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ues : _NurstG CotE&E _ BHopal Cop. ) Uunversrty Gansua tend 2020 msc. plurstyg 1% Year Suesect :- Nursing Researel Aull AraresTics Prost plo. :- — 1NTIM HMHOOF ee Aessng Reseanch ection "A" te), 9) Appropstali- Saree size »y probabirity Sanping Alt of the. above o> ctandad ere @ Tndependent rhuciable. | ret Research | | Research ts systematic | oi on investigation of are for the purpose of | enpwoy pustion pared by the Heseancher. | © Deinition » | ian aitmyt to gain solution 40 ee More. precy it Bh fre colbection of git 2, a| igorously contrelted sitvation for tu purpose ef prediction) on explanation, ” "careful cebtical dis dplivad inquiry Yarifings fe the Fechuitre Jf — prethod sccord’ny to the problen fdentified , divected do nxd jhe claniffeation 0% resolution of a problers. id + = punpose of research :- possesion f Improverent of fre quality of \ Suntan Sife. Te Gene man. Ty satisfy men cndlng Conv Jor Mere umes steligy TR build a ody of pundind Krowledge % Validate uprovernnts in nrg practice. Te vie usclth care ficient f cont eftective | Te expard the scope of eee formulate o& retin a muttsing theo . | To enchance the obi tity of Individual to es pene vetpord effectively to actual os potential |ucclth probiens. To terpree his jecdpenents, To adel to his pawer, to vedic. ghe buseden of jor ke. To develop knowstedte about unt promotion and fualth oner du full Lifespan, care of penson with Jreebth cee To satisfy Han Coley for Hove understandings. etc. © clascification of Research desipn *y Research a esate Chabitied tuto quantitative ond qualijetive resenmeh deri (a) Qualitative — Reseanch design. Gh» Quartitatik Research qeriyn. (4) QualitatiPe — Regeanch design + Reseanch design a Trptemented th casts ohune a —yebatlondlaip between collected data and obsexvalion. Lb estabtished on he Aosis of Mathematical be calewlations . | E> Quutitctife Resewreh dam | | | | wae | Research sign ds for cated | where statistical caleulations to collect actlonahle insights wet. eAgertial . fos can further beeale down fhe Types of suscanh daign into five categanies — | @) —Descrtptie research derign . | () experitental fusearch desta . | (oo Cosetational suescarch design, @ Diaynostic meseanch design. © Ey rtd susearch (design. + Reseach Pesignd 47 + DesodplineD. + “ee Ke + Explainatory Ro. L Method S Methods Uiteratune Juvieuwr- obsexviations Depth inpertieut. ees nee shy. case shaq Exp ccintentet sia: i Gobel 80. een vepors to dhe or cael Congretiiey du Hects his oh the dependent farfabte tn ay Interetted. Gust experimental Reseach design s- Sn this Methods . Lite Sn depth shade focus qroup. cote analysis. \ | | control | of expranens Jaria=| use of \ Sich meeieS cad i } experimental | gaseaxch design the researcher conducts experimental yy?) awd confrol group. Research conduct two groups sw ithout | qendetiaation —yandaminetion . \ | &) ay XS tes} ae, post tes} . control a tet SOF 5 pest test | Researsh th which ie ercto dic seh of PO petnantel ¢ contol] on emweement of the cont Vorrdahles are taken of diferent points A Sexes of quant eppocimmertal Ueeearet design Measurement cb -facen of time. Yon unit s : a — : R pse test Mee pretest = EXP os ret Ro pre test Phe — Ptieny Conde, poss pest tesp | tes st Meat got ? pata athe methods and — types of sascwceh seport 7 ie Ti sae mal types of, some rpm we REG Techni cot Report Pome a | | (> Felaienl Sopot *4 culteble fr a esearch fedeence — fae 1 Reseatch managers 0% other Pam fanitive voiah and intensted in the techni gees such aa pasenrch disiym, sampeing nathods » sjontical| details ete. | (Ca Ket +} Buiteble fr | Pee) aiden, etd | aay IM a sezseanch findings ok Th fe vou | technical dn notunt . A ee desired te facllitee and seapid. peeadirh nn undvastonding of pee faseaxch Findirgs cote YeecoorerdaL ions . The firs} step in que process involves 2 — |} ______—--- ae Tae Taperpretetion of he sasutts of dada analysis sin ight of = te meankeckng research problen tnvestigaded 7 = and the research -yeport Sy a Meas of Communic tion thet can be underttood, bulieved , trusted by every ont toho ve Meet ike to be affected by aque. research f acted upon im desition Hake. Pj sonbling the report + Berti shatd deus fhe Malem Finding. Condusion and scomendations With tht hea dicision wakes. + wecasary tp ensue fat jue suport ments du. Chieats nud and iy ultionately accepted. pe eeeitiet no univlensely accepted — tandvad format on style for research” sovidting « Deferent researcher my prupert thle suport differed | 1 ; | | | A | \ | | | 91> Ghoed abt +) op _Concxplual frame bork = fr fi wailten om Vial poste hat — + expteha ctw qpophicallg om tn mrorralite form , fhe main es ke studied - the eg Factors - concept'S ox (< : and the presumed relationship among them. Gneip tual. Promscmrle —aepresends wo of adn lige problen Ox a study ok wa of wqrseadig how ae Complex fitngs oe. © Scyablishuents of te tentative relationships between the chpradest and Independent variables Induded din the sud. « Wasualising cConcep-tuat Causal threads to fro: fren a represt- -ntation of tnner- relatedness