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A Qualitative Disquisition of The Effects of Socialization of students with Deviant Behavior among

The Students of Colegio De San Gabriel Arcangel


Socialization has a big role to the development of one’s sense of self. It is the process of

learning how to fit in to society and to be a normal person. Through this, people are taught that social

norms are needed to be follow and if they fail to do so, may result consequences. Socialization is a very

important life process especially in forming personality. On the other hand, people with deviant behavior

is differ from accepted social standards. They are the type of people whose beliefs and attitude are not

the same from the society normally consider to be acceptable. This aberrant behavior can somehow lead

to prejudice. The way the society see it, people with this kind of behaviour is easily judge in advance.

The understandings of deviant behavior vary not only across different societies but also different time

periods. Judgement is for those persons who did something that society thinks it is not morally correct

and deviance is not an exception. Socialization to people with deviant behavior is a serious and big

dilemma. It acquires personality and social self. It may elicit god or bad responses in a community.

The researchers seek to know the effects of socializing in people with deviant behavior among

the chosen residents from San Jose Del Monte Bulacan in Barangay Sta. Cruz III Area D. The

respondents have their own reasons why they have such behavior and perceptions how social interaction

affect their personality or lifestyle. The researchers considerately gather information without harming or

offending any of their respondents. They choose to do a deliberate method and accommodate them one-

by-one to give them some privacy. Deviant acts serve as the basis of setting standard. However, it can be

prejudice and can lead to social ostracism for those people who have this behavior. This study aims to

solve the problem associated with some of the people with deviant behavior.

Therefore, the researchers conclude that socialization has a big impact in people with aberrant
behavior. Socialization can give positive or negative outcome. It depends on the way how will they

interact. In modern society, many people slowly accepting people have this kind of behavior, but some

are not that causes some conflicts in socializing. As you proceed browsing this research you will know

the effects of socialization in people with deviant behavior in the residence of Barangay Sta. Cruz III

Area D in the City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan.


The Topic:

Deviant behavior is any behavior that is contrary to the dominant norms of society. Socialization is the

development of culture within a person, teaching him or her values, norms and roles. A deviant label can

have an impact extending beyond its effect on an individual’s self-definition. The present study aims to

examine causes and effects of deviant behaviors, and identify main strategies to combat the issue.

Research Problem:

The socialization of an individual begins at the charge of culture even before birth as generally, an

individual is usually primarily socialized by those who would lead to his or her existence: the parents.

However in today’s world the family is not the only agent of socialization: schools for instance are a

form of secondary socialization. Deviant behavior has became a daunting problem lately and more

people are displaying aberrant behavior. This type of behavior may lead to problems with conformity to

societal values.

Purpose Statement:

The purpose of this study is to help people to understand those who have deviant behavior. The goal is

not to account for either social definitions or deviant behavior, but rather to account for both and

ultimately to specify the interaction and integrate explanations of behavior and social definitions.

Research Questions:

The major question of this reasearch is:

What are The Effects of Socialization in People with Deviant Behavior?

The sub-questions are:

1. How can they control that kind of behavior?

2. When did their deviant behavior happens?

3. How does people with deviant behavior cope up with their situation?


This study focused on the effects of socialization in people with deviant behaviour among residents of

Barangay Sta. Cruz III Area D, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan. This study is bounded to achieve
its goals through the help of 50 respondents who are residents of Barangay Sta. Cruz III Area D, City of

San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan. The respondents will be interviewed by the researchers’ gathered

questions comprising open ended and follow up questions.


This research has a big role in people with deviant behavior among the residents of Baranggay Sta.

Cruz III Area D, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan. The researchers wants to inform people how

serious and essential this topic that people with deviant behavior is engaging in socializing.

The result of this study will be a great benefit to the following:

Person with deviant behavior - This research has a big role in people with deviant behavior among the

residents of baranggay sta Cruz III area d csjdm bulacan.

People in the community/society -They will gain knowledge that can influence the way they see things,

their perception, especially in people with deviant behavior.

Future Researchers – The study will provide knowledge about the socialization of people that have a

deviant behaviour that can help them.



