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Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121080

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Proposed managerial competencies for Industry 4.0 – Implications for

social sustainability
Sateesh V. Shet a, *, Vijay Pereira b
School of Business Management, NMIMS University, Mumbai, India
NEOMA Business School, Reims Campus, France


KeyWords: Industry 4.0 (I4.0) is creating a paradigm shift within the current industrial context. The study presented in this
Industry 4.0 paper involved identifying and proposing the managerial competencies needed for a successful I4.0 environment.
Competencies I4.0 is a complex phenomenon that spans multiple technologies and requires an extensive set of capabilities that
Human resource
managers and organizations need to develop in their functional and business contexts. Using the published
literature on I4.0, we uncovered the key themes following a qualitative coding method that identified the
Skills managerial competencies most relevant to I4.0. We thus identify a set of 14 managerial competencies as crucial
Competency model to I4.0. We further contribute to the literature by making an assessment of the significance of all these com­
Competence petencies and proposing a competency model with behavioral descriptors for each. We expect the findings in this
Competency paper to benefit business organizations, policy makers, academics, and other stakeholders engaged in developing
Managerial competencies the capabilities required for an I4.0 ecosystem.

1. Introduction business domains and processes (Mendes et al., 2020; Dalenogare et al.,
2018). With smart machines, factories become more productive, as
The attention of scholars and practitioners alike has been captured business operations and functions improve and become optimized
by research on the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0 or I4.0) and (Lytras et al., 2017). To bridge the digital and physical worlds, I4.0
comparably faster than earlier similar phenomena (Mariani and Borghi, utilizes cyber-physical systems (CPS) that help replace the conventional
2019, Mubarak and Petraite, 2020, Rafael et al., 2020, Shao et al., 2021, centralized control systems found in manufacturing (Frank et al., 2019).
Szalavetz, 2019). Different sectors—such as supply chain management, I4.0 has substantially increased the pace and extent of digitization in
logistics, and manufacturing—are benefiting from I4.0 in the form of manufacturing. It has transformed conventional manufacturing with its
smart factories, connected supply chains, and efficient logistics; how­ focus on automation, interconnectivity, and real-time data (Scremin
ever, the domain remains complex owing to its unique operational and et al., 2018). The main objective of I4.0 is thus to increase the efficiency,
infrastructure requirements (Büchi et al., 2020, Chatterjee et al., 2021). production rate, and quality of manufacturing. Further, the sophisti­
Concepts such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of things (IoT), cated tools and technology used in I4.0 improve the safety conditions of
data analytics, robotics, social connectivity, gig work, and hybrid workers operating in perilous work environments, as its major tech­
workforce models incorporate aspects of I4.0; hence, the competencies nologies include AI, robotics, IoT, cloud computing, block chain, and big
required for I4.0 differ widely from those of earlier revolutions. On this data analytics (Benzidia et al., 2021, Kim, 2017). Also termed ‘smart
basis, the main objective of our study was to identify the managerial and manufacturing’, I4.0 combines manufacturing processes with technol­
organizational competencies required for the successful adoption of ogies like big data and machine learning to create better work envi­
I4.0. ronments. Additionally, I4.0 addresses the need for better connectivity
We define I4.0 as the automation of manufacturing and industrial in organizations and helps in accessing the data and information needed
processes achieved using state-of-the-art technologies and tools (Kerin across different manufacturing processes (Khan et al., 2017). The
and Pham, 2019, Vaidya et al., 2018). It is represented by a network of manufacturing, supply chain, and logistics sectors are at the forefront of
digitally connected machines that share information across different the adoption and implementation of I4.0, resulting in considerable

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S.V. Shet), (V. Pereira).
Received 6 March 2021; Received in revised form 23 July 2021; Accepted 26 July 2021
Available online 12 August 2021
0040-1625/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
S.V. Shet and V. Pereira Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121080

research being conducted in both the technological and human-focused functional capabilities, the need for these competencies is still lacking
fields. However, for this new ecosystem to be effective and successful, holistically from the stakeholder’s perspective. Bearing these research
there is a pressing need to identify the key aspects of human capabilities, gaps in mind, we therefore set out to address the following research
especially managerial competencies, required in this new domain, as we questions:
witness a greater evolution of the I4.0 movement.
According to Schwab (2017), an industrial revolution occurs when RQ1 – What set of key competencies do managers require when operating
new technologies and new ways of seeing the world emerge and cause within an I4.0 context?
revolutionary changes in both the economy and society. The first in­ RQ2 – What are the implications and consequences of each of these
dustrial revolution was ushered in by mechanical production, with the competencies for an organization?
invention of the steam engine bringing mobility. The second industrial
revolution was started by scientific developments; mass production We assert that the creation of an I4.0 competency model would have
boomed with the use of electricity, while radio and telephones revolu­ considerable value as a guide for human resource development,
tionized communication (Morrar et al., 2017). The third industrial including for universities and organizations that focus on I4.0 for sus­
revolution was linked to the digital revolution, with the introduction of tainable development. Our research thus contributes both to theory and
semiconductors, personal and industrial computing, and the Internet practice by developing such much-required comprehensive model. We
leading global social change. The fourth revolution is more complex, reiterate that, through this paper, we contribute to the literature by
being characterized by multiple technologies that influence speed and seeking to address the above-mentioned knowledge gap by considering
integration (Philbeck and Davis, 2018). Hence, we argued that—unlike the crucial aspect of managerial competencies for I4.0 roles. We further
the previous ones, which evolved at their own pace—the fourth revo­ contribute by providing a description of the competencies needed to
lution, led by algorithm-based decision-making, necessitates advanced acquire and develop managerial talent in this domain from the aca­
managerial capabilities for its success. demic, consulting, industry, and societal perspectives. We thus add to
The acute shortage of skilled professionals in manufacturing poses a the body of knowledge by providing a basis for future research on
threat to intelligence-based manufacturing from the perspective of competency criteria in this relevant business field. Theoretically, our
human capital. This shortage is already evident in the US, where it will work essentially contributes to human capital theory and to the domain
be impossible to meet the projected requirement of 3.5 million operators of competency modelling in I4.0 by enumerating the HR capabilities
by 2030 through conventional apprenticeship programs, as I4.0 tech­ required for emergent manufacturing environments. We suggest that
nologies are too complex (Wang, 2018). Developing a competency HRM practitioners and line managers in organizations use these mana­
model for I4.0 will thus contribute considerably to the evolving debate gerial competencies to assess, engage, and develop their managers when
on human capital skills in the field. We further highlight some of the implementing I4.0. The speed of innovation in various technologies is
underlying issues that made such a study necessary in this pressing influencing the adoption of Industry 4.0 in industries; however, the
context. building and development of the managerial capabilities needed for I 4.0
As established, I4.0 is a multi-disciplinary concept that borrows from are not proceeding at the same pace. Hence, the academic debate, in the
information systems, information technology, decision sciences, opera­ form of special issues, should create the body of knowledge required to
tions research, decision science, supply chain, project management, and bridge this gap. In this special issue, our paper makes a contribution on
organizational psychology, and from different branches of engineering, the managerial capabilities required for I4.0 to meet sustainable
such as mechanical, electronic, computer, and electrical engineering development.
(Ivanov, 2020). We argue that these domains will be intricately inte­ In the following sections, we discuss our theoretical framework,
grated at both the operational and business levels, and we therefore methodology, and findings, present a discussion of our study and its
posit that managers will need new ways of thinking to operate in this implications, suggest future research directions, and draw our
complex ecosystem. We further posit that new jobs, better suited to these conclusions.
new organizational contexts, will thus arise as each organization will
have its own I4.0 architecture, and firms will have no choice but to 2. Theoretical framework
develop such capabilities in their managers. Additionally, the techno­
logical evolution in this environment is increasing rapidly and, in order I4.0 removes the barriers that exist between the different de­
to assimilate this new domain in regard to its implementation within partments in manufacturing organizations (Bartodziej, 2017); it does so
their organizations, managers will need to continuously update their by better connecting and coordinating their employees, systems, and
knowledge of technologies, algorithms, work strategies etc. We addi­ processes by automating manufacturing and thus transforming the in­
tionally posit that the technological infrastructure alone will not yield tegrated supply chain (Hofmann et al., 2019). High-end tech­
results unless managers can steer their organizations’ objectives in nologies—such as cloud systems and big data—have become cheaper,
alignment with the relevant technologies. A competent manager will and businesses can now afford to use them for large-scale operations.
thus leverage the required knowledge, skills, abilities, and opportunities (Esmaeilian et al., 2020). I4.0 is entirely different from past industrial
(KSAOs) to deliver superior performance (McClelland and Boyatzis, revolutions because it works by integrating technologies like the IoT, big
1980). We assert that, in this context, organizations should clearly data, and AI and by exploiting their interaction across various physical
define their human resource needs by means of the competency model. and digital domains (see appendix 1 for a I4.0 Architecture). The
Further, certain KSAOs may already exist within the internal workforce, availability of versatile technological tools has resulted in I4.0 spreading
while others may need to be sourced from outside. Hence, organizations swiftly and efficiently across industries. Hence, we conclude that the
will need a competency model suited to assist them in their recruitment fourth industrial revolution is evolving at a faster rate than previous
processes and attract the talent needed to develop their I4.0 capabilities. ones (Yin and Yi, 2018).
The findings of existing I4.0 studies point at a substantial disconnect In regard to the I4.0 context, we would expect managers to have
between theory and practice in relation to the competencies and skills several skill sets, including (i) functional skills in managing budgets,
required for I4.0 (Campion et al., 2020). organizing workflows, and generating organizational reports using
While the technologies relevant to I4.0 have been widely discussed, different automation tools and (ii) behavioral skills like creativity,
the management strategies suited to this new ecosystem of connected emotional intelligence, and complex problem solving, critical thinking,
smart factories have not received much attention. We thus lack knowl­ workforce management, and decision-making abilities. Managers
edge in regard to the managerial competencies required to operate in endowed with these capabilities will be able to lead their organizations
I4.0. Although scholars have noted the absence of a discourse on towards technology-driven changes and automation (Agostini and

