The Fall of Carn Dûm 2019-04-22

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The Fall of Carn Dûm

© Jeff Erwin: 13121 Applegrove Lane, Herndon, VA 22071, USA (

Note: This text was first published on the website of Other Hands Magazine. Before its demise it has been saved and made available in
this form for your use and enjoyment.

This is the tale of the last king of Carn Dûm (Barazbizar), a Dwarf-hold in the vale of Angmar, and can be dated to the mid-Third Age. It was first
written down by Arthadanian scholars studying the origins and weaknesses of the Witch-king’s dominion. It is of Dwarvish origin, of the saga form, and was
reported by a Dwarvish merchant and trader from the Broadbeams of the Tumnogoth Iaur. The saga is but a segment of the long 'Fall of Gundabad' of Dur-
in's tribe, but the detail and length of this variation is unique.

It was in mid-winter that Thúlin son of better in the deeps of winter than their sum- across the ice until they came upon the
Kulor returned half-dead and blinded in the mer homes in the lands of ice. camp of the Lossoth. The smell of smoke
northern ice, where the frozen plain rose up With Thúlin was his brother Kulin, and emboldened Kulin, but Droni held his arm.
toward Carn Dûm, the red vale, which is the warriors Fari and Droni, who were of »That is not peat you smell«.
ever spoken of now with terror. Gundabad. They made slow progress. Indeed the camp was empty of life. Be-
Carn Dûm, Barazbizar, where the earth When they were beyond sight of Carn fore the main tent were the piled heads of
bleeds iron, the realm of Brór son of Bran, Dûm, they made camp beside a frozen the tribespeople. Their roasted bodies had
eldest son of the Broadbeams, where Gram stream, erecting a hide-tent which hunters been eaten not long ago. The Orcs had bro-
first ruled and shaped the encircling hills had sold the Dwarves many winters ago. It ken the legs of a few Lothrandiras who had
into a mine and home, his will made real by was no great proof against the wind, and died slowly under the ripping bites of their
the power of a Ring. sleep was hard in coming. wolves. The Lossothren chieftain’s corpse
Now with fell force and secret cunning Kulor was on watch in the predawn, had been torn apart in the tribal shrine. It
the Orcs had come, their master unknown when he heard the sounds of howling blend- was the death-eagle. 2
and dread, and into their claws first Baruk- ing in screaming wind and awoke his fel- Thúlin told the others of each of the
zigil fell, like the coming of a plague lows. »We will have to work before break- hunters, their names if he knew them, and
amongst Men, and now with winter’s first fast«, he said. they built a cairn, commending it to the
snow the hallowed chambers of Durin at Each warrior was burdened with the protection of Mahal. His count revealed the
Gundabad were the feasting halls of the ab- lightest armor that could be found that was Orcs had taken prisoners.
horrent goblin-host. 1 still sturdy and carried axes alone, for the Now they were united in purpose and
Only Barazbizar stood alone, and into weight of too much iron could crush the dark hope. No one said anything about re-
its vale and caves came the remnants of a snow and make the journey impossible. But turning to the halls, but there could be hon-
vanquished people, of many tribes and kin, they were fine axes, forged in Tharbad and est vengeance, at least.
into the guardianship of Brór. Even the Nogrod long ago. From the armory of the The Orcs had not travelled far. In a co-
throne hall held the cots of many refugees, king they had come, marked with the dead lossal swarm they discoloured the horizon.
grim and weary and thirsting for revenge. hand of Telphin and Telchar. The sky was full of scavenger birds and the
The gates of Barazbizar were said to be un- It was with a still speed that the two baying of packs of wolves drowned out even
breakable, and their arches were carved wolves came, still more like charcoal in the the wind. A black banner flew in the midst
with runes of warding, made fast by a Ring snow were coming, and they stood tall and of their encampment, strung at the pole
of Power. dire; for in their eyes and maws the Dwa- with the shields and heads of the kings of
Though the folk of Baruk-zigil were kin, rves could see the evidence of necromancy, Gundabad and Gram.
and from the eldest of Angmar’s delvings, and evil banes drove the beasts to hunt. The plain was flat and only the hillocks
wealthy in copper, once, they now were They paced the camp at a distance, and of snow and dying trees made for any ter-
beggars about the sealed gate, living like glowered. rain. The frozen mud-tracks revealed that
Men, in crude houses. First one, and then swiftly the rest the army was proceeding north toward Carn
Thúlin son of Kulin was a guard and a lurched and lunged into the Dwarves, who Dûm. Small numbers of wolf-riders scouted
kinsman of the royal line, one young and stood back to back and planted their boots afield and at the head of the army was a
hale, but in his heart oppressed by a yearn- wide. Axes fell. Thúlin beheaded the wolf man.
ing for glory. He was one of the first volun- that rammed its slavering jaw into his leg Droni cursed the decision not to carry
teers who trekked, Lossoth-style, on wide before its mouth could clench, but Fari had crossbows. He was certain he could down
frame-shoes into the land of Angmar, into toppled over and with a wet crunching noise the commander if he was given one. Thúlin
the white sky-land. the wolf tore out his arm. Droni buried his observed the horizon northward carefully.
There was beyond the vale, in the plain, axe into its skull. »I will remain and distract the scouts.
the camps of Lossoth hunters, the Lo- Fari grimly bade his companion to slay Many Dwarves will die if a messenger does
thrandir-drivers, who the king hoped to hire him, and his body was burned, so it would not get to Barazbizar before them.«
to deliver messages to his trader kin in not feed the foraging wolves or Orcs. Kulin observed that his older brother
Arthedain and Durin's halls. Here they were The survivors did not dare to turn back was needlessly protective. He was, all told,
accustomed to winter, where the forage was or camp that night, but moved angrily an equal warrior.

