Cities in Britain Webquest: Go To

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Go to and answer the following questions on some of the main cities in Britain.


1) What is Cambridge famous for?

2) How many colleges are there in Cambridge?
3) How long did it take to build King’s College Chapel?
4) Name a famous bridge in Cambridge
5) Who founded Trinity College?
6) What is the best way to see the colleges?
7) What did Sir Christopher Wren design in Cambridge? What did he build in London?
8) What is the second oldest college in Cambridge? How old is it?
9) Where is Ely Cathedral?


1) When was Liverpool the European City of culture?

2) What is Liverpool especially famous for?
3) Why is it the ideal place for people who love music?
4) Name some of the places in Liverpool which inspired some of the Beatles’ songs.
5) What can you visit in Liverpool if you’re a Beatles’ fan?
6) What can you in find in the Albert Dock area?
7) Mention one museum in Liverpool.
8) What can you see at the World Museum?

1) How big is Manchester?

2) What is the CIS Tower?
3) Where can you enjoy good food in Manchester?
4) Mention one museum in Manchester
5) Why is Manchester world renowned for sports?
6) What can you do at night in Manchester?


1) Where is Glasgow?
2) What river flows through Glasgow?
3) How many museums and galleries are there in Glasgow?
4) Which museum is the biggest?
5) Who was Charles Rennie Mackintosh?
6) What does the lighthouse house today?


1) Where is Cardiff?
2) How is Wales defined in the video?
3) What is the greatest building in Cardiff?
4) When was the castle originally built?
5) When was the Millennium Stadium opened?
6) What is Wales’ national sport?
7) What can you find in the docks’ area today?
8) What is the seat of the Welsh government called?

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