora Oemerdzhl (1239 m high) (44'45.·22N Mys 111.
34'24'•84E). 7.51
Hora Tai-Koba (Tay-Koba) (1253 m high) Useful marks:
(44°49'·97N 34'30'·92E). Tower (61 m in height) (44'38'·70N 34'23'·82E).
Radio mast (44'49'·36N 34'49'·02EJ. Alushta Light (44'40'·15N 34'24'·84E) (7.56).
2 Mys Mehanom (44'47'·56N 35'04'·85E). a
prominent rugged headland joined to the South approach
mainland by low ground and which appears as 7.52
an island from seaward. Mys Mehanom Initial position: 44•15'-00N 35°00'·00E.
Lighthouse (white eight-sided stone tower. Route. Recommended Route No 39 leads NNE for
12 m in height) stands on the S extremity of 33 miles where it joins Recommended Route No 9
Mys Mehanom. about 5 miles ESE of Mys Mehanom (44'47'·61N
3 Hora Chalka (44°54'·26N 35'07'·75EJ, a peak 35"04'·80EJ (7.49).
with three summits which are visible from an
directions. South-east approach
Radio mast (44°54'·69N 35•11'-06E). 7.53
Hora Karadag (44.55'·86N 35•13·.12E), a Initial position: 44'12'·00N 36°41'·00E.
dark-coloured summit rising from the sea in a Route. Recommended Route No 42 leads NW for
series of irregular jagged cliffs. 51 mies where ii joins Recommended Route No 11
Feodoslya VTS radio mast (45'01 '·32N about 14 miles s of Mys Chauda (45'00'·20N
35•24·.45E), 38 m high. 35'50'-00EJ (7.54).
• Major lights:
Rybachiy Light (44°45'·71N 34•35•-03EJ (7.50). East approach
Sudats'l(yi Light (44°50'·42N 34•5a'-41E) (7.50). 7.54
Mys Mehanom Light - as above. lnltlal position: 44'49'-00N 35•30··00E.
Mys ll'i Light (45'00'·75N 35'25'·35E) (7.50). Route. Recommended Route No 11 leads W then
tm. passing:
South-west approach 2 S of Mys Kyz-Aul (45'03'•63N 36'22'·35E) (8.32),
7.50 thence:
Initial position: SSW of Prohibtted Area No 132 S of Mys Opuk (45°01'·72N 36'13'·55E), a low
(7.17) off Mys Nikita (44'30'-40N 34•1s'-OOEJ. cape within which, 1 mile N, Hora Opuk rises
Route. Recommended Rovte No 9 leads ENE. to a height of 185m. This hill has a flat
passing: summit covered with rocky projections
SSE of Mys Alu-Oah (44'32'·94N 34'20'·83E) resembling fortifications. Thence:
(7.14), thence: 3 S of Skaly Korabl'-Kamen' (45'00'·30N
2 SSE of Mys Maiachnyi (44°38'·43N 34•23'·93E). 36'10'·30E), marked by a light buoy (S
thence: cardina~. A group of 4 high rocks, the largest
SSE of Rybachiy Light (wMe round stone tower. of which appears as a schooner from E and
red bands. 21 m in height) (44'45'·71N w and a sloping column from S. Thence:
34'35'·03E). Caution. A dangerous area of S of Hora Oyurmen (45'02'·60N 35'56.·80E). a
radius 100 m is estabhshed around position hil of height 102 m from where a light is
44'46'·00N 34'36'-00E. Thence: occasionally exhibited. Thence:

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

, s of Mys Chauda (45°00'·20N 35°SO'·OOE). a low fortificat

ions. Anchoring. fishing and diving are
flat bluff headland, fringed by a narrow reef, on prohibited.
which stands Mys Chauda Lighthouse (white Other lacllltles and supplies: hospital; fresh
eight-sided tower and dwelling, 16 m ln provisions; passenger pier for kical traffic, depths
height). Another reef, with depths of less than alongside 2·5 to 4·5 m; rescue station.
9 rn, extends 7'h cables SW from a point Mys Mehanom to Mys Opuk
1 y, miles NW of Mys Chauda. Thence: 7.60
S of a wrecl< with a depth of 3 m (44°59'·83N Otuz'ka Dolyna (44°54'·60N 35°11 '·32E).
35'45'·92E). Anchorage may be obtained off the mouth of the
(Directions for Feodosiya cootooe at 7.74) Strumka Kuchuk-Uzen', which flows through this
vaney. in depths of 22 m, mud and shells, clear of the
Karadaz'kyi Marine Nature Reserve to the E and an
Anchorages and harbours area of marine farms to the SW.
z The village of Kurortne lies at the mouth of the
Mys Aly-Dah to Mys Mohanom Strumka Kuchuk-Uzen·. A television mast and the
7.55 buildlngs of the Klyms·ke Prymor'ya guest house are
Partenil (1 •;. miles SW of Mys Plaka) (44"34''68N conspicuous landmarks in the village.
34°20'·60E} is a village which lies at the foot of a blu11 3 Piers. KurO<tne Passenger Pier. which is 90 m long,
rising precipitousty from the sea. A television mast and stands opposite the guest house; depths at the end of
several tall buildings are prominent in the village. the pier are 2 to 3·5 m. Six cables ENE of the above
2 Anchorage may be obtained off this village, the best is the Biological Station Pier, alongside depths 1 ·2 to
berth being in a depth of 14 m, black sand, with the s-e rn.
summit of the bluff bearing 315•. distant about 7.61
3 cables. Bukhta Koktebel' (44'57'·40N 35'16'·30E).
3 Caution. A submarine pipeline extends 7 cables Anchorage may be obtained in the NW corner of
SSE from a position on the shore 2% miles NNE of the bay in depths of 9 m, clear of the Karadaz'kyi
Mys Aiy-Dah. Marine Nature Reserve. This berth is sheltered from
There are three berths for passenger launches SSW, through N to E.
opposite the village. 2 Dangers. Groups of rocks, with depths of 0·9 to
7.56 24 m, lie up to 5 cables off the N shore of the bay.
Alushta (44'40'45N 34°24'·50E) is a large seaside A local magnetic anomaly is reported to exist in the
resort. vicinity of this bay.
Anchorage. The best anchorage is in depths of Prominent buildings are the Prymor)'a tourist camp
27 m. mud and shells, with Alushta Light (red metal and the Goluba Zatoka boarding school.
tower, white bands. 4 m in height) bearing 315°. The 3 Piers. Three piers are located in W part of the bay.
anchorage is open from NE, through S to SW. The Two are for launches and one, a passenger pier, is for
wind may blow off the mountain in heavy squaDs. local vessels. Depths at the end of the passenger pier
2 Pier: a pier for passenger launches fronts the town. are 1 ·7 to 3·3 m.
Other facilities. Hospital. Other facllltles: post office: surgery.
7.57 7.62
Mys Solera (44°44'·50N 34°32'·00E) to Mys Feodosiis'ka Zatoka. This gulf is entered between
Pechernyi (15 miles ENE) (7.50). Anchorage may be Mys lri (45°00'·80N 35°25'·50E) (7.50) and Mys
obtained, in summer, off the sandy beaches at the Chauda. 17 maes E. 11 has convenient depths for
mouths of tne gullies between these two posits, anchorages. There are numerous marine farms in the
Depths in these anchorages are between 27 and E part of this bay.
36 m, mud or mud and shells. To the W of Mys ll'i. two white radar domes stand
2 Caulion. Area No 743 which is periodically declared on Gora Tepe-Oba (289 m in height) (45°01 '•04N
dangerous for navigation covers the N half of this 35°21'·59E).
Novyi Svit (44°49'·80N 34°54'·90E}, a smal village, General information
is located in the NW of Sudaks'ka Bukhta Vessels
may anchor 5 cables NE of Pahorb Khoba-Kaia, a hill Position and function
on the W headland. Small craft anchor closer in, in 7.63
6 m of water, near a stranded passenger vessel; or The port and health resort of Feodosiya (45°01 '·64N
close under the headland. 35°23'-65E) is situated in the W part of Feodoskiys'ka
2 Prominent multi-storey bujlding in the middle of the Zatoka. The port handles general cargo, RoRo and
village. A pier for small craft is located in the E tankers and is open all year round; cargo is also
oulskirts of the village. worked in the roadstead from lighters. The main
7.59 cargoes include: rolled metal products, mineral
Sudak (44'51 '·00N 34°5a'·55E), a heahh resort. lertilaers, clay and gram.
The best anchorage is in depths of 24 to 26 m. Port llmlts
sand and mud, with two prominent towers of Skelya 7.64
Sudaks'ka, a large crag with Genoese fortifications on The port limits are as follows:
its slope, bearing 335°. There are obstructions and a The area contained between the shore and the
wreck in the approaches to this bay. During winds meridians of 35'23'·70E and 35'23'·10E along
from E and NE good anchorage may be obtained in the parallel of 45'02'·10N.
the E part of the bay, in depths of 22 to 33 m, sand 2 Circular areas of 2 cables radius encompassing
and mud. the mooring buoys N of the harbour entrance.
2 Caution. Restricted area No 637 lies 3 cables SE. An area encompassing the offshore oil berths
from a position on the shore close SE of the 2 miles N of the harbour entrance.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Port Authority jeny. Mooring buoys are located in the S and w of the
7.65 harbour, light buoys (special) are moored 1 cable N of
Port of Feodosiya Authority, 14 Gor1<ogo Stree~ the mid section of Shirokiy Mole, and 1 cable N of the
98100 Feodosiya, Crimea, Ukraine. E end of berth No 1, respectively.
2 Caution. Several obstructions are located between
Umltlng conditions the breakwater and Shirokiy Mal, and throughout the
Abnormal levels harbour.
7.66 An area dangerous to navigation is located in the
Soulh winds raise and N winds lower water levels SE comer of the harbour. The area extends between
by as much as 0·6 m. In general, the level is high in the W section of berth No 11 and the breakwater, and
summer and low in winter. up to approximately 1 cable offshore.
There are offshore berths for oil tankers (7. 78).
Density of water
7.67 Directions for entering harbour
Density of water is 1 ·012-1-013 glcm3. (continued from 7.54)
Local weather Principal marks
7.68 7.74
Winds are normally from NE but strong SE winds Landmarks:
can present a danger for vessels in the port. Radio and radar mast (38 m high) (45°01 '•32N
Arrival information Major lights:
Mys u1 Light (45°00'·75N 35°25'·35E) (7.50).
Vessel traffic service
7.69 Approaches
The operational area covers the NE Black Sea 7.75
approaches to the port; for further details see lnltlal position. 44°57'·00N 35°33'·00E. 6'h miles
ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 6(3). SE of Mys ll'i at the junction of Recommended Routes
Nos 9 and 11.
Routes. Recommended Route No 9 leads NNW for
Anchorage may be obtained in the vicinity of 8 miles, passing:
2 ENE of Mys Kiik-Atlama Light (44°57'·22N
Feodosiyskiy Light Buoy in depths of 13 to 18 m.
35'23'-03E) (7.50). thence:
The following designated anchorage areas to which
ENE of Mys lri (45°00·80N 35'25'·50E) (7.50).
pilotage is compulsory, are situated in the outer Thence the track leads to the pilot boarding position
2 Area 400 (45'02'·40N 35'24'·30E), with depths of
3 Recommended Route No 23 is an inshore route
17 to 19 m, mud and sand. This anchorage is
direct to the harbour entrance but great care should
for no more than two ships and only then with
be taken as there are numerous dangers close
special permission from the Harbour Master.
offshore and in the vicinity of the breakwater.
Area 401 (45'03'-00N 35'26'-00E), with depths of
19 to 21 m, mud and sand. There are 13 Entranc,e
designated anchor berths with Nos 1-6 fa< 7.76
vessels up to 125 m in length and Nos 7-13 Leading lights:
for vessels up to 210 m in length. Front light (45°01'·82N 35'23'·80E), standing on
3 Anchoring outside the above areas is not the head of the breakwater.
recommended as there are former mine danger areas Rear Oght (1 mile from front light).
in the vicinity. 2 From the vicinity of Feodosiyskiy Light Buoy
(4'h miles NE of Mys II'~ which marks junction C of
Pilots and tugs
Recommended Route No 9, the alignment (237·6°) of
these lights leads WSW into the harbour, passing:
Pilotage is compulsory for an vessels of 500 gt and
3 SSE of Anchorage Area No 401 (45°03'·00N
over. Pilots board close NE of Feodosiyskiy Light Buoy
35'26'-00E). thence:
(safe water). 4% miles NE of Mys ll'i, and a,e available
SSE of Anchorage Area No 400 (45°02'·40N
24 hours.
35'24'•30E}, thence:
Tugs are available and are compulsory for vessels
NNW of Mys 11'1 (45'00'·80N 35°25'·50E), thence:
over 500 gt. , SSE of a dangerous wreck (45'02'·13N
Regulations 35'23'-62E), mar1<ed by light buoys (N and S
7.72 cardina~.
Speed limit: 8 kn within the harbour and approach
channel. Berths
Alongside berths
General layout There are 15 berths in the harbour of which five
7.73 (Nos r-a and 14-15) are used by foreign vessels.
Description. The harbour is formed by a No 3 berth is 149 m in length with alongside depths
breakwater (Zashchitnyi Mal) and a broad quay of 7·25m; bulk and general cargo.
(Shirokiy MoQ. Zashchitnyi Mol extends about 3 cables 2 No 14 berth is 160 m in length wtth an alongside
N from the shore 1 Yz miles NW of Mys lfi. Shirokiy depth of 6·6 m: scrap metal. fertilisers. metal and
Mol extends 2 cables E from a position on the shore grain.
4 cables WSW of the head of the breakwater. The Note. Berth Nos 2 and 3 are out of operation
principal berths are situated on the N side of the (2013).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

3 Passenger pier at the mouth of Richka Baybuga. tankers with a draught of 11 ·5 m and 80 000 dwt. Both
1 Y. miles NNW of Ille main breakwater head; vessels berths handle crude oil and light penoteum products.
up to 4·7 m draught can be acoommodated. A ruined 2 Tankers moor on a heading of 120' using both
pier, with a pile with a depth of 2·8 m at its head, anchors. approximately 8 shackles on each, with two
stands :Y. cable NNE; a wreck with a depth of 4·7 rn, mooring lines from each quarter to two buoys. When
and an obstruction with a deplh of 10 m, fie 3 cables the N berth is occupied, tankers of no more than
NE. 50 000 dw1 may use the S berth.
• Factory harbour, 2 miles N of Ille main breakwater
head, Is formed by two parallel moles 30 m apart and Port services
exlending 45 m SSE. A prominent chimney, 46 m in Repairs
height, is located 1% cables N of Ille harbour, vessel 7.79
loading is by mobile crane. Minor repairs available.
Ottter facilities
Oil berths 7.80
7.78 Compass adjusirnent: hospltal: oily waste disposal.
There are two berths, situated about 2% cables
offshore from the factory harbour (7.77), and 2 miles Supplies
NNE of Ille main harbour entrance. The N berth has a 7.81
depth alongside of 13·5 m: maximum draught 12·5 m, Fuel oil by barge or road tanker: fresh water at the
250 m LOA and 115 000 ctwt. The S berth can accept quays and by barge; limited supply of provisions.


MYS ZHELEZNYY ROG TO MYS UTRISH 2 Mys Anapskiy Light (white eight-sided tower,
black bands. 21 m in height) (44'53'·27N
General information 37'17'·94E).
Ostrov Utrish Light (44'45'·54N 37°22'·64E)
Restrictions (7.97).
On this stretch of coast Port Anapa is Ille only pon
open to international trade or visits by foreign vessels.
Between Mys Zheleznyy Rog (45'06'·66N
36'44'·37E) (8.32) and Mys Anapsl<iy (44'53'·50N
37'1 S'·OOE), 27 miles ESE, Ille coast is generally very
low and sandy with a number of detached hils rising
to heights of about I 00 m. The coastal hils become
less marked as Mys Anapskiy is approached.
2 Between Mys Anapskiy and Mys U1rish (9 miles
SSE), the shore is backed by wh~e ofiffs which rise to
lofty hills extending inland.
Regulated areas
Area temporarily dangerous for navigation:
Area No 744, situated between Recommended
Routes Nos 11 and 29, extends about 20 miles
WNW from a pcstnon 2 to 5 miles offshore
between Mys Anapskiy and Mys Utrishenok
(44'42'·50N 37°27'·50E). Spoil Ground Area
No 923 with radius 11.h miles, fies in 1he W
section of Area No 744.
See Appendix 3.
See 1.111.

Principal marks
Major fights: Mys Anapskiy Light (7.86)
Mys Zheleznyy Rog Light (45'06'·66N Orlgirul d.;tled 2007
36'44'·37E) (8.31).
Yantarnyy Light (red four-sided metal framework Pflol:y...-' • ~19]9.,C,,atiVe'
tower, 6 m in height) (45°06'·76N 36'52'·49E). -~3.0IJnponsd

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Mys Zheleznyy Rog to Mys Anapskiy town walls rise from the cliffs. On the N side the land
7.87 slopes down towards the roadstead. The port is a
Initial position: 45•01 ··00N 36°40'-00E. 6i.i miles subsidiary of Novorossiysk.
SSW of Mys Zheleznyy Rog. 2 It is a major holklay, balneotherapy and mud cure
Route. Recommended Route No 29 leads ESE to resort which has a harbour, protected by a mole, with
Port Anapa, passing: alongside berths. Industrial processes include
2 SSW of a light buoy (S cardinal) (45°02··79N foodstuffs and building materials. and a spinning and
36'40'·71E). The buoy mar1<s the SW extremity weaving factory.
of dangerous shoal water extending 5 miles 3 Pon tlmlts. The port limits extend 1 mile N from a
SSW of Mys Zheleznyy Rog (8.32). Thence: position close E of Mys Sredniy Anapskiy (44'53'·80N
SSW of Rff Kishla {45'05'·52N 36°43''81 E). with 3r17'·90E) to a position 6 cables E and then S to the
a least depth of 1 ·2 m, marked at its SE shore.
extremity by a buoy (S cardinal). Banka Directions for entering harbour. The alignment
Chernyshova, with dangerous rocks, nes (0981 of leading lights. 1 •,4 miles NE of Mys Anapskiy.
7 cables ESE of the buoy. Thence: leads E. passing:
3 SSW of Yantarnyy Light (45'06'•76N 36'52'·49E) N of an 8 m rock (44°54'·20N 37'17'·66E) (7.87),
(7.86), thence: thence:
NNE of Area No 744 (44'51'·00N 37'08'-00E) • N of No 1 Light Buoy (N cardinal) (44°54'·26N
(7.84), thence: 37°17'·93E), thence:
SSW of Banka Mariya Magdalina (45°03'-00N N of a light buoy (starboard hand) (44°54'·28N
36°59'·00E). with a least depth of 1 ·2 m, 37'18'·33E}.
mar1<ed by light buoys (N and S cardinal). The track then leads S towards the main pier.
Thence: passing:
• SSW of a wreck (45'03'·65N 37'01'·84E), marked E of a shoal with a least depth of 2· 7 m
by a light buoy (S cardinal), thence: (44'54'·12N 37'18'·17E) mar1<ed by Nos 2 and
SSW of a mine (45°04'·09N 37'01 '·29E), an area 3 light buoys (cardinaQ, thence:
of 1 mile radius prohibited to navigation Clear of a light beacon (44'54'·06N 37'18'·36E).
extends seawards from the position of lhe s The alignment (188·7) of leading lights. 1'/o cables
mine. Thence: farlher E along the initial track, leads between two
s SSW of Kubanskiy Light (45'03'·52N 37'03'•89E), areas of underwater rocks and obstructions, to a small
thence: harbour protected from the N and E by an angled
SSW of Blagoveshchenskiy Light (44'59'-40N breakwater. Entrance depth 1 m.
37'14'·20E); a passenger pier 258 m Jong, lies Anchorage of 1 cable radius in depths of 5 to
7',4 cables SE of the ligh~ !hence: 10 m, sand with patches of rock, is centred 1 mile
s N of Mys Anapskiy (44'53'·52N 37'17'·80E), a NNE of Mys Anapskiy.
ftat-topped headland faced by steep wh~e 6 Caution. An obstruction WTth a depth of 1 t ·6 m. lies
cliffs about 200 m high, which make the 3V.. cables NW of the centre of the anchorage area.
headland easy to identify. A lighlhouse (7.86), See also 7.87 for dangers in the vicinity of the
adjoining a dwelling, stands 3 cables SSE of roadstead.
the w extremity of the headland. A coastal Pilotage is compulsory. Pilots board in position
bank. with depths of less than 1 Om, extends 44°54'·39N 37°17'·91 E.
4 cables N and NW and 2 cables W and is See ADMIRALTY Us/ of Radio Signals Volume 6(3)
mar1<ed on the W side by No 6 Buoy ~ for details.
cardinal). A rock. wilh a depth of 8 m, lies Tugs are compulsory for vessels of 200 tonnes
9 cables NNW. displacement or more.
r Restric1ed area. Three light buoys and a lighted
Mys Anapskiy to Mys Utrish spar buoy (special) mark a restricted area, 0·5 to
7.88 2 cables NE and SE of the head of the mole.
Route. Recommended Route No 26 leads SSE to Berths:
Mys Utrish, passing: Wide pier (44°53'·90N 37'18'·36E); berths No 1
WSW of Mys Anapskiy Light (44'53'·27N and 2 are on the E side; depths 3·5 m.
37°17'·94E) (7.86), thence: Caution. It is dangerous to lie at the berths
2 WSW of Ostrov Utrish Light (44'45'·54N during W and SW winds.
37'22'·6•E) (7.97). standing on the head of s Narrow pier No 3 extends NNW from the root of
Ostrov Ulrish, a peninsula connected to the the wide pier. passenger launches.
mainland by a narrow rocky ridge. A bank There are several small piers for launches and
fringing lhe peninsula, with depths of less lhan fishing vessels to the W and ESE of the root
9 m, extends 6 cables N, 3 cables W and of the wide pier.
5 cables S. A wreck with a depth of 36·5 m Pier No 4 (44'54'·t9N 37'18'·90E) for launches
lies 1 V. miles NNW. A patch, with a depth of and small vessels; depths 1 ·8 to 2·7 m.
2·8 m, lies 2 cables WNW. A dangerous wreck 9 Communications: the town is linked to the national
and detached shoal lie off the entrance to a ra'lway system. and has air and bus services to many
cove close S. Obstructions (fishing stakes) lie Russian cities.
5 cables ESE of the lighl Other facilities: SSCC, SSCEC issued; hospital.
Supplies: fresh water; provisions.
Anchorages and harbours
Pon Anapa Ostrov Utrish
7.89 7.90
Position and function. The walled town of Anapa Anchorage for small vessels may be obtained in
stands close E of Mys Anapskiy (44'53'·50N depths of 9 to 11 m ,n coves N and S of the isthmus
37'18'·00E). On the S and W side of the point lhe (44'45'·51N 37'22'·91 E).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

A small islet. connected to Mys Utrish by a bridge, M~asured distance

is locate<! close NW of the point. In the narrow 7.95
channel between the islet an<! point ties Bol'shoy Measure<! distances are situated S of Ozereyevskiy
Utrish Subsidiary Fishing Port; a port of refuge tor the Light (7.98).
fishing fleet. Limits are marked by pairs of beacons.
Caution. See 7.88 for <!angers in the vicinity of the Distances: 1482 and 3889 m.
harbour. Running track: 098·2°/278·2'.
NOVOROSSIYSKAYA BUKHTA The current in the approaches to Novorossiyskaya
Bukhta flows NW in a band about 30 miles wide at a
General information rate of about 'h kn, but there may be a drift current SE
Route at the same rate.
The SW approach to Novorossiyskaya Bukhta Directions
follows Recommended Routes Nos 83 and 84, from E (continued from 7. 15)
of their junction with Recommended Routes Nos 85 Principal marks
an<! 86 (44°10'-00N 36"30'-00E), lo the precautionary 7.97
area and inshore end of the traffie separalion SGheme Landmarks:
(7.94). Gora Kobyla (44'45'·38N 37'26'·02E).
Topography Gora Sakharnaya Golova (44'43'·19N
7.92 37°31'-42E}.
Between Ostrov Utrish (44"45'·50N 37'22'-60E) Gora Kruglaya (44°40'·33N 37°36'·50E}.
(7.88) and Mys Myskhako (17 miles ESE) the coaslline Conspicuous masts: 53 and 51 m high, I and
N of the inshore end of Recommen<led Routes Nos 83 7 cables E of Ozereyevskiy Light (7.98).
and 84 consists of whitish or grey-coloured c:tdfs, 2 Gora Koldun (44'39'·86N 37'43'·33E), a bare
intersected by valleys. peak very prominent from S and SW owing to
Farther inshore, mountains, some of which are a large grey triangular cliff face. Three
conical. rise to heights of over 500 m. conspicuous wMe <lomes stan<I on the summit
of this mountain.
Vessel traffic service 3 Gora Bol'shoy Mar1<otkh (44'43'-07N 37°52'·94E).
7.93 Gora Doob (44"36'·79N 37"57'-68E), a dar1< peak,
For Novorossiysk VTS see 7.123. which from NW and SE appears to have
3 summits. but from other <lirections appears
Regulate<! areas roun<led. A white cfiff face runs from Its foot
7.94 towards Mys Doob (44'37'·96N 37'54.·33E).
Precautionary area and a traffic separation • Major lights:
scheme are situated at the inshore end of Ostrov Utrish Light (white round tower, 17 m in
Recommen<led Routes Nos 83 and 84 and lie SW of height) (44"45'·54N 37°22'·64E).
the entrance to Novorossiyskaya Bukhta. The TSS is Doobskiy Light (white eight-si<led stone tower.
not IMO-adopted but the Russian Authorities a<Mse 23 m in height) (44'37'·63N 37°54'·62E}.
that the principles for the use of the routeing system Gelen<lzhikskiy Light {7.109).
defined in Rule 1 O of the lntemational Regulations for
Preventing Collisions at Sea (1972) apply. South-west approaches to Novorossiyskaya Bukhta
2 Areas temporarily dangerous for navigation: 7.98
Area No 745 (44'28'-00N 37'08'-00E). Recommen<led Routes Nos 83 and 84 lea<!
Area No 746 (44'27'-00N 37'01'-00E). generally ENE and WSW for 65 miles. respectively.
Area No 747 (44'30'-00N 37°10'-00E). lhrough waters clear of charted dangers. between their
Area No 748 (44'23'-00N 37•00'·00E). junction with Recommende<I Routes Nos 85 and 86
Area No 749 (44'30'-00N 37•24··00E). (41°1 O'•OON 36°30'·00E} and the precautionary area
Areas 746 to 749 lie entirely within Area 745. and traffic separation scheme in the entrance to
Area No 750 (44'08'-00N 37'50'-00E). Nov0<ossiyskaya Bukhta. passing:
3 Area No 751 (44'06'-00N 37°48'-00E}. 2 Between the S limits of Alea No 745 (44°28'·00N
Area No 752 (44'21'-00N 37°47'-00E}. 37•oe·-00E) (7.94) and the w limits of Area
Areas 750 and 752 lie enbrely within Area 751. No 750 (44•oo··ooN 37•45•-00E) (7.94).
For further <letails see Appendix 3. SSE of Mys Utrishenok Light (white rectangle on
Areas in which anchoring, fishing, submarine white four-sided framework tower, 1 Om in
and seabed operations are prohibited: height) (44"42'-46N 37°27'·39EJ. A light buoy
• Area No 664 (44°27'·00N 37"51'-00E) lies close S ~ cardinaQ mar1<s the outer edge of a bank
of the inshore en<! of Recommended Route that extends 1 mile SW from this headland.
No 83. Thence:
Area No 648 (44'38'·00N 37°49'-00E) ties at the 3 SSE of Ozereyevskly Light (44'40'·22N
NE end of Recommended Routes Nos 83 37°38'·26E}, which is situated 2'h cables E of
and 84. the mouth of Reka Ozereyka. This river flows
s Area No 670 (44'38'-00N 37"38'-00E) enclosing in the wi<fest valley, which is easy to identify,
tile offshore oil terminal W of Nov0<ossiysk. on this stretch of the coast. Thence:
For further <letails see Appen<lix3. • SSE of Mys Myskhako (44'38'·99N 37'44'·21 E).
Area No 89 (44'31 '·OON 37'43'-00E), a <lisused The hea<llan<I rises to Gora Koldun (7.97),
explosives dumping area, lies at the inshore 1 mile NW and from a distance the high land
ends of Recommended Routes Nos 83 and 84. within Mys Myskhako appears as an island.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Caution. Attention is drawn to the obstruction lying SOUTH-EAST APPROACH TO

1 mile offshore. 3'h miles SE of Mys Utrishenok Lighl NOVOROSSIYSKAYA BUKHTA
(Directions oonrinue for
NovorossiyskayaBukhta ar 7.132) General information
CPC-R Marina Terminal Between Mys ldokopas (7.141) and Mys Ooob
(7.97), the coast is generally steep-to and faced by
General infonnation whtte cliffs. These diffs are intersected by the entrance
7.99 to Getendzhikskaya Bukhta (7.110) and a number of
Position and function. Caspian Pipeline vaDeysand gorges, through which Ille river enters the
Consortium-Russian (CPC-R) Marine Terminal at sea.
Yuzhnaya Ozereyevka, consisting of three SBMs mountains rise to heights of over 750 m
connected to the shore by submarine pipelines, lies within 5 miles of the coast
2'h miles S of Ozereyevskiy Light (44.40'·22N Vessel traffic service
37°38'·26E). 7.105
Each SBM Is fitted with a light and fog signal. For Novorossiysk VTS see 7. 123.
2 The terminal exports crude oil via pipeine from the
Tengiz field in W Kazakhstan. The pipeline has a Regulated areas
capacity of 700 000 barrels per day. 7.106
Port Authority. Novorossiysk Port Authority, 2 Mira Precautionary area and traffic separation
str, 353900 Novorossiysk, Russia. scheme. See 7.94.
Areas Into which entry Is prohibited:
Area No 133, radius 4 cables, centred on position
Arrival Information 44'30'-40N 37'58'·70E and marked by a light
7.100 buoy (special).
Vessel traffic service. For Novorossiysk VTS Areas temporarily dangerous for navigation:
see7.123. Area Nos 750, 751, and 752. See 7.94.
Pilotage. Pilots board in posttion 44•34•.10N Area No 753 is centred about 4'h miles W of Mys
37°38'·40E, close E of the recommended iraok. Tolstyy (44°33'·00N 35•03··00E).
Prohibited areas: 2 Areas in which anchoring, fishing, submarine
Anchoring. fishing, submarine and seabed and seabed operations are prohibited:
operations are prohibited in an area (No 670) Area No 651 lies 4 cables WNW of the jetty in
enclosing the terminal. Gelendzhikskaya Bukhta (7.110).
2 Prohibited areas, radius 5·4 cables, are centred Area No 666 lies close off Bukhta Rybatskaya
on each of the SBMs. Entry is restricted to (44.34'·30N 37'59'·00E).
those vessels using or servicing the oil 3 Area No 671, radius 2·7 cables, lies about 2 miles
terminal facilities. SW ol Ooobskiy Light (7.97). Historical note.
Regulations: The area marks the wreck ol SS Admiral
Berthing is carried out, as a rule, with a wave Nakhimov, which sank with the loss of over
height of up to 2·5 m. 400 lives following a collision with the bulk
3 If berthing is not possible. the vessel must wait at carrier Pyorr Vasev in 1986. The vessel was
sea until further instructions are received. originally named SS Berlin 111 in 1925. and
Only one tanker at a time is permitted 10 move was a passenger vessel for the Weimar
wilhin the circular prohiMed areas. Republic.

Directions for entering harbour 7.107
7.101 See 7.96.
Approach and entry. From position 44"27'-60N
37"38'·40E, a branch of Recommended Route No 83 Directions
leads S'h miles N to the terminal.
Principal marks
Berths Landmarks:
7.102 Gora Tkhachegochuk (44'30'·65N 38°17'·1SE), a
The terminal contains the following berths: conical peak, vislble from close inshore on all
CPC-1 (44°37'·77N 37'38'·27E); deplhs 54-62 m. bearings and particular1y prominent from S.
CPC-2 (44'37'·33N 37•39'·67E); depths 55-72 m. This mountain is separated by a saddle from
CPC-3 (44'37'·76N 37'36'·81E); depth 58 m. an otherwise unbroken range which extends
2 A small harbour, protected by an angled NW. Gora Mikhayfovka stands 1 mile WNW.
breakwater with a light at its head. lies 2 Gora Ozhankhot (44°27"·5SN 3a•o9··88E). A
8 cables E of Ozereyevskiy Light Oepths in beacon (7.109) stands on the summit.
the harbour are 2·1 to 6·7 m. Gora Dimegina (44'29'·04N 3a•o9•.05E).
Gora Ploskaya {44"37'·51N 38"03'·70E).
Gora Ooob (7.97).
Anchorages Gora Bol'shoy Markotkh (7.97).
7.103 3 Major lights:
Anchorage Areas Nos 410 (44.38'·42N 3r42''65E) Gelendzhikskiy Light (7.109).
and 408 (44'39.·63N 37°35'-46E). See 7.124. Ooobskiy Light (7.97).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Route 2 Pilotage is compulsory for all foreign vessels and

7.109 for Russian vessels with a gross displacement of
From a position SW of Mys ldokopas {44"25'-00N 200 gt or more. Pilots board 1 Y, miles WSW of
38°12'·50E), Recommended Route No 11 leads WNW Gelend2hikskiy Light («033'·01N 3s•o3·-00E).
for 17 mites, in waters clear of charted dangers, to its Tugs are compulsory for all vessels of 200 gt or
junction with Recommended Route No 83 (7.98), more.
passing: Harbour
2 SSW of Former Mined Area No 29 (radius 7.113
7 cables) (44'24'·SON 38°11'·00E), thence: Seaplane port A seaplane port is localed at the
SSW of Gelendzhikskiy Light (wMe eight-sided head of the bay with the landing and take-off area,
concrete tower, red bands, 42 m in height) 100 m wide and running N/S from a position 1 ·2 miles
(44°33'·01 N 38'03'•00E), standing on the S NNE to 6 cables E of Mys Tonkiy. When flights are in
entrance to Gelend2hikskaya Bukhta) (7.110). progress, the seaplane port and landing and take-off
Thence: area are marked by buoys and declared closed to
3 SSW of Pritsel'nyy Light Beacon (44"33'-98N navigation. When necessary vessels are permitted to
37'S9'·59E); a series of 6ght buoys Qateral) navigate along route No 13 in order to approach the
are moored to the SE of the 6ght Lewy cargo and passenger pier on the W side of the bay,
Vkhodnoy (Left Entrance) Light Beacon is with the pennission of the flight manager.
located 1 'fi cables SE. Thence:
SSW of Prohibited Area No 133 (44°30'·38N Directions
37'S8'·61E) (7.106), thence: 7.114
• SSW of Area No 753 (7.106), thence: The alignment (049') of Gelendzhikskiy Leading
To a position about 9 miles W of Mys Tolstyy, at the Light Beacon and an unlit beacon (7 cables SW) leads
junction of Recommended Routes Nos 11 and 83. through the entrance and into the bay.
whence the track leads N to the precautionary area Useful marks:
and traffic separation scheme (7.94). Obelisk (white, 14 m in height) (7'h cables NNW
5 Useful mar1<s: of Mys Tonkiy).
Dzhankhot Beacon (open framework metal TV mast (metal framework) (3 miles NE of
structure with black rectangular daymark, 16 m Gelendzhil<skiy Light).
in heiqht, standing al an elevation of 324 m) Berths
(44'27'·57N 38'09'·78E). 7.115
(Directions continue for Passenger Pier No 1 (44'33'·70N 38°04'·31 E);
Novoross;yskaya Bukhta at 7.132, depths 3 to 6 m.
and for coastal passage to Tuapse at 7.140) Passenger Pier No 2 (44'33'·71 N 38°04'·50E):
depths 2·1 to 2·4 m.
Broad quay (44'34'·40N 38'01'·60E): NE face
Gelendzhlkskaya Bukhta 185 m long; depths 3·7 m, cargo and passenger.
Floating jetty (44°34'·61N 38'01'·52E); depths 4·5 m.
General Information 2 Passenger vessels of up to 4000 tonnes
7.110 displacement; 120 m length; 6 m draught, and cargo
Position and function. Gelendzhikskaya Bukhta is vessels of up to 3500 tonnes displacement; 114 m
entered between Mys Tonkiy (44'33'·50N 38'02'·50E) length; 3·8 m draugh1 have been handled.
and Mys Tolstyy (1 mile SE). The town of Gelendzhi< Port services
is a favourite summer resort. Industrial enterprises 7.116
include: agriculture, mainly viticulture and animal 01her facilities: SSCC, SSCEC issued; hospital in
husbandry, food, building materials and timber. It the town.
stands al the mouth of a deep valley on the SE s,de
of the bay and is a port of entry. The port is a NOVOROSSIYSK
subsidiary of Novorossiysk (7.117). General information
2 Topography. Mys Tonkiy, which is low, sandy and
whitish in colour is difficult to distinguish from W or Position and function
WSW as it merges with the E side of the bay. Mys 7.117
Tolstyy Is also whitish in colour. but is higher and Novorossiysk (44°44'-00N 37'47'·00E) is situated in
bolder. the NE part of the Black Sea at the head of
Novo,osslyskaya (Tsemesskaya) Bukhta, a bay which
provides one of the best natural harbours on the
Limiting conditions Caucasian coast. The town is of great commercial and
7.111 industrial importance.
Current. In normal weather or during S winds. the 2 Novoros.siyskaya Bukhta is entered between
current sets NW with moderate strength across the Sudzhukskaya Kosa (44'41'-00N 37'48'·20E) and Mys
harbour entrance. Doob, about 5 mies SE. The NE side of the bay is
Winds. The bay is exposed lo winds from SW lo backed by the Varada range. The spurs of this range
NW and winds from seaward send in a heavy sea terminate at the shore of the bay in sheer, white,
triangle-shaped diffs. The whole of the W shore of the
Arrival information bay is fronted by a low pebble beach, which is rocky
7.112 in places.
Vessel traffic service. S~ Novorossiysk VTS 3 The port consists of two harbours: a main, inner
7.123. harbour and Nettyanaya Gavan' Sheskharis, the oil
Anchorage may be obtained in depths of 9 m In harbour. ll is a port of entry. The Caspian Pipeline
the SE comer of the bay with Mys Tolstyy bearing Consortium has a dedteated terminal for exporting
227°. crude oi (7.99).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Novorossiysk from E {7.117)

Ongirul daled 2012

PhOrograph - (}Jzskev - Ctea:ive Commons: 1.0 f.JnNerssl Oom3in Oedrea:JOt'J

Port Authority Outer anchorages

7.118 7.124
Novorossiysk Port Authority, 2 Mira str, 353900 The folk>wing anchorage areas are situated within
Novorossiysk, Russia. or close to lhe entrance to Novorossiyskaya Bukhta.
Webstte. No Posflion Depth Remarks
Limiting conditions 4-08 44"39'·63N 19--45 m. For use by all
Abnormal water levels (Chart 37'35"·46E pebbles vessels, except
7.119 3311) and sand tankers and vessels
Abnormal water levels are caused by wind surges wtth dangerous
and a seiche. The maximum range of the surge is cargoes, during NE
1 ·2 m and of lhe seiche 1 ·2 m. gales.
A wreck lies in the
Density of water NE corner.
Denstty of water reported 1·010 lo 1-014 glcm3. 410 44"38'·42N 14-49 m, For use by all
37'42'·65E shell vessels, except
Ice tankers and vessels
7.121 with dangerous
Harbour is ice-free except in very severe winters cargoes, during NE
when coastal ice may be formed. gales.
Local weather Four rocks lie near
7.122 the centre.
The area is particula~y liable lo strong NE gales 412 44°41'·55N 16-23 m, Military vessels and
known as bora, which sometimes reach hurricane 37'48'·73E mud with other vessels up to
force. These gales occur from late autumn to early shells 100 m in length.
spring when lhey can whip up freezing spray. This
quickly forms a !hick coating of ice on vessels and 414 44°40'·85N 12-26 m, Unrestricted
has caused small vessels to founder. See 1.123 37'51'·00E clay, sand anchorage.
and 1.137. and shells
2 Apart from the usual radio warnings. warning of the 415 44"39'·20N 1-29 m, Vessels up 10
approach of a bora is given by smaU clouds forrrung 37'54'·00E mud, sand 100 m in length.
and then massing on the summits of the Varada and shens
range. When a bora is expected, vessels should put
to sea or proceed to the storm anchorages {7.124). 416 44"35'·18N 23-40 m, For use by tankers
The bora can last from several hours to fifteen 37'55'·33E mud, sand, and vessels with
days. While ~ is blowing. entry into Novorossiyskaya shells and dangerous cargoes
Bukhta is impractical and should not be attempted. stones during NE gales
Arrival information
Vessel traffic service 2 Caution. Three areas of unexploded ordnance lie in
7.123 lhe N section of Anchorage Area No 416. An area of
Novorossiysk VT'S with full radar surveillance is unexploded ordnance ies in lhe NW part of Area 648
maintained for the control of shipping. For details and S of Myskhako. Three foul areas, consisting of the
list of reporting points, see ADMIRALTY List of Radio remains of wrecks, lie to the S and SW of the central
Signals votume6(3). area, as charted.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Prohibtted anchorage Inner harbour consists of the dry cargo harbour at

7.125 the head of the bay within Zapadnyy Mol and
Anchoring and fishing are both prohib~ed in Area Vostochnyy Mot This harbour contains the principal
No 648 {See 7.127 and Appendix 3) at the entrance to alongside berths for dry cargo vessels. The Sea
Novorossiyskaya Bukhta. This area contains a large F,shing Port lies to the W of the harbour.
number of obstructions. Outer harbour consists of the remainder of the port
tying to the SE of the Inner harbour and contains the
Pilotage and tugs Marine Geology port. the Naval Harbour. Neftyanaya
7.126 Gavan' Sheskharis o~ harbour (2 miles SE of the Inner
Pilotage and radar pilotage are both compu1sory tor harbour) and Anchorage Alea No 412 (7.124).
all vessels entering or leaving harbour. Pilots board 2 Two recommended approach channels to the
either 12 miles WSW or 2 miles W of Doobskiy Light harbour pass either side of Penayskiye Banki, a group
(7.97). of three shoals lying in the entrance of
Pilots are available 24 hours and should be ordered Novorossiyskaya Bukhta.
24 hours before, and confinned 2 hours prior to arrival.
2 Tugs are available and should be ordered 2 hours
before they are needed. Their use is compulsoryfor Development
vessels over 200 gt when berthing. 7.131
Vessels of over 60 000 tonnes displacement must Works are in progress (2016) on the inner face of
also employ tugs when manoeuvring, anchoring or New Mole {44°43'·23N 37°48'·81 E).
weighing anchor in the outer roadstead (7.130). A new mote. extending about 2 cables SW, is under
consll'uction (2015) NW of the Naval Harbour.
Regulated areas Works are in progress {20t 8) to extend
7.127 Kabotazhnyy Mot (44"43'·30N 37°47'·tOE).
Areas into which entry Is prohibited:
Area No t13, the NE and SW lim~ of which are
marked by light buoys (special), extends about Directions for entering harbour
Scabies E from Mys Lyubvi Light (7.132). (continU(ICI from 7.98 anct 7.109)
Area No 146, situated close S of Mys Penay
(7.133). West of Penaysklye Bankl
Area No 649 surrounds Nef1yanaya Gavan· 7.132
Sheskharis (7.134). From the vicinity of the pilot boarding position
The head of the basin {44"43'·15N 37°47'-07E}
{44°37'·79N 37°52'-01E} (7.126), the track leads NNW.
between Kabotazhnyy Mot and Zapadnyy MoL Leading tights:
2 Areas in which anchoring, fishing, submarine Front tight (white round concrete tower, red
and seabed operations are prohibited: bands and red stripe. 21 m in height)
Area No 648 extends across the en1rance to (44°43'·31 N 37°48'·06E), on head of
Novorossiyskaya Bukhta between Mys
Vostochnyy Mol.
M'yskhako (7.98) and Mys Doob (7.97).
Rear right {white four-sided stone tower, red
Area No 670 surrounds the o~ terrninal (7.99) S
stripe, 14 m in height) (1 !'.. miles from front
of Ozereyevskiy LighL tight).
See Appendix 3. 2 The alignment (334·2°) of these lights leads NNW
Traffic regulations into Novorossiyskaya Bukhta, passing:
7.128 W of No t Light Buoy {starboard hand)
Time of entry. No restrictions. {44"39'·37N 37°50'·91 E), marking the SW edge
Minimum under-keel clearance. Inner harbour. of Penayskiye Banki, thence:
0·3 m. Neftyanaya Gavan' Sheskharis, 0·6 m. 3 Between light buoys {lateral) {44°39'·76N
Anchoring is prohibited in the inner halbourwithout 37"50'·38E} which mark the channel between
permission of the Port Authorities. the W shoal of Penayskiye Banki and
Gas-free tankers only may enter the inner harbour. Sudzhukskiy Rtt. Thence:
2 Speed limit in the inner harbour: minimum required E of Sudzhukskiy Light (wh~e round concrete
to maintain steerage. tower, grey base, 10 m in height) (44"39'·82N
Constan1 watch on VHF when in Regulated 37°49'-42E), thence:
Movement Area. • E of Ostrov Sudzhuk {44°40'·40N 37°48'·70E), a
Wlnd restrlctlons on berthing: tow island composed of shingle and connected
Berthing cannot be carried out when S winds to Sudzhukskiy Kosa by the remains of a
exceed 14 m/s {Beaufort force 6). masonry mole. Thence:
To berths in Anchorage Area No 414 (7.124) or
Quarantine regulations Nettyanaya Gavan' Sheskharis; or.
7.129 s E of Mys Lyubvi Light {Lantern on yellow building,
Communicate with quarantine authorities 6 hours 15 m in height) (44.42'·41N 37•47'·29E) and thence to
before ETA. berths in the outer harbour.
No visitors, except for pilot, until ship cleared by This leading tine (334·2") should also be used by
medical authorities. vessels proceeding from Anchorage Areas Nos 412
and 414 to berths in the inner harbour.
Harbour 6 Useful marks:
Chimney {44"40'·89N 37°46'·6-0E).
General layout Chimney {44°41'·59N 37°46'·47E).
7.130 Caution. Before passing Penayskiye Bankl, vessels
Novorossiyskhas a main. inner harbour and several should not diverge more than 1 cable from the leading
smaller outer harbours. J11e.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

East of Penayskiye Banki No 3 berth has a deplh alongside of 11 ·7 m.

7.133 2 No 4 berth has depths alongside of 4·7 to 4·1 m.
Entry 10 lhe port by lhis route may only be carried No 5 berth has a depth alongside of 9·9 m.
out with the permission of the VTS (7.123). No 6 berth has a depths alongside of 13·8 to
Initial position: Pilot boarding position 2 miles W of 13·9m.
Doobskiy Light No 7 berth has a depth alongside of 13·4 m.
Mys Penay Leading Lights: No 8 berth has a deplh alongside of 10·0 m.
Front light (white rectangle. red sO'ipe on melal 3 Naval harbour (44'43'·13N 37°49'·78E) consists of
framework tower, 20 m in height) (44°40.·79N five piers and a basin, protected to lhe S by an outer
37°52'·85E). The light stands on a low whitish mole. The hartlour is entered from lhe W. Charted
cliff, with higher triangle-shaped cliffs of lhe depths alongside lhe piers range from 12 lo 2 m.
same colour on erther side. Marine Geology port (44'43'·33N 37'49'·18E)
2 Rear light (similar structure, 10 m in height) protected by an L-shaped mole, lies NW of 1he naval
(214 cables from front light). hartiour. Alongside deplhs range from 1 O to 8 m.
The alignment (001·9") of lhese fights leads N • Inner harbour (44°43'·60N 37°47'·60E) has over 40
passing: berths with deplhs alongside of up to 14 m. These
E of a light buoy (E cardinal), which marks lhe E berths can handle a wide variety of general, bulk,
limit of Penayskiye Banki, and W of Anchorage container. passenger, timber and RoRo cargoes.
Area No415. Berth Nos 28 to 30 are a dedicated container
3 Kabardinskiy Leading Lights: terminal capable of handling Panamax size container
Front light (white rectangle on four-sided melal vessels. Container vessels are also handled al Berth
framework tower, 9 m in height) (44°38.-SON No 39.
37°S5'·52E). s Berlh Nos 31 to 32-5 are used for handling timber
Middle light (similar structure. 10 m in height) products. Grain vessels are handled at Berlh Nos 40
(lo/. cables from front light). and 41 which are equipped with evacuators connected
Rear light (similar structure, 9 m in height) 10 grain silos standing adjacent to Berth Nos 1 and 2
(3Y. cables from front light). in Sheskharis.
• The alignment (130"), astem, of lhese fights, visible Caullons. Several obstructions are located in the
on the leading line only, leads into Novorossiyskaya harbour area
Bukhta. passing:
NE of detached rocks forming the N shoals of Port services
Penayskiye Banki (44.39'-76N 37"51'·61E),
which are marked by two light buoys ~solaled Repail'$
danger and N cardinal), !hence: 7.135
s SW of Area No 146 (7.127) in which lies a wreck Repairs of all kinds can be carried out on vessels
containing explosives. A lighl buoy (S cardinal) up to 60 000 dwt 1 O berlhs are available with a total
marks the wreck. Thence: berth length of 1060 m; deplhs 6 to 15 m.
To berths in Anchorage Areas Nos 412, 414 and Floating docks. There are three floating docks, SE
Nettyanaya Gavan' Shekharis. of Vostochnyy Mol, the largest of which can
Useful marks: accommodate vessels of 180 000 dwt. Maximum
Statue (44°41'·53N 37°52'-02E). lenglh 300 m, width 75 m, depth 12 m.
Monument (whfteJ (44.42'-0SN 37°S1'·33E).
Other facilities
Basins and berths 7.136
Container handling facilities; compass adjustment:
Alongside berths SSCC, SSCEC issued: firefighting rugs; hospitals;
7.134 inshore rescue boats; measured distance (7.95}; oily
Neftyanaya Gavan' Sheskharis (44°42'·47N waste disposal.
37°50'·23E), lhe oil harbour. has nine berths. Mooring
is starboard side alongside, excepl No 7, which is port Supplies
side alongside. Mooring Masters for these berths wil 7.137
board with the pilot Fuel: most grades available with tankers supplied
No 1 berlh has a depth alongside of 25-4 m. from shore and dry cargo vessels normalty supplied by
Berth 1-A has a depth alongside of 25·1 m. barge; fresh water at quays; provisions and technical
No 2 berth has a depth alongside of 14-8 m. supplies.