»You are younger and swifter,« said together with your family. What will you would deny the route to even a troll, but
Thúlin. have me do, Bearded Half-man?« the forges did not run forever; certain were
Thúlin crept forward until he was hid- »Even a blinded warrior can taste permitted to cool, from time to time. And
den by a snowdrift and waited for the sound blood,« replied the Dwarf. Thúlin could still smell the scent of a cold
of paws or feet. The first foe was wary, but The hunter replied cryptically, »I can forge. Without eyes, he was not sightless. In
not too wary. Thúlin was upon him in a taste it myself.« the barren earth and ice he could feel the
rush of blunt strokes. But the cry of that foe He cut Thúlin from the bindings and breath of Carn Dûm. The mountain whis-
brought others, two, three, a dozen, run- hesitated. »Do you want to go north with pered and it groaned.
ning forward, their cruel eyes multiplying in me? I can outpace the clumsy Orcs on my Where was the door?
the dark. Wind howled to be cut so swiftly sledge.« The Dwarf was silent and he walked
with long blades. »Take me to Carn Dûm,« answered with his hands ungloved, touching the cold
The first blow upon Thúlin was dull and Thúlin. and heat until he found a broken ledge, with
heavy, the wounds were like a continual So Thúlin rode holding the back of his a boulder cunningly weighted. Now he had
pressure, and the warrior could hear his rescuer and they went back to the Red Val- to have the hunter’s eyes. And so he guided
heart in his ears... ley. When he felt his grip cease and dark- the man’s hands into the proper indenta-
Finally he could not stand and slumped ness inside to match the darkness that he tions.
into the snow. Gnarled hands wrestled him now beheld forever, the hunter suddenly So through a blistering tunnel, twisting
to the ground, and he was tied to stakes. spoke. amid the heartstone and trailing the volcanic
Thúlin could hear the brutes conversing in »What becomes of Orkish prisoners?« wormtrails, carved with indentations for
their tongue, and even a hoarse laugh. »To the stew, I think.« Thúlin suddenly hands and feet, the hunter, his eyes closed
One of the foes tore a dagger from his and cruelly laughed. He could not find any against the sting, helplessly clutching
belt and balanced it in his hand before compassion in his heart. Thúlin, they came into the heart of Barazbi-
Thúlin's face. »Nothing could buy them back.« It was zar.
»Stunted one, let this be your last day. not a question. Fire and iron combined in brilliant
Crows will have you, crows will shred you, »The cost would be more than anyone sparks, and here was war made ready and
and they will exult in Dwarvish blood.« Ra- could bear.« the hammers, the hammers were drums,
vens cluttered the grey sky. »I suppose the Dwarves would have the brilliant shields emblazoned for war, lay
And he drove the dagger into the long ago bought off the Orcs if they could in rows, under a vast ceiling which even the
Dwarf's face, cutting out Thúlin's eyes. be.« The hunter’s voice was tinged with a flames could not fully illuminate.
»These are for me.« Laughter. jealous anger. The man gasped and Thúlin even in his
The Dwarf’s sensation and thoughts »No.« pain could not but be joyful. »This is my
were only of fiery numbness and helpless- »These Orcs are led by a dark Man.« home, hunter. Even the sounds are beauti-
ness, even the pain itself becoming so deep »What can a penniless hunter offer to a ful: of hammers and of Dwarven speech, of
and full that it filled his heart like blood. But ruthless Man? I suppose you can offer your the bats and of the drip of the waters of the
in the distance he could hear shouting, the kife, or your furs, or your life. But he will earth.«
army was moving on, and the sense of being take them without payment.« Into the care of the craftsmen of the
surrounded faded with his will. »Can you repay me?« body was Thúlin rushed, and the hunter was
It was a long time, in the cold. »What do you mean?« But Thúlin knew taken before the king.
Scuttling on his head was the raven, well. King Brór sat at the head of a great hall,
which lunged and pecked before squalking »You Bearded Half-men repay debts.« wrapped in furs and with a great hammer
suddenly and falling silent. Thúlin could »Yes.« across his knees. Around his throne stood
hear a little and knew that someone was Into the valley they came. Droni alone fourscore warriors, all ready for battle.
standing close to him. had returned, but it was sufficient. The »Man« he said, »You have done one of
In Lossoth the man spoke: ‘I will give great gates were closed and even the folk of us, my kinsman, a great service.«
you peace.’ Baruk-zigil were within. And the gates were The Lossoth looked on.
Thúlin wondered at the sound. I know firm against a steady and a resounding as- »And let it not be said that we have no
you, hunter.« For he was an old acquaint- sault, which even at a distance, Thúlin knew wealth to spare for our friends and allies.«
ance, a mixed breed hunter, of Northron what it was. The army had come before The hunter looked about and beheld the
and Lossothren blood. them. richness of the king, and his generosity to
»You spoke!« So in the dark the two went into the his folk. Then he said, »King of the Bearded
Each word was rough and painful. foothills, walking in a great circle, and Half-men, I seek only the price of a slave.
»Your kin are dead or captured. I know I climbed above Barazbizar, so they could see Into the hands of the Orc-host has fallen my
saw your wife who I had known from last the hive of evil buzzing in the valley, a char- only daughter, who I would redeem. I beg
spring’amongst the dead. But of your child, nel sea, and the engines of hurling, of splin- you, give me something that I may trade for
I know not. Now the dark army will come tering and of smashing. her.«
to Carn Dûm, and take from me my kin as There was a secret way down, if you The Dwarf king sat in cold silence. In
well.« were bold enough down the vents, carved the secret tongue he said to his steward, »I
The words Thúlin heard were bleak and centuries ago from the peaks into the would never, even in due payment, deliver
stoic. »It is borne better to die alone than depths, that let steam and smoke ascend a Dwarf-wrought valuable into Orkish
from the forges deep below. Heat and gas hands.« He studied the ring on his hand.

