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Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2018;-:-------


Efficiency of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation

and Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulation on Hemiplegic
Shoulder Pain: A Prospective Randomized Controlled
Meimei Zhou, MS,a Fang Li, PhD, MD,b,c Weibo Lu, MD,d Junfa Wu, MD, PhD,b
Song Pei, BScc
From the aDepartment of Rehabilitation, Huadong Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai; bDepartment of Rehabilitation, Huashan Hospital,
Fudan University, Shanghai; cDepartment of Rehabilitation, Renhe Hospital, Baoshan District, Shanghai; and dDepartment of Rehabilitation,
the First Rehabilitation Hospital, Shanghai, China.

Objective: To compare the efficacy of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) and transcutaneous nerve stimulation (TENS) on hemiplegic
shoulder pain (HSP).
Design: This is a prospective randomized controlled trial.
Setting: A rehabilitation hospital.
Participants: Participants (NZ90) were randomized into NMES (nZ36), TENS (nZ36), or control groups (nZ18).
Interventions: NMES (15Hz, pulse width 200ms) was applied to supraspinatus and deltoids (medial and posterior parts), whereas TENS (100Hz,
pulse width 100ms) was used on the same areas. The surface electrodes were placed near the motor points of the supraspinatus and medial or posterior
bundle of deltoids. The 4-week treatment consisted of 20 sessions, each session composed of 1 hour of stimulation per day. Routine rehabilitation
program without any stimulation was administered to the control and the NMES/TENS groups. Numerical rating scale (NRS), active/passive range of
motion (AROM/PROM) of shoulder, upper extremity Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA), modified Ashworth scale (MAS), Barthel Index (BI), and
stroke-specific quality of life scale (SSQOLS) were assessed in a blinded manner at baseline, 2, 4, and 8 weeks after treatment, respectively.
Main Outcome Measures: The primary endpoint was the improvement from baseline in NRS for HSP at 4 weeks.
Results: NRS scores in NMES, TENS, and control groups had decreased by 2.03, 1.44, and 0.61 points, respectively after 4 weeks of treatment, with
statistically significant differences among the 3 groups (P<.001). The efficacy of the NMES group was significantly better than that of the TENS
group (PZ.043). Moreover, the efficacy of NMES and TENS groups was superior to that of the control group (P<.001, PZ.044, respectively).
The differences in the therapeutic efficacy on shoulder AROM/PROM, FMA, MAS, BI, and SSQOLS scores were not significant among the 3 groups.
Conclusions: TENS and NMES can effectively improve HSP, the efficacy of NMES being distinctly superior to that of TENS in maintaining
long-term analgesia. However, NMES was not more efficacious than the TENS or control group in improving the shoulder joint mobility, upper
limb function, spasticity, the ability of daily life activity, and stroke-specific quality of life in HSP patients.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2018;-:-------
ª 2018 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine

Hemiplegic shoulder pain (HSP) is a common poststroke recovery, reduced quality of life, depression, sleeping disorders,
complication with a reported incidence of 16%-84%.1-3 HSP was and prolonged hospital stay.1-5
found to be associated with intensified pain, poor functional However, the precise pathogenesis of HSP is presently unclear.
Some studies showed that diverse potential etiologies were involved
Supported by the Research Fund of the Baoshan district committee of science and technology, in the development of HSP. Pong et al found different mechanisms
Shanghai, China (grant no. 12-E-30).
Clinical Trial Registration No.: ChiCTR-TRC-13004272.
and contributing factors for HSP at various motor recovery stages.6
Disclosures: none. The common factors include soft-tissue lesions (shoulder

0003-9993/18/$36 - see front matter ª 2018 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine
2 M. Zhou et al

