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[SmartStruxure Solution]

Architectural Guidelines 1.9.2

The Architectural Guidelines provide the A SmartStruxure solution has few hardcoded
recommended system design limits for common limitations. Therefore, most of the
applications. These are the configurations that have recommendations are based on tests and software
been tested and supported by Schneider Electric. design.
In many cases, it is technically possible to exceed
these limits or create architectures outside the Architectural summary
guidance provided in this document. In other cases,
environmental factors such as network traffic and The strategy for the recommendations provided in
radio interference may reduce the stated limits of the following tables is to allow the system to
these guidelines. However, deviations from these support any realistic combination within the
guidelines may result in performance related issues recommended limits without negative effect on the
or product failures. total performance.

System limits
The following tables show the recommended limits.

Table: Architecture
Function Total System Project Enterprise SmartStruxure Comment
Configuration Server server device

Number of 251 1a 1 250 See the

servers “Architectural

a) Engineering-only connection that does not count toward the total system count.

Table: Number of concurrent client connections

Function Total System Project Enterprise SmartStruxure Comment
Configuration Server server device

Operator 100 - 30a 5a Enterprise Server:

WebStation or With a maximum
WorkStation of 10 concurrent

Engineering 10 10b 2 1 Consumes

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WorkStation operator

Mobile 2,500c - 10c 15c Each AdaptiApps

AdaptiApps widget uses a
client connection

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Function Total System Project Enterprise SmartStruxure Comment
Configuration Server server device

Mobile 50 - 2 5 -
Technician Tool
Mobile App

a) To allow the maximum number of WebStation or WorkStation connections, the CPU load shall not exceed 40% when no user is
logged in.
b) Only one deploy, import, or export can be done at a time. System will queue up pending operations.
c) General AdaptiApps limits based on one request per second per connection load. Custom widgets may produce different results.
See widget documentation for exceptions to the limits above.

Table: Number of hosted devices

Function Enterprise Server Automation AS-B Comment
Server, AS-P

Maximum number of 600ab 300 50c Total number of

devices per server devices on all
interfaces and ports,
such as BACnet,
LON, and Modbus

a) The maximum number for Enterprise Server includes SmartStruxure server device count.
b) The maximum number for Enterprise Server does not include field devices hosted by each SmartStruxure server device.
c) AS-Bs with “L” in the product name do not support hosting of devices.

Open protocol limits

The following tables show the recommended limits.
Table: BACnet
Function Enterprise Server Automation AS-B Comment
Server, AS-P

Maximum number of 600 254abc 50d Total number of

BACnet devices per hosted BACnet
server devices regardless of
transport (IP, MS/TP,

Maximum number of 30,000 12,000 2,500d -

BACnet objects per

Not restrictedd
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Maximum number of Not restricted Not restricted -

BBMD per server

Maximum number of 600f 254f 50df -

foreign devices per

a) SmartStruxure server device: Maximum 127 devices per COM port x 2 ports = 254

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b) When using both LonWorks and BACnet MS/TP networks on the SmartStruxure server device, the network with more than 10
devices connected is considered to be the main network. The other network then supports up to 10 devices. The main network
will support the number of devices specified in the table for the used protocol. For example, if the SmartStruxure server device
has 64 LonWorks devices connected to it, the BACnet MS/TP network can support 10 devices.
c) MS/TP field buses will perform better with an RS-485 repeater (such as the B-LINK). This may become necessary with some
devices and networks greater than 32 nodes.
d) AS-Bs with “L” in the product name do not support hosting of BACnet devices, BACnet objects, BBMD, or foreign devices.
e) This includes virtual BACnet devices (that is, a BACnet gateway presenting 20 ZigBee devices as BACnet devices counts as 21 –
one for the gateway and 20 for the ZigBee devices).
f) No hard-coded limit, so maximum is equal to the number of devices the SmartStruxure server device supports.

