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International Journal of Impact Engineering 36 (2009) 965–974

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Blast response simulation of an elastic structure: Evaluation of the

fluid–structure interaction effect
Kolluru V. Subramaniam a, *, Weimin Nian a, Yiannis Andreopoulos b
Civil Engineering Department, T-110 Steinman Hall, City College of the City University of New York, Convent Avenue at 140th Street, New York, NY 10031, USA
Mechanical Engineering Department, City College of the City University of New York, New York, NY 10031, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Blast pressure wave interaction with an elastic structure is investigated using a numerical analysis
Received 13 March 2008 approach, which considers fluid–structure interaction (FSI) within an Arbitrary Lagrange Euler (ALE)
Received in revised form framework. Approximate numerical procedures for solving the Riemann problem associated with the
6 January 2009
shock are implemented within the Godunov finite volume scheme for the fluid domain. The structural
Accepted 7 January 2009
Available online 19 January 2009
displacement predicted by ignoring FSI is larger than the corresponding displacement considering FSI.
The influence of the structural and blast pressure wave parameters on the importance of FSI is studied
using an analysis of variables. Two non-dimensional parameters corresponding to the ratios of blast
Blast duration to the time period of the structure and the velocity of the structure to the particle velocity of the
ALE incident blast pressure wave are identified. It is shown that for a given blast pressure wave, the error in
Transient the maximum displacement predicted by ignoring FSI effect during structural motion is directly
Dynamic proportional to the ratio of the structure velocity to the particle velocity of the incident blast pressure
Fluid–structure interaction wave. There is a continuous exchange of energy between the structure and air during the structural
motion, which is significant when the structural velocity is significant compared to the particle velocity
of incident blast pressure wave. FSI effect become insignificant when the ratio of velocities starts
approaching zero.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction material models at high strain rates. Several examples of this

approach for studying the blast response of structural elements
In typical air blast analysis, the blast over-pressure, which is such as slabs, walls and beams can be found in the literature [3–5].
determined as the reflected pressure of a fixed rigid surface is The second approach recommended by the U.S. Department of
imposed on the structure as an external pressure loading with Army in TM5-1300 [1], which is more practice-oriented, is based on
a known evolution in time [1]. The actual pressure variation is substituting the structural element with an equivalent single
further simplified using triangular or exponential functions [1–5]. degree-of-freedom (DOF) spring-mass system. The procedures for
During the analysis, it is usually assumed that there is no coupling obtaining the equivalent stiffness and mass for the single DOF
between the fluid and the solid and the response of the solid can be spring are reviewed in detail by Morison [6]. This rather simplistic
obtained independently of the fluid by directly prescribing a known approach is often preferred because it provides a satisfactory basis
pressure on to the structural element. The results presented in the for studying the dynamic response of a structural element sub-
literature broadly differ in the level of sophistication adopted for jected to transient loading of short duration [7].
representing the structural element. A popular approach comprises In recent years there has been considerable interest in evalu-
of transient dynamic analysis of the structural element to ating the role of fluid–structure interaction (FSI) in the blast
a prescribed pressure time history using a numerical scheme such response of a structure. Fluid–structure interaction occurs when
as the finite element method. The response of the structure is the blast pressure wave causes deformation of the structure and,
accurately represented using the appropriate elements and thus alters the flow of the fluid. In an early attempt, Taylor (1963)
studied the momentum transferred to a free-standing plate from
a pressure wave with an exponential profile [8]. It was shown that
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 212 560 6569; fax: þ1 212 650 6965. changes in the reflected over-pressure are associated with move-
E-mail address: (K.V. Subramaniam). ment of the boundary which results in a decrease in the

0734-743X/$ – see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
966 K.V. Subramaniam et al. / International Journal of Impact Engineering 36 (2009) 965–974