subluxation, rotator cuff injury, adhesive capsulitis),5-8 impaired Compared with TENS, NMES is more effective in
motor control (muscle weakness, flaccidity, or spasticity),6,9-12 improving muscle strength and joint mobility by recruiting a
other peripheral and central nervous system dysfunctions (periph- large number of muscle fibers that might play a critical role in
eral nerve entrapment, brachial plexus injury, complex regional pain HSP treatment. The studies addressing the analgesic efficacy of
syndrome, central poststroke pain),2,13-16 and psychological factors NMES on HSP have been published in recent years. However,
(depression and anxiety).17 These etiologies may be presented whether NMES is superior to TENS in alleviating HSP remains
independently or coexist simultaneously.1 uncertain. The comparison of the effectiveness of these 2
Multiple factors are involved in the pathophysiology of HSP, therapies is helpful in understanding the mechanism underlying
which includes soft-tissue injury, neuromuscular dysfunction, and the therapy-induced analgesia. According to this study, we
circulatory disturbance.5-17 Correspondingly, the neuromuscular aimed to offer a better option for the electrical stimulation
electrical stimulation (NMES) and transcutaneous nerve stimula- treatment of HSP.
tion (TENS) are theoretically recommended for treating HSP, due
to their multiple physiological effects such as increasing muscle
strength, improving circulation, promoting wound healing, and Methods
inhibiting pain fibers. NMES is often used at a frequency of 15-50
Hz and a pulse width of 200-400 ms18,19 to alleviate pain, boost
muscle contraction, promote motor relearning,20 and increase the Participants
range of motion. In NMES, 0-100 mA current is used for surface A total of 184 HSP patients, aged 18-80 years, were recruited in the
electrodes and <20 mA for the intramuscular electrodes. TENS is First Rehabilitation Hospital of Shanghai, China from February
a noninvasive treatment, based on the gate control theory, that 2014 to July 2016. All patients were diagnosed with first stroke. Of
stimulates the peripheral nerve crude fibers.21 It specifically tar- these, 90 were randomized into NMES (nZ36), TENS (nZ36), or
gets the sensory nerve fibers and does not activate the motor fibers control groups (nZ18). The inclusion criteria were as follows: (1)
with low frequencies, refraining from discernible muscle hemiplegia in unilateral limb and pain in the hemiplegic shoulder
contraction.22 Commonly, the conventional TENS is used to poststroke; (2) a stable condition and suitability for physical
alleviate pain, reduce edema, and repair wounds, with 75-100 Hz, training; and (3) Mini-Mental State Examination score >24 points
pulse width of <200 ms, and low amplitude with the sen- and being able to understand the requirements of test and training.
sory threshold. The exclusion criteria were as follows: (1) a history of shoulder
NMES and TENS are associated with excellent tolerance and pain prior to stroke; (2) an unstable medical condition or uncon-
exhibit few adverse effects. Although NMES activates muscle fi- trolled systemic diseases (such as respiratory failure, congestive
bers, Baker and Parker23 adopted surface NMES, for the first time, heart failure, liver and kidney dysfunction, or any other disorders
to treat poststroke shoulder dysfunction and concluded that NMES affecting neuromuscular function); (3) quadriplegia; (4) those
could be recommended for treating HSP. Furthermore, Chae demanding cardiac pacemakers; (5) administering any nonsteroidal
et al24 applied 6 hours of intramuscular electrical stimulation into anti-inflammatory drugs for shoulder pain prior to the study; and
the supraspinatus, medial and posterior deltoids, and upper (6) disturbance of awareness, severe visual, and cognitive
trapezius daily for 6 weeks, and found a significant relief in impairment.
poststroke shoulder pain. The application of TENS in pain relief The patient (and/or caretaker) was informed about the purpose
could be traced back to the 1960s, and until recently, was useful in of the study prior to obtaining the signed consent form. The ethics
treating HSP. Ekim et al25 used TENS in patients with HSP and approval was obtained from the Institutional Review Board of the
found a remarkable alleviation in HSP and improved passive hospital. This study was conducted in accordance with the
external abduction of the shoulder. As demonstrated in another Declaration of Helsinki. The trial was registered at http://www.
randomized clinical trial, TENS was more effective than, safer, number ChiCTR-TRC-13004272.
than, and superior to ultrasonic therapy in treating HSP.26
Although most of the previous studies focused on describing
and evaluating the efficacy of isolated interventions to control Randomization, Treatment Allocation, and Blinding
HSP in acute stroke, few investigations compared the different
modalities of treatment in chronic stroke. In addition, because of A computer-generated randomized number sequence allocated
the lack of controls and small sample sizes, strong evidence-based participants to either the NMES or TENS group and the control
studies regarding the effectiveness of NMES and TENS in treating group. The randomization ratio was NMES: TENS: control
HSP are yet limited. groupZ2:2:1. Randomization was managed by clinicians external
to the study. The principal investigator (M.Z.) was responsible for
eligibility assessment, consent, baseline assessment, and treat-
ment. Allocation was assigned after baseline assessment. All
List of abbreviations: outcomes were measured by a physiatrist who was blinded to the
treatment allocation. Participants remained blinded to allocation.
AROM/PROM active/passive range of motion
BI Barthel Index
FMA Fugl-Meyer Assessment Outcome Measurements
HSP hemiplegic shoulder pain
MAS modified Ashworth scale Demographic data including age, gender, type of stroke, lesion
NMES neuromuscular electrical stimulation side, and days poststroke were recorded at baseline. The patients
NRS numerical rating scale were assessed at 0 (baseline), 2, 4, and 8 weeks after treatment.
SSQOLS stroke-specific quality of life scale
The primary endpoint was the improvement from baseline in the
TENS transcutaneous nerve stimulation
numerical rating scale (NRS) for HSP at 4 weeks.27
Efficiency of NMES and TENS on HSP 3