General information 7.139
Area in which anchoring, fishing, submarine and
Topography seabed operations are prohibited:
Area No 652 surrounds two pipelines which
Between Mys tdokopas (44°25'·00N 3s•12·-soE)
extend from the shore. The pipelines merge
and Mys Kodosh (40 miles ESE) lhe shore is backed
by cliffs, which in many places are intersected by 14 mDes SW of Alkhipo-Osipovka (7.140), and
gorges and gullies. Behind the coastal hils, forest form lhe Blue Stream gas pipeline which
covered mountains rise to heights of over 600 m within extends across the Black Sea. to a position on
5 miles of the coast. the shore 16'hmiles ENE of Samsun (3.137).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Directions 2 The entrance to the river valley can be identified by

(con/jnved from 7. 109) a broad. light yellow shingle beach, a rounded hill on
its W side and a hill tenminating in a grey-coloured
Principal marks cliff on its E side. Several buildings, including some
7.140 conspicuous five-storey ones, are located among the
Landmarks: greenery on the banks at the river mouth. Vineyards
Gora Tl<hachegoohuk (44'30"·60N 38'17'·20E} are also clearly visible on the hillsides in the vicinity of
(7.108). the river entrance.
Gora Gebeus (44'23"·64N 38'37'·74E}. There is
a tooth-llke projection on its summit, which Bukhta Vulan
has several peaks. 7.143
2 Gora Lysaya (44'14'·58N 38'59'-49E) which is Anchorage can be obtained abreast the mouth of
very prominent and from WNW appears to Reka Vulan (44'21'·35N 38'31'·60E) in a depth of
have two summits, the E being higher. From 27 m, mud and shells. Depths decrease gradually, with
SW or SE ft appears as a lruncaled cone with depths of 9 m, 3 cables from the shore.
a broad base. Cautlon. Two outfalls extend up to 1 'h miles S from
Chimney (44'15'·21N 38'49'·48E}. the river mouth and two gas pipelines extend generally
Gora Tu (44'12'·23N 38'52'·59E). SW towards the Turkish coast. from a position 3 miles
Tower (44'10'·15N 38'58'·12E). SE of the river mouth.
3 Major lights: 2 The mouth of the river, which is 5 cables wide, can
Ar1<hipo-Osipovka Light (44'21 '·31 N 38'31 '·15E}. be identified by Gora Gebeus (7.140), Smiles ENE.
Dzhubgskly Light (red tower on red reciangle, on Two conspicuous white five-storey buildings of the
white building. 12 m in height) (44'18'·34N Mhipo-Osipovka sani1orium stand facing the sea
38'42'·36E}. dose to the W entrance.
Kodoshskiy Light (while eight-sided tower and Small vessels and sometimes lighters can enter the
dwelling, 14 m in height) (44'05'·89N rivet.
Bukhla Dzhubga
Mys ldokopas to Mys Kodosh 7.144
7.141 Bukhta Dzhubga (44°18'•40N 38'41'·95E} is a small
From a position SW of Mys ldokopas (44'25'·12N bight at the mouth of Dzhubga, which enters the sea
38'12'·34E}, a cape which slopes gently down to the through a wide valley.
sea. the coastal passage to Mys Kodosh proceeds The harbour may be identified by Dzhubgskiy Light
generally ESE for 40 miles, passing: (7.140), which stands about 53/. cables ESE of the
2 SSW of Mys Chugovkopas (44'22'·11 N mouth of Dzhubga. A white multi-storey building and a
38'23'-43E}, which slopes gently to !he sea, wh~e statue are conspicuous on the right bank of the
thence: river, close to the mouth.
SSW of Ar1<hipo-Osipovka Light (44'21'·31N 2 A pier extends SSW from the NE shore, 1 cable
38'31'•15E), thence: NW of !he lighthouse; depths at the pier are 1 ·5 to
SSW of Dzhubgskiy Light (44'18'·34N 3 m. A !airway mar1<ed by spar buoys leads to the
38'42'·36E}, thence: pier, in 2003 the buoys were reported missing. There
SSW of Mys Gryaznova Beacon (44'11'·26N are regular sea communications with other Black Sea
38'53'·16E}, thence: ports.
3 w of Kodoshskiy Light (44'05'·89N 39'02'·19E} 3 Cautions. Stony reefs up to 2·2 cables wide extend
(7.140). The light stands on Mys Kodosh, a from the W and E shores of the bay hindering
bluff headland covered in dense forest and entrance to the bay, particularly during S winds. It is
terminating in reddish, rocky cliffs. also dangerous to lie alongside the pier during strong
, Caution. A submarine gas pipeline extends S winds. Three submarine cables land close W of the
16 miles SE from a position close ESE of river mouth.
Dzhubgskiy Light to 1 '/. miles N of Kodoshskiy Fog. Between September and November. inciusive,
Light. A second pipeline connoues so mies SE the nver valley is frequently enveJoped in thick fog.
to a position 8 miles SE of Sochi.
s Useful mar1<s: Minor anchorages
Beacon (metal framewor1< tower, 7 m in height) 7.145
(44'24'·72N 38'13'-38E). Bukhta Tenglnskaya (44°17'·75N 38°44'·60E).
Disused lighthouse (44'23'·36N 38'20'-04E}. Anchorage may be obtained 6 to 7 cables offshore,
Light beacon (44'21'·31N 38'31'·15E}, visible midway between the entrance points, in depths of 9 to
112'-278°. 11 m. sand and rock. Two white eight-storey hotels
6 Leading lights (44'20'·32.N 38°35'·91 E} marking a are conspicuous at the SE edge of Lermontovo
gas pipeline (7.139). vilage, which lies on the E side of the bay.
(Directions continue for Tuapse and approaches 2 Cautions. Rocky reefs extend about 2V. cables
at 7.159, and tor the coastal passages to from each entrance point, which should be given a
Mys Uch-Dere at 7.168) wide berth of at least 5 cables. Dzhubgskiy Light is
obscured over these dangers. A submarine gas
Anchorages and harbours pipeline extends 21h miles SSW from a position
1 ~ miles E of the light. A marine fann lies W of the
Bukhta Pshada approach to the anchorage, centred on 44'17'·60N
7.142 3a•42'·80E.
Anchorage can be obtained off the mouth of Reka 3 Bukhta Mlkhaylovskaya (44°14'·15N 38°49'·80E} is
Pshada (44'23'·23N 38'20'·20E) in depths of 22 m, a smal cove at the mouth of Nechepsukho river,
mud and sand, with S extremity of land in the vicinity entered between Mys Guavga and Mys Beskrovnyy
of Mys Chugovkopas (7.141) beanng Hl0°. (8 cables SE}.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Anchorage may be obtained 3 to 4 cables offshore list of reporting points, see ADMIRALTY List of Radio
in depths of 6 to 7 m, mud and sand. The holding Signals Volume 6(3).
ground is good, but space is restricted and tt is open
W and SW.
4 A reef extending about 1 ~ cables from Mys
Foreign vessels normally anchor in Area No 418;
Beskrovnyy shelters lhe SE part of lhe cove. which is
Russian vessels normally anchor in Area No 417.
much frequented by fishing craft in the summer.
Directions. Vessels should approach the anchorage Caution. An obstruction lies on the NE boundary of
from SW. passing midway between the entrance area No418.
points. Pilots and tugs
Cautions. A pipeline extends 2 miles W from the N 7.155
point of Mys Guavga. Pilotage is compulsory. Pilots normally embark
3% miles S of the harbour entrance, or in Anchorage
TUAPSE AND APPROACHES Areas Nos 417 and 418.
Pilots are available 24 hours and should be ordered
General information at feast 2 hours in advance.
Position and function 2 Tugs are available and their use is compulsory. The
7.146 number of tugs required will be decided by lhe Pilot.
Tuapse is situated at the head of Bukhta Tuapse, Vessels are prohibited from using their own engines
an indentation on the coast between Mys Kodosh while being towed.
(44°05'·90N 39°02'·20E) (7.141) and the moulh of Regulations
Reka Tuapse (2 miles ESE). The town of Tuapse 7.156
stands on a flat-topped hill which slopes down to the Time of entry. No restrictions.
bay between Reka Tuapse and Reka Pauk (11 v. m~es Movement. The movement of vessels In the
WNW). entrance channel and inner roadstead is regulated
2 The town is a major petroleum port connected by around the clock by the VTS shift manager.
pipeline to the Baku and other Caspian oilfields. It is Speed. Minimum to ensure steerage way.
the second largest Russian Black Sea port. afte< Reduced visibility. The VTS provides assistance to
Novorossiysk, and a port of entry. It is also the centre navigation in reduced visibility.
of local administration and a holiday resort.
3 Oil and oif products, coal, raw sugar and perishable Harbour
goods are the main cargoes handled.
General layout
Approaches 7.157
7.147 Tuapse has an outer and inner roadstead. The
The port is approached by Recommended Route inner roadstead, which consists of the waters
No 76. protected by the breakwaters, is divided in two by
Sh~okiy Mot. with Staryy Port (Old Port) on the NW
Port Authority side and Novyy Port (New Port) on the SE, and S of
7.148 Yuzhnyy Mol.
Port of Tuapse Authority, 8 Gorky Street. 352800 The main oil and general cargo berths are situated
Tuapse, Russia.
in Novyy Port.
Limiting conditions 2 Developments. The port development consists of
twO phases:
Controlling depth The first phase involves the construction of dry
7.149 cargo piers Nos 9A and 98; construction time
The entrance channel. which is 100m wide, is two years.
dredged to 13 m (2008). However, the channel is not 3 The second phase aims to increase cargo
regularly maintained. throughput to 29 million tonnes a year. A new
port. Port Kadosh, four miles from Tuapse, will
Density of water
consist of 22 piers w~h a general length of
5000 m, and breakwaters of 6000 m. The port
1-011 to 1 ·013 g/cm3.
will handle liquid and bulk chemicals, a
Abnormal water levels coal/ore complex, and speciafised complexes
7.151 for genera.I cargo and a container terminal.
Fluctuations of 0·4 to 0-6 m, which are mainly Construction time ten years.
surges. Seiche fluctuations also oocur. See 1.112. Ice. Harbour is ice-free.
Local weather and sea state Climate information
7.152 7.158
Berthing is prohib~ed when wind speeds exceed See 1.1s1 and 1.167.
14 m/s (Beaufort force 6), or a sea height of more than
2 m. Vessels aJready in port may be ordered to Directions for entering harbour
proceed to sea. (continued from 7.9 and 7.141)
Tyagun. See 1.117. Principal marks
Arrival information Landmarks:
Vessel traffic service Mys Kodosh (44'05'·90N 39'02'·20E).
7.153 Gora Pauk (peak. 254 m high) (44'06'·70N
Tuapse VTS with full radar surveillance is 39°02'•81E}. covered in trees.
maintained for the control of shipping. For details and Gora Lysaya (44'14'·58N 38°59'·48E).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Gora Bal'shoy Pseushkho (44.05'·00N Supplies

39•11'-00E). 7.166
7.160 , Fuel oil. gas oil and diesel oil; fresh water at quays
Major lights: and boiler water by barge to outer roads; provisions.
Kodoshskiy Light (44'05'·89N 39'02'·19E)
Final approach routo
7.161 General information
Tuapslnskly Leading Ughts:
Front light (wMe trapezium on metal four-sided Topography
truncated framework tower, 17 m in height) 7.167
(44°05'·67N 39'04'·12E). , Between Bukhta Tuapse (44°05'·00N 39•04•.ooE)
Rear light (similar structure, 11 m in height) and Mys Uch-Oere (43'40'·00N 39°36'·50E), 35 miles
(1 'hcables from front light). SE. the coast is intersected by numerous gorges and
2 The alignment (006·51 of these lights, visible on the gullies.
leading line only, leads N 10 the breakwater enlranee, 2 For about 15 miles SE of the mouth of Reka
passing: Tuapse, the coast is backed by cliffs, which in places
Wof Anchorage Area No418 (7.154) (44°03',()()N are very white, moderately high and precipitous.
39°05'·00E) and E of Anchorage Area No417 Farther SE between Lazarevskoye (43.54'·00N
(44°04'·00N 39'03',()()E). 39°20',()()E) and Golovinka (9 miles SE) the cliffs
3 E of a light buoy (E cardinal) (44'04'·81N become reddish or orange in colour.
39•03'·74E). 3 Behind the coastal hills. forest-covered mountains
W of Tuapsinskiy light buoy rN cardinal) rise 10 heights of over 1000 m wilhin 5 miles of the
(«•04·.51 N 39°04'·06E) and the W end of a sea.
detached breakwater and deep water oil A number of holiday resorts are situaled along !his
terminal (44°04'·96N 39°04'·09E). A light stretch of coast.
beacon with sector lights stands at the W end
of the terminal; vessels should keep wilhin the Directions
green sector when approaching the pon. (continued from 7.141)
• E of a lighl buoy (S cardinal) (44'05'·03N
39•03'·78E). Principal marks
The inner roadstead is entered between lights 7.168
marking the heads of Yugo-zapadnyy Volnolom (red Landmarks:
metal framework tower. 6 m in height) and YuZhnyy Gora Bal'shoy Pseushkho (44°05'·09N
Mol (green metal framework tower, 6 m in heighQ. 39•17',()()E). the highesl peak In the area.
From WNW it appears as a marquee with
saddle, the E part being higher than the N
Basins and berths part.
2 Gora Lysaya (43'58'·12N 39•15·-ssE).
Staryy Port
Gora Boztepe (43°57'·76N 39°22'·09E). From NW
and S two summits are visible, the N being
There are eight berths. The deepest has a depth
higher. From SW it appears conical.
alongside of 9·8 m.
Utes Betyy Kamen (43°52'·53N 39°26'·51 E).
Novyy Port s Gora Zhemsi (43°53'·85N 39'28'·80E). From W it
7.163 appears as a sharp conical peak whilst from
There are eight tanker berths. Berth 1A has an SW tt appears as a blunt summit with cleft.
alongside depth of 16·5 m and can accommodate From SE tt appears conical with a rounded top
tankers up lo 80 000 dwt, 228 m LOA and 15 m in which there is a sharp cleft.
draught. Gora Chugush (43'47'·52N 40°12'·51 E). The
The bulk terminal pier of the mineral-chemical highest peak in the area with a sharply
company Evrokhim is located 1 cable NNW of the pointed and jagged summit which is covered
head of the Petroleum Pier. in perpetual snow.
There are two passenger berths with depths of 5·5 • Major lights:
to 8·0 m alongside. Lazasevskoye Lighl (While rectangle, red sllipe on
There are four cargo berths on Shirokiy Mol with a four-sided metal ftamewort< tower, 15 m in
101a1 length of 640 m and depths of 6·9 to 13·3 m heighQ (43'54'·18N 39'20'•63E). Fitted wilh
alongside. radar reflector.
2 A grain pier, 26-0 m long, is attached to the root of Sochinskiy Light (43°34'·74N 39°43'·21E) (7.182).
Shirokiy Mol by a bridge; depths 5·0 to tom.
Bukhta Tuapse to Mys Uch-Dere
Port services 7.169
From a position SW of Bukhla Tuapse (44.05'·00N
Repairs 39'04',()()E) the coastal passage to Mys Uch-Dere
7.164 proceeds generally SE for 35 miles, in waters clear of
Repairs to vessels of up to 20 000 dwt. charted dangers, passing:
SW of Ashe Light (on roof of building, 43 m in
Other facllltles height) (43°58'·31 N 39•14'-92E). The light
7.165 stands 1 mie NW of the mouth of Reka Ashe,
Compass adjustment; SSCC, SSCEC issued: the valley of which is dislinguished by ils
hospitals; oily waste disposal. steep sides and great depth. Thence:

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

2 SW of Lazarevskoye (43"54'·00N 39•20'-00E} Approaches

(7.171). This holiday resort lies NW of the 7.174
mouth of Reka Psezuapse (7.171), and is Sochi is approached by Recommended Route
visible from seaward. Thence: No 14 from W. and Recommended Route No 78 from
3 SW of Mys Uch-Dere Light (red lramewotk tower SW.
on roof of white six-storey building. 25 m in
height) (43°40'-03N 39•35··49E}. This light
stands on a headland Which rises in a genUe Port Authority
slope and is covered with taD trees. At the end 7.175
of the headland there is a yellow ciiff. A bank, The Port of Sochi Authority, Voykov ul. 1, 35400
with depths of less than 10 m. extends Port of Soehl, Kalmyk, Russia.
3 cables offshore from this headland. Website.
Useful marks:
Gora AuU' (43°56'·28N 39°41'·12E}. Which has Limiting conditions
two large, bare, grey-coloured summits,
separated by a wide gorge.
Radio mast (red and wMe, wilh an elevation of Maximum size of vessel handled
175 m) (43.47'·03N 39•2e··76E} marl<ed by red 7.176
obstruction lights. Length overall 205 m, 28 m beam, 8 m draught.
(Directions continue for
Sochi and approaehes ar 7. I82,
and for tne coastal passage to Anival information
Mys Pitsunda at 7. I 93)
Vessel traffic service
Anchorage and small harbours 1.1n
Sochi VTS with full radar surveillance is maintained
Reka Psezuapse for the control of shipping. For details and list of
7.171 repo<lingpoints, see ADMIRALTY Ust of Radio Signals
Anchorage may be obtained abreast the mouth of Volume 6(3).
Reka Psezuapse (43°53'·95N 39•20'-0SE} in depths of
less than 22 m, mud. There is a sandy beach on the
SE side of the river mouth and Gora Boztepe (7.168) Outer anchorage
and Lazarevskoye Light (7.168) are good marks for 7.178
making the anchorage. Deep-draught vessels anchor in Anchorage Area
2 A pier at Lazarevskoye, 144 m in length with depths No419 (43°34'-46N 39°41'·87E). An outfall extends
alongside ol 3-0 to 4·1 m (2011). is used by passenger 1 Yl miles WSW from the shore abou1 2 cables N of the
vessels up to 35 m in length and 3·6 m draugh1. A anchorage. There are depths in the anchorage area
light is exhibited from the head of the pier. The port is from 11 to 26 m, mud and sand.
a subsidiary of Sochi (7.173). 2 Cautions. The roadstead off Sochi is completely
open from NW, through W to SW. Vessels are advised
to proceed to sea when S winds get up. A wreck with
Loo a depth of 11 m is located 5 cables NNW of the
7.172 anchorage area. An obstruction lies in the SW corner
Berth. A pier, with a light at its head. is located at of the anchorage area. 7'h cables W of the head of
Loo (43"42'·10N 39°35'·30E). The pier is 154 m in Outer Mole.
length, width 9 m with a maximum depth alongside of
5 m (2011), is used by passenger vessels up 37-6 m
in length and 2·2 m draughl Length of berths on both Pilots and tugs
sides of the pier is 58 m. The port is a subsidiary of 7.179
Sochi (7.173). Pilotage is compulsory for all foreign vessels and
al Russian vessels of 200 gt and over. local vessels
are exempt. Pilots board in position 43°32'·70N
39a$43·,ooe. In the event of bad weather or restricted
. vessels should anchor or heave to until the
piot arnves.
General information 2 Pilots are available 24 hours and should be ordered
2 hours in advance.
Tugs are compulsory for alt vessels over 200 91.
Position and function and should be ordered 2 hours in advance.
Sochi (43°34'-65N 39°42'·85E} is siluated at the
mouth of Reka Sochi, 7 miles SE of Mys Uch-Oere Regulations
(7.169). 7.180
The suburbs of the town stretch for a considerable Entry to the port area is prohibited until permission
distance along the coast in either direction. has been received from the vessel traffic service.
2 It is the 1arges1 health and summer resort on the Entry prohibited ij wind speed exceeds 23 kn, wave
Caucasian coast. h is the administrative centre of the height greater than 1 ·5 m or visibility is less than
dis1ric1 and a port of entry. The port is a major cruise 5 cables.
and passenger destination. with facilities for a variety Time of entry. No restrictions.
of cargoes including RoRo, and a manna. Speed limit. Minimum to ensure manoeuvrability.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Outer Mole S-No3

Sochi Harbour from SE (7.181)

Ongilal d.3."ed 2016

Marine Radio
Passenger Terminal Towet Derschedbreakwater

Sochi Harbour from W (7.181)


Harbour Directions for entering harbour

(continued from 7.9 and 7. t 70)
General layout Principal marks
7.181 7.182
The harbour is protected by an angled Outer Mole Landmarks:
which extends SW, S then SE for a total of 1700 m. Gora Bytkha 143•33·.soN 39•47'-00E) (7.193).
Inner Mole extends 350 m SW. from a position on the Gora Akhun (43°33'-00N 39•51·-ooE) (7.193).
shore 500 m SE of the root of Outer Mole. Middle Radio tower (43°34'·92N 39•43'-74E).
Mole extends 300 m SSE forming two harbour areas; Marine Passenger Terminal (spire) (43°34"·85N
Cruise Harbour lies to the W of Middle Mole, and 39'43'·11E).
Inner Harbour lies to the E. A detached breakWater, Building (43'34'·29N 39°43'·82E).
200 m long and aligned NE/SW, lies 120 m SE of the 2 Major lights:
inner harbour entrance. Sochinskiy Light (while stone tower and dwelling,
Ice. The harbour is free of ice. 15 m in height) (43°34'·75N 39•43·.22E).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Outer approach routes of the harbour is designated for yachts and small
7.183 vessels. Alongside depths on other berths vary from
Recommended Routes Nos 14 and 78. which form 2·5 to 4·4 m in the N and E. to 5·6 to 8·5 m in the NW
the W and SW approach, lead through waters clear of and W. Harbour vessels berth on the inside of Middle
charted dangers to the seaward end oi the final Mote.
approach channel. From the piot boarding position the 2 Cruise Harbour. There is 720 m of berthing space
route leads N keeping W of a tight buoy (starboard on the inside of Outer Mole, alongside depths are 8·8
hand) and along the leading fights. to 10·2m. Jetty berth No 3 is 160 m long, with depths
alongside of 7·3 m.
Final approach channel
7.184 Port services
Leading lights:
Front light (red metal tower whfte stnpe, 10 m in Other facilities
height) (43"34'·60N 39°42'·93E). 7.186
Middle light (grey metal framework tower, 17 m in Compass adjustment: SSCC. SSCEC issued:
height) (170 m from front light). hospaals: oily waste disposal.
Rear light {board on red metal tower whae stripe,
20 m in height) (4 cables from front tight). Supplies
Sector light: 7.187
2 Sochinskiy W Light (green, 299° to 0541 (whtte Fuet, fresh water at most berths; provisions.
triangle point down on black stripe, on black
four-sided metal framework tower, 17m in Smalt harbour
height) (43"35'·23N 39°42'·82E).
The alignment (354·21 of these leading lights leads Ushchel'ye Dagomys
along the centre of the channel. 1500 m long, to a 7.188
position E of Outer Mole, thence tm into Cruise Ushchet'ye Oa.gomys (43"39'·10N 39•39•.10E) lies
Harbour, passing the SW end of the detached 2 miles SE of Mys Uch-Oere (7.169). A pier. with a
light at tts head, fronts the village: depths off the pier
are 2 to 3·5 m. A submarine pipeline extends 1 mile
3 Inner harbour is entered between the SW head of
SW from the mouth of Reka Oagomys, and an
the detached breakwater and the head of Middle Mole,
obstruction with a depth of 20· 1 m lies at its seaward
the track then leads N into the harbour passing w of
Inner Mole. end. A dolphin lies close W of the river mouth.
Caution. It is dangerous to approach Middle and 2 A bridge crosses the mouth of Rika Oagomys which
flows through a gorge. When approaching from the W
Inner Moles within 25 m of their heads.
or SW. a mufti-storey white building can be seen at
the bottom of the gorge. A conspicuous tall and
stepped red buiding of the Oagomys hotel complex,
Alongside berths which is of a truncated pyramidal shape with
7.185 advertising signs on the roof, is conspicuous in the E
Inner Harbour, Berth No 1 is 60 m long with a least part of the village. A white lift tower, conspicuous in all
depth alongside of 7·6 m. Berth Nos 2 to • consist of directions, is located close to the hotel complex and
pontoons and marina berths. A smal basin in the NE near the shore.


SOCHI TO MYS PITSUNDA Military restricted areas:
Area Nos GG001 to GG004; see 7.235.
General information
Georgia Ship Reporting System
Topography 7.192
7.189 See 1.74.
From Sochi (43.34'·65N 39•42'·85E) to Mys
Pitsunda (38 miles SE) the coast forms two bights
which are backed by sorest-ccveree mountains. These (continued from 7.170)
mountains recede inland in the S part of this stretch of
coast. Principal marks
2 A number of holiday resorts are si1uated between 7.193
Soehl and Mys Pitsunda. Landmarks:
A deep cleft in the Gagry Mountains (43°20',00N Gora Bytkha (43.33'·63N 39°46'·85E). which
40°1 S'·OOE} is very prominent from seaward. appears clear and pointed from NW. From
International boundary other directions it merges with Gora Akhun.
7.190 Gora Akhun (43°33'·01 N 39"50'·60E), which has
The Reka Psou (43.23'·20N 40°00'·4BE) forms the a rounded outline and dark colouring with a
international boundary between Russia and Georgia. grey circular stone tower on its summit It is
one of the best marks on this stretch of the
Regulated areas coast,
7.191 2 Buildings at Kurortnyy Gorodok (43.28'·20N
Area into which entry is restricted: 39•54·,ooe1 (7.2021.
Area No 21 PSOU, extending 12 miles SW from Gora Dzyt<hra (43°32'·71N 40°04'·00E).
Lesetidze (43°23'·20N 40•01',00E). Gora Akhakhcha (43°31'·62N 40°09'·38E).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Major lights: imer breakwater extends 160 m w from a position

Sochinskiy Light (43'34'·74N 39'43'·21 E) (7. 182). 250 m NW of the root of Eastern Mole.
Gagra Light (43't9'·77N 40'12'·90E). 2 Development. As the harbour is of recent
Mys Pitsunda Light (wMe frameworl<tower with construcUon (2013), the authorities should be
central column, 31 m in height) (43'08'·88N consulted for the latest infonnation.
Directions for entering harbour
Sochi to Mys Pitsunda 7.198
7.194 lmeretinskiy N Light:
From a position SW of Sochi (43'35'·10N (red four-sided metal framework tower with white
39•43·-ooE), the coastal passage to Mys Pitsunda band, 30 m in height) (43°24'·87N 39°55'·56E).
proceeds generally SE for 37 miles in waters clear of lmeretinskiy Lights:
charted dangers, passing: W (red round metal column with white band on
SW of the mouth of Reka Bzugu (43'33'·70N reinforced concrete base. 7 m in height)
39'45'·10E); a small sports sailing harbour is (43'24'·35N 39°56'·20E).
situated on the S bank. Thence: 2 E (green round metal column with white band on
2 SW of Mys Vidnyy (43'30'·74N 39'51'-01E). A reinforced concrete base, 7 m in height)
wreck with a depth of 23 m lies 1 ~ mies (43'24'·36N 39'56'·28E).
SSW. Thence: Direction (white rectangular panel with red stripe,
SW of a marine farm (43'28'-02N 39'52'·17E), 15 m in height) (43'24'·65N 39°56'·13E).
thence: The bearing 344·6' of the direc6on light leads into
SW of an obstruction (43'25'·80N 39'53'·90E). the port area between lhe heads of the moles.
thence: Berths
SW of Adler Light (white round melal tower, red 7.199
bands, 12 m in height) (43'25'•48N 1200 m of quay space consis6ng of seven berths
39'54'·90E), fitted with radar reflector, thence: with depths alongside of 9 m: an 80 m quay. lying
3 SW of Adler Harbour (43'24'-43N 39'56'·20E) close inside the head of South-Western Mole, with
(7.195), thence: alongside depths from about 7 lo 8 m. Bulk. cement,
SW of Leselidze Light (white metal pole with containers and general cargoes. Vessels up to
external staircase, 24 m in height) (43'23'·12N t O 000 dwt can be accommodated.
40'01 '·20E), standing at the w end of an
extensive built-up area, thence: Anchoragesand harbours
• SW of Mys Pitsunda (43'08'·88N 40'20'·40E). a
low sandy promontory. A holiday resort. in Khosta
which there are a number of high buildings, is 7.200
situated in the vicinity of this headland. The heal1h resort of Khosta (43'30'·70N 39'52'·00E)
(Directions continue for the coastal passage to is situated on either side of the mouth of Reka
Mys Sokhumsldy at 7.207) Khosta.
Shelter for small vessels, from NW winds, may be
found in Bukhta Khosla in depths of 6 m, fine sand.
Adler Harbour 2 Small vessels with local knowledge may enter
General information Reka Khosta in calm weather. There is a pier, with a
7.195 hght at its head, NW of the mouth of the river. The
Position and function. Adler Harbour (43'24'·35N pier is 170 m in length with depths up to 5 m
39'56'·24E) is situated 1 mile SE of Adler (7.203). The alongside (201t ). The pier handles passenger vessels
port is a subsidiary of Sochi (7.173). up to 37·6 m in length and 2·2 m draught The harbour
is a subsidiary of Sochi (7.173).
Arrival lnfonnatlon
7.196 Reka Kudepsta
Vessel traffic service. Adler Harbour lies within the 7.201
area covered by Sochi VTS (7.177). Reka Kudepsta (43°29'·61N 39'53'·04E) enters the
Outer anchorages. Reyd Adler anchorage is sea 1 ·8 miles SE of Mys Vidnyy. An engineering
centred 8 cables W of the town of Adler. Submarine worl<s, situated on the S bank of the river and beyond
cables extend through the centre and to the SE of the the raiway bridge, has facilities for lifting out vessels
anchorage area. A submarine pipeline extending and general repairs. Four tugs and a 100 tonne crane
2~ cables SW, with an obstruction at its seaward end, are available. The harbour is a subsidiary of Sochi
lies in the NE pa.rt of the anchorage area. Another (7.173).
obstruction (7.194) lies 2~ cables W. Kurortnyy Gorodok
2 Anchorage Area No 407 is centred on 43'27'·20N 7.202
39•51 '·87E, NW of Adler. Berth. A pier, with a lighl at Its head, at Kurortnyy
Pilots. Pilots board in position 43'23'·94N Gorodok (43'28'·15N 39'53'·52E), is 127 m in length
39°54'·33E, SSW of Adler. with depths alongside up to 5·2 m (2011). The pier is
used by passenger vessels up to 35 m in length and
Harbour 3·6 m draught The harbour is a subsidiary of Sochi
7.197 (7.173).
The harbour, which lies parallel to the coast, is
protected by South-Western Mole which extends Adler
1000 m SE. Eastern Mole extends 150 m SW with an 7.203
attached jetty and beacon forming the outer 35 m. The The health resort of Adler (43'25'·50N 39'55'·15E)
heads of the moles form the entrance. which opens is situated on ei!her side of the mouth of Reka
SE, and is 120 m wide. A jetty extends 60 m S from a Mzymta "' an important agricultural area. The harbour
position close E of the head of Eastern Mole. and an os a subsidiary of Sochi (7.173).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Conspicuous building: Nine-storey Gorizont Hotel. Directions

7 cables E of the passenger pier root, lit by advenising (continued from 7.194}
lights at night.
2 Berths. Passenger pier (4 cables NW of Reita Principal marks
Mzymta) has an overall length of 142 m, the seaward 7.207
end of which has a berthing face of 100 m each side, Landmarks:
with a width of 15 m, dep1hs are 3·5 m. Hydrofoil and Gora lverskaya (43.05'·76N 40•4a'·61E), covered
local vessels up to 40 m LOA and 3·5 m draught can in trees. From SW tt appears as a cupola and
be accommodated. from SE as a sharp cone. The remains of a
3 Two loading areas for the port of Soehl (7.173), are Roman fort stand on the summit.
centred 9 cables S and 3 mfles SE of the river. Gora Chumkuzba (43.09'·01N 41•06'·91E), a
Cables. Submarine cables are laid from Adler NW conical summit.
to Tuapse and SE to Sokhumi. Local knowledge is Three summits (centred 43•03'.00N 41 '03'·00E)
required to anchor off 1he town. (7.225).
• Climate Information. See 1.151 and 1.168. 2 Major lights:
Port services. Fresh water from the pier: Mys Pitsunda Light (43.08'·88N 40•20'·40E)
provisions; the town is linked to the national railway (7.193).
system and has airline services to many cities. Bambora Light (lantern on roof of building, 35 m
Launches and hydrofoil services run to aft the resorts in height) (43.05'·56N 40.36'·39E).
on the Caucasus coast Mys Sokhumskiy Light (white round metal tower,
34 m in height) (42.58'·8aN 40.58'·30E).

Gagra Mys Pftsunda to Mys Sokhumskiy

7.204 7.208
The pert and resort of Gagra (43.19'·64N From a position SW of Mys Pttsunda (43'09'•00N
40•12··80E) is located 1 cable E of Zhove-Kvara. 40"20'·50E), the coastal passage 10 Mys Sokhumskiy
Approach. The port can be identified by the proceeds generally ESE for 30 miles. in waters clear
Zhove-Kvara gorge; and from W by the long bu•ding of charted dangers. passing:
of a gothic-sty!e holiday hotel. The port is a subsidiary 2 SSW of Mys Tolstyy (43.08'·50N 40.28'·30E). a
of Sokhumi (7.214). bluff promontory, on the E side of which there
2 Leading lights (43.19'·50N 40.13''60E) lead 026• are some white cliffs, thence a plain covered
to the passenger pier. with dense forest. For details of a former mine
Berth. Passenger pier (2 cables E of Zhove-Kvara); danger area see 7.206. Thence:
depths 2•8 to 8'6 m; vessels moor both sides. large 3 SSW of Bambora Light (43'05'·56N 40.36'·39E),
vessels on the E side. Caution. There is a constant which stands 1 mile E of Mys Souk-Su, a low
W current. sometimes as much as 3 kn, in the area of headland covered with forest. This headland is
the pier. fringed by an eX1ensive rocky bank which
3 Anchorage off the town is restricted by depth. eX1ends 8 cables W, 7 cables SW and 4 cables
Vessels normally anchor about 3 cables offshore in S. Thence:
depths of 36 m, ooze. • SSW of Mys Sokhumskiy Light (42.58'·88N
Port services. Fresh water from the pier; the town 40.58'·30E). Mys Sokhumskiy is a low sandy
is linked to the nationaJ raitway system; passenger promontory, covered in vegetation, which is
launches and hydrofoils to Bat"umi (3.266) and steep-to, especially on its SE side.
Novorossiysk (7.117); nearest airport Adler (7.203). Useful marks
Former monastery at Novyy Alon (43.05'·00N
40.49'-00E) which is visible from 25 miles.
MYS PITSUNDA TO MYS SOKHUMSKlY Novyy Alon Light (22 m in height). stands on the
roof of the white five-storey sanatorium
buading, the end of which faces Novyy Alon
General information
2 Eshera Light (on roof of building, 27 m in height)
(43°00'·90N 40.56'·14E).
Topography (Directions continue for Sokhumi at 7.225,
7.205 and for the coastal passage to
From Mys Pitsunda (43.09'-00N 40•20··50E) to Mys Reyd Redut-Kale at 7.236)
Sokhumskiy (30 miles ESE), the coast. which in places
is low and well-wooded, forms a series of bights Anchoragesand harbours
which are backed by mountains rising to heights of
over 2000m. Pitsunda
A number of holiday resorts are situated on ttus 7.210
stretch of coast The roadstead is entered between Mys Pitsunda
(7.194) and Mys Tolstyy (5'h miles E). It is open from
SE to WSW through S.
Regulated area Depths of about 46 m between the entrance points
7.206 decrease fairly regularly towards the head ot the
Former mine danger area No 1: roadstead.
An area for demagnetised vessels only exists 2 Dangers. The NE shore of the roadstead is fringed
between 4'h and 7'h miles off the coast w of by a bank, with depths of less than 10 m, which
Mys Souk-Su (7.208) See 1.20. extends about 4 cables offshore. Sunken rocks lie up
See Appendix 6. to 5 cables offshore in this part of the roadstead.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

3 Cables. Submarine cables are landed on the N Limiting conditions

shore of the roacstead, 2 m~es NE of Mys Pitsunda Maximum size of ves.sel
Light. 7.218
Anchorage. Local knowledge is requJred~
Length 190 m; draught 7·8 m.
Roadstead south-east of Mys Tolstyy Local weather
7.211 7.219
The roadslead is enlered between Mys Tolstyy W01d. Entry is prohib~ed ~ wind speeds exceed
(7.208) and Mys Souk-Su (SV. miles ESE). The 22 kn. Alongside berths and anchorage exposed to
roadstead is open from SE through S to NW. onshore winds.
Depths of about 20 m between the entrance points Visibiity. Entry is prohib~ed if visibility is less than
decrease regularty towards the shore. Bottom is sand 5 cables.
and in greater depths. mud and sand.
Anival information
2 Dangers. A bank, on which there are several rocks
with depths of 3 to 7 m. extends 1 'h mUes SE of Mys Notice of ETA
Tolstyy. A similar bank. near the outer edge of which 7.220
there are rocks with depths of 4·8 rn, extends about ETA should be sent 7 days, 72, 48 and 24 hours in
1 mile offshore up to 2'h miles NW of Mys Souk-Su. adVance; confirming 2 hours before arrival at the
Anchorage. Local knowledge is required. roads. See ADMIRALTY Lisi of Radio Signals
Volume 6(3) for delails.
Gudauta Pilotage
7.212 7.221
Anchoragemay be obtained in a bay off the town Pilolage is compulsory for all vessels over 500 gt,
of Gudauta (43°06'·00N 40°38'·00E), a resort about with the exception of passenger vessels on regular
217 miles E of Mys Souk-Su (7.208). Foul ground services and warships. Pilots embark 1 V. miles S of
extends 5 cables off-shore. the pier in the outer roadstead on the passenger pier
2 Gudauty Light (red rectangle wh~e stripe, on leading Sne (352·8').
framework tower on hut, 4 m in height) stands in the 2 Pilots are not continuously on duty in the port,
town. masters of vessels should send their ETA in good time
Local knowledge is required. and not later than four hours before the start of
Other facilities: alongside berth; hospital. pilotage.
Psyrtskha Regulations
7.213 7.222
Anchorage may be obtained S of the former The port reeeilles vessels 24 hours: except in
monastery at Novyy Alon (43°05'-00N 40°49'-00E) visibiity of less than 5 cables and a wind speed of
(7.209), in a depth of 10 m. more than 27 kn (Beaufort force 6).
Caution. Rocks with depths of 3 to 7 m lie within
5 cables of Mys Psyrtskha (43°05'·00N 40°47'·50E).
General layout
SOKHUMI AND APPROACHES Sokhumi consists of an outer roadstead, in which
lies the anchorage area, and a number of a.longside
berths situated on the N shore of Zaliv Sokhumi.
General Information There are no breakwaters giving protection to these
alongside berths.
Position and function
7.214 7.224
Sokhumi (42°59'·24N 4t00t'·t9E) stands at the General. Masters of vessels must take the current
head of Zalill Sokhumi, a bay entered between Mys speed and direcbon into account when approaching
Sokhumskiy (7.208) and Mys Kodori (10 miles SSE). Passenger Pier berths Nos 1 and 2. A spar buoy
It is an important holiday resort. The port's located a few metres from the head of the pier is an
throughput consists of general cargo, passengers and indicator of the direction and speed of the current
during dayrtght hours.
It is Ule administrative centre of the region. Sp&ed of the current is indicated by the angle of
indination of the spar buoy as follows:
Port llmlts
7.215 s- to 20-<) Up to 0·2 kn.
The port area lies within a line joining Mys 20° to 30"' 0·2 to 0·5 kn.
Sokhumskiy and !he mouth of Kelasuri (5 mies ESE).
30• 10 40° 0·5 to 0·8 kn.
Approaches 40• 10 so· 0·8 to 1 ·0 kn.
7.216 3 By night. Lights are located below the front
Sokhumi is approached by a two-way passenger pier light beacon.
recommended route (7.226). Red fight: current setting w.
Green light current setting E.
Port Authority Cautlon. Berthing at !he pier is not recommended if
7.217 the angle of inclination is more than so•.
The Port of Sokhumskiy Authority. Ruslavei ul. 66.
Sokhumi, 384900, Georgia.
• The direction of the current may change

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

The direction of lhe currents at lhe end and root of Alongside berths
the pier may oo opposite. 7.230
A vessel lying at one side of lhe pier has a The Ship Repair Workshops Pier and Tiblisi
significant effect on the current direction and speed on Sanatorium Pier are located 9 cables and 1 ·9 miles NE
the other side. of Mys Sokumskiy, respectively.
Ice. The harbour is ice free. New Passenger and Passenger piers: six berths
with deplhs 5 m from New Passenger Pier of 4·1 to
Directions for entering harbour 5·7 m, and 4·6 to 7·8 m at Passenger Pier.
(rxmrinued from 7.9 and 7.209) Caution. An obstruction wfth a depth of 3 m lies in
the approach to the N part of the Passenger pier
Principal marks (bel1h No 4).
z There are two cargo berths with depths alongside of
2-4 to 6-0 m.
Three summits. Gora Yashtukhol1<hu (513 m). Oinamo Pier (destroyed) is located 1-1 cables NE of
Gora Byrts (593m) and Gora Gvarda (440 m) the root of Passenger Pier; depth at Its head 3·8 m.
are situated 5 miles NNE, and 5·1 and 6 miles Pleasure Craft Pier. 5 cables NE of the root of
NE of Mys Sokhumskiy. When viewed trom Dinamo Pier; depths 1 to 3 m.
seaward, the three mountains form wha1 is 3 Sanatorium piers: SY.. and 51h cables ESE of
known as the Sokhumi Trapezium. Besleta mouth; depths 3 to 3·4 m.
2 Television mast (43'00'-67N 41"01'·92E), which Sinop Sanatorium Pier, 1 ·6 miles SE of Besleta
stands on the summit of Gora Sokhumi. mouth; depths 3 to 3·4 m.
Tower (42°ss··80N 41•os··34E). conspicuous
against a background of trees. Port services
Major lights: Other facilities
Mys Sokhumskiy Light (42'58'·88N 40'58'·30E) 7.231
(7.207). Hospitals; 100 tonne floating crane.
Outer approach route Supplies
7.226 7.232
Sokhumi is approached by a two-way Fuel by barge; fresh water at passenger piers:
recommended route. which is part of the humanitarian provisions.
corridor from P'ot'i (3.286). It leads clear of charted
dangers as follows: MYS KODORI TO REYD REDUT-KALE
From position 42'45.-00N 40'50'-00E and leading General information
033·5° for 16 miles. the route leads to a Routes
position 2 miles S of lhe port. 7.233
Anchorage in Sokhumskiy roads From a position about 3¥1 miles S of Mys
7.227 Sokhumskiy {7.208), the two-way recommended route
Sokhumskly lights In line: leads t 2 miles SW then 43 miles SE to the TSS.
Front light (red rectangle with triangle point up, 6 miles NW of P'ot'i.
white stripe on metal post, concrete base, Topography
11 m in height) (42'59'•73N 41"01'·11E). 7.234
Rear light (red rectangle with triangle point down, Between Mys Kodori (42°50'·86N 41°06'·32E) and
white stripe on metal post, 10 m in height) Reyd Redut-Kale (42'16'-00N 41'36'·00E), 40 miles
(95 m from front light). SSE~ the coastal range of the Caucasian mountains
2 The alignment (285·6') of these lights, visible on lhe o-ends E and an extensive low-lying plain, covered
line only marks the S limit of the anchorage area. with primeval fores~ extends SE within the coast. In
Caution. Care must be taken to anchor on or places this plain is marshy.
inshore of the line as depths increase rapidly to Regulated areas
130 m, 2 cables S of the alignment. 7.235
Alongside berths Military restricted areas:
7.228 Area No GG001 BSF. Extends about 25 to
Leading tights: 80 miles from the coast WSW of Mys Anaklia.
Front light (white shape on roof of buit<ling at Area No GG002 BSF. Extends about 22 to
head of passenger pier. 6 m in height) 93 miles from the coast W of Mys Anaklia.
(42°59'·72N 41'01'·40E). 2 Area No GG003 ANAKUA. Extends about 7 miles
Rear light (white shape on mast, 1 s m in height) from the coast to about 4 miles S of Mys
(120 m from front light). Anakfia.
2 The alignment (352·8') of these lights, visible on the Area No GG004 Military Exercise Alea. Extends
leading line only, leads N to lhe passenger piers. about 14 to 90 miles from the coast NW of
Caution. Care must be taken to establish direciion Mys Anaklia.
and strength of current when berthing alongside. See Appendix 5.
See 7.224. Directions
(continued from 7.209)
Principal marks
Anchorage 7.236
7.229 Landmarks:
In outer roads In the N part of Zaliv Sokhumi on. or Gora Olen' (42°23'·50N 41'51'·00E) (3.288),
N of, Sokhumskiy lights in line (7.227) in depths 12 to which is a good mark when viewed from S of
70 m. mud. See caubon at 7.227. Mys lskunya (42'47'·50N 41•10··80E).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Major lights: AITival information

Mys Sokhumskiy Light (42.58'·88N 40'58'·30E} 7.241
(7.207). Port operations. Berthing and departure are carried
Mys Anaklia Light (42°23'-40N 41"33'·80E) out during daylight hours only, in wind speeds of not
(7.237). more than 15 m/sec (Beaufort force 6), and wave
Kulevi Direction Light (42"16'·35N 41'38'-60E) heights not more than 1 m.
(7.243). Vessel traffic service. A VTS is maintained tor the
regulation of shipping in the approach to the port.
Mys Kodori to Reyd Redut-Kale Outer Anchorages. Area No 200 (42°11'·30N
7.237 41'36'·80E) off P'ot'L
From a position S of Mys Sokhumskiy the two-way 2 Pilotage is compulsory. The pilot boards in
recommended route leads SW then SE to Reyd position 1 (42"17'·50N 41•35•.ooE) for vessels less
Redut-Kale in waters clear of charted dangers, than 50000dwt. Posilion2 (42"17'·74N 41.33'·95E}is
passing: for vessels greater than 50 000 dwt.
2 SW of Mys Kodori Light (while rectangle, black Tugs are available. Four are provided to assist in
stripe on black metal framework tower, 20 m in turning the vessel and berthing. The tugs join at the
height) (42°50'·86N 41°06'·32E). Mys Kodori, pfot boarding position.
which is low and tree covered, lies 2'h miles N 3 Traffic regulations. Anchoring and fishing are
of the delta of Kodori. This wide and rapid prohibited in the port and entrance channel.
river flows through a gorge that tS prominent
from offshore when S of Mys Kodori. Thence:
3 SW of Akhali·Kindgi Light (42.47'·22N
Natural conditions
. An almost constant current
41 "17'·38E), which stands SE of the village, sets NNW at a rate of up to 'h kn.
SW of Ochamchirskiy Light (white framework Directions for entering harbour
tower, 18 m in height) (42°40'·53N 41•2a·,a1E), 7.243
thence: From close SW of a light buoy (port hand)
• SW of Mys Analdia Light (on dome of building, (42"17'{;8N 041•35··83E) the track leads ESE through
45 m in heigh!) (42°23'·40N 41°33'·80E), which a dredged channel, marked by buoys ~ateral),
stands near a ruined fort at the mouth of the passing:
lnguri. Thence: Through a turning circle (42°16'•80N 41'37'·38E)
s Through the TSS to the mouth of the Khobi, which with a radius of 250 m, thence:
nows into Reyd Redut-Kale. SSW of a stranded wreck (42°16'·71 N
41'37'·80E). marked by two light buoys
Useful mark (speciaQ, and:
7.238 2 NNE of muhiple hulks, a stranded wreck and a
Gagida Light (while rectangle on framework tower, dangerous wreck, lying on a shoal extending
12 m in height) (4 2"31 '·02N 41°31 '·SSE). 2Y.t cables WNW of Kulevi Radar Tower
(Directions continu« for P'ot7 at 3.29 I, (42"16'·47N 41"38'·12E).
sna for Bafvmi at 3.264) The track then continues ESE to the berths.
Useful mark:
Kulevi Radar Tower (red four-sided metal
Kulevl Terminal framework tower. 45 m in height) (42°16'·47N
General lnlonnaUon
7.239 Berths
Position and function. Kulevi Terminal (42°"16'-56N 7.244
41•3a·,02E) is srtuated on the S bank of the KhobL Two tanker loading berths:
The terminal consists of several storage tanks for oil No 1: length 300 m: depth 15·0 m.
and oil products supplied by railway from Azerbaijan, No 2: length 230 m; depth 12·7 m.
Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. In the first 3'h years Vessels berth port side to. Berth No 3: length 60 m;
since opening in 2008. the port has exported depth 4·4 m; au>cifiary vessels.
1 O million tons of oil and oil producls.
2 The port is located within the Kolkheti National Parle Anchorages and harbours
and Ramsar site. Zallv Skurdzha
Port limlts. The port limits include the width ol the 7.245
Khobi from the N bank to the berth ine on the S Zaliv Skurdzha is entered between Mys lskuriya
bank, and as far E as a line from the N bank of the (42°47'·50N 41"10'·80E) and Mys Tamysh, 6 miles E.
Khobi to the E bank of the Tsiva. A crane on concrete supports lies on the conspicuous
3 Port authority. The State Oil Company of the whitish end of Mys lskuriya promontory; the crane is
Republic of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) Kulevi. Khobi, 5800. used for loading sand. 25 m S of the crane are a
Georgia series of exposed metal piles, which are illuminated at
night There are two piers for fishing vessels at the
Limiting conditions head of the bay; E pier has depths of 0·5 to 4·2 m; W
7.240 pier 0·5 to 3·3 m.
Controlling depths. The approach channel is 2 Caution. A group of dangerous rocks fringe the
dredged to a depth of 14-4 m (2010). coast for a distance of 3·8 miles WNW from Mys
The maximum size of vessel handled is Tamysh. and up to 9 cables SW of Akhali-Kindgi Light
115 000 dwt; 244 m LOA: 15 m draught {7.237).
Navigable width. The approach channel has a Anchorage, with good holding ground and shelter
navigable width of 150 m. from NW. can be obtained in convenient depths.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

The ent,ance to the basin is protected by two

parallel moles. extending S, with lights at their heads.
• Cautions. An obstruction. with a depth of 5·2 m,
and dumping ground No 41 lie 6 cables ESE of the
harbour entrance. When passing between the moles
vessels are advised not to keep to the W edge. as a
shoal with depths of less than 2 m is located along the
inner side of the W mole. This area is more subject 10
shoaling than the E edge.
5 Conspicuous marks:
A high mountain with four sharp-pointed
snow... covered peaks can be seen when
approaching from S.
Water tower on while supports and a two-storey
sehoof building. 8 cables ENE of the river
Port services. Repairs to small vessels; provisions
and fresh water.

