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Inrropuccion yan David Wyss (1743-1818), nacié en Ber 1es suizos con el fin de ensefiar a sus hijos (Suiza). Escribié Los iportancia que tiene desierta. Tienen que aprender a sobrevivir, a buscar comida, a criar males y a construir una casa segura para ellos y sus animales. La isla ‘es un paraiso, hay muchos Arboles frutales y los rios estan llenos de peces. Pero también corren algunos peligros. ;Sobrevivirén? IntRopuccié Johann David Wyss (1743-1818), vanéixera Bema (Suissa). Va escriure El robins6 suis amb Vobjectiu d’ensenyar els seus fills la importancia que té la familia. Es va convertir en un classic, encara popular avui dia. El libre explica la histdria de la familia Robinson que naufraga en una illa deserta, Han d’aprendre a sobreviure, buscar menjar, criar animals i construir una casa segura per a ells i els seus animals. L'illa és un paradis, hi ha molts arbres fruiters i els rius s6n plens de peixos. Perd també hi ha alguns perills. Sobreviuran? ‘SARRERA Johann David Wyss (1743-1818), Bernan, Suitzan, jaio zen. Seme- alabei familia zein garrantzitsua den erakusteko idatzi zuen Swiss Family Robinson. Klasiko bilakatu zen eta gaur egun ere ezaguna da. Robinson familiaren istorioa da. Itsasontzia irla bakarti batean hondoratu zaie eta bizirauten ikasi behar dute: jatekoa aurkitzen, animaliak hazten eta beraientzako zein animalientzako etxe segurua eraikitzen. Irla Paradisua da, fruta-zuhaitz ugari ibaiak arrainez gainezka daude, baina arriskuak ere ugariak dira. aterako ote dira? op, hann David Wyss (1743-1818) naceu en Berna (Suiza). Escribiu Os RobisOns sutzos co obxectivo de ensinar aos seus fillos a importancia que ‘en a familia. Converteuse nun clisico, sendo ainda popular hoxe en dfa, | a flies conta a historia da famili inson que naufraga nunha anima Teflen que aprender a sobrevivi, a procurar comida, a eriar Cun paraign gusta unha casa segura para eles ¢ os seus animais. A illa Mais tame ett moitas debores froiteiras e os rios estén cheos de peixes. corren algiins perigos. Sobrevivirén? Lo i | | Liar Chapter 1: Alone on the Ship t's raining and the wind is blowing. Mr Robinson is on a ship with his wife and their four sons Fritz, 17, Emest, 15, Jack, 13 and Francis, 8. The Robinsons left their beautiful farm in Switzerland to build a farm in Australia. All their possessions are on this ship and some of their animals, too. Suddenly, the sailors start to shout. Mr Robinson goes very surprised. The sailors are leaving the ship in small boats! Where are you going? Mr Robinson is frightened. He sees two enormous rocks and then he understands the danger. The ship hits the rocks move. \d now it’s stuck between them. The ship can’t ALONE ON THE SHIP The family is waiting for news inside the ship. “Father! What happened?” asks Fritz, the oldest son. “The ship hit some rocks and now it can’t move,” father explains. “The sailors took all the boats and hi escaped. They abandoned us. Everybody is silent. They're alone on a ship in the middle of the sea! It’s very frightening. Little Francis begins to cry. is. We'll stay A together and we'll be safe. Night comes. The children sleep, but their parents can’t sleep. Mrs Robinson remembers her beautiful home in Switzerland. Why did they leave it? She cries silently. Mr Robinson holds her hand. Maybe the morning will bring some hope. What happened to the ship? THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON THE ISLAND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SEA Chapter 2: The Island in the Middle of the Sea ” says Mrs Robinson. “We can put them around the cow, the pig and the donkey. That will help them.” 1 We can go to the “Great idea,” says her husband. “We haven’t got a problem jand in the boats, with the dogs and the ducks. They can swim very well.” It's time to leave the ship and everybody feels nervous. “Let's take two tents and some blankets,” says Mr Robinson. “Everybody can take one more thing from the ship. Choose useful things for the island.” Mrs Robinson takes a big pot from the kitchen. “We ‘can cook our food in here,” she says. Ernest chooses two bags. “These will be useful on the island,” he says. Jack takes a bag of seeds. “We can plant vegetables with these,” he says. Francis brings fishing nets. “We'll catch fish and cook them in the pot,” he says. Fritz chooses an axe. “We can cut trees with this,” he says. “We'll need wood to build