S.V. Shet and V. Pereira Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121080

Fig. 1. Flow chart of the procedure adopted in systematic literature review.

Filippini, 2019). As technology takes care of repetitive tasks, managers involving the information, knowledge, skills, ideas, and health of in­
can focus on delivering strategic objectives and forging strong re­ dividuals. The conceptualization of human capital has recently been
lationships within the organization (Dzwigol et al., 2020). Managers redefined and is now referred to as the knowledge, skills, abilities, and
need digital training to the use of digital platforms because, in I4.0, opportunities (KSAO) of personnel (Avitia-Carlos et al., 2019). Human
business domains are increasingly volatile and technology-dependent capital is thus a resource if individual KSAO can be measured and be
(Grzybowska and Łupicka, 2017). Managers should be conversant found to make an optimized contribution to organizational objectives
with business skills, being capable of striking the right balance between (Pereira and Malik, 2015). When working within I4.0 contexts, man­
profitability and operations, which are both significant for an organi­ agers need to acquire new competencies and skills in order to play the
zation’s long-term success (Łupicka and Grzybowska, 2018). I4.0 re­ emerging roles that require these valuable and competent human re­
quires managers to introduce disruptive innovations by making sources. This argument justifies the need for personnel to possess the
data-driven decisions suited to provide a competitive edge to their or­ specific KSAOs that endow an organization with critical competencies.
ganizations. We also contend that continuous learning is an important Competencies are sets or combinations of behaviors that are instru­
requirement and that managers should upskill their employees for mental in driving and delivering fixed desired results, performances, and
technology-driven jobs (Popkova and Zmiyak, 2019). outcomes (Bartram, 2005). Thus, competencies refer to demonstrable
The resource-based view (RBV) states that companies develop a behaviors stemming from combinations of knowledge, skills, and atti­
competitive advantage based on their possession of difficult-to-imitate, tudes (KSAs), and leading to overall superior job performance (Boyatzis,
rare, and valuable resources (Bordeleau et al., 2020, Pereira and 1982, Spencer and Spencer, 2008). Hence, a set of competencies acts as a
Bamel, 2021), which may be tangible, intangible, and personnel-based. mediator between specific job requirements and the capabilities of in­
A firm’s tangible resources are represented by its physical assets, while dividuals. A ‘competency model’ is thus a combination of competencies
its intangible ones are, for instance, its products’ quality, and that describes the knowledge, skills, and characteristics necessary to
personnel-based resources include employee technical expertise and play a given role by precisely highlighting what is relevant and essential
training. A firm gains a competitive advantage by mustering its re­ for effective performance (Pickett, 1988; Martone, 2003). Competency
sources in order to attain organizational competencies, to which we models provide the basis for differentiated criteria measurement and
refer as a firm’s capability to acquire, integrate, and employ the valuable help investigate different aspects of performance, promoting a more
organizational resources, (Babatunde, 2020). The theoretical framework sophisticated understanding of the factors underlying job performance
of the RBV is related to human capital theory and to the human capital (Sliter, 2015). When these competency models are matched with orga­
resource framework, wherein human capital has been identified as nizational goals, they help to determine the performance standards

S.V. Shet and V. Pereira Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121080

Fig. 2. Competencies for Industry 4.0.