Related Studies
According to Egemen Hanımoğlu (2018) Deviant behavior has become a daunting problem

lately. More pupils are displaying abnormal behavior and thus destabilizing learning processes

within school settings. It is a well-known fact that teenagers usually learn how to adapt to society

and that aberrant behavior may lead to problems with conformity to societal values. Although the

main causes of deviant behavior have been elucidated, the problem, despite numerous studies,

deviant behavior has not been fully understood by scholars. The notion of deviance is closely

related to the definition of the social norm which was defined almost a hundred years ago.

According to Janet Nabiswa (2016) Deviant behavior in secondary schools continues to be a

matter of global concern. Knowledge of the kinds of deviance being indulged in and the role

it plays in particular individuals, groups, schools, communities or sub-cultures is vital for any

prevention programme, yet this has been missing. Whereas several studies have been done in

Bungoma County targeting student indiscipline and specific deviancy like theft, bullying and

devil worship, limited studies exist that have purposed to undertake a holistic assessment to

enable a fair picture of deviancy prevalence in the schools within the County. This study

addresses this gap by examining types of deviance and their prevalence in selected secondary


According to Bolu-Steve and Esere (2017) A teenager finds it hard to conform to the customs

of the society because he or she is in adolescence stage during which an individual progresses

from the point of initial appearance of the secondary sexual characteristics to that of sexual

maturity. This period is escorted by various modifications that are significant in intellectual,

emotional, physical and social areas.

Deviant behavior is an activity which conflicts with the societal norms. It can also be described

as engagement of people in criminal offences, antisocial and unethical behavior.

According to Arzu Kalemci, Ipek Kalemci-Tuzun and Ela Ozkan-Canbolat (2019) The role

of psychosocial factors in the escalation of deviance, specifically with respect to

intensification of deviant behavior via the transition to non-normative routes of consuming

prescription drugs. Overall, the findings indicate support for certain factors in the escalation of

deviance. Prior to considering social factors, the psychological trait of sensation seeking

appeared to be an important indicator of delinquency escalation. However, once we included

social factors in the model, this psychological factor is reduced to non-significance, perceived

stigma becomes a significant factor, and it becomes clear that the social setting and peer factors

are critical influences when considering the escalation of deviance, while psychological factors

play less of a role. In brief, the overall model suggests that social factors are most important

concerning the intensification of deviance.

According to Hadi Farhadi, Rohany Nasir, Fatimah Omar and Abolghasem Nouri (2015)

The majority of organizations struggle to overcome employees’ misbehavior. Understanding

why a phenomenon occurs, Employers and industrial organizational psychologists are interested

to find factors contributing to such behaviors. Both job stress and agreeableness predict

workplace deviant behaviour. There is a positive relationship between job stress and workplace

deviance and negative relationship between agreeableness and deviant behavior.

Local Studies

According to Macionis (2018) Deviance is said to be actions or behaviours of persons who

violated social 3norms and expectations. Deviant behavior is when someone breaks the law or

act in negative manner a person who commits deviance manifest poor self-control, impulsive,

aggressive, lack empathy, lack self-respect, and prone to violence. This can be verbal or

uncommunicated flaunted with no respect for the law or lurking stealthy ready to attack their

victims there are reasons for the communication of deviant behavior of a person.it can be

biological, psychological or sociological cause. It can also be caused by a diseased mind

inappropriate learning, absence of good role model, or strong presence of inappropriate model.

other common causes of deviant behaviours include negative peer influence, dangerous drugs,

volatile adolescence stage. Whatever cause it maybe, a person suffering from this behavior

becomes detrimental to society. they harm other people if they are not helped For adolescents

who are having this kind of behavior, the ill-effects include: dropping out of school poor

academic performance, bad influence on others, tarnishing reputation of the school, evolving of a

negative tradition of the school, cutting classes, using filthy language, stealing, smoking, and

drinking. For adults the aggressive behavior of an individual may result to sexual harassment,

intimidation and hostility as perceived to be disruptive in society, deviance can we can

established social norms. It can create division and disorder like those with dysfunctional

families that exist in conflict. This will result to juvenile delinquency. As a product of social

interaction of peer groups, representatives of formal social organization, deviance is also a sort of

label which is attached to a person

According to Isabel S. Panopio (2015) Socialization is the process by which one learns to

conform to the norms of the group and acquires a personality and social self. There are various
theories explaining the development of personality-Freudian theory, the anthropological theory

of society and culture, the sociologist’s theory of symbolic interactionism, and Goff man’s

theory of the self. The various agencies of socialization are the family, the peer group, the

schools, the church, mass media, and the work place. The family is where the individual gains

experience in love, kindness, and the like; it plays a great influence on the development of the

children's attitude, norms, values and standard of right and wrong. In the peer group, the children

associate with children of the se age. In the church, the children develop a strong faith in God.

