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Watch list

Access Path: Bottom bar Menu  Watch list both in pre and post login view

Day 0: Below page is of Day Zero when user comes to watch list for the first time.

Watch list Element for Day 0:

1. Indices – Nifty 50, Sensex, Bank Nifty, Nifty 100 and Nifty 500
2. Create Watch list CTA

1. On clicking on Any Index Watchlist will be created, the index name will be watchlist name which
cannot be edited. Incase user tries edit Index watch list name a pop message should be shown
“This is an Index watchlist, name cannot be edited”
2. On tapping on Create “Custom Market Watclist” user will be redirected to created watchlist
section explained further in the document.

Day 1: Users who have created watch list

Watch List Elements: Upfront

1. Scrip Name and Exchange

2. Last Trader Price
3. Change and Change%
4. DP Holding(Available For Trade) and Overall Unrealized Gain & Loss( Only to be shown if client
has holding in stock added to watchlist) and MTM of open Position
5. Filter and Sort


a. Equity, FNO, Commodity, Currency and Sector wise (Banking, Pharma, IT…..)
b. Fundamentals – Positive – Valuation/ Financial/Quality and Negative Valuation/
a. Alphabetically, Price, Change and Change %( High to low and Low to High)
Watch List Elements: On Expansion

1. Open Price
2. High Price
3. Low Price
4. Close Price
5. Volume
7. Buy – if user has no holdings or positions
8. Sell from DP and Add More – if user has holdings only cash
9. Add more and Square off if user has contract for Futures and options
10. Sell from DP and square off if user has DP holding and Positions as well this will only be is user
has cash and intraday cash potion in same stock.
11. Charts
12. Quote
13. Set Alert – CTA(It will be Text and not button)

1. Right of side of the screen to Left side Swipe will be sell and on doing so user will be redirected
to order form with Sell action preselected.
2. Tapping on Set alert will set alerts page in the same screen allowing to user to set alert, and on
closing the module will be redirected to watch list
3. Left side of the screen to right side swipe will consist of Buy CTA and once user will swipes it will
redirect user to order form with buy action pre-selected.
4. To add stock/contract to an existing watchlist user will tap on search bar at the top which will
open the alpha numeric keypad by default.
As user starts typing relevant options will start to appear and thereafter click on + the
stock/contract will added and on doing a back action user will be redirected to watch list.
User will be allowed to add multiple stocks/contracts at one go.
As user taps on + to add a stock/contracts there will a count in the search bar which will increase
indicating that the stock/contract has been added. In case user taps on – the count will reduce.
5. To add a new wacthlist user will tap on Add New on top on the screen it will open the search
section, user can add stocks and contracts and on doing a back action user will be redirected to
newly added wacthlist with the added stocks/contracts displayed in order that they we are
6. To change the name user need to Long press on the watchlist Name after that a pop will open
wherein user rename the watchlist and tap on save.
7. Filter and sort Stocks/Contacts – User can filter stocks based on Asset class(Equity, FNO,
Currecny, Commodity) and also on basis on sector(Banking, Pharma, IT etc…) or sort
alphabetically, LTP, Change and Change%.
These filter and sorting option will be applicable till the user changes it. And every time the user
re-logins or prelaunch the app it will with the same filters and sorting pattern.
User can also Filter based on Mojo Indicators i.e. Mojo – All positive Valuation/ Financial/Quality
After selecting the filter and sort user just need to close the window the changes will be applied
8. In order remove all filter and sort user has to tap on clear all in the Filter /Sort window.
9. On hard press in any watchlist item it will open a page from where user will be able to delete
stock/contracts and rearrange stocks.
To delete stocks user will tap on bin icon and the stock will be deleted without asking
To rearrange stock user will hold the icon and move the stocks/contract in whatever position
Once the user deletes stocks/ contracts or arrange user will have to tap on save the changes will
be saved and user will land on the watchlist.
10. On tapping on buy user will be redirected to Buy order screen with Buy preselected
11. On tapping Sell from DP user will be redirected to Order form with Sell selected and Sell from
DP selected and DP quantity prepopulated.
12. On tapping Sell user will be redirected to order form screen with sell preselected
13. On tapping on Add more user will be redirected to order form screen with Buy and quantity
14. On tapping Square off user will be redirected to order form with opposite action selected (i.e. if
user has open buy/Long position then sell will be selected vice versa).