against which to evaluate an individual’s efficacy and achievement in a In terms of our data analysis, we performed summative content
specific position as well as the performance of a team and a firm ( Claus analysis as a qualitative approach suited to analyze the above data
and Wiese, 2019; Silva and Ribeiro, 2020; Asree et al., 2010; Levenson (Hsieh and Shannon, 2005). This analysis started with identifying and
et al., 2006). We argue that the successful adoption and practice of I4.0 quantifying specific words or content found in each text with the pur­
requires managerial competencies from a human resources (HR) pose of understanding their contextual use. This quantification was not
perspective. an attempt to infer meaning; rather, it was intended to explore the usage
of the words in different contexts. The initial codes formed a summative
3. Methodology approach to qualitative content analysis, leading to latent content
analysis being performed on the aggregate codes, which involved the
Research on the managerial competencies related to I4.0 is novel and process of interpretation of the identified content (Holsti, 1969). More
has therefore hitherto produced limited literature. Hence, due to the specifically, in this context, we were endeavoring to uncover the un­
exploratory nature of this research, we took a systematic literature re­ derlying meanings of the words or content in the form of I4.0 compe­
view approach (Fig. 1), scanning the literature by screening all the tencies (Catanzaro, 1988; Morse & Field, 1995).
relevant articles found in the indexed Web of Science (WoS) database. When we extracted the key relevant emerging themes from each
We chose the WoS’s indexed articles because they are peer reviewed and paper, the first author acted as coder beginning with the first paper,
are thus endowed with high credibility within the academic literature. while the second author started coding from the last paper in the sample
We employed content analysis as an objective, systematic, and quanti­ and worked his/her way, backward to the first. On completing the
tative method suited to describe a corpus of literature (Chatha et al., identification of the key themes, both coders examined any differences
2015). A content analysis discourse is structured, systematic, rule-based, in coding and agreed on the final themes by discussing them. Subse­
and theory-driven, and is hence robust, valid, and reliable. It encourages quently, both coders identified the second-order codes by summarizing
researchers to “step back from their individual trees in order to assess the all the first-order codes in order to arrive at the final frequency and
entire forest of knowledge generation” (Williams and Plouffe, 2007, p. consistency of the emerging themes. The coders sought to answer
408). The first step in content analysis involves the identification and questions such as “If these are the characteristics of I4.0 in regard to the HR
quantification of certain words or content in each text. This quantifi­ challenges encountered for successful implementation, on which competencies
cation is usually used to explore usage and is focused on determining the should managers focus to implement I4.0?” Based on this activity, the
frequency of specific words or content (Hsieh and Shannon, 2005, coders finally identified the aggregate coding, which led to the key
Kondracki et al., 2002). emergent themes, as key managerial competencies for I4.0. This process
We scanned the WoS database for papers relevant to our analysis in was not straightforward, as it involved considerable discussions leading
February 2021. Our use of the search term ‘Industry 4.0’ returned 1,008 to more in-depth questions such as “Does this qualify as a competency?”,
articles—including conference proceedings and editorial reviews—­ “Is it a necessary competency?”, and “Is it too generic or is it a critical
spanning the years from 2006 to 2021, which we then tabulated in competency?”. The qualitative discussions held between the two coders
spreadsheets. From the initial search results, we shortlisted the relevant throughout this stringent process further led to inter-rate reliability. To
papers based on the procedure outlined by Chatha et al. (2015). We ensure greater reliability, we also checked the data by means of a simple
removed 157 articles from our initial data set as they were not in English percentage agreement (Hayes and Hatch, 1999) and Cohen’s kappa
or had no abstract. We thus compiled a final list of 851 articles suited to coefficient (Landis and Koch, 1977).
examine the concept of Industry 4.0 through content analysis, then We further submitted the instrument to selected experts—from the
identifying the key themes related to I4.0 found in each paper. To obtain power, composites, electrical, steel, automotive, supply chain, and
relevant, robust, reliable, and valid content, we asked the following key automation industries—for critical reviews and remarks using Lawshe’s
questions as quality assessment criteria throughout our systematic content validity ratio formula (Lawshe, 1975, Shet et al., 2019), which
review: classifies content as useful, relevant, and average in relation to its val­
idity. In order to enable these experts to endorse the relevance and
1 What technologies featured in previous Industry 4.0 research? criticality of I4.0 competency for managers, we provided them with our
2 Does the paper highlight the implementation of I4.0? competency definitions and behavioral indicators (see appendix 2—list
3 Does the paper discuss and identify the human resource challenges linked of competencies). Based on their suggestions, we made the necessary
to I4.0? changes to our competency model.

S.V. Shet and V. Pereira Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121080

4. Analysis and findings advisors and partners (Shearer, 2020). Entrepreneurial intelligence also
encompasses kinesthetic intelligence that plays a major role in building
Our systematic review—followed, as detailed above, by expert a positive image on the minds of the people about the organization.
opinion feedback as a validation—resulted in identifying a robust set of
14 managerial competencies (Fig. 2) as crucial human resource ‘people 4.3. Business acumen
capability’ indicators in the adoption of Industry 4.0. In the following
section, we discuss each of these. With the advent of I4.0, there is a greater demand for managers who
possess business acumen as a major managerial competency (Jewell
4.1. Agility et al., 2020). There is a need for business leaders who are equipped to
operate in an ever more technology-driven world that is becoming more
In relation to operating within a I4.0 context and in addition to being and more reliant on automation. The technology available today can
proactive, managers should possess skill sets that enable them to cope unlock and sustain business capabilities that were previously unimag­
with the constant organizational change brought about by the constant inable. Organizations that operate within the I4.0 context require
demands and challenges of automation. Agility is thus a highly desirable managers who can strategize, prepare roadmaps, exercise control, and
skill and competency that helps managers to work on different activities take risks while preparing proactively for an eminently
simultaneously and to switch between them (Christofi et al., 2021; technology-oriented future (Digilina et al., 2017).
Matthiae and Richter, 2018). Pereira et al. (2021) recently investigated Managers with business acumen can understand and adjust when
investments made in agility strategies by Indian information technology operating within the highly volatile business environments that char­
industry and offshoring firms in order to overcome the global financial acterize I4.0. This competency thus helps managers in other aspects of
crisis. Such activities provide evidence of the global acceptance of firms business, such as leadership development and financial performance.
to invest in agility as a strategic competency for their employees. It is Likewise, it should also be mandatory for I4.0 managers to become
thus necessary for managers to possess agility skills and competencies in knowledgeable in various business aspects and components and learn
order to make critical decisions suited to facilitate automation. how these can work together. Due to the high level of automation found
In I4.0, managerial agility plays a crucial role in an organization’s in I4.0, managers should thus have sufficient knowledge of the business
ability to change its internal and external environments (Barlette and process and of the extent to which automation can be applied (Ermo­
Baillette, 2020). Quick changes are highly desirable and necessary as lina, 2019). Managers with business acumen can gain deeper insights
they help in attaining a competitive edge while competing with other into the profit margins, cash flows, and stock prices that affect com­
organizations in the same domain. Agility also helps managers utilize panies on a quarterly, half-yearly, and annual basis. This competency
the knowledge and ideas they receive from customers and bring out also helps managers to gain a better understanding of the technological
innovative products (Kahle et al., 2020). In I4.0, manufacturing firms tools available to optimize various business processes (Galushkin et al.,
gather information and customer feedback through digital surveys or 2019).
reviews and develop suitable production strategies (Shukor et al., 2020).
As agility is a major managerial competency, managers must constantly 4.4. Design thinking
strive for improvement (Ghadge et al., 2020). By drawing unique lon­
gitudinal evidence drawn from European firms, Pereira et al. (2019) Design thinking is intrinsically linked with I4.0, as it helps organi­
recently investigated dynamic capabilities, agility, and knowledge zations understand their customers and redefine their problems. Design
management within emerging market multinational enterprises thinking is a critical managerial competency that helps in coming up
(EMNEs), again portraying the importance of agility as a key compe­ with innovative solutions to complex business problems. As such, it
tency that enables firms to monitor their competitors more closely, then could help solve any issues that are either ambiguous or not clearly
using the information gathered for data analysis, algorithms, and defined within a particular domain (Ochs and Riemann, 2017). Vrontis
forecasting. et al. (2021), forthcoming] offer an examination of the importance of
Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Advanced Technologies, and Interna­
4.2. Entrepreneurial intelligence tional Human Resource Management, conducting a comprehensive and
systematic review of such aspects, suggesting an agenda for future
Entrepreneurial intelligence indicates a manager’s ability to define research, and clearly identifying the explicit need for future human re­
goals or agendas for his/her team and to motivate it sufficiently to sources to possess competencies such as design thinking.
achieve them. I4.0 places great importance on the intellectual capabil­ I4.0 is disrupting organizations and the ways in which consumers
ities of an organization’s employees (Kruger and Steyn, 2020; Shet et al., have traditionally engaged with them. I4.0 is also transforming the way
2021). Hence, managers endowed with entrepreneurial intelligence in which different technologies are used in organizations and aug­
should be capable of identifying any problems and opportunities present menting value creation (Oberer and Erkollar, 2018). We envisage that,
in their manufacturing organizations. Such managers can then combine with design thinking as a major competency, managers can gain insights
the creative resources found in their organizations to work out these into business operations and define plans of action by being proactive
issues collaboratively and create better products. and promoting new and innovative services and products.
Among the major components of entrepreneurial intelligence is lin­ We further posit that, with the help of design thinking, managers will
guistic intelligence, which denotes the ability to use effective words to be capable of more accurately gauging customer needs. Likewise, design
communicate with co-workers. In the context of I4.0, this managerial thinking may help firms in building the desired business models when
competency is crucial for the expression of complex ideas and the cre­ faced with volatile and changing business environments. As I4.0 relies
ation of sound business plans (Sun, 2018). Entrepreneurial intelligence extensively on automation and technological tools, managers must
thus further helps in selling ideas effectively to any investors interested design, build, and test prototypes to comprehend the complexities
in the organization. associated with their practical implementation (Barata et al., 2018).
Likewise, interpersonal intelligence is a component that represents With the advent of new technologies such as AI, data analysis, and
the capacity to understand the talents and weaknesses of others. This 3D modelling, the design thinking process has become faster and more
competency can help managers recruit the right people for their com­ accurate (Dilan and Aydin, 2019). New technologies are thus helping
panies’ long-term success (Dzwigol et al., 2020). In contrast, intraper­ managers analyze the complex microelements of their businesses. One
sonal intelligence is a manager’s capability to understand his/her own such instance is represented by SWOT analysis, which makes use of data
positive and negative traits in order to select the most appropriate and algorithms to help understand an organization’s strengths and

