Worlde of Legends™ PREVIEW Ability Mastery System

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Worlde of Legends™ Preview: ABILITY MASTERY SYSTEMS i

stefano chiaramonti (Order #31830123)

ii Worlde of Legends™ Preview: ABILITY MASTERY SYSTEMS

stefano chiaramonti (Order #31830123)

A Worlde of Legends™ Preview

R, Cody Sibley, Chief Game Designer
Richard S. Sibley and Todd Hanks, Artists
R. Cody Sibley, Creative Director
Vacant, Research Director
R. Cody Sibley, Music Composer
Vacant, Web Developer
Vacant, Technology Developer
For Full Credits, Visit

Worlde of Legends™, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
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likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by Worlde of Legends™. Distributed worldwide by Worlde
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Worlde of Legends™ Preview: ABILITY MASTERY SYSTEMS iii

stefano chiaramonti (Order #31830123)

Table of Contents
THE CORE MASTERY SYSTEM.................................... 1
Ability Mastery Systems.............................................................. 2
Mastery System Indicators........................................................ 2
Ability Mastery Ranks.............................................................. 3
Ability Mastery Training........................................................... 3
Mastery System Benefits.......................................................... 3
Weapons Mastery...................................................................... 5
Weapons Slots....................................................................... 6
Familiar and Unfamiliar Weapons............................................... 6
Quantity of Weapons............................................................... 7
Dual-Wield............................................................................ 7
Armor.................................................................................. 7
Skilled + Actions.................................................................... 8
Archery Mastery........................................................................ 9
The Archer’s Bow.................................................................. 10
The Archer’s Arrows.............................................................. 10
Keeping Track of Arrows..........................................................11
Replacing a Bow and Arrows.....................................................11
ARM and Damage Bonuses....................................................... 12
Standard Attacks................................................................... 12
Close Quarters Bow Fighting.................................................... 12
Skilled + Actions................................................................... 12
Staff Mastery......................................................................... 13
Type of Staff........................................................................ 14
It’s All In the Wood................................................................ 15
Replacing A Staff................................................................... 15
Armor................................................................................. 15
WAM................................................................................... 15
Standard Attacks................................................................... 16
Skilled + Actions................................................................... 17
Týnj’Naz Mastery..................................................................... 19
What Is Týnj’Naz?................................................................ 20
The Týnj’Naz Disciplines......................................................... 20
The Týnj’Naz Code of Honor..................................................... 21
Identifying a Týnj’Naz Master................................................... 21
ARM and Damage Bonuses.......................................................23

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Týnj’Naz Key Energy...............................................................23
Standard Attacks...................................................................25
Preferred Weapons.................................................................26
Skilled + Actions................................................................... 27
Arts Majika Mastery..................................................................29
Schools of Majik................................................................... 30
The Elemental Connection........................................................32
Majik Elements and Sub-Elements...........................................33
Learning New Majik Elements.................................................34
Mána Pool............................................................................35
Majikal Energy Modifier (MEM)..................................................36
Forms of Majik Spells.............................................................36
Types of Spell Effects............................................................. 37
Casting Majik Spells............................................................... 38
Spellcaster Concentration.....................................................39
Spell Casting Restrictions..................................................... 40
Customizing Majik Spells..................................................... 40
Learning New Majik Spells..................................................... 41
Skilled + Actions................................................................... 41
Bardic Arts Mastery..................................................................43
The Bard and the Majik Elements.............................................. 44
Bardic Arts Performance Styles................................................... 44
Creative Performance Styles.................................................... 44
The Vo’Kál – The Art of Voice................................................45
The Dán’Súr – The Art of Dáns..............................................45
The Meuzikán – The Art of Meuzik..........................................45
The Treupor – The Art of the Stage........................................ 46
The Jestor – The Art of the Fool........................................... 46
The Mýnstrel – The Art of the Performer ��������������������������������47
Combat Performance Style.......................................................47
Bardic Arts Instrument...........................................................47
Bardic Talent Indicator (BTI)................................................... 48
Bardic Vitality (VIT)............................................................... 48
Bardic Enchantments............................................................. 49
Bardic Meuzikal Skor of Enchantments ����������������������������������� 49
Bardic Arts Instrument.......................................................... 50
Types of Bardic Enchantments.............................................. 50
Customizing Bardic Enchantments........................................... 51
Bard Concentration While Invoking......................................... 51
Enchantment Succss/Hit/Failure................................................52
Enchantment Success...........................................................52
Enchantment Critical Hit.......................................................52
Enchantment Epic Failure......................................................52

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Bardic Enchantment Timeline...................................................52
Bard Majik and Friendly Fire.....................................................53
Bardic Combat Actions............................................................53
Bards and Weapons................................................................53
Bards and Armor...................................................................54
Bard Skilled + Actions.............................................................54

Skilled + Actions.................................................. 55
Skilled + Actions Overview......................................................... 57
Weapons Mastery S+A Selection................................................ 57
Archery Mastery S+A Selection................................................. 57
Staff Mastery S+A Selection..................................................... 57
Týnj’Naz Mastery S+A Selection............................................... 58
Arts Majika S+A Selection....................................................... 58
Bardic Arts S+A Selection....................................................... 58
Weapons Mastery Skilled + Actions...............................................59
Archery Mastery Skilled + Actions................................................ 61
Staff Mastery Skilled + Actions....................................................63
Týnj’Naz Mastery Skilled + Actions...............................................65
Týnj’Naz GENERAL S+A............................................................66
Týnj’Naz KÉ ENERGY S+A.........................................................66
Arts Majika Mastery Skilled + Actions...........................................67
Majik EARLY S+A................................................................... 68
Majik ELEMENT S+A............................................................... 68
Majik SCHOOL S+A................................................................ 68
Majik GENERAL S+A............................................................... 68
Bardic Arts Mastery Skilled + Actions............................................69

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Worlde of Legends™ Preview: ABILITY MASTERY SYSTEMS 1

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Ability Mastery Systems

Ability Mastery Systems

Worlde of Legends™ does not use classes in the traditional sense.
Classes in most role-playing games are very limiting and have many
abilities and other aspects that are exclusive to specific classes. Worlde
of Legends™ follows the gaming philosophy that you should be able to
make an Adventurer that fits whatever concept or archetype you envision.
Therefore, instead of classes, Worlde of Legends™ uses Abilities and
Mastery Systems.
The Worlde of Legends™ Mastery Systems are designed to help you
build unique Adventurers that often step outside the mold of traditional
fantasy role-playing game classes. To help players achieve this uniqueness,
each Worlde of Legends™ Adventurer is allowed up to two Abilities at the
time of Adventurer creation, a Primary Ability and a Secondary Ability.
Note that WoL™ LITE only allows the Primary Ability.
Each Ability is enhanced and powered-up as an Adventurer gains
Experience Levels by advancing through the ranks of that Ability’s Mastery
System. Mastery Systems are the path Adventurers will follow on their
journeys to becoming the legendary heroes players imagine them to be.
Worlde of Legends™ Abilities and their respective Mastery Systems are
divided into three categories: Combative Arts which are the melee and missile
combat Abilities Arts Majika which are the majik Abilities, and Bardic Arts
which are the Bard Abilities. Each of the Mastery Systems listed below have
unique skill sets and are detailed in their own sections of this document.
Archery Maej Majik Vo'Kál (Voice)
Staff Faeth Majik Dán'Súr (Dance)
Týnj'Naz (Martial Arts) Maiv Majik Meuzikán (Instrument)
Weapons Reun Majik Treupor (Acting)
Jestor (Foolery)
Mýnstrel (Multiple Arts)
Mastery System Indicators

Mastery System Indicators

Each Ability has a specific statistic that is used as the Mastery System
Indicator. These indicator statistics play a large role in the benefits that
an Adventurer receives at each Mastery Rank, an Adventurer’s Maximum
Mastery Rank, and an Adventurer’s chance of successful training for new
Mastery Ranks. Each Mastery System group has it’s own indicator.

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» Comba�ve Arts = Weapons Mastery Indicator (WMI)
» Arts Majika - Majikal Energy Modifier (MEM)
» Bardic Arts = Bardic Talent Indicator (BTI)
Ability Mastery Ranks

Ability Mastery Ranks

There are 10 Mastery System Ranks available to Adventurers as they
advance in Experience Level. Each new Mastery Rank offers increased power
and benefits to the Adventurer. Only Mastery Rank 01-05 are available in
Worlde of Legends™ LITE.
01 Novice Mastery Rank 06 Master Rank
02 Adroit Mastery Rank 07 Grand Master Rank
03 Skilled Mastery Rank 08 Champion Rank
04 Adept Mastery Rank 09 Epic Master Rank
05 Expert Mastery Rank 10 Legendary Master Rank

Ability Mastery Training

Ability Mastery Training
At the time of Adventurer creation, obtaining Basic Mastery in your
chosen Combative Art is automatic. However, throughout the course of
adventuring, most Adventurers choose to increase their level of skill in
their chosen Combative Art.
In order to move from one Mastery Rank to the next and gain new
Mastery bonuses after Mastery Rank 01, an Adventurer must receive intense
training in the chosen Combative Art. The training will help them refine
their Ability and provide them with additional Mastery bonuses and/or
benefits. Upon completion of the training, the Adventurer will roll the dice
to determine if he/she is able to advance to the next Mastery Rank.
What type of Mastery training you receive and where you receive it
are equally important as from whom you receive it. Training locations and
instructors can actually play a large role in how long Mastery training takes
and whether or not it is a success or failure. There are several types of
Mastery training, each with its pluses and minuses.
» Travel Mastery Training.
» Casual Mastery Training.
» Formal Mastery Training.
Mastery System Benefits
Mastery System Benefits
No matter which of the Worlde of Legends™ Abilities your Adventurer
has, there are Mastery System Benefits that improve as your Adventurer
increases Experience Level and moves from one Mastery Rank to the Next.

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Mastery System In addition, as an Adventurer’s Mastery Indicator (WMI,
MEM, BTI) increases with experience level based Attribute adjustments, his/
her Mastery Benefits may also increase. Benefits are unique to each Ability
and are designed to make Adventurers powerful, formidable heroes that
are respected throughout the campaign worlde
Mastery Attack Roll Modifier (ARM) Benefit. As an Adventurer traverses
through the Mastery Ranks, he/she will gain bonuses to his/her Attack Roll
Modifier (ARM). The Mastery ARM bonuses are applied to an attack roll whether
using a weapon or attacking with bare hands. In addition, the Mastery ARM
bonuses apply to all weapons listed on an Adventurer’s Adventurer Sheet.
Mastery ARM bonuses are detailed within each Mastery System.

Mastery Damage Benefit. In addition to ARM bonuses, each Mastery System

also provides a damage bonus at different Mastery Ranks. Damage
bonuses apply to all weapon and hand-based attacks for all weapons
and attack forms listed on an Adventurer’s Adventurer Sheet. Mastery
damage bonuses are detailed within each Mastery System.

Mastery Weapon Actions Maneuvers (WAM) Benefit. As an Adventurer climbs

the Mastery Rank for an Ability, he/she is awarded additional Weapon
Action Maneuvers (WAM) for use in combat. The rate an Adventurer’s
WAM increases is determined by the nature of the Mastery System the
Adventurer has. Due to the nature of each different type of combat
style, different Mastery Systems progress WAM at different rates.
Bonus WAM can be used however the Adventurer wishes to use them.

Mastery Skilled + Actions (S+A). Once an Adventurer reaches Mastery Rank

3 in a chosen Ability, Skilled + Actions become available. Skilled +
Actions are special attack, defense, or other maneuvers or actions that
allow the Adventurer to do something difficult or extraordinary. Like
all other Mastery Benefits, these feats of skill increase in probability
and/or effect as the Adventurer’s Mastery Rank increases.

