Nvf2g User Manual

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NVF2G SERIES INVERTER CHNT Foreword “Thanks for usingVEAGSeesHequeney converte! The NVIG secs is 8 kindof high-pesfrmanse open-loop vector contd ‘Geqency convener of mi-intions nd lois, The prods ope sensors sector cone echoelogy to ofer excellent conto performance, is featured wit high stig torque, high seal, good oveluding capacity and convenes, pation [NVPaGaeries owen conver developed ascading to he GBT 126682 andr Except fr electric properties and environmental es, also pated interference, immunity to radiated interes, inmniy to srg, immunity 12 ‘api changed pul, srmunity to ESD and immunity 9 low-equeacy of power supply. That faner enhances he product reibility and enisonmest adap. ca beter meet the demands of he aros deve application “This Operation Manual alas detailed operating descriptions and notin of NVERG erie fequeny convent. nour wo obtain the opium efiency ofthe produc, plete read the Operation Manual aeflly bere wing. Pease kesp this ‘mamal oa had fo your ference in fae 6 res gy omen Select fequeney converter Type (constant torque) lad econ tout: Tague provided by mato shall be alos relevant wih rotons speod That o xy i dilleent roution sped the torque is constant. For example: iting equpmess, cooveyer bel, wolley abd machines Pipe (en apd pap the fogue of laud wile reused at low sped. The ‘org of squaetorqu ad, chs fan and water pap Wl be much lower a low speak Ifthe feuencysneresses to power fequeney of above, needed ower wil ier ray even exceed he capacity of motor and Foen=y fone, 50 do no incense fequency fey. IF Requsncy needs to be ‘nora tothe power quency ar above plese choot eguency convener of lingr capaci [NVEIG seve equeny conve is designed to moet the maniog quem of carent and primer fr dlrs motor. If the motor is ot pe (sch pole moa, I0pole motor or even re) quency conver ston oer not oly depen on the fegueney of molar, but io depend a the eet prams Compared to gencal cage meters, the winding motos are more often overeurent which cased by harmonic cue, plese eet 2 Feeney anv fait ger capac. ‘Wit some loads sub compressor ap vibetr whose targus ast and eras ike injectors which has peak lod the regueney convener may ‘use eer protection ato, ssh a peace protection, Check he eet ‘waveform apd slat «fegucacy conver whose raed cunt tal be ager ‘han he Masimim caret fhe moto. Root blowers fen use in the extaasing slot of wastewater weatment pant. becouse is uta presire is basically the same and the torque is almost, constant Selecta Begueny comer Who aed capacity shal be 120% of ‘motored power, Sped sting begins a 20 percent of rated speed, Compared "0 geverl motor, the rated cutent of dep well pup moto is ‘aber becmoe ofits speci scr Selecta agency conver whose ied ‘sent hl be ighrthan he mtd tet of mtr the rotary inertia is lng, sh as cemiugal machine, neds lager Protection, the cent of mtr shal e wt he rad camet of egney ‘converter wl speding Unpacking inspection toxpected damages during the Yanspration. So i s suggested to check the product cuofly ater ceived. If thee i anything aboonal please coi! out Seler or ou company meats 1 pet the equeny converte to eae thee 3b no damage, eypmre oe ‘uring the mspettion; 2. sure tbe Operation Manual and Cericate are inthe pcking bon 5. Check the nameplate information and ens the rd swat yo purchase Safety Precautions Salty level eve into “Danger” and “Note in th mam 4 Danger: The misuse may cause fi, seve inary even ah anaes Sole: “Note” gre ues may a have serio consequences Pease flow the to levels of various insects, because they af Inport Zr your petal sey, Not: The misute may cate medium ar mine ijry abd eqiprent a _Prevent ees shook NVF26 nessun camer taal a 1 Tnding ndtason ‘He rl ain PT Dopot aac agen eee ‘ole ree lates ian ad Net an wt te wight of een] ‘Sve lane fee comers ang te egure be san 1s eequacy ener damguer ut of compe pe Soot wea Dates ears nbn evo te Seu somes sani wi ‘tito ioe cg) ny zg, Bums ha sonra me opo sn $ NESES tit me i am ts ct ey ee 1» The hegueny cmerr sal ute ppd or safer le clin © ome eee eae AI ewes see RE RT J+ Roepe ey oe whl te ri iy J+ ete pms oft ese cn ia J aE TS yma Hs eae en © a © [+ Thesis ma ey amie tern trem BSNS indo ‘eine |e Theupeon eden