transmitted impulse from the pressure wave to the free-standing amplitude of displacements in the structural element? and (3)
plate. The use of compliant structures in mitigating the influence of what are the structural and blast parameters which help to decide
underwater shock loading has been explored for developing when the role of FSI is important? Answers to these questions are
sandwich-plate structure for improved blast performance [9,10]. investigated using a single DOF spring-mass system within
The role of FSI, evaluated using Taylor’s approach, was shown to be a framework which considers the change in the fluid domain due to
significant in decreasing the transmitted impulse in such struc- the deformation of the solid and the variation in the blast over-
tures. Taylor’s approach, however, involves simplistic assumptions, pressure due to movement of the solid–fluid boundary. A numerical
such as, no change in the fluid density and linear superposition of analysis framework for predicting the response of a 1-DOF
waves, which are acceptable for studying weak shock waves. Such structure, which considers solid–fluid interaction within an Arbi-
an approach is not suitable for studying the interaction of a strong trary Lagrange Euler (ALE) framework, was developed. An accurate
shock wave in air blasts which involves non-linear, finite amplitude Riemann Solver with appropriate spatial and temporal discretiza-
disturbances propagating in a compressible medium [11]. Recently, tion was implemented for capturing the singularity associated with
from a numerical evaluation of the response of a free-standing plate the shock. Numerical simulations were performed to study the
subjected to air blast it has been shown that the FSI effect in interaction between a blast pressure wave and an elastic structure.
reducing blast impulse is significant only at large displacements,
which limits its practical use [12]. These results however cannot be
2. Objectives
directly applied to the case of air blast response of structures, where
the resistance to motion is derived from both inertial and stiffness
The objectives of this paper are:
effects. A careful evaluation of the role of the structural parameters
on determining the influence of FSI in the dynamic response of
1. To develop a numerical framework for studying the response of
a structure is required.
an elastic structure subjected to an incident blast pressure
A blast pressure wave is associated with a leading shock front,
wave considering FSI.
which brings an abrupt finite pressure change, followed by
2. To determine the relationship between the structure and blast
decaying pressure. A simplistic understanding of the role of FSI
parameters for which the influence of FSI is important.
when a blast pressure wave in a compressible fluid medium is
3. To develop a procedure to estimate the difference between the
incident upon the surface of a moving boundary can be obtained
structural response parameters when FSI is not considered in
from the classical work of Courant and Friedrichs on shock waves
the analysis.
[13]. In a moving shock wave, the leading shock front is followed by
constant pressure. If the shock wave is incident on a fixed rigid
3. Problem statement
boundary, it is assumed a pressure Pro is developed on the surface of
the boundary immediately following the reflection of the leading
The FSI was studied using a 1-DOF structure placed in the
shock front. If the boundary starts to move with a velocity, Vb, the
path of an incoming blast pressure wave generated using a shock-
motion of the boundary would alter the pressure at its surface.
tube arrangement as shown in Fig. 1. A spring-mass system was
The relation between the resultant pressure amplitude at the face
0 and the velocity of the boundary, V is used to represent the elastic structure. The mass is idealized as
of the moving boundary, Pro b
a piston in the path of an incoming shock front (Fig. 1a). The
related by the simple wave relation, given as
piston is assumed to fit perfectly inside the tube, which is fric-
0   2g tionless. In this one-dimensional idealization, the shock front is
Pro g  1 Vb g1
planar and there is no flux of air perpendicular to the direction of
¼ 1þ (1)
Pro 2 ar blast wave propagation. The analysis is performed considering
where ar is the local sound velocity after the reflected shock, which,
can be shown to monotonically increase with the intensity of the
shock wave and g is the ratio of heat capacities of air [13, p. 95]. a
reflecting boundary

When the motion of the boundary is away from the direction of

reflected shock front, for Vb less than ar, there will be a decrease in
the resultant pressure at the face of the moving boundary, when X
compared with Pro .
From the simplistic analysis it appears that the pressure on the us(t)
surface of a moving boundary is dependent on its velocity. If the Frictionless tube piston
blast pressure wave is incident on an elastic structure, the velocity
of the structure would depend upon the applied pressure loading b

history and structural parameters such as stiffness and mass. This

therefore presents a coupled fluid–structure problem, where the P2 , ρ 2 p1 = 1atm
movement of the structure influences the applied pressure, which X
in turn effects its movement. It is clear that when a blast pressure
wave is incident on an elastic structure, the role of FSI depends c Expansion
upon both the blast wave and structural parameters. Conventional waves
analysis ignores this interaction and the reflected pressure
obtained from a fixed rigid wall, which assumes that the boundary

Leading shock
does not move during the time associated with the passage of the
blast wave, is directly prescribed on the structure. X
There are some important questions which remain unanswered,
Fig. 1. The configuration used for evaluating 1-D response of the structure subjected to
such as: (1) when is the FSI effect in air blast incidence on a struc- blast pressure wave: (a) initial conditions for creating the blast pressure wave; (b) X–t
ture important? (2) what is the error in ignoring the air blast– diagram showing the formation of the blast pressure wave; and (c) the spring-mass
structure interaction in terms of the predicted stresses and system in a shock-tube arrangement.
K.V. Subramaniam et al. / International Journal of Impact Engineering 36 (2009) 965–974 967

