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Protein purification and

Data Collection
Exploit features of protein to purify
Solubilty - ‘salting out’
Charge - ion exchange chromatography
Size - gel filtration chromatography
Hydrophobicity – hydrophobic interaction Chromatography
Affinity Tags – affinity chromatography

SDS and native electrophoresis

Assay for specific activity, identity


Prepare supersaturated solution of protein by adding

Precipitants, adjust pH, control temperature.

Enable nucleation – homogeneous or heterogeneous

Phase diagram of protein solubility showing ‘catch22’ – the level of supersaturation required for homogeneous
Nucleation higher than that required for sustained growth (metastable zone) – showers of little crystals.
Control with slow (hrs – months) approach to nucleation zone or seeding.

Protein purification and

How to find the right conditions – needle in a haystack problem?

Screen with arrays of conditions known to be effective.

Use robotic nanolitre dispensers (mosquito, honeybee etc).
Crystal hotels with photographic review.

MRC 96 well plate

Mosquito crystallisation robotic pipettor - delivers96 x 50nl drops in ~ 1 min

Crystallisation of Membrane Proteins

Detergents for solubilising membrane proteins

Crystallisation of membrane proteins with detergents and lipidic cubic phase (LPC)
Monolein + water + buffered protein + precipitant

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