The child gets his formal instruction in the school. The mass media gives individuals

entertainment, information and education. The work place socializes the individual on

accordance with its role expectations. An individual is also socialized according to age-sex

expectations and related to the institutionalized statuses of males and females. Acquiring a social

self means that we see ourselves through the eyes of other people and try to see how they

evaluate our appearance. Deviant behavior is behavior that fails to conform to the norms and

values of the group, and is the violation of rule for which sanctions are applied. There are

positive and negative sanctions. Positive sanctions include rewards given to individuals for

conformity to society’s norms. Negative sanctions are meant to discourage non-conformity and

deviant behavior. There are also the informal and formal means of social control.

Our actions will undoubtedly elicit a reaction from other members of the society. They will judge

it as right or wrong, good or bad, diserable or undesirable. However, the situations we find

ourselves in will not always be easily fitted in a dichotomous ‘black and white’ oaradigm, what

is right and what is wrong or what is deviant is not always easy to define. The appreciation of

how deviance is created in society suggests that our conceptualization of what is undesirable is

not dependent on the behavior itself. Instead, there is no behavior that is inherently deviant. An
only becomes deviant when others perceive and define it as such – the label of ‘deviant’ is only a

consequences of the responses os others to persons’ act. (MAM Quintos, 2017)

Deviance is any behavior that the members of a social group define as violating the established

social norms. In other words, there must be a social audience that will determine whether a

behavior is deviant or not. What is deviant in a particular society and time may not be considered

as deviant at a future time. What is considered deviant in one society may not be considered as

such in another. (Micha Ella, 2016)

Foreign Studies

According to Stanescu, N. and Vlad, M. M (2019) Socialization is the process by which individuals

learn, gradually, through interaction with other peers and participation in social life, norms, values,

thinking and knowledge of a particular culture of birth, or in other words, socialization is the interactive

communication of values, norms and methods of behavior specific to a group or a society, throughout

his life. Deviance is a set of behaviors and conditions that group members judge the most inconsistent

with their expectations, norms and values, and which, therefore, are most likely to awaken within them

reprobation and sanctions. The dimensions of the concept of socialization are primary socialization and

secondary socialization. The concept of deviance, which is analyzed in this project is moral deviance.

The indicators used to characterize the concept of socialization in this research: the word socialization,

and socialization through example. The indicators used to characterize the concept of moral deviance in

this research: honesty, politeness, honesty, kindness This study notes that if the moral education

received is very rich in the family, moral deviance is lower. This indicates the direction one needs to

approach, and perhaps the only possible solution to avoid moral deviance of youth: a very rich family in
moral education, both in word and deed, beginning from the earliest childhood. Thus grew the teen and

the young, can, when he comes in the life of a very active group of friends, to maintain clean and moral

ideals, learned from infancy, to represent his second nature. Legislation Orthodox Church encoding rules

and moral imperatives of the ecclesial community can provide all the social actors specific tools for

stakeholders in the educational process, to be able to reintegrate socially young people who suffer from

deviant moral installed in its own existence.

According to Kasey Taylor (2015) As society and societal norms continue to change, the way we

analyze risk must also change. Proactive intervention in the early stages of development in the life of an

adolescent is crucial to prevent participation in crime and deviance. By assessing differences in

personality, it may be possible to predict who is more or less likely to participate in deviant activity,

such as substance use, during adolescents year.

According to Salakhova, Valentina B.; Bulgakov, Aleksandr V.; Sokolovskaya, Irina E.;

Khammatova, Rina S.; Mikhaylovsky, Mikhail N. (2016) Deviant manifestations are not unique and

new, however their study becomes especially important now, during a critical period of the Russian

society development. In contemporary society the interaction of a personality, family and society is

performed in the context of high-quality transformation of public relations which cause not only

positive, but also negative changes in various spheres of social life. Various difficulties arising in the

course of adaptation of representatives of these or those social groups to market economy generate

deformation of interpersonal communications, dissociation of generations, loss of traditions. The diverse

forms of social pathology increasing on a great scale, criminalization of social milieu, sharp weakening

of standard and moral regulation of public relations--these and other negative tendencies in the

development of contemporary society set an extremely important task for psychological science on
studying the nature, objective laws of deviant behavior and its subjects--the deviant personality (deviant)

and anti-socisal communities.