Reyd Ochamchlra
Anchorage may be obtained abreast the town of
Ochamchira (42'42'·84N 41 '28'·25E). A ruined jetty.
the remains of which lie underwater. fronts the town.
The anchorage is exposed to S and w winds and is
dangerous during winter months.
Depths shoal gradually from 16 to 18 m 1 •;, miles
offshore, to 9 m 6 cables offshore, ooze, mud and
2 Conspicuous marks:
Yellow four-storey building in the central part of
the town. close to the shore.
Silver-coloured tanks 5 cables N of the above

Anaklla Deep Sea Port

General information. A new deep sea port
(42°22'·13N 41'35'·33E} is being developed (2019). tt
wit have the capacity to handle containers, dry-bulk
Kulevi Radar Tower (7.243) and liquid-bulk cargo. The port will have a depth of
Original d- 2008 16 m. The container terminal. operated by SSA
Marine, wia be able to accommodate vessels up to
300m LOA.
z Development. The first phase of the project is due
Port Ochamchira for compfetion in 2021 and will include construction of
7.246 the N breakwater, dredging of the one-way access
Position and function. Port Ochamchira lies chaMel and tuming circle, a two-berth container
5 miles ESE of Mys Tamysh (42'46'·49N 41'18'·51E) terminal and dry bulk facility. Phases two to nine will
and consists of a basin built on the left bank of the invollle the construction of additional berths, quays
mouth of Reka Dzhigmuri (Dzhul1<mur), and inked to and breakwaters.
the sea by a channel 3·7 cables long and 50 m wide. Prohibited area. Entry to the construction area,
The channel is subject to silting, and local authorities mal1<ed by light buoys (special), is prohibited.
must be consulted about current depths. The pon is a 3 Anchorage is available in Reyd Anaklia in depths
subsidiary of Sokhumi and exports coal of 27 m, mud. about 1 mile off the mouth of the lnguri.
2 Pllotage. Pilots are available and compulsory. with Analdia Light (42°23'·61N 41°33'·74E) (7.237)
Leading lights: bearing between 045• and 088'. The anchorage is
Front light (white round metaJ tower. red stripe, open and unsafe with onshore winds and swell. The
8 m in height) (42'44'-66N 41'25'·40E}. river entrance contains a bar on which a choppy sea
Rear light (similar structure, 15 m in height) almost atways fonns. The river water can be noticed
(260 m from front). at quite a distance out to sea, and after rain up to
3 The alignment (359·4') of these lights leads N along 3 mies from the mouth.
the axis of the main channel, and in the whrte sector • Cautions. Vessels shou1d not attempt to anchor S
of a light located in the NE comer of the basm. of the over mouth as depths there are too great
Light buoys (port and starboard hand) mal1< the Vessels must anchor clear of the regulated areas
access channel. (3.287 and 7.235).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


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e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Scope of the chapter The pilotage service for Kerch- Yenikal Channel and
8.1 lhe Sea of Azov is based on the port of Kerch'
The area covered by lhis chapter includes Kereh (45422'-00N 36'29'·00E) which is the base of the
Strait and its S approaches, Kerch-Yenikal ChaMel Eastern Black Sea Pilotage District and provides pilots
and Sea of Azov. for au vessels proceeding from the Black Sea to ports
in the Sea of Azov.
Sea of Azov. known to lhe Russians as Azovskoye Aids to navigation In winter
More and to the Ukrainians as Azovs'ke More. is 8.7
Joined to lhe Blaek Sea by Kerch Strait, a strait that See 1.43.
separates the Kerch and Taman penu,sulas. The Sea
of Azov has an area of about 38 000 kJn2, a maximum Regulatttd and former mine danger areas
depth of 14m and is the wor1d's shallowest sea. 8.8
2 The districts bordering this sea are remarkable for Ukrainian and Russian regulated areas and former
their a,gricult\Jral and mineral wealth. There are large mine danger areas lie off the coast covered by this
coal and iron deposits in the basin of Reka Don chapter; see Appendices 3 and 6 for details.
(8.233} and oil reserves in the basin of Reka Kuban'
(8. 170). Pollution
3 The waters of the Sea of Az.ov have a greenish 8.9
muddy colour, and are very opaque on account of the See 1.55.
large amount of silt carried down by the rivers which
flow into lhe sea. There are also large quantities of Natural conditions in the Sea of Azov
plankton and by the end of lhe summer, lhe surface 8.10
becomes almost completely covered wl1h a greenish Currents in the Sea of Azov are due to the
brown seaweed. combined effects of two independent causes: the
discharge from Reka Don into lhe Gulf of Taganrog
International boundary
and the action of the wind.
2 The outflow from Reka Don. issuing from the Gulf
The international boundary between Ukraine and
of Taganrog, travels W along the N coast, trends S
Russia passes through the Kerch Strait (8.13).
along Kosa Arabats·ka Strilka (8.151) and is lhen
Hazards diverted E along lhe S shore. Where part of It is
8.4 deflected lhrough Kerch Strait into the Black Sea.
The shores in this chapter are encumbered by Beyond Kerch Strait the current trends NE and N,
shallow banks. wrecks and obs1ructions. Wrecks and strengthened by the discharge from Reka Kuban'.
obstructions can also be found within lhe limits of TSS Around the carcumference of the sea, clockwise
schemes. recommended routes. anchorage areas and eddies, formed within prominent points, produce the
approaches to ports. Some of lhe more pertinent characteristically-shaped spits and flats.
hazards are marked by virtual AlS. 3 The prevailing winds in the Sea of Azov are mostly
NE and SW, lheir influence upon the currents being
greater than that of the Reka Don outtlow. Wrth a NE
wild. a SW current occupies most of the sea and the
The following ports, which are open to international
NE current is squeezed against the E coast. A SW
trade, are described in this chapter:
wind produces a similar current in the opposite
Port Taman' (45'07'·85N 36°4t'·t5'E) (8.34).
direction, thus enhancing the anti-ck)c.kwise circulation.
Port Kavkaz (45'20'·46N 36°40'·08E} (8.76).
• The mean current speed in lhe Sea of Azov is less
Kerch' (45'2t'·45N 36'29'·13E) (8.72).
lhan 'h kn, but lhe current caused by winds, especially
Berdyans'k (46'44.·89N 36'46'·49E} (8.92).
alter gates. can attain speeds of 1 'h to 2'h kn.
2 Port Mariupol' (47°03'·07N 37°30'·23E} (8.121). 8.11
Port Temryuk (45'19'·40N 37°22'·62E) (8.173). Ice. Between mid December and late February,
Yeysk (46°43'·88N 38°16'·10E) (8.205).
navigation in the Sea of A2.ov is often greatty hindered
Taganrog (47'12'-09N 38°57'·23E) (8.219).
by ice and in many cases can only be maintained with
Azov (47'07'·23N 39'24'·85E) (8.240).
lhe aid of icebreakers. Navigation is likely to be most
Rostov-na-Donu (4r12'·SON 39'41"·58E) (8.247).
dilficutt off lhe N shore, the entrance lo the Gulf of
Pilotage Taganrog, and also with prolonged N or NE winds, in
8.6 the approach to Kerch Strait See I. I 22 and diagrams
Pilotage is compulsory, under Ukrainian regulations, (1.122.1 and 1.122.2).
for all vessels in Kerch- Yenikal Channel, Kereh Strait 8.12
and to and from the ports of Berdyansk (8.92) and Watttr level. The water level in the Sea of Azov is
Mariupol (8.121 ); and includes entry to, and departJJre subject to considerable change. The water level is
from, all Ukrainian ports within lhe Sea of Azov. highest in June and lowest in lhe autumn. The mean
2 Pilotage is compulsory, under Russian Federation yearly range is between 0·25 and O·S m, but these
regulations, between Kerch Strait and all Russian figures are likety to be exceeded in the gutt and
Federation ports within lhe Sea of Azov. narrow inlets.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


GENERAL INFORMATION The reporting system is mandatory for all vessels,
and permission to enter the VTRC zone should be
Route and topography obtained 60 minutes before entering.
8.13 2 Radar navigation assistance is compulsory:
Kerch Strait. known to the Russians as In daytight when visibility is less than 2 miles.
Kerchens'kyy Proliv. separates the E part of Krymsk'yi At night when the main leading lights are not
Pivostriv (Crimean Peninsula) from Tamanskiy visible.
Poluostrov and connects the Black Sea with the Sea When ordered by the Port Captain.
of Azov. The strait vanes much in width and is Under special conditions.
encumbered by extensive shallow banks and shoals, See ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 6(3)
through which the Kerch-Yenikal Channel has been for details.
Limiting depths 8.20
8.14 The following are extracts from the Sailing
The limiting depths in Kerch Strait are those in lnstJUctions of the Ukrainian Ministry of Transport
Kerch- Yenikal Channel. See 8.58. (2002):
No vessel may enter the area (8.19) regulated
Vertical clearance under the VTS without permission.
8.15 This permission is in force for 15 minutes. after
Kerch Strait Bridge is under construction (2016) which time permission must be requested again.
and will cross the Kerch-Yenrkal Channel (45.18'-52N 2 Vessels up to 215 m long with a maximum draught
36°30'·50E) from Kosa Tuzla (8.67) to the vic011ty of of 8 m may transit the Kerch- Yenikal Channel. Vessels
Mys Ak-Burun (8.64). Once constructed it wil have a wrth a maximum draught of 8·3 m are allowed to
vertical clearance of 35 m and a navigable width of proceed to Kerch· Commercial Sea Port from the
227m. Black Sea.
During construction of the bridge the Kerch- Yenikal 3 Vessels which exceed the above dimensions will be
Channel has a navigable width of 185 m. considered for transit by the harbour master on an
Railway ferry individual basis.
8.16 Vessels more than 160 m long and vessels with a
Railway ferry crossing area (45•21 ··oON 35•39'-00E). draught over 6 m must transit the Kerch· Yenikal
See 8.61. Channel during daytight hours.
< Speed limitations:
Principal marks Vessels with draught of less than 5 m - 12 kn.
8.17 Other vessels - 1 o kn.
The following peaks are visible from aU parts of the Kerchenskly Approach Kanai - 7 kn.
strait: Port waters - 3 kn.
Hora Mitridat (8.64). s One-way traffic for vessels is established under
Gora Gorelaya (8.64). these conditions:
Hora Khrony (8.64). Vessels over 165 m length and 25 m beam.
Vessels restricted by their draught which may
Pilotage experience difficulty maintaining steerage.
8.18 Vessels with dangerous cargoes.
Kerch-Yenikal Channel: Visibility less than 2 miles in dayligh~ at night
No 1 (45°11'·94N 36°27'-99E) for north-bound when the main leading lights are not visible.
vessels with a draught greater than 4·5 m; Under speciaJ conditions.
No 2 (45'27'·65N 36'41'·19E) for south-bound 6 Overtaking is allowed by agreement with the VTS
vessels with a draught greater than 4·5 m; for vessels with a maximum draught of 4·5 m.
No 3 (45'15'·09N 36'27'·71 E) for north-bound Overtaking is not allowed in Kerchenskiy Approach
vessels with a draught less than 4·5 m; Kanai and on bends.
No 4 (45'22'·59N 36°40'·11E) for south-bound A vessel crossing the canal must give way to a
vessels with a draught less than 4·5 m. vessel proceeding ak>ng the canal, and cross at least
2 Tamanskly Sudokhodnyy Put' (Tarnan' failway 5 cables ahead.
intersection between fairways Nos so and 52);
No 1 (45'21'·92N 36'40'·51E) for south-bound Natural conditions
vessels; 8.21
No 2 (45'17'·13N 36'28'·97E) for north-bound Currents in Kerch Strait depend mainly on the
vessels. winds and to a Jesser extent on the flow of water from
3 Port Kavkaz: the Sea of Azov. A S current is most common
No 3 (45.05'·49N 36'33'·43E); particularly when winds are from N. A N current from
No 4 (44°59'·99N 36'31'·91E). the Black Sea is less common and usually occurs with
winds from S.
Vessel traffic service 2 Mean speed of currents is between 0·1 and 0·5 kn,
8.19 but in the narrows when there is a strong wind, the
Location. Kerch VTS station is located at the Mys suength of the current may reach 3 kn. The strongest
Zmiinyi Control and Radar Centre (45.20'·79N and best established current has been observed
36'32'·64E} which regulates and co-ordinates shipping between Mys Fonar' (45'23'·00N 36°38'·50E) (8.64)
movements in the Kerch Strait and Sea of Azov, the and Kosa Chushka and between Mys Pavlovs'kyl
approaches and the pilot boarding position for vessels (45'18'•40N 36'28'·70E) (8.64) and Kosa Tuzla.
destined for Taman', Kerch', Kavkaz, and Temryuk. 2mies SE.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


8.22 Directions
Ice appears almost every year in Kercll Strait in lhe (continued from 7.8 and 7. 15)
second half of December. The ice cover is often
Principal marks
broken up under the influence of the current and
winds. In very severe winters when the winds are from
NW, the passage is covered by relatively firm ice. Ice Mys Tal<yl' (45'05'·98N 36'27'·22E). A high
normally clears in the second hatt of Marcil. rounded bluff wfth cliffs.
2 Ice from the Sea of Azov usually enters the Hora Kharuchu-Oba (45'05'·94N 36'23'·69E).
passage in masses and piles up on the Kosa Gora Zelenskogo (45'08'·78N 36'41'·43E).
Chushka (45'23'·00N 36'44'•00E) (8.67) and Kosa
2 Major lights:
Tuzla (45'16'•00N 36'33'-00E). A considerable amount
Takyfskiy Light {black four-sided metal tramewor1<
of the ice penetrates into the S part of the strait square tower. 11 m in helghl) (45'06'·26N
Water level. Strong NE winds lower, and SW winds
Mys Zheleznyy Rog Light (lwo black rectangles
raise the level of the water in the strait. A difference of
on four-sided metal framework tower, 16 m in
as much as 1 m has been observed in this level.
height) (45'06'·66N 36'44'·37E).
local magnetic anomaly is reported to exist in the South approaches to Kerc-h Strait
strait. 8.32
Initial position: 44'10'-00N 36'30'·00E.
Recommended route No 85 and the TSS lead N
SOUTH APPROACHES TO KE.RCH STRAIT for 56 miles lo the S entrance of Kerch Strait, passing:
E of Spo~ Ground Alea No 939 with radius
5 cables (44'51'·00N 36'24'·00E), mar1<ed by a
General information light buoy (speciaQ, thence:
W of Spoil Ground Alea No 922 with radius
Route 1 mile, (44'5t'·OON 36'40'·00E), thence:
8.25 E of Prohibited Area No 115 (44'56'·00N
Recommended routes Nos 85 and 86 lead N and S, 36'02'-00E) (7.13), thence:
respectively. between their junctions with routes 2 W of SpoU Ground Alea No 942 with radius
Nos 83 and 84 (44'10'-00N 36'30'-00E) and the Send 1 mile (44'57·00N 36'41'·50E), thence:
of the TSS (8.28). E of a dangerous wreck (44'58'·35N 36'23'·72E)
mar1<ed by a figh1 buoy (isolaled danger). A
Topography circular area of radius 3 cables, considered
8.26 dangerous for navigation. Is centred on the
From Mys Opuk (45'01'·75N 36'13'-SOE) (7.54) to wreck. Thence:
Mys Takyt' (8.31), the coast, baoked by fairly high 3 E of Banka Anisimova, with a leas! depth of
uplands, is mar1<ed by several lands6ps thal are 7·6 m and mar1<ed al its S extremity by a ligh!
reddish or ash grey in colour. buoy (S cardinal) (45'00'·96N 36'25'·30E),
From Mys Zheleznyy Rog (45'06'·70N 36'44'·30E) thence:
(8.32) lo Mys Panagiya (5 mUes WtlW) the coast is E of Banka Kyz-Aul'skaya (45'03'·00N
backed by uplands rising lo heights of over too m. 36'23'·30EJ, thence:
, E of Mys Kyz-Aul (45'03'·63N 36'22'·35E). The
Fish haven point is formed by high, light coloured landslip.
Attention is drawn to unmarked dangerous
rocks and a wreck which lie 2¥.z: miles E of
A fish haven is centred 1 'h miles SSE of Mys
Mys Kyz-Aul Light (white eight-sided stone
tower, black stripes. 31 m in height)
(45'03''63N 36'22'·35E). Thence:
Traffic regulations 5 W of lwo light buoys (S cardinal) (45'02'·79N
8.28 36'39'·30E and 45'02'·79N 36'40'·71E) which
Traffic separation scheme is situated at the N end mark the S extremity of a number of banks
of Recommended routes Nos 85 and 86 at the that extend up to 5 miles SW of Mys
entrance of Kerch Strait. This scheme is IMO-adopted Zheleznyy Rog. Thence:
and Rule 1 o of the International Regulations for W of Mys Zheleznyy Rog (45'06'·66N
Preventing Collisionsat Sea (1972) apply. 36'44'•37E), a broad bluff reddish coloured
Regulated area 8.33
8.29 W of Port Taman' (8.34) (45'07'·85N
Area to which entry is prohibited: 36'41'·15'E), where works are in progress
The E limrt of Prohibrted Area No 115 (7.13) lies S (2013), thence:
of Mys Kyz-Aul. E of Mys Takyl' (8.31). This headland is fringed
See APpendix 3. by a rocky bank, with depths of less than 2 m,
which extends 5 cables E and 1 mile SSE.
Natural conditions The E side of the bank is mar1<ed by a light
8.30 buoy (E cardinal). A dangerous wreck lies al
NE winds prevail throughout the greater part of lhe 45'05'·79N 36'28'·67E. Thence:
year, giving place in summer to SW winds which blow 2 Close W of a wreck with a depth of 12 m
only during the day. Gales are mainly NE and are (45'06'·22N 36'30'·50E), which lies close 10
most frequent in autumn and winter. the E edge of the TSS. A dangerous wreck
Fog is most frequent during spring, especially May. lies 3 cables farther E. Thence:

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


w of Mys Panagiya (45°08'·42N 36"38'·48E); a long, with three berths extending NW at right angles to
light (red metal column, 8 m in heigh1) stands the mail jetty. Jeny No 2. to the N of No 1. is
on this headland. Rtt Trutaveva, on Which approximately 1800 m long with two pairs of lanker
there are numerous wrecks and obstructions, ber1hs, one either side of the jetty. Jetty No 3, the N,
extends 2 miles W from the headland and is is over 2000 m Jong with two tanker berths on its N
mar1<ed by a buoy (!N cardina~. Thence: face.
3 E of a light buoy (N cardinal) (45"06'·75N
36'29'·91 E) which mar1<s the N end of the
traffic separation scheme.
The port has a programme of development that is
South-bound traffic follows the traffic separation
expected to be completed by 2021. Construction of
scheme passing W of the light buoys marking its ends
new tenninals is already in progress. The new project
and then follows Recommended route No 86, 3 miles
wil include new fac~ities for dry bulk cargo, grain and
W of Recommended route No 85.
the modernization of the LPG terminal. FA; Verified
(Directions continue to, the S paJ1 of
I 4/12/17 PVH.
Kerch Strait at 8.52)
Directions for entering harbour
Principal marks
General information 8,42
Position and function Two radar masts close N and 1'/, miles N of the
8,34 jetties.
Port Taman' (45°07'·00N 36°41'•00E) is located on Major lights:
the SW side of Tamanskiy Poluostrov, between Mys Mys Zheleznyy Rog (8.31).
Panagiya and Mys Zheleznyy Rog (8.32).
2 The port, which Is ice free, win help relieve capacity Approaches
at neighbouring Novorossiysk (7.117). Grain and edible 8.43
oils are currenlliy handled (2013). From the pilot boarding position the track leads N
to, 5 miles to two fairway buoys Ott). From the N
Arrival information fairway buoy (45°06'·44N 36'36'·57E). recommended
route No 69 leads 062' in the white sector (057°-067')
Port operations of a light (45°07'·93N 36°40'·5SE) for 2-4 miles to the
8.35 ber1h, the track is mar1<ed by a single pair of light
The speed limtt is 1 O kn along the approach track buoys Oateral). From the second fairway buoy
and 8 kn along the leading lines to the ber1hs. (45°06'-00N 36"36'·57E). the alignment of leading
Vessel traffic service lighls (062·4') (wMe reelangle, red stripe. 1 o and
8.36 15 m in height), leads 21'.! miles ENE, marked by two
, See 8.19. pairs of light buoys and a bght buoy (later~.
2 For details see ADMIRALTY Usr of Radio Signals 2 Cautions. The tracks pass close to banks,
Volume 6(3). obstructions. a disused spoil ground and wrecks.
Temporary aids to navigation are positioned as work
Outer anchorages continues, mariners should contact the harbour
8.37 authorities for the latest information.
Anchorage Area No 470(Anchorage Area A)
consisting of seven anchor berths is located in an Berths
area oenved on 45°02'·14N 36"39'·24E. Jetties
Anchorage Area B centred on 45°04'·00N 8.44
36'34'·44E; anchor berths No 2 (45'05'·00N The Taman' Transhipment Complex (TTC)
36'35'•00E) and No 4 (45'04'·25N 35•35'-00E). comprises two jetbes, 4·5 and 10 m wide, and 11/.. and
2 Anchorage Area C centred on 45•04'·16N 1 mile long, respectively, extending SW from a position
36°38'·82E; circular anchorage area (45"04'·57N 11'.! to 2 miles ESE from Mys Panagiya. Two berths
36°38'·47E); radius 2 cables and anchor ber1h No 3 are available on each jetty. A fur1her dog-legged Jetty
(45"04'·00N 36"38'·SOE). lies close ESE of the second (oil) jetty.
Vessels up to 40 000 dwt can be accommodated at
the grain terminal.
The pilot boards in position 45°05'·33N 36"36'·59E.
3Y. miles S of Mys Panagiya for TTC berths No 2 and
No 3 (8.44). The pilot boards in position 45•05•.33N General information
36°38'·13E for TTC ber1h No 1 (8.44).
Tugs 8.45
8.39 Recommended route No 12 consists of two legs
Tug assistance is mandatory for vessels proceeding which lead NNW and then N from the N end of the
to the TTC berths, TSS (45"07'-00N 36°30'·00E) to the S entrance of
Kerch-Yenikal Channel (45°12'·00N 36°28'·00E), a
Harbour distance of 51'.! mies.
General layout Topography
8.40 8.46
The port consists of three jetties extending SW from The coast on either side of the S part of Kerch
the shoreline, up to 2 miles ESE of Mys Panagiya Strait is high, with cliffs. The W side is reddish in
Jetty No 1, the S, is angled and approximately 1700 m colour and indented by two valleys.

e-NP24 - NMs - TRAMMO PARIS {IMO No.lM09792515)

Page: 274
Paragraph 8.43 including heading Replace by:
Entrance Channel

1. Port Taman' Leading Lights:

Front light (white tower, black stripe, 8 min height) (45°07'·10N 36°36'·44E).
Rear light (similar structure, 20 m in height) (7 cables from front light).
From the pilot boarding position for Terminals 2 and 3 the track leads N on the alignment (000°) of
these lights, to the vicinity of two light buoys marking the starting points of the two recommended
routes to the berths.

2. TPC Leading lights:

Front light (white rectangle, red stripe. 10 min height), (45°07' ·46N 36°40'-48E).
Rear light (similar structure, 15 m in height) (5% cables from front light).
From the vicinity of the Slight buoy (safe water) (45°06'·01N 36°36'·58E) the alignment (062·4°) of
these lights leads ENE through a channel marked by light buoys (lateral) to the berths.
1. From the vicinity of the N-most light buoy (safe water) (45°06'·44N 36°36'·58E), Recommended
Route No 69 leads ENE to the berths, through a channel marked by a single pair of light buoys
(lateral) and within the white sector (057°-067°) of a light (45°07'·93N 36°40'·55E).

.. Cautions. The tracks pass close to banks. obstructions, a disused spoil ground and wrecks.
Temporary aids to navigation are positioned as work continues, mariners should contact the harbour
authorities for the latest information.

Russian Notice 6/673/20 [NP24-No 17-Wk 10/20)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Fish havens • Caution. All the above anchor berths fall within the
8.47 limits of former mine danger area No 27. See
Fish havens are situated from E of Mys Takyt' Appendix 6.
(8.31) to So/. miles N. Due to the existence of disputed waters between
Ukraine and Russia, mariners should exercise caution
when anchoring in the above areas.
8.48 Natural conditions
See 8.6 and 8.18. 8.51
See 8.10.

Traffic regulations Directions

8.49 (continued from 8.32)
A VTS regulates the movement of vessels in the S Principal marks
part of Kerch Strait. See 8. 19. 8.52
H~I (58 m high) (45'09'-66N 36'24'·74E) standing
2 cables SW of Mys Matyi, which is a cliff
8.50 between a valley and a sandy beach.
Anchorage area No 450 (45°11'·35N 36'29'·10E) is
lattice tower (45"11'·72N 36°35'·98E) standing
established in the S part of Kerch S1raft and can
close NE of Mys Tuzla, a low bluff point.
accommodate vessels with a draught of up to 8 m.
Gora Lysaya (45°13'·19N 36°41'·46E). The N
Anchorage area No 451 (45°09'·83N 36•33'•24E).
face appears as a blunt headland with a white
is for use by large vessels and vessels carrying
cliff face.
dangerous cargoes.
2 Major lights:
2 Caution. Numerous fish stakes and obstructions
Takyl'skiy Light (45'06'•26N 36°26'·67E) (8.31).
exist along the N through SE margin of area No 451, Pavlovskyy Leading Lights (45°18'·29N
and a wreck (45°09'·03N 36°34'·07E), depth 10·9m,
36"27'·22E) (8.53).
lies between area No 451 and Rn TMayeva (8.29). A
second wreck. depth 11-6 m, lies close N. South part of Kereh Strait
A prohibited area of radius 5 cables lies close N of 8.53
anchorage area No 451 ; the area marks the position Initial position: the vicinity of the light buoy
of two torpedoes. (45°06'·75N 36"29'·91 E) marking the N end of the
3 Anchorage areas No 471 A to E are centred from traffic separation scheme.
4 'h miles SE to S'h miles NNE of Mys Takyl' Burunskyy Directional Light:
(45°05'·98N 36'27'·22E) (8.31). E of reeommended ~Me eight-sided stone tower, 11 m in height)
Route No 12. Anchorage area A is for vessels with a (45°13'-65N 36°24'·21 E).
draught up to 8 m waiting to enter the ports lying to The fine of bearing (329°) of this light leads NW for
the N, replenishment of supplies, and for bunkering. 2'h miles to a buoy (safe water), passing NE of a
Areas 8 to E are for transhipment operations. charted obstruction with a depth of 6·2 m.
Caution. An area dangerous to navigation (metal 2 Pavlovskyy Leading Lights:
constructions]. radius 5 cables, lies close N of the NE Front light (white eight-sided stone lower, red
comer of the anchorage and a light buoy ~ cardinal) stripe. 17 m in height) (45'18'·29N 36°27'·22E).
(45°11'·59N 36'31'·70E) is moored close NW of a Rear light (black rectangle, on metal framework
wreck (45°11'·55N 36°31'·76E) with a depth of 3·5 m tower, 15 m in height) (3~ cables from front
which lies close E of Anchorage Berth 4 within light).
Anchorage area 471 A. • The a6gnment (356-6°) of these lighls leads N along
• Several charted obstrucoons and foUI grounds fie the reeommended track for 2V. miles to the S entrance
within the Anchorage areas No 471 A to O. of Kerch- Yenil<al Channel at Nos 1 and 2 Light Buoys
A dangerous wreek (45'06'·24N 35•30·.9aE) lies 2 (lateral) and the pilot boarding polnt, passing:
cables NW of Anchorage Berth 8 within Anchorage Between two obstructions, 3 cables apart, with
area 471 0. charted depths of 10 and 9·2 m, respectively.
s Outer anchorage. Berths 1 to 8 are established in W of Anchorage area No 450 (8.50).
an area about 6 miles SE of Mys Takyf' (45.05'-98N • Caution. There are many dangers in this part of
36'27'·22E). The vessel maximum swinging radius is Kerch Strait and deep-draught vessels must adhere
100m. closely to the leading line. Owing to the short distance
6 Tamanskiy Roadstead Transhipment Area. Berths between the light structures and the great difference of
1-10, radius 300 rn, are established m an area about their elevabon, this leading line is not sensitive, and
5 miles E of Mys Takyl' (45°05'·98N 36'27'·22E). care should be taken when using it.
Safety of vessels in the berths is ensured by a veered (Directions continue for
cable length of 70 m within 300 m radius of the centre Kerch- Yenikal Channel at 8.64)
of the area. The accuracy required when letting go the
anchor is increased when the veered length is more KERCH-YENIKAL CHANNEL
than 70 m.
General Information
1 Transhipment operations from river-marine vessels
to storage vessels occur between May and November Route
in an area encompassing anchor Area 451 and anchor 8.54
berths 1-1 O. The area is prohib~ed to navigation and Kerch-Yenikal Channel leads generally NE along
anchoring for all vessels other than those participating Recommended route No 12 for 18Y, miles through a
In the transhipment. Cargoes handled include oa. buoyed channel from Nos 1 and 2 Light Buoys
petroleum products. mineral fertilizers. sulphur and (45•12··00N 36'27'·80E} to Nos 51 and 52 Light Buoys
grain. (45.25'·50N 35•41 ··ooE).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


The canal is divided into four reaches named. from 2 All vessels, irrespective of draught and tonnage,
S to N. Pav1ovskoye, Burunskoye. Yenil<al'skoye anci must navigate within the limits of the canal or
Chushkinskoye. keep to Recommended routes Nos so and 28.
Anchoring and fishing are prohibited within the
Topography ferry zone.
8.55 • Signals. Vessels with a draught of more than 4 m
The coast on both sides of the canal is generaJty or length of 90 m must exhibit in addition to
high. On the W side, the coast is indentec! by a the usual signals:
number of bays and inlets. On the E side. low-lying By da~ck ball
sandy spits extend from the coast By night and in limited visibility-All round red
light visible 3 miles.
Dangers , Ferries exhibit 2 all-round green lights, vertically
8.56 disposed, and visible for 3 miles.
For almost the entire length of the canal there are a Right of way. Ferries give way to vessels showing a
large number of dangers close to its edge. black ball or red lighl Smaller vessels give way to
ferries except in limited visibility, when ferries give way
to an vessels navigating in the canal.
s Passing. Ferries may pass at a distance of not less
The canal is marked by pairs of buoys and light
than 1 cable, other vessels may pass at a distance of
buoys which are numbered consecutively from the S
not less than 5 cables.
entrance. The majority of these marks are lateral
Cau1ion. Several obstructions are located in the SW
buoys, but cardinal marks generaUy indicate the end of
section of the crossing zone.
each reach.
Caution. Many of the buoys have underwater Regulations governing navigation of canal
obstructions located under them. 8.62
See 8.20.
Llmltlng conditions
Natural conditions
Least depth and width 8.63
8.58 See 8.10.
Least depths and channel widths in the canal are
given in tabular format on GB Chart 2242, and include
the date of the latest survey. Caution. Lesser depths Directions
have been reported (2016) at the junction of (c,mtinued from 8.53)
Pavlovskoye and Burunskoye channels; between
No 33 and No 35 Light Buoys in Yenikal'skoye Principal marks
channel. and within 3 cables of the interseetion of 8.64
Yenlkal'skoye Reach and Chushklnskoye Reach. The Landmarks:
latesl information should alWaysbe obtained from local Monument {45'13'·80N 36'24'·46E).
authorities. Mys Pavlovs·kyi (45'18'·32N 36'28'·77E), which
is bluff and rises in whitish cliffs visible from S
entrance of strait.
Arrival information Obelisk {45'18'·49N 36°28'·05E), white and
Pilotage square and surmounted by a spire 5 m in
8.59 height It stands on a burial ground.
See 8.6 and 8.18. 2 Tower (45'18'·64N 36'28'·61E).
Mys Ak-Burun (45'19'·06N 36'29'·67E). A cliff
Regulated areas face composed of white rocks that are
8.60 conspicuous from S.
Areas in which anchoring, fishing, submarine Hora Mitridat (45°21 ··olN 36'28'·17E). The Slava
and seabed operations are prohibited: Obelisk. a war memorial to the heroes of the
Area No 690 situated 3 cables N of Mys Malyi Great Patriotic War, stands on the summit
(8.52). above a conspicuous building with a glass
Area No 691 situated 8 cables N of Mys facade.
Ak-Burun (8.64). 3 Tower (45°21'·41N 36'32'·37E).
2 Areas which should be avoided: Tower (45'20'·96N 36'32'·68E).
Area No 850 situated 2'h miles WSW of Mys Monument (45'20'·89N 35•3s··11E).
Pavlovs'kyi (8.64). Radio mast (45'21'-03N 36°35'·94E}, (47 m in
Area No 851 situated 1 '/, miles WSW of Mys height).
Pavlovs'kyi (8.64). Mys Yeni-Kale (Yenykale) (45'20'·93N
3 Area No 852 extending SE from Pon Krym 36'36.·27E), a genUe sloping headland. The
(45°21 '·80N 36'37'·80E). village of Sipyagino and the walls of an
Area No 853 extending SE from Mys Yeni-Kale ancient ruined fortress stand within the
(45'21 '·00N 36'36'-00E) (8.64). headland.
See Appendix 3. , Gora Gorelaya (chart 2216) (45'20'·23N
36'48.·79E), conical in shape and the W peak
Rail ferry crossing zone of a range of hills extending E.
8.61 Obe~sk (45'2.2'·94N 36'38'·20E).
A rail ferry crosses Kerch Strait between Port Krym Mys Fonar' {45°22'·95N 36'38.·83E). a steep
(45°21'·80N 36°37'·80E) and Pon Kavkaz (2!h miles rocky point that rises to a hill about 4 cables
SE). The following regulations apply in the railway WN'W which from a distance appears as an
ferry crossing zone, an area about 1 mile wide: island. Yeni-Kale Light stands on the hill. The

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


S side of the cape rises from the plain in a

steep white bluff.
s Hora Khrony (45'23'·35N 36'36'-07E) which rises
from the E end of a ridge and is visible lrom
the S entrance of the strait
Mys Akhilleon (45'26'·40N 36'47'·20E), a
headland whh cliffs that are coloured reddish
grey in places.
Church {45°26'·51N 36'50'·44E). 60 m in height
6 Major lights:
Pavlovskyy Leading Lights (45'18'•29N
36'27'·22E) (8.53).
Churubashkyy Light (45'14'·76N 36'18'·03E)
{8.68) {chart 2216).
Tamanskiy Leading Lights (45'22'·55N Burunskyy Leading Ughls (8.67)
36°43'·69E) (8.68).
1 Yenykal'skyy (Yeni-Kale) Light (whhe round stone Thence the track alters ENE onto the alignment of
tower, 27 m in height) (45'23'·13N 36'38'·33E). Kamysh-Burunskyy and Churbashkyy Lights, and
Akhilleonskiy Light {whhe square with black band Tamanskiy Leading Lights.
on four-sided framework tower, 20 m in height) 4 Cautions. The outline of Kosa Tuzta, especially the
(45'26'·44N 36'47'·19E). position of its NW and SE ends, is subject to
considerable change and should not be used for
Kerch-Yenikal Channel taking bearings.
8.65 Close S of No 17 Light Buoy, the channel passes
Initial position: 45'11 '·90N 36'27'-SOE, S of No 1 1 cable NW of a wreck wtth a depth of 4·6 m.
Light Buoy (starboard hand).
Roules. Vessels with draught over 4·5 m follow the Yenikal'skoye Koleno
buoyed channel throughOULVessels with a lesser 8.68
draught follow Recommended route No 52, partially The start of Yenikal'skoye Koleno is marked by the
marked by light buoys, for the first two reaches. alignment (355·5°) of Pavlovskiye Sekushchiye
Leading Beacons:
PavlovskoyeKoleno Front beacon (black triangle on white square,
8.66 black stripe, 6 m in height) {45'18'·49N
Pavlovskyy Leading Ligh1$ (8.53). The alignment 36'29'-02E).
(356·6') of these lights leads N for 4V. mies from No 1 Rea, beacon (white rectangle, black stripe, 7 m in
Light Buoy (starboard hand) to No 9 Light Buoy rN height) {3'/, cables from front beacon).
cardlnal), passing: 2 Leading Lights:
2 E of Mys Komysh-Burun (Kamysh-Burun) Komysh·Buruns·kyi (Kamysh-Burunskyyi) Light
(45'14'·24N 36'25.·20E), a blUff similar in (wMe eight-sided concrete tower, 12 m in
appearance to Mys Malyi (8.52) which lies at height) {45'16'·nN 36'24'·6tE).
the NE end of some hills that extend inland Churbas'kyi {Churubashskyy) Light (black
NNW. A sandy plain lies at the N of this rectangle, red stripe, on four-sided metal
headland. framework tower, 31 m in height) (5 miles from
Thence the track alters NE onto the Burunskyy front fight).
Leading Lights. 3 Tamanskiy Leading Lights:
3 Caution. Close S of No 6 Light Buoy (port hand), Front light (whhe rectangle, red stripe on metal
the channel passes 1 v. cables E of an obstructionwith framework tower, 21 m in height) (45°22'·54N
a depth of 3·6 m. See also 8.53 concerning the 36'43'-69E).
sensttivity of the transit Rear light (black rectangle, red stripe on
four-sided metal framework tower, 43 m in
height) (So/, miles from front light) (chart 2216).
Burunskoye Koleno 4 The alignment (246·8'), astern, of the
8.67 Komysh-Burunskyy and Churubashkyy Lights and the
Burunskyy Leading Lighl$: alignment (066·8") of the Tamanskly Leading Lights,
Front light (white eight-sided stone tower, 16m in vlsible on the leading line only. leads ENE for 8 miles
height) (45'14'·26N 36°24'·88E). from No 19 Light Buoy (N cardinal) to No 41 Light
Rear light (8.53) (7 cables from front ight). Buoy (N cardinal), passing:
2 The alignment (217·5'), astern, of these lighls, 5 NW of No 19 Light Buoy (N cardinal) (45'18'·08N
visible on the leading tine only, leads NE for 2 miles 36'29'·27E), marking the NW extremity of a
from No 11 Light Buoy (starboard hand) to No t9 Light flat that extencs NW from Kosa Tuzla, thence:
Buoy (N cardina~. passing: NW of Anchorage area No 452 {45°18'·30N
SE of the entrance to Bukhta Kamysh-Buruns'lca 36'30'-SOEJ, thence:
(45'17'·00N 36'26'-00E) {8.70), thence: SE of Mys Zmiinyi (Zmeynyy) (45'20'·77N
3 NW of Kosa Tuzla (45'16'·00N 36'33'-00E), a 36'32'-66E), which may be identified by a
low sandy island which, due to refraction, can conspicuous spire, thence:
often be seen from the S entrance of Kerch 6 NW of No 33 Light Buoy {starboard hand)
Strait. A number of conspicuous buildings (45°20'·24N 36°36'·15EJ. thence:
stand on the Island. including a tower {17·5 m NW of the SN part of Kosa Chushka (45°20'·00N
in height) (45'16'•59N 35•32··67E), located in 35•40·-ooEJ. a sandy spit which runs for
the N of the island. 1 O mies SN from Mys Akhilleon (8.64).
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Thence the track alters NNE to Chushkinskiy Anchorages and harbours

Leading Lights. Port Komysh-Burun and Arshyntseve
7 Cautions. Yenikal'skoye Koleno passes lhrough 8.70
shallow water, particularly in the vicinity of Tserl<.ovni Description. Bukhta Komysh-Buruns'ka
Banki (45°20'·69N 36"35'·75E) and lhrough wa1ers (Kamysh-Buruns'ka) is entered between Mys
dangerous to navigation at its NE end. Vessels must Pavtovs'kyi {45°18'-40N 36°28'·70E) (8.64) and the
therefore adhere closely to the leading line when head of a sandy spit, Kosa Komysh-Buruns'ka
navigating this reach of the canal. The fairway is (45°15'·90N 36°26'·06E). 2Ya miles SW. The NW shore
obstructed In places by the anchors of some of the is reinforced by a sea wan for 6Y, cables. A water
channel buoys. sports centre and several piers are located at
8 A bridge crossing YenikaJ'skoye Koleno is under Arshyntseve.
construction (2016), which witl extend from Kosa Tuzla Development. Works are in progress (2007) in the
(8.67) to the vicinity of Mys Ak-Burun (8.64). See 8.15. S part of the harbour.
When between Nos 20 and 22 Light Buoys, lhe 2 Directions. A buoyed channel, 60 m wide and
tower of Komysh-Burunskyy Light obscures the tower 5·8 m deep (2010), leads on the alignment (276·4°) of
of Churubashkyy Light. leading lights for about 1 mile, from the junction of
Railway ferry crossing zone. See 8.61. Pavtovskoye Koleno and Burunskoye Koleno to the
entrance to Port Komysh-Burun (45'16'·20N
Chushklnskoye Koleno 36°25''66E). The track then continues WSW lo the
8.69 iron ore complex and S to other berths and fishing
Chushkinskiy Leading Lights: complexes.
Front light (white four-sided stone tower. 18 m in 3 Caution. The channel leading to Port
height) (45"19'·16N 36°38'·60E). Komysh-Burun is subject to considerable shoaling and
Rear light (similar structure, 24 m in height) the Port Authority must be consulted for the latest
(6 cables from front light). depth information.
Berths are as follows:
Nakhimov fishery collective pier, 2 cables S of the
head of Kosa Komysh-Buruns'ka, depth 1 ·8 m.
, Nakhimov fishery collective berth. consisting of
two sections, immediately SE of the pier, depth
Pertyna Morya fishery collective piers Nos 1, 2
and 3, 1 cable SSE of Nakhimova pier, depths
TOV Galen and Sipoteks piers, •1:, cable SE of
Pertyna Morya pier No 3, depths 3·8 m.
s Komysh-Burun fish processing plant berth.
1 ·2 cables SSE of TOV Sipoteks pier, 160 m
long, depth 3·9 m.