Other Mastery Benefits. In addition to those listed above, Adventurers

receive Champion + Benefits (C+B) at Mastery Ranks 8-10 as well as
automatic Learned Skills which are available at the time of Adventurer
creation. Both of these Mastery Benefits are not available in Worlde of
Legends™ LITE, but will be available in the Worlde of Legends™ Gamer
Guide upon its release. Champion + Benefits include:
» Automatic Initiative Bonus
» Increased default damage dice
» Bonus Encounter Action Maneuvers
» Bonus to Avoidances and Inherent Skills
» Improved Critical Hit Chance and MORE!
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Weapons Mastery

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Weapons Mastery
The first of the Combative Arts Mastery paths is General Weapons
Mastery. It is designed for those players who just want a sword or a
war hammer or some other melee weapon. Adventurers who choose
this path will list General Weapons Mastery as either their Primary or
Secondary Ability.

Weapons Slots

Weapons Slots
Each Adventurer who chooses General Weapons Mastery is allowed to
be proficient with a certain number of weapons at any given time depending
on his/her experience level and Weapons Mastery Indicator (WMI).
An Adventurer can never be at Basic Mastery Rank or Higher in
more weapons than he/she has available Weapon Slots. Any weapons
used by an Adventurer which are not at Basic Mastery Rank or higher
(not filling one of his/her weapons slots), will suffer combat penalties.
The player may fill new weapon slots with weapons when he/she is at
the appropriate experience level. Each Adventurer who chooses General
Weapons Mastery is allowed to be proficient with a certain number of
weapons at any given time depending on his/her experience level and
Weapons Mastery Indicator (WMI).
An Adventurer can never be at Basic Mastery Rank or Higher in more
weapons than he/she has available Weapon Slots. Any weapons used by an
Adventurer which are not at Basic Mastery Rank or higher (not filling one
of his/her weapons slots), will suffer combat penalties. The player may
fill new weapon slots with weapons when he/she is at the appropriate
experience level.

Familiar and Unfamiliar Weapons

Familiar and Unfamiliar Weapons

“Familiar” and “Unfamiliar” weapons refers to an Adventurer picking
up and using a weapon for which he/she has received no training. Dependent
upon whether the weapon is of a familiar or unfamiliar type determines
the Weapon Master’s ability to utilize the weapon with or without penalty.
In any case, a Weapon Master penalty for use of an unfamiliar weapon is
much less than of any other Ability Mastery System.

“Familiar” New Weapons. Familiar weapons are those which are in

the same weapon group, or family, with a weapon that is currently
used by the Adventurer (is Basic Mastery level or higher). If a new
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weapon is a “familiar” weapon, the Adventurer does not need to
receive any additional training to use the weapon with all Mastery
Rank bonuses.

“Unfamiliar” New Weapons. Unfamiliar weapons are those which are

not at all related to a weapon currently used by the Adventurer.
If a new weapon is an “unfamiliar” weapon, the Adventurer
cannot use the weapon with usual Mastery bonuses and will suffer
combat penalties with that weapon until he/she receives the next
Mastery Rank training or works out an arrangement with the
GameMaster for supplemental training in that weapon to move it
from “unfamliar” status to “familiar” status.
Quantity of Weapons

Quanity of Weapons
The number of weapons an Adventurer may have is equal to the number
of Weapon Slots available at the current experience level. As far as how
many of those weapons an Adventurer may carry on his/her person, be
reasonable. There are no specific rules regarding encumbrance in Worlde
of Legends™, however, your GameMaster has the right to restrict the
number of items being carried by any Adventurer at any time.


An Adventurer who wishes to wield one weapon in each hand, must have
the dual-wield skill or suffer a -2 ARM penalty to the primary weapon, a -4
ARM penalty to the secondary weapon, a -2 penalty to initiative, and have
only two WAM per combat round. The exception to this is an Adventurer
who has the General Weapons Mastery Ability. Adventurer’s with General
Weapons Mastery receive the Dual-Wield Learned Skill automatically at the
time of Adventurer Creation. An Adventurer who does not have the General
Weapons Mastery ability, even as a Secondary Ability must obtain the
Dual-Wield Learned Skill through training and level it up in rank like any
other Learned Skill. Dual-Wield is only allowed for “Familiar” weapons.
More details about dual-wield are in Worlde of Legends™ LITE.


There are no armor restrictions or penalties related to the use of
armor for Adventurers with the General Weapons Mastery Ability.

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Skilled + Actions

Skilled + Actions
Once an Adventurer reaches Skilled Mastery Rank (Mastery Rank 3 at
Experience Level 5) or higher, he/she can utilize special melee weapon
attacks called Skilled + Actions. These attacks may incur bonuses and/
or penalties to combat statistics which only improve as the Adventurer
advances to new Weapons Mastery Ranks. Penalties are depicted as
“negative” numbers and bonuses as “positive” numbers.
An Adventurer must state he/she is performing a Skilled + Action prior
to an attack or parry roll. The bonus/penalty for each of these Skilled +
Actions varies depending on the Adventurer’s Mastery Rank.
An Adventurer with the Weapons Mastery Ability receives automatic
access to these Skilled + Actions and is trained in them during their
normal Weapons Mastery Training. Many of these Skilled + Action are
available to Adventurer’s without the Weapons Mastery Ability as an
optional Learned Skill. More details can be found in the SkillEd + ACTiOnS
section of this preview.

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Archery Mastery

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Archery Mastery
Some players wonder why anyone would want to play an archer. They
see archers as being a useful asset to the party only from a distance. In
many games, they would be absolutely correct; but in Worlde of Legends™,
the Archery Mastery system brings the Archer beyond the typical archetype
and onto a level of combat that not only makes them useful at a distance but
also in close melee combat (and they don’t even have to change weapons).
The bow is often underestimated, as is the arrow. With a little creativity
and these WoL™ Archery Mastery guidelines, a player can have a fun and
exciting Adventurer that rivals the famed elven archers of the books and
films we all know and love.
Adventurers who choose this path will list Archery Mastery as one of
their Abilities.

The Archer’s Bow

The Archer’s Bow

The Archer’s bow is vital to success as a combatant. Good bows can be
bought in most large cities and some smaller villages – lesser quality bows
can be bought just about anywhere. However, most Archery Masters prefer
to make their own bows.
The most common and most powerful type of bow in Worlde of
Legends™ is a composite recurve long bow. Some prefer a traditional long
bow or short bow or perhaps even selfbows made from one piece of
wood, but most Archer Masters use the composite recurve long bow. Also
available are long/short composite bows, long/short double curve bows,
and the Mohuran horse bow.
Crossbows are not a part of Archery Mastery due to the length of time it
takes to load them. They are available with the General Weapons Mastery ability.

The Archer’s Arrows

The Archer’s Arrows

What use is that amazing bow your Adventurer made without arrows.
Arrows are often what defines an Archer on the field of combat. The better
the arrow, the more effective the Adventurer is as an Archer. Better quality
arrows fly straighter, soar faster, and puncture harder.
The most common arrows in Worlde of Legends™ are 30 to 36 inches
in length, made of one or two types of wood, and have arrow heads of the
broadhead type. They are often called Flight Arrows.

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Keeping Track of Arrows
It is the responsibility of the Archery Master to keep track of his/her
arrows. During a battle, there are often arrows flying around all over the
place – some sticking into enemies and some flying past them and sticking
into terrain or landing on the ground somewhere.
As an Archer Master, the Adventurer has a finite number of arrows to
use during a battle. Once that number of arrows is depleted, the Adventurer
must retrieve arrows from the battlefield or switch to a different weapon.
Most Adventurers choose to switch to a different weapon during combat
instead of making themselves vulnerable by scavenging the battlefield.

Replacing a Bow and Arrows

Replacing A Bow and Arrows

Sometimes a bow will break or crack, a bow string will break ir fray, or
an arrow will break, warp, or get lost on the battlefield. In each of these
cases, the item will need to be replaced. It is important that you, as an
Archer, prepare for these situations.

Part of what makes an Archer so efficient is his/her ability to quickly
get arrows from the quiver to the string, and accurately fire them. Certain
types of armor can hinder this ability by causing misfires, therefore there
are armor restrictions and/or penalties for Archers.

Weapon Action Maneuvers (WAM) are the number of attacks per combat
round allowed for an Adventurer with bow and arrows. WAMs are not
actions which can be used in addition to an Adventurer’s usual Encounter
Action Maneuvers (EAM) per round. Instead an Adventurer uses some of
his/her EAM’s to perform Weapon Actions.
WAM is represented as a fraction (1/1, 3/2, 2/2, 5/2, 3/2, etc.) read
as x WAMs per y rounds, where x is the number of attacks you get and y
represents over how many rounds you get that number of actions. When
the 2nd number is 1, it means each round.
When the 2nd number is 2, it means every two rounds. Odd WAM’s
per two rounds (3/2, 5/2, etc.) may be split across the rounds at player
discretion. Any WAM which are not used by the end of the combat round
are lost and do not carry over into the next round.
An Archery Master’s WAM increases as progression through the Mastery
Ranks is achieved.

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ARM and Damage Bonuses

ARM and Damage Bonuses

As an Adventurer progresses through the various ranks of Archery
Mastery, he/she will gain modifiers to his/her Attack Roll Modifier (ARM)
and Damage for the bow in which he/she is advancing.

Standard Attacks

Standard Attacks
The Archery Master is very adept at shooting arrows at long distance,
short distance, and close quarters. Single arrow bow shots are the bread
and butter of the Archery Master, and he/she gets more and more of those
each combat round as Archery Mastery Rank increases.

Close Quarters Bow Fighting

Close Quarters Bow Fighting

Every Adventurer with the Archery Mastery as their Primary or Secondary
Ability is able to fire an arrow from a bow at close quarters without penalty.
Close quarters is considered to be within 3 to 10 feet of the target.
Skilled + Actions

Skilled + Actions
Once an Adventurer reaches Skilled Mastery Rank (Mastery Rank 3 at
Experience Level 5) or higher, he/she can utilize special archery attacks
called Skilled + Actions. These attacks may incur bonuses and/or penalties
to combat statistics which only improve as the Adventurer advances to new
Archery Mastery Ranks. Penalties are depicted as “negative” numbers and
bonuses as “positive” numbers.
An Adventurer must state he/she is performing a Skilled + Action prior
to an attack or parry roll. The bonus/penalty for each of these Skilled +
Actions varies depending on the Adventurer’s Mastery Rank. These Actions
require a successful attack for the effect to happen. Ask your GameMaster
if you are unsure of any aspect of Skilled + Actions.
There are four categories of Archery Mastery Skilled + Actions which
players may choose from at each new Mastery Rank. More details can be
found in the SkillEd + ACTiOnS section of this preview.
» General S+A
» Defensive S+A
» Melee S+A
» Trick Shot S+A

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Staff Mastery

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Staff Mastery
The staff is an often overlooked, but very effective blunt weapon.
Unfortunately, most combat systems, by their very nature, do not allow
for the most efficient use of the staff.
As evidenced by the many staff instructional and competitive
performance videos on the Internet, the staff can be a much quicker
weapon than only one or two attacks per round. Some books and movies
have afforded us an opportunity to see what a staff can really do when
wielded by one who has mastered it.
If your objective is lots of blood and gore and sliced off limbs, the staff
will not be the most effective tool for you – stick to those slow and heavy
edged weapons ;-). But if you are looking for a melee weapon that is fast,
capable of getting multiple hits per round (even at early Mastery Ranks),
and can be appropriate for virtually any Adventurer of any archetype, the
staff is definitely the weapon of choice.
All Adventurers with the Staff Mastery Ability will use this
mastery system.

Type of Staff

Type of Staff
In Worlde of Legends™, the Staff Mastery System allows two types of
staves: the QuarterStaff (or Long Staff) and the BoStaff (or Short Staff).
Which of the two you use is entirely your choice. They are equally effective
and utilize the same guidelines for gameplay.