S.V. Shet and V. Pereira Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121080

weaknesses. Algorithms help managers to predict future risks and devise (Ghadimi et al., 2019). The digital integration of humans with tech­
the strategic actions needed to mitigate them. nology in manufacturing processes requires managers to understand the
relationships between processes and information flows in seeking solu­
4.5. Disruptive leadership tions for specific problems arising from this collaboration.
These managers should act as mediators in order to enable the
With the introduction of I4.0, the modern world has moved beyond integration of social interactions (in relation to issues with people, sys­
the basic process automation that was typical in organizations. Today’s tems, technology) and decision-making processes (using data-driven
businesses rely more on cognitive automation, which leverages tech­ approaches). For example, this integration can be achieved by devel­
nologies like robotics and AI. In I4.0, disruptive leadership (Patel, 2020; oping smart systems based on the implementation of the IoT and big
Hou et al., 2017) is a managerial competency, as it ensures that busi­ data analytics in order to achieve the real-time exchange of data be­
nesses are ready for a comprehensive digital transformation. By tween various manufacturing processes, thus facilitating managerial
engaging in disruptive leadership, managers can ensure that the relevant problem solving and decision-making (Leusin et al., 2018). The effective
structure is in place and that the right talent is being recognized and analysis, evaluation, and implementation of this data exchange should
hired. Organizations must be equipped to attract, retain, and fine-tune enable managers to enhance operational safety, work processes, and
digitally-talented people. Leadership will have to continue to trans­ maintenance in manufacturing organizations. It could also help improve
form itself in the future, as businesses are currently highly disruptive and the utilization of resources and offer better reliability to decision-makers
digitally driven (Kao, 2018). (see Villalba-Diez et al. (2019), who argued for the possibility of
Disruptive leadership, as a competency, could aid managers in enhancing Industry 4.0 lean management problem-solving behavioral
gaining a better understanding of digitization and help them fathom patterns by using EEG sensors and deep learning).
how it ultimately influences their organizations. Managers will also be
capable of gauging the various opportunities and likely threats they will
have to face with enhanced automation and digitization. When imple­ 4.8. Research orientation
menting I4.0 for the first time, many organizational changes are
required. Thus, a business leader who is proactive and open to change Present-day manufacturing industries must ensure the high quality
would be an ideal choice, thus reaffirming disruptive leadership as a of their products to retain their competitive edge in the market and
critical managerial competency, especially in I4.0. satisfy increasing consumer requirements. I4.0 facilitates quality man­
Disruptive leadership is thus a necessary managerial competency agement through concepts like the IoT, smart factories, and CPS. How­
given the rapid changes faced by businesses, the leadership of which ever, many companies are still struggling to successfully implement I4.0
should be able to take risks by applying innovative ideas. Likewise, in in their manufacturing systems despite the opportunities for consistent
I4.0, leaders need to have a clear vision of the future. Managers should development it provides (da Silva et al., 2020). A productive synergy of
be mindful of the key aspects of their businesses and be able to maintain its related technologies is required for their successful implementation
collaboration among their teams by sufficiently motivating them. in the manufacturing industry. Managers should thus possess the
research skills and knowledge required to successfully integrate these
4.6. Collaborative mind-set technologies in manufacturing.
Research orientation assists in evaluation of context within high
The success of I4.0 depends largely on a collaborative mind-set that performance manufacturing (HPM). The isolated concepts of I4.0 asso­
includes the willingness of managers to listen to their co-workers across ciated with the flexibility, and adaptability provides competitive
organizational levels (see Majchrza & Wang [1996] on breaking the advantage (Fantini et al., 2020). Although HPM can be integrated into
functional mind-set in process organizations). I4.0 is not limited to the I4.0 through advanced IT techniques, it only forms the basis of I4.0,
introduction of technologies like AI and the IoT into organizations; it which uses several techniques for quality management. Managers need
encompasses the wider meaning of collaboration between enterprises to to possess the research skills needed to find new solutions suited to
create a technology-driven ecosystem. With collaboration as a major transform and integrate these production techniques, leading to high
managerial competency, organizations will be capable of fully exploit­ performance and enhanced efficacy.
ing the benefits of digitalization (for arguments on the importance of
‘collaborative networks’ in I4.0, see Villalba-Diez et al. (2019).
Apart from technical acumen, managers should emphasize the need 4.9. Connected technology architecture
for characteristics like empathy, kindness, and openness, as well as the
willingness and ability to understand the perspectives of others. Eisen­ The application of I4.0 to industrial automation has challenged the
berg and Witten (1987) spoke of reconsidering openness in organiza­ technological architecture of the entire manufacturing system. The
tional communication, very early on, and we argue that the same applies streamlining of concepts with I4.0, like big data analytics or CPS, re­
for I4.0. Thus, managers who seek and identify these characteristics in quires high connectivity and the synchronization of communications.
employees can have a positive impact on their organizations. I4.0 re­ I4.0 era managers should know how to build a connected technology
quires employees to work with a collaborative mind-set, as different architecture, as the related technologies operate simultaneously to
individuals have distinct skill sets. As mentioned above, earlier studies deliver business results (Lins and Oliveira, 2020). Furthermore, man­
affirm that working with individuals with different perspectives or skill agers should be able to understand what manufacturers are trying to
sets ultimately yields better ideas and outcomes (Eisenberg and Witten, accomplish and where any bottlenecks are. A connected technology
1987). A collaborative mind-set also helps in creating new learning and architecture enables the tackling of these areas, one at a time.
growth opportunities, also in terms of soft skills (Cotet et al., 2017), as Down the line, managers can implement the appropriate network
working collaboratively motivates individuals to learn more and to and automation architecture along with CPS, and thus benefit their
become productive as learning becomes relatively uncomplicated. companies (Trunzer et al., 2019). Managers can employ a connected
technology architecture (CTA) to model high-level design and satisfy
4.7. Problem solving & decision-making stakeholder requirements. The dual usage of this architecture includes
the design, implementation, and estimation of the cost of a project and
I4.0 uses automated systems to achieve high productivity and effi­ the validation of its requirements. In this context, we envisage that
cacy through human collaboration with robots, digital performance managers should be highly skilled in addressing any failures that might
management, remote control, and work knowledge automation occur during the integration of technologies in CTA.

