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For participation of students in

State Level Mathematics Quiz competition
Respected Sir /Madam,

It gives me immense pleasure to invite the students of your institute/college to

participate in State Level Mathematics Quiz competition organized by the
Mathematics Department of our institute on 20th August , 2019.

Time Event

(1) 10:30 AM to 2:30 P.M Quiz Competition

(2) 2:30 P.M To onward High Tea

Coordinator Principal
Dr.J.K.Patel Dr. A. S. Patel
Subject : State Level Quiz Competition in Mathematics
Respected Sir/ Madam,
We have immense pleasure to inform you that our college is organizing State
Level Quiz Competition in Mathematics on 20th August ,2019. We gladly
welcome entries of your college /Institute .
Date of Quiz competition: 20th August ,2019
Time of Quiz competition: 10:30 AM
Venue : Auditorium, Navyug Science College,Surat.
Language of competition: English
(For round I and II English/Gujarati)
Last Date of Registration: 10/08/2019
General Rules & Regulation for the Competition:
(1) Maximum TWO teams can participate per college/Institute and each team
can have maximum THREE students .
(2) 1st prize will be announced on the basis of total points of three rounds.
(3) The decision of the Quiz master will be final and will not be subjected to
any change.
(4) The participants should carry their college identity card or a letter from
their principal or H.O.D.
(5) Please enroll the name of the participating students via email to: (9427825251) on or before 10/08/ 2019.
(6) No spot registration.
(7) Registration form and fees will be collected on 20th August ,2019
between 9:45 AM to 10:15 AM. ( In Bio-Laboratory )
(8) Per team Registration fees Rs 600/- (Only Cash)
(9) In case of tie eligibility of team for the next round will be decided by
tie breaker.
(10) No T.A. will be provided.
(11) If the number of Participating teams is more than 10 then elimination
test will be held.
(12 )(a) First Round will be most probably of basic questions from
standard X to XII.
(b) Second Round will be most probably of basic questions from
standard XII and First year B.Sc.
(c) Third Round will be most probably of basic questions from
Second year and Third year B.Sc.
(13) High Tea at 2:00 PM

(1) Total points in this round is 25.
(2) Each team will be asked 5 questions. Each question will carry 5
points .
(3) To answer the question each team will be given 60 seconds .
(4) No pass on.
(5) First SEVEN teams will go to the second round.

(1) Total points in this round is 50.
(2) Each team will be asked 5 questions. Each question will carry10 points.
(3)To answer the question each team will be given 90 Seconds .
(4) No pass on.
(5) First FIVE teams will go to the Third (Final) round on the bases of
total score of round FIRST &SECOND.

(1) Total points in this round is 75.
(2) Each team will be asked 5 questions. Each question carry will 15
(3) To answer the question each team will be given 120 Seconds.
(4) 15 points for correct answer and 5 negative points for wrong answer.
(5) If any team cannot answer the question in stipulated time then the
question will be passed onto only very next team, in this case the
team will get additional 10 points for the correct answer.
Navyug Science College,Rander Road ,Surat.
State Level Quiz Competition in Mathematics
Name & Address of the College/University/Institute:
(1) Name of the Student _________________________________
Class : ___________________________________________
Mobil No : _________________________________________
E-mail: ____________________________________________
Sign. Of the student: _________________________________
(2) Name of the Student _________________________________
Class : ___________________________________________
Mobil No : _________________________________________
E-mail: ____________________________________________
Sign. Of the student: _________________________________
(3) Name of the Student _________________________________
Class : ___________________________________________
Mobil No : _________________________________________
E-mail: ____________________________________________
Sign. Of the student: _________________________________
Seal of the Institute/ Dept. Signature of Principal / H.O.D

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