BoStaff. The BoStaff, sometimes called a Short Staff, is approximately

the same height as it’s wielder varying to six to eight inches shorter or
taller than it’s wielder. The Bo Staff sometimes has tapered ends that
are capped with metal or stone. The diameter of a BoStaff is usually 1.5
inches thick at the center of its length and tapers to 1 inch thickness
at the ends (if a taper is present).

QuarterStaff. The QuarterStaff, sometimes called a Long Staff, is

approximately one to two feet taller than it’s wielder. The QuarterStaff
does not taper at the ends but is often capped with metal or stone.
QuarterStaves range in thickness from two to three inches in diameter.
The best diameter for a QuarterStaff Master is one that the wielder can
fully and comfortably wrap his/her hand completely around.

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It’s All In the Wood

It’s All In the Wood

During combat, an Adventurer needs a staff that is strong and sturdy
and hits hard. A Staff Master especially needs a dependable staff. The
materials and process that go into making a QuarterStaff or a BoStaff make
all the difference between a common staff and a butt kicking combat staff.
The wood from which a Staff is made makes all the difference to the
Staff Master. The typical staff is not made from branches or other parts
of a tree, but from a whole sapling. Oak, hazel, hawthorn, and ash are
the most desirable hardwoods, with oak and hawthorn being the strongest.
A staff is best when cut in winter to minimize sap content and lessen
warping as it dries. It is also best to allow the staff to sit for several
months before the bark is removed to increase the staff’s durability.
The staff should be as balanced as possible, and that doesn’t
necessarily mean straight. Even crooked staffs can be well balanced. In
fact, many Adventurers prefer a staff that has slight curves, knots and
other irregularities, giving it a little bit of “character”.

Replacing A Staff
Replacing A Staff
The only drawback to the staff is that it has to be replaced more often
than metal weapons. All those bangs on armor and nicks from swords add
up after a while. There is also always the possibility that a good sword or
axe could slice right through it.
It is generally assumed that a staff, no matter the hardness of the
wood, will get many nicks and cuts throughout the course of various
combats. It will eventually become split, cracked, or broken. After a wood
staff has been used for a long period of time, it should be replaced. If a
staff is broken, it cannot be repaired and must be replaced.

Armor Armor
The efficiency of the staff as a weapon is based on the flexibility of its
wielder, therefore there are armor restrictions and/or penalties for Staff
Masters. Armor penalties for Staff Masters will be available in the Worlde
of Legends™ LITE rules when they are released.

Weapon Action Maneuvers (WAM) are the number of attacks per combat
round allowed for an Adventurer with bow and arrows. WAMs are not
actions which can be used in addition to an Adventurer’s usual Encounter
Action Maneuvers (EAM) per round. Instead an Adventurer uses some of
his/her EAM’s to perform Weapon Actions.

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WAM is represented as a fraction (1/1, 3/2, 2/2, 5/2, 3/2, etc.) read
as x WAMs per y rounds, where x is the number of attacks you get and y
represents over how many rounds you get that number of actions. When
the 2nd number is 1, it means each round.
When the 2nd number is 2, it means every two rounds. Odd WAM’s
per two rounds (3/2, 5/2, etc.) may be split across the rounds at player
discretion. Any WAM which are not used by the end of the combat round
are lost and do not carry over into the next round.
An Staff Master’s WAM increases as progression through the Mastery
Ranks is achieved.
Standard Attacks
Standard Attacks
When a staff wielder attacks an opponent, he/she utilizes one or more
of many staff attack maneuvers which he/she has learned during his/her
Mastery training. These attacks can happen quickly, especially at higher
Mastery Ranks, and use one or more of an Adventurer’s WAM each round.
Be sure to track how many WAM you have and are using each attack – it
can add up fast!
Standard Attacks are staff maneuvers that inflict damage upon a target
and available to all Staff Masters all the time with no prerequisites. Staff
Masters should mix up their attacks each time they strike th enemy. Think
about the flow of your staff from one attack to the next. Don’t just spam
the highest damage attacks. Make your Staff Master Adventurer interesting
and fun to visualize.
The following types of Staff Attack Maneuvers will be available in
Worlde of Legends™ LITE.

Snap Attacks. Snaps are usually quick hits with one end of the staff and
no follow-through which do minimal damage.
» Forward Snap
» Rear Snap
» Side Snap
» Low Side Snap
» High Side Snap
Swing Attacks. Swings are usually done while holding the staff at one end and
swinging it (much in the fashion of a two-handed sword) at the opponent.
» 1 Hand Low Swing
» 2 Hand Low Swing
» 1 Hand Side Swing
» 2 Hand Side Swing
» Upward Swing
» Loin Cruncher Swing
Sweep Attacks. Sweeps are nearly identical in style to swings, but are
performed from a squatting position. They also cause moderate damage.

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» Back Sweep
» Side Sweep
» Side Counter Sweep
» Full Sweep
» Full Counter Sweep

Strike Attacks. Strikes are hard hitting attacks to the head or shoulders
and cause maximum damage.
» Forward Strike 45°
» Overhead Strike 90°
» Overhead Strike 180°
» Overhead Strike 360°

Thrust Attacks. Thrusts can be performed either standing, squatting, or

lying on one’s back.
» Downward Thrust
» Forward Thrust
» Rear Thrust
» Side Thrust
» Upward Thrust

Skilled + Actions
Skilled + Actions
Once an Adventurer reaches Skilled Mastery Rank (Mastery Rank 3 at
Experience Level 5) or higher, he/she can utilize special archery attacks
called Skilled + Actions. These attacks may incur bonuses and/or penalties
to combat statistics which only improve as the Adventurer advances to new
Archery Mastery Ranks. Penalties are depicted as “negative” numbers and
bonuses as “positive” numbers.
An Adventurer must state he/she is performing a Skilled + Action prior
to an attack or parry roll. The bonus/penalty for each of these Skilled +
Actions varies depending on the Adventurer’s Mastery Rank. These Actions
require a successful attack for the effect to happen. Ask your GameMaster
if you are unsure of any aspect of Skilled + Actions.
There are seven categories of Staff Mastery Skilled + Actions which
players may choose from at each new Mastery Rank. A Staff Master may
choose any two Skilled + Actions at each new Mastery Rank starting at
Skilled Mastery Rank 03 (Experience Level 5 or higher).
General S+A Defensive S+A Evasive S+A
Martial S+A Parry S+A Trip S+A
Tumble S+A

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Týnj’Naz Mastery

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Týnj’Naz Mastery
The Týnj’Naz Mastery System is the martial arts combat system
for Worlde of Legends™. It is designed to make martial arts combat as
potentially deadly as any other form of combat. It mixes the use of hands,
feet, weapons, and pseudo-majikal Ké Energy to make martial arts a fun
and exciting aspect for your Adventurer.
All Adventurers with the Týnj’Naz Mastery or (Martial Arts) Ability will
use this mastery system.

What Is Týnj’Naz?

What Is Týnj’Naz?
Týnj’Naz (tihnj-naz) is an ancient term which means empty hand.
Practitioners of Týnj’Naz are generally warrior types who primarily use
their hands, feet, and/or bodies (occasionally supplemented by other items/
weapons) as powerful and formidable weapons.
They also have the ability to reach within themselves during combat
and become one with their discipline resulting in a pseudo-majikal aura
which surrounds them, making them stronger and more efficient warriors.
Týnj’Naz is a very old form of fighting.
Týnj’Naz is a deadly form of combat with both male and female
masters who live their lives with honor and fight with the passion and zeal
of one truly dedicated to their art. Those who practice one or more of the
Týnj’Naz arts are called Ambá’Wékán which translates to Walking Weapon.
They are most commonly called Wékán.

The Týnj’Naz Disciplines

The Týnj’Naz Disciplines

There are four Týnj’Naz disciplines, each with it’s own style, combat
skills, and weapons use. Following are brief descriptions of each of the four
disciplines. Týnj’Naz Masters will need to choose one of these disciplines at
the time of Adventurer creation.

Fae’Túng [fay-túng]. The forms of the Fae’Túng discipline are used

to block attacks or disarm weapons and attack the enemy at very
close range using the hands and feet equally.
Wae’Súng [way-súng]. The forms of the Fae’Túng discipline are used
to block attacks or disarm weapons and attack the enemy at very
close range using the hands and feet equally.

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Zún’Gai [zún-gai]. The discipline of Zún’Gai uses forms which disarm
opponents, use opponents’ own momentum against them, and
attack them with hand and foot attacks.
Fae’Wae’Zún [fay-way-zún]. The Fae’Wae’Zún discipline combines
aspects of all three of the other disciplines. Fae’Wae’Zún
Wékán are one of the most versatile and unpredictable of the
Týnj’Naz disciplines.

The Týnj’Naz Code of Honor

The Týnj’Naz Code of Honor

Most Wékán are of good or neutral moral alignment and follow a strict code
of honor that has been passed down from the Hai’Shýn brothers who brought
Týnj’Naz into this world and began the teachings that are still followed today.
Following is the true foundation of those who practice the Týnj’Naz arts.

Týnj’Naz Code of Honor

Protect the innocent.
Be loyal to your art and fellow Wékán.
Show compassion to all.
Control emotions at all times.
Have humility in your heart.
Shed blood only as a last resort.
Live with honor.
Be a shining example to others.

Identifying Identifying
a Týnj’Naz Master
a Týnj’Naz Master
Each Týnj’Naz discipline has ten Mastery Ranks. Ambá’Wékán show
their ranks proudly by displaying their discipline symbol and rank color in
the form of small tattoos on their foreheads. When a Wékán finishes Basic
Mastery training, these tattoos are majikally placed on him/her by his/her
instructor using Týnj’Naz Ké Energy. The color of the tattoo matches the
Adventurer’s rank and is majikally changed by his/her instructor each time
the Wékán advances to a new Mastery Rank.
The Drá’Naza, on the other hand, generally do not like to show their
rank. They use their own Ké Energy to change the rank color so that it
is always a dull gray color. One can still see the symbol of Týnj’Naz and
determine a Drá’Náz’s discipline, but cannot tell what Mastery Rank he/she
is. Some Drá’Náz go as far as to wear veils and hoods to hide the symbol
completely. It should be noted that Wékán have the ability to change the
color of their tattoo, but their honor prevents them from doing so.

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Týnj’Naz Master Formal Name. In addition to color rank identification,
each Týnj’Naz Mastery Rank has a name. The most common name
for each rank is the ancient word for that rank’s color. The formal
nomenclature for Adventurers who walk the path of Týnj’Naz Mastery
is rarely used except by the Wékán’s Sýnsae and Sýnpai. Only on truly
formal occasions is the Wékán’s full name used in the formal name.
The formal name is built as follows:

Wékán + Discipline + Rank Color + Adventurer Name


Drá’Naza + Discipline + Rank Color + Adventurer Name

For example, Oláf, a 5th rank prac��oner of the Fae’Túng art would be formally know
as a Wékán’Fae’Túng’Ro’Oláf. If Oláf was a Drá’Náza, his/her formal �tle would
be Drá’Náza’Fae’Túng’Ro’Oláf.

Týnj’Naz Mastery Rank Colors and Symbols. Following are the colors
associate with each Týnj’Naz Mastery Rank and the symbols associated
with each Týnj’Naz discipline. The first color listed indicates the color
of the shape while the second color indicates the color of the writing
inside the shape.


01 - Basic White/Black Fae'Túng Wae'Súng
02 - Novice Yellow/Black
03 - Skilled Green/Black
04 - Adept Orange/Black
05 - Expert Red/Black
06 - Master Black/Bronze Zún'Gai Fae'Wae'Zún
07 - Grand Master Ivory/Copper
08 - Champion Black/Silver
09 - Legendary Master Black/Gold
10 - Epic Master Purple/Gold

Armor Armor
Part of the efficiency of the use of Týnj’Naz as a deadly weapon is based
on the flexibility of its wielder, therefore those who practice a Týnj’Naz art
usually wear certain types of clothing and there are armor restrictions and/
or penalties for Wékán. It should also be noted, that many Wékán prefer
to go barefoot, but are also wear soft-sole leather boots. Of course, your
Adventurer may wear whatever footwear he/she chooses.