S.V. Shet and V. Pereira Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121080

4.10. Data analytics RPA does not require the dismantling of existing systems, thereby
facilitating their incorporation into current business processes. For
Data analytics comprises data-driven intelligence and techniques example, RPA, along with AI, can help in leveraging any unorganized
like AI and big data (Santos et al., 2017, Shet et al., 2021). These data through advanced analytics in order to yield valuable and useful
techniques are applicable to activities throughout a product’s lifecycle, outcomes for enterprises (Longo et al., 2017). The horizontal and ver­
value chain, and disposal—such as ideation, prototyping, development, tical integration of companies, departments, and functions has become
maintenance, production, and data ecosystem management—thus more cohesive due to the evolution of data integration networks and
enabling innovation and facilitating logistics (Zonta et al., 2020). In automated value chains. Thus, we posit that managers can use RPA as a
I4.0, data analytics is relevant across the entire integrated technology catalyst to enable manufacturers to enhance their productivity, fulfil
lifecycle and the value dimensions of the various integrated technologies consumer expectations, and continuously drive product innovation at
(Nguyen et al., 2020). low costs.
As data analytics are reshaping design and production approaches,
managers should acquire analytical skills, which can help them to con­ 4.13. Digital intelligence & modelling
nect machines, people, and materials in real-time so that a virtual image
of the manufacturing process can be generated on the system. They can I4.0 has often been referenced and linked in relation to the techno­
integrate in I4.0 production and procurement techniques like just-in- logical development that has led from embedded systems to Computer
time (JIT) in order to minimize inventory and stocks of raw materials, Production Systems (CPS) (Lin et al., 2018). Such development repre­
which can be procured with a real-time click of a mouse (Hofmann and sents the integration of I4.0 with AI, big data, and cloud computing.
Rüsch, 2017). They can integrate supply management, CRM promo­ Managers need to upskill and possess competencies related to data in­
tional interfaces, and logistics in JIT to ensure the synchronization of all telligence as this can help them establish intelligent object networking
these aspects. AI, alongside robotics and machine learning, can help along with the independent process management needed to interact
create a value chain of ‘goods produced to order’ in order to deliver with the real and virtual worlds, thereby taking new perspectives for
customized and high quality goods to consumers. In I4.0, this entire manufacturing procedures (Marques et al., 2017). Thus, managers can
value chain includes data drawn from the procurement, manufacturing, use 3D printing, sensor techniques, robotics, nanotechnology, and
and sales phases (Gottge et al., 2020). drones to transform and accelerate industrial processes and make them
more flexible.
4.11. Project leadership I4.0 requires automated solutions suited to the creation of highly
autonomous and cognitive outcomes. In this regard, AI, robots, and
Project management and leadership, as a career, has manifold di­ sensor techniques have the potential to enhance automation and accel­
mensions in the I4.0 paradigm (Guzmán et al., 2020). Traditional project erate the implementation of flexibility and individualization. The use of
management and leadership strategies are being transformed because AI to plan driverless routes in warehouses and factories and reduce the
I4.0 requires managers and leaders to confront many challenges and cost and time involved in supply chain management thus becomes a
changes in their jobs. These include the automation and digitization of possibility, thus generating novel design and construction solutions by
manufacturing processes, interfacing equipment with software, and integrating human beings and machines at the point of service. Man­
connecting different departments within the manufacturing domain. agers can thus use CPS to incorporate smart machines endowed with
Other concerns include collecting and evaluating big data streams, augmented intelligence that can interact with one another in order to
providing data to machine builders and suppliers, monitoring cloud execute unique and non-repetitive tasks. For example, managers can
platforms, and conducting predictive maintenance of the IoT with adjust manufacturing strategies and monitoring requirements to opti­
augmented and virtual reality. The manufacturing environment has mize production by these smart machines (Manavalan and Jayakrishna,
become interoperated and automated, with smart factories operating by 2019).
processing big data, the IoT, and cyber-physical systems in real-time
through cloud computing (Kiraz et al., 2020). 4.14. Sustainability
To ensure their firms’ competitive advantage, managers are required
to plan and execute many integrated projects (Benitez et al., 2020). Several studies on I4.0 have indicated that sustainability is crucial for
Project managers and leaders need to focus on the specific aims and smart factories. According to the Brundtland report (1987), sustainable
goals associated with the diversified components of I4.0. This has led to development aims at meeting the requirements of the present without
the automation of those tasks and processes—such as back office and compromising the capability of future generations to meet their needs
data entry—that do not require any design and analytical skills. It has (Luthra et al., 2018). Sustainability combined with I4.0 represents an
also led to the streamlining of corporate structures—which were pre­ opportunity to create sustainable smart enterprises. Sustainable
viously based upon hierarchical functions—to a project- or manufacturing includes the use of various technologies related to
network-based organizational structure. This implies that the integra­ real-time data processing and data analytics in order to promote sus­
tion of I4.0 into the manufacturing processes requires a sophisticated tainable development. For example, the implementation of sustainable
project change management procedures suited to deal with any resis­ technology in the food industry helps to improve efficacy and support
tance put up by those human resources who face a revolution in their research, production, design, quality control, and sustainable
working methods (Glistau et al., 2018). manufacturing (Singh et al., 2019).
This is also true for agricultural production, as evidenced by climate-
4.12. Robotic process automation smart agriculture (Kumar et al., 2021). This leads to the development of
Agriculture 4.0, which features the use of data generated by devices,
The digitization of data has led to their storage at unprecedented machines, and equipment to the end of simulating scenarios that opti­
levels. This has transformed the face of industry in a fully connected mize the use of natural resources for agricultural processes and signifi­
world. Nevertheless, such data are, in general, unorganized. Managers cantly influence the agricultural supply chain. Among the sustainable
can solve this issue by implementing robotic process automation (RPA) I4.0 technologies employed in the recycling industry is the use of 3D
(Fragapane et al., 2020). RPA employs cognitive robots for automation, printing to enhance efficiency and flexibility and to reduce lead-time
which can execute commercial procedures without human intervention. and costs in order to achieve a more sustainable production. These
Managers can implement RPA for processes related to principle-based technologies enhance an organization’s capability to manufacture more
tasks that do not require human discretion, such as back office ones. complex products and ensure zero loss by automating its processes