The severity of pain was assessed by a 10-point numeric rating rehabilitation kitb) was used in the same area; the amplitude was
scale (0 representing no pain, 10 meaning unbearable pain, and adjusted to cause minimal discomfort without any discernible
between 0 and 10 indicate a gradual increase in pain). Patients muscle contraction. A total of 20 sessions of 1-hour stimulation
were asked to describe the severity of shoulder pain during passive were conducted daily for 4 weeks, consecutively. Patients in the
forward flexion, abduction, and external rotation of the shoulder 3 groups underwent a standardized rehabilitation program,
joint, and the maximal NRS scores were recorded. The range of which was delivered by occupational therapists and physical
motions were measured in a sitting position using a universal therapists.
goniometry. During measuring of the active/passive range of
motion (AROM/PROM) of shoulder forward flexion and abduc-
tion, the humerus was regarded as the mobile arm, acromion as the Statistics
axis, and the body sideline as the fixed arm. For AROM/PROM of
The objective of this study was to test whether the efficacy of
shoulder lateral external rotation, the forearm served as the mobile
TENS was different from NMES while treating HSP. The primary
arm for measurement, olecranon as the axis, the gravity line as the
efficacy endpoint and improvement between NMES and TENS in
fixed arm, and hemiplegic shoulder position at 0 abduction. The
NRS for HSP at week 4 was used for the estimation of sample
arm function was measured by upper extremity Fugl-Meyer
size. Because NRS is grade data rather than continuous count, for
Assessment28 (FMA, range 0-66, 0: no function; 66: normal
our consideration, 1-point reduction in NRS meant 1-level decline;
function). The tone of shoulder adductors and internal rotators was
hence, the NMES was more efficacious than the TENS. A sample
measured according to the modified Ashworth scale29 (MAS,
size of 72 eligible participants, 30 for the NMES group, 30 for the
range 0-5, 0: no spasticity; 5: joint is rigid). The daily activities
TENS group, and 12 for the control group, was required to achieve
were evaluated by the Barthel Index30 (BI, 0: severe disability;
90% power at the 2-sided 5% significance level to detect a clin-
100: no disability). The quality of life was assessed by stroke-
ically significant treatment difference of 1 point at the common
specific quality of life scale31 (SSQOLS, range 49-245, higher
standard deviation of 0.9. Considering a 20% withdrawal or
scores indicating better quality of life).
nonevaluable rate, the total sample size increased to 90, with 36
participants for the NMES group, 36 for the TENS group, and 18
Treatments for the control group.
SPSS 20.0 softwarea was used for statistical analysis. Statis-
All patients were randomly assigned into the NMES or TENS
tical significance level was set at P<.05. Statistically significant
group and the control group. NMES (15Hz and pulse width 200ms,
differences in demographic data among the 3 groups were
dual channel stimulators, rehabilitation kitb) was applied to
compared using the Pearson chi-square test or Fisher exact test
supraspinatus and deltoids (middle and posterior bundles) in the
for categorical variables, as appropriate. The effective rate,
NMES group. Previous studies showed that stimulating trapezius
which was defined as the proportion exhibiting a reduction of 1
could stabilize the scapula in stroke patients.24,32,33 Because the
point in NRS of 2, 4, and 8 weeks after treatment relative to
scapula only articulates with the clavicle (at the acromioclavicular
baseline, was compared using the Fisher’s exact test among the
joint), the upper trapezius contraction contributes to raising the
groups. The rank-sum test (Kruskal-Wallis test) had been used to
scapula, thereby resulting in an external rotation of the scapula
adjust for baseline and outcome measures among the groups.
with the acromioclavicular joint acting as the pivot. This, in turn,
And analysis of covariance with NRS as a covariate had been
could initiate or worsen subluxation and impingement, thereby
used for analysis when the baseline had a statistically significant
resulting in HSP.34 Therefore, trapezius stimulation is unnecessary
difference. Wilcoxon signed-rank test or Kruskal-Wallis test was
and should be avoided. The supraspinatus can stabilize the hu-
used to analyze the differences within each group before and
merus in the glenoid fossa and coordinate the deltoids to shoulder
after treatment.
abduction. Previous studies postulated that the contraction of the
Full analysis set was used for summarizing the demographic
middle and posterior deltoids was responsible for the observed
and baseline characteristics. Per protocol set referred to those
therapeutic effects on HSP.35 The middle and posterior deltoids
participants in the full analysis set who had completed all the
were adjacent to one another. Therefore, a single surface electrode
visits and had no major protocol violations. The per protocol set
positioned between the motor points of these muscles contribute to
was used for efficacy analyses in this study.
the activation of both muscles simultaneously.
In this study, the surface electrodes were placed near the
motor points of the supraspinatus and medial or posterior bundle
of deltoids. The motor points have been defined as the superficial Results
points of stimulation with the lowest motor threshold, that is, the
points on the skin over the muscle belly, on which a minimal Participants and Baseline Characteristics
amount of current is required to produce muscle contraction.36,37
Therefore, we located the surface electrode (areaZ22cm2) on A total of 184 HSP patients underwent initial screening before
the target muscle belly where the minimal current could induce a enrollment; 90 were randomized into 3 groups (NMESZ36,
visible muscle contraction in this study.38 Moreover, the current TENSZ36, control groupZ18). Nine patients dropped out, 6
intensity was adjusted to produce visible contractions of shoul- were lost to follow-up, 1 refused treatment, 6 discontinued treat-
der abductors (not trapezius) without any discomfort, usually ment because of early discharge, and 2 presented poor general
tens of milliamps (between 20 and 50mA). During stimulation condition during the trial; 5 were from the NMES group and 4
therapy, the stimulator completed a cycle every 30 seconds belonged to the TENS group. Of these, the 2 cases with poor
consisting of 5 seconds to ramp up, 10 seconds at maximum general condition used the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
stimulation, 5 seconds to ramp down, and 10 seconds of no during the follow-up period, and the improper care aggravated the
stimulation.35,39 TENS (100Hz and pulse width 100ms, shoulder pain. Finally, a total of 81 patients completed all
4 M. Zhou et al

