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Grammar +8801710220992
Test: 01

1. The man denied all responsibility for the rumors ---- for some time.

A) to be circulating
B) have circulated
C) to being circulated

D) having been circulating

E) be circulated

2. We think the project, ---- relies on everyone making an effort, will be successful.

A) what
B) that

C) for which
D) which

E) where

3. He showed me round the town, ---- was very kind of him.

A) where
B) that

C) who
D) what

E) which

4. Fraud detectives are investigating the company, three of ---- senior executives have
already been arrested.

A) which
B) that

C) whose
D) what
E) whom

5. I intentionally didn't have lunch ---- I would be hungry tonight.

A) so that

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B) in case

C) hence
D) however
E) moreover

6. We were unable to get funding and ---- had to abandon the project.

A) therefore
B) notwithstanding
C) however
D) since

E) providing

7. You mustn't think that you can borrow it whenever you want to just ---- I'm lending you
my dress for tonight.

A) due to
B) despite
C) yet

D) because
E) in case of

8. She has denied her family and refused to have any contact with them, ----?

A) hasn't she

B) isn't it
C) doesn't she

D) did she
E) wasn't it

9. When she ---- to boarding school, she felt as though her parents ---- her.

A) has been sent / have rejected

B) sent / had rejected
C) sent / rejected

D) was sent / had rejected

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E) had been sent / have rejected

10. By the time I ---- the job advertised, it ---- too late to apply.

A) see / has been

B) had seen / has been

C) have seen / was

D)would see / had been

E) saw/ was

Answer: 1. D 2. D 3. E 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. E

Test: 02

1. Many people have devised methods ---- they have measured time.

A) which
B) when

C) with which
D) in which

E) where

2. An archaeologist has found an ancient Egyptian town in Israel ---- discovery suggests
that Egyptian influence was wider than previously believed.

A) who
B) to whom
C) where
D) whose
E) in which

3. The suburbs are the places ---- many Americans moved to in the 1950s in the USA.

A) which
B) where

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C) in which

D) of which
E) whose

4. Scientists are doing research on remote ecosystems, ---- is the Arctic tundra.

A) which

B) that
C) through which
D) each of them
E) one of which

5. There are many interesting events ---- in the night-time sky.

A) that observed
B) which are observing
C) being observed
D) having observed

E) whom observed

6. The years ---- World War 2 were the time ---- returning veterans started to buy houses.

A) following / when
B) followed / that

C) that follow / why

D) which was followed / which

E) being followed / whom

7. ---- penicillin continues to be used widely, some strains of bacteria have developed a
resistance to the drug.

A) Despite

B) Although
C) Due to
D) Therefore

E) So that

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8. In the 1700s, England taxed tea, ---- coffee and wine.

A) while
B) moreover

C) in addition to
D) including
E) in contrast

9. ---- Albert Einstein became famous mainly for his work on relativity, he received the
Nobel Prize for his work on photoelectric law.

A) Because
B) In case

C) As long as
D) Ever since
E) Despite the fact that

10. ---- some people like a great deal of variety in their lives, i am happier when my
schedule is quite routine.

A) Due to the fact that

B) No matter what

C) However

D) Whereas

E) Accordingly

Answer: 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. E 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. E 10. D

Test: 03

1. The couple had been saving up to buy ---- a house for a long time when they won the

A) on their own
B) themselves
C) theirs

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D) their

E) they

2. By the time the UN task force ----, the rebel forces ---- the province.

A) arrived/ took
B) has arrived/ will take

C) arrived/ had taken

D) had arrived/ had taken
E) arrives/ have taken

3. I ---- the possibility of early retirement since the reorganization.

A) had looked into

B) looked into
C) was looking into
D) have been looking into
E) will be looking into

4. Despite being a mechanic, Mike ---- his car when it ---- yesterday.

A) may not fix / has broken

B) cannot fix / had broken

C) will not fix / breaks

D) might not fix / broke

E) couldn't fix / broke

5. --- often offering poor conditions and basic salaries, charities rarely have problems in
recruiting staff.