a unit cross-sectional area of the mass and assuming that the V ¼ n  Vc (4)
motion of the mass only produces an extension or a compression
where Vc is the prescribed coordinate velocity.
of the spring. The blast pressure wave is created using an initial
In the numerical implementation, the entire domain occupied
condition where air at higher pressure and density is separated
by the fluid was subdivided into a computational grid of N cells,
from air at ambient conditions (Fig. 1b). A reflective boundary is
which were centered around grid/node points. For each cell, the
placed behind the high pressure air. This corresponds to the
conservative state vector was defined at the grid point located in
classical shock-tube arrangement used for generating a blast
the center of the cell and the flux vector was computed at the
pressure wave (shown schematically in Fig. 1c) [14,15]. Starting
interface between two adjoining cells. In the numerical scheme,
from the initial pressure discontinuity, a compression pressure
the node/grid points were identified with integers (1  i  N). The
pulse travels along the positive X coordinate, while expansion
discretized form of the conservation equations obtained by inte-
waves travel in the negative X direction. Upon reflection at the
grating over the finite volumes was used [18,19]
left boundary, the expansion waves start traveling in the positive
X direction. The expansion waves catch up with the traveling n o
* * * *
compression pulse to produce a blast pressure wave. In this setup Dxnþ1
i U nþ1
i  Dxni U ni ¼ Dt F niþ1=2  F ni1=2 (5)
the different parameters of the blast pressure wave such as the * *
where Dx is the grid size (the size of the cell) and F ni1=2 and F niþ1=2
shock pressure amplitude and duration can be varied by changing
are the interfacial numerical fluxes at i/(i  1) and i/(i þ 1) inter-
the initial conditions, the location of the initial discontinuity, the
faces, respectively in the time step n.
location of the reflective back wall and the initial location of the
The Godunov finite volume methodology for shock propagation,
which has been developed for the Euler-based hyperbolic system,
The spring-mass system within a shock-tube offers a powerful
was directly applied to the ALE-based formulation. An approximate
platform to evaluate the influence of different variables such as the
Riemann solver of Roe was used. The interfacial numerical flux was
structural mass, the structural stiffness, the shock wave speed, blast
calculated using the weighted averaged-flux (WAF) scheme [20,21].
pressure duration and shock amplitude on the different aspects of
The total variation diminishing (TVD) constraint was applied to
the response of the structure, such as, the energy transferred from
minimize the spurious oscillations produced in the vicinity of high
the shock front, the displacement, velocity and acceleration of the
gradients. In the actual implementation, the SUPERBEE limiter was
structure at different time scales.
used in the WAF scheme.
4. Numerical framework
4.2. Treatment of computational domain
In this section, the numerical framework for studying the shock
wave interaction with the spring-mass system is described in The computational domain for the finite volume calculations is
detail. In particular, the following topics are discussed: (a) the blast shown schematically in Fig. 2. The left boundary of the air tube was
pressure wave propagation in the fluid; (b) the transient dynamic treated as a non-transmissive, fixed, reflecting boundary. The right
analysis of the spring-mass system; and (c) the fluid–solid coupling boundary of the fluid domain always coincided with the position of
algorithm. The shock wave propagation in the air is modeled using the piston, which is a non-transmissive, moving, reflective
the numerical discretization of the conservation equations stated in boundary. At any given time the entire fluid domain was discretized
the arbitrarily moving Eulerian framework. The transient dynamic into N elements of equal size. The size of elements however varied
response of the spring-mass system was obtained from the dis- during the analysis depending upon the motion of the right
cretization of the momentum equation within the Lagrangian boundary.
framework. The fluid–solid coupling was achieved by applying the
congruence conditions at the air–mass interface using a staggered 4.2.1. Treatment of boundary nodes
algorithm. While the fundamental aspects of these topics are well To advance the solution of the 1st and Nth nodes/grid points,
established, a brief description of each is provided for numerical fluxes at the boundary were evaluated using a 2nd order
completeness. accurate scheme by adding two fictitious grid points on the other
side of each boundary, whose states were reflective symmetric to
4.1. Numerical framework for fluid domain the inside grid point/node [20, p. 491]. It should be noted that
while the right and left boundaries represent conditions of zero
In a general moving coordinate system the conservation laws mass flux, the momentum and energy fluxes need not be zero
are described by the Arbitrary Lagrange Euler (ALE) formulation across these boundaries. For the left boundary at x ¼ 0, the condi-
[16,17]. The one-dimensional integral form of the conservation tions in the fictitious cells denoted by i ¼ 1 and i ¼ 0 are reflective
equations in the ALE formulation is given as symmetric of the conditions in cells i ¼ 2 and i ¼ 1, respectively. The
states of the fictitious cells denoted by i ¼ N þ 1 and i ¼ N þ 2 at
Z Z *
v * vF the right boundary are given as
UdUðtÞ þ dUðtÞ ¼ 0 (2)
vt vx (
UðtÞ UðtÞ rnNþ1 ¼ rnN ; nnNþ1 ¼ nnN þ 2u_ ns ; pnNþ1 ¼ pnN
where the integral domain UðtÞ is a function of time, U is the
rnNþ2 ¼ rnN1 ; nnNþ2 ¼ nnN1 þ 2u_ ns ; pnNþ2 ¼ pnN1
conservative state vector, and F is the flux vector, which in ALE
where u_ ns is the velocity of the mass or piston ðnnNþ1 ; rnNþ1 ; rnNþ1 Þ
formulation represents the net mass momentum and energy flux
and ðnnNþ2 ; rnNþ2 ; rnNþ2 Þ are the velocity, density and pressure at
passing through the moving boundary vUðtÞ.
nodes N þ 1 and N þ 2.
8 9 8 9 To evaluate the total force that is applied on the mass at each
< r = < rV =
* * time step, the pressure at the right boundary (p*) was calculated
U ¼ rn and F ¼ rnV þ p (3)
rE ; :
rEV þ np ; using the exact solution for the Riemann problem constructed
across the moving boundary. As shown in Fig. 3, there are two
The contravariant velocity, V is given as possible cases which need careful consideration.
968 K.V. Subramaniam et al. / International Journal of Impact Engineering 36 (2009) 965–974

Initial condition at t =0 P2, 2 p1 = 1atm

n-1/2 n+1/2 us(t)

Left boundary
1 2 3
X n N-1 N
(non-transmissve, fixed,
reflecting boundary)
Right boundary
Computational cell (non-transmissive moving boundary)

Fig. 2. The computational domain used for finite volume calculations.