evaluations after 4 weeks of treatment, and 19 participants with- BI, and SSQOLS scores did not exhibit statistically significant
drew at 8 weeks of follow-up. The schematic representation of differences at baseline between the 3 groups (table 1).
patient selection is shown in fig 1. No adverse events were
observed in either of the groups during the 8-week follow-up. Primary Outcome Measurements
Pathologically, after 1-2 weeks of stroke onset, an acute phase
has passed; and 6 months later, the condition has entered a rela- The primary outcome measurements, that is, NRS scores, were
tively slow phase of chronic change. Our patients are basically decreased by an average of 2.03, 1.44, and 0.61 points in NMES,
sorted to the period between these 2 points. A comparison of the TENS, and the control groups after 20 sessions. All differences
demographic characteristics NRS, AROM/PROM, FMA, MAS, were statistically significant among the 3 groups (P<.001)

184 patients received initial screening assessment

54 patients were excluded:

1. Severe cognitive impairment (MMSE<24)

2. Suffered from cerebrovascular disease and left dysfunction

3. Implantation of pacemakers

127 patients met the inclusion criteria 4. Any other disorder that affects neuromuscular function

37 patients were excluded:

1. Unwilling to sign informed consent

2. An unstable medical condition

90 subjects were randomized into NMES, TENS, or control

NMES group (n=36): TENS group (n=36): Control group (n=18):

NMES + conventional TENS + conventional Conventional

rehabilitation program rehabilitation program rehabilitation program

9 patients dropped out:

1. Refused treatment (n=1)

2. Used nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (n=2)

3. Discontinued treatment because of early discharge (n=6)

81 patients (NMES=31, TENS=32, control group=18) completed all

evaluations (NRS, AROM/PROM, FMA, MAS, BI, SSQOLS) at
0 (baseline), 2, and 4 weeks after 4 weeks of treatment

19 patients were lost to follow-up at 8 weeks

(NMES=10, TENS=4, control group=5)