Create Custom watch list and Manage Watchlist:

1. User can create Watchlist by taping on Add New from Watchlist page of from manage watchlist
2. On day 0 user will click on Create custom watchlist and on day 1 user will click in add new in
order to add watchlist.
3. There will be tabs in manage watchlist section i.e. Indices and My Watchlist.
4. User can Add a predefined watchlist(Indices) , delete a watch list or custom create a watch list
from this section
5. User will only be allowed to create 5 watch list at max
6. In case user has 5 watch list and wants to delete a watch list and add a new one then user will
have to go to manage watchlist.
7. After user adds a new watch list it will placed last in the order.
8. User can also change order of wacthlist by holding the rearrange icon next to the watch list
name and dropping it at desired positions the changes will get auto saved
1. To create a watch list user will click on Add New from Watch list page or tap on add new from
manage watch list page. There after user will be redirect to search section wherein user will
search stocks to be added and tap on the + button in order to add it to the watch list. User can
add multiple stocks and contracts.
2. Once user add stocks/contracts and taps on save user will be redirected to watchlist page with
the added stock
3. User can also set default watchtlist by tapping on the star icon. Every time user will land on
default watchlist. This will be in sync with trader app and web as well.
4. To create watchlist using predefine option of Indices user just needs to tap on + next to the
Indices it will auto create the watchlist. The name of the watchlist list will be the indices name.
5. User can delete a watchlist button by tapping on the bin icon user will be asked for confirmation
and tapping on yes the watchlist will be deleted.

Create Index watchlist and Demat Watchlist:

1. Creating Index Watchlist
a. Creating index watchlist on day 0 : on day 0 when user taps on watchlist option from
bottom menu it show user 5 Index watchlist user can tap on any Index and a wacthlist
will be created and name of the watchlist will be the index name which cannot be
b. User will not be allowed to add or delete scrips from index watchlist
c. User will be allowed to rearrange scrips on index watchlist and also filter & sort the
2. Create Demat Wacthlist
a. On tapping on create Demat watchlist we will show a pop up stating “DEMAT watch list
successfully created.” With CTA Go To Watchlist and Close Icon
i. On tapping on close icon the pop up will close.
ii. On tapping on View Watchlist it will redirect user to watch list page and land on
Demat watchlist.
b. If user already has 5 watchlist and user taps on create Demat watchlist it will show a
message stating “You already have 5 watchlist kindly delete a watchlist to create Demat
Wathclist.” With CTA Manage Watchlist and close Icon.
i. IF user taps on Close icon the window will close
ii. If user taps on Manage watchlist user will be redirect to manage watchlist age
wherein the on deleting any watch list demat watch list will be created


1. Maximum of 50 scrips can be added in watchlist.

2. Maximum of 5 watchlist can be added
3. Demat Watchlist will be updated every day at EOD i.e. if users sells any shares it has to deleted
from the demat watchlist.
4. Demat watch list and Indices watch list will not be editable
5. All the current validations should work as it is along with popup messages.
6. If user had 5 watchlist and wants to add another, in that case user needs to delete anyone of the
existing watchlist and add a new one.
7. Post Expiry contracts should be auto deleted from the watchlist and next expiry contracts should
be added at EOD.
8. Search scrip and filter option will remain floating if user scrolls up.
9. After contracts expire they should be removed from the watchlist automatically by EOD of the
day of expiry.
10. Any changes made on Investor app should get synced with Web and Trader App.

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