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 Weight the exact amount of rice that will be poured. It should not be more than 4 measure
 Wash the rice. Put it in the inner pot, and adjust the quantity of water;
 At the same time, you can cook another meal like vegetables. Put them in the steam pot;
 Plug in the cable into the electricity socket and push the cooking button. A light red will turn
 After cooking, open the cover and mingle the cooked rice for a while.
__________ Source : Let’s Talk Grade IX, 2005
An sw er t he se qu est io n ba se d o n t he t ex t ab ov e!
1. What is the purpose of the text above?
a. to tell how to cook rice using a magic com c. to describe how to cook rice using a magic com
b. to narrate how to cook rice using a magic com d. to report how to cook rice using a magic com
2. The kind of text is ...
a. descriptive c. recount
b. narrative d. procedure
3. Based on the text, the amount of rice bellow is true, exc ept ...
a. 5 measure cups c. 3 measure cups
b. 4 measure cups d. 2 measure cups
4. How many steps are there?
a. 6 steps c. 8 steps
b. 7 steps d. 9 steps
5. “Plug the cable into the electricity socket.” The statement is the step …
a. 6 c. 8
b. 7 d. 9
6. We can cook another meal at the same time in ...
a. rice cooker c. inner pot
b. steam pot d. cup
7. Will the red turn on if we push the cooking button?
a. Yes. It will c. Yes I do
b. No it will not d. I don’t know
8. The rice must be ...
a. dirty c. I don’t know
b. clean d. 4 kilograms
9. “Put them in the steam pot.” (Line 3). The underlined word refers to ...
a. amount of rice c. vegetables
b. 4 measure cups d. cable
10. “Weight the exact am ou nt of rice that will be poured.” (Line 1). The synonym of the bold
word is ....
a. average c. minimally
b. sum d. balance

Mr.V on SMP YAPIDA Cisayong Tasikmalaya 2009/2010 Page 1

(English Home Work)

In stuc ti on : 1. R ea d th e fo llo win g rec ip e f or Fri ed R ic e!

2. Tra nsl at e t o In do ne si a!
3. C on str uct a di alo g fo r Fr ie d Ri ce !
4. C olle ct t he se ass ig nm en t o n th e nex t m ee tin g!


Ing re di en ts : Eq uipme nt s :
A plate of rice A knife
2 tablespoon oil A frying pan
1 egg A spatula
5 shallots A plate
2 cloves of garlic
Some salt and pepper

St ep s :
1. Slice the shallots and garlic;
2. Pour the oil into the pan and heat it;
3. Cook the shallots and garlic until they smells nice;
4. Put the rice into the pan;
5. Season with some salt and pepper;
6. Stir the rice until all ingredients are mixed well;
7. Put the rice on the plate.
__________ Source : English Focus Grade IX, 2007

Mr.V on SMP YAPIDA Cisayong Tasikmalaya 2009/2010 Page 2

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