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Weapon Action Maneuvers (WAM) are the number of attacks per combat
round allowed for an Adventurer with bow and arrows. WAMs are not
actions which can be used in addition to an Adventurer’s usual Encounter
Action Maneuvers (EAM) per round. Instead an Adventurer uses some of
his/her EAM’s to perform Weapon Actions.
WAM is represented as a fraction (1/1, 3/2, 2/2, 5/2, 3/2, etc.) read
as x WAMs per y rounds, where x is the number of attacks you get and y
represents over how many rounds you get that number of actions. When
the 2nd number is 1, it means each round.
When the 2nd number is 2, it means every two rounds. Odd WAM’s
per two rounds (3/2, 5/2, etc.) may be split across the rounds at player
discretion. Any WAM which are not used by the end of the combat round
are lost and do not carry over into the next round.
An Týnj’Naz Master’s WAM increases as progression through the
Mastery Ranks is achieved.

ARM and Damage Bonuses

ARM and Damage Bonuses

As an Adventurer progresses through the various ranks of Týnj’Naz
Mastery, he/she will gain modifiers to his/her Attack Roll Modifier (ARM)
and Damage for his/her martial arts attacks. Details regarding Týnj’Naz
Mastery ARM and WAM bonuses are included in Worlde of Legends™ LITE.
When a Wékán attacks an opponent, he/she utilizes one or more of many
Týnj’Naz combat maneuvers which he/she has learned during his/her Mastery
training. These attacks can happen quickly, especially at higher Mastery Ranks,
and use one or more of an Adventurer’s WAM each round. Be sure to track how
many WAM you have and are using each attack — it can add up fast!

Týnj’Naz Key Energy

Týnj’Naz Ké Energy
Not only is the Týnj’Naz Master an expert hand-to-hand fighter but
he/she is a master of meditation. A significant part of a Wékán’s daily life
is the 30 minutes or more he/she spends alone in meditation and self-
reflection. Understanding one’s self as well as one’s Self is the true path
to enlightenment, happiness, and success.
When Wékána become spiritually tuned to themselves through
meditation, they are able to draw energy from their surroundings and
combine it with their own energy, similar to some majik weavers, to create
a rare and special form of pseudo-majikal energy known as Ké Energy. A
Wékán is able to store this energy within his/her body to use at a later
time, usually during combat.
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Ké Energy Stats. Each Týnj’Naz Master has the following Ké Energy
statistics. They can be found on the Týnj’Naz Mastery Skilled + Action
page of the WoL™ LITE Adventurer Record Sheet.

Base Ké Energy Points (KEP). Base Ké Energy Points is the core

amount of Ké Energy a Wékán has when at full capacity, before
any bonuses or adjustments that is based on relevant Attributes
and current Týnj’Naz Mastery Rank. It is automatically calculated
on the Adventurer Record Sheet.
KEP Exp Lvl Adj. At each new Experience Level, the maximum amount
of Ké Energy a Wékán can hold in his/her body automatically
increases by 3 KEP. This bonus begins at Experience Level 1.
KEP Mastery Rank Adj. When a Wékán advances to a new Mastery
Rank, he/she gains an additional 4 KEP that is added to his/her
base as an adjustment. This bonus begins at Experience Level 1.
Total Available KEP. This is the total maximum amount of Ké Energy
Points a Týnj’Naz Master has available for use when his/her KEP is
at full capacity. It is the SUM of KEP BASE and all modifiers.
KEP Regen Value. This is the total amount of spent Ké Energy Points
a Týnj’Naz Master can regenerate in a time period that meets KEP
regeneration requirements.
KEP Regen Unit. This is the time period that is required for a Týnj’Naz
Master to regenerate KEP in an amount equal to his/her KEP Regen
Value. This time period ranges from 10 minutes to 1 hour depending
on the Wékán’s Mastery Rank. In WoL™ LITE, this amount is always
1/2 hour no matter what the current Mastery Rank is.

Acquiring Ké Energy. A Týnj’Naz Master acquires Ké Energy through quiet,

self-reflective meditation and gathering the pseudo-majikal Ké Energy
from the world around them during the meditation. A Wékán’s initial
supply of Ké Energy is gathered during his/her Mastery Rank 1 training
when he/she first learns about Ké Energy and its potential uses.

Some Wékán have been known to reach such a level of self-

enlightenment while pulling in the Ké Energy from the world around
them that they unknowingly levitate 1-3 feet off the ground during
the meditation.

Replenishing Ké Energy. Once Ké Energy is used for something, the

appropriate amount of points are subtracted from the Wékán’s Total
Available Ké Energy Points (KEP). Ké Energy Points do not automatically
replenish themselves. KEP replenishment must be earned through
deep meditation (not sleeping).

In order to meditate for the purpose of KEP Regeneration, a

Wékán must:

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» Be in a location that is free of the distraction of the sights and
sounds of every day life,
» Not be hungry, thirsty, wounded, injured, ill, diseased, poisoned
or otherwise physically in jeopardy,
» Begin the meditation by focusing on the higher Self and seeking
further spiritual enlightenment.
If these meditation requirements are met, the Ké Energy will
replenish automatically as the energies from the worlde around the
Wékán flow into him/her.
Every Wékán has a Ké Energy Point (KEP) Regeneration Value and a
Ké Energy Point Regeneration Unit. In order for a Wékán to regenerate
ANY of his/her spent KEP, he/she must meditate for a minimum of time
equal to his/her KEP Regeneration Unit.
If the Wékán is interrupted during his/her KEP Regeneration time,
no Ké Energy is replenished. The KEP Regeneration Unit cannot be
segmented for partial KEP Replenishment.

How to Use Ké Energy. Ké Energy can be used when a Wékán reaches

Týnj’Naz Mastery Rank 3 (Experience Level 5) in the form of Týnj’Naz
Skilled + Actions. There are 16 Ké Energy S+As in the Týnj’Naz Mastery
System that are available to all Wékán.
When your Wékán uses a Ké Energy type Skilled + Action, it
automatically drains a Ké Energy from his/her KEP. The amount of KEP
used depends on the KEP Cost per Unit and how many Unit Modifiers
are used. are listed in the S+A description.

Ké Energy Buildup Time. Each Ké Energy S+A has a buildup time that is
required for the Wékán to focus the Ké Energy on the task. This buildup
time is reflected by an Initiative Modifier. The buildup time begins on
the Wékán’s Initiative and ends an appropriate number of segments
later based on how many Modifier Units are put into the S+A effect.

Standard Attacks
Standard Attacks
Týnj’Naz Standard Attacks are martial arts combat maneuvers that inflict
damage upon a target and are available to all Wékán all the time with no
prerequisites. Wékán should mix up their attacks each time they strike
th enemy. Think about the flow of your hands and feet from one attack
to the next. Don’t just spam the highest damage attacks. Make your Wékán
Adventurer interesting and fun to visualize.
All thirty Týnj’Naz standard attacks, unless otherwise stated, begin in
the Fighting Stance with the Adventurer’s torso turned to the side, exposing
the least amount of his/her body to the enemy. In addition, unless otherwise
stated, all standard attacks end with the Wékán landing on his/her feet.

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Some of these standard attacks require the enemy to make an attribute check
if the hit is successful. It is the player’s responsibility to inform the GameMaster
of any effects, other than damage, which results from a successful hit.
Also, some standard attacks require multiple WAM. Be sure your Wékán
has enough WAM per round to perform the combat forms you choose.
Following is a list of the 30 Basic Týnj’Naz combat forms (attacks). Detailed
descriptions of these attacks are included in Worlde of Legends™ LITE.
» Ear Thunder Clap
» Combo Attack
» Kicks
> Axe Kick
> Back Kick
> Flying Drop Kick
> Flying Front Kick
> Foot Sweep Kick
> Front Kick
> Hook Kick
> Jump Kick
> Jumping Axe Kick
> Push Kick
> Spin Kick
> Spinning Jump Kick
» Punches
> Back Fist Punch
> Bolo Uppercut Punch
> Double Fist Punch
> Flying Super Punch
> Forward Fist Punch
> Hook Fist Punch
> Stone Fist Punch
> Uppercut Fist Punch
» Strikes
> Charging Strike
> Finger Beak Strike
> Front Elbow Strike
> Hand Knife Strike
> Hand Spear Strike
> Open Hand Strike
> Rear Elbow Strike
> Side Elbow Strike
Preferred Weapons

Preferred Weapons
Týnj’Naz instructors also incorporate certain weapons into the training
of the Ambá’Wékán. At the appropriate Mastery Ranks (see the following
Týnj’Naz Combat Action Availability table), each Adventurer with the
Týnj’Naz Ability chooses one weapon from the following Týnj’Naz Preferred
Weapons list and receives training in it’s use. The Wékán will be trained

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in the use of that weapon during normal Mastery Rank training including
ways to use the weapon in Combo Attacks as well as use as a solo weapon.
Wékána apply the same ARM modifiers and have the same potential
Ké energy damage bonus with their weapons as they do with their non-
weapon (hand/foot) combat forms.
When fighting with weapons, a Wékán still gets his/her usual number
of Weapon Action Maneuvers (WAM) per combat round, but not all of
them can be used by actual weapons combat. The Týnj’Naz Master may
mix martial combat forms and preferred weapons use in any way he/she
chooses – half and half, all of one and none of the other, or any other
mix that works for the situation and/or the player. The Ámbá’Wékán is an
expert at mixing martial and weapons combat.


Axe, Márkéwáré Nunchákeu Sword, Nagénáta
Axe, Wárékomé Máché'Kánshésha Sword, Bu�erfly
Chain, Kau'Sýn'Kae Rake, Keumádé Sword, Kátána
Chain, Manréké Rod, Chéjéréké Sword, Sápára
Club, Tetsúbo Sai Sword, Wákézáshé
Jité Rod Shobo S�cks Thimbles, Neko'Té
Káma Blade Shurikýn (4/Atk) Tiger Claws
Keusárégáma Spear, Deum Tonfá Blades
Knife, Keukré Spear, Nagi'Yáré Tonfá S�cks
Knife, Tanto S�cks, Eskrýma War Fan

Skilled + Actions
Once an Adventurer reaches Skilled Mastery Rank (Mastery Rank 3 at
Experience Level 5) or higher, he/she can utilize special archery attacks
called Skilled + Actions. These attacks may incur bonuses and/or penalties
to combat statistics which only improveSkilled
as the+Adventurer
Actions advances to new
Archery Mastery Ranks. Penalties are depicted as “negative” numbers and
bonuses as “positive” numbers.
An Adventurer must state he/she is performing a Skilled + Action prior
to an attack or parry roll. The bonus/penalty for each of these Skilled +
Actions varies depending on the Adventurer’s Mastery Rank. These Actions
require a successful attack for the effect to happen. Ask your GameMaster
if you are unsure of any aspect of Skilled + Actions.
There are four categories of Staff Mastery Skilled + Actions which
players may choose from at each new Mastery Rank. A Staff Master may
choose any two Skilled + Actions at each new Mastery Rank starting at
Skilled Mastery Rank 03 (Experience Level 5 or higher).
General S+A Defensive S+A Evasive S+A Parry S+A

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Arts Majika Mastery

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Arts Majika Mastery
The Arts Majika Mastery System is the majik ability system used in the
Worlde of Legends™ game. The Arts Majika Mastery system is designed to
help an Adventurer grow in proficiency with his/her chosen majik form and
gain new majik abilities as he/she advances in Experience Levels. This is
achieved through a Mastery System that allows an Adventurer to receive
additional training to enhance his/her current majik abilities as he/she
progresses through the Mastery Ranks.
The Worlde of Legends™ Arts Majika Mastery System allows for various
benefits including increased spell power, the opportunity to learn additional
Primary Elements, the possibility of learning additional Majik Forms, and
various Majik Feats, some of which are based on a Majik Weaver’s known
Primary Element(s) and Schools of Majik.