S.V. Shet and V. Pereira Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121080

(Dalmarco et al., 2019). Thus, sustainability considerably impacts the 5.1. Industry 4.0 and the future of work
consumption of raw materials by minimizing the losses related to the
manufacturing processes, which, in turn, decreases any environmental We argue that I4.0 can generate job prospects by creating new
impacts and improves the green aspect of sustainability (Ogbeibu et al., employment opportunities, particularly in the Science, Technology,
2021) Engineering, and Mathematic (STEM) domain. The corresponding
enhanced productivity can create new jobs across the industrial value
5. Discussion chain (Pejic-Bach et al., 2020). Research confirms that, while technology
has the effect of minimizing employment prospects in some sectors, it
As detailed above, by performing a robust content analysis and also brings about the simultaneous emergence of new businesses,
relying on expert validation, we identified 14 competencies needed to innovative and newer goods, and services linked to economic growth
succeed in I4.0. Some of the technologies that assist in the adoption of and new markets, which, in turn, gives rise to new job opportunities. In
I4.0 are additive manufacturing, smart sensors, augmented reality, the this context, we expect I4.0 to soon transform the nature of jobs,
IoT, AI, cyber-physical systems, cyber security, cloud manufacturing, workplaces, and workforces (Mashelkar, 2018), wherein digitalization
and big data analytics. These technologies provide big data suited to the and automation will lead to the replacement of some existing jobs with
processing, analysis, and evaluation of operational and business de­ new ones that will require the skills, knowledge, and competencies we
cisions. Hence, to be successful, managers working in I4.0 require identified.
specialized skills. Hence, we posit that those routine jobs pertaining to processing,
Several developed and technologically advanced countries—e.g., measuring, and recognizing patterns will be more vulnerable than those
Germany, France, Sweden, and Japan—have initiated policies aimed at linked to IT and automation. We further argue that automation and the
supporting the implementation of I4.0. However, emerging use of robots will make unskilled workers redundant and that the
manufacturing economies are yet to adopt any initiatives at the policy advancement of I4.0 may eventually lead to a gradual increase in the
level (Reischauer, 2018). The manufacturing ecosystem found in skill deficit of the unskilled workforce. Scholars, consultants, and re­
developed economies, especially in relation to the automotive sector, is searchers have confirmed that digitalization and computerization lead
dependent on suppliers based in emerging countries such as China and to an increase in skill demand diversification. For example, the Boston
India; hence, the successful adoption of I4.0 would be felt globally Consulting Group has predicted that I4.0 may generate more than
throughout these countries. Thus, organizations are driven and will need 100,000 new employment prospects in the construction and mechanical
to strive to employ a hybrid workforce working on a common platform engineering sectors by the year 2024 (Görmüş, 2019). Consequently, the
with diverse skills in, among other fields, computer automation, loss of unskilled jobs may be counterbalanced by the generation of jobs
embedded electronics, power electronics, data science, information for a highly I4.0-ready skilled workforce.
technologies, and mechanical engineering. While management frame­ In support of these arguments and in the above context, the World
work maturity models are aimed at analyzing the state of preparedness Economic Forum (WEF) anticipates an increase from 16% to 27% in the
of an enterprise for the implementation of I4.0, a detailed managerial ratio of new professionals to the total number of jobs by 2022, while the
competency model will help the workforce identify any gaps and ensure proportion of job losses to total employment will decrease from 31% to
that the Industrial organizations meets the capability requirements at 21% (WEF 2018). We further argue that the ongoing COVID-19
the job level. The results yielded by our analysis thus portrays how the pandemic has already not only forced businesses to increasingly rely
widespread implementation of technology and the endowment of em­ on existing technology, but has hastened the rate of innovation and
ployees with the right competencies are critical barriers that need to be bandwidth of new forms of technology. In this regard, Kuziemski and
addressed for the successful adoption of I4.0. Misuraca (2020) portrayed AI governance in the public sector through
Our study was aimed at filling a gap in the adaptation of existing three case studies from the cutting edge of automated decision-making
manufacturing technologies in order to map the implications and com­ in democratic settings. According to McKinsey 2018, the employment
petencies required for I4.0. It addressed the concern that the existing opportunities related to retail, manufacturing, supply chain, and food
management models are inadequate for I4.0 and thus need to be sup­ services will be those most vulnerable to the shift towards I4.0.
ported by well-defined human capital requirements and competencies. McKinsey estimated that the introduction of personal computers has led
Therefore, considering the implications for research and practice, we to the displacement of 3.5 million employment opportunities while, at
envisage that society, academic institutions, HR managers, and the same time, resulting in the creation of 19.2 million new jobs in the
manufacturing, operations, and supply chain practitioners and scholars US alone (Wong, 2019). The evidence suggests that computers with
will find our study beneficial. In particular, our study contributes to the rule-based programming will perform tasks of a non-repetitive nature,
existing knowledge by using human capital theory to bridge the gap while robots will handle repetitive ones. We however believe that such a
between theory and practice in emerging manufacturing technologies. shift will not affect those tasks that involve unscheduled physical labor.
Overall, this work sheds light on three relevant aspects of industry Thus, I4.0 will certainly cause the replacement of rule-based tasks
and the workforce: a workforce architecture with new behaviors, a term with jobs that require human intellect. Scholars envisage that the new
to embrace the human capital of the future, and a typology suited to jobs to emerge due to I4.0 will include control system engineer, vali­
reference the competences required for I4.0. Given the disruptive chal­ dation engineer, automation engineer, data scientist, robotics engineer,
lenges posed by I4.0 on different scales and levels (i.e., business models, IT solution architect, project manager, and drone data coordinator
manufacturing processes, and the economy), it is necessary to corre­ (Flores et al., 2020). The implication of this state of affairs is that, as a
spondingly upgrade the workforce at various relevant levels (i.e., tech­ result of technical advancements, unskilled workers will have to adapt
nical, psychological, and social). Therefore, we propose a set of and engage in tasks involving social and creative cognitive skills
managerial competencies 4.0 as a holistic shift in terms of the capabil­ (Rainnie and Dean, 2020). Further, it could then be deduced that jobs
ities, education, and innovativeness that a workforce should possess in will involve small components of highly skilled and competent work and
the I4.0 era. Our reasoning is that future workforces will need to be effort in support of global and digital products through the imple­
highly adaptable, resourceful, resilient, and interdisciplinary in order to mentation of I4.0 technologies in the manufacturing sector.
interact and collaborate in the industrial market, as detailed in the
following sections.