A) Despite
B) Even though

C) Much as
D) Because of
E) Inasmuch as

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6. One way of selecting candidates is a written test; ----, an informal interview can often be
more informative.

A) in addition to

B) as a result of this
C) on the other hand
D) consequently

E) hence

7. I used to live in one of those houses ---- have now been demolished.

A) where
B) that

C) of which
D) whose
E) why

8. The supermarket removed from the shelves all of its jars of tomato puree, several ----
were found to contain fragments of glass.

A) that
B) which

C) of which
D) of whose

E) whom

9. When he came home, my brother was unusually attentive, ---- made me very suspicious.

A) that
B) who

C) whom
D) which
E) what

10. We interviewed fourteen applicants for the post, none of ---- we thought suitable.

A) who

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B) that

C) which

D) whose

E) whom

Answer: 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. E 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. E

Test: 04

1. The mayor pledged to find out ---- caused the blackout and to take steps to prevent
future problems with large-scale power outages.

A) what

B) which

C) that
D) how

E) why

2. The study was to determine ---- or not there was a connection between gender and
linguistic achievement.

A) what

B) why
C) how

D) that
E) whether

3. Jim ---- on the early flight the next morning, so he ---- his excuses and left the
party before midnight.

A) was leaving / made

B) will leave / will make
C) leaves / had made

D) would leave / is going to make

E) has left / will make

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4. Brendan ---- to find the gas tank empty as he ---- the truck only twice that week.

A) was surprised / had been using

B) is surprised / has used

C) has been surprised / would use

D) was surprised / had used
E) will be surprised / was using

5. Before the advent of satellite television viewers ---- a very wide selection of channels.

A) must not have

B) didn't use to have

C) needn't have

D) shouldn't have
E) might not have

6. It is high time the country ---- of the Prime Minister's intentions, isn't it?

A) had been told

B) were told
C) have been told

D) are told

E) will be told

7. When we have started the course, we needn't pay for the whole course in advance, ----?

A) don't we
B) didn't we

C) need we
D) have we
E) haven't we

8. We regret not ---- of the chairman's decision before the board meeting.

A) informing

B) to be informed
C) having informed

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D) to have been informed

E) having been informed

9. The bank robbery ---- I told you is in the local newspaper today.

A) of which
B) that

C) about which

D) where
E) why

10. The board was reluctant to announce the news ---- they might upset the

A) so that
B) in case of

C) although

D) lest
E) for fear of

Answer: 1. A 2. E 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. E 9. C 10. D

Test: 05

1. James was so busy ---- for the exam that he didn't have time ---- with his friends.

A) to study / to spend

B) having studied / spending

C) to be studying / being spent
D) being studied / spending
E) studying / to spend

2. I never forget ---- my temper when my wife shouted at me, although now i regret ----

A) to lose / doing

B) losing / having done

C) having lost / to do
D) to have lost / to have done

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E) being lost / having been done

3. The guitar is an instrument that ---- around since the 1500s, but it ---- several
big transformations during its history.

A) had been / has undergone

B) was / underwent

C) has been / has undergone

D) would be / was undergoing
E) has been / undergoes

4. When the tower ---- to the public a decade ago, officials said it ---- open again in just a
few years.

A) closed / had been

B) was closed / has been
C) would be closed / would be

D) was closing / was

E) was closed / would be

5. The notion of the state and the notion of war are said ---- in ancient Sumer and later

A) to be emerged

B) to have emerged

C) having been emerged

D) being emerged
E) to emerge

6. ---- smoking can reduce the risk of ---- many smoking related illnesses.

A) To give up / being contracted

B) Giving up / contracting
C) To be given up / contracting

D) Giving up / to contract
E) Being given up / being contracted

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7. Heavy metal had its peak popularity in the 1980s, ---- many of the now existing sub-
genres first evolved.