Iron-ore works coal berth, 4·3 cables WNW of
Nakhimov fishery collective pier, length 220 m,
depth 6·2m.
Iron-ore works ore berth. immediately SSE of the
coal wharf, length 340 m; depth 6·3 m.
Chushkinskiy Leading Lights (8.69) • Berths Nos 1 to 1 O of Zalyv Port enterprise,
along W shore of the basin, depths 3-4 to
From the vicinity of 45'21 '·00N 36"40'-00E. the Kerchens'ka Bukhta
alignment (194·3'), astern, of lhese lights leads NNE 8.71
for 6 miles from close S of No 43 Light Buoy rt" General information. Kerchens'ka Bukhta is
entered between Mys Ak-Burun (45'19'·10N
cardina~ to the pilot boarding position situated in the N
entrance of Kerch Strait. passing: 36"29'·60E) and Mys Zmiinyi, 2% m~es NE. The bay is
ESE of Mys Fonar' (45'23'·00N 36'38'·50E) shalow and the nature of the bottom is soft mud.
(8.64). lhence: The town and port of Kerch' are situated in the NW
ESE of Mys Varzovka (45'25'·32N 36'36'·81E}, part of the bay. Kerch Sea Fishing Port Is s~uated in
the W part of the bay.
white precipitous cldfs. Thence:
2 Topography. The SW side of the bay, NW of Mys
Between Nos 51 Light Buoy (W cardmal)
(45°25'·48N 36°40'·93E) and 52 Light Buoy Ak-Burun, is steep and in some places precipitous.
(port hand) (45°25'·50N 36°40'·84E). This pair Thence as far as the town of Kerch· the W side of the
of buoys marks lhe N entrance of the canal. bay is low and fronted by a flat, with depths of less
Thence: than 2 m that extend up to 2 cables offshore.
4 ESE of Mys Khrony (45"26'-ISN 36"34'-60E), a 3 Berth. NaltobaZa pier. a bunkering berth, is located
1 V. miles NW of Mys Ak-Burun. N of the pier
high rounded sloping headland. Thence:
W of Mys AkMleon (45°26'·40N 36'47'·20E) submerged piles, with a depth of 2·2 m, project 140 m
(8.64). from the shore. The head of the pier is in ruins.
(Directions continue tor the passage Kerch'
across Sea of Azov at 8.89. 8.72
Directions for Arabats'l<a Zatoka are Position and function. Kerch' (45'21 '·40N
given at 8. 146 and for the passage to 36"29'-00E) is an important industrial centre with local
Pot! Temryuk al 8.171) natural resources of minerals and natural gas. Local

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


industries include metanurgical plant. engineering. Kerch' Sea Fishing Port

steelworks, ship building and fisheries. The port 8.73
handles general cargo (metal products and Description. Keren' (Kerchens'kyij Sea Fishing Port
equipment), bulk cargo (ferro-alloys, cast iron, coke, (45°21'-4SN 36'29'·13E), a major fishing port, lies in
coal, scrap metal and iron ore pellets), containers, the W part of Kerchens'ka Bukhta.
motor vehicles, bulk grain and ammonium nitrate. Port Authority. Kerch Sea Fishing Port, vul.
About 2·5 million tonnes of cargo are handled annually. Sverdlova, 49, Kerch, Autonomous Republic of
The town is the seat of local govemmeni Crimea, 98320, Ukraine.
2 Approaches. Navigation through Kerch Strait is Umltlng conditions. Vessels in excess of 11 O m in
regulated by a vessel tralf,c service. See 8.19 and length are only handled in daylight hours. Maximum
ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 6(3) for size of vessel handled: 160 m long, 7·7 m draught.
details. z Pilotage is computsory and available 24 hours for
Port Authority: vessels of less than 11 O m LOA. Vessels of greater
28, Kirov Str, Keren. Crimea, 98312, Ukraine. length are only handled in daylight hours.
3 Depths. The approach channel was dredged to a Tugs are available. For vessels of less than
depth of 4·8 m in 2013, however this depth is not 4000 gL the number is de1ermined by the master of
regularly maintained. the vessel and the pilot.
• The Kerchenskyi Approach Channel is dredged to 3 Directions. From a position about 9 cables SSE of
4·8 m (2013). A continuation of this channel leads N Kerch', in the Kerchens'kyi Approach Channel, the
into the main commercial basin and is dredged to a alignment (255·6°) of leading lights leads WSW
depth of 7·8 m. through a buoyed channel (partly lit) 80 m wide and
The approach channel to Kerchenskyi Sea Fishing dredged to 4·8 m (2010). The approach channel is
Port is dredged to 4·8 m (2013). connected to a basin with depths in the entrance and
s The Kerchenskyi Sea Plant (Freha!) ChaMel is NW section dredged to 6·4 m (2006); the SE section
dredged to a depth of 4·3 m (2013), 50 m wide and of the basin has charted depths of 2·8 to 9·7 m.
marked by I~ and unlit buoys ~ateraQ. • Caution. The least depth on the mid-channel
The above dredged depths are not regulat1y approach is 5·6 m, 4·8 m on the S edge and 4·8 m on
maintained and as a resuh the depths in the cf1aMel the N edge (201OJ.
may be less than stated: the Port Authority should be UsefUI mark:
consulted for the latest information. Red chimney. 80 m high. 6 cables SW or the
6 A series of patches with depths from 6·8 to 7·9 m entrance to the basin.
lie within the dredged area, N of Nos 11 and 12 s Berths. There are t O berths with alongside depths
buoys. of 2·8 to 8·0 m.
Pilotage is compulsory. The p~ot boards in the Repairs to fishing vessels are available.
following positions:
Port Krym
No 3 (45.05'·49N 36'33'·43E);
No 4 (44.59'·99N 36'31'·91E).
Description. Port Krym (45°21'·76N 36°37'·88E)
7 Tugs are available and their use is compuJsory . The
handles railway traffic across the Kerch-Yenikal
number is dependent on a vessel's length and Channel and is situated 1 '/, miles NE of Mys
draught. Vessels with a length greater than 160m Yeni-Kaie (45"21'-00N 35•35·.ooE). The port is linked
require three tugs.
Harbour. Kerch' harbour consists of three pans to Port Kavkaz (8. 76) and is open to shipping all year
separated by two moles. Shyrokyi Mot. on which the
2 Approaches. Navigation through Kerch Strait is
leading lights are located, and Novyi Shyrokyi Mol to
regulated by a vessel traffic service. See 8.19 and
the ENE. The S part of the harbour is protected by
ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 6(3) for
Henuez'kyi Mot, which consists of three arms, the
second and third of which are ruined in several Port Authority: OSK Kerchens'ka poromna
pereprava, p/v Zhukivka, Kerch, Autonomous Republic
s A pier and ffoating pier for harbour craft are located
of Crimea, 98321, Ukraine.
NE of Novyi Shyrokyi Mol.
3 Limiting conditions. Average depths in the
Local weather. The prevai"ltng winds are from NE
approach cf1annel are 5·3 m.
throughout most of the year but SW winds are Maximum size of vessel handled. Vessels up to
possible during the day in summer. Fog is frequentty
100 m in length and 5 m draught can be
experienced in spring, especially during May.
Cllma1e lnfonnation. See 1.151 and 1.169.
Harbour. The port is protected by a SW and NE
Oirec1ions. The alignment (331·3') of leading lights
mole, lights are exhibited from their heads.
leads NNW through Kerchenskyi Approach Channel
4 Directions. Entrance ts by means of the pon
80 m wide, which branches from YenikaJ'skoye Koleno
leading lights (301° - 121°).
about 1 mile ESE of Mys Ak-Burun. Berths. The length of quayage Is 254 m.
9 Berths. Seven berths tor metals, RoRo, containers, Berth No 1 is a floating pier in two sections, each
general and bulk cargoes. Lengths 185 to 230 m,
32 m long; 6 m wide and 1 ·8 m high.
depths alongside 3·4 to 8·7 m. There are three berths
s Berth No 2 has a total length of 136 m; width
on the first arm of Henuez'kyi Mot. which includes a
10 m; height 7 m.
floating pier. Total length 320 m, depths 0-5 to 4·1 m.
Berth No 3 is a service and support berth 87 m
Two berths are localed on the NE side of Novy,
long; 7 m in height.
Shyrokyi Mol, depths 5 m from the berth are 2-0 to
3·8m. Port Kavkaz-South
10 Depths, 5 m from the harbour craft pier and ffoaling 8.75
pier, are 2·1 to 3·2 m and 3·1 to 4·7 m respectively. Description. Port Kavkaz-South (45'20'·14N
Repairs. There are two floating dry docks, with a 36"39' -48E) is located 6 cables SW of Port Kavkaz
lifting capacity of 8500 and 5000 tonnes respectively. (8.76).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Port limits. The port tirnits for Port Kavkaz-South temporary pier for the Krym car ferry and a berth for
and Por1 Kavkaz extend 1 mile WNW and the transhipment of general and grain cargoes.
approximalely 100 m wide. from the wide pier and Other facllltles.. SSCC, SSCEC issued.
extension at Port Kavkaz-Bouth. From the prer
extension the limits extend ¥'4 mile NNE. enclosing the Anchorages
waters between lhe two ports, lo a position 8 cables 8.n
ENE of the E breakwater at Port Kavkaz. Area No 452. Kerchens'kyi cargo-handling
2 Approaches. A lighl buoy (safe watei,, in position roadstead lies 1 mile SE of Mys Ak-Burun (45°19'·10N
45'20'·40N 36'38'·10E and moored on Route No 50, 36'29'-roE), and can accommodate vessels with a
marks the start of the fairway 10 the port. The fa.way maxinum draught of 6 m. Caution. Four obstructions,
is 40 m wide with depths of 4·0 to 4·7 m. The one marked by a lighl buoy and one by a buoy
alignment of leading lights (107') (unreiable) leads lo (isolated danqer), are located in the central and NE
the berths. area of the anchorage.
3 Caution. Wrecks (45'19'·93N 36'38'·93E and 2 Areas Nos 453 and 454 are situated in the N
45'20"·20N 36'39'·18E), marked by buoys. are situated entrance 10 lhe strait in positions 45'29'·00N
close to the approaches of this port. The buoys are 36'38'-00E and 45°29'·00N 36'45'·00E. respectively.
removed for the winter period. Area No 453 can accommodate vessels with a draught
Maximum size of vessel handled: 140 m length., of 8 m. Area No 455 lies 13/4 miles E of Mys Fonar'
17 m beam, 3·5 m draught. (8.64). Caution. A wreck (45'22'·55N 36°41'·32E}
4 Berths. A wide pier fronts the shore with an exists in the southern part of anchorage area No 455.
extension that runs NW from the NE comer of the pier A number of underwater rocks lie ck>se NE, with a
end. least depth of 5 m.
Berth No 24 in the NE part of the port 147 m long.
design depth 5 m. Berth No 25 in the SE part of the TAMANSKJY ZALIV
port: 99 m long, design depth 3·5 m.
s Caulion. A bank with a depth ol 1·7 rn, ses Yzcabte General information
SSW of tile end of the pier extension. Topography
Tamanskiy Zaliv is entered between the NW
Port Kavkaz extremily of Kosa Tuzla (45'16'-00N 36°33'·00E) and
8.76 the SW extremity of Kosa Cllushka. 4 miles ENE. The
Description. Port Kavkaz is primarity a rail ferry entrance is obstructed by wrecks and obstructions.
port linked lo Port Krym (8.74), and is situated on the and by shallow flals that extend from each point.
NW coast of Kosa Chushka (45'23'-00N 36'44'-00E). ~ The bay is divided into two parts by spits which
ll is a port of entry and a subsidiary of Port Temryuk extend from two low points, Kosa Markilantskaya
(8.173). (45°14"·30N 36°46'·00E) and Kosa Rubanova, 4 miles
Port limits. See 8.75. NNE. A narrow channel. marked by buoys and lighl
Controlling depth. The central section of the buoys (cardinal} separates the extremiVes of these
harbour and the operating depths of the berths are spits.
dredged to 6·2 m (2006). On the N side of the bay a shallow inlet leads into
2 Maximum size of vessel handled: 150 m length, Zaliv Oinskoy.
22 m beam. 5·3 m draught. 3 The S shore of the bay is high and steep between
Vessel Traffic Service. AU ship movements within the root of Kosa Tuzla and the blunt rocky point at the
the port are regulated by a VTS (8.19). For details see loot of Gora Lysaya (45"13'·20N 36°41'·50E) (8.52).
ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 6(3). thence It becomes low and sloping as far as Kosa
Pilotage and tugs. Pilotage is compulsory. See Markilantskaya.
8.18. Use of tugs is compulsory for vessels of 50 m in 4 From Kosa Rubanova, the N shore of the bay,
length and over. There are twO tugs slationed in the which trends ENE, is low but rises a short distance
port. inland to moderately high hills.
3 Directions. Entrance is along a channel between The SE shore of Kosa Chushka consists of a series
Route No 50 and lhe harbour entrance. The channel is of spits. between lhe ends of which lie sandy islands.
marked by leading lights, 143.5• -323·5°, and is The shape and dimensions of these islands are very
3 cables long. 120 m wide and has a ieast depth of changeable.
Turning circle. A turning circle includes the sector Directions
of the N area of the port bounded by a radius of
300 m, centred approximately 300 m SE of the harbour Principal marks
4 Caution. NE and SW winds carry mud and sand
Gora Lysaya (45'13'·20N 36'41'·SOE) (8.52).
into the port and approach channel Dredging is
Gora Karabetova (45'12'·00N 36'46'·80E}. A
carried out periodically; tile latest infonnation on the
range known as Tamanskiye Gory extends E
transit draught in operational waters of both POrt
from this mountain, parallel and about 2 miles
Kavkaz and Port Kavkaz-South can be obtained from
within the S shore of the bay.
the Administration of Kavkaz Sea Port
Gora Gorelaya (45°20'·25N 36'48'·80E) (8.64).
s Berths. The port consists of berth No 9, 132 m
long, design depth 6·5 m, for the transhipment of liquid Anchorages and harbours
cargoes; service berth No 8, 156 m long, design depth
4·8 m. temporarily used for loading pelJOleum products; Komsomol'skly Fishing Shop
berth Nos 5 and 6, 165 m long. design depth 5·3 m. a 8.80
rail ferry pier from which a light is eXhiblted; berth Description. Komsomol'skiy Fishing Shop
Nos 3 and 4, 78 m long, design depth 4-8 m, a (45°12'-60N 36'37"·05E) is located on the S shore of

e-NP24 - NMs - TRAMMO PARIS {IMO No.lM09792515)

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e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Tamanskiy Zaliv, 1'/, miles NE of Mys Tuzla. Its white 2 Prominent landmarks. Church in the centre of
buildings are readily seen when entering the gutt. Stanitsa Taman', a memorial in the shape of an
2 Directions. The alignment (138·5•) of aeroplane on a pedestal, a number of bright storage
Komsomol'skiy Leading Lights (45"13'·00N tanks. the ruins of the ancient fortress of Fanagoriya
36"38'·35E), shown on request and only during the and a white memorial, can be seen to the E of the
summer months, leads SE from Yenikarskoye Koleno town.
(8.68) for 6 miles along Recommended route No 45. 3 Directions. From Komsomols'kiy Light Buoy (8.80)
The route, which is marked by buoys and roght buoys the track alters E for 4'h mites to Taman',
laid on request. passes between the flats extending Anchorage may be obtained 3 cables N of the
from Kosa Tuzla and Kosa Chushka and has a least berth in depths of about 4 m. mud and sand.
depth of about 4 m at its N\N end. Caution. In 2012 Berth. Concrete railway pier wi1h a depth of 3·5 m
both leading light beacons were reported as at its head.
Portpoint Sennaya
3 From Komsomols'kiy Light Buoy (safe water)
(45'14'·04N 36'37'·04E); the route then follows the 8.82
Directions. From a position about 9 cables N of
alignment (181 ') of leading lights, to a pier by the
workshop. The pier has a depth of 3 m at its head. Stanitsa Tarnan', Recommended route No 45 leads NE
Caution. A prohibited area of radius 5 cables is then E for about 12 miles to Portpoint Sennaya
(45.17'·23N 36'59'·30E). on the S edge of Sennoy
centred on a position 21/2 cables N of the head of the
vilage. The alignment (083') of leading fights are
pier; the area contains ex;plosives.
located on the E shore of Tamanskiy Zaliv in Sennoy;
Portpoint Taman' the lights are shown on request and only during the
8.81 summer months.
General information. The harbour (45"13'·28N 2 Berth. Passenger pier wnh a depth alongside of
36'43'·14E) lies on the S side of the bay 2 miles SW 3-4m.
of Mys Marl<itantskaya and frontjng the settlement of The ruins of a second pie< are located to the S of
Stanitsa Taman'. the passenger pier.


PASSAGE ACROSS SEA OF AZOV Traffic regulations
General information Traffic separaUon schemes are situated at the N
and S ends of Recommended routes Nos 87 and 88.
Route These schemes are not IMO-adopted but the
8.83 Ukrainian Authorities advise that the principles for the
Recommended routes Nos 87 and 88 lead N and S. use of the routeing system defined in Rule 1 O of The
respectively, between the N entrance of Kerch St1al tnremational Regulations for Preventing Collisions at
and the traffic roundabout (46'30'·00N 36'48'-00E) Sea (1972) apply.
situated 8 miles SSE of the S extremity of Be«lyans'ka
Kosa. Pilotage
Topography See 8.6.
Berdyans·ka Kosa is a sandy spn which extends
about 6 miles SSW from the general run of the shore. Natural conditions
The spit is low-lying and its nan-owcentral portion has 8.88
an elevation of onty about 0·3 m. There are a number See 8.10.
of high buildings on the spit which are visible from
about 10 miles. Directions
(continued from 8.69)
Vessel traffic service Principal marks
8.85 8.89
North-east part of the Sea of Azov traffic control Landmarks:
system is located in this area. The reporting system is Hora Khrony (45'23'·40N 36'36'-00E) (8.64).
mandatory for all vessels, and permission to enter the Hora Temyroba (45'24'·30N 36'32'·88E), rounded
VTS zone should be obtained 30 minutes before entry. with regular shape.
2 Vessels navigating within the VTS area should 2 Major lights:
continuously monitor the broadcasts of the VTS and Akhilleonskiy Light (45'26'·44N 36'47'·19E)
follow the instructions, recommendations and warnings (8.64).
concerning the safety of navigation, Ufe, property and Yenykal'skyy- (45'23'·13N 36'38'·33E) (8.64).
the environment Berdyanskiy Nizhniy Light (white eight-sided
3 Radar navigation assistance is compulsory: tower, red band, 19 m in height) (46'38'·18N
in any visibility for all passenger vessels. oil and 35•45·.71 E).
chemical tankers, vessels canying dangerous
cargoes and tankers that are not gas free;
when visibility is less than 2 miles; and Passage across the Sea of Azov
when ordered by the Port Captain. 8.90
See ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 6(3) Initial position: 45"27'·00N 36"44'·00E, in the N
for details. entrance ol Kerch Strait.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Berdyanskiy Nizhniy Ught (8.89)

()rrjnal daled 201S

Recommended route No 87 leads N for about E of a wreck wfth a depth of 9·1 m (45'32··s2N
65 miles to the traffic roundabout centred on 36°38'•31 E).
45•30·-ooN 36'48'·00E, passing: • Vessels approaching Kerch Strait from N should first
2 E of a wreck with a depth of 1·5 m (45'47'-69N sight land when about 23 miles from it. The fil$t marks
36'42'·94E). The wreck is mall<ed by a light to appear win be Hora Khrony (45'23'·40N 36'36'·00E)
buoy (isolated danger), and an area of (8.64) and an oblong ridge above Mys Zyuk
5 cables radius marl<ing an area considered (45"28·-soN 36'20'·70E) (8.146).
dangerous to navigation is centred on it. (Directions continue for the
Thence: approaches ta Berdyans'k at 8.107,
3 W of a wreck with a depth of 7·5 m (46'01'-05N and for ths route between Berdyans'ka Kosa
35•52·-10E), thence: and Bilosarays1<a Kosa at 8. 118)
Into the N-bound TSS in vicinity of 46'20'-00N
35•50·-ooe, thence:
.r E of an obstruction with a depth of 8·4 m BERDYANS'K AND APPROACHES
(46'24.·72N 36'47'-61E), thence: General information
Clear of a wreck with a depth of 9·2 rn,
(46'30.·29N 36'50'·35E), thence:
Into the NE-bound TSS. Position and function
Berdyans·k (46'45'·20N 36'47'·00E) is situated in
the NE part of Berdyans·ka Zatoka, a bay on the N
Northern approach to Kerch Strait
8.91 ceast of Sea of Azov. The conspicuous village of
Lunachars'ke ies 1 'h miles WNW.
Initial position: 46'30'·00N 36'46'·0DE in the
2 Betdyans'k, which is a regional centre, is a seaport,
vicinity of the traffic roundabout
mud therapy and health resort. The town has
Recommended route No 88 leads S tor about
wel-developed engineering, foodstuffs., fish processing
65 miles to the Karch Straft approach TSS, passing:
and light industries, and has factories producing
2 W of an obstruction wfth a depth of 8-4 m
fibreglass and buiding materials. The port handles
(46°24.·72N 36'47'-61E), thence:
scrap metal and metal products. mainly for export:
W of a wreck with a depth of 1·5 m (45°47'-oSN
other cargoes include ore, coal. chemical and building
36'42.·94E). The wreck is mall<ed by a light
goods, grain. food and lighl oils.
buoy (isolated danger), and an area of
5 cables radius marking an area considered
dangerous to navigation is centred on il Approaches
Thence: 8.93
3 Into the S-bound TSS in the vicinity of Reyd Berdyans'k is approached from the traffic
45•40·-ooN 36'40'-00E, thence: roundaboul (8.90) by Recommended routes Nos 55
E of a mooring buoy (45'33'-61N 36°34'·76E). and 56, and then by a buoyed entrance channel.
thence: These routes pass through a former mined area.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Port Authority Regulations

8.94 8.104
The Port of Berdyans'k Authority, ul Maksima Time of entry. Vessels of 170 m in length are
Gorkogo, 13-7, Berdyans'k, 71112, Ukraine. handled in daylight only, otherwise no restrictions.
Visibility and wind speeds. Vessels may not
Llmltlng conditions navigate in the entrance channel when visibility is less
than 5 cables or wind speeds are 29 kn or more.
Controlling depths 2 Draught and depths. Transit draughts and depths
8.95 permitted within the harbour area will be promulgated
Entrance channel: least depths of 7·5 m along the by the harbour authorities. Minimum under-keel
axis, 7·0 m near the left edge and 6-6 m near the rig:h.t clearance 0·3 m.
edge (2017). Speed limit in entrance channel is 6 kn.
Caution. Due to silting in the port and its entrance 3 Traffic in the entrance channel is one-way only
channel, depths may be less than charted. with vessels leaving the port having precedence over
those anMng.
Maximum size of vessel
Length 205 m; draught 7·9 m. In certain instances Harbour
vessels of 220 m in length can be berthed at No 7 General layout
and No 8 berth with Harbour Authority's permission. 8.105
The harbour consists of an outer rcaestead and an
Density of water approach channel leading to the main harbour. The
8.97 harbour consists of a E and W basin. The E basin is
Reported 1·006 to 1·008 g/cm3. prolecled lo the W by an angled mole and to the SW
by a detached breakwater. Both basins are dredged to
7·3 m (2012). A reclaimed area fies N of berth No 9.
AU year round navigation possrble, but icebreaker Natural c.onditions
assistance required for about 2 months (8.11). 8.106
Currents are usually weak and depend on the
wind. They do not exceed 1 kn.
Winds Winds. Strong winds from S and SW are rare, but
8.99 when they occur, they make anchorage In the outer
Roadstead open to winds from S and SW (8.106). roads and berth Nos 7, 8 and 9 uncomfortable.
2 Water level. Prolonged NE and N winds k>wer the
Arrival information water level in the bay and S and SW winds raise it.
The maximum fall in level is about O·S m and the
Approach route
maximum rise 1 m.
Recommended route No 55 is for the use of
vessels with a draught of 6 m or more. Recommended
route No 56 is for vessels with less than 6 m draught Directions for entering harbour
{continuedfrom 8.91)

Outer anchorages Principal marks

8.101 8.107
Anchorage for vessels with a draught of 6 m or Landmarks:
more are on either side of the approach channel, in Television mast (46°45'·86N 36°47'·29E).
lhe vicinity of Buoy No 2 (46°36'•75N 36..35'·90E). Major lights:
Berdyanskiy Nizhniy Light (46°38'·16N
Anchorage for vessels with a draught of less than
36°45'·71 E) (8.89).
6 m are on either side of the approach channel, in the
vicinily of Buoy No 1 O (46"39'·99N 36°'39'·97E). Berdyans'kiy Verkhniy Light (whrte eight-sided
2 Caution. At times of strong SW winds, vessels at tower, red bands, 33 m in height) (46"46'·00N
anchor in the outer roads will be affected by swel and 36°45'·85E).
plenly of cable should be paid out
Recommended routes Nos 55 and 56
Pilotage 8.108
8.102 Initial position. In the vicinity of 46°32'·00N
Pilotage is compulsory. For vessels of 6 m draught 36°46'-00E, NW of the traffic roundabout.
or more, pilots board in the vicinity of No 2 Light Buoy Recommended route No 55 is for vessels of
(46°36'·75N 36°35'·89E). at the start of the entrance draught 6 m or more; Recommended route No 56 is
channel. Vessels with a draught of less than 6 m are for vessels of less than 6 m draught, these routes lead
boarded between Nos 8 and 10 Light Buoys. NW and NNW, respectively, for about 8 miles to the
buoyed entrance channel. Recommended route No SS
joins the channel al Nos 1 and 2 Light Buoys (lateral)
Tugs and Recommended route No 56 joins the channel at
8.103 Nos 9 and 10 Buoys ~ateraQ.
Tugs are available. Their use is compulsory when 2 Recommended route No 56 passes SW of a buoy
berthing. Vessels of 1500 gl or more must employ (!N cardinal) Ylhich marks the edge of the bank
2 lugs. fringing Berdyans'ka Kosa.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Buoyed entrance channel BERDYANS'KA KOSA TO

Podkhodnyl Kanai Leading Lights:
General information
Front light (white four-sided hut on metal
framewori<tower, 27 m in height) (4S-45'·16N Topography
36"46'·52E). 8.114
Rear light (while diamond over square, black Between the root of Berdyans'ka Kosa (46°40'·00N
stripe, 20 m in height) (8 cables from front 36°48'·40E) and Bilosarays'ka Kosa (20 miles NE), the
beacon). coast is backed by rising ground with bare
reddish-coloured landslips, intersected by a number of
valeys. Villages lie in these valleys and some are
prominent from offshore.
2 Bilosarays'ka Kosa is similar In formation to
Berdyans'ka Kosa (8.84) and extends about 5 miles S
from the high land within ii.
Traffic regulations
A traffic separation scheme leads NE for about
20 miles from the traffic roundabout (8.90) S of
Berdyans'ka Kosa.
This TSS is not IMO-adopted but the Ukrainian
aU1horities adVise that the principles for the use of the
routeing system defined in Rule 10 of the lnremaffonal
Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (1972),
Podkhodnyi Kanai Leading Lights (8.109) apply.
2 A Recommended route leads NE from the TSS
2 The alignment (040•8°) of these ~ghts leads NE for towards the approach channel to Port Mariupol'.
about 11 miles from Nos 1 and 2 Light Buoys to
Regulated area
Berdyans'k inner roads through a dredged channel,
90 m wide, marked by pairs of light buoys (late~.
Area periodically dangerous for navigation:
Recommended route No 54, for vessels of less
Area No 761 extends about 10 miles offshore
than 3 m draught, leads NE from a position between
between Berdyans'ka Kosa and Bilosarays'ka
Nos 8 and 1 O light buoys. It runs 1 'h cables SE of and
Kosa and occupies the greater part of
parallel to the dredged channel.
Bilosarays'ka Zatoka.
3 Cautions. Dredging is carried out periodically in the
See Appendix 3.
entrance channel and vessels must navigate with
caution when in the vicinity of these operations. Current
The leading lights are difficult to distingvish on 8.117
account of inte,vening buildings. See 8.10.
An obstruction (46°39'·86N 36°39'· 77E) lies on the
W side of the channel, 2 cables SW of No 10 Light Directions for entering harbour
Buoy. (continued from 8.91)
Principal marks
Basins and berths 8.118
Major lights:
Alongslde berths Berdyanskiy Nizhniy Light (46°38'·t6N
8.110 3S-45'·71E) (8.89).
There are nine alongside berths. Berth Nos 1 and 2
are for general and bulk cargoes and have depths of Berdyans'ka Kosa to Bllosarays'ka Kosa
between 7·3 and 7·8 m. Berth No 6 is 132 m in lenglh 8.119
wi!h depths alongside of 7·8 lo 7·9 m, and handles Initial position: in the vicinity of 46°31'·00N
seed oil and oil products. There is a floating pontoon 36"51'•00E, within the lraffic roundabout
berth to the SE of berth No 1. Route. A TSS (8.115) and thence Recommended
2 Caution. Two shallow patches of 7·1 and 7·2 m lie route No 30 lead NE for 33 m~es to the S entrance of
at the E end of berth No 1. Two further patches of 4·7 the approach channel 10 Port Mariupol', which lies
and 5·9 m lie NW of the junction of berth Nos 8 and 9. about 5 miles E of Bilosarays'ka Light (white
eight-sided tower, 21 m in height) (46°52'·92N
3r19' -45E). This route passes:
Port services 2 C1ear of an obstruction with a depth of 9 rn,
Repairs (46"39'·26N 37"04'· 13E), which lies in the
8.111 middle of the lraffic lane, thence:
Only minor hull and engine repairs. NW of a wreck (46"39'·79N 37°06'·51 E) with a
depth of 8 m, thence:
Other facilities NW of a tight buoy (N cardinal) (46"49'·03N
8.112 37"32'·73E), thence:
SSCC. SSCEC issued; hospital. 3 SE of an obstruction with a depth of 4·9 m
(4S-50'·40N 37°18'·83E). This obstruction lies
Supplies off a bank. wi!h depths of less than 5 m. that
8.113 extends nearly 2 miles S from Bilosarays'ka
Fuel In lim~ed quantities and should be ordered in Kosa. Thence:
advance: fresh water at quays: provisions. • SE of Bilosarays'ka Ligh~ thence:

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


NW of the N extremity of a shoal, with depths ol Arrival information

less than 5 m, that extends from the outer
Vessel traffic service
extremity of Dolgaya Kosa (46.40'·73N
37°44'·51E) (8.180); a light buoy (N cardinal) 8.126
Mariupol Vessel Traffic Regulation Post (VTRP)
marks the N point of the shoal. See caution.
(47°02'·t1N 37°28'-68E), which operates 24 hours,
s Cautions. Less water than charted is reported in
regulates the movement of vessels within a 12 mile
the NE part of the TSS.
raclius of the station.
The extremi1y of Dolgaya Kosa is subject to
2 Radar assistance, regardless of visibitity, is
considerable annual change due to the action of
currents and lee.
For aJI passenger vessels. oil and chemical
Useful mar1t:
Bilosarays'ka Light {46°52'·92N 37°19'-15E}. tankers, vessels carrying dangerous cargoes,
(Directions continue, for Port Mariupol· at 8.133 container and RoRo vessels.
For all vessels more than 200 m in length.
and tor the W part of Guff of Taganrog at 8.203)
For an vessels anchoring in Area No 457 and
leaving Asea No 458.
Anchorage For further details see ADMIRALTY list of Radio
Signals Volume 6(3).
Bukhta Taran'ya
8.120 Anchorages
Description. Bukhta Taranya is entered between 8.127
the SW extremity of Bilosaraysl<a Kosa and the NW Asea No 457, with depths of 6 to 9 m, lies E of the
shore of Bilosarays'ka Zatoka. the whole of the bay is Vuhilna Harbour Approach Channel. The anchorage is
filled with a bank which has a depth of less than 5 m. for vessets with a draught over 5 rn. Vessels carrying
2 Good anchorage, with shelter from winds between dangerous cargoes must use Area No 457.
N and E may be found in a depth of 5 m, mud, Asea No 458, with depths of 5 to 6 m, mud, lies
11'> miles W of Bilosarays'ka light. close N of Asea No 457. The anchorage is for vessels
Useful mar1t: with a draugh1 up to 5 m.
Conspicuous church (46'57'-nN 37'16'·19E).
PORT MARIUPOL' AND APPROACHES Pilotage is compulsory for all foreign vessels and is
avaiable 24 hours (8.6).
General information Port pilots are embarked in vicinity of No 1 buoy or
in the anchorage areas, and should be ordered
Position and function 4 hours in advance. During ice conditions, when a
8.121 vessel is being escorted, the pilot boards at the
Mariupol' (47°03'·35N 37°33'·55E) is situa1ed on the harbour entrance.
N shore of Gulf of Taganrog about 18 miles within the 2 If the wind speed exceeds 27 kn, ships should
entrance of the gulf. The town stands partly on a hil anchor and await better weather.
on the W bank of Richka Karmius and partly on the II has been reported that lhe sea pilol embar1<ed at
low coast W of the river mouth. Kerch Sirail may also carry out the duties of port pilol
2 Mariupol' is a major port and large industrial town.
Its chief industries are metallurgy. chemicals, fishing Tugs
and fish processing. 8.129
It is reported (2012) that Port Azovstal is closed to Tugs are available. Their use is compulsory when
commercial shipping. berthing.
Vessels of 1500 gt or more must employ 2 tugs.
Port Authori1y Tugs should be ordered 40 minutes before entering
8.122 port.
Mariupol' Commercial Sea Port. prosp. Admirala
Lunina, 99, Mariupol', Donetsk Region, 87510, Regulations
Ukraine. 8.130
Entry, anchoring and movement along the channel
is prohibited withoU1 the permission of the vessel traffic
Limiting conditions service based al Raska! Radar Station.
Controlling depths Permission will be cancelled and has to be
8.123 requested anew H a vessel fails lo start the permitted
For the latest controlling depths, mariners should actions within 30 minutes.
always consult the local harbour and pilotage 2 Maximum draught allowed for vessels entering the
authorities. For informalion relating to the maximum port is as follows:
draughts allowed in the approaches to the port. see Ugol'naya Havan' (Vuhilna Harbour) approach
8.130 channel: 8-0 m.
Port Azovs1al' approach channel: 3·5 m.
Densi1y Recommended Track No 32: 3·5 m.
8.124 3 Maximum length of vessels handled are as
Density of water 1-005 g/cm3. foftows:
Ugornaya Havan' (Vuhilna Harbour) approach
Ice channel: 240 m.
8.125 Port Azovs1ar approach channel: 140 m.
All year round navigailon Is possible, but for 2 to 3 Recommended Track No 32: 120 m.
months is onty possible for ice-strengthened vessels • Time of entry: No restrictions.
with icebreaker assistance. Traffic. The approach channel has one-way traffic.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


s Berthing within the port is not permitted when wind

speeds exceed 28 kn.
Speed limit: The speed of vessels in the approach
channels must not exceed 8 kn.
6 Signals. Vessels with a draught of 7·5 m or more.
proceeding in the Vuhilna Harbour approach channel.
must show the signals required by Rule 28 of the
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at
Sea (1972).
Quarantine regulations
See 1.87.

General layout Mariupors·kyi Leading Lights (8.134)
Port Mariupol' consists of two harbour areas:
Port Azovstar and Havan' Shmidta' at the mouth Port Azovstal' approach channel
of Richka Kal'mius, close E of the city. 8.135
2 Port Mariupol' lies 3 miles SW of the mouth of Port Azovstal' Leading Lights:
Richka Kal'mius, and consists of three main Front fight (white truncated pyramid on four-sided
areas, named Zakhidna, Vuhilna and Khlibna metal framework tower, 22 m in height)
Harbours from the S approach. A Repair Basin (47°05'· t 4N 37°35'·09E).
(Remontnyi Basseyn) and Out-Port (Avanpo,1), Middle light (similar stJUCIUre to front light, 37 m
lie farther N and NE respectively. Port in height) (8 cables from front light).
Mariupol' is the main port and the main areas Rear light (similar swcwre to front light, 34 m in
are dredged to 8·2 m (2013). height) (1¥. miles from front light).
3 Mariupol' Maritime Fishing Port is loealed In Havan' 2 From the vicinity of 47•01··40N 37°29'·80E, lhe
Shmidta. alignment (044°) of these lights, visible on the leading
line only, k!ads NE for about 5 miles through a
Directions for entering harbour channel 100 m wide wtth a least depth of 3 m (2013).
(con~nued from 8.119) The channel is marked by pairs of light buoys and
buoys (lateral), where it divides for the final
Principal marks approaches to Port Azovstal' and Havan' Shmidta.
Obelisk (47°02'·72N 37°29'·21E), a whtte square
stone with spire, 20 m in height.
Chimney (47°03'·50N 37'29'·85E).
Elevator (47'03.·56N 37°30'-41 E).
Television mast (47'05'·09N 37•31',59E).
2 Major lights:
Mariupors·kyi Middle and Rear Leading Lights
Vuhilna (Ugol'naya) Harl>our approach channel
lnltlal position. 46°53'·70N 37'27"-40E in the
vicinity of Nos 1 and 2 Light Buoys,
Mariupol's'kyi Leading Lights:
Front light (whtte rectangle, vertical red stripe, on
black framewor1< swcture. 28 m in height)
(47°03.·33N 37°30'·34E).
Middle light (white four-sided tower on whfte
fronted two- storey building. 22 m In height) F'°"'
(9 cables from front light).
2 Rear light (black metal framework tower, 21 m in Port Azovstal' Approach Channel
height) (1 ·5 miles from front light). Leading Lights (8.135)
The alignment (012·3") of these lights leads NNE
for about 9 miles from Nos 1 and 2 Buoys to
Ugol'naya Havan' through a dredged channel, 100 m Anal approaches to Port Azovstal' and Havan'
wide, dredged to 6·8 m (2013), which is masl<ed by Shmid ta
pairs of light buoys (port and starboard hand) and a 8.136
buoy (starboard hand). Note. An obstruction (anchor) Port Azovstal'. A fairway, 100 m in width and
lies close w of No 19 buoy. mar1<ed by buoys and light buoys (lateral) leads to the
3 Caution. tt a ship deviates slighdy to the W of the main basin of this port.
leading line, the elevator (8.133) wiU obscure either the Havan' Shmldta. From a posttion 4 cables SW of
middle or rear light, depending on the ship's position, Port Azovstar Front Leading Light (8.135) the track
The light towers of this k!ading line are not easy to leads NNW, through a channel 70 m wide. lo lhe
identify by~,~~ entrance to A1chka Kal'mius and Havan' Shmidta.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Approach to Avanport, Port Mariupol' coal berths from No 12 to No 14, the tarter being a
8.137 coal transhipment complex: alongside depths around
Avanport (Outer Harbour) Leading Beacons: 8 m. Berth No 18 is located on the NE side of
Front beacon (white circle on white truncated Zapadnyi Mol; length 100 m; alongside depths around
pyramid, on metal framework tower. 19 m in 8 m; metal products.
height) (47°03'·83N 37°30'·72E}. Remontnyy (Repair) Basseyn has depths alongside
Rear beacon (square tower on white brick ol around 5 to 8 m.
building, 13 m in height) (3~ cables from front 3 Port Azovstal'. Berths Nos 1 and 2 are situated on
beacon). the NE side ol the basin; alongside depths are up to
2 From the vicintty of 46'59'·00N 37°35'®E. the around 4 m. Berth No 3 (Shlal<ovyij lies close to the
alignment (331-6') of these beacons leads NNW for root of the SE protecting dyke: berth depths 2 lo 4 m.
about 5 miles, along Recommended route No 32., Havan' Shmid1a. Berths Nos t to 9 which are partly
across the coastal bank and Port Azovstar approach in ruins, lie on the W bank of Richka Kal'mius. Depths
channel (close NE of Nos 5 and 6 Light Buoys) 10 the alongside 1 10 5 m. Caution. Several wrecks lie on the
entrance of Avanport. li'le ol the approach channel, close to the SE end of
3 Caution. A dangerous wreck. marked by E. W and No 7 berth and ~ cable NNW.
S cardinal buoys, lies close NE of the leading ine
about 3 cables inside the harbour entrance. Port services
(Directions continue tor Yeysk at 8.205)
Basins and berths Repairs ol all kinds can be carried out for vessels
ol up to 9000 dwt. Floating dock capable ol handling
vessels up to 15 000 dwt.
Anchorage areas Nos 457 and 458 (8.127). Other facilities
Alongside berths SSCC, SSCEC issued; hospital; RoRo berths.
Under-keel clearance must be at least 15 cm. Supplies
Maximum draught 8-0 m, length 240 m. 8.142
The enuy ol vessels more than 240 m in length and Fuel alongside or by barge; fresh water alongside
lhe loading of vessels to 8·2 m draught must be or by barge; provisions.
agreed with the Harbour Master. Caution. During the winter season due to the risk
2 Port Mariupol'. Berth No 1 is 140 m long with a of becoming ice-bound, the harbour authorities
floating pier extending 50 m from its SE end; alongside request departing vessels have at least ten days
depths up to 9 m; bulk cargo. Vuhilna Hartx>ur has supplies ol bunkers, fresh water and provisions.



(continuedfrom 8.69)

General lnformadon Mys Tarkhan to Arabats'ka Zatoka

From a position W ol Mys Akhilleon (45'26'•40N
Route 36'47'·20E) (8.64), Recommended route No 58 leads
8.143 NW for 12'h miles, passing:
From the N entrance to the Karch- Yenikal Channel, NE of Anchorage area No 453 (45'29'·00N
Recommended route No 58 leads W towards 36.38',()()E), thence:
Arabats'ka Zatoka. NE of Mys Khrony (45.26'-45N 36'34'·60E)
(8.69). thence:
Topography SE ol a mooring buoy (45'33'·61N 36'34'·76E).
8.144 thence:
The N coast ol Kerchens'kyi Pivostriv between Mys 2 NE of Mys Tarkhan (45°27'·SON 36'26'·80E), a
Tarkhan (45'27'·50N 36°26'·80E} and the SE end ol broad whttish bluff with two groups or mud
Kosa Arabats'ka Strilka, about 40 miles WSW, is high volcanoes adjacent. A rocky reel with a depth
and backed by hills which rise to heights of more than ol 2·4 to 4-6 m, extends about t ~ miles WNW
100m. from this point
Thence the track leads W then SW for about
43 mies, passing:
Regulated areas 3 S of a dangerous wreck (45°39'·50N 36'29'·00E).
8.145 A restricted area, radius 4 miles, surrounds the
Area into which entry is prohibited: wreck. A second wreck (45'41 '·38N
A small area 3 miles S of Mys Kazantyp 36'22'·12E} surrounded by a further restricted
(45°28'•00N 35°52'®E). area, radius 5 cables, lies approximately
Area No 862, with a radius of 500 m, surroundjng 5 miles WNW. Thence:
No 1 drilling platform (45°36'·83N 36'03'·31E}. N of two obstructions, connected to the shore by
See Appendix 3. a gas pipeline. Thence:

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


, N of Mys Zyuk (45°28'·80N 36°20'·70E), a sandy Kazantyps'ka Zatoka

point with a Mlock at its extremity Which. When 8.149
seen from E or W, looks like an island with a Kazantyps'ka Zatoka is entered between Mys
rock off its N shore. A narrow shoal of gravel Chagany (8.146) and Mys Kazantyp (8.146). The
wilh depths of 5 m, extends aboul 3 miles NW vilages of Zolote and Novovidradne (Adzhubay) lie on
from lhis point. To the N of lhe h~lock is a lhe E and SE shore of lhe bay respectively. Piers for
slab of rock which terminates in a steep cliff. fishing craft are located oppos~e the villages, depths
Thence: off lhe end of the piers. 2·4 m.
s Clear of an obslruction (45'34'-69N 36°06'-01E) 2 Anchorage, sheltered from ENE through S to
wilh a depth of 10 m lying on lhe route, WNW. may be obtained in a depth of 8 m, mud,
Thence: abreast Novovidradne, about 1 'h to 2 miles offshore.
N of Mys Chagany (45°26'-48N 36°04'-40E), a Smal vessels can find shelter from NE winds off lhe E
blunt and rocky headland on which stand a side of the bay, and from NW winds on the W side in
number of tumuU, lhence: Bukhta Tatarskaya, close under Mys Kazantyp and
S of Area No 862 (45'36'·83N 36'03'·31 E) clear of lhe shoal with a deplh of 3·2 m. A rock,
(8. 145), noling the gas pipeline connecting lhe mar1<ed by a buoy (isolated danger). lies close E of
platform to the shore, thence: the shoal.
e N of Mys Kazantyp (45'28'·00N 35°52'-00E), lhe 3 Entry is prohibited into a small area on the W side
termination of a peninsula of which the N pa.rt (8.145) and every year many fixed seine nets are laid
consists of a sloping hill separated from lhe in lhe bay.
mainland by a low sandy isthmus. A second
hill stands S of the isthmus and, from offshore, Arabats'ka zatoka
lhese hills appear as two Islands and are good 8.150
marks, A rock with a depth of 3·2 m. marked Arabats'ka Zatoka is entered between Mys
by a buoy (isolated danger), lies about Kazantyp and lhe S part of Kosa Arabats'ka Strilka
1 Y.. mites SE of the point. and severaJother (8.151). A number of villages, which have landing
shoals, with depths of 7 to 7·6 m, lie a further faciities, stand on the shore of the bay. Akrnanais'kyi
2Yz cables SE. Thence: Reyd is situated at the head of the bay wilh the
(Directions continue for Heniches'k at 8.153} vilage of Kamians'l<e on the S shore. There is a
1 NW of Mys Kiten' (45'23'•38N 35'44'·93E). a pharmacy in lhe village.
high bluff, thence: 2 Anchorage, sheltered from E, through S to WNW,
NW of Mys Krasnyi Kul (45°21 '·08N 35'43'·74E), may be obtained in a depth of 5 rn, mud and shells.
a bold point with reddish coloured diffs. aboul 1 mile offshore from Kam'yans'ke. N and NE
Thence to the anchorage at the head of Arabats'ka winds send in heavy seas.