Case (a) – when the velocity of air at the Nth node is less than the where ms, us(t) and u€ s ðtÞ are the mass, the displacement and the
velocity of the structure ðnN < u_ s Þ, two rarefactions, one going to acceleration, respectively, and fs(t) is the external force applied on
right the other one going to left with respect to the boundary, are the mass by the air, defined as
formed. The change of state across each series of rarefactions obeys 
* * * *
the simple wave relationship, i.e. the states U L / U *L and U R / U *R , fs ðtÞ ¼ p* ðtÞ  Po A (10)
obey the simple wave relationship. The two states UR* and UL* are
separated by a single contact discontinuity and it is known that only where Po is the ambient pressure, p* is the pressure applied by the
density changes across the contact discontinuity, while there is no air in the shock tube and A is the cross-sectional area of the piston.
change in the velocity and pressure. This is also referred to as the The equation of motion of the mass (piston) was numerically
congruence condition, given as p*L ¼ p*R ¼ p* and n*L ¼ n*R ¼ n* . integrated in time using the Newmark-beta method (with b ¼ ¼
The pressure and velocity p* and v* adjacent to the boundary are and g ¼ ½) where the acceleration is assumed to be constant in
obtained by utilizing the relations across the rarefactions and a time interval and equal to the mean of the beginning and the end
congruence conditions [20, p. 223]. of the interval.
Case (b) – when the velocity of air at the Nth node is greater than  
the velocity of the structure ðnN > u_ s Þ, two shocks, one traveling to 4 4 4
ms þ ks unþ1
s ¼ fsnþ1 þ 2 ms uns þ ms u_ ns þ ms u
€ ns (11)
the left and the other to the right of the boundary, are formed. In Dt Dt Dt
this case, the pressure and velocity adjacent to the moving
where fsnþ1 is presumed to be known in the solid solver.
boundary are obtained from the Hugoniot relationship and the
congruence conditions [20, p. 224].
The boundary pressure for both cases is obtained as 4.4. Fluid–structure coupling
8   g2g
> 1 C 1
In this paper, the staggered method is used to account for the
< p* ¼ pN 1 þ ðg  1Þ N for nN < u_ s
2 aN (7) fluid–structure coupling in time domain [18,19,22,23]. In the
> h i1  staggered method, the fluid and structure solvers are run inde-
> CN 2 þ 4A ðB þ p Þ 2
: p* ¼ pN þ 2A C N þ C N N N N for nN > u_ s
N pendently; the equation of motion for the solid and the conser-
where vation laws for the fluid are alternately integrated in time (shown
2 ðg  1Þ schematically in Fig. 4). The interaction between the air and the
AN ¼ ; BN ¼ p ; CN ¼ nN  u_ s (8)
ðg þ 1ÞrN ðg þ 1Þ N solid mass (piston) is accounted for enforcing the congruence
conditions of pressure and velocity at the air–piston interface; the
and the solution of boundary velocity v* is automatically equal to u_ s . interface velocity and pressure are equal for both the fluid and
the structure. Starting at t ¼ tn, when the state of the fluid and the
4.3. Transient dynamic analysis of the elastic structure
structure are known, the fluid–structure system is integrated in
time to obtain the solution at time tnþ1 as:
The motion of the mass is described by the momentum equation
for the single DOF system, given as,
(i) The displacement of the structure at the end of the current
€ s þ ks us ¼ fs ðtÞ
ms u (9) time step (t ¼ tnþ1) is predicted.

a Contact
b Contact
shock t rarefactions t rarefactions
→* →*



x x
Two shocks case Two rarefactions case
Fig. 3. Two possible cases for Boundary Riemann Problem (the dotted line represents the motion of the boundary): (a) the two rarefactions case; and (b) the two-shock case.
K.V. Subramaniam et al. / International Journal of Impact Engineering 36 (2009) 965–974 969

equal length. The initial pressure discontinuity was created by

Integrate prescribing an initial condition with high pressure in the first 30
Fluid cells. The initial pressure in the remaining 70 cells was equal to the
Str grat ambient pressure. In the analysis the CFL number was chosen to be
uct e
ct t
ru dic

0.6. Shock waves of different amplitudes were created using
St re

different initial pressure conditions. A comparison of the pressure

amplitude of the reflected shock obtained numerically with the
corresponding value obtained from Eq. (13) is shown in Fig. 5. It can
n = n+1 be seen that the pressure amplitude predicted numerically agrees
well with the exact solution thereby verifying the accuracy of the
tn tn+1 numerical scheme for the Riemann Solver at the boundary.
Fig. 4. Schematic representation of the staggered algorithm for fluid–structure
6. Numerical results for blast–structure interaction