A) why

B) at which
C) where
D) that

E) during which

8. Women's Aid is a UK charity ---- aim is to end domestic violence against women
and children.

A) who
B) whose

C) which
D) what

E) whom

9. You ---- what you heard as it was highly confidential.

A) must not have repeated

B) might not repeat

C) shouldn't have repeated

D) needn't be repeated

E) don't have to repeat

10. Some people don't know ---- they're meeting their daily requirements through their

A) which
B) why

C) where
D) whether or not
E) whatever

Answer: 1. E 2. B 3. C 4. E 5. B 6. B 7. E 8. B 9. C 10. D

Grammar +8801710220992
Test: 06

1. We have to do some research in order to ---- the possible factors that could affect the
outcome of the project.

A) determine

B) refuse

C) diminish
D) remain
E) descend

2. John ---- his skills beyond everyone's expectations and won this year's swimming

A) despised

B) decreased
C) improved

D) hesitated
E) inclined

3. It is a well-known fact that because of the danger that it represents, one has to
---- from smoking.

A) prevent
B) disappoint

C) cease
D) remove
E) refrain

4. Many people ---- the consequences of high blood pressure, but family physicians stress
that hypertension is a dangerous condition if left untreated.

A) apprehend
B) assess

C) measure
D) underestimate
E) appreciate

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5. I think my brother has ---- his friends badly and displayed selfishness for a long time.

A) respected

B) treated
C) acted
D) protected
E) healed

6. Color-blind people usually suffer from the inability to ---- between certain colors or
shades of a color.

A) deliver

B) differentiate
C) follow

D) pursue
E) mention

7. The prime minister dismisses criticism that he has ---- the economy and social issues.

A) advanced

B) recovered
C) proceeded

D) neglected
E) discovered

8. As I ---- Mr. Robson's behavior towards me, I will not tolerate it any more.

A) admire

B) engage
C) detest
D) initiate
E) recur

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9. The Highways Agency warned drivers to be extra careful and to delay journeys if bad
weather ----.

A) facilitates

B) persists
C) hinders
D) concludes

E) terminates

10. Due to the continual noise from the street below, I couldn't ---- what I was reading.

A) comprehend
B) bother

C) misuse
D) consider
E) calculate

Answer: 1. A 2. C 3. E 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. A

Test: 07

1. I have so many friends, but deep down, underneath, I have a fear of ----.

A) admission
B) insistence

C) loneliness
D) disability

E) contradiction

2. They were on their way to the airport when their car was involved in a ---- with a car.

A) collision
B) vicinity
C) destruction
D) junction
E) challenge

3. Cataract operations are a(n) ---- of modern surgery, with a success rate of more than 90

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A) obscurity

B) accumulation
C) dignity
D) obedience
E) triumph

4. In our country, low pay is the main ---- cause of a job,especially among teachers who
work at state schools.

A) evacuation

B) installment

C) restriction
D) demolition

E) dissatisfaction

5. You should wash your sandals in cold water to remove all ---- of sand.

A) implications
B) traces

C) deceits
D) penetrations
E) proportions

6. My company employed one of my relatives last month, but unfortunately I had been far
wrong in my ---- of his capabilities.

A) accusations
B) deprivations
C) estimates
D) attributions
E) inspirations

7. As a result of the increasing shoplifting offences, the government has warned that the
police should take tougher ---- to contain the trouble.

A) oppositions

B) measures

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C) dimensions

D) developments
E) peculiarities

8. There were a deep-rooted racial ---- long before the two countries became rivals and
went to war.

A) hospitality
B) donation
C) deduction

D) prejudice

E) extinction

9. The recent oil leaking from a barge in the Mississippi River poses a(n) ---- to the drinking
water of New Orleans.

A) hazard

B) addiction
C) consistence

D) adoption
E) habitation

10. Although I am terribly offended, it is my ---- to remain in my position until a new

manager has been appointed.

A) immunity
B) intention
C) boredom
D) temptation

E) rehearsal

Answer: 1. C 2. A 3. E 4. E 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. B

Test: 08

1. Regarded as the world's ----linguistic theorist, Noam Chomsky continues to create new
theories about language and language learning.