Anchorages and small harbours
General lnfonnatlon
Bukhta Bulganak Topography
8.147 8.151
Bukhta Bulganak (45'26'·00N 36'33'-00E), entered The W shore of Sea of Azov is formed by Kosa
W of Mys Khrony, has general depths of 8 to 10 m, Arabats'ka Stnlka. Kosa Byriuchyi (Biryuchyy) Ostriv
sand and shells. The bay is surrounded by a coastal and Kosa Fedotova.
sheff with depths of less lhan 5 m, with above and Kosa Arabats'ka Strilka is a long low sandy spit that
below-water rocks on it, extending up to 4 cables from is between 2Yz cables and 4'n miles wide. This spit
the shore in places. The village of Yurkino stands in extends NNW for about 56 miles from lhe village of
the SE corner of lhe bay. Soliane (45'19'·77N 35'24'·64E) to the town of
2 Anchorage for small vessels may be obtained. Heruches'k, and separates Zatoka Syvash from Sea of
abreast Yur1<ino, about 2 cables offshore in deplhs of Azov.
Sm. 2 The S part of the spit appears to be formed by
sand washed up from lhe sea and is barren. The N
Bukhta Mors'kol Plkhoty part consists of a number of islands joined by sand.
8.148 Several villages, with clumps of tall trees, stand on the
Bukhta Mors'koi Pikhoty (45'28'-64N 36'19'·35E), N part of the spit. Masses of dead organic matter are
entered between Mys Zyuk (8.146) and Mys Bohatube cast up on bolh sides of lhe spit, causing a putrid
(Bogatube) (2 miles W) has general deplhs of 4 to odour ave, a large area.
6 m. The bay is surrounded by a coa.stalshelf with 3 Kosa Fedotova and Kosa Byriuchyi Ostriv, two
depths of less than 2 m, wilh below-water rocks on ii. connected spits that extend 23 miles SW from the
extending up to 2 cables from the shore in places. mainland (46'22'·00N 35'22'·00E), are also low-lying
2 Kurortne village is situated on the E sho<e Where a and barren. being covered with coarse grass and
small hatt-abandoned pier is located. Novyi Sv~ saub. The viOage of Sadki lies 3'/2 miles from the SW
village, which is uninhabited, is located on the SW extremily of lhese spits.
shore. Regulated areas
Prominent building: Kurortne water tower. 8.152
3 Anchorage for small vessels may be obtained, clear Areas In whlc,h anchoring, fishing, submarine
of a wreck wilh a depth of 1 ·2 m, 2 cables offshore in and seabed operations are prohibited:
the SW corner of lhe bay in deplhs of 5 m. sand and Area No 693. in which drilling platforms are
shells. It is recommended Iha! Bukhla Mors'koi Pikhoty situated. lies 15 miles S of Byriuchyi Light
is entered from the NW. (46°05''45N 34'59'·44E) (8.153).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


2 Area No 694 extends SW for 15 miles. and up to Heniches'k

3 miles offshore, from the S end of Kosa 8.156
Fedotova to Byriuchyi Light Position and function. The port of Heniches'k
See Appendix 3. (46'04'·99N 34°52'·27E) is situated on the N side of
Areas to be avoided: Profiv Henicheslcyi. a narrow passage about 2 miles
Area No 854, a circular area of radius 5 miles, is long and between 14 and 1 cable wide, that joins
situated 30 miles SSE of Byriuchyi Light Zatoka Syvash to the Sea of Azov. Heniches'k
3 Area No 855, a circular area radius :W, cables, is inciudes the commercial port on the N shore and the
situated within the Umits of Area No 693 and fishing port on the S shore; both areas are located in
encloses a drilling platform. PToliv Tonkiy. The commercial port is a subsidiary of
Area No 860, a circular area radius 2¥· cables, is Skadovs'k (6.318), and the fishing port is a subsidiary
situated close NE of Area No 855 and of Kerch Fishing Port (8.73).
encloses a drilling platform. 2 The town of Heniches'k is situated on a small rise
• Area No 861. a circular area radius 2¥, cables, is to the N of the port. Industry includes: cotton.
situated ctose NNE of Area No 860 and reinforced concrete products and construction
encloses a drilling platform. materials. There is also a well established food and
See Appendix 3. flavouring industry.
Port limits. The harbour includes all waters W of
Directions position 4S'09'·80N 34°50'·70E, including the shoreline
(continued from 8. I 48) between the port and 46'09'·20N, as far as
Principal marks 3 Approaches. Heniches'k is approached along
8.153 Recommended route No 51. The alignment (262') of
Major lights: leading beacons leads through Heniches'kyi Kanai, a
Byriuchyi (Biryuchyy) Light (White eight-sided channel, 1 ~ miles long and 50 m wide scoured by the
stone tower, 25 m in height) (46'05''45N current and extended by dredging, Which passes
34'59'·44E). through the coastal bank at the end of Proliv
Arabats'ka Zatoka to Kosa Fedotova • Heniches'kyi Kanai is subject to heavy silting and
8.154 depths are promulgated periodically by Notices to
From a position N of Mys Kazantyp (45'28'-00N Mariners but the port authorities must be consulted for
35'52'·00E) (8.146) at the end of Recommended route the latest depths prior to entry. There are numerous
No 58, the track leads NW for about 45 miles to the dangers either side of the approach route to the
approaches to Heniches·k, passing: chamel.
2 NE of Area No 854 (45'37'-00N 35'15'-00E} 5 Pon Authority. Heniches'k Commercial Sea Port,
(8.152). Banka Arabatskaya, a shoal with a vul. Vorovs'kogo, 3. Heniches'k, Kherson Region.
least depth of 3 m. and several dangerous and 75500, Ukraine.
stranded wrecks lie within this area. Thenoe: Maximum size of vessel handled. 140 m in length,
3 Either side of Banka Morskiye (45'56'-00N 4·5 m draught
35'15'·00E), a group of shoals with depths of 6 Anchorage. The recommended anchorage position
between 5·2 and 6·8 m. A further shallow is 3Y, mies SE of Henichesk Beacon (white tetrahedral
patch, with a depth of 5·4 m, fies 16 miles ENE stone tower. White two-storey dwelling, black vertical
of Byriuchyi Light. stripe, 18 m in height) (46'10'·93N 34'49'·24E}.
• Thence to a position 4 miles SSE of Byriuchyi Light 8.157
at the start of Recommended route No 51 into Pilotage. Compulsory for vessels of more than
Heniches'k. 500 gt, the pilot boards approximately 1 Y, miles E of
(Directions continue for Obytichna Zatoka at 8. 161) Ille harbour entrance.
Traffic regulations:
Anchorages and harbours A port conlrol area extends w from 35•30·-ooE to
the shoreline.
Utliuts'kyi Lyman 2 Vessels with a length of more than 75 m must
8.155 enter and leave the port in dayr:ight hours, with
Ulliuts'kyi Lyman (46'15'·00N 35°10'·00E) is tug assistance and in favourable conditions.
bounded by Kosa Byriuchyi Ostrv and Kosa Fedotova Maximum speed in the approach channel for
to the SE and is entered between the SW extremity of vessels of more than 500 gt is 4·5 kn; for
Kosa Byriuchyi Ostriv and the N part of Kosa vessels less than 500 gt, 6 kn.
Arabats'ka Strilka, 6 miles W. 3 Maximum speed is 3 kn within the harbour. tf a
2 This entrance is restricted to a width of about vessel cannot maintain steerage at this speed,
114 miles by a shoal with a depth of I ·6 m, Which a IUg is to be used.
extends 3 miles W from Kosa Byriuchyi Ostriv. Landmarks:
The S part of Utriuts'kyi Lyman forms Heniches'kyi Black and white television mast, 1 mile WNW of
Reyd. the front leading light
3 Anchorage may be obtained, sheltered from al Four-storey hotet and factory buildings. at the S
winds, in any part of Henicheskyi Reyd in depths of edge of Heniches'k town.
not less than 6 m. The best berth is in a depth of " Berths. There is quayage of 600 m within the
6·2 m, mud and shells, about 3,1, miles E of the town commercial port. Heniches'k fish cannery quay. 175 m
of Heniches'k, but during SE winds there is bener long, is located along the N shore of Proliv Tonkiy
shetter nearer Kosa Byriuchyi Ostriv. immediately NW of the port entrance; depths at 5 m
4 Current. The current setting in or out of Proltv from the quay are 2·8 to 3·5 m. Quays No 1 and 2 are
Heniches'kyi (8.156) is felt in the roadstead. but does located immediately tlW of the fish cannery quay;
not exceed a rate of ¥.t kn. depths 5 m from quays No 1 and 2 are, respectively,

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


1 ·7 to 2·5 m and 3·7 to 4·5 m. Further fishing and Major lights:

passenger quays are located to the w of Nos 1 and 2; Novokostiantynivs'kyi Light (red four-sided metal
depths 5 m from the quay are 3·4 to 4 m. Depths vary framework tower on stone base, 22 m in
considerably due to silting and the Port Authority height) (46.34'·78N 35°43'·04E).
should be consulted for the latest figures.
s The fishing port has quayage of 150 m with depths
alongside of 1 ·7 to 2·6 m.
Local magnetic anomaly
Port facilities and supplies: mino< repairs; fuel oit,
fresh water at wharves. 8.162
Local magnetic anomalies exist on Obytichna Kosa,
but their inffuence is only fett a short distance to

General information Kosa Fedotova to Oby11chna Kosa

Topography From a position 4 miles SSE of Byriuchyi Light the
8.158 track leads ENE for about 60 miles to the head of
Between the NE end of Kosa Fedotova (46°22'-00N Obyt,chna Zatoka, passing:
35°22'·00E) and Obytichna Kosa (35 m~es ENE), lhe SSE of Area No 694 (46°05'-00N 35°06'·00E)
coast of Obytichna Zatoka consists mainly of cliffs of (8. t 52), thence:
even elevation, with tumuU in ptaces. Wdhin the cldfs 2 SSE of Area No 856 (46'22'-00N 35°24'·00E)
lies steppe country. (8.160). Shoals with depths of 4 and 4·6 m lie
2 Obytichna Kosa is low-lying. A row of six tumuli, 19 miles SW and 15 miles SSW, respectively,
visible from about t 3 miles, stand on lhe high ground of the fight. Thence:
at its root and are useful for i<lentilying ii. As with NNW of an area in which explosives operations
other similar spits on lhe N coast of Sea of Azov, lhe are carried out (46°14'·30N 35°54'·68E),
action of the sea changes lhe configuration of its thence:
seaward end. sometimes to a considerabJe extent 3 SSE of Novokostiantyniv'kyi Light (46'34'·76N
35'43'-04E), thence:
NNW of Obytichnyi Light (red rectangular panel,
12 m in height) (46'29'·59N 36°06'·61 E),
Depths thence:
8.159 NNW of Area No 695 (46'32'·00N 36'08'·50E).
Depths. The whole of Obytlchna Kosa is fringed by
a flat on which there are numerous patches with
depths of less than 5 m. This ftat extends as much as Anchorages
2% mites from either side and about 7 miles from the
extremity of the spit. A bank, on which there are Botevo
shoals with deplhs of less than 10 m, extends about 8.164
20 miles ESE from the spit. Good anchoraqe, with shelter from NE winds, is
available in the roadstead 8 miles ENE from
Novokostiantyniv'Kyi Light
Regulated areas Prominent buildings: Two grey stone towers and a
tU60 red nled tower are located in the SW and NE part of
Area in which anchoring, fishing, submarine and the village respectively.
seabed operations are prohibited: Other facilltles.. Pharmacy.
Area No 695 is situated 2% miles NE of Mys
Dzendzyk (Dzenznk) (46°29'·91 N 36'06'·75E).
2 Area to be avoided: Obytlchna Kosa
Area No 856 is situated at the NE end of Kosa 8.165
Fedotova and extends 2Y. miles offshore and Anchorage with good shetter from E or NE winds
3 miles SW. may be obtained in depths of 6 m N of Obytichnyi
See Appendix: 3. Light Shetter from S winds can be obtained near this
light or off the W side of lhe root of Obytichna Kosa.
where !here is excellent anchorage in depths of about
(con6nued from 8.154) 5m.
2 A fish landing facility and pier are located about
lo/, miles ENE of Mys Dzendzyk. Depth off the end of
Principal marks the pier, 2·2 m.
8.161 Cautions. Vessels approaching these anchorages
Landmarks: should pass at least 2 mies w of Obytichnyi Light.
Silo (building) (46'38'·67N 35°52'·37E). Fishing nets are laid along the W shore of the spit.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)




(continued from 8.69)
8.166 Principal marks
Port Temryuk (8.173) is the only port in this part of 8.171
Sea of Azov that is open 10 visits by foreign vessels. Major light$:
Temryuksl<iy Light (white eight-sided tower, 14 m
in height) (45°19.·82N 37'13'·87E).

General information Mys Kamennyy to Mys Achuyevskly

Routes From a position N of Mys Akhllleon (8.64)
8.167 Reoommended route No 66 leads generally ESE for
Recommended route No 66 leads ESE for about about 24 mies and then ENE for 1 mile, passing:
25 miles from Mys Akhilleon to the entrance to Port NNE of Mys Kamennyy (45'27'-04N 36°51'·40E),
Temryuk. Recommended route No 65 leads NE from thence:
the entrance to Port Temryuk towards Mys SSW of a wreck (45'28'·83N 36'54'·89E) with a
Achuyevskiy. depth of 9·5 m, and:
2 NNE of Mys Pekly (45'25'•98N 36'55'·41 E), a
low point projecting a short distance NNE,
8.168 thence:
The coast between Mys Kamennyy (45°27' -04N Clear of a prohibited area, radius one mile,
36°51 '·40E} and Mys Achuyevskiy (35 miles ENE) centred 45•24··80N 37'05'·60E; the area marks
forms the shores of Temryukskiy Zaliv. The SW and S the position of a mine. Thence:
shores of this bay are generaUy bluff with steep 3 SSW of Banka Temryukskaya (45'22'·50N
37'11 '·SOE). which has a least depth of H m
reddish cliffs in places. The E shore is low and mostty
and is composed of hard sand. The N
covered in reeds, but there are a number of shell
beaches. extremity of this bank is marked by a light
buoy (N cardinal) and the red sector
(t34°-170') of Temryukskiy Light covers the
Hazards bank. Thence:
8.169 • NNW of an obstruction (45'20'·34N 37'19'·nE).
Fishing nets. Between Kerch Strait and with a depth of 2·3 m. The obstruction lies
Temryukskiy Zaliv there are numerous fishing nets near the seaward end of a series of fishing
lying within 5 miles of the coast. As these nets are stakes. Thence:
unmarked and their positions frequently change. NNW of a platform (unlit) (45'20'·57N
mariners should exercise particular caution when 37'20'·21 E), thence:
navigating along this stretch of the coast 5 Clear of an area to be avoided. 2·7 cables radius,
2 Volcanic action. In 1929 a volcanic eruption centred on 45•20··50N 37'20'·45E, thence:
resulted in an islet being formed about 8 cables E of To the vicinity of Temryukskiy Light Buoy (safe
Temryukskiy Light (45°19.·82N 37°13'·87E} and 1 cable water) (45°21'·29N 37°20'·39E) moored at the entrance
offshore. This islet was subsequently washed away to the Gh.Jkhoy Channel (8.173).
leaving an area with depths of about 1 m in its place. 6 Thence the track leads SE into Glukhoy Channel or
3 In 1988 a further eruption took place 1 ~ miles E of NE along Recommended route No 65 towards Mys
the light. about 1 Y, cables offshore, resulting in an Achuyevskiy. passing NW of Kulikovskly Light
Island being formed. This island was 60 m long. 30 m (45°22'-SON 37'31'·50E).
wide and 3 m high but has since been gradually 7 Useful marks:
eroded. Church (45'26'·50N 36'50'-45E), 60 m in heigh~
Mariners should exercise caution when navigating in 9 cables SW of Mys Kamennyy.
these areas. (Directions continue for Mys Achuyevskiy to
Dolgaya Kosa at 8.181)
Natural conditions
8.170 Port Temryuk
Currents are almost entirety dependent on the
direction of the wind and have an average rate of
y.. kn. Strong winds may increase the rate to 1 kn. In General information
calm weather the effect of the outflow from the mouth 8.173
of Reka Kuban· (45°21 '·00N 37°24'·00E) is Position and function. Port Temryuk (45°19.AON
appreciable. 37°22'-62E) is situated about 2 miles inland on the W
2 Winds. The prevailing winds are E in autumn and side of Temryukskiy Rukav, the main branch of Reka
SW and NE in spring and summer. Kuban', and 2 mies N of the town of Temryuk. Small
Fog is common in autumn and winter being vessels can navigate Reka Kuban' as far as the city
particularly frequent in January. In summer fog is rare. of Krasnodar. 130 km E. It Is a port of entry.
Ice. Temryukskiy Zaliv is nonnaUy frozen over 2 Port Temryuk handles general bulk. liquid. fertiliser,
between January and March. scrap, oil, oversized and transhipment cargoes.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Limiting conditions Port services

8.174 8.178
Maximum size of vessel handled. Vessels up to Repairs: minor repairs; floating dock with a lifting
150 m LOA, 18 m beam and 4·6 m draught can be capacity of 5000 tonnes in Chirchik Basin; floating
accommodated. Vessels of greater draught may be aanes of 100 and 16 tonnes capacity.
accepted with the Harbour Master's permission. Other facilities: SSCC and SSCEC issued: waste
o~ and refuse collection.
Supplies: diesel and fuel oil by barge; fresh water.
Arrival infonnation
Vessel Traffic Service. For details see 8. 19 and MYS ACHUYEVSKIY TO DOLGAYA KOSA
ADMIRALTY Ust of Radio Signals Volume6(3).
2 Anchorage may be obtained in a series of six General information
anchor berths. from four to seven cables SW to ENE
of Temryukskiy light Buoy. A seventh berth 6es Route
8 cables N of the buoy, and outside the harbour limits. 8.179
The anchorages are unsafe with winds from a N From a position W of Mys Achuyevskiy (45°40'·29N
direction, and are affected by a constant current from 37'3T·27E) the route leads generally NE to Yasenskiy
Reka Kuban·. Caution. The NW and SW berths 6e Zaliv thence WNW to Dolgaya Kosa.
close to a line of fishing stakes.
3 Anchoring in the inner harbour is not permitted.
Pilots are available 24 hrs and compulsoryfor Topography
vessels more than 200 gt. The p~ot boards in the 8.180
vicinity of Temryukskiy Light Buoy. Between Mys Achuyevskiy (45°40'·29N 37°37'·27E)
Tugs are available and compulsory for vessels over and Dolgaya Kosa. 60 miles N, the E shore of the Sea
200 gt along the approach channel. of Azov is indented by the extensive Yasenskiy Zaliv.
From Mys Achuyevskiy to Achuyevskaya Kosa
(26 miles NE). the shore is low, marshy and covered
with reeds. This area is intersected by numerous rivers
Directions for entering harbour and lakes which form part of the delta of Reka
8.176 Kuban'.
From the vicinity of Temryukskiy light Buoy the 2 From Kamyshevatskaya Kosa (46°22'·00N
alignment (139·8°) of leading lights leads SE through 38°00'-00E) to Dotgaya Kosa 22 miles NNW, the shore
Glukhoy Channel, which connects the Temryuk branch N of Yasenskiy Zaliv consists of clay cliffs of even
of Reka Kuban' to the sea. E and W breakWaters elevation.
protect the S part of the channel where it cuts through Do&gaya Kosa is a long. 'aw and narrow spit which
the shore: the w breakwater has been partially extends about 9 miles NW from the coast. See 8.119.
destroyed. The inner part of the channel is separated
from Reka Kuban' by a dam. Directions
2 Cautions. Strong winds may cause heavy sitbng (continued from 8.172)
and depth changes in the Glukhoy Channel. Vessels
should keep to the centre of the channel.
Useful marks: Principal marks
TV mast (45°16'·40N 37'23'·12E). 8.181
Water tower with silvery-red strips, 66 m in Major lights:
Akhtarskiy light (silver-coloured rectangular
panel, 12 m in height) (seasonal) (46°06'·27N
Kamyshevatskiy Light (Wh~e rectangle, red band,
Basins and berths on white concrete tower. 15 m in height)
(seasonaQ (46"24'•18N 37°55'·49E).
LPG transhlpment berth (Maktren-Nafta) on the
NE side of Glukhoy Channel, 6% cables SSE of the Mys Achuyevskly to Dolgaya Kosa
head of the E breakwater. 8.182
2 Gazovikov Basin on the NE side of Glukhoy From a position W of Mys Achuyevskiy (45°40'·29N
Channel, 2 cables NW of the darn; depths in the basin 37'3T·27E) the track leads N then ENE, passing:
2·9 to 5·9 m; berth Nos 22 to 24 are in the NE part ol WNW of Achuyevskiy Light (black rectangula.r
the basin. panel. 12 m in height) (45"41'·02N 37"38'·83E).
3 Chirchik Basin on the SW side of Glukhoy The light stands on the S side of the mouth of
Channel, 2 cables w of Gazovikov Basin: depths in a small river, 2 miles NE of Mys Achuyevskiy.
the basin 1-6 to 10-4 m. Thence:
Chaykln Basin, 2 cables NW of Gazovikov Basin; 2 WNW of a dangerous wreck (46°04'·07N
depths in the basin 1 · 1 to 4·6 m; there are pontoons in 37°45.·92E}, marked 9 cables W by a buoy CW
the entrance and the E part cardinaQ, thence:
, Berth Nos 14 to 19 are located at the end ol NNW of Achuyevskaya Kosa (46°03'·50N
Glukhoy Channel, 2 cables SSE of Gazovikov Basin; 38'06'-00E) (8.184). thence:
general depths 3·4 to 6·0 m; depths at berth No 14: To the charted anchorage 2 miles S of
4·9 lo 5·5 m. Kamyshevatskaya Kosa (8.187).
Berth on the S side of the canal. 7 cables NW of (Directions continue for
the entrance to Ohaykm basin. Pnmorsko-Akhtarsk at 8.188)

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


3 Thence the track leads WNW to Oolgaya Kosa. Anchorages

passing: 8.187
SSW of Kamyshevatskiy Light (46.24'·18N Perepravskiy Reyd (46°20'-00N 37•59·-ooE) lies
37°55'·49E) (8.181), thence: 2 mies S of Karnyshevalskaya Kosa. The roadstead
SSW of two dangerous wrecks (46°25'·81N has depths of 4 m but is open to W winds.
37°47'·72E), thence: 2 Bukhta Kamyshevatskaya (46°23'·50N 38°01'·50E)
, SSW of Morevskiy Beacon (46°29'·95N is entered between the extremity of Kamyshevatskaya
37°50'·56E), thence: Kosa and the N coast of Yasenskiy Zaliv. Small
NNE of Banka Zhelezinskaya (46'14'·00N vessels, not exceeding 2 m in draught, may obtain
37°27'·00E), a shoal with a depth of 4·8 m, sale anchorage in the bay, with shelter from W or NW
thence: ww,ds. Local knowledge is essential.
Clear of a mooring buoy (46°29'•01N 37°24'·75E),
Clear of a dangerous wreck (46.29'·77N
37°21'·91E) marxed by a non-lALA buoy, Anchorages and harbours
s SSW of a light buoy (Y'I cardinal) (46°34'-61 N
37°24'·62E), marl<ing the W extremity of Kosa Primorsko-Akhtarsk
Yelenina, a narrow shallow spit of coarse 8.188
sand, wrth depths of less than 5 m. The bank General information. Primorsko-Akhtarsk
extends 16 miles offshore from the village of (46°02'·35N 38"08'·39E) is the administrative centre of
Dolzhanskaya (46°38'-00N 37°48'-00E), its N the district. It is situated on the E side of the N
edge is steep-to and there are patches, with entrance to Akhtarskiy Liman, a shallow lagoon. The
depths of 1 ·8 m, up to 7 miles offshore. town has a fish processing plant, foodstuffs and
6 SSW of Dolgaya Kosa (46'40'·73N 37°44'·51E) woodworking industries and an enterprise producing
(8.180), thence: building materials.
Thence the track aners N, passing w of Dolgaya z Port limits. The port limrts extend in a cone for
Kosa, to the approaches to Port Mariupol'. approximately 4 miles N ol the port, to inolude the
8.183 waters surrounding the leading beacons. Port limits
Useful mar1<: also extend 1 ~ mies w and S into Akhtarskiy Uman.
Dolgaya Kosa Beacon (black round metal Harbour. The port is formed by a N mole extending
column) (46°40"·73N 37°44'·51E), close to the 21h cabfes W, and a S curved mole extending 5 cables
SE end of Dolgaya Kosa (8.180). N then NW. The entrance faces W and is 160 m wide.
(Directions continue for Port Mariupol' at 8. I 33) 3 Conspicuous marks. A television mast, water
tower and factory chimneys become visible when
approaching the port from the entrance to Yasenskiy
YasenskiyZaliv ZaJW. Aero lights are exhibited from the mast at nighl
Leading beacons:
Front beacon (46"02'·29N 38°08'·86E).
General information Rear beacon (5 cables S from front).
8.184 • The alignment (170·7°) of these beacons leads
Yasenskiy Zaliv is entered between the N extremity along Recommended route No 63 through a dredged
of Achuyevskaya Kosa (46'03'·50N 38°06'-00E) and cha.Mel marked by buoys QateraQ lo a position
the S eX1remity of Kamyshevatskaya Kosa (19 miles 5 cables N of the head of the N mole. The track then
N). The shores of the bay are indented on both sides leads SSW to the entrance to the port.
of the entrance, S by Akhtarskiy l..iman and N by s Cautions. Wrecks wrth depths of 2, 1 ·5 and 0·3 m
Bukhta Karnyshevatskaya. At the head of the bay Is a lie 1 ·5, 1 ·4 and 0·8 miles NE of Mys Golen'kiy
channel leading to Beysugskiy Urnan. a shallow (46"03'·12N 38'06'·89E). A partly submerged wreck of
lagoon, which ts separated from the bay by a dredger, marl<ed by a buoy (Isolated danger) lies
Yasenskaya Kosa. Po111>oint Yasenskaya Pereprava 0·9 miles NE of Mys Golen'kiy.
(46°15'-00N 38'17'·60E) is located on the E shore of 6 It is dangerous to enter the port al night as the aids
the channel. to navigation lights are extinguished. The route is also
marked by perches, but i1 has been reported (2000)
that these marks are missing.
Natural conditjons The area lies within former mine danger area
8.185 No 70. See Appendix 6.
Ice. The bay is frozen over during the winter 1 In the entrance to Akhtarskiy Liman a large number
months. of fishing nets have been laid and caution is advised
Range of water level. WNW winds raise the water when navigating at night or in bad visibility.
level and ESE winds lower it The maximum rise Anchorage may be obtained about 10 miles NNW
observed is about 2·3 m and the maximum fall 1 ·5 m. of Akhtarskiy Light in depths of 4 to 5 m.
Currents in the bay are not appreciable and mainly , Berths. Four berths in 2 basins: a ruined pier
dependent on the direction of the wind. 220 m S of the N mole and eX1ending 175 m W,
separates the two basins. The shipyard berth is
located on the S side of the N mole, close to the root;
Dangers the other 3 berths are located a.long the E shore.
8.186 Depths at the shipyard at 1 and 5 m from the quay.
Two obseuctons wrth depths of 1 m, and 2 others are 1·7 to 2·9 m and 2·8 to 3·8 m, respectively. Depths
with depths of 2·8 and 4 m, lie 11 and 13 m~es N, and at lhe other 3 berths are 1 to 3 m.
3~ and 6 miles W, respectiVely, of Akhtarskiy Light Services: hospital: rail link to Krasnodar
(8.181). (45°02'·00N 39°00'·00E).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Achuyevo 2 Conspicuous marks:

8.189 A group of high trees and a water tower (white)
Anchorage may be obtained off Achuyevo siwated on the W bank of Reka Protoka. near
(45°42'·67N 37°46'·50E) in depths of about 6 m, mud, its mouth (45°43'·60N 37'46'·25E); from a
about 2 miles offshore abreast the mouth of Aukav distance the trees appear as a large bush.
Protoka (45°43'·80N 37°46'·70E), a branch of the Tafgirskoye Girlo Fish Receiving Station
Reka Kuban' (8.170). The effect of the outflow of this (45°48'·40N 37°52'·00E), 6·2 miles NE of
river is appreciable several miles offshore. Achuyevo village.

GENERAL INFORMATION 2 An area within 5 miles of the head of the gulf may
completely dry and at such a time the level of the
Restrictions approach channel to Taganrog may fall by as much as
8.190 2m.
Yeysk, Taganrog, Azov and Rostov-na-Donu are A further variation in the water level of the gulf is
the only ports in Gulf or Taganrog open to international caused by the changing volume of the discharge of
trace. the river.; flowing into the guH. The level from lhis
cause IS highest in June and lowest in December.
are variable and do not exceed the rate of *
Currents. During summer the currents in the gulf

Ice usually appears at Taganrog in early December

GuH of Taganrog forms the NE part of Sea of Azov
and is entered between the SE extremity of and in the entrance to the gulf at the end of the
Bilosarays'ka Kosa (46'52'·10N 3r17'-03E) and the month. The ice in the gulf remains solid until the end
of February. and in some years until the middle of
NW extremity of Dolgaya Kosa (8.180), 15 miles SE.
Thence it extends in an E direction for about 75 miles March. The gutt is usually quite clear of ice by the end
to the Donskaya Def'ta (8.234). of March~ or in severe winters, the middle of April. See
2 Wrthin the N side of the guH there is a level, 1.122 and 8.11.
uniform, and in places, salty steppe, which terminates • Fog occurs from 7 to 1 O days a month in the
at the coast In steep clay cliffs. These cRffs are winter. but is rare in summer. It is more oommon at
nowhere more than 55 m in elevation: they are night or in the early morning. and In the very cold
calm weather during the winter, and may persist for
precipitous in some places. but are generaly broken
several days.
up into terraces by landslips. There are isolated
Winds.. In autumn and late winter the prevailing
hillocks and tumuli and the cliffs are intersected by
deep gullies or ravines. wilds are NE and E; in other seasons SW and W
3 The shoreline on this side of the gutt consists of a YMds are almost as frequent. Gales, which generally
narrow beach. A number of sandy spits extend S from blow from E. are most frequent in autumn and winter.
the general line of the shore. These spits are fringed Wrecks
by extensive flats. 8.195
• The S shore of the gutt consists of rising ground of Owing to the shaDowness of the gulf, wrecks form a
even elevation with clay landslips, intersected by serious obstruction to navigation.
gullies. A number of spits extend from this side of the
guH that are fringed by flats more extensive than those Fishing
on the N side. 8.196
When E of a line joining Ostriv Liapina (47°04'·60N
37°40'·80E) (8.199) and Kosa Yeyskaya (32 miles SE),
International boundary
vessels must keep to the regular channel to avoid
fishing vessels and their gear.
The International boundary between Ukraine and
2 Two circular areas of 1 mile radius containing fish
Russia lies 14'h miles w of Beglrtskaya Kosa (8.218).
nets, lie 7 miles SSW and 11 miles SW of Krivaya
Kosa (8.199). Fishing nets may also be laid within 3 to
Depths 7 miles from lhe coast. between Port Mariupol' (8.121)
8.193 and Krivaya Kosa.
A winding fairway channel, mar1<ed by light buoys
and buoys, leads between the flats extending from the WESTERN PART OF GULF OF TAGANROG
N and S shores of Gulf of Taganrog. Depths in this
channel vary between 7 m at its W end in General information
Adhanovskiy Reyd and 5 m at its E end in the
approaches to the port of Taganrog (8.219) and the Area covered
Azovo Donskoy Morskoy Kanai (8.239). 8.197
This sub-section covers that part of the Gutt of
Taganrog which lies t-o the W of a line joining
Natural conditions Beglitskaya Kosa (4r07'·00N 38'34'-00E) and Mys
8.194 Sazafnik (16 mies SSW), but excludes Port Mariupol'
Range of water level. Prevailing winds cause large and its approaches (8.121).
fluctuations in the water level of the guH. W and SW
winds raise the level, N and NE winds lower l. Routes
West of Beglltskaya Kosa (4r07'-00N 38°34'-00E) ~ 8.198
Is exceptional for the water level to faff by more than Recommended route No 31 leads E for about
0·6 m. however, E of this spit winds of moderate 70 miles to the start of the buoyed channel leading to
strength cause a range in level of O 6 to 1 ·2 m. Girlo Peschanoye (8.232).
e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Recommended route No 32 leads ESE for about s of Shirokino Light (47'05'·54N 37'48'·74E),
30 miles to Yeysk (8.205). thence:
Recommended route No 33 leads SSW for about Clear of a light buoy (safe water) (46'55'·27N
16 miles to Yeysk (8.205). 37°58'·61 E), marking the crossover point of
route Nos 31 and 32, thence:
Topography • S of Krivaya Kosa (47'01'·50N 38'05'-40E).
8.199 Isolated danger buoys and a buoy (S cardinal)
North shore. Be1Ween Ostriv Liapina (lyapina) mark obstrUctions and wrecks lying between
{47'04'·60N 37'40'·80E) and the root of Krivaya 3 miles S and 5 miles SW of the light. Thence:
(Kryva) Kosa (18'h miles E), there are Sll'etohes of cliff, S of an area in which fishing nets are laid
one of which is s mlles long, Intersected by a number (47'03'-00N 38°2S'·OOE). thence:
of valleys. N of Anchorage area No 462 (8.212) (46'59'·00N
Reka Mius enters the sea lhrough a wide valley; its 38°28'-00E), and:
mouth (47'08'·60N 38'28'·74E), which is I cable wide. N of Mys Sazal'nik (46'51'·52N 38'27'·76E), a
enters lhe sea between 1Wo sandspils. rounded headland lhat rises above the general
2 South shore. Between lhe root of Oolgaya Kosa level of the cliffs. Kosa Sazal'nikskaya extends
(46'41'·00N 37'44'-00E) and Yeysk (22 miles E), the 2 miles NE from the headland, and lhe village
coast consists of a low but steep cliff of even of Shabel'skoye is situated partly on the
elevation. headland and partly on the spit.
Depths (Directions continue at 8.217)
8.200 Yeysk
Coastal banks wilh depths of less than 5 m, extend
up to 5 miles into the gutt from either shore. General Information
Prohibited area Position and function. Yeysk (46'43'·88N
8.201 35•15·,10E) stands on rising ground at the root of
A mine danger area, to which ent,y is prohibited, Kosa Yeyskaya, a low sandy sptt which forms the NW
(47'04'·10N 37'55'·20E) lies N of recommended route side of Yeyskiy Zaliv. It is the administrative centre for
Nos 31 and 32. The area encloses the N coasUine of the region. The port handJes mainty project cargo,
the Gulf of Taganrog between Kosa Lyaplna heavy lifts. containers, grain, general cargo and oil. tt
(47'05'·68N 37'41'·85E) and Kryva Kosa (47°01'·95N is a port of enuy.
38'05'·91 E). The area extends seaward for up to 2 Port limits extend 11 miles NW from lhe port for a
4o/..mites. width of 2 miles.
2 Two former mine danger areas, open to navigation
but where anchorage is not recommended are Umiting conditions
es1ablished centred on the following positions: 8206
No 60 - 47'02'-i>2N 37'46'•52E; Maximum size of vessel handled: 165 m LOA,
No 63 - 47°00'·17N 38'03'·42E. 4 m draught.

Regulated area Arrival information

8.202 8207
Areas periodically dangerous for navigation: Outer anchorage. Area No 456, wilh deplhs of 3 to
Area No 763 fies be1Ween Oolgaya Kosa and 5 m, extends from a position close SW of the harbour
Yeysk and extends up to 14 miles offshore. entrance to 4-5 miles NW. The area lies SW of the
See Appendix 3. approach channel and is divided in 10 three sections:
A, B and C from SE to NW. Small vessels with a
Directions draught up to 3 m anchor in the SE section, general
(continued from 8. 119) cargo vessels with a draught up to 4 m anchor in the
central section, while vessels carrying dangerous
Principal marks cargo and with a draught up to 4 m, anchor in lhe NW
8.203 section.
Landmarks: 2 Caullon. The N part of the general cargo
Tower (46'42'·27N 38'15'·07E). anchorage and the dangerous cargo anchorage. lie
Tower (46'51'·12N 38'28'·43E). within former mine danger area No 64. See 1.20.
Major lights: A restncted area of radius 2 miles lies 9 cables
Shirokino (Shyrokyne) Light (black rectangle on WNW of the harbour entrance; the area contains a
metal column, 10 m in height) {47'05''48N mine.
37'48'·63E). Reported destroyed (2018). s Pilotage is compulsory. A request for pilotage is to
2 Sazal'nikskiy Light (blaci< reo1angleon lour-sided be submitted 72, 48 and 24 hours before arrival.
metal framework tower, 20 m in height) Tugs are compulsory for vessels of 100 gt or more;
(46'51 '·52N 38'27'·76E), which stands on Mys vessels more than 120 m LOA must have at least two
Sazal'nik. tugs.
4 Recommendation. Entrance into the inner
Westem part of Gulf of Taganrog (Vnutrenniy) basin is approximately 11 O m wide, it is
8.204 tierefore recommended that vessels enter the basin
From a pcsinon about 4 miles S of Bilosarayslca stem rrst
Light (46'52'·92N 37'19'·45E) (8.119), Recommended
route No 31 leads generally E. passing: Harbour
S of Port Mariupol' (47'03'-07N 37'30'·23E), 8.208
thence: An artificial harbour consisting of an outer harbour
2 N of lhe root of Oolgaya Kosa (46"41'-00N enclosed by E and W moles, an inner (Vnutrenniy)
37'44'·00E), thence: basin and an E basin located NE of the outer harbour

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


and enclosed by a N mole. As wetl as their separate EASTERN PART OF GULF OF TAGANROG
entrances, the two areas are also linked via a 100 m
passage in the E mole. A rectangular area, General information
approximately 110 m by 110 m and lying SW of the Area covered
passage, is dredged to 4·5 m (2009); the area is not 8.213
regularly maintained. The part of Gutt of Taganrog which lies to the E of
a line joining Beglitskaya Kosa {47"07'·00N
Directions for entering harbour 38'34'-00E) and Mys Sazal"nik (16 miles SSW). but
8.209 excluding Donskaya Oel'ta and its approaches (8.234).
Directions from W. From the vicinity of 46"59'-00N
37°35'·00E (8. t37) Recommended route No 32 leads Routes
ESE for 16~ miles, thence SE for 15 miles through the 8.214
coastal bank from Yeyskiy Reyd to the final approach From a position about 9'h miles SSW of Mys
to Yeysk. Taganrog (47"12'·00N 38'56'•70EJ, Recommended
2 Directions from N. From the vicinity of a light buoy route No 34 leads SSE for about 6 miles to Mys
(safe water) {47'00'-00N 38'22'-00E) the track leads Chumburskiy {46'58'·00N 38'54'·00E) The small
12'h miles S through a channel, marked by buoys and seUlement of Chumbur-Kosa is situated on the spiL
light buoys laid on request, aJong Recommended route close SSW of the point,
No 33. 2 From a position about 6'h miles SSE of Beglitskaya
3 Thence the track alters SW for about 5 maes to join Kosa Light (47'06'·96N 38'34'·50E), Recommended
Recommended route No 32 for the final approach to route No 35 leads S for 61h miles then E for 5 miles to
Yeysk. Port Katon (46'53'·00N 38'45'·00E).
Final approach. The alignment (133-8") of leading
lights leads SE through the channel to the harbour.
The channel is 80 m in width with a least depth in mid
North shore. Between the root of Beglltskaya Kosa
channel of 4·8 m.
(47"07'-00N 38'34'-00E) (8.218) and Kosa Petrushina
, Cautions. The leading lights are of low sensitivity
(12'h mies E). the coast consists of a steep cliff about
and vessels proceeding along the channel are
18 m high. Mys Taganrog, a bluff with
recommended to make use of the buoys for guidance.
reddish-coloured landslips, on which stands the town
A dangerous wreck lies 4 cables NW of the heads
of Taganrog. extends 4 miles ENE from the general
of the breakwaters, close NE of the centreline of the
line ol the shore.
channel; the wreck is marf<ed by a light buoy Qsolated
2 South shore. Between Mys Sazal'nik (46'51 '·53N
danger). A second dangerous wreck fies 6 cables NW
38'27'-60E) and Ochakovskaya Kosa (28 miles ENE),
of the heads of the breakwater, close NE of the
the coast il general consists of low cliffs of even
s Within the harbour, six isolated rocks. least depth elevation, which in places are intersected by gullies. E
2·9 m, are located from 'h to 11/ .. cables S of the port of this spit. clay slopes of an even elevation trend for
about 8 mies to the S side of Donskaya Oel'ta.
entrance; a further isolated rock ties 1¥, cables SE~
close NE of the leading line. Regulated area
Useful mark: 8.216
Silo {1 cable SE of the root of the N breakWater). Areas which should be avoided:
Alea Nos 857 and 858 Ile 4¥. miles SSE of
Taganrogsk,y l.Jght (8.217). The areas are
Basins and berths bounded by a circle of 1 cable radius, and
8.210 marl< 4 m high obstructions. See Appendix 3.
Outer harbour: six berths; 125 to 286 m long; 3-9
to 4·7 m depth. Directions
Inner basin: four berths 160 to 165 m long; 3·8 to (con6nued from 8.204)
4· 1 m depth. Passenger berth, 128 m long, 4-0
to 4·5 m depth. Principal marks
East basin: two berths; 101 to 175 m long; 3·8 to 8.217
4·1 m depth. Landmarks:
Wind turbine {47"08'·91'N 38'38'·11E).
Major lights:
Port services Taganrogskiy Ught (white round tower, red bands,
8.211 22 m in height) {47'12'·18N 38'56'·71E).
Repairs: minor repairs, vessels with a displacement Eastern part of Gull of Taganrog
up to 600 tonnes in the E basin. 8.218
Other facllltles: SSCC, SSCEC issued; hospilal; From a position NW of Mys Sazal'nik (46'51 '·50N
oily waste and garbage coUection. 38'28' ·OOE) (8.204) Recommended route No 31
Supplies: fuel by barge and by road tanker during conlinues generally E. passing:
ice conditions: fresh provisions. N of Peschanyy Light Buoy (N cardinal)
(46'54'·49N 38'23'·51E), thence:
Anchorage 2 Clear of a fight buoy (safe water) (47'00'·39N
38'21'·81E), marking the N end of routs
K.rivaya Kosa No 33, thence:
8.212 S of Beglitskaya Kosa Light (red rectangle on
Small vessels may obtain anchorage SE of Krivaya four-sided metal lrarneworf< tower, 18 m in
Kosa (8.199). and in the bay on the NW side of the height) {47'06'·96N 38'34'·50E). which stands
spit when winds are between NE and SE. Local at the end of the spit extending 1 'hmiles SE
knowledge is required. from the coastal clrff. Thence:

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


3 S of a wreck (47.02'·02N 38"35'·54E). wi1h a 3 All vessels are exempt from pilotage in the VTS
depth of 0·9 m. thence: zone except.
S of Anchorage area No 463 (47"01'·30N Foreign-flagged vessels.
38°37'·40E) (B.226), thence: Vessels in distress.
Clear of Beglilskiy Buoy (safe water) (47°00'·57N Vessels with dangerous cargoes unless
38°38'·21E), mar1<ing the change in direction of exempted.
Recommended route No 31, thence: Vessels carrying nuclear cargo.
• SE of a buoy Osolated danger). mar1<ing a Cargo vessels during the ice navigation period.
dangerous wreck (47°05··51N 38'43.·71E), • Pllotage is compulsory along the Taganrog
and: approach channel. Vessels are boarded 9 miles SSW
NW of Banka Grecheskaya Ligh1 Buoy (N of Taganrogsl<iy Ughl (47°12'·1BN 38'56'·71E).
cardinaQ (47.04'·24N 38'45'·85E}, thence: See ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals Volume 6(3)
SSW of a dangerous wreck (47'09'·18N for details.
38°45'·42E), thence: s Regulations Include:
s NNE of Anchorage area No 459 (47°02'·80N Vessels with a draught up to 4·3 m and with an
38'49'·40E) (B.226). thence: under-keel clearance of 20 cm are permitted
SSW of the approach channel to Taganrog to sail in the approach channel at all times;
(47'03'·70N 38°53'-00E), thence: visibility must be not less than 2 miles, the
NNE of Anchorage area No 461 (47°02'·10N wind speed no greater than 15 mis (Beaufort
38°54'-40E) (8.228). force 7) and with a port gauge water level of
6 Thence to a position 10 miles S of Taganrog at the Om.
end of Recommended route No 31. 6 The passage of vessels with a draught greater
(Directions conunue at 8.238) than 4·3 m is to be agreed w"h the Harbour
Taganrog Maximum speed in the channel is 8 kn.
Vessels with a length greater than 100 m or more
General information must berth wtth the assistance of two tugs.
8.219 Vessels are prohibtted from entering or leaving
Position and function. Taganrog (47'12'-09N Remontnyy Basin in wind speeds of 12 mis
38'57'·23E) stands on the level headland of Mys (Beaufort force 6) or more.
Taganrog. It is an important industrial centre, with the
main industry being engineering, and is a centre of Harbour
administration. 8.222
2 The port consists of an artificial harbour on the SE The main harbour consists of two outer basins,
side of the town. Main exports include lumber, iron, Novyy (New) and Petrovskiy, protected by curved
steel and coal; imports include citrus fruit. flour, motes, which lead into an inner basin Remontnyy
alcohol, tobacco products and building matenals. It is (Repair). There are B berths, of which 3 lie outside
a port of entry. and to the N of the harbour entrance at Pushkinskaya
NabereZhnaya. The Fishing Port consists of a small
Limiting conditions basin 214 m~es N of the main harbour.
Controlling depth. The approach channel is Directions for entering harbour
dredged to 5 m (2011). 8.223
Navigable width. The approach channel is 80 m From a position on Reoommended route No 31,
wide. about 9't.miles SSW of Taganrogskiy Light (B.217), a
2 Abnormal water levels. Large variations in wa1er channel 80 m wide with a least depth in mid-channel
level occur in the port. Positive surges up to 2·5 m are of 5 m (2007), leads NE then N for 10°/, miles across
caused by W and SW winds of 12-15 mis ~aufort the flat S of Mys Taganrogskiy. The approach channel
force 6 to 7); negative surges up to 3·5 m are caused is mar1<ed by light buoys; and the alignment (355'·2)
by N and NE winds of 15-1 B mis (Beaufort force 7 of leading lights mark the second reach.
to B). 2 Works have been in progress to construct leading
lights for the first reach. Currently, both marks are
Arrival Information damaged and their construction is suspended (2011 ).
8.221 See 8.216.
Vessel traffic service. A VTS is maintained for the The approach channel to the Fishing Port continues
regulation of shipping which includes the Gulf of E of the harbour entrance. The channel is 2-4 miles
Taganrog, bounded by the Ukrainian border u, the N long and 50 m wide, and is accessible to vessels with
and extending E from meridian 38°14'-00E to its a draught up to 2·5 m.
intersection with parallel 46QS3'·20N, and thence along 3 Cautions. The leading lights are of low sensitivity
this parallel to Sazal'nikskaya Kosa (46'52'·90N and are extinguished during the winter period.
38'30'·00E). The E boundary is defined by meridian The channel is subject to shoaling and is not
39°13'·00E. regularly maintained.
2 Vessels must obtain permission to enter Taganrog Due to the uncertainty of aids to navigation in the
Approach Channel (TAC) in advance from Port State port of Taganrog, navigation is dangerous during the
Control. hours of darkness.
Vessels must obtain permlssion to enter the
Azov-Don Sea Canal (ADSC) from Azov Port Slate Berths
Control (8.240). 8.224
Permission for vessels to commence movement In Petrovskly Basin: Nos 1 and 2 berths, NW corner,
the VTS zone is valid for 30 minutes. On expiry of this 305 m length: 4·6 to 5·3 m depth. No 3 berth, NE of
period vessels must make a new request No 2; 200 m length; 4·4 to 5·7 m.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Novyy Basin: No 4 berm, NNE of No 3; 215 m Area No463

length: 2·3 to 4·4 m. No 5 benh, NE of No 4; 160 m 8.230
length: 1 ·8 to 4·9 m: dangerous cargo. Area No 463 with depths of 5 to 6 m. mud and
2 Pushkinskaya Naberezhnaya: No 6 berth, 2 cables shels, is situated 6 miles SSE of Beglitskaya Kosa
N of the N mole; 60 m length; 3·9 m depth. Nos 7 and Light and is bounded by the following co-ordinates:
8 benhs, WNW and NW of No 6; 80 and 160 m 1. 47°01'·80N 38'38'·90E.
respectively; depths 4·1 to 4·3 m; passenger terminal. 2. 47°00'·80N 38'38'·10E.
Fishing Port: Five benhs; maximum depth 4 m; 3. 47°00'·80N 38'35'·90E.
general cargoes, containers. export-import cargoes. 4. 47°01'·80N 38'36'·70E.
The anchorage is for vessels with a draught up to
Port services 5 m, and may be used when the water level is low in
8.225 the GuH of Taganrog.
Repairs. Hull and machinery repairs: the Fishing
Area No464
Port has a slip for vessels up to 250 g1.
Other facilities. SSCC, SSCEC issued.
Area No 464, for dry cargo vessels. with depths of
Supplies. Fresh water in the F"eshing Port.
about 4. is situated close w of Area No 461 and Is
bounded by the following co-ordinates:
1. 47°01'·90N 38'52'·90E.
2. 47°02'·40N 38'52'·90E.
3. 47°02'·40N 38'53'·90E.
Area No459 4. 47°01'·90N 38'53'·90E.
Area No 459 with depths of about 5 m. mud and
shells, is situated 1 O'h miles SSW of Taganrog and is
bounded by the following co-ordinates: OONSKAYA DEL'TA ANO APPROACHES
1. 47'03'·00N 3a•49·.90E.
2. 47•02·-soN 3a•49·.9oe.
3. 47'02'·50N 38'48'·90E. General lnlonnalion
4. 47'03'·00N 38'48'·90E.
The anchorage is for vessels with a draught up to
4·5m. 8.232
Caution. An obstruction (47°02'·74N 38'49'-0SE} From the end of Recommended route No 31 (8.218)
lies within the anchorage. the Azovo Donskoy Morskoy Kanai leads E for about
13 miles to Girlo Peschanoye, the mouth of Reka Don.
Area No460
8.227 Topography
Area No 460 with depths of 3 m, mud and shells, is 8.233
situated 3 miles SSE of Taganrog and is bounded by Reka Don rises about 200 km S of Moskva
the following co-ordinates: (MOSCOW) and after flowing S for some 1950 km.
1. 47'09'·50N 38'59'·40E. enters the sea through Oonskaya Del'ta at the head of
2. 47'09'·00N 38'59'·40E. Gulf of Taganrog. Reka Don is connected to Reka
3. 47'09'·00N 38'58'·40E. Volga near Volgograd, by the Volgo-Donskoy Kanai.
4. 47'09'·SON 38°58'·40E. This canal, which is 101 km long, allows shipping to
The anchorage is for vessels with a draught up to pass from the Black Sea to the White, Baltic and
3m. Caspian Seas.
Donskaya Del'ta
Area No 461
8.228 The delta which starts about 17 miles from the sea.
Area No 461, for tankers, with depths of about4 m, is formed between Mertvyy Donets in the N and Reka
mud and shells, Is situated 1 o m~es SSW of Taganrog
Staryy Don in the S. The latter carries about haH the
at the entrance to the Azovo Donskoy Morskoy Kanai
outflow of the river.
and is bounded by the following co-orcfmates:
On approaching the sea, the various branches
1. 47'02'-40N 3a•54·,9oe.
divide into numerous channels which enter Gulf of
2. 47'01'·90N 3a•54·.9oe.
Taganrog by as many as 24 mouths, extending from N
3. 47'01'·90N 38'53'·90E. to S over a distance of 13 miles.
4. 47'02'·40N 38'53'·90E.
2 The whole of the head of Gutt of Taganrog is
fringed by a very shallow flat and the numerous
Area No462 islands at the mouth of the delta are almost awash.
8.229 The banks rise gradually farther upstream and are
Area No 462 with depths of 6 m, mud and shells. is completely covered In dense masses of reeds about
situated 24 miles SW of Taganrog and is bounded by 2m in heighL
the following co-ordinates: 3 All the mouths frequently change direction and vary
1. 46'58'·50N 38°26'·90E. in depth, and after gales from W new mouths are
2. 46'59'·80N 3a•25·.9oe. somelimes formed.
3. 46'59'·80N 38'29'·40E.
4. 46'58'·60N 38'29'·40E. Limiting conditions
The anchorage is for vessels with a draught up to 8.235
6 rn, and may be used by deep draught sea-going Controlling depth. The Azovo Donskoy Morskoy
vessels and for roadstead loading or additional loading Kanai has a least depth of 4 m (2018).
from river vessels or barges. Navigable width. The channel is 70 m wide.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Pilotage Azov
Vessels are boarded 10 miles S of Taganrogskiy General information
Light (47°12··18N aa•55·.11E). 8.240
Position and function. Azov lies on the S bank of
Reka Staryy Don. about 8 miles upstream from the
Natural conditions
mouth of the river; it is a port of entry. The city has
well-developed engineering, light and foodstuff
Range of water level in the river is subject to
considerable seasonal change due to the melting of industries.
2 The matn cargoes handled include metals, timber,
snow In the river basin and also due to the wind.
Current. In Girlo Peschanoye the currents are grain, chemical fertiJisers, minerals, building materials
mainly affected by the wind, whiJe at Ros1ov-na-Donu. and foodstuffs ; in addition there are also passenger
services. Approximately 5 to 6 000 000 tonnes of cargo
the current is affected by the level of the river in the
are handled annually. which consists mainly of steel
spring and by the wind at other seasons.
and grain.
2 Rates of current:
3 Port Hmits. The boundaries of the port are located
Girlo Mean rate (kn) Max rate (kn) within the limits of Km 3151, Reka Koysug, to No 1
Peschanoye Buoy; including outer roadstead No 6 (8.242).
E wind 2-v.. 4Y.. Port Authority. Sea Port of Azov, ul Petrovskaya 2,
346780 Azov, Rostov Oblast, Russia.
W wind 2
Limiting conditions
Rostov: 8.241
Spring 3 to 4 4 to 5 Depths in this stretch of river vary from 3 m to
18 m and lhe width from 1 to 6 cables.
Other seasons 'h 2'h (with E gales)
Maximum size of vessel handled. Vessels with a
Nole: W gales may reduce lhe current lo nothing or draught up to 4 m and 5000 dwt can be
even cause a current upstream with a rate of y.. kn~ accommodated.
Winds. Prevailing winds are SW in summer and NE
during the remainder of the year. The NE winds, Amval Information
known localty as Verkhovoy. are remarkable for their 8.242
strength and duration, sometimes blowing for three or Vessel traffic service. See 8.221 and ADMIRALTY
more weeks on end. The SW winds, known locally as Ust of Radio Signals Volume 6(3) for details.
Nizovka, are equally strong but of shorter duration. Anchorages. There are six roacsteaos, five of
4 Ice. The river freezes over from mid December to which are located in the river:
mid March and the ice attains a thickness of 0.3 to Roadstead No 1; right-hand bank between
0·5m. Km 3168·6-3168·1; dry cargo.
Roadstead No 2; left-hand bank between
Km 3170·9-3170·2; dry cargo.
Directions 2 Roadstead No 3; right-hand bank between
(continued from 8.2 I8) Km 3173·4-3172·4; tankers.
Roadstead No 4; right-hand bank between
Principal marks Km 3176·4-3175·6; tankers.
8.238 Roadstead No 5; right-hand bank between
Major lights: Km 3178·5-31n·8; vessels under quarantine.
Rostov Approach Channel 2nd Rear Leacling 3 Vessels moor with bow and stem anchors. except
Light (47°05'·64N 39°18'·90E). Roadstead No 1 where a stem line can be taken to a
mooring buoy.
Donskaya Del'ta and approaches Roadstead No 6 is situated in the Gull of
8.239 Taganrog, and consists of anchorage areas
Rostov Approach Channel First Leading Lights: Nos 461 and 464 (See 8.228 and 8.231).
Front light (black truncated pyramid panel, white " Regulations include:
stripe, on metal framework tower, 17 m in Vessels with a draught up to 3·7 m and with an
height) (47'04'·93N 39°07'·72E). under-keel clearance no less than 30 cm are
Rear light (black rectangle white stripe, on metal permitted to sa~ along lhe Azovo Donskoy
framework tower, 27 m in height) (1 ~ m~es Morskoy Kanai at all times; visibility must be
from front light). not less than 2 miles. the wind speed no
2 From a position 10 miles S of Taganrog the greater than 15 m/s (Beaufort force 7) and with
alignment (070') of these lights leads ENE for 7 miles a port gauge water level of O m.
through the Azovo Donskoy Morskoy Kanai, marked s Vessels with a draught of more than 3 m must
by light buoys, to a position 2 miles N of not exceed 6 kn in the channel; vessels with a
Ochakovskaya Kosa. draught of less than 3 m must not exceed
Thence the track alters E to Rostov Approach Skn.
Channel Second Leading Lights. Vessels are prohibtted from overtaking in the
3 Rostov Approach Channel Second Leading channel, except for hydrofoil vessels. It is
Lights: prohiMed for vessels to pass at buoys.
Front light (47°05'·47N 39°17'-0GE). 6 Vessels inbound are to give way to vessels
Rear light (1 Y, miles from front fight). outbound.
The alignment (082·4°) of these ights leads E for Cautlons. All vessels must proceed at minimum
6 miles through the channel, marked by Ught buoys. to speed when proceeding past the berths, noting the
Girto Peschanoye (47°05'•23N 39°14'-40E), the mouth large amount of traffic departing and manoeuvring in
of Reka Staryy Don. the area of the berths.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