things.” ‘And then everybody remembers ... there aren’t any boats. The sailors took them. “We must make a raft.” says Fritz. “Yes,” says Mr Robinson. “We can use wood, barrels and rope from the ship.” Fritz and Emnest bring the rope. Everybody helps to build the raft Who takes what? Match the items to the people. “What about our : animals?” asks Emest. “They're very big. They can't go on the raft.” “Maybe they can swim to the island,” says Fritz, “It's not very far from here.” THE SWISS FAMILY RO ” says Mr Robinson. “Let’s put the dogs and ducks into the wate : : ‘One by one, the little animals jump into the water. “They're happy and they start to swim immediately. “Now, let's put life jackets around the cow, the pig and says Emest. “Then, they'll be safe. IL tie the jackets together ¢ life jackets on the animals. But the "t move. “Hey, boys!” he shouts. the donke “Yes. We’ He puts the frightened creatures don’ says Mr Robinson, Soon, the animals are in the water and they’re swimming! Everybody laughs. ‘The family get on the raft and row jieces of wood from the ship. I's difficult at first, but slowly they move in the direction of th ONTHE ISLAND Chapter 3: On the Island the raft arrives on the island. The Robinsons and all their animals are safe. The boys are happy and run on the beach with the dogs. The sand feels good under their feet. “You can play later, boys,” says Mr Robinson. “Now Everybody must hel Emest and his father build the two tents. Fritz makes a big fire. Jack and Francis want to find something to eat. “Let's catch some fish,” says Francis. They put the fishing nets in the water. Soon, something moves in the net. =( Look, Jack! Three fish! }ous. The boys are very happy. Dinner will be good tonight! ? THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON puts the fishin the big pot. Soon, there’ can they eat it? Mrs Robinson food for everybody. But how ‘We've got fish soup, but we haven't got bowls or Suddenly, Francis runs to the beach. Ten ter, he returns ig seashells. “Here are your new soup bowl says. “Good idea, Franci: says Mr Robinson. Everybody is very tired and they want to sleep. There are strange noises outside the tents. Are there pirates, wild animals or savages on the island? How will they survive on this small island in the middle of the sea? How do the Robinsons eat their food? Chapter 4: Coconuts from the Monkeys In the morning, Mr Robinson announces, “Today explore the island. We must learn more about our new home.” “Take me!” says Ernest. “I want to see the animal “Me too,” says Jack. “I want to see the plants and flowers.” “No. I’m taking Fritz,” says Mr Robinson. “He’s the oldest and the stronges Mr Robinson and Fritz take bags and they begin to walk. Soon, they see a big strange fruit on the ground. It’s a gourd. “We can use this as a bow! or cup,” says Mr Robinson. “Watch me.” He takes six big gourds and cuts them into two pieces. Then, he cuts a hole in them and puts them in the sun. Soon, these gourds will be hard. They'll be good bowls., THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON ‘They walk into a forest and see coconuts On the trees, 5 Coconuts have got white juice like sweet milk,” Mr Robinson explains. “Let’s take some, But how Suddenly, a coconut falls on the ground. They look up and are very surprised. There are monkeys in the trees! “That's incredible,” Jaughs Fri helping us!” He stars to climb the tree but the monkeys are frightened. They throw more coconuts at Fritz and his father quickly puts them in the bags. BEF. ‘The bags are heavy now and Mr Robinson is tired. ‘They start to return to their family. They pass fields of sugar cane and many fruit trees. They return with the gourds and coconuts. “There's a lot of food on tt land,” says Fritz. “We won’t be hungry.” 