A) abundant

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B) hostile

C) resentful
D) abusive
E) foremost

2. Many ---- craft objects are less functional than the ones in the past.

A) repetitive
B) contemporary
C) massive
D) rational

E) sincere

3. Unlike fossil fuels, which can be used only once, wind and solar power are ---- sources of

A) renewable
B) mutual
C) random

D) virtual
E) relevant

4. With age, the mineral content of human bones decreases, thereby making them more ---

A) intimate
B) deliberate
C) concurrent
D) diverse
E) fragile

5. The knee is more likely to be damaged than most other joints because it is subject to
tremendous forces during ---- activity.

A) vague
B) hospitable

C) vigorous

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D) liable

E) vertical

6. Jupiter has no solid surface and is surrounded by zones of ---- radiation.

A) intense
B) coward

C) manual
D) immoral
E) shallow

7. So me have a very ---- sense of hearing, although most do not hear sounds audible to
the human ear.

A) defensive

B) sparse

C) dismissive
D) keen
E) secular

8. Giant pandas resemble bears in shape and in the slow ---- way they walk.

A) clumsy
B) bitter
C) portable

D) customary
E) tender

9. Wherever there is plenty of rain during the growing season, life is ---- in various forms.

A) punctual
B) superficial

C) loose
D) irritable
E) abundant

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10. Bacteria living in the soil play a(n)---- role in recycling the carbon and nitrogen needed
by plants.

A) envious

B) domestic
C) mature
D) vital

E) respective

Answer: 1. E 2. B 3. A 4. E 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. A 9. E 10. D

Test: 09

1. I was nervous all day long, waiting ---- for the test results.

A) anxiously
B) eagerly

C) truthfully
D) hurriedly
E) concernedly

F) supposedly

2. It is not surprising that audiences have acted ---- to the film as it was not only long but
also boring.

A) randomly

B) appreciatively

C) indifferently
D) vitally
E) involuntarily

F) inattentively

3. Chocolate was ---- for drinking until early Victorian times when a technique for making
solid chocolate was devised.

A) solely
B) promptly
C) exclusively
D) persistently

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E) closely

F) moderately

4. The book I am reading will be ---- useful to me because of the wealth of practical
information it supplies on child care.

A) primarily

B) immensely
C) typically
D) extremely

E) formerly

F) weakly

5. Some people write the address on the envelope so ---- that it's a wonder whether it gets

A) intriguingly

B) punctually
C) unintelligibly

D) smoothly
E) evenly

F) illegibly

6. If there is a risk of a heart disease, smoking should be stopped and diet has to be
controlled ----.

A) firmly
B) loosely
C) sincerely

D) rarely
E) rigidly
F) brutally

7. We need to have more people among the staff who will act ----, promptly and responsibly
in emergency situations.

A) seemingly
B) irregularly

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C) illogically

D) thoughtfully
E) meanly
F) cautiously

Answer: 1. A and E 2. C and F 3. A and C 4. B and D 5. C and F 6. A and E 7. D and F

Test: 10

1. There are some people who say that they ---- remember seeing the accused around the
shop on the day of the theft.

A) habitually
B) freely

C) surely
D) steadily

E) distinctly
F) softly

2. Although George did not want to take the trouble to perform such a demanding job, he
accepted it ----.

A) reluctantly
B) loyally

C) considerably
D) infinitely
E) unwillingly
F) honestly

3. Although the residents ---- wrote to the authorities asking for a recreational area, they
haven't received a response yet.

A) hugely
B) merely
C) casually
D) repeatedly
E) roughly

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F) frequently

4. With a wave of his hand, the magician made the rabbit ----, which surprised the children
at the circus a lot.

A) disappear

B) adjust

C) ignore
D) vanish
E) vary

F) harmonize

5. We don't know all the circumstances, so it would be pointless to ---- on what had

A) flatten
B) contemplate

C) achieve
D) execute

E) measure
F) speculate

6. I'm afraid I won't be able to help you as I can't ---- the exact details of the report.

A) remind

B) remember
C) compel
D) recall
E) nominate
F) require

7. The new law ---- a man to claim money from the government if he has no work.

A) intends
B) enables
C) empower

D) surveys

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E) presumes

F) purchases

Answer: 1. C and E 2. A and E 3. D and F 4. A and D 5. B and F 6. B and D 7. B and C

Test: 11

1. The children were so naughty that the babysitter's patience with them ---- as the hours
went by.

A) diminished

B) underwent
C) healed
D) installed
E) weakened

F) erased

2. While my mother was looking through her documents the other day, she came across a
letter and when she read it, old memories ---- in her.