Table: LonWorks
Function Enterprise Automation AS-P AS-B Comment
Server Server

Maximum 4096 4096 4096 - -

number of NVs on
local node

Maximum 5 1 1 - One local node

number of on the Enterprise
LonWorks Server

Maximum 600 64d 200d - No MNL devices

number of Xentaa allowed
and LonWorks
devices per

Maximum - 20 20 - -
number of Xenta
400 I/O modules
per servere

Maximum 600 127d 127d - No Xenta or

number of MNL LonWorks
devices per devices allowed

Total number of 600 64d 127d - When Xenta

MNL devices and and/or LonWorks
LonWorks devices are
devices per present

a) Xenta 280/300/401 needs to be of version 3.4 or higher. For version 3.8 and higher, the performance of reading multiple values
from the same Xenta 280/300/401 device is significantly improved.
b) LonWorks networks with long wires and high node counts can experience communication issues. The use of a LonWorks router
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(such as the Loytec L-Switch) is the best solution for resolving wire length and node count related issues on LonWorks networks.
A LonWorks repeater (such as the Xenta Repeater) installed near the SmartStruxure server device (in addition to the LonWorks
routers added for standard network design reasons) can also improve performance.
c) If the device count exceeds 64 nodes, LonWorks field buses require a LonWorks switch because of electrical limitations of the
FTT-10 bus.
d) When using both LonWorks and BACnet MS/TP networks on the SmartStruxure server device, the network with more than 10
devices connected is considered to be the main network. The other network then supports up to 10 devices. The main network
will support the number of devices specified in the table for the used protocol. For example, if the SmartStruxure server device
has 64 LonWorks devices connected to it, the BACnet MS/TP network can support 10 devices.
e) The purpose of the Xenta 400 I/O module communication is to make it possible to retain the Xenta 400 I/O modules when
converting Xenta 700 or Xenta 401 to AS-P. The Automation Server also has the Xenta 400 I/O module communication.

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Table: Modbus
Function Enterprise Server Automation AS-B Comment
Server, AS-P

Maximum number of 124 124 50a Maximum 62 devices

RTU slave devices per COM port x 2
ports = 124
More than 31 devices
per COM port
requires a repeater
Enterprise Server:
Requires 2 serial
ports to be available

Maximum number of 247 247 50a -

TCP server devices

Maximum number of 32 8 2a -
TCP gateways

Maximum number of 2 2 2a -
concurrent TCP client
connections when
acting as TCP server

Maximum number of 2 2 2a Maximum 1 RTU

RTU masters when master per COM port
acting as a serial x 2 ports = 2
slave Enterprise Server:
Requires 2 serial
ports to be available

Maximum number of 10,000b 10,000b 2,000ab Total number of

Modbus objects per objects for TCP
server (including gateways)
and serial

a) AS-Bs with “L” in the product name do not support Modbus.

b) Use Modbus groups as much as possible to maximize use of available bandwidth.

Integration protocols
The following tables show the recommended limits.
Table: SmartDrivers
Function Enterprise Server AS-P Automation Comment
Server, AS-B

Maximum number of 2a 2a -
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Supported IP, RS-232b IP, RS-485b -

communication ports

a) Maximum CPU usage shall not exceed 60% with driver running.
b) See Driver documentation for the list of communication ports supported by that specific driver.

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Table: Web Services – Consume

Function Enterprise Server SmartStruxure server Comment

Maximum number of 5 5 Web services and

connectionsa EcoStruxure Web Services

Maximum number of 10,000 2,000 Speed of data collection

actively consumed by the path will slow down data
servera updates

a) Mobile device (Technician Tool or AdaptiApps) connectivity is counted independently from Web Services. For more information,
see Table: Number of concurrent client connections.

Table: Web Services – Serve

Function Enterprise Server SmartStruxure server Comment

Maximum numbers of 5 1 Only EcoStruxure Web

connectionsa Services

Maximum number of 10,000 2,000 -

actively served by the

a) Mobile device (Technician Tool or AdaptiApps) connectivity is counted independently from Web Services. For more information,
see Table: Number of concurrent client connections.

Schneider Electric protocol limits

The following tables show the recommended limits.
Table: Infinet
Function Enterprise Server AS-P Automation Comment
Server, AS-B

Maximum number of - 127, Com A - -

Infinet devices 127, Com B

Maximum number of - Limited by device - -

objects per device memory

Table: Sigma
Function Enterprise Server SmartStruxure server Comment
© 2017 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.

Maximum number of 5,000 - More than 5000

concurrent Sigma subscriptions on the Sigma
subscriptionsa network will result in slow
update of data.

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Function Enterprise Server SmartStruxure server Comment

Maximum number of Sigma 200 - More than 200

subscriptionsa from a single subscriptions from a Sigma
Sigma controller controller will result in failure
to update some of the data.

a) Subscriptions (RUDs) are set up for bindings to graphics. Where Sigma objects are bound to Building Operation objects in the
Enterprise Server for exposing Sigma object values to third-party systems through protocols such as Modbus, BACnet, or
EcoStruxure Web Services, tuning of the Sigma object tolerance setting is essential for a responsive system.

