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Meditation is beneficial for everyone, especially those with hectic, stressful lives. In
meditation, the overactive mind is calmed and turned inwards. This recharges the batteries,
increases physical stamina and improves the powers of concentration. Regular meditation
produces a clear mind and a sense of great inner peace.

To understand what true meditation is, consider a lake. When the surface of a lake is
still you can see to the bottom clearly. When the surface is agitated by waves, this is
impossible. The same is true with the mind. When our mind is still you may see and
experience inner calm.

If meditating inside, choose a warm space, free from noisy distractions and clutter. If
outside, choose a place where you feel safe and relaxes, and there is little extraneous
activity to disturb you. You can practice meditation at any time of the day or the night, but
try to the get into a daily routine to make it easier to train your mind.

A comfortable sitting pose is very important if you are to meditate properly without
distraction. Sit with your legs crossed and your spine erect. You should hold your shoulders
straight, but relaxed. We can place something (a folded mat or towel or a cushion) under
the buttocks to relieve any tension in the lower back.

The following positions are all suitable for meditation. Aim to hold your hands as
comfortable as possible. This ensures that you remain relaxed while meditating. Resting

your hands on your knees or in your lap also helps to hold the spine straight and shoulders

 Hands cupped - Place one hand on top of the other, palms upwards, and lay them in
your lap.
 Hands clasped - Clasp your hands gently by interlocking your fingers. Lay your
hands in your lap.
 Chin Mudra - Use your thumb and first finger to form a circle. Rest your hands on
your knees.

Breathing is a key element in meditation and concentration. Begin with 1 minute of

deep abdominal breathing, to provide your brain with plenty of oxygen. Then slow your
breathing right down, keeping it rhythmical, for instance, inhaling for 3 seconds and then
exhaling for 3 seconds.

At first you will find that your thoughts tend to jump about. Do not try to force your
mind to be still, as this will set additional brain waves in motion, hindering your meditation.
Allow it to wander, and then gently bring it back to the object of Meditation (normally, the
breath). Focus your energy and your attention inwards by concentrating on your point of
focus (your breath, hands, spine, whole body, uplifting image, etc).

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