Msds Carbonato de Magnesio

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SAFETY DATA SHEET SS IDENTIFICATION. Matos Product Nam MAGNESIUM CARBONATE, LIGHT POWDER, USP Othor moans of identification ‘Synonym: Magnesium Carbonate, basic Carbonic acid, magnesium salt, basic CASA: 23980-33-5 RTECS # Not available Gia: Not available and restrictions on uso ‘pH control. Drying agent. color retention agent. anti-caking agenet, No information available Recommended use of the chemt Recommended us ‘supol Spectrum Chemicals and Laboratory Products, Inc 14422 South San Pedto St. Gardena, CA 90248, (@10) 516-8000 Ordor Ontine At: |https:/ Emergency tolophone number —__Chomirec 1-800-424-9900 Gontact Person: Martin LaBenz (West Coast) Contact Person: Regina Wachenheim (East Coast) Reviston Date: 1/24/2014 Revision Number: Gt STTHAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Classitication ‘This chemical Is not considered hazardous by the 2012 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.4200) Not a dangerous substance or misture according fo the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) Label olemonts fot classified Product code: MA108 Product name: MAGNESIUM CARBONATE, LIGHT POWDER, USP 4 Not available === 3] COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS” ‘Components. ‘CAS:No,__| Weight ‘Trade Secret Wagnesium Carbonate, USP, EP, BP, P| 28380-33-5 100 23380-33:5 ues TSA FIRST AID MEASURES General Advice: Poison information centres in each State capital city can provide additional assistance for scheduled poisons (13 1126) ‘Skin Contact: Wash off immediately with soap and plenty of water removing all contaminated clothes and shoas. Gol medical attention Ifinitation develops. Eye Contact: Flush eye wih water for 15 minutes. Got medical attention if iiation occurs. If symptoms persis, call a physician Inhalation: “Move to fresh alr breathing is diffcult, give oxygen. In case of shortness of breath, give ‘oxygen. Otain medical attention, Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting without medical advice, Never give anything by mouth to an Unconscious person, Consul a physician if necessary. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed FR eee nee ay cause eyestrain, May caus ration of respiratory tach, Indloation of any Immediate medical attention and spacial troatment needed Notes fo Physician: Treat syipiomalically Protection of first-alders FirstAid Provider: Avoid exposure to blood or body fuids. Wear gloves and other necessary protective clothing, Dispose of contaminated clothing and equipment as bio-hazardous waste SSE FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES: The product is not flammable, ifit is involved in a fire, extinguish the fre using an agent suitable forthe type of surrounding fire. No information available, Unsuitable Extinguishing Medi Spocific hazards arising from the chemical Hazardous Combustion Products: Not applicable Specific hazards: ‘The substance itself does not burn, but may deompose upon heating. Special Protective Actions for Firefighters Product code: MA108 Product name: MAGNESIUM ant CARBONATE, LIGHT POWDER, USP Specific Methods: ‘No information available. Spoclal Protective Equipment for Firefighters: ‘As in any fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus pressure-demand, MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent) and full protective gear jTACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES ais Personal precautions, protect Personal Precautions: Eneure adequate ventilation, Avold contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Use personal protective equipment pment and emergency procedures Environmental prec: Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do s0 Methods and material for containment and cleaning up Methods for containment ‘Absorb spi with inert material (e.g. dry sand or earth), then place in a chemical waste container Methods for cleaning up ‘Sweep up and shovel into suitable containers for disposal [ 7 HANDLING AND STORAGE Procautions for safe handling Technical Measures/Precautions: Provide sufficient air exchange and/or exhaust in work rooms. Keep away from incompatible materials, Safe Handling Advice: ‘Wear personal protective equipment. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Do not ingest. Do not breathe vapours/dust. Keep away from heat and sources of ignition. Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and salely praciice. Gonsitions for safe storago, including any Incompatibiities Technical Measures/Storage Conditions: Keop container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place. Store at room temperature in the original container. ‘Store away from Incompatible materials Incompatible Materials: Acids. Oxidizing agents. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Control parametors National occupational exposure limits 1s Occupational Exposure Limite: Not determined United States a ‘Components SHA, TOT ca AHA WHEEL. y 7 2 fe Mognesium Carbonate, USP. EP, (BP, JP 23380-53-5 Canada ‘Canada Occupational Exposure Linits: Not determined Product code: MA108 Product name: MAGNESIUM at CARBONATE, LIGHT POWDER, USP Goniponsnis Bi Cotombis ‘ntaio ‘Qube ‘Magnesium Carbensle, USP, EP, BP, JP = 29360-595 ‘None ‘None None ‘Australia and Mexico ‘Occupational Exposure Limit for Australia and Mexico: Not dotomined ‘Compononte Teta Moxiea Magnesion Carbonate, U5P, EP, None ‘Wome a 20086.99-5, Appropriate engineering controls Engineering measures to reduce exposur Ensure adequate ventilation. Use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to keep airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. If user ‘operations generate dust, fume or mist, use ventilation to keep exposure to airbome contaminants below the exposure limit. Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment Personal Protective Equipment Eye protection: Skin and body protection Safety glasses. Safely glasses with side-shields. Respiratory protection: Wear respirator with cust fier. Hygiene measures: Long sleeved clothing. Chemical resistant apron, Gloves. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Wash hands before breaks and Immediately after handling the product. When using, do not eat, drink or smoke. Product code: MA108 EUSEPHYSICAWAND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES” Product name: MAGNESIUM CARBONATE, LIGHT POWDER, USP 4am ‘Odor: Odorless. Flash point (*C): Not applicable Lower Explosion Limit (%): No information available pH: No information available Decomposition temperature(*C/"F): 350 °C/662 Bulk density: No information available Vapor density: No information available Partition coofficiont (n-octanoliwater): No information available Solubility: Insoluble in water Soluble in dilute acids Ingoluble in alcohol ‘Appearance: Powder, Taste No information available Flashpolnt (°C°F): Not applicable Upper Explosion Limit (%): No information available Molting polnurange(*CrF): ‘No information available ‘Specific gravity: 'No information available Vapor pressure @ 20°C (KP ‘No information available VOC content (g/t): No information available Viscosity: No information available MoteculariFormula weight: No information available Flash Point Tested according to: Not applicable Autoignition Temperature (°F): No information available Boiling pointrange(°Cr"F): No information available Density (g/ems): 2.98 Evaporation rate: No information available Odor threshold (ppm): No information available Miscibility: No information available Reactivity Reactive with acids Reactive with oxidizing agents et tty Possibility of Hazardous Roactions: Hazardous polymerization does not ocour Heat. Incompatible materials. Conditions to avoid: Incompatible Materials: Hazardous decomposition product Other information Corcosivity: 20 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY. ‘Stable at normal conditions ‘Acids. Oxidizing agents. No information avababie No information avaable ‘Special Remarks on Gorrosivity: No information available SHAETOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION® Product code: MA108 Product name: MAGNESIUM ‘CARBONATE, LIGHT POWDER, USP 6m TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Information on likely routes of exposure Principal Routes of Exposure: Ingestion. Inhalation Acute Toxicity ‘Component information ‘Magnesium Carbonate, USP, EP, BP, JP - 23389-33-5 LD60/oralfrat = No information available LD80/oraVimouse = No information available LD60/dermal/rabbit = No information available LDS0/dermalirat = No information available LC60/Inhalationirat = No information available LC8O/inhalationimouse = No infomation available Other LDE0 or LCBOInformation = No information available Product Information LDS0/oral/rat = VALUE: Acute Tox Oral = No information available LDS0/oralimouso = Value - Acute Tox Oral = No information available LD60/dermalirabbit VALUE-Acute Tox Dermal = No information available LD50/dormatirat VALUE -Acute Tox Dermal = No information available Lcsovinhalationirat VALUE-Vapor = No information available VALUE-Gas = No information available VALUE-DustiMist = No information available Leso/inhalation/mouse VALUE-Vapor = No information avaitable VALUE - Gas = No information available VALUE - Dust/Mlist = No information available Symptoms Skin Contact: May cause skin itation, Eye Contact: May cause eye iiation Inhalation May cause inition of respiratory trac. Ingestion: Ingestion may cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting and diarthoea. May cause abdominal pain, May affect electrolytes, May cause hypermagnesemia. Hypermagnesemia may develop, particularly in peopie with renal impairment or fallure. Symptoms may include mental or respipratory depression and cardiac disturbances (ECG changes, hypotension), coma Aspiration hazard No information available Product code: MA108 Product name: MAGNESIUM emt ‘CARBONATE, LIGHT POWDER, USP Delayed and immediate effects as well as chronic effects from short and long-term exposure Chronic Toxicity Chronic exposure may cause dermatii... Prolonged or repeated inhalation of dust ‘may cause a benign pneumoconiosis (a disease of the lungs caused by long- continued inhalation of especially mineral or metallic dust). Sensitization: No information available Mutagenic Effects: ‘No information available Carcinogenic effects: ‘Not considered carcinogenic ‘Gomponsnis| TARE WF ‘OSHAHCS —[Ausinaia~ PronbRod | Australia - Wouabio Gareinogons, ‘Garcinogenle Careinogonle EE Substances ‘Substancos fagnastm Carbonate, sted Teta rrTsied ittod ISP, EP, BP, Reproductive toxicity. No data is available Reproductive Effe No information available Dovelopmental Effec No information available Toratogenic Effects: No information available Spocific Target Organ Toxicity STOT - single oxposure No information available STOT- repeated exposure No information available Target Organs: No information available 7a ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION. Ecotoxicity Ecotoxicty offect: No deta avaiable, Persistence and degradability: No information available Bloaccumulative potential: No information available Mobility: No information available TASTDISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS: isposal Methods Waste from residues / unused products: Waste must be disposed of in accordance with Federal, Stale and Locel regulation. Contaminated packaging: Emply containers should be taken for local recycling, recovery or waste disposal Product code: MA108 Product name: MAGNESIUM mt CARBONATE, LIGHT POWDER, USP ‘Gomponants RGRA- F Soro Was [RORA-K Savio Wastes RCRA--U Sorios Wastos iagnetin Carbonate, USP EP EPP por UN-No: Proper Shipping Name: Hazard Clas Subsidiary Ris Packing Group: Marine Pollutant ERG No: DOT RQ (Ibs): TDG (Canada) UN-No: Proper Shipping Namo: Hazard Class: Subsidiary Risk: Packing Grou Description: ADR UN-N Proper Shipping Namo: Hazard Clas: Packing Grou Subsidiary Risk: Classification Cod Daseripttor ‘CEFIC Tromcard No: Imo siMDG. UN-No: Proper Shipping Name: Hazard Class: Subsidiary Ris Packing Grou Descriptio IMDG Pag Marino Pollutant MFAG: Maximum Quantity: RID UN-No: Proper Shipping Name: Hazard Class: Classification Code: Description: Product code: MA108 Not regulated ‘No information available No information available Not applicable None No data available No information available No information available Not Regulated No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available Not Regulated No information available NNo information available No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available Not Regulated No information availablo No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available No information available Not Regulated No information available No information available No information availablo No information available No information available No information available Product name: MAGNESIUM CARBONATE, LIGHT POWDER, USP ert “TRANSPORT. INFORMATION: UN-No: Not Regulated Proper Shipping Name: No information available Hazard Class: No information availablo Subsidiary Risk: No information available Packing Grou NNo information available Description: No information available IATA UN-NC Not Regulated Proper Shipping Name: No information available Hazard Class: No information available Subsidiary Risk: No information available Packing Grou No information available Description: No information available (SE REGULATORY INFORMATION. International Inventories Conpaneate USCTSGA | Papper KORERREG]Fpaw NCS] CRNA | Aamrale | ERNECS pices) (acs). [aca US AFRO [Remsen [Rae RATT Reet [Weve | Roan [bes sperrecneecraruneceta Batten U.S, Regulations California Prop. 65: Safe Drinking Water and Toxle Enforcoment Act of 1986. {Chomleals Known tothe Stato of Callrlato Cause Cancor: ‘is proauel docs no cotta chenizal ruling a varhing under Catia Prep 5, (Seo tbl bolo) CChomigta Known oth Sito of California to Cause Reprod ‘iis product doo nt conten a chemical rang «warning under Caos Prep 6, (See tbl blow) mpanenis rainagon avalopmanial Tanta ala Reproductive Fora Rapreauciive Foxe ox asian Carbonate, USP. ER. — NTT Tr Usted Listed Pea ue ‘CERCLAISARA ‘Campenoats | CEROLA - Hazardous ection 502 Exel] Section 18>] Seallon H9- Reporting [Substances and toir|Hezerdous ‘Harardous. | chomieal Catagory (ts minnie Ropovabie Quantities |Subotances and TPQs| Subetances and RQs Tgnostin Carionate, Wore ne ne i ne eae | ie ‘ us. TSCA ‘Components (on laf2- Chonoals Wi Sgalcant”FFSGA Ba) Heal and Safely Reporing i Use Rue [SNURS) arastas Caibarae, USP. EP. Wel Appatlo a Rope AP Canada Product code: MA108 Product name: MAGNESIUM om CARBONATE, LIGHT POWDER, USP WHMIS hazard clase: Non-controlled Canada Controlled Products Regulation: This product has been classified according (o the hazard criteria of the CPR (Controlled Products Regulation) and the MSDS contains all ofthe information required by the CPR. Inventory (Fenponente [eanada 081) sanesom Carb, USF, EP, see PIP. oe : ~~ EEPA Schedule - Tonle Substancos SEPA. 7010 Greenhouse Ganos Subject to Manaliony] oe poring pores iat sted jestam Carbonate, USP PIP EU Classification Rephrase(s) inot determined 8 -phrase(s) none (Fempanans elassification “eoncentration Limits: [Safety Phrases ees Cao, PEF, (information ‘The product Is classified in accordance with Annex VI to Directive 67/648/EEC Indication of danger: Not dangerous [BSOTHER INFORMATION® 7 = Product code: MA108 Product name: MAGNESIUM 10/11 CARBONATE, LIGHT POWDER, USP le OTHER INFORMATION NEPA Preparation Date: Revision Dato: Proparod by: Disclaim Product code: MA108 = oo hs Oe 4y2ai2014 1ieai2014 Sonia Owen Al chemicals may pose unknown hazards and should be used with caution. This Safety Data Sheet (SDS) applies only to the material as packaged. If this product is Combined with olher materials, deteriorates, of becomes contaminated, it may pose hazards not mentioned in this SDS. The physical properties reported inthis SDS ere obtained from the literature and do not constitute product specifications. Information contained herein does not constitute a warranty, whether expressed or implied, as to the safety, merchantabilly or fitness of the goods for a particular purpose. Spectrum Chemicals & Laboratory Producls, Inc. assumes no responsibility for resuits obtained ‘or for incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits, arising from the use of these data, No warranty against infringement of any patent, copyright or trademark is made or implied. It shall be the user's responsibilty to develop proper methods of ‘randling and personal protection based on the actual conaitions of use. While this ‘SDS |s based on technical data judged to be reliable, Spectrum assumes no responsibilty or the completeness or accuracy ofthe information contained herein, End of Material Safety Data Shoet Product name: MAGNESIUM 4 CARBONATE, LIGHT POWDER, USP

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