A) hindered

B) roused
C) interrupted

D) deserved

E) awoke
F) raised

3. My sister completely ---- all our objections and accepted the job offer overseas.

A) evacuated
B) composed

C) trapped
D) neglected
E) regained

F) disregarded

4. After three days, the hijackers ---- themselves to the police yesterday.

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A) invaded

B) submitted
C) detested
D) surrendered
E) wasted

F) accompanied

5. The commander ---- that the enemy would try to cross the river and so seized the bridge.

A) regretted
B) foresaw

C) anticipated

D) betrayed
E) supported
F) negotiated

6. John's ambition is both a(n) ---- and a weakness for him as it may either leads him to
success or a total failure.

A) effort
B) attempt
C) affection
D) dispute

E) ability

F) strength

7. The pills you had given brought considerable ---- from the pain in my chest.

A) support
B) relief

C) tolerance
D) remedy
E) patience

F) fortune

Answer: 1. A and E 2. B and E 3. D and F 4. B and D 5. B and C 6. E and F 7. B and D

Grammar +8801710220992
Test: 12

1. The government should cut their ---- on defense and start to spend more on education.

A) cost
B) rate
C) pace

D) spending
E) expenditure
F) mass

2. The convict's lawyer said she understood the ---- of her actions and was prepared to go
to jail.

A) outcome

B) disposal
C) disagreement
D) consequence
E) obligation

F) nomination

3. Mr. Summons is an essential figure in our office as the ---- of his work experience cannot
be underestimated.

A) admiration
B) approval
C) value

D) consent
E) worth
F) permission

4. Even the most security-conscious computer user is under constant ---- from computer

A) warning
B) caution

C) instinct
D) danger

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E) notice

F) threat

5. Nobody knows the ---- of the belief but the stork is believed to carry babies to families.

A) symbol
B) origin

C) duration
D) interval
E) distance
F) birth

6. Many companies prefer to hire ---- workers so that they don't have to pay them benefits.

A) tender
B) transparent
C) ecological
D) transient

E) portable
F) interim

7. Frog larvae can be difficult to tell apart from salamander larvae since both of them look
very ----.

A) genuine

B) identical
C) competent

D) alike
E) exhausted
F) hospitable

Answer: 1. D and E 2. A and D 3. C and E 4. D and F 5. B and F 6. D and F 7. B and D

Test: 13

1. The students are not allowed to use this room as it is ---- for teachers.

A) exclusively

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B) thoughtfully

C) correctly
D) improperly
E) frankly

2. I cannot wait to learn the result of the interview as it is ---- important for me.

A) rarely
B) flexibly
C) interestingly
D) vitally

E) voluntarily

3. I could have voted for this candidate if he had spoken more ----.

A) sensibly
B) slightly
C) previously

D) bitterly
E) closely

4. I won't be able to buy a house as the prices have risen ----.

A) classically

B) faintly
C) enormously

D) mainly
E) distantly.

5. I can ---- remember what he said but I think it was something about his past.

A) vaguely
B) illegibly
C) promptly

D) clumsily

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E) evenly

6. The dog broke away from the garden as it was ---- tied to the tree.

A) forcefully
B) tightly
C) essentially

D) loosely
E) firmly

7. The prime minister dismisses criticism that he has ---- neglected the economy and social

A) indifferently
B) constantly

C) habitually

D) attentively
E) nastily

8. Infants are ---- dependent on their parents to meet their physical needs.

A) joyfully
B) generously
C) vulnerably
D) uncommonly

E) softly

9. When I called to have an appointment with my doctor, I was told that he had to leave ---
- for personal reasons and would not be available the whole afternoon.

