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; se. Nucing eyo Subject Mental healt punting Envodlement No. :- LN19MSNMHOOT _ —_—_— Ql 4) (b) Apathy 29 (4) Paxqlala 3) (b) Hallucination uy (@ Agrophobia 5) (a) Parcep dion 6) (a) Amitey pty tine + (bo) Enuses io 3p &) Eugen Blauler @ &) Confabutation |topted A98F | fa.2- @ | Ansz- Electroconvylsiue +hesaphy CecT) 0 a proceduhe , | done under gensral anesthesia , in which small | electricat coments au posed thsough the brain, | Intentionally tviggehing brief seize Os, Elechoconvulsue Ahsrxaphy #2 the onti ti ael induchion of gyrondonat Selrurns fhreugh the etimulers Jo applied theough oleclvodas thot one placed with pilasioolly im the 4sontobmporel seglon poo unilakwally on the nen dom) nant Sido * Eesiection Of SA (ar) Major. Raprwsionss- With swiadel ousk ,strupes? poor untoke of food ond Atuids + moahancholia with phy es Chel 4ontune ; unsakisfactusy seesperse to dyuys or | who. devs ors contea Indic os howe Erriows side sptect cetotoria ! Uyith stupor, Poor dntake ot d and luids + matancholia with psy chetic feature Ungodis{actory RS po nse to drags tharephy ; er whan dus om comPsain dicated on hoe serioun sila sttects . Seusre psychosis ( Schinaopyenia o% mania) : With ois of Suicide hemicik ote danger af physica astault diprwsejue feabus unsotis pactosy — SUS pona~ wD doug tha dephy OX haur seriou side fects - @) Qryane ment Disorders s Organic ood donde Organic psych osis fe Seen Tiodicedtens Coes prwtfeud +o ontidsprsrsiemnt thanaphy 2m Some conse , Sach a» toe potions with cordiaa dadeans When dicyclies oe conf aindicald because of the potential 40% dysoany thon jas ond congerhiue haart Aovlure: and for prsyanant wemen wo Whom antidepsusont Pla the goles oF susk dor congenital dijects . indications of [EST Absolute Raiwed TCP Cinbracroniol Poussurn ) B. Relative « Carbyok aneus yr = Cornebrot haemoshoge - Beaio tumos » Acute mys candial jn4oaction + Conqastius hoot apotlire . pneumonia 0s acstic onewnyse™m « Qetine asgachmant rgchanise of Sober 7 The. mack mechanism of atachken nm not Khewn - One hy poth esis stotes thot ECT possibly ¢ the = cokacholwn pothways bifweenr djencpholsn © 450m whos seriou evan Nizetian ogceuu ) ood lim die syster (which oy be suspopsible 408 med disoxdus) . also involving the hype tha larus . Sie eek Sh SSL = Memory jon pairment — Prwewsiness, conyaston ond Sart lessnars — Pook concentyatlon ; anxriedy = Yeadtache , weaknoss | Aotique 7 bacha che , Tusch ache . qness of mouth , Palpitations, Maysen , Vomiting . = Unsteady qGatt = Toungue bike and incontinence . SS ZA (b) Dincrss the Mok of nivee jn aadminad toring Electso- convulsjuc thesraphy 4x a mentally il Bas ey Pouteestrunt eveluetin — Petoiled medical ond psychiatric hintosy dncludidg history of ollergies . — dasessrant cf potients ard jam ily Knowledge ot indications , side affects, thevapubic shpects and suk associated with eos = Fm indomed ceneent should br token Alay cng unjounded fers ond omiety. sagording Poa procedure = dsses the baseline vitot signe - | — Potlent should be takin on NPO dor U=6 ews hos prios to ECT . = Withhotd night dow of duugs , vohich iIncSuase seizure tesushold Like diazepam bowbitvasctes an ond anticony ulsants . Withheld oral madications tp the morAming = Hind shampecing +0 tha moxping since oil causes impendance Of PYooye of electricity ts brain - a Boy jewetlory, prothasis , dontuns , contact