1 There is a large amount of small vessel lraffic • Port Authority. AOOT Rostovsky Port,
operating 24 hours. ul Beregovaya 30, 344019, Rostov-na-Donu. Russia.
When approaching the passenger launch feny at
Umltlng conditions
3167·6 km, vessels must take heed and pass safely.
Harbour Depths in this stretch of river vary from 3 m to
8.243 18 m and the width from 1 to 6 cables.
Development There are plans (2012) to ina-ease Maximum size of vessel handled. Vessels with a
the access depth to 8·5 m and construct an LPG draught up to 3·6 m and 5000 dwt can be
facility. accommodated.
Directions for entering harbour Arrival information
(continued from 8.239) 8.249
8.244 Anchorages. Nizhnegnilovskiy Roads for d,y-cargo
From Girto Peschanoye the fairway extends E along vessels is situated on the S bank at Km 3140·4 to
the arm of the Staryy Don, passing the village of 3141·4. Depths are 2 to 4 m, mud and sand. Vessels
Donskoy at Km 3178-3175 on the left-hand bani\. may moor to a mooring buoy or lie on stem and bow
Where there are several quays. anchors. but not aJongside another vessel.
An area of shallows is located at Tserkovnyy 2 Monoastyrskaya Rossyp' Perekat Roads and
Perekat, near the settlement of Uzyak, at Starocherkasskoye Koleno Roads are for tankers: they
Km 3178-4-3175·5 (Km 4·5-7·0); depths 3·6 to 4·6 m are both situated on the S bank at Km3112·7 to
(2000). A wreck lies on the right-hand bank of the 3114·4 and Km 3108·8 to 3109·6, respectively.
arm. Harbour
2 A second area of shallows, Uzyakskiy Perel<at 8.250
(Batareynyy Perekat), is located at Km3175-5-3172·5; Climate information. See 1.151 and 1.170.
depths 3·6 to 5·6 m (2000). Uzyakskiy Perekat Leading
Lights are located on the left-hand bank at Km 11. Directions for entering harbour
3 A third area of shallows, Petrovskiy Perekal, IS 8.251
located near the village of Petrovskiy and stretches Approaches and shallows. Reka Don is extremely
from Km 3172·5-3167·0; depths 3-6 to 5·7 m (2000). YMding and has several shallow areas. Two areas
Petrovskiy Perekat Third Reach Leacf,ng Beacons, which are most subiect to silting are in the Azovskiy
situated at Km 11 on the right-hand bank and to the Channel, between Km 3165·4-3167 and
W of the village, lead through the shaDows from Km 3163·8-3165·4; depths in the channel are 4·5 to
Km 12-13. 6-0 m. In the area of Km 3164, the river divides into
twO anns: Rukav Starry Don, along which the fairway
Berths passes. and Rukav Kalancha
8.245 2 Overhead cable. An electrical transmission cable
There are eleven berths with a total quay length of crosses the river at Km 3164. Cable height is 37·4 m
1299 m; the container terminal has a length of 268 m; from design water level and 35 m from maximum HW
berth depths vary from 4·5 to 8·5 m. Cargoes handled: level.
passengers. containers, grain, ores. alumina, scrap Caution. A dangerous area is located between
metal, sawn timber. bags of flour. rice. sugar and Km3157·1-3159·3. The visual range in this section is
fertilisers. linitted. and on-coming vessels are detected at short
distance. Large tonnage vessels must proceed at
Port services
reduced speed, and all vessels must keep a constant
watch on VHF.
Repairs. Minor repairs.
• Shallows. Shmatovskiy Perekat is located between
Other facilities. SSOC, SSCEC issued.
3154·4-3157·2 km; this is one of the secnons of the
Supplies: fuel; fresh water.
river which is most subject to silting. The village of
Shmat is sttuated on the N bank of the river In an
area of shallows.
General information Passenger terminal. Koluzayevskiy Perekat section
8.247 fies between Km 3149-3154·4. Koluzayevo Passenger
Position and function. Rostov-na-Donu Tenninal is located on the S bank. oppostte the mouth
(47'11 '·19N 39'37'·79E). a major industrial city of Rel<a Koysug.
maritime and river port, Iles 27 miles upstream t>y river • Bridges:
from Girlo Pesehanoye (8.232); it is a port of entry. Bridge at Km 3142·5; second span from S bank
The port is connected via inland waterways to the rs navigable; 120 m width; 20·5 m height from
Caspian, Baltic and White Seas. However. the design water level and 16·8 m from maximum
shallowness and susceptibility to silting in the HW level.
approaches prevent large sea-going vessels from s Railway bridge at Km 3136·8; middle lifting span
reaching the port. is navigable; 65 m width; closed height 8·3 m
2 The port handles metals, timber, hardboards. from design water level and 4-4 m from
plywood, grain, bulk salt. ore. clay, bull< and bagged maximum HW level. When the span is raised,
chemicals, general cargo, paper, pipes. scrap metal the height is, respectively, 43·3 and 39-4 m.
and containers. • Bridge at Km 3135·2; the third span from the N
3 Port limns include the section of the Reka Don bank is navigable; 120 m width; 17·5 m height
from Km 3119, upstream of oseev MeZhonka, to a from rated level, 21 ·3 m height from design
posjtion downstream to Km 3151 (Reka Koysug); with water level.
a length of 32 km. The limtts also include other related Bridge at Km 3130·7: the middle span Is
waters and the berths and basins in the approaches navigable; 140 m width: 13·8 m height from
to them. rated level, 17·5 m from design water level.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


1 Useful mar1<s: 2 Second Area (Aksay Basin) on the left bank

Mast of a television centre and factory chimneys (Km 3124-4-3125·1): five berths of 530 m: depth 3·4 m:
in Rostov-na-Oon. These mail<s can be used four to five vessels can be wor1<ed simultaneously. The
when above the village of Koluzayevo area has no raitway connections.
(Km 3150·5). Third Area (Rostov Basin) on the left bank
(Km 3136·5): two berths of 20 m in length; depth
3·4 m: containers, scrap metal, timber and bulk. The
Berths area connects with the Zarechnaya tenninal of the N
8.252 Caucasian railway.
There are three cargo areas: First (Central) area on 3 Fourth Area on the left bank, between the bridge
the S bank and Rostovskiy and Aleksandrovskiy at Km 3142·5 and the railway bridge: many quayed
Kovsh on the N bank. areas and a basin; bulk, general cargo and metals.
First (CentraQ Area: 15 berths of 1354 m in length
on the right bank; depth 3·4 m; containers, bulk, Port services
timber, general, paper and metal products. Eight 8.253
vessels can be worked simultaneousJy. The area Repairs: repairs; floating dock.
connects with the Kiziterinka terminaJ of the N Other facilities: SSCC, SSCEC issued.
Caucasian railway. Supplies: fuel; fresh water; provisions.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)



MONTREUX CONVENTION by day or night with all possible speed, and the
vessels in question shalJ not be required to make any
1. The Montreux Convention, establishing the other stop during their passage through the Straits.
Regime of Uie Straits, was signed at Montreux on 20 Vessels which have on board cases of plague.
July 1936. The following articles govern the passage cholera, yellow fever, exanthematic typhus or smallpox.
of merchant vessels thr_ough c;:anakkale Bogazi, or which have had such cases on board during the
Marmara Oenizi and Istanbul Bogazi, known previous seven days, and vessels which have left an
collectively as the Straits. infected port within less than five days shall stop at
the sanitary stations indicated in the proceeding
2. Article 2. In time of peace, merchan1 vessels paragraph in order to embark such sanitary guards as
shall enjoy complete freedom of transit and navigabon the Turkish authorities may direct. No tax or charge
in the Straits, by day and by nigh!, under any flag and shal be levied in respect of these sanitary guards and
with any kind of cargo. withoU1 any formalities except they shall be disembarked at a sanitary station on
as provided in Article 3 below. No taxes or charges departure from the Strans.
other than those authorised for (a) sanitary eootrol
stations, (b) lighthouses, light and channel buoys. (c) 4. Article 4. In time of war, Turkey not being
life saving services, including lifeboats, rocket stations, beDigerent merchant vessels under any flag or with
fog sirens, direction finding stations. and any any kind of cargo. shal enjoy freedom of transit and
light-buoys not comprised in (b) above or other similar navigation in the Straits subject to the provisions of
installations shall be levied by the Turkish authorities Articles 2 and 3.
on those vessels when passing in transit without
calling at a port in the Straits. 5. Article 5. In time of war, Turkey being
In order to facilitate the collection of these taxes or belligerent, merchant vessels not belonging to a
charges, merchant vessels passing through the Straits country at war with Turkey shall enjoy freedom of
shall communicate to the officials at the stations transit and navigation in the Straits on condition that
referred to in Article 3. their name, nationality, tonnage, they do not in any way assist the enemy.
destination and last port of call (provenance). Such vessels shall enter the Straits by day and
Pilotage and towage remain optional their transit shall be effected by the route which shall,
in each case, be indicated by the Turkish authorities.
3. Article 3. All ships entering the Straits by the
Aegean Sea or by the Black Sea shall stop at a 6. Article 6. Should Turkey consider herself to be
sanitary station near the entrance to the Straits for the threatened with imminent danger of war, the provisions
purposes of the sanitary control prescribed by Turkish of Anicle 2 shall nevertheless continue to be applied
law within the framework of international sanitary except that vessels must enter the Straits by day and
regulations. This control. in the case of ships that their transit must be effected by the route which
possessing a clean bill of health or presenting a shal. in each case. be indicated by the Turkish
declaration of health, testifying that they do not fall authorities.
within the scope of the provisions of the second Pilotage may. in this case. be made obligatory. bU1
paragraph of the present article, shall be carried out no charge shal be levied.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)



Details of these areas are promulgated in Notices to W of entrance to istanbul Bogazi
Mariners. Area No 15 TURKEL! (41•2o'N 29'00'E).
Training and firing time to be notified in advance.
See Admiralty list of Radio Signals Volvme 3(1) for NW approach to istanbul Bogazi
Area No 16 (41•t6'N 29°06'E).
E part of Sea
NAVAL TRAINING AREAS Area No 18 BLACK SEA E (42.40'N 37'36'E).
From Mys Sile to Pazarbasi Burun Off Oluce Bumu
Area No 12 YE~IL<;:AY (41.16'N 29•52·E). Area No 22 EREGLI {41'24'N 31°20'E).
E of entrance to isitanbul Bogazi (Bosporus) SW of Port Amasra
Area No 13 yATAL (41.22'N 29"22'E).
Area No 23 BARTIN (41"50'N 32°12'E).
W of entrance to istanbul Bogiazi
NW of Rumen Karaburun From Pazarbasi Burnu to OIUce Burnu
Area No 17 KARABURUN (41"30'N 28"33'E). Area No 26 BLACK SEA-1 and LT-06 BLACK
w part of Sea SEA-I (41.20'N 30"3S'E).
Area No 20 BLACK SEA W (42'55'N 31'00'E).
From Kale Burnu to Fici Bumu Area LT-06 (41"19'N 30"59'E).
Area No 1 TRABZON (41"32'N 39.38'E).
From Mys Khadzhiveli to M·ys Sinop
From Batra Burnu to Taskana Bumu Area LT-011 SINOP (42°06'N 34"32'E).
Area No 2 SAMSUN (41'55'N 36'44'E).
From Boz Tepi Burun to Batra Burnu
From Kerempe Burnu to Ince Bumu Area No LT-017 BLACK SEA-11 (41 '50'N
Area No 3 INEBOLU (42°28'N 33"52'E). 35°33'E}.
From Zonguldak Bumu to Kurucasile Bumu
From Hisar Bumu to Kurucasile Bumu
Area No 5 AMASRA (41 "50'N 32°22'E). NE of Bafra Bumu
Area No 19 (42'31 'N 37'06'E).
From Batra Burnu to Taskana Bumu
Area No 6 ZONGULOAK (41 "46'N 32'00'E). N of Zonguldak
Area No 21 (42.4S'N 31°44'E).
From Batra Burnu to Taskana Bumu
Area No 7 KOZLU (41"34'N 31°39'E).
N of Port E.regfl
Area No 8 EREGLI (41'27'N 31'15'E). From Fil Burnu to Ker;Hik Limani
Area No 24 KE(,ILIK (41"11'N 29"07'E).
From Ak~akoca vlllage to Port Eregll
Area No 9 ALAPLI (41'13'N 31'16'E). From Yorn Bumu to Elmas Burnu
Area No 25 SOGANADASI (41'13'N 29•12'E).
SW of Akfakoca village
Area No 10 AK<;:AKOCA(41'13'N 31'16'E).
Area No 11 {42'24'N 31"15'E). FORM OF UNDERWATER ACTIVITY
E of entrance to istanbul Bogazi (Bosporus) Georgia - Turkey border
Area No 14 KAVAK (41'18'N 29"20'E}. Sarp area (41"31'·89N 41•30··13E).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)




Oeta.ils of these areas are promulgated in Notices to W of Mys Troitsy

Mariners. Area No 136 (44'23'N 33'52'E) as shown on chart
Areas periodically dangerous for navigation. 2217.
including firing practice, bombing, mine practice and
similar areas, are dangerous only for the period during W of Mys Ai- Todor
Area No 137 (44'25'N 34'06'E) as shown on chart
which the dangerous operations are being carried out
The times during which these areas are dangerous
for navigation are broadcast as PRIPS and NAVIPS. Mys Penay
These navigational warnings will be broadcast 3-5 Area No 146 {44'41'N 37'53'E) as shown on chart
days before the start of dangerous operations and 3316.
repeated each day until their completion. See
Admiralty Ust of Radio Signals Volume 3(1) for details. Odesa
Area No 184 (46'30'N 30'45'E) as shown on chart
Mys Klklneyz
E of Mys Flolent Asea No 197 (44'23'N 33'59'E) as shown on chart
Area No 104 (44'30'N 33'32'E) as shown on chart 2217.
2217. Novorossiyskaya Bukhta
Outer roadstead of Sevastopol' Asea No 649 (44'42'N 37'50'E) as shown on chart
Area No 108 (44'41'N 33'32'E) as shown on chart 3316.
Area No 113 (44'42'N 37'48'E) as shown on chart DREDGING OPERATIONS, EXPLOSIVE
Feodosiis'ka Zatoka River Danube
Area No 114 (45'06'N 35'37'E) as shown on chart Area No 600 bounded by a line joining the left and
2233. right river banks between mile points SO and 53 in the
vicility of Ostrov lvancha
Mys Chauda to Mys Kyz-Aul
Area No 115 (44'55'N 35'57'E) as shown on charts Dnestrovsko-Tsaregradskoye Gino
2216 and 2233. Area No 602 (46'05'N 30'28'E) as shown on the
relevant national chart
Ozero Saks'ke to Mys Kostlantynlvs'kyl
Area No 123 (44'52'N 33'26'E) as shown on chart Dnis1rovs'kyi Lyman
2232 and 2217. Asea No 603 (46'12'N 30'23'E) as shown on the
relevant national chart.
S of Bukhta Gollandlya
Area No 124 (44'37'N 33'34'E) as shown on chart Odesa
Area No 605 (46'30'N 30'46'E) as shown on chart
E of the entrance to Kilen Bukhta Mykolayiv
Area No 125 (44'37'N 33'34.E) as shown on chart Area No 609 (46'58'N 31'57'E) as shown on chart
2217. 2203.
Asea No 610 (46'59'N 31'58'E) as shown on chart
Bukhta Matushenko and Kostantynlvs'kyl Bukhta and
approaches 2203.
Area No 611 (46e59'N 32°00'E) as shown on chart
Area No 129 (44'38'N 33'31'E) as shown on chart
2217. 2203.
Rus'ka Kosa
Mys Nikita Asea No 612 (46'44'N 31'56'E) as shown on chart
Area No 132 (44'30'N 34'15'E) as shown on chart 2203.
W of Mys Khersones'kyi
Gelendzhikskaya Bukhta Area No 613 (44 •44'N 32'53'E) as shown on charts
Area No 133 (44'30'N 37'59'E) as shown on chart 2232 and 2211.
Mys Ayudah Asea No 614 (46'37'N 32'37'E) as shown on chart
Area No 134 {44'33'N 34'19'E). 2201.
Asea No 615 (46'38'N 32'38'E) as shown on chart
Mys Sarych 2201.
Area No 135 (44'22'N 33'45'E) as shown on chart Area No 616 (46'38'N 32'38'E) as shown on chart
2217. 2201.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

N'f'fN)C)( •

Tendrivs'ka Kosa Tendrivs'ka Kosa

Area No 617 (46.22'N 31•32·E) as shown on chart Alea No 660 (46°20'N 31 '33'E) as shown on chart
2212. 2212.

Kozacha Bukhta NW of Mys Tarkhankut

Area No 623 (44°35'N 33°24'E} as shown on chart Alea No 663 {45°28'N 32'23'E) as shown on chart
2217. 2232.
S of Novorosslysk Bukhta
Sevastopol's'ka Bukhta Alea No 664 (44'27'N 37'51'E) as shown on chart
Area No 625 (44°37'N 33°32'E) as shown on chart 3311.
Area No 627 (44°37'N 33•34·E) as shown on chart SW of Mys Velykyi Fontan
2217. Area No 665 (46'21'N 30'43'E) as shown on chart
Feodoslls'ka zatoka
Area No 630 (45°03'N 35•2s·E) as shown on lhe Bukhta Rybatskaya
relevent nationaJ chart. Area No 666 (44'34'N 37'59'E) as shown on chart
Mys Khersones'kyi to Mys Fiolenl Feodoslys'ka Zatoka
Area No 632 (44.31'N 33°25'E) as shown on chart Alea No 667 (45'04'N 35'24'E) as shown on the
2217. relevant nabonal chart

Mys Khersones'kyito Mys Sarych N and NW of Mys Tarkhankul

Area No 634 (44°27'N 33°26'E) as shown on charts Area No 668 (45'24'N 32'20'E) as shown on chart
2217 and 2232. 2232.
W of Mys Myskhako
Feodosiis'ka zatoka Area No 670 (44'38'N 37°38'E) as shown on chart
Area No 635 (45°03"N 35•32·E) as shown on lhe 3316.
relevent national chart.
Approaches to Novorossiysk
Mys Bashennyy to Mys Peehemyl Alea No 671 (44'36'N 37°53'E) as shown on chart
Area No 636 (44.45'N 34°49'E) as shown on chart 3316.
N Mys Malyy
Sudakskaya Bukhla Area No 690 (45'10'N 36'25'E) as shown on chart
Area No 637 (44°50'N 34°58'E) as shown on lhe 2242.
relevant national chart. N Mys Ak-Burun
Area No 691 (45'20'N 36'30'E) as shown on chart
Mys Bashennyy to Mys Pechemyi 2242.
Area No 640 (44.50'N 35°20'E) as shown on chart
2233. Kosa Arabals'ka Strilka
Alea No 693 (45'51'N 34'57'E) as shown on the
E of Mys Chauda relevant national chart.
Area No 644 (44.59'N 35•54·E) as shown on charts
Kosa Blryuchyy Ostriv
2216 and 2233. This area lies wilhin Area No 115
Area No 694 (46'07'N 35'09'E) as shown on chart
whtch is prohibited for navigation.
Skaly Korabl' Kamen' Obytichna Kosa
Area No 645 (44.59'N 36°09'E) as shown on charts Area No 695 (46'32'N 36'09'E) as shown on chart
2216 and 2233. This area lies within Area No 115 2234.
which is prohibtted for navigation.
NW of Mys Tarkhankul
Reka Ozereyka Area No 707 (45'40'N 32'00'E) as shown on chart
Area No 647 (44°40'N 37°38'E) as shown on chart 2232.
3316. W of Mys Khersones'kyi
Area No 710 (44'40'N 32'53'E) as shown on chart
Mys Myskhako to Mys Doob 2232.
Area No 648 (44.38'N 37°49'E) as shown on chart
3311 and 3316. W of Mys Tarkhankut
Area No 723 (45'21'N 31'57'E) as shown on chart
Gelendzhikskaya Bukhta 2232.
Area No 651 (44°34'N 38°04'E} as shown on lhe
Approaches lo Arkhipo-Osipovka Balaklavas'ka Bukhta
Area No 652 (44°19'N 38°30'E) as shown on chart Area No 633 (44'27'N 33°35'E) as shown on chart
3311. 2217.
Bukhta Dzhubga Sevastopol's'ka Bukhta
Area No 653 (44°18'N 35•43'E) as shown on lhe Alea No 672 (44'39'N 33'28'E) as shown on chart
relevant national chart. 2217.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

N'f'fN)C)( •

Area No 700 (45'13'N 32'42'E) as shown on chart
W of Tendrlvs'ka Kosa 2232.
Area No 706 (46'13'N 31 '13'E) as shown on chart
NNW of Mys Tar1<hankut
2232. Area No 701 (45'56'N 32'18'E) as shown on chart
NW of Mys Tar1<hankut 2232.
Area No 707 (45'37'N 32'08'E) as shown on chart Kinbums'ka Kosa
2232. Area No 704 (46'3t'N 31'35'E) as shown on chart
s of Mys Tar1<hankut 2200.
Area No 710 (44'43'N 32'28'E) as shown on chart Tendrivs'ka Kosa
2232. Area No 705 (46'17'N 31'33'E) as shown on chart
W of Mys Lukull 2232.
Area No 711 (44'49'N 33'06'E) as shown on charts Bllosarays'ka Zatoka
2217 and 2232. Area No 761 (46'46'N 37'01 ') as shown on chart
W of Mys Tar1<hankut
Area No 723 (45'21'N 32'00'E) as shown on chart Gulf of Taganrog
2232. Area No 763 (46"46'N 38'00') as shown on chart
SW of Mys Khersones'kyi
Area No 724 (44'21 'N 32'45'E) as shown on charts SE of Mys Khersones'kyi
2217 and 2232. Area No 784 (44'33'N 33'2S'E) as shown on chart
Area No 725 (44'30'N 33'19'E) as shown on charts 2217.
2217 and 2232.
SW of Mys Sarych Odesa
Area No 727 (44'08'N 33'20'E) as shown on chart Area No 800 (46'31'N 30'44'E) as shown on chart
2232 and the relevant national chart,
S of Mys Sarych Area No 801 (46'30'N 30'45'E) as shown on chart
Area No 729 (43'50'N 33'45'E) as shown on chart 2243.
2232, 2233. Area No 802 (46'30'N 30'46'E) as shown on chart
S of Mys Mehanom
Area No 730 (44'31 'N 34'5S'E) as shown on chart Mys Pivnichnyi Odes'kyi
2233. Area No 803 (46'33'N 30'49'E) as shown on chart
SE of Mys Mehanom Area No 804 (46'34'N 30'53'E) as shown on chart
Area No 731 (44'36'N 35'30'E) as shown on chart 2205.
Mys Ochaklvs'kyl
SW of Mys Mehanom Area No 805 (46'36'N 31 '34'E) as shown on chart
Area No 732 (44'4S'N 34'58'E) as shown on chart 2200.
2233. Tendrivs·ka Kosa
W of Mys Anapskly Area No 806 (46'21'N 31'33'E) as shown on chart
Area No 744 (44'50'N 37'05'E) as shown on chart 2212.
2233. Area No 807 (46't5'N 31'39'E) as shown on the
relevant national chart.
SW of Novorossiysk
Area No 745 (44'28'N 37'08'E) as shown on chart NW of Mys Tar1<hankut
2233. Area No 808 (45'41'N 31'43'E) as shown on the
Area No 746 (44°27'N 37'01 'E) as shown on the relevant national chart.
relevant national chart. Area No 809 (45'43'N 3t'53'E) as shown on the
Area No 747 (44'30'N 37'10'E) as shown on the relevant national chart,
relevant national chart. Area No 810 (45'43'N 31'55'E) as shown on the
Area No 748 (44'23'N 37'00'E) as shown on the relevant national chart.
relevant national chart. Area No 81t (45'39'N 32't3'E) as shown on the
Area No 749 (44°30'N 37'24'E) as shown on the relevant national chart.
relevant national chart. Area No 812 (45'40'N 31'40'E) as shown on the
relevant national char1.
S of Novorossiysk
Area No 750 (44'08'N 37'50'E) as shown on hart Kar1<inits'ka Zatoka
2233. Area No 813 (45'45'N 32'42'E) as shown on the
Area No 751 (44°06'N 37'48'E) as shown on the relevant national chart.
relevant national chart. Bukhta Karadzhyns'ka
Area No 752 (44'21 'N 37'47'E) as shown on the Area No 814 (45'21 'N 32'30'E) as shown on the
relevant national chart. relevant national chart.
Gelendzhikskaya Bukhta Ozero Donuzlaw
Area No 753 (44'32'N 37'56'E) as shown on the Area No 815 (45625'N 33'09'E) as shown on the
relevant national chart. relevant national chart.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

N'f'fN)C)( •

Sevastopol's'ka Bukhta Beysugskiy Liman

Area No 816 (44.38'N 33•32'E) as shown on chart Area No 859 (46'11'N 38'18'E) as shown on the
2217. relevant national chart.
Area No 817 (44°37'N 33°36'E) as shown on chart
2217. Kosa Arabats'ka Strilka
Area No 860 (45.51'N 34•58'E) as shown on the
S of Mys Kllk-Atlama
relevant national chart.
Area No 818 (44'42'N 35'24'E) as shown on chart
Area No 861 (45.51'N 34'58'E) as shown on the
2233. relevant national chart.
Area No 822 (41'39"N 41°39'E) as shown on chart NE of Mys Kazantip
3317. Area No 862 (45'37'N 36°03'E) as shown on chart
NW of Mys Tarkhankut
Area No 823 (45°42"N 31 '52'E) as shown on lhe
relevant national chart.
w of Mys Tarkhankut
Area No 824 (45°21 "N 31 '52'E) as shown on lhe Kozacha Bukhta
relevant national chart. Area No 81 (44'35'N 33°25"E) as shown on chart
Area No 825 (45°16'N 31°41'E) as shown on lhe 2217.
relevant national chart.
W of Mys Khersones'kyi
SSE of Mys Ochakivs'kyi Area No 82 (44'34'N 32°25'E) as shown on chart
Area No 826 (46°35 'N 31°36'E) as shown on chart 2232.
NW of Mys Tarkhankut SSW of Mys Khersones'kyi
Area No 827 (45°40'N 31°41'E) as shown on lhe Area No 83 (44'22'N 33°12'E) as shown on chart
relevant national chart. 2217 and 2232.
W of Mys Tarkhankut S of Mys Chauda
Area No 828 (45°15'N 31°43'E) as shown on lhe Area No 84 {44'37'N 35'56'E) as shown on chart
relevant national chart 2216.
Area No 829 (44°11 'N 30•11 'E) as shown on lhe
Area No 85 (44°42'N 35°59'E) as shown on chart
relevant national chart.
Mys Chauda
Area No 830 (44.59'N 35•46'E) as shown on chart S of Mys Opuk
2216 and 2233. Area No 86 {44'38.N 35•11'E) as shown on chart
Bukhta Kamysh-Burunskaya
Area No 850 (45'17'N 36.26'E) as shown on chart W of Mys Utrish
Area No 87 (44.40'N 36°45'E) as shown on chart
Area No 851 (45°18'N 36'27'E) as shown on chart
Area No 88 {44'32'N 36'51 'E) as shown on chart
Port Krym to Kosa Chushka 2233.
Area No 852 (45°21'N 36'39'E) as shown on chart
2242. SW of Mys Doob (disused)
Area No 89 {44'31'N 37'43'E) as shown on chart
Mys Yenykale to Kosa Chushka 3311.
Area No 853 (45°20'N 36°38"E) as shown on chart
w of Port Tuapse (disused)
Kosa Arabats·ka Strilka Area No 90 (44'04'N 38°48"E) as shown on chart
Area No 854 (45°38'N 35°15'E) as shown on chart 3311.
Area No 855 (45.SO"N 34°57'E) as shown on lhe SSW of Port Tuapse
relevant national chart. Area No 91 (43'56'N 38°57'E) as shown on chart
Kosa Fedotova
Area No 856 (46°22'N 35•24'E) as shown on chart NW of Ostriv Zmiinyi
2234. Area No 95 {45'20'N 30'00'E) as shown on charts
Gulf of Taganrog 2213 and 2232.
Area No 857 (47'08'N 3B•59'E) as shown on lhe
relevant national chart. N of Mys Khersones'kyi
Area No 858 (47.08'N 39•oo·E) as shown on lhe Area No 96 (44'37'N 33'23'E) as shown on chart
relevant national chart. 2217,

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)



Details of these areas are promulgated in Notices to E of Nos Shabla

Mariners. Area No 058 (43.32'·9N 28°42'·3E) as shown on
Areas periodically dangerous for navigation. chart 2230.
including firing practice, bombing, mine practice and
ESE of Nos Galata
similar areas, are dangerous onty for the period during
Area No 059 (43.06'·9N 28.07'-4E) 1 mile radius, as
which the dangerous operations are being carried out shown on chart 2283.
The times during which these areas are dangerous
for navigation are broadcast as PRIPS. These SE of Nos Galata
navigational warnings will be broadcast 3-5 days Area No 060 (42°59'·9N 28.08'·8E) 1 mile radius, as
before lhe start of dangerous o~rations and repeated shown on chart 2283.
each day until their completion. See ADMIRALTY Lisi
of Radio Signals Volume 3(1) for details. ENE of Nos Sveti Alanas
Area No 061 (42.53'·9N 28.03'·3E) 1 mile radius, as
shown on the relevant Bulgarian chart.
SE of Nos Galata
Vamenski Zaliv Area No 062 (43.02'·5N 28.09'·9E) 1 mile radius, as
Area No 013 (43°12'N 27°57'E) as shown on chart shown on chart 2283.
Area No 014 (43.12'N 21•55·E) as shown on chart ANCHORING, FISHING AND UNDERWATER

Vamensko Ezero (Varna) SW of Nos Sveti Georgi

Area No 080 (seasonal) (43.13'N 28.00'E) as
Area No 015 (43°11'-41N 27°50'·68E) as shown on
shown on chart 2285.
chart 2285.
WSW of Nos Svetl Georgl
s of Nos Galata Area No 081 (seasonal) (43.13'N 28'00'E) as
Area No 016 (43.05'N 27°55'E) as shown on chart shown on chart 2285.
Area No 018 (42.28'N 21•35'E) as shown on chart DANGEROUS FOR NAVIGATION
2399. SE of Balchik
SE of Nos Galata Area No 111 (43•2o'N 28•15·E) as shown on chart
Area No 019 (43.00'N 28•12'E) as shown on chart 2283.
2283. E of Maslen Nos
Area No 112 (42°21'N 27°56'E) as shown on chart
Area No 051 (42.28'N 21•35'E) as shown on chart DANGEROUS FOR NAVIGATION
2399. Nos Emlne to Nos Kallakra
Area No 211 (42•ss•N 28.35'E) as shown on chart
Nos Khrisosotria 2230.
Area No 052 (42.26'N 27°39'E) as shown on chart
2399. Approach to Burgaski Zaliv from E
Area No 212 (42.30'N 2e•5o·E) as shown on chart
Nos Talasakra 2230.
Area No 053 (42.27'N 27'39'E) as shown on chart
Area No 054 (42°26'N 27•42'E} as shown on chart Between Nos Shabla and Nos Kaliakra
2399. Area No 032 (43.28'N 29•42'E) as shown on chart
Nos Emlne 2230.
Area No 055 (42.42'N 21•54'E} not charted; ESE of Nos Galata
extends from shore to 1 O m line and from Nos E.mine Area No 31o (43'04'N 2e•oTE) as shown on chart
Light to a point 3 cables S. 2283.
Maslen Nos Vamenski Zaliv
Area No 056 (42.19'N 27•4S'E) as shown on chart Area No 311 (43.12'N 27.56'E) as shown on charts
2283. 2283 and 2285.
SE of Mys Rokhi ENE of Nos Kaliakra
Area No 057 (42'09'·4N 21•52··5E) not charted: Area No 312 (43.28'N 28.40'E) as shown on chart
very small area close inshore. 2283 and 2230.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

NW of Nos Kaliakra S of Ostrov Sveti Ivan

Area No 313 (43"23'N 28"26'E) as shown on chart Area No 319 (42'26'N 27'41'E) as shown on chart
2283. 2399.
Vamensko Ezero
S of Balchik Area No 321 (43'11'·67N 27'47'·2.2E).
Area No 314 (43"21'N 28'11'E) as shown on chart
2283. Evksinograd Zaliv
Area No 322 (43'13'N 27'59'E) as shown on charts
ESE of Nos Sveli Georgi 2283 and 2285.
Area No 31 S. An area approximately 1 mile either Vamensko Ezero
side of lhe cable running 12 miles ESE from Nos Sveti Area No 323 (43'13'N 27'52'E) as shown on chart
Georgi (43'13'N 28'01 'E) as shown on chart 2283. 2285.

E of Chern! Nos s of Nos Gala1a

Area No 316 (42"54'N 28"07'E) as shown on chart Area No 324 {43'08'N 27'57'E) as shown on chart
2283. 2285.
SW of Ostrov Sveta Anastasiya Area No 327 {43'11'·64N 27'54'·56E).
Area No 317 (42'28'N 27'33'E) as shown on chart
2399. Vama Channel No 1
Area No328 (43'11'-03N 27'54'·45E).
Area No 329 (43'11 '·32N 27'53'·24E).
E of Nos Atiya
Area No 318 (42'28'N 27'36'E) as shown on chart Varna
2399. Area No 330 (43'11'·43N 27'54'·46E).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)



Military Restncted Area GGOOO ANAl<LIA (42°21 'N
Nominated areas where navigavon, stopping, anchorage
41°31"E) as shown on chart 2236 and 3313.
and fishing are prohibited.
SW of Leselidze NW of Mys Anaklia
Area No 21 PSOU (43°19·N 39•55·E) as shown on Military Resmcted Area GG004 (42°40'N 40°30.E)
chart 2.236. as shown on chart 2236 and 3313.

w of P'ot'i
Area No 22 p·or1 (42"09'N 41•39·E) as shown on DUMPING GROUND AREAS
chart 3317.
Nominated areas of internal waters, territorial seas or
ea:,nomic zones used tor the dumping of weapons or
AREAS TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED FOR ordnance. Navigation in this area is not prohibi1ed, but all
NAVIGATION vessels should navigate with exrreme cauUon.
Nominated area of internal water. territorial sea. economic
zone, in which navigation is limited for a definite period of Explosives Dumping Grounds
NW of P'ot'i
W of Grigoletl Area No II (42°13'N 41"17'E) as shown on
Area No 32 SUPSA (42°02'N 41°43'E) as shown on chart 3313.
chart 3313. Area No 12 (42°12'N 41 '28.E) as shown on
SW of Bat'umls Konts'khl chart 3313.
Area No 33 BURUN-TABIA (41°39'N 41°37'E) as
NNW of Bal'uml
shown on chart 3313.
Area No 13 (41°50'N 41 '32'E) as shown on
chart 3313.
A nominated area of intemal waters. territorial sea or Dumping Grounds
exclusive economic zone, in which navigation is
temporarily limited tor reasons of activities by the Georgian The loOowingareas may contain unexploded ordnance
military forces. In such areas the following signals are and shouldbe regarded as an explosives dumping ground:
shown: during the day-red flags and at night-bright red or
orange lights. Notice regarding mllitary exercises should Approaches to Ochamchira
be promulgated five days prior to commencement and Area No 41 (42°44'N 41°26'E) as shown on
repeated al a scheduled time unut completion. chart 3313.

WSW of Mys Anaklia SW of P'ot'i

Military Restricted Area No GGOOI (42°15'N Area No 42 (42°09'N 41°38'E) as shown on
40°30'E) as shown on chart 2236 and 3313. chart 3317.

W of Mys Anaklla W of Bat'uml

Mililary Reslricted Area GG002 (42°28.N 40°2o·E) Area No 43 (41°40'N 41°39'E) as shown on
as shown on chart 2236 and 3313. chart 3317.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)



The following former mine danger areas are located in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov, as shown on the relevant
national chart

BLACK SEA Approaches to Yalta

Area No 23 (44°28'N 34'11 'E).
Approaches to istanbul Bogazo (Bosporus)
Area No 1 (41°26'N 29•12'E). Mys Mal'chlk to Mys Kllk-Atlama
Area No 24 (44'56'N 35'18'E).
Michurin to Nos Kaliakra
Area No 31-M (43°00'N 2s•oo'E). Bukhta Dvuyakomaya
Area No 25 (44'59'N 35'23'E).
Nos Shabla to Midia
Area No 3 (44°00'N 28°44'E). Feodosiis'ka Zatoka
Area No 26 (45'03'N 35'33'E).
S of Portita
Area No 4 (44°34'N 28'56'E). Approaches to Kerchens'ka Proliv from the Black Sea
and Sea of Azov
Midia to Gura Sfintu Gheorghe Area No 27 (45°1 TN 36'30'E).
Area No 5 (44°30'N 29'28'E).
Yuzhnaya Ozereyevka to Mys ldokopas
SE of Gura Sfintu Gheorghe Area No 28 (44'34'N 37'53'E).
Area No 6 (44°40'N 30'20'E).
SW of Mys ldokopas
Approaches to River Danube delta Area No 29 (44°24'N 38°1 O'E).
Area No 7 (45°14'N 29°50'E).
SE of Mys Pitsunda
S of Ostrlv Zmllnyl Area No 1 (43°02'N 40°29'E).
Area No a (45°06'N 3o•os'E).
W of Mys Anaklia
E of Gura Sfintu Gheorghe Area No 2 (42° 24'N 41°26'E).
Area No 9 (44°50'N 31°12'E).
Bukhta Zhebrilans'ka and approaches
Area No 11 (45°32'N 29°48'E). Kazantips'ka Zatoka
Area No 50 (45'28'N 36'00'E).
Shahany to Budats'kyl Uman
Area No 12 (45'46'N 30'08'E). Arabats'ka Zatoka
Area No 51 (45'2s·N 35'30'E).
SE of Dnistrovs'kyi Lyman
Area No 13 (45'45'N 30'40'E), Approaches to Henlches'k
Area No 52 (46'06'N 34'54'E).
Budaks'kyy Lyman to Tendrivs'ka Kosa
Area No 14 (46'24'N 31'00'E). SW of Berdlans'ka Kosa
Area No 53 (46'30'N 36'38'E).
Dnlprovs'kyy Lyman; S of Adz.hlgol'skaya Kosa
Area No 15 (46'36'N 31 '49'E). Berdlans'ka Zatoka
Area No 54 (46'42'N 36'40'E).
Dnlprovs'kyy Lyman; S of Stanislav
E of Berdians'ka Kosa
Area No 15-A (46'32'N 32'10'E).
Area No 55 (46°40'N 36'49'E).
Karkintts'ka Zatoka; S of Zaliznyi Port Bilosarays'ka Kosa to Dolgaya Kosa
Area No 16 (46'00'N 32°1 S'E).
Area No 56 (46'37'N 37'30'E).
Approach to Kartdnlts'ka Zatoka Approaches to the Gulf of Taganrog
Area No 17 (45°40'N 31°55'E). Area No 57 (46'38'N 37'29'E).
Karkintts'ka Zatoka, SE of Mys Dz.harylgachskiy S of Dolgaya Kosa
Area No 18 (45°56'N 33'06'E). Area No 58 (46°39'N 37°43'E).
N of Mys Pishchanyy Approaches to Port Mariupol
Area No 19 (45°50'N 31•os·E). Area No 59 (47'00'N 37'30'E).
Approaches to Bukhta Uzkaya and Bukhta Yarylhach E of Port Mariupol
Area No 19-A (45°33'N 32°42'E) Area No 60 (47°02'N 37°46'E).
SW of Mys Tarkhankut NW of Yeysk
Area No 20 (45°l 6'N 32°24'E). Area 61 (46°47'N 37°58'E).
Ozero Donuzlav to Mys Khersones W of Yeysk
Area No 21 (44°45'N 33°18'E). Area No 62 (46'41'N 37°57'E).
Mys Khersones to Mys Sarych SW of Kryva Kosa
Area No 22 (44'20'N 33°30'E). Area No 63 (47°00'N 38'02'EJ.

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Approaches to Yeysk
Area No 64 (46.47'N 3s•12'E).
-· Approaches to Taganrog
tvea No 68 (47'09'N 38'57'E).
Yeyskiy Zaliv Yazenskiy Zaliv
Area No 65 (46.44'N 38'18'E). Area No 69 (46'17'N 38'08'E).
Sazal'nikskaya Kosa to Chumburskaya Kosa Approaches to Primorsko-A
Area No 66 (46'56'N 38'38'E). Area No 70 (46'04'N 38'08'E).
S of Beglitskaya Kosa NW of Achuyevskaya Kosa
Area No 67 (47'03'N 38'33'E). Area No 71 (46'06'N 37'57'E).