Schools of Majik

Schools of Majik
The following paragraphs describe the four types of Majik Abilities and
how they access the Majikal Weave. Each of the four types of Majik Ability
have unique ways to access the Weave, but all can create the same majikal
results once the weave is accessed and processed, and released.

Maej Majik. Adventurers who have the Maej Majik ability, referred to as
a Maej, focus their will to gather threads of majikal energy (Active
Majik) from the surrounding environment and channel it through their
bodies. They literally reach out and grab threads of the Weave around
them and pull it into their bodies. The majikal threads are then woven
into complex geometrical shapes , patterns, or runes which correspond
to the desired majikal effect.

Then the woven energy is cast out of their bodies, usually through
their hands or an item (weapon, staff, wand, etc.) in one or both of
their hands. Majik can be expelled from the body through any other
body part as well (feet, toes, nose, eyes, chest, etc.) without causing
harm to the caster.
This type of majik use can be very exhausting not only to the
caster’s mind, but also to his/her body.

Faeth Majik. Adventurers with the Faeth Majik ability, referred to as a

Prést, focus their will to gather threads of majikal energy (Active
Majik) from the surrounding environment and channel it through their
“holy symbol”, an item that is representative of the divinity they
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worship. Inside their holy symbol, the majikal energy is shaped, by
the chanting and prayers they utter to their divinity, into the desired
majikal effect. The shaped energy is then released through the holy
symbol to create the desired effect. A Prést may also shape and expel
the majikal energy through his/her body as a Maej does if something
happens to the holy symbol.

The chanting and prayers are very tiring to the Majik Weaver since
his/her divinity literally uses the Weaver as a vessel to reach into the
holy symbol to shape the energy.

Maiv Majik. Adventurers with the Maiv Majik ability (referred to as a

Maivýn) do not channel majik through their bodies, but shape the
energy threads externally with the developed powers of the mind.
They will often attach the effect to their bodies (e.g.; polymorph),
use their bodies to transfer the effects to another (e.g.; polymorph
other, shooting arrows of flame from their fingertips, etc.), or use a
combination of the two (e.g.; kinetic absorption). Since they weave
the threads externally, this type of caster may store the energy in their
body, but they do not channel it directly through their bodies as other
casters do. Once the Maivýn has formed the complex reun symbol, he/
she releases the spell to create the desired effect. A Maivýn may also
pull majikal energy directly through his/her body as a Maej does if he/
she chooses to do so.

This type of majik use is usually not tiring to the user’s body, but
can be so overwhelmingly mentally exhausting that the body exhibits
physical signs of exhaustion. It is believed that this happens due to
the fact that the mind senses it’s own exhaustion and transfers that
exhaustion to the body so that it may get necessary rest.

Reun Majik. Adventurers with the Reun Majik ability, called Reunár,
gather majikal energy into their bodies similar to Adventurers with all
other forms of majik ability.

Reun casters have several options for casting majikal spells. Once
they have reached out an pulled the strands of the Weave to them, they
may shape and cast spells in any of the following ways.

ReunSong. Singing/chanting the ancient runic songs to weave the

strands of majikal energy to create the effect, releasing it through
the caster’s body.
ReunDance. Dancing the ancient runic forms to weave the strands to
create the effect, releasing it through the caster’s body.
ReunCast. Using a meditation-like technique to weave the strands
then physically casting 4-6 reun- marked stones to the ground
to create the effect, releasing it through the stones which are
destroyed during the casting.
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ReunDraw. Invoking the power of the ancient reuns to create
majikal effects by inscribing or drawing them onto a stone, piece
of wood, or other object (even sentients), and releasing it through
the object. The object is not harmed by release of the majik.

Reunár tire just as easily, if not more so, than the other types
of casters. Passing majikal energy through one’s physical body can be
very exhausting.

The Elemental Connection

The Elemental Connection

Majik spells take the form of many things, but each of these things is
based on the elements of Kaendor – the four base element of earth, air,
water, and fire; plus the static element of spirit. All spell casters start their
majik apprenticeship by learning two of these elements: spirit and a base
element of their choice.
As Majik Weavers rise in experience, they are able to add additional
elements if they so choose and can receive proper training. Details for
gaining new elements are provided in the Worlde of Legends™ QuickStart
Rules and the Worlde of Legends™ CORE Gamer’s Guide when it is published.

Primary Element. Each Majik Weaver chooses a Primary Element at the

time of Adventurer creation. This Primary Element not only determines
what type of majik spells can be cast but also what they look like.
Damage spells cast by a Fire Maej will take some form of fire, a Water
Maej will effect some form of water, etc.
A Majik Weaver does not have to have his/her element present in the
environment in order to use his/her element in a majik spell. When weaving
a majik spell, the element for the spell is created by the spell shaping.
A Majik Weaver is able to generate a small amount of his/her Primary
Element, no more than one cubic foot, without tapping into his/her Mána
pool. Any volume beyond that requires an actual spell and the use of Mána.

Sub-Elements. Each Majik Weaver also has access to two Sub-Elements

that are, in reality, a mixture of two Primary Elements. An Adventurer
learns to borrow from the other Elements to create these Sub-Elements.
Each Primary Element has one or more Sub-Elements that can be used
as freely as the Primary Element. The Majik Weaver does not have
full access to the second Primary Element required to make the Sub-
Element, instead creates a majikal weave that pulls the other element
into the spell as a required component.
A Majik Weaver can use Sub-Elements in any spell that falls
within the domain of the Primary Element and can generate a small
amount of his/her designated Sub-Element, no more than one cubic
foot, without tapping into his/her Mána pool. Any volume beyond that
requires an actual spell and the use of Mána.
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Majik Elements and Sub-Elements

Majik Elements and Sub-Elements

DESCRIPTION: The Primary Element AIR is versatile
and useful. The AIR Element includes
Air, Wind, and Concussive Waves. AIR
can be light and airy or hard and solid
depending on how the creative Majik
Weaver utilizes it.
SUB-ELEMENTS: Electricity, Fog
COLOR: Shades of Yellow
TERMINOLOGY: Air Majik Weavers are known As Aeromancers and practice

DESCRIPTION: The Primary Element EARTH is the most
versatile of the elements with a variety
of aspects which can be manipulated. The
EARTH Element includes Soil, Rock (includes
both Sedimentary and Metamorphic rock/
stone but not Igneous), Sand, and Clay.
With all those aspects, EARTH can be a
truly powerful form of majik.
SUB-ELEMENTS: Mud, Quicksand
COLOR: Shades of Green
TERMINOLOGY: Earth Majik Weavers are known As Geomancers and practice

DESCRIPTION: The Primary Element FIRE is one of the
most deadly and destructive of the majik
elements due to it’s natural ability to
grow and spread if not contained. The
FIRE element includes Fire and Heat. It
is truly an element to be respected and
carefully wielded.
SUB-ELEMENTS: Smoke, Lava, Magma
COLOR: Shades of Red
Fire Majik Weavers are known As Pyromancers and practice

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DESCRIPTION: The Primary Element WATER is one of the
most fluid and flexible of the elements.
The WATER Element includes Water and
Water-Based Liquids (what is allowed and
not allowed is solely at the discretion of
the GameMaster). With its flexibility and
strength, WATER can be a truly powerful
form of majik.
SUB-ELEMENTS: Ice, Steam/Vapor/Fog
COLOR: Shades of Blue
TERMINOLOGY: Water Majik Weavers are known As Hydromancers and practice

DESCRIPTION: The Primary Element SPIRIT is the 2nd
Element that all Majik Weavers learn
at the time of Adventurer creation.
SPIRIT includes all majikal spells and
enchantments that do not fall under one
of the other Primary Elements. SPIRIT is
very diverse and allows a vast variety of
non-elemental effects when shaped into
majikal spells.
SUB-ELEMENTS: No Sub-Elements
COLOR: Shades of Purple
TERMINOLOGY: Since all Majik Weavers have access to the SPIRIT element, there
is no special name for this type of majik.

Learning New Majik Elements

Learning New Majik Elements

As a Majik Weaver Adventurer rises in experience level and skill, he/

she may learn additional elements if he/she chooses to do so. Learning
an additional element requires additional training and monetary expense
as well as requiring a minimum Mental Group Average (MGA) score.
The capability for learning additional Majik Elements is not available
in WoL™ LITE, but will be fully detailed in the Worlde of Legends™ CORE
Gamer’s Guide upon its release.

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Majik Weavers and Armor

the flow of majikal energy. The chemical composition of metal creates
a electromagnetic type of resistance to the separated threads which are
woven to create majikal effects. The result of this resistance is that a
spellcaster wearing metal (armor, etc.) may misinterpret the thread shape
size, or length due to distortion created by the electromagnetic interference.
Spellcasters may wear armor; however the success of their casting will be
affected if that armor is made of metal.

Mána Pool

A Weaver’s Mána Pool

Mána Pool. Each Majik Weaver has a pool of Mána which represents his/
her durability for passing majikal energy through his/her body or mind.
This number is determined based on various Attributes and is always a
multiple of 5. Each majik spell has a minimum Mána point value that is
required to cast the spell. This Mána is spent at the moment the spell is
cast and is subtracted from the Adventurer’s overall Mána pool. When
an Adventurer’s Mána Pool reaches 0, he/she can no longer casts spells
until he/she rests or sleeps to allow his/her body/mind to recover from
the exhausting stress of massing majikal energy through one’s self.

Replenishing Mána. As a spellcaster burns available Mána, he/she

is going to want to replenish them. Otherwise, available Mána
will reach zero or less, and the Adventurer can no longer cast
spells without suffering side effects and risking a high chance
of spell failure.
Mána is regenerated at varying degrees depending on what the
majik weaver is doing. The fastest way to regain Mána is by sleeping,
while the slowest way is to continue about the stressful life of an
adventurer without stopping to recuperate.
The rate in which a Majik Weaver replenishes Mána is based on
his/her experience level and Majikal Energy Modifier (MEM). In order to
regenerate Mána, an Adventurer must be conscious and not be weaving
or channeling majikal energy (i.e.; no be casting spells).

Negative Spell Casting. When a spellcaster’s available Mána reaches zero,

he/she can no longer cast spells without suffering side effects. At zero
Mána, the majik weaver has reached maximum tolerance for casting
spells and is near physical and mental exhaustion.

Casting a spell, with a point value greater than the Majik Weaver’s
remaining Mána, will result in negative Mána. This is called Negative
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Spell Casting, and it undoubtedly results in the Adventurer going
unconscious as well as risks disjunction of the spell.

Majikal Energy Modifier (MEM)

Majikal Energy Modifier (MEM)

Every Majik Weaver has a Majikal Energy Modifier (MEM). The MEM is a
numerical representative of an Adventurer’s ability to wield majikal powers
and cast majikal spells. It is based on several Adventurer Attributes and
plays in role in the amount of Mána a Majik Weaver is able to utilize as well
as other majik related statistics.

Forms of Majik Spells

Forms of Majik Spells

There are three basic forms of majikal effects: Offense, Defense, and
Effect. Each one is useful in its own way; and at higher experience levels, the
three forms can be combined in various combinations for epic majikal effects.