(ii) The fluid is integrated to tnþ1 using the predicted displacement The origin of the fixed global coordinate system was coincident
of the structure. The interfacial pressure is obtained from the with the left reflecting boundary. The entire fluid domain was
fluid solver. discretized into 100 cells (elements). The number of cells was kept
(iii) The structure is updated to the next time level (tnþ1) using the constant. The size of the cells was varied to account fro the moving
interfacial pressure of step ii. boundary such that the entire fluid domain was divided into 100
cells of equal size at any given instant. The structural mass coin-
The crucial part in this algorithm is the prediction of the cided with the right boundary of the 100th cell. The incident blast
structural state in step (i). Within a time–step, if the acceleration is pressure wave was created considering the location of the initial
assumed constant, the structural velocity is a linear function in time discontinuity (in pressure and density) at the interface between the
and the displacement can be obtained exactly using the trapezoidal 5th and 6th cells. Initial conditions in the first five cells were:
integration of the velocity. The interface boundary velocity in the vL ¼ 0 m/s, pL ¼ 15 atm (1.519 MPa) and rL ¼ 18.375 kg/m3. The
fluid solver is then obtained as initial conditions in the remaining cells were: vR ¼ 0 m/s,
pR ¼ 1.0 atm and rR ¼ 1.225 kg/m3. Extra source term was added to
1 n the conservation equation of energy in the first time step to
n*n ¼ u_ s þ u_ nþ1
s (12) simulate the sudden release of energy associated with a detonation.
The source term was added to the cells in the high pressure region
and was a constant equal to 5  107 J. The initial conditions resulted
5. Verification of analysis procedure
in an incident blast pressure wave at the initial location of the mass
with the following characteristics: 14.9 atm (pressure amplitude of
Results of the analysis procedure were verified considering
the shock front); 931 m/s (particle velocity upstream of the shock);
interaction of a shock wave with a fixed rigid wall. In a shock wave,
and 64.5 ms (duration of the blast). Since the exact duration of the
the leading shock front is followed by constant pressure. Incident
blast pressure wave, based on a precise determination of the value
shock when reflected from a fixed rigid wall creates a reflected
of the over-pressure decreasing to the ambient value is difficult, the
shock traveling in the opposite direction. The amplitude of the
duration of blast pressure was taken equal to the time required for
reflected shock immediately following reflection from a fixed rigid
the pressure to decrease to 10% of the shock pressure amplitude.
surface (Pro) for a given incident shock amplitude (Pio) can be
The same procedure has been used in all subsequent calculations
calculated as (when g ¼ 1.4 in the case of air and for the range of
for determining the blast duration.
blast intensities of interest) [13, p. 153]
Results of analysis considering two different values of spring
8Pio  Po stiffness are shown in Fig. 6. For the first case (case A), the
Pro ¼ pio (13) equivalent structural stiffness and mass used in the analysis were
Pio þ 6Po
obtained considering a steel plate which is 4.5 m in length,
Numerical analyses were performed considering shock waves 2.25 m wide and 2.5 cm thickness. Fixed-edge and pinned
with different pressure amplitudes incident on a fixed rigid boundary conditions were considered along the 2.25 m and 4.5 m
boundary. In the shock-tube arrangement the elastic structure was edges, respectively. The equivalent structural mass and stiffness
replaced with a fixed reflective boundary. Shock waves of varying of the fundamental mode of vibration of plate per unit cross-
pressure amplitude were created by varying the pressure in the sectional area were used in the analysis and are equal to
initial high pressure region. The total length of the shock tube was 148.2 kg/m2 and 1.397e6 N/m/m2, respectively. The time period of
taken equal to 1 m. The entire domain was divided into 100 cells of vibration (TN) for the equivalent spring-mass system is equal to

exact analytical
5 numerical

0 5 10 15

Fig. 5. Comparison of numerical and analytical solutions for the reflected shock pressure amplitude.
970 K.V. Subramaniam et al. / International Journal of Impact Engineering 36 (2009) 965–974

a 8.0E+06
with FSI w/o FSI
b 8.0E+06
with FSI w/o FSI
7.0E+06 7.0E+06

Pressure (Pa)
Pressure (Pa)
6.0E+06 6.0E+06
5.0E+06 5.0E+06
4.0E+06 4.0E+06
3.0E+06 3.0E+06
2.0E+06 2.0E+06
1.0E+06 1.0E+06
0.0E+00 0.0E+00
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Time (sec) Time (sec)

c 6.0E+02
with FSI w/o FSI
d 2.5E+01
with FSI w/o FSI

Velocity (m/s)
Velocity (m/s)

2.0E+02 1.0E+01
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
-2.0E+02 -5.0E+00 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
-6.0E+02 -2.0E+01
Time (sec) Time (sec)

e 8.0E+00
with FSI w/o FSI
f 1.0E-01
with FSI w/o FSI
6.0E+00 8.0E-02

Displacement (m)
Displacement (m)

-2.0E+00 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
-4.0E+00 -4.0E-02
-6.0E+00 -6.0E-02
Time (sec) Time (sec)

Fig. 6. Comparison of the pressure, velocity and displacement histories from analyses by considering and by ignoring FSI effect during the motion of the solid. (a), (c) and (e) for
Case A; and (b), (d) and (f) for Case B.

0.064715 s. For the second case (case B), the equivalent structural The velocity and displacement histories of the spring-mass
stiffness and mass used in the analysis were obtained considering systems are shown in Fig. 6. The motion of the structure
a steel plate which is 8 m in length, 4 m wide and 25 cm thick- ignoring FSI (w/o FSI in the graphs) was obtained using the
ness. Fixed-edge boundary conditions were considered along the reflected pressure history from a fixed rigid wall. It can be seen
4 m sides, while edges with the longer dimension of 4.5 m were that for the case of the structure with the larger stiffness, the
treated as pinned supports. The equivalent structural mass and role of FSI in the structural motion is not significant. For the
stiffness of the fundamental mode of vibration of plate per unit structure with the lower stiffness and mass, however, the actual
cross-sectional area used in the analysis are equal to 1482 kg/m2 velocity and displacement of the structure are significantly
and 1.397e8 N/m/m2, respectively. The TN for this case is equal to different from the corresponding values obtained when FSI is
0.020465 s. ignored. The effect of FSI during the structural motion is
The pressure and the velocity time histories of the structural significant in this case; the maximum velocity and displacement
mass are shown in Fig. 6 for the two cases. The blast over-pressure of the structure considering FSI are significantly lower than the
obtained after reflection from a fixed rigid wall is also shown along corresponding value when FSI is ignored. Further, the damped
with the actual pressure time history for comparison. It can be seen response predicted considering FSI suggests significant energy
that the pressure immediately after reflection reaches the same dissipation in the motion of the structure as a result of energy
value equal to 72.78 atm in all cases. This suggests the amplitude of exchange between the solid and the fluid medium during the
the shock front immediately after reflection from a solid substrate, motion of the structure. For low stiffness system the resulting
initially at rest, is independent of the stiffness of the structure. The damping is more significant. Therefore, an analysis procedure
amplification in the blast pressure amplitude upon reflection from which ignores FSI would not consider this exchange of energy
an elastic structure, initially at rest, is equal to Pro/Pio, which is and can produce significant error in predicting the motion of the
obtained after reflection from a fixed rigid wall. structure for low stiffness systems. Looking at the results it is
The pressure, which follows the shock front after reflection from also apparent that the velocity of structural motion immediately
an elastic structure, shows a cyclic variation about the reflected following the leading shock directly influences the pressure
pressure history obtained from a fixed rigid wall. It can be seen that history experienced by the structure; the structure with smaller
for the case of the structure with the larger stiffness, there is no stiffness and mass has a larger velocity and hence experiences
significant difference in the two pressure histories (with and a significantly variable pressure history. The variations in the
without considering FSI). For the structure with the lower stiffness, velocity profile within the duration of the blast correspond well
however, the actual pressure experienced by the structure is with the variation in the pressure about the pressure reflected
significantly different from that obtained of an immovable off of a rigid boundary. The maximum velocity during the early
boundary. From the pressure profile it appears that the duration of motion of the structure occurs approximately at TN/4. The
the blast over-pressure produced at the face of the elastic structure maximum displacement, during the structural motion corre-
is relatively unaffected by its motion. sponds closely in time with TN/2.
K.V. Subramaniam et al. / International Journal of Impact Engineering 36 (2009) 965–974 971