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)


Aba Bumu Ught . . • . . .. .. • . • . . 2.123 Anakia. Mys . . • . . . . • • • • • • . . . • . 7.235 earshoy Pseushkho, Gora . • . • . • 7. 168
AbkfeBumu.•..•.•.•.••••.•.• ". 2.19 Ugh! •..•....•....•.• ·-· .... 7.237 Balaklovs'ka Bukhla •.•.••...•.• 6.374
Acar Surnu . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . 2.355 Anak1a. Reyd •.......••....... 7.248 Balclik 4.118
Achuyevo .•.•..•.•.•.•..•.•.•. 8.189 Anapa. PM ..•....•...........• 7.89 Bal1k Gcilu .•.•.••...•.• ,. ..•.• 3. 134
Achuyevskaya Kosa . . . . . • • . • . . . 8.184 Anal)Sluy, Mys .........•........ 7.87 Bal1k~1 Adas• . . . . . . . . • . • .•.... 2.300
Achuyevskiy Ught. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.182 I.Jghl ...............•.....•.• 7.86 Ugh!. , • , .•...• 2.223
Achuyevskiy. Mys • • . • . • • . • • • . • • 8.168 AndreyeYO-Zomo ••••••••••••• 6.123 Bal11d1 ••.•.•••.••.•.••••.•.•.•. 2.110
Ada Bank• •.••.•.•••.••.•••.•.• 2.11 S Andrievo-Z<wyne ............•• 6.123 Saltaliman, Ught • • . .. • . • .. • . • . • 2.341
Ada S@1~1 • . . . . . . • 2.303 Anislmova. Banka 8.32 Batyoz 81.J'nu , 2.102
Adaardi 8'.troo . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 2.203 AnnKoyu .....••.....•..•.....• 2.21 A.nchorage .•..•.•.•.• , .•.•.• , 2. 111
Adalor . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . • . . . • . . . 2.296 Arabats'ka Slrilka. Kooa • • • • • . • • • a 1 s1 Sambor• Ugh!. . . . . 7.207
Adamkaya Tepesi . • . . . . • • • . • . . . 2.121 Atabals'ka Zaloka •....••.....•. 8.150 8and11ma ..•........•......•.. 2.137
Att>anovskly Reyd •....•.•..... 8.193 Atabalskaya. Elanka . . • • . . . . . .• . 8. 154 Korfezi . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . 2. 133
Adler . . • • . • . • . . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • . 7.203 Ataklt F,sting Harbour . . • • • • . • . . 3.229 Umam •.•.•..•.•.•.••.•••.• 2.137
Harbour •.•..•.•.•.•..•.•.•• 7.195 Araki• Lirnanl • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • . 3.238 Sanka = barlk; see prope,r name
Light 7.194 At~ 3.245 Bartaros 2.201
Adzhalyts.kyi Lyman .•.•...•..••. 6.80 Alt<hipo-Osipovl<a Ug-. . . . • . . . • . 7.140 Barton i,ay, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 78
Adzhut,ay • . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.149 Arroo!lu .. .. ..• .• ..• . .• ... ..• . 2. 157 Bartin Liman1 . . . . . . . . • • • • • • . • . . . 3. 72
Adzhyhol's'ka Kosa ......•...•. 6.105 ~ IJ!t,l . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.158 Basarat>i ..•.•......•..•.•.... 4.155
Adzhyhol's'ka Leacfing Ughls •... 6.132 Atshynls...., • • • • . • • . . . • • • . . • . • a10 Basllennyi Mys • • . • . • . • • . • . • . • . 7.50
Adzhyias·k. Mys •.•.•.••.•.•.•• 6.104 Mel< •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7.25 earumi •••.•.•.••.•.•.••.•••.• 3.268
Agigoa . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . 4. 1 55 ~· Kovanajjzl . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • 3.25 Arrival lnfonnalioo • . • . . . . . 3.272
Ag.1a • . . • . • . • . . • . • . . . • . . • . • . • . . 3.22 Asar e..n.c ~egi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.47 Berths . . • . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . 3.281
Ah1rkap1 Burnv .•.•.... 1 . • . • . • . 2.291 Asar Bumu: 1.- •..•........ 3.104 Directions ....•...•......•.. 3.279
Ah1rkap1 Ught . . . . • . • . • • • • . • . . . 2.290 Asar-1 Tegtlk Kayast 4.12 Harbot..w . • . . . . . . . . • . . • . • . . . . 3 ..276
Ahtopol .•.•.•..•.•.•.••.•.•.••• 4.31 Ashe l.q1I . • . • • • • • • . • . • • • • . . • 7. t 69 Umiling conations . • . • • . • • • . • 3.270
Ai-Petri, Hora •.•.•.•.••.•.•.••• 7.14 Awan • . . . . . . . • • • . . • • . • . 2.348 Port services •••.•.•.••.•••.• 3.283
Al-Todor, Mys ....•....•.•...... 7.14 I.Jghl • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 2.341 Bat'u~ Konts'khi ...•......•.. 3.266
Alla. Mys ........•......•.•... 6.371 Aslnal1 • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • • 2.127 Ugh! ....•........•......•.. 3.267
Aiu-Dah. Mys •.•.•.•.••.•.•.••. 7.14 Asmahada • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • 2.90 Bat'urris Oure . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . • 3.26 t
Ak-Burun, Mys .•.•.••.•••...... 8.64 Asyaport .........••..•....... 2.184 Batak Bumu . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 2.273
Akba} Bumu . . . . . • . • . • • • • . • . . . . 2.37 Alak6y Marina . . . . . • • . . • • • • . . . . 2.294 Baylluga. Ricl>ka . . . . • . . • . • . . . . . 7. 77
Akba~. Limon, • . • . • . • . • • . • • • . • • • 2.37 Ala!1M1< Bridge ••.•.•..•..•..•.. 2.327 Bazarchuls.kyi Zaton . • . • • • • . • . • S. 151
Ak9aabat .•.•..•.•.•.• , . • . • . • • 3.210 Aliya. No$ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4,63 Bebe!< Koyu • . • . . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • 2.348
Ak¢oca . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . 3.32 Aull'. Gora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.170 Bebe!< l.lglt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.341
Gasfield • . • . . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • • . 3.28 Autoport Temlinal . . • • • • . . . . . . • . 2.265 Bege,,dik • . • . • . . • . • . • . • • . • . • . . . 4.25
Akhakhcha, Gora .•.•.. , .•..... 7.193 A\ll-0 Adast . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • 2.95 Beglltskaya Kosa . . . . . . • •.... 8.218
Akhali-Kindgi Light 7.237 Ay-Petn.Hora •....••..•.•...•.• 7.14 Bel'bek, Rika . . . . . . . . • . • • . • . . . . 6.330
Akheloy Rel<a • . • . • • • • • • . • . • . • • • 4.46 Ay-Todor,Mys •.•••••••••••••• 7.14 Bei Nos ...•......•.•.. , . . . • . . . 4.80
Akhilleon, Mys • . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • • . 8.6< Ayana Dag, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3.233 Seloslavsko Ezero . • . • . • .. • • • . • • 4.86
Akhllleonskly Ugh! • . . . . • . • . • . . . . 8.6< Ayantik 3.117 Serd&ans"k . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . 8.92
Akhtarskly Linan .•....•...•... 8.184 Ayasolya Mosque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.317 Atrival lntOfmation •.•.. , ...•.. 8.100
Light .....•....•............ 8.181 Aydt,.., Koyu . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . 2.305 eas;ns and berths •.•.••...•.•. 8.110
Akhlopol . . • . . . . . . • . • . • • • • . • . . . . 4.31 Ayd1nbeyYanmadas1 . . . . • • . . . . . 2.306 Directions 8.107
Akhun, Gora , 7.193 Ayd,,.., &.ru . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 2.306 Harbour ..........•......... 8.105
Akin, Nos .•.•. , • , •.•.••.•.•.••• 4 63 Aydos Dag, . . . . . • . • . . . • . . . . . • . 2.290 Limiting conations . • . • . . • . • . • . 8.95
Ak1nt1 Sllrnu ••.• , • . • . • • . • . • . • • 2.34a Ayudah. Mys ...•..•...•.••.•..• 7.1• Port $eMCes 8, 111
Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.341 Ayval1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.174 Berclians'k. Reyd . . • . • . . .. 8.93
Akkus Adas• . . . . . • . . . • . 3.175 Ayya. Mys . . . . . • . . . . . • • . . . . . . . 6.371 Berdians'ka Kosa . . • . • . . .. ..•. 8.84
Akliman •........•.•.. , ...•.•.. 3.118 Az<>4 Sanayi Temw,al . . . . . . . . . . . 3.159 Berclians'ka Zaloka........ . . • . . . 8.92
Akmanais'kyiReyd •.....••.•... 8.150 Az(:1,/ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8.240 BerdWlS'kiy Velkhniy Ught . . . • . 8.107
Akrotiriya, Nos . • . • .. . • • . • . • . • • • 4,45 Azov. Sea o1 ....••....•.......•.. a2 Berdyanskiy Nizhniy Ugh! . . • . • . • . 8.89
Ak.., Sumu .....•.......••.•.. 2.56 Azc,,,o Donskoy Mo<,l<oyKanai • • 8 239 Berezan·. Ostriv 6.106
Al~ Tepesl • . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . • . . 2.18 AZOYS'lce More .•.....•.•..•.•.•.. 8.2 light 6.116
Aleksandrovs'kyi. Mys . . . . • . . . . • 6.330 Azovskoye -e 8.2 Berezans'kyi Lyman........... 6.123
AlemOaQ• •.•..•.•.•.••.•.•.•• 2..362 Azovslaf', Port ..•...••......... a 121 Be~duzu Fist,;ng Harbour .•.•.. 3.208
Alma, Rika . . . . . . • . • . . • . . . . . . . 6.330 Beskrovnyy, Mys . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 145
Alupl(a . • . • . • . . • . • . • • • • • • . • . • • . 7.23 ~tepe. DealtA . • • . • . • . . . . • . • . . 4. 167
Alushta . • . • . • . . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • • • 7 .56 Baba &.ru . . . • . . • . • . . . • . . . . . 2.183 Seton Sehir iskelesi • . • . • • . • . • . • . 2.25
Arnasra • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . 3.87 -~· . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . • 3.17 Beye2. Liman . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . 2. 125
Light 3.85 Balra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.123 Beykoz, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.352
Ambart, Wman, . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • • 2.207 Ugh! •..•.....•..••.••.•••• 3.122 Beylefbeyi Light . • . • . • . . • . • . • . • 2.342
Arrival information . . . . . . • . . . . . 2.210 lla99•- Limant • . . . . . • . . . . . • . • 2.59 Beysugskiy Uman . • . . . . . . • . . . . 8. 184
Basins and berths . . . . . . • . . . . . 2.215 ~-lskur Fertilter TermnaJ . . 2.14' Bltlema . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . • . 4.38
Harbour • . • • . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • • 2.213 ~ei KayaJan .•.....••••••.•• 3.1 t 2 Bhlrod-Dnistrovs'kyi • . • • . • . • . . . 6.20
Limiting conditions • . . • . • . • . • • 2.209 Bah9tvan Deresi • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4.20 Bili Kuchuhury. Kosa .•..•.•.•.• 6.284
Port servlces . • . • . . . . . . • . . . . . 2.217 BalwtTepesl 2.90 light...................... 6.288
Ana Moodirel< Light. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.253 Bakacak Tepesi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.35 Biosarais'ka .. . . .. • . . .. .. .. • . 8.120
Anadolu Feneri . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • • 2..340 BakaTs 'ka Bukhla • • • • • • . • • . • • • • 6.320 Bilosatai$'ka Zatoka • .. .. • . • .. .. 8. 120
Anadolu Karabun. Ligh1 . . • . . . • • . 3.18 BakaTs'ka KDoa ......••....... 6.315 Bilosarays'ka Kosa .•....•.•..... a.114
AM.dolut.san , .•.•.. , • • 2.339 Bakrac; &.ru •................ 2.149 Biosarays'ka Light .•.•..•.•.•..• 8.119
Anaklia. Deep sea Pon . • . • . • . • . 7.248 Baklil1i:A<a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 38 BiryucllyyLight • • • . • • • • • • . • . • . . 8. 153

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Blogoveshchonskiy Wghl •.•.•.••. 7.87 Bys~e Hyrlo •.••••••.•••••.•••••• 5.9 Arrival information • . • . • • . • . • . • 4. 148
Blue "~osque . . . . . . . . . 2.290 Leading Lilt's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.22 Basins and berths . . • . . • • • . • . • 4. 160
Bodrum Bumu , • • . 2.56 BysO'oye Hyrlo ..••.•.••••••••.•.• 5.9 Captj ...•.•.••...•.•..•...• 4.144
Bogotube. Mys .•.•.•.••.•.•••• 8. 148 Bytl<ha. Gora.................. 7.193 Directions , •.••.•.•.••.•.•.• 4.157
Bo(j~i Bridge . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . 2.336 Brogu. Reka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.194 Hartour . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 154
Bohatube, Mys . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . 8. 1"8 Limiting concitlons . • . . . . . . • . . 4. 14 7
Bofshoy Mofkotkh, Gora • . • . • . • • . 7.97 Main Ugl1t .•.••.•.•.•..•.•.• 4. 157
Bol'shoy Utrish Subsidiary <;al<al Bumu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.341 Port services . . • . . . • . • 4. 164
Fishing Port 7.90 C•Jol<oy ...........•..••...... 2.145 Countries. Navigation and
Bolaman. . • . • . • • . • • • . • • • • . • . • • 3.169 <;akraz Bumu . . . • . . . • • • • • . . . • . • 3.86 regulations
Bolshoy, Ostrov . . 3.299 (,albogaz Bumu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.132 Axis lo navtgalion
80C'SChovy1, Ostriv • . . . . . . • . • . . . 6.247 (,alt, Bumu Llgl,I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.165 Beacons . 1. 41
Bosporus . • . . 2.330 QamBumu:G.-es<.n 3.196 Buoys • . . . . . . . . 1.43
Bostan Burnu . • • . • . • . • . . • . • . • • 3.208 (,am Bumu: Otdu • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3.172 Oaymarks . • • . • . • . • . . • 1.42
Bola~ Natural Gas Terminal • . . . . . 2.197 Light • · · · · · · · · . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 3.174 Landmarks . . . . . • . • . • • . 1.40
Arrival information . • . . • . • . . . . • 2.198 ~" Bunu ........•.•..... 2.302 Lights................... 1.39
BeMs .•.••••••.•.•..•.•.•• 2.199 Cambcmu . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . 3.239 Charts
Port services . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . 2.200 (,ari Bunu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.250 Adnwally charts . • . . . 1.34
Botevo . • . . . . 8.164 Light •.....•...•.•.••..•.... 3.242 Datums . . . . . . . . • . . 1.37
Boz Bumu •.•.••.•.• , • . . • . • . • • 2.158 Cam11< Oeresi • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3.208 Foreign charts .•.•.•• , •.•.• , 1.35
Boz Tepe .•......•........•... 3.221 <;anal< Bumu . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 3.22 Hames on charts • . • • . • . • . • . 1.36
BozbtXun Yanmadas1: N part . . . . 2.220 (,anak1<ale . . . • . . . . • • . . • . • • . • . . • 2.21 Positions . . . . . . . 1.33
BozbtXUn Yanmadas,: S pan . • . • • 2.152 Bogaz, • . . • • • . • . • ..••....•.• 2. 10 C0\010')' information
Boztepe Bumu .•.•........•.... 3.115 (,ankaya Bumu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.54 Bulgaria . • . . .. 1.5
Bozte:pe Ya11madas1 ........•.... 3.115 <;apak Koyu . . . • • . . . . • . • . . . . . . . • 3.86 Ge0rgia . . . . . . . . 1.15
Boztepe, Gora ..•.•.•.•..•••.•• 7.168 COl)IJ • cape: see proper name Moldova ......•.•....•.•.•..• 1.9
BozukkaJe .......•........•.•. 3.174 Car Tepesi •.••••••••.•••.•.••• 2.103 Haoonal limits .•.•.••.•.•.•..• 1.2
Brilla . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . 5.71 Qardal< Bank, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.54 Romar>a . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.7
Pooul •...•..•.•.....••...•.. 5.92 Qardal< Bloru. Light . . . • • • • • . • • . • 2.54 Russian Fede<ation • . . • . • . • . 1.12
Braiu1 • branch, arm; Caial 8m.<l . • . • • • . . • , . . . . • . 2.223 Turkey •.•.••.•.•.•..•••.•..• 1.3
see prop&r name (,alal Dag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.362 Ukraine . • . . • . . . • . . 1.10
Bulllykova. Mys . . • . . . . . . • . . . • . 6. I 34 ~P°"""Sta!ion Distress and rescue
Budaky Light • • . • . • . • . • . . • . • . • . • 6. t 7 Harbour • • . • • • • . • • • . . • • • • • • 3.70 Bulgaria . • . . • . • . • . • . . • . • . • 1. 104
Bug , 6.221 yayeli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . .
3.229 Georgia . . . . • . . . • . . 1.108
Bugaz ...............••........ 6.20 <;ay,rova Glass Factory .reuy • . • • 2.303 International . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . 1.99
Subsidiary Pon . • . • . • .. • . • . • • • 6 26 Cayioglu F,stw,g Harb<u ...•••.• 3.116 Romar>a , . . . • . . I .105
Bug.a%, Kosa . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . 6.14 <;engel<oy Lighl . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . 2.34 1 Russi.a • . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . • . • 1. 106
Buhaz................ 6.20 CemavodA 4.155 Turkey . . . t.103
Subsidiary Port . • . . . . . . . . • . . .. 6 26 Chagany, Mys •••••• , • • • • • • • • . 8. I 46 Ukraine . • . . • .. . • . . • . • • • .. t. 107
Bul<hta = bay, inlet. Chalka. Hora • • • • • • • • • • . • • . • • • • • 7 .49 Limils of lhe bool< •.•.•..•.•...•• 1.1
see proper name Chatyr-Dag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 7.14 Nav,gailonal dangers and
Bulancak . . . • . . • . • . . . . • • • . • . • . 3. 181 Chauda. Mys ••••••..•••••..••.• 7.54 hazards
Bulganak, Bukhta . • . . . . . . . . • . . . 8.147 Cherni Nos ..•.......••.......• 4.78 Coastal conditions . . . . . . • . . . 1. 17
BtAganak, Rika . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . 6.330 Chemyshova. Banka . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.87 Mine danger areas . . . . . . . . . . 1.20
BlKgas . • . • . • • . • . • . • . • . . • . • . • . • 4.48 Chilia Vec:l1e •••••••••••• , • • • • • 5. IS t OOAS booys • . • . • . • . • • . • . • • t. 19
Arrival information . • • • • . • . • . • • • 4 55 Chia. Bra1" . . . . . . . • • . . .•.••• 5. 116 Overhead cables • .. .. • • • .. . 1.21
Berths . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . • . . 4.66
Directions . . . . . • . • . . . . • . • . . . . 4.62
Harbour • . • . • • . • • • . • . . • . • . • • • 4.59
Choma Channel.-·
Chorl<hi . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 3.261
Chomomors1< Speciaised Port • • • 6.308
Pilotage, National pilot.age . . • . . . 1.44
Racio facilities
Radio aids to navigation .•.• , 1.47
Limiting eondil1ons . . . • . • . . . . . . 4.52 Chc:Mnomcws'ke SubsKiary Port .. 6.306 Radio navigational warnings . . 1.50
Port s&rviee:s . • . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . 4.69 Cho111on01sk.~ ...••.•....•• 6.17 Radio weathet reports . . . 1.52
BUJgaski Rtt . . . . .. • . • . . . . . • .. . . 4.65 Chomornorsl< (lliclws 1<) • • • • • • • • 6.28 Regulations
81,.rgaski Zaliv . . • . • . • . • . . • . • . • • • 4.34 Atrival information ••.•••••.••.• 6.35 Bulgarian and Romaniarl
Bisgasld, Nos .. . . • . • . • • . • . . . . . . 4.48 Bamsandbe<lhs 6.44 regulations . . . . • . . 1.71
BlKgaz Adas, . • • . • . • • • • • • . • . . • 2.300 O..ections ..........•••.•...• 6.4t Eisopean Union regulations • . 1.57
81,.rnas. Mys . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . • . 6. 17 Harbour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.40 Georgian regulatk>ns . . . . • . . . 1. 73
Lighl...... . 6.18 l.imimg co11dtions . . • . . . . . . . . • 6.32 International reglAabOos . . • . . . 1.54
BlKSa , ••.•.•..•.•.•. , . . • . • . • • 2. I 59 Pon se<'1ices ••••••••••••••••• 6.47 Russian regulations • • . • . • . • . 1.76
BtKuns'kyi leading Lights . • . • . • • . 8.67 Chomyi. Mys • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6.302 Turkish regulations .••.•.•.• , 1.68
Bl.l:'unskoy& Koleno . . 8.67 Crugovlcopas. Mys ....••.•..... 7.141 Ukranatl regulatioos . . . . • . • . 1. 75
Bl.l:'unucu . • . . . . . 2.164 Crogush. Gora ..•.....•....... 7.168 Signals
BCryOk Liman • . . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • • 3.208 Chul<alyata • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • 4.59 Russia • . • . . • . • . • . • . . • . • . • . 1.89
BOyuk Meleo yay, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.27 Chi.mtu-Kosa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.214 Submanne distress signals . 1.98
BOyukada • . . . . • . • . . . . 2. n Chi.rnb<.nloy.Mys . . • • . . . . . . . • . 8.214 Ukraine . . 1.88
BOyOkada Bank, • . • • • • • • • • . • . • • 2.302 o.mwzba. Gora . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.207 Traffic and operations
BCryOkbe.zirgari Tepesi .••.••.••. 4.13 Clubas'kyi Llgl,I 8.68 Exercise areas . . • . • • . • . • . • . 1.26
BOyOk~h,;a Tepesl .....•..... 2.290 Crutbashskyy Llgl,I . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.68 FtShing • . . .. • . • . • . . 1.24
BOyOk~elcmece Koyu ...•.• , . . . . 2.206 Ct'usN<inskiy Leading Uglis . . . . . . 8.69 Maline exploitation .. . . • . .. • . 1.31
BCryOkdere Ughl . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . 2.344 ChJshlansltoye - • . • . . . . . . . 8.69 Submame exercises . . . . • . . . 1.29
BOyOkdere Um.ant . • . . . . . . • . . . . . 2.356 3.98 Traffic . • . . 1.22
BCryOkeyrice Bumu •.•.••.•.•.•• 3.181 Ciingoz Oeresi • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • . • 4. 19 CPC-R Mo,ine Tenrinal • • . • . • . • . 7.99
BCryUkliman Bt.l'nu •.•.••.•.•.•• 2.101 ~-Llgl,I ..•...•••... 2.19 Crimean Peninsula .•.•.••.•.•.•..• 7 .1
Buz'ko-Onip,ovs'ko-Lymans'kyl ~ Sllipyatd . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 2.273 C~an .. .. ... .... ..•.. 5.47
Kanai . • . • . . 6. 101 Qnat unan, 2.117 (,LEVklu Uman ......•.••.•.... 2.35t
Buz'kyi Lyman ..•.•...••.•.•.•• 6.134 c;o,;ca Fishe<y Station • • • • • • . • • • • 5.60 C...-n.ah Limaru • . . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • . 2.46
Byala . . • . . . . . 4.82 CN'a Buroo . • . • . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . 3. 135
Byriuchyi Light . . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • • 8. I 53 Llgl,I • . . . • . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . • • 3. t 65
Byriuchyi Ostriv, Kosa . • • . • . • . • • 8.151 Cockaoice Bank . . . . . • . . . • • . . • 4-40 Oagomys, Ushchefye •.••.•.•.. 7. t88
Byrts, Gora ......•......•...•. 7.225 Constanta 4.144 Oaiyan Bank, . 2.37

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Dalyan Burnu: Domuz !lumu L9't Fener Adas1 Light .. • .. .. • . .. • .. 2.135

yanakkale Bo!ja.Zo . . . • 2.37 McvTnara Adas1 . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . • 2.90 Fener Bumu ......•.• , • • • • . • . 2.291
Oalyan Bumu: lstarilul Bogaz, 2.364 Domuz !lumu: Zonguldal< • • • . • • . • 3.50 Fener Tepesi .•••..•.•. , • . • . • . • . 2.99
Oalyan Bumu: N approach to Don. Reka ·-· •••••• 8.233 Feneroa~e Banko .•.•.••.•.•.• 2.291
Istanbul Boga,, . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . . 4.17 Donskaya Del'ta . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 8.232 F"'1erl>a~e Ugll1 ..•........•.. 2.290
Anchorage . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.17 Donsl<oy ...........•.•....... 8.244 Feodoslis'ka Zatoka . . . 7.62
Light .•.•.•..•.•.•.••.•.•.•.• 4. 12 Donuztav. Ozero • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • 6.327 Fecdosiya . • . . • • • . • . • .. • .. . • . • . 7.63
Dambovyi, Ostriv .•...... ..•.... 6.40 Doob, Gora .. .. . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . 7.97 Arnval informabon......... 7.69
Danube Main Rhine Waterway . . . 4.155 Doob. Mys ...........•••......• 7.97 Elerths ..•......•.•..•.•. 7.n
Danube-Black Sea Canal 4.155 Ooobslciy Light • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 .97 Directions . • • • • . • . • . • • . • 7. 74
Danube, River ....•.............•. 5.1 Dovhy,. Oslriv . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . . 6.279 Harbour . • . . . . . . ..•.. 7. 73
Commission ...•......•.•...... 5.3 O..ana Oetesl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.236 Limiting condiuons .•.... . 7.66
Delta...... . 5. 15 O..usu Go10 ..••..•..••.....•.• 4.10 Port services .. .. ..•.. .. .. 7. 79
Maritime navigation ....•.•.•..•. S.8 Ouliman . . .. .. . . . .. .. . • . . .. • . . 2.150 Rlyos • • . • . • • • . • • . •.•.•..•.•.•. 3. 79
Navigation marks . . . . . . • • ....• 5.11 Dullunan BLmu . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 2.99 yayi ...............•........ 3.80
Pilotage ..•..•.•......••...• 5.135 Oyavolska Reka . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . • 4.33 Foolef1<. Mys •.•.• -· 6.371
River navigation •.•.••.•.•.••••. 5,4 Oyurmen. Hora •.••.•.•••....•.• 7.54 Fmntast ...•......•.•.. , .•.•.. 3.197
Dardanelles . . . . • . . . . . . 2.1 o Ozendzyl<, Mys •......•..•.•... 8.160 F1rt1na y8y1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.243
Danca . . . . . . 2.268 Ozenznk, Mys •.•.•.•.••..•.... 8.160 Fd Deresi . . . • . . . . . • . • 3.208
Bumu •.•...••.•.•....•.•... 2.239 Ozhari<holBeaoon ••••••••••••• 7.109 Fonar. Mys • . • . . • . • . • . • • • • . • . • • 8.64
Dealul = hill; 0-Gora 7.108 Fud Olosan - .. 2.273
see proper name O~'ka Zaloka ..•....•.. 6.298 Foros. Nos . • . 4.48
Oefterdar Bumu • . • .. . • • . • . • .. • 2.342 Ozharytgatslcyi. Mys • .. • • • • • • • 6.298
Degirmen o~ Oslriv ..•...•...•. 6.298 Gagida Ughl . . . 7.238
yanakkale Bogaz, . . . . . . • . • . . . . 2.36 Ozt,,gnu,. Raio> . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 7.246 Gagra . .. . . . . . . . . . 7.204
OeQirmen Bl.KOU: lmrai Adas, • . • • 2.152 Oztu,ga. Bul<hla ••••••••••••• 7.144 Light •.•.•.•••.••.•..•.•••.• 7. t93
Demerdz:hi, Hora • . • . • . • • . • . • . • • • 7 .49 O~Rel<a 7.144 Gagry Mountains • . • . • . • . . • . • . • 7. 189
Demlr Qclik Steel WO<ks . . • . . . . . . 3.33 OzhtAlgsl<iy l..lght . . . . . . • • • . . . • . 7.140 Galata . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . 2.322
Oemirti Bumu . . • . • . . . . • . • . . . . • . 3.67 Oztulanur. Reka 7.246 B<idge 2.327
Light .•••.•..•.•.•.•.••.•••.• 3.70 Ozykhra. Gora 7. 193 Galaia. Nos • . • . • • . • . • . • . . • • • . • . 4. 79
Derince . . • . . . . . . • . . . . 2.256 G.ala.tasaray Deni?. KulubU ....•.. 2.347
Oeveboynu . . . . • . . . • . 2.134 Gala\i. Por!UI . • . 5.86
Oeveboynu Bumu . • . • . • • . • . • . • • 2.223 e~ 2.•2 Gazibey Kayas, 3. II 5
Dikili Bi.un: Amasra . . . . . . . . • . . . . 3.86 Edwlcik •...•.••••••...••••....• 2.118 Gazikoy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 2. 179
OiJdli Burun: Kefken Adas11 • . . . . . • 3.27 Elri 3.179 Gebeus. Gora . . . . . . . . . . 7. 140
Dikifikaya Light . • . • . • . • • • • . • . • • 2.343
Dikmeoda§, Tepesi • . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.173
Elorie Nord_.,._ 4. 135
Egrek Deresi . . . • . . . . . • • . . . . . • • • 2.49
~HO!)UQU .•..•.•.•......•..
GelendZhik . . .
. 7.110
011 Burnu . . . . . . • . • . . . 2.239 Ekinlik AdaSI . . . • . . . . . .. . . . • . • . • 2.95 GelendZhlkskaya Bukllta .....•... 7.110
Oilek Kayahgo Light Beacon • . • . • • 2.302 El<inlk Feneri Ught . • . • • • . • • .. • . • 2.99 GelendZhikskfy Ugh1 .•.••.•.•.• 7.109
DilekTepe •.•..•.•.•.•..•.•.••• 2.116 Eloinfil< G"9(fi - . . • • . 2. 1 00 Gefibclu ........•...•........•. 2.58
Oiler~Heteke • . 2.246 -..1.onaro 2.107 G~ldl. 2.54
Oiliskelesi ..•..•.•......•...•• 2..240 -~ . .. . .. . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . 2. I 63 Light 2.53
Dimegina, Gora . . . • . . . . . •... 7.108 Ekrembey Yanmadas1 . • • . . . . . • • 2.305 Yanmadas1 . 2.10
Oinskoy, Zaliv 8.78 Emas BLmu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.335 Gemieder Fishitlg Har'bour 3.103
Oniestrovs 'ko- Tsarehrads"ke Emine. Nos • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4.38 Gemlil< 2.186
Hyrlo A 6.14 Eminoou . • . .. . . . . . . • • • • . . . .. 2,323 Arrival infoonatio<l • . • . .. . • • • . • 2. 169
Dnipro-But'kyi Gidrovuzol Enge< ••......•..•••..•• - . . . . . 2.224 Berths ..•........•...••.... 2.172
Harbour . • . . 6.127 Erdek 2.116 Hal1lo.. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . 2.170
Onipro-But'kyi, Port, 6.157 Ki><fezj • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2.94 LiTiilirlg con<itioos . • .. • . • . • . • 2. 168
Arrival information 6.163 Erdek t..n.anl ..........•.......• 2. 114 Port services . . . . . . • . . 2. 175
Basins and berths . . . . . . • . . . . . 6.171 Eregl l.omanc ~ Deniz, . • • 2.203 Gemlil< KM•zl.......... 2.152
Directions • • . • , •.•.••...• , • • 6. 169 Eregi: Black Sea • . . . . . • . • . . . • . • 3.33 Gcmport . • . • . • • . • .. . • . • . . • . • . • 2.173
Harbour • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . • . 6. I 68 Atrivalintormation ... ,-,., ..... 3.36 Georgiya, Mys •.••.•.•.•..•.•.• 6.374
Limiting conditions . . . . . • . . . . . 6.159 Berths •............•...•.... 3.43 Georg,ylvs'lca Sl<elya .•..•.•.... 6.373
Pon services • • . • . . . . • • • . • . . • 6.173 O.ections 3.41 Gerze ••...•.•.••...•.•.•...• 3.131
Dnipro, Rika . 6.221 Harbour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.39 Girece Bumu . . . . . . . . • . . 3.13
Dniprovs'1ce Lights • . . . . 6.133 Port setYices . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . • 3.45 Giresun . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 3. 182
Oniprovs"kyi Lyman , •••..•.•.•• 6.106 EregisiUght 2.182 Arrival infoonatio<l • • • . • • . • . • . • 3. 185
Onister. Rika 6.14 Eren Li'nam 3.71 Berths 3.191
Onistrovs'ka Banka . . . . 6.19 Eri1dice BLmu . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 2.56 Oitectlons . . . . . . . . • . . • . • . • . • 3. 1 ea
Onistrovs'ko Lymans'kyi 6.25 ~ Adas, . . • . . • . . • . • • • . . . . • . 2.365 Harllou- . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . 3. 187
Onistrovs'ko- TSNehracf:s'ke Eshera Light .. • • • .. • .. • • • • • • • . 7.209 Limiting c:oncitioos . • . • • . • . • . • 3. 184
Hyrlo . • . . . . . . . . • . • . . 6.20 ~eH.omam 2.164 Port services 3. 192
Direction Light . . • . • . . 6.24 Eskdener Topesl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.56 Gnicyi Kul. Plvostriv . . • . 6.317
Onistrovs'kyi Lyman ••.••.•.•. ·~. 6 20 EspiyePevole<.mTem-.ial •••••. 3.197 Gino • river mouth;
Onistrovsko-Lymansl(yi Kanai .••. 6.24 Evt<sinograd - Ught 4.103 see proper name
Ootlnlvs'kyi. Mys . . • . . . . 6.91 Evt<~ Za1iv •.....•.•.....• 4.85 GU'giulesti lntetna6onal
OoQanarslan Bank• • . . . . . . • . . . . . . 2.56 Evyap PM . . . • . . . . . . .. • • . • . .. . 2.247 Free Port .•.••••...•.•......•. 5.81
D<>ganarslan Burnu • . . . . . . . . • . . . . 2.56 EynesJ US,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.196 G«:Uk B.. nu Light . • . • . . . . . . • . . . 2.37
Dogaooilar Power Station Eyrek Deresi .•......•.•....... 2.225 Goksu Deresi . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . 2.341
Hal1lour . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . 3. 70 Eyric 3.103 Golcuk •.•.•.•.••.•.•.•..•.•.• 2.271
Doganlar Sumu . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • • 2. 130 Burro 2.239
Doganlar Koyu . . . • . . 2. I 30 Golden Hom ......•.•.••.•.... 2.327
Doganyun Fishing Harb<> 3. 103 Fatil StA1an Melvnet Bridge . . . . . 2.336 Golen'kfy. Mys . . . . . . . • . . • . • . • . . 8. 188
Dolgaya Kosa . . • . • . . . • . . • . • . • • 8.180 Fatsa Feneri Light . • . • • • • • • • . • • • 3. I 68 G&len (,ay• •........•......•... 2.95
Beacon • . . 8.183 Faisa KorfezL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.168 Goniya ....•........•......•.. 3.261
Oolmabah~,e Palace . • . • • . • . • . • • 2..346 Faiya BLmu _. • 2.99 Gor'lciy K/JI. Pivostriv .•.••.•.•.. 6.317
Doluca Tepesi . . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • • • 2 53 Fedotova. Kooa 8.151 Gora • hill, mountain;
Dolzhanskaya . . . . • . . . . . • • . . . • . 8.182 Felangd Bt.n.n -· . . . . . 3.87 see proper name

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Gorelaya. Gora . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • • . 8 64 lnlu"skiyMoot .•.............• 6.137 Kara Bumu•.•.••.•.•.•..•.•.• 2.335

GOrele . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.203 lnkermans1<yi Leading Ug,ts ..•. 6.361 Karaa~ Limant... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.98
Gorgova •...•..•.•......•...••. 5.47 lnkemianskoye Ushcherye • • . • • . 6.344 Karabetova. Gora • . . . • . • . . . . . . • . 8. 79
Gorod • town; see proper name tnsula • istand; Karabiga lillan1 . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . 2. 100
Grecheskaya, Banka . . . . . • . . . . . 8.218 see proper name K.araburun: Marmara Oeni:zi . . . . . . . 2.53

Gryaznova Beacon. Mys ..•..... 7.141 lr4epe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.29 Karaburun: SE Black Sea . . . . • . . 3. 196
Guavga, Mys •..•.•.•.••.•.•.•• 7.145 lonna. Mys . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . • 7.26 Karabush. Mys . • • . • . • . • . . • . • . • 6. 100
Gudauta 7.212 ls,aocea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S.75 Karacabey BoQaz1 . .. • .. .. . . • . . 2. 163
GundoO<lu • . . . . . . • . . . . • . • . . . . 2.122 Light ...•••.••••..... 6.304 Karacabcy Ughl . . . • . • . . . . . . • . . 2. 158
.~nc~orage ~ . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 2.125 Ip< Adalan • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2.93 Kara<!ag, Hora • . • • • • . • . • • . • . • . • . 7.49
Gundogrusu Liman, . . . . • . . . . . . . 2.131 ltiklt Burro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.206 Karadais'ka Kosa . . . . • 6.315
Gura = river moU1h: lskt.riya, Mys . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.236 Karadena LPG Terminal .....•.. 3.200
see proper name lslanbul Bogaz, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.330 Karad21lynsk'a. Bukhta ......•.. 6.305
GOre~ Uman, • . • • . • . • . • . . • . • . • • . 2. 76 lslllnbu Dockyard • • • • • • • • • • • . • • 2.306 KaraJ<ova Burnu • • . • . • . • . . • . • . • . 2.37
GUZelcehisar Bumu . . . . . . . • . . . . 3.67 islanbu. Port of . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . 2.21• Karal<oy . . . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . 2.323
GUZelhisar Bumu Light . . • . • • . . . • 3.206 Atrival irdormalion . . . • . • • . . • • . 2.277 Karal<~luk Bumu • . • . • . • . . • . . . • . 2.99
Gvarda. Gora ••• , •.•.•..•.•.•• 7.225 Gala,a •....•.••.•.•••...•. 2.322 Karanlif Bumu Light • . • . • . . • . • . • . 2.19
General laycu! . . . . . . • . . • . • . . . 2.283 Karanhk Uman . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . 2.29
Hae, Adalan •..•.•.•.••.•.•.•• 2.109 H~ 2.327 Karantinnyl Mys. Light • . . . . . . . . • 6.341
Hacibayram Bumu • . . . . • . • . . . . . 2.272 Hayda!J>aia . . • • • . • . • . • • . • . • . 2.319 KaranlyTina Bukhla .•.•.•. , • . • . • 6.337
HaliAdas, 2.136 Port SetYice$ . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 2.28' Karasu . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . • . . . . • . • . 3.31
Hal~ ...•.•.•....•....•...•... 2.327 !s&,ye Koyu . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . 2.350 Kar- Bumu .......•.• -·.. . . . . 4.18
Harman Kayas, . . . • . • . • • • • . . . • . . 2. 19 lsmye Ugtn . • • • . • . • • . . . • • . . . • . 2.341 Karga Bumu . • . • • . • . • . • • . • . • . • 2.204
Harmanlt .•.•.••.•.•.••.••.•• 2.109 tvanestrr, AIAav .....•...•...•.• 5.99 Karg.abixun , . . . . . . 2.183
Har~it <;ay, . . . . . . • . . . . • . • • • . . . 3.204 lvanM<a . . . . . • • • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 6.283 Kar1dnits'ka Zaroka ...•......•.. 6.294
Has-ir Adas• .•..•.•.•.••.•.•.•• 2.109 lverskaya. Gora • • • • • • • • • • • • • . 7.207 ~iyal<a . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . • 2. 147
Havan' Shmidta . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . 8.121 ~· 3.229 Kas.atura Koyu • • • . • . • . • . . • . • . • . 4.20
lzmayll Clla!al ....••...•..•..... 5.44 ~ Adas, 2.302
Haydar- .•..•.•.•....•.•.•• 2.319
Haynsra Adas, ...•.....••..... 2.300 !zmayi. Poo ..•.••••.•••••..•.• 5.110 Kasom~a •.•.••...•.•..•.•.• 2.329
Hay1rs1zada 2.90 lzmi ..•.•..•••.•••..•.•....•. 2.261 Kasperovs'kyy Leading Lighls ••.• 6.236
Heniches·k • . • • . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • . 8.156 lzmil. K&1ezi . . • • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 2.227 Kastel, Hora . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 7.49
Heniches ·kyi, Proliv . • . • . . • . • . • • 8.156 Atrival inlonnabon . • . • • . . . • . • . 2.232 Kastro. Nos . . . .. . . .. . .. .. .. . .. . 4.32
Henlches 'kyl Reyd • . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.155 l)i-ec:tions • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2.238 Katoo, Port • . • . . • . • . • . • . . • . • . • 8. 214
Herois'ke . • . • . . • . • . . . • . . • . • . . . 6.251 Kaval< Burnu Ligh1 . . . • . . • . . . • . . 2.343
Heyteliada . • . . • . • . • . • . . • • . . • . 2.302 Kaba Burm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.239 Kavaldt Burnu . . . . . . . • . • • . • . . . . . 2. 75
Hisar Burnu ......•.•.•• __ .•.... 3.70 Kabageven &.woo • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2.37 Kavakl1 Ullan1 . . • . . . • . . • . . . • . . 2.165
HisarOnU .•.•.••.•.•.• , . • . • . • . • 3. 79 Kabardinskly Leading Ligllls . . . • • 7. 133 Kavarna . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 4. 124
Hola Prystan' • . . • . • . • . • . • • . • . • . 6.249 Kablo &.woo . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . • . • . 2.109 KavalSJt&. Zativ . . • . . . • . . . . . . • . . . 4.42
Hopa ....•......•........•... 3.251 Kacl1a. Rica • • . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • 6.330 Kavkaz·Soo1h, Port •.•.• , .•.• , •. 8.75
Arrival information . . . . . . . . • . . . 3.253 Kadorga A<las, • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • . • 3. 19 Kavkaz. P0<1 . • . . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • . 8. 76
Kakma oao, 2.43 Kayabashl Ugh! .....•..•••.•.• 6.372
Berths . • . • . • • . • . • . • . . • . • . • . 3.257
Directions . . . . . • . . . . . • • . . . • . 3.256 Karlrius.Rictta .•......••..... 8.132 Kayasis Tepesi . • • . . . • . • 3.195
Harbour • . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . 3.255 Kalam•J Koyu • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 2.310 Kayaitstu Bumu . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . 2.37
Por1 services . • . • . • .. .. • . • .. • 3.258 Kalamits'ka ZalDka . • • . • • . . . . . . . 6.330 KayiJ Dago . • . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 2.290
Hopsi 6urnu • . . • . • . • . • . . • . • . • . 3.236 Kalanchal<s'l<a Zaloka • • • • • • • • • 6.315 J<azan Oeresi • . • • . • . • . • • • • . • . • • 4.21
Hora = hil, mountain. KaleBun.cBlad<Sea •••..... 3.196 Kazan1yp. Mys •.•.•.•.••.•••.• 8.146
see proper name Kale Bcmu: <;anatd<ale llogaz1 . • . • 2.27 Kazantyps'ka 2atol<a .•......•.. 8.149
Ho~koy ...•......•........•.... 2.91 Kale Bun.c Marmara Oenizi . . . . . • 2.99 Kecin Bumu •........•....•.... 3.104
Ugh! ...•......•....•••.•.... 2.89 Kalem linanl . . . • . . . . • • . . . . . • . 2.102 Kefken Adas• Barin&gi • • • • . • . • . • • 3.26
Hryhonvs·ky; Ligt11 •.•.••.•••.••• 6,91 KaJeto ••.......•......•.......• 4.116 Kefken Adas, Ught . . . . .. .. .. . . 3.18
Kakakra Nall.J'e Resecve •......•• 4.115 Ketken U'l'lan, . . . . . • . • . . . . . . • . 3.24
Hurzvf . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • • . • . • . • . • 7 .24
Hyr1o river mouth; Kaial<ra. Nos •.••••••••••••••••• 4.116 KelaS<lri , •.•.••.• , •.•.• , .•.•.• 7.215
see proper name Anchorage ••••••••.•••••.••. 4.125 Kerner Korfe:i • • • • . • . • . • • . • . • . • • 2. 76
Kalin &.oo . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 2.148 Kepez ...•.•.•....•.•. -t·...... . 2.24
Kalyoo &.woo ••••••...••••••••. 3.137 Bumu ...•.•.••...•...•...•. 2.31
i~d~ 1 .•.•.•..• , •.•.••.•.•.••• 2.63 Kamchiya En!rance Kepez Koyu • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 2.30
i~d~ 2 .•........•.......•.... 2.70 Beacon. Reita . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • 4.80 Kereh Strait • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . 8.13
ldokopas.Mys ..•.•••.•..•.•.•. 7.141 Kamemyy. Mys • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8.168 Kerch-Yenikal Cha1Y1el . . • . • . • . • . 8.54
igneada Bumu .. .. • .. .. . • . • .. .. 4 22 Karrianske ••••••••••••••••••• 8.150 Kerch· ••••••.•..• , •.•.••.•.•.• , 8.72
lg,eada Limam ...•.•.••••...... 4.22 KalTiflat &.woo . . • . . . . • • . . . . . . . • 3.86 Sea F"ist,;ng Port . • . • . . . . . . • . 8. 73
ll'i, Mys . • . • . . . . . . • . • . • • • • • . . . . 7.50 Kamysh-Burm.Mys •.•••....•.• 8.66 Kerchens'kaBukhta........... 8.71
llandzhik, Nos . . • . • . • . • . . • . • . • . • 4.80 Kamysh-Bwu-1. Port • • • • • • • • • • . • 8.70 Kerchens'kyi Piv0$triv •.••.•.•.• 8.144
ilhankoy •.•......•••..•...•.•. 2.129 Kamyshevalskaya Kosa • . . . . . • . 8.180 Kerchens'kyi Sea Fishing Port • . 8.73
lllins'kyi Ligh1 .....•.•....•.•.... 7.50 Kamyshevalsl<aya. Bul<Na . . . . • . 8.187 Kerempe Bumu . . .. • . • .. . . .. • . 3.96
lmrali Adas, ......•.•..•...•.•. 2.152 Kamyshevalskiy Ugtn • • . • • . • . 8.181 Ugh! •.•.•.••.•.•.•.••.•.•.•. 3.96
Ince 6urnu ..•.••.•.•.•..•.•.•.. 2.99 Kanatya Bumu . . . . . . . . . . . . • . .. • 2.37 Kerpe Bumu • • . • • . . . • . • . . • . • . • . 3.18
Ince BurrMJ: Matmara Denlzi 2.56 - &.woo: ~egl 3.47 Kerpe uman, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.23
ince 6urun: Black Sea 3.112 l<ancm &.woo: - Bogazl 2.349 Kestane Burnu •••...•.•......• 2.235
Ligh1 ...•......•........•.•.• 3.114 Ligh1 • . . . . . • . • . . . . . . • . . • . . . . 2.341 Khabliv$'kyiLeading Lights 6.132
lncir BurrMJ 3.123 Kanliea Light . . . . • . . . • . • . . . . . . . 2.341 Kharuchu-Oba, Hora .•.......... 8.31
Ligh1 .•.•.•.••.•.•.•..•.•.•. 3.135 Kanlidere &.woo Light ••••••••••.• 2.19 Khersoo • • . • . • . . • . • . • . • . . • . • . • 6.250
incir Wman, .•..•.•.•.•..•.•.•. 3.209 Kapald, &.woo • • • • • • • • •••••••• 2.158 Arrival information •.•.••.•.•.• 6.259
lncltkoy Bank, ....•.•.••.•.•... 2.352 Kapal<li Ugh1 . . . • . . . . . . • . . . • . . • • 3.75 Basins and berths . . • . . • . • . • . . 6.267
lncitkoy Ugh! .....•.....••.•... 2.343 Kapidag YanmadascN c:oaS1 •••• 2.121 Di'eccions .. .. .. .. • .. . . • . . .. 6.266
incOvez Oeresi .•.•...•..•.•.•• 3.181 ~Yanmadasc Halbour . • . • . . • . • . • . • . . • . • . • 6.264
inebolu 3.105 SW coasl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.95 Limiting COndrtlOOS • • • • • • • • • • • 6. 253
inebolu 6urnu. Light .•.••.•.•.•• 3.103 Kap,suyu Oe<esi . • • • . • • . • • • • • • • • 3.94 Port services 6.270
lnguri • • • . • . • . . • . • . • . . • . • . • . • • 7.237 Kapsiil &.woo •• , . • • • • • • . • • • . • • . 2. 135 Khersones1<yi. Mys •.•.••.•.•.. 6.290
lnhul,Aika .......•.....••.•.•. 6.156 Kara Ada 3.118 Light . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . • • . • . • . . 6.292

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Khersonskyi Morskoy Kanai . • . • • 6.234 Kon*oy .. . . .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. . .. 2.22• WKayas1 •.•.••.•.•.••.•.•.. 2.123