Offense Majik. Offense majik is the form of majik that causes harm
or damage. This form of majik usually takes the form of a dart, bolt,
dagger, arrow, ball, or other projectile of either the earth element
(often stone or packed earth), the fire element (flaming projectiles),
the air element (electricity or compressed air), or the water element
(compressed water or ice). Another common manifestation is
elemental blades that exist a few inches from hand or feet and are
used in conjunction with Týnj’Náz or other hand to hand attacks. A
third common manifestation is elemental whips that are lashed out
at targets. Offense majik usually pierces or slashes the target then
dissipates, or it explodes on target impact and dissipates. In any case
it is an incredibly versatile form of majikal effect that is only limited
by the imagination of the Majik Weaver who shapes and casts it.

Defense Majik. Defense Majik is a little more complex than Offense Majik.
Defense Majik is the form of majik that when cast yields protection to a
target or to an area of effect. Examples include shields that float with
the target, rings or spheres of elemental power that provide a barrier
of elemental protection, or perhaps manipulate the element so that it
serves as a form of transport to/from an enemy/friend/situation.

Effect Majik. Effect majik uses the spirit element to cause status effects
on a target. Status effects include: sleep, color changing, forgetfulness,
healing, restoration, resurrection, attribute enhancement, and a whole
host of other effects that (1) do not cause harm/damage and (2) do
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not provide protection. See more examples of Effect Majik in the Spells
section of this chapter.

Types of Spell Effects

Types of Spell Effects

We just learned there are three forms of majik spells: offense, defense,
and effect. This section provides details with how each of those effect
forms manifest when a spell is cast.

OFFENSE SPELL EFFECTS. Most offense spells take the form of inflicting
physical damage to one or more targets. There are few exceptions to
this since most spells that are offensive but do not inflict physical
damage are classified under the Effect Spells category.

There are four types of damage causing spells in Worlde of

Legends™. Each one is powerful in its own way and all four are fully
customizable as described above.

Damage to One. The Damage to One spell allows the caster to issue
a majikal force, that looks, sounds, and smells however he/she
wishes, that will do majikal elemental damage to ONE target. The
element of the spell must be an element the Majik Weaver has
access to and the default damage is 1d4. If a caster wishes to spend
more Mána, he/she may do so to increase the damage die (from
d4 to d6 to d8, etc.) or increase the number of die that are rolled
(1d4 to 2d4 to 3d4, etc.). Each increment in dice size or quantity
will cost the caster additional Mána expenditure.

Damage Chain. The Damage Chain spell allows the caster to issue
a majikal force, that looks, sounds, and smells however he/she
wishes, that will do majikal elemental damage to one target then
bounce off that target to a 2nd target then to a 3rd target and
continuing until it runs out of charges. The number of charges in
a Damage Chain spell is equal to half the Majik Weavers experience
level with a minimum of 2 targets. The element of the spell must
be an element the Majik Weaver has access to and the default
damage is 1d4. If a caster wishes to spend more Mána, he/she
may do so to increase the damage die (from d4 to d6 to d8, etc.)
or increase the number of die that are rolled (1d4 to 2d4 to 3d4,
etc.). Each increment in dice size or quantity will cost the caster
additional Mána expenditure.

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Damage to Group. The Damage to Group spell allows the caster to
issue a majikal force, that looks, sounds, and smells however he/
she wishes, that will do majikal elemental damage to all targets
in a 10’ radius area of effect. The element of the spell must be an
element the Majik Weaver has access to and the default damage is
1d4. If a caster wishes to spend more Mána, he/she may do so to
increase the damage die (from d4 to d6 to d8, etc.) or increase the
number of die that are rolled (1d4 to 2d4 to 3d4, etc.) or increase
the area of effect in 10’ radius increments.. Each increment in
dice size, quantity of dice, or area of effect will cost the caster
additional Mána expenditure.

Damage Melee/Missile. The Damage Melee spell allows the caster to

issue a majikal force, that looks, sounds, and smells however he/
she wishes, that he/she may imbue into a melee or missile weapon
with an additional 1d4 elemental damage (in addition to the normal
weapon damage with all bonuses and penalties). The element of
the spell must be an element the Majik Weaver has access to and
the default damage is 1d4. If a caster wishes to spend more Mána,
he/she may do so to increase the damage die (from d4 to d6 to
d8, etc.) or increase the number of die that are rolled (1d4 to 2d4
to 3d4, etc.). Each increment in dice size or quantity will cost the
caster additional Mána expenditure.

DEFENSE SPELL EFFECTS. Defensive spells in Worlde of Legends™ can take

a variety of forms and effects. Anything from enhancing a comrade’s
Defense Factor to majikal shields and force fields are possible. Some
defensive spells may only affect the caster, but others can effect one
or more comrades. It really all depends on how much Mána a Majik
Weaver wishes to expend to defend himself and/or others. Healing
spells fall under this spell type.
EFFECT SPELL EFFECTS. Effect spells (often Spirit Element spells) in
Worlde of Legends™ are incredibly diverse. Depending on the Mána
expenditure, effect spells can do nearly anything from cause temporary
blindness to translocating people across great distances to creating
extra-dimensional spaces and portals. Over 130 oF the 200+ spells in
the Worlde of Legends™ LITE Gamer’s Guide are effect spells.

Casting Majik Spells

Casting Majik Spells

Several things happen when a spellcaster casts a majikal spell.
Following is a timeline of those events.

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1. Player determines full Mána cost for the spell his/her character
intends to cast, including any modifications.

2. Player determines the Spell Preparation Time (SPT) for the

intended casting.

3. On his/her initiative, the player announces to the GM that his/her

Adventurer intends to cast a spell. The player should inform the GM
of the spell name, any modifications, the full Mána cost, and the SPT.

4. When the SPT is complete and it is time for the spell to effect,
the player states that his/her spell effect is releasing. There is an
optional rule where the Majik Weaver must make a Majik Success
Roll (MSR) to see if the spell was successful or not.

5. The player then deducts the appropriate amount of Mána for the
spell from his pool of available Mána – whether or not the spell
was successful – then rolls damage if applicable. The GM then
describes the effect the spell has on the target(s).

Spellcaster Concentration

Spellcaster Concentration

Weaving threads of majik is a difficult and complex task which requires

nearly every ounce of the caster’s attention. A Majik Weaver is considered
to be “casting” a spell during the entire length of a spell’s SPT, and he/
she must concentrate the entire time. If a Majik Weaver’s concentration
is broken while attempting to cast a spell, the spell immediately dissolves
with no loss of Mána. A Majik Weaver’s concentration should be considered
as being broken in any of the following circumstances.

1. The spellcaster takes any amount of physical damage.

2. The spellcaster is affected by a spell or other majikal force

(excluding Kantrips) in any way.

3. Fails a MGA check on 2d12, at the GM’s discretion, in order to

avoid distraction by an event within his/her range of vision.

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Spell Casting Restrictions

Spell Casting Restrictions

Giving an Adventurer a virtual god-like ability at lower and mid-range

levels would be an outrageous and intolerable breach in game integrity.
Therefore, a majik wielding Adventurer is restricted in what powers of
spells he/she may cast dependent upon current majik ability functional
level. In addition, each spell has a “Power Limiter” which also aids in
power limitation. Without these things, a 2nd level Maej with a large pool
of Mána could cast a high point value Wish spell or a 20d6 flame sphere.
The level restriction is enforced simply by not allowing a Majik Weaver to
cast a spell whose minimum Mána is greater than his/her Experience Level × 5.
It is strongly recommended that a player not write a spell on his/her
character record until the character can actually cast it or at least clearly
mark those spells which can’t yet be cast due to the level limitation.
Base point value is defined as the MPV (Majikal Point Value) of a spell
before any modifications are made during casting.
Final MPV is the point value of a spell, including any customization
or modification adjustments, which is deducted from a caster’s pool of
available MEP when a spell is cast.

Customizing Majik Spells

Customize Majik Spells

Each spell is fully customizable. Some customizations, the aesthetic

aspects of a spell, are free, costing no additional Mána; while others
require additional Mána since they increase the power of a spell.
Customizing A Spell With No Extra Mána. A Majik Weaver can customize
what a spell looks like, sounds like, and even smells like for no additional
Mána points. If an Adventurer wants, a spell can be in the form of rainbow
colored droplets/darts/bolts/etc. of [your chosen element] that smells like
[scent/odor of your choice] and sounds like a screaming nuclear missile (or
whatever sound you choose). The appearance, sound, and smell of a majik
spell is only limited by the imagination of the Majik Weaver who casts it.
Customizing A Spell by Spending Extra Mána. There are aspects of
majikal spells that can be customized by adding additional Mána points into
the spell. These customizations increase the power of a spell in various
ways as the caster chooses. Every spell customization in this category is
based on single increments of the aspect being enhanced, or “powered-
up”. Each of the following spell aspects may be customized at the caster’s
will by spending additional Mána points on the spell.

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Learning New Majik Spells

Learning New Spells

There are many ways for an Adventurer to learn new spells including
studying spell books at a library, learn from a more experienced Majik
Weaver (paid training), or come across them while adventuring. In
order for a Majik Weaver to learn a new spell, the spell does not have
to be specifically for his form of majik (maej, reun, maiv, faeth). Each
Majik Weaver is able to discern his/her appropriate style from any spell
inscription in a book or scroll as well as from an instructor.
It is always easier to learn a new spell if it is already in a Majik Weaver’s
form, but it is not required. The chance of a Majik Weaver successfully
learning a new spell is as follows. An Adventurer may attempt to learn
a new spell once per day with study and/or practice and experimentation
time in between. The maximum chance of success is 95%.

Same Majik Form: (MGA + MEM + XL) × 2

Different Majik Form: MGA + MEM + XL

Skilled + Actions

Skilled + Actions
Once an Adventurer reaches Skilled Mastery Rank (Mastery Rank 3 at
Experience Level 5) or higher, he/she can utilize special archery attacks
called Skilled + Actions. These attacks may incur bonuses and/or penalties
to combat statistics which only improve as the Adventurer advances to new
Archery Mastery Ranks. Penalties are depicted as “negative” numbers and
bonuses as “positive” numbers.
An Adventurer must state he/she is performing a Skilled + Action prior
to an attack or parry roll. The bonus/penalty for each of these Skilled +
Actions varies depending on the Adventurer’s Mastery Rank. These Actions
require a successful attack for the effect to happen. Ask your GameMaster
if you are unsure of any aspect of Skilled + Actions.
See the following SkillEd + ACTiOnS section of this preview for more
details about Arts Majika Skilled + Actions.

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Intentionally Blank

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Bardic Arts Mastery

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Bardic Arts Mastery
There are many types of Bards with many and varied talents, including
song, musical instrument, storytelling, poetry, and more. Whatever
a Bard’s preferred Performance Art, all Worlde of Legends™ Bards use
Meuzikal Instrument Performance in order to tap into the energy emanated
by the majikal weave in order to will effects onto the world around them.
Effects invoked by a Bard’s music are called Enchantments instead of Spells.
The Bard and the Majik Elements

The Bard and the Majik Elements

Unlike the Weavers of Arts Majika, Bards do not have to tie themselves
to specific majik elements. Since the majik enchantments of the Bard do
not directly manipulate the threads of the Majikal Weave, the majikal
energy’s tie to the elements does not apply. The residual energy in
the aether around the Weave can be used to effect specific elemental
manifestations, however, the Bard cannot choose what elements are
manifested in an Enchantment unless the Enchantment is already know
to be associated with a specific element.
When a Bard invokes a variable elemental enchantment, signified by
the type AEFW (Air, Earth, Fire, Water), he/she should roll 1d4 to determine
which element is manifested. A roll of 1 manifests Air, 2 manifests Earth,
3 manifests Fire, and 4 manifests Water.
Bardic Arts Performance Styles

Bardic Arts Performance Styles

Every Bard has two Performance Styles – a Creative Performance Style

which is his/her chosen Bardic profession and is used for entertaining
others and a Combat Performance Style which is used for performing
during combat to invoke majikal effects. A Bard’s Creative Performance
Style has no impact on combat, but is important for role-playing your

Creative Performance Styles

Creative Performance Styles

There are six different Bardic Creative Performance Styles. A Bard
receives one Creative Performance Style at the time of Adventurer creation.
This is his/her Primary Art unless he/she chooses to change it at a later
Experience Level.

