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Created by:
Era Melania PKU 2018
Reg. Number 18030194085



School Identity : SMA Negeri 1 Mojosari

Subjects : Chemistry
Class / Semester : XI / 1
Main Material : Hydrocarbon
Time Allocation : 1 x 90 minutes

CC 1 : To live and practice the teachings of the religion they hold.
CC 2 : Live and practice honest, disciplined, responsible, caring (mutual
cooperation, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and proactive
behavior, and show attitude as part of the solution to various problems in
interacting effectively with the social environment and nature and in placing
themselves as a reflection of the nation in the world community.
CC 3 : Understanding, applying, and analyzing factual, conceptual, procedural, and
metacognitive knowledge based on curiosity about science, technology, art,
culture, and humanities with human, national, state, and civilization insights
related to the cause of phenomena and events, and apply procedural
knowledge in specific fields of study according to their talents and interests
in solving problems.
CC 4 : Cultivate, reason, and serve in the realm of concrete and abstract domains
related to the development of what they learned in school independently,
acted effectively and creatively, and were able to use methods according to
scientific principles.
3.1 Analyze the structure and properties of hydrocarbons based on the
characteristics of carbon atoms and their classifications of compounds.
4.1 Create visual models of various molecular structures of hydrocarbons that
have the same molecular formula.
3.1.1 Identifying hydrocarbon compounds in everyday life, such as plastics,
candles, and gas cylinders containing LPG and a flame on a gas stove.
3.1.2 Analyzing the peculiarities of the carbon atom which causes the number of
carbon compounds.
3.1.3 Analyzing the types of C atoms based on the number of C atoms bonded to
the chain of carbon atoms (primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary C
3.1.4 Determining the general formulas of alkanes, alkenes and alkenes based on
the analysis of their structural formulas and molecular formulas.
3.1.5 Grouping hydrocarbons based on the saturation of the bonds.
3.1.6 Determining the name of the compounds in alkanes, alkenes, alkyne using
IUPAC rules.
4.1.1 Create visual models of various molecular structures of hydrocarbons that
have the same molecular formula.
D. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Presented examples of compounds in everyday life student can identify
hydrocarbon compounds in everyday life, such as plastics, candles, and gas
cylinders containing LPG and a flame on a gas stove correctly. Presented statements, students can analyze the peculiarities of the carbon
atom which causes the number of carbon compounds correctly. Presented an example of a compound structure, students can analyze the
types of C atoms based on the number of C atoms bonded to the chain of
carbon atoms (primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary C atoms)
correctly. Presented compound examples, students can determine the general
formulas of alkanes, alkenes and alkenes based on the analysis of their
structural formulas and molecular formulas corretcly. Presented examples of hydrocarbons, students can group hydrocarbons
based on the saturation of the bonds correctly. Presented examples of hydrocarbons, students can determine the name of
the compounds in alkanes, alkenes, alkyne using IUPAC rules correctly. Students can create visual models of various molecular structures of
hydrocarbons that have the same molecular formula correctly.
1. The Peculiarities f The Carbon Atom
a. The carbon atom (C) has 4 electrons, so it can form 4 covalent bonds with
other C atoms or other nonmetal atoms.
b. The carbon atom (C) is relatively small, so the bonds formed are relatively
strong and the carbon also can form two and triple double bonds, the C atom
is capable of bonded with the other C atom to form a carbon atom. Atom C (Z
= 6) located in period 2 and group IV on the periodic table, this means the C
atom has 2 shells and on the outer shell there are 4 electron valences. For the
electronic arrangement becomes stable according to the octet arrangement,
so the C atom is needed 4 electrons again. This causes the C atom to form 4
covalent bonds with the other C atom. With lies on period 2, the distance of
the valence electrons with the nucleus of the C atom is relatively small, so the
power pull the nucleus and valence electrons strongly, this causes the
covalent bonding of the C atom strong.
c. The atomic chain of carbon (C) can also form a strong long carbon chain. The
bonds between the carbon are single elements, double bonds and triple
bonds The carbon chain is an open (aliphatic) and a closed chain (cyclic).
2. Position of the Carbon Atom (C) in the Carbon Chain
Based on the number of carbon atoms that are bonded, carbon atoms with 4
single covalent bonds are divided into:
a. The primary carbon (C) atom is the C atom directly attached to 1 C atom
b. The secondary carbon (C) atom is the C atom directly attached to 2 C atoms
c. Tertiary carbon (C) atoms, namely C atoms that are directly attached to 3 C