10 Chapter 5: On the Ship Again It’s the next day. “Fritz and I wi ‘Mr Robinsor island.” His return to the ship tod: fe can take many useful things for the isn’t happy about this. Don't go. The sea ¥ “Good idea, son!” his father says. “There are sheets on the ip. We can make sails from them.” After several hours, they arrive at the ship. They put a lot of useful things on the raft —a telescope, books, food and clothing. They take warm blankets for the winter and knives, forks and spoons in their bags. How will Fritz make a sail? THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON Mr Robinson imagines their new house on the island, “We need beds, chairs and a tabl take all our clothes. Let's put them on the raft, to ‘They find a lot of wood on the ship. Ave We can build a house | with this wood. ‘They arrive on the island again. The fa to be safe and together. Mrs Robinson looks at the wood. THE TREE HOUSE Chapter 6: The ‘Tree House Time passes. It’s hot on the beach and the tent is small and uncomfortable. One day, Mrs Robinson finds a scorpion under her sheet. She’s very frightened. “This is terrible,” says Mrs Robinson. “I can’t live in a tent any more! We must build the house now.” “Let's build it near the forest,” says Jack. “Yes. I want to live near the coconuts and sugar can shouts Francis. “We can move our things to the forest and begin to build a house,” says Fritz. “The donkey is strong. He can help us move our things.” How can the Robinsons move their things to the forest? THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON goes to the forest to find a place for their those trees,” says Fritz. “ a tree house there! The fat house. “Look and strong. We can bui AN incredible here!” he says. the way to the sea. There’s space for a big under the tre “Good idea,” says Mr Robinson. “We'll build the house tomorrow.” "Wait,” says Mrs Robinson, “How can I climb to the top of a tree every day?” “Don't worry, Mother,” says Jack. “We've got a rope ladder now!" 4 ‘THE TREE HOUSE They start to build the house the next day. Firs, they make a platform and then, they build walls with the wood from the ship. Mr Robinson makes a roof from branches. Everybody helps and they work all day. Finally, they've got a house. Francis brings the rope ladder. “We can use this to climb to the tree house,” he says with a smile “But how will we take the beds up there?” asks Jack. “We'll tie some rope around them and pull them u says Ernest. “Come on, let's try ae i WN i 2 _|\ Mrs Robinson climbs the ladder to see her new house. “Bravo!” she says. “Now, we'll be safe and dry during the winter. We can build a barn for the animals, to 6 Chapter 7: Seasons Change Winter arrives on the windy and it rains constantly, “We can’t stay in the tree house any more,” ‘Mrs Robinson says. “It's very cold and wet up here.” suggests Mr Robinson. “It's very small, but at least we'll be je and then, there be happy A to live outside — she loves the rain and mud! But the bam is Z uncomfortable for the Sie family. They try to be Bigee3) positive in this difficult Fe situation. Time passes slowly. Every day they must find and prepare food. Is stories and his wife makes clothes. The boys are growing and need new clothes. The boys read books and teach Francis to read and write. Who lives outside the barn? __SEASONS CHANGE Finally, the rain stops and the family go out again. But the pig? They can’t see her anywhere. “Don’t worry,” says Jack. “I'll find her.” Jack walks around the island for hours. Suddenly, he sees their pig and runs to her. He doesn’t see the mud swamp. Jack sinks in the mud and can’t get out. The pig sees he’s in danger and she approaches. There’s a rope around the pig’s neck. Jack tries and tries to get the rope. Finally, he succeeds and the pig pulls him to a safe place. W It’s late in the bar and the boys are reading, but their mother can't read. She’s worried. Where is Jack? Then, a strange, muddy figure approaches. He’s brown {from head to toe. I's Jack! “I was stuck in the mud,” he explains. “Come with me. I've got something to show you. The family follows muddy Jack. After 20 minutes, Emest says, “Hey! There's our pig. But what is she doing?” “Come and see,” Jack says. They approach and see ten le piglets next to their pig. “They're very sweet,” says Francis. “Who's their father “Maybe there are wild boars on the island,” says Mrs Robinson. a surprise! Now, we need a bigger bam for the animals and a new home for us.” Put the pictures in the correct order. THE SEARCH FOR THE NEW HOME Chapter 8: The Search for the New Home Mr Robinson and the boys explore different parts approach the animals quietly, but the buffaloes run from them. Only one little baby stays. His foot is injured and he can’t run. “Look, he’s injured. We must help him,” Francis says. “Let’s take care of him.” “He will grow strong and help us with our work,” Fritz says. “Our cow will have a friend.’ They take the baby buffalo home with them, 9 ful day! Maybe I'll go for a wal ick some flowers for the house. ‘There's a small mountain at the end of the field, ‘Why are rocks fa avalanche?” She approaches the mountain and She can see a small entrance to a cave ‘mountain! The cave is big and dry. “Could we make this place into a home?” Mrs Robinson thinks. _ Suddenly, a wild donkey runs from the cave. It is very frightened. (Come home with me Teen conte’ end” ai 20 | | THE PERFECT HOME Chapter 9: The Perfect Home Mr Robinson and the boys are frustrated. They didn’t find a location for a new home. «4| discovered an incredible cave today,” Mrs Robinson says. Il show you.” it’s near the river. Come, It’s cool inside the cave and the family like it. “Bravo, Mother!” Jack says. “In just one day, you found us the perfect home and another donkey to help us.” “You're a perfect wife and mother,” says Mr Robinson. “We all love you. You work very hard. Tonight, you mustn't work. The boys and I will cook dinner. Right, boys?” “Good idea,” says Mother. What will Mr Robinson and the boys do tonight? a THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON : ‘The Robinsons are good builders now. Together, they plan their new home in the cave. “We'll use stones and cement to make walls,” says Ernest. “We can make wife. “We' each boy, a large for us, of course. “There's another cave near the mount: Franci They're very happy here. There are flowers everywhere. Fi grow all around them, and there are a lot of river nearby. This part of the island is 22 THE ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION. Chapter 10: The Anniversary Celebration One morning, Mr Robinson wakes up and looks at his diary. “We came here exactly a year ago,” he says. “We prize ‘No problem. I’ve got prizes,” says Mr Robinson. resting objects from the ship in a special be a surprise for the children. And I’ve also got a surprise for y Mr Robinson disappears and returns five minutes later. He’s holding a beautiful box. It’s a sewing box. “I hid this for a special occasion,” he says. ANOTE IN A BOTTLE THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON Now, the celebrations begin. First, there’s a swimming Chapter 11: A Note in a Bottle race, The boys swim very fast, and Fritz wins the race, His prize is a knife and he’s very happy. Many years pass and the boys are now handsome ‘After that, there’s a running race. At first, Jack is young men. Their life is comfortable and the island is inning, but then, Emest runs faster than him and he paradise. Jack and Francis are good hunters. Emest is an receives a gold watch. inventor. He makes new fools for his mother. Fritz is an ‘The final competition is a riding race. Jack rides their expert sailor. He likes exploring the waters around the donkey, Emest rides the wild donkey and Francis tries to ride the buffalo. It’s very difficult to do this and finally, he One day, Fritz is s is parents try not to laugl finds a note in a bottl ‘i He reads the note and shows it to his father, island. 1g near the island, Suddenly, he falls to the ground. “We don’t want to excite your mother and brothers. “You're right, Father. But tomorrow, I'll try to find her. I'll take our boat. This girl, Emily, needs our help. 23 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON ANOTE IN A BOTTLE “I want to see!” is takes the telescope from Jack. “I want to ae isn’t alone! Somebody is with Th explore the islands near her many days. Don’t worry, I Fritz finds Emily on a small istand. She's alone and ee she’s very happy to see him. “[ was on my Way home to England,” she says. “Suddenly, there was a big storm and the ship sank. I was the only survivor. I want to retum to my father. I'm sure he’s very worried about me.” runs to the beach to see Fritz and the ‘Come and live with us. There's ‘lot of space on our island. Back on the island, everybody is worried about Fritz. Then, Jack looks through the telescope. “I see Fritz’s raft!” he shouts, “He's coming home.” “Come, dear,” says Mrs Robinson. “Are you hungry?” Mrs Robinson makes a big dinner for everybody and Emily tells her story. Soon, Emily is a member of the family. Everybody likes her. It’s fun to have a daughter and a sister. One day, the Robinsons are having breakfast. Suddenly, they hear a noise in the distance. “What's that?” asks Francis. “Is it a storm?” What does Jack see through his telescope? “Don’t be stupid,” says Fritz. “There isn’t a cloud in the sky. Get the telescope!” 