Collabtive Project Management: Manual

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Table of Contents
Logging In..............................................................................................................................................2
Changing your personal details:............................................................................................................3
My Projects........................................................................................................................................4
My Tasks:...........................................................................................................................................4
My Calendar:.....................................................................................................................................5
Working on a Task:................................................................................................................................6
New work coming in:.........................................................................................................................6
Checking your tasks:..........................................................................................................................7
Files and Messages:...........................................................................................................................7
Starting and Completing a Task:............................................................................................................8
Starting a task:...................................................................................................................................8
Completing a task:.............................................................................................................................8
Closing the task:................................................................................................................................9
Adding a Client:...................................................................................................................................10
Creating a project................................................................................................................................11
Creating the Task.................................................................................................................................12
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Logging In

Please click on the link below and use the login information I have sent to you.

Save the link or bookmark this URL so you have it saved.

If you have lost your username and password please ask Maxine or Donwald to reset it for you.
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Changing your personal details:

To change or update your personal details, simply click on the 'character' logo as highlighted in the
picture below. You can now enter your personal information and upload your picture or avatar. Do
not forget to click on “Save” at the bottom of the page.
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In order to see what projects you are working and what tasks you have to do, you need to click on
the “desktop” icon at the top.

My Projects
Click on the drop down menu on the right to view your projects you are currently involve in:

My Tasks:
Click on the drop down menu on the right to view what tasks you need you complete and how many
days you have to complete it (this may change if needed):
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My Calendar:
Click on the drop down menu on the right to view your calendar and what is planned out for the
following weeks. Blue circles around the date will mean you have by that date to complete the work.
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Working on a Task:

I will send you an email with the work you need to do, as I have always done. The only difference will
be that I will have created a project for the work and the tasks that are assign will be organised by
the 3 different phrases of the project.

New websites

Websites Name (see screenshot below)

1. Website Design
o Tasks in this group will be around changes that need to be done to the design.
2. Website Changes and Content
o Tasks in this group will be around any changes to the content or layout. This will be
where most of the tasks will be assigned.
3. SEO
o Tasks in this group is where you need to do your final checks and Amanda will get
the website to do SEO.

Website with just changes:

Websites Name (see screenshot below)

1. Website Changes and Content

a. There will be a few or just one tasks to the website. Keeping track of time on this is
extremely important.
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Checking your tasks:

Go to your Desktop→ Tasks and choose a task to begin with by clicking on the pen icon.

NB Please DO NOT click on the tick icon on the left unless you are done with the task.

Once you have clicked on the pen icon it will take you to the main projects profile section.

You will be able to see a description on your task.

Files and Messages:

Please check both the files and message tabs to see if there are any files for the task or if a message
has been left for you regarding the task to are about to start.
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Starting and Completing a Task:

Starting a task:
Once you have checked the files and message tab and you are 100% clear on what you are doing for
the task, you can go to the projects dashboard and put in the start date, time and choose what task
you are busy then press the “add” button and begin the task.

Completing a task:
Once you are done, you can fill in the ended time, hours and commets field (if needed) and press the
“add” button.
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Closing the task:

You can now close the task to say you are done with it, by clicking on the tick icon next to the task.

If you’re not sure if you’re done or if there’s still information you need in order to finish the task
then please don’t close it. Rather send me an email.

Once the project is closed, you can send me an email to inform me.

If I check it and I’m not happy or I need you to do more work on the task I will re-open the task and
send you an email to please check the project messages tab.

You can then follow the same steps as done before.

NB. Please make sure all your wok is 100%. No unnecessary spacing or gaps I don’t want to re-open a
task because of spacing or small errors you could have checked and fixed. Please also ensure that
the work you have done, does not affect the websites responsiveness or SEO!
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Adding a Client:

This step can only be done by either Maxine, Elretha or Donwald.

To add a client you need to go to the Administration tab then choose “Customer Administration”
from the drop down.

Then click the plus button to add:

Fill in all the fields you can, then click the “add” button at the bottom.
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Creating a project

If there’s any project you need to add that’s not on the system please ask Elretha to add the client
and you can add the project and tasks as needed.

To add a project you need to go to the Administration tab then choose “Project Administration”
from the drop down.

Then click the plus button to add:

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Fill in all the fields marked in red, then click the “add” button at the bottom.

Creating the Task

You will then click on the project you have created

Click on the tasklists tab at the top and create the 3 groups by clicking on the plus button 3 times:

1. Website Design
2. Website Changes and Content
3. SEO
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OR if its just website changes then just one group

1. Website Changes and Content

Then you need to create a task under whichever group the task is related to. See below:

Once you have clicked on the “add task” button a menu will expand.

Fill in all the fields marked in red, then click the “add” button at the bottom.

 Assign to field must be yourself, Maxine and Admin

 Please make the due date when you expect to have the work done by.
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