atoms other.
d. The quaternary carbon (C) atom is the C atom directly attached to 4 C atoms
3. Hydrocarbons
Hydrocarbons are an organic compound whose constituent consists of the
element carbon (C) and the element hydrogen (H) atoms. For example if a chain
open carbon is called aliphatic carbon compounds such as alkane group
hydrocarbons, alkenes and alkynes whereas if the carbon chains are closed they
are called alicyclic carbon compounds such as cyclopentane and aromatics such
as benzene compounds. The simplest hydrocarbon is methane with one carbon
atom and 4 (four) hydrogen atom. Methane is one of the hydrocarbons that
enter into alkane group of compounds.
4. The Division of Hydrocarbons by Type of Bond
Based on the type of bonding, hydrocarbon compounds can be divided into 2
types, namely saturated hydrocarbons and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Saturated
hydrocarbons are hydrocarbon compounds that are formed from single covalent
bonds between C atoms. Saturated hydrocarbon compounds are the simplest
hydrocarbon compounds. An example is alkane compounds. Unsaturated
hydrocarbons are compounds hydrocarbons formed from at least one inter
double or triple bond atoms C. Double unsaturated hydrocarbons are called
compounds alkene hydrocarbons, while triple unsaturated hydrocarbons are
called alkyne hydrocarbons.
5. Hydrocarbon Nomenclature
a. Alkanes
Straight-chain hydrocarbon molecules that contain only singly-bonded
carbons are called alkanes. When naming these molecules, the final syllable
in their name is "ane."
a) Identify the longest carbon chain. This chain is called the parent chain.
b) Identify all of the substituents (groups appending from the parent chain).
c) Number the carbons of the parent chain from the end that gives the
substituents the lowest numbers. When compairing a series of numbers,
the series that is the "lowest" is the one which contains the lowest
number at the occasion of the first difference. If two or more side chains
are in equivalent positions, assign the lowest number to the one which
will come first in the name.
d) If the same substituent occurs more than once, the location of each point
on which the substituent occurs is given. In addition, the number of times
the substituent group occurs is indicated by a prefix (di, tri, tetra, etc.).
e) If there are two or more different substituents they are listed in
alphabetical order using the base name (ignore the prefixes). The only
prefix which is used when putting the substituents in alphabetical order
is iso as in isopropyl or isobutyl. The prefixes sec- and tert- are not used
in determining alphabetical order except when compared with each
f) If chains of equal length are competing for selection as the parent chain,
then the choice goes in series to:
 the chain which has the greatest number of side chains.
 the chain whose substituents have the lowest- numbers.
 the chain having the greatest number of carbon atoms in the smaller
side chain.
 the chain having the least branched side chains.
g) A cyclic (ring) hydrocarbon is designated by the prefix cyclo- which appears
directly in front of the base name.
b. Alkenes and Alkyne
Double bonds in hydrocarbons are indicated by replacing the suffix -ane with -
ene. If there is more than one double bond, the suffix is expanded to include a
prefix that indicates the number of double bonds present (-adiene, -atriene,
etc.). Triple bonds are named in a similar way using the suffix -yne. The position
of the multiple bond(s) within the parent chain is(are) indicated by placing the
number(s) of the first carbon of the multiple bond(s) directly in front of the base
name. Here is an important list of rules to follow:
a) The parent chain is numbered so that the multiple bonds have the lowest
numbers (double and triple bonds have priority over alkyl and halo
b) When both double and triple bonds are present, numbers as low as possible
are given to double and triple bonds even though this may at times give "-
yne" a lower number than "-ene". When there is a choice in numbering, the
double bonds are given the lowest numbers.
c) When both double and triple bonds are present, the -en suffix follows the
parent chain directly and the -yne suffix follows the -en suffix (notice that
the e is left off, -en instead of -ene). The location of the double bond(s)
is(are) indicated before the parent name as before, and the location of the
triple bond(s) is(are) indicated between the -en and -yne suffixes. See below
for examples.
d) For a branched unsaturated acyclic hydrocarbon, the parent chain is the
longest carbon chain that contains the maximum number of double and
triple bonds. If there are two or more chains competing for selection as the
parent chain (chain with the most multiple bonds), the choice goes to (1)
the chain with the greatest number of carbon atoms, (2) the # of carbon
atoms being equal, the chain containing the maximum number of double
e) If there is a choice in numbering not previously covered, the parent chain is
numbered to give the substituents the lowest number at the first point of
F. L

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