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The first five are single Creative Performance Style options which
include The Art of Voice - The Vo’kál, The Art of Dance - The Dán’Súr, The
Art of Meuzik - The Meuzikán, The Art of the Stage - The Treupor, and the
Art of the Fool - The Jestor.
The sixth type of Bard is The Art of the Performer - The Mýnstrel, is
the only multi- Creative Performance Style Bard type and is not available
until the Bard has learned two or more Creative Performance Styles.
The Vo’Kál – The Art of Voice

The Vo’Kál - The Art of Voice

One of the most common types of Bard, the Bardic Vo’Kál, (voh-KAHL)
is a smooth talker whose voice rises and falls with the poetics, histories,
current events, fables, children’s stories (and rhymes) and legendary tales.
The Bardic Vo’Kál also has a repertoire of songs that can be sung. These
songs include history songs, story songs, popular songs, fables songs, and
children’s songs, all of which tell a tale through musical, lyrical voice.
The Dán’Súr – The Art of Dáns

The Dán’Súr - The Art of Dáns

The Dán’Súr (dahn-SOOR) is proficient in many forms of dance. The

movements of his/her hands, feet and body as well as the rhythms of their
accompaniment are able to distract and captivate audiences everywhere.
He/she usually knows modern dances, traditional dances, and ancient
dances of the past. Dance types may include court dancing, interpretive
dance, country folk dances, children’s dances, interpretive dances, and
belly dancing.
The Dán’Súr also has the skill to share poetics, histories, current
events, fables, children’s stories (and rhymes) and legendary tales through
spoken voice (though not as well as a Vo’Kál).
The Meuzikán – The Art of Meuzik

The Meuzikán - The Art of Meuzik

The Bardic Meuzikán (MEW-zih-kahn), is popular all over the Worlde

and is proficient with various types of musical instruments. He/she is
capable of performing musical pieces that captivate audiences with the
beauty of Meuzik and stirring the emotions within their hearts and souls.
The Bardic Meuzikán may choose one to three instruments at the time
of Adventurer creation based on his/her Bardic Talent Indicator (BTI). If
the Meuzikán chooses, additional instruments may be gained at every new
Mastery Rank with appropriate training and GameMaster approval.

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The Meuzikán also has the skill to share poetics, histories, current
events, fables, children’s stories (and rhymes) and legendary tales. The
Bardic Meuzikán Performance Style is often paired with the The Art of
Voice - The Vo’Kál as a Secondary Creative Performance Style. Meuzikán
are commonly seen at all types of events and in inns and taverns all over
the Worlde. They often provide meuzikal accompaniment for other types
of Bards.
The Treupor – The Art of the Stage

The Treupor - The Art of the Stage

The Treupor (TREW-poor) is proficient at utilizing makeup, costume

changes, and dramatic or comedic performance to entertain and capture
an audience. Many Treupors also utilize puppets or marionettes for their
performances. They tell legendary tales, children’s stories (and rhymes),
and enact humorous and/or dramatic current and historical events through
all aspects of their art.
When appropriate, the Treupor will utilize stages, stage background
sets, props, costumes, makeup and other aids to create performance
visuals that further enhance their performance. Treupors often perform in
groups. Treupors, however, are quite adept at being a one-person show
featuring soliloquies or utilizing two-face facial paints and half-and-half
costumes to represent more than once character.

The Jestor – The Art of the Fool

The Jestor - The Art of the Fool

The Bardic Jestor (jehs-TOR) is proficient at using humor, acrobatics,

mockery, mimicry, slapstick, and other “street” arts such as miming,
juggling, fire-eating, sword-swallowing, etc. to enthrall and entertain
audiences. Some Jestors will also utilize puppets and/or marionettes,
ventriloquism, and/or sleight of hand during their performances. Many
Jestors are quite adept at “shell games” and other street side games that
often utilize sleight of hand by the Jestor and require plenty of luck by the
participants, often utilizing common “cons”.
Jestors often dress in brightly colored, even garish, clothing, especially
in motley and checkered patterns. In addition, some Jestors, especially at
hired performances, choose to wear heavy makeup, often paling the face
and over accenting eyes, lips, and rosy cheeks in an almost clown-like

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The Mýnstrel – The Art of the Performer

The Mýnstrel - The Art of the Performer

The Bardic Mýnstrel (mihn-STREHL) is a Bard who has learned two or

more different Creative Performance Styles. A Bard chooses a single Creative
Performance Style at the time of Adventurer creation and is able to learn
additional Styles and Mastery Ranks 5, 7, 9, and 10. Learning additional
Creative Performance Styles requires appropriate training from appropriate
instructors and is done in conjunction with the Bard’s usual Mastery Rank
training. Additional Creative Performance training is optional and should
be detailed out with your GameMaster.
As you can imagine, Bardic Mýnstrels are in high demand for hired
events and are very popular in inns and taverns due to their multi-talented
abilities. Mýnstrels often work with other Bards of various types to ensure
they offer the most entertaining performances. Mýnstrels often take it
upon themselves to create new works and teach others. They are known to
often take positions as instructors at educational institutes as well as in
private homes of Royals, Nobles, and other wealthy patrons.

Combat Performance Style

Combat Performance Style

No matter which Creative Performance Style a Bard uses throughout
his/her daily life, a Bard must learn to play one instrument that is used for
Combat. Combat performances are not complex meuzikal pieces. In fact,
many are incredibly short meuzikal note combinations that last between
one and five seconds.
These “melodies”, if you will, are unique rhythms and note combinations
that tap into the pseudo-majikal energy of the weave to invoke a Bardic
Enchantment majikal effect. This skill is learned during Bardic Arts Mastery
Rank 1 training and is performed on a special enchanted instrument. Most
Bards who do not have Meuzika as the Creative Style cannot perform
complex music, but are very adept at theri Bardic Enchantment melodies.

Bardic Arts Instrument

Bardic Arts Instruments

There are 21 instruments available to Bards in Worlde of Legends™
including Wind Instruments, String Instruments, and Percussion
Instruments. Every Bard chooses one Combat Instrument to perform Bardic
Combat Performances and Bards who choose the Art of Meuzik as their
Creative Performance Style will choose one or more instruments.

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Bardic Talent Indicator (BTI)

Bardic Talent indicator (BTI)

The Bardic Talent Indicator (BTI) is used to determine many aspects
of a Bard’s performance success and effectiveness during both the role-
play and combat aspects of game play. A Bard’s BTI is determined by
various Attributes including Creativity, Endurance, Reasoning, Intuition
and others. BTI specifically plays a large role in how much Bardic Vitality
a Bard is able to utilize.

Bardic Vitality (VIT)

Bardic Vitality (VIT)

Bards can only manipulate so much majikal energy before their bodies
and minds tire and become incapable of producing further Enchantments.
A Bard’s majikal energy limit is based on how much Bardic Vitality (VIT)
he/she has available for use. Vitality is determined by a Bard’s relevant
attributes, his/her experience level, and his/her Bardic Talent Indicator
(BTI). Bardic Vitality is similar to a Majik Weaver’s Mána pool.
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Bards do not require Vitality for Creative Performances. Vitality is
only used when the Bard is effecting Enchantments on allies/enemies and
sometimes when using Bardic Skilled + Actions at Skilled Mastery Rank
(Mastery Rank 03) or higher.
Every time a Bard invokes a Bardic Enchantment, he/she must
subtract an appropriate amount from his/her pool of Vitality. Each Bardic
Enchantment has a Vitality cost specified in the Enchantment description.
This Vitality cost is not flexible and applies both in and out of combat

Vitality Replenishment. As a Bard burns his/her available Vitality, he/she

is going to want to replenish it. Otherwise, his/her available Vitality
will reach zero or less, and he/she can no longer enact a Combat
Performance without suffering side effects.

When a Bard’s performance reduces his/her Vitality to a number

less than zero (0), he/she must make a successful Physical Group
Average (PGA) Attribute check or faint into a deep sleep for 2d12 hours.
There is no invoking into negative Vitality. Once it is depleted to zero,
it must be replenished before any more Bardic Enchantments may
be invoked.
In order to replenish Vitality, a Bard Adventurer must be conscious
and not be performing (neither Creative nor Combat Performance),
practicing his/her creative art privately, nor doing any other strenuous
or distracting activity.

Bardic Enchantments

Bardic Enchantments
A Bard has a limited number of Enchantments he/she can invoke based
on how much Vitality he/she has available. In addition, a Bard has a limited
number of Enchantments he/she knows based on Bardic Talent Indicator
(BTI) and Experience Level.
Once a Bard has learned a Bardic Enchantment, he/she does not forget
it. Learned Enchantments are always available for use. Bards do not have
to “study” their Enchantments each day, nor do they have to select which
Enchantments are “ready for use” each day.
Bardic Meuzikal Skor of Enchantments

Bardic Meuzikal Skor of Enchantments

Bards do not use spell books, or books of Enchantments as the case

may be. Instead, since their majik is based on meuzikal notes and rhythms,
Bards keep a Meuzikal Skor of Bardic Enchantments. This Skor is not

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required in Worlde of Legends™, however, most Bards utilize them as a
record of every Combat Performance known to them.
Bardic Meuzikal Skors come in many forms. Some Skors are books,
some are scrolls, and some are simply stacks of parchment kept in boxes
or leather satchels. How a Bard documents his/her Bardic Enchantments
is entirely up to the player. In addition, many Bards majikally lock their
Meuzikal Skors to ensure they are protected.
A Bard’s Meuzikal Skor grows as his/her knowledge of the Bardic Art grows.
Every new Combat Performance piece is recorded on the pages or sheets of the
Meuzikal Skor. In addition, Bards of the Meuzikán Creative Performance Style
will often keep their Creative Performances as part of the same Skor.
Bardic Arts Instrument

Bardic Enchantment Restrictions

The ability to create majikal effects with a meuzikal instrument can be a

very powerful thing hat must be regulated in order to ensure game balance
and integrity. Therefore, a Bard Adventurer is restricted in how powerful
his/her Enchantments can be dependent upon the current functional level
of his/her Bardic Arts Ability. Without this restriction, a lower level Bard
with a large pool of Vitality could cast high point value Enchantments that
are well out of his/her range of control and would lessen the advantage
that experience level brings to the Bardic Arts Ability.. That type of power
should not be allowed.
The level restriction is enforced simply by not allowing a Bard to invoke
an Enchantment whose minimum Vitality is greater than his/her Experience
Level (XL) × 5. A 1st Level Bard can invoke Enchantments with a Final Vitality
Value (FVV) of no more than 5, 2nd Level no more than 10 FFV, 3rd Level no
more than 15 FVV, etc. This restriction helps maintain game balance and
allows Bards to become more powerful as they gain experience.

Types of Bardic Enchantments

Types of Bardic Enchantments

There are four types of Enchantments:. Each type of Enchantment

may be applied to allies, enemies, or neutral parties as needed. Bardic
Enchantments are implemented when the Bard uses his/her Performance
Art Style to access the majikal energy which surrounds the majikal weave
and channel it into an effect.