7. Discussion There is a unique relationship between the Pio and the particle
velocity of air immediately upstream of the shock front of blast
The reflection of a blast pressure wave from a moving boundary wave speed (vio), given as [20, p. 190]
is shown schematically in Fig. 7. The incident shock of amplitude Pio sffiffiffi
is reflected as a shock of amplitude Pro traveling in the opposite 2 po  1
direction. The pressure experienced by the moving boundary at any nio ¼ ao qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi (15)
g ðg  1Þ þ ðg þ 1ÞPio
given time, pr(t) is equivalent to the reflected pressure wave. The po
incident blast pressure history, pi(t) cannot be accessed directly at pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
where Po is the ambient pressure and ao ¼ gRTo is the sound
the surface of the moving boundary since the measured pressure
speed under ambient conditions. pr(t) can now be written as
corresponds to pr(t). For a given blast, the incident shock pressure
amplitude and the pressure history can be estimated knowing the

pr ðtÞ ¼ pr nio ; tB ; u_ s ðtÞ; f1 ; f2 ; .fN (16)
strength of the blast at the source and the distance from the blast
source [TM 51300]. pr(t) can be obtained from the incident pressure The velocity of the structure subjected to an applied pressure
history, pi(t) as a function of the boundary velocity. history, pr(t) can be written symbolically as
From the results of the numerical analysis a relevant question
which needs to be addressed is: for a given incident blast pressure u_ s ðtÞ ¼ u_ s ðks ; ms ; pr ðtÞÞ (17)
wave (identified by the peak pressure and duration), what is the Considering Eq. (16), an implicit expression for the velocity of
range of structural parameters for which the FSI is important? The the structure is obtained
key structural parameters of concern for an elastic structure are

the structural stiffness, ks, and the structural mass, ms. Pressure at u_ s ðtÞ ¼ u_ s ks ; ms ; nio ; tB ; f1 ; f2 ; .; fN ; u_ s ðtÞ (18)
the face of a moving boundary is known to be directly related to its
velocity. In the case of an elastic structure, the applied pressure An incident blast pressure wave defined by Pio and tB, and with
history (pr(t))and the velocity of the structure within the duration a defined incident pressure history given by fi, would, upon
of the blast ðu_ s ðtÞÞ are thus intimately related. For a given incident reflection from a fixed rigid surface produce a well-defined,
blast pressure wave, the pressure history experienced by the elastic reflected pressure wave. If we now consider the motion of the
structure (pr(t)) would therefore depend upon the structure structure obtained by directly applying the reflected pressure
velocity in addition to the blast wave properties and can be history from a fixed rigid surface to the structure, there is a unique
expressed symbolically as relationship between the time period of vibration (TN) and the

maximum velocity in the first half cycle during the vibration ðu_ max
s Þ
pr ðtÞ ¼ pr Pio ; tB ; u_ s ðtÞ; f1 ; f2 ; .; fN (14) and (ks, ms). The velocity of the structure following the incidence of
a blast pressure wave can thus be expressed equivalently in terms
where Pio and tB are the pressure amplitude and the duration of the of TN and u_ max as
incident blast pressure wave, respectively, f1, f2,., fN are variables