62 patients completed all evaluations at 8 weeks

Fig 1 Schematic of the study design.
Efficiency of NMES and TENS on HSP 5

Table 1 Baseline characteristics

Characteristics NMES (nZ31) TENS (nZ32) Control (nZ18) P Value
Mean age  SD (y) 59.3510.78 58.509.07 63.7811.17 .180
Sex, % female 33.33 18.75 16.67 .334
Stroke onset to enrollment (d), 73.6153.40 100.88103.32 105.89142.80 .814
mean  SD
Stroke type, % hemorrhagic 38.71 59.38 33.33 .127
Right hemiparesis (%) 48.39 40.63 38.89 .755
NRS assessment, mean  SD 4.231.28 4.411.24 3.721.02 .100
AROM/PROM, degrees, mean  SD
Forward flexion 22.1040.94/104.6832.51 35.6354.00/106.0937.58 28.3342.04/98.0637.19 .608/.874
Abduction 20.6532.24/89.8419.26 25.7840.08/83.4432.09 25.2834.92/85.8321.37 .917/.412
External rotation 0.973.75/18.8718.06 11.2520.44/32.0325.40 6.6715.34/24.7217.19 .050/.110
FMA (0-66), mean  SD 11.0010.58 19.9720.09 17.2819.07 .266
MAS (0-6), mean  SD
Adductors 0.190.65 0.280.52 0.220.65 .299
Internal rotators 0.771.06 0.941.27 0.941.11 .853
BI (0-100), mean  SD 46.1311.08 37.5019.39 39.4419.17 .115
SSQOLS assessment, mean  SD 137.5517.97 130.00 31.07 132.6131.90 .382

(table 2). Of these, the efficacy of the NMES group was superior significant difference at 4 and 8 weeks (P<.05) but not at 2 weeks
to that of the TENS group (PZ.043), and that of the NMES and (P>.05). Similarly, the differences in the improvements of mean
TENS group was superior to that of the control group (P<.001, shoulder AROM/PROM, FMA, BI, and SSQOLS scores were
PZ.044) (table 3). statistically significant as compared to the baseline levels within
each group. However, the improvements in the PROM of shoulder
external rotation in the control group throughout all the phases
Secondary Outcome Measurements exhibited a slight difference (P>.05). And there were no im-
The mean  SD NRS scores at baseline were 4.231.283, provements in the MAS of shoulder adductors and internal rota-
4.411.241, and 3.721.018 points for NMES, TENS, and con- tors after treatment within the group (P>.05).
trol groups, respectively, which dropped to 3.261.460,
3.591.478, and 3.441.338, respectively, at 2 weeks and
remained at 2.001.844, 2.791.618, and 2.381.325 points, Discussion
respectively, at 8 weeks (table 4). The Kruskal-Wallis test revealed
significant differences among the 3 groups at 2 weeks (PZ.011) To our knowledge, this is the first study comparing the efficacy of
and 8 weeks (PZ.013) (see table 2), but the differences in the NMES and TENS on HSP. Pain relief can be observed in each
therapeutic efficacy of the NMES and TENS group (2 weeks: group, which is significantly different after 2, 4, and 8 weeks. The
PZ.188; 8 weeks: PZ.052) as well as the TENS and control main finding is that NMES and TENS can effectively improve
group (2 weeks: PZ.054; 8 weeks: PZ1.000) were not statisti- HSP, and the therapeutic efficacy of NMES is superior to that of
cally significant. Moreover, the efficacy in the NMES group was TENS. Effects of low-frequency electrical stimulation for
superior to that in the control group (2 weeks: PZ.008; 8 weeks: reducing HSP lie in decreasing the excitability of nerve C fibers,40
PZ.024) (see table 3). Figure 2 exhibits the effective rates and antidromic conduction stimulation of Ab fibers in the dorsal
assessed at each time point. The Pearson chi-square or Fisher columns in the stimulated segment.41 In addition, they seem to
exact tests of the proportion of NRS scores yielded a remarkably modify the release of g-aminobutyric acid, calcitonin gene-related
higher effective rate in the NMES group than TENS and control peptide, substance P, adrenaline, serotonin, and alanine.42
groups at 2 weeks (75.0% vs 50.0% vs 22.2%, P<.001), 4 weeks Specifically, the pain relief in the TENS group (low amplitude,
(100% vs 78.1% vs 44.4%, P<.001), and 8 weeks (100% vs 82.1% 100Hz, pulse width 100ms) might be attributed to the gate control
vs 84.6%, P<.001) when the 1-point reduction criterion was used. theory proposed by Melzak and Wall. TENS can specifically
During the current study, all groups displayed significant im- stimulate the peripheral sensory fibers, not the motor fibers,22 to
provements in the mean shoulder AROM/PROM, FMA, BI, and activate the dorsal horn of the glial cells to close the valve. Also, it
SSQOLS scores at each assessment posttreatment (see table 2) can inhibit the pain signal input to the same segment of the small
(fig 3). However, the improvements were not significantly afferent sensory fibers and reduce the stimulation of the projected
different between the 3 groups (P>.05) (see table 2). Moreover, neurons, resulting in an immediate analgesic effect.21,41 Further-
the MAS scores of the shoulder adductors and internal rotators had more, TENS can stimulate the sensory receptors in the skin to
not improved (see table 2). cause reflex or regeneration of axons,43 improving the local blood
In table 4, the treatment groups, including NMES and TENS, circulation.44 Unlike TENS, NMES (high amplitude, 15Hz, pulse
experienced significantly reduced NRS scores at 2 weeks, which width 200ms) is able to excite peripheral sensory and motor
were even further reduced at 4 weeks and maintained at 8 weeks nerves, especially to produce discernible muscle contraction
compared to baseline (P<.05). A gradual reduction could also be mechanisms, including those of the peripheral and central nervous
seen in the control group throughout the entire phase, with a systems, without inducing significant discomfort.45 The muscle
6 M. Zhou et al

