Business and Money: As Well As Making Money, Businesses Also Have Social Responsibilities. Do You Agree or Disagree?

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Business and Money

As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities. Do you

agree or disagree?

Community responsibilities of the enterprises is still a highly contentious issue nowadays. While some
people hold the belief that while regarding generating profits as the prior purpose, corporations also need to
do their social responsibilities, others argue that it is not obligatory for the companies to have community
responsibilities. To my point of view, I totally agree with the latter statement.

On the one hand, I do believe that businesses should consider making profits as their top priority. Firstly, the
companies nowadays undeniably benefit the whole society by reducing the unemployment rate. Particularly,
should the firms can earn a good profit, they can expand their businesses culminating with a larger number
of job opportunity and employments for the community. Secondly, making profit is the prerequisite for a
company to pay adequate taxes to the government- the money which can be utilized subsequently to
enhance the social services or upgrade the infrastructures and institutions contributing to the betterment of
the living standard of the society.

On the other hand, enterprises should also have their social responsibilities. Firstly, indeed, there are myriad
companies nowadays whose transaction adversely affect the natural ecosystem, thus, they should take
immediate action to protect the natural environment. For instance, entrepreneurs should spare no effort to
utilize up to date technologies and systems or others efficient methods to handle the waste in lieu of
disposing directly into the environment. Secondly, the corporations should also consider assisting the
misfortune and underprivileged by means of financial aid, food or other necessities. Particularly, this kind of
charitable deed can not only contribute to the amelioration of the whole community but also benefit the
business themselves by ameliorating their reputation and company image.

In conclusion, I believe that apart from the main purpose to generate money, companies also need to take
their social responsibilities, thus, they can benefit both the society and themselves.

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