which define the pressure variation behind the shock front. It
u_ s ðtÞ ¼ u_ s TN ; u_ max
s ; nio ; tB ; f1 ; f2 ; .fN ; u_ s ðtÞ (19)
should be noted that the functional relationships between these
variables are intractable. The exact variation in the pressure history While functional form of the expression is intractable and may
behind the shock front involves the solution of non-linear differ- not readily allow for developing an expression for u_ s ðtÞ in terms of
ential equations, which does not allow the development of non-dimensional ratios, two key ratios can nevertheless be iden-
analytical expressions. tified, which allow for relating structural parameters with the blast
wave characteristics. Eq. (19) can thus be rewritten as
Incident blast pressure wave at
location of O !
TN u_ max
Pio u_ s ¼ u_ s ; s ; t ; n ; f ; f ; .; fN ; t (20)
tB nio B io 1 2
It should be noted that in Eq. (20), the variables following the
ratios define the pressure variation in the blast wave.
For a given incident blast pressure wave the FSI depends upon
tB the velocity of the structure, which in turn depends upon two ratios
relating the structural and blast parameters. The velocity ratio
ðu_ max
s =nio Þ provides a measure of the structure velocity relative to
the particle velocity associated with blast. The second important
parameter, the time ratio (TN/tB), gives an indication of the duration
of the applied pressure and hence is related to the impulse of blast
Pr(t) Us pressure wave. Thus it can be postulated that for a given incident
O blast, the importance of FSI in determining the structural response
would depend upon the time and velocity ratios given as TN/tB and
ðu_ max
s =nio Þ, respectively. This is now verified in the subsequent
analysis where the influence of FSI is evaluated in terms of one
structural response parameter obtained with and without FSI for
different values of the two ratios. A numerical evaluation is per-
formed to see if the ratios identified in Eq. (20), allow for an eval-
uation of FSI effects. The influence of other variables related to the
Reflected blast pressure wave at O
blast pressure wave (highlighted variables) is qualitatively evalu-
Fig. 7. Schematic representation of the incident and reflected blast pressure waves ated considering different input blasts (with varying pressure
from a moving boundary. amplitudes and duration).
972 K.V. Subramaniam et al. / International Journal of Impact Engineering 36 (2009) 965–974

Considering the vibration response of a 1-DOF structure, which FSI (where the reflected pressure history from a fixed rigid wall is
is initially at rest, the maximum displacement and velocity within directly applied to the structure).
the first half cycle occur approximately at TN/4 and TN/2, respec- For each value of TN/tB, line plots (lines in the graph) are
tively. As shown in Fig. 8, there are three different cases which need shown for three different incident blast pressure amplitudes. The
to be evaluated based on the relative magnitudes of TN/4 and tB. incident blast pressure wave characteristics, Pio and vio, for each
wave used for generating the line plots were: (3.28 atm, 323.2 m/s),
Case 1: when TN/4 is smaller than tB/2, both maximum velocity (14.9 atm, 931 m/s) and (67.1 atm, 2137 m/s). The tB of all three
and displacement of the structure occur within tB. waves was equal to 64.5 ms. The reflected pressure amplitudes,
Case 2: when TN/4 is greater than tB/2 but smaller than tB, the Pro, were equal to 8.57 atm, 72.78 atm, and 438 atm for the three
maximum velocity of the structure occurs before tB, but the blast pressure waves. The graph also shows the displacement
maximum displacement in the vibratory motion occurs after tB. ratio calculated as a function of velocity ratio considering blast
In this case, the maximum displacement within tB is smaller pressure waves with the same amplitudes but a smaller tB equal
than the maximum displacement obtained from the subsequent to 6.45 ms. The results for these cases are shown using hollow
motion of the structure. symbols on the graph.
Case 3: when TN/4 is larger than tB, maximum displacement of Each curve in the graph was obtained for a given incident blast
the structure occurs after tB. In this case, the maximum velocity pressure wave and a fixed value of TN/tB. To generate one curve, the
of the structure u_ max
s occurs close to tB. The time for the occur- values of ks and ms were varied while keeping TN constant. For
rence of u_ max
s will approach tb when the ratio tb/(TN/4) a given combination of ks and ms, an analysis was also performed
approaches zero. using the reflected pressure history from the fixed rigid surface to
determine velocity and displacement variation as a function of
The velocity of the structure after the blast pressure has time. Finally, the displacement and velocity ratios were obtained by
decreased to the ambient level and has no influence on the pressure comparing the corresponding values of displacement and velocity
history. Only the velocity of the structure during tB is of significance from an analysis considering FSI.
in evaluating FSI. For all three blast pressure waves considered in this study the
Numerical analyses were performed to evaluate if the velocity displacement ratio decreases continuously as a function of the
and time ratios allow for assessing the influence of FSI in deter- velocity ratio. This implies that the margin by which the displace-
mining structural response parameters. The displacement was used ment obtained by ignoring the FSI effect would over predict the
as the structural response parameter for evaluation. The structural actual displacement increases as the maximum structural velocity
displacement obtained from an analysis considering FSI when increases relative to the particle velocity of the blast pressure wave.
compared with displacement obtained without considering FSI was The results of the analysis suggest that the displacement of the
used as an indicator of the error in predicted structural response on structure obtained by ignoring FSI, deviates significantly from the
ignoring FSI. Analyses were performed for varying values of the actual displacement for larger values of velocity ratio. This indicates
velocity ratio for fixed values of TN/tB. The maximum displacement that as the velocity of the structure increases relative to the particle
of the structure within the duration of the blast pressure wave was velocity upstream of the incident blast pressure wave, the error in
evaluated as function of the velocity ratio. In Fig. 9, the displace- predicting structural response also increases when FSI is not
ment ratio is defined as the ratio of the maximum displacement of considered. Conversely, the influence of FSI in decreasing the
the structure during its vibratory motion considering FSI to the displacement of the structure increases with an increase in
corresponding displacement obtained from an analysis ignoring FSI the velocity ratio. Considering the responses obtained from
u_ max
is plotted as a function of the velocity ratio ðp sffiffiffiffiffiffiffi =np Þ. Results
ioffiffiffiffiffiffi fromffi
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi different values of tB, for a given value of TN/tB, the relationship
three different values of TN/tB equal to 0:1; 10 and 1000, between the velocity and displacement ratios is independent of tB.
which correspond to cases 1, 2 and 3, respectively, are shown in This suggests that the velocity ratio is a good indicator of the error
Fig. 9. For the cases 2 and 3, since the maximum displacement in ignoring the influence of FSI for a given value of TN/tB.
during the vibratory motion is not attained before tB, the It can be seen that for a given TN/tB ratio, the displacement ratio
displacement of the structure at tB was used for computing the is relatively independent of the incident blast pressure amplitude.
displacement ratio. The u_ max
s used in generating the graph corre- The three curves for a given value of TN/tB are comparable. The
sponds to the maximum velocity obtained from an analysis without relationship between the velocity and displacement ratios,
however, seems to depend upon TN/tB. This can pffiffiffiffiffiffibe explained
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi by
considering the fact that for TN/tB equal to 10 and 1000, the
maximum displacement used for generating a curve is not the true
maximum displacement of the structure but the displacement at tB.
Since the value of structural displacement at tB would vary
depending upon the magnitudes of TN and tB, the relation between
the velocity and displacement ratios would change for different
values of TN and tB.
Results indicate that for any value of TN/tB, the influence of FSI
is not significant when the velocity ratio is small. For a given blast
Velocity pressure wave, the structural velocity is influenced by both
max Case 1 Case 2 structural mass and stiffness. Combinations of stiffness and mass
Case 3
which result in small velocity related to particle velocity of air
(relatively stiff structures) would result in an insignificant influ-
ence of FSI. When the structural parameters result in a large
velocity related to the incident particle velocity (compliant
Time structures), the resulting motion would indicate a significant level
of damping as a result of higher level of energy exchange between
Fig. 8. Schematic representation of three cases based on relative magnitudes of TN and tB. the structure and air.
K.V. Subramaniam et al. / International Journal of Impact Engineering 36 (2009) 965–974 973

