Global Search Quote and Charts Elements On Search

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Global Search Quote and Charts

Elements on Search

1. Search bar
2. Trending searches (Only to be shown if there are no recently search history for user) –
Trending search will be shown based on highest Turnover for the day.
3. Schemes name
4. Exchange
5. LTP Change and Change %
6. Get Quote
7. Chart
8. Add to watch list (Not for Mutual funds)
9. Add Alert
10. Market Depth
a. Bid/Ask Price
b. Bid/Ask Qty
c. Bid/Ask Order count

Note: LTP and change (%) will be real-time on this page


1. Once user taps on search Icon from the bottom quick link menu the global search will open
on landing on global search the cursor will be by default on the search bar and alpha
numeric keypad will open
2. User will type the name of stock/contract and the results will start to appear
3. On swiping from right to left it will open Sell Order form with sell preselected and swiping
from left to right it will open buy order from with buy preselected.
4. On tapping any stock/contact it will show 5 CTA get quote, charts, add alert, add to watch
list , market depth on
a. On tapping on Get Quote it will redirect to Quote detail page
b. On tapping on Charts it will open chart in landscape mode
c. On tapping on Add alert it will open add alert page wherein the Parameter drop
down will be open by default
d. On tapping on add to watchlist it will ask which watchlist and user will tap on the
watchlist the stock/contract needs to be added once user taps on the watchlist the
window will auto close.
e. On tapping on market depth a pop will open up displaying the market depth
i. On tapping on show more the market depth will expand showing data till 20,
5. Search Process
a. User will have to type in minimum 3 characters to get result. Once user types in 3or
more characters the results will be displayed. Once types in Instrument type e.g. all
the other result will be only result pertaining to that instrument type will be shown.
b. The Stocks will be in alphabetical order. The rest of the result order will be as
 All Equity Stocks NSE
 All Equity Stocks BSE
 Future Contracts Current, Next and Far Month
 3 At the Money Call followed by 3 at the money Put of the current month
 Spread Contract Near , Next and Far month
 Mutual Fund

c. IF user types CE or PE the order will be 5 near month at the money CE/PE and then
rest all. Future contacts will be shown in this case
d. IF user types in CE and strike price then all 3 months contracts will be shown
followed by 4 months PE contracts and vice versa
e. If user types in scheme name along with FUT only near next and fat month contracts
will be shown. Options will be shown in this case
f. As the types in more key words the result will narrow down
o In Universal search bar, search results suggestion should be in following order.
 XYZ-NSE cash
 XYZ- BSE cash
 XYZ- Current NSE Future contract
 XYZ- NEAR month NSE future contract
 XYZ- FAR month NSE future contract
 3 calls for ltp near the strike price
 3 puts for ltp near the strike price
 For spread contracts search, user would be required to type the
complete scrip name to search or add in watchlist

Elements of Charts

1. Charts will have option change Stock/Contract from charts itself.

2. Charts will have buy/sell button instead of T CTA
3. Add more or Exit if user has position in a particular contract
4. Overall and Day MTM ( Only if user Position)

1. User will type in the name of the stock/ contract and the tap on it all the data points will
change accordingly.
2. User will tap on Buy/Sell it will redirect to respective Order form with action preselected.
3. If user taps on add more it will redirect to order form with all data points prefilled.

Note: Charts will be as per existing there will no change in data points
All data points will auto refresh.

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