cra pee ee Usuth on + that one the aaunptions 7 rohed one the al + Tanfification of possible amswod do the research puestions | } Lf) _aittes Su swing fesoonch 1) ee “Chhics tn murat wyecccoe tt mca ee Wine 0 the act of roval principles which tht Hescancher fas to follow while Conduct: neal wtesexeth To ensune the teights and sce of fedr- | Vidual , jee Commit fe under. stay” | \ _eperdne of ethics Sn ele __feseench 4 prisct dae falnerabte greys F ofhen br potent fon ferofal cHects of the expeniemeental ations. | F 2 = pei out Safe yorrded frou enploj tation = establish susie - beneppt rertion ft aa = = Eneure the fultess respect dignity , svacy ; disclose of fmforrmtion ¢ fatr treatment for a subjects. Ernie principe _iy_nansng _ feswrch vo ee prince of —_heneficence. > principle of saspect of Iaenan digmtiy. ° pinot of justice. tps of breeature Reviews fess © selecting 4 vevjeut topic @ Searching fhe — ttereva Durer ° Cindhenirg , seading and ameliphing tht Literate © woxtte the yevjiew 0 feferences . wee on nancatife sersfert of Lear . > he first step Involves Tdehigicg dhe subject of Literal seevjew- > fhe research Dae a quenbitelibe sqady. Maw have decided his already owevere » for fhe individual eee 2 ny - yescavch based [ifexature yevjew® gig whl be fu firsh step. > cm be Leanding task for stots novice yewiewess. > Te food of the remtnde of tls lectume fh on | gat steps Invelved fn Cae a traditional | | | i | | | > fi Commoy error fer nouices ts te sedecth 4 re ieud dite that Je alt Criceatpe hick such od presse ulces or paln. > Attough this May be waeful jrtfial spate for dederancinde fw uch Uprecatue 2 atatlable subjects uch ak thie generate congiderabl a Mount of deta Bae a yevjeus infesible. > “Thuefore y & advigahle to wefine feds fina so phat the flit atouert of information Generts ds raat eal . = Heat. Liswours, DP rention a 5 chanatertstrics of ee yesearch. fra. oy ele ft is honesy and chanachorieed patient amd unbuvwried activities . 3 jt floes the grinesing of no and exighing data foo nud sounces or firey hand inpor mabion . Eten eB ah recorded arid reported. Je ts emphasis the developrent of Genadizalion , vince Les and theories that et be half fel in pasta file ocutrance. — > -wegeetres Innovative “fproachts. exe, er rT > be 9 Reliabrtity ts ont of We Iraporrbant- chanoctert'stics Opens beets “Lefintdion y « feiedisity veford to he cmsicieneg of scares obtalned by the Sone individual when rxe- exrined swith test on dofperxernt occasions or | with diHocest sets of egulvalenh Tem& or unde. other — Varciable exarsial Condition, » | | ‘Types 3 | — Pet — elesy veltabtily 2 opt — half 0% — Gnpermal Coniston cp. yetiah sity . > parallel forms Cee i Dept Technique 4 is : A population can be defied ai | Tncluding- alk eorle. or phems wlth the charackeriey nics of} wish to anderstand. | ke opelarlion vin stastitics obnotes fhe | agpreyate fern which sample Cites 3b te be eee pesely poses 7 = ae the popetetion of concern. > Sspecfiging” & Sampling. frane 4 Sef of then. > specfgigy a Sanpting Method far S > Deter fhe San ple She. Sy 4 de cling ems | Ta plamenting the Baupli pean. is ai aga pie Saupling eee St *) case study. a form of qualitatiife descrip Live esearch that ty ured Fo leole at individuals, A Small rey of participants or a ae add thole. Thts qualitatie method of sta emphacdie depattel Contextual analysis of 4 Linilted munho of events of Condition gf his relationship. | cae study. Js an In-depth study of a particular sijuation | vathue then & Sweihing statistical sunt. > Types jolts: | ee Dy oti be detiton of sal Ss dhe deyree 4o which a fesp Measured hab Js te | supposed fo mame.” | State re oo types of ability (a) predictive Yaliditg CD Concurrent Validity | @® prcdichife validly oy) Yo test acouers edicts| What Tr 15 Suppose to ca - (2) Concument atic » wher the predictor end Cutterion dete vt collected at fre some Lime jt can alto refer to whth a test replaces amophur teat. 43. eerro = B i) Sanpling. enor i) o.08 iti) Hi'stoyrat Fremse of ay event with praape of Lent, | yy fatio | Lepr Lerche, 9 Cabral tendon, dst dhscriphive sume) of a cada base fhnaegh a siegle value ahet reflects the codes of dhe ckda distribution. poy woth dhe variability of a Sete Central. eels Dot branch of deseriptive statistics . . Mean 7 3 Te alrthntic mean dy the sume of the Scores tn tue distribution divided by phe posel| number of scered- => Hey pple cath this measure tht averse bud we fle alefel fhis ter. + peter | dur median of 4 distribution th dae pod along the scale of possible scwes beloud stich which” sof of -the sores fal ¢ fhene Lb amofee ane for ps - the deshibudoy tto halves. de Sywbodized oh ody . fl Connon Meaning of Mode 4a forshionabie and te hah muuch “the sont. Implication. Th unprouped asteibution Toe toda Jb the core phat occumS with the greatest aoe 7 fue Son ble jo Nod is MO- g.3/ find cut de mean respiratorg. rabefoninate aa v5 Sp in te given (3) nine samples — 23,22, 24, 16, 49, 16545, 24 As: mm pean apt 2rt20t 244164194 16413 + 21 I ys? o = 20 Gut (VW) = 3 $m, xi — 180 Mean, £2 — 2°

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