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Level A1
Aya Mid Exam

: Listening part

Marks 10

: Listen and answer

-: Are the sentences (T) or (F)

The lady ordered large latte (T) (F) .1

The man ordered an espresso take away (T) (F) .2

The man ordered a brownie (T) (F) .3

They paid together 6.65 (T) (F) .4

The lady spelled out the coffee on the man (T) (F) .5

They have a meeting at 12:30 (T) (F) .6

Put the sentences in the correct - ) the man , the woman , the cashier , the sales woman (

Don't worry it's always the same when I wear white something always happens .1

yeh I wanna buy you a new shirt .2

? Together or separate.3

The changing room is over there.4

?Do you take American express .5

? Do you like the shirt.6

? Where can I try it on.7

?would you like to have dinner with me tonight .8

: Reading part

marks 10
Text 1

: Jake has been playing guitar for .1

A) 7 years

B) 10 years

C) 12 years

Emma has to give up one of her activities to take guitar lessons which are ballet classes , .2
chess club and

A) horse ridding classes

B) cooking classes

C) Art classes

Finally Emma chooses to .3

A) listen to her brother's guitar playing for now

B) give up on art classes

C) add the guitar lessons with her other activities

Text 2

Tanya's friend Tim is.1

A) an Australian tall boy

B) an English tall boy

C) an American tall boy

Pat has big blue eyes and.2

A) long black hair

B) short fair hair

C) long fair hair

Grammar part

Marks 10

: Choose the correct answer in the following sentences

. There aren't (an – any – some ) oranges in the basket .1

. My father ('s – is – are ) friend's name is Magdy .2

. are my pencils ) This – These – That (.3

. She (work – don't work – works ) as a teacher .4

. My sister and I (plays – doesn't play – don't play ) Tennis on Friday .5

? he love computer games ) Do – Does – Are (.6

.Are you a football player ? ( yes, you are – No, he isn't – No, I am not ) .7

I finished my meal , I think the food was ( awful – fantastic – un .8 .

friendly )

. Where is Sara's bag ? I think this is ( your – her – its ) bag .9

. I work ( for – with – by ) a big company now .10

: Writing part

Marks 10

Write an E-mail or a post card to your family or friend describing your vacation in a foreign
country and talk about the places that you have seen and the people that you have met in

: Speaking part

Marks 10

Make a film or a record of you speaking about a friend or a person from your family and
mention some information such as ( name , surname , age , job , nationality or country ,
favorite food or drink ……………….)


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