F'"rrs I reach . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.235 =
Kosa sp;,; see proper name Lazarevskoye . . . . . • . . • •• • • . • . 7.169
Thirdreach ..•.•......•...•• 6.237 Koselabya • .. .. .. • .. .. .. • .. .. .. 2.40 Light 7.168
Khersons'kyi Reyd ,•• 6.251 Koshka. Hora 6.371 Leander's Tower • .. • . • . • .. .. • .. 2.317
Khefsons'kyy MorSkoy Kanai. Koshova. Rh .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . 6.266 ubediactty;, Mys . . . . . .. .. . . . . . 6.320
Second reach . . . • 6.236 ~- 3.131 Lermontovo • . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 7. 145
Khoba-Kaia. Paho<b 7.58 Kostianlynivsl<a a.Mu . . . . . . . . . 6.354 leselidze ligh1 .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. • 7. 194
Khobi ....•....•.•........•... 7.237 Kosbanlytws'kyi. Mys .. .. .. . .. . 6.358 lesport 4.1~
Kho<lovs'kyl Kaoal 6.319 Kovanagz, .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 3.25 Lewy Vkllodnoy Light • .. .. .. • .. 7.109
Kho<ly, Mys .. .. .. .. • .. • • .. • .. • 6.317 KovaJa Bt.rro • .. . .. . • • • • • .. .. . 3.236 Liapina. O.lriv .. . .. • .. .. .. . .. .. 8. 199
Kho<ly, Port , 6.319 Kavata LJrnan1 . . • . . . . . • • . . . . . . . 3.236 ~ iskelesi: izmil Korfezi 2.273
Khosta .•.•......•......•.•... 1.200 ~· 8t.rro 2.352 llmank6y: NE Tu<key .•......•.. 3.240
Khtisosotlra. Nos . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . 4.43 Koysug. Relca .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 8.240 Urnankoy: NW Tul1<ey • .. .. .. • .. . 4.22
Khrony, Hora •.••.•.•.•..•.•.••. 8 64 KoyunAdas1 2.95 Lirnnos, Nos • • . • • . • . • . • . . • . • . • . 4.32
Khtony, Mys .. .. .. .. . • .. • .. .. .. 8.69 Koyun Deres, .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2.49 LiubymM<a Light .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. 6.335
Kiik·AUOma, Mys .. .. . • • • • .. .. .. 7.50 Kozadla 8u<hta .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 6.357 Loo 7.172
Kikioeyz. Mys 7.21 KozaRJ Bt.rro . • • .. • .. . • .. .. . • . 2.351 lukul. Mys , .. .. .. 6.335
Kilen Bukhta .....•......•..... 6.351 Kon, Rslw,g Harbour .. .. . .. .. .. 3.50 Lunachars'ke . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . 8.92
Kill~ Bumu .......•......•..... 3.197 Kon, IJmano .. .. . • .. .. .. .. .. .. • 3.50 lupareve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. 155
Kiltlbahir • . • . • . • • . • • , • . . • . • . • • • 2.39 KoNys'kyi. 0.1riv 6.247 lupanvs'kyi ligh1 6.133
Kalesi •.•......••... , . . . • . . . . 2.35 Krasnodar .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8. 173 Luzanivs'kyi ligh1 . . . . • . . . . 6.66
Light 2.18 Krasnyi Kut. Mys 8. 146 Lyapina. Oslriv .. . .. .. .. .. 8. 199
Kiliya, Port •.•..•.•.•.••.•.•.•• 5. 105 Krasnyi Light 6.301 Lymanoozhars'kyi Leading
Kihys"ke Hyrlo ..•.•......•.•.... 5.116 Krivaya Kosa . • • . . . . • • . . . • . . . • • 8.199 Ligh1s................ 6.141
Kilkaya Light .. .. .. .. .. .. • . • .. . 2.200 Kruglaya. Gora .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7.97 Lys.a. Hota . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.371
Kinburns'kaKosa .•.•.••.•••.•• 6.274 -- 6357 Lysaya. G<l<a:
Kinburns'kyi DopolniternyiLight ••• 6.117 Knlllyi, Oslriv • .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. 6.279 NofLazarevskoye 7.168
Klraz Oere . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.228 Krym, Port 8.74 Lysaya Gora: N ofTuapse ...•.. 7.140
Kirazliyah . • . • .. • . • .. .. .. • . . .. • 2.247 Kryms'l<yi PiYos1riv 7.1 Lysaya G<l<a: SE ot Tuapse ..... 7. 159
Kire(,burllU • . • . . • . • . • . • • • • . • • • . 2.356 Kryva Kosa • • .. .. .. • .. .. • • • 8. t 99 Lysaya.Gora:
Light 2.343 Kuban',Rel<a 8.170 Tamanskiy Poklostrov . . . . . . • . . . 8.52
Klr~I Burno , 3.168 Kubanslay Light . .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. 7.87 Lysaya Hora ........•......... 6.371
Kir~hane Oeresi .•.•.••.•.•.•• 3.210 Kuch<A<-Uzen',Stn.mka 7.60 lyubvi. Mys. ligh1 .. .. • .. .. .. • .. 7.132
Kiril, Poluostrov . . . • . . . . • . . . • . . . . 4.43 - 2.n
Kishla. Rff 7.87 ~~caTepesi 2.290 MagataBumu 2.152
K,~,a .•••.•.••.•.•.•.••••.•.•. 3.1n ~ 2.101 Magentic anomalies, k>cal
Ki§la Surnu . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . 2.148 Kudepsla. Reka 7.201 Cherni Nos . .. . . . . • .. .. . 4.78
Klsllts'kyl, Ostrov 5. 104 Kukel Askari User! Sv&ta Anas1asiya, Ostrov . 4.61
Kisllts'kyi. Rukav .. .. • .. .. .. • .. .. 5 99 (Miitaty C<llege) .. .. .. • .. • .. • • 2.340 Magnetic anomalies. k>cal
K1y1kQy . • . • . • . . • . • . • . • . . • . • . • . . 4.21 Kuk..-nov Tepesi . .. .. .. . • • . .. • .. 2.98 Chronomorsk to Oniprovs"'kyi
K121hrmak . . • . . . . • . . . • • . • . . . . . 3.120 KuleviT...- 7.239 . Lyman .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . 6.9
K1zkaJesi . . . • . • . • . • . • • • • . . . • • 3.241 Kulllcovskiy Light • .. .. • .. • • .. .. . 8. t 72 lmraiAdas1 •.••...•.•......•. 2.83
Ligh1 .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . 3.229 KumBlrro 2.101 Rize .............•..•...•.. 3.227
K1zkulesi . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . 2.317 Kum L.mani 2.148 Mahanoz Qay, • .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. . 3.237
Ughl 2.318 Kumbag FIStwlg Hatbo<.< • • • • • • • • 2.20 t Malvnu<la 5.60
Kobule1skiy ligh1 .. .. • .. .. .. • .. • 3.265 Kumbagi Bt.rro .. • .. .. • . .. . .. • 2.17 Maiac:hnyi, Mys 7.50
Kobyla, Gora . . . . . • . . . . • . . . • . . • . 7 .97 ~Koyu 3.2• Malatra BIXnu . . . . . . . • • • • • • . . . . . 4. 12
Koca Oeresi. . .. .. • . • . • • . • . • .. . . 3.22 Kumcaz lslcelesi 3.134 Malatsite. Skala .. • .. .. .. • .. .. .. . 4.63
Koca~ Cay, .. .. .. • .. .. .. • .. • 2. 103 Kum<ale Bt.rro .. . .. .. . • .. .. .. .. 2.23 Maltepe • .. • .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. 2.35
Kocaburun • . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . 2. 183 Light 2.18 Maltepe Burnu .......•.. , 2.302
Kocaell . . . • . . .. • . • .. . . .. • . . .. . 2.261 Kum<ap, • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. • 2.293 Maly! FO<ltan, Mys 6.66
Kocamustafapa,$.a Fishi'lg
Harbour . • . • .. .. • . • . • .. • . • . • • 2..294
Kiip Bt.rro
Bt.rro . .. .. • • .. .... 2.37
- .. .. . .. • 3.71
Malyi Kasperovs'kyi
leading lights •••...•.••.•.•.• 6.237
Kochan, Nos . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.80 Ku~ 2.162 MaJyl Potomkln. Ostrlv . . . . • . • . 6.248
Kodori, Mys .•.••.•...••••.•... 7.237 KurortAl>ena 4.123 Malyl, Mys .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8.52
Kodosh, Mys .....•........•..• 7.141 Kurortne:AzCN, ~of 8.148 Mamaia . . . • . . . . . . . 4. 167
Kodoshskiy Llghl 7. 140 Kurortne: Black Sea 7.60 Mam.ah Adast 2.123
Koketrays, Banka . • .. • • • . .. • . • • . 4.40 Kurortnoye .. .. .. .. .. • • • .. • • • • • • 6.14 Manda Bcmu.. .. .. • • 2.2()6
Kol<lebel'. Bukhta 7.61 Kurortnyy Go<odol< .. .. .. • .. .. .. 7.202 Mangalia 4.136
Koldun, Gora . • . . . • . . . • • • • . . 7 .97 Ku~ 8t.rro 3.86 Light 4. 133
Koloklta. Nos . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • 4.42 Ku_., 2.347 ~lo. Mys 6.330
Koluzayevo S...251 Light .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • • • • . 2.34, Mariupol', Pon 8.121
Koluzayevskry . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • 8.251 Ku~ Bankt ............•. 2.341 Atnval infonnabo<l . . • . . . . . • . . 8. 126
Komsomol'skly Flshillg Shop . • 8.80 KufAdasl 2.101 Basins and berths ..•.. , . . . • . . 8. 138
Komysh-Elurun. Mys 8.66 Kuzey Bt.rro • • .. .. .. • .. .. • .. .. 2.302 Directions ••..•.•.•.••.•••.. 8. 133
Komysh-Burun, Por1 •.••.•.•.••. 8.70 Kuzey Mendirel< 3.75 Hart>our 8. 132
Komysh- ButlM1S'kyl Light . • . . . . . . 8.68 Kyslialdvs'lcyl Light .. .. • • .. . .. .. 6. 133 Port services . . • . • . • .. .. . . • . . 8. 140
Komysheva Bul<h1a . . . . • . • . . . . . 6.352 Ky\.l)riya. Nos .. . .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. 4.33 Mariya Magdalvla. Bari<a . . . . . . • . 7.87
Konca .. . . • . . .. .. • . . . . .. . . • . . . 2.235 Kyyik-Allama.Mys 7.50 Mal'k.itantskaya, Kosa . • . . . . . . • . . . 8. 78
Konka, Rik.a . . .. . . • . . . . .. • .. . . . 6.249 Kyz-AIA, Mys 8.32 Marmara Adas,: N part • . . . . . . . . . . 2.85
Kopekkaya Bumu Ligh1 • • . • . • . • • . 3.96 Kyzyt· Ya{, Ozero.. .. • .. .. .. • .. 6.330 Mam1ara Adas,: Spart 2. t2t
Korabf-Kamen', Skaly . • • . • . • . • • . 7 .54 Marmara 81.<nu 2. 101
K0<abostroltelnltsi: Burgas . • . . . . . . 4.67 Marmara D<>nl2i . . . . . . • . . . . • . • . . . . . 2. 1
K0takya. Nos 4.29 =
laOlJI lake: see proper name Piotage 2.2
Korolis- Tskai . . • . • . . . • • . • . • . • • 3.279 Lafa,geAsla,l~~ •..•• 2.268 Marmara Ereglisi .•.•.•.• , .•.•.• 2.200
K&ta~ Bank, . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.189 Lakhna. Nos . • .. .. .. .. .. . .. • .. • 4.49 Marmara Ges,ido .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. 2. 120
K0tu Bt.Knu: IQneada . . • • . • .. . • • . 4. 12 Lanzhe<on. Mys . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 6.68 Marport:Amlatti 2.215
Light .•.•.•..•.•.•.•..•.•.•.•• 4. 11 .._... Uman, • .. .. .. .. ...... 2.47 -~ .. .. • .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. • 2.202
KOC"u BLlfnu: Trabzon .....•...•. 3.229 Laspyns'ka Bulctta .......•..... 6.375 Marn s .. nu • . . . . . . . . • . • • . • . . . • . 2.90

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Martynovo Bukhta . • . • . • • . • . • . • • 6.346 Depr0$$ion$ 1.128 Odes'kyi Stvomyi Light .. .. .. • .. • 6.66

Masandra Subsidiary Port . • . . . . . . 7 .40 Desaiplion of inlonnabon . • . 1.151 Odesa ..................•..... 6.50
Masandrivs'kyi Leading Lights .••. 7.41 Fog and visi*y . . . . . . .. . . . 1. I 46 Alrival infoonatioll • . .. • . . • . • .. . 6.59
Maslen Nos .•..•.•.•.•..•.• , •.• 4.29 fro<llS • • .. • • • • • • • • .. .. • • • 1.129 Basins and berths •.•.••. , .•.•. 6.71
Ligh1...... . 4.28 Gales 1.136 Oireetions . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . • . . . 6.66
Matushenko, Bukhta . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.354 Gene,alcondidons 1.125 Harbout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.64
Maymun Burnu .•.•.•.• , .•.•.•• 2.102 Generalinfoonation 1.124 unimg con<>tioos 6.55
rvteoidiye Tabya Burnv . . . . . . • . . . . 2.36 Port services . . . . • .. .. . . .. • .. . 6. 73
Medgldla. Portul ..•........... 4.155 ~::';'::!..;.;·:: :: :::::::::: :::: Odescs, Port . . . . .. . . . .. . . • . . . 4.106
Mehanom, Mys • .. • • • . • • • • . • . • • • 1A9 Pressure • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1.126 Of 3.2:29
Meh~9ikBumu. . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 2. 19 St«mS 1.139 Oktyabr'sk, Portpunkt. 6.176
Light . . . • . . . .•.•.... 2.18 -- 1.140 Atl'Y\lal lnfOfmaboo • . . 6. 180
rvtermer Burnu . . • . . . . . . 2.99 -···················· 1.130 8'!sins and berths • . • . 6. 186
rvtermerc1k Uman1 .•.•.•..•.•.••. 2.93 Currenl$, tidal slre.,mo and Directions 6.185
Mersin . ..•.. 3.176 Dow Currenls ......•.......• 1. 111 Hart,ocw . • . . . . . . • . • . . . . • . • . 6. 184
Mertvyy Donets .:, . • . . .. • 8.234 Ice coocfAions. Sea ice unm,,g con<>tioos . • . .. . • .. .. 6.178
Mezar Bumu, Istanbul Bogaz, • . . . 2.356 concitious . • • • • . . . • • . . . . • . 1. 122 Ofkllovyi Onip<o, Rika ••.•••.•.• 6.247
Me?honka, Ostrov • . . . . 8.247 Martine topography Ok!ksandrivka........... 6.40
Midia ...•........•........•... 4.173 Gene,alremarl<s 1.109 Olen'. Gota •......•........•.. 3.288
Midia Light, Capul . • . • .. .. • . • .. • 4.170 Seabed 1.110 Oluce Burnu .. .. .. • .. .. • . • . • .. • 3.47
M1kha.ylovka, Gora •........•... 7.108 Seaandswel Light ....•......•.•......•... 3.29
Mikhaylovskaya Bukhta ....•... 7.145 Sea condilions ........•.... 1.115 OMa 6.176
Mimarsinan . • . . • . • . • . • . . • . • . • . 2.206 Swel co11diiolis 1. 116 Opet Marmara Term.-ia1 . • • . • . • . • 2. 193
Mrtridal, Hora . . . . . • . . . . 8.64 Sea lev .. and lodes Opuk, Mys . • . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . • . . . 7.54
M,us, Reka . • . . . . . • . . . 8.199 Sealevel 1.112 Otdu ......•........•......... 3.180
Mizhvodne • • • .. .. • .. .. .. • • • .. . 6.307 Tides 1.113 Orencik Kayas, Ligt11 .. .. .. • . • .. 2. 183
Mladost, Zaiv .. . . • . . .. . . . . • . • . • 4.33 Sea wale< characteristics orrrv, 0.triv •......•.•......•.. 6.284
rvtoda Bu,nu . . . . . . • . • . • • . • . . . . . 2.292 Density ..•.......•.....•.• 1.119 Otta unan . • . . . . . . • . . . . • . • . • . 2.322
MolaAdalan •..•.•......•....• 2.134 Oxygenlevels 1.120 Ortakoy Mosque .. . • . .. . • . • . . .. 2.341
Anchorage • . . • . • . • . • . • • . • • • . 2.146 Salirily 1.1 I 8 Ortalok Bank, .. , . , . , 2.109
Mola Bank, 2.136 Sea---· 1.121 Osman Gazi Bridge • . 2.230
Monoas-tyrskaya Rossyp' Nlvodari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.155 =
Ostl'W -<:N island;
Pe<ekat Roads .. • .. .. .. • . • .. • 8.249 NoltyanayaGavan"Shesl<haris ••• 7.134 see proper name
rvtorevskiy Beacon • . . . . . . . . • . . . 8.182 Nesebur . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . 4.45 Otuz'ka Dolyna . . • . . . • . . • . . . • . . . 7.60
Mors'koi Pikhoty, Bukhta ..•..... 8.148 Neselxnka l.qlt 4.40 Ova Oeresi •........•.••.•.... 2.243
Morskiye, Banka • . • .. .. .. • . • .. • 8.154 Neseburski Zaiv • • . • . • • • . . . . • • . • 4.44 Ovidiu .....• , •..•...•.. , ...•.. 4.155
Mudanya .•.. 2.159 Nestryha. Oslnv •............•. 6.247 Ozereyevskry Ught . . . • . . . . . . • . 7 .98
Mutat Bank, . . . .•.•.... 2.115 Nika-Tera Speoaked Sea Port •. 6.187 Ozereyka, Reka . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 7.98
Muratbay1n Burnu 2.11 S Noota, Mys 7.22 Ozero • lake; see proper name
MVrefte .•.•.•..•.•.•.•..•.•.•.. 2.79 Mkoloyev . .. .. . . . .. .. . • • • .. • • . 6.200 Qzhars'ka KO$a 6. 143
fvfilrfat1ar,Portul ...•......•..... 4.155 NlzMa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.237 Ozluce Oetesl . . . . . 3.197
Mutlu Oeresi • .. • . • .. .. .. • . . . • • . 4.25 Nos = cape; see proper name
Mykolaiv . . • . . 6.200 -osbanlynivs'kyil.ighl 8.161 Palamut Kayas, . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 3. 189
Arrival information . . . . . . • . • . . . 6.206 Novorossiysk 7.117 Panagiya. Mys .. .. • . • .. .. .. • .. . 8.33
Basi'ls and berths 6.216 Atrivalinfcrmalion 7.123 Panayot Koru . . • . . . . • . • . . . . • . . . 4. 79
Oireciioos ., 6.213 Basinsandbenhs 7.134 Pans'ke Leadi'lg Light Beacons.
Harbour •......•........•..•. 6.211 O.edions ...........••..... 7.132 ozero 6.312
Limiting conditions • . . . . • . • . . . 6.202 Harl><u 7.130 Pap,ya, Mount . 4.28
Port services 6.217 liniU1g condilio, IS 7. 119 Pa~ Oetesl . 4.21
Mykolaivka Llghl . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . 6.336 Port setviees .•......•....... 7.135 Pardsla , , 5. 104
Mykolalvs'kyi Potash Te:rmlnal . . . 6.187 Novo<ossiyskaya 8tJchla 7.117 Parten~ .. . • .. .. .. . . • .. .. • . • .. . 7.55
Arrival information .••.....• ,•• 6.190 Novosefskov Leading Lights • • • • . 6.306 Pasab~e Koyu ....•.••.•.•.. 2.352
Basins and berths . • . • • . • . • . • • 6.198 Novoseivka .. .. . • .. . . .. • . . . .. . 6. 123 ~~· l.iglll 2.343
Directions for entering Novostln"b<l's'ke Hy,1o .........•.. 5.9 ~· Adas, 2.95
harbour,., •• ,.,., .• ,.,., .• 6.197 Nov- 8.149 Anchorage ........•......•.. 2.109
Harbour • . . 6.195 Novyi Svl: NE Kerchens'kyo Light....... 2.102
Limiting conditions . . . . . • . . . • . 6.188 PM>Slnv . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . 8.148 P~, Koyu .. , ..•......•.. 2. 109
Pon services . • . • . • • • • . • . • . • • 6.199 Novyi Svl: SE Ktyms'kyi Pat1ageanca . . . . • . • . • . . 5.104
Mykolaivs'kyi, Mys •.•. , •.•.•. , • 6.358 PM>Striv .. .. • • .. .. .. • • .. .. • • • • 7.58 Pauk, Gora . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 159
Mykolaylv . . . . • . . . • . . . . 6.200 Novyy Aton . . . . . • • . . . . • . . . . . . . 7.209 Pauk, Reka 7.146
Kana! . . • . . 6.136 Pavtovs'ky, Lsading Lights 8.53
River Port 6.21 S Pavtovs'l<yl, Mys . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 8.64
Mys = cape; see proper name Otratnyi Leading Lighls • • .. .. • • . 6.248 Pavtovskiye Sekusllchiye
Myskhako. Mys ...•.•....•.•.... 7.98 Obytichna KDsa 8.165 Leading Beacons . .. • .. .. .. • .. . 8.68
Mzymta, Reka ..•.•••••••..•.•• 7.203 Ol>ylichnyl l.qlt 8.163 Pavtovskyy Koleno ...•......•... 8.66
Obzor ••.••••••.••..•••..••••.• 4.81 Pazar 3.244
Dcaklar 2.113 Pazarbas1 Buroo . • . • . • . . . . . . • . . . 3.20
Nagra Liman, .....•......•...... 2.41 Ochakiv, Leading ugllls 6.116 Pechemyi, Mys 7.50
Nara Bumu . • . . • . • . • . • . . • . • . • • 2 36 Ochakiv Eastern Harbolx 6.126 Pekkaya B<.mu •••.•.•.••.•.•.•. 3.115
Nara G~idi .. .. • . • .. .. .. • . • .. • . 2..36 Ochakiv, Por1jX.rlld .. , • • • .. .. • • 6. I 24 Peldy, Mys 8. 172
Narllk Bumu .....•....•...•... 3.229 Ochalavs'ke Hy,1o .....••..•.•.• 5.116 Penay, Mys • . . . . . . . . • . . • • • . . . . 7.133
NarllkOy ..•......•.•.••.•.•.... 2.112 Dcnai<Ns'kyi KMal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.124 Pcnayskiye Banld 7.133
Ge~ 2.102 Odlakivs'kyi Sea FIS/Wlg Pon ••. 6.125 Pen<ik 2.307
Natanebi .... 3.261 Ochalws'kyi. Mys ...•.•.•......• 6.114 PerE!kops'ka Za!oka ..•..•...•.. 6.315
Light . • . • . . 3.289 Ochalcovskaya Kosa . . . . . . . . . . . 8.215 Perepravskiy Reyd . . . • . . . . . . • . . 8. 187
Natural conditions O<:hamclwa. Port , • • • .. • • .. 7.246 Perip<ava •.•.•..•.•.•.•..•.•.• s.
Climate and weather O<:hamclwa. Reyd 7.247 Pe11embe L.iman• .. .. • .. .. • . • .. 3. 178
Air temperature.. 1.147 Odes'ka Banka . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . 6.92 Pervomai:s'kyl. Ostrlv .•....•.•... 6.114
Anticyclones . • .. .. .. • • , • • 1.127 Odes'ka Zatoka 6.51 Lea<ing Lights .•...•.•..•...•. 6.118
Cloud , •.•. 1.141 Odes'kyH.iglll • • . . . . . • . • . . . . • • . • 6.'1 Peschanoye, Girlo ...•......•.. 8.232

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Petrovskiy 8.244 Rezovsl<a Rek,! 4.25 Limiting concltions . • .. .. .. • .. 6.348

Petrushina, Kosa . • . . . . • • • . . . . . 8.215 -.. Ri<a : river; Port services . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • 6.364
Piraziz Light 3.181 see proper name Sevastopol'sl<yi B<Jkhta .•..•...• 6.330
Piryos Bumu •..•.•.•.••.•.• , • • 3.230 Rif • reef; see proper name Sevemaya Gavan' 3.309
Pischanyi, Mys . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . 6.315 Rioni .. • .. . • .. . • .. • . • • • .. .. .. . 3.286 Severnaya. Kos .....•......... 6.330
PlshcMnyy. Mys . . • . . . . • . • . . . . . 6.315 Rive,: see proper l'l3tn& Seyltgazi Btxnu ......•......•... 2.111
Pisoohna Bul<hta • . .. .. • . .. .. • • 6.337 Rize 3.230 Seyitga,iG~idi 2.115
Pitsuncla ..•......•.... , ...•... 7.210 Light • .. .. .. . • .. .. .. • .. .. .. . 3.228 Sfinlu Gheorghe .. .. . • .. • .. . • .. . 5.60
Pitsunda, Mys . . . . • . . . • • . • . . . . . 7.194 Rossene<zOiT...- 4.68 Shabash. Ostrov . . . • . • • • • • . • . . 5. 145
Light 7.193 Rostov App'oadl Cllamel • • . . . • . 8.238 Shabefskoye 8.204
Pivdenna Bukhta . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.344 Rostov-na-Ocn.J 8.247 Shabla, Nos . . . . . . . . 4. 134
Plvdenna Zatoka . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . 4.180 Rlbanova, Kosa . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . 8.78 Light............ 4.133
Plvdennyl Buh . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . 6.135 RIJ<av=chaMol: Shahany Light...... 6.14
Pivnic;hnyi Odeslcyi, t..~ys ....•.•.. 6 66 see p,oper name Shiito • . • • . • • • . . • . • . • . • . . • • • . • . 4.38
Plvostdv= peninsula; R.....iil<araluun 4.12 Shirokino Light . . . . • • . • • • • . . . . 8.200
see proper name Light 4.11 Shmat 8.251
Plauru ..•.•.••••••.•.•..•.•.•. 5.104 --. • .. • • • .. .. • • .. .. .. 2.336 Shmatovskiy .•.••.•.•.• , . • . • . • 8.251
Ploskaya, GOJa ...•......•..... 7.108 Rus'ka Kosa ..••.....••.•.•... 6.142 Shy,oka Balka .......•..•....... 6. tt 1
Poarta Albli-Mldla-Nilvodatl Rus'lcyl Kosa 6.142 ~n Resifi .. .. . • .. .. .. .. • 2. 158
Canal 4.155 Leading Ugtb .. . . • . .. .. . • . • . 6. 14 t
~-·························· 3.21
Podkhodnyi Kanai Leading Russloy K<>oa Leading ~ .. . . 6.14 t Burnu ........•...•.•....•... 3.14
lleacoo and Lights 8.109 Rvacl1. Rika 6241 Light. 3.17
Pol<rovka .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. • .. . 6.280 Rybachiyligtn 7.50 SiMi Koy\l .•.•.••.•.•.••.•.•.• 2.204
Pokrovs'kePief ...•........•... 6.128 Rybal'che Quarry .. .. • . • . • .. . • . 6.239 S.,emocets, Nos .....•.. , . . . • . • . 4.29
Poluostrov= peni.nsl.ta; Ryba!skaya. Bud-.. 7.106 Singo!.~ 4.167
see proper name
Pomorie . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . • . • 4.4 7
Pomoriyskl AK Light .. .. .. .. . .. .. 4.40
lnsula .. • . .. . .. • .. .. .. . • 5.60
Sinoie. Lac.A . • . . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • 4. t 67
Popovt<a Light .. .. .. . .. .. .. • 6.326 San Sophia Mosque .. .. . • .. .. . 2.317 Sneci 2.323
Port; see proper name Sakatya Agz, • • .. .. • .. .. • .. .. • • • 3.31 Sis Oagi .. . • .. .. .. .. • .. • .. . • .. 3. t 95
Portlta Anchofage 4.179 Light 3.31 SMghiol. l..aaJI .. • .. . • .. .. .. .. . 4.167
Portlta Light .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. • 4.172 Saka,ya Hehr! .. . .. . . . . . .. .. .. . . 3.31 Slvriada Light • .. .. .. • .. .. .. • .. 2.291
Portpoin.1 -= port Sal<en lights in line. Mys • • • • • • • 6. t • t Slvnoon.r,, Nos .. • .. .. .. .. • .. .. 4. t 27
see proper name Sal<harnaya Gotova. Gora • • • . . . . • 7.97 Sivrikaya Bumu ugflt . • . . . . . . . . . 2.223
Portul -= port: see proper name Sal_... 2.323 Skooovs'k ..........•......... 6.318
P~~ivs'kyi Kanai 5.151 Sal"8ZMR11tm11 l.q1t • • . . . . • • . 2.342 Skalistyi Beacon .. .. . •.. .. .. • .. 6.304
Pot, 3.299 Salmanivsl<yi Pereltal 5.151 Sketya Bili Kameni . .. . .. .. .. .. . . 7.22
Anlval information . . . . . . • . • . . . 3.303 SaJt,k I.Jmano .. .. .. .. .. • .. . • . • . •
2.45 Skhtdnyi Leading Lights . . . . . . • . . 6. 120
Bentls 3.313 Sarmalykh. Hora • • • • .. • • • • • • • • 6.371 Sktxdzha, Zaliv . • • • • . • . . • . • • • • • 7.245
Directions • . . • . • . • . • . . • . • . • . 3.31 O Samoun 3.137 $oc11i • .. .. • .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. • 7. t 73
Harbour . . • . . . . • . . . . . • . • . . . 3.307 Amvalintormallon 3.140 Amval lntormat>on .. • .. • .. .. . • 7.177
Limiting conditions . . . . • • . . . • • 3.301 Benhs 3.146 Eletths 7.185
Port services . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . 3.314 Direolions 3.14• Directions 7.182
Potiyskiy Light .. .. • .. .. .. .. • .. . 3.288 Hait>cus 3.142 Hartour 7.181
Poyraz .. . • .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. • .. . 2.357 liMing condllious .. • .. • • .. • 3. t 39 Umiting con<itions . • .. .. .. .. • 7. 176
Poyraz B<Jmu Light .. .. • .. .. .. .. • 2.36 Port services .. • • • • .. .. • • .. 3. 147 Port services . . • . • . • . • . . • • • . • 7. 186
Poyraz Koyu . . . . . • . . . . • • • . • . . . . 2.43 Samsun Korfezj 3.137 Sochinskiy Light .. .. . • .. .. .. • .. 7. 182
Poyraz Tepesi 2.43 Trierbuoy ber1hs 3.149 Sofiivs'l<yi Light 6.301
Priooynyi, Mys , .. .. .. . • .. . 6.302 Sandal S..00 .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . . 4.12 SogtA< Su Fishing Harboor •.•.•.• 3.244
Pnmorsko • . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . . 4.33 Sanzh,ys'kyl Ugl"i .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . 6.17 Sokhum 7.214
Primorsko-Akhtarsk ......•..... 8.188 Sarayt,u,nu ....•.....••.•....• 2.318 Atrival lnf0rmatiotl . . • . . . . . . • . . 7.220
Plitvy. Ostriv • .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. 5.123 Saraytar Linanl .. • • . • • .. .. • • • .. • 2.92 Eletths 7.229
Pritsel'nyy Light Beacon ••.•.•.•• 7.109 SanAda 3.118 Directions . • . • • . • . • . • . . • . • . • 7.225
Prorva .•.•......•........•... 5.148 San c,ay, .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . 2.21 Harl>Ot.r .. . • .. .. .. • .. .. • .. .. 7.223
Hyrlo 5. 116 Sarisiglar Umar, • .. .. .. • .. .. .. . • 2.31 Umiting condi1ioos . • . • 7.218
Prorvin, Ostriv ....•........•..• 5.123 Sarp 3.247 Port services 7. 231
Prorvins"k:yi Beacon ......•...•. 5.140 Sary-Komys'lcyl lighls in line 6.133 Sokhumi, Gora . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . 7.225
Prorvyns'kyi Kanai •.••••.•.•.•• 5.145 Sarych, Mys .. .. • .. .. • • .. .. • • • 6.371 Sokhumi. Zaliv . • .. • • • . • .. .. • . • 7.214
Prorvyns·kyi Aezervnyi Seaoon 5.147 Sasyk. Ozero .. • • • .. .. • • • • • .. • 6.330 Sokllumskiy, Mys • .. .. .. .. .. .. . 7.208
Pr'otoka, Reka • . . . • . . . . . . • . . 8.189 Sazal'nik. Mys .. . • .. .. • • .. .. .. . 8.204 Light 7.207
Prut 5.10 Saz.!l'M<Sl<aya Kosa .. . . . .. .. . . 8.221 Solal<l1 <;ay, • .. .. .. .. • .. .. • .. . • 3.237
Pryamyi Auk av .•.•.•.• ,. •.• 5.1 S 1 Saz.!l'nikslay Ugl"i .. .. . • • . • . • • . 8.203 Soliane • .. . • .. .. .. .. • .. • .. .. .. 8. 151
Prybiinyi Beacon • . • . . . . • . • . . 6.304 Sazl1 Oeresi . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • 2.49 Solodunova Light .. ..•.. . ..•.. 6.335
Prymors'ke Ught............ 5.141 Schn<dl -1.leu!enant 6.114 Solomot1iv Rukav ....•.. , . . . • . . 5. 148
Psezuapse, Aeka .••••••••.•.•• 7.171 - 2.28 Sosyts'l<yi Lyman • .. . • .. .. .. .. • 6. t 23
Pshada. Bukhta •.•.•.• , . • . • . • • 7. 142 Sedef Adas1.. .. .. .. .. . . .. . • .. . 2.302 Solera. Mys • • • .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. • . 7.57
Pshada, Reka ....•...••.•..... 7.142 Selimancn D«esl 2.225 Souk-Su. Mys 7.208
Psou, Reka .•..•.•.•.•••••.... 7.190 ~ 2.205 Sozopol .. .. . • .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. • . 4.43
Psyrtskha •......•........•... 7.213 Selvez Burnu .•.•.....•.•.•....• 4.12 Sozopolski blrv 4.43
SeM S..00 .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . 2.353 Spasskiy Kanai .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. • 6.134
Aavdenski, Nos • . • . • . • • . • . • . • • . 4 46 Light 2.343 Spitlaier. Elanka . • • . • . • . • . . • • • . • . 4.63
Aazim, Lacul • . . • . • . • . • . . • . • . • • 4.167 Sennaya, Portpoint • • • .. .. .. .. • • 8.82 Spiijire Rock .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4.63
Redut-Kale, Reyd 7.234 Sennoy . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . 8.82 Star>slav-Ad2hyhol's'kyl
Reka river: see proper name Sepedpnar .. .. .. • • • .. • • • .. .. . 2.273 Leading Lights .••...•........• 6.235
Aeni. Port . • . • . . • . • . • . • . . • . • . • . . 5. 76 Sevaslopol' .. .. • .. .. • • • .. • .. • • 6.343 s,a,,;siav. Mys .. .. .. . • .. .. .. .. • 6.233
Reyd = roadstead; Amvallnfcrmabon .. . . . .. .. .. . 6.350 Staroc:herkasskoye
see proper name Benhs 6.363 KolenoRoads 8.249
Aezovo • . • . • . . • . • • • . . • . • . • . • • • 4,30 Di'eclions .. .. • • . • .. .. • • .. .. 6.360 Starostambllskoye Hyrlo . . • . • . • . 5.22
Nos ...........•...••••.•.. 4.29 Harbol.w .. . • .. ... • . • • .. .. .. . 6.356 Staryi, Rika . .. • .. . . .. • .. 6.249

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Staryy Don, Reko . • . • . • .. • . • . • • 8.234 Terniy,A<sl<ly Light • .. .. .. .. .. .. • 6.171 Usf ·Ounois'k • . • • . • . • . • . . • . • . • 5. 128
Stavro Banka . . . . • . . . • • • • . . . . . . 4.63 Tenwy\J<sluyZalv 8.188 Arnval informabon . . • . . • • • . . . • 5. 133
Slrilets'ka Bukhta 6,337 Temyroba. Hora . .. .. . • • • • .. .. .. 8.89 Berths 5.142
Sudak 7.59 Ten<nVSlcal<osa 6.284 Directions • • . • • . • . • . • . . • . • . • 5. 140
Sudaks'ka Bukhla 7.58 Tendnvs'kaZa!Dka 6.284 Ha.tour .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 5. 138
Sudats'l<yl Light........ .. . .. 7.50 Tendrivs'l<yi Light .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6.277 Umkitlgcoootioos 5.132
Sudzhuk. Ostrov •.•.•.••.•.•.•• 7.132 Tendrivs'l<yi Nor1h Light 6.278 Usta Bumu Anohofage •.••.•.•.•. 3.116
Sudzt...kskaya Kosa .......•.... 7.117 Tendnvs 'l<yi South Light . • . . . . . . . 6.278 Usla Bumu Ugh! . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . 3. 103
Sudzhukskly Kosa .. .. .. .. .. .. 7.132 Tengmkaya.Bdchla 7.145 Utis Beiyy Kamen 7.168
Sul<hyi Lyman ..... , .. • • .. . • . • .. 6.28 Tepe-Oba. Gora 7.62 Utliuts 'l<yi Lyman •• , , .. .. .. 8. 155
Sufina Light ......•.... , . . . . . . . . 5.21 Terrne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.166 Utnsh, Ostrov . . . . . . 7.88
Sutlna, Sta\ul . . . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . . 5.54 Termil< Power Slation: Hopa . . . • . 3.256 Light....... 7.97
SIJina. Gu,a 4.171 T~etl<*J 3.204 Utrishe<lok Light. Mys 7.98
S!Aina, Portul • . • • . • . • . • . . • . • . • • . 5.23 Light .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. 3.204 Uzmar Shipyard • .. • • . • .. • . • . • 2.273
Arrival information . . . . . • • . • . . . . 5.30 ~.Gora.......... 7.108 Uzulmez OE!C'esi 3.57
Basins and berths . • . . .. • • .. • . 5.39 Tokmak . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . 2.269 Uzun Burun Light • .. .. • • .. .. .. . 2.37
Directions • • • • • • . • . • . . • . • . • • • 5 37 T~.Mys: Wol Sokiu1j •••••• 7.208 Uzyakskiy . • . • .. .. .. • .. .. • .. .. 8.244
Harbour . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . 5.35 T~. Mys: Kryms'l<yy Pwostriv.. 7.50
Port SSl"ViC&S . • . • . • . • . . • . • . • • • 5.41 Tomis. Portu: Conslan{a 4.162 Vadu 4.172
Sultanahmet Mosque • • • • . • . • . • • 2.290 Tonkly, Mys 7.110 Vakf1keb11 Fcshing HarboUI ••.•.• 3.208
Supsa Terminal . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . 3.294 T~Lmoni 2.126 vatna 4.86
surmcoe Koyu . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . 3.237 TQWJ Koyu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 2.225 Atrival information . . • . . . . . . . . • . 4.92
Suttiice Ullan, . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . . 3.97 Topl<ap1 Palace • .. . • • .. • • .. . .. . 2.317 Berths .. • .. .. .. .. • .. .. • .. . • 4.104
Sveta Agal1r1a. Nos •........•.... 4.42 Toros SamsunTermml ......... 3.159 Directions 4.102
sveta A.nast.aslya, Ostrov . • . . . . . . 4.62 10V Kompanlya Harbour .. .. • .. .. . • .. .. .. .. .. 4.95
Sveti Atanas, Nos . • . • . • • . • •• . • • . 4.80 e..-gremwna1 6.196 L.iTiiting conditiOl1s . • .. .. • . • . • . 4.90
Anchorage • . . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • • • 4.82 Tovstyi, Mys 7.50 Port services ......•....•.•.. 4.107
Sveti Olmitur, Nos .•...••.•..... 4.102 Trabzon ......••......•.....•.• 3.211 Vatne<lskl Zaliv .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. 4.84
sven Georgi. Nos .....••.•...... 4.110 Atrival inlormation 3.217 Vamensko Ezero • . • . • . • • . • • • . • . 4.86
Sveti lliya , • • . • • • . • 4.38 Berths .. • • • • • • .. • • .. .. .. • 3.223 Varvarovskiy Most ...•......•.. 6.137
Sveti tvan, Ostrov . • . . . . . . . . • . • . . 4.38 o.ections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.221 Vanollt<a. Mys .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8.69
Svetl Klrll. Ostrov .•......•...•.• 4.43 Hart>oi.w 3.219 Velykyi Fontan. Mys .. • .. .. . .. . • . 6.66
sven Konstantin, Nos •.•..•.•.•. 4.121 Umimg <ondilious • • • .. 3 213 Velykyi Pot'omkin, Ostriv ••.•.•.• 6.248
Syohovs'kyi, Mys, Light . 6.103 Port setYices • . • • • . . . • • • • . . . . 3.225 Vidnyy, Mys 7.194
Syvash. Zatoka 8.151 Tnuyeva. Baool 6.104 Vlkto,M<a .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 6. 123
Trutayeva. Rif .. • • .. .. • .. .. • • .. • 6.33 Vik1orivs'kyi Leading Ligflts .•.•.•. 6.117
TsareYo . . . . . . . • . . . . . • • . . . . . • • • 4.32 Vll"khov)'l Onipro, R,ka •......•.. 6.247
Tabya il<lrnu •.••.•.•.•..•.•.•. 3.210 Tser1<<Mli Bank!.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 8.68 VoyneLight • .. .. • .. . • .. .. .. .. • 6.325
Taganrog . . . . . . . . • . . . . • • • . • . . . 8.219 Ts...1<<M1YY .. .. .. • • .. • • .. • .. • • 6.244 Vize il<lmu 3.243
Gulf of 8.190 Tslk-. Mys 3.262 Vias 4.44
Mys , 8.215 Tslva .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. 7.239 Vodopa<lnaya. Roka .. .. .. .. .. .. . 7.35
Taganrogskiy Light • . . . . . . • . • . . . 8.217 Tu.Gora ........•......••..... 7.140 Volgo-Oonskoy Kano! •.•• , •.•.• 8.233
Tai-Koba. Hora ...•........•.... 7.49 r.,_e 1.146 Volos'kaKosa .......•......•.. 6.142
Tairove .•.•.•..•.•.•.•..•.•••.• 6,46 Amvatinbmobon 7.153 V-0<ootsovs'l<yi Light • . • . • • . • . • . . . 6.66
Takyl', Mys 8.31 Basins and benhs .. .. . .. • • • • 7.162 Vulan. Bukhta • .. .. .. • .. .. .. • .. 7. 143
Takyl'skly Light 8.31 - 7.146 Vuz'l<a, il<lkllla .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . 6.306
Talasakra, Nos .•.•••.•..•.•.•.• 4.63 Directions 7.159 V';l<lvs'l<yl Perekat 5.151
Talgirskoye Grrlo Frsh Harb<..- 7.157 V';l<ove .. . • .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. • . • 5. t 48
Receiving Station • . . . . . . • . • . . . 8.189 liniling ""'dlio11s • .. .. .. • .. . 7.149
Toman', Po<t: Ke<ch Strait .. . • .. .. 8.34 Port setvices . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 7. 164 West lstarool Marina . • . . . . 2.213
Arriv8' information , • , . , . • • • . • • . 8.36 Rel<a 7.146
Berths .•......•.•......•.... 8.44 Tuloea. Bra!IA S.61 Yahortyts'l<a Zatoka . . • . . . . 6.279
Directions • . . • . • . . . . . • • . . .•. 8.42 Tutoea. P~ S.66 Yahortyts'l<yi Kut. Pivostriv . . . • . . 6.279
Harbour • .. .. .. • .. .. .. • .. .. • • 8 40 T..-0\'Buru 2.131 Yakakent 3. 133
Taman', Portpoint: Turl<eiAdas1 2.95 Yalarlc1 Palatya Bumu • . . . . . . . . . . 2.92
Tamanskly Zativ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 8.81 Anohnge .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2.108 Yai 3.136
Tamanskiy Leading Lights .•.•.••. 8 88 Tuikei Feneri 2.358 Yal1koy , • .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. • .. 3. 169
Tamanskiy Zaliv ..• , •.•....•.•.. 8.78 Light • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • 2.340 Yak,¥a .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 2.225
Tamara. Gora ....•........•... 3.279 lurker Shil)yord .. .. .. . • .. .. .. . 2.273 Yalta 7.26
Tamysh, Mys 7.245 Tuma Suyu 3.172 Atrival information • . • . • • . • . • . • . 7.29
Tarabya Koyu ....•....•...•... 2.354 Turun Koyu .. .. . • .. .. • • • .. .. .. 2.270 Berths .. .. • .. .. .. .. . .. . 7.36
Taran'ya. Bukhta .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 8.120 Tuzlo Buro 2.158 Directions ........•......•... 7.35
Tart<han, Mys • . • • . • . • • • • . . . • . • . 8.146 Tuzta Koyu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 2.303 Harbo\K . • .. .. .. .. • .. .. • • .. . 7.32
Tarkhankut, Mys •.•.•.••.•.•.•• 6.293 Tuzlo Shipyard .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2.305 L.iTiiting ooncltio<ls . • .. .. .. • .. . 7.28
Light .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • .. .. .. . 6.292 Tuzla. Cspul 4.135 Port services ..•...•..•.•..... 7.37
Tarlaagz, Koyu 3.86 Light 4.133 Yaltyns'l<a Zatoka .. .. • .. .. • . • .. . 7.26
Ta,dibi Burnu ....•....•...•..•. 3.72 Tuzta. Kosa .. .. . • • • .. .. • .. 8.67 Yanikp11ne, Tepesi . • . • . . . . . . • . . . 3.95
Taikana Burnu ...•......•..... 3.165 Tuzta, Mys 8.52 Yaniamyy Light .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 7.86
T~lrdere Bumu. • . • . • . • • . • . • . • 3.230 Yapid.11< Deresl .. .. • .. .. .. • .. . • . 2.34
Tastepe 2.109 Yanmoa 2.249
Talarskaya, Buk_hta •.•.••.•.•.•• 8.149 Yorythats'l<a, ll<lkhla....... . . • . 6.307
Tamsu 2.149 UCh-Dera Light. Mys 7.169 Yasenskaya Pereprava.
Tav~an Aoasc Black Sea •.•.•.••• 3.90 UMO...Z ~d 2.273 Ponpoint . • .. .. • .. . • .. .. .. • .. 8. 184
Tav§an Ada;sc Marmara Oena:i .... 2.115 UIT'I.Jr 8anklar1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.343 Yasenskiy Zaliv .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. . 8. 184
Taz Da~i .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 2.220 Unut,eyisk- .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2.45 Yashtukhor'khu, Gata . • . . . . . . • . . 7 .225
Tekirciajj • . • . • . . • . • . • . • . . • . • . • • 2.188 t,/rruyeri linanl . .. .. . .. • .. .. .. 2.355 Yasun Bumu . . • • • • • . • . • • . • • • . . 3. 165
TekkeQnti .•.•..•.•.•.•..•.•.••. 3.93 Unye KQr1ezj .. • • .. .. .. • .. • .. .. 3.167 Yegorlytskly Zatoko • . • . • • . • . • . . 6.279
TcJlitabya Burnu 2.343 Light 3.165 Yetenlna. Kosa . . .. .. • . • • . • . • .. 8. 182
Temryuk., Pon . . • . • . . . . . . • . . . • • 8.173 Urdolliz.a. Nos 4.29 YelkMkaya &mu •.•.•.••.•.•.• 2.223
Temryukskaya, Banka ....•.•... 8.172 UreC, Mys .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. 6.326 Light ....•...•....•......•.. 2.222

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Yeni iskelele Jetty . • .. . . . . . . . . . . 3.180 Yomra • • • • • .. .. • • .. .. • • .. .. .. • 3.236 Zeytinbagt 2. t 58

Yeni-Kale, Mys ...•......•...... 8.64 v.........- 2.n Zeytinburnu .........•....•...• 2.294
Light 8.64 'nrmo &147 Zeytinli Adast .•.••.•.•.•..•...•. 2.116
Yenil<al'skoye Koleno •.••.•.• , ••• 8.68 Yuzmaya0zerey"""3 •••....•.•. 7.99 Zhebriians'ka. Bukhta .•.•..•.•.• 5.128
'Yenikap, . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . 2.293 Yuzmyi. Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.79 Zhele2.1nskaya, 8anka • . . . . . . . . . 8. 182
Yenil<6y •........•.•......•.•. 2.159 Arrival inlonnallon ..•••.......• 6.85 Zh<llemyy Rog. Mys . . • . . . . . . • . . . 8.32
Yenikoy Sank, .. • . • . • . • .. • . • . • . 2.343 Basinsandbenhs 6.94 ught 8.31
YenikOy Light . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . 2..343 o..ections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s.91 Zhemsi, Gori! 7.168
Yenykal'skyy, Mys. Light . . • . . . . . . 8.64 Harb<..- . . . . . . .. . . . . . • . . • . . . . 6.89 Zhove-Kvata . • . . . . • . • . . . . . . • . . 7.204
Yer Adas, .•.•.••.•••.••••.•.•. 2.101 linQlgconcMions .••.•.•.•.• 6.83 oocirbozan Light • • • . • . • .. .. • . • . 2.54
Yermakov Island . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.151 Port setviees . • . . . . . • • . . . . . . . • 6.95 Zlatn, Pyasiitsi (Golden Sands)
Y'*l&9ay . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . . 3.22 Macina .•..........•........• 4.121
Y~ihnnak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.135 Zmelnyy. Ostriv ......•......•..... 4.7
Ye,ilk6y Bumu l.ig!lt . • . • • . • . • . • • 2.290 ~- Ostriv .. • • .. .. • • • • .. • • • 6.247 Zmir,y, Mys • .. .. .. . • .. .. • . • . • . 8.68
Y~ityurt Pier . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . 3.151 Zatara l.imaru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.236 Zmir,y' Osoiv •......•.••••....... 4.7
Yevksinograd Zaliv • . • . . .. • . . .. • . 4.85 Zaiv. QtM. bay. ne,: Port 4.180
Yevpatoriia •.•••• , • . • . • • . • . • . • • 6.338 see proper name Zolote , .•.•.• 8. 149
Yevpaloriis'kyi, Mys ......•..... 6.322 Zaiv Allya . . . . • . . . . . . • • . • . • . . . • 4.59 Zooguldak . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . • . 3.51
Light . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . 6.325 Zaiznyi Port Ught . • . • . • • . . • . . . . 6.301 Atrival lntormatioo . . • . . . . . . . . • . 3.54
Yeysk .. .. • .. .. • . • . • .. .. • . • .. • &205 Zapaooyi Leading Lights 6.120 Berths .. • .. .. .. .. • .. .. • .. . • • 3.63
Yeyskaya, Kosa . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . 8.205 Zorl>ana 3.104 Directions . . . . • . . . • . • . . . . • . . . 3.60
Yeyskly Zallv • . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . 8.205
Y,gitler Ge~
Y1ld1z Kaya1,g, Light Beacon .•...
Ydpo<t: lzmrt Kllrlezl . . . . . . • . • . . . 2.244

Yorn Sumu • • • . . • . • . • . • . . • • • . • • 2.364

2-ogo. Gora ........••.•..•
Zerdali Oeresi
Bunu !!tad< Sea
Zeytin Bunu IZJTil Korfezi. , . , . • . 2.239
Harbour . • . . . .. . . . • . • • • . . . • . 3.56
Port services . • • . • . • . • • . • . • . • . 3.64
Zooguldak 8ixnu ....•..
light .............•......•...
, . . . . . • . 3.67
Zyuk. Mys .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. • . • 8. t 46

e-NP24 - TRAMMO PARIS (IMO No.lM09792515)

Black Sea Pilot

First published . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1855

Second E<frtion 1871
Third Edition . . . . . . • • • • • • • . . • . . . . • • . . . . 1884
Fourth Edition . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • . . . . • • . . . . 1893
Fifth Edition . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . 1900
SiXlh Edition . . • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . 1908
Seventh Edition . • . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . • . . . • • 1920
1:ighth Edition .. . . . . . .. .. .. • • • • .. .. • . . • 1930
Ninth Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1942
Tenth Edition 1955
Eleventh Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1969
Twelfth Edition 1990
Thirteenth Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000

Black Sea and Sea of Azov Pilot

First Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 2003

Second Edition .•••...•....••.•........ 2006
Third Edition . .. • • . . . . . . . • .. • . . . . • . . . . . 2010
Fourth E<frtion ..••.........••.......... 2013
Fifth Edition . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 17

Produced in the Uniled Kingdom

by the UK Hydrographic Office

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