Jens, mafallic objects and light clethin g WG! Gucoud joo potiant body - = Empty vladdr on of 0-6 ™Y atropine TM o% gd bowel just before eer Administration a Zomin baforw ECT, or Ty jwt bofore €CT (b) Pntsa - Psocedure Care Place potisnt comdortably o7 the €cT toble in supine posi ion Stoy with polint to odtey onualy & eas Aecist im odminhtering ta one thetic agent C thiapental sodium 2-Smglke body weight J) and muscle Salaxant (1me(ke body wight cia Suceynyclcholine) - = Since the muscl Swlaxant Paralyeo alt muck Including ows pisatosy muscles . Peak ent airway ehoutd be ensured and Ventilatory support ehoutd be started = Mouth gag should posible tongue pete - be inserted fo prsunt Monitor voltage , intensity and durotibn cleetsical stimulus given: pnibr seizure activity uding cuff medkad oxygen should be Provided uring seizure moniter vitel signs, 6CG omy gin ScAwolior , CG, etc - and medicines gin = Record the findings tn the potient’s chart - Beemer cde Cone = Monier vital signt — Continur Ony¢gnolien tile spentarzovs Suspidation Assans tor post ictal confpuson and Seapk ts nove 2 = Toko sapety prucautsrs £0 potent tin jw C side -lying position 3 suctioning to a apisations of seco Vans, UsL oH sicle Seauils +0 pSeund -falle). , Ty Bore dp sstishe post ~ictoy con fusyon 4 Sastless nas, Tv diazapam may be foonient the potent ofba Socomay ond uy Wits hire untill ally odunted . Q.B(a) Qs t- The qounrant of India hoy launched “he Netionat Henrtrt Health Programme (NMHP) jn 19e2, keeping In view the heavy burger oj mentor illness in the community ,and the absolute inadequacy of mortal health Carr inteqdsuctwre In the country fp dant edi at. Objectives 4) To ensur availability ond access bility of minimum marfat health carr ox olf in 4ore- vsesable futur « Porkiculloxly most vulrdob le ond undsr privileged section of po pulotiern 2> En coumage applicalion 04 ronfod hoalth krowlegde in general health con and social dapelopmant . B> Promote community porticularly Port ict petton Piroeiai Wealth sovics duvleprent ond cHmulate shorts tawords elf help 4 community . Statagies D Integoation montal health with primary hoolth care through the NMHP dortiany caro Trtitutton fer tae qircrder 2 Prov sion of SDustmront of Mr 3> Esadicoting stigonatization of mentally a potiunts and protecting tAuir aghds bheoug h Seog utabing ingituben Like the conto mutot heolth cuthority and state rental health Authorky . | Specitic Appreaches j= Difwio, of mintt haote ro poallh seruices 5 Appropriate appointment cat > Equitable ond belaneed dintwibuttsn of Stesouces 2 Entigivatin ot pore mental heath corm woth gerrt — hasdtn garvicrs - > Lnkogs coith community Gasrelopmrsnt 4 ghills to The pani phony fyoalkes Componants Bs Meat mont Meutiple (oust A villoge and subcenira pus Multipurpose coarkars (RW) hsetbh superisons Undar dhe supesvision of medical office CMO) +5 be trained Aon — Management of paychiorvic ermungency Admin tvatton do cupeuisen of Moin toajnanee Yyeatmant or chyonic psyenabse divosder . (J Diag ands» & managersnt o gpandmet wpilapsy, Jape cially. um children . (a) Jhoser with tocol schoot teacher and Porents Sugonding mantol Subardatten and brhauitxot p&oblim tm child rer ee © Counselling problems Slated 40 alcohot and deug cbuse - B NO PHC cuidod by Foal Hh Supervises , to be tyouned Ar i= 1) Suparvisen c+ Mews perdosmance J > Clamentory diag onosis | WO TPeakmrent of 4 unctional