» INSPIRATIONS which usually BUFF a target

» DISCOURAGEMENTS which usually DEBUFF a target
» PERSUASIONS which usually encourage a target toward a
certain action
» NEUTRALIZERS which neutralize the other three types
of Enchantments

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Customizing Bardic Enchantments
Customizing Bardic Enchantments

A Bard can customize what a Bardic Enchantment looks like, sounds

like, and even smells like for no additional Vitality points. If an Adventurer
chooses, an Enchantment can be in the form of [color of your choice]
[droplets/darts/bolts/etc. of your choice] of the appropriate element
that smells like [scent/odor of your choice] and sounds like [a screaming
nuclear missile, a chirping canary, or whatever sound you choose].
The appearance, sound, and smell of a Bardic Enchantment is only
limited by the imagination of the Bard who invokes it. Those characteristics
can literally look/sound/smell like anything you can imagine, but the
Enchantment will have no more power or be enhanced in any other way.
Bardic Enchantments cannot be enhanced by pouring extra Vitality into the

Bard Concentration While Invoking

Bard Concentration While Invoking

“Invoking” a Bardic Enchantment is done when the Bard plays specific

notes and rhythms on an enchanted Bardic Combat Instrument. Though
the instrument does most of the aether binding to create the majikal
effect, invoking Bardic Enchantments does require focus and concentration
to ensure the Performance is played properly.
A Bard is considered to be “invoking” an Enchantment during
the entire length of an Enchantment’s Enchantment Preparation
Time (EPT), and he/she must concentrate on the task at hand the
entire time.
If a Bard’s concentration is broken while attempting to nvoke an
Enchantment, the Enchantment immediately dissolves, it’s pseudo-
majikal energy returning back to the majikal weave, with no loss
of Vitality.
A Bard’s concentration should be considered at risk of being broken in
any of the following circumstances.

1. The Bard takes any amount of physical damage (even 1 point of

2. The Bard is affected by a spell, Enchantment, or other majikal
force (including Kantrips) in any way.
3. A potent1ially distracting event occurs within the Bard’s field of
sight or range of hearing.

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Enchantment Succss/Hit/Failure

Enchantment Success/Hit/Failure
In Worlde of Legends™, Invoking Enchantments is usually successful
unless the invoking process itself is disrupted or the completed Enchantment
is an Epic Spell Failure. Following are the three things to consider regarding
invoking enchantments.
Enchantment Success

Enchantment Success

Every time an Enchantment is invoked, the Bard must roll d20 (like any
other Adventurer does when making an offensive action in combat). This is
called the Invoke Success Roll (ISR).
A normal Enchantment success occurs when the Invoke Success Roll
(d20) result is between 2 and 19. This indicates that the spell invokes just
as the Bard intended.
Enchantment Critical Hit

Enchantment Critical Hit

An Enchantment Critical Hit occurs when the Invoke Enchantment

d20 roll result is a 1. This indicates that the Enchantment was not only
successful, but successful in a big way.
One or more aspects of the Enchantment will be doubled or otherwise
enhanced. Perhaps the spell does double damage, or the damage chain
repeats itself, or the area of effect/rang/duration is increased. The final
result of the Critical Hit spell is solely at the GameMaster’s discretion.
Enchantment Epic Failure

Enchantment Epic Failure

An Epic Enchantment failure occurs when the Invoke Enchantment

d20 roll results in a 20. This indicates that the Enchantment was not
successful. The Bard should roll d% to determine what happens based on
the GameMaster’s Epic Enchantment Failures chart.
Bardic Enchantment Timeline

Bardic Enchantment Timeline

Invoking Bardic Enchantments during combat is a necessity for the
Bard. Several things happen when a Bard invokes an Enchantment. This
time line for invoking Enchantments during combat will walk you through
it step by step.

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1. Player determines the Vitality cost for the Enchantment his/her
Adventurer is invoking.
2. Player determines the Enchantment Preparation Time (EPT) for the
intended Enchantment.
3. On his/her initiative, the player announces to the GM that his/her
Adventurer is going to invoke an Enchantment. The player should
inform the GM of the Enchantment name, the Vitality cost, and the EPT.
4. When the EPT is complete and it is time for the Enchantment to
effect, the player states that his/her Enchantment is releasing. At
this time, the Bard must make an Enchantment Success Roll n d20
to see if the spell was successful or not.
5. The player then deducts the appropriate amount of Vitality for the
Enchantment from his/her Vitality Pool – whether or not the spell
was successful – then rolls damage or other variable effects if
applicable. The GM then describes the effect the Enchantment has
on the target(s) or other Area of Effect.
Bard Majik and Friendly Fire

Bard Majik and Friendly Fire

For the Bard, friendly fire where enemies and allies are both affected
by a majikal effect, is not an issue unless specified in the Enchantment or
Skilled + Action description. The Bard uses precise meuzikal pitches and
rhythms to create majikal effects. The precise tones and timing of these
meuzik based Enchantments naturally separate friend from foe and apply
the majikal effect according to the will of the Bard who invokes it.
In addition, all Bards are immune to majik invoked by themselves
unless they choose to temporarily release themselves from that immunity
in order to be affected by an Enchantment they are invoking.
Bardic Combat Actions

Bard Combat Actions

A Bard may use any combat action that any other Adventurer can
use during a combat encounter including, but not limited to, mundane
actions, attacking with a weapon, and invoking Bardic Enchantments. The
effectiveness of weapon and Bardic majik actions is based on the Bard’s
Mastery Rank with those abilities. The majority of combat actions taken by
a Bard usually coincide with his/her Primary and Secondary Abilities, being
that they give the Bard the highest success rate when taking an action.
Bards and Weapons

Bards and Weapons

The Worlde of Legends™ Bard may use any melee or missile weapons.
Every Adventurer needs a dagger to cut meat off the spit, and every
Adventurer, no matter his/her Abilities, will find themselves in need of a
weapon to engage in melee combat at some point during game play.

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If the Bard has Weapons Mastery as his/her Secondary Ability, he/
she will be as proficient with weapons combat as he/she is with Bardic
Performances Combat.
If a Bard does not have Weapons Mastery as his/her Secondary Ability,
he/she will be proficient at weapons combat at one half the Mastery Rank
of his/her Bardic Mastery Rank.
Bards and Armor

Bards and Armor

Since Bards do not pass majikal energy through their bodies, but
instead use an enchanted Combat Performance Instrument to create majikal
effects, there are no armor restrictions. A Bard may wear any armor he/she
chooses to wear. Most Bards choose to wear lighter, more flexible armor
so that there is no interference with playing their Combat Instrument.
Bard Skilled + Actions

Bard Skilled + Actions

Bardic Skilled + Actions (S+A) are special actions that a Bard receives
once he/she has reached Bardic Arts Mastery Rank 03 (Skilled Rank). These
Skilled + Actions offer additional Blank
benefits as the Bard traverses through
the Bardic Arts Mastery Ranks.
Skilled + Actions are picked at each new Mastery Rank starring at Rank
03 (Skilled Rank) and are included as part of the customary training for
a new Rank. A Bard is allowed to choose 2 S+A each Mastery Rank from
Mastery Ranks 03-10., At Mastery Rank 10, a Bard should have 16 Skilled +
Actions which he/she can use during combat encounters. Skilled + Actions
are detailed in the separate Worlde of Legends™ SKILLED + ACTIONS Preview.

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SkillEd + ACTiOnS

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Intentionally Blank

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Skilled + Actions Overview

Skilled + Actions Overview

Once an Adventurer reaches Skilled Mastery Rank (Mastery Rank 3 at
Experience Level 5) or higher, he/she can utilize special attacks called Skilled +
Actions. An Adventurer receives automatic access for these Skilled + Actions
and is trained in them during their normal Weapons Mastery Training.
These attacks may incur bonuses and/or penalties to combat statistics
which only improve as the Adventurer advances to new Weapons Mastery
Ranks. Penalties are depicted as "negative" numbers and bonuses as "positive"
numbers. Skilled + Actions cannot be combined with each other unless it
specifically says a combination is possible in the Action's description.
Weapons Mastery S+A Selection

Weapons Mastery S+A Selection

There are two categories of Staff Mastery Skilled + Actions which
players may choose from at each new Mastery Rank. A Weapons Master
may choose any two Skilled + Actions at each new Mastery Rank starting
at Skilled Mastery Rank 03 (Experience Level 5 or higher).
General S+A Defensive S+A
Archery Mastery S+A Selection

Archery Mastery S+A Selection

There are four categories of Archery Mastery Skilled + Actions which
players may choose from at each new Mastery Rank. An Archer Master may
choose any two Skilled + Actions at each new Mastery Rank starting at Skilled
Mastery Rank 03 (Experience Level 5 or higher).
General S+A Defensive S+A
Melee S+A Trick Shot S+A

Staff Mastery S+A Selection

Staff Mastery S+A Selection
There are seven categories of Staff Mastery Skilled + Actions which
players may choose from at each new Mastery Rank. A Staff Master may
choose any two Skilled + Actions at each new Mastery Rank starting at
Skilled Mastery Rank 03 (Experience Level 5 or higher).
General S+A Defensive S+A Evasive S+A
Martial S+A Parry S+A Trip S+A
Tumble S+A

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Týnj’Naz Mastery S+A Selection

Týnj’Naz Mastery S+A Selection

There are four categories of Týnj’Naz Mastery Skilled + Actions which
players may choose from at each new Mastery Rank. A Wékán may choose any
one Martial Skilled + Action and any one Ké Energy Skilled + Actions at each new
Mastery Rank starting at Skilled Mastery Rank 03 (Experience Level 5 or higher).
General S+A Defensive S+A Evasive S+A Parry S+A
Arts Majika S+A Selection

Arts Majika S+A Selection

As a Majik Weaver Adventurer climbs the Arts Majika Mastery Ranks, he/
she will gain special Mastery Rank based combat actions. Majik Weavers receive
two combat actions at Mastery Rank 1 (Novice Actions), two combat actions
at Mastery Rank 2 (Adroit Actions), numerous actions at Mastery Ranks 03-10
(Skilled + Actions), and several actions at Mastery Ranks 08-10 (Champion +
Benefits — available in the Worlde of Legends™ Gamer Guide upon its release).
Though these Early Mastery Rank Actions are called “Combat Actions”,
they are not just available for use during a combat encounter. A Majik
Weaver may use any of the Mastery Rank Actions at any time. Early Rank
Combat Actions are similar to weaving (casting) a majik spell and requires
1 or more combat rounds of Spell Preparation Time (SPT).
Arts Majika S+A is broken down into the following types. At each
Mastery Rank, starting with Mastery Rank 03 (Experience Level 5) a Majik
Weaver may select S+As as shown below.
Combat Action Rank 1 Select 1 Combat Action at Exp Level 1
Combat Action Rank 2 Select 2 Combat Actions at Exp Level 2

General S+A Available to All Select 1 at Each Rank:

03 - 10
Elemental S+A Only Choose Within Select 1 at Each Rank:
Your Element 03 - 10
School S+A Only Choose Within Select 1 at Each Rank:
Your Majik School 03, 05, 07, 09, 10
Bardic Arts S+A Selection
Bardic Arts S+A Selection
Bardic Skilled + Actions (S+A) are special actions that a Bard receives once he/
she has reached Bardic Arts Mastery Rank 03 (Skilled Rank). These Skilled + Actions
offer additional benefits as the Bard traverses through the Bardic Arts Mastery Ranks.
Skilled + Actions are picked at each new Mastery Rank starring at Rank
03 (Skilled Rank) and are included as part of the customary training for
a new Rank. A Bard is allowed to choose 2 S+A each Mastery Rank from
Mastery Ranks 03-10., At Mastery Rank 10, a Bard should have 16 Skilled +
Actions which he/she can use during combat encounters.

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Weapons Mastery Skilled + Actions

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Defensive S+A


General S+A


Martial S+A


Precision S+A

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Archery Mastery Skilled + Actions

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Defensive S+A


General S+A


Melee S+A


General S+A

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Staff Mastery Skilled + Actions

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Defensive S+A Martial S+A


Evasive S+A Trip S+A



General S+A Tumble S+A



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Týnj’Naz Mastery Skilled + Actions

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Defensive S+A

Parry S+A


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Arts Majika Mastery Skilled + Actions

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Early S+A Faeth


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Bardic Arts Mastery Skilled + Actions

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Discouragement S+A


Inspiration S+A


Neutralizer S+A


Persuasion S+A

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