Object limits
The following tables show the recommended limits.
Table: Alarms
Function Enterprise Server SmartStruxure server Comment

Maximum number of active 10,000 1,000 -


Maximum number of alarms 10,000 1,000 -

displayed in WorkStation

Maximum number of alarms 1,000 1,000 -

displayed in WebStation

Table: Events
Function Enterprise Server SmartStruxure server Comment

Maximum number of events 5,000,000 10,000 -

Maximum number of events 100,000 100,000 -

displayed in WorkStation

Maximum number of events 6,000 6,000 -

displayed in WebStation

Table: Trend logs

Function Enterprise Server AS-P Automation Comment
Server, AS-B
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Maximum number of 2,000 3,000 1,000 AS-P is tested with

internal trend logsa trend logs configured
for 5-minute intervals
and 96 records each.

Maximum number of 25,000 1,500 1,500 -

extended trend logsa

Maximum number of 100,000 100,000 100,000 -

records per internal
trend loga

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Function Enterprise Server AS-P Automation Comment
Server, AS-B

Maximum number of 100,000 1,000 1,000 Runtime access to all

records per internal BACnet trend logs is
BACnet trend loga from RAM and copied
from the SQL
database at startup.
The Enterprise Server
may require additional
RAM to support the
specified limit.

Maximum number of 600,000 600,000 600,000 -

records per extended
trend loga

Number of records - 500 500 Built-in logs for all I/O

per implicit logab module points; not

Maximum number of 2.5 billion 10 million 10 million -

trend log records per

a) Trend log limits based on configurations with 5 minute (or larger) record intervals.
b) Implicit log performance is impacted by the COV increment value. For more information, see the “I/O modules” section.

Architectural design considerations Cybersecurity

When designing solution architectures for a project,
Distributed architecture
the level of required cybersecurity measures should
The Enterprise Server is capable of handling IP be taken into account. While performance results
integration via BACnet, LON, Modbus, and may be impacted depending on the hardening
EcoStruxure Web Services. However, it is method used (such as enabling encryption), it is the
recommended to distribute the hosting of IP general recommendation to secure all IP level
devices and systems with a SmartStruxure server devices, data, and connection paths regardless of
device that is located physically near or has a any explicitly stated customer requirement. Most
logical relationship with the applications managed interfaces and connection paths can be configured
by that SmartStruxure server device. In most cases, to provide a level of protection directly within the
distributing IP connections among SmartStruxure software, server, or controller. When an additional
server devices will improve performance and level of protection is required, external hardening
reliability. If an application requires a more central methods should be employed.
connection point, the Enterprise Server may still
host that IP device or system. Servers should be protected against cybersecurity
threats by using standard IT hardening methods,
Distribution also includes the decision on where to such as a firewall and port filtering. The servers in
© 2017 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.

place certain types of objects. To improve SmartStruxure solution have several internal
bandwidth usage, fault tolerance, and response cybersecurity features. However, a defense-in-
time, consider placing control objects (such as depth approach is recommended, particularly when
programs and time schedules) and monitoring Internet connectivity is required. Direct Internet
objects (such as trend logs and alarms) as near as connectivity is not supported.
possible to the objects they are controlling or
monitoring. This replacement reduces the number If a solution architecture has strong performance
of inter-server bindings and improves the requirements, it is recommended to isolate any
performance of the system. unsecure portions of the network through other
methods, such as firewalls.

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Server to server communications

All new installations must use TCP or HTTPS
because the HTTP communication option was
removed in 1.5. The TCP server to server
communication protocol performance has been
enhanced and does not utilize the clustering
method associated with the HTTPS connectivity
mode. When the system can be secure through
alternate methods, the best performance can be
achieved by using the TCP protocol option for
server to server communications. If encryption is
required, use HTTPS.
Figure: Enterprise Server sending values
When using TCP, the following sections “Enterprise
Server to SmartStruxure server device SmartStruxure server device to SmartStruxure
communication when using HTTPS” and server device communication when using HTTPS
“SmartStruxure server device to SmartStruxure A SmartStruxure server device should be limited to
server device communication when using HTTPS” receive values from 10 other SmartStruxure server
can be disregarded. devices. This is an important limitation and
exceeding it will have significant negative impact on
When the HTTPS server to server communication the performance and the general behavior of the
protocols are used, you need to look at the system. If values need to be received from more
communication load and intensity between the than 10 SmartStruxure server devices, the
SmartStruxure server devices, and between the recommendation is to send the value via other
SmartStruxure server devices and the Enterprise SmartStruxure server devices in a two-step
Server. This needs to be done to be able to scale approach. This is called clustering.
the number of SmartStruxure server devices you
can have in a system without having a negative
impact on the performance.