A) urgently
B) faithfully
C) partially

D) indirectly
E) decisively

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10. Had the authorities concerned acted ---- and promptly in the past, perhaps hundreds of
thousands of people would have been saved from the tsunami disaster.

A) faintly

B) merely
C) roughly
D) inconsiderately

E) vigilantly

Answer: 1. A 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. E

Test: 14

1. Dan......attention to the road when he......into a hole in the ground.

A) wasn't paying / fell

B) hadn't paid / was failing

C) didn't pay / has fallen

D) hasn't been paying / would fall
E) won't have paid / had fallen

2. .......Sofia passes the class...... depends on her grade on the final essay.

A) Both / and
B) Not only/ but also

C) Hardly /when
D) Whether/or not

E) Neither / nor

3. Istanbul has many unique historical monuments; ......, it has one of the most beautiful
natural settings of any city in the world.

A) as if
B) so that
C) due to
D) in case

E) furthermore

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4. After a few weeks of struggling unsuccessfully with irregular verbs, Kate realized that she
...... to study Russian.

A) shouldn't have chosen

B) may not have chosen

C) must not have chosen
D) couldn't have chosen

E) can't have chosen

5. Some analysts predict that, someday, there......a major war over water if
resources......more rationally.

A) would be / have not been used

B) has been / were not being used

C) will be / are not used

D) was / did not use

E) had been / will not be used

6. .......the universe is expanding was discovered in the 1920s by Edwin Hubble.

A) What
B) Who

C) Which
D) When

E) That

7. .......on the beautiful Bahamian island of Andros in 1977, Joseph fell so in love with the
place that he decided never .......

A) To arrive / to be leaving
B) Having arrived / leaving

C) Arriving / to leave
D) Arrived / to have left
E) To have arrived / leave

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8. As Jose had received a much ...... grade in geography class than Juan, he felt extremely
jealous of him.

A) the worst

B) too bad
C) bad
D) worse

E) as bad

9. Edy said he wasn't interested in going to Chicago because he'd .... been there.

A) too
B) ever

C) still
D) also
E) already

10. The economy has been doing poorly in spite of what the figures the government
recently released say,......?

A) didn't they
B) didn't it

C) hasn't it
D) has it

E) did they

Answer: 1. A 2. D 3. E 4. A 5. C 6. E 7. C 8. D 9. E 10. C

Test: 15

1. Linda......a vegetarian three years ago after watching a documentary on animal rights,
and she......meat since then.

A) became / hasn't eaten

B) had become / doesn't eat
C) was becoming / isn't eating
D) would become / didn't eat
E) has become / hadn't eaten

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2. .......the president began to speak, protestors began chanting anti-war slogans.

A) Already
B) Even

C) No longer
D) The moment
E) Provided that

3. .......a loss......a draw will be any good to us in this match—we have to win, or we're out
of the

A) Both / and
B) Neither / nor

C) Either / or
D) Hardly / when
E) Such / as

4. Since an any time, it Is always best to be prepared,

A) will have occurred

B) has occurred
C) must have occurred

D) ought to occur

E) might occur

5. Since David lives in Mexico but speaks no Spanish, I wonder......he manages to talk to
his neighbours and do his shopping.

A) which
B) what

C) how
D) whom
E) why

6. I wish that I......Freddy that he won't be chosen for the school basketball team.

A) haven't been telling

B) won't have to tell

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C) don't have to tell

D) didn't have to tell

E) shouldn't be telling

7. a finalist in the spelling competition caused young Scott ...... from depression
for months afterwards.

A) to choose / suffering
B) being chosen / to suffer
C) to have chosen / to be suffered

D) choosing / to have suffered

E) to be chosen / suffered

8. Frank Lloyd Wright was a pioneer architect whose ideas were......ahead of his time, and
he had to fight for acceptance of every new design.

A) that

B) such
C) better

D) well
E) too

9. .......who is acquainted with Pat knows that they can always rely on.......