Table 2 Improvements in the outcome assessments for NMES, TENS, and control groups at 2, 4, and 8 weeks after treatment
Time of Assessment NMES TENS Control P Value*
NRS, mean  SE
Wk 2 0.970.88 0.811.09 0.280.58 .011
Wk 4 2.030.91 1.441.22 0.610.78 <.001
Wk 8 2.241.14 1.571.29 1.230.83 .013
Forward flexion
Wk 2 3.7111.76/9.1916.84 10.1632.49/9.8416.04 2.507.33/9.4417.98 .992/.772
Wk 4 8.5519.11/17.5820.53 12.5036.57/17.519.96 6.9411.39/16.6715.81 .682/.967
Wk 8 14.0525.43/21.1923.92 14.6438.63/19.8219.03 13.4628.24/17.6920.78 .867/.730
Wk 2 5.8113.30/8.0619.35 8.2822.06/7.0315.07 5.0012.37/4.729.47 .795/.847
Wk 4 10.9717.44/12.4222.39 18.9137.69/16.7225.51 7.2215.93/10.0011.25 .400/.909
Wk 8 22.8626.15/11.926.57 23.3940.83/23.7525.84 15.7733.53/18.8521.62 .458/.184
External rotation
Wk 2 1.132.80/3.559.06 1.565.60/4.228.44 1.113.66/0.285.28 .890/.140
Wk 4 0.973.01/8.3916.95 4.5313.40/5.4710.58 1.944.89/1.1113.99 .711/.178
Wk 8 1.193.84/5.4818.16 5.0014.34/8.399.53 3.089.69/5.3813.14 .666/.827
FMA, mean  SE
Wk 2 2.063.28 2.756.14 2.174.82 .710
Wk 4 3.264.27 4.198.27 3.896.34 .814
Wk 8 4.866.40 5.469.52 5.3110.40 .615
MAS, mean  SE
Adductors/internal rotators
Wk 2 0.000.00/0.100.54 0.060.50/0.060.35 0.000.00/0.170.51 .493/.277
Wk 4 0.000.00/0.350.76 0.160.63/0.160.81 0.000.00/0.390.92 .052/.432
Wk 8 0.000.00/0.480.93 0.210.69/0.110.88 0.000.00/0.000.41 .046/.151
BI, mean  SE
Wk 2 4.845.84 6.727.69 2.503.09 .211y
Wk 4 8.066.80 12.5012.95 6.945.72 .419y
Wk 8 11.678.11 14.8218.13 13.0810.71 .663y
SSQOLS, mean  SE
Wk 2 5.398.46 4.758.06 2.674.94 .432
Wk 4 9.9714.06 9.0012.58 7.068.03 .718
Wk 8 17.8121.40 12.6819.37 10.7712.56 .130
* Differences between groups were analyzed by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
Differences between groups were analyzed by the analysis of covariance with NRS as a covariate.

contraction-mediated sensory modulation resulted in sustained maintaining shoulder stability to alleviate pain.47 Lynch et al48
functional reorganization or neuroplasticity of the central nervous found that the continuous passive motion exhibited an apparent
system,36,46 which might be more critical and beneficial in benefit in shoulder stability, and none of the hemiplegic patients
reducing HSP. The longer the patients remain inactive, the slower receiving the continuous passive motion developed shoulder pain;
the rehabilitation, and the greater and more severe the residual no neurologic benefit was observed in their study. Although
damage and dysfunction. Therefore, movement is vital in several studies showed the efficacy of NMES in HSP,23,24 they