Now for many years the Dwarves of From the distance the hunter could see and fire erupted, driving ash and soot into
these delvings had in their arrogance traded his daughter being carried into his view, the room, burning, tearing at the eyes.
plated goods, proclaiming them precious, to bound. With her were a few other captives. Now sightless Thúlin led the Dwarves,
the Northern tribes, and none too cheaply, But he could not see her well. their faces bound with cloth into the midst
too. »New made is this, and Dwarven?« of the terror. Up and into the tunnels, out
From the stores of such goods the asked the lieutenant. into the midst of the ambush...
Dwarf-king offered a torque, chased and »Yes.« He could not resist, as if the The heat had melted the snow above the
gilded, but in truth of tin. voices in his head had rushed out and over- vent, and cold, rapidly steaming water
Now when he saw this gift the hunter whelmed him. poured past the Dwarves’ knees. They came
gasped, and wept, and the king turned »I have come from Carn Dûm.« out into day.
away. The dark figure looked at him with his Brór looked around and saw then the
Then the hunter proceeded alone to the formless face. corpse of the hunter. Thúlin stood behind
secret way and harnessed his sledge and set »I know of a way in.« him, without any recognition in his dead
off into the winter gloom. From the hill When the hunter grasped his daughter, eyes, but the thanes of Carn Dûm mur-
above the vale the hunter could spy the be- he could not help but tremble. He put her mured. Around the neck of the hunter was
siegers, yet constructing works from tim- on the back of his mount and wrapped her the broken torque.
bers dragged from the far woods about in blankets, and then softly began to sing to Brór commanded that his best warriors
Mount Gram. her, as the Lothrandiras snorted and began come forward, and none hesitated. Then he
Amongst these builders were dark men to ascend the path away and far from the directed that all those left who could climb
of the East, bought with stolen Dwarvish war and treachery. should do so, and make good their escape.
gold, and the hunter knew if he was to pre- Now at noon he saw the warrior-Orcs Many Orcs perished, but finally the
sent his case he must find someone from of the army climb into the crevasse that se- Formless Man came, and he smote down
amongst their number who could find the creted the vent. Then, without much the Dwarf-lord and he cut the ring from his
dark general. thought he released his reins. »Daughter! finger, and Barazbizar’s gates shuddered and
Thus he hid his Lossothrin braids and his You have kin far off beyond these moun- all was lost.
bone symbols and came down into their tains, to whom I entrust you!« Then he took Into the waste the Dwarfs made their
number, making himself invisible in the his bone carvings and tied them to the antler escape, where they were found by scouting
crowd of foreign Men. Soon a troop of of the Lothrandir, beseeching the spirits to formations of the army of Arthedain, guided
horsemen came forth, inspecting the great guide them, and the predator gods to take by the fears and the surmises of the Wise,
ram, and at their head was a grim figure, pity. and those who remained returned to their
clothed in iron and a black shroud. With a start the Lothrandiras began to ancient homes, or came, with Thúlin the
The heart of the hunter was frozen and run, and the sledge behind it slide fast and Blind, to Khazad-dûm.
still. This was no mortal Man. The face of true. But the hunter did not look. He took The Lumimiehet were heard to speak in