27 THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON Chapter 12: The English Ship Fritz climbs a tree and looks through the telescope, it’s got an English flag!” ” shouts Jack. “We can tie know we aren’t savages,” of the ship accompanies the boys to the 1” Emest shouts. “This man knows your father! Your father thinks you are dead.” “Your father is very sad,” says the capt can take you h “Now, we . But first, I need some help from the THE ENGLISH SHIP “pve got an English family on my ship. The mother is very sea-sick,” says the captain. “Can I bring her here to rest on dry land?” “Of course,” says Mrs Robinson, “I'll take care of her.” Mr and Mrs Woolston and their daughters, Margaret and Sarah, come to the island. Mrs Robinson cooks for them and prepares a comfortable place to sleep. Soon, Mrs Woolston is feeling better. The visitors admire the Robinsons’ home and the beauty of the island. “This place is incredible!” they say. “We wanted to find a quiet, healthy place to live, far from the city,” Mrs Woolston explains. “You live in paradise!” says Mr Woolston. “Can we stay here and build a home on your island?” “Yes!” say the Robinsons together. 29 English any more axe barn blankets branches bravery dead excite fields flag from head to toe handsome hits holds hope hunters injured laughs left Let’s take care of mud nearby nets prizes raft roof _ GLOSSARY —_ Castellano Catala ya ja hacha destral establo estable mantas mantes ramas branques valentia valentia muerta morta poner nerviosos a _ fer posar nerviosos campos, prados camps, prats bandera bandera de arriba abajo de dalt a baix guapos guapos choca contra xoca contra agarra li agafa esperanza esperanga cazadores cagadors herido ferit se rie riu dejaron van deixar cuidemos de tinguem cura de barro fang cereano proper redes xarxes premios premis balsa rai tejado sostre 32 GLOSSARY English Euskara Galego any more xa axe machado barn corte blankets mantas branches pélas, ramas bravery ausardia valentia, afouteza dead hilda morta excite urduri jarri pofier nerviosos a fields zelaiak, belardiak —_eidos, pradarfas flag bandera bandeira from head to toe goitik beheraino de arriba abaixo handsome ederrak ‘guapos, fermosos hits jo ditu choca contra holds heltzen dio terma de hope itxaropen esperanza hunters ebiztariak cazadores injured zaurituta ferido laughs barre egiten dute i left utzi zuten. deixaron Let’s take care of zaindu egingo dugu tefiamos conta de mud lokatz, lohi Jama, bulleiro, barro nearby inguruko, hurbileko préximo nets sareak redes prizes sariak premios raft baltsa balsa, xangada roof sabai tellado 33 English rope row safe sail seashells sea-sick seeds sewing box sheets sinks succeeds sugar cane stuck sweet tents tools We'll tie wild boars will grow strong wind is blowing GLOSSARY Castellano (de) cuerda rema a salvo; seguro vela conchas mareada semillas costurero sébanas se hunde Io consigue cafia de azticar atrapado ricos, monos tiendas (de campafia) ataremos Jjabalies se hard fuerte el viento sopla 34 Catala (de) corda marejada ors cosidor Hengols s’enfonsa ho aconsegueix canya de sucre encallat bufons, bonics tendes de pores senglars es fara fort bufa el vent _____stossany Engl Euskara rope sokazko row arraunean egiten du safe onik; seguru sail bela, haize-oihal seashells maskorrak sea-sick zorabiatuta, ondoezik seeds haziak sewing box jostotzara sheets izarak sinks hondoratu da succeeds lortu du sugar cane azukre-kainabera stuck trabatuta sweet politak tents kanpin-dendak tools tresnak We'll tie lotuko ditugu wild boars basurdeak will grow strong indartsu egingo da wind is blowing _haizea dabil 6 Galego (de) corda rema, voga fora de perigo; seguro vela cunchas mareada sementes costureiro sabas afunde conségueo cana de azucre atrapado riquifios tendas (de campafia) utensilios ataremos, anoaremos xabaris, porcos bravos farase forte © vento sopra The Swiss Family Robinson by J.D. Wyss Retold by Heather Caldwell Burlington Books P.O. Box 54411 3721 Limassol Cyprus Burlington Books is an imprint of Danos Books Lid. e to thank the following people: Ariza Brigidano Catala: Maria Esteve Serraviials Euskara; Edurne Azkue Urres Galego: Ramén Nicolés Rodriguez All rights reserved by the publisher. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means ~ electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise ~ without permission in writing from the publisher. ISBN 978-9963-47-934-4 This simplified version copyright © 2009 Burlington Books Burlington Reader No. E2.20 uO ee Gg 18 17 16

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