Enterprise Server to SmartStruxure server device

communication when using HTTPS
The Enterprise Server can send out values to a
maximum of 64 SmartStruxure server devices if the
update frequency is 10 seconds or less. If more
than 64 SmartStruxure server devices are needed,
the recommendation is to send the values via other
SmartStruxure server devices in a two-step
approach. If the transfer interval is greater than 10
seconds, there is no limitation on how many
SmartStruxure server devices the Enterprise Server Figure: SmartStruxure server device receiving values
can communicate with. This is called clustering.
A SmartStruxure server device should be limited to
send values to 64 other SmartStruxure server
devices. If values need to be sent out to more than
64 SmartStruxure server devices, the
© 2017 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.

recommendation is to send the value via other

SmartStruxure server devices in a two-step

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The Memory usage (%) property measures the

current RAM memory usage. The memory usage
should never exceed 80%. No peaks should be
seen above this limit.

The CPU usage (%) property measures the current

CPU load in the SmartStruxure server device. The
CPU usage should stay below 60%. It is normal
that the CPU usage peaks at 100% on occasion
when lower priority activities are performed. This
peak does not affect the overall performance.

These two properties are the key measurement

Figure: SmartStruxure server device sending values points when monitoring the load of the
Use of second Ethernet port on AS-P or AS-B SmartStruxure server device. They need to be
considered at all times, especially when getting
The two Ethernet ports are connected to a built-in close to (or exceeding) the defined limits. The
Ethernet switch. One port should be connected to properties can be trend logged or online plotted in a
the site network. The other port can be used to standard trend chart. These properties are not
connect a single WorkStation or WebStation, a available for the Enterprise Server because
Modbus TCP unit, or a BACnet/IP device, but not Windows Task Manager can be used instead.
another SmartStruxure server.
Concurrent users
Load design considerations User type definitions:
Enterprise Server communication load
The total communication load on the Enterprise • An operator views and monitors the system
Server must be considered. This includes events, and can make changes to the system, such as
extended trend logs, and alarms. In systems with create trend logs, alarms, schedules, users,
significant communication load, the following and perform some object property changes.
recommendations exist: • An engineer also makes other changes to the
system that are typically not supported by
• The performance of the PC is important. Use WebStation, such as create and change
solid-state drive, in combination with significant Graphics, Function Block, and Script objects;
RAM memory size and CPU performance. create devices; import and export; and backup
• Install the Enterprise Server on a solid state and restore.
drive and the Enterprise Server database to a The SmartStruxure server accepts one change at a
second disk (RAID). time and queues up concurrent changes. Changes
• The size of the database impacts backup and made by an operator are quickly handled by the
upgrade time. Limit the total size of the SmartStruxure server and no noticeable delay
historical database by limiting the size and occurs when the changes queue up. Some of the
quantity of the extended trend logs. engineering changes might take a longer time.
Changes made during that time are handled by the
• Don't schedule all the reports to be generated server when the engineering change is finished.
at the same time.
References between SmartStruxure server devices
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Load measurements
There are two server properties that are relevant for There are two main things to consider when
understanding the load on the SmartStruxure optimizing the SmartStruxure server device to
server device: SmartStruxure server device communication:

• Memory usage (%) • Minimizing the quantity of references between

the SmartStruxure server devices.
• CPU usage (%)
• Minimizing the transfer interval intensity of the
references between the SmartStruxure server

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Avoid using alarms and trend logs to monitor values will require a significant amount of CPU bandwidth
outside of the SmartStruxure server device where to process. Correctly setting the COV threshold
the alarm or the trend log resides to minimize the values can help reduce high CPU utilization and
quantity of references. slow system response conditions.