the general was wrapped like a winter from his belt his horn and his sword and later generations of an old blind Parrakas
hunter, but no eyes moved in the open slit. raised the horn and sounded. Puolihminen who delivered a superb torque
Then a swarthy lieutenant beside him cried, From the mountain fell a sheet a snow to one of the women of their tribe, who had
»A spy!« and a thunderous tumult of ice and rock. no fathers or kin, since from out of the wil-
The warriors about him pushed him to Now he slipped down his eyes blinded by derness she came, who it is said, became a
the snow and tore away the hunter’s con- the sun now high above him. mighty shaman and tietäjä. 3
cealing hood. A single arrow silenced him too late. And Brór’s kin did not claim the king-
»I am no spy... no!« Barazbizar was awake; and the hunter’s ship of the Broadbeams, but were sufficed
»Kill him!« body fell into the path below. to be Lords of the Nan-i-Naugrim, and re-
The hunter pulled the torque from his Into the steaming tunnels came fell member forever the evil that had come.
wallet. »I come to buy one of your cap- trolls, broad and hardy, choking on the
tives!« smoke and fire, Dying, their bodies tum-
The dark general rode over so that he bling from the walls within, but as the per-
towered over the fallen Lossoth, and now ished they were trampled by surging Men
the hunter saw that the breath of the figure and Orcs.
did not steam into the cold. The lieutenant Like water they passed through the
beside him dismounted and took the torque. halls. The king had come and was soon
His eyes gleamed with greed. moving into the midst of the slaughter.
The creature on the black horse ges- Brór clove the skull of the lead Orc, and
tured and was handed the prize. With a easy in his fury took down many more. The war-
movement he broke it in half, exposing the riors were soon daunted for above them, on
fraud for the gold was as paint on a base in- the ascending stair, were many climbing
terior. Orcs and Men.
Now the hunter was silent and still. »Stoke the flame,« cried out a quick-
Brór had betrayed him. thinking Dwarf.
The voice of the evil king rumbled. Over the corpses of the smiths the war-
»This is not enough.« riors came forth and churned the bellows’

Read A:TL. 25-6 for references to Baruk-zigil. famous example in 865 CE involves the trans- through the researches of Thúlin or a follower
Lumimies is the term used by the Snowmen lator’s ancestors as assailants.] of his are not enough, since the events outside
themselves for this tribe (Cf. NW). The
Parrakas Puolihminen (Los. “Bearded Half- the Dwarf-mine could not be known.
‘blood-eagle’ is a act of vengeful sacrilege man”); tietäjä (Los. lit. “knower”). We must In any case, Thúlin was known as cursed and
against a slain or subdued person, in which the assume that the blind Dwarf gave the torque to strange figure in some other Dwarvish tales,
lungs are ripped from through the chest and the hunter’s daughter, but how he came to find though not an unsympathetic one. The histori-
laid across the back like bloody wings. If it her or know of her fate is something of a mys- cal person was later influential in various
does not end a feud it begins one. [In later tery. Speculation that the Lossothren mythic events, and actively endorsed friendship with
Ages it was used by the pagan Northmen; one cycle grew to incorporate these events (now the other Free Peoples, but the Broadbeam
lost) and that the saga was thus written kings of the Nan-i-Naugrim held him to be un-
wanted in their lands.

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