ok mace ty renin pane [2 Ntefepemt he ny cer set at an nya ihc [> Reyne te wile Seguncy set once tel yy ea sm Prove ire FFs i ce Me it wd roy Fe J+ me cn he pr er mw ey cee nt co eed fect gece sm Proven damage ‘glans sia a Dan nc egy cover when iis powered ono shar bing shut oy to oa 2 Nepean nla awe. Dora ay cmc nope ners eld on op of Sten anges Chek aT Ps Bake wr ap WA BO Ga Be Rea Dion ee seu comer whee fo! cove te at of Ses omer rene sadam guy enter Operon 7 eet eae Ha Rage comer whe Se ll aa Eacis we w ‘eying anacw eee ystems ou eas ep + SOPEPSSS Spal beter Senay smo ri, 2 Scie etc comet ening pone 5 Reet dl ee of een en, OD ‘euaay caveats yo te a hee oc HERE Litany sme sprcpe eau Oserc amor wil San ‘ec a power ‘SES ps le tap er naoton, aie ccc an mt pes an ar ped peo. + pn nd ng lcd oh Egy cmc a Hmerpncy Sep Fee en ik in nn wa Fle a Maintenance Ror a is oe nie fa Teri ian ming enim SSS ye opie De yap Se Fol i aT we 6 res gy omen Content Chapter Overview. [LLNamepate infomation, 12 Nol desertion, 13 Mol spesfestion of NVF2Greris reuency convener 1s The exeral appearance of NVFZGzene equeny convert (Capt? nsalain, 21 sali equzement 2.2 Operating enviroment Capter3 Wiring, 3.1 Wiring descr, 3.2 Terminal confpwaton, (Chapter 4 Operation 141 Operation panel 42 change paranetes. 43 LED display descetion 44 Indicator amp deseption Chapter Lis of parame. Chapter 6 Denil inrodton Parameter, 1.2 Common fa and slats (Chapter # Maze sn lspecton. 1.1 Dally maiscoaee 1.2 Pei motnance 13 Wearing pan eplasmet. Frequency convener sore Chapter 9 RSS Commission 92 Apphition, Mm 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 rotoo Desxpton 9 SModhus message fame 96 Command coe a communion dt. Appendix Optional devi ‘Appendit B Frequency converts Matenace ‘Appendix C Quality comin Chapter 1 Overview 1L1 Nameplate information Inter Model Inerertipe: CordanttomueFan Pur utr posse Rated ce 1.2 Model description Taproved 1.3 Model specification of NVF24 series frequency converter owerseaty | Mae 1.4 Technical spectieaton Se limon ‘Hequnoy converter 4 pola standard rss WT = = Sea__oata era ian wre |e a a mira aor st | 3 wa0_| a reste fntion | apse. heer as Asti stig hes he page Sone Re Sp TY SSS ee i i] i = = fl ae edo ]m|u)u |eaos] an an wf fo fer fan fo fesin} ae Chapter 2 Installation “Tis chapter provides installation sequent and envizoaent, pase ead this shaper carefully before wing the gurney convert 21 Installation requirements endiocs wil aft service lif, Pletechosk whether te ambit condos of the feqoency converter match the requirements of "Opecting evitoanen ia this caper, no, please donot instal he produto, wil be damage, 2.12 Plate pars reused inthe requeney convert, open donot use excessive foreto removes cover, i it shal be ald carefully to avod damage 211.3 ambient pes, please install he bck ohestdsipation plats outside the ‘bine o ahieve good cooling ee 2114 Fresuency converter sal be nsalled ncaa oat orn closed cabinet, 2S Frequency convener nut be inlled veel and securely on the inetalaion bard o wall wi stews 2.16 Pay atenion othe caing method when the reaaeney conser i inal in electra conto ebnint. 1 more than to Feguncy covet ae stalled make sue tbe ambiest temperature is wile pele value. IF stallion postion nt watated enough the coting eft wil be sharply ede 21.7 Frequency conver sal be salle on oo-combusible materi, sch a a 6 res gy omen Fig 2 tsaltion 2.2 Operating environment (Operating temperature: 107 to “40, above AO, the fequecy conver sto eae by 1% fr eer aioaal 1. 222 Humidity Airrltiv umidiy < 95% no condensin allowed 223 Arias ‘The fequeny convert an rn te power if instalation sit i es than 1000 shove thes level. the alte i mace than OD, quency converte sto lets Figue 2.2 curve fr erated curent ofthe inset and bie, 5 2.24 Shock and vibration The fequeey conver can ot ea fling othe ground or sudden impact. Do wot Insta he equeney conver in a lice where sacked frequently 225 Blesromagneti ration ‘he Froqusncy conver should be kept away fom the electromagnet ration 2.2.6 Protection of water and water vapor The tequency converte should be kept aay om ppg water or condensation 22.7 Airpolsion The fequeney conver should be kept away from contrive ar such as

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