psychosio © Treatment + uncompli coted cans psychictsic doosdins associated voith physi cot Vovared | w Monage runt un corplicaled pay chosictel Qsoblerns - (Y) Gri dermio log cout surveillance 4 mantot mMortoid C, Oiorsich Morpitet t- TH wos socogniend that ~ there should be atleast one pag chiak set attached to eusny ddotsict hospital og aD inkegral part of digtsict haatth SNCs : Ma PH should hore 30-80 bad Cosychiatsic) Mentol Respito! and teaching psychloteic Units s- Moor activitles of there higher cantres of psy chietsic corm included - lls | Mitp dm cose of difficult Cores & Yeaching (OO Speciadizad Aacibtes Aike , occupetioned theesepy Uniks , psychotherapy , counceling & bahatilosok tharxaphy . | The componants oF th sub — Prog sory include Arsatment of opalepiics and psychoaics ot the community tut ond duncloprsnt oF Suhabvilatun centr at) both the dutsics ond hight Suffoaral contres . AL. Prguontion + TARR The porn tion Com poenanks 3n to be Cormun ity besed with initial 4ocun on Prauintioe and confyol re as Sulated Problem Jali om problem tik: addiction , = Suisentle dotiqriy ond acute adjustmant pom Like suicidal attemphs oddoussed - Joo &pain He Sole of PWHe Jr eprom dy PF mantal heotth prognarmme © Ans 3- Psyehotric nurcing. do The application bt speciaticed Knowledge *° popedariion Gomeuniies 0 promote and mato tain Printed health cond to svhobilitote populotion at Suk that cordimue th haus Sesidust shgects 4 msntat Alhies Role OF narser working dn Community Prantad health sonuicw Cro Consultotive Kole g- This means giving aduter Ho Had otha PPotestonols um Comm otbou the Hypo oy Aguel of eS oe Saqused fer a giwo pokienk poop ose to be Ciiniciok Role e- Psovideng dirrocl pursing acieeen Hra@pedien® mo community | Tunaputic Role :- Crploying psychotharaputic. and | Taimay iene ratfoke AO mmanagerent of pelients. | dissessos | Reacrclen Rote t= the mumse eomy cases Fhe car, qian to patient grup cand mag abo oyos tho orlcome cf ong oaing. Cope Peogeonime S oe Coeocing aw mental health oh special doc on ee [Man pownr cilotoes to Tearing ot pore proqemsionat , Ernmnity Mendens 1 Scheot Bite hot core giving pregeniene’ aim the community: Manager [ Admingstrotos go Management or Seances | Planning ond co-ordination MANDA yunesable gyrups: anna Jo the communtiy moh ; Domiciliasy Core s- Services wre provided 40 tHe potisnt by visiting There homed | Kesuice Mike adtminastsalton 74 rm adicalions, Cusesiirank of ths lel of punctiming oha Tapert o+ potients monttesung of | Side abpeets of danas , counselling o patients and fourily — mamber ae epee ak pakeents home satting , Vaison Role 2- ee Nugees working 2m tha comm- Sunlky help the poliert amd the jority mere by Daidging the gap lbotumer tho po Rent ond Ho fosptRl, potunt and 7 athe employer and alae by nut- ocking drs hs. corsmuridy of Goustop mark . 4 haze pronentiua. Seles ore pimony , Secondory can aheos of cCommuncty hoolth ycIiotic nursing ane |- : Soctet Skill trotnang = Anretety. Tr ouncey Emand 4 Sulaxaltios a osutie training. = Baravermsnt cousalling = Qoxeup meeting ~ Gemmunity out Seach Work services — child care Services = Adult cane ond Sidety Cars services +> Challenges of psychiobsic Nuxsing ¢- . he challoing ee, of psychiatric pursing De tncieering . Nuvo Knowledge 4 A : ar aiote d , technology. Yo harping cose into neto dinvntom amd practico +o becoming. Mow and autono mouy. — @) ledge Development , Diasemination ond to provide sate , 2 compton t com 06 individuals with mentot dinordors - Updating Yrolr knowledge so fh ob gighificont Sestts of the Studi car be applied to He car ch pottient Ovsrcoming SHgona Awa can play an imporfont Sot an duigpalting myihe of frantot {Vin Strigma often pruunks individual 457 secleing help om puntat health probluns Health Car detiewmy Systers challenges 2- Addifjenat Sint of prolic help ther Understand and acdpt ony mow with pox dependin tating. ¢ oD Tnprente. OF ponte Counselling |= iP fo dehy onlin of Possible Wt, of pote ahrordes ~ Cafuer and anette ponedy Ustoy fn ber tance pufierrs . — Caltvjafee viskK 4 recurrence = Prove ioformedion abo pout® fats aud vel A pexeept eo 4 lowly fen, heart, % pote or smelled Seales feof aot actrelly Te - or | } | | | qovebedl , * te anoles peated ty” Ha lieetas thas aa oft fred ao fla | prceptd~ of Pareeiiers ot cae ! Gaf " Sensog epprer ier ces “pop are woh Gund 4 The wore hojpocdadion | (ones ey ee | | | Issues. also help 4real condittan and disovdas as TPE ratmutic. stress clic arden CeTsp) Bipolar clisordley AHO Phobias , including Socal phabi an. Obenessive compulsive gisovden Coco) Selt hekr harm Substance abuse Tyee of can bene prt adel by and these by apeyiy the prinzgles sf eee eee derived farem phe peer theo sles. Brclcss; cal condi tonrng model by tyan povlee C1936) > 6p erank condi+tisniny model by of ckinney C1953) Behavior therapy cHeehnigae \— = Benavior modi fication — Systematic Aenea sli zation — Avensisn therapy — Assertiveness rans eA | — Contnifive be havion therapy sy Amp lesive CAdecdrg ) the epy | — Posstive einforce mert- — Rec ponse Shapiny | - ude lsTes Sealer e@nomy | | Andication of behavior therapy Behavior th ery can benifit people with a wide ane of Msorders , feople mest Conmenhy Seek be havioy af therapy So treat I Beuiee do rut thes, and Geel tho onhey » will Uke and -yust them . <5 They mespect the many cbyporences they final in eagle. a They cb mt dake advantaye off heir new allaw | othe So take advan tee: of them . > They fae they ain be pat of ct | They feel they a sense of respon 3) bli tes fob . | yu be: man sie \ > They ane abk fo meel- the demanslc of (lige js they do some Him Hof aise - about Shetr Problems as #7 Belavior Therap Tt is a Farm ef treatment for problems in which A teanecl pensen Aeliberatty establishes | a profe sano meclatonship with the patient | with the obfective mreletinns hip of oom mand Sying exishiny | sympoms. and pro mo fr Positive personality gree ond clevelp ment. Behavior , Hhenap y involves ten bi flry maddy Five be hariow and cco boy to conrect. H G- Charactenishrics of mentally health y Person. > The fexl gore about +hem selves, > They ore Not avr whelmed by thelr cn. emothon, fears, ange) love Jeatousy gut oo . Worries, @ Mey Mave a tolerant, easy yo adtidude. touserdls Momselves a well ag olierc cure! they can. Jugs of themselves ahs neifhes understate or yen esti made. ‘trex abilttes . > They Gn aqeept their own Short comings. > They Can dake plaasune in simple, avin ys dy thins > They have elt sespect- > They Feel able to leaf with woot silualyon- f> They feel ComPartable with there pple: s They ane abk fo gare bove aud constoley dhe inbres of oles > They have pensonal re baton snip that ane Betiefyiny and lasting PSTD vake Mtkes lisa promt ments. in thelr advice,

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