A) Everyone / her

B) Someone / his
C) Whoever / him
D) Nobody / hers
E) Anybody / he

10. Wandering aimlessly, Peter found...... in the kind of neighbourhood that his mother had
warned......not to go into.

A) his own / her

B) him / himself
C) himself/ him

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D) he / his

E) his / herself

Answer: 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. E 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. C

Test: 16

1. The captain......the rope so tightly round the post that I...... it.

A) was tying / haven't undone

B) has tied / wouldn't undo

C) had tied / couldn't undo
D) ties / can't have undone

E) would tie / can't undo

2. .......both the Balkan Wars and World War I, women took on extra work...... the men
were away at the front.

A) During / while
B) When / so that

C) Until / how
D) After / by the time
E) Since / as if

3. We've been given a list of books ...... throughout the semester, but some are so rare
that......them will be difficult.

A) having read / to find

B) to be read / finding
C) to read / being found

D) to be reading / to have found

E) reading / to be found

4. On the Richter scale, the size of an earthquake Is measured is released

when the fault line moves.

A) the more
B) how much
C) such a lot of

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D) whether

E) more than

5. get up at 4:30 every morning was the most difficult part of...... in a monastery for
a month.

A) To have / to have lived

B) Had / to live
C) Have / to be living
D) Having had / lived

E) Having / living

6. Dave hasn't worked since he had a serious accident on the assembly line at the soft
drinks factory,......?

A) has he
B) hadn't he

C) wasn't it
D) hasn't there

E) was there

7. Down syndrome, an additional chromosome, mental impairment and

other conditions.

A) is caused / will result

B) to be caused / was resulted

C) causing / is resulted
D) caused / results
E) was caused / resulted

8. .....we get to the airport, ......time we will have for shopping before take-off.

A) As much / the least

B) So much / that

C) Whenever/just as
D) The more / the less

E) The sooner / the more

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9. Even though there are many oases in the Sahara, the desert is......immense
......travellers may go for days before reaching them.

A) more / than

B) much / as
C) how / for
D) too / while

E) so / that

10. The television channels......special bulletins every hour today because the prime
minister......desperately ill.

A) broadcast / will have been

B) had broadcast / has been

C) are broadcasting / is
D) will broadcast / had been

E) were broadcasting / will be

Answer: 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. E 6. A 7. D 8. E 9. E 10. C

Test: 17

1. Casper......three Romance languages already, and he ...... a fourth one next term.

A) learnt/ has begun

B) is going to learn / would begin

C) will have learnt / begins

D) is learning / began
E) has learnt / will begin

2. The beginning of the monsoon ...... any day now, and so, for the last few days, the
farmers......their fields.

A) has been expected / were preparing

B) will be expected / prepare
C) is expected / have been preparing
D) is being expected / are prepahng
E) was expected / have prepared

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3. Kevin has found that his life seems to have more meaning......he has a daughter of his

A) now that

B) unless
C) as soon as
D) until

E) by the time

4. Mr. Hamilton...... plastic surgery, or else young.

A) should have / ought not to look

B) would have / must not look

C) ought to have had / may not look

D) must have had / wouldn't look
E) could have / did not use to look

5. Clive was selling his old laptop at a very low price;, but I was completely broke at
the time.

A) must have bought

B) have to buy

C) will buy
D) could buy

E) would have bought

6. The authors......I admire most are those......continue writing despite severe criticism.

A) whom / who
B) which / what

C) who / how
D) that / whose
E) what / whom

7. The art of smelting iron is thought …….. in the ancient Near East, possibly in eastern

A) discovering

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B) having been discovered

C) being discovered
D) to have been discovered
E) to discover

8. My bicycle now, but I see it ......there in the shop, still broken.

A) to repair / having sat

B) repaired / sit
C) to be repaired / to have sat
D) repairing/to sit

E) to have been repaired / sitting

9. Sorry I'm late, but if I had known you lived......away, I would have left home

A) so far / earlier
B) too far / as early
C) the furthest / the earliest

D) as far / so early
E) such a far / too early

10. The leaders of the revolution imprisoned ......that had been connected with the former

A) whichever

B) everyone
C) anywhere

D) whomever
E) something

Answer: 1. E 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. E 6. A 7. D 8. E 9. A 10. B

Test: 18

1. .......taking your shoes off before you come in?