S.V. Shet and V. Pereira Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121080

6. Conclusions, implications, and future research directions the managerial competencies relevant for I4.0 (Tortorella et al., 2019).
By implementing I4.0, organizations understand that managerial com­
6.1. Managers petencies need to evolve at a rapid pace to keep up with the level of
automation. By taking on board and investing in these managerial
The conventional administrative leadership role played by man­ competencies, organizations can integrate technology and data into
agers, which depended mostly on command and control (Wesselink their business, leading to critical decision making (Gökalp et al., 2017).
et al., 2017), is now undergoing change. With the advent of I4.0, man­ Key competencies such as digital intelligence, AI development, and al­
agers now share and distribute the decision making process throughout gorithms practice (Vinodh et al., 2020) thus help managers in the pro­
their organizations through a transition from a central authority to in­ cess of decision-making, resulting in a reduction of both human errors
dividual teams (Dzwigol et al., 2020). Managers are now expected to and biases.
undergo relevant training in digital programs with the primary aim of Those managers who possess competencies that encompass critical
becoming accustomed with rapidly changing technologies. The imple­ thinking, business acumen, innovation, creativity, and adaptability will
mentation of I4.0 requires managers to be proficient in contemporary be able to influence the learning curve in their organizations. Such
skills such as operational management, people management, and tech­ relevant managerial competencies will help leaders understand the need
nology integration (Frank et al., 2019). for learning through the creation of a dynamic organizational culture
In addition to these, other skill sets required for managers include the (Horňáková et al., 2019). Hence, if an organization creates and promotes
ability to build strategies for the re-skilling and redeployment of any a learning culture in the workplace, its employees will feel the need to
talents already present in their organizations. Managers should be keep up with the pace and update their knowledge and skills to remain
capable of repurposing their employees’ talents in response to the rapid competitive. For example, as a result of competencies such as a collab­
transformation of the job demography due to automation (Shet, 2020). orative mind-set, an organization can become more diverse and inclu­
Leaders and managers should be capable of thinking proactively and to sive. People from varied genders, ethnicities, and capabilities may be
find alternative pathways for worker engagement (Agolla, 2018). More included in an organization with the help of better talent and perfor­
specifically, managers should first deconstruct the existing jobs based on mance management (Muscio and Ciffolilli, 2020) suited to meet I4.0
their related activities and identify any needed individual tasks. Next, goals.
they should reassess such jobs and determine an appropriate method to
automate the identified tasks. Subsequently, they would need to 6.3. Society
reconstruct the jobs based on relevant data and compare and map them
in relation to the technology and talent available in their organizations. We envisage that the rolling out of I4.0 and of its associated mana­
The final step would involve an analysis of the skill sets needed for future gerial competencies will cause a shift in the overall learning culture of
technologies and the narrowing down of the skills appropriate for the communities and societies. For example, to keep pace, educational in­
jobs needed and planned in their organizations (Oberer and Erkollar, stitutions will need to proactively update their curricula to equip stu­
2018). dents with the necessary skillsets and competencies. Universities are
Managers should also manage the smoothest possible integration of already catering for competencies like computational intelligence,
technology within the workforce (Haseeb et al., 2019). In doing so, they research skills, business acumen, lean project management, and
should analyze the individual elements affected by automation in their disruptive leadership in their management curricula (Tvenge and Mar­
organizations. Likewise, they should build a talent pool and devise a tinsen, 2018). An organizational culture of shared responsibilities is
plan for an alternative work model through the adoption of innovative emphasized, as participants from every segment of the society are
technologies and tools (Sony and Naik, 2020). In addition to this, included in the workforce. Managerial competencies such as computa­
managers should investigate different hiring methods suited to identify tional intelligence and automation ensure that menial repetitive labor is
the essential skills relevant to the changing post-I4.0 work environment. significantly reduced (Cabrita et al., 2018, Gášová et al., 2017). With the
Post I4.0 implementation, managers endowed with newly acquired rolling out and implementation of I4.0, the focus shifts from the physical
competencies will move out of their conventional job roles and adopt to intellectual capabilities of employees, thus promoting the inclusion of
new ones (Závadská and Závadský, 2020). Their workloads would thus differently abled employees.
be significantly reduced by the adoption of AI in the decision making In summary, we posit that new technologies trigger certain en­
process (Yunus, 2020). Thus in a post I4.0 world, leaders who have hancements in the quality of individual lives and in the overall welfare
internalized these managerial competencies will have the necessary of society (Soni et al., 2021). As has already been established, techno­
skills to better manage their organizations when faced with disruptive logical development is the main driving force behind the global econ­
innovation challenges. Likewise, the relevant managerial competencies omy; thus, to implement I4.0 effectively, we require new research
will help in identifying the right talent in the disruptive job market and methods, advanced solutions applied in the economy, facilities suited to
help place key people in appropriate job roles. Managers with the right monitor these solutions, and the means to find potential implementa­
sets of competencies will further ensure that critical managerial de­ tions. Employee support and the enhancement of their skills and com­
cisions include data analysis, thus leading to accurate and calculated petencies are essential to bring this scenario to fruition.
predictions (Shamim et al., 2016). To summarize, we can then posit that
I4.0 creates techno-centric managers geared to have business, organi­ 6.4. Promoting sustainability
zational, and societal impacts, as these involve the development of
technical managerial competencies and are further facilitated by the Sustainability is currently the most significant business objective, as
possession of behavioral competencies such as collaboration, evidenced by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
open-mindedness, humility, empathy, and encouragement (Ustundag (SDGs). As a contributor to those SDGs, I4.0 can reconcile the aims of
and Cevikcan, 2017). sustainability and industry. The UN SDGs for 2030 highlight technical
development through the transitioning of conventional techniques into
6.2. Organizations intelligent machines, albeit not at the expense of the sustainability of the
industrial economy (Bag et al., 2021). The integration of AI, Machine
A major benefit reaped by organizations from supporting I4.0 com­ Learning (ML), and other advanced technologies are to be implemented
petencies is the standardization of managerial behaviors, which can be across various sectors like supply chains, manufacturing, and distribu­
analyzed, measured, and assigned to job roles in organizations. The tion channels in order to have a significant effect on the environment,
entire business process is thus significantly improved by the adoption of resulting in a reduction in pollution, the emission of greenhouse gases,

S.V. Shet and V. Pereira Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121080

Fig. 3. Conceptual Framework for Industry 4.0. (Source: Authors’ interpretations and compilation).