Table 3 Mean changes in NRS/MAS for NMES, TENS, and control groups at 2, 4, and 8 weeks after treatment
Significance Tests*
Time of Assessment NMES TENS Control NMES vs control TENS vs Control NMES vs TENS
Wk 2 0.970.88 0.811.09 0.280.58 0.008 0.514 0.188
Wk 4 2.030.91 1.441.22 0.610.78 <0.001 0.044 0.043
Wk 8 2.241.14 1.571.29 1.230.83 0.024 1.000 0.052
MAS (adductors)
Wk 8 0.000.00 0.210.69 0.000.00 1.000 0.178 0.085
* Differences between groups were analyzed by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
Efficiency of NMES and TENS on HSP 7

Table 4 Outcome assessments for NMES, TENS, and control groups at 2, 4, and 8 weeks after treatment
Time of Assessment NMES (nZ31) TENS (nZ32) Control (nZ18)
NRS, mean SD
Wk 0 4.231.28 4.411.24 3.721.02
Wk 2 3.261.46* 3.591.48* 3.441.34
Wk 4 2.191.54* 2.971.56* 3.111.37*
Wk 8 2.001.84* 2.791.62* 2.381.33*
Forward flexion
Wk 0 22.1040.94/104.6832.51 35.6354.00/106.0937.58 28.3342.04/98.0637.19
Wk 2 25.8147.12*/113.8735.82* 45.7861.53/115.9436.49* 30.8346.53/107.5035.20*
Wk 4 30.6554.46*/122.2636.81* 48.1364.64*/123.5936.59* 35.2850.16*/114.7233.50*
Wk 8 39.0962.10*/128.3333.70* 49.2964.29*/127.6838.53* 41.1562.12*/111.9246.26*
Wk 0 20.6532.24/89.8419.26 25.7840.08/83.4432.09 25.2834.92/85.8321.37
Wk 2 26.4538.50*/97.9024.08* 34.0644.62*/90.4730.88* 30.2837.04/90.5618.93*
Wk 4 31.6142.49*/102.2625.59* 44.6954.58*/100.1628.72* 32.5039.53/95.8326.14*
Wk 8 45.9549.94*/100.9526.72* 47.8657.00*/106.0729.92* 38.4656.99*/102.6938.87*
External rotation
Wk 0 0.973.75/18.8718.06 11.2520.44/32.0325.40 6.6715.34/24.7217.19
Wk 2 2.105.74*/22.4218.75* 12.8121.33/36.2524.92* 7.7815.83/25.0016.54
Wk 4 1.944.77/27.2625.88* 15.7824.79*/37.5027.24* 8.6116.34/23.6117.72
Wk 8 2.145.61/26.9022.44 16.4326.17*/42.5025.15* 9.2320.50/27.6918.55
FMA, mean  SD
Wk 0 11.0010.58 19.9720.09 17.2819.07
Wk 2 13.0612.63* 22.7221.05* 19.4420.12*
Wk 4 14.2613.26* 24.1622.29* 21.1720.55*
Wk 8 15.0515.11* 24.0022.01* 20.9223.11*
MAS, mean  SD
Adductors/internal rotators
Wk 0 0.190.65/0.771.06 0.280.52/0.941.27 0.220.65/0.941.11
Wk 2 0.190.65/0.871.06 0.340.65/0.881.26 0.220.65/1.111.18
Wk 4 0.190.65/1.131.02 0.440.72/1.091.40 0.220.65/1.331.33
Wk 8 0.000.00/1.001.10 0.540.74/1.181.36 0.150.56/0.851.21
BI, mean  SD
Wk 0 46.1311.08 37.5019.39 39.4419.17
Wk 2 50.9713.38* 44.2220.25* 41.9419.41*
Wk 4 54.1912.85* 50.0022.36* 46.3919.91*
Wk 8 58.1011.78* 51.0723.51* 50.0023.98*
SSQOLS, mean  SD
Wk 0 137.5517.97 130.0031.07 132.6131.90
Wk 2 142.9416.93* 134.7530.98* 135.2830.41*
Wk 4 147.5217.81* 139.0032.58* 139.6731.12*
Wk 8 150.8119.20* 139.6833.16* 143.4635.67*
* Statistically significant differences between each group before and after treatment, P<.05.