TN/tB = 31.6, Pio = 67.1atm
0.95 TN/tB = 31.6, Pio = 14.9atm
TN/tB = 3.16, Pio = 3.28atm
0.9 TN/tB = 3.16, Pio = 67.1atm
TN/tB = 3.16, Pio = 14.9atm
Displacement ratio
TN/tB =3.16, Pio = 3.28atm

(UsFSI/Usno FSI)
TN/tB = 0.316, Pio = 67.1atm
TN/tB = 0.316, Pio = 14.9atm
TN/tB = 0.316, Pio = 3.28atm





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Velocity ratio

Fig. 9. Relationship between velocity and displacement ratios for different values of TN/tB (lines in the graph for tB ¼ 64.5 ms and symbols for tB ¼ 6.45 ms).

As the TN/tB increases, the duration of the blast as a proportion The corresponding value of vio for determining the velocity ratio
of the period of vibration decreases. For an elastic structure with can be calculated using Eq. (15).
finite ks and ms, as the ratio of TN/tB increases, the motion of the
structure within the duration of the blast is also a smaller 8. Conclusions
proportion of the maximum displacement during the motion of
the structure. One would expect the influence of FSI in predicting A numerical scheme for coupled analysis is presented.
the structural motion to decrease. However, there are two cases A procedure for evaluating the influence of FSI in structural
which need to be clearly delineated for large TN/tB. These can be response parameters during the dynamic motion of the structure is
illustrated considering the limit case as TN/tB approaches infinity. presented. Based on the results presented in this paper the
This limit is achieved for the two following conditions: (1) ms following conclusions can be drawn:
approaching infinity for finite ks; and (2) ks approaching zero for
finite ms. In case 1, the velocity ratio would approach zero and 1. The pressure amplitude at the face of an elastic structure,
hence the influence of FSI would be insignificant. Physically case 2 which is initially at rest, immediately following the reflection of
corresponds to the case of a free-standing structure in the path of the blast pressure wave is identical to the pressure produced
the blast wave. The velocity of the free-standing structure from a reflection off of a fixed rigid wall. Subsequent motion of
produced by the blast pressure wave depends upon the magni- the structure produces changes in the fluid domain, which
tude of mass and the pressure amplitude of the blast pressure influences the pressure experienced by the structure.
wave. When the mass of the structure is such that it is accelerated 2. The displacement of the structure predicted considering FSI
to speeds which are not insignificant when compared to the during its motion is smaller than the displacement predicted
particle velocity of the blast pressure wave, then there would be using an approach where the reflected pressure history from
a significant influence on the resulting pressure. Therefore, for a fixed rigid wall is directly imposed on the structure.
large velocities the role of FSI would be significant even as TN/tB 3. Considering FSI leads to a damped periodic motion of the
approaches infinity. The role of FSI would therefore depend on structure. There is a continuous exchange of energy between
the velocity ratio for all values of TN/tB. the elastic solid and the air during the motion of the structure.
The results presented in the graph also provide a means for 4. The difference in the displacement predicted using an
evaluating the need for considering FSI in determining the struc- approach which does not consider the influence of FSI when
tural motion. The results indicate that for a given TN/tB, the velocity compared with the corresponding displacement predicted
ratio give a good indication of the decrease in the maximum considering FSI increases with an increase in the ratio of the
displacement during the motion of the structure upon considering structural velocity to the particle velocity upstream of the
FSI. For a given incident blast pressure wave, the need for FSI can incident blast.
now be evaluated using the results presented in Fig. 9. A conven- 5. The structural motion obtained from an analysis where the
tional analysis can initially be performed using the pressure history pressure history from a fixed rigid surface is directly prescribed
reflected from a fixed rigid wall. The relative error in ignoring FSI on the structure would be identical to the motion obtained
can be evaluated using the ratio of u_ max s obtained from the from an analysis which considers FSI when the velocity ratio
conventional analysis to vio of the incident blast pressure wave. approaches zero.
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