and energy consumption, thus increasing profitability (Jabbour et al., for I4.0. While we attempted to validate these competencies for I4.0 as
2018). theoretical constructs in our study, future research should operation­
I4.0 connects technology with resources and skills to promote sus­ alize them with scale development. Measuring the dimensions of these
tainable benefits like zero emissions, low costs, and social equality. I4.0 constructs by means of a survey questionnaire in order to assess the
can mitigate the environmental impact of a process, product, or service relevant managerial competencies would provide a research opportu­
using digital footprint data and traceability analysis. It also leverages the nity to assess the managerial competency gaps, and to correlate such
efficiency of functions in the form of decreased resource consumption by competencies with other research constructs in operations, managerial
enterprises. Studies have revealed that I4.0 is deeply associated with behaviors, and human resource management.
energy efficiency, thereby leading to the mitigation of climate change The application of I4.0 will be widespread, especially in HRM
and the promotion of a sustainable consumption of energy. The I4.0 functions such as recruitment and performance assessment. Thus, the
paradigm aims to integrate digital techniques with commercial pro­ people management questions linked to I4.0 could include the
cesses in order to boost efficiency and develop new business models. We following. How can talent equipped with these managerial compe­
argue that all this can be made possible by a workforce and management tencies be hired? What selection approaches are required to assess job
that possess the relevant I4.0 competencies. suitability? How can organizations create Learning & Development
Researchers have claimed that, besides the economic, social, and (L&D) interventions suited to develop these multifaceted competencies
ecological dimensions, the IIoT is beneficial to the triple bottom line—i. amongst managers? How can we develop talent using this model at the
e., technical integration, social context, and data and information (Issa, micro, macro and meso levels? How can organizations identify indi­
Lucke, & Bauernhansl, 2017). Moreover, the human-machine interface vidual and collective performance in regard to these competencies? How
in IIoT reduces energy consumption. Consequently, factories would can we assess any gaps in these competencies at the individual, collec­
become I4.0 compliant and more efficient. Our argument is that I4.0 tive, organizational, or industry levels? Also, how can we address these
supports the implementation of sustainability across the industrial gaps to develop the relevant I4.0 capabilities at each level? Thus, HRM
economy. and organizational management researchers and practitioners need to
conduct applied research on I4.0 workplace applications. There are
multiple areas that need exploring from the organizational behavior or
6.5. Future research directions work psychology perspectives. Related questions could include the
following. What impact do I4.0 competencies have on managerial, team,
Research on the workforce management aspects of I4.0 is nascent; and organizational effectiveness? What influence do these competencies
there is thus a tremendous opportunity for engineering, business man­ have on individual career trajectories, job performance, self-efficacy,
agement, and social science researchers to advance the discussion from and adaptability? How does the collective demonstration of these
the human capabilities perspective. We highlight the immediate atten­ competencies enhance competitive advantage? Will the adoption of I4.0
tion needed by these identified areas as an avenue for future research. managerial competencies specifically benefit a particular organization,
More research is required on linking I4.0 with academia to ensure the industry, or country?
required skill sets and competencies for a future workforce. In From the technology adoption perspective, the following relevant
addressing this, key questions arise. How can universities develop I4.0 questions arise. What are the factors behind the adoption of these
competencies amongst their students? What curricula will lead to the competencies? What are the technological, environmental, organiza­
development of these competencies, as an outcome of education? What tional, and people-specific factors involved? Researchers from IS, IT,
pedagogical methods are required to develop these competencies? How industrial engineering, and operations management thus have an op­
do academic institutes collaborate with industry to ensure meeting its portunity to include these managerial competencies in their I4.0
demand –supply in the form of managerial capabilities? With Germany research questions. We propose a final question from the perspective of
taking lead in the I4.0 research with academia-industry partnerships, public policy administration and governance. How can governments
how do other countries attempt to meet the I4.0 capability requirements form policies aimed at the development of the relevant competencies in
from the human resource perspective? These research questions provide workforces?
enormous opportunities to develop I4.0, not only in regard to micro As a multi-disciplinary domain, I4.0 will offer enormous research
level talent but also to the macro level strategies of talent development

S.V. Shet and V. Pereira Technological Forecasting & Social Change 173 (2021) 121080

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Dr. Sateesh V. Shet (PhD) is an academic with School of Business Management, NMIMS
Sliter, K.A., 2015. Assessing 21st century skills: Competency modeling to the rescue. Ind.
University in Mumbai, India. He is certified competency assessor of Assessment Centre. He
Organ. Psychol. 8 (2), 284–289.
has worked in the areas of Performance management, capability building and organisa­
Soni, G., Mangla, S., Singh, P., Dey, B., Dora, M., 2021. Technological interventions in
tional effectiveness. His research interests are Competency Management, Human resource
social business: Mapping current research and establishing future research agenda.
analytics, Job Performance, Emerging Technologies in Workforce Management and
Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change 169, 120818.
Organizational values. His research is published in Journal of Business Research, Techno­
logical Forecasting and Social Change and Journal of Intellectual Capital etc.
Sony, M., Naik, S., 2020. Critical factors for the successful implementation of Industry
4.0: a review and future research direction. Prod. Plann. Control 31 (10), 799–815. Prof. Vijay Pereira, (PhD, United Kingdom) is Full Professor of International and
Spencer, L.M., Spencer, P.S., 2008. Competence at work models for superior Strategic Human Capital Management and Head of the Deapartment of the People and
performance. John Wiley & Sons. Organizations Department at NEOMA Business School, Reims Campus in France. He is also
Sun, Z., 2018. Innovation and entrepreneurship in the 4th Industrial revolution. Joint an adjunct Full Professor at the University of South Pacific (USP) Fiji. Professor Pereira is
Workshop on Entrepreneurship, pp. 1–34. the Associate Editor (Strategic Management and Organization Behavior) for the Journal of
RG.2.2.28929.97127. Business Research and the Global Real Impact Editor for the Journal of Knowledge Man­
Szalavetz, A., 2019. Industry 4.0 and capability development in manufacturing agement. Professor Pereira has unique experience in industry, consulting and academia. He
subsidiaries. Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change 145, 384–395. has a track record of attracting funding and has published widely, in over 100 outlets,
10.1016/j.techfore.2018.06.027. including in leading international journals such as the HRM US, Academy of Management
... Trunzer, E., Calà, A., Leitão, P., Gepp, M., Kinghorst, J., Lüder, A., Vogel-Heuser, B., Perspectives, Academy of Management Discoveries, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of World
2019. System architectures for Industrie 4.0 applications Prod. Eng. 13 (3), 247–257. Business, International Journal of Information Management, International Journal of Research in Marketing, British Journal of Management, International Journal of HRM, Journal of Busi­
Tvenge, N., Martinsen, K., 2018. Integration of digital learning in Industry 4.0. Procedia ness Research, Business History, International Marketing Review, Journal of International
Manuf. 23, 261–266. Management, International Business Review, Long Range Planning, Applied Psychology: An
Ustundag, A., Cevikcan, E., 2017. Industry 4.0: Managing the Digital Transformation. International Review and International Journal of Production Research, among others. Pro­
Springer. fessor Pereira has guest edited close to 20 special issues in top tier journals and has pub­
Vaidya, S., Ambad, P., Bhosle, S., 2018. Industry 4.0 – a glimpse. Procedia Manuf. 20, lished 12 books. He is currently on the editorial and advisory board for the journals
233–238. Production and Operations Management, Journal of Management Studies (Both listed in
Villalba-Diez, J., Zheng, X., Schmidt, D., Molina, M., 2019. Characterization of Industry Financial Times), International Journal of HRM, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Asian
4.0 lean management problem-solving behavioral patterns using EEG sensors and Business & Management Journal and South Asian History and Culture. Professor Pereira is the
deep learning. Sensors 19 (13), 2841. elected Vice President of the Academy of International Business (Middle East and North
Vinodh, S., Antony, J., Agrawal, R., Douglas, J.A., 2020. Integration of continuous Africa) and the Secretary of the Indian Academy of Management (an affiliate of the
improvement strategies with Industry 4.0: a systematic review and agenda for Academy of Management, US)
further research. TQM J. 33 (2), 441–472.


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