Related Studies

Deviant behavior is daunting problem, a trait that is very difficult to deal with especially for

those people who have this kind of behavior. The notion of deviance is closely related to the definition

of the social norm which was defined almost a hundred years ago. This aberrant behavior is an activity

that conflicts the community standards. This dilemma may also lead to problem with conformity to the

societal values. Although the main causes of deviant has been elucidated, the problem, despite of

nunerous studies but still deviant behavior has not been fully understood by some scholars.

Social factors are most important because its concerning the intensification of deviance. It

influences an individual to think, act and to communicate where socialization is involved. This is

because of the diversity of norms driven by modernity and complex societies.

Foreign Studies

Deviance is any behavior that violates cultural norms and is usually of sufficient severity to

warrant disapproval from the majority of society. Norms ate social expectation that guide human

behavior. Deviance can be criminal or non criminal but must be evaluated on a case by case basis. Such

behavior may be described as different or unexpected and may elicit positive or negative responses from
other people. People who engage in deviant behavior are referred to as deviants.

Deviance is often divided into two types of activities. The first, crime, is the violation of formally

enacted laws and is referred to as formal deviance. Examples of normal deviance include robbery, theft,

rape, murder, and assault. The second type of deviant behavior involves violation of informal social

norms, norms that have not been codified into law and is referred to as informal deviance. Examples of

informal deviance include picking one's nose, belching loudly, or standing unnecessarily close to

another person.

Deviance can vary dramatically across cultures. Cultural norms are relative, which makes deviant

behavior relative as well. There are lots of activities that turn people to have a deviant behavior. Some of

them imitate actions from other people and some just inherits it. But most importantly is the

communication between people with deviant behavior and the society. Because the failure of

socialization can even lead to juvenile delinquency, behaviors that stray from the legal norm and fall

under criminal law sanctions so that a part of these minors end up under the supervision of probation

services of worse, in the prison system.

Local Studies

Socialization to people with deviant behavior is too hard to do because of fear in judgment,

discrimination and many more. This might provoke them to do something that is not good because a

person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable. In the matter of things the main cause of this is

watching or reading in social media, television, newspapers and etc . There are many videos have

circulated on social media that are delicate and should not be viewed by anyone like scandal and it is

"pornography" and this is what motivates or here starts the wrong activities like rape that can be seen as

deviant behavior and the possible consequence of this kind of behavior is punishment of imprisonment

because of violating the law.

Definition of terms


Aberrant - different from the usual or natural type.

Behavior- the way a person or animal acts or behaves.

Society- people in general thought of as living together in organized communities with shared laws,

traditions and values.

Norm- standard of proper or acceptable behaviour.

Delinquency- crimes or other morally wrong acts.




The methodology used for this research is qualitative descriptive method to know the effects of

socialization to people with deviant behavior among the residents of Barangay Sta. Cruz III Area D City

of San Jose Del Monte in Bulacan. This will be used to expand the knowledge of the researchers by

means of collecting and analyzing data. This method will help the researchers to pursue people, survey

questionnaires will be answered by the selected respondents in this study to solve the dilemma of their

chosen topic.


The tool used to conducted this research is survey questionnaire. It is the simplest way to get more

accurate information and targeted result. This instrument is a good method for gathering data. The

researchers thinks that this instrument will be helpful to reach the success of the study by the help of the

respondents. The researchers also thought to used this as their instrument because it is an effective

strategy to increase knowledge and collect needed information.


The survey will be conducted by the researchers using the method “Purposive Sampling”. It is the ideal

technique of sampling for the researchers because they decided to limit their respondents and attentively

chose the people who is compatible to participate in their chosen topic. They also agreed to find people

who have this kind of behavior using this method to be able to gather more informative data.

The study will be conducted among the residents of Barangay Sta. Cruz III Area D in the City of San

Jose Del Monte Bulacan. The researchers will carefully take atleast 50 residents as their respondents.

The sampling technique that is going to use is the purposive sampling. They also decided to use this

technique because not all of the people inside the community have a deviant behavior.

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