A) Would you mind

B) Would you like

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C) Would you rather

D) Are you supposed

E) Why don't you

2. If I......married on Saturday, of course the company barbecue.

A) won't get / come

B) am not getting / have come

C) weren't getting / would come

D) hadn't been getting / ought to come
E) wouldn't get / will come

3. I wish I ...... you were getting married; I ......another day for the barbecue.

A) know / had chosen

B) have known / will be choosing

C) would know / was going to choose

D) had known / would have chosen

E) knew / have chosen

4. I ........ this table if I......that it wasn't actually an antique.

A) didn't buy / would have realized

B) wouldn't have bought / had realized

C) won't have bought / realize
D) haven't bought / might realize
E) wasn't buying / would realize

5. Ken's mother reminded him that unless he......a wife soon, he......up a lonely bachelor
like his uncle Ben.

A) had found / ought to wind

B) would find / had wound
C) will find /winds

D) has found / is winding

E) found / would wind

Grammar +8801710220992
6. Ken answered that he......a bachelor with a satisfying career than trapped in a
meaningless marriage.

A) must have been

B) had to be
C) would rather be
D) might have been

E) will have been

7. You......of a good excuse for not handing in your research paper on time.

A) would think
B) would rather think

C) must be thought
D) used to think

E) had better think

8. No problem—I'll just tell the professor that I......him when he told us when the paper was

A) used to misunderstand

B) must have misunderstood

C) could misunderstand

D) should have misunderstood

E) had better misunderstand

9. I wish my parole board every week; it Is so inconvenient.

A) didn't have to report

B) shouldn't report
C) won't be reporting

D) don't have to report

E) mustn't report

10. We......every match, until our goalkeeper got injured.

A) should win
B) used to win

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C) have been winning

D) might be winning
E) must have won

Answer: 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. E 6. C 7. E 8. B 9. A 10. B

Test: 19

1. Let's not pick these strawberries until tomorrow so that they get sweet....... to be eaten.

B) more
C) much

D) rather
E) most

2. a secret like this if I ……., you.

A) don't tell / won't trust

B) am not telling / haven't trusted

C) wouldn't tell / didn't trust
D) haven't told / wouldn't trust

E) wasn't telling / don't trust

3. I......all of the words know for the final exam by the end of next month.

A) will have memorized / will need

B) was memorizing / had needed

C) have memorized / need

D) have been memorizing / needed
E) memorize / will have needed

4. The people from......I am descended were hearty seafarers.

A) what
B) that

C) whose
D) where

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E) whom

5. .......on strike in one factory, the workers were considering ...... to spread the action to
neighbouring factories.

A) To go / being tried

B) Gone / to try

C) To have gone / try

D) Going / to be tried
E) Having gone / trying

6. Even though it was expensive, we decided to fly because it......too much time by bus.

A) should be taking
B) ought to take

C) would have taken

D) must have taken

E) has to take

7. .......he told you must have been good news, because you haven't stopped smiling since.

A) Whomever
B) Whatever
C) However
D) Whenever

E) Whoever

8. When we visited the Singhs, I told them that, since I was used to...... spicy food, there
was no need for Mrs. Singh......down her cooking for me.

A) eat / toned
B) being eaten / toning
C) eaten 'to have toned

D) having been eaten / being toned

E) eating / to tone

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9. I had to attend a family reunion last night at my mother's insistence, but I'd

A) stayed

B) was staying
C) have stayed
D) having stayed

E) to stay

10. Despite travelling all over world, Rupert returned home having learned absolutely.......

A) anything
B) what else

C) everywhere
D) someone
E) nothing

Answer: 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. E 5. E 6. C 7. B 8. E 9. C 10. E


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