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1) Complete with Past Simple or Past Continuous with the verb in

A) We _____ (Sit) at the breakfast table when the doorbell ______ (Ring)
B) He ______ (Meet) a lot of friendly people while he _____ (Stay) in
C) When they _____ (Visit) the museum, the sun _____ (Not – Shine)
D) The students _____ (Play) cards when the teacher _____ (Come) in.
E) While the children ______ (Sleep), their parents _____ (Watch) TV.
F) It _____ (Start) to rain while she _____ (Water) the flowers in her garden.
G) While He _____ (Take) a shower, his dogs ______ (Eat) his steaks .
H) While Henry ______ (Drink) at the bar, his wife _____ (Go) into the sea.
2) Complete with Must – Mustn’t or Have To – Don’t Have To
A) You _____ wear a tie if you want to go to that restaurant. It's one of their

2. I _____ go away on business, my boss wants me to visit our firm in


3. Don't be silly, you ____ take these tablets four times a day

4. You ____ speak too loud, the baby is sleeping.

5. I _____ improve my English, I want to speak fluently.

6. This room is a mess, I really ______ find time to clean it

7. You _____ smoke in Paul's car or he'll get very angry with you

8. You _____ do that Jane, I'll do it later, don't worry.

9. You ____ really stop driving so fast or you'll have an accident

10. I really _____ remember to post that letter before five o'clock.

3) Complete with Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous
1) I ____ (study) in Canada for more than three years.

2. I _____ (have) the same car for more than ten years. I'm thinking
about buying a new one.

3. I_____ (love) chocolate since I was a child. You might even call me a

4. Matt and Sarah _____ (go) to a marriage counselor. I hope they work
everything out.

5. John _______ (work) for the government since he graduated from

Harvard University.
6. David _____ (enjoy) his soccer game, but now he is talking about

7. Lately, I _____ (think) about changing my career because I _____

(become) dissatisfied with the conditions at my company.

8. I _____ (see) Judy for more than five years and during that time I ____
(see) many changes in her personality.

9. I _____ (Be) to call you all morning!

10. We _____ (Have) a dog for ten years

4) Write the correct Tag Ending for every sentence

A) They wash their clothes everyday, ___________?
B) We went to the movies every night, __________?
C) I won’t drink coffee every morning, _____________?
D) Rick is getting on the train now, _________________?
E) He cooked very delicious last night, _______________?
F) Monica has danced bachata for 2 years, ___________?
G) Ruben isn’t taking the bus everyday, ______________?
H) Martha isn’t my sister, ______________________?
I) They weren’t here yesterday, ________________?
J) The train stopped after time, _________________?

5) Make the reported question and the reported answer

1) John said, "I love this town."
2) "Roy plays soccer perfectly" His mom told me.
3) "I can't drive a lorry," he said.
4) "Be nice to your brother," My mom told me.
5) "Don't make some noisy," The principal said
6) "Don't waste your money" she told the boys.
7) "I always wake up early," he said.
"Check your answers," The teacher told me.
8) “Do your homework” Sara told her daughter
9) "The film began at seven o'clock," he said.
10) "Don't play on the grass, boys," she told her little brothers
11) "I don't speak Italian," she said.
6) Complete with Past Perfect or Past Simple
After they _____ (see) the Tower, they _____ (go) to Westminster
2. He _____ (ask) me which animals I _____(see) in Africa.
3. After Columbus ______ (discover) America, he _____(return) to
4. Before they ______ (move) to Liverpool, they _____ (sell)
5. After he ______ (work) very hard, he _____(fall) ill.
6. She _____ (open) the box after she ______(find) the key.
7. They ______ (go) to a restaurant after they _____(sail).
8. Before they _____ (start) the party, they _____ (invite) some
9. After she _____ (wash) the curtains, she ____ (clean) the
10. They _____ (go) for a sightseeing tour after the bus
Before we ____ (Take) Bob to the theatre, he ____ (Never see) a
stage play before.
11. By the time we ____ (arrive) the football match ___ (finish)
12. He ______ (promise) to do the job in an hour, but he still (not
finish) by 7 o’clock.
13. I _____ (clean) the carpet when the dog ______ (come) in and
shook himself.

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