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TASK 2. Literature Review

Unit 1: Basic Concepts in Child and Adolescent Learners

Name: Abrea, Lady Carmelle T. Course & Section: EDU111-1B

Program: BSMathEd

Title of the study Physical Development by means of Fitness Technologies as One of General Aspects of Student’s

Researcher Valeriy O. Zhamardiy, Viktoriya I. Donchenko, Anatoliy V. Yemets, Yevheniia O. Skrinnik

Journal/Source Zhamardiy V., Donchenko, V., Yemets, A., & Skrinnik, Y. (2019). Physical Development by means of
Fitness Technologies as One of General Aspects of Student’s Health. Wiadomości Lekarskie Journal,
4(72), 118-122.
Abstract The problem of the formation, preservation and strengthening of students’ health during higher
educational period is becoming increasingly relevant. Following factors have a purposeful impact on
health and physical development of students: correct organization of physical education process,
motivation to study, student’s personality and adaptation process to new educational conditions
Problem/Content The purpose of the article is to carry out an evaluation of the initial state of health by the students’
Focus of the Study physical development indicators.
Research All students were divided into control and experimental groups by the method of equal distribution of
Methodology groups.
Findings The data obtained has shown that men and women from experimental groups during the formative have
reliable differences only in body weight and in the index of Erisman. The dynamics of anthropometric
indices of students from experimental and control groups depended from the content of educational and
extra-curricular physical education classes. Implementation of fitness technologies in physical education
process of students from experimental groups contributed to the improvement of functional indicators of
both men and women. Following indicators changed: heart rate for 1 min, systolic blood pressure,
diastolic blood pressure, Robinson index, lung life volume, muscle strength of dominant hand. The
evaluation of anthropometric and functional indicators also helped to determine indices dynamics of
students’ physical development during: force index, vital index, mass-growth index, Stange test, Genci
test, Harvard step-test index.
Conclusion The analysis of physical development of students testifies about imperfection of physical education
system, low level of physical preparedness of students and unsatisfactory state of physical culture and
health work in higher education institutions.
Formulate in your Each person/student develops in their own ways. It depends on the gender and the age of the specific
own words two (2) person. Physical development does not work overtime. It works slowly and surely. This study shows that
student’s Physical Development varies to how they work on their development.
Educational This study helps us know the different physical development of each student. It may be male or female.
Implications The study shows different method in knowing the student’s physical development; control group and
experimental group.
Formulate in your There are several learning situations in the classroom or school. (1)An instructor who teaches and shares
own words three his/her knowledge to his/her students. (2) Learners who listen and understand the instructor’s intended
topic. Learners are listeners and also gives feedbacks. (3) Lastly, Teaching materials so that the learners
(3) Specific have it easy to understand and interpret a certain topic. For example, a PowerPoint Presentation, Learning
Learning Materials, Links for the study, and etc.
Situations in the
classroom or
Literature Review Rubric

Criterion Exemplary Competent Developing

Appropriate  The research  The research  The research
Selection of the article is article is article is
Research Topic published since published since outdated, or
2011 is presented. 2011 is presented. non-primary
 The research  The connection research
article is relevant between the article is
to the purpose. research article presented.
and the purpose  The
is unclear. connection
between the
article and the
purpose is
Problem/Content  Background  Background  Background
Focus of the Study information is information is at information is
engaging and times unclear or not clearly
leads to a clear uninteresting. articulated.
purpose  Relevance to the  Relevance to
statement. topic could be the topic is
 Relevance to the more clearly unclear.
topic is articulated.  Research
articulated well.  Research question question or
 Research question or purpose purpose
or purpose statement could statement is
statement is clear be stated more unidentifiable.
and concise. clearly and  Main
 Two or three concisely. discussion
main discussion  Main discussion points are not
points of the points could be identified in
literature review more clearly the purpose
are clearly articulated. statement.
identified in the
Methodology  Concise details  Details about the  Details about
are provided methodology the
about the used in the article methodology
methodology are occasionally used in the
used or stated in unclear or wordy. article are
the article. lacking or
Results/Findings  Thorough  Comparison and  Comparison
comparison and contrast of and contrast
contrast of findings are of findings are
findings are provided but lack lacking.
provided and thoroughness.  Study
relate to the main  Focus is on limitations are
discussion points research findings not
in the order of rather than mentioned.
their appearance research methods.  Gaps (what is
in the purpose  Gaps and unknown and
statement. controversies in needs to be
 Focus is on the literature are researched)
research findings discussed, but and
rather than clarity could be controversies
research methods. enhanced. that exist in
 Gaps and the literature
controversies that are not
exist in the discussed.
literature are
clearly discussed.
Conclusion  A summary of the  A summary of the  A summary of
main points is main points is the main
clearly presented, but points is not
articulated. clarity could be clearly
 Implications are enhanced. presented.
logical, relevant,  Implications are  Implications
and clear. included but lack are absent,
logic, relevance, illogical,
or clarity. irrelevant, or
Logical Flow of  The reader is  The overall idea is  The flow of
Ideas guided smoothly logical but is idea is
through the occasionally haphazard
logically arranged difficult to follow. and difficult
flow of ideas. to follow.

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