Recommendations on how to minimize the transfer All field buses

interval intensity: Use caution when using the change of value trend
log type to monitor a value outside of the
The transfer interval for a SmartStruxure server SmartStruxure server device where the trend log
device to SmartStruxure server device variable resides. This setting can create large amounts for
should be kept to the longest possible time. network traffic if the thresholds are not well tuned or
the monitored value exceeds the threshold
The transfer interval when a Function Block or frequently.
Script program input gets a value from another
SmartStruxure server device equals the program If possible, avoid having the SmartStruxure server
cycle time. The transfer intervals for these values device poll values for alarms or trend logs from
are in many cases unnecessarily short. Create a devices on a field bus. Instead, use the capabilities
server value so you can change the transfer interval of the field bus protocol to transfer the value to the
manually for a program input: SmartStruxure server device where the alarm or
trend log resides.
• Create a server value on the SmartStruxure
server device where the program resides. BACnet
• Bind the server value to read the value from the The number of BACnet objects that can reside
other SmartStruxure server device. under the Application folder in a SmartStruxure
server has no tested limit.
• Configure the transfer interval.
• Bind the server value to the program input. To limit unnecessary communication, create
BACnet objects in locations that will minimize the
If short update intervals are required, monitor the
use of external references. Minimize external data
CPU and memory usage of the SmartStruxure
exchanges by setting less frequent polling rates of
server device where the value resides. For more
larger COV thresholds. In most applications, COV
information, see WebHelp.
communication can produce more efficient
communication provided the threshold value is
I/O and field bus design optimally tuned. For values that change frequently
considerations over a wide range, a polled data delivery
mechanism maybe more efficient than COV.
I/O modules
The I/O module bus supports 32 devices. This limit LonWorks
is determined by the terminal base hardware and A LonWorks device template can in rare cases
cannot be extended. Out of the 32 addressable include thousands of objects. When using these
slots, the first slot is used for the PS-24V power device templates, there is a risk that the number of
supply, the second slot for the SmartStruxure objects the SmartStruxure server device database
server device, and the remaining slots are used for can support is exceeded. The SmartStruxure server
the I/O modules and if needed, additional PS-24V device database has a limit of 131,000 objects. You
power supplies. can see the number of objects the database
© 2017 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.

contains in the Tree size property of the

Implicit logs will record based upon a fixed COV System/Modules/RuntimeDBManager/RtDb Object
increment. The default value of “0” should be Tree object (you have to log off and log on to get
changed to best reflect the characteristics of the the count updated). A trend log with thousands of
sensing device and the intended application. When records is counted as only one object.
the COV increment is set to 0, the I/O module will
report the Value at its maximum resolution (every To limit unnecessary communication, bind variables
change regardless of how small or how frequent). in the LonWorks devices to objects created in the
For many sensing environments, a change is local node when the variables need to be monitored
measured so frequently that reporting every change for alarm or trend logging. Use alarms and trend
logs in the SmartStruxure server to monitor the

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variables. There is no need to bind Xenta If the binding or reference is not tagged for export,
280/300/401 variables to the local node, because a the following poll reduction techniques can be
special event-driven protocol is used for these used:
• Close inactive Watch windows, List views, and
Modbus graphics that contain polled values from Infinet
Multi-read is supported, but not multi-write. devices.
• Use Infinet specific graphic components that
To maximize the available bandwidth, use Modbus support adjustable polling rates.
• Adjust polling rates for Script program bindings
To be able to use the maximum number of Modbus and Infinet specific graphic components to the
RTU devices when the SmartStruxure server device slowest acceptable value for the application.
is the master, both COM ports must be used for • Create references in the Infinet device to Infinet
Modbus. If one of these ports is used for BACnet value objects in the AS-P to take advantage of
MS/TP, the supported number is limited to half. the better performance offered by the IE table.
Modbus only allows you to poll values, so alarms For more details regarding Infinet device data
monitoring Modbus values consume bandwidth exchange, see the Technical Reference Guide.
and will at some point affect the network
performance. To avoid this, create a server value so Other design considerations
you can manually change the transfer interval for an
Backup operations
Back up the system when users are not interacting
• Create a server value on the SmartStruxure with the servers or the system. In larger systems,
server device where the alarm resides. the scheduled backups of the SmartStruxure server
devices are recommended to be split over time.
• Bind the server value to read the value from the
Modbus device. Project Configuration Tool
• Configure the transfer interval. Each virtual SmartStruxure server requires
approximately 150 to 200 MB allocated project
• Bind the server value to the alarm.
memory. To start a virtual SmartStruxure server,
Infinet Project Configuration Tool requires that at least 25
To optimize data exchange with Infinet devices, it is percent free project memory is available.
important to reduce the amount of polled data.
Whenever possible, change of value (COV) data Project Configuration Tool has the following
exchanges should be established. Objects tagged recommended limits:
for export will utilize COV subscriptions. Whether or
not an object is tagged for export will depend on • Maximum number of virtual SmartStruxure
the type of binding or reference that is established servers created simultaneously: 20
for objects within Infinet devices (or certain objects • Maximum number of virtual SmartStruxure
types within the Application folder of the Infinet servers deployed in one command: 10
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