failed to explore the underlying mechanism. Despite various dis- superior to that of the control group in NRS scores at 2 weeks
similarities between NMES and TENS, the stimulation-induced (PZ.008), which was further notable at 4 weeks (P<.001) and
muscle contraction and joint movement are the core factors. maintained at 8 weeks (PZ.024). These observations suggested
Thus, we should prioritize the shoulder abductor contraction and that NMES can effectively relieve pain and maintain the long-term
glenohumeral joint movement in HSP management, which can be analgesic effect. The underlying mechanism may be that NMES
easily achieved through NMES. In addition, stimulation with can repeatedly stimulate muscle contraction as mentioned earlier.
multiple physiological effects might increase circulation and A correlation between the amount of motion and motor recovery
promote wound healing,44 which are also crucial in HSP was established.49 However, whether this mechanism would result
management. in the long-term analgesic effect is yet unclear. We speculated that
In this study, we compared 2 interventions to the control group, dose and time response trials would allow us to optimize the
which aimed to provide further clinical evidence for the effec- outcomes of the enduring treatment. Noticeably, the therapeutic
tiveness of NMES and TENS for treating HSP. The present study efficacy of TENS group was superior to that of the control group
demonstrated that the therapeutic efficacy of the NMES group was as assessed by NRS scores at 4 weeks (PZ.044), but not at 2 and 8
8 M. Zhou et al

Previous studies found that shoulder subluxation and spasticity

have negative effects on motor function recovery post-HSP.52-54
Especially, the muscle tone of the shoulder internal rotators and
adductors increased in the spastic stage, giving rise to ROM
limitation during external rotation and abduction. These results are
in accordance with our findings. Overall, the 8-week intervention
did not result in any significant difference in the AROM/PROM of
the shoulder in the 3 directions between NMES and TENS, as well
as compared to those of the control group. Thus, we should not
overestimate the efficacy of electrical stimulation on the
improvement of the shoulder ROM.
Consistent with our 8-week findings, the NMES and TENS
groups did not display any marked effects on motor impairment,
Fig 2 Efficacy outcomes (1-point reduction in NRS at 2, 4, and 8 activity limitation, and quality of life as compared to the control
weeks) for the MNES, TENS, and control groups. group after 2, 4, and 8 weeks, which could be potentially attrib-
uted to various factors. The FMA evaluates not only the shoulder
joint but also the synergic and independent movement of other
joints, which might be weakly related to HSP. The BI measures the
weeks (PZ.514, P>.99, respectively). TENS produced low-
functional status of a patient’s daily life activities depending on
frequency electrical analgesia and promoted local blood circula-
the measurements of a series of independent behaviors such as
tion41-44; however, it could not achieve the significant cumulative
eating, bathing, and walking, which might not be related to the
effect at 2 weeks posttreatment. At 8 weeks of follow-up, the
intensity of HSP. In addition, the SSQOLS is composed of 12
cumulative analgesic effect of TENS had been speculated to
items involving, for example, physical fitness, family and social
disappear gradually because the treatments had been discontinued
roles, and personality, which might be less related to HSP. The
for 4 weeks in these patients. Another possible reason may be that
improvements in mean FMA, BI, and SSQOLS scores were un-
the effect of rehabilitation training on HSP may start to appear.
likely to be associated with stimulation of shoulder muscles,
However, statistically, the control group should still be inferior to
which were caused by the whole rehabilitation program including
NMES. Therefore, we are more supportive of our early use of
learning capacity to use compensatory movement strategies of the
nonaffected arm and/or increased involvement of the carer.55
Previous studies found that spasticity played a major role in the
pathogenesis of HSP,9-11 which could be improved by electrical
stimulation.50 In this trial, we did not observe improvements in the Study Limitations
spasticity of shoulder adductors and internal rotators after treat-
ment. Although the MAS is not adequate for the evaluation of Nonetheless, our study was associated with some limitations.
spasticity, it was unlikely that NMES or TENS relieved pain by First, the inclusion and exclusion criteria resulted in a small
reducing spasticity; this phenomenon was inconsistent with the sample size, thereby limiting the differences in study results.
results of previous studies.2,51 Second, the manifestations of HSP vary at different neurologic

Fig 3 Graphical comparison of (A) pain in NRS at 0, 2, 4, and 8 weeks; (B) arm function in FMA at 0, 2, 4, and 8 weeks; (C and D) life activity
abilities in BI and SSQOLS at 0, 2, 4, and 8 weeks, respectively.
Efficiency of NMES and TENS on HSP 9

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