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o n t h e O r ient Ex

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Mu Everyone is a Suspect. ss

Murder on the Orient Express is a 2017 mystery thriller film directed by Kenneth Branagh with a screenplay by
Michael Green, based on the 1934 novel of the same name by Agatha Christie. The film stars Branagh as Hercule
Poirot, with Penélope Cruz, Willem Dafoe, Judi Dench, Johnny Depp, Josh Gad, Derek Jacobi, Leslie Odom Jr.,
Michelle Pfeiffer, and Daisy Ridley in supporting roles. The film is the fourth screen adaptation of Christie's novel,
following the 1974 film, a 2001 TV film version, and a 2010 episode of the television series Agatha Christie's Poirot.
Hercule Poirot, the best detective in the world, decides to travel on the Orient Express. The train accidentally gets
stopped because of a small avalanche. Little did he know that a murder was planned and that a person on this train
was capable of committing such crime.
Watch the trailer and fill in the
gaps with missing words.

You know there is something about that tangle of ________________ pressed together for days
nothing in common
with_______________ but the need to go from one place to another and never see each other again.
evil has died
"I see _____________on this train. A passenger __________________."
"So they got him, after all." Answer the following questions.
assume he was killed
"You _____________________________________."
"No, no, no... Only he was in perfectly good health. He had his_______________" 1. Did you like the trailer? Why (not)?
he was murdered
"Indeed ______________________________."
oh God
"__________________! A murder here!" "God rest his soul."in the middle of the night 2. What is the most interesting there
"Someone was ramaging around my cabin_________________________. No one would listen to me." according to you?
what is going on
"If there was a murder ("_______________________________") then there was a murderer." 3. How could you describe the
everyone of you is a suspect
"The murder is with us. And___________________________________________."
Who are you
"And __________________________________?" atmosphere?
"My name is Hercule Poirot. And I'm probably__________________________." 4. Who is the narrator?
the greatest detective in the world 5. What happens at the end of the
6. Would you consider watching the
movie after watching the trailer?
Study these words and expressions
and translate them into your own Sort out the words
The Wailing Wall ______________________ подозреваемый
Стена плача (в Иерусалиме)suspect____________________________________
подсудимый, обвиняемый свидетельские показания, улика, факты
Crime investigation
accused________________________________ evidence__________________________________
to estimate the time of death
заметный, очевидный clumsy attempt___________________________
неуклюжая попытка ransom
Court terminology
гувернантка handkerchief______________________________
носовой платок
coincidence accused
индульгенция,снисхождение умалчивать, укрывать indulgence
indulgence______________________________ to conceal_________________________________ to slaughter
отказывать, отклонять
to decline_______________________________ быть задержанным полицией
to be detained____________________________ suspect prohibition
to conceal felon
stab wounds____________________________ причененное самому себе
колотая рана, ножевое ранение self-inflicted gun wound______________________ evidence District Attorney
пулевое ранение prosecution
to estimate the time of death___________
to be detained
устанавливать время смерти
виновник, подсудимый
to rummage around_____________________
обыскивать, рыться
уголовник, преступник
felon______________________________________ stab wounds
ransom___________________________________ premature labour
Other words
преждевременные роды The Wailing Wall
premature labour________________________ inoperable conspicious
подавленный стон
suppressed groans_______________________ self-inflicted gun wound governess
неоперабельный to decline
to rummage around
курок; наносить удары
hammer___________________________________ suppressed groans
совпадение, случайность to appease
резать, заколоть
to slaughter_______________________________ clumsy attempt
to appease________________________________
окружной прокурор
District Attorney__________________________
судебное преследование
Main characters.
Choose the correct variant

1. The rabbi, priest and imam were accused of manslaughter/forgery/theft.

2. The priceless relic would be too easy to notice/hard to sell/impossible to forge.
3. Hercule Poirot oredered the police to search the office of a police officer/a priest/a church wardern.
4. Being a perfectionist makes Poirot's life more enjoyable/hard to bear/safer.
5. Mary used to work as a governess/midwife/missionary in Baghdad.
6. Bouc is responsible for entertaining/checking/insuring guests on the Orient Express.
7. Poirot gets a seat on the train because one of the passengers hadn't turned up in advance/had cancelled his
booking/had changed dates.
8. Mrs Hubbard says she's been accused of treasure/husband/celebrity hunting.
9. Mr Ratchett has been dealing in antiques/shares/jewellery.
10. He says he is hugely experienced/an amateur/completely honest in his trade.
11. Poirot declines the offer because Ratchett is dishonest/threatens him with a gun/sets unattractive conditions.
12. Ratchett's body had multiple gun wounds/burns/stab wounds.
13. McQueen says his boss was probably an ex-convict/a risk-taker/a criminal.
14. Poirot is puzzled bacause the victim didn't protect himself/left a will/attacked his killer.
15. Daisy Armstrong was kidnapped and murdered/killed by her governess/found stabbed in her bedroom.
16. Colonel Armstrong commited suicide/swore to take revenge on the murderer/hired a private detective.
17. MacQueen said he had no point in getting rid of someone who was a source of income/innocent/a blackmailer.
18. A maid/nanny/relative was convicted of Daisy's kidnapping.
Fill in the gaps with the names, jobs and roles
Fraulein Hildegarde Schmidt * Cyrus Hardman * Princess Natalia Dragomiroff *
Biniamino Marquez * Colonel John Arbuthnot * Miss Mary Debenham * Hector cook * comrade * attorney * godmother * batman * tragic actress * chouffeur *
McQueen * Henry Masterman * Countess Elena Andrenyi * Pilar Estarvados * Mrs. policeman * sister * nurse * governess * conductor
Caroline Martha Hubbard * Pierre Michel

Countess Elena Andrenyi Cyrus Hardman Pierre Michel

______________________________, the
(Helena Goldenberg) was
conductor Susans's
a private detective, was
Sonya Armstrong's policeman
_______________ in love with
brother, the nurse=maid who
commited suicide.
_______________. Susanne.

Colonel John Arbuthnot Fraulein______________________________

Hildegarde Schmidt
Princess Dragomiroff's Biniamino Marquez
was Colonel Armstrong's
comrade and best
_______________ maid, was the Armstrong a car salesman based in
family _______________. Chicago, was the
Armstrongs family's
Miss Mary Debenham
Princess Natalia Dragomiroff
was Sonya Armstrong's
was Sonya Armstrong's secretary and Daisy
_______________ as she was a governess
friend of her mother. Hector McQueen
Mrs. Caroline Martha Hubbard
______________________________in Ratchett's/Cassetti's secretary, is
Pilar Estarvados
actuality is Linda Arden attorney
the son of the District________________
(Goldenberg), the most on the Armstrong's case.
a missionary, was Daisy tragic actress
Armstrong's_______________. of the New York stage and
was Sonya Armstrong's
mother and Daidy's
The final scene. Whatch the video and fill in the gaps.

My dear Colonel Armstrong.

Finally, I can answer your letter.. At least with the thoughts in my
head and the feeling in my heart.. that somewhere, you can hear me. I
have now discovered the truth of the case, and it is.. profoundly
_______________. I have seen the fracture of the human soul ______l. So
many broken lives, so much pain and anger.. giving way to the poison
of deepgrief crime became many. I have always wanted
____.. until one _________
to believe that man is rational
and civilized. My very existence depends upon this hope.. upon order Read the quotes from the film. Say whether you agree
and method and the little gray cells
______. But now, perhaps, I am asked.. or disagree with them.
to listen, instead.. to my heart.
Hercule Poirot: Whatever people say, there is right. There is
wrong. There is nothing in-between.
Ladies and gentlemen.. I have understood in this case that the scales of Caroline Hubbard: I am looking forward to getting back. Travel
______.. cannot always be evenly weighed. And I must learn, for once.. is fine for spicy food, mosques, meeting men; but, eventually,
to live with the imbalance. There are no killers here. Only people who you just miss your own bed.
heal The police have ____________
deserve a chance to _______. accepted my first Pilar Estravados: Some things are in God's hands. It is not up to
solution to the crime.. the lone assassin who made his escape. I will us if we survive safely or like Lucifer fall.
leave the train here to conclude formalities. You are all free to go. And Hercule Poirot: I am at my happiest alone.
we all
may you find your peace with this. May _____________.
Answer the following questions. Choose one of the characters of the movie and
describe the events from their point of view as
What was Ratchett's true identity?
detailed as possible.
Who was the killer? Who planned the murder?
Do you agree that "sometimes the law is not
enough for justice"? Why or why not?
If you were Hercule Poirot would you make the
same decision as he did in the end of the film?
Did you like the film? What do you like most?
Would you recommend it?
Have you read Agatha Christie's novel? (Did you
